#honey writes
hischierhoney · 1 month
Just Friends
Jack Hughes x Best Friend!Reader
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summary: You’ve been best friends with Jack for ages. He’s also been in love with you for ages, but he’s got that completely under control. Really, he does. Right? 5.2k words
warnings: alcohol/intoxication, non graphic mentions of surgery/blood/stitches, hospital stay, reference to Jack’s shoulder surgery :(
Jack finds you in his apartment kitchen, a black tie in his hand. He’s already dressed in his suit pants and shirt, and for once, he feels like hair looks almost presentable. You take the tie from him without a word, and you loop it around his neck, underneath the collar of his shirt. Meanwhile, he grabs your necklace off the counter and fiddles with the clasp.
You hum to yourself as you start to tie the tie. “Ready for the game today?”
He shrugs. “I’m always ready.”
Luke is there, too, shoveling cereal into his mouth and watching the two of you warily. As you loop the tie around your fingers, Jack slips the necklace around your neck, your skin soft under his fingers. He latches it, blindly, with expert precision, muscle memory. He’s done it a million times now.
You tug the tie into place and then smooth it out on his chest. He hasn’t put his jacket on yet, but you’ll fix the lapels of it, too. You take a half a step back and give him a once over. He stands, waiting for your approval with his breath held in his chest. It shouldn’t mean this much, you making sure he looks good, but it does. You reach up and tuck a lock of hair back into place atop his head, and he smiles happily.
“All good,” you say, dusting your hands together as if you’ve just finished a hard day’s work.
Jack squints at your face, spotting something, and he brings a finger up to brush against your cheekbone. “Eyelash,” he explains, and you hum, closing your eyes as he brushes it away. “Got it.”
“Thanks,” you murmur. “Come on, don’t wanna be late. And no cereal in the car, Luke.”
Jack rushes off to grab his jacket. When he comes back, Luke is dumping the last of his cereal into the sink, and Jack grimaces. You’re in the hallway, stepping into a pair of shoes. Luke turns to him with a smirk, and Jack shakes his head before his brother can even open his mouth.
“Don’t,” he whispers.
Luke rolls his eyes. “I just think you guys are-“
“You thinking is dangerous,” Jack says. “Save all that energy for the game.”
He walks away, down the hallway to find you. You reach up to fix his jacket for him, and then you reach for the car keys and hand them off to him. He grins and nudges his elbow against your side.
“You’re such a passenger princess,” he teases.
You shrug. “I’m very good at it!”
He’s not complaining, really. There’s nobody he’d rather see in his passenger seat than you. Your jersey hangs proudly from your shoulders, his name and number on the back, and it makes his chest feel warm. You’re his good luck charm. He just hasn’t told you that yet.
Jack’s spent so much time convincing his brothers and his teammates and his parents that he’s not in love with you, that he can’t pinpoint when it actually happened. He’s not sure there was some big moment, some realization, some day where he looked at you and everything changed. You’ve just been so present in his life that maybe it was a sort of gradual thing. Maybe it’s always been there, and he’s been in denial since he was eleven and Quinn was teasing him on the playground near their house.
Now you’re in New York, closer than you have been in years, both distance wise and friendship wise. You have season tickets, because he’s playing in the NHL and he wants you at every game possible. You spend half your nights at his place when he’s home, and he ignores the funny looks Luke gives him about it. Honestly, he’s a bit tired of denying it all. He thinks maybe if someone just asked point blank he’d let it all spill out.
He reads the text from you and smiles- you’re on your way to the Rock, one of your friends in tow. He’d gotten you two seats for the season, so you wouldn’t have to sit alone. He sort of dreads the day you decide to bring a date, but then he wonders what guy would be stupid enough to go along with that. Jack’s cocky, he’ll admit it. He knows he’s good at hockey. He laughs at the thought of you dragging a date along to see him play.
Someone announces they’re ordering food before the game, from the deli down the street. Jack listens as his teammates put in their orders. Luke goes with his usual. Timo changes things up. When the assistant gets to him, he grins. He orders his go to, and then another, and asks for a can of Coke, too, for good measure. Luke gives a knowing roll of his eyes.
When the guy brings the food in, Jack takes his bag, fishes his sandwich out of it, and hands the other sandwich and the can of Coke back. “Can you get this to seat B322?” He asks, grinning widely. He knows your seat number by heart.
Luke sighs heavily next to him. The guy agrees, of course. Nico, who’s standing nearby, cocks his head in confusion.
“She’s coming straight from work,” Jack defends. The ribbing he gets from the guys will be worth it when he sees you after the game. “She’s gonna be hungry.”
“It’s a hockey arena,” Luke says drily. “There’s so much food here.”
“But she loves Krauszer’s,” Jack says, and Nico rolls his eyes. “What kind of friend would I be if I didn’t order her some?”
“Friend,” Nico says, drawing out the word. “Sure.”
Jack ignores him. He ignores Luke’s smirk, too. He eats his sandwich and finishes getting ready, and then he heads out onto the ice, knowing you’re there somewhere, probably sipping on a can of Coke.
The issue, Jack finds, is that it’s getting harder to ignore the fact that he’s in love with you.
It was easier, before, when you were younger and he was more dumb and less aware of… everything. He could convince himself it was just puppy love, just absence making the heart grow fonder, when post high school saw the two of you split apart. But now you’re here, close, and yet not close enough. Jack wants more, and he can’t really ignore that feeling these days.
He’s out at a bar, team bonding, as Nico put it. Except that half the team is drunk, including Nico, and the only bonding Jack’s doing is the brotherly kind, trying to keep Luke from sneaking drinks, or worse, getting caught sneaking drinks. Sometimes he hates being an older brother. He’d wanted to come out, maybe talk to a girl, maybe take said girl home, or get her to take him back to her place so he wouldn’t have to worry about Luke overhearing. But it’s not really working, not with Nico hanging off his shoulder like a leech and Luke sneaking another shot, and god, Jack’s going to kill him. If you were here, you’d be keeping an eye on Luke, too. He wishes you were here.
He has a shot to take the edge of the annoyance off. Then he has another, and another, and then there’s a girl across the bar, smiling at him, and- she sort of looks like you, is the thing, but not quite. The sort of uncanny valley of it all is freaking him out. For a moment he wonders if hooking up with her would make it better- would get it out of his system, would scratch the itch. The sane, more sober part of him thinks it might just make it all worse. To have some girl under him and hear a voice that isn’t yours. Jack used to do this all the time. The thought of it makes him feel sick now. That’s new.
He downs another shot and passes his leech of a captain off on his problem of a brother, hoping the two of them will keep each other in line. Then he pulls his phone from his pocket and gets an Uber.
It’s only when he’s standing at your apartment door that he realizes he probably should’ve called first. You might already be asleep. You might be out. Maybe you have a guy over. His stomach does a somersault at the thought. He raises his hand to knock anyways- he’s come all this way.
You open the door with a smile on your face. “Nico called to ask if I knew where you went. Thought you might be headed here.”
Jack lets his shoulders drop. “They were annoying me.”
That’s not the real reason he left, but he can’t exactly tell you he saw the uncanny valley version of you and decided to leave. That would be… a lot. You seem to take his answer as the truth, because Luke is annoying on a night out, and Nico can be, too. Jack still probably should’ve told them he was leaving. He’ll get an earful about it. Oh well. The way you step aside to let him into your apartment makes it worth it.
He heads for the couch, and you laugh when he flops onto it, facedown. He likes your laugh. It sounds so much like you. He remembers the years when you were in college and he was far, far away from you, when he’d crack jokes on the phone calls just to hear you giggle. He presses his face into a pillow and hopes you don’t see the blush on his cheeks, or that you’ll attribute it to his drunkenness.
“Want food?” You call out, from the kitchen, he thinks. He groans loudly in response. “I have mozz sticks.”
He turns his head to the side and says, “fuck, I love you.”
He can say it here, in the comfort and privacy of your living room, in the relative safeness of the fact that he’s been drinking. You won’t think anything of it. You won’t realize how much he really means it.
The sound of your laugh is music to his ears. “Love you too, Rowdy.”
You don’t mean it the way he wants you to. That’s okay. He came to terms with that a while ago, listening to you say it over staticky phone calls. But you’ll make him mozzarella sticks, and you’re not upset that he’s here, so he’ll take it. He’ll take anything, really.
You come into the living room a few minutes later, plate full of food in hand, and make him roll over. He sits up slightly, leaning against the arm of the couch, and you lift his legs to sit under them. He doesn’t complain when you turn on some stupid reality tv show he hates- there are mozzarella sticks for him to eat, and the warmth of you under him, the weight of your arm where it’s draped across his calves. He can put up with the host’s annoying voice for this.
He falls asleep on your couch, half a mozz stick in his hand. When he wakes up, he’s tucked in with the quilt you’ve had for years now, a pillow under his head, and water waiting for him on the coffee table. You’re probably at work by now. He’ll send you a text to say thank you, later, unless he decides to just wait here until you come home. That doesn’t sound like such a bad idea, really.
It’s a Saturday, and Luke is out for lunch with some of the other younger players, so Jack’s fending for himself. Trevor, knowing this due to what he would call their cosmic connection, has seen it as an opportunity to talk Jack’s ear off over FaceTime. Jack has his phone propped on the kitchen counter, half listening as he cooks.
He loves Trevor- really, he does, but the guy could talk for hours upon hours and never run out of things to say. Jack lets him, because he knows Trevor likes talking, so he’s not going to be mean. He just chimes in with noises of agreement or disagreement at the right times. Then Trevor says your name, and he zones back in.
“I fucking knew you weren’t listening!” Trevor cackles, wide grin taking up most of the phone screen. “But the second I mention-“
“Shut up,” Jack groans, rolling his eyes. “I’m listening. I’m just also making lunch.”
“Right, right,” Trevor snarks. “Just for you?”
Jack knows what he’s insinuating. Honestly, as much as he hates to admit it, it’s not a bad idea. You’re not working today, and he could probably convince you to come hang out with him in exchange for free food. He’s bored enough to listen to Trevor go on and on. You could save him from it.
