#hoh time
houseofheroesau · 4 months
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Time's calling y'all out. Including me.
Get your rest, folks.
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phoenix-arts7 · 7 months
When it's 3am and you finally understand the brothel joke made at your expense back when you were a ten year old man
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It's fine, Time doesn't get sleep anyways.
Don't tag as LU, please.
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jullbnt · 4 months
I loved your LoZ ballet series! I wonder...on a similar subject, have you considered drawing them ice skating? I feel that would be cool to see :)
Thank you!! I hadn't thought about it but isn't that a wonderful idea :D
Wait Link what are you– okay do your thing...
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He's taking this very seriously 😆
I don't know if you're okay with me drawing your Time like this but here he is ^^
(If you think I now have a few sketches of Zelink on ice in my WIPs you're dead wrong... Wouldn't be like me to do something like that haha I'd never *cough*)
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elgatt0 · 27 days
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He died, but he's fine
> Based on this <
Hoh Time belonging to AU @houseofheroesau created by @phoenix-arts7
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ladye-zelda · 5 months
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A little drawing of Time from @houseofheroesau ! Love the grumpy little guy XD
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trippygalaxy · 5 months
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:) these are so much better than that sky drawing and im so happy 😭😭😭😭
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whyoneartheven · 6 months
Merry (and somewhat late) Christmas @phoenix-arts7!!!!
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here is a House of Heroes Time!!!
for those who haven’t discovered it already, this fabulous design is from Amara’s fabulous au @houseofheroesau
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fishblings · 3 months
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Richie doodle page! He is a cane user. To me
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aroaceleovaldez · 3 months
It's honestly wild to me that ToA went through so much trouble to emphasize the fact that Will did not magically fix all of Nico's problems and was explicitly not Nico's only doctor.
Only for TSATS to have Will fix all of Nico's problems and have Nico be entirely reliant on him the entire book and literally helpless without him and LITERALLY have Nico's problems be magically removed.
#pjo#riordanverse#tsats crit#nico di angelo#solangelo#it doesnt make any sense too cause. in HoO we KNOW Nico was fully capable of handling himself in Tartarus#we already knew he was explicitly on his own. we know he had it worse than Percy and Annabeth did#because we are explicitly told that Nico saw Tartarus' true nature the ENTIRE TIME versus Percy only getting a tiny half-glimpse of it once#and Percy acknowledges that he would not be able to withstand actually seeing Tartarus more than he did without just dying on the spot#and Nico was down there for as long as Percy and Annabeth at least. on his own. flying blind and explicitly having it worse.#so it doesnt make sense to totally retcon Nico's ENTIRE experiences with Tartarus to make him sopping wet and pathetic about it#needing to be helped and only being down there for twenty minutes and crying the whole time#and then all of the book he's literally functionally helpless without Will for some reason. despite being in his element.#could not get more in his element than being in the Underworld. my guy literally lives there. that's his HOUSE. that's his YARD.#and he's still just totally sopping wet and pathetic in Tartarus the second time around#like im sorry. no. we literally have previously established canon indicating this is absolutely not the case#that is not something you can retcon. that is an entire major event. it was not glossed over.#unless you are doing time travel and it's a canonical retcon a la Homestuck im sorry the events of TSATS just could never occur#(not to mention Damasen is just never acknowledged in TSATS and him and Bob were absorbed by Tartarus the god and ergo dead in HoH)#(so Bob and Damasen are like. *Gone* gone. they didn't just die to be reformed later they got ERASED.)#(and Nyx sure as hell isnt gonna be the one to have Bob trapped for whatever reason. definitely not cause she hates light/change/whatever)#(nyx is literally the mother/sister [depends on version - sometimes a mitosis situation] of the personification of day? and sky?)#(and FRIENDSHIP? and the nymphs of sunset? sometimes also CHEERFULNESS? and THOUGHTFULNESS? and old age)#(ah yes the mother of concepts such as love/friendship and aging and. day. would HATE [checks notes] love/friendship changing and light)#(she INVENTED THOSE) < anyways thank u for coming to my aside rant in the tags#in parenthesis to indicate this is an aside/tangent rant. anyways i have so many problems with this plot. it just DOESNT WORK#on NO LEVEL DOES IT WORK AT ALL WITH ESTABLISHED CANON
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alleiwentcrazy · 1 year
Now with a part two!
