eggcromancer · 17 hours
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It's been a while~🌻
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deceptiveshadow · 2 days
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I half assed this into existence. but if anyone was curious as to why he only had one bell in the other image, it's cause he's smitten and I'm a huge sap.
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its-avalon-08 · 3 days
HI! i know you are on brk, so do write this whenever you want, take all the rest you need carlos x norris!sister
age gap of about 3 years
angry lando, secret dating, angst then fluff
im backkkkk!!!!!!!!!!!! im so thankful for all of the adorable messages, thank sm for the support, without you i would not be able to do this! p.s get ready for post spams because your girl had too much ready!!!!
give me a chance (cs55)
✦ pairing - carlos sainz x norris!sister!reader
✦ genre - angst, fluffy ending
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The tension in the motorhome kitchen was thicker than the stale coffee Carlos was reheating. You, Lando's younger sister by three years, fiddled with your phone, stealing nervous glances at Carlos. He nursed his mug, a self-conscious hand brushing over the small, purple mark blossoming on his neck. It mirrored the one blooming on yours – a secret souvenir from a stolen kiss in Monaco the previous weekend.
"We should be more careful," you whispered, pushing the stray tendril of hair that kept escaping your ponytail back behind your ear.
"Yeah," Carlos agreed, his voice low. "But seeing you in that dress..." He trailed off, a blush creeping up his neck.
A laugh escaped your lips before you could stop it. The memory of you slipping into the tiny hotel balcony, the twinkling lights of Monte Carlo sprawling beneath you, still sent shivers down your spine. Just as Carlos leaned in for another kiss, the door swung open and Lando burst in, interrupting your stolen moment.
"There you two are! Let's go, debrief's about to start."
Relief washed over you, momentarily eclipsing the disappointment. Keeping your relationship with Carlos a secret had been stressful, but Lando finding out was your worst nightmare. He was fiercely protective of you, the age gap somehow making him feel more like a brother than a sibling. He'd never approve of you dating a teammate, especially someone older.
The following days were a tightrope walk. Stolen glances across the paddock, whispered jokes in between briefs, unsupervised moments – it was exhilarating and terrifying in equal measure.
Then came this morning. Lando had been glued to his phone all breakfast, oblivious to the way your hand instinctively brushed against Carlos's under the table. But just as your fingers intertwined, Lando looked up, his gaze landing right on your neck. His eyes widened, then flickered to Carlos, who was sporting a matching mark.
The silence stretched, thick with dawning realization.
"What the…" Lando finally sputtered, his voice a strangled whisper.
Then, a volcano erupted.
"Y/N! Carlos!" Lando slammed his phone on the table, the clatter echoing off the metal walls. "What is this?!"
"Lando, it's not what—" you began, but he cut you off.
"Don't you dare lie to me!" His voice was laced with a fury you'd never heard before. "You two? Since when?"
Carlos opened his mouth to speak, but Lando wasn't done.
"I can't believe this! You, Carlos? You're supposed to be like family!"
"Lando, please," you pleaded, standing up. "We can explain."
"There's nothing to explain!" He threw his hands up in the air. "This is a disaster! You know I wouldn't have approved!"
"That's exactly why we didn't tell you," Carlos said, his voice surprisingly steady. "We were afraid of this reaction."
"Afraid? You should be ashamed!" Lando glared at both of you. "This is unprofessional. This makes things awkward. This messes with everything!"
And with that, he stormed out of the motorhome, slamming the door behind him with a force that rattled the entire vehicle.
You looked at Carlos, his expression mirroring your own – a mix of guilt, fear, and a stubborn determination to fight for what you had. You knew this wouldn't be easy, but one thing was clear – the secret was out. And the real race for your relationship had just begun.
The slam of the door echoed through the motorhome like a thunderclap, leaving behind a silence that vibrated with tension. You stared at the empty doorway, tears stinging your eyes. They spilled over unchecked, tracing a warm path down your cheeks.
Carlos reached out a hand, hovering hesitantly in the air before settling on your shoulder. "Y/N," he said softly, his voice laced with concern.
You turned to face him, tears blurring your vision. "What have we done?" you choked out, the question a ragged whisper.
Carlos flinched. "We… we just tried to be happy," he defended, his voice strained.
"But look at what it's done," you sobbed, gesturing towards the doorway. "Lando's furious. This is exactly what we were afraid of."
"We can talk to him," Carlos insisted, his jaw set. "Explain things better."
"Explain what, Carlos?" you snapped, a spark of anger igniting through your despair. "That we broke his trust? That we jeopardized everything for a few stolen moments?"
The anger in your voice seemed to take Carlos aback. He recoiled slightly, the hurt flickering in his eyes a fresh wound.
"That's not fair, Y/N," he said, his voice low. "We both knew the risks. We both wanted this."
"Maybe I shouldn't have," you mumbled, the words tasting like ash in your mouth.
