#hisirdoux x reader
drrobobitch · 5 months
☆𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓣𝓸𝓐 𝓰𝓪𝓷𝓰 𝔀𝓲𝓽𝓱 𝓪 𝓬𝓵𝓾𝓶𝓼𝔂 𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓮𝓻 ☆ (yea pretty basic but it’s the best I got rn 😭)
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Warnings: slightly angsty??,cringe,slightly cursing but otherwise fluff, mentions of burning….??? And fire??mentions of injury, car crashing, and stalking?? Blinky bro- get it together man
This is so long help 💀💀😭 (also sorry I didn’t include some of the characters I got lazy)
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Jim…to say he worry’s for you is an understatement
Feels like he has to be there watching your every move so there’s no accidents
You’re bumping into walls, poles, signs, breaking things,tripping,accidentally burning things
Jim is kinda of confused…how did you not see that pole….it’s right there
But he doesn’t have the heart to throw shade your way
Even if you do break things
Very important things
In all truthfulness he is frustrated but never mad, especially at you
Even when frustrated he doesn’t snap at you or lash out (even if he did I wouldn’t even count it as that, he just doesn’t seem like the type to yell at his s/o or anyone for that matter)
He just tries to fix it to the best of his ability
And if you try to fix it, he’ll definitely appreciate it even if it is a little…..banged up
As for the burning….
After the first time you cooked together…
Wouldn’t let you near the; stove,microwave,oven, or even the toaster without his supervision
He’s just trying to keep you safe, he doesn’t want an accident to happen, so…can you really blame him???
If you’re able to drive no you’re not 😃
You’re not getting in that car
Is scared you’ll slip up and get hurt or worse
So he’ll ride in the car with you if you’re driving
Once he gets his drivers license, you’re not driving it for a while 🧍🏾‍♀️he’s just looking out for you
When you trip he tries his best to catch to catch you but there’s no guarantee
He also tries to pull you out the way when there’s a pole which usually works
Unless he’s distracted
Another thing, he’d never laugh if you fell, and he’d always help you back up
He’s so sweet I love him he’s such a gentleman 💙
Toby pie
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Tbh he was probably scared of you at first 💀💀💀
Thought you were bad luck (thank eli for that)
He quickly figured out that wasn’t true
Nothing happened to him when you were around
It was just you tripping and falling 😭😭
He did try to help you to the best of his ability
Surprised whenever you bumped into a pole
“How did you not see that?!?! It was right there!!!”
Throws shade at you all the time for falling tripping, or worse
But always does it lightheartedly
Tells you to ‘be careful’ but you him both know that’s not possible, even if you tried
The burning now…
That’s what has him paranoid
What if you’re house burns down
“You burned my house to the ground” (sorry not sorry)
But still
Every time you tell him you’re cooking, he tells you to be careful or asks if he can help
Even if you say you don’t he’ll show up anyway 💀💀(“how I got you address…?…….don’t even worry about that bruh-“)
I mean you don’t want your house crispy do you?? 😭💀
Usually asks what you’re doing so he can keep track and be aware of what could go wrong
He’s lucky you’re just clumsy
Not one to laugh when you fall, but he has that stupid smile on his face while he helps you up
If you can drive, he feels very anxious about you driving
Doesn’t want you to get hurt or deal with the trouble of having to buy a new one and have the same thing happened over and over
So he offered to drive it for you (despite not having his license💀💀)
Either way start praying
If you break something, he helps you clean it up or just fixes it for you
If it’s something important, it’s likely that you never broke it because he never let you near it 😭😭 (no shade to you he’s just being careful)
But if you do break something important he’s definitely frustrated and you can tell
Toby is a very honest person, so he usually voices how he feels and his opinion
In this scenario…dw he’s not the type to yell at you or anything but he will slightly raise his voice an octave or two
But you can tell he’s upset
“I told you to be careful!! I told you this was really important, and to be careful with it……why didn’t you listen to me”
He knows that even if you tried you couldn’t but is still frustrated
But he’s not mad at you, he could never be mad at you
You usually try to fix it afterwards, which he is great full for that
Like a lot
(He’s so sweet I love Toby 🧡)
Claire bear
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Tbh she just feels bad for you
You bump into stuff, fall and trip, burn things in chemistry by accident (you got ms. Janeth growing gray hairs💀💀)
And you break your own projects and assignments 😭😭😭
She usually offers to help you fix it
Let’s you know when there’s a pole or wall up ahead
Tries to stop you from tripping, but once again no guarantee
Is praying you don’t or haven’t already fell down the stairs (you have)
Tries to cook you food before you try to make it or she’ll buy you so many snacks or take out that you don’t even need to make lunch or make food 💀💀
Will also try and keep track of where you are so that she can be there to help you if you’re in danger
If you’ve got a car, she won’t necessarily drive it for you or tell you not to drive you
But will offer for you to ride or walk with her to spend time with you
And she’ll ask you almost everyday(she’s so slick)
It’s her little way of getting you to not drive the car without outright telling you (Claire is so smart, Claire>>>>>>)
Definitely helps you clean if you break something, if its glass…you’re not going anywhere near it or the mess you just made
Knowing you, you’d probably step on it or worse
If you break something important, like Toby, she probably didn’t let you near it in the first place
If you do break it…..
She’ll definitely be pissed
But she won’t say anything (that’s how you know bruh 💀)
She definitely wouldn’t yell at you, like at all
She wouldn’t even know what to say
In the end she feels bad because SHE thinks that YOU think she hates you
She doesn’t, and she lets you know that after a bit or after she’s calmed down
She’s more so frustrated than mad
If you try to fix it, she’ll definitely appreciate that
(Claire is a W girlfriend)
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Confused as to why you keep bumping into walls and poles
Can you not see??? Are you blind??
Toby tells him you’re just clumsy but…..he doesn’t understand
What does clumsy mean?? And what does that have to do with you falling all the time??
Catches you when you trip or fall, not just sometimes, but all the time
He doesn’t pull you out of the way when there’s a wall or a pole
Instead he picks you up :)
Offers to carry you so that it’s less hazardous for you when traveling
Feels a little uneasy when you drive a car 😭😭
He doesn’t want you to crash okay 😭
As for cooking..
No 😃
Hell no😦
He can’t really stop you…
Well not that he can’t he just doesn’t 💀💀
The others keep track of you for him (mainly Toby)
So they’re there supervising, you…a grown adult
They know you feel embarrassed but they don’t care, they’re saving your life
And your house-
But anyways back to AAARRRGGHH
Won’t stop you from driving a car, but if you get in an accident even once
Gets nervous about you driving one again or any vehicle for that matter
If you break something he’s probably gonna eat it 💀💀 (if it is something he can eat)
Dw it doesn’t hurt him even if it is broken glass
If you break something important, he probably wouldn’t even be mad
Not even frustrated more so sad if anything at all
Does say anything either just holds it looking sad
Which makes you feel bad (and sad)
So you fix it (or try at least)
Which he very much appreciates, and it lifts his spirits quite a bit :) 💚
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Also confused as to how your bumping into walls
Like bbg can you not see???
Probably thought you had bad luck but after a while figured out that wasn’t the case
Still a bit cautious around you though
Tries to warn you when there’s a pole but is usually too late
Also try’s to catch you when you trip, which he always does of course cus it’s Blinkous duh 🙄 (my 5th hubby wubby/hj)
For his own sake he HAS to be there to watch you cook
Also you’ve caught him following you from time to time, he’s just looking out for you buddy, he’s trying his best
He mainly just asks where you’re headed so he can know what you’re up to
Will try and distract you from getting into your car (doesn’t work and if it does it’s rare)
And since you know how stressed he gets about you driving, and since you don’t want to stress him out further
You’ll usually just walk
If you break something he’ll probably clean it up for you or help fix it
If it was something important, he probably was sure to keep it on him so that there’s less of a chance of you breaking it
If you do break something important, he’d definitely be frustrated but not mad per say
And you can tell
He just sighs and quietly grumbles whilst trying his best to fix it
Would not give you the chance to fix it at all and is scared you’ll break it further
In the end he let’s it go because he knows you can’t help it
Even though you stress him out sometimes he still loves you (I love my hubby wubby)
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Finds it partially amusing that you bump into poles and walls
But if you fall over or are actually hurt by it then that’s where the hilarity of it ends
At first he thought you just had bad luck or something, but he checked and you didn’t
So you explain you were just really clumsy…and partially hazardous 💀💀
Pulls you out the way if there’s a pole up ahead or just warns you before you hit the pole and or wall
Usually catches you if you fall and if HE doesn’t then he was probably just using his magic
Sometimes if he’s in a particular mood he’ll let you fall, but he’ll make sure that you don’t get hurt (but still 💀💀)
Doesn’t trust you in the car, so he ‘offers’ to drive for you
If you do drive……naur 💀💀
He’s getting out
And throws shade at you while doing so (lightheartedly of course)
He doesn’t let you cook either, he doesn’t have the insurance for an apartment fire (💀💀💀💀 I’m sorry, no like I’m actually sorry that’s funny and it shouldn’t be)
So instead of supervising he’s the one doing the cooking
But usually gets take out so there’s less of a chance
He barely trusts you the toaster
The amount of times you’ve broken something is beyond me 😭😭
If you break something, he’ll help you clean it, or offer too at least
He knows you’re an adult and you can handle it yourself but he doesn’t want you to be hurt
Especially if it’s broken glass
If you break something of importance
Tbh idek what his reaction is
Believe it or not
He’s only a little frustrated, if at all
He’s more so exasperated if anything
When he sees it broken he’s just like “oh……here give it to me I’ll fix it”
🧍🏾‍♀️like bro ur not mad??
If you’re insistent on fixing it (which you are) then he’ll let you
He does appreciate it though
Like a lot
Steve the Palchuk
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Probably made fun of you and laughed at you whenever you fell when he first met you
Then was kinda scared of you cause Eli told him you were bad luck
But now he doesn’t
He’s still somewhat amused
Just no longer out right making fun of you
He does help you up when you fall
“Hey, watch where you’re going, I don’t want you getting hurt..”