“Yeah,” he says, and immediately contradicts himself by picking up his phone and sending you a text.
He tries to listen this time, he really does. He cares about Trevor, he wants to hear what he has to say. He finishes cooking lunch, and then Trevor has to go, shouting something to someone in the background, and he hangs up. Jack sighs at the empty, quiet room. He thinks about texting Luke to see when he’ll be back, but that feels pathetic. Maybe Nico’s not busy.
His heart leaps when his phone buzzes with a text from you.
Lunch sounds good. I’ll be over soon.
He can’t wipe the grin off his face the whole rest of the day. You come over, and eat the rest of the food happily, sitting at the kitchen counter. He watches fondly and tells you all the drama Trevor just told him- screw you, Zegras, he was listening. You smile brightly up at him.
“Got plans for the rest of the day?” He asks, hoping desperately that you don’t.
You shrug. “Nope. I’m all yours.”
God, he wishes.
Jack thinks that maybe, just maybe, he can’t really be blamed when it all comes crashing down on a Wednesday afternoon in April. It’s been coming for a while. He’s had time to prepare. It shouldn’t take him out the way it does, because he’s seen it coming from miles away. It shouldn’t, but it does anyways.
They pull him from the games and finally, finally, ship him off to Colorado to have surgery. He gets an email with the flight information, another with a hotel to stay in the night before, and instructions on how to book his flight back to Jersey after he’s released. They don’t want to book it now, for fear of something going wrong in surgery. Hockey teams are superstitious like that, even their travel management.
There’s another set of emails, too- ones from the surgeon, about his prep and things he needs to do and bring and what to expect from the healing process. He hasn’t bothered to open it. That’ll make it real. He just packs up some of his clothes, shuts himself in his room, and waits. He ignores Luke, then he ignores Nico, who he’s sure Luke has brought over. He ignores Quinn’s phone calls, too, and everyone else’s.
When you show up, though, knocking on his bedroom door and calling out his name, he can’t ignore it. He makes a noise that isn’t a go away, and you take it as an invitation in, which he supposes it was. You make a soft noise of disapproval when you see him, curled up in his bed, hood pulled up around his head to block out the world.
“Hey, J,” you murmur, padding your way across his bedroom. “What’s going on?”
He sniffles and presses his face into the mattress. “The surgery.”
You sigh and sit down on the edge of his bed. “Yeah.”
Jack’s not afraid of having surgery, really. He’s never been very squeamish, never one to shy away from blood draws or stitches or IVs. You know this. Everyone knows it, which is probably why they’re all so worried about his reaction to this. He doesn’t want to admit it really, but it’s you, so he finds the words slipping past his lips.
“Mom can’t come,” he says, voice raw and scraping. “Or dad. Too short notice. And- and Luke and Nico and Quinn are gonna be busy, obviously, and I just… all this talk about surgery all this time and I didn’t think I’d have to do it alone, you know? It couldn’t wait till after the season so I could-“
He breaks off into an embarrassing, breath stealing sob. You make a soothing little noise and lean down next to him, scooping him up into your arms. It sort of helps and sort of makes it worse. The tears flow freely now. It’s just you. All his walls are down.
“You won’t be by yourself, Jack,” you murmur, and he waits for the reassuring words, that you’ll all be with him in spirit, that he’ll be home in no time, that he’s never alone. Instead, you say, “I took some time off. I’m gonna fly out with you, be there for the surgery.”
He pries one eye open, waiting for the punch line. There isn’t one. Just you, watching him carefully, holding him close. He knows how hard it is for you to get time off right now. It’s your busy season at work. And yet, here you are. Tears start running again. The whole world goes blurry. You just brush them away, one by one.
“Oh, honey,” you soothe, voice low and soft. “You didn’t think I’d let you do it alone, did you?”
God, he loves you. And he thinks this might be the final straw, the last puzzle piece. There’s no denying it now. You brush stray hairs from his face and press warm kisses to his forehead while he admits that he’s scared, not of the surgery but of what comes after, of the healing and the rehab and everything involved in it. You draw soothing patterns on his skin and just listen, because you know him well enough to know he needs to get it off his chest. He thinks about telling you how much he loves you as he starts to drift off, but he thinks better of it. There’ll be a better time than this, tear stained and curled up in his bed like a little kid. For now, it’s enough to know you love him, in any way, shape, or form.
Jack wakes up in a hospital bed in Vail, Colorado, utterly disoriented and freezing cold. The ceiling is this ugly grey color, just like the rest of the ceilings in the building have been. He’s spent a lot of time staring at them in the last 24 hours. He blinks, and the tiles blur and swirl, and he hears his name in your voice. He tries to hold on, but he’s so, so sleepy, so he closes his eyes.
He wakes up again with no idea how long he’s been out. He’s warmer now. There’s an extra blanket laid over him, and a hand holding his. Hm. It feels nice. He squeezes his fingers experimentally. He hears movement to his left. A plastic cup appears in his field of vision, and he suddenly realizes how thirsty he is. He turns, slightly, and finds you.
“You’re here,” he says, quietly.
Your face is a little out of focus, but he thinks you smile. “Yeah, of course I am. Told you I would be.”
He knows that. He knows you flew out here with him, eating snacks on the plane before he hit the 12 hours before surgery mark and he had to stop. You checked into the hotel with him, got all the supplies ready for after the surgery, got him here, promised you’d be waiting when he woke up. But now he’s here, post surgery, and you’re holding his hand, and his chest hurts in the best way.
“Hey, hey, don’t cry,” you murmur, lifting the cup to his lips. He takes a sip. “Does it hurt?”
He shakes his head gingerly. He’s a little achy, but nothing that would make him cry normally. He can’t help it, it’s probably the meds. He remembers crying when he got his wisdom teeth out, too. He tries to tell you as much, but it comes out garbled and teary and raw. You shush him, smoothing your hand over his forehead and pushing his hair out of his face. That feels nice. You’re warm.
“Okay. It’s okay,” you soothe. “Take a breath. It’s alright.”
He does his best. You help him take little sips of water, and eventually the tears dry up. He’s left sitting there, your hand running through his hair, and he suddenly feels so, so sleepy. He turns his head and blinks at you. You’re clear in his vision now, beautiful as ever.
“You’re pretty,” he mumbles.
He thinks it all the time, he may as well say it. Nothing’s holding him back now. You laugh, and your face gets blurry again. He sighs.
“You’re pretty,” you say back.
He rolls his eyes, but he smiles anyways. “Hmm.”
“Are you sleepy?” You ask, thumb brushing against his temple. He nods. “You can go to sleep, okay?”
“You’ll be here when I wake up?” He asks, feeling a little vulnerable, suddenly.
“Yeah, Jacky,” you murmur, and when he closes his eyes, he thinks he feels your lips against his temple. “I’m not going anywhere.”
The third time he wakes up, you’re sitting next to him, eating ice cream out of a little plastic cup with one of the tiny wooden spoons. The tv in the room is playing that same stupid reality show. The host’s voice would piss him off if he wasn’t so focused on how adorable you look. He inches the fingers of his good hand towards you, towards where your knee is pressed against his bed. When he makes contact, you jump nearly a foot in the air. He can’t help but giggle.
“Jesus,” you mutter, shaking your head at him.
“Nah, just Jack,” he teases.
You roll your eyes. “Someone’s feeling better.”
If he’s being honest, he still feels a little loopy. Your face is in focus, but everything feels a little softer around the edges. His fingers scramble against your knee, and you laugh, leaning close. You set down the ice cream and reach to tangle your hand up in his. That’s nice. He doesn’t get to do that a lot- hold your hand. Maybe he should have surgery more often. You smooth his hair out of his face again. It’s such a caring motion that it sends his heart stuttering.
“I’m glad you’re here,” he says, quietly.
You shrug. “What kind of best friend would I be if I wasn’t?”
And. That’s nice, but it’s not really what he wants to hear. He wants you to be here because you love him. He probably wouldn’t spend hours in a hospital waiting room for Nico, probably wouldn’t sit and wait for him to wake up. He’d bring him food after, when he got home, would help him however he needed. But to fly halfway across the country just to be here? He’d do that for you in a heartbeat, but he’s not sure there are many others he’d do the same for.
You seem to notice the way he’s staring, and you wave the wooden spoon at him. “You want some ice cream? The nurse said to call when you actually woke up. I’m sure she’ll give you one if you turn on the charm.”
He blinks slowly. “I love you, you know that?”
It’s past his lips before he can take it back. It should be terrifying. He should feel sick to his stomach. Maybe it’s the hospital drugs, or maybe it’s just that he’s been holding it in for so long, but it doesn’t feel scary. He sort of just feels relieved.
You smile brightly. “Yeah, I love you, too, Jack.”
He huffs. “No, you don’t get it-“
Before he can get another word out, the nurse comes in. He wonders if you pressed the button when he wasn’t paying attention, or if hospital staff just have comically bad timing. He lets out a groan. You give him an amused smile.
“Welcome back, Jack,” the nurse says. He reads her nametag- Nancy. “I’m just going to do a little checkup, alright?” She turns to you. “If you want, you can step out into the hall.”
By the time he’s squeezing your hand to keep you there, you’re holding onto him tightly, too. Huh. That’s interesting.
“She can stay,” Jack says.
You nod. So does Nancy, a knowing smile on her lips. Jack wonders if she sees this a lot. Guys with friends who sit by their bed, oblivious to the fact that said guy is hopelessly in love with them. Maybe it’s a common thing in hospitals. Maybe it’s not just Jack. That’s a nice thought.
He gets his blood pressure taken, and his pulse, and he gets asked to take a few deep breaths for what seems to be just the fun of it. She asks his pain level- a 3, at which point you break in and tell the nurse that his three is more like a five. She smiles at the two of you. When she goes to leave, Jack speaks up.
“Could I have some ice cream?” He asks, hoping the way his voice cracks on the words makes her sympathetic.
Ice cream does sound good. His throat feels raw, and his mouth is dry. And he’s starving.
Nurse Nancy smiles and looks at you. “What do you think? Has he been well behaved enough?”
