#heroes always get remembered...
mmavverickk · 8 months
how much do the demigods really know about Percy?
Frank and Hazel first knew him as just a guy who showed up with a goddess on his back. everything he does from that point onward is equally bizarre, and certainly impressive, but perhaps not exactly legend-worthy. by the time they’ve won the battle against Polybotes at New Rome, their experience with him confirms he’s a badass, but the hints and jokes he drops about his past can’t all be real, right?
Jason, Leo, and Piper would have been showered in stories at Camp Half-Blood. did you know, Percy fought and killed a Kindly One and the Minotaur before he even got to Camp the first time? did you know, he was the first one on our side to suspect Kronos was rising? did you know, he revealed who poisoned Thalia’s Tree? did you know, he and Annabeth held the sky? did you know he crashed his own funeral? did you know he made a hurricane?
did you know, did you know, did you know?
but how many of Percy’s stories do the campers really know? what did Annabeth and Percy keep to themselves in their retellings? do they know Luke forced Percy to fight to the death in an arena? were they told Percy actively chose to be the subject of the prophecy to protect Nico, who almost certainly hated him at that point? do they know Percy was the reason Mount Saint Helens erupted? do they know he fought Hades and his army, and won?
the campers all think Percy is a legend, but when they find out there’s more? that’s when they start to think of him as a god.
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antiqua-lugar · 6 months
aside from everything else about durgewyll I am loving how it highlights wyll and gortash as narrative foils. both their upbringings lead them to interact with demoniac entities, both can only become archdukes and join baldurian high society through uldred, both are swaying the dark urge from simply following bhaal (and arguably the dark urge sways them from simply pursuing an ideal and the dark urge can recognise both as their equal)
and by playing your card right in act 3 wyll just...gets everything gortash was trying to get? wyll really is a hero saving baldur's gate from the legion of the absolute. wyll influences gortash's favourite assassin into becoming someone they can defeat the netehrbrain together. they can even become archdukes together! ...or they can turn it down and then they can go to he hells to sneak around and have adventures (like gortash and durge used to) and save karlach's life (the same life that is at risk because gortash mindlessly threw it away).
like. it's a lot, wyll and durge can even murder raphael.
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fandomination666-blog · 4 months
Thinking about how Camp Half Blood is named after the campers/demigods whereas Camp Jupiter is named after a god (and the shittiest one, at that)
And how in HOO Percy notes (specifically Son of Neptune) that the Greeks fight in a more individualistic style whereas the Romans rely on strength in numbers
And I can't help but think it's bc the Greek demigods are trained to think about themselves as a person (thanks Chiron) whereas the Romans are trained to think of what's best for the group/the gods
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rhymaes · 7 months
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Black Sails // Mysterious Lotus Casebook // Anne Carson // Madeline Miller // Rebecca Makkai // Ryan O’Connel
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bleaksqueak · 2 months
see, ppl can say what they want about the resi 3 remake, but the remake got Mikhail perfect. Also i actually really love weird Puppy Nemesis lmao
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dy3rs3v3 · 10 months
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Jason Momoa and Tom Morello hanging out backstage with Metallica at Night 2 in LA, 27.08.23
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theshadowrealmitself · 11 months
Something something something angst about the mantle of hero identities getting passed around to new people, the duty of other heroes to accept this because it’s important that civilians keep feeling safe, villains being the only ones to truly get to mourn the original heroes and choosing to step out of their villain identities because they liked fighting the person not the hero, etc etc etc
#listen I love sidekicks and titles being passed down and stuff like that#but there’s always an inherent angst to me in like. the loss of identity?#because yeah at some point they just get acknowledged as superhero titles#but at the beginning of all that was a person making a costume and band intrinsic to *them*#*name not band#I doubt anyone starts off being a hero with the thought that they’d pass down their hero stuff to someone else#then eventually there’s a third generation wearing their costume and stuff#because it’s important that their work continues and the whole symbolically the hero continues on in sone form and villainy doesn’t win#but do they even know about all the personal stuff that went into it from the first person who started that mantle#one thing I always think about is like (and I know this is sidekicks but stay with me here) the robin thing from b*tman#now I can’t remember if this was someone’s hc or if it was in one of the runs or whatever#but it goes that: robin comes from a nickname dick’s parents gave him#because they were the fl*ing gr*twins with their little birdie robin#*gr*ysons not twins god damn it#and again I can’t remember if that’s an actual thing#but imagine if it was#and there’s all those robins after him wearing his suit or some variation of it#calling themselves the hero name he gave himself to honor his parents as he tries to find their killer#no other way to think about for me it’s just. loss of identity#anyways#no fandom#heroes#supervillains#superheroes and supervillains in general
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chibishortdeath · 2 months
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Some attempts at a design for Selena :3. The second image is inspired by the wedding in Haunted Castle, but I changed Simon’s outfit cause idk I just can’t picture him being comfortable in a suit.