Yes pookie
Anyways, Steven usually tries to catch you
But he’s also a bit clumsy so you both end up falling down 😭😭
He is definitely one to warn you, not just when there’s poles in front of you but around you as well
Will sometimes pull you out of the way closer to him to look…heroic??? (Steve come on-)
Doesn’t let you drive his Vespa
And if you have a car of your own
😅 nah man-
“Oh please fuck that car, get on my Vespa” 💀💀💀
Doesn’t understand how tf you burn things
How???? Especially if you were watching it the whole time
As much as he wants to protect you but still
He’s scared to come over when you cook
Especially if it’s over the stove
If you break something he usually offers to help fix it or pay for it
Even if he doesn’t have the money for it (aww Steve 🥲)
If you break something important
He won’t be mad more frustrated
And if it has anything to do with the sake of Arcadia then he’s scared screaming and running around like a little girl
So you have to calm him down and apologize
You and him do try to fix it so he’s feeling a lot better
But still he’s nervous, are you just clumsy or bad luck???
Was Eli right???
Nahh someone this sweet could never be bad luck
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She’s never met a human this….
Clumsy??? Is that the word
Doesn’t understand why you’re bumping into poles, “they’re in front of you how did you not see them…?”
Same with walls, you’ve had to have seen it….are you blind
When you trip, she’ll giggle a little bit but she’ll help you up
She thinks you’re so silly
The amount of times you’ve broken your own projects and assignments is astonishing to her
Has watched you burn things without literally trying
And is just like 🧍🏼‍♀️”how did you do that??? Show me!!” (💀💀)
Watches you when you’re cooking
After a while connects the dots, your forbidden from the kitchen (unless it’s to eat)
If you’ve got a car
She won’t stop you from driving it
But is still worried
If you get into an accident then she probably wouldn’t let you drive it for a while after that
If you break something, she’ll offer to fix it
If it’s tech she’ll take it to krel to fix and probably improve :)
If it’s something important
Tbh I don’t see her being mad about that seeing that you didn’t do it on purpose
“I told you to be careful!!…….now look…..”
“Sorry I’m just frustrated….”
But the thing is she doesn’t look or seem frustrated
She looks more worried and sad if anything
She appreciates that you offered to fix it
Dw it’s not that she doesn’t trust you or thinks you’ll break it
It’s just that whatever it was probably wasn’t something you could fix
So now she keeps important stuff in a certain place that you can’t reach, or would have a hard time try at least
But she loves you even if you are a clumsy silly little human (I nominate Aja to be my girlfriend)
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Now this…….I’ve been waiting for this (I’m literally obsessed with this boy I love him sm)
Is also confused as to why are you are bumping into walls
“Ay yi yi yi…….are you a soolian??….it was right there…you saw it coming!!!”
Eli also told krel you were bad luck 🧍🏾‍♀️
Which krel, boy genius, obviously didn’t believe
I don’t see him pulling you out of the way when there’s a pole or a wall, I don’t really see him warning you much either 💀💀
On a good day he probably would
If it were something that could hurt you or worse would probably do both
“Be careful!!! And watch where you’re going, my love you know I can’t stand to see you hurt” 😍😍😍
Krel >>>>>>>>
Probably laughs when you fall, but helps you up)
Except when you’re hurt, then he probably feels bad and helps you up
Is actually scared FOR you
Like constantly
Bro is going through enough he don’t need this 💀
The fires, possible car accidents
💀💀he’s horrified
If you’ve got a car or something
Not anymore
He’s not letting you get in that
Literally forbids you
“As king in waiting of akiridion 5, I hereby forbid you from going in that death machine”
“Krel…….this is earth….now get out of my way I’m going to the mall-“
Probably had luug piss on your tires (making them pop, or melt…..probably-)💀💀💀
Either way you’re not getting in that car
Now the burning…..
If it’s in chemistry class
He’s probably yelling and screaming along with everyone else😭😭
If it’s because you were cooking
He gives you a blank bot so that you never have to cook again!!! 😃
And if that’s not good enough for you then sure go ahead burn your house down 💀💀💀
He’s just trying to protect you
If you break something it kinda scares him or makes him nervous
Not too sure why
He does offer to help you clean it up
Or more likely fix and improve it in any way he can
Or he’ll use parts of it (for god knows what)
If you broke something important he probably kept it away from you anyways (sorry y/n)
If you did manage to break something important
He’d be frustrated definitely
But not mad seeing as you didn’t do it on purpose
“I keep telling you to be careful!! Why don’t you listen!!! Ugh….great now I have to fix it”
That and other things pretty hurtful things in all honesty are things he says in the heat of the moment
After a while he calms down
He knows you can’t control it so what’s the point in yelling at you for it, you apologized and tried to help what’s the point in being upset
He does think you’re adorable and loves you, but when breaking his inventions….it hard to think so (no he still thinks you’re adorable)
Couldn’t add a gif for him so anyways but yea 😔
Like I said before
Bro is horrified of you
You must be bad luck or something
After a month or two of watching you…(wtf Eli not again)
He realizes that he might be wrong
None of your friends ever got hurt, just you
He’s thinking about investigating you
Which he does
You just explain to him that you’re a little bit clumsy
“Yea…., a little clumsy….”
C’mon you fell over the railing that’s not clumsy mf 🙄/j
He genuinely thinks you’ve been cursed but what’s the point in telling you that, you have enough going on
You almost burned your house down for gods sake you don’t need anything else rn
Tries to warn you if there’s a pole or a wall(the majority of the time you don’t hear him)
At this point he just feels bad for you…
If you trip he’ll try to catch you but ends up falling down with you
Won’t laugh if you fall, he’ll just help you up and tell you to be careful (even though he knows damn well you can’t 💀💀)
Like I said before Eli….thought you were cursed
So when a fire breaks out and you’re the cause
He starts freaking out
He does know now that you aren’t….or might not be
But the possibility is still there…..(I’m Eli’s eyes at least)
Honestly he’s really scared for you
Like shaking in his boots scared
And gets extra scared when you don’t respond to his texts he keeps thinking something happened
Eli is definitely a bit paranoid as always
Honestly if you break anything he’d probably just let you clean it or if it were too big of a mess he’d probably helped
If it was important he probably fixes it or at least tries
It’s not that he doesn’t trust you
It’s just that he doesn’t trust whatever the fuck type of borderline hazardous shit is gonna happen yet
Especially if it’s an item that could be considered a weapon
Eli doesn’t even have to worry about you crashing your car
You wanna know why??
He told your parent(s) about the time you snuck out (to go see him 💀) and that you had basically crashed your car on the way back
Needless to say you no longer have car keys
You and Eli ended out getting into a big fight later about it
But more on that later 💪🐺🐺
Yea he loves you obviously
Even if he does think your cursed
But that’s not gonna stop him from loving you
(Sorry this was short I had to finish it quick tho)
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winter-leftovers · 10 months
Til The End Of Eternity
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Summary: Y/n is trying to figure her life out but is going to be hard since her brother is the new trollhunter and she is being plagued by dreams and feelings she doesn’t understand.
Pairing: Douxie Casperan x f!Reader, Trollhunters & f!Reader (Platonic!)
Updates: Weekly!
Tags: mostly fluff, some angst, slow burn but not really, friends to lovers to strangers to lovers?(you’ll see)
Warnings: not really, daddy issues, canon violence, shitty summaries, no beta we die like men, writing improves as the series advances promise
Status: ongoing!
Taglist: opened!
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Part 1:
Season 1:
Chapter one: Strings
Chapter two: Wherefore Art Thou, Trollhunter?
Chapter three: Win Lose or Draal
Chapter four: To Catch a Changeling
Chapter five: Bittersweet Sixteen
Chapter six: Young Atlas
Chapter seven: Forget Me Not
Chapter eight: Return of the Trollhunter
Chapter nine: Hazel Eyes
Chapter ten: Relics
Chapter eleven: Smother
Chapter twelve: A Night to Remember
Chapter thirteen: Something Rotten This Way Comes
Season 2:
Chapter fourteen: How To Steal A Bridge
Chapter fifteen: Homecoming
Chapter sixteen: Welcome Home
Extras: headcanons
Chapter seventeen: A Little Bit Of Heaven
Chapter eighteen: Dear Sister
Season 3:
Chapter nineteen: Night Shift
Chapter twenty: We Need To Talk About Mom’s Paintings
Chapter twenty one: Coming Back
Chapter twenty two: For The Glory Of Merlin
Chapter twenty three: How To Fix An Amulet
Chapter twenty four: Secrets Are No Fun
Chapter twenty five: As The World Caves In
Extras: Back To The Old House
Chapter twenty six: Becoming a Troll And Hunter
Chapter twenty seven: Eternal Night, Eternal Knights
Part 2:
Chapter twenty eight: Childhood Home
Chapter twenty nine
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~I don’t own any of this characters or trollhunters ~
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Jim's sibling AKA reader meets douxie for the first time?
~ First his mom falls for a changeling and now THIS??? Jim's honestly tired of his families sheingians. He knows he's heads over heels for a sorcessres but that's a bit different.
~ You and Jim have always been close and after dad left you got even closer, which makes him protective of you even if your older. For a long time you didn't need anyone except your family and Toby. And for most of your life it really was just you, Jim, Mom, Toby and of course Aunt Nana. Until you and Jim started falling for different people. Jim fell for Claire and theater while you fell for Hisirdoux and music.
~ You met the handsome wizard at the cafe he works at. You were picking up an order before your college classes and one to drop off for your mom since Jim forgot to cook that week. He was so nice to you and the shop was really serene so it becomes your regular place and after awhile you just begin getting closer. You'd always loved that area but you'd never been into that cafe before that instance. And when you bumped into the mysterious hazel eyed stranger it just became apart of your routine.
~ When Jim became the Trollhunter you started seeing Douxie less and apprentally he noticed. After a long month of homework, trollhunting, and dealing with an angry mom, you popped into the cafe to get your favorite comfort pastry and drink. Douxie winks at you when he sees you, waving the charge and asking where you've been. You couldn't be more greatful as you began to drink your large order.
