#hh charlie
lanthart · 4 months
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kimik0hippie · 5 months
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Charlotte 🥧
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fujosh1dreamer · 4 months
If you had told me before episode 5 that Lucifer, Charlies dad would show up. That he would be a sad little meow meow.
Also that while at the hotel Lucifer and Alastor would have beef, that would result in them singing a duet about which of them is a better father to Charlie I would have called you crazy...
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Bro Alastor is always chill to see this side of him as a result of Luci is insane. Look at him he's such a troll. He literally called Charlie the child he always wanted.
The Radio boi is pissed!!!
Only for the episode to take an emotional turn and have Charlie and Lucifer sing a heartfelt duet... Like wow!
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Love this episode.
Sorry but i kinda love the Lucifer and Alastor beef more than his beef with vox lol.
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viktheviking1 · 4 months
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Vaggie: Oh no, one of those demons has found me weak and vulnerable and now they're here to kill me
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Oh shit, she's cute
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Oh shit she's helping me
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Oh shit, one of those demons has found me weak and vulnerable and now she's going to steal my heart
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1tz-4ll-m3 · 4 months
Y’all should consider shipping Emily x Lute.
Why? Because It’s literally just a swap version of Charlie x Vaggie.
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Charlie: *fed up with some of the sinners not taking things seriously* you're... You're all Grounded! Angel Dust: *laughs* Did you just ground us? Charlie: *realizes what she did and decides to roll with it* Yes, Grounded. Alastor: *holds up shovel* And now we're gonna bury you all 'til you learned your lesson! Charlie: Alastor, that's not how grounding works.
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rhmis-user-2020 · 4 months
Group hug
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tooshnado · 1 month
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SOME recent art (ive been stale here)
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bee-snail · 4 months
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Morningstars and some of their apple shapes
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devintrinidad · 4 months
Okay, but has everyone seen the newest sneak peek for Hazbin Hotel? Goodness, Charlastor/Radiobelle Shippers are feasting come Friday! I can just feel it!
Anywhoozles, just a bit of a thought, but!
At the end of the clip, we can hear Alastor talking in a sing-song voice! Could it be... that Alastor is going to sing to Charlie?
Throughout the series, Alastor has taken part in two songs. The first being Stayed Gone and and the second being Hell's Greatest Dad. Everyone knows and has memed on the fact that Alastor doesn't start songs, rather, he finishes them with great panache (or, in the case of HGD, he was on equal footing with Lucifer with no clear winner). He waits in the shadows and picks a time to butt in and ruin the singers day.
Yet! In the clip, he sounds like he's about to sing! This is a first for the series... except, we also have seen him initiate singing at one other time...
The pilot.
And who was he specifically singing to?
I'm just saying, to break your rhythm, your modus operandi of singing in a show that has been based specifically off Broadway musicals (where the music and the lyrics are meant to convey specific themes and messages to enhance the story), that is saying a lot. Not only is he initiating, this is the second time he's initiating with her.
And what's more, I think we're going to have a Charlastor duet. It's just a hunch, I have nothing backing this up, but what if? Because it seems like Charlie and Alastor need to have this conversation and I don't imagine Charlie is going to sit back and take it, not when she feels so betrayed and angry as seen in the clip. She's going to sing as well.
Just a thought that I have been harboring because.
What if they sing together and harmonize??? I think that would be so awesome and sweet!
So yeah, it says a LOT when a character who hangs back to strike is the one to initiate (playfully and without intent for rebuttal or malice.. but then again, this Alastor so maybe a little bit of malice) and possibly invite the other person in the room to sing with him.
A few more thoughts under the cut:
Before I say anything, this is going to go from somewhat plausible to just a daydream, so just bear with me.
So, I saw somewhere that Viv said that Alastor's microphone is like a a part of him. Without it, he can't speak. It's basically his voicebox and probably one of his greatest treasures because what is a radio host without his voice?
The reason why I'm bringing this up because in the scene in the trailer (not this Charlastor heavy one, but like the original one before the series came out) was that Charlie was holding onto Alastor's microphone in one of the scenes.
To have someone hold onto your greatest treasure, a piece of you that you can't just share with anybody, and to couple that with the fact that you're touch repulsed???? Charlie would never ask that of Alastor, so I really hope that he gave it to her of her own free will! Maybe it seems like our dear radio host wants to make the hotel actually succeed and that's his way of showing it.
(Of course, if he wants the hotel to succeed, I am no discounting the fact that it's because he's being forced to because of that "leash" of his or that he would do it just to bring Charlie's hopes up only to watch them crumble down into the pit of failure).
A friend of mine also suspected that this scene looked like it was about to lead up to a contract between Alastor and Charlie. And who knows? Maybe that's what will happen because I don't see Alastor giving Charlie his microphone just because. There has to be a good reason for it.
Am I being delusional? Probably.
And one more thought. I did mention that there might be a contract between Alastor and Charlie. But I didn't say how.
What if it isn't Charlie isn't selling her soul to Alastor, but Alastor selling his soul to Charlie. (If this is the ultimate plan for Alastor or from the entity holding Alastor's leash, who knows, just go with it).
The reason why I'm thinking it could be Charlie is because she needs to learn how to exercise her title as Princess of Hell. We see it during numerous times in the series that she tries to exercise her authority in the series, only to be bulldozed down by other characters. Notable examples is when Adam starts singing at her in Episode One, Angel Dust interrupting Charlie's questioning of Valentino in Episode Four, etc. We even see this in the pilot when she states that Lucifer said, "Don't take shit from other demons."