There’s a guy that comes to the cafe Eddie’s working at. Every other day, he comes to the counter, smiles at Eddie and gives him a post-it with “hi, an americano with two sugars please :)” written on it. He has a different color of post-it assigned for every day. Eddie smiles back and makes the americano, trying to keep his heart from jumping out of his chest. 
Needless to say, the guy is insanely cute. He has swoopy chestnut hair, droopy, almost puppy-like eyes, and two moles on his neck that make him look like he’s been bitten by a vampire. Eddie’s not sure if he finds it more adorable or sexy; either way, he’s definitely developed a crush. And now, after months of trying to gather up his courage to say hi, after months of pining and staring from afar... He’s still nowhere near ready to talk to him. And Chrissy’s not letting him live it down. 
“You’re insufferable,” she whispers to him frantically when the guy comes through the door on the first Monday of December. “Do something more than smile dumbly or I’ll fire you.”
“You can’t fire me,” Eddie hisses back as he tries to dust pastry crumbs off of his shirt. 
“I’m the manager. I can do whatever I want,” she chirps back and goes on to cleaning the machines that don’t need to be cleaned, because Eddie did that twenty minutes ago. 
The guy comes to the counter. There are snowflakes in his hair, big and soft. Eddie thinks that they compliment his eyes—then he realizes that it’s a weird thing to notice about a stranger. 
The stranger smiles. Eddie smiles back. Today’s post-it is light purple.
Eddie makes the americano. It’s muscle memory at this point, he’s not even thinking about what he’s doing until he has to force a lid onto the cup and serve it to his customer. Hell, whatever. He grabs a sharpie and bends down to drabble something on the cup, trying not to spill the coffee. He manages to draw an ugly looking snake that was supposed to be a dragon, cringes, writes “Have a nice day!” underneath it and prays that it isn’t too weird.
Of course it is. But, miraculously, the guy looks at it, huffs a tiny laugh and smiles right at Eddie and – yeah, whatever, curse him – the whole room lights up. Yes, it’s sappy. Sue him. He could be sappy for this guy—if the guy wanted it.
He takes his coffee and leaves, but before he crosses the threshold, he turns back and waves at Eddie, using only three fingers. It’s a small wave, but a wave nonetheless, so Eddie sends him his best grin and waves back.
When he’s finally out, Eddie bends over the counter and groans. Chrissy pats him between the shoulderblades, mocking sympathy. “You’re on probation,” she whispers. Eddie groans once again. This is hell.
He has to call in sick on Wednesday. Now that he’s thinking about it, he kind of knew that the mayo smelled funny and it wasn’t good anymore. But he’s a broke college student and he had a choice: stale bread with mayo and a slice of tomato, or just stale bread with a slice of tomato. These weren’t even real choices. It was suffering or suffering.
Apparently, he’d chosen double suffering, and he had a whole night of hurling to prove it. Good thing he doesn’t have to send Chrissy any photos of what he had to deal with – when he calls, she cuts him off with “Just take my afternoon shift tomorrow and we’re even. You’ll miss out on your cutie, it’s a punishment in and of itself,” and goes on with her day.
Eddie’s so grateful for Chrissy. He wouldn’t get anywhere without her. 
Eddie doesn’t expect his guy to come on Thursday, it isn’t his regular schedule, so he’s in for a surprise when his morning shift ends and turns into Chrissy’s afternoon shift, and then, some time later, his guy comes in—and he’s not alone.
He’s with a girl. With a pretty, pretty girl, who has beautifully curly brown hair, inquisitive eyes and kind but determined expression on her face. There’s something quite unique about her; Eddie thinks, briefly, that she looks like she’s from another era. Like if they were living in the 80s, she would have a perm, wear bold lipstick and have a whole wall of degrees and certificates in her office. She seems to be destined for great things. She’s a badass.
Eddie’s nothing like her. He tries to swallow down the jealousy as they near the counter. His – his? – guy looks surprised, but smiles either way, his eyes lighting up in a matter of seconds.
“Hi,” the girl says. Her own smile is so nice and warm Eddie can’t stay mopey for too long. “I’ll have a latte with two shots of espresso, and…”
She turns to the guy beside her, but Eddie doesn’t have to know the answer. “An americano with two sugars. On it.”