Normally, Jack would take a little offense to it. But he turns to you, and you’re smiling bright, lighting up the whole room. His stomach does a somersault. He wonders if the way he feels about you is visible on the heart monitor, if his pulse picks up every time he looks at you.
“He’s the best,” you answer, and he melts. “Give him all the ice cream you’ve got.”
Ten minutes later, you sit there, holding a container of chocolate vanilla swirl. He’d been ready to eat it on his own until he remembered his arm, the surgery, the whole reason he’s here. He’d had to settle for letting you feed it to him. Maybe settle is the wrong word, really. It’s nice to be taken care of, even nicer when you’re the one who’s doing it for him.
He thinks maybe he’s still loopy, because in between bites, he pauses, looks at you, opens his mouth, and puts his foot directly in it. “I meant it, you know. I love you.”
You nod. “I know.”
He’s too far into this to stop now. “No, I-“
You interrupt, dropping the spoon in the cup to place your hand over his. “Jack, honey. Tell me later, when you’re not high off anesthesia, okay?”
Oh. He cocks his head, slightly. His mouth tastes like chocolate and vanilla. You smell like flowers. Like the lilacs in the backyard of his childhood home. There’s a light and warmth in your eyes that makes everything feel a little bit better.
“And if I tell you later,” he says, feeling braver than he ever has before, “are you gonna tell me something back?”
You laugh. It’s still music to his ears. You pick up the spoon again, scooping up a bit of ice cream. His gaze stays locked on you.
“Yeah,” you say with a nod. “That I mean it the same way you mean it.”
That’s enough for Jack, for now.
He tells you again the next day, waits a full 24 hours because a part of him is worried it was all some sort of drug induced dream. But you’re packing up the suitcases, that same stupid show on the TV, and he turns to you where he sits on the edge of the bed and says it.
“I love you. Like, really love you. As more than a friend.” His heart is in his throat.
You drop the hoodie you’d been holding into the bag, walk across the room to him, and come to stand between his legs. He’s holding his breath. You hook your finger under his chin and pull his face to yours. He thinks he recognizes the look on your face, from the kitchen when you helped him tie his tie, from the living room with a plate of mozzarella sticks in your hand, from every moment he was feeling all his feelings for you.
“Yeah,” you say, kissing his cheek. “I really love you too.”
When you kiss him on the lips, soft and sweet and everything he’s wanted for ages now, he thinks that maybe the whole mess has been worth it.
He sits in a wooden chair on the back deck of the lake house. It’s mid summer, the week of the 4th of July. The heat is nearly unbearable, heavy and sticky and inescapable. Trevor and Luke are on the grass, throwing a football back and forth. Jack’s trying not to check the time obsessively.
Quinn, who’s sitting next to him, gives him a look when he picks up his phone again. “She’ll get here when she gets here.”
Jack rolls his eyes and sinks further into his seat. “You’re a dick.”
“Jesus, I know she’s your friend but…” Quinn is shaking his head. “You’re being obsessive.”
He hasn’t told any of them. Not about the hospital bed confession, or the kiss, or anything that came after it. The flight back to Jersey, his head on your shoulder. The way you took care of him before he flew to Michigan for the off season. The late night calls the two of you have shared since then. He’s itching to see you. It’s been far too long. He’s been scared to tell them because he’s scared you’ll get here and it won’t be real. He’s being ridiculous, he knows it, but he can’t help it. It’s you.
He hears it when your car pulls up in the driveway. He stands up, ignoring the look Quinn gives him. He’s not quick enough- you must’ve parked and ran inside immediately. You come racing out onto the back porch, eyes wide, smile even wider, and he could melt into a puddle right there in the hot summer sun. You’re brighter than all of it.
He pulls you into a kiss right there, in front of everyone, earning a series of surprised yelps and gasps and cheers. He doesn’t care about anything else. You’re here, and you’re kissing him back, and that’s more than enough.
“Fucking called it!” Trevor yells, and Jack laughs.
“We all did,” Quinn says. “Glad you two finally figured it out.”
You won’t be here forever. You have work, and a life in the city. But for now, for this little slice of time, he gets to have everything he’s always wanted. That’ll hold him over for the rest of the off season. Or, more likely, until he caves in and gets an early flight back to Jersey to spend more time with you. From the way you smile when you stare up at him, he thinks it probably won’t be long.
a/n: thanks for reading! have been wanting to write about Jack for a bit & he’s just so best friends to lovers coded. so here we go!
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hanniejji · 1 year
go on and kiss the girl
[ modern!scaramouche x gn!reader ]
summary: you should've kissed him sooner, you dumb fuck.
notes: belated happy birthday my skrunkly babygirl, i spent days thinking of what prompt to write when i came upon this god sent tiktok vid
words: 1032 | warnings: gettin a little hands but all is sfw, first kith is a lil messy but it's safe istg
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"i—don't make me say it again!" flustered, your voice muffles over the speaker, possibly because you smothered your face over your pillow from embarrassment. he could even imagine you rolling over your bed just from the shuffles that made through the mic.
but scaramouche wants—no, needs to hear it again.
"no, no, say it again," he waits in bated breath, anticipation coursing through his veins that pumped the erratic flow of his blood.
now that he thinks of it, his heart seems to be beating a little too fast.
"i," you pause from the other side of the phone, the sound of your shaky breath unknowingly picked up by your phone, "i wanted to kiss you earlier."
scaramouche felt his heart do a round somersaults, an unbelievable warmth creeping up his face. before he could even stop himself, his mouth parted to speak.
"then why didn't you?"
another pause commenced, this time he can hear you trying to come up with a response, stuttered vowels left unsaid with sheer fluster and bashfulness.
it's a shame he couldn't see it himself.
"i didn't want to just kiss you out of the sudden!" you finally quipped, voice a tone higher.
"then you should've told me like you just did now."
"i was nervous, okay! stop pressuring me!"
he could literally see the pout on your voice, a soft thump on your side of the phone letting him know that you might have plop yourself on your pillow. "why don't you ask me, huh? bet you'd be too shy to do so too!"
that's it, that's enough talk. he needs to move his ass.
"give me twenty."
the call ended.
and there you spent a while vibrating with anxiousness and, if you were to be completely honest, eagerness. in fact, you were pacing your living room floor in circles, staring at your screen where you can see the panicking messages you sent him after he hung up.
he can't possibly be going through all the efforts to get to you, can he? just for a kiss? shut up it's not just a kiss. he just got home after dropping you off at yours when the two of you started the call. he was, he denies it though, unable to go through a night without hearing your voice after such a fun day spending the only proper birthday celebration he had in his whole life, with you—his beloved you.
maybe you shouldn't have told him shit in the first place.
or better yet, maybe you should've just grew the balls and kissed him right after dropping you off at your door. by doing so, you could've saved yourself from this unnecessary feeling of anxiousness. perhaps the two of you might even spend the rest of the night on your couch kissing and kissing and kissing.
"eek!" you squeaked at the sudden rounds of urgent knocks on your door.
he took less than twenty minutes to get here.
standing in front of your door, your hand hesitates to turn the knobs. oh, is your palm sweating? was it just you or is it a little hot in here?
"i know you're right there, open up."
"okay okay," with a huff and a quick prayer to the lord above, you pull the door to reveal a pouty scaramouche, arms crossed over his chest and his foot tapping the ground impatiently. his hair is in disarray, probably from how he haphazardly tossed on his hoodie over his head in his rush to get to you.
"you didn't have to go all the way here."
"i wanted to."
with an attitude huff, he welcomed himself to your house, kicking the door shut behind him before reaching over your waist to pull you close—the corner of his lip twitched up in a smug smile at your silent gasp.
"t—this is a little too close."
you couldn't stop the shiver that you felt when his breath warms your cheeks, the tips of your noses brushing against each other at close proximity and the gentle squeeze of his arms around your waist, chest pressed against yours. it's not to say that he hasn't been this close before, you've latched yourself on him a couple of times, but you've never been this intimately close to the point of kissing.
"you literally smother your face on my neck when you demand your cuddles, i don't see how this is different."
"shut up."
"make me," he grins at the flabbergasted look on your face, "i'm pretty sure you know just how to do that."
"you little shit."
with a sharp tug on his collar, your lips crashed like the rushing waves in the river against a rock. it's incredibly warm, the nerves that you felt when his lips met touched yours in a slightly clumsy pace, not just because his lips are warm but because suddenly your heartbeat started thumping against your ribcage, warm blood rushing through every fiber of your body whilst your lips melted against each other in a messy pace.
scaramouche felt no different from you. he feels too light headed to process that the both of you are still at the entrance hallway and that his hands are clawing around the back of your shirt, his nails digging a little across the fabric, eliciting a gasp from you that only excites him more.
god it felt too good to separate from you, he curses the irritating restriction of human nature to desire oxygen as he slowly pulls away from your swollen lips, warm breath mixing together.
your eyes follow the way his tongue peeks out to lick his lips.
"why didn't you do this earlier?" he groans, lips tracing warm kisses along your cheeks, jaw and neck, "could've saved us from wasting time on nothing."
"i know, i know," you sighed contentedly, brushing your hand through his hair and completely melting in his arms when his lips reached a particular spot on your neck. "but you're here now."
"yeah," he cups your cheeks in his hands, flickering back and forth your lips and your eyes. he whispers lowly before closing the gap once more.
"and i'm not going anywhere."
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honeys-hotties · 5 months
I Don't Deserve You-Julien Baker x Reader
my first julien baker fic, because the jb brainrot is SO REAL i love her with my whole heart
jb x fem!reader
angst but happy ending (have i ever written anything without angst??) anyways! as always, this is all made up!! jb is a little mean in this one, and in real life i am so sure she would never act like this
word cout: 2222 <3
After a horrifically unproductive day at the studio, all Julien wants to do when she gets back to her house is sleep for approximately 17 hours. The clock on the wall reads 6:13 when she drops her jacket on the couch, completely forgetting about the dirty breakfast dishes she had promised you she would clean up that morning. You had an obnoxiously early start that morning, but wanting to see you before you left for work, Julien had woken up and you two had made breakfast together.