~ After the free drink and him really showing an interest in you, you ask him for his number. You begin texting regularly and even start to meet up on campus. Your still busy with trollhunting but you do your best to make time for him. You start seeing each other a lot more and get closer. You can't tell him about what's happening to you but you can tell him about the stress and all the pressure mom puts on you. He can't tell you about his wizarding night job but he can talk about his stressful cafe job and a growing pest problem in Arcadia.
~ Jim started to complain about a punk guy he'd seen around while you complained about a certain purple haired theater nerd. Neither of you understanding or knowing that you were talking about your respective girlfriend/boyfriend.
~ You finding out each other's secrets was an accident on both your parts. Hisrdoux was fighting some ancient evil from the shadow realm while you were going against a troll assassin sent by Gatto. As his spell collided with your enemy, your weapon went straight through his. It wasn't how you wanted him to find out and it wasn't how he was going to tell you but standing there adrenaline coursing through your veins you couldn't stop yourself from the kiss you'd wanted to give him for weeks now.
~ None of your confession went to plan. But neither did his. That wasn't how you wanted him to learn you were the Trollhunters sibling. And that's not how he wanted you to learn he was Merlin's Apprentice. But life doesn't always go the way you want to and while Merlin and Jim didn't love it you both loved each other and really? That's all that mattered.
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lovedropletsdreams · 1 year
Douxie : hey (y/n) you wanna know how i'm like a bicycle?
Y/n : cuz once they learned how to ride you they never forget?
Douxie : (blushing profusely).... i was gonna say it's because i'm 'two tired'
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glitchglint · 2 years
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Hisirdoux Casperan appreciation post
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Y/N: Remember when you didn't try to solve all your problems with attempted murder?
Douxie: Stop romanticizing the past.
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pers3phone399 · 10 months
Do you like:
The Tales of Arcadia Series on Netflix?
Funky little oc's that make fun quips?
Douxie Casperan?
Heartbreaking familial bonds that'll make you (hopefully) laugh and cry?
Then you should check out my newly published ao3 story Heartstone Guardian!
It's a bit of a labor of love and a little slow going but I still hope you enjoy it anyway!
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daydream-believin · 2 years
so, you’ve wooed an immortal
summary: you need to get rid of the gluten in your home despite actively making more. douxie makes assumptions. established friendship ajsksgd
word count: short and sweet
a/n: i’ve been playing stardew again. gift based courting system. and also changed my diet in an attempt to help with my chronic illness. anyhow. hope there’s at least one of you who relates (and thus like this silly little fic lol)
taglist: @moppetwithamanbun @alovesongshewrote @blixeon @prismarts @transformers-insanity @fantasyiswaybetterthanreality @ukuleles-and-roses @faraum
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douxie looked into the cheery visage of the strawberries decorating the top of the cake you had just plopped onto his coffee table. shiny little candied rubies making up a circle like a strawberry henge. the red was contrasting nicely from the white of the frosting.
he. already had a cake in his kitchenette. and some sweet rolls. and a tart. two loaves. a basket of muffins. he did Not need another cake.
“do you not like strawberries, doux?” you asked.
he realized he had been staring into this cake a little too intensely.
“oh no. they’re great. but.”
“don’t you think this is overkill, darling?”
you grinned sheepishly, “ah-“
“it’s so sweet that you’re doing this. but i think you can stop now. i have enough. the pantry is full. slow down on the courting gifts? if only a wee bit, love.”
you stared at him. bewildered. douxie felt the need to reassure you further,
“i’ll still marry you, i promise. you can rest.”
you flushed. from the sweetness of his words, from the embarrassment, from the fact that you have caused this misunderstanding, whichever. the summer heat must be getting to you. that’s it. your skin felt hot under the palm you raised to cover your mouth.
“oh my god? I- oh my god…” you didn’t know where to start.
confusion began to seep into douxie’s features.
“uh. so!” you clapped your hands together, pointed to the ground.
“i’ve recently gone gluten-free?”
douxie didn’t track.
“uh so i’ve been baking as a way to keep my mind off things? like stress relief? but i needed to get rid of the food.”
“… oooohh”
“yeah,” you scraped a hand down the back of your neck, “so i’ve just. been giving it to you?”
you heard him take a sharp breath in. damn.
“i’m soooo sorry. i- i wouldn’t have done it if i had known you would’ve thought…” you tried your best to reassure.
“NO NO it’s okay! it’s okay! that’s my fault for assuming! uh. thank you for the gifts, y/n,”
douxie wanted to go find a hole to die in. he’ll have to settle for burying himself in the blankets on his bed. and screaming. gotta get you out of here first.
he shepherded you towards his door. the smile that pulled tight the corners of his mouth was so fake. and panicked. oh god what have you done.
“N-NOT THAT I WOULDNT LIKE TO MARRY YOU. I-“ you turned around as fast as you could, slamming your foot into the space between the door and the wall. while he was swinging the door shut. yeouch! might need to go to hospital later.
“YEAH I JUST,” you looked into the bookshop behind you, half expecting there to be an audience since it was during business hours, “we need to go back in to have this conversation.”
you pushed him back. he let you. your hands didn’t leave his shoulders once the door was closed behind you, however.
douxie’s hazel eyes were very, very wide with apprehension. he let you hands trail up to his face. you cupped his pink cheeks, gentle at first, then almost squishing him.
you chuckled, “god, hisirdoux. you’ve already decided you’re ready to get married?”
“um” he couldn’t tell if you were rejecting him right now or…
“i haven’t even asked you out yet. haven’t even held your hand,” you continued into a giggle, giving his face another squish for good measure, “don’t get me wrong, that’s So Sweet.”
he pulled your hands off his cheeks so he could talk,
“well, forgive me. that how it used to be done for… an unspecified amount of time in the past because i wasn’t really paying attention to romance back then.”
“hmmm. guess i gotta follow through then. rules are rules after all,”
“wait? really?” he leaned closer into your personal space.
“of course. my dearest fiancé,” you glanced at his lips, “but. i don’t want our first kiss to be our wedding day? is that okay?”
he pulled your hand into his own, bringing it up in between y’all.
“yes. i think that needn’t be necessary,”
he pressed your hand to his lips reverently. featherlight, and his warmth stayed long after he raised his head back up to look into your eyes.
“how was that?
you burst into a fit of giggles. that was the cutest thing you’d ever seen him do. so far. you’ve got a lot of lifetime left.
“not what i meant. but that was perfect.”
douxie pretended to play innocent “oh, i wonder whatever could you have meant then-“
you pulled him in by the collar of his shirt.
he was a little eager, energetic. not the perfect slow melty first kiss but hey. he’s in love. and too excited.
he tasted very sweet. probably all the sugar you’ve been stocking his kitchen with. you’ll have to find a new stress relief hobby. maybe knitting? or. actually kissing could work. yep.
you could get used to this.
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sunnyyyyyyyynnus · 2 years
"Midnight Confessions."
Pairing: Douxie x Fem!Reader
Warning: angst ig and some daddy issues
Summary: sleepovers, midnight snacks, and confessions
A/n: y'all don't know just how much i cringed while writing this but here you go
HISIRDOUX CASPERAN YOU GET YOUR FILTHY HANDS OFF MY COOKIES OR I SWEAR I AM GOING TO BEAT YOU UP TO THE POINT YOUR MAGIC WON'T BE ABLE TO HELP YOU!" I glare at the guy in question from the doorway as he whips his hand away from my plate. Marching over to him, I slam the tray of food I'm holding onto the table, still glaring at a sheepish Douxie. He looks at me with an apologetic look on his face "Sorry Y/n, it's just that they looked so good and you know I don't have patience enough to wait much longer..." He trails off, looking at me with a small smile on that stupid face of his that causes my heart to race.
Shooting him one more glare, I gather my food and take them over to the chair near my bed. Placing the plates on my bedside table, I get comfortable in my chair before grabbing a cookie and my glass of milk.
It was one of those rare times when both my father and Merlin were out on war business with Lancelot and a couple other knights. I never bother to find out what it is they do when they're gone; it already hurts enough to see how father treats magical beings, especially being one myself.
My parents found out that I could do magic the day I was born. My mother was thrilled while my father...not so much. He ordered Merlin to teach me how to control my magic, and only control it. I wasn't allowed to develop my skills, especially after mother died. Luckily, father didn't leave me completely powerless. He had Lancelot teach me how to defend myself and how to fight. So, after years of training and hard work, I became one of the best fighters in the kingdom. I met Douxie and Archie when I was 15, and we became best friends effortlessly. And here we are now, taking advantage of father and Merlin being away to have a sleepover in my bedroom. I had managed to snag some snacks from the kitchen without getting caught, and now we were sitting in comfortable silence, munching away on our food.
"Alright" I stand up dusting myself off, grab my empty plate and glass and place them in the tray on the table in front of Douxie "So what do you wanna do?" I question, crossing my arms across my chest. 
Douxie seems deep in thought as he put his own plate and glass in the tray "Well...I guess we could practice some magic" he says. I grin; just because my father hates magic and has forbidden it, doesn't mean I'm just going to forget about my powers, pretend they don't exist just like he does. Merlin taught me how to keep my magic under control while Douxie has been teaching me how to develop them.
The only problem is that Douxie doesn't really know that many spells, just really simple ones, but still, magic is magic. Whenever we're alone, he teaches me the basics. Or at least he tries to.
I stand in the middle of my room as Douxie explains a spell to me. We practice for nearly two hours until we can barely contain our yawns. We grab blankets and pillows and lay them in front of the doors that leads to the balcony.
We lay in silence, staring out the glass doors at the full moon. After a while, Douxie speaks up "Hey Y/n? You awake?" I'm about to respond when an idea hits me; recently, Douxie, with help from Archie, managed to scare the hell out of me as I was walking through the castle, my nose in a book.
I lay as limp as possible, trying to control my breathing so that Douxie would think I'm fast asleep. It works. "Asleep huh?" I hear him move around then suddenly everything goes completely dark. It takes me a second to realize that he just sat up in front of me, blocking the moonlight.