The weight of your words hung heavy in the air. Carlos's eyes widened, a flicker of pain crossing his features. "What do you mean?" he asked, his voice barely a whisper.
"Maybe this whole thing was a mistake," you said, your voice cracking. "Maybe we should have just—"
You couldn't finish the sentence. The regret in your voice, the implication that you wished you'd never let things go this far, ripped through Carlos like a punch to the gut. He felt a lump form in his throat, his own tears threatening to spill.
"Y/N," he said, his voice thick with emotion. "Don't say that."
But you were already shaking your head, tears streaming down your face. "I can't do this anymore, Carlos," you said, your voice breaking. "This is tearing everything apart."
Without another word, Carlos turned and walked away. His broad shoulders slumped, his steps heavy with unspoken hurt. He didn't look back at you, and as the door to his room slammed shut with a dull thud, you sank to the floor, the weight of your words crashing down on you like a tidal wave. You had just broken his heart, and in that moment, you weren't sure if you had broken yours too.
Regret, a bitter taste on your tongue, pushed you to find Lando. You found him on the balcony, overlooking the bustling racetrack, a world away from the storm brewing inside you. The sight of him, usually your confidant, now felt daunting.
Taking a deep breath, you approached him hesitantly. "Lando," you choked out, hating how shaky your voice sounded.
He turned, surprise flickering across his face before it settled into a guarded expression. "Y/N," he said simply, offering no invitation to sit.
You stood awkwardly, fiddling with your fingers. "Lando, I…" The words stuck in your throat. "I messed up. Big time."
The anger you'd seen in him earlier had morphed into a wary curiosity. He crossed his arms, waiting for you to continue.
Taking another deep breath, you launched into a monologue, your voice trembling. "It started with his eyes, Lando, the way they crinkle when he smiles. And his smile, oh God, his smile makes my heart skip a beat. And then there are his hugs… warm and safe, like a place I can always go home to. And his kisses," you whispered, the memory sending shivers down your spine, "like fireworks, Lando, exploding with a kind of magic I've never felt before."
Tears welled up in your eyes, blurring your vision. "I love him, Lando. I never knew I could love someone like I love Carlos."
As you spoke, a figure appeared in the doorway, frozen in place. It was Carlos, his face a mask of pain, each word a fresh blow to his heart. But he couldn't tear himself away. He needed to hear it all.
You continued, your voice thick with emotion. "I panicked, Lando. I thought this would ruin everything, for you, for the team. But all I see is broken trust and a pain I caused the man I…" Your voice broke, a sob escaping your lips.
Lando watched you silently, his initial anger replaced by a flicker of understanding. He took a slow step towards you, his expression unreadable.
Then, to your surprise, he pulled you into a tight embrace. You buried your face in his shoulder, your tears soaking into his shirt.
"Hey," he murmured, his voice rough with emotion. "It's okay. You love him, I get it."
He pulled back slightly, his eyes searching yours. "Just… promise you'll take care of each other. And promise me you won't keep things from me again."
A choked laugh escaped your lips. "I promise, Lando. I promise everything."
Suddenly, you felt a warm presence behind you. A tear slipped down your cheek as you turned to see Carlos standing there, his eyes red-rimmed, a tear tracing a similar path down his own face.
He didn't say a word. He simply walked towards you and pulled you into his arms, his embrace a silent promise. You buried your face in his chest, tears streaming down as the weight of the last few hours lifted.
Lando stepped back, a small smile playing on his lips. He watched for a moment, his heart heavy but strangely at peace. "Alright, lovebirds," he said, his voice gruff. "Let's not turn this balcony into a waterfall."
You both pulled away slightly, but Carlos kept his arm wrapped around you, his touch a warm anchor. You looked up at him, his eyes glistening.
"Thank you, Lando," Carlos said, his voice thick with emotion.
"Just don't break her heart," Lando warned, a hint of his usual playful banter returning. "She's the only sister I've got."
Carlos nodded solemnly, his gaze fixed on you. "I won't," he vowed, his voice a husky whisper.
And you, nestled in Carlos's embrace, knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, you wouldn't face them alone. You had love, forgiveness, and a newfound understanding – a foundation strong enough to weather any storm.
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mindiemakes · 3 days
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POV: Sun introducing you as an employee at the daycare to the kids for the first time, he is very excited
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mubabee · 2 days
Nothing muchhh just gojo sleeping on your bum and geto licking you (i’ve been a lil bit obsessed with geto lately)
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zyonsay · 14 hours
Begrijp je me? JOOST KLEIN
Fem aligned people may read but not f3tishize my work!!
Summary: You get home to discover an upset Joost.
Reader: Genderneutral
Warnings: Mention of struggling with mental health, sadness BUT theres comfort!