“I’m so sorry I don’t have time to clean everything up,” you had whispered apologetically, perched atop the counter while Julien stood between your legs. “If you could put everything away before you go to the studio for me please baby? And I can make us dinner tonight? I shouldn’t be too late? I think they were saying 7:00 wrap tonight? So I’ll be home by 7:45 at the latest.” Julien had agreed, if mostly to quiet her excited girlfriend so she could get a few kisses in before you left, but had gone back upstairs and fallen asleep after you were gone. She had slept through her alarm, and in her panic to get to the studio on time had forgotten to clean the kitchen.
Julien walked up the stairs, pushing the door to their bedroom open and falling face-first onto the large, unmade bed, and immediately passing out. She sleeps peacefully for about an hour and a half, until the slamming of the front door startles her awake. Rubbing her eyes irritatedly, Julien sits up in the darkened bedroom, a headache growing behind her eyes. 
“Babe?” She hears you call from downstairs. “Where are you?” Grumbling to herself, Julien sits up and stretches, her back popping from the movements. You pad up the stairs, and poke your head into the bedroom, smiling at the sight of your tired girlfriend. “Good nap?” you ask softly, walking towards the bed and sitting down next to Julien, who wraps her arms around her girlfriend’s waist, resting her head in your lap.
“Yeah, baby.” Julien hums. “Really good nap.”
You laugh softly, stroking Julien’s hair in your lap. “I’m glad, babe. You’ve been working yourself to death recently. How was the studio today?”
Julien rolls her eyes, sitting up abruptly. “I really don’t want to talk about work right now.” She says, irritated. Your eyes widen slightly, shocked by your girlfriend’s sharp tone, but ultimately chalking it up to her exhaustion. “Oh, okay. I’m sorry, Jules. I can go start dinner, if you want to nap a little longer?”
Julien looks at you guiltily. “I’m sorry, princess.” She pulls you into her lap, kissing your forehead repeatedly. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to snap at you. I love you.” You laugh quietly, relishing in the comfort of Julien’s arms, the kisses being pressed to your face. 
“It’s okay baby. I get it. Want to come start on dinner with me?” 
Julien nods, and follows like a puppy after you, down the stairs and into the kitchen. Julien is so lost in thought that when you stop abruptly in front of her at the sight of the kitchen, Julien smacks directly into you, knocking you forward a couple of steps. 
“Whoa princess, what’re you doin’?” She asks, reaching out to steady you. You swat her hands away, turning to face Julien with an unamused expression on your face. “Hey,” Julien takes a step back. “I’m sorry baby, I didn’t mean to bump into you, I swear, I just wasn’t expecting you to stop there…” she trails off at the look on your face. “What?”
“The kitchen, JB.” You say, gesturing to the dirty dishes behind you. “You promised you would clean up this morning, remember? I specifically asked if you could take care of it this morning so it wouldn’t be a problem tonight, and you told me not to worry, that you would clean up before you left.”
Julien rolls her eyes, her girlfriend’s irritation only adding to her bad mood. “Seriously, babe? You barely see me all day, and now you’re getting mad because I didn’t do the dishes? So I wanted to get some extra sleep this morning? Don’t you think I fuckin’ deserve it? I work so damn hard, I deserve a break, and having you flipping out on me isn’t helpful, baby.” Her tone is biting, her words harsh, and she barely notices the tears glazing over her girlfriend’s eyes. 
“I work hard too, Julien!” You grit out. “Just because I’m not some incredible singer doesn’t mean I don’t work hard, doesn’t mean I’m not exhausted when I get home. You told me you would clean up and you didn’t, I don’t understand why you’re getting so defensive-”
“Exactly!” Julien yells. “You don’t understand. You have no idea what it’s like to have this pressure on your shoulders every goddamn second, the eyes of so many people, waiting for you to fuck up. But guess fucking what, princess? The world doesn’t revolve around you.” She stalks closer to you, her voice loud. “You have no idea what I’m dealing with, how exhausted I am constantly, how hard I’m working. So I forgot to do the dishes once? So what? Look at everything I do for you, everything I bring to the table, versus you, and then try to tell me off again, princess.” As soon as the words leave her mouth, Julien wishes she could take them back. You look like you’ve been slapped across the face, and the unshed tears in your eyes finally begin to fall. You let out a choked sob, backing away from Julien who, in her anger, had cornered you against the table. 
“Wait, baby…I didn’t…” but it’s too late. The damage is done. 
“You’re right, Julien,” You manage. “I don’t know what it’s like. Maybe you should find someone who understands you, because obviously I never could.”
“No, princess, please-” Julien starts, before you cut her off.
“Don’t fucking call me that.” You snap. “I’m not your ‘princess’, I’m not your ‘baby’, I’m not your ‘doll’, I’m not anything to you, apparently.”
“No, please. You’re everything to me, I swear, I was just being mean because I’m tired, please, I didn’t mean it” Julien’s eyes fill with tears. You turn away from her. “I think you should leave, Julien. Before you say something else you ‘don’t mean’”. 
“No, please, you know I can’t leave when we’re fighting, we have to fix things, please let me fix things.”
You turn to her, tears streaming down your face. “I don’t know if you can fix this, Julien. I’ve put up with a lot of your shit, when you snap at me because you’ve had long days at the studio and I let it slide, when you chainsmoke because you’re stressed and I hold my tongue because I don’t want to make you more upset, when you make my problems feel small because I’m not part of some huge band. I don’t know if I can do this anymore. It’s not fair to me.”
Julien drops to her knees in front of you, reaching gently for your hands. “Please let me fix this” she cries softly. “Please, my love. I will do anything to make it up to you. Anything.” You pull your hands from Julien’s grasp. 
“I’m going to bed” you say, brokenly. “Just, wash the dishes, please.” 
“I love you” Julien calls out after you, watching you retreat up the stairs. “Baby, I-I love you.” You say nothing, and as soon as you disappear up the stairs, Julien breaks down in tears. She sits on the kitchen floor and cries, cries because she thinks she might have just ruined the best thing in her life. Julien cries for what feels like either ten minutes or ten hours, until she has no tears left and her sobs turn into pathetic sniffles. Eventually, she stands up and finds her phone, calling the only two people she trusts to help her fix her relationship. Phoebe and Lucy both pick up almost immediately, and listen dutifully as Julien fills them in on the fight while she tries to tidy up the kitchen. 
“Wow” Phoebe manages when Julien finishes the story. “Julien, fuck, I don’t know what to say.”
“I do,” Lucy chimes in. “You fucked up. Big time. Like, I don’t even know how you fucked up this badly.”
“That’s really helpful, Luce.” Julien retorts. “Now, how do I fix things? She’s the best thing in my life, and I can’t do this without her.”
“I think you and her need to have a really serious conversation about your relationship and what she expects of you” Phoebe says seriously. “It sounds like you’ve been neglecting her, however unintentionally, taking her for granted. She’s put up with it for long enough, JB, and honestly, she deserves better. I love you and I’m here for you no matter what, but you’re in the wrong here, babe.”
“You guys will work it out, but just try to understand where she’s coming from. You’ve got a pretty short fuse when you’re stressed,” Lucy adds. “I know you both and I know how much love you have for each other. Just, talk things through with her, see it from her point of view.”
“Okay. I’ll try. And you’re right, she deserves better. I’ll do my best to try harder for her, to be more attentive and more patient for her. I love her so much.”
“We know,” Lucy says. “We love you both so much, and I know you two will work it out. It’s hard right now, but you’re going to come out on the other side of this so much stronger as a couple.”
“Tell her we say hi, and call us tomorrow with updates, okay JB. We love you.” Phoebe says, bringing a small smile to Julien’s face.
“I will. Thank you guys, I love you both so much.” Julien disconnects the call and wipes down the counter, before turning off the kitchen lights and heading upstairs. Her footsteps grow soft as she reaches the door to your shared bedroom, and she pushes the door open softly, her heart breaking at the sight of you curled up on the bed, eyes red and puffy. 
“I don’t want to talk right now, Julien.” You say quietly, your voice raspy. 
“Will you listen then, baby? Just, I have a few things I want to say to you, to apologize for, and then you can kick me out, okay?” Julien asks hopefully, walking slowly towards the bed. You sit up wordlessly, gesturing for Julien to go ahead.
“Um, okay. Here goes. Baby, I’m so, so fucking sorry. I don’t know what came over me. I’ve been so tired and stressed lately. And I know that’s not an excuse. I just want to tell you where I’m coming from. That gives me zero right to take it out on you, though. And I’m so sorry because through everything, you’ve been here for me. You’ve stuck with me, through good and bad, no matter what. And I’ve been taking you for granted, which is so unfair to you, and you deserve so much better than me. You deserve someone who listens to you and values your opinions, someone who loves you so much they can’t stand the thought of life without you. Someone who knows how hard you work, someone who is always there for you, someone who is patient and protective and treats you like a queen. I want to be that person for you, if you’ll let me. I want to show you how incredible you are and tell you every day for the rest of our lives how much I adore you. I can’t imagine my life without you. I don’t want to imagine my life without you. I know I don’t deserve you, but please, give me another chance. You make my life worth living, you make everything better. I love you more than I can ever say, but if you want me, I will spend the rest of our lives proving how much I love you.” By the end of her speech, you're sobbing. 
“Oh, fuck, baby, doll, I’m so sorry, I-”
“Shut up and kiss me” You cut her off, and Julien’s eyes widen at your statement. “I, what?”
“You heard me,” you laughed, your throat still choked with tears. “Kiss me, Julien.” Without hesitating, Julien surges forward and connects your lips in a searing kiss. She can taste the salt of your tears mixing with her own, and when she finally breaks away, she rests her forehead against yours, gently wiping your tears away.  “I love you” she whispers. “And I don’t deserve you. But I love you so much. And I’m sorry.”
“I know you are,” you say. “But I don’t want to talk about that right now. I’m tired. Let’s go to sleep, we can talk more in the morning.”
Julien presses her lips to yours once more. “You’re the boss, princess. I’ll start making it up to you first thing tomorrow.”
