#heroes in it. so its not surprising if another city gets a hero TOO. plus the news also focusing on more popular heroes and cities so again
miss-tc-nova · 7 months
Hunted - Leona Kingscholar & "Yuu"
My piece for the Twst Horror Zine. I had a lot of fun thinking of the possible terror and re-watching one of my favorite horror movies.
Premise: Backpacking around Twisted Wonderland goes bad
Words: 2,962
Trigger Warnings: implied death, stalking, isolation
Art done by the incredibly gifted HoKeki on Twitter!
October 23, 20XX
I’m not sure how to start this, so here goes.
Welcome to my journal! Over the next several months, my friends and I will be backpacking across Twisted Wonderland, taking in the sights and cultures across the world. This is going to be my first excursion and I thought it would be fun to document it.
As anyone who knows me might guess, I’m bringing Ace and Deuce along, though I’m not sure how they came to agree on it when they never seem to agree on anything. Even right now, Ace is badgering Deuce about all the stuff he’s bringing. I agree Deuce might’ve overpacked a bit, but I don’t know how Ace thinks he’s going to be fine with just two sets of clothes and his pajamas. At least I don’t have to wear them. So I’ll be spending a lot more time with these dummies, but I’m excited it’s my best friends I get to share this adventure with.
Our first stop is going to be Sunrise City in the Sunset Savanna. From there, we’ll probably go east to the Shaftlands and then maybe up into the Kingdom of Heroes. The great thing is that we get to decide as we go. I was pretty adamant about starting in Sunrise City though. I’ve always wanted to visit since I learned about its culture and how intermingled it is with the wildlife. Also, being directly south of the Queendom of Roses made it an easy choice to start with.
Tomorrow can’t come soon enough. It’ll be a struggle to keep my excitement in check enough to get even an hour of sleep. Though I should probably finish packing first. Thank goodness Riddle isn’t here or I’d never hear the end of my unpreparedness. But that’s part of the fun, right? The spontaneity and not knowing what adventure the next day will bring. It’s the surprises on the horizon that I want to experience. Even the mishaps—because you know that’s gonna happen with the three of us.
I better cut it here. Ace is about to get punched in the face and I still gotta pack.
October 24, 20XX
We finally made it! It took so long the sun is already starting to sink in the sky, but we’re here! Our plane was surprisingly small. In fact, the port here is more rural than I was expecting. It feels a lot more wild—like a safari.
Still, it’s absolutely breathtaking. Clear skies shine bright and the plains ripple like liquid gold in the breeze. Only the captivating local culture could stop me from staring at it for hours. The people are really kind. Most were obviously trying to make money off us, but even they were nice. And it all looked so amazing we had to drag Ace away from a shop selling “Bone Cookies.” This is literally our first day and the temptation to spend money is strong.
Right now, we’re in a cozy guest cabin. Some government officials questioned us about the purpose of our visit, where we’re going, all that stuff. When we told them we planned on taking the scenic route to the capital, the radio chatter started. They insisted we find another route, but the golden plains are one of the “Must See” views of the Sunset Savanna. Plus, we don’t have the money for fancy transportation. I’m sure we’ll be fine with a three-day walk, especially when there are rest stops that have some of the best hospitality.
In the end, our names, details, and contact information were taken. They even took pictures of us from different angles. It’s as if they’re expecting something to happen.
Some of the locals acted odd too, after we told them we were heading through the plains. Some gave us extra food, one gave us a discount, and one strangely gave us a compass—all with the same weird look. Still, I wasn’t about to look a gift horse in the mouth.
Anyway, it was an exciting start but I can’t wait to get trekking. I wonder what tomorrow will bring.
October 25, 20XX
Waking up to Ace and Deuce arguing is going to get old real fast, but I should probably get used to it. They are “best friends” after all.
After the commotion, we prepared to head out. The locals again reminded us not to get distracted. Explicit instructions told us that there were to be no detours and no delays. Honestly, it started to kill the excitement. However, it’s going to take three days to reach the capital—one day to get to the first camp, one to get to the second, and one to get to the city—so it’s probably just proper precaution.
A single step into the gold plains was all it took for the grass to dwarf us. Elephant grass is notoriously tall, but I couldn’t have prepared for just how small we were. It felt like being thrown into a maze; yellow grass, the dirt under our feet, and the blue sky above were all that could be seen. It became intimidating along with its wonder and beauty. Fortunately, there’s only one path.
Not long after we began, Ace started talking tales of some banished prince. He heard the story from a shop owner he bought cookies from after being kicked from the cabin earlier. The reason I hadn’t heard anything was because of how recent it had been. Supposedly, just days ago, he tried to overthrow the king and murder the heir. People called for his execution, but the king didn’t have the heart to kill his own brother. Instead, he was exiled. But while being transported out of the country, he was set free by his followers—his jailers’ bodies were found maimed beyond recognition. Now the rumors say he’s hiding out to the east in the Shadowlands.
I didn’t want to hear any more, but I couldn’t bring myself to tell Ace to stop. Instead, he just kept talking, probably trying to scare us. And yet I think he also scared himself. It didn’t help that we could hear things rustling in the grass. I thought I saw something once, but couldn’t say for sure. Even though the locals said most wildlife would ignore us, it’s unnerving not to see what we can hear.
Despite the spooky stories, we made good time. The rest stop was within reach well before the sun started to set. Camp guards ushered us inside the fence, demanding our names, birthdays, reasons for travel—the same information we provided at the outpost. It must’ve been to check that we were on the list of expected visitors, which is a little strange considering I noticed ours were the only names on it.
It’s a small campsite. There are a few cabins around the clearing. A massive ring circles the whole place, dotted with devices that appear newly installed. Deuce says they’re for magic defense. Nobody can use magic in the camp and magic can’t get in. For all the security, that’s probably why we were instructed to arrive before sundown.
Well, I better get some sleep. Another long day of walking awaits tomorrow.
October 26, 20XX
A member of the camp staff woke us early this morning—the sun hadn’t even broken the horizon. All color had forsaken his face as he rushed us to dress and pack. No answers were offered to our question, only echoes that we leave immediately.
And again, as we stepped foot into the wilderness, we were warned to stay on the path and stop for nothing.
On our way out, the ruckus could be heard. They found something unusual at one of the barrier projectors. It would make sense to get us out of the way so they could focus on repairs. Yet I can’t help wondering if the hole being dug on the outskirts of the campsite had something to do with it. What was it for? What happened last night while we were all asleep? Did something get in? Where was it now?
That must be my imagination talking. It was early so it would be easy to misunderstand the whole thing. Besides, we needed to leave earlier since today’s trek was longer than yesterday. The sun would be long gone before we reached the next camp otherwise.
If only the boys could’ve kept their mouths shut. They argued the whole way. Ace sulked about not getting to sleep in and Deuce’s phone was missing. He demanded that Ace give it back, but Ace denied having it. The accusations probably come from last night’s teasing over Deuce messaging his mom, but I think he misplaced it in a different pocket. Hopefully he finds it soon or he’ll have to spend some of that souvenir money on a replacement.
Their fighting slowed us down, delaying our arrival at the second camp until just after sundown. Our reception by the staff was rough. After being jerked inside and held under duress, the interrogation went on until they could confirm we were the names on the list of travelers. So much for the hospitality.
There were no apologies as they put us in a cabin for the night. That’s where everything in Ace’s pack got dumped out and it still wasn’t enough to convince Deuce about his phone. So the arguing continued, even as I left to get a break from it all.
This second rest stop is much like the first. Cabins and staff equipment are scattered around. Though people are quiet at night, I could hear animals beyond the barrier. I think I even saw one. It was big, maybe the size of an antelope. It’s crazy how comfortable the wildlife is so close to settlements like this.
Well, I’m tucked in now and Deuce and Ace are pouting in their own beds. We’ll set out again in the morning and, by sunset tomorrow, we’ll be in Sunrise City.
October 27, 20XX
We messed up.
Ace really didn’t have Deuce’s phone. But neither did Deuce.
Like the day before, we were woken up early and sent on our way. Camp staff barely gave us time to pack before shoving us out. There was no time to question the hasty behavior and it left a sour taste in everyone’s mouth. Still, we went on our way as planned.
After noon, Deuce made us stop, yelling at us to be quiet. I thought he was crazy, but then I heard it too.
It was his mom’s ringtone.
Coming from the elephant grass.
We couldn’t stop him. He just took off. It was a blind run as Ace and I tried to keep up. We never would’ve caught up if he hadn’t stopped. In his hand was his phone, still ringing yet entirely useless. The screen was shattered and the frame bent. It was a miracle it could still even ring. How it got there and how it got destroyed is a mystery—one made worse by the fact that we couldn’t find the path again.
No one could say for sure which way we ran and the grass gave us nothing to find our bearings. Our phones were just handy clocks with no service in the middle of nowhere. Only the compass gave us any consolation. Surely heading south will get us out of here.
To make matters worse, night fell sooner than we anticipated. Making camp was the only sensible solution, no matter how badly we want to get out of here.
Now here I sit, in our little tent, listening to things creeping all around us. I have this nagging feeling that, whatever they are, they’ve been following us and I don’t know if it makes me feel better or worse that I can’t see them.
It’s probably just my paranoia. If we keep going south, we’ll make it out of here tomorrow. By now the savanna guides must realize we’re missing and be looking for us. We’ll be laughing about this whole thing in Sunrise City by lunch, except Deuce who will have to buy a new phone. Because of course this is the kind of trouble we would get ourselves into.
Everything will be fine.  
October 28, 20XX
Maybe my paranoia last night wasn’t just paranoia.
None of us got any sleep at all. Whatever was sneaking through the grass lingered all night, getting louder and louder with their cackling and snarling. When we finally ventured out of the tent this morning, we were greeted with the destruction of our supplies. Everything was scattered, either destroyed or altogether missing. Here and there were pieces of the map, unsalvageable, and the compass was gone. Our bags were placed right outside the tent because keeping food inside is frowned upon for this reason, but now we have no food, no directions, and maybe half our belongings.
There was nothing to do but pick up what we could and continue walking.
Ace’s pessimism didn’t help. He’s convinced it was the banished prince at our camp, but all we could tell from the flattened grass was that they were large creatures. Still, the constant talk of our doom began to bother me and Deuce. I just hope whatever they are, they realize we don’t have anything else and leave us alone.
I don’t know how, but we must’ve gotten turned around somewhere. We tried to follow the sun, but each step was just more and more grass, hiding the unknown, letting us hope that the end is just one more step. Now the sky is black and we’re still here. We’re exhausted physically, mentally, and emotionally. So we set up camp to spend another night in this place.
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October 29, 20XX
I’m getting really scared now.
Our tent was shaken by a fight just outside last night, but we were all too scared to make a sound. In the morning, not a word was said as we walked. Only this time, we knew the noises in the grass were them. They are following us. No, stalking is more accurate. I can hear them snicker and growl. I’m sure if I reached into the grass, I would touch one.
But they have nothing on the banished prince.
I’m not sure how, but I always knew it wasn’t him stalking us but his hyena henchmen. They’re destructive and menacing, but he’s a monster hiding in the shadows. He’s behind this.
I don’t remember when I spotted him, but I could feel his gaze on me, different from the other beasts. His growl shot through my heart and it felt like I had his claws at my throat. Barely veiled by grass, he wanted me to see him. Fangs eager to tear gleamed in that grin. Behind his gaze was nothing but malice, highlighted by the ink dripping across his skin. I couldn’t move. I couldn’t scream. I couldn’t even breathe. I was so certain that those bloodthirsty green eyes would be the last thing I ever saw.
And then he was gone. He wasn’t really gone, only gone from sight. There’s no doubt that he and his pack are watching us even now. We’ve been sentenced to death and they’re just toying with us.
We’re never getting out of here. Even if it weren’t for the monsters hunting us, we have no food and no more water. I don’t know if we can survive another night out here. I regret everything. I never should’ve suggested this trip. Because of me, we’re going to die out here. I’m sorry. I’m sorry to Ace and Deuce. I’m sorry to Deuce’s mom and Ace’s family. I’m so sorry I got your boys into this mess. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.
I wish this nightmare would just end.
October 30, 20XX
We lost Ace today.
Tension was high. We’re being hunted. We know we’re going to die. The fear of what’s in store for us is sickening. Unlike yesterday, Ace and Deuce couldn’t stop arguing. A fight was inevitable. When Ace knocked Deuce to the ground, he took off. We tried to find him—spent hours calling his name. But we never found him.
Long after the sun had gone, the grass finally parted. At first, we were excited. I think I cried. Then I realized where we were.
Rocky, barren land laid before us. Towers of stone loomed above, colder and less forgiving than the grass we escaped. An eerie fog hovered, concealing both new and old monsters. It was bad. We found the Shadowlands. Sunrise City was meant to be south of the port we started at. Those beasts managed to manipulate our path away from our destination and far to the east. He led us here to be slaughtered.
This is where we found Ace’s magic pen.
Nothing else.
We considered our options. The grass gave us no visibility and muddled our sense of direction. On the other hand, the Shadowlands were the prince’s territory. Both were bad choices, but we chose not to go back. At least in the Shadowlands, we had a chance. We knew where we were and how to get to where we needed to. Maybe Deuce and I could still find our way to Sunrise City. Maybe we could send a search party back for Ace.
Maybe this terrible journey will be over soon.
October 31, 20XX
We were wrong! We should’ve gone back!
If anyone finds this, stay out of the Shadowlands!
They took Deuce! They dragged him out of the tent! I can’t hear him scream anymore!
If you see this RUN!
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tokoyami from bnha?
Yeah, he's definitely one of my faves so I'm happy to do something for this one. Though I'm definitely gonna start showing that I never watched past, like, season 1 with some of these characters.
"Dammit..." T.okoyami sighs as his stomach lets out another grumble. The hero work is demanding, he knew that, but it can be a real problem sometimes. Like the fact that he hasn't been able to get a bite to eat at all today and all the running around he's doing is only helping to work up his appetite. He could really use a break but he's already trying to get to an emergency a few blocks away. No time for eating. He'll just have to skip meals again. At least, that was his plan, but D.ark Shadow had other ideas. T.okoyami was too busy trying to move through the city to notice that his shadow was acting on its own. It wasn't until his gut expanded in front of him suddenly that he realized what was going on. T.okoyami's eyes widen and he ducks into a nearby alley. "D.ark Shadow!" He glares at his companion, seeing a pair of kicking legs hanging from its beak and a bulge slipping down its body. The hero huffs as he feels another person push into his stomach along with the first. "What have I told you about surprise eating?" The hero crosses his arms, glaring at his shadow. It gulps, sending a third person down, and soon he's another bulge in the hero's guts. D.ark Shadow merely whines in response and nudges his bloated stomach a few times. The people inside are really thrashing around, muffled cries for help just barely getting past the thick gurgling that's already started up. This is hardly the first time it's happened, but did it really have to always be at such inconvenient times? T.okoyami sighs again, rubbing one hand along his stomach as it works. It did feel nice...especially with how hungry he'd been. Plus, D.ark Shadow is giving him those big puppy dog eyes, and his annoyance is starting to crumble. "You know you have to warn me ahead of time when you do things like this," the hero scolds, giving his stomach a few pats for emphasis. "I can't do my job when there are people weighing me down." Though, T.okoyami realizes that's likely the point. His shadow is just trying to make sure he's taking care of himself, even if it does so in very annoying ways. Glancing around to make sure he's alone, the hero finally seats himself against the alleyway wall, letting his engorged stomach sit in his lap. D.ark Shadow starts rubbing over it, coaxing a content sigh out of T.okoyami. He leans his head back and closes his eyes, letting himself relax. "Just as soon as they're done moving, we really need to get back to work..." At the very least, he shouldn't need to worry about eating for the rest of the day. Though he'll definitely turn a few heads waddling around with a bloated gut...it's nothing he hasn't had to put up with before.
T.okoyami's guts groan wetly and he lets out a thick belch, making him blush from the embarrassment. Of course, no one was around to hear it other than his shadow, but that doesn't make it any less embarrassing. In the lone confines of his room, he can at least let his stomach work at its leisure, the gurgling organ already a round orb that settles comfortably in his lap. It hadn't been like that an hour ago, though, with the way it bulged and sloshed over such a feisty meal. But his stomach had won out and now they're little more than belly sludge for him to process. "Someone's eventually going to notice..." T.okoyami grumbles to himself, slowly rubbing along his gut. This is the fifth classmate he's eaten already and the second actually in his class. It's never been on purpose, of course. Somehow, he's ended up with a friend in his tank at least once a week. The first one had been D.ark Shadow's fault when he tried to eat someone's sandwich right out of their hand and ended up getting their entire arm in the process. The next two had been...accidents around the school that resulted in T.okoyami's beak over someone's head and from there, well, the end result is obvious. The fourth one had been the first time he ate an actual classmate. It had been B.akugo's own fault, though, launching himself into the air to try and strike T.okoyami from above--he'd launched himself right down the hero's gullet with a stupid stunt like that! The stomachache he'd left behind really hadn't been worth the effort. Though this fifth one...can he really say it was an accident? It'd just been him and K.oda in the locker room. He'd offered to help T.okoyami train and work off the belly he'd been developing from his recent accidents. But then his stomach had grumbled and K.oda turned his back and...another belch escapes T.okoyami as his stomach rumbles harshly, growing a bit smaller as it pumps more sludge through his system. It'd been an accident in the sense that he didn't mean to do it but...eating K.oda had still been the choice he made. One that...he can't find himself regretting much, other than the worry that his classmates will begin to notice something's wrong. But as his gut steadily pumps away more and more of his friend, T.okoyami can't help but wonder...if the rest of them would be good meals, too. And his stomach is burbling in agreement. Maybe the only way to make sure no one notices is to get rid of them before they can. Given how easily these other meals went down, it really can't be that hard, right? Maybe he'll pay someone a visit soon then. His stomach is almost empty...and he wouldn't mind filling it up again.
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didiersdragon · 1 year
hi hi! i'm alive! quite inactive due to life but wanted to pop by and drop this little lava plus jake as their son and kid unagami fic that i had planned to make a multi chap out of but i don't think i'll be able to finish so i thought i'd at least have the first chap posted here for anyone who would like to see it!! huge thanks to @articalextraordinaire for betaing this one <3<3 anyways here ya go! its not much but hope the read was worth it!
Today was supposed to be one of the best days of his life. He woke up at 8 am from the sun shining brightly through the window. He didn't even whine and try to get more sleep before his dad came to wake him up, no. He jumped out of bed himself, brushed his teeth, did his own hair, dressed and got his backpack on all before breakfast! Even Uncle Zane was surprised! His dads were confused! But they were still proud of him! He only needed a little help from Auntie Nya to tie his shoelaces.
What’s the special occasion? Uncle Lloyd was finally taking him to work with him! And Uncle Lloyd did not have just any regular job, no. He had the BEST job in all of Ninjago. He was the Green Ninja! And Jake was so excited to be able to hang out with him for the day.
It was supposed to be the best day ever.
But one call from Uncle Lloyd made it all come crashing down.
"But dad," Jake whined, "Uncle Lloyd promised he would take me with him to work today!" 
His dad Cole gave him a sad smile. "That was before there was a prison breakout at Kryptarium- which is not the safest place for a kid, Jake." He said, as he prepared to go help Uncle Lloyd. “I’m sure Lloyd will take you with him another day, he always makes up broken promises.”
That did not stop Jake’s sad pout though, it only made it worse. “Kryptarium break outs are so cool! Maybe I could see Pythor or UltraViolet- or maybe even Killow! I wish you could take me with you. I love watching you guys kick butt!”
That made Cole laugh. “I know you do, little man. But we don’t want anything bad to happen to you and those villains won’t stop at anything to make sure they hurt us by hurting you.” His dad ruffled his hair lovingly before he reached over where he sat to grab his hammer. 
Jake nodded understandingly. But it only eased how upset he was a little bit. "Then, what am I supposed to do today?" he whined, as he grabbed his dad's hand and shook it. He knew he was being a bit too much because he understood that his family had a responsibility to protect Ninjago. But it was the weekend! He couldn’t waste the weekend!
Cole paused in gearing up to turn his attention to his son. He smiled as he crouched down to meet the boy's height, which was not entirely successful because his dad was a giant. "Well, we asked a couple of friends to take them with you to their work today! I think you'll like them. They're heroes themselves, you know?" 
That had caught Jake's attention. Heroes other than the ninja?
"Who is it?! Is it another elemental master? Auntie Skylor? Oh! Is it Queen Vania? Or King Benthomaar?! But wait, I can't breathe underwater.... Is Auntie Pix giving me my own underwater suit-"
"Okay, okay. Calm down, kiddo." His Papa Kai chuckled as he came into the room, lowering himself down next to his husband. "Getting a little too excited over there, bud."
Jake flushed, scratching his head. He couldn't help it. It was so cool to be able to hang out with the amazing people that helped his dads save Ninjago once upon a time. Sure, he’s already met a lot of them and sees his aunts and uncles more often than not. But that’s when they’re just his aunts and uncles and not when they're being superheroes. There is a difference!
His Papa flicked his Dad's forehand, causing Cole to lose his balance and fall on his butt. Which led both Jake and Kai to laugh. After getting himself together, his Dad continued, "well, it's not any of them. But we can definitely reach out to them another time!" 
"This time, though, you'll be hanging out with some of Ninjago city's very own local heroes."
