#helluva ocs
justasuta · 4 months
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Hey guys wanna meet my Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss OC aka my hellsona?
TOO BAD HERE SHE IS, IT'S YAGABOG. She's hellborn — a baphomet and a goddamn simp. She's just looking for some direction. She not a sinner who can be redeemed so she just helps out for room and board cuz she's doesn't really have a place to live???
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bbonbonss · 8 months
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˳⁺ high energy + low energy duo ⁺˳
( lanky boy belongs to @cerebrusdean & paralysis orange cat belongs to me )
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fansta · 3 months
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Cutely slides my Hazbin Hotel OCs across the table :3
I haven’t figured out all their lore yet, but I know how they die (except for Snake ofc) and that they all work for Mitzy at her Bakery. (A bakery in hell that specializes in drug based baked goods lol)
Anyway, individual drawings of each of them under the cut!
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panderp123 · 10 months
Ellie: “My special boy!”
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My precious OC Lady Elizabeth “Ellie” Dorothy Pendragon, aka Sir Pentious’s Mother. I adore her so much!
She’s that in between of kind and strict. Ellie is a mother yes but she’s a lady. One of the anchors in Pentious’s living life and she encouraged him to continue his path of invention.
Why is she in hell you ask?
Having a husband who travels across country to London for months at a time can get lonely. Good thing she picked up gardening 👀. Now the question is…who’s really Pentious’s father? 🤭
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asherashedwings · 26 days
ARS GOETIA OCS (And Paimon redesign ig)
Long post ahead 💀
So like, after the release of the new Helluva Boss trailer, I got SUPER fixated on the Ars Goetia. So I wanted to try my hand at designing my own takes on members not yet shown in the series, as well as crafting some self indulgent lore about the group.
So, I imagine that there are 4 main Goetia families, with each of their houses being in one of the cardinal directions of the Pride Ring. 3 of the 4 families have both a king and a queen at the head, with the 4th only having a king (we’ll get to that).
The couples, and their directions go like this:
Belial (North)
Paimon and Balam (West)
Vine and Zagan (East)
Beleth and Purson (South)
These are just where the kings and queens live. Offspring often move out to other rings, so there’s Goetia influence all throughout Hell.
Each of the kings and queens are also fallen angels, having fallen with Lucifer after the battle in Heaven. For this reason, their crowns appear more halo-like, floating above their heads. Two of them don’t have this on their refs, but that’s just because I designed them before coming up with that idea.
Anyways, to the designs!
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Belial is one of the most powerful members of the Ars Goetia, rivaling the power of the sins, and many mortals think of them synonymous to the Devil himself.
So powerful they can actually reproduce by themself. For this lil hc, I made them a California Condor, a species of bird known to have reproduced without a mate. Also, the look of the condor just goes well with the whole pestilence thing Belial has going on.
I think their cloak is actually wings that come from their back, remnants from their time as an angel. I just didn’t draw them in that second picture cuz I just didn’t feel like it 💀
They’re one of the two I drew before I came up with the whole “halo crown” thing, but I have drawn a doodle of what they would look like now with that concept. It’ll be shown later in the post.
Also, I imagine them being agender, so go with the vibes of “being so powerful, the concept of gender means nothing to them and no word can ever truly describe them”, if that makes sense. Idk, that’s just the vibes I get from them. So I usually refer to them with they/them pronouns, but you can really call them whatever you want.
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I actually don’t mind Paimon’s canon design all that much. Think it actually goes pretty hard. I more so just wanted to change his species cuz with how I imagine my tweaked version of the Ars Goetia, the parents’ species has no effect on what species the offspring will be. Just as long as they’re bird. So Stolas is still an owl, don’t worry. I decided on making Paimon a raven because Stolas is sometimes described as a raven instead of an owl, so I wanted to pay homage to that.
I also gave him wing arms because he has been said to be able to fly.
That’s about all I got for Paimon
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Balam is Paimon’s wife and also Asmodeus’s sister. I made this decision because when looking at their descriptions, Balam and Asmodeus are described very similarly. They are both chimeras with the head of a man, a bull, and a ram, and both possess a serpent tail. So I decided “fuck it, they’re related now”. This also means Ozzy is Stolas’s uncle, which I think would be an interesting dynamic.
