#hes this decades rick sanchez thats so awesome
chiptunepacifist · 16 days
y’all want some jax CHARACTER ANALYSIS⁉️⁉️🔥🔥🔥🔥🗣️🗣️🗣️
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ive seen his angered expression during kaufmo’s funeral as him actually caring about kaufmo but not wanting to show that- and while that’s definitely a hc you can have, i think his reasoning for being upset is more selfish than that and says a lot about him as a character
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jax is a piece of shit, we all know this- but what specifically makes him a piece of shit and whats expounded on in episode 2 mostly is his disregard for the people around him. he doesn’t care if he hurts others, and everything he does is for his own amusement
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during the adventure he craves violence and havoc- to the point of him supposedly destroying an entire kingdom just for the sake of a bit.
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but even in episode 1 we see how he doesn’t even care for the humans he’s with as when he sees that kaufmo abstracted he greets it with indifference.
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jax as a character is a nihilist. nothing matters to him and that ideology directly contrasts the message of episode 2- that the people around you DO matter.
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Jax seeing the funeral being set up forces him to recognize this fact, and his upset reaction shows how uncomfortable that makes him. because if things DO matter, he has to reflect on his actions and the consequences of them. He sees this world as a game while everyone else approaches it as their new reality, and i feel like that will be a central conflict with him in the following episodes :>
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but what do YOU guys think of this, i’ve heard a lot of different takes on jax like maybe hes an NPC or maybe he’s got some trauumaauughghh idk!!! share ur thoughts 👹
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