For a minute nothing happens, and I'm about to pounce on Doux when I feel cold fingers brush strands of hair off my face "You're really beautiful, you know that?" My face heats up and my breath hitches, but luckily, Douxie doesn't seem to notice.
He starts talking again and all thoughts of the prank leave my mind "Sometimes...I wish you had a different father-no offence-.." None taken "..or that he didn't hate magic, but don't we all wish that?" Yes, yes we do. Douxie sighs "If you did have a different father or if your father was different, maybe I'd have more courage to..." He trails off. My mind is working furiously Have courage to do what? He's already teaching me magic in secret and if  we're caught doing that, we'll be in huge trouble, so what else would he need courage for that has to do with my father and I?  Suddenly, I feel lips press themselves on my forehead then pull away, leaving a tingling sensation on that same spot. I'm in shock; Hisirdoux Casperan...just kissed me. He kissed me. Me! Yes, I know it was just a peck on the forehead but still! I try to calm down enough so that I can hear what he's going to say next, if he says anything at all.
"I'm sorry, I'm so, so sorry Y/n" I notice that his voice is shaking and I get the urge to hug him tightly, tell him that he doesn't need to apologize for anything, but I have to hear what he has to say since I doubt he'd tell me any of this if he knew I was awake "I want to tell you, I really do, but I can't, it would only end with one of us getting hurt if not both of us" He takes a deep breath "I love you" he whispers as though tasting the words on his tongue.
I can't do this anymore; I open my eyes and look up at Douxie. He doesn't seem to have realized that I'm awake, to busy staring at his hands in his lap, lost in his thoughts. Slowly, I sit up, trying not to make a sound until I'm sitting in front of him, legs crisscrossed "Doux." His head snaps up to look at me and his face pales.
He gulps "How long have you been awake?" I don't answer, but continue to stare at him. He looks anxious, really anxious. Finally, I open my mouth to speak "Did you mean it?"
"Wha-Mean what exactly?" "What you just said, abo-about loving me" my voice cracks but I hardly care at this point. Douxie still looks really pale and he doesn't seem like he's going to answer. He just hangs his head, staring at his palms.
After what feels like an hour but must have been only a couple of minutes, Douxie answers "Yes." He looks at me "I meant every word of it. I've been in love with you for the past two years" He still looks nervous but more confident than he did before.
I sit still, not saying anything. I raise a hand to touch his cheek, but I stop with my fingers only an inch away from his face. After a moment, I cup his face with both hands, forcing him to look me in the eyes "You should've told me." I say simply then lean in, brushing my lips against his.
Douxie seems frozen with shock, but then he responds, kissing me back. He tangles his hand in my hair, tilting my head back while I place one hand on his shoulder, the other one at the nape of his neck. After what feels like hours, we break apart, Douxie resting his forehead on mine. "I love you Doux, truly." I whisper. Douxie's face practically lights up and his smile causes my heart to melt.
"I don't care what my father thinks, I'll love whoever I want to and I love you, magic and all." Douxie wriggles his eyebrows "Soo, forbidden relationship huh? The beautiful princess and the street rat. Sounds scandalous." I roll my eyes "You've always been one for dramatics."
Before he can respond, someone coughs behind me. I spin around, my heart racing, thinking that a guard caught us, but it turns out to be Archie. A very smug looking Archie. "Man, how long have you been standing there?" Douxie questions "An hour" was the reply from Arch, who's still smirking.
I groan and stand up, stretching my arms above my head as I make my way to my bed and plop down "Well I don't know about you but the princess needs her beauty sleep so nighty night" I blow a kiss in Douxie's direction then get comfortable underneath my comforter.
"Fine, I'll let you sleep for now" Douxie mumbles and I feel my face redden "I HEARD THAT!" Douxie snorts from somewhere to my right. I close my eyes and feel and odd sense of happiness form inside me despite the war raging outside Camelot's walls. At least I've got Douxie and Archie by my side, and I know that they'd never leave it. We'll get through it together. And who knows? Maybe Douxie and I could get married someday, find a nice place together, get a pet hamster! We could call it..."
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mysteriesmuse · 2 years
~ ‘Faithfully Yours’ ~
Love Letters Through the Ages 💌📩📫
“Hey Archibald, do you think this is too much?” 
“Hey, Archie, do you think this is too much?” 
“Hey, Arch, do you think this is too much?”  
He’d swear on his fathers future grave that he’d hear Douxie say that sentence a million - No billion- times over the centuries, Archie thought. 
His poor wizard familiar seemed remarkably consistent in calling for him at his letter writing desk. Why must you ask? 
“Well, it all started centuries ago when Douxie, I, and you all parted ways after a remarkably well-successful few decades of wizardly adventures.” Although, it was simply put in Archie’s opinion that having you around made Douxie somehow less impulsive.
After parting ways though the wizards kept in touch. 
Delightful, right?
“No! Blast, I’d be sitting on a horde of Brasher Doubloons and licking fatty sardine oil off my paws. For every time that young Hisirdoux asked me the question, ‘do you think it’s too much?’
Well certainly not D. You’ve only been in love with them for a couple centuries now. You’d think maybe you ought to cut to the chase!” 
“There’s certainly no harm in signing it ‘your friend’ or ‘take care’ or ‘patiently awaiting your response.’”
“Fuzzbuckets,” Arch rubbed his temples.  
“We’ve all been patiently waiting for him to do something. Zoey, and I. TrollMarket. But what we didn’t know, or at least, I never realized until now.
I ‘accidentally’ okay, I know, and maybe not entirely accidentally.  
Found a trunk full of old letter correspondences from Douxie and Y/N. 
And every time after he’d ask me, his dear old wise familiar, for advice he’d scratch out the various friendly signatures and address it ‘faithfully yours’ to you.”
Pacing back across the floor Archie continued, “For centuries! Every single one! 
So, I’ve concluded I’d not be rich, but rather I’d be in debt owing Wendell billions of dollars beyond anyones wildest dreams. Because,” Archie finished, plopping down, “Douxie had some damn sincere game going this whole time.” 
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elenora-doux · 1 year
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semisutopia · 1 year
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pairings: douxie x fem!reader
warnings: 5.1k word count, smut, name calling (baby, darling, love, pretty boy), making out, straddling, fingering, groping, saliva, hickeys, handjob, eating out, penetration (p in the v), thigh riding, cock riding,
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as a writer, writing a romance novel, it's quite common to have a chapter that is completely devoted to sex. smut chapters are actually quite expected in romance books, especially when the main love interests are over 18.
so you sat on your bed, one leg crossed, one knee up, chin rested above it, and stared at the blank page on your laptop. make no mistake of course, you had plenty of, shall we say, unholy thoughts, but for whatever reason, you couldn't find inspiration. almost as if on cue, you heard a knock on your window. 
normally, living on the second floor would deter people from climbing up to your roof, but here, you must remember that hisirdoux was far from normal. you sighed and opened the window to let him in, "you know we have a door, right?".
as he climbed through the open window he responded, "i didn't want zoe to see me. your roommate doesn't exactly approve of me". you snickered, "yes i know, i told her not to. anyways, what do you want?". he leaned on the windowsill, "i felt like coming here. should i not have?".
any other time, you would've tried kicking him out immediately, but seeing as you couldn't get any work done, you decided letting him stay wasn't the worst idea, and decided to watch a movie together as there wasn't much else to do.
"corpse bride?". "yeah sure", you loaded the movie on your tv and walked to your bed. douxie sat at the head of the bed and motioned for you to come near him. you sat next to him but turns out that's not what he meant. he patted the space in between his legs and you gave him an 'are you serious' look. "please?".
damn it he's cute. you placed yourself in between his legs and his arms snaked themselves around your waist, resting his chin on your shoulder. you relaxed into his touch as the movie started, intertwining your hands with his. the butterflies in your stomach rising as he melted into your touch. 
you looked down at your linked hands, "wait why are you wearing a suit?", you turned to look at him. "ah well, there was this ceremony at school so we had to dress up" "remind me again why you keep going to school events when it's just your alias?". 
he chuckled, "there's not much else to do". "no of course not. it's not like you work two part-time jobs and are a full-time wizard or anything", you said, giggling a bit.
"well, if we're talking about dress codes, how come you're wearing the same skirt you wore last week to the party?". if you were being honest, you wore some lingerie underneath your short skirt and long t-shirt to try and spark something in your writing. 
"why can't i wear it?" "c'mon just tell me", he hugged you tighter. the butterflies came back. "i...i just wanted to spark up some inspiration for my writing" "and what exactly are you writing about?", you could tell he already knew the answer. and he knew exactly what he was doing. "you're really enjoying this, aren't you?" "absolutely".
"something similar to what happened at the party...in this skirt", flashbacks of last saturday flooded your mind as you closed your legs tightly, placing a hand above your skirt. "may i help with that?", he said, dangerously close to your ear. 
"just watch the movie", you tried focusing back on victor and his skeleton bride on the screen, but failed after a few minutes as you felt soft fingertips tracing along your thigh. you decided to ignore it...or try to, at least until he started softly kissing up your neck. 
he placed soft, long kisses along your nape, drawing small circles along your inner thigh, slowly rising higher. "what are you doing...doux?".
he heard you. oh, he definitely heard you, so he kissed you harder, sucking on your skin, and his hand groping your thigh more, other hand on your waist, traveling to your hip. 
both of you were clearly not paying attention to the movie anymore but it didn't matter. 
your hand traveled up to his hair and tugged on it slightly. he hummed in response. soon enough, his fingers reached under your skirt and started touching the lace of your panties. 
you sucked in a sharp breath as his index finger circled your folds. you pulled harder on his hair to stop yourself from being vocal, but that only made him let out a moan, himself. 
fuck that was hot. soon enough, his second finger reached your clit. then his third, and you finally gave in, vocalizing your appreciation. you didn't want him to stop. actually, no, that was incorrect. you wanted more. 
you removed your hand from his hair and brought it down to his chin, lifting his head up from your neck and brought his lips to your own. his right hand came up to your ribcage under your shirt and you shivered at his cold touch. his left hand still playing with you under your skirt. 
you moaned softly into his mouth, eliciting him to bite your bottom lip. this whole thing felt like a positive feedback loop; one of you moans only for the other to react in the same way, and over again. 