Now playing: 'Antwoord" by Joost Klein
AN: Hi guys! I had this idea a few days ago, never got around to writing it tho. Assignments are kicking my ass and im knee deep in a psychiosis. This one is relatively short (1k words) but more self indulgent! Love yall, take care <3
#Justice for Joost
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A dark, heavy blanket was already draped over the city. Your job often required you to work late evenings, which was unfortunate but in your current situation not avoidable. Together with the support of a good friend, you had already sent out a few job applications some time ago, but nothing has come out of that yet.
Ik moest wachten, wachten, wachten op een antwoord
Your shoes quietly clacked on the wet sidewalk. The stars shone brightly but were also accompanied by heavy rain. Sighing tiredly, you pulled your hood further over your head, as if it would do anything against the water drops being catapulted right into your visage. Maybe it was time to take out your bike from the garage again.
Keek in de spiegel, zag de vraag en het antwoord
The water crawled up your jeans slowly but surely, having reached your calves already. The wet fabric slapping against your leg was a sensory nightmare, you were cursing every single inch you’d have to walk till arriving at your apartment building.
Ik moest wachten, wachten, wachten op een antwoord
With hurried steps you raced up the staircase. Number 2.06, Number 2.06. A content and slightly exhausted huff escaped you as the three black numbers finally graced your field of view.
Dans met de duivel, die heeft mij allang door
Your keys rattled as you locked the door. Usually there’d be a salt lamp lit on the coffee table in the living room, but this evening everything was dark and quiet. Not that it was usually loud, but it felt almost like the life was drained out of the apartment.
Maar we blijven grinden tot het einde
That was until you heard a quiet sniffling sound. You discarded your soaking wet shoes along with your equally wet socks at the front door. Like a bloodhound you tracked down where the source of the noises came from. But you barely had to walk out from the hallway to find a huddled up Joost on the sofa.
Ik woonde in Katwijk, dat was lijden
You quickly rushed to his side, slinging your arms around the heap of blankets, under which there was a man hidden. Somewhere. With gentle hands you stripped down the blankets, revealing your teary-eyed boyfriend. His eyes were reddened and glossed over with tears. As much as he tried hiding it, you picked up on the light quiver of his lips and the sniffling from his nose.
Ze willen niet kijken naar de feiten, spijtig
“Come here.” His arms slid around your torso, holding you close. You nestled your face into the mess of blonde hair atop his head. “I’m here.”, you pressed a sweet peck against his forehead, while holding him in your arms.
Maar ik blijf mezelf te allen tijde, begrijp je me?
Joost had been struggling with his mental health for a while now. From time to time, he’d get really bad. In moments like this he needed you the most. Your embrace for sure didn’t fix his problems, but they sure made it feel more conquerable. You knew how helpless one can feel, how you want to be isolated while craving love, how you hate everything but don’t want to.
Begrijp je me?
Joost pressed closer to you, tears now flowing again. You squeezed him, letting him hold onto you for as long as he needs to. “How about I make us some tea?”, you rubbed his back in smooth, slow motions. His hum was muffled by your own figure. Joost loosened his hold on you, his blue eyes searching yours. Your hands cupped his face while you left sweet kisses along his forehead, cheeks and finally the tip of his nose. “I’ll need to get those pants off first though.” He looked down at the soaked jeans and grimaced in a disgusted manner. A sigh of relief left you as you slipped the fabric off, leaving you in your underpants. Joost tangled his fingers in yours and you pull him towards the kitchen.
Begrijp je me?
The kettle whistled a distant song, while you once again wrapped Joost in an embrace against the counter. Two cups stood on the surface, both with a tea bag inside. One of them had one sugar cube, the other had two and a half.
Begrijp je me of begrijp je me niet ?
The blonds heart seemed to beat with yours, he inhaled your scent. Besides your usual cologne you smelled like… you. He huffed contently. The light on the kettle died down and you broke the hug to pour the steaming water into the cups. While your front was turned towards the cups, Joost had found the opportunity to cling to your back. Your warmth, your scent, everything about you was calming to him. Some people need etheric oils to feel at ease, but you were like his own substance. He was addicted to you, your emotions and your words.
Begrijp je me?
You turned around in his arms, smiling at him. God, how he loved that smile. “Wanna talk about it?” He shook his head, “I’m too exhausted. Maybe tomorrow.” He lazily smiled at you, inching closer to your face and then pressing a sweet, short peck to your lips.
Begrijp je me?
“Alright.”, you offered him another loving kiss. “Let’s just enjoy this tea and then head to bed, sounds like a plan?” He still had his signature smile all over his face, his dimples showing and his eyes lighting up again. He loves how you get him, how you understand him in every way.
Begrijp je me of begrijp je me niet?
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crystallinesilk · 3 days
✧ “My Precious Lightweight…”✧ 
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Synopsis: After a trip to the laundromat, Choso and his girlfriend [you!] settle on the couch. You previously discovered your misplaced THC vape pen before the wash, and playful teasing turns into an intimate, loving, and intensely passionate encounter as you trade vape hits and become consumed by each other.
