#helpful hints
thatsbelievable · 3 days
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nightvaleofficial · 6 months
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friendsim2 · 1 month
Do you have and hints for finding evidence in Vol. 12? I feel like I've clicked everything but I'm still stuck
There's basically three phases to it:
Finding the church - this requires that you check the bus and grab the flyer from it, and check the sky/top of the tent in the circus tent and solve the puzzle that's there. You need to pay attention to how the constellations are arranged in the real world version and then match that in the dreamscape version. Once you do both these things, you should see the church on your locations and you need to go there and talk to Akhnai.
Finding the mansion - you need to solve a puzzle in Marvus' caravan (check the mirror - it's a basic light sequence puzzle) and then play "Garten of Tubecat" in the dreamscape midway. Once you beat the high score, go back to the real-world field and you'll see a card on the ground that wasn't there before. When you pick that up and solve the mirror puzzle, you'll automatically go to the mansion.
Escaping the mansion - first talk to Chahut in the library and exhaust her dialogue. She'll tell you she's missing seven books. You then need to talk to everyone about the missing books (Karako in the real-world bedroom, the Soleils in the dreamscape bedroom, and Marvus in the real-world library) and find the four books that're in the environment (hallway and bedroom - both real-world and dreamscape). Once you find all seven books, go back and tell Chahut and you'll proceed with the route.
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morgandria · 10 months
Helpful Hints for Witches #12
It is entirely likely that, at some point during your practices, you are going to get wax all over something cloth.
Don't panic.
Let it cool and then pick off any bits of the wax that are willing to come loose. Then find yourself some blank paper, and make a sandwich - three sheets under the wax stain, and three sheets over the wax stain. Get an iron as hot as possible (bearing in mind that you probably don't want to get it hotter than the type of fabric can tolerate) and literally iron the paper over the wax. The paper will absorb the wax as you iron.
You may still have some darker patches in the fabric, depending on the colour, but you won't have a cloth encrusted with candle drippings anymore.
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nando161mando · 9 months
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It's nearly 9/11, so it's time once again for us to all brush up on how to intervene if we see Islamophobic* harassment happening...
* These techniques also work great for defending people from transphobic, homophobic, racist, or other types of harassment!
#September11 #Islamophobia #harassment #BystanderIntervention #intervention #bigotry
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contac · 2 years
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mauesartetc · 11 days
If you hate Youtube's new UI, watch this video. This quick and easy method helped me and hopefully it'll help you too. (Granted, the recommended thumbnails are a bit bigger than they were in the previous layout, but at least they're in the right-hand column where they should be, rather than crowding out the comments.)
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starlightvld · 8 months
So, I'm just going to throw this out there because I've noticed some new authors may be confused about AO3 tagging and ratings. These are important to the structure and usability of the site, so I encourage all new authors to do these things for every fic so we can keep AO3 running smoothly!
Please rate your fics and rate them appropriately. The choices are (G)eneral, (T)een and Up, (M)ature, and (E)xplicit. Note that these are NOT only for sexual content. A fic with a graphic torture scene but no sex needs an E tag in the same way a fic with a graphic sex scene does. The site does allow you to not rate your fic, of course, but if you choose not to use a rating, just know that a lot of people will filter out or skip over your fic purely out of an abundance of caution.
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (The author chose not to warn for content, or Archive Warnings could apply, but the author has chosen not to specify them) and No Archive Warnings Apply (what it says on the tin, there is nothing in the fic that warrants a warning) are VERY different. Please don't use one when you mean the other. Again, people will filter fics based on this, so if you're warning is wrong, you may be losing out on your intended audience.
When tagging, you can and should use fic-specific tagging to describe your fic, but please ALSO use general tagging. For example, if you have the tag "character name likes X kink," please also use the "x kink" tag on its own. This is because the general tag can be filtered whereas the character-specific tag likely can't. And it should go without saying that you should be tagging dark, sexual, violent or similar content with general tags so people can filter them.
Other things to mention that can get your fics a wider audience:
Additional Note on Tagging: Tag all the things! This helps people find your fics. People can and do filter for general tags. If you're not sure how, search the internet for "commonly used AO3 tags" for great lists that can help you get started with appropriate tagging.
Always write a summary or include a key excerpt (or both!)
Don't be self deprecating or negative in your tags or summary - people want to like your stuff, so let them!
Use the summary section for your fic summary; use the notes sections for your Author's Thoughts™️.
Post your fic links on your socials! Canva is a free option for making cute graphics for your fics, too, if you want to spice things up.
Hopefully this will help any new writers out there (or even old writers who still struggle with tagging) to get more of the right eyes on their fics. Happy Writing!
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idknikkip · 1 month
A nice lil hack I figured out if you’re an autistic adult, formerly neglected child, or just undiagnosed for a little too much a little too long - a great phrase to add to those google searches for “why is my body like that? how do I fix it?” is “adult stroke recovery”.
Like rn I’ve been having acid reflux & some ARFID shit where swallowing seems exhausting, so I’ve been looking up how stroke victims learn to eat solid foods again. It’s a lot of very simple, low impact, muscle isolating exercises that are low risk (biggest risk here is a buff neck??? Let’s goooo summer of the himbo). The 1-3 page PDFs with well labeled clear diagrams & highly detailed steps or YouTube videos from the biggest nerd you’ve ever seen are gold - save/bookmark them, you will forget how you found it.