“You better.” You say, letting out a watery chuckle, cuddling into her. “And I have a few ideas for how you can start.”
honey's notes: to anyone reading this right now, i love you you're amazing, all the forehead kisses in the world for you! this fic was so fun to write, lmk if i should write more for jb or the boys!
love always, honey
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xoxo-honeyy · 1 year
wake-up call
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^ he's such a scrumptious dilf, jus' wanna eat him up
summary: you wake up to strange noises coming from the bathroom and decide to go investigate. when you open the door, you find vander in a very compromising position...
warnings: afab reader, unprotected vaginal sex (don't be silly wrap your willy), cuddle fucking, dom!vander, sub!reader, tried very hard not to describe readers looks (implied chubby reader? kind of), somewhat of a size kink? (blink and you'll miss), male masturbation, use of pet names (princess, love), cockwarming, barely proofread, reader walks vander like a dog, smut that ends in fluff. reader is a stressed out mama, porn with little plot, please let me know if I've missed anything!
author's note: so i wanted to write a somno fic with vander but i didn't really know how to go about it so here's this mess that i don't know what to do with! this is also crossposted on ao3 at xoxo_honey!
wc: 1.6k
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It had been a long day at work. Fights needed to be broken up, various repairs had to be made, and one of the beer taps broke which made business go a lot slower than usual. All of this caused Vander to come home a lot later than he usually did which put him in a bad mood.
All day while he was at work, Vander couldn't stop thinking about you. your soft touch. The way your plush body slotted perfectly against his. How you curled up against him this morning when he tried to get out of bed. the way your tight cunt wrapped around his cock so perfectly the night before, drowning him in orgasmic bliss. And all day he was trying desperately to force those thoughts away to avoid any awkward boner situations with his customers. but, towards the end of the night, his nasty thoughts came back in full force and flooded his head with a lust-filled haze. 
So when he got home, Vander already had two strikes against him. He was grumpy and sporting a half-hard cock. 
He unlocked the front door and closed it behind him. He quietly crept past the kids' room and made his way into your shared bed where you were snoring softly. 
Today hasn't been much better for you either. It was your day off of work so you decided to take the kids around the undercity and entertain them with the various light shows and firework displays. What a terrible idea. Not only were all of the children extremely giddy to spend the day with you, but they also made pancakes loaded with sugar and syrup to get them extra hyper. 
So, your day consisted of carting four restless, sugar-high kids around the Undercity, but you were also running on little to no sleep thanks to Vander and his outrageous libido.
When it was time to get back to your dingy little apartment, the five of you were exhausted and decided to go to bed early. 
Unlucky for you, a horny and cranky Vander had just laid down right next to you. The neon lights shone in through the moth-eaten curtains of your bedroom and cast a dim glow over your sleeping form, outlining the plump curve of your breasts and highlighting the gorgeous planes of your face. Which really wasn't helping Vanders...situation at all.
Deciding that he needed to relieve himself before getting a good night's sleep, Vander moved to get back up from the comfort of your shared bed and made his way to the bathroom. 
It had been a while since he needed to jerk off. Trying to remember how exactly he used to do it before you came along, his mind started to wander to different pictures of you. Vander could only remember your lips wrapped around the base of his cock while his tip repeatedly hit the back of your throat making you gag and moan around him.
The soft clinking of his belt becoming undone filled the muggy air of the cramped bathroom. Vander moved his pants and boxer down so they hung low on his waist, exposing just enough so his girthy dick was able to spring free from its confines. 
He spit on the palm of his large hand and wrapped it around his shaft, slowly moving it up and down. The rough calluses on his palm only served as a reminder of your soft one stroking his cock, finding different ways to tease him and make him cum. he moved his hand back up his penis and made contact with his leaking tip. His thumb moved back and forth over the slit and more pre-cum spilled down his length.
No longer able to control the noises coming out of his mouth, Vander bit down on a wad of his shirt. But this only helped stifle the sounds to a certain extent.
Down the hall in your bedroom, you were awakened out of your stupor because of strange noises coming from the bathroom. worried that one of the kids was sick, or god forbid, there was an intruder in the house, you decided to get out of bed and go investigate.
As you made your way down the hall, the noises became clearer and they were similar to the noises you heard during previous nights. You immediately knew who was in the bathroom.
You opened the door and found Vander hunched over with his hard cock in his fist, with his balled-up shirt in his mouth. 
Now Vander had three strikes against him. He got caught and was still horny, but his bad mood lessened upon seeing your beautiful face. 
Immediately Vander moved to pull his pants up while fumbling over his words trying to come up with an adequate explanation as to what exactly he was doing. 
You quickly cut him off, "What are you doing?" a slight smirk played at your lips. You knew exactly what he was doing.
"M sorry princess, didn't mean to wake you." He avoided the question.
Stepping closer to him you responded in a soft, sultry, whisper, "That's not what I asked."
Stopping his actions, you took his erect tip into your hands and started stroking him. Repeating the same motions he was doing just moments before. He immediately let out a guttural moan and you stopped your teasing movements. 
You turned your back to him and walked out of the bathroom knowing full well he was hot on your trail. 
The two of you made it into your bed and laid down, but Vander was confused, "What are you doing love?" 
Not responding, you simply pulled down your cotton pajama shorts along with your thin panties with a noticeable damp spot in the center and rolled over so your back was pressed up against his broad chest.
"'M tired Vander." You explained, "Don't feel like doing anything." 
But there was an underlying message that Vander had not yet caught onto.
You gave him a moment to think, and when his eyes brightened, you knew he had figured it out. 
Slowly, Vander moved impossibly closer to you and moved two of his thick fingers to your heat. the digits moved at a tantalizing pace, up and down your folds to work you up for his girthy cock. Your slick was dripping around his fingers and when he pushed one in, it came out soaking.
Letting out a whimper, you started to rut your hips against his hands in hopes to relieve the ache in your core. 
Vander only chuckled and whispered, "All you gotta do is ask princess. I don't know what you want if you don't tell me."
Broken words tumbled from your lips, "Please, wan' your cock."
"Where do you want it? your mouth?" He responded knowing full well exactly where you wanted it.
You couldn't wait anymore, "Want it 'n my pussy."
Deciding that you had enough, Vander finally gave you what you wanted. He slipped his hefty dick into your tight, wet heat. Each time you had sex, it took you a few moments to adjust to the sheer size of him because he was just so big. the two of you sighed a breath of relief, hours of wanting and lust-filled brains had rendered you both into horny teenagers. Vander's large arms wrapped around your waist so he was holding you firm into his body. The embrace pouring love and protectiveness through your very being.
After you had gotten re-used to his impressive girth, Vander started to lightly thrust in and out of your core. His movements were more akin to grinding than thrusting but he was too tired to fully complete his movements. His hand moved down to your red, needy clit and started rubbing tight circles on the bundle of nerves. 
As a small form of punishment, Vander lightly slapped your swollen clit a number of times until tears formed in your eyes. stopping the harsh movement, he started gently tugging at your button until breathy moans fell from your lips. 
The added movement of his fingers combined with his dick repeatedly hitting your cervix, you felt your stomach clenching and your thighs shaking, a sign of your impending orgasm. Letting out a series of high-pitched moans you shoved your face into the pillow and bit down on it. 
Vander's hips faltered and the hand that was tugging at your clit started lightly quivering. He was also close. revived with newfound energy to finish the two of you off, Vander's thrusts became more powerful. The sound of skin slapping reverberated around the room.
Suddenly your mind went blank, the only feeling you were capable of discerning was pleasure as your orgasm rolled over you and took over your entire nervous system.
Sensing that Vander was at the precipice of his imminent orgasm, you decided to help him out by meeting his harsh thrusts by grinding your hips back onto his, overstimulation be damned.
It was all too much for him. The clenching of your cunt, the way you wrapped so perfectly around his cock, the feeling of your soft body safe in his arms. His seed spilled into you filling you up with warm, gooey liquid, the familiar sensation was oddly comforting. 
You removed the pillow case from your teeth and took in lungfuls of the cool night air. Vander massaged your waist and hips to get rid of any potential bruising and whispered into your sweaty skin, "Maybe I should wake you up like that more often."
Laughter bubbled up your throat and reached Vander's ears.
"M extra tired now." You sighed, thinking of all the things you had to get done in the morning.
Vander, already knowing the amount of work you had piled on your desk suggested, "Why don't you take the day off tomorrow? The six of us could have a spa day or something?"
Leaning your head against his sweaty chest you closed your eyes and smiled, "Yeah, I think I'd like that."
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hope you guys liked this, i had sm fun writing it! this is also cross-posted on ao3 at xoxo_honey, the link is in my pinned post!
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abitohoney · 11 months
Pray To Me
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AO3 link
Sevika x female reader
Rating: Explicit, MDNI, NSFW
Tags: Established Relationship, Shameless Smut, Light Dom/sub, Dom Sevika, Sub Reader, Banter, Humor, Fluff, Spanking, Cunnilingus, Lesbian Sex, Choking, Praise Kink, Rough Sex, Teasing, Begging, Multiple Orgasms, Porn with Feelings, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Light Bondage, Reader is a bratty smartass, Sevika is a brat tamer, Demonic goddess Sevika, gp!Sevika, Demon Sex, Breeding Kink, this is just filth
Word Count: 8.1k
Summary: After a series of graphic dreams involving your girlfriend Sevika taking on the form of a demonic goddess, this night in particular starts to really blur the line between fantasy and reality.
AN: This has been on AO3 since April, just now copying it over here. This was a birthday gift for the wonderful @master-sass-blast.
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You sit at a small desk lit by the dim yellow lamp that sits along the back edge, dressed only in your underwear and one of Sevika’s old t-shirts. You’re trying to wait for her to return home before calling it a night, but it’s terribly late and your eyes feel as if they're being pulled down by invisible weights.
You stare blankly down at the picture before you. It's a sketch you started not more than a few hours ago. Through your drooping eyelids, it’s a blurry image of Sevika. But she’s not in the form you know to live and breathe alongside you in the real world. It’s a form you’ve only seen in your dreams. Vivid dreams in which Sevika takes the form of a demonic goddess.