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The last two of these are way more headcanon-y lol. They’re under a cut mostly in case my headcanons and story ideas change d(^^ ). One of them was inspired by a Kikuo song I was listening to while drawing lol, the song “Let’s Go to Heaven”.
#castlevania#castlevania games#selena belmont#castlevania selena#castlevania ii#castlevania 2#castlevania simon’s quest#simon’s quest#castlevania ii: simon's quest#haunted castle#simon belmont#akumajou dracula#akumajo dracula#art post#my art#I remember seeing someone make a post somewhere about how it was weird that#a lot of the cut items from the first Castlevania were things like high heels and a love letter and stuff#I wonder if Simon’s wife/girlfriend was supposed to be a character at one point in it and she got cut for some reason#idk it’s interesting to me that she’s only ever appeared in like deliberately noncanon content ya know?#like Haunted Castle was even called not a Castlevania game by its own lead director#the two novels with Simon girlfriends in them were never intended to be canon just fun side stuff#especially the ones that were choose your own adventure books lol I love the art style in one of those#anyway I’ve been trying to think of ways to write her lately but its so easy to end up accidentally falling into annoying tropes alas 💀💀💀#especially ones the series has already used before oof#currently my idea so far is since Simon himself is kinda the chosen one hero guy trope in CV1#and ends up subverting that trope by genuinely failing a ton getting hated by the public and possibly dying at the end#maybe Selena might work as initially the damsel in distress and call to action trope and subverts that later????#I also have always thought she ends up the Mysterious Woman somehow hmmmm#it’s a hard headcanon to incorporate without just pulling a Dracula X chronicles and oh no she’s a vampire aaaaa but that’s been done 💀#I am also aware that not everything you write has to be 100% completely new and original and perfect but aaaaaaa
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tai-janai · 16 days
todays shower thought:
if all the chapters are named after the vessels . why is hero the first one we see
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cerealmonster15 · 6 months
so obvi while one of my fave types of Character™ is like adhd coded himbo etc etc. another fave i find myself trapped in is like
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[very loud] hall monitor klfdsjfkldsjfkljds
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so i was going through book 6, in search of ash and embla crumbs, but found this:
Askr: Long ago, Embla and I both granted our power to mortals so that they might use those powers to flourish. We selected different peoples. I chose those born in what is now called Askr. She, of course, chose those born in what is now Embla... And for a time, the two peoples lived separately from each other, and they were content. Bruno: Then...why? Askr: It all started with a simple misunderstanding. Some of the Emblian people came to Askr. They were attracted by the way open exchange was valued there. This, however...enraged Embla. Bruno: ... Askr: She believed those people chose to desert her in favor Askr, and she could not forgive that. Her people, of course, had no such feelings... But she refused to believe anything they said. Embla forbade her people to leave to other worlds. Anyone who did not obey was punished, severely. The people grew to fear Embla, and the number that fled from her only grew... Bruno: ...Naturally. Askr: I know she was deeply hurt, and that hurt only grew deeper... Everyone left her, and she was completely alone... I cannot begin to imagine her pain. I offered to help her, but she met me with hatred and refused. There was nothing I could do. In the end, Embla used her power to completely close off her world. That way, those people who were still with her would no longer have even the possibility of leaving. Then she took control of their very hearts and turned them to her will so there was no chance of betrayal...
so according to askr, the timeline is:
emblians come to askr -> embla overreacts and overcorrects -> askr tries to get her to stand down -> she starts harming mortals
but according to the flashbacks we see from embla, the timeline is:
embla gives aid to the emblians -> one of them attacks her all of a sudden, giving her the shock of her life -> she goes to askr to convince him to step away but he refuses -> she goes beserk
both of them could be entirely unreliable on what actually went down. because embla's flashbacks are basically some of the most important moments in her life, while askr has always been inclined to give mortals the benefit of the doubt.