"doux..", you seperated for air and leaned your forehead against his. he removed his hand from under your skirt and tucked a strand of hair behind your ear. his hand not leaving your face, and making its way down to your neck. "hm?" "please could we⏤", he kissed you abruptly. you responded immediately. you parted and opened your eyes only to see him looking back at you, eyes glossy with desperation. 
you smirked and turned around to face him. you connected your lips again and placed your knee between his legs, making him groan. you placed your hands on his chest to support yourself and he held you by the waist. "turn the tv off, please", he broke the kiss and went back down to your neck. you took the remote from the bedside table and switched the tv off.
you were getting more light headed as he kept kissing you, his hand travelled down to your thigh, gripping it tightly. you rocked your hips back and forth slightly as you hummed into his ear the more he nipped at your soft skin. you were driving him crazy and he wanted so much more of you. he wanted all of you. "pl..please y/n you're driving me mad" "what do you think you're doing to me?".
you pulled away from him, "give me your tie". normally, he would have asked why but he simply complied and started loosening his necktie, in the most attractive way possible. he removed it and gave it to you. you took it and smashed your lips into his. "fuck", he mumbled into your mouth. "you're really something, yknow that", he asked, rhetorically, when you broke away. 
you smiled again and got off his lap, walking to your door and placing the tie on the door handle. "what's that supposed to do?", he asked, walking up behind you now. you faced him and wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him closer. "it tells zoe not to bother us", you said and pulled him back into a kiss. "smart girl", he murmured. 
he guided you towards the foot of the bed and sat you down. "can i touch you?", he pleaded, not taking his lips off yours, "please?".
you remembered how he touched you before and rubbed your thighs together at the thought of him doing it again. you hummed into his mouth and mumbled, "yes please". his hand moved down to your thigh and rose up slowly, reaching the hem of your skirt, and tugging on it slightly. 
you removed your skirt for him, leaving your legs cold and barren, only wearing your panty. your pretty, lace, black panty. to be frank, the day after last saturday's party, you and zoe went shopping and stopped at the lingerie store. you bought a set of black lingerie specifically for him, not that you'd ever admit it. 
his lips parted from yours as he looked down at the pool he created between your legs, and smirked as you tried rubbbing your thighs again to create friction. "do you really want me to touch you, darling?", he whispered in your ear. 
you gasped as he bit down on your neck, forming a purple mark, similar to what he did last week. his index finger hooked the string of your panty and slowly pulled down. you shivered at the cold air hitting your folds. his lips were still attached to your neck, but his fingers found your opening and rubbed around your clit. "doux..hurry u..up", you breathed. 
he went back up to your ear and whispered, huskily, "patience, sweetheart". your titled your head back a bit and breathed out. without any more hesitation, he inserted his first digit into you, getting a loud gasp from you. soon, his second, and then his third, just like before. 
your moans were melodious to him. you pulled his head back up and kissed him as his other hand roamed under your shirt. he pumped faster, his long fingers hitting just the right spot. "doux fuck~", you moaned as you threw your head back in pleasure. he loved seeing you like this. moaning his name, his fingers in you. he was the one giving you pleasure. fuck, it was turning him on. though, to be fair, almost anything you did turned him on. 
he tried surpressing his own moans to not drown yours out, that he loved hearing. 
a heat started filling your lower stomach. the kind that was going to flush out of you soon, very soon. he dipped down to kiss and suck on your collarbones, sliding the loose shirt off your shoulders. "doux i'm- fuck. d-doux", you started growing light headed as his pace increased. 
he knew you were going to climax, and he wanted you to. but not with his fingers. he removed his fingers quickly, robbing you of an orgasm.  "hisirdoux, i swear to god, if you don't let me come", he attached his lips to yours quickly, and started moving down. 
kissing your neck, your collarbones, lifting your shirt up to kiss the place right under your boobs, and he kept going down. kissing lower and lower until he reached your clit again. you sucked in a breath and carded your hand through his dyed locks. 
he held both of your thighs tightly, like he was trying to keep you from running away, not that you ever would. and started kissing the spot right above your knee, going up slowly. the higher he got, the sloppier his kisses became. 
he placed open mouthed kisses up your inner thighs. "doux...", you whined. he didn't raise his head but you could practically hear his smirk. finally, he reached your folds. he kissed around your clit and you moaned, tugging his hair as a result. "pl..please doux", you wanted him. you wanted him to eat you out so bad. and he complied, inserting his tongue in your folds. licking and kissing you, the sounds of wet skin became louder. 
not as loud as you were moaning though. you knew that this was horrible for his ego but you couldn't help it. he had a way of making you feel so damn good. 
"fuck baby", his words vibrated in your pussy, sending you even higher. you arched your back as he gripped your thighs even harder. you moans became higher in pitch as you were nearing your climax again. 
"you better let me come this time, casperan", you said. he chuckled, deeply and kissed you harder, in the perfect spot. "aah! d..do that again. please", you pleaded. and he did, and again. your eyes rolled to the back of your head, moaning in ecstasy. 
"i'm cl-close..", you said, pulling on his hair harder now. "cum for me, darling. please", he mumbled against your lips. you let out a final moan as you hit your limit. you exhaled a shuddered breath as you opened your eyes to see him wiping his lips, smirking. 
it just hit you what happened and you quickly covered your vagina with your shirt, trying to not make eye-contact with him. he rose, slowly, and leaned in close to you, lifting your chin up with his finger. "was that not good for you, love?", he asked, fully knowing the answer. you had a hard time focusing on him and your legs were quivering. he leaned in close to your ear and said, "i think you liked it", sending a shiver up your spine. 
he placed his right hand in between your thighs and carressed it slightly. he knew he was in control here, but not for long. you pulled him back into a kiss and slid your hand down his shirt, slowly. you reached his belt and went even lower to place your palm on his erection. you could feel his dick twitch inside his pants and you smirked into the kiss. 
you started rubbing his bulge, eliciting him to groan into your mouth. you bit down on his lower lip and slid your tongue into his mouth. he couldn't have asked for anything better, but he got it anyways. 
you started unbuckling his belt and took it off slowly. undoing his pants, you parted from the kiss. you looked at him, eyes closed, he bit his lip slightly to keep from moaning. you went to the shell of his ear and kissed it once, "sit down". he did as told.
you placed yourself on his thigh and locked eyes. now, this wasn't a competition but neither of you wanted to look away. his eyes were filled with longing. he wanted you just as badly as you wanted him a few minutes ago. he was the first one to break as you started palming him over his boxers. "fuck", he mumbled, barely over a whisper. you slid down his underwear and he broke free. 
you had assumed that he would be an average length but no, a solid nine inches of slender, throbbing, cock sprung free. you leaned in and kissed him again. his hands went up to your waist, under your shirt and he slipped his tongue into your mouth. you moaned as he sucked on your tongue with his own. you delicately touched the tip of his cock, smiling at how he twitched at that. 
"so sensitive...", you mumbled into the kiss. you traced your fingers softly over his length. he knew why you were teasing him, the same way he did to you. but fuck, he wanted you. he needed you to touch him. 
"pl..ease y/n", he breathed. you stroked him along his length, circling his tip at times. he threw his head back as you pumped him faster. you couldn't help but smile at how good you were making him feel. 
you decided to buck your hips back and forth on his thigh to drive him over the edge. and it worked. you were driving him crazy. his mind started to fog as you were grinding against his thigh. to add insult to injury, you started moaning too, being stimulated in a lovely way by riding his thigh. the friction against your clit was perfect. 
he honestly didn't know how much more of this he could take. but he didn't want to come. not just yet. he wanted the feeling of your warm hand on his cock. he wanted the feeling of your wet pussy grinding against his thigh. he wanted to hear your moans as you pleasured not only him, but yourself too. 
unfortunately, his body couldn't take it anymore as his dick started twitching more, signaling his soon release. "i think i...i'm cumming- fuck-", he was a stuttering mess. and you loved it.
"go on, pretty boy", you said out loud and leaned in close to his ear. "cum for me", you whispered into his ear and kissed it. that was truly it for him. he groaned and felt his release coming in a few seconds. with a final touch to his tip, he reached his release and came in your hand. with that, he layed down on the bed, exhaling hard. 
with your newfound confidence, you took off your shirt and wiped the white liquid on it, before throwing it your floor. you leaned forward and placed your hands on his abdomen to support yourself, "douxie?". 
he opened his eyes and they widened in surprise, seeing you on top on him, in a lacy, black bralette, so loose that the strap was coming down your shoulder, that innocent look in your eyes. you weren't innocent, not by a long shot. and he knew that. but he wanted to corrupt you. he threw his head back as your hands started tracing up his shirt, undoing his buttons. 
when you reached the top most button, you leaned in close and whispered in his ear, "can you fuck me?", you kissed his ear, "please?", and again, moving down to his collarbones. he was stunned. you were just covering your wet pussy with your t-shirt a while ago, and now you've asked him such a bold request. not that he was going to decline. 
he grabbed your hip with one hand and your face with the other. he turned your face towards him and he crashed your lips into his, getting a moan out of you. he was getting hard already, and you were probably wetter than ever. you did mean it. you wanted him to fuck you. and he did too. his other hand went down to your thigh and started trailing back up. 
it was these moments when he touched you that reminded you how you were feeling. and right now, you were still a bit embarressed. you had barely rode him and you were still so wet. throbbing and pulsing, he inserted one finger into you again. you gasped into the kiss. 
he was done being teased and was ready to be in control again. he flipped you over so he was on top, and inserted his second finger into you. you tried rubbing your thighs together but he put his hand in between your legs. "now now, darling. i thought you wanted me to fuck you". his hand trailed up to stop right under your bra. he leaned in and kissed the spot. then bit it softly, sucking on the spot to leave it dark red. 
you were in a frenzy. his slender fingers were still pumping in and out of you, he was still giving you hickeys along your rib cage and stomach. you arched your back and threw your head back. 