A black tail extends from the bottom of her spine; thin and long. Black horns curl from the crown of her head skyward, their points sharp and deadly. Her chemtech arm remains unchanged, but her flesh arm includes black, curved claws at the end of each finger. Her normally steel gray eyes glow an eerie purple even though she’s not fueled by shimmer.
The violet pencil held in your hand rests against the paper where you drew a series of scars trailing along her left side, from her torso clear up into the black horn that sprouts from the top of her head.
The image blurs further as you start to succumb to sleep. Through nothing more than the slits beneath your lids, the last thing you see is the rows of pointed teeth that appear between lips curled in a devious smirk.
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You awake sometime later, head resting along your forearm which lays sprawled across the top of your desk. Slowly, you open your eyes, blinking the sleep away and yawning. As you force yourself to sit up, you realize your sketch is no longer on the desk.
Well that’s odd-
“More of your silly drawings?” Sevika's voice teases from behind you.
You nearly fall from your seat with how high you jump.
“For fuck’s sake, Sevika! Don’t scare me like that!” you chastise. Rubbing your eyes with your fists, you try to process what it was she had just said.
Silly drawings.
You don’t even bother to turn to look at her as you give her a bitter reply, “They aren’t silly drawings. You’re just jealous because the best you can do is stick people.” It’s not much of a comeback. Normally you’re more than happy to partake in the banter, but you’re too fucking tired to deal with her games right now.
She chuckles mockingly and tosses the drawing back onto the desk. “What made you decide to draw me like this?”
Gathering up your supplies, you sigh deeply. If you answer her honestly, you’ll just be feeding her fuel to tease you more. But, again, you’re just too damn sleepy to come up with anything besides the truth.
“I’ve been having dreams. Oddly vivid. Of you in this-" You wave your hand over the paper. "-demon form. No idea why, but it’s happened more than once.”
“Hmm,” she hums, and you’re unsure why she’s not giving you shit for that, but you continue to explain anyway.
“It’s weird. Even though it’s different scenarios each time- you chasing me, or taunting me, or just circling me- you always look exactly the same. I don’t understand how my brain is concocting such specific, repeatable imagery of you.”
“What if I told you those weren’t dreams,” Sevika whispers near your ear.
Hot breath rushes down the back of your neck and you shiver involuntarily.
Now it’s your turn to laugh. “That’s ridiculous. Stop trying to scare me. We can have a battle of wits tomorrow. I just want to go to bed.” You place your hands along the front edge of the desk, about to push your chair back to stand when you feel something slide around the front of your neck.
You immediately freeze in place.
Whatever it is, it’s not her hand, or arm- or anything she should possess. It quickly coils around your neck until your head is rendered immovable.
“Sevika!” you gasp, pulse quickening. “What the fuck is that?” Your hands fly up to grasp desperately at the offending… thing. It’s thin and rope-like, but too smooth to be just that. When Sevika says nothing, only laughs deviously from behind you, your heart rate spikes further. Her tone is different. It’s much deeper than usual. But more disturbing than that is the eerie echo that follows it.
“Foolish girl,” she rasps against your ear in a chilling tone.
Something tickles the side of your neck. Something firm and wet, but you’re left without a moment to process it when whatever is wrapped around your neck tightens and begins to slowly pull you to your feet. Unable to do more than release an airy gasp, you claw helplessly at the offending object. Eyes wide in terror, you’re forced to turn to face Sevika. But you’re not met with the face of the woman you know in the waking world. You’re met with a wicked grin full of sharp teeth and wide purple eyes that glow as if she’s possessed. Surely she is possessed. She’s the embodiment of your dream version of her.
Then this must be just another dream. There’s no other logical explanation. But it feels so real…
“My foolish girl,” she sneers as she lifts you even higher, until your feet no longer touch the floor.
You kick helplessly, trying desperately to get a foothold on something. As you scrabble at whatever is around your neck, it dawns on you what it is.
Her tail.
She brings you closer until you’re face-to-face with her demonic smile.
"You've been awfully bratty lately. I think it's about time you learn your place," she taunts.
And fuck, her voice has changed so much. It's dropped even lower, raspier. She sounds downright evil. Despite knowing this could only be a dream, you can't help how your blood runs cold in fear. However, you're unwilling to let even dream Sevika best you, so you try to swallow down that fear before you speak. But before you can even open your mouth, the grip she has on your throat tightens, leaving you gasping for breath.
Sevika's dark lips curl higher at your struggles. Her throaty chuckle echoes throughout the room. The room that- you just now realize- is suddenly fading away. Warping into something else entirely.
Your wide eyes flit around in shock as the furniture, the wall hangings, the flooring- even the walls themselves- all of it darkens and blurs until they disappear entirely. The two of you are left in a seemingly endless black room containing nothing more than a large, deep red settee situated a few feet away. And she's carrying you towards it.
You're tossed, rather haphazardly, onto the seat. Finally free of the restriction on your airway, you gasp and gulp down oxygen. Bringing your hands to your neck, you rub the sore tissue and tendons beneath.
“What the fuck, Sevika?” you demand.
Sevika towers over you, casting a shadow beneath a dim purple light that appears to emanate from somewhere behind her. The sides of her feet touch yours. But as you stare down at them, you realize they aren't her normal feet. They are larger. With long, sharp, black toenails. You shudder before letting your eyes slowly travel up the length of Sevika.
She's not in her usual getup. Not even the one you typically see her in when you’re dreaming. But you are dreaming, you remind yourself. As your gaze roams over her muscular thighs and all the way to the apex, you find she’s wearing nothing at all.
And oh good lord what is above her- Is that a… cock?
Something sharp presses into the soft flesh beneath your chin, forcing you to lift your head- to draw your attention away. At first, you think it must be a finger of her prosthetic arm. However, as your gaze lifts higher, you realize it’s her flesh arm before you. That’s definitely a claw threatening to pierce your skin.
“See something you like, kitten?” Sevika asks with a haughty smirk when you finally tilt your head back far enough to meet her glowing eyes above you.
Gods, is she even taller than usual too?
Still unwilling to let even this fake Sevka see you shaken at all by any of this, you snarkily ask, “Why the fuck do you have a dick in my dream?”
Another deep, taunting chuckle echoes through the seemingly empty room.
“Still think this is just a dream, huh?” she asks in that damn condescending tone she loves to use. She drags the tip of the sharp claw deliberately up the side of your jaw. Just hard enough to prove how deadly she is. “What will it take to convince you otherwise?”
You try to ignore the chill that creeps over your body, maintaining your own snide smile.
“Well, having the correct anatomy would be a decent start,” you jeer.
“Can’t exactly breed you with my cunt,” she retorts with a crude smile.
“Breed?” You huff out a laugh. “Like, you want me to carry your little demon babies?” Slowly, you shake your head in disbelief. “This is definitely one of the most fucked up dreams I’ve had about you.”
“Laugh all you want, brat. By the time I’m through with you, you’ll be praying this supposed dream would end.”
Mouth open and ready to fire a retort, your words fall short when you feel her tail start to slip beneath your loose shirt to slide around your torso. Your attention drops to that familiar long, thin, black appendage as it creeps further and further under the hem of your shirt, lifting it just enough to reveal the tops of your thighs.
Sevika leans over you, resting her metal hand against the back of the settee beside your head and lowers her face to hover just inches from yours.
You slowly let your gaze drift up over her lopsided grin to her glowing eyes. Reminding yourself yet again that this is only a dream, you make every attempt to hide the way her perverse smile makes your skin prickle with goosebumps. The way it causes your body temperature to rise. The way you rub your thighs together, clearly enjoying her like this.
She brings the sharp claws of her flesh hand to trace along the side of your jaw. Eyes locked with yours, she drags a single claw down the front of your neck, and along the dip in the collar of your shirt. She pauses at the center, delighting in how your chest is already visibly rising and falling faster in anticipation of what she plans to do next.
“I suggest you steady your breath. Unless you want me to mark that pretty skin of yours,” she warns.
Given no time to reply or even prepare, you release a startled yelp as she tears through the entire front of your shirt in one fell swoop. Her menacing laugh echoes through the room, and you swear you can feel it rumbling deep within your chest. Your cheeks burn with a mixture of anger, embarrassment, and something you’re not quite ready to admit to your cocky demonic girlfriend. You shoot her the most defiant glare you can muster. Unfortunately, you’re not sure it's very effective, considering how she not only has you held in place by that damn tail, but now your entire chest is exposed and on display for her hungry eyes to focus on.
“That was my favorite shirt!” you exclaim indignantly.
“You can find another,” she replies gruffly.
“I don’t want another. I liked this one.”
Narrowed glowing eyes rise to meet yours, their owner clearly low on patience.
“You can find another,” Sevika repeats with an air of finality. “Now I suggest you shut your mouth, brat. Or do I need to give you something to preoccupy it?”
It’s funny how she thinks a threat like that is going to keep you quiet. This dream Sevika is apparently just as daft as the real Sevika.
“Depends on what you plan to use,” you reply before tracing your lips with the tip of your tongue. You let your eyes slowly drift downward, intentionally making sure she follows the path to your destination; the thick, hard length that you notice twitches when she realizes what you’re implying.
“Hmm,” she hums, “Sorry kitten, but I’m saving that for another hole.” She draws your attention upward again, this time with the tip of a metal finger. “You’ll have to be patient.”
“Says the woman who couldn’t wait and just tore my favorite shir-” Your snarky remark turns into a startled gasp the moment you feel the settee unexpectedly rise and shift. The tail still wrapped around your torso is the only thing that keeps you from falling backward when the back of the couch suddenly disappears. 
Once again denying you a chance to gather your wits, Sevika immediately lifts you with her tail. The remainder of your shirt falls off your shoulders, and she pushes you further back onto what is definitely not a settee anymore considering how you’re able to lean back on your forearms.
Wide-eyed, you quickly scan left, then right, discovering you’re now actually on a large four-post bed. Each post is made of dark, rich mahogany, and the soft quilted bedding beneath you is the same deep red of the settee.