I made Balam a bearded vulture mainly for the fact that Balam is also described to have “fiery eyes” which gave bearded vulture to me, idk.
I imagine her other two heads usually only appear in her more demonic form. They can prolly appear normally too, but I think she doesn’t let them show often.
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Vine is a demon known for construction, and I imagine he built most of the Goetia manors. He makes structures using vines that sprout from his wrists, which then morph into the desired material after the creation is finished.
I decided to make him a Montezuma Oropendola, which are birds known to build large nests out of, you guessed it, vines.
Vine is never escaping the spelling of his name.
Which is also the reason I made him very plant themed. Idk, I just find something so nature-y and alive existing in someplace like Hell to be interesting.
I even wrote a lil world building tidbit about him:
To the east of the Pride Ring rests an overgrown forest, with trees so dense that no light hits the dead grass below and roots so tangled that one cannot hope to get through without getting caught within the knots. But if one ventures far enough, they will see this monstrous forest transform into a lavish jungle. The plants are radiant in their green color, the several ponds sprinkled throughout filled with water that almost sparkles. Within this sanctuary, in a clearing with no true location, sits a grandiose manor; a looming structure almost resembling that of an old European castle, encased in hordes of vines and flowers. The home of King Vine and Queen Zagan — the rulers of the East.
Speaking of Queen Zagan-
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Zagan is known to transform liquids, turning water into wine, blood into wine, oil into water (which can then be turned into wine). She just makes a ton of wine. But I wanted to mainly focus on the blood to wine part, since I realized I could go with a vampiric aesthetic when designing her.
For this reason, I also chose to make her an oxpecker, which is a (sometimes) parasitic bird known for pecking at wounds on large mammals and drinking their blood.
I decided to pair her up with Vine because they’re both creators. Vine’s creations may be more grandiose, with being literal buildings and all, but Zagan’s creations are probably still useful. I mean, she can also create coins.
Oh, and now that I’ve shown both of them, this is what Belial and Zagan’s crowns would look like now, with the whole halo crown thing
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Beleth was very tricky for me to design at first. Beleth is described as appearing intimidating and fierce when summoned, in order to test the courage of the conjuror. So I wanted to make her intimidating, but was struggling to figure out how exactly I wanted to do that.
Thankfully, my good good friend @braveboiart helped with ideas, and suggested the armor and shadowy cape.
I also made her a shoebill stork, cuz when I think of a bird a lot of people find intimidating, I think of the shoebill.
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And then last but not least, Beleth’s husband, Purson. I decided to pair them up because I wanted to depict them both with armor. They’re a warrior duo.
I made Purson a harpy eagle mainly cuz I thought it’d be cool, but also cuz they’re one of the heaviest birds of prey, and I read somewhere that during the battle it took a swarm of angels to take him down. Idk how canon this is to actual bible lore, but I like it so I’m stealing it /lh
I imagine Beleth and Purson manage some sort of military, and probably train the knights in the Ars Goetia ranking. Idk, I’m still figuring lore out.
Anyways, that’s all I have to show off today. I’m working on redesigning Stolas, Stella, and Octavia, so look out for that I guess.
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princessvickie · 21 days
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cowboy man ♡ I FREAKING LOVE HIM
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ask-spookstheimp · 1 month
Uh oh! Spooks escaped his backpack leash during his trip to the aquarium and seems to have gotten lost!
Poor kiddo started panicking, now the aquarium seems a bit TOO loud and TOO big now that hes gotten himself lost.
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voxsremotec0ck · 3 months
I’m finally getting around to making an oc and I’m thinking for animal traits
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aosot · 4 months
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Trade — @kimik0hippie
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leeseechkeens · 11 months
Sketched an impsona for fun
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justasuta · 4 days
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New Helluva Boss inspired me to design a Belphegor since my hellaverse OC is a Baphomet. She's just big, hairy and zooted all the time. Sorry in advance for my transgressions.
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bbonbonss · 2 months
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my little wrath hybrid, fig
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panderp123 · 4 months
Cornelius Pendragon
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Name: Admiral Cornelius Edward Pendragon
Gender: Male
Born: 1799
Knighted: 1859
Death: 1869 (Scarlett Fever, aged 70)
Sexuality: Straight
🔹Species: King Cobra 🐍
🔹Height: 6ft 4”
🔹 Relations: Ellie (Wife) ,Sir Pentious (son)
🔹Personality: Stoic, Regal, Strict, Authoritarian, Chivalrous & Kind
🔹Hobbies: Building Ships in a bottle, Reading, Chess & fencing ⚔️.