"pl...please fuck me- doux..". he chuckled again, inserting his third finger, trying to drive you to the edge. "st-stop playing with me", you stuttered, completely a mess. 
"cum for me, lovely", he said, and kissed you up your stomach until he reached your bralet lace. "f-fuck~", you were close. you wanted to climax. and his fingers were working their magic on you. 
you had to finish. you had to cum. so you did. you gripped the bedsheet as you released, your back lowering from an arched position as your legs started shaking slightly. 
he stared at your cum on his fingers before licking it off with his tongue. god, his tongue can do wonders. "you still want me to fuck you, y/n?", he asked, staring at your shaking legs. 
"please", you pleaded. you were the desperate one now. and fuck, it turned him on. seeing you under him, legs shaking, covered in hickeys, and still gripping the bedsheet. all because of him. 
it took you by surprise when he took out a condom from his pocket and opened it with his mouth. "you brought a fucking condom?", you asked, partially rhetorically. "i didn't bring it. adam slipped it in my pocket when i told him i was coming here", you laughed a bit. adam was always rooting for the two of you. now that you thought about it, it was adam's idea to have the both of you parttake in seven minutes in heaven at the party. goddammit. well, in this case, you were sort of glad he medled. 
"do you not want me to use it?", he asked, he stopped putting it on halfway. "no no. use it", he smiled and put it on fully. you sat up slightly to kiss him, to which he gladly returned. you peeled off his shirt and then took off your own bralette. 
you were completely naked in front of him. fuck, if it was even possible, he got even harder. before even touching you, he threw his head back and bit his lip. "fuck" "what?", you thought you did something wrong. he went down to your chest and kissed you around your nipple, his hands pulling you closer by your waist, "you're gonna be the fucking death of me, y/n". you rolled your eyes. partly because of his comment, but mainly because his kisses felt so good. 
you held his shoulders and layed back down, pulling you with him to the point where he was hovering over you. you took him by the chin and connected you lips into a very sloppy kiss. 
"can i?", he asked into the kiss. you mumbled a verification, not breaking away and gasped when he started inserting himself into you. "fuck- doux!", you moaned as he inserted his full length. "you okay?", he asked after giving you a minute to adjust to him. "fuck..", that was the only thing to could say. without moving at all, he was already hitting your g-spot. "y-yeah, i'm good..", he leaned into you and kissed you again. 
your tongues moved in sync, just as your bodies did. after a few minutes, you needed air and broke apart from him, a string of saliva connects your lips. you cried out as his hand reached your clit, rubbing it slightly. as if his dick wasn't enough, you were in a state of pure euphoria. "f-fuck, does this feel good, love?" you wanted to ride him. you wanted to be on top. so you placed your hands on his shoulder blades and flipped him over. 
to say he was surprised would be an understatement. his eyes widened as they came back into focus. he always thought you were beautiful. gorgeous. but god, you were so pretty like this. he threw his head back, gripping your sides with his hands as you rode him. he loved this. no, that was an understatement. he never wanted this to end. you riding him, he loved seeing the marks he left on you, your boobs bouncing slightly as you picked up the pace. fuck he loved this. 
you ghosted your fingertips over his v-line , he sucked in a sharp breath. "i love when you touch me, sweetheart" "is that so?", you asked as you lowered yourself to kiss him along his lean figure. he was extremely thin, but toned. you placed kisses along the valley of his abs and it drove him mad. 
he groaned and moaned your name the more you did it, occasionally biting him and licking over the spot immediately after. you asked him to sit up and he did so, moaning as you both were reaching your climax. 
you pulled him into a kiss and he recirpocated, before going lower and kissing down your boobs again. your head rolled back as he sucked on your breast. "i-i'm close" "can i..", he looked at you now, "..inside you?". you smiled and kissed him again, "of course.", you whispered in his ear, "i'm all yours, baby". he threw his head back for the hundreth time tonight at your voice. it was angelic to him. and when you moaned, he felt like he would die right then and there. 
you felt his dick twitch inside you, knowing he was close. "can you cum doux. inside me. please?", you asked, kissing his neck. he did as told and came inside you. you followed suit a few minutes later, arching your back as you hit your orgasm. 
you removed yourself from him and sat on his thighs, he was still holding you up. "that was...something", he mumbled as he rested your foreheads together. "yeah..". you couldn't verbalize how great that was. were you selfish if you wanted more? maybe his tongue again. you had forgotten how good his tongue made you feel. but you knew you couldn't do anything for the next few minutes. your pussy was still wet, but swollen from everything you had done. besides, you couldn't just ask him, right? 
you both sat in silence for a few minutes, still hugging each other and covered in a thin layer of sweat, even though the ac was on. he abruptly gave you a quick peck on the lips and said, "i'm gonna go to the bathroom okay?", you nodded and got off his lap. he put his pants back on and walked to the bathroom. 
you threw yourself back on your head, facing the ceiling. you sighed heavily and closed your eyes, thinking about everything that took place, eyes shooting open when you recalled his tongue. that felt so good. the way he gripped your thighs tightly. the way his tongue circled in and around your clit. the way he parted your folds with his mouth. you didn't think you could get so wet this quickly, but you wanted it. you wanted him. 
you reached down your stomach, grazing your hips, and your inner thighs. you sucked in a breath as your fingers reached your clit. you rubbed on your bud, whimpering a bit as you rubbed your thighs together. you were so wet that you could insert a finger with no problems, but that wasn't enough. you gripped the bedsheet above your head as you put in two more fingers, gasping slightly. your eyes closed, tightly as you arched your back again. 
you pumped your fingers in and out the same way douxie had done and circled inside your pussy. you wanted to moan, so bad, but you didn't want him to hear you. you bit down on your lips, eyes rolling to the back of your hand as you touched yourself more. you were in a trance and moaned out, "fuck- doux.. mmh j..just like that..please". you were so close to your climax that you didn't even hear the bathroom door opening between your moans. 
your eyes remained close and your toes curled as you were going to come again.  "aah! mm-fuck!", you cried out as you hit your release. your knees started shaking as you lowered them. "fuck", you exhaled, opening your eyes. "thanks for the show, darling", you neck snapped in the direction of his voice. he was standing against your wall, leaning with his arms crossed. fuck he was hot. he was standing shirtless, in his suit pants. 
your lowered your arms to cover your swollen pussy, dripping with your juices. "h-how long were you standing there?", he started walking towards you, "long enough". he stood at the foot of the bed again and dragged you close to him by your legs, leaning down to kiss the shell of your ear. "do you want me to touch you again?", he asked. you wanted to tell him off for staring at you, touching yourself. but fuck, you wanted him to touch you again. "y-yes please", you stuttered as he placed open mouthed kisses along your neck, going down to your collarbones. 
"hm, how?", his voice rang through your ears as he kissed your breast, biting it slightly, going down to your rib cage. he made you a stuttering mess, "w..with your tongue...please, doux...i want⏤", a gasp escaped you as he started sucking on the inside of your thigh. 
"whatever you want, my love", he gripped your thighs like he did before. his lips reached your pussy. still soaking and red. "w-wait doux. too s..soon", you tried saying but he started kissing your clit anyway. he hummed against your folds, the vibrations driving you crazy. "f..fuck doux. pl..please mmh~", you decided it was useless trying to retalliate so you just enjoyed it. 
he made you feel so good. and he loved it. he looked up slightly to see your head thrown back, eyes closed, and back curved. he was doing this to you. he was making you feel this good. and he loved it. his tongue slipped in and out of your pussy, wet with cum and arousal. 
he loved the taste of your slick. it tasted so sweet to him. you tasted so sweet to him. "fuck", he mumbled into your pussy, "you taste so good, baby". 
"i'm c..cumming. d-doux w..w -ah!", he picked up the pace as he started sucking on your folds. the sound of wet skin slapping against his tongue filled the room."go on, love, cum", you did as told, reaching your climax for the fourth time because of him. 
he kissed your clit one last time before raising his head. you lifted his chin and connected your lips together, quite forcefully, unconcerned with where his mouth was a few seconds ago. 
this kiss was different than before. it was not filled with lust or longing, but with passion and understanding. you seperated and placed your heads together. "you're really good at that", you were the first to speak. he chuckled a bit before taking your hand from his face and planting a kiss to the back of it. "i'm glad you enjoyed it, y/n".
"y/n! can you come here?", you heard zoe's voice call you from her room. you laughed at douxie's horrified expression. "relax, she's not gonna kill you" "are you sure?" "well, she might when i tell her, but for now, no she won't. so i suggest leaving", you hand made a shooing motion. 
he quickly put his shirt back on, only doing three buttons as your put on a new shirt and underwear. "just a minute, zo", you called out so she wouldn't get suspicious.
"what about my tie?", he asked, before going out the window again. "i'll give it to you tomorrow", you kissed him on the lips briefly, "now go!". he smiled and pecked your forehead before wishing you a good night and going out the same way he came in. 
he was a great muse.
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winter-leftovers · 2 months
Til The End Of Eternity || Chapter twenty eight: Childhood Home (28/?)
(Douxie Casperan x f!reader)
Summary: Y/n is trying to figure her life out but is going to be hard since her brother is the new trollhunter and she is plagued by dreams and feelings she doesn’t understand.
Chapter Summary: Merlin comes back with bad news.
Word count: 3621
Warnings: no
(Wizards Episodes 1)
Song?: A burning hill by Mitski
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Y/n sighed as she submerged her body into the tub, the hot water now kissing her neck. The wrinkles on her skin gave away the hours she had spent on the soapy water. The bathroom had turned into a warm, quiet refuge from the babies running around in the Lake’s house. The screaming, the noisy toys, the spit, the dirty diapers. It all had become too much for the wizard to handle. The only moments of peace she could find were when she would put her head under the water. The world disappearing for an instant, the only noise she could hear was the calming lullaby of her blood pumping under the boiling water.