Their eyes lock for a second. The guy seems a bit shy, but he’s still smiling. Eddie counts that as a win. But he’s still quick with their coffees. He can sense the staring contest they’re having even while he has his back turned to them. He kinda wants them gone, but they didn’t ask for to go, so he just tries to stay calm. Focused. Sharp.
Fortunately, he doesn’t spill anything. They get their order and sit in a corner. It doesn’t look like a date, they pull out books and notes, scribble and sign from time to time. The girl clearly knows more than just the basics of ASL, unlike Eddie. Since the guy started showing up, he’s been trying to learn more about it, but now he makes a mental note to enroll on a course. It’s time to commit – to what, exactly, he’s not sure. But he’s gonna make it happen.
Hours pass, but they stay in the same position. Eddie steals a glance every now and then, trying not to let his jealousy get to the surface again, but it’s hard. The guy is cute, the girl is smart and beautiful. He decides to call Chrissy on his way home – if he has to pine, she’ll suffer with him.
The end of his shift is nearing when he hears a giggle from the godforsaken corner. He looks up from the cups he’s been rearranging and sees that it’s his guy’s girl who’s laughing. She’s laughing at yet another girl, who’s standing outside and drawing hearts on the dirty window. She has a goofy grin on her face, one that makes her eyes and her prominent cheekbones pop even more, and it’s the same grin that the girl inside is wearing at the moment.
Now, Eddie doesn’t know a lot about love, but he definitely recognizes heart eyes when he sees them. He smiles to himself – don’t judge a book by its cover, huh?
His guy looks exasperated about being completely ignored, so he taps the glass a few times. The girl outside looks at him, shocked, like she’s only just seen him now, sticks out her tongue at him, and goes back to blowing kisses at her girlfriend. The guy looks truly wounded. Eddie snorts; the dynamic here is immaculate.
In the meantime, the not-his-guy's girl has gathered her things and prepared to leave. She kisses his cheek on her way out, but the guy stays put, bending over his papers again. Eddie thinks it’s quite interesting. Then, he makes a plan.
When he’s done with work, his guy is still there. Which is perfect. Eddie fixes his hair one last time, trying to gauge whether his outfit is metal enough (it is) for the occasion, and grabs the americano with two sugars he’s made.
It’s alright. Everything’s alright.
His wildly beating heart isn’t so sure about that.
When he gets to his guy’s table, he sets the piece of paper on it first. “Looks like you’re swamped – it’s on the house,” it says. The guy looks up, surprised, his mouth opened in a tiny oh. His eyes go wide for a moment and then he smiles. Something warm settles inside Eddie’s chest.
The guy picks up a pen and writes “Thank you!!!” on Eddie’s piece of paper, but before giving it back, he changes his mind. “I’m Steve,” he scribbles, and then gives it back with a flash of smile.
He smiles a lot. It’s an amazing sight.
“Hello, Steve. I’m Eddie. Nice to meet you,” Eddie replies. “What are you working on?” he adds after a second, because he’s feeling bold and he really doesn’t want to go yet.
The guy – Steve – sighs. He makes some room on the loveseat he’s occupying and pushes his books to the middle. Eddie takes it as a cue to sit down. Their knees bump, Eddie gets goosebumps, but he doesn’t move away. Neither does Steve.
“I’ve got an assignment on modern fantasy and its mythological origins, but I’m not as nerdy as my friends so I’m struggling a bit. Nance helped, but she’s not an expert either and my other nerdy friends went for a trip. Maybe you have any experience?”
Eddie’s eyes open wide and he bounces with excitement, nodding his head along the way. “YES,” he writes, all caps, and Steve huffs another laugh. They look at each other then, Eddie all hyped and ready, Steve—soft? There’s no other way to describe it. His gaze is gentle, almost caring. Eddie can feel his cheeks warm up.
His phone buzzes aggressively in his pocket. He checks it – it’s Chrissy. She’s got her period and she’s out of tampons.
“Shit,” he mumbles. Steve bumps their shoulders.
“What’s up?” he asks.
Eddie picks up the pen. “Tiny emergency, I’m sorry. Tomorrow?”
He knows that his hopeful stare must seem desperate, but Steve reads his reply, looks up and smiles, nodding. Eddie wants to scream victory, but he only nods back and gets up instead. When he’s about to turn and leave, he feels fingers wrap around his hand, delicate but firm. Slowly, Steve opens up his hand and writes something on it.