🔹Likes: Tea, Cakes, Art Galleries, Park walks.
🔹 Dislikes: Disrespectful people, Laziness, Failure, dishonesty, liars, secrets (surprises don’t count)
Born in the peek of the Pirate era, Cornelius was a very happy and energetic child. His parents were wealthy Bankers and owned many of the establishments of London. By the time he was 18 in 1817 he had enlisted in the British Royal Navy.
Cornelius didn’t want his fortune handed to him from his family. He wanted to be a man of his own making. Training with the Navy made him appreciate structure, rules and discipline. Over his years of experience in the Navy he had reached Admiral by the time he was 30.
Driven to rid of Pirates and being sent to other territories a close call during a naval battle made Cornelius take some much needed leave to visit home. Where he asked his mother to find an eligible woman to be his bride. Beatrice was more than delighted to assist!
Lo and behold he was introduced to a lovely woman called Elizabeth Hastings. She was merely 21 going on 22 at the time of their courtship but the Admiral was smitten. Elizabeth or Ellie as she preferred was so sweet, kind and a hopeless romantic for a man in uniform. However, she helped Cornelius bring down those walls to be more himself rather than the Admiral all the time.
The couple were to marry that Spring but due to Cornelius being summoned to sea he proposed they get married during their Christmas holiday with all their family. So after Christmas Mass, the pair went up and became husband and wife.
Once the festivities had died down the nerve wracking moment of their Wedding Night came to being. Cornelius knew this was a big step but he comforted Ellie and understood if she wasn’t ready they could wait. They did go through with it that night and it was very special to both of them.
Ellie saw Cornelius off at the docks, she would write to him at the Port he was stationed at. Even telling him she was expecting their first child, Cornelius was over the moon to become a father. He postponed his annual leave to have time to be there for Ellie at the end of the pregnancy.
Then on that faithful day when Ellie was whisked into the chambers to birth their first child, Cornelius was called in as Ellie had complications during birth. The doctor advised she couldn’t have more children due to risk of her life. Cornelius was understanding but he didn’t leave her side or their son’s while she recovered.
Duties were put aside for his little family as he cradled his son, Arthur. Once Ellie was better she was able to nurse and care for Arthur. Cornelius was overjoyed his little family was ok.
Over the years the trips to the Caribbean became more demanding and it caused a distance between him and Ellie. Sure they did have their marital duties to satisfy each other’s loneliness but it felt like they were becoming different people.
In 1859, Cornelius was invited to Hanover in England from none other than Queen Victoria herself. Due to his bravery and significant contribution to England he was Knighted at 60 years old. (Pen was approximately 11)
A Decade on and Cornelius had heard a rumour about his wife being unfaithful with the gardener whilst he was away. At first, he didn’t believe it yet understood…he wasn’t there but then the doubts started to creep in. Was Arthur even his? Confronting Ellie was the hardest thing he had to do because he knew his Admiral mannerisms would arise. Ellie did admit to it but as she was younger at the time she didn’t know what she wanted. Due to her indecisiveness, Cornelius wasn’t sure what Ellie wanted. So Cornelius distanced himself from both his son and wife.
Even going as far as to stop making ships in a bottle for Arthur…
By the time Arthur was a young man of science and invention both he and his father were more civil and respectful towards one another. Rather than this openly lovely relationship he had with his mother, Ellie.
Cornelius passed away from Scarlet fever in 1869 at 70 but he wished he had fixed things with his family. (Pentious approx 21)
Art by me and @gabendselarom & me
Voice sample claim: Patrick Stewart.
Alternative hood colours depending on mood
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xxpoppinbubblesxx · 4 months
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emily and sera had such beautiful designs I just had to make my own seraphim 😍
idk what I was going for- he looks like he could be emily’s brother but yeeeeaaaaahhhhh
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gummygoatgalaxy · 6 months
Imp oc I made
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I love she
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sleepyomori · 1 month
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While I'm at it, here's another phone drawing of Serena <33
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