Pairings: Choso x f!reader
Content: Explicit content { { MDNI } }, switchy/ lightweight/ possessive Choso, established relationship, post-laundry relaxation, new living arrangements, fluff, teasing, some biting, kissing/ making out, shotgunning THC vape pen, heavy petting, pet names (baby, baby doll, pretty princess, etc.).
Word Count: 2.3k+
Author’s note: This is my first one shot. I’ve been pretty obsessed with Jujutsu Kaisen lately so I hope you guys will enjoy what I think Choso would be like in this specific situation! I love him ,_,
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You and Choso bustle around the apartment, sorting out the last bits of laundry before heading to the laundromat. As you shake out one of your hoodies, a small object tumbles out and lands on the floor. You pick it up, realizing it was your long-lost THC vape pen.
"Look what I found!" you exclaimed, holding it up with a triumphant grin, “And it’s still got a lot in it!”
Choso glances over curiously. "What? Where did you find that?”
"Found it in my hoodie! Just in time before it went through the wash," you say. "Want to get a little zooted when we get back?"
“Zooted?” he laughs and then nods while giving you a tentative smile, eyes sparkling with intrigue. "Sure, why not."
After finishing the laundry, returning home, Choso adamant on not letting you carry the heavy basket, you two come up to the door. “You don’t always gotta be such a sweetheart, you know that, right?”
Choso smirks contentedly and leans in to give your nose a sweet lingering kiss, “I’d do anything for you, my pretty princess.” He kisses your cheek. A sweet loving kiss that seems to everlast.
As you both walk in, he sets the basket next to the couch arm and plops down. His left arm splayed to make room for you. You set your keys down on the coffee table, toss your sweatpants off and plop down right beside him, cuddling into his large masculine frame. He pulls you closer, his lips brushing against your cheek. His nose– tickling your ear. He kisses your temple firmly and leans his forehead against yours. You both let out a relieved sigh as you press your face into the nook of his neck.
Choso runs his fingers through your hair, “So about that vape pen?” he asks.
You straighten your posture a bit as you fish the pen back out of your short pockets. You held it up again, your excitement palpable. "Ready?"
He nods, watching you intently, curiously, innocently. You took the first hit, savoring the uplifting effects of the hybrid strain. The plumes escape your nostril and his eyes glimmer watching your eyes dilate and your shoulders lax.
Leaning forward, you align your face and cradle your boyfriends’ face in your hands as you kiss him, lingering on his bottom lip. You trace his lip with your tongue, eager for him to taste the herbal citrus of your recent vape hit. He eases his lips into yours and slips his tongue against yours. Velvety smooth and hints of orange citrus saliva intertwine with the sweetness of him..
You pull away, leaving that sloppy saliva strand that you lick back up to give him a more clsoe mouthed, tame kiss. Choso shifts constantly under your kiss and holds back a moan as you ask in a whisper, “Can I shotgun it into your mouth from mine?”
He looks at you hesitantly before a wide smile forms on his sweet pale face, “Of course, my pretty girl.”
He pulls you closer by your waist as you take a heavy pull off the vape. You align his face with yours, kissing him once. He opens his mouth eagerly for you as you exhale the vapor back into his mouth, the intimate shotgunning making him slightly dizzy. His eyes become glossy, a dreamy expression takes over his features, “Oh, ahah–aa Y/n, this is what it feels… like.. huh?” he stammers out.
You dote on him as you plant kisses on his face again. He’s sweetly delirious just from a single hit. You tease him, your lips lingering on his as you playfully nip at his lower lip. "My precious lightweight, already so affected..."
Choso's breath hitches, his body responding to your touch as you palm his already growing hardness. His heart flutters wildly. “Cho… already worked up, huh?”. He tries to murmur back something, but the feeling of his cock twitching underneath your hand leaves him effortlessly docile, hot under his clothes, and too flustered to string together words. He nods, swallowing hard.
You sits more firmly on his sharp hips, dragging back as you begin to kiss and nip down his jawline, finally finding a spot to leave your love bites. Between moments of him squirming and your acute hickies, you ask, “Think you can handle more?”
He shivers, his hands roaming your sides, switching between gentle caresses and needy gropes. "I can handle more than you think," he murmurs, his voice husky with desire and intoxication. His hands starting to wander from his iron grip on your waist.
You coo softly, “I know you can handle more, my sweet Cho", giving his hardness a firm grind between the heat resonating between your legs… He let out a low whine, his need for you intensifying.
 His hardness pressed against you through his pants, and you began to grind against him, moving back and forth with deliberate, slow movements. His breath hitched, and his hands found your waist, gripping you as if to anchor himself.