Sevika slides her tail out from around you before crawling onto the bed and over your body. The mattress shifts considerably with her weight and you're certain now that she’s considerably larger than usual. And she’s using it to her advantage, confining you beneath her, completely cutting off that mysterious purple glow that had been your only light source since the room warped into nothingness.
Too focused on the way her face is plastered with that damn arrogant smile, you fail to realize her tail is slipping behind your neck until it’s too late. It quickly coils around it before the soft, pointed tip slips into your open mouth, muffling your attempted protest. And your struggles only serve to make those dark lips of hers pull even higher.
“Much better,” she jeers.
This time she’s wrapped her tail just tight enough to assert her control over you without restricting your airway.
Despite your efforts to remain unphased by her assault, you feel your restraint quickly fade when you watch her head dip lower toward one of your exposed breasts. Her tail prevents you from lifting your head, but you still manage to watch as a long, wide, forked tongue slips out from between her lips to run along the underside of your breast, leaving a wet trail that quickly cools and causes you to shiver.
Your eyes flutter shut and you groan around the tip of her tail as she teases around your hardening nipple. Unknowingly, you start to mimic her motions, swirling your tongue around the tip of her tail. Sucking when she does. Flicking when she does. It isn’t until you feel the press of something sharp against your nipple that you start to realize what you’re doing.
With a quick inhale through your nose, your eyes fly open to meet the narrowed threatening gaze of your demonic girlfriend. Her lips are curled back in a snarl, revealing pointed teeth. Teeth that currently threaten to cross the line from pleasure to pain as she bites down.
“Stop. Distracting. Me,” she snarls through her teeth.
Distracting? How the fuck were you distracting her? Playing with her tail?
Curious, you give said tail a good suck while running the tip of your tongue along one edge of the point. Those fierce eyes of hers suddenly fall shut. A deep, almost inaudible, groan reaches your ears and goes straight between your legs.
Fuck that's hot.
It would appear that her tail is sensitive. Hence your ministrations are distracting.
How… delightful.
Your lips curl into a mischievous smile around the appendage, but you’re a fool to think she won’t retaliate. And she does exactly that the moment she opens her eyes and catches your smile.
Sevika releases an inhuman hiss. And it should have been your warning, but you’re still caught off guard the moment you feel her teeth sink in deeper and cross that aforementioned border.
The startled cry that slips past the small gap between your lips and her tail is choked off by her tail slipping further toward the back of your throat. Tears prick at the corners of your eyes and your hands instinctively reach for the horns at the top of her head. However, before you can grab them, you feel the forked tip of her tongue start to move over the stinging flesh, soothing and replacing the pain with pleasure.
Sevika chuckles against your breast as she continues to slide that deliciously thick muscle over your skin. “I warned you, brat."
Even if you could speak, you wouldn’t have anything to say. Not when that sinister laughter of hers is making the ache between your legs swell exponentially. No matter how hard you pretend to hate her cockiness, there’s no denying how much it turns you on.
“Still think you’re dreaming?” she sneers before moving to lave at your other breast.
Honestly, you had for a moment forgotten you were in a dream. Everything feels so damn real.
But you know this can’t be real. So you give her a nod as you rub your thighs together in an attempt to relieve some of the growing need between them.
Noticing the motion, Sevika presses her knee between your legs to force them open, intentionally dragging over your wet heat. Judging by the cocky little smirk that paints her face, she feels just how wet you are through the thin fabric of your underwear.
"Gonna try to deny that too?" She asks.
You narrow your eyes at her and mumble something unintelligible around her tail.
She raises a brow. "What's that? Can't understand you with your mouth full." She taunts before removing her tail from your mouth. Webs of saliva connect and stretch between its tip and your bottom lip before finally breaking over your chin.
"I said fuck y-" Your snarky remark devolves into a sharp inhale of breath when Sevika presses her knee further between your legs. That teasing- albeit tantalizing- friction leaves you without a thought, at least until you hear Sevika's mocking laughter.
You open your eyes, not even recalling closing them, and find her face hovering over yours. Her eyes are alight with a sick satisfaction as she waits for you to meet her gaze. And the moment you do, you watch as that snake-like tongue of hers slips past her lips to slowly lick up over your drool-coated chin before violently delving between your parted lips.
The moan you release into her mouth becomes choked as she shoves her tongue damn near down the back of your throat. You struggle to pull back, pressing your head further against the mattress. Sevika's lips curl against yours and you're not sure if you should be irritated or turned on by just how much higher she is as a demonic goddess.
Once she's had her fill of dominating your mouth, she drags her tongue along your teeth as it recedes into her mouth.
"Mmm. So sweet," she purrs. "You know my senses are enhanced in this form." Locking eyes with you, she starts to slowly descend your body, her tongue sneaking out to taste your exposed skin at every stop. "Including taste." She starts across your collarbone. "I wonder if-” Then between your cleavage. “-all of your body-” Around your navel. “-tastes that much more-” And along your waistband. “-delicious."
Tilting your head, you try to watch her from over your chest as it rises and falls with deep breaths. Her clawed hands carefully spread your thighs enough for her to sneak her head between them. Your breath hitches when she drags that wet muscle over your clothed slit.
“Mmm. I think I need to get a better taste,” Sevika purrs before taking the waistband of your panties between her pointed teeth.
At first, you think she will simply pull them down, so when you feel the unexpected tug and hear the subsequent tear of fabric, you can't help the squeal that leaves your throat.
And oh that fucking arrogant smile she gives you… As much as you want to chastise her for now adding your favorite pair of panties to the list of destroyed items, more than that you want her to press those devilish lips somewhere in particular.
As if hearing your thoughts, Sevika begins kissing her way up the inside of one of your thighs. Although not without deliberately taking her damn sweet time.
"Sevika, please!" You whine and spread your legs wider in hopes of encouraging her to reach her final destination sooner. You should know better, though, than to let her see how needy you are. It only adds fuel to the fire. Her desire to break you. To tame you.
"Pa-tience," she enunciates before sinking her sharp teeth into your thigh.
"Fuck," you curse and try to close your legs around her head, only to be met with equally sharp claws threatening to pierce your skin as she holds your legs in place.
The pain quickly dulls into a pleasant ache as Sevika runs her tongue over the tiny marks. Rather than continue her exploration with kisses, she instead licks a warm, wet trail higher and higher.
You suck in a shallow breath and pull your bottom lip between your teeth in anticipation. With every inch closer she gets to your burning core, you hold your breath a little longer, bite your lip a little harder. The moment she reaches your wet folds to teasingly trace the perimeter, you release your breath in a shaky whimper.
"Now purr for me, kitten," Sevika demands, tone dripping with sin.
And that you do. You moan wantonly when you finally feel her lick a long, thick stripe up through your entrance. Pleasure courses through your extremities and heat pools low in your belly. She gradually stokes that fire with teasing little kitten licks just along the inside of your entrance. If you were of sound mind you may have even found that ironic- the kitten licks- given her pet name for you. But you're too lost in your own bliss to form any coherent thoughts.
Her name falls from your parted lips with a breathless moan and you can feel her resulting arrogant smile against your folds.
She's normally damn good with her mouth, but there's something so terribly exquisite about her demon tongue that sends you to another realm. You're not sure if it's the forked tip, the large width, or the insanely long length-
Oh good god the length…
As Sevika finally sinks her tongue deep inside your cunt, you realize just how long it truly is.
"Oh- fuck Sevika," you moan, "That- that feels so good."
She hums in appreciation before adjusting her head to allow the base of her tongue to glide along the bundle of nerves above.
It's a shock to the system, that sudden addition of unexpected pleasure. You hadn't been ready for her to touch your clit while her tongue was still buried inside you. Your hips jerk almost violently towards her face, but you're once again held in place by sharp claws against your thighs.
You attempt to form a protest, mouth open, and a whine at the ready. But, the moment she starts sliding her tongue in and out of you, rubbing it along the now swollen bud above, your whine fizzles and dies in your throat. A broken, garbled moan falls out in its place.
Sevika uses her tongue to straight up fuck you, and with little grace or care for how much of a mess she makes, or how obscene she sounds. Between the collection of her saliva and your slick, each plunge of the thick muscle creates a wet, smacking sound that resonates throughout the room. It's salacious, but undeniably arousing.
If she was stoking the fire in your belly earlier, she's downright pouring gasoline on it now. That familiar coil is wound so tight it burns, threatening to snap at any moment.
Without thinking, you reach down and grasp Sevika's horns, pulling her face closer as you attempt to control her motions. That action not only earns you a warning growl that you fail to hear over your own unrestrained moaning, it also leads to her removing the stimulation entirely.
Your eyes fly wide open and you stare down at her with pleading eyes.
"Sevika! Please don't stop!" You beg, near tears with desperation as that pleasant coil starts to quickly unwind.
"Hands. Off," she snarls, baring dangerously sharp teeth.
"I- I'm sorry," you whimper, but immediately release her horns.
"Hands above your head."
Apparently, she doesn't trust you, but you still obey. Anything to get that indescribably divine stimulation back as you slip further and further away from your peak.
Sevika's tail appears in your periphery and you feel it wrap around your wrists. She's not giving you another chance to control yourself. But after glaring at your distraught face for a good, long moment, she finally brings her mouth back to your slit.
Eyes fluttering shut again, you focus all of your strength on lying still for her as she wraps her lips around your throbbing clit. She quickly rebuilds the progress she'd made before. Each suck of her mouth and each rub of her forked tongue brings you that much closer to the precipice of euphoria.
Sensing your impending climax, you unknowingly hold your breath and tense every muscle in your body. Until finally, you fall.
Your body lurches as all that built-up tension releases like an explosion. Time slows as waves of pleasure burn through your every fiber. You cry Sevika's name, following it with a series of incoherent whimpers. All while that delicious muscle carefully works you through your state of rapture.
Just as you start to come back down to reality and feel the threat of overstimulation, Sevika moves her tongue from your throbbing bud to lewdly lap at the juices flowing from the slit below.