"Who is it?!"
"The Paper Boys!" 
Jake frowned. Those aren't heroes.
And he said so, making both of his dads hum. 
Cole straightened up to stand as he spoke, "You may think that at first but," He put his hands underneath Jake's armpits and picked him up as he stood, making the boy squeal. "They're possibly some of the greatest heroes Ninjago has ever seen." 
"Really?" Jake gasped.
"Yup! They even saved Papa once!"
Kai nodded as he got up as well. "It's true. I would've been a goner if it weren't for them diving into the canal to save me when Kalmaar came to get the storm amulet." He shivered a bit, "Doesn't bring up good memories, for sure."
Cole moved Jake to his hip and wrapped his other arm around his husband, bringing him closer. "Thankfully, we're all safe and together. They've done a lot for us," he turned to Jake, "They're immovable and have always held down the fort when all seemed lost. If you think our adventures are cool, wait till you hear about theirs."
Jake was hooked now. He had met them once before but never knew just how much they had done for Ninjago. He felt excitement well up as he hung onto every word his fathers said about the paperboys, slightly shaking with excitement.
"When can I go?" He asked, louder than he meant to. But his dads’ only chuckled.
"How about right now?"
Cole smacked a big kiss on both of their temples before putting Jake down. Kai took the boy's hand and they both went outside the monastery. His dad followed shortly with a backpack with everything they needed from the weaponry. 
Outside stood a girl with short hair next to two bicycles. One was occupied by herself while the other looked like Jake's own. It was one of the paper boys, he remembered seeing her around the city. She seemed cool. Was her name Anastasia?
When they came to a stop in front of her, Kai took the chance to introduce them, "Jake, this is Antonia. Antonia, this is our son Jake." 
Jake raised a hand to wave but hid slightly behind his Papa's leg. "Hi, Antonia." He wasn't shy! She was just...a little intimidating. 
But that changed when she smiled and gave a wave of her own. "Heya, Jake! It's nice to meet you. I've heard a lot about you from your dads."
Jake looked up at his dads at that. Cole rubbed a hand behind his neck and chuckled, "I tend to get carried away talking during patrols." Everyone laughed at that. Cole turned to Jake. "Antonia here is going to take you with her and show you what the paperboys do. You stick close to her at all times okay, little man? And don't cause too much trouble for them!"
Jake nodded enthusiastically, "I promise, Dad!" He had already started hopping his way towards the bicycles when he was pulled back by his Papa.
"Jake," Kai dropped down on one knee and grabbed Jake's shoulders. The boy straightened up when he saw the serious look on his father's face. "Don't go running off somewhere without one of them. You know Ninjago city as well as us, so you know just how dangerous it can get in a blink of an eye. You got your watch on, right? You remember how to send out a signal?"
Shrugging to shake the backpack he had on, Jake nodded. "Yes, Papa. I have to press the side button three times and it sends Auntie Pix my location! I even have everyone's phone numbers written down in my notebook, pepper spray, a map, water and the taser-flashlight Uncle Jay got for me on festival day."
"Say what now?" Both parents said in unison.
Kai shook his head, "Whatever. As long as you know how to use it safely." He sighed, before he gave a crinkly eyed smile that made Jake smile in return. "Have fun today, alright kiddo? I'm sure Uncle Lloyd will make today up to you when he can." 
Jake jumped into his Papa's arms when he opened them and snuggled in to savor the warmth that radiated off of him. "I know. I'll be careful. I love you, Papa."
"I love you more, my little lava monster."
"Hey!" Came from Cole before he swooped both his husband and son into his arms. "Don't leave me out of the party."
They all laughed. Jake melted into the hug. There was absolutely no place in the world he felt more safe and loved in than in his dads’ arms. His dad squeezed them both and finally let them down when his papa started elbowing dad.
"Well, we got to go help the others out at Kryptarium Prison." Kai said. He patted his hand on Jake's head before he continued. "Take good care of him for us, Antonia. If anything happens, call us first, okay?"
She gave a mock salute. "You got it, boss." Then she turned to Jake and gestured towards the bicycles. "C'mon! Don't wanna run late for your first day with the paper boys!" 
Jake was excited. He gave his dads one more hug to their legs before he ran to gear up. 
"So," Antonia started as they buckled in their helmets. "I'll give you a run down of what we'll do and everything when we hit the road, that cool?"
"Awesome! Also, someone else might be joining us. Nelson already went to get him, I hope that's alright with you?"
Jake nodded again, but asked, "Who is it, though?"
Antonia grabbed her bike as she spoke, "It's someone you've definitely heard of. His dad promised to give us a sneak peak of the new game he's working on in exchange for us showing the kid around."
"New game? Are they new here?" 
She shrugs. "The dad isn't. Kid is."
"You'll see. C'mon, now. If you're ready, let's head out."
"Right!" Jake grabbed his bike and with a final wave to his parents, they both started to make their way down the mountain. He was excited to see what the day held and also curious about who this person is. Someone he's heard of but was new here? His dad makes games? Well, he'll see!
Cole and Kai waited at the gates until they could no longer see them before they went back inside. The parents worried about their curious son but they had to help their friends. Right as they were about to get in their vehicles, their comms crackled to life.
"Uh-guys?" Lloyd's voice came through. "How far out are you? The Mechanic's got a hold of some of the buses and a bunch of escapees are heading towards the city. We got the commissioner and the police ready to intercept them outside the city limits but they'll need some backup."
With one shared glance they were already in their vehicles and hitting the road. "We're on our way, Lloyd. We’ll try to intercept them before they reach the city but tell the commissioner to hold the line just in case." Kai replied.
"You got it. Stay safe, guys."
Soon after, Cole's voice came in, the concern palpable in his tone as he said, "Kai, should we tell Antonia to take Jake back to the monastery? I'm worried about him. "
"Me too, Rocky. But don't worry, I trust Antonia and Nelson. They'll make sure nothing happens to him. Besides, we'll make sure they don't make it anywhere near our son."
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m3eper · 11 months
Ok first the story of spray paint happens after the rise movie but before the second spiderverse movie because I dont want it to get weird
Mikey and miles both live in New York around the same place with tunnels connected the lair and the one place where miles got bit by the spider
Mikey will probably never see the lab incident stuff and the boys all didn't really know what was happening with New York when it was being destroyed by dimensional weirdness as they were underground and thought that all that stuff was happening because of the krang, also right after the movie they were all trying to heal in the aftermath
Miles didn't see the krang invasion as when that was happening he was doing the colider jazz and he had a whole bunch of other stuff happening so he conveniently didn't see all that and when be got back he thought that the destruction was because of the dimensional weirdness
I pretty sure that a lot of people including his parents connected the two and thought that they were the same thing so they didn't mention any aliens plus miles was too wrapped up to get involved with that and since the threat was gone he just kinda ignored whatever people were talking about also connecting the two
The turtles know of spiderman but just see him as another hero in the world and don't see him a lot because they mostly fight mutants and spiderman doesn't know of any mutants so when miles first sees mikey he's surprised and very confused as he knows nothing of the hidden city
Sorry if I missed anything I'm trying my best to connect the 2 stories but its hard because I need them to live remotely close but also not really see the others story, I'm going to re watch both movies for some research so I'll edit anything if I messed something up ^^
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katsukikitten · 3 years
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Part one. Master list for plus one can be found here.
Just a nice fic I decided to write for fun. Please enjoy!
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He was nothing but a huge, giant fucking ASSHOLE for the entire two years the two of you were dating and he decides NOW is a good time to break up with you?
Two days before your cousin's wedding and over TEXT MESSAGE?!
That fucking asshole.
He knew how you felt. Exactly how you felt about going alone to your cousin's wedding after your family begged to meet your boyfriend and teased you for "probably making him up." Which hell, he may as well have been made up considering how absent he was in the relationship. Using work as an excuse to come home late but forgetting to turn off his snap location when he showed up at the bar.
So you did what any rational woman in her upper twenties would do.
You drowned your sorrows in booze, tonight red wine as it was the only thing around, and you scrolled through your socials in hopes of distracting yourself from your suffering.
Alas the devil that is Instagram only amplified your sadness and irritation. Showing couple after couple, your friends on hikes kissing on the mountain top, kissing in the flickering light of candles at a fancy dinner or, worst yet, getting proposed to. The video showing her in hysterics screaming, "YES I DO I DO!"
And it feels terrible to feel this way. Especially about your friends, the people you love and want to support, still it stings. You hadn't told anyone about the breakup, you weren't even sure your friends even remembered that asshole's name.
A teardrop lands on your screen, magnifying all the magical lights of the led beneath the glad. You wipe away the tear and with that the feed refreshes. A new post has come in at the top, Res Riot's official account.
Kirishima stands with a fat white cat in his arms. He dwarfs the animal with his large stature that looks larger as he still has his Red Riot gear on. The caption reads something along the lines of "missed my precious baby."
Red wine is a dangerous thing as your body acts on its own. You go to his page to hit the little arrow to DM him. Typing out and backspacing your message as you struggle from the booze, you decide to say fuck it and use the voice memo feature. Before you know it your sniffling voice is playing back to you after you've hit send.
"My ex broke up with me before this stupid wedding. It's in two days and my family is going to roast me big time when I show up alone. They think I made that asshole up. I don't know why I'm even in your dms. Your account is probably run by some dick head who can't even capture your kindness. I guess I'm here cause my first thought seeing you on my timeline was Red Riot has always been my hero…"
Ugh totally fucking cringe.
There is no surprise as you see the three normally ominous dots pop up, probably his social media manager about to ask you to stop your "advances" as Kirishima is too busy to date and he'd hate to block you or some other bullshit.
But there it is a surprise to see a little bubble with the play button and some vertical lines in various heights. It takes your sluggish brain a moment to realize you've been sent a voice memo. Odd. Your thumb smashes the screen faster than you can think and a deep voice rumbles through the speakers of your phone.
"Actually I run my official and personal socials. And I'm sorry to hear about your ex doll. He sounds like a real ass. I'll be your hero, I'll go with you to the wedding."
Your heart stutters, no way, no way in HELL this was Red Riot. You had read about the horror stories before or pervy account managers taking advantage of women who so desperately wanted to talk to their hero.
Hell, it's happened to Dynamight plenty of times.
You swallow quickly but the bile rushes up your throat. Not just from the anxiety of a possible con but from drinking an entire bottle of wine with nothing on your stomach after months of sobriety. Quickly you stumble to the bathroom, abandoning your phone on your bed. You barely make it in time to praise the porcelain Gods before you fall onto your back. Looking up at the light in your cramped bathroom, the orb doubles and spins as you feel the Earth turning on its axis. You curl into your side using your bathmat as a pillow as you drift off into sleep, totally forgetting about the voice memo on your phone.
As you sleep peacefully on your memory foam bath rug, Kirishima settles into his nightly routine. One giant hand grabbing strands of long dark red hair into a towel while another sits snugly around his Adonis belt and the thick, black happy trail that follows up the center of his abs before spreading out onto his chest. He tosses the towel over the open door of the bathroom before sitting in his favorite armchair with phone in hand. Diamond, his beautiful white cat he rescued a few years ago, jumps onto the arm of the chair, purring loudly when Kirishima's free hand scratches her ears absentmindedly.
He chuckles to himself as he realizes exactly what he's done. Acting on a feeling instead of logic all because he heard a "damsel in distress." Starting off his rare vacation with spontaneity starting with an impromptu date with a stranger. He really isn't sure what you look like and it's obvious your handle doesn't have your real name in it, just PrincessPeach with some random numbers at the end. He takes the time to scroll through your profile. Seeing pictures of food, of many sunsets, a friend's dog that guest appears often, your own cat and plenty of strays.
It takes him a while before he sees a photo of you. His heart stutters in his chest as he looks you over. Laughing with a friend, soft lighting from strings over head that blur like little fireflies. Your smile is wide, half hidden by your hands as your eyes seem to smile with you. Sparkling as if they held stars.
For a moment Kirishima forgets how to breathe, it isn't until Diamond jumps down from the armchair does he inhale. He smiles softly to himself before he drops his towel, puts his phone on charge and promptly falls asleep in his bed.
Kirishima rises before the sun even has a chance to filter through his blinds. He sighs softly, getting up to a sitting position disturbing a fluffy white ball that lays beside him.
"Mmrow." Moon stone eyes blink slowly as they look at the mountainous man hogging the bed.
"I didn't mean to wake you sweet baby." He says softly, going to pet the soft white fur only for her to get up stretch and give him her butt before plopping back down.
"I know, mean ol' daddy woke you up too early again." He says softly, his hand falling onto her back before he rises from the bed. Fishing for his running shorts, socks, headphones and shoes. He makes his protein shake, leaning on the counter as he drinks it, looking at how you read, or better yet, listened to his message but still no reply. It was late and there was a small slurring of your words, he figures you've passed out. He just hopes you're okay.
His run goes as usual, up before anyone else unless they were the normal avid runner. Passing by the usual array of people. An old man holding onto his youth by jogging through his daily five mile morning run, Kirishima knows he runs another five in the evening while the sun is setting. He hopes he can embody some of this man's commitment when he is older. Then he passes a middle aged woman, who gives him the biggest smile as she pases, jogging backward to send him a wink before plowing ahead. Occasionally he'll see a running group or a few teens training to be heroes, they always ask if they can run his route. "It's long." He always warns in a kind, warm voice. They assure him they will be fine so far only one other person could handle his 12 mile morning run. A young woman in her second year of hero courses at UA. Since then Kirishima put in a word with his boss and so every time internships roll around she's in the office.
By the time Kirishima is rounding back towards his high rise apartment, the city begins to stir. Slowly waking as men and women in business suits rush towards the train, parents flinging open the doors or curtains fussing at their children who cling to an extra few minutes of sleep before school.
This was always his favorite part of the run, not because it was almost over, oh no it was because he had a chance to glimpse at everyday life. Of nine to fives, of school hours and after school hangs outs at snack bars or the library.
What most would call the mundane but Kirishima would never call it that. It's why he worked so hard to protect it.
Diamond greets his sweaty form at the door. Glaring angrily with her moon stone eyes. Tail swishing before she goes to the kitchen by her bowl. Waiting impatiently.
"I'm not late, sweet cheeks." He coos, and she glares, "I know I know. You're hungry now."
He opens the fridge, gets out the highest quality food there is and places it on her dish, sure to keep it all in the middle or she'll claim her bowl was empty. He added a splash of water too since the weather was starting to get hot.
He sucks down a water or two, demolishes a protein bar and then heads to the apartment gym.
A few hours roll by and without hearing from you yet his worry over your well being begins to cloud the forefront of his mind. He pauses his music, picks up his phone and talks out a voice memo.
A loud DING echoes from your room and around your skull as you rise with a throbbing headache.
"Fuck." You hiss to yourself grabbing at your head as you shakily rise to your feet. Yanking the handle of the faucet to drink from the stream before looking at yourself in the mirror.
"Ugh." You grunt ignoring your swollen face and eyes, yanking the mirror door open to snatch at the bottle of aspirin. Swallowing THREE extra strength pills before slamming the door shut and turning off the faucet. You make your way towards your bedroom, more than ready to sleep the rest of your day away. Grabbing at your phone to charge it you see the push notification of an Instagram message from Red Riot.
The fucking Red Riot.
Internally you scream before it bubbles up your throat and escapes. You fumble to unlock your phone before looking that it's a voice memo.
Mortified you realize you sent one too. And first at that.
"Fuck MEEE!" You plop onto the bed. Nervous this second voice memo is probably about how you're a weirdo or something as you relive the memory of asking him to be your plus one.
Hesitantly your thumb hovers over the play button before you find the strength to press the cool glass. A soft thunderous voice plays out.
"Good morning sleepy head. I haven't heard from you yet, I hope you're okay. Be sure to drink some water and eat something greasy. Trust me, late nights with Denki and Bakugou taught me something. Since the wedding is tomorrow I'll need a picture of your dress for the color and style so I can match you Sweet pea. Contact me soon so I can know where to pick you up."
Did he… did he just call you SWEET PEA? Your heart pounds in your chest before it registers he's asked for your dress color and lowkey asked for your address. This couldn't be real. It sounded like Kirishima, his voice familiar from interviews you've watched but it very well could be a prank. Defeated you hit the small microphone and reply.
Kirishima hears a sharp DING in his headphones over his music as he finishes his set. He wipes the sweat from his face on his shirt giving the few people in the gym a lovely view of his sweaty and thick torso. One woman trips on the treadmill but it goes unnoticed by Kirishima. He pauses his music and hits play on the little memo. Your beautiful yet groggy voice comes in through his ear buds causing Kirishima to bite his lip. It causes such a flutter of butterflies in his stomach he has to listen a second time to actually hear what you said. Although he understand, he cannot help but feel hurt by your reply.
"How do I know you're not just some pervy guy using Kirishima's Godly looks to prey on unsuspecting people."
Your phone chirps at you from the bed stand and you growl reaching for it. You had hoped your message would have been clear. An unspoken of you know they're a fucking creep taking advantage of their PR job.
"What can I do to prove it to you, Sweet Pea?"
You hate how that cute nickname sends your heart into a somersault and your stomach in delightful knots. Still your doubt pulls a harsh tut from your lips before you reply.
Kirishima doesn't need his phone to alert him that you've messaged him, he's been looking at his screen for far to long without having to restart his set. He listens to your voice as if it were music.
"Fine, you wanna prove it to me so bad. Take a picture of yourself shirtless with the word 'Sweet pea' you love so much and send it to me. No photoshop I know what my favorite hero looks like!"
For over an hour you don't hear back and you figure you showed that perv.
But now you can't sleep so you nurse a water, door dash a "greasy" breakfast all before cranking your shower as high as it can go. Your phone dings and you try to ignore it. You really do but as the saying goes curiosity killed the cat. Opening the message you see a classic guy mirror selfie. Kirishima is clear as day in the photo, his large hand pointing to his bare, hairy chest where sweat pea is scrawled in his adorable handwriting. He winks at the camera as his kissable lips wear a dangerous, almost cocky eyes travel down his bulk following his happy trail that dives under a pair of black shorts, the best part of the view getting cut off by the vanity. At first you try to rationalize that this was fake but damning evidence was sitting on the vanity. A fluffy white cat in a diamond and ruby encrusted collar sits on the counter giving her owner an odd look.
His cat Diamond that everyone knows he loves and adores. Slick begins to collect between your thighs and especially so after you listen to the voice memo that comes through shortly after. His normally friendly and soft voice comes out a bit dark, husky as he says in a playfully annoyed tone.
"Now send me a picture of that dress, Sweet Pea."
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gliphyartfan · 3 years
@yandere-linked-universe @stars-for-thought @linked-heroes @ice-cream-writes-stuff
@imprisioned-in-the-hole I loved your prompt and couldn't resist! Hope I did it justice!
Wind has a strong presence in this one, that wasn't planned by the way.
'I'll be fiine guys.'
She totally should have saw this coming.
'This is Wars' era, wandering the market won't that bad.'
Yep— these past few days had been too damn calm for the all of them,
'I'll be gone for an hour! Two hours tops! Promise!'
Of course something like this was going to go and happen.
'This. fucking. sucks!' She grunted, slowly slide down the rope she made out of the sheets in the room she was trapped in.
This is what happens when you jinx yourself.
'Everything will be fine!' Oh suuure, the first hour was delightful.
Saw some items,
Chatted with some folks,
Even got to pet a few dogs!
But the second hour-
'His Grace wishes to discuss some things with you.'
'Sorry, you got the wrong person. Plus I don't feel comfortable with-'
'That wasn't a request.'
She should have know there would have been someone behind her.
It's always when it's out of your mind that it happens.
And now she was trying to escape her own wedding. And the crazy Duke that wanted to marry her.
She wasn't a hero damnit!
'I'm gonna get lectured so badly after this!' She grunted as she reached the end of the rope, her feet dangling in the air for a moment as she tried to figure out what to do next.
'Damn you laws of physics and gravity!' She whispered to herself.
Physics and gravity decided to take her insult personally as the rope loosened its hold on the railing, causing her to fall into the bushes two feet below her.
'Urk-branch! Branch!' She hissed in pain, reaching underneath and removing the branch poking at her back.
As she rubbed the area, brushing the crumpled sheet from her head, she checked her hand to make sure she wasn't bleeding.
Before she could plan her next move, she stilled as she heard the heavy thuds and clanks of armour approach nearby.
The movement came closer, she used her place in the bushes to keep hidden. Slowly parting the leaves next to her with one hand, she used what visibility she had to discover that yes, it was a pair of guards and the conversation that flowed through the air confirmed they weren't Hyrule guards.
'Is the Duke really gonna marry that girl?'
'Seems to be the case. He's been very pleased with himself too. Looks like he's trying to get the wedding done by tonight.'
Double drat.
'I don't blame him, you've seen that girl? Bet he's eager for the wedding night.'
Okay. NO.
'Haha! A beauty like that for a wife would be quite the status boost.'
The guards walked past the bush and it's hidden occupant.
Had they looked back, they would have seen a displeased glare directed their way.
(y/n) huffed and looked around, trying to remember where the exit was.
With another glance around, she picked up her dress and slowly made her way out of the bushes, pausing momentarily before taking off the heels she was forced to wear
'I can't run and climb in this dress.' Trying to think about what to do next, she looked down at her clothes.
'Link please-'
'Don't tell me to calm down Zelda!'