Leaning down, you took another hit from the vape and held it as you looked into his delicate doe eyes. His eyes lock swift yours and he leans in for another shotgunned hit.
Choso complied, his eyes half-lidded and filled with desire. The intimacy of the act makes you both shiver. He deepens the kiss, the shared vapor making your heads spin. He ruts sloppily up against your clothed cunt with a suppressed moan into your mouth.
"You're doing so well, baby," you murmur against his lips, feeling his hips buck more beneath you. "You’re my sweet lightweight, huh?"
Choso groans at your words and his breathing deepens as he stammers out, “Yo–your sweet light weight”. He grips on your waist, suddenly tightening his fingers as they digging into your skin with a possessive need. You huff pushing your ass onto his lap even harder as you lick and kiss up the side of his face, “All fucking mine…”
You pull back, following his hazy glazed eyes of need. His hands snaking from your hips, over your cute tits, to your neck, "And you're mine," he growled softly, his voice a mix of sweetness and feral intensity. "And I.. mm.. w–want all of you, baby"
You felt a thrill at his words, your own desire further heightening– unable to contain yourself. The daze makes your eyes half mooned. They close as you lean against his toned chest, "All yours, Cho," you whisper back, leaving fervent love bites on his chest. He grabs your jawline for a savory kiss reminding you both of how stoned the two of you are– the taste of citrus lingering . Still, his response was immediate, his mouth moving against yours with a sloppy hunger that made your toes curl and his grip slip against the fabric of your shirt.
You continue to grind against him, feeling the friction build between you. His breath hot and heavy as he moved down. In turn, he bites and sucks the divots of your collarbone and shoulders. His need for you evident in every hazy twitch of his cock, and every dizzy whimper that escapes your mouth, you could feel him grow below, “You do things… to.. me.. baby girl..”
You smile slyly as you reach between you, tugging down his pants and boxers just enough to free his hardness. The sight of him, swollen and ready, slapping against his meticulously chiseled abs make your eyes completely mesmerized– your need to touch, lick up and kiss and and and…
With a deep breath, a tight readiness below your stomach, you lean in closer, almost face-to-face with his sleeper of a hardness. Your fingers and palm centimeters away, the heat emanates wildly off him, matching your own fire.
As you reach out to grab his burning hot cock, he smirks deviously and grabs your wrist, “Tsk, tsk, I think we both need a little more…” his voice trails off as you watch him pull the vape pen out again, “don’t you think?”. He smirks as you watch him take a heavier hit than you did before. “Cho– don’t– be careful with that!”
He nods his head– a signal to veer closer. He grabs your chin, his finger trailing the underside of your jaw. You ease against his lips and breath in the sweet citrus. He follows by giving you a sloppy fucking kiss, his tongue eager to fight against yours. The smoke plumes between the subtle empty spaces between your interlocking lips and tongue. Both of you melted in the deliberate kiss– making your hearts zuzz, your minds’ empty, your bodies lost, and your eyes further reddened.
You sat back on to his firm hips, trapping his freed hardness between your wet thighs and soaked panties. Neither of you broke away until you felt the pulsating of his eager member against you. You breathed unsteadily with the feeling. He gasped, barely audible, but his stoned doe eyes looking down in disbelief and then back up to you tells you everything. So eager, so excited, so ready to burst already.
“Y/N, p– please?” Choso sputters out. You reach for both his hands at your waist. Bringing his left to your sacral, making him hook his fingers at the waistband of your panties, and his right hand, a shaking mess, back to enrich his fingertips and palm with your soft tits. He traces over your nipple softly, overwhelmed with the plethora of sensations.
“Slide ‘em to the side f’me, won’t you, Cho?” you says with a breathy, twice as eager moan. His half lidded eyes, opened wide, “You uh–ya sure, baby?”. You nod, your hands wandering down his iliac crest to meet his left hand stammering as he pulls your drenched panties to the side. 
Positioning yourself, you slowly guided him into you, the sensation making you both gasp. His eye lids barely closed, the white of his eyes noticeably reddened… You moved with deliberate slowness, wanting to savor every inch as he stifled his moans. His hands gripped your hips, helping to guide you as you take his entirety, barely with ease. Your wetness making it easier, but his size makes you stretch. He lets out an uneven breath as you start to set a steady rhythm.
Choso's breaths were ragged and completely broken, each movement driving him closer to the edge. "You’r— you’re fucking mine," he repeated, his voice trembling with need. "I– I can– never get– enough– of you, my slutty pretty–"
You grinned, leaning down to kiss him deeply. "I– I can’t either, Cho.." you say, your voice filled with affection and sultry desire. You increased the pace slightly, the friction sending waves of pleasure through both of you.
As you rode him, you could feel his body tensing beneath you, his breathy moans filling the room. You slow down each time he seems a little too close to release, edging him and drawing out the pleasure. "You're so fucking responsive," you murmur, your lips grazing his ear. "I love how you react to my touch."