It’s a phone number. “In case you get sick again :)”
Eddie can’t hold back his dopey smile any longer. When he looks at Steve, the corners of his lips quirk up too. He’s lovely.
Eddie can’t wait for tomorrow.
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rileylastname · 11 months
people who add non-autogenerated subtitles to videos are the most attractive people on this planet and allowed to steal one (1) thing from my home. including a kiss
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houseofheroesau · 20 days
Rising above the sea of creative block to present merman Time
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I combined him with an orca/killer whale and a butterfly koi.
To be honest this was just an excuse to draw his hair loose and flowy. What can I say? His hair is beautiful. 🤣
If you're interested, here's each drawing individually:
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Please don't tag as LU.
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phoenix-arts7 · 7 months
Was inspired by @smilesrobotlover to draw my Links with their horses. These were supposed to be doodles, but alas, I always make things harder on myself. 😂
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Reading from left to right, we have Warrior, Twilight, Time, and Wild. All of them have to be horse girls in some way.
If I was to choose a favorite, I'd go with Twilight. The pulled back lips are great 🤣
Used Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron as reference (especially for the bottom two).
Don’t tag as LU, please.
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jullbnt · 5 months
Hi! Congrats on 500 followers! Hopefully I'll reach that soon myself :)
I saw you were taking requests so I figured I'd throw my hat into the mix. If it pleases you, I offer up my version of OoT Link from my AU House of Heroes :)
He's a little grumpy and not for flashy outfits, but give him coffee or a hot cocoa and maybe he'll crack a smile. Honestly I don't care what he's doing. Just seeing him in your lovely style would be an honor enough. Even if you don't draw him, I just hope you like him ♥
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also forgive the second drawing as it's a bit old lol
And he uses the Biggoron sword too, if you wanna draw him with a sword or something 🤷‍♀️
Of course I like him!! I am always delighted to see Time and your AU looks fun (also his long hair is 👌🏻). I usually don’t think of him as a grumpy person but it’s always interesting to see how others perceive him ^^
Here’s your boy :)
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I hope you like him and I didn’t make him look too angry! I love his dark eyebrows 😊
It’s just a portrait because I have a lot on my plate right now but maybe I’ll draw him again in the future, I never get enough OoT Link ^^
Also since you were mentioning hot cocoa let me just :)) fill one of his bottles :))))
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It’s Lon Lon milk of course, anything to make him happy!!
Thank you for the prompt! I’ll answer all of you guys one by one (I’ll probably end up doing much more than five drawings haha)
I won’t accept more requests at the moment! This is a request I received for my 500 followers celebration and I still have a lot to do :)
Answered art requests
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mintcakeart · 1 year
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sleepy boys
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bongo-spindash · 6 months
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I was thinking about what different Sonic characters' names could be in sign a couple of months ago, since so many people headcanon Sonic knowing sign language, and I ended up making animations for a few!! Here's what I came up with for Sonic!! :D
mp4 version & description for it under the cut!!
A video of Sonic The Hedgehog viewed from the waist-up against a green background. Sonic is drawn in a simplistic style, though with tanner patches of skin on his muzzle, ears, stomach, and arms compared to his typical design, and he has curved scars on his chest. 
In the video, Sonic is signing his name, comprised of the words ‘fast’ and ‘hedgehog’ in BSL. He signs ‘fast’ by bouncing his index fingers off of each other—his right finger coming down as his left goes up—with the other fingers and thumb curled in. “fast” is written in dark green on the left side of the background as he signs this. 
The word in the background changes to “Hedgehog” as he signs the second part. His raised right hand opens up so that his fingers and thumb are all splayed, while the lowered left hand curls into a fist. The left arm moves horizontal in front of his chest, and the splayed right hand lowers to run the heel of the palm across the top of the forearm, to symbolise the spines of a hedgehog. Lifting his right elbow up to move the palm across the other arm obscures the “Hedgehog” lettering slightly.
Sonic's head moves as he signs, spines bouncing up and down and head tilting to the left. While he’s signing, he mouths his name, the first syllable ‘So’ being mouthed during the ‘fast’ sign, and the second syllable ‘nic’ being mouthed during the ‘hedgehog’ sign.  
On the right side of the video, next to Sonic’s head, is the artist’s signature—the silhouette of a bongo with the letters BD written inside.
End ID]
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