Wind bit his lip as Warriors marched up to the princess' face and growled.
'Impa is having her men search the castle and surrounding areas, we will find her.' Zelda tried to reassure him, taking a step back when he glared.
'It's been a WEEK and you have nothing to show for it!' He ran a head through his hair, taking a deep breath to calm down.
'You know I've been busy with-'
'With the Grand Duke of the farther kingdom who is here as a token of peace and unity between kingdoms.' Warriors recited irritably. 'Yes, very understandably important when someone went missing under the watch of YOUR men.'
'She was last seen in the market, we have blocked the gates and are inspecting every individual leaving the city.' Zelda gave Warriors a look.
'And might I remind you that they are also your men?'
'Apparently not anymore with how you let them slacked off!'
'Excuse me-'
Wind sighed as they started arguing again.
They were getting nowhere.
'This is going nowhere.' Wind turned and saw Hyrule coming up next to him, watching the arguing duo.
'Any luck with the others?' He asked quietly, not surprised when Hyrule shook his head.
'Twilight is using Wolfie to catch any scents but the storm has made that difficult. Time is with Legend and Wild speaking to the merchants and Four is with Sky speaking with the guards.' Hyrule replied, rubbing his eyes tiredly.
Wind felt the same way.
None of them were able to sleep well since she went missing. The only reason they slept at all was because they needed to be rested enough in the event a fight comes their way.
But the lack of her presence was deeply felt.
'Any luck here?' Hyrule asked hollowly, already knowing the answer but still asking.
Wind simply gestured to the still arguing duo.
'Is she even still in town?' He couldn't help but ask, not wanting to think of the possibility that she was far away, but it was necessary.
'She has to be,' Hyrule reassured,smiling weakly. 'The town went on lockdown almost immediately.'
Wind returned Hyrule's smile with a weak one of his own.
They turned back to the duo, feeling more tired as they listened to the princess justify her duties.
'I am already dealing with the Grand Duke and I can't give anymore of my attention to this than I already have.' Warriors just gave her a look.
'I wouldn't be bothering so much if you allowed me access to his guest quarters.' It was Zelda's turn to glare at him.
'You know I cannot do that, he is a guest and has nothing to do with her disappearance.' Only Wind and Hyrule noticed the way Warriors hand twitched, as if desiring to reach for his sword.
Not that they could blame him.
'I am not accusing him Princess,' he said through gritted teeth. 'I am merely requesting-'
'That I allow you access to his quarters.' The displeased expression on the princess' face only matched the captain's.
'Annnd they're arguing again.' Wind muttered, watching them fall back into another verbal brawl.
'The only place we haven't looked is the guest wing.' Hyrule whispered, wringing his hands.
'You think we should sneak in?' Hyrule looked at the arguing pair and nodded.
'Yeah...it's better than assuming nothing is there.'
'Alright...Wars!' The angered captain looked at them, a scowl on his face.
'Rulie thinks he has a lead at the market so I'm heading out with him.' Wind kept a casual look on his face, staring Warriors in the eyes.
Warriors was quiet for a brief moment before he grunted and turned back to arguing his case with the princess.
But he was less tense than he was a moment before.
He understood what they were going to do.
'He'll keep her distracted.' Wind murmured, tugging Hyrule out of the room.
'And Impa?' Wind sighed and rubbed his shoulder.
'Still searching the market place I bet, we gotta be quick.'
And with that, they both headed to the guest wing of the castle.
The guest wing wasn't too far away, probably for the convenience of whatever foreign guests came to visit.
But it was walled off and the Grand Duke's personal guard was patrolling the area, forcing the duo to sneak their way in.
'I really hope we find something.' Hyrule whispers, the two stilling as a guard passed by their hiding place.
'Best place to look is the most obvious place.' Wind reassured. 'And the most obvious place is a area that's being guarded by enemy guards.'
Hyrule didn't correct him about the guards.
If she was here, they were enemies.
'Let's look through the rooms! Top or bottom floor?' Hyrule hummed.
'We're good at escaping from higher levels, and there's only two floors, let's start low and move up.'
They worked together, both alerting the other when a guard was close.
Soon they snuck passed the majority and reached the first set of rooms.
Then the second set.
Then the third.
They moved up to the second floor and quietly searched through each room.
It was in the Grand Duke's room that they found incriminating evidence on his desk.
'I can't read this language,' Wind whispered harshly as he glared at the papers in front of him. ' but I know (y/n)'s name anywhere!'
'Take it, we can sure it to the princess.' Hyrule whispered back, keeping watch at the door. He tensed when he saw a couple of guards round the corner. 'We need to go!'
'This is the last room and we haven't found her!'
'We found evidence and that's a better than what we had before, now move!'
It took some time to shuffle out the window and climb down, but they were successfully able to make their escape from the guest wing without notice.
'A lead, that's good.' Wind gasped, hands on his knees as he caught his breath.
'But still no (y/n)' Hyrule bite his thumb nervously. 'I hope she's okay...'
'We can't lose hope!' Wind grunted, stretching his back and sighing.
'Let's go, we need to show these papers to the others before we give it to the princess-'
The sailor went rigid, eyes snapping forward, widening.
'What's wrong Wind?' Hyrule asked worriedly, hand on the younger teen's shoulder.
The teen bit his lip to keep his expression from crumbling and his breath was shaky,
'(y/n)...?' Hyrule's own eyes widened and his head snapped to look when Wind was staring.
There, in a torn dirty white dress, no shoes, and messy hair, was their beloved goddess looking around, visibly distressed.
'(y/n)..?' Wind raised his voice, hope as visible in his tone as it was in his eyes.
Hyrule's heart felt such relief as their beautiful goddess' head snapped in their direction.
The smile she gave them was simply magnificent as she immediately ran toward them.
The moment she was close, she wrapped her arms around the both of them and began to cry, relief filling her.
'You have no idea how happy I am to see you two!' She hugged them closer.
'WE'RE happy to see you!' Wind sighed happily, resting his head in her shoulder, both him and Hyrule hugging her as tightly as she was hugging them.
Just having her in their arms was a blessing they treasured so much.
'Where have you been? How did you escape?' She sighed and shook her head.
'I'd rather tell it one time.' She looked around.
'Please tell me the others are near by?' She whispered, absolutely exhausted and didn't want to deal with any more drama.
'Well...no. They are looking for you in town. We snuck into the guest wing to look for you.' Hyrule answered apologetically, heart clenching when she sniffled.
Wind frowned for a moment before he gasped in excitement.
'I'll rally them up!' Hyrule and (y/n) looked at him in confusion as he reached into his pouch.
'Wild has the slate! And if he has the slate-' he pulls out what he was searching for.
'Then we can reach him with this!' (y/n) tilted her head.
'A...stone?' Wind grinned at them, the pirate's charm dangling from his fingers.
'A COMMUNICATION stone!' (y/n) gasped in delight and gave Wind another hug.
'Call him! Call him!' Wind laughed and activated the stone.
'Um, I've been meaning to ask...' Hyrule quietly said to (y/n) who looked at him innocently. '...About your..outfit...'
Wind ignored them for a brief moment as Wild's tired voice came from the pirate's charm.
'What is it sailor?'
'Guess who me and Hyrule found!' Wind grinned as he heard gasps.
'You found her?! Is she safe?!'
'They found her?!'
'She's okay! We're by the-'
Wind turned his head so fast, he winced at the pop he felt, the loud yells coming from his charm filling the air.
'WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU GUYS?!!' (y/n) winced as she realized the panic she just caused
He couldn't help it, Wind laughed, soft and just a little hysterical.
Of course an insect had to pop up when they let their guard down.
'Where is she.'
'Sir, we have our men searching for her this very moment.'
'I want her found by TONIGHT, the wedding will go as planned.'
'Of course sir!' The Grand Duke scowled as his guard walked off.
He is so close to raising his status.just another day and he would have been on top of the social world. He sneered, like a child, storming down the halls of the guest wing.
'Should have simply left with her when I had the chance.' He ran a gloved hand down his face.
To think he had one of the heroes of legend in his grasp only for her to have slipped through his fingers.
He'll have to make sure to teach her a lesson.
'Sir!' He sighed irritably, turning to see another one of his guard approaching him.
'What is it? Did you find her?' The guard looked nervous.
'Sir, Princess Zelda is requesting your presence in the throne room at once.' The Grand Duke tensed and stared at the guard.
'Are you sure?' The guardsman nodded, stepping back when the Duke growled.
'Of all the times...' He looked back at the guardsman. 'Continue looking for the girl.'
After the guardsman nodded, he decided to get it over with and headed to the throne rooms.
'Grand Duke, thank you for coming at such a short notice.'
'Your Highness.' The Grand Duke bowed to her, as he rose he noticed the nine gentlemen standing to either side of her.
The heroes of legend.
The Grand Dukes greed brought to mind the rise in his status at what might be a possible meeting with the legendary nine.
He was to arrogant to realize the cold looks he was receiving from them.
She smiled, nodding in greeting. 'I apologize for disturbing your day Grand Duke, I understand how frustrating it can be, but I heard of a strange rumor recently and I had hoped you would clarify it for me?'
'Please rest assured Princess, I will do all that I can to assist you.' He said, smiling openly, the perfect gentleman.
'Splendid. Now,' She dropped the smile. 'Did you conspire to abduct the heroes' companion and force her to wed you?'
The Grand Duke froze, paling as the question registered in his head.
'Ah. Before I continue, allow me to properly introduce the gentleman before me-'
'There is no need your Highness,' calmly interrupted Time, coldly gazing down at the nervous Nobleman. 'He is as aware of our identities as we are aware of his.'
'And you seem to be very aware of the identity of our most dearest companion.' Legend hissed from his place next to Time, glaring daggers at the unsettled man.
The Grand Duke's expression twisted into fear, anger, and panic.
His hands clenched into fists at his sides as he cleared his throat. 'I'm sure I don't know what you're speaking of.' He calmly answered.
'Perhaps a misunde-'
' A misunderstanding? I'm sure.' Warriors scoffed, looking at Zelda with a raised eyebrow.
She sighed "Lets not fool ourselves here, we all know what this is about.' She stared sternly at him. 'You abducted the young woman known as (y/n) and were conspiring to wed her for...status?'
'She isn't very happy about being kidnapped.' Wild said casually, as if he was not wishing he could jam a bomb down the Grand Duke's throat and detonate it.
It seemed the arrogant man could barely handle being talked down in such a way. His clenched fists trembled in anger.
'I will not allow such accusations to be made against my person!' He looked at Zelda, face flushed in anger.
'If you believe that our kingdoms will be allied after this, I assure you that-'
'If your kingdom is full of noblemen like you, than Hyrule would benefit by NOT allying with you.' Warriors interjected, ignoring Zelda's stern look towards him, looking down his nose at him.
'You have no proof!' Warriors sighed and nodded.
'I suppose I don't.' He was silent until the Duke looked smug before he matched his expression with one of his own, pointing behind the Duke.
'But she's proof enough.'
'Oh, so I'm demoted to proof now, am I?'
The Duke went rigid, his mouth snapping shut on the words just spoken as he slowly turned his head-.
An dispassionate look directed right at him.
'Apologies my Angel.' Warriors smiled softly at her. 'No insult meant.'
'Hmm.' She raised an eyebrow, a brief glance at Warriors before looking at the Grand Duke.
'(y/n) I ask for complete honesty.' Zelda commands. 'Was the Grand Duke the man behind your abduction with intention to force you to wed him?' (y/n) nodded.
'Yes your Highness.' Zelda closed her eyes and sighed.
'Very well, I will arrange for his departure tonight.' The Grand Duke's face a unique combination of red and enraged yet also paling.
'T-This will not stand! When my king hears of this-.'
'We have already sent your king the information of your crimes.' The princess proclaimed to the unsteady nobleman.
'You are no longer welcomed within the borders of Hyrule Kingdom and are henceforth outlawed from ever returning. Impa shall escort you to the guest wing to retrieve your belongings.'
Zelda then turned and strode away, but not before sending an apologetic glance at Warriors.
He simply returned her look with a blank one.
(y/n) walked passed the royal knights that now surrounded Grand Duke and made her way to the group.
'I'm so glad you guys found me.' She said with relief in her voice.
'You ended up saving yourself dear.' Time chuckled, reaching up and cupping her cheek. 'And we were panicking like we lost our minds.'
'I was panicking when Wind and Hyrule popped up.' She admitted. 'Trust me, I was so happy and relieved to be found by you guys.'
'We'll always find you (y/n)!' Wind chirped, wrapping his arms around her waist, causing her to giggle.
'Well I guess it has it's uses.' She clapped her hands.
'I'm hungry and demand all the cuddles! I hated this week!' Wild was already pulling out his slate and looking through his inventory.
'I'll make a meal that'll taste so good, you'll forget this week ever happened!' (y/n) grinned in delight.
'That's what I want to hear!'
The Chain surround her as they guided her out of the throne room, the angry cries of the Grand Duke not worth notice.
Yet two members of the group lingered behind.
And they were eyeing the fuming nobleman with calculating eyes.
'We could have been a bit more...hands on with his punishment... ya know that don't you old man...?' Wind commented, his treasured wind waker in one hand.
'As enjoyable as it would be, I don't want to spend a moment longer away from Her.' Wind sighed but nodded in agreement , crossing his arms, tapping his wind waker against his chin.
'So the storm will kill him?' Time nodded, inspecting his Ocarina casually.
'I have more than enough magic to conjure one strong enough.'
'You've already had Wild damage parts of the ship correct?' Wind nodded. 'Than once I summon the storm, make sure the winds finish the job.'
Wind hummed. 'Kay.'
They both looked at the shrinking form of the dead man walking.
'Ugh, I hate bugs.' Wind huffed, a disgusted look on his face.
Time stared at the Duke until he could not see him no more.
'Hm..So do I...'
That night, the group of nine celebrated the return of their most beloved member, lavishing her with their affection and as she requested, all the cuddles she asked for.
(That night, reports were received by two kingdoms that notes a vicious storm appeared as the Grand Duke's ship sailed beyond the Hyrulian sea borders. Destroying the ship beyond recognition. There were no survivors.)
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The Bet (Bakugou x reader)
Pairing: Bakugou x female reader Word count: 2,653 Warnings: 18+, orgasm denial, over stimulation Notes: An excellent idea I had one day. I was originally going to send this idea in an ask to @lady-bakuhoe (especially since the idea came from something she said once), but I never got around to it and then realized I could write it for Bakugou’s birthday bash. I hope this is good, this is my second 18+ fic and the first one to actually have vaginal penetration, so I hope I did it justice.
"Bakugou's hot, but he's probably terrible at sex," you said to a friend once.
You were in your workshop. And your friend was free and decided to come around. She was an old classmate from U.A.’s support course. You rarely saw each other since graduating. But whenever you did see her, it was always an enjoyable experience. So it was decided that you would catch up while you were working.
The conversation somehow led to the point where she started pondering how the pro heroes could do the deed. Of course, she mainly mentioned the popular ones. Which led her to mention Bakugou.
"What was that!?" Bakugou came barreling into the room. A vein bulging from his forehead.
Perhaps it would have been best if you remembered that you were finishing up a project for Bakugou. And that he was in the next room waiting for it to be done. You didn’t know him well the first two years in U.A., but the last year you were given the task of inventing something for him. Ever since then, you had taken more jobs for him and became friends of a sort.
It was too late to take your words back now, and you just had to roll with it. Plus, it was the truth.
"I said you'd be terrible at sex."
"No, I'm not!"
"Yes, you could be! How do you know? Last I checked, you still had your v-card."
"Does he really?" Your friend asked, her emotions a combination of shock and amusement.
"Yeah." You laughed.
"Shut up! I'd be the best at it, and you know it!"
"No, I bet you wouldn’t."
"I bet would!"
"Prove it!"
"Fine! Let's settle this right now!"
His words catch you off guard, but you aren't losing to him. "O-okay! As long as you're paying for the hotel room."
You and Bakugou left the room. You looking up a good place on your phone. And your friend sat there, wide eyed, with her mouth gaping.
It went how you expected.
You asked for a room, after having Bakugou’s promise that he'd pay you back. You texted him the room number so he could sneak in from the back without being noticed. Lord knew the media internet would go crazy if they saw pro-hero Dynamite enter a hotel room with some girl. Especially if anyone happened to notice condoms in his pocket. You also made sure to text your friend later and make her promise not to tell anyone.
He was very clearly inexperienced. Jackhammering into you, not even pay attention to your clit. Eventually he did remember that you had to please the other person to be good at sex. But his attempts were clumsy.
You had to remind him to stay quiet several times when his growls got too loud. In an embarrassingly short amount of time, he came and struggled to hide his exhaustion. It ended there.
"See, you're terrible at it. Not even close to cumming." You told him. And with that, you left to go get your vibrator.
It was a while until you saw him again. You were called into another city for work, and was just getting back. And it just so happened that you were back when it was Bakugou’s birthday.
Kirishima and a few other classmates from his U.A. days arranged a party at his place, one you were doubtful that Bakugou had agreed to. You were invited, which surprised you, but you accepted. You did your best to converse, but it was difficult when you didn’t know most of them particularly well. You mostly hung around Bakugou.
As evening bled into night, people slowly began leaving. You hadn’t left yet because you, quite frankly, had nothing better to do. Though, you thought it would be nice if you could catch up with Bakugou alone.
The conversation was fairly mundane. Work, news. At least both of your workplaces were fairly interesting. He had the usual angry bite to his voice, but you expected it of him at this point. You were asking him about how the improvement you finished for him was working out, when he had a faraway look in his eyes. His cheeks had turned a red color. You asked him what he was thinking about.
"We still haven't settled our bet!" He said.
"Our bet! You said I was bad at sex!"
"This again? I thought we settled it. And, as I said, you were bad at it."
"No! That was just a fluke! We're gonna do it again!"
You let out a sigh. "Nothing's going to change. We already did it once and know the answer."
"You're just saying that because you're afraid you're going to lose." He pointed at you.
That was it.
"No," you glared, "I'm not."
"Then what's stopping you!?"
"Nothing!" You stood up. "Where’s the bedroom?"
With a smirk, he pointed with his thumb.
How did you get yourself into this? Well, you said you didn’t have anything better to do.
You confidently strode over to the bed. Throwing the bottom half of your clothes off, you got onto the mattress and waited. He wasted no time in undoing his belt with a quick jingle, and climbed over you. You felt the bed dip under your combined weight as he ran a finger against your folds.
He pushed one finger into your hole. Last time he had just tried to shove his length in, which is why his new behavior confused you. Though you didn’t dwell on it. Your tight walls clamped down on his finger as he added a second one. You hissed at the stretch. He shoved them in and out of you, knuckles deep. His fingers brushed against your sensitive spot. You bit your lip in an attempt to not buck into his fingers.
"Everything alright?"
The words alone would have made you believe he was genuinely concerned. But you saw his face, his smirk. His words dripped with sarcasm.
"Yeah, of course. Just waiting for you to actually be good at this," you retorted.
Your comment didn’t seem to have any effect on his ego. He twisted his digits around, until they brushed against a spot that almost made you lose your composure.
You hoped he didn't notice, but he must have, because he applied more pressure to it. The sheets bunched up in your hands as you grasped at anything to stop the moan that threatened to escape from your throat.
Your breaths became labored and inconsistent. To your embarrassment, you could hear the wet slide of his finger that came out only to hit the spot once more. A pressure built up inside of you, begging to be released the more intense it became.
A long whine escaped from you, still heard even with your mouth closed. Your thoughts blurred. You were close. You tried to resist at first, but was slowly surrendering.
Almost as soon as you had come to accept it, it stopped. Your heart rate quickened as if facing a fatal misfortune.
"What? You weren’t going to cum if I'm bad at sex, right? Or do you want to be wrong?"
No. Your pride was on the line and you weren’t losing.
He got on top of you. You sunk further into the mattress with his arms caging you in. You could smell yourself on his fingers. He tugged down his pants and boxers, finally releasing his cock from its confines.
You pursed your lips at seeing how large it was. You didn’t think you'd see it again after the first time. The blond ripped a condom out of the crinkling plastic and put it on.
He ran the tip along your slit. It pushed against your clit. You grasped the covers and bit your lip to conceal a whine. Collecting your arousal. This was different from last time. He just stuck it in.
He was taking so long to just stick it in! Your hole clenched around nothing in anticipation. It was almost like he was being slow on purpose. Making you desperate for him after you challenged him.
You must have accidentally shown some of your frustration on your face. He leaned in with a smirk. His breath fanning your warm face as his tip pushed even harder against your sensitive bud. You let out a gasp.
"What's wrong, princess?" He said mockingly. Enjoying your pain. God, you wished you could punch him.
"Nothing, just wonder when y--" he suddenly pushed into you, not even letting you finish.
Your mouth gaped open and eyes widened, feeling him invade your pussy. His smirk grew and he repositioned himself. His mouth was at your neck. You could feel his sharp breaths on you.
"You can't handle my cock when I haven't even moved yet?" His growls vibrated against your skin. "Need me to stay still even longer?"
You couldn't let him win. You were never going to give him that satisfaction. "No," you lied.
You regretted it immediately. His length started pistoning in and out of you. So fast you almost lost yourself.
His hips slightly adjusted their thrusts. Confusion began to show on your face until it twisted back into shocked pleasure when he hit that perfect spot. You couldn’t stop a moan from tumbling out of your mouth. That little ba-
"Ah-hh!" He kept hitting it at an unforgiving pace.