Choso lifts his shakily head from ecstasy, his mouth slightly agape from watching as his cock disappears and reappears covered by your needy pussy with your slick honey. He smiles so fucking wide, quickly changing into dark desire as his hands roam your body, his thumb tracking over your clit, his other hands groping at your plump ass, his touch desperate and reverent. "Please," he begged, his voice barely audible. "I need you."
"I– I need you too, my love," you reply, your movements becoming more urgent. You could feel the pressure building within you, the need for release becoming almost unbearable.
You continue to edge him, the sensation of being so close yet not quite there driving him wild. His moans become more frantic, saying your name, your full name between his sloppy pumps up, his grip on you tightening more and more and more and more and…. "Please," he groans again, his voice evidently breaking. "Baby– girl– I– I can't hold on much longer."
“Hold on, baby… just.. alittle..” , you moan back reaching for the vape pen once more, taking a quick hit as he watches in further disbelief. His mouth still agape, you lean in and blow it into his mouth.
He breathes in and then out, “F-f–fuck”, our own release just within reach. You move with him, your bodies perfectly in sync as you finally allow yourselves to tip over the edge. The release— he caves first, pulling you close to him, his hands grabbing all over you searching for nowhere in particular just as long as you're close… The release so intense, waves of pleasure crashing over both of you as you held each other tightly. The sun fluttering on your skin from the window, a realization of his cum deep in you, connected in the most intimate way possible. You grind against him, dead set on making his face completely red, “S–so.. S–so sensitive, baby girl…”
As the aftershocks subsided, you collapsed onto Choso's chest, both of you breathing heavily, hearts still a racing, pounding mess. He kisses you softly, his lips tasting you. "You did so fucking well, my girl" he murmured, feeling the love and connection between you.
You smile with ease, biting his lower lip. His eyes still glazed with the remnants of the high, still lost in your tender space. "Still needy, my sweet girl?," he whispers, his voice filled with gratitude, adoration, and intrigue.
“Should I manipulate the blood back into my cock?” he smirks breathlessly.
You slap his chest lightly with a smiley giggle knowing he isn’t joking… because you can feel him twitching even more still buried in you...
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© crystallinesilk2024~ reblogs and comments are greatly appreciated! Do not plagiarize my works and not translate/modify/copy. We can chat about it though!
(dividers by @cafekitsune)
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three--eyed--cat · 2 days
!! james potter, moodboard !!
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sleepykas · 11 hours
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Y/N's nightmares are getting weird
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small-z24 · 1 day
One-Shot: A Dance in the Shadows
At a Night Court ball, Y/N, forced to attend by Rhysand, reluctantly dances with Azriel, the shadowsinger she doesn't trust. Despite her resistance, Azriel's protective nature begins to break through her defenses, revealing a deeper connection between them as the night unfolds.
Word Count: 677
Warnings: None
Author’s Note: I took this from @creativepromptsforwriting body guard prompt list "I will keep you safe. If you like it or not." Thanks for reading, would love some feedback! 
The grand ballroom of the Night Court glittered with ethereal beauty. Twinkling lights floated like stars above, casting a soft, shimmering glow over the elegantly dressed guests. The air buzzed with laughter and music, a symphony of strings and flutes weaving a melody that was both enchanting and haunting.
Y/N stood by the edge of the dance floor, feeling distinctly out of place amidst the glittering fae. Her dress, a deep midnight blue that matched the hues of the starry night, clung to her form gracefully. She admired the intricate details of the room, trying to distract herself from the fluttering nerves in her stomach.
She didn’t like events like these. She preferred the solitude of her own company, away from the probing eyes and the murmurs that always seemed to follow. But Rhysand had insisted—no, demanded—her presence tonight. And defying the High Lord of the Night Court wasn’t an option.
Azriel, the shadowsinger, had been a constant presence since they arrived, his silent strength offering an unspoken reassurance that she neither wanted nor appreciated. His shadows danced around him, a protective veil that kept the curious gazes at bay. He was a vision of lethal elegance in his tailored black attire, every inch the deadly warrior she had come to distrust.
Their eyes met across the room, and Azriel’s gaze softened. With a slight nod, he excused himself from a conversation with Rhysand and Feyre and made his way towards her. The crowd seemed to part instinctively, sensing the power that radiated from him.
As he reached her, he offered his hand. “May I have this dance?” he asked, his voice a low, velvety rumble that sent shivers down her spine.
Y/N hesitated for a moment before placing her hand in his. “Do I have a choice?” she replied, her voice barely above a whisper.
Azriel led her to the center of the dance floor, where other couples swayed gracefully to the music. He pulled her close, one hand resting on the small of her back, the other holding her hand securely. As they began to move, Y/N couldn’t help but feel like they were the only two people in the room.
