#hon????? considering JUN of all people as dom?
ncteez · 1 year
jun!!!! i dont have anything to say but i would like to show u this getting closer jun bc i would like his cock in my throat please
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you're telling me rn that you look at that, and you have NOTHING TO SAY? LOOK AT HIS HANDS, JUNE. LOOK AT THAT NEAR-CAMEL TOE, LOOK AT THOSE TITTIES.
if u have no thoughts, i will offer to you this:
Jun as the guy that works at the local record shop. gives you discounts because you're pretty but he's too shy to say anything so he hopes you'll ask why he keeps using his employee discount on you.
when you do, hes shy and is like "oh, i did that? oops *does it again*" and just consistently drops hint after hint until you finally show up, not for an album but for him. and you're like "hey...do you maybe wanna like....hang out..."
so he's all timid and awkward but imagine what happens when you get behind closed doors with him, and a flip switches in his head. suddenly, he's confident, dominating, entirely infatuated with you, especially when he eyes the wall of albums you got for hella cheap because of him. especially when he notices the most recent one you bought, sitting on your bedside table still unopened.
"why haven't you opened this one?" he would ask, after pounding you into the next dimension.
"If you cared to look at anything other than my tits at the checkout counter, you'd know I've bought this album three times just to see you."
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