(of course, it could just be a last minute addition)
but when exactly does embla's scare with death happen?
because it could completely change the context of why she did those things
option 1: if they went to askr first, they saw how askr had open exchange, one mortal attacked embla because she got mad or maybe just because they felt cheated, she forbade them all from leaving, things escalated option 2: a mortal attacked her first, then some folks went to askr, which prompted embla to forbid them from potentially causing harm to askr option 3: they went askr, she did actually overreact and forbid them from going, then one mortal tried to kill her, and then she overreacted even more
but like idk if it's just me, but i feel like reaction no. 3 is kind of weird. elm's wording is pretty strange. sure he's an unreliable narrator who hates mortals, but he also explicitly tells her that they'll hate her if she starts killing them, as if they don't hate her right now
so they didn't hate her then?
this is his line:
Elm: But if you kill them, the mortals are sure to spread rumors about you, to sow fear and vile intent... Even those who now love you dearly will retreat from you... If you would, please reconsider, Lady Embla.
like, what does that mean?? because askr seems to think that her punishments drove them all away, but if we believe elm at face value, this is before that. like he's sort of saying, the ones who are innately cruel and/or don't care for embla as much will sow fear, until even her most devoted mortals will leave her?
so if we believe elm. then her shutting down the border is in active response to the incident?
and did she tell askr what happened exactly? because embla in the english version never says that a mortal tried to kill her. only that they'll betray him, even though he puts in so much energy for them. and in jp, she uses the word for betrayal/double-crossing but i'm not sure if it has connotations of death.
so did askr think she was just being her gloomy self?
especially considering she wasn't very enthused about helping them and only really did it because of askr.
and embla implicitly says that her motivation is to ensure that askr is safe. that he doesn't end up betrayed. and she only sets it into motion after askr refuses her, and it doesn't seem to be prompted by a desire to keep them by her side.
Embla: So, this is the true face of these mortal beasts... Of course it is. There will be those who come for Askr's life as well... They will betray the trust he places in them so blindly. And this is all the proof I need. Elm: Right you are. But even so... Embla: ...I must kill them.
like does that look like the thought process of a yandere (for mortals) to you? if anything, she's lowkey yan for askr.
(only lowkey, because i'm sure self-preservation plays a role as well)
and clearly, the part about her killing them and askr confronting her for it has to be the "punishment" for trying to leave and him offering to help her, but her "meeting him with hatred."
could it be that he simply assumed the betrayal was them approaching him, when it was actually the murder attempt? and that when she was talking about him being betrayed, she was saying they'd turn their back on him and be ungrateful? especially since that sounds like something she'd say
plus, this is a very weird reaction for someone who wants to kill mortals because of her fear that they'll betray askr as well and hurt her again
Enough, enough, ENOUGH! Get out from my sight! If the mortals love you so, then so be it! They detest me. May they all seek your company and be happy—and leave me alone. Wretched! All of you!
elm told her this would happen, so why is she surprised? this feels kind of different from when she knew how askr would act and was still in disbelief that he let himself die.
like, maybe i'm digging too much into this, but could it be that the fact that askr starts of the conversation worried about mortals sets her off? she even tells him off for calling their lives precious.
i don't doubt that askr was right on the money about her still caring about mortals. i also don't doubt that he was genuinely concerned about her as well.
and i don't hold it against him, but it feels like that wasn't what she needed to hear, which is why she spiraled further.
the whole problem was that embla was at a point that she felt she could only trust her kind (elm and askr), but askr was consistently betraying her expectations in favor of mortals
like, i suspect the only reason she brings up the mortals leaving her is because askr's convinced that her attachment issues to them are the problem.
it's a mix of the fact that she was attacked first, that they all go to askr when they could pose a threat to him, which freaks her out, and askr's continued insistence on trusting them.
(i do, however, think that this line from her playable self does actually refer to mortals.