“Heh. You’re enjoying it this much already?”
“No--” you were cut off by a moan escaping your throat. “God, right there.”
You could feel him grin as he began biting your neck. Licking, and teasing where you were most sensitive. All the while, he moved a hand down to your neglected clit. He rubbed circular motions into it. A small moan tumbled out of you.
You could feel it, a heat intensifying again. A lot faster after being edged the first time. It was coming. You were going to cum. You didn’t want to give him the satisfaction, but you were so close.
He must have been able to tell. Because he slowed. Oh, he slowed to a painful pace. Your eyes went wide in panic.
"What are you doing?! Why did you--?" One quick thrust interrupted you before slowing again. You were hating this new habit of his.
"Nothing. Just not letting you cum until you beg for it. So beg."
You shook your head. You were dripping. Your primal instincts screaming at you. But you had enough wits about you to not sacrifice your dignity.
He shrugged, the slightest bit of irritation in his face. "Suit yourself."
He continued at the same, slow, painful pace. You withheld a whine of quickly losing the promise of a release. Gradually he began going faster. Consistent, quick claps filled the room once more. You twisted the soft sheets in your hand. Trying to hide how quickly the pressure was built up again.
He was making an absolute mess out of your pussy and of you.
“What’s wrong? I thought you wanted to get fucked real good.” His pace was relentless. Words couldn’t even form in your head from the overstimulation.
Almost there. Almost- then any sort of stimulation stopped again.
You felt like crying. No, you were crying. Desperate to meet your end. Your attempts to be subtle while helpless grinding on his cock was pathetic. And you knew it.
He let you fall from your high, only to build you back up again. Your body writhing, feeling every cell in your body overheating.
"What's wrong? Need me to make you feel good? Need me to finish you off? That's right! You need me right now. Me and my cock."
Your mind was too clouded to even create a witty response. He wasn't this good last time! What happened?
Your eyes went wide at this realization. "How are you--?"
"I did my research."
"I thought Midoriya was the only one who would- ah-h!"
"Don't," he gave an extra hard thrust, hitting your cervix, "say his name. I should be," he pounded into you at every word like a punctuation, "the only person you can even think of right now."
You frantically nodded, completely forgetting about the competition you had made this out to be.
A strong arm wrapped around you, holding you against him. He grinned while staring at your face, contorting in pleasure.
You let out a long whine, combined with a sob. "Please," you said, forgetting everything. Screw your dignity and pride. You couldn’t take this anymore.
"Please what?" He teased, savoring the victory on his tongue.
"Please," you mindlessly babbled. Tears rolled down your face as your resolve shattered, "please let me cum. Please. Please. Please."
"Well, all you had to do was ask." He hit the perfect spot in you. Over and over again, while rolling your clit between his fingers.
Almost instantly, it all returned and you felt yourself gushing all over him. Relief and euphoria flooding through you. He kept thrusting into you during your orgasm, making your brain spark and sputter.
As you started to come down from your high, was when he came undone. He grunted and gave one shove to the hilt, creating a large wet slap.
He slumped over somewhat, having lost his rigid energy from before. He pulled out of you. Your own liquid running out and making your skin sensitive to the air. Your breaths were still deep. You tried to pull yourself together as quickly as you could and started to sit up.
"No way, sister." He pushed you back down by your shoulders. He threw the used condom to the side and put a new one on in a fluid motion. He was already hard again… "We're not done yet."
He pushed calculated thrusts into your sopping pussy. Continuing at a pace only a hero could so short after cummimg. His strong hands clamped down on your hip, letting him roll into you more easily. Constant pressure to your g-spot made your eyelids flutter.
It built up and snapped all over again. You moaned out gibberish deliriously. Waves of pleasure washing over you becoming harder to stand.
He showed no sign of stopping. Angling himself to ram into that spot mercilessly. He adjusts his hand to allow his thumb access to your clit. He lifted up your shirt and bra and leaned down to lick and nibble at your breasts. You tried to pull away, the overstimulation being too much, but he held you down.
Your eyes rolled into the back of your head. Body heating up so much you thought you would catch fire. He shoved you over the edge once again. And again. Reminding you of a computer stalling, only to perform the action you wanted far too many times.
His face was twisted in a determined concentration before it finally relaxed in a groan. Finally he came again. He let out a long sigh before letting himself fall on the bed next to you, sweat glistening on his toned body.
You both lay there. Recovering your energy, trying not to give into exhaustion demands to fall asleep. Apparently it took more out of him than he let on. You tried to ignore how wet you felt.
You breathed heavily. Trying to catch your breath. "That was… better."
"Better? Do you know how many times you came?"
"Yeah. But, just," you took a deep breath every word, "not sure. I would have to try again, to really know. It could have been a fluke." You were too tired to even acknowledge your pathetic argument.
"There’s no way it could have been a fluke!"
"It was the last time, according to you. Why can't it be one again." Trying to remember you schedule was getting easier as you came down, but was still hard. "I'm busy tomorrow. Next week?"
"Three days from now."
But you would only have to wait for two.
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i-cant-sing · 3 years
hi!! can i request a platonic yandere erasermic with a student reader??
Platonic Yandere! Erasermic:
Thanks for requesting! I love yandere Erasermic so much 😤😤 👊
Check out my MASTERLIST for more!
Platonic Yandere! Erasermic:
The BEST platonic yandere couple to have!
You're a student at UA, part of class 1A. You're Aizawa's favourite student. You're just so polite and so sweet. Always so eager to learn and try out new things. And even the class would notice his special treatment of you. "You forgot to do your homework? Hmm, alright you can submit it to me tomorrow. Denki you forgot to bring your homework? Go run 5 laps right now."
Hizashi would often hear about you from his husband. You sounded like a good kid. But he really became interested you when you came looking for Aizawa in the staff room, but you found him instead. Hizashi started talking to you, really just rambling about the most random things. He was expecting you to just leave and go look for Aizawa, but he was pleasantly surprised when you started talking to him too, easily carrying the conversation. Your eyes would light up when you were talking to him. And since then, you would always give him your complete, undivided attention whenever you guys spoke, no matter what the topic was. You'd sometimes be rambling, and then suddenly forget what you were talking about. It was just so cute!
Gradually, these two would become obsessed with their favourite student. They'd also become very protective of you. When it was time to choose an internship, Aizawa rejected all offers from different agencies on your behalf, lying to you that you didn't get any offers. And then you'd become so sad, near tears and then Aizawa would offer to train you himself, that he sees potential in you. Of course you'd accept, you'd get to train with Eraserhead, a rare opportunity!
When you'd be training with Aizawa, he'd go easy on you, but he'd still give you great tips on how to improve yourself and control your quirk. You still haven't been able to beat him once though. Since you'd be around Aizawa a lot, you'd also meet his partner, Hizashi, often. And since you would accompany Aizawa on his late night patrols, you'd have dinner (made by Hizashi, who's more than happy to cook for you) with them at their place a lot, and it always ended up with them offering you stay the night, and you sometimes did.
Their obsession love would continue to grow the more you spent time with them. And then one night, the couple would be discussing about expanding their family, and then they both knew it, right then and there. Its you. You'd be the perfect addition to their family, the perfect child! You're so kind, soft spoken. Outgoing yet shy and reserved when meeting new people. But you're just so naive, too innocent for your own good. And they've both seen the ugliness of the world, the worst in the people. They cannot afford to just stand by idly and risk you getting tainted by this filth.
It was decided that night that you had to become a part of their family. They'll make your parents disappear, they have both the money and the skills to do it. Maybe they'll say that your family was taken or killed by some villians, or better yet, they were caught doing something illegal. But don't worry, you can stay with them for as long as you want. When you try to refuse, that you can stay with a relative, they'll tell you that it's for your own safety. They don't want the villians to complete their unfinished business. Plus, they are more than capable of taking care you, and since you didn't want to risk another family member's life, you agreed.
You'll be having the best time of your life. They'll spoil the hell out of you, Hizashi especially. Aizawa does too, but he's just more protective of you.
Hizashi is a great cook! He'd learn to make your favourite dish too. And if you like something from a restaurant, he'll take it as a challenge and try to replicate the dish, or make a better one! At school, all 3 of you would sometimes have lunch together, you always bringing Aizawa's lunchbox along too, since he often forgets it. If you try to cook a dish for them, they'll treat it like its a Michelin star dish!
Aizawa would be the more protective one, always the harder one to convince to let you go out with your friends, especially at night. Hizashi would always convince him in the end, they're gonna follow you anyways so why stop you? Aizawa's a bit possessive too. He doesn't like it when you talk about other pro heroes, you're his little girl, you should be looking upto him. He won't say anything about it though.
Hizashi would love to just talk to you; you guys would often gossip. Oh and you always go to him for any fashion advice. Since he also has long hair that he styles up a lot, he can do your hair too! Just show him a picture of what you want, and he'll style hair exactly like it. Aizawa likes to do your hair too sometimes, but he only knows how to put it in a simple braid.
They're will be a lot fun activities for you to do with them. You can be having karaoke nights with Hizashi, Aizawa watching you guys with just pure adoration in hie eyes. You can play video games with Aizawa, which he is scary good at, especially at Among us. Family game nights are a must!
If you have any other hobbies or passions, you'll have 2 dads, cheering for you. They'll get you the best supplies available. If you win an award, any award, no matter how small, they'll tell you how proud they are and put your achievements either on the fridge or somewhere where everyone can see it.
Of the two, Aizawa would be the to quickly pick up on your mood. He knows when you're lying, when you're sad, or when you've just had a bad day at school. Hizashi would notice too, but it would be Aizawa who would know if you needed some space or if you needed to talk it out; they've always it clear to you that the latter option is always open.
Once they find out whats the reason you're feeling so down, they'll comfort you. You guys would often cuddle on the sofa as a funny movie played on the TV. Once you've gone to bed, they go and eliminate the cause of distress. Oh did you fail a test? Its okay, they'll tutor you personally. Oh did your favourite character die? Cry it out sweetie and let's go buy some of the character's merchandise . Oh did someone confess their feelings to you and you don't know what to do? Don't worry, he's taken care of.
Dating isn't an option. They'll be quick to reject him/her, listing reasons to you exactly why they're not good for you. Of course, nobody deserves their baby. But if you do go against their wishes, and still get an s/o in secret, they'll find about it. If they're thinking about how to separate you guys, and you walk in all heartbroken because your s/o broke up with you, with no persuasion from the couple; on the inside they'll be both glad and mad. Hizashi will be comforting you, cooing sweet nothings in your ear, while Aizawa would be standing with a "I warned you" look on his face at first but then he sees your red, teary face, your lips wobbling, your eyes full of pools of tears, and immediately his stern exterior would melt and he'll gather you in his arms and let you cry into his chest, while his mind will go to "MURDER". You're their sweet girl, their precious little baby. How dare someone play with your feelings like that. Your ex better sleep with one eye open.
If you do somehow find about what really happened to your parents, and you try to run away from them, not only will they have you back in their arms within the hour, they'll take you somewhere countryside. Its always been noisy in the city anyway. They'll try to explain to you, that they really just did all of this to protect you and that it should show how much they love you and care about you. No physical punishment will ever meet you. No, they can't bear the thought of hurting you! They'll use manipulation to control you, and they are master manipulators. They do so much for you, aren't they enough?
Just be happy they still allow you to roam around the countryside, and not had you locked up in your room. School would be off the table for a while, as will any connection to your friends. Its about time they all had a family vacation anyway.
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I'd let Erasermic adopt me in a heartbeat, ngl. 👊 Anyways, hope you guys enjoyed this! Requests are OPEN. :)
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g4rous · 3 years
Sunlit memories (Garou x Reader)
tags: fem! Reader, no warnings lol, this is just the first chapter a.k.a the introduction
words: 1.1k
notes: ok so this is the first chapter of the series that I plan to write, so pls feel free to give me some feedback on this and whether you like it and should I continue :'0 💕 Thanks a lot for any kind of support ee 💗
series masterlist
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Chapter one
Playful footsteps scattered across the freshly-cut grass, followed by a few equally spirited barks. Whether the small chocolate-colored dog was chasing the ball or the children lay undetermined, nonetheless they all seemed amused. A mother stood next to the gleeful dog owner, both exchanging chuckles and commenting on how adorable the sight in front of them is. Above them dozens of birds filled the air with a familiar amicable tune, as if the soothing music coming from a nearby café wasn’t enough. The park was never lonely, yet so pleasant at the same time. All those chirps, chatters and noises were like an extra spark, and frankly it’d be rather uncanny if it weren’t for them and the pastel sky above, radiant with soft hues. Cases where belligerent monsters ruined the harmony were rare, although enough to cause one to succumb to unease. Be that as it may, people always push through it and find a reason to enjoy the now sunlit park.
Though, while it was interesting to observe the scenery it wasn’t quite what you were looking for. Fiddling with the pencil in your hand, you stared displeased at the blank page of your sketchbook.
“Why isn’t there anything interesting today?” you pondered, eyes impatiently shifting over the scenery.
Almost every day for the past few weeks you’ve been sitting at this very bench, looking out for something eye-catching to draw. It’s funny how you coincidentally came across your now daily go-to place, a surprisingly comfy wooden bench underneath two large oaks, their treetops creating enough shade for another twenty people. Luckily you had your own peace there without anyone bothering you.
“Hmm… Maybe I just don’t feel like drawing people?”
After a small sigh you leaned against your hand and looked up at the treetops. The sky turned golden already, painting the leaves in shades of olive and amber. Your eyes steadily trailed down to the path next to the old oaks, now noticing a small patch of lilies that with their vivid hues and delicate form drew you in almost immediately.
“Huh. Maybe I should just go for something simple and quick?”
Well, that was what you though right before something else caught your eye. Someone to be exact. A few meters away a rather peculiar-looking guy sat on a bench. He leaned against the bench leisurely while folding his arms, his tight black shirt complementing his muscular built. His gaze was relaxed, albeit alert, and his features were sharp. Sunlight peeked on his wild, silver hair, coloring it with subtle sandy hues almost matching with the golden in his eyes.
Now, if this didn’t give you inspiration then what did? And here you thought you’d be drawing those lilies. You sighed in content, stretching your arms for a few seconds before you got to work. Subtly glancing at his direction from time to time, you had already outlined the portrait. Though, truth be told, he had such a pretty face you were trying not to stare at one point.
“What are you doing?”
You didn’t even manage to let go of your pencil before an unknown voice jolted you out of your thoughts. Much to your bewilderment you looked up to see that same man now only half a meter away, glaring at you.
“Well shit.”
Should you apologize or straight up act like you weren’t just secretly drawing some random person? Or better yet, how the hell is that same person in front of you right now? You were embarrassed as much as you were confused and to make things worse the drawing wasn’t even in your sketchbook anymore.
“Are you a hero or something? I don’t remember seeing you anywhere.” the man asked, shifting his gaze from the drawing in his hand to you.
“Hey when did you take that?!” you finally spoke, an apology being far from your mind at the moment.
On one hand it could be legitimate since you didn’t ask for permission to draw him in the first place, but on the other… What kind of punk would just rip the piece out like that?
“If you’re some c-class dunce trying to gather info on me with this-“, he grinned, still analyzing the art piece “-you’re gonna be sorry pretty soon.”
“Dude I’m not a hero.”
“Wait, what?”
That threatening, cocky grin of his from a moment ago dissipated into thin air like it was nothing, but your confused expression on the other hand only grew bigger. Was he serious?
A soft shade of pink made its way to his face for a brief moment, to which you almost chuckled.
“So you’re seriously not a hero?”
“Um, no..?”
“Your luck.”
“Nothing.” He headed the opposite direction of you, drawing still in hand.
“Ahh so… can I get that back now please?” you walked behind him, surprised he’s oh so casually trying to leave the scene after such odd behavior.
“Nope, sorry.”
“Aw what, why??”
“Let’s just say it isn’t convenient for me at the moment to have that lying around wherever,” he put both hands in his pockets, “plus I didn’t say you could draw me did I?”
Now your face turned red in embarrassment again. He was right… Though, you still couldn’t help but wonder who this strange guy is. While tearing that drawing out of your valued sketchbook didn’t make for the best first impression, his demeanor wasn’t really belligerent either.
“Ah, sorry about that… However I must say it wasn't polite to take the drawing away like that either.”
His eyes slightly widened in embarrassment before turning away his face again.
"Don't worry about it though," you smiled for a moment, "I guess it was just a weird misunderstanding or something."
Your eyes shifted on the path you were walking on, already dim because of the now darker sky, “if I may ask, is someone like… searching for you or something?”
“Doesn’t matter,” he glanced back at you, “why are you still following me anyway!? Just go home it’s getting dark.”
“Well, this is the way I take in order to get back home so you can’t really complain,” you smiled to his mild annoyance.
The night sky engulfed the city by now, leaving behind a tranquil atmosphere. Nonetheless, compared to the center of the city, your street wasn’t as bustling. Light shone from the surrounding apartments and lamp posts, and the only sounds present were from the neighbors’ TV’s or the occasional car passing by, much in contrast with the city’s center and night life.
You didn’t ask many more questions as you walked, despite the faint haze in your mind. The man obviously wasn’t too chatty, yet alone keen on sharing any personal details. Be as it may, much to your surprise what you thought would be an awkward walk was actually somewhat refreshing. Hell, you even let out a laugh or two together. Who would’ve thought the on-first-glance intimidating teen is pleasant to be around? Or, well, at least you thought of it like that. In any case way better than walking through those dark alleys alone.
next chapter
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getouswh0re · 3 years
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pairing: kirishima eijirou x reader
genre: yandere, unhealthy relationships, gaslighting, peer pressure, blackmailing, mentions of school bullying, power play
synopsis: all you want is a peaceful languid life free of trouble, yet everything spirals downhill when a certain redhead wanders into your life out of nowhere. Worst of all, he isn’t planning to leave you for good.
“What is it that you want to ask me, Kirishima?” The spiky redhead sucks in a deep breath, feeling the rhythmic thrumming of his heart rising to a crescendo as he shoots a nervous glance at a nearby bush where his squad is hiding. It is going to be alright, he reminds himself. You have practiced the confession with Sero and Kaminari over and over again, all that’s left is for you to say the exact words in front of y/n again!
“I ... I know we have only been friends for a short while y/n, but I really like you! And I was thinking if there would be a chance for the two of us to try things out. Please ... please be my girlfriend! I promise I’ll make you the happiest person on the entire planet!”
For a while, silence dominates the air, leaving you shell-shocked and an extremely flustered Kirishima who turns his head away, refusing to stare at you in the eye. He cognises that this confession must’ve given you quite a bit of shock, yet he is willing to wait for you to reciprocate his feelings no matter how long it takes. Squeezing his eyes shut as he clasps his palms together, the redhead feels like he is waiting for your reply — akin to an answer from the heavens. Not until you open your mouth and what seems like an iridescent future for him has reduced to dust.
“I’m sorry Kiri ... I like you too, but I don’t think of you romantically.”
It takes you forever to muster up the courage you need to politely reject the bubbly redhead; and in all honesty, you can already feel your conscience berating you for doing so. Admittedly, Kirishima is a wonderful guy — with a bright personality, amazing quirk that would guarantee him a promising future in the hero industry. You, on the other hand, have a somewhat decent quirk as well; yet despite everyone around gushing about how great it would be for you to become a hero, your resolve towards being one isn’t as strong as your fellow classmates in UA. And you don’t want your thoughts to affect the other students in striving towards their ultimate goal. 
Including Kirishima Eijirou.
“... why?” Pangs of guilt shoot through your heart when you hears the redhead choking back sobs. “Why can’t we give one another a chance to work things out? Am ... am I not good enough? Did I annoy you? Or do you hate my hair? I — I can dye it whatever colour you want! Just to make you happy ...” 
“It’s not like that Kiri.” You place a hand on his hunched shoulders, attempting to cheer up his dejected spirit. 
“You are not annoying, nor did your behaviour put me off. You are a really nice guy to be honest, and you deserve a lot more. I’m not like you or the others ... I just want to live a normal life, and I don’t want my mentality of not being a hero to affect the rest of you who work so hard to reach for the stars. Plus, I’m sure you’ll meet a lot more amazing people like you out there once you become a professional hero ... and perhaps, you’ll find someone more deserving of your kindness and love. I wish for your happiness Kiri ... may you have the best of things coming your way in life.” 
With that, you spill out apologies one after the other, leaving the heartbroken hero-in-training behind. 
Never would you have imagined that the act of turning down Kirishima’s confession eventually bites back at you like karma. 
Soon after the incident happens, words about how you reject the redhead has spread its way around the school like wildfire. Within the span of a day, you’ve become the number one gossip of the campus; wherever you go, dozens of eyes would trail after you as if they are lurking predators and you being the prey.
Many shoot you harsh dirty looks, raising their voices every time you saunter through the corridor about what an ungrateful, insolent bitch you are to break poor Kirishima’s heart into shambles. 
Insults are thrown your way, slips of paper filled with harsh messages flood your locker; and once in a while, some students would purposely stand in your way, intentionally bumping their shoulders into yours and shoving you out of the way. Even your own classmates from class A whom you’ve gone through thick and thin with side with the disconsolate male, muttering about how all of this would’ve been avoidable if you’d simply said ‘yes’. 