The tiles vibrated loud enough to make the babies napping in Jim’s room to scream in desperation. Y/n sat up, water spilling out of the tub as she prepared herself to throw the culprit across the room only to look down at Toby’s smiling face on her phone looking back at her. The bubbling anger died down to be taken over by another type of annoyance, the one where you are the only one to blame.
Toby had been texting and calling all day and Y/n had been avoiding his texts and calls all day. She didn’t have a good explanation, she just wanted to be left alone. Since Jim left she hasn’t been able to be alone, not even while peeing ever since the babies learnt to walk. Always working, hanging out or taking care of someone.
Y/n groaned, submerging herself into the water. The tub was the only place where she could be, but from her water tumb she heard someone knocking at the door. She emerged, her shoulders already falling forward.
“Y/n? Honey?” Barbara called.
“Yes, mom?”
“You should check your phone”
Y/n’s hand trembled as she opened the door to the bookstore. Toby said that the world may be ending yet again, but that wasn’t her biggest worry. Merlin had been awakened for more than a few days and Y/n didn’t say a word to Douxie. She blamed herself. Why did she always listen to her father?
She breathed in and out trying to leave her fears out on the street.
“And Steve Palchuk, Creepslayer!”
“I have no idea who you are” books flew around the once well kept bookstore, Merlin sorted them out before packing them in a flying chest “but we’re desperate. Thankfully, we have the brute”
Y/n stood behind Douxie and whispered in his ear:
“Oh, he is in a good mood”
Douxie smiled, turning back:
“Hello, darling”
“Hi” she smiled back.
Douxie grabbed her hand and for a moment, they ignored what was happening around them, both lost in eachother’s eyes, in eachother’s warmth. “Aah!” Steve’s yelp pulled Y/n out of the enchantment.
“Careful!” Y/n called out the older wizard and the chest flying behind him for their recklessness“ Are you okay?” She ran to the blonde teenager, using the hand that held Douxie to hold Steve’s head.
“Yes” he sniffed.
“Y/n! That’s great! Now we have the brute and a master wizard” Merlin didn’t turn to greet his daughter.
“Good to see you too” she said sarcastically “What’s going on?” She looked around looking for the messy black haired boy “Where’s Jim?”
“Yeah, where’s Claire?” Toby joined the chorus “I thought they were with you”
“Answers forthcoming. Make preparations. We’ve a journey ahead” Merlin kept packing “and don’t…”
“But, master…” Douxie interrupted.
“ ‘But, master’ me” Merlin finished.
“Are you sure you want to count on these children? They’re clearly not ready for this” Douxie asked.
“Excuse me, college dude, these children fought off a fifty foot extraterrestrial” Steve accidentally punched the head off the enchanted armor.
“Oh, that’s why you kept calling me?” Y/n turned to Toby, guilt creeping up her throat.
“Don’t worry. We…” Toby turned to help Steve fight off the enchanted armor “Dude, let’s go off his head”
“Douxie is right, father” Y/n quickly followed Merlin and Douxie away from the teenagers “They already fought enough things. Kids shouldn’t be fighting. They can’t keep doing this”
“Master, I’m ready for this” Douxie pitched himself full of confidence.
“Doubtful” Merlin said, focused on packing.
Y/n sighed:
“Just hear him out…”
“Silence!” Merlin commanded.
Y/n mouth stayed open, her smile falling into a frown, the words still weighing on her tongue. The familiar warmth of anger quickly ran through her body.
“I mean, silence” Merlin repeated softer “all of you” turning to the fighting teenagers “Can you not hear that?”
The group shook their heads. After the battle, Arcadia was destroyed, again, so the strange sounds could be anything, a car finally exploding or a building giving up. What wasn’t normal was the power going out. Y/n turned her head to the window, in the darkness the only thing she could see was the reflection of the chimney’s fire. She twisted her wrist revealing her staff.
“Something wicked this way comes” Merlin walked to the window followed by Douxie.
Something hit against the glass activating the barrier. Douxie took a step back covering his eyes.
“Shadow mephits?” Merlin turned to his apprentice “Hisirdoux, did you lead them here?”
“No, no!” Douxie waved his hands around, appalled that his master would think that.
Y/n pinched her nose. She felt like she had seen this scene many times before.
“I mean, I don’t think so?” Douxie looked out the window once more.
“Yes, we did” Archie walked up to confirm their mistake.
Douxie nervously chuckled under his master’s incredulous gaze.
“The barrier won’t hold for long” Merlin turned back “We must make egress! Tobias, take my things” with a movement of his arm, Toby went flying on top of the chest through the stairs.
Before Merlin could keep giving directions, the shadow memphits broke down the barrier, entering the bookstore.
“All of you, to the roof!” Merlin screamed, killing one of the creatures with his magic.
Y/n ran behind her friends to the roof only to find the roof as full shadow memphits as the bookstore.
“Why is the roof full of shadow memphits?” Y/n heard Al’s voice. The girl turned and saw the cat biting one of the creatures’ tales.
“Al!” Y/n ran, picking him up before the creatures could return the favor.
“That tasted awful” he shook his head.
“Stand back!” Merlin alerted.
“Everyone on” Before she could turn to look, Aaarrrgghh threw her onto a ship.
“I would like a warning next time” Al left Y/n’s arms.
“Maybe when we aren’t under attack” Y/n stood up pointing her staff to the shadow memphits Aaarrrgghh had on his back, destroying them in a ray of crimson so Steve and Toby could help the troll get into the ship.
As she lowered her staff she saw Douxie grabbing the baranda, distracted by something in the ground.
“Are you okay?” She walked up to him, softly grabbing his elbow.
He didn’t turn back, his mind absorbed by what the blue light of the barrier was reflecting.
“Doux…” Y/n called looking down, finally seeing what paralyzed Douxie: a knight surrounded by dark magic Y/n couldn’t understand.
The knight looked back at Douxie, his empty eyes focused only on the wizard. Douxie shivered when he returned the look. The knight appeared soulless, there seemed to be no emotion behind the visor.
The shadow memphits started to crawl into the mystery knight’s body like they were returning to its home making Y/n shiver. That wasn’t natural.
“Boy…” the dark voice echoed in the wizard's minds.
Y/n’s nails dig into Douxie’s bicep, both frozen in place looking back at the knight while his voice poisoned their insides with fear.
“Look out!” Merlin pulled them down by their jackets before the knight’s spears could reach them.
Y/n stood up, looking back at her father with a frown, not out of anger but out of confusion, she doesn’t remember the knight attacking them.
“Are you alright, love?” Douxie grabbed Y/n’s cheek with both hands and examined every inch of her face.
“Of course” she smiled, shaking the confusion away “Are you?” She grabbed one of his wrists, pulling his hand away to lay in his chest.
“I’m alright” he pulled her closer.
Y/n closed her eyes letting the movement of the ship and the familiar warmth of Douxie wash the adrenaline of the battle out of her sistem.
“What the heck is that?!” Steve screamed.
“Welcome, young squires to Camelot” Merlin announced.
Y/n quickly opened her eyes up, slightly pulling away from Douxie. In front of them, flying in the middle of the night sky stood the old castle that she once called home. A nostalgia ridden sigh escaped out of her lips. The castle was frozen in time, everything looked the same except a big green stone under it but that still didn’t change the strange feeling of coming back home after a long journey that invaded her.
“Camelot? As in ancient-old-people-times Camelot?” Toby screamed.
“Let the old people jokes begin” Y/n turned to Douxie, laughing.
The boy chuckled but his eyes were still glossy with the nostalgia of their childhood home, he was still lost in the emotion of coming back.
Y/n smiled, laying her head against his shoulder letting herself too be lost in what used to be.
“Sir Galahad, how look the skies?” Merlin screamed to the old man keeping watch in one of the towers.
“All quiet, my old friend!” The knight reported back.
Y/n turned to look at Sir Galahad waving back. She messily laughed, euphoria cursing through her veins when she saw he hadn’t changed one bit.
“Keep your eyes on the horizon” Merlin ordered before starting his parking maneuver.
“Oh, lord” Y/n gripped the baranda as she felt the instability in the velocity.
“I say, coming in a little hot, don’t you think?” Archie suggested as he grabbed himself from dear life.
“Rubbish!” Complained Merlin.
“He’s going to kill us all!” Al screamed as the green light slowed down the ship.
“Whoo hoo hoo hoo!” Steve screamed as he walked the entrance of the castle.
“Woah!” Toby echoed.
“It’s been nine hundred years since I was last here” Douxie said more to himself, turning around observing the unchanged castle.
“It hasn’t changed a bit” Y/n looked around searching for a small vase out of place but not finding it.
“Well except for the flying part” Douxie added.
“Nine hundred years?” Steve chuckled “Yeah right. You’re like 19?”
Y/n and Douxie shared a look, with a smile reminding all the adventures they had in the last century.
“Give or take a few centuries” Archie explained before flying away.
“Wait, don’t leave me here!” Al quickly followed.
“So, how many things can your cats turn into?” Steve asked, following the cats’ flying pattern with his head.
“That depends. How many things are there?” Douxie answered.
“Uh, cool floating castle ship, but what’s the grave danger you keep talking about? Toby ran after Merlin before he could disappear in the endless hallways.
“Ah, there you are” Merlin opened his arms, welcoming his old guests.
“Claire!” Toby screamed.
“Toby!” The girl ran to his friend’s arms.
Y/n ran to the other side of the room, waiting to see her brother only to find Claire and an injured Blinky. She kept her smile, hiding her disappointment in her back pocket as the four of them hugged.
“I’m glad you’re okay” Y/n hugged Claire.
“Whoa, hey, Steve’s here too! How about…How about some love for Steve?”
“Oh. Hi, Steve” Claire pulled away from Y/n, her face devoid of feelings.
“What happened? Where’s Jim?” Y/n frowned, she had waited enough time.
“Follow me” Merlin sighed, walking deeper into the castle.
Y/n turned to Claire trying to look for clues into her face but the devastated look on the young wizard was as terrifying as the broken sigh in her father’s mouth.
She walked through the hallways of the castle with her heart in her palms as she has done many times before. How is she going to look at her mother in the eyes now?
“Jim” Toby ran to the table where Jim laid, kneeling by his side.