“You’re doing wonderfully,” Azriel murmured, his breath warm against her ear. “Just follow my lead.”
Y/N’s eyes narrowed. “I’m not some damsel in distress, Azriel. I can handle myself.”
Azriel’s grip tightened slightly, his shadows swirling more protectively around them. “I know you can,” he said softly, his eyes locking onto hers. “But you’re with me tonight, and I will keep you safe. If you like it or not.”
His words, spoken with such conviction and a hint of threat, sent a wave of anger through her. She looked up into his hazel eyes, seeing the promise of protection and something more—something deeper. A connection that went beyond words.
“I don’t need your protection,” she snapped, trying to pull away. “I’m not some fragile flower.”
Azriel’s gaze hardened, and he pulled her even closer. “I’m not protecting you because you’re fragile. I’m protecting you because you matter.”
The music swelled around them, and for a moment, it felt like they were dancing in their own world, untouched by the prying eyes of others. Azriel’s presence was a comforting anchor, grounding her amidst the swirling chaos.
As the dance came to an end, he led her off the floor, keeping her close by his side. “Thank you,” she said softly, her heart full of conflicting emotions.
He smiled, a rare, genuine smile that made her heart skip a beat. “Anytime, Y/N,” he replied. “Always.”
With Azriel by her side, she knew she could face anything. And as they mingled with the other guests, his hand never left hers, a constant reminder of his promise.
In the grand ballroom of the Night Court, surrounded by the beauty and intrigue of the fae world, Y/N found her strength in the shadowsinger’s unwavering support. And in that moment, she knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, they would face them together.
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ginax0916 · 2 days
。𖦹° 𝐒𝐧𝐚𝐩𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮’𝐝 𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐢𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐌𝐚𝐭𝐭 𝐏𝐭.𝟐 °𖦹。
Matt x gf!reader
Synopsis: snaps you would post of your bf Matt
✫ . ✭・.・✫
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deceptiveshadow · 12 hours
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*Draws angst* Me: :< Also me: "RIP idiot o7" LMAO
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eggcromancer · 15 hours
hi Eggie, I have a giftie for you :
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Okay have a nice day 🫂💕💥✨‼️
Fish slippers! They're super cool!! Until a certain sea critter mistake it for a tasty snack, that is.... 🍽
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yasashii-leaf · 2 days
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siconetribal · 15 hours
Beyond the Bookshelves (1)
Pairing: Loki x Reader
Warnings: Some swearing, work stress, impossible tasks
Summary: You're Resource Management Specialist at S.H.I.E.L.D. normally referred to as "The Librarian". You've been assigned the nightmarish task of digitizing all the physical resources currently owned by the agency with a few new computers and one extra helper.
A/N: I honestly do not know where this is going and why I even started this. It was an idea that sort of popped into my head while at work. I hope you enjoy it! Please comment/like/reblog. If you'd like to be tagged moving forward, please let me know!
The lovely banners used in this fic are from @cafekitsune.
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Papers fluttered to the ground around Loki as stared down at the young woman who ran into him. He cocked an eyebrow as he heard a low hiss of pain come from her gritted teeth. The impact could not have been that painful, but how was he to know? He was minding his own business, walking down the fairly empty hallway reading a book when something had come crashing into him. It was not the first time he had been assaulted, but it was certainly the first time to be tackled in the middle of an empty hallway. Glancing around, he noticed there were a few people lingering about, watching to see what he would do or see what transpired.
“I’m sorry, I wasn’t looking where I was going.” Her voice drew his attention back down to the ground to see her on her knees trying to gather the scattered sheets of paper. He slid his right foot back as she reached for one near it.
“You are excused,” he responded in a level tone that held little emotion, if any at all. She looked up at him in wide-eyed shock which had him raise an eyebrow yet again at her. He hesitated for a moment to speak, feeling the eyes on them.
“Is there something else you wish to say?”
“Huh? Oh, no, just surprised to hear you say anything. I’ve never heard you speak before, so I thought that maybe you couldn’t.” She admitted, tapping the bottom edge of the sheets to make the pile more uniform. “You have a nice voice.” She added, carefully inspecting the surrounding area, oblivious to the bewildered look of the prince before her. “Ah-ha!” She grinned, crawling forward and reaching between his feet. Startled by her actions, Loki quickly took a few steps backward, leaving a noticeable shoe print on the paper she had been reaching for. “Thank you, this was the last one I needed.” She smiled at him, though when she saw the print her lips quickly curled downwards into a noticeable frown. “That’s not good, Fury’s not gonna be happy.” She mumbled, carefully placing the dirtied sheet on the top as she stood up with her sizable stack of folders and binders in her arms. “Well, it was a pleasure speaking to you Mr. Loki, I hope you enjoy the rest of your day.”