School has become an absolute nightmare for you for the next couple of weeks; and to make matters worse, the school authority doesn’t do much to alleviate the situation, merely giving verbal warnings about how bullying on school grounds is unacceptable before moving on with settling their own matters. You’ve tried to ignore everything that happens in school, you really did. Yet with the weight of it all come crushing down upon your shoulders, you eventually find yourself teetering on the brink of suffering from a mental breakdown. 
For countless nights you would cry yourself to sleep, burying yourself beneath layers of blankets in order to forget about the pain. Still, it does nothing to alleviate your suffering and you wake up to find the dark circles under your eyes growing bigger with each passing day. The vicious cycle continues, with you trapped in the centre of it. Perhaps this is your punishment after all — your consequence for hurting a fellow classmate who is loved by everyone. 
And maybe it’s about time you fix your mistakes before it is too late. 
“Kiri ...” You bow deeply as an apology at the surprised redhead when you manage to drag him out of the classroom during break time under the prying eyes of everyone poking their heads out from the corridor, brushing aside the mean comments reverberating in the air. 
“I’ve been thinking about it ... and I realise I’m wrong. Maybe I was too quick to jump to conclusions, maybe it wouldn’t hurt to give things a try. I’m ... I’m sorry for hurting your feelings, and yes. Let’s give this relationship a try, shall we?” 
Oddly enough, the bullying vanishes into thin air once words are spread around the school that the two of you are dating. 
Being in a relationship with the boisterous redhead isn’t as bad as you had imagined, but you wish there is something you could do to get yourself out of this mess. Kirishima isn’t a terrible lover at all; he has been nothing but loving, kind and openly affectionate with you at all times. You would’ve regarded him as the perfect partner for life — if not the fact that he pries a bit too much about your personal space and social circle, making you utterly uncomfortable. 
You totally understand his intentions, albeit thinking that it would’ve been better if he knows not to cross certain boundaries. Regardless, every time you try to bring the subject up, Kirishima would invariably find a way to divert the topic of discussion. Still, you need to make sure he understands the message; and so comes a certain night, when you decide to sit down and settle matters with your boyfriend. 
“Eijirou, we ... we need to talk.” 
“What do you want to talk about babe?” 
“I ... I think I need a break — for this relationship I mean.” Hearing that, the redhead’s smile falters. 
“Why? I ... I thought everything was going perfectly! You’re happy, I’m happy. Isn’t that good enough for you?” 
With tears squeezed forth from the pro hero’s waterline, he lunges forth to grab at your arms, nails digging a bit deeper into your skin than a normal lover should. Despite wincing at the pain, you shift your gaze away from your crying boyfriend, reminding yourself of the inordinate number of occurrences that Kirishima has guilt-tripped you into pushing your boundaries. Seeing the unfazed expression on your face only makes chagrin seethe in the redhead’s chest even more. You love him just as much as he loves you, right? Why would you go to such lengths to destroy everything? Why would you risk all that there is to tear yourself away from his life? 
“Tell me babe ...” The rawness laced in his voice is more than evident to drive your frozen heart on the verge of breaking, his unanswered pleas coming out as a broken record. “Do you hate me that much ... that you want to leave?” 
Taking your silent nodding as a yes, Kirishima’s chest aches more than ever. Being a professional hero is never easy; the weight upon his shoulders increases excruciatingly as he steadily climbs up the ranks. Together with shouldering the guilt of the lives he once failed to save, the suffocation is immense. You are his elixir, his solace every time he returns home battered and utterly drained day after day of repetitive villain fighting. Your presence is all that it takes to save him, and he has become a hero — your hero. He has dedicated his all to protect the city.
So why couldn’t you just do the same for the sake of his sanity? 
“... I understand.” Pulling himself out of his pensive mindset, the redhead finally compromises. “But I have one last request: there would be a hero gala this Friday, and all I want is for the two of us to go as a couple for one last time before this relationship ends. Would ... would that be fine with you?” 
You agree without hesitation, relief surging through you as if a weight has been lifted off your chest. Your wishes have finally been answered, and freedom is just within arm’s reach. 
Or so you thought. 
You hate him for putting you in the limelight. 
Still, you are to blame as well. Perhaps you shouldn’t have been so gullible in the first place, believing that Kirishima Eijirou is a man of his world. 
Staring at yourself in the mirror, a wry grin adorns your face as a team of makeup artists and hair stylists prepares you for the grand wedding, gushing about how lucky you are to charm your way into the chivalrous redhead’s heart and the privilege for you to be his one and only blushing bride (except that all of this is out of your own will — more like enforced onto you). Despite being dressed in the most elegant wedding gown you’ve ever seen and having your features accentuated with powdery makeup, you don’t feel elated to the slightest. Most girls would be thrilled on their wedding days, yet you couldn’t even bring yourself to smile. 
If you had unveiled Kirishima’s lies, would all of these happen in the first place? 
“Everyone ... there is something I would like to announce.” Having said that, the hero gives your hand a gentle squeeze whilst the two of you walk onto the podium situated at the centre of the banquet hall where the gala is held. Thinking that the redhead is about to reveal the breakup to the others, you don’t have much on your mind at that particular moment — that is. 
Not until the entire outcome of the jamboree changes completely when Kirishima gets to his knees without warning and pulls out a shimmering diamond ring before you even get to scream at him about what the fuck is going on. 
“y/n ...” Deceptively adoring eyes that make your stomach churn bore into the depths of your betrayed ones as the redhead shamelessly plays his trickster part well, ignoring your hushed protests while he pulls off an elaborate performance in front of the party guests, his sinister intentions masked beneath the innocent smile and corny confession of love. 
“For as long as I could remember, we have been with each other through highs and lows. You are everything to me and I wish I could cherish this bond for a lifetime ... would you make me the happiest man on earth — and marry me?” 
That son of a bitch —
Following that, claps and cheers resonate in the expanse of the arena, overshadowing the choked sobs ripped from none other than your throat. You should’ve expected this, for a lovesick bastard like Kirishima to resort to such abject measures when he runs out of options to make you stay by his side, forcing you to accept his proposal under the pressure of the gathering crowd. 
You hate him.
You despise him more than anyone else. That said, it isn’t like you have a choice to get yourself out of this predicament; and with a heavy heart, you could only follow along the scripted play, feigning tears of joy as you reluctantly mumble your response. A cheeky smile stretches across your fiancé’s face as he does what every engaged couple would do: slipping the ring onto your finger and showering you with kisses whilst surrounded by incessant blessings of fellow pro heroes and friends alike. 
“You look stunning today, love.” Catching a glimpse of slicked vermilion hair, you cannot think of an alternative response other than flashing the grinning groom a prominent scowl. “Now don’t give me a face like that. It’s our wedding day, we should be happy right —”
“Cut the bullshit.” You spit with raging fury, tears rolling down your face as you back away from your husband-to-be. “You’ve ruined my happiness and my future, yet you have the audacity to act like this? To be all smiles in front of me? I never want to be with you in the first place Kirishima Eijirou! Hell — I never want to date you!” 
Your words pierce his throbbing heart, but the redhead can’t care less. Taking a step closer at a time, he easily towers over you; tenderly caressing your stained cheeks, Kirishima gives his final warning. 
“Love, it’s my word over yours. Who do you think people would believe? An up-and-rising pro hero, or a civilian like you? Also, even if you manage to leave me, how long do you think you can sustain your own living out there? I wonder if anyone would hire you ... if I told them every bit of info I have on you —“
Pupil-blown and legs shaking, you fall limply beneath his intense stare. 
“You ... you wouldn’t dare!” 
“Oh yes I would.” Pressing a kiss to your forehead, Kirishima saunters out of the door. “Now ask your stylists to touch up on your makeup, wouldn’t want to look like a crying mess on your special day. Would you?” 
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cherryblossomtease · 3 years
Chapter 11
18 + only
warnings and summary - Masterlist
(I’m leaving my original notes up from when I thought this story was over! How naive 😆)
Just wanted to say thanks so much for the love! It means the world to me that anyone takes the time to read my stories no matter the platform or how I present them, each way is a little part of me sharing with the world (which can be so incredibly scary) but you all make it so much fun! Also, I'm working on a couple of other much shorter stories because I don't think I'll be over this damn Baron any time soon!
You're all amazing and thank you. Now please, go enjoy the last chapter!
** **
Bucky winces every time you’re struck. When you dig your fingers into the flesh and metal of his arms, he looks into your eyes like he can feel your pain. You realize then, that he will never do to you what Zemo does. Instead he will be your partner, supporting and praising in a way that complements Helmut’s dominance beautifully.
He’s on the bed again and you are holding onto him for dear life as you take the ten lashes the Baron has decided you need for telling him no when he tried to fuck you this morning, and admittedly because he would like Bucky to see what he only heard the other night.
The last strike almost brings your to your knees but Bucky’s there, pulling you close, his arms around your waist and your hands pressed to his chest as you lay your head on his.
“What is rule three?” Zemo asks coming up behind you, he smooths his hand over your burning skin.
“Never say no to you.” You manage and raise your head.
You notice that Bucky isn’t paying attention, he’s staring at your breast in his face. He glances up and when you push your chest forward just an inch or so, he closes his lips around your nipple and you give a light gasp that makes Zemo smile in your peripheral view.
“Not too much James, she’ll never learn if you please her.”
Bucky’s hands are flat against your back as he brings you closer and sucks your breast into his mouth defiantly. You toss your head back with a moan surprised to feel his teeth close just enough around your sensitive skin that you hiss.
“Better” Zemo says.
The truth is Bucky has been toying with you for a while now. For a man that spent years killing, he seems to know a lot about pleasure, and even more about pleasuring a woman —fingers stroking your g-spot until you’re near tears, tongue on your pussy to make your body shake— he's as good as this as he looks which is to say he's amazing, even though each time he brings you close to a climax he stops.
Bucky is better at the slow torture than he knows.
“I need to fuck you,” He nearly growls pulling away from your breast. “I can’t take it” He stands and pushes you back.
“Yes, I think it’s time to get on with it.” Zemo says, and smiles at you.
The strange, wonderful thrill of laying in the Baron’s arms while another man enters you is something you will never forget.
You reach and wish you could touch Bucky’s beautiful naked body but the chain length will not allow it, so instead your hands go to fists and you curse the leather that binds you.
Inhaling slowly, your lips part for the exhale that becomes a moan as Zemo pulls your knees back in synch with Bucky’s slow thrust forward.
You’re at the edge of the bed cradled between them, the three of you moving together, their four hands wandering your body, touching, pinching, grabbing, the only one that stands out is shining and black.
You look up from the sight of Bucky’s thick cock slowly moving in and out of view to his face. He looks stunning in the shadows of the room, his brilliant eyes unfocused as he looses himself to the night. The strong curves and lines of his body reflect the distant neon of the city and you watch his palms slide up your thighs to lift and cradle your hips.
“You’re so beautiful.” He whispers as if seeing you for the first time and pulls his regular hand free, reaching out to hold the chain for a second, chasing the touch with his lips as he leans forward and kisses you, his thrusts so deep at this angle you feel him hit your wall again and again.
The Baron holds you tight— you’re somewhat aware of Zemo breathing in your ear whispering things to you in Sokovian that sound so pretty you shiver. And then you realize just how close the men are with you in the middle.
When they look at one another you watch with your heart racing. You can’t understand what it is they feel —Helmut staring into the eyes of the man fucking his woman—but you don’t care, it’s intoxicating.
When he raises up, Bucky holds your waist and starts to rock into you with a determined rhythm, his chest and arms flexed with the tension.“How do I make her come?” He suddenly says, the aggressive edge in his voice makes you shut your eyes and arch your back.
“Just like that.” Zemo assures him. The pleased tone of his voice is a rumble in your chest. “And use your hand there.” He adds.
Bucky starts to rub your clit with his thumb glancing up. “That’s all?” He asks a little breathless and flashes a smile.
“One of many ways to satisfy her, but tell me James, are you?”
Bucky clenches his jaw and shuts his eyes and you press your lips tight feeling the way he curves his hips to bottom out again. “Yes. But—I don’t want it to end.” He says looking at the Baron.
Zemo chuckles softly and strokes your face, his hand slipping down to squeeze your breast and pinch you nipples for Bucky to see. “No. Not yet.” He gives your right breast a little slap. “Stop.” He tells Bucky who reluctantly pulls out. You’re impressed with how well he listens too.
“Come here” Zemo instructs you with his hands at your ribs pushing you up.
Bucky steps back stroking his cock and you try to watch because he looks so good, but Zemo turns you around to face him. He sits on the bed “Bend over.” He says guiding your hands to his legs. He’s still dressed… you hadn’t even realized. The levels of torment this man can take astound you.
“Now, fuck her again and see who comes first.”
Bucky slips back into your pussy, sensitive and a little swollen from all of the attention. The feel of being taken from behind is so glorious your eyes flutter shut and you gasp, laughing from the body buzzing tingles that spread the second he starts to move.
“Can you feel his cock, deep inside of you?” Zemo asks. He turns your face up to look at him and you try not to moan but it’s impossible not to. It seems rude but you can’t help it, and then you realize he really likes it. He’s got his own selfish reasons for relishing in the sound of you being destroyed by another man, so you let go and enjoy yourself. “I know you can. It’s big, I’m surprised you can take it,” He says with a crooked smile that makes you laugh a little. Zemo’s not exactly lacking himself.
When you give one especially energetic cry, the Baron kisses you hard. He bites your lip and pulls away giving Bucky a nod of permission without saying a word and it sends James over the edge.
Bucky’s thrust are teetering on violent, but Zemo holds your arms to keep you steady as you scream until you fall forward onto his chest similar to the way you had when Zemo whipped you into Bucky’s arms, but now the man you love holds you, stroking your face as the former winter soldier moans and digs his fingers into the roundest part of your ass, his climax exploding warm in your belly.
Your mouth is open, your breath coming out in tiny gasps in response to the feel of his twitching cock. Bucky leans over you breathing hard, with his arms tight around your waist. He is spent but the night is not done. “I wanted to see her come…” He complains and looks up.
Zemo kisses your head and reaches out pat Bucky’s face. “You will, but I’m the one who makes that happen.” He says and pushes you both away.
They trade places and now you see Bucky, his face is flushed and shining from a light sheen of sweat.
Zemo is undressing behind you, you can hear the layers falling away, and when he’s ready, he grabs you and pulls you close, rubbing your wet, sticky slit with the head of his erection. “Is that his come?” He growls in your ear. One arm around your waist.
“Yes Baron.” You answer, tossed back into the moment that quickly.
Exhaling, Bucky sits on the bed.
“I feel it too,” Zemo moans pushing into you.
The touch of the Baron’s cock as solid as obsidian slowly thrusting into your pussy that drips from its previous occupation will be your complete undoing.
You lay your head back against Zemo, both of you moaning as he moves.
When he starts to fuck you harder, Bucky is there suddenly kissing you, his humming moan matching yours.
He pulls back and you can only stand there wonderfully helpless as Bucky strokes your hair, amazed by the sight of you as you take the full force of a man who has held back this entire time.
Zemo is breathing hard now, he’s going to come, and you are almost there. It’s when he reaches out and grabs the back of Bucky’s neck, pulling him closer that you loose control and feel the knot uncurl, your insides giving way to that explosive bliss.
You’ve never felt anything like it. Helmut inside of you, his cock throbbing as he unloads into your pulsing walls while James’ seed slides down your thighs. The Baron’s grip on him is so tight Bucky doesn’t even try to move. He just stands there with his forehead pressed to yours his hands gently holding your hips as he listens to the sound of this unexpectedly perfect moment.
And then it’s done.
Zemo slowly drags his hand from Bucky’s neck and down to his shoulder, massaging just a little, as if to tell him ‘good job’. He kisses your neck, panting against your skin for a moment before pulling his cock free and you nearly sink to the floor your knees buckling, but the soldier—the hero—is there scooping you up into this arms.
You lay your head on Bucky’s chest and smile feeling weightless as he takes you to the bed and lays you down, easily resting beside you.
When you open your eyes and see Zemo looking down at the two of you, you expect to see jealously but no, he seems content. Happy even.
He has you both now.
With a tired smile you motion for him to lower and raise your arms.
He knows what is it you need and sits beside you, glancing over at Bucky who is still trying to catch his breath. “Rest James, you did well.” He says softly, his own breathing a little shaky as he unbuckles your wrists and you sit up on your elbows, dipping your head so that he can undo the collar.
Once you’re free he drops it all to the floor and looks down at you.
Your eyes fix on one another and without a word it’s made clear that your relationship, while solid, has changed. You’ve made room in your bed for this other incredible person and the truth is you can’t imagine it without him now.
Opening your arms for Helmut, he lowers, resting his head on your breast and sighs when you close your arms around him, his body laying over yours and between your legs.
You stroke his thick hair until your heart slows and the three of you begin to settle.
Sometime later when it’s completely dark out and you wonder if they are both asleep, you reach and find Bucky’s hand.
He’s not asleep —he rarely is— and squeezes your fingers.
Noticing the movement, Zemo pulls from your hold and goes on his side, resting his head on his palm as he looks down at you and then over at Bucky. He smiles like you’ve never seen before and when he reaches over you to lay his hand on the other man’s chest you see his capacity for love on full display. It is as big as his ability to destroy and the two combined are powerful.
Bucky must sense it too, because he glances down at the Baron’s hand, but doesn’t push him away, instead he slides his own hand of flesh and bone under his head settling comfortably and looks over at Zemo with a sigh and a smile of acceptance holding your hand a little tighter.
They look into one another’s eyes and say many things without speaking. There are apologies and maybe even a thank you.
When Helmut reaches and strokes James' face with the back of his hand, just once, you can practically hear the Baron's voice in your head saying, “Welcome.”
** **
It’s early morning, too early to be awake, but here you are, sitting up in bed with a cup of coffee in your hands, eyes fixed on the blue sky above the city. You take a breath but feel the ache in your heart holding tight, refusing to let go.
It's been two weeks since he's been gone and you wonder if you will ever stop feeling this way...
You quickly brush a wayward tear from your cheek and take a sip of your drink.
“I saw that.” Bucky says, his voice groggy. You turn your head, resting your chin on your shoulder.
“Go back to sleep.” You roll your eyes but he pokes your ribs and makes you snort a laugh. "Stop!" You scold slapping his hand away. It's the vibranium hand and you're the only one who feels the impact.
“What’s bothering you?” He asks rubbing your back and you feel your muscles tense ever so slightly.
“Just feeling a little nostalgic” You say and turn back to the window.
He sighs behind you and comes closer, you can feel his breath on your back under the crop sweatshirt your wearing. “Listen, I know you miss him, but, there was nothing else we could do. He had to go. He’s honestly safer there than he is out here.”
“I know Bucky, you’ve told me one hundred times.”
“And I’ll keep telling you. Hell— I even miss him— what we had I mean.”
“For a few days.” You say rolling your eyes. “I had him for longer and it really hurts.”
“I know, but for what it's worth I feel the loss of what could have been” He says and pulls close in bed to kiss your back, right in the center. “But, I promised him I would look after you while he’s gone. I don’t think he’d like to see you this upset.” He says, his voice muffled.
“I’d probably be less upset if I knew he wasn’t going to grow old and die in the raft.” You say picturing Zemo in some dark cell. The thought brings on more tears but you shut your eyes.
Bucky grumbles and pulls his arm away laying on his back behind you. “I don’t know what to say doll, don’t fall in love with bad men.”
You give a sharp humorless laugh and slam the now empty mug down on the side table. “Then you’d better get out too! Go join him!” You try to move but he grabs your arm with his metal fingers and you shoot him a dirty look.
“Reformed thanks... wait. What did you just say?”
You groan and shake your head. “You know I love you." You say turning so that you can see him and he rests his chin on your thigh.  "Not like I love him," You shrug sinking your fingers into Bucky's hair and scratch a little. He closes his eyes and puts his arm back around your waist laying his head flat on your leg. "But you know what I mean… there’s no one else like you.” You say with a pained smile looking down at his resting profile.
“But there’s no one like him either?” He asks, his voice out towards the sparse bedroom that you've been sharing since you left Madripoor. You'll have to help him make the place feel more like home if you need to stay for much longer which is likely after everything that went down.
“No, no James there isn’t. And I will love that man until I am dead in the ground. But you. You’re basically my best friend." You say and you both grin in spite of the sad topic. "It’s just really hard to deal with the fact that my best friend helped put my boyfriend in prison.”
He laughs fully and you feel him shaking his head against you. “You haven't met the Dora Milaje so I'll let that slide for now, but believe me when I say I had no choice, I mean it.” You feel him pause, his chin resting on the top of your head. “Best friend hunh? I didn’t know best friends like to do what we do? The future is a strange time to be alive.”
You laugh in spite of the emotions welling in your chest. “You know what I mean. I’m just —I miss him so much” You say and without warning you’re crying.
It’s not some blubbering mess, but a steady stream of heartbroken tears that you’ve needed to cry for some time.
Bucky is calm and steady, silently supportive as he always is. He sits with his back against the pillows and puts both arms around you, pulling you in to rest on the soft t-shirt over his solid muscle.
You sink into the reassuring feel of him kissing your head until you can speak. “I’m thankful for you, you know that.” He says. “And in some truly, completely unexpected, possibly very messed up way considering the shit he's done, I’m thankful for him too. I can't keep denying that we’ve both changed. We’re not, angry, vengeful men anymore. We’re past it now, and because of that, we both have you.”