Y/n walked slowly, she couldn’t believe what her eyes were seeing: her little brother laying inside a crystal with a spear in his heart.
“What happened?” Y/n asked her voice sharp as the bottom of her staff.
“We were ambushed. Some ancient, dark warrior. An unstoppable knight clad in green who struck down Master Jim” Blinky recounted.
But Y/n didn’t care, the hot tears brewing in her heart didn’t care. All she could hear was: they didn’t do enough.
“Master, is that the same knight we saw at the bookstore?” Douxie's voice appeared through the cloud of anger.
“One and the same. That onyx shard is working its way towards his heart. I placed the boy in stasis, stalling its progress…for now”
‘I didn’t see it’ Y/n mind replays that moment again and again. How can she blame them when she probably couldn’t stop him either?
The anger softens and migrates to her neck, tying itself around her neck pulling tight becoming sadness, guilt.
“If I had my shadow staff, I could’ve saved him” Claire cried.
Y/n wishes she could say that that’s not true but she’s afraid that everyone can see what’s hanging around her neck.
“Who is this green knight? How do I get my hands on him?” Toby’s anger starts to spill out.
“I do not know” Merlin confesses “The green knight said but one name, which chilled me to the bone: Morgana”
Y/n frowned. This definitely wasn’t one of her tricks. At least, it didn’t look like one.
“I hate that lady” Toby said, the memories of the Eternal Night coming back to him “Wait” he looked back at the older wizard “I thought we kicked her bee witch butt to the Shadow Realm”
“Which he appeared not to know” Merlin frowned, still puzzled by the encounter with the mysterious knight.
“So this is not Morgana’s work” Y/n question, certain in her heart of the answer.
Merlin shook his head:
“I cannot confirm his alliances but he wore the emblem of Camelot”
Douxie turned to Y/n, eyes full of confusion and worry.
“Come with me, quickly” Merlin turned, walking away, leading the group across a bridge to his studio “I fear the answer lies in the past. A dark menace is coming, one even I cannot face alone”
The room, as the rest of the castle, was the same as it was a century ago. Y/n could feel the ghost of her long skirt hitting her ankles and the knot in her throat everytime she would enter her father's workspace.
“You are all now soldiers in a war started centuries ago for the world of magic” Merlin opened a small white box, from inside it a blue sphere of light appeared revealing images of the past “Once, the realms of Magic and Man clashed in endless bloodshed” Merlin twirled the circle showing them an image of the late King “King Arthur sought to wipe out magic that ravaged the lands in his was against Gunmar. I brought what few spellcasters I could under my protection to spare them from the sword…”
“Including myself” Explained Douxie.
“And Morgana le Fay” added Y/n when Morgana’s image appeared in the magic circle.
“She was the finest student I ever taught” Merlin observed the memory of young Morgana, his eyes full of proudness, he thought she was destined for great things “…until she tried to kill me” he closed his eyes “Thankfully, in my all-seeing wisdom, I created a secret weapon” he touch the sphere “the Trollhunter amulet. The war came to a standstill and I imprisoned Morgana at the Battle of Killahead Bridge. This Green Knight that assailed us was clearly born of dark magic but I have no memory of him nor what connection he could have to Morgana”
Y/n looked back at the image of his sister, Guinevere’s words stitched to her heart “you can love the person you knew” and that’s what she’s been doing every day, carrying daisies to an imaginary grave, remembering the woman who would free the trolls from the traps, the woman who would sneak her extra dessert but she knew what she saw, what she felt. That Knight is not Morgana’s work
“I really don’t think he had a connection…” Y/n wasn’t able to finish.
“You never do, Y/n. You are not impartial” Merlin cut her off.
“I know what I saw. That magic is not Morgana’s!” Y/n hit the table.
Merlin opened his mouth to protest but the warning bells cut him off.
Before they could turn to see what danger was looking for them, the castle was hit, shaking the entire structure.
“What’s happening?” Claire screamed in fear.
“Have you never been under attack before?” Merlin helped Y/n to get up from the ground “To the battlements!”
Y/n ran, her staff in hand ready to confront whatever was trying to destroy Camelot like she had done many times before. What she didn’t expect was the amount of power their enemy seemed to have. ‘The Arcane Order’ her father called it. She considered herself an experienced wizard and she had only heard that name one time when she was very young and her father made it clear she wasn’t supposed to ask anymore questions.
“Everyone get to safety now!” Merlin ordered as soon as he saw the wizards emerge from the gigantic ship that was trying to board the castle.
The wizard with ice powers attacked first, quickly overpowering Merlin, throwing him into the ground and his staff off the castle.
“I got it” Archie flew behind.
Y/n was impressed. She didn’t have another word for it. She had never seen such ability, especially in wizards that seemed as young as her
Soon enough, cannons were fired making it impossible for anyone to stand.
“We must flee” Merlin ordered.
“I’m on it” Douxie ran to steer the ship away from The Arcane Order.
The castle shook once more, Merlin and Y/n turned, seeing their new obstacle: a bridge made of ice joining the ships.
“They’re boarding us!” Merlin screamed.
“I’m on it” Y/n jumped into the edge of the tower “Go get the staff”
“Steer us clear at my command!” Merlin jumped to another tower.
Y/n pointed her staff to the thick ice that joined the ships, a hot lightning melting the middle of the bridge. She frowned, she felt sweat dripping from her forehead, melting a simple block of a was being harder than it should be. She pulled back, falling backwards into the cold stone of the castle. While the ice wizard built multiple bridges, their ally was bombing the castle shaking the old structure.
Y/n stood back up, nodded her head, her eyes focused on this time, severing the connection between the ships. She tightened the grip on her staff and swung, a big ball of red lightning cut all the communications the ship had.
“Yeah!” Y/n screamed, jumping around alone celebrating her victory. Her short victory.
The wind changed. The wizard heard the crackling of the ice murmuring behind her, she slowly turned around, afraid to confirm her suspicion: all the broken bridges were made new again and were crawling with shadow memphits.
“You’ve got to be kidding me” Y/n climbed to Douxie’s post.
“Archie, find the staff or we are all dead meat!” Douxie screamed fighting off shadow memphits off the steers.
“What do you people think I’m doing?” Archie screamed back from the sky.
The castle shook once more, making Y/n’ stomach turn.
“I officially hate flying” she joked, eyes lost in the horizon.
“We’ll travel by boat. Old style” Douxie nodded.
“Flying castles suck!” Steve screamed
Y/n turned, they were joined by Steve wearing a helmet and Claire.
“Hisirdoux, now!” Merlin screamed.
“Please don’t blow us up” Douxie prayed as he set up the time map and steered the ship “Please don’t blow us up!”
“We don’t have enough power for the jump!” Archie flew close.
“Trust in Merlin” Screamed Douxie.
Archie was wrong. The time rift was opened but the Arcane Order wasn’t about to let them leave so easily. Y/n didn’t see them hit the castle, she just knew she was lucky enough to grab Douxie's hand before falling to the night sky, until she saw his brother fall through the time rift, then, she didn’t feel so lucky.
She looked up at Douxie knowing what she had to do but before she could apologize he nodded. He knew well what Y/n wanted to do and he supported it. They let go of each other's hands at the same time.
Y/n fell as she heard Claire and Steve’s terrified screams but she couldn’t be scared, not when her eyes were focused on Douxie.
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A/n: sorry for leaving 👉👈 again
remember to leave love letters and death threats!! 💖
<Taglist: @douxiesaurus @fandomobbsessedb @queteimporta-99 @adrias23 @wickedlovely121 If your url is crossed it means tumblr didn’t let me tag you> want to be tagged next update? Let me know!
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ettellessa · 2 years
I decided somebody had to fix Rise of the Titans so I did it myself.
I cut out all the bad things: no pregnant Steve, no bad ending.
Feel free to watch, save, reupload and share. Enjoy, huzzah.
Fixed It (G-drive)
Fixed it (mega)
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lovedropletsdreams · 1 year
Zoe: Why is (y/n) rolling on the floor, laughing? And what happened to Douxie’s forehead?
Archie: *sighs* (y/n) was about to open the top cabinet and it was about to hit Douxie’s head, so i told him to duck and he quacked at me.
Archie: and then hit his head
Zoe: *wheezes*
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mydelusionalwriting · 8 months
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So here I am about to go to sleep...right?
When out of nowhere I started thinking of a Douxie x reader story where the Reader is actually Toby's sibling (or adopted)
the Reader and Douxie start hitting things off and spending more time together and acting different around one another then they do around any of the others
Toby begins to notice something is off with the way they are acting and begins to get a little peeved that his sibling hasn't been hanging out with him and talking to him as much and spends most of the time chatting and hanging out with Douxie instead.
And so Toby decides to spy on the two of them after they both left at suspiciously the same time and after he finally catches up to them he sees them holding hands and kissing.
Toby was lets say shocked at seeing his older sibling kissing and holding hands with Douxie. And in shock and surprise he calls everyone else up who are also just as shocked and surprised.
Later that day after his sibling came back he grabbed their arm and yanked them into his room"Soooo when did you and Douxie become a couple? " Toby asked staring at his sibling with narrowed eyes
Y/N turning red stared at him in shock their mouth hanging open before they shook themselves out of it "H-How did you?"
"How did I figure out you two were a couple?" Toby finished for Y/N "Well" bringing out his phone he showed Y/N the pictures he took of them and Douxie holding hands and kissing.
"......." Y/N stared downwards contemplating on what to say as they quietly said "we were going to tell you..but considering how rocky things have been we wanted to tell everyone when the time was right,"
Toby sighed before shaking his head "just...don't hide these sorts of things from me alright?"
Y/N chuckling nodded "alright deal" as they hug Toby suddenly remembered something.
"Also I'm not gonna be the one to tell Claire that you and Douxie are dating," Toby said narrowing his eyes at his older sibling knowing how Claire was when it came to his siblings love life even after they told Claire that they had never dated anybody before.
A/N: I wish there were more Reader! As Toby's sibling I think they would have an interesting dynamic especially when it comes to his siblings love life and how he feels about it
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