He watched as she casually resumed her walk down the hallway, unperturbed by the fact that she had just walked straight into him, Loki, the monster that had wreaked havoc in the world and destroyed their precious city. The very city they were currently in now. What an odd Midgardian, but I suppose this would be the place to find plenty of odd ones. He turned to look at some of the spectators and watched them visibly flinch or stumble as they met his gaze, scrambling to leave the vicinity and get away from here, away from him. Opening his book once more, he continued on his way towards
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Just as she had anticipated, Fury was not pleased with the surprise print on one of the report pages. He looked between it and her in silence, sliding the packet across his desk in her direction as he leaned back and turned his chair slightly.
“Mind telling me why you suddenly decided to decorate such a vital report with a shoe?”
“It was an accident, sir. While on my way here, I was reviewing the content and ended up crashing into someone on the way. They unintentionally stepped on the sheet while trying to avoid the others. I didn’t have time to reprint the documents prior to this meeting. I will be submitting a clean copy into the record and have this one shredded.”
“I’ll let it slide this time only. Next time, watch where you’re walking and leave reviewing for when you’re at a desk. Everything looks to be in order, reprint and file it.”
“Thank you sir, I’ll have it done right away.” She bowed her head and picked up the report.
“Don’t let this happen again.” He sternly remarked. “The next time it does, you’ll have to deal with the consequences. Do I make myself clear?”
“Crystal, sir.” Y/N nodded. “The next item for discussion is the transition of all physical resources into digital. I do understand that many have requested that all resources be scanned and made digital, but that task is a lot larger than many realize. Also, not all of our sources are safe to scan due to age or the need to be translated and checked prior to scanning. It is not impossible, but a sizable team would be needed in order to have it completed. I propose that the physical sources we have are properly cataloged and organized so they are easier to be found. We can have them scanned in the process, but again, we run into the issues of needing to translate and verify that the translations are correct.”
“Y/N, just get to the fucking point. Can it be done?” Fury cut her off, looking at her pointedly with his good eye.
“In an ideal situation, yes.” She let out a small sigh.
“And what is an ‘ideal situation’?” 
“A team of at least five agents per letter, several translators for the various languages we have to make sure we have them properly translated, and a warehouse filled with scanners and computers to scan, name, and upload. With such a team and ideal conditions always, it could take about five to ten years to complete.”
“Oh just that?” His voice was dripping with sarcasm, his frown more pronounced than usual. Y/N knew he was not pleased with her answer, but there was no use in trying to make it lighter than it really was. They had an extensive library in house and warehouses of delicate and confidential artifacts which included tomes and scrolls. She was the head librarian and managed all of this with only a handful of others spread across the various locations.
“Ideally, yes.”
“And if it wasn’t ideal?”
“Depends on what factors are not present, but without those minimum requirements it could take decades.”
“But it can be done.” He flatly responded, sitting forward in his seat and resting his elbows on the desk. “We won’t destroy any of the physical resources, but you’ll have to make do with what you get. We don’t have the luxury of just handing over a slew of agents for this. We need boots on the ground globally to keep an eye out on things out there bigger than us.” A weight suddenly dropped in the pit of her stomach. Though she was not expecting anything close to what she listed as an ideal, there was something in his tone that screamed out that she was going to hear the worst case scenario.
“And what would I get to work with?” She managed to keep her voice steady.
“State of the art technology per library staff member per location and a god.”
Silence fell over them as she stood there, slowly blinking at her superior. This had to be some sort of sick joke. She knew the organization could not give what was needed, but this? This was hardly anything at all.
“I’m sorry, did you just say new computers and a god?”
“That’s what I said.” He nodded his head.
“You must be joking, right? This task would take more than just decades to do and what does ‘a god’ even mean? A ‘god’ per person or location or just one god? And what sort of ‘god’ Do you just have deities on demand or something? Are they just going to snap their fingers and things will be done magically? What can they do for me and this life long assignment I have now been tasked with?” She paced in front of his desk, muttering to herself on how this could work and what sort of person this ‘god’ was. He cannot be serious, right? But Fury isn’t the type to just say shit or joke around. She turned and looked at her boss. No, not a joker. She frowned.
“Y/N, calm down. We’ve got two Asgardian gods that have a knack for understanding all languages. You don’t need a team of translators when they can do it on the spot just like that.” His sharp tone made her stop and turn to face him. “So that whole crap can be cut and you can work with one of them to get all this done faster with less people and just get to organizing shit. You’re getting what you get, end of discussion. Anything else?”
“No sir,” she sighed and shook her head.
“Good, I’ll get Agent Hill to talk to them and reach out to you. You’re dismissed.”
“Yes sir.” She slightly bowed her head and left the office, her shoulders dropping the moment the door closed behind her. This was not going to be easy.
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Tag list: @vbecker10
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whimsicaldoves · 1 day
Some more silly doodles of my au
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Also y/n and eclipse first meeting
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It wasn’t great
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