You smile with your face pressed to his chest and inhale deeply. “I’m thankful for that too… bestie.” He laughs and pushes you away and you sit up to look at him. “You know, you’re going to meet someone who will have no understanding of what it is the three of us have.”
“Well when the time comes, I’ll have to explain to them that either they can join or it’s a no go. You can’t expect me to give this up.” He says playfully and reaches under you to grab your ass, giving you a good shake.
“They might.” You say bouncing. He stops when he sees the worry in your eyes.
“Listen, this is way out of my league but here I am. And I’m not going anywhere. So long as you’ll have me, I’m yours. And I know he's not here, and I know you're mad at me for turning him over, but if Zemo were here he would say the same thing."
You gaze at his face wondering what it felt like for him when he watched them take Zemo away. He hadn't talked to you for two days afterwards. It hurt him too. You knew then that you could share this pain that is so very different from what brought you together.
You let him pull you close again.
“Soon.” You say sighing in his arms. “We’ll have him back with us soon. Zemo sure as hell never gives up, and neither can we.” Bucky laughs a little and you smile. "What?"
"Nothing, I just never would have imagined myself sitting here in bed, listening to a beautiful woman cry about a man whose name was on my list of people to kill until he —took the liberty of crossing his own name off my book." He says with a reminiscent chuckle.
"Better to just sit back and enjoy the ride soldat" You tease and sit up.
He is lost for a moment remembering what exactly, you can't say, but you know it involves Zemo. Doesn't everything...
"Speaking of ride..." Bucky's mouth curls up into a smile as he pulls you in for another kiss. This one is different, you know where it will lead and while it's not the same sort of power play that you have with your Baron, it is exactly what you need right now.
Bucky lifts your chin and looks at you with his clear blue eyes.
"I think you just broke rule number one."
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captainsolare · 3 years
can I have “when the day met the night” by panic! at the disco with Hawks (or any character you feel inspired to do I’m not fussy). Thanks!
A/N: I made this one its own separate post because the inspiration fairy really took over and made this so very long. I hope you enjoy Cindy!!
Tags: There's some angst in here but it gets better I promise!! I'm sorry Hawks fans feel free to scream in my inbox or the replies, this is kind of a slow burn I guess? I desperately needed to give context to shape the story
Word Count: 4,394 (I"M SO SORRY)
“When the Day Met the Night” by Panic! at the Disco + Hawks
The summer wind whipped Hawks’ hair as he flew over the city, he was grateful the day had been mostly quiet, but he was getting weary from a long day of getting cats out of trees and the like. Maybe I should land somewhere, take a break. He mused, spotting a rooftop garden on an apartment building.
He landed and there was a small gasp, his keen eyes looked for the source of the noise and landed on you, in a lawn chair covered in the iced tea you had spilled on yourself from the shock of his sudden appearance.
“H-hawks?” You asked, face a sheet of surprise.
He smiled, “In the flesh!”
The golden rays of the sunset lit your face and he took notice of how beautiful you looked for the first time.
Once the initial shock of your favorite hero landing in front of you faded, you became acutely aware of the ice in your lap. Grimacing uncomfortably, you stood, wiping the ice and tea off your legs as best you could.
“Sorry about the tea.” Hawks said, wings hunching closer to his body.
You smiled, a chuckle rumbling in your chest. “It’s no biggie, my apartment is just downstairs so I can go change in a bit.”
“Oh okay.”
An awkward silence hovered between you, Hawks’ feathers twitched uncomfortably and you were frozen in place, save for you rocking on your heels. It was clear that Hawks hadn’t landed here for any hero business, perhaps he just needed a break? Either way, you definitely didn’t want to miss this chance; how often did someone’s favorite hero land on their roof?
“Say,” You said after a while, “Would you want some tea? I can run and change then come back up with some.”
Hawks swallowed, his throat suddenly feeling very dry. “That would be great actually.”
You smiled, “Great, be back in a flash!”
As soon as you made it to your apartment, panic set in, what should you wear? You simultaneously felt like screaming and jumping up and down, but you knew you were wasting precious time.
Hawks was tempted to leave, he hadn’t exactly planned on resting here for long, and now a civilian was bringing him iced tea? Was getting a drink from a civilian the best idea? It could be poison after all, but he was very thirsty, and you didn’t seem the type to go around assassinating heroes.
His first impression of you was basic, you were beautiful and kind, that was for certain, but it seemed you were just an awestruck fan.
The door opened and you bounded back out onto the roof, fresh clothes and two glasses of iced tea in your hand.
He took the glass from your outstretched hand gratefully and sat in the chair opposite the one you had been in when he had first arrived.
“So,” You asked, after a sip of tea, “What brings you here?”
He decided to take a sip, it was just tea, he couldn’t find anything wrong with it. Normal tea made by a normal person.
“Just a slow day, tired of flying around.”
You seemed to find his comment amusing, the corners of your mouth upturned as you took another sip from your glass. “Do heroes ever have a slow day?”
He chuckled, “You’d be surprised. I don’t mind it though, gives me time to do as I please.”
The more you talked with Hawks, the more you realized how normal he was. Aside from the giant wings, and his top five hero status, he seemed to be a normal guy. It was intriguing, to say the least, you hadn’t known what you were expecting if you were to ever have a conversation with him, but it certainly wasn’t over a glass of iced tea.
The sun sank lower over the horizon and Hawks stood, wings billowing out around him.
“Thanks for the tea, it was delicious.”
“Of course, feel free to stop by anytime and I can make you more.”
Hawks smiled at you, but you noticed it was tinged with sadness. Actually, the whole time you had been talking, it seemed as if there was something there, haunting him just below the surface.
As he took off into the dying light from the sun, his heart twinged; for some reason, it hurt to leave.
He faded into a speck into the sky and you picked up his glass with your own, heading back to your apartment.
“Would it be gross if I didn’t wash this ever again?” You asked no one in particular.
Yes, yes it definitely would be. You laughed to yourself, setting the glasses in the sink.
Days passed and still no Hawks, of course, you hadn’t been expecting him to show up again, but there was still a pang in your heart as the sun set day after day.
You sat cross-legged in the lawn chair, notepad on your lap and pen in hand, tapping your knee thoughtfully as you tried to think of where you were going to take the current story you were working on.
A gust of wind hit and you scrambled to keep hold of your notepad.
“Whatcha working on?”
It was like electricity, you looked up when the familiarity of the voice set in and saw Hawks standing there. Breathing hard and setting your notepad on the table beside you, you sighed.
“Hawks! You’ve gotta stop--”
“Dropping in like this? Yeah, I’ve been told it freaks people out. Can’t help it though, I get a kick out of people’s reactions.” He chuckled, and you melted into a smile.
Your heart was strangely warmed by the fact he finished your sentence.
“Want some tea?”
“Yeah, that would be great.”
As soon as he was left alone, Hawks was extremely tempted to read what you’d been writing on your notepad. In your previous conversation, you’d mentioned you were a freelance writer, but you’d never told him what exactly it was you worked on, and despite appearances, he was an extremely nosey person.
“Want to read it?”
It was his turn to nearly jump out of his skin as you returned, carrying a tray with two glasses and a pitcher.
You set the tray down between you and handed him the notepad. “There you go, can’t promise you’ll enjoy it though.”
You poured his tea and set it near him. It sat untouched as he read, but you didn’t mind, it was more entertaining to watch his face as he read your most recent manuscript.
The story started out simple enough, it was in second person, and the reader was getting ready to go to an exclusive party, primarily attended by heroes. Hawks’ eyes widened almost comically as he reached the part in the story where Edgeshot made a particularly salacious comment towards the reader and you couldn’t contain your laughter.
Hawks set the manuscript back on the table once he was finished. His face was a mixture of amusement and confusion as he turned to you for the first time since he picked it up.
“What exactly did I just read?” He asked slowly, blinking several times in confusion.
Laughing, you took the manuscript from the table and set it under your chair. “It’s a point of view story. Basically, the reader is inserted into the world of heroes, and this one involves Edgeshot.”
“I see. And people pay you for this?”
“You’d be surprised, it’s actually quite a lucrative business.”
Hawks’ wings puffed slightly, “How lucrative?”
You shrugged, “It pays the bills, plus a little more.”
Hawks took a sip of his tea as he pondered more questions to ask. Suddenly he sat up straighter, leaning towards you, elbows on his knees.
It seemed there was a burning question on his mind, so you gestured for him to speak.
He bit his lip, unsure of how to ask his question without seeming self-centered.
“Have you ever… written a story about me?”
You laughed and his cheeks flamed red, wings puffing out behind him in embarrassment.
“Yes, yes I have, several in fact,” you paused to chuckle some more. Taking a deep breath you continued, “You can’t read them though! They’re far too embarrassing now that I’ve actually met you.”
To your surprise, Hawks deflated into a pout, even his wings shrunk, you almost wanted to laugh, in that moment he looked like a puppy with giant wings.
“Don’t worry, maybe I’ll let you take a peek someday.”
In that instant he reinflated, wings puffing back up to a happy medium and his smile returning.
You talked until the stars began to shine in the sky.
He hesitated before he left, “Would it be okay if I came back tomorrow?”
“I’d like that Hawks.”
“Keigo, call me Keigo.”
You inhaled, this was quite a show of respect from the hero, “Okay, goodnight Keigo.”
He came back the next day, and the next day, and the day after that. And on the days he was unable to tear himself away from his hero work for long enough to visit you, his sidekicks noticed he was visibly bothered by something.
“What’s up with Hawks today?” “I don’t know, he’s been like this a lot recently.” “Maybe he’s in love?” “Who knows?”
On the seventh day in a row of not being able to see you, Hawks had had enough. “I’m taking the day off!” He exclaimed, hands slamming on his desk, “Don’t you dare follow me.”
His sidekicks were visibly confused but decided it would be best to not push the issue. “Okay, see you later Hawks.”
Keigo showed up on your rooftop once more, and you greeted him with a smile.
“Hello Keigo, how have you been?”
“Good, well sort of, I’ve missed you this past week.”
You chuckled, you found yourself doing that a lot in the man’s presence. “I missed you too.”
His wings puffed, “Well I should hope so, I would have been wounded if you didn’t.”
You rolled your eyes and went to go get the tea. “I’ll be back.”
Keigo was restless in his seat until you returned, if there was anything he had realized in the week away from you, it was that he couldn’t stand to be away from you for another second. He sucked in a breath at the realization, was he? Was the playboy heartthrob Keigo Takami really in love with someone?
He chuckled to himself, though he had gained the reputation of a playboy, he’d never gone on a date with anyone. He’d never let himself be vulnerable like that before, could he… could he maybe be that vulnerable with you? It was true that he had missed you, but did that mean he was in love? Or was it more like the way you miss a friend you haven’t seen in a while?
The area was foggy to him, he hadn’t had many friends or any lovers, so he didn’t have much to compare it to.
You returned to find Keigo staring into the distance with a smile on his face.
���Did something good happen?” You asked, cocking your head to the side.
“Yeah, I think so.”
The time passed as it usually did, you chatted and drank your iced tea together, scooting closer together until your knees were touching. As the stars began to appear, you braced yourself for him leaving but instead, he was giving you that familiar look, the look he gave when he had a burning question but he was unsure of how to ask it.
“What’s up? You can tell me what’s on your mind you know.”
Keigo swallowed, “Do you trust me?”
Without missing a beat you nodded, “With my life.”
“Would you like to go on a flight with me?”
His wings were puffed slightly behind him, you could tell he was nervous about asking you this. He had never taken anyone flying outside the context of saving them or out of convenience, so this was a big step in terms of his vulnerability.
To his delight, your eyes shone, “Really?! You’d take me?”
He smiled, “Yes.”
It was beautiful, the way excitement lit up your face, you resembled the sun in that moment.
“Alright, stand in front of me, back to me.”
You swallowed thickly, your hands were becoming sweaty, would that be a problem? Would he be able to feel the way your heart was pounding? There was no time to think too hard about it because his arms were wrapping around you.
“Are you ready?”
“I think so.”
He took off and you shut your eyes tight, too scared to open them at first.
“You can open your eyes, you know.”
Slowly you opened them and gasped, it was beautiful up here; you were further above the city lights than you usually were up on your roof.
The wind felt nice in your hair as you raced along, Keigo could probably feel your heartbeat, but you were too elated to care. The sky was freeing, it was an amazing feeling, and somehow you knew you’d miss a part of your soul when your feet touched the ground again.
“Is this how you get to feel all the time?”
Keigo laughed, you could feel it rumbling through your back.
“Pretty great isn’t it?”
You wished you could stay forever like that, floating in the sky, wind in your face, warm arms around you, holding you close.
Oh. Oh was that what this was? Were you in love? Or did you just want to spend more time with a pro hero, your favorite pro hero?
Either way, once he left for the night you’d have much to think about.
You landed lightly back on your roof, and Keigo caught you when your legs began to wobble.
“The first time back on the ground is always a little rough, sorry.”
You smiled, “No worries. I’m glad you’re here to show me the ropes.”
Keigo was glad you couldn’t see the massive blush on his face.
You turned to face him once you felt stable enough to stand and you both swallowed uncomfortably as you looked into each other’s eyes.
A stray piece of hair had fallen into Keigo’s face and you gently reached up to tuck it behind his ear.
You both pulled away quickly, looking at anywhere but each other.
“Goodnight Y/N.” “Goodnight Keigo.”
There was the rustling of feathers as he took off, and you gathered up the glasses and pitcher from earlier in the evening.
The ceiling was infinitely more interesting that night than sleeping as your mind raced with thoughts. How would you know you were in love? How would you know if he loved you back? You didn’t want to believe all the rumors that he was a playboy, but what if they were true? If so, was your time together just a fling? You desperately hoped not, you’d grown quite fond of Keigo as of late, and missed him when he was gone. What were all these nights awake missing him, if not love?
Enji Todoroki awoke to the sound of someone pounding on his front door. Bleary-eyed he opened the door to find Hawks standing there. He grew instantly more awake, “Hawks? Is there an emergency?”
“Not really, but seeing you in your pajamas is quite amusing.”
The door was almost slid shut in his face but Hawks caught it with a hand. “Wait! There is something actually, not an emergency per se but I do have a question I’d like to ask.”
The door started sliding with more force.
“Please! You’re the only one I can turn to about this.”
The door stopped, then slid open fully.
“Fine, come inside.”
Enji put on more comfortable clothes and joined Keigo in the living room.
“So what is this about?”
Keigo explained the situation, and Enji’s expression grew more and more annoyed the more he spoke.
“So you want to know if you’re in love? I’m not exactly the best person to ask about this.”
Keigo sighed, “I know, but you’re the only one I felt I could ask.”
“Well, how do you feel when you’re with this person?”
Keigo’s wings puffed out excitedly, “I feel great! I really like talking with Y/N and they seem interested in me as a person rather than just a hero.”
“And how do you feel when you’re away from Y/N?”
Keigo’s wings visibly deflated and the corners of Enji’s mouth twitched up slightly.
“That’s all the answer I need. I’d say you’re in love.”
Enji stood and started escorting Hawks to the door.
“Bring them flowers or something next time you see them.”
Hawks turned to him with a beaming smile, “Thank you so much!”
“Yes yes. Now get out of my house, and if you ever come back here at this hour without an actual emergency, I’ll roast you alive.”
The door shut with a slam but Keigo was too elated to care. He had got the confirmation he needed, he was in love. Tomorrow couldn’t come soon enough.
The next day Hawks labored over what he could give you; did you like jewelry? Would flowers be too cheesy? He wasn’t the best at baking cookies but maybe he should try? He wandered the jewelry store forever, wings cumbersome in the small space.
Finally, he settled on a necklace with a simple sun pendant and tucked it into a box in his pocket.
When he landed on your rooftop he seemed more nervous than usual.
“Is something wrong Keigo?”
“No not at all, in fact, something good happened.”
“Oh?” You were curious now, what could have happened to make him so happy?
He gave you that signature wink and cheesy smile, “I get to spend the evening with you after all.”
You snorted and rolled your eyes, Keigo was certainly a flirt when he wanted to be.
The evening passed much like the others, but Keigo’s demeanor was different than usual.
“Hey,” he said, as the stars began to appear in the sky, “I kind of… got you something.”
You blinked, “You did?”
He nodded with a bashful look you hadn’t seen on him before.
“Could you turn around and close your eyes?”
You turned, wondering what you could possibly be receiving from the winged hero.
You felt a pair of arms circle around you and something was laid around your neck, a necklace you realized. Keigo’s gloved hands fumbled with the clasp and he cursed.
“Hold on, sorry could you hold this?”
You held the necklace in place as he took his gloves off and clasped it around your neck.
You took the sign to open your eyes and looked down at the charm around your neck, it was a beautiful sun pendant, simple yet so elegant, and definitely something you could see Keigo picking out.
“Oh my, it’s beautiful but what is it for?”
Keigo drew in a long breath as if he was gearing up for something.
“I was going to ask if I could be your boyfriend?”
You choked in surprise, “Boyfriend? What brought this on?”
Keigo’s brows furrowed, the look on his face a mixture of hurt and surprise.
“What do you mean what brought this on? I-- I thought…” He trailed off, he hadn’t expected this outcome at all.
“I thought this was a fling, us hanging out! I didn’t know--” The word just had been omitted from your statement, but it still hung in the air between you.
He cut you off, his wings puffing out behind him, “A fling? Is that all you thought this was?”
“I-I’m sorry.” You stuttered and he chuckled darkly,
“Don’t be, at least now I get to see who you really are.”
The words stung almost as much as him flying away, leaving you on the roof, fingers clutching the necklace that hung around your neck.
Keigo didn’t show up for days after that, and you regretted every second of it. How could you have been so stupid? Of course, this was more than just a fling, you were quite literally flying head over heels for him.
Hawks’ sidekicks could tell something was bothering him. His wings seemed less perky than they had been, and he hadn’t left early or taken any work off at all, and it was obvious he had been crying. He rested his elbows on his desk, tissues scattered across the floor. His last interaction with you played over and over in his head, he was hurt that you appeared to believe the rumors about him, that he was just a playboy incapable of commitment. And maybe that was true, the commitment part at least; but that was only because he had never been vulnerable and not been hurt because of it.
The outcome had not been what he was expecting at all, but the more he thought about it, the more he wished he had waited to spring such a thing on you. Maybe he had rushed into this, he hadn’t really stopped to consider your feelings about the situation, he’d just assumed. The last comment he made echoed in his mind and made him cringe, could he really face you after saying such a thing? He wanted to, to tell you how sorry he was, to tell you that if you couldn’t love him now, the way he was, he would wait for you. He’d wait because you were worth waiting for, and he couldn’t see himself loving anyone else after he had fallen for you.
Taking a deep breath you walked out into the rooftop garden and taped the note you’d written onto the table where you always sat with Keigo. You wouldn’t stay to see if he read it, or if he even showed up, instead, you’d go back to your apartment, wrap yourself in a blanket and watch crappy romance movies for the rest of the night.
Keigo landed on the roof, flowers in hand, heart sinking when you were nowhere to be found. A piece of paper blowing in the wind caught his eye and his heart leapt when he saw it was a note from you to him. He’d recognize that handwriting anywhere.
Dear Keigo,
If I’m even still allowed to call you that. I wanted to apologize for the other night. You caught me off guard. Can we talk? I’d like that a lot. Feel free to knock on my door, I’ll be waiting.”
The note made him smile as he realized you never told him your apartment number. “Silly Y/N.”
He flew down to the bottom floor tucking the note into his pocket. He awkwardly made his way into the building and over to the reception desk.
The receptionist looked at him with a mixture of shock and awe as he stood in front of him. “Uh, hi. Could you tell me which apartment is Y/N L/N’s?”
The receptionist scrambled to flip through the address book. “Are you the boyfriend?” Keigo smiled, a sad pang going through his chest “Just a friend. At least I think so. Anyway, not important. Thank you.”
Once he knew which apartment was yours, he rode the elevator up to the 25th floor. He stopped outside apartment B, unsure of whether he should do this. He knocked one time and there was the sound of running footsteps toward the door. You flung it open, revealing a surprised Keigo standing there.
“I didn’t think you’d come.” You said sheepishly, inviting him inside.
Keigo smiled softly, “Well, it took me a bit. You didn’t write down which apartment was yours.”
Recognition dawned on your face and you closed your eyes, pinching the bridge of your nose. “Oops.”
Keigo held out the flowers and you took them gently, setting them on the kitchen counter. The awkward silence set in almost immediately.
“Can we talk?” You said at the same time.
“You go ahead.” “No, you.”
“Let’s take turns.” “Okay.”
Keigo cleared his throat, “I wanted to apologize for the other night.”
You shifted awkwardly in place, “I do too.”
“I’m sorry for springing the boyfriend question on you so soon. I should have asked your opinion or waited longer.”
“I’m sorry for what I said, it was a knee-jerk reaction from my surprise. I guess I never thought that you’d be interested in me that way.”
Keigo swallowed thickly, the words he wanted to say sticking in his throat. You smiled, he often got that look on his face when he wanted to say something.
“You can talk to me, you know.”
“I know. I just want to make sure what I want to say comes out right.”