The mortals chose Askr. All of them. Over me...
though it does seem out of place, there's just no way to finagle that as her actually talking about askr. i think this is just a result of her having had centuries to mull the events over in her head.
and i say out of place because she also says this:
Mortals once loved me as they do Askr… I had no choice.
so like she knows she drove them off, but she still says the prior line? which further plays into the idea of her wanting protect herself and protect askr?
honestly, the first line might just be in reference to the fact that no one stopped to try and figure out why she was going beserk when she'd been a perfectly benevolent person before then and just ran to askr.
they basically discarded her, which makes sense because it's very much like when you go to dad when mom's mad, but embla just didn't see it that way because she also holds a grudge against them and so paints them in a terrible light and refuses to empathize with them.
because again, if we believe elm, everything was fine and dandy up to that point and he was able to manipulate letizia, so i have some faith in his words)
because i genuinely don't think askr would gloss over a murder attempt in the way he gently refutes her concern. like it's certainly possible a mortal could get a fatal hit in on her or injure her gravely. i think he'd take that much more seriously, which further makes me think he just had no idea
in conclusion: miscommunication just doomed two entire kingdoms
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sleeps-au-bag · 6 months
i am an insane person who saw the word metaverse when starting to play honkai: star rail months ago and went "hmmmm, yeah, i could isekai crow here" and then forgot about it until a few days ago. i can't beat the deer and only started playing again like three weeks ago because of huohuo.
anyways, the royal stuff happens and akechi dies for good, but gods forbid the universe be done with this guy. akechi gets sent to honkai: star rail missing a few (almost all) memories from before. this could go either one of two ways:
1): the game progresses normally with the only difference being commentary from robin hood and loki and possibly social links
2): he keeps more memories than option 1 and has more akechi-like mannerisms and options to reflect that.
personally, i'm going with option 1 because i think it'd be incredibly hilarious she tried to build up her reputation as this calm and sensible person in her home world only to become a raccoon the moment she reached belobog. also sets up incredible angst for memory recovery.
he wouldn't be able to remember his real name, but he'd remember the name he'd go by when he was part of the phantom thieves. she'd go by crow because it's what she remembers and it brings comfort. also look change with clothing choices influenced by his mother.
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docholligay · 1 year
"...but people's lives don't get preserved like fossils. The best you can hope for is that time will have hardened around someone's memory, preserving a void in their shape"
--Maggie Shipstead, Great Circle
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killer-dream · 2 years
@slippedfromgrace​ wanted to be kidnapped?  Too bad, kidnapping anyway!
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Today, his orcas brought him something... interesting.  A limp... seagull... person?  The surface has so many amazing things!  Carefully, Caprice fastens an air breather’s contraption around this surface-dweller’s head, though he does��poke the stranger a few times with his many spines.
“...Can you hear me?  Please don’t be dead...”  The lionfish gently prods at the seagull’s head, before choosing to play with the pretty black hair.
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lightningbig · 4 months
goddd botw makes me a little bit insane. link going through the story and meeting all of these people who use to know him. he doesn't remember. but they talk about him, "you used to train me!" "we were kids together" "I always looked up to you". they have lived a whole life while he's been asleep. he has not changed.
#is it obvious i just got to zoras domain. be honest#SORRY IT JUST REALLY GETS ME!!!#hearing so many people say how they trained with link when they were young and how he taught them and was always a mentor#how much they strove to be like him and now here they are#and it makes me claw at the walls thinking about link who doesn't remember them or any of what happened and who also is now#awake and at the same point he was 100 years ago#while everyone else has grown and aged and improved. maybe even surpassed what he taught them#but they will still view him in their minds eye as the person he was to them as a kid#and he still is!! that same person!!! but they aren't the same as they were#theyve changed while hes been stagnant sleeping unmoving#big 'you died and came back the same but the act of bringing u back has changed me irrevocably' vibes#and also like. i know the point of the game is that link is the hero and he's going to save the day#but god could you imagine waking up with no memory only to be told you died 100 years ago failing to save the world#and now you have to try again. the people who helped you died and arent coming back its just you#and despite how you failed the people of hyrule still revered you and so they are overjoyed to see you again#they are relieved they look at you with hope they talk about your success like its guaranteed like there is no other option#they dont doubt you. they put all their trust in you#but you don't even remember them. youve been asleep for 100 years. you dont even have your sword#sorry for writing a novel in the tags i just have a lot of feelings about this#like the prevalence of cycles & reincarnation in the franchise overall makes me froth at the mouth but the way it shows up in botw!!! MAN!!#loz#botw#k rambles
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mycological-mariner · 9 months
You know what, I really should revisit my building-pirate-radios-in-the-garage-at-10pm phase from when I was 15-19. That was a good phase.
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