TIP: Results from Mayo Clinic, Cleveland clinic, nhs, & hospitals are generally my best sources. NLM/NCBI/NIH is great raw data, but you gotta be in a headspace to google A LOT of technical terms, read very slowly, and honestly, they don’t give a ton of solutions just great background info. & lastly, Any webpage thats reaaaally pushing you to do a free assessment or sign up is not gonna be a load bearing source, but it can be nice to fluff-out or dumb-down stuff enough to make what you’ve read other places finally click/stick so can be worth a skim.
All that to say: Can’t believe I’m watching a video called “STROKE TRAINING: SWALLOWING” and it’s not gay porn…..
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snugglepuffdoesstuff · 6 months
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Sooo I basically speedrunned one of the games that was on the gamecard that was in my previous post and here's the info I wrote down for it! The game in question is called 'Doctor Who: The Lonely Assassins', and can be played on either Nintendo Switch (the device I played it on) or a mobile device. Please note that I have not 100% completed the game and I will post another picture or two of this journal when I do get around to 100% completion of the game. Also, please ignore that part in the bottom right about the video depicting "Rosa Parks". I didn't realise the video was actually of Natasha until later when I was able to see the full video and I forgot to change it. Hopefully this post helps anyone that is also playing the game and has gotten stuck or anyone who wants some extra hints for late-game stuff!
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thatsbelievable · 3 days
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dinosaurwithablog · 2 months
I shared my ricotta cheese gnocchi recipe with a friend, and when they saw that it only used the egg yolks, they said it was too hard to make. A second person said this to me. They both had no idea that you didn't have to use the egg shells to separate eggs. Just crack the egg and put it gently into your hand, spread your finger to let the egg white fall through, and place the yolks in a bowl. You can even remove the weird white thingie as you do this. I thought I'd share this with you guys, just in case you didn't know this. Happy cooking and bon Appétit 😋 😍
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ceridwyn2 · 11 months
I’ve recently come across a FABULOUS writing resource, Writers Write, especially for beginners, even for more casual writers. Lots of helpful hints, writing courses (both free and paid for courses available - both online and local to Johannesburg, South Africa), workbooks and more.
This is one of the most recent posts I read - works for books, fanfiction and a lot more.
5 Guaranteed Ways To Bore Your Reader
By Amanda Patterson.
There are times when I pick up a book and I think, ‘I can’t carry on.’ Even though I try to finish most of the novels I start, life is just too short to read badly-written, boring books.
Why are these books boring?
Most beginners overwrite – padding their prose with unnecessary descriptions and characters. This is mainly because they do not have a structured story with well-drawn characters and a cohesive, well-paced plot. I have put together sure-fire ways that will help you if you want to bore your reader to tears.
5 Guaranteed Ways To Bore Your Reader
1. Add heaps of backstory. Every page is important. Readers, publishers and literary agents make decisions about whether to carry on reading a book based on the first few pages. Do not waste anyone’s time with unimportant setting details and character histories. Introduce your main characters. Tell us where we are – briefly. Set up a great conflict with an exciting inciting moment. And write!
2. Do not structure your novel. Reading a book seems incredibly daunting if you are lost in an inexperienced author’s stream of consciousness. A great story does not meander from one unrelated event to another. It needs to follow a path. Otherwise, readers will lose interest. They will worry about wasting their time as you muddle through the details.
3. Do not create empathetic characters. It does not matter if you happen to love your unsympathetic psychopathic hero. The truth is that nobody will continue to read a novel without having an emotional connection to the main characters. They can be heroes, anti-heroes or villains, but they all need flaws and redeeming qualities. Readers read stories because they want to relate to someone in the book. We want to know why the characters are acting the way they do.
4. Leave unnecessary scenes in the book. I walk out of movie theatres when I watch a film where nothing happens. I stop reading books for the same reason. Authors cannot simply place characters on the page, add some dialogue and description and not move the story forward. Scenes should move your characters and your plot to the resolution of your story. If they don’t, cut them. Removing scenes keeps your story focused, your pace intense, and creates tension so that readers can’t stop reading.
5. Describe everything. You do not have to tell readers everything. They are not stupid. Reveal information through action and dialogue. This does not mean that you leave description out. It means that you do not tell us what every character, town, tree, or house, looks like in mind-numbing detail. Your characters should interact with the setting. A reader should be able to see and hear and smell the novel through the words on the page.
Please do not make these five mistakes when you write. Remember that you are competing for a place in a crowded market. The Internet, television, movies, and smart phones have taken their toll and today’s reader will not tolerate long flowery sentences, insipid characters and pages of boring backstory. Writing like this is a guaranteed way to lose your reader in the first few pages.
Blog post link https://www.writerswrite.co.za/five-guaranteed-ways-to-bore-your-reader/
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sundogscoops · 2 years
you're supposed to eat the plastic straw when you're done
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nando161mando · 9 days
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Haven't you gotten the hint yet?
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contac · 2 years
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