In fact, she doesn't seem to command much of a presence even though she's literal royalty and probably one of the strongest beings in hell. The only person who seems to listen to her and will do what she asks is Vaggie.
And Vaggie betrayed her by not telling the truth.
So, what if she tries to exercise her authority once more. To gain control, to finally show someone (anyone and in this case, Alastor) that she does have what it takes to command others while at the same time not abusing her authority.
(This was hinted at in Episode One when she tells Angel Dust that she won't exploit his profession for a commercial)
I think for entertainment's sake, Alastor would willingly enter into a contract with Charlie. How would dear the princess handle being saddled the responsibility of commanding him? And also, the amount of trust here???
The idea that Alastor would kneel to Charlie also has me in a tizzy, not gonna lie. (Like a knight kneeling to his fair maiden hahahah).
Also, we need to knock Alastor down a peg, he's too op and a wild card.
(... Also, Charlie initiating the deal and she gets a full demonic form? Maybe? Please!)
I don't know, most of my thoughts under the cut don't make a lot of sense, but the inherent theme is this: Charlastor is getting a lot crumbs no matter the interpretation. One can only hope that Episode Seven will be heavy on the Alastor and Charlie interactions, Charlastor coded or not.
Don't take me too seriously, by the way. If you disagree, then you can simply click away. These are just random thoughts and not meant to harm.
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Charlie Redesign🍎
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Made my own take on Charlie for Fun! There’s so much I LOVE with Charlie’s look already(LOVING THAT TUX!).
Went for a mix of the old and new elements. Kept the red but added darker parts, re-added the softer ends and went for a mix of the pilots fun bouncy hair and new triple ponytail! Also added some more light pink and black like the OG had. Kept the name tag but made it gold⭐️
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Pushed the doll aesthatic more, adding body and mouth lines to give off vintage doll/puppet joints. Also made her outfit more vintage aesthetic to give off a toy porcelain doll aswell as allude to a more Vaudeville vibe!
Also added in the lamb motif. I LOVE lamb/doll Charlie! Added cute lil ears, horns, heart shaped nose and though it’s hard to tell at this angle, the legs are meant to be a bit more bipedal🐑
Also wanted to make her look more conductor aesthatic since she’s such a musical lover 🎼 . Gave her a lined shirt, more detailed pants, cummerbund and even fingerless Tux gloves!!!!!
Made her hair curlier and more golden, like golden delicious! Was going for Pinkie Pie vibes!!!! LOVE the curls!!!!!
Kept the red but made it a deeper, more apple red🍎🍎🍎
Also added more light warm pink for a sweet vibe and to contrast with my Angels cool pinks!!!!
Pushed the apple motif more with the red suit and even added a cute giant apple bow for her!🍎🎀
Another reason I kept her red is because I’m going for a rainbow motif with the gang and Reds a good Color for Charlie!❤️🍎🌈LOVE THAT SONG!!!!!!
Made pupils the default!
I’ve also made a redesign for Angel🕷️🕸️
What do u think? I’d love to know💖
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fujosh1dreamer · 4 months
If hell is forever then heaven must be a lie.
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What a powerful line.
Love that they took Adams original song and switched it up.
Also I would destroy the world for Emily.
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viktheviking1 · 4 months
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Vaggie: Never thought I'd be back here. Was really hoping I wouldn't be, to be honest. I am so done with heaven's bullshi-
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(Not including Angel dust)
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phddyke · 4 months
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This scene invented feminism.
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mumatsi · 6 months
You're the only gift I need.
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do not repost/use my artwork in your content.
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prof-ramses · 6 months
Golden Goose (Mammon x Stella) Headcanons
You can see my first batch of thoughts for these two here.
This particular batch is quite general and will have some family stuff and how the relationship effects those around the lovely couple.
Mammon is, ironically, more of a night owl than Stella and she often falls asleep first.
Before they got together, Mam would usually sleep with a large pillow in his arms for slight emotional comfort. Stella's presence comforts him far more, calling back to the last one, though it still takes him a bit to nod off it's still quicker than before.
Mam always brags about Stella to the other Sins, especially Ozzie. Even her smallest achievement is something Mammon cherishes as much as possible.
Speaking of Ozzie, the first time he talked to Mammon after he started dating Stella, he made a crack at Mammon going blind to a gold-digger over her own "assets". Before he could properly register it, Mam had him pinned to the floor with a hand tightening around his neck, Ozz immediately took his joke back. It was then that he realized that the seemingly impossible happened, Mammon was in a loving relationship.
Expanding on the concept of Stella sating her curiosity about "peasant" things, she tries to play a fighting game with Via and struggles. Via tells her not to worry about it, but the lose activates Stella's competitive nature and she starts practicing in her free time (Something Mammon makes sure she has plenty of) . She absolutely demolishes both Mam and Via at the next family game night. And that was how Octavia learned how quick of a learner her mother is.
This one was originally an ask for @pinkandpurple360 but it seemingly went the way of HB's original premise: While he got to see Charlie grow up and now has a daughter in Octavia, Mammon wishes deep down that he could raise a child of his own blood. It's not that he doesn't love Charlie and Via, he just can't help but feel he's missing something he wants. He considers asking Stella about having another kid, but knows that she was forced to have Via. This makes him confront the dilemma of pursuing his wish or not reawakening the trauma of the woman he loves. This idea definitely deserves more exploration, maybe in a fic.
After Stella and Mammon get hitched, people returning their Robofizz becomes a far rarer phenomenon, mostly because word gets out that Via personally "deactivates" any returned or recalled Fizzbots, who start going above and beyond to please their owners to avoid the princess' coulrophobia-fueled fury.
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