Keigo paused, taking a deep breath, “I want to tell you that it’s okay. It’s okay if you don’t love me back. I know I’m not perfect, and I suck at commitment, but not for the reasons you think. And I want you to know that I’ll wait for you.” Tears began to well in both of your eyes as he spoke, “I’ll wait for you, even if the day you love me back never comes because you’re worth waiting for. I would sooner die than fall in love with anyone else.”
He reached up with a gloved hand to wipe his eyes and was shocked to feel you grab his hand.
“Ask me again.”
He blinked, fixing you with a watery gaze. “What?” His voice sounded croaky through his tears.
“I said ask me again, to be my boyfriend.”
He blinked again slower this time, “Okay, Y/N, will you take me, Keigo, to be your boyfriend?”
You smiled through your own tears and squeezed his hand. “Yes, yes the answer will always be yes.” You laughed as he pulled you into a soft hug.
“Did you really have to word it like a marriage proposal though?”
Keigo chuckled, you could feel it in your chest as you pressed against him. “I guess I did, didn’t I?”
You laughed and wiped each other’s tears away.
You pulled away after a long moment, hands still intertwined.
“Would you like some iced tea?”
“I would like some very much.”
This evening was spent much like all the others, except this time you showed him how to make the tea, and you sat on your couch instead of rooftop lawn chairs.
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hoe-doroki · 3 years
passing the night stars
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banner by @dymphnasprose​
warning: reader has social anxiety
pairing: shinsou x reader (platonic or romantic)
genre: hurt/comfort
wc: 3.2k
summary: The party was neon and you needed darkness.
a/n: this is a gift for my SiL’s birthday today! To any astronomy nerds: I tried and I’m sorry.
edit: I no longer write x reader but here’s my old masterlist - mobile | desktop
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There was something to be said about distance.
It was a buffer, quieting every voice, external and internal, until the only one left was that of the crickets singing over the lo-fi spilling out of the house behind you. You’d stepped away from the party long enough ago that the playlist had started over many songs back—you had no clue how many anymore. The distance turned the music’s thrumming into a quiet melody, the lyrics just as indistinguishable up close as here in the backyard, sitting on patio furniture that rocked lopsidedly in the grass.
Any filter would do, though. Anything that could soften the world just a little around its loud, coarse edges. The ice in your peach-flavored hurricane melting so that the drink was a little less saccharine. The rum casting a film over your mood, keeping your loneliness from dropping you into total dolor. The slight late-night breeze blowing the smoke from the fire pit away from you so that the acrid smell was stronger on the hood of your black sweatshirt than the air. It all muddled your emotions, numbing the buzzing overwhelm of the party to an anxious hum. The party had been neon, and out here you had a bit more darkness.
Without these buffers absorbing some of the furor, you might have escaped the party hours ago. Snuck out while the thing was still in full thrall, before social anxiety could hiss over your bones. Got out while you were ahead. Instead, you’d lasted as long as you could before out to the backyard with the near-dead fire, wracked with guilt at the prospect of leaving without saying goodbye, while too nervous to actually draw the attention to yourself necessary to actually say goodbye.
That wasn’t to say you hadn’t held up for a good while, though. You’d hung out with your friends when the fire had just gotten started and then when the party had moved indoors for drinking games and edibles. You’d hovered on the border as your friends grew more interested in dancing in drunken delay to the somniferous lo-fi beat than conversation. Then the itching had started in your brain, and before you knew it, you were out here, social battery drained dry, waiting for an indefinite future in which you could find the energy to escape.
You shivered as footsteps swiped through the grass, crickets chirping at the intruder.
“Did I surprise you?” Shinsou asked, his voice deep from booze or smoke or both. Or, maybe he was just tired, you figured, as the harsh light of the fire sharpened the bags under his eyes into dark creases.
“Breeze,” you mumbled, goosebumps rising on your wrists, standing the fine hairs on end. Only a few licks of heat from the pit were touching your knees, leaving the rest of you cold in your threadbare sweatshirt as the fire shrank smaller and smaller.
Shinsou had a blanket in his arms, ratty and certainly stolen from the back of the living room couch. He blinked at you for a second before he asked, “Can I join you?”
His voice was deadpan. Between the two of you, there was no real vocal inflection to speak of. Still, you shrugged one shoulder and said, “Sure.”
You stiffened when, instead of choosing one of the many other patio chairs or foldable camping chairs forming a friendly circle around the fire, he joined you on your bench, tossing a bit of blanket over your knees. You hardly realized you were staring at him until he said, “You’re cold, right?”
“Oh, yeah, a little,” you said, tucking your knees up to your chin and curling the scrap of blanket around your arms.
The blanket was raggedy in your hands, pilled on the hem, but warm from being indoors with all the dancing bodies. Plus, clinging onto it, running your thumb over the uneven texture gave you something to focus on instead of Shinsou’s body so close to yours.
Your senses were tingling, raw at having someone nearby again. It was too soon—you still didn’t have anything to say, no defense for why you’d dropped off from the party without a word.
But, on the other hand, being alone wasn’t fixing you either. Parts of your brain were still coiled taut as compression springs, and while they weren’t getting any tighter, they weren’t quite loosening yet either. It was rest, not recovery.
Abruptly—was it abrupt, or were you that zoned out?—Shinsou touched the back of his hand to yours, nearly making you flinch as he furrowed his brows at you. “How long have you been out here?” he asked, shifting towards you and pushing more of the blanket into your lap.
“Oh, um—” maybe a half an hour, maybe more, “—not that long.”
For that flash of contact, his skin had been hot against yours, so you could only imagine how cold your hands had felt to him. Your icy drink was probably mostly to blame, but you were also suddenly aware of how your shoulders were hunched nearly to your ears, your arms clenched to your sides like your chest might warm them. You piled the blanket a little more over your knees and one shoulder, only the hand holding your drink poking out.
“Hard being on the fringes,” he mused as he took a sip from a can. Possibly seltzer, probably beer.
You mirrored, tasting your own drink. It was really mostly water by now, though you were sure it was still painting your tongue orange.
Shinsou’s situation wasn’t much different than yours. Everyone in that house was old classmates. Shinsou was too, but he’d come late. Not too late to be friends, but late enough that it mattered. You were even later—not a classmate, but a post-high school roommate. You’d both landed on the side of Kaminari’s friend group, but neither of you were the core of it. The heart of it. That, for reasons you couldn’t quite understand, was Bakugou.
For some reason, you and Shinsou had never talked about this before.
“Hard being in a group big enough for there to be a fringe.”
Because, of course, it wasn’t just the Bakusquad here today. The majority of the old 3-A was here, those who weren’t on duty or suffering with early morning duty tomorrow. Enough people to certainly cause a ruckus and maybe a noise complaint that even pro heroes wouldn’t get out of.
The two of you fell into silence, and you couldn’t help but wonder exactly what had drawn Shinsou from the party. Even if he didn’t feel he was the most popular guy in the room, you’d seen the way he had the ability to talk to everyone. You weren’t sure if it was a product of his quirk or what, but he was able to start a conversation with everyone he met. He didn’t seem shy or anxious in the least.
Then again, that was just what he presented. You knew from that what you put forth in public wasn’t necessarily in line with what you were feeling.
It was hard to be the introvert around a group like yours. Worse—it was noticeable. This wasn’t the first time you’d stumbled away from a party, mind half gone not on alcohol or weed but on the sudden assault of attention, loud voices, and talk of hero work. Being one of the only non-heroes in the room was exhausting, and maybe that’s why you’d had to escape. Or maybe there never was a reason, good or otherwise, and you were just here because of your stupid self.
“Clear night,” Shinsou commented, “Don’t get to see much of the stars in the city.”
You looked up, a bright spot in the center of your vision from where you’d been staring into the fire. Almost everyone in your group lived in the city, not too far from each other, depending on your definition of the word. But those with quirks better suited outside the city, like Tsuyu and Koda, had moved out of town post graduation, granting the rest of you access to a night in the suburbs like this.
The truth was, you hardly looked up at the sky in the city. Tourists were always looking up, eyes glinting off the skyscrapers and billboards. But natives were always looking down, too aware of the fact that other natives didn’t always clean up after their dogs and, with so little grass, the sidewalk often needed a close eye kept to it.
But here, it was pretty. Not the smog-stained brown you were used to, but deep blue and twinkling with infinite pinpricks.
“Mm,” you hummed, taking another sip of your watery drink. “You’re right.”
“There’s Cassiopeia,” he said, pointing just over the tree line.
You followed his finger, unsure quite of what you were looking at. The stars hardly looked like clusters to you, especially on a night like this where you could see so many. It was more a broad network of them, either all connected or all individual. All the stars or just a star.
“You know constellations?” you asked, ears latching onto something that finally wasn’t hero related. Truth be told, you probably knew less about stars than you did about hero work but it was less alienating. You could lean into it.
“Some,” he offered. “Cassiopeia is a basic one.”
“Where is it?”
Shinsou glanced at you, leaning in closer so that his finger could match your gaze. You shoulders knocked and you could feel his wild hair against your own. His finger traced down and up, down and up in a cockeyed W. “Cassiopeia, mother of Andromeda.”
“She’s a woman?”
It was any wonder that ancient people had looked into the night sky and seen things like rams and bulls, creating a whole woman out of a few diagonal lines. Still, you listened to Shinsou, his low voice rumbling into your tired bones as he began.
“A beautiful woman,” he answered. “In Greek myth, she thought she was the most beautiful woman in the world. Her boastfulness made Poseidon angry, so he created a sea monster that Andromeda was sacrificed to. Andromeda was left to await her fate when Perseus, who had just killed Medusa, used Medusa’s head to turn the sea monster to stone. After saving Andromeda, the two of them got married, and when they died, they both became constellations alongside Cassiopeia.”
Shinsou’s voice was husky and even as he told the story. The cadences were easy drops, landing you softly before he started up again with his next thought. It was a voice you could be rocked by, a voice you could be held by.
“Do you know where they are too?”
“Just below,” Shinsou said. “Probably come up just in time for the sun to make them invisible.”
“That’s too bad,” you said, curling deeper into the blanket, curling so that on shoulder leaned more onto the bench than the other. You head was almost resting on Shinsou’s shoulder and you could feel his warmth radiating in the cold night. “How do you know all this?”
Shinsou was quiet for a second and your nerves spiked again. You hadn’t even felt them relax, but suddenly your anxiety was scratching again, wondering if you’d misspoke. Or maybe you’d whispered it and he just hadn’t heard you? Before you could decide whether to say it again or apologize, though, he let out a sigh that jostled the blanket.
“Jack of all trades, master of none,” he said by way of explanation.
You cocked your head. Perhaps it was just a good hobby for an insomniac, but you were unsure about the evasiveness. “Did you have to learn a lot for general studies? Or to get in to U.A.?”
You could only imagine. U.A. was an incredibly competitive school for heroes, but that was a specialized course. For general studies you didn’t need to have the physical prowess or the other particular skills that came with heroics, but you had to be an ace in school. It was no small feat to get into general studies, especially while you were trying to pursue something else. You were satisfied with that, ready to let it go and return to the near silence of the crickets and the fire popping, when Shinsou suddenly continued.
“When it looked like my plans to become a hero wouldn’t pan out,” Shinsou began, his words slow, tired, “my parents encouraged me into any and all other interests. None stuck.”
“Oh,” you said quietly, the personal admission taking you aback.
For all the times you’d seen Shinsou talk effortlessly with people in a room, you weren’t sure how personal or vulnerable you’d ever seen him. He seemed comfortable enough probing other people, but this was new. It made the space between you suddenly seem private—so different from the party you’d escaped from. You could still hear the ambient noises of a couple dozen people in there having a good time, but it was suddenly a world away.
“I’m sorry, Shinsou,” you said, brows furrowing as you glanced his eyes, still gazing up at the stars. His parents had probably thought they were being supportive, but it wasn’t the support he’d desired.
“It is what it is,” he said. “It worked out in the end.”
There was the smallest smile on his face at that, barely betraying what must have been true joy at having a dream slip through his fingers only to fly back to him. And he’d earned every bit of it, even if he wanted to keep it to himself.
“So now,” you began softly, “you just have a lot of little things that you can offer people. The little things you could have been. That’s not so bad, right?”
“No, it’s not so bad,” he agreed. “I always liked that story.”
“Yeah,” he said. “Japanese astronomy varies so much from region to region and is usually about more functional things. Harvest, seasons. But these other myths about people with no chance of being heroes becoming ones anyway…”
He trailed off, but the sentiment was there. Trapped in the things he’d done to try and leave heroism behind were little vestiges. The inescapable fact that he was meant to be a hero and would be one anyway, even if the world told him he was a villain, doomed for failure.
The stories had been true.
“Are you feeling better now?” he asked, surprising you.
“Feeling better?”
“You’d been out here for over an hour,” Shinsou stated. “Your eyes were glassy and distant and you were freezing and you didn’t seem to notice.”
“Oh,” you intoned. You hadn’t realized it had been that long. You were sure it had only been half that time.
“You don’t have to tell me anything,” he said. “I just wanted to make sure you were doing okay.”
“No, I’m fine,” you said truthfully. “I’m fine now.”
The anxiety from earlier that had been buzzing through you had kept you awake, all while thoroughly draining you. You’d hardly realized just how much until now, with your body not just feeling settled but heavy. The stress had run straight through you, and now you bore the fatigue.
Shinsou glanced down at you out of the corner of his eye. His brows raised and it lifted his whole face, making the dark circles under his eyes just a little less stark. “You look exhausted.”
“You always look exhausted,” you retorted, your first little grin curving along your lips.
In his surprise, Shinsou smiled too. “I know that. Here.”
Shinsou took your forgotten drink from your hand and set it down, then patted his shoulder.
“You should rest for a little while.”
Your eyes met his, searching for anything that looked like obligation or impatience. But there was none. Just a surprising amount of openness and a pretty shade of purple.
“Do you have more myths?”
Shinsou smiled and, once again, his gaze went up to the stars. As he started another tale, you snuggled onto his shoulder, the rest of your body drawing closer to his as well. He didn’t wait long to begin speaking, talking in more detail than he had before. There was no reason to be concerned that he might be boring you, or that you didn’t want to hear it. Really, these stories, these stars that had brought him even the tiniest speck of light were just what you needed too.
You weren’t sure when you fell asleep, and you weren’t sure when you woke up. But when you blinked your eyes awake, the first thing you noticed was that Cassiopeia hadn’t moved far. The second was the feeling of Shinsou’s head tilted against yours, his breath like gentle waves under you.
You shifted, signaling that you were awake, and Shinsou did too, his head lifting from yours. At some point, his arm had wrapped around you, encasing you in his warmth. He didn’t move it, not yet, as your body creaked and you forced yourself to sit up.
“How long?” you murmured, voice barely raspy with sleep.
“Not that long,” Shinsou answered, echoing your reply from earlier.
He didn’t look at his phone or a watch, and hadn’t since he’d come out, so you wondered if he had any clue. Or if it simply hadn’t felt long. Somehow, the idea that his time spent with you hadn’t felt long was a comfort, a relief.
“How are you feeling?”
You checked in, feeling that grogginess that always came in the wake of an intense mental episode. Your brain struggling to catch up and survey the backlash from its earlier antics. That would go away. It always did. “I’m good.”
Shinsou continued to look at you, switching between each eye, double checking your expression for any lie. But he must not have found any, for he leaned back into the bench and relaxed, that tiny ghost of a smile back on his face.
“I’m glad to hear that,” he said, gazing out again. “You out here alone before? It had been…well, we were…I wanted to check on you.”
For the first time, Shinsou looked almost a little shy, and you couldn’t help but smile, touched. You put a hand on the shoulder that had just taken your weight and brought his gaze back to you. “Thank you.”
There actually was one thing you knew about stars. You’d heard that every light year a star was away from you was a year into the past you were seeing its light. Looking at the stars was looking millions of years into the past. Despite the fact that these selfsame stars connected you to humans around the world today and those of old, that filter of distance and time rendered them ancient, if not already gone.
But as you looked at Shinsou, their soft, silvery starlight illuminating one side while the last dancing coals of the fire glowed on the other, you were sure that this was the opposite. This wasn’t old or past or known to anyone but the two of you. This wasn’t the stars or even the stories inspired by them.
This was just beginning.
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elia-de-silentio · 3 years
Recap on The Decay of Angels
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Above, our introduction to the villains that have dominated the Bungou Stray Dogs manga for a few years as of now. It tells us two main things: that they are terrorist, and that they are five. Of them, two are known: Dostoevsky, already introduced in the previous arc, and Gogol, who debuts in this chapter.
As of chapter 88, all of the five members are known, and a few of these identities have been puzzling for the public at large. So, I want to try and recap what we know of them, and maybe make a little sense of it (spoiler, I didn't, but I found a few interesting facts).
We already met Fyodor in the Cannibalism arc, and gained an idea of who he is, how he operates, and what he wants. He's the leader of his own organization, but fights his battles mostly indirectly, by manipulating others into fighting for him.
He aims at destroying Yokohama to find the famed Book, the one to rewrite reality, for the purported reason if creating a better world, one without the 'sin' of ability users. Why he does think like that, or exactly what kind of different world he does envision, is unknown to this day.
Later, in chapter 56, we are shown the Decay of Angel's deeds, four in one week, which our resident nerd Kunikida explains are related to four of the five signs of the imminent death of an angel (or 'deva' in the Buddhist conception):
They skinned a legislator's torso, made a shirt with the result, and put it back on him, all in five minutes = the angel's robes are soiled.
They melted off the face of a deputy commander in the coast guard with a corrosive poison = the angel's garland melts away.
They stuck an air compressor in the mouth of the secretary of a general in the ministry of defense, causing his blood vessels to pop out = the angel's radiance fades.
Lastly, an official for the military police was injected a drug that caused him to kill himself = the angel's armpits start to sweat.
Moreover, they're suspected to have ties in the government; turns out, Gogol was cosplaying as a secretary in there.
He takes hostage a bunch of government officials, and threatens to saw them in two ("losing delight in their heavenly thrones")
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The next chapters are dedicated to introducing Nikolai Gogol: an eccentric individual with a powerful ability and the most likely perpetrator of all the aforementioned crimes (since Fyodor was in jail at the time and, as we'll see shortly, the other members aren't particularly suited to these kinds of jobs).
However, he admits that he does feel guilt for what he does, and it's the reason he keeps doing it: he wants to free himself from the concept of morality, from his own conscience.
While this is a rather interesting philosophy, it doesn't expand much on why and how he joined the Decay of Angels. Was he a 'normal' person with particular ideas on morality that were brought to the extreme by the other members in order to make him useful, or was he already a murderer, and joined the Decay to have a wider choice of targets?
Boh. We'll only know quando Asagiri si decide a recuperare il suo arco porca pupazza with time. Still, the important part is that he doesn't seem to share Fyodor's objectives, nor does he say anything about the greater plan and his ideas on it. This is the first indicator that the Decay is a rather fragmented group, everyone is in for his own goals.
However, the last interesting thing is that the plan involved his own death: those in the Decay have no problems sacrificing their own members (even if I have a little theory that Fyodor might have planned for his survival, but I'll talk about it in another post).
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Next, a wounded Taneda adds an information about the Decay of Angels: of the three members still in the dark, one has the ability to exchange knowledge he wants for information the person he touches wants. Namely, they're looking for a book, one that makes so that what is written on it becomes the truth - something already hinted by Fyodor. They managed to locate one page of it, and used it to frame the Armed Detective Agency to create a chaos and instigate a sort of Ability Civil War to destroy the city.
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Their 'knowledge broker' is revealed to be Sigma; a reveal that is quite a surprise for the reader, since the manager of the Sky Casino has been introduced rigging a game to allow a person desperately in need of money to win; a very positive introduction, for a member of a 'murder association'. Later, it's revealed that he didn't even want to stab Taneda, only scare him off.
In fact, he hasn't even joined them because of some ideal: Fyodor found him when he had no past nor family nor anywhere to go, and offered him a place to belong in exchange for his services. When it turns out that his colleagues in the Decay have planned his demise (and two!) and Atsushi shows him kindness, he promptly cooperates with the Agency; or tries to, before one of Fyodor's lackeys shoots him.
It's also revealed that the group has created some explosive coins, released to the population at large to make some other acts of terrorism.
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After some other shenanigans, we are introduced to their boss: Ouchi Fukuchi, officially the war hero who wants to save the world from the 'terrorists' known as the Armed Detective Agency by instituting an international police force.
Unofficially, a former torturer sanctioned by the government, traumatized by what he found himself doing. He wants to take down every nation, throwing the world into anarchy, because he believes countries and governments responsible for wars; and he also wants to stick it to his childhood friend who wasn't with him on the battlefield and got a found family he didn't have, and so framed him as the leader of the terrorists.
His actual plan was to terrorize the population and the government enough that they would gladly let him create an international armed force at his commands, which he would actually have used to break down the concept of 'State'.
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Lastly, the fifth member: Bram Stoker. Another interesting case: like Sigma, he doesn't have any particular ideal that brought him to the group; on the contrary, he dislikes them. He used to be known as a calamity for his ability to turn others into vampires, and swore to never do such a thing again. He breaks this promise because Fukuchi threatened to kill him otherwise, and already keeps him in a state of prisony; personally, he has no interest in destroying the world, and thinks Fukuchi should do it himself. Considering that he interacts only with him, and doesn't keep track of the time well, I wonder if he even knows the other people in the organization.
