mahoganyrust · 2 days
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Hiccup gettupppppppppppp
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incendiarymoth · 1 day
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Rooftop chat
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learning the language of lust is vital before diving into the forest terrain all begins with absorbing a book's content lust's metamorphosis...now evident
enlightenment unfolds with each new term in unfamiliar lexicons we discern passion, eros, itch, ardor, concupiscence described as powerful, a craving, desire, unbridled admiring the words that describe her leg's splay orbicular, cordate, convex at play veins extending palmate or parallel tips so varied ~ acute, auriculate
armed with words...into beds and sheets we wade matching chaos with categories displayed yet perplexed; single nights of lust might confuse variances juxtaposed, abound
her fertility described, leaving patterns of triple whorls yet the reality sometimes stalls is this a flower, the doubt does linger elm's fan, spruce's peak, or a sweetgum's own bloom
gradually, knowledge seeps in understanding nature's profound skin how language weaves into the world's mesh seizing experience, defying the mundane
contemplate the relentless will to know yielding to nature, resisting the flow nature's conquest, division's insidious fame and knowledge’s quirk, lust whispers their demands
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hijacksecrets · 7 hours
Opening up Hijack requests/prompts again!
Now this is NOT a guarantee that I'll draw your prompt, this is just me trying to find an excuse to draw Hijack for my warmups in the morning before I work because I think, other than gestures which are good for warmups, I need to draw things that are more specific with story/character n expressions. Also i wanna draw Hijack again, I miss them....
"Secrets, don't you storyboard for work?"
yes, but the stuff I'm doing (that I can't talk about unfortunately due to NDA) isn't really character based/story specific stuff so I'd like to be able to continue stretching those acting muscles.
(also this is not completely limited to only Jack and Hiccup, other httyd and ROTG characters are also fully acceptable :> )
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sboochi · 5 months
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*Throws otp into yet another universe from a childhood fave*
Some random info:
First time he found out about the museum was when he was left behind on accident during a school trip
Huge dinosaur nerd. Nearly passed out when he saw his first fossil come to life
Annoyed by Jack and Hiccup's Romeo/Juliet shenanigans
Jamie's ancestor
Plays pranks on staff by appearing every morning in a different spot
Uses slang incorrectly just to mess with Jamie
Lost his leg when he was transferred from another museum. People still wonder where the replacement came from
Learned modern English for fun
"Oh you think my relationship with Jack is cringe? Well I saw you flirt with Marie Antoinette from floor 3 the other day sooo :/"
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how do you explain autism and neurodivergency to a Viking from 1500 years ago?
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neytui · 3 months
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I never guessed how close you were to me 🧚‍♀️❄
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riverthebooknerd · 4 months
"but why do you even ship them-" IT BRINGS ME JOY AND WHIMSY!!!!!!!
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mahoganyrust · 8 hours
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Jack counterpart
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bignostalgias · 2 months
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Whatever dread Hiccup was harboring inside him vanished. Snow gathered at the edges of his vision as he leaned in to kiss Jack goodbye. He was in love — he was loved. He wanted to ask Jack if he could come with him this time. The fierce desire to step over the threshold of Berk with both Toothless and Jack by his side reared its head, but he swallowed it for now, content with the chilly pressure of Jack’s forehead against his. He was in love, he was loved, and he was struck with a deep certainty that he would do anything to keep that love in his life. He shivered from the gentle sensation of Jack’s claws tracing his cheekbone. He’d keep this. As long as Jack loved him. He’d keep this.
It’s not the exact anniversary, but last April I posted the first WWH drawing which led to me meeting the some of the loveliest people, making a genuine friendship, and rapidly developing my artistic style and writing voice. It’s so bizarre to think this crack crossover ship would mean so much to me in the last year but it did. What is in the water here. Anyway. Thank you for engaging with my work, it means the world!
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alkalinefrog · 4 months
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Kiss doodles from when I was getting used to CSP!
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coojie1996 · 6 months
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My moot on twt posted this...
I'm not okay :(
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hijacksecrets · 7 months
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CONCEPT: What if HTTYD doesn't take place in the past, but in the future? In a post-apocalyptic setting where dragons are actually evolved/mutated animals after a post nuclear war.
And what if Hiccup gets the chance to explore the world like he wants and finds something beyond anything he could have imagined?
Like a boy who has been asleep for centuries...?
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nunsh0 · 4 months
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Yeah so i accidentaly fell into a time travel portal that took me to 2013. Yeah i can't seem to get out. Yeah i also combined hiccup x jack with genshin fucking impact. Yeah i'm ashamed don't worry ok bye love u [hangs up]
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sboochi · 1 month
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In love with the contrast between
Jack Sparkly-Magic-Boy Frost
Hiccup Regular-Ass-Guy Haddock
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