Another interesting thing, is that he is the first British author to get introduced, except for Agatha Christie, who is hinted to be the leader of an organization of European Ability Users, but hasn't made an appearence since chapter 12/Dead Apple, and insofar hasn't had any impact on the plot. Maybe Stoker will be the element that brings the 'Order of the Clocktower' in?
Anyways, here they are: a group of people with vastly different goals and mindsets, ready to send each other to death and put dents into the others' plan (Sigma being ready to tell everything to Atsushi, Fyodor likely putting intentional mistakes in the Page he redacted to undermine Fukuchi).
Honestly ... it's amazing such a branco di disagiati group of people that want so wildly different things managed to last so long, let alone do this much damage. I mean ... how and why these people came together? What do they have in common?
To try and find answers, I did a little research.
First of all, the name 'Decay of Angels' comes, surprise surprise, from a book.
'The Decay of the Angel' by Yukio Mishima is the last novel in a tetralogy that follows the story of Shigekuni Honda, law student in the first novel and retired judge in the last, as he spends his whole life looking for the reincarnation of his deceased schoolfriend, finding them in people that seem to inevitably meet an early death, and ultimately destroys himself.
In the last installment, Honda decides that the reincarnation is an orphan, Toru, that behind a nice and normal facade hides antisocial tendencies. The interesting thing is that Honda notices them, but dismisses them as 'guile': what makes him decide that Toru isn't the reincarnation of his friend is the fact that he doesn't die on a certain date. And after all he had decided that he could be his friend after noticing a similar mole pattern; both very superficial things to originate and conclude such a fixation.
So what? I don't know.
Is a reference on how Fukuchi envied his childhood friend Fukuzawa for never dirtying his hands the way he had to do, and for having a found family, or a 'path in life', and decided to do a distorted version of such, with a few criminals and a plan to destroy the current order? Not sure.
Let's move to the artist, then!
Yukio Mishima was something of a conservative, and he strongly opposed the westernization of Japan, arguing that it left its people rootless. By this, I mean that he founded a private militia, the Tatenokai, composed of a bunch of students recruited with the newspaper, who until the 1970 did not much more than physical exercise and worship of the Emperor.
On the 25th of November 1970, however, Mishima plus four (!) of them briefly seized control of the Self Defense Force headquarters and tried to encourage the soldiers in a coup d'etat. They failed; Mishima and Masakatsu Morita, one of said four followers, committed suicide by seppuku, the latter despite his commander's wishes. The other three ended up in prison.
So, we have a strong believer in the traditional values of the State; quite the opposite of the 'anarchist' Fukuchi.
However, Mishima does not appear as a character, even if, since he was a writer, he could very well have. Instead, a bunch of appearently unrelated figures compose the terrorist group.
Fukuchi Genichirou was a translator, journalist, and playwriter. He, too, was a conservative: in his youth, he wrote an article criticizing the government and was subsequently arrested; he was released for the intercession of an influent friend, but this is remembered as the first episode of suppression of free speech in the Meiji Restauration.
He later founded a very short-lived political party that pursued the sovereignity of the Emperor, enforcement of a Constitution established by the Emperor and election among limited people. This party disbanded after one year.
Fyodor Dostoevsky is best known as a novelist, short story writer and journalist. He was also involved in politics: initially, he was interested in socialism, fluctuating among several groups due to an interest in social reforms in favor of destitute people.
The last group he joined (despite having been described by Bakunin as essentially a bunch of posers) got him convicted for reading papers that criticized the Russian government and religion, and nearly sentenced to death; the letter by the Tsar that commuted the sentence in prison and hard labour arrived just as the convicts were right in front of the firing squad, leaving them all free to enjoy this deeply traumatizing experience. He was considered one of the most dangerous prisoners (he read some books). Later in life, he moved towards more conservative beliefs (conservative for Russian standards: he criticized both socialism and capitalism, idealized the monarchy, and asserted that every social problem could be solved with Orthodox Christianity); but he didn't try to take an active role in politics.
Nikolai Gogol was a novelist, short story writer, and playwriter of Ukrainian origins. Despite costantly satirizing the government in his works, he was a strong supporter of the tsarist monarchy and criticized those who wanted a costitutional monarchy.
Fittingly for 'a character with no past', researching Sigma was a real pain. Shoutout to @gravitycantstop for pointing me in what is probably the right direction.
Sigma was a pseudonym of Russian journalist and writer Sergey Nikolaevich Syromyatnikov. Appearently, decent information about him is available only in Russian. Now, one day I'll speak every language in the world, but insofar my knowledge of Russian is limited to 'vodka' and 'syrniki', so I can't say much about him. If anyone who reads this speaks Russian and can provide information, please do so!
[Edit: thanks to @heydeliah , now we know about RL Sigma's political inclinations: he was a conservative who supported an authocratic monarchy, just like the above two]
Lastly, Bram Stoker: he had a keen interest in Irish Affairs, was a strong supporter of the Liberal Party, which favoured social reforms, personal liberty, and reducing the powers of both the Crown and the Church of England. He supported Home Rule brought about by pacifist means, was an ardent monarchist, and believed Ireland should stay in the British Empire, which he saw as a force for good.
So? I'm not sure what to make of all of this. The only thing I can say is that a bunch of real-life right-wingers has been turned into essentially a bunch of far left extremists? Sure, Stoker has been around for too little to express any ideology besides 'fanculo 'sta merda I want to sleep', and the lack of information on Sigma means that I can't make theories on him. But still, it's the closest thing I could find that binded them all together.
I admit I'm still unsure about what this could mean. Surely they weren't the only boomers ante litteram strongly conservative authors Asagiri could find, so ... I guess we have to wait and see? I literally made this post as I went, trying to find a common denominator, and this was all I could manage.
Anyways, I hope this can be somehow interesting.
Thanks to anyone who bothered to read my ramblings!
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kairos-polaris · 3 years
Miraculous Ladybug. Ah, the show that can't deliver its promises, teaches the female mc wrong lessons, is so sexist and racist it hurts and still calls itself "woke" and says they promote "girls power". I was so angry I wrote it at 1 am with little to no light to see what I was writing.
Mlb has a lot of problems. I won't be talking about the plot because it will be too long.
So here we are!
✓ Who is the main villain? Is it Chloé/Lila or Hawkmoth? The grownup man who chose to terrorise Paris and abuse people in their most vulnerable times? Or two teenagers who need a more strict discipline and help from adults, not their peers? Both Chloé and Lila made mistakes but they're kids who can change. I don't want to say they don't have to be punished for their actions, they do. You can't change a person if they don't want to and making them face consequences of their actions is an important part of growing up. If Mlb writers really cared about teaching their viewers that people can change, they will start a redemption arc for Chloé after Antibug and after Volpina for Lila. But, apparently, they decided that letting kids change their behaviour and grow up to be a better person is boring, right?
✓ Gabriel Agreste. Abuser, control freak, magical terrorist. And yet some people believe he deserves to win. He's not only a bad person but a bad villain too! Most of his actions have no sense and work only because the writers said so. Why did he think that creating a supervillain is a good way to lure out a superhero? They could be in different country/city. Both Miraculouses could be hidden in someone's attic! Plus from New York special we know that other heroes exist. How could he be so sure they wouldn't be the one to fight his champions?
And why did he akumatize himself? He had no way of knowing that Ladybug saw his book. He saw Adrien take the book. All he had to do is to say something like this: "It's a very important book Adrien. Your mother found it years ago in her attic. This book was a great inspiration for me". His akumatization was too convenient for the plot.
✓A lot of people blame Marinette for causing so much akumas. Are you okay people? Hawkmoth is the one who creates akumas. What a surprise! No one other than him can do that. Repeat after me: upsetting someone doesn't equal to using their feelings for your own gain. Chloé deliberately humiliated or angered someone and it still doesn't count as causing an akumatization because it wasn't her goal. I don't mean to say it wasn't wrong but she didn't send an akuma. She is a spoiled rich brat who doesn't care about the consequences of her actions. Lila came close to actually causing akumas but it's still Hawkmoth who sends out butterflies and uses completely natural and normal feelings and emotions against everyone. Please, don't shift his blame on teenagers.
✓ Sexism is everywhere. From civilian interactions to heroes' costume designs. So here's a list of problems I've remembered at 1 am:
Writers show Lila or Chloé trying to kiss Adrien or invading his private space in a bad light. How dare they harass him? And then we have Chat Noir act the same towards Ladybug! And unlike Adrien Marinette actually says "no, I don't like you. Don't touch me like that". Adrien knows that he makes her uncomfortable but he doesn't care. "She loves him but can't accept it" isn't a good reason to continue harassing her. No means no. Not "continue asking me" or "I'm playing hard to get". Disgusting.
Only rivals Marinete has (excluding Hawkmoth because he's Ladybug's rival) are her love rivals. Lila, Kagami, Chloé. Why can't we have a character who rivals Marinete in her passion: designing? It's not "girls power" to have girls in question fight over one rich white sad boy.
The whole Gamer episode. Marinette won fair and square. She deserved to take part in the tournament. Was it okay for Max to be upset? Yes, he spent a lot of time training. Was it okay for him to be angry at Marinette? No, it's not her fault she was better than him. Some may say that she entered because of Adrien (another issue I will mention later) but it doesn't make her less skilled.
Every girl who has a crush is shown obsessive. Marinette, Chloé, Lila, Kagami - Adrien, Rose - Prince Ali, Ondine - Kim. We weren't shown Alya having a crush on Nino but I'm sure she would be just as obsessive because writers can't believe girls can have crushes and not be obsessed with them. I would also like to mention that having two characters of colour with no previous chemistry is kinda racist.(I could have just missed it because I'm not good at noticing flirting. If you noticed Alya and Nino flirting before Animan I would edit this part). They also don't talk a lot if it's not about Adrinette. Their purpose is to push main characters to each other. That's it.
Boys are really nice to their crushes even when akumatized. Both Silencer and Evillustrator were gentlemen. Nathaniel literally took Marinette on a date! Exceptions are Adrien and Felix. Adrien is just perfect (not my words) and Felix is Adrien's evil twin. He was used to: a)show how great Adrien is; b) say "Ladybug would punch Chat if she were truly uncomfortable"; c) to make fans hate him because they prefer PV Felix and Astruc hates him. Do you know why point b is the most harmful? Because it enforces the stereotype that women are always willing and consenting and they have to go to ridiculous lengths to take that consent back.
Suits. Every girl has a skintight suit with little to no details. And did you see how skinny Rena Rouge is compared to Lady WiFi? Or how Ladybug's suit has only one colour? The show doesn't even try to make clothes look more fashionable. They have three (!) designers, two models and Chloé is the Style Queen's daughter. They didn't even try!
✓ Making fun of Marinette's anxiety so often. It's offensive to people who have the same problem.
✓ Master Fu. He's an awful person who pushed his responsibility on children without explaining anything. There was no point in hiding his identity. What if they were akumatized? Well, Paris would be doomed anyway. No Ladybug to purify akuma, no cure. And we saw how dangerous akumatized Chat was in Chat Blanc.
Do you know what would happen if he revealed his identity in the beginning? There would be no Stoneheart 2.0, Marinette and Adrien would have a better understanding of their powers, a support system, a reason to get away to transform.
✓ Chat Noir and Ladybug not knowing who the other is. I've already explained why the akumatization excuse doesn't work. How can you trust a person you don't know? They would be able to support each other in their civilian lives. But they wanted a love square and that's why revealing won't happen in a looooong time.
✓ Sexualisation of minors. Have you seen Mister Bug? Or Lady Noire? They are 14/15! It's gross and disgusting to lust after teenagers. And what about numerous shots of Ladybug's backside? Or how thin Marinette is?
✓ Teaching wrong lessons. First they bash Marinette for not trusting Chloé and then they bash Marinette for trusting Chloé with the bee. How dare Marinette not have fun while fighting her friends? And then several minutes later: How dare she have fun while fighting her friends? Or how she was basically told her feelings don't matter by Madame Bustier in Zombizou. And blaming her for everything bad that happens in the show.
✓ Marinette's whole character revolves around Adrien. It's most obvious in the future special about China. She will go there not to learn about her heritage and her mother's culture but to be with Adrien. Almost everything she does as a civilian is about Adrien. They don't let her move on even when it's hurting her. Wouldn't it be much better if she tried to grow as a person, spend more time on her hobby. Maybe find Hawkmoth?
✓ Another issue is that they don't even try to find Hawkmoth. They treat only symptoms and one day it won't be enough. We had one episode where they were close to finding him. But Gabriel was akumatized so no lead again. Very convenient for the plot.
Why does Mlb have such a big fan base? Why is it so popular? So much wasted potential it physically hurts. But the most important question is why do I spend so much time and energy on this show? Please, send help. I can't continue doing this.
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usergreenpixel · 3 years
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1. Introduction
Well, dear reader, here it is. My first ever official review. And, as promised, this is one of the pieces of Frev media that you have likely never heard of before.
So, without further ado, sit down, relax, grab drinks and snacks and allow me to tell you about an anime called “La Seine no Hoshi” (The Star of the Seine).
“La Seine no Hoshi” is a children’s anime series made by Studio Sunrise. It consists of 39 episodes and was originally broadcast in Japan from April 4th to December 26th of 1975.
Unlike its more famous contemporary, a manga called “Rose of Versailles” that had begun being released in 1972 and is considered a classic to this day, “La Seine no Hoshi” has stayed relatively obscure both in the world of anime and among other Frev pop culture.
Personally, the only reason why I found out about its existence was the fact that I actively seek out everything Frev-related and I just happened to stumble upon the title on an anime forum several years ago.
So far, the anime has been dubbed into Italian, French, German and Korean but there is no English or even Spanish dub so, unfortunately, people who do not speak fluent Japanese or any other aforementioned language are out of luck ( if anyone decides to make a fandub of the series, call me). That being said, the series is readily available in dubs and the original version on YouTube, which is where I ended up watching it. The French dub calls the anime “La Tulipe Noire” (The Black Tulip), which could be an homage to the movie with the same name that takes place in the same time period.
Unfortunately, while I do speak Japanese well enough to maintain a basic conversation and interact with people in casual daily situations, I’m far from fluent in the language so the version I watched was the French dub, seeing as I am majoring in French.
So, with all of this info in mind, let’s find out what the story is about and proceed to the actual review.
2. The Summary
(Note: Names of the characters in the French dub and the original version differ so I will use names from the former since that’s what I watched)
The story of “La Seine no Hoshi” revolves around a 15-year old girl called Mathilde Pasquier - a daughter of two Parisian florists who helps her parents run their flower shop and has a generally happy life.
But things begin to change when Comte de Vaudreuil, an elderly Parisian noble to whom Mathilde delivers flowers in the second episode, takes her under his wing and starts teaching her fencing for an unknown reason and generally seems to know more about her than he lets on.
Little does Mathilde know, those fencing lessons will end up coming in handy sooner than she expected. When her parents are killed by corrupt nobles, the girl teams up with Comte de Vaudreuil’s son, François, to fight against corruption as heroes of the people, all while the revolution keeps drawing near day by day and tensions in the city are at an all time high.
This is the gist of the story, dear readers, so with that out of the way, here’s the actual review:
3. The Story
Honestly, I kind of like the plot. It has a certain charm to it, like an old swashbuckling novel, of which I’ve read a lot as a kid.
The narrative of a “hero of the common folk” has been a staple in literature for centuries so some might consider the premise to be unoriginal, but I personally like this narrative more than “champion of the rich” (Looking at you, Scarlet Pimpernel) because, historically, it really was a difficult time for commoners and when times are hard people tend to need such heroes the most.
People need hope, so it’s no surprise that Mathilde and François (who already moonlights as a folk hero, The Black Tulip) become living legends thanks to their escapades.
Interestingly enough, the series also subverts a common trope of a hero seeking revenge for the death of his family. Mathilde is deeply affected by the death of her parents but she doesn’t actively seek revenge. Instead, this tragedy makes the fight and the upcoming revolution a personal matter to her and motivates her to fight corruption because she is not the only person who ended up on its receiving end.
The pacing is generally pretty good but I do wish there were less filler episodes and more of the overarching story that’s dedicated to the secret that Comte de Vaudreuil and Mathilde’s parents seem to be hiding from her and maybe it would be better if the secret in question was revealed to the audience a bit later than episode 7 or so.
However, revealing the twist early on is still an interesting narrative choice because then the main question is not what the secret itself is but rather when and how Mathilde will find out and how she will react, not to mention how it will affect the story.
That being said, even the filler episodes do drive home the point that a hero like Mathilde is needed, that nobles are generally corrupt and that something needs to change. Plus, those episodes were still enjoyable and entertaining enough for me to keep watching, which is good because usually I don’t like filler episodes much and it’s pretty easy to make them too boring.
Unfortunately, the show is affected by the common trope of the characters not growing up but I don’t usually mind that much. It also has the cliché of heroes being unrecognizable in costumes and masks, but that’s a bit of a staple in the superhero stories even today so it’s not that bothersome.
4. The Characters
It was admittedly pretty rare for a children’s show to have characters who were fleshed out enough to seem realistic and flawed, but I think this series gives its characters more development than most shows for kids did at the time.
I especially like Mathilde as a character. Sure, at first glance she seems like a typical Nice Pretty Ordinary Girl ™️ but that was a part of the appeal for me.
I am a strong believer in that a character does not need to be a blank slate or a troubled jerk to be interesting and Mathilde is neither of the above. She is essentially an ordinary girl with her own life, family, friends, personality and dreams and, unfortunately, all of that is taken away from her when her parents are killed.
Her initial reluctance to participate in the revolution is also pretty realistic as she is still trying to live her own life in peace and she made a promise to her parents to stay safe so there’s that too.
I really like the fact that the show did not give her magic powers and that she was not immediately good at fencing. François does remark that her fencing is not bad for a beginner but in those same episodes she is clearly shown making mistakes and it takes her time to upgrade from essentially François’s assistant in the heroic shenanigans to a teammate he can rely on and sees as an equal. Heck, later there’s a moment when Mathilde saves François, which is a nice tidbit of her development.
Mathilde also doesn’t have any romantic subplots, which is really rare for a female lead.
She has a childhood friend, Florent, but the two are not close romantically and they even begin to drift apart somewhat once Florent becomes invested in the revolution. François de Vaudreuil does not qualify for a love interest either - his father does take Mathilde in and adopts her after her parents are killed so François is more of an older brother than anything else.
Now, I’m not saying that romance is necessarily a bad thing but I do think that not having them is refreshing than shoehorning a romance into a story that’s not even about it. Plus most kids don’t care that much for romance to begin with so I’d say that the show only benefits from the creative decision of not setting Mathilde up with anyone.
Another interesting narrative choice I’d like to point out is the nearly complete absence of historical characters, like the revolutionaries. They do not make an appearance at all, save for Saint-Just’s cameo in one of the last episodes and, fortunately, he doesn’t get demonized. Instead, the revolutionary ideas are represented by Florent, who even joins the Jacobin Club during the story and is the one who tries to get Mathilde to become a revolutionary. Other real people, like young Napoleon and Mozart, do appear but they are also cameo characters, which does not count.
Marie-Antoinette and Louis XVI are exceptions to the rule.
(Spoiler alert!)
Marie-Antoinette is portrayed as kind of spoiled and out of touch. Her spending habits get touched on too but she is not a malicious person at heart. She is simply flawed. She becomes especially important to the story later on when Mathilde finds out the secret that has been hidden from her for her entire life.
As it turns out, Marie- Antoinette, the same queen Mathilde hated so much, is the girl’s older half-sister and Mathilde is an illegitimate daughter of the Austrian king and an opera singer, given to a childless couple of florists to be raised in secret so that her identity can be protected.
The way Marie-Antoinette and Mathilde are related and their further interactions end up providing an interesting inner conflict for Mathilde as now she needs to reconcile this relationship with her sister and her hatred for the corruption filling Versailles.
The characters are not actively glorified or demonized for the most part and each side has a fair share of sympathetic characters but the anime doesn’t shy away from showing the dark sides of the revolution either, unlike some other shows that tackle history (*cough* Liberty’s Kids comes to mind *cough*).
All in all, pretty interesting characters and the way they develop is quite realistic too, even if they could’ve been more fleshed out in my opinion.
5. The Voice Acting
Pretty solid. No real complaints here. I’d say that the dub actors did a good job.
6. The Setting
I really like the pastel and simple color scheme of Paris and its contrast with the brighter palette of Versailles. It really drives home the contrast between these two worlds.
The character designs are pretty realistic, simple and pleasant to watch. No eyesores like neon colors and overly cutesy anime girls with giant tiddies here and that’s a big plus in my book.
7. The Conclusion
Like I said, the show is not available in English and those who are able to watch it might find it a bit cliché but, while it’s definitely not perfect. I actually quite like it for its interesting concept, fairly realistic characters and a complex view of the French Revolution. I can definitely recommend this show, if only to see what it’s all about.
Some people might find this show too childish and idealistic, but I’m not one of them.
I’m almost 21 but I still enjoy cartoons and I’m fairly idealistic because cynicism and nihilism do not equal maturity and, if not for the “silly” idealism, Frev itself wouldn’t happen so I think shows like that are necessary too, even if it’s just for escapism.
If you’re interested and want to check it out, more power to you.
Anyway, thank you for attending the first ever official meeting of the Jacobin Fiction Convention. Second meeting is coming soon so stay tuned for updates.
Have a good day, Citizens! I love you!
- Citizen Green Pixel
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