Chest heaving with shallow breaths, you gaze down at your demonic lover through glossy eyes. Your body trembles at the sight, renewed arousal making your legs ache. Her eyes are gently closed, as if she's thoroughly enjoying herself while she licks you clean.
Once she seems to have had her fill, she lifts her head and uses her knuckles to wipe her mouth clean. She meets your dazed stare with eyes so heavily darkened with lust that only a mere ring of glowing purple remains.
Your body trembles beneath her gaze as she slowly rises to her knees and moves up your body. It isn't until her legs are on either side of your waist that her intentions become clear. Your eyes travel down the length of her body. Over the sexy curl of her wet lips, the swell of her full breasts, the hard lines of her defined abs, until finally landing on the large cock standing proud, right where her clit would normally reside.
Several drops of precum decorate the bottom of the bulbous head. It's thicker than what you'd expect from a human, and tinged with a fluorescent purple much like her eyes. Instinctively, you lick your lips in anticipation. 
Sevika notices that action, a haughty chuckle making her body shake. "Be a good girl for your master and get it nice and wet for me?" She purrs.
You meet her gaze for a moment and give her an eager nod. You're rewarded with a pleased smile and she releases your wrists from the grip of her tail. Slowly, you sit up, gaze dropping to the mouth-watering display in front of you.
Placing your hands on her hips to keep yourself steady, you watch for her reaction intently as you run the very tip of your tongue over the trail of precum. The deep hum of approval she releases goes straight between your legs, rekindling that pleasant ache. Your mouth fills with a bittersweet flavor that's unlike her typical slick and you wonder if that's been altered as well.
Your eyes flit between hers and the wetness coating the junction of her thighs. Clearly, she's enjoying herself just as much as you are. You wait for her nod of approval before dipping your head lower and collecting a taste of her slick, intentionally allowing the tip of your tongue to tease along her entrance.
You both groan in unison.
Though the texture is considerably different; less thick, the taste is still equally bittersweet.
"No more teasing," Sevika demands. But her voice is hoarse, broken by the desire that coats her throat.
Obediently, you move one hand from her hip to grasp the base of her cock before wrapping your lips around the tip.
"That's my good girl," she groans as you slide the length further into your mouth.
Your eyes flutter shut when you feel the scrape of her claws travel from the top of your scalp to the back of your head. Too caught up in that pleasant sensation and sweet praise, you momentarily forget your task.
Sevika, however, does not, and she holds your head in place before snapping her hips.
Tears prick at the corners of your eyes as she hits the back of your throat despite your hand preventing you from taking her entirely. It takes a great deal of concentration not to gag around her, but she takes mercy on you and quickly pulls back enough to allow you to recover.
"Focus," she grunts. "This is for your own good."
You peer up at her through watery eyes and thick lashes, but quickly slide your lips back over her. Hollowing your cheeks, you suck as you glide back a second time. And oh god, the reaction that gets you is enough to have you moaning just as loud as her.
Her eyes drift closed as her head gently falls back. Her throat bobs with a heavy swallow, and she digs her nails into the nape of your neck.
Eager to treat yourself to another one of those responses, you take her back into your mouth, this time far enough to reach the hand you still have wrapped firmly around the base of her.
But before you can pull back, Sevika's head tilts forward again and you're met with eyes completely blackened by a ravenous need.
"Enough," she growls. "Lie down."
Having regained enough of your senses, you decide to sneak in one more teasing action before she has her way with you. So as you slide your wet lips down her cock, you press and drag your tongue along the bottom.
“Shi- t.” Sevika’s broken curse slips past her lips without permission. But the moment she comes to- once you reach the very tip- she narrows her eyes at you threateningly.
You merely peer up at her with feigned innocence as you slide completely off, intentionally allowing a small dribble of precum to coat your bottom lip. With an exaggerated lick of your swollen, wet lips, you watch as her anger starts to ebb away. But just as you think you’ve soothed the savage beast, you feel pointed nails dig into each of your shoulders before she shoves you onto your back.
Your breath leaves your chest from the force of it, but Sevika leaves you no time to complain.
She shakes her head in disappointment. "Naughty little brat. You almost wasted my precious seed on that smartass mouth of yours." She starts to move back down your body, pressing her knees between your own to spread them.
“How would that have been a waste?” you ask as you prop yourself up on your forearms to watch her. “Are you telling me that even as a demonic god- even in my dreams- you can’t just make more quote-unquote seed?” You ask derisively.
Sevika freezes, her hands hovering just above your thighs. Her eyes slowly drift up until they meet yours. With an arched brow and a crooked smile, she sneers, “Do I need to use the tail again?” She brings the end of it into your view, flicking it back and forth for emphasis.
“Hey I’m just asking a very legitimate question,” you reply. You’re well aware that goading a demon is dangerous. But it’s Sevika. In a dream, you remind yourself again- a very wet dream. You know any punishment she dishes out will ultimately lead to your pleasure.
“Yeah? You sure you’re not just running your mouth because you want me to stuff it with something?” she asks as she lifts your thighs and spreads them wide. “Or maybe you’re looking to be put in your place in some other way?” Her lips curl into a devilish smirk.
“As I said earlier, that depends on what you have in mind,” you answer with a mischievous smile to match hers.
Sevika says nothing, merely continues to wear that lopsided grin as she settles between your legs. She leans over you, resting her metal hand against the mattress beside your head, her biological hand holding her hardened cock.
"This what you want?" She husks as she drags the head up through your wet slit. "You want me to fuck you with this?"
Not trusting your own voice as she rubs over your clit, you suck your bottom lip between your teeth and nod your head.
Amused by your sudden loss of words, Sevika chuckles lowly. Though she could easily drag the teasing on- figuratively and literally- she's craving a good fuck just as much as you are.
As she presses the tip just inside your entrance, you let yourself rest completely on your back. She eases in at such a slow speed it borders on torture. And when you try to lift your hips, she moves her hand to your waist to still you.
"I think you know what I'm going to say," Sevika warns.
Be patient.
You push your lower lip out in a pout, but Sevika simply lowers her head to press her lips to it. You wrap your arms around her back, fingers gripping at the muscles there as you pull her chest closer until her soft breasts touch yours. Her tongue traces over where your lips meet. Just as you eagerly grant her entrance, she closes that final distance, fully sheathing herself inside you.
The moan that rises from your chest is caught in your throat as Sevika's tongue plunges inside with the same wild intensity. It swirls around yours, withdrawing another muffled moan as you're struck with the lingering taste of your release.
Hooking your legs around her waist, you try to pull her in further, deeper, until you swear you feel the very tip. Every inch of her presses along your walls. It's sad if she was made just for you.
Sevika groans and pulls back from the kiss just far enough for your lips to barely touch. She gazes down at you with darkened eyes through eyelids heavy with need.
"You feel so fucking good wrapped around me. So tight," she husks, her lips grazing yours with every spoken syllable.
Good god does her praise sound so much sexier in that fiendishly deep voice of hers. It's enough to make your head spin. You close your eyes, wanting to focus on just the sound of her.
"I don't know why I didn't do this sooner," she adds, seemingly more to herself than you.
Ever so slowly, she starts to slide back out, sucking air through her teeth as you clench around her. Once only the tip remains precariously inside, she pauses.
Your toes curl in anticipation, body tensing as you wait for the imminent thrust of her hips. However, when seconds that feel more like an eternity pass without any motion or any sound, you slowly open your eyes.
Sevika stares down at you with wide hungry eyes and a villainous smile, showing off those dangerously sharp teeth.
"Sev-IKA" your whine becomes a startled cry as she snaps her hips and buries herself to the hilt. Her evil chuckle barely registers in the back of your mind through the pleasurable shock to your body.
Not giving you a moment of reprieve, she starts to fuck you at a slow, but steady pace.
Unsure if the speed she's selected is meant to please or tease, you quickly find yourself in need of more. The build-up of that warm, tight feeling is too slow. While she busies herself with licking her way down your jaw and neck, you let your heels drop back to the mattress, digging them in as you attempt to meet her every thrust with two of your own.
Without nearly the level of stamina she possesses- not to mention how your legs ache with each pleasurable drag of her hard cock against your walls- you quickly tire of the effort. And damn this cocky demonic woman currently controlling your future- you can feel her lips curl into an amused smirk from where they press against the swell of a breast. She knows it only makes you yearn for her more.
"Sevika," you whine breathlessly, "please."
"Please what?" Her question is muffled by her mouth skimming across your chest to taste the skin of your other breast.
"Fast-" You're cut off once again- and no doubt just as intentional- when you feel Sevika sink her pointed teeth into the swell of your breast.
"Fuck me!" You cry out, but the pain quickly subsides as she sucks and licks at the tiny marks left in her wake.
Behind your closed lids, you sense something above you. You open your eyes to find Sevika grinning down at you again, her breasts gently swaying over yours as she continues her torturous, yet sweetly slow cadence.
You give her your best puppy-dog eyes, pleading with her to have mercy on you. Then you attempt one more time to bargain with your demonic goddess.
"Please fuck me faster. I'll do anything."
Oh, now that seems to have caught her interest.
Sevika's brow raises in intrigue. "Anything?"
"Anything," you repeat with a nod.
Something tells you that you're likely to regret that later, but the moment she grabs the bottoms of your thighs and pushes them back against your chest, you couldn't care less. You're in for quite the ride.
She doesn't even bother gradually increasing her speed. The moment she gets you where she wants you she plants both hands beside your head and starts pummeling into you.
The sound of her thighs slapping against the back of yours mix with your wanton cries and moans, both of which nearly drown out her wild grunts.
You claw at her back, clinging to her as if your life depended on it. And with how mercilessly she drives that thick cock into your wet heat, it very well might.
Mind reeling from all the heavenly sensations, you nearly miss Sevika's grunted taunt.
"Look how much more well-behaved you are when I'm fucking- your- brains- out." She emphasizes the last four words with a grind of her hips each time she penetrates you, rubbing against your clit and leaving you near gasping as white light flashes behind your lids with each one.
"Still think this is a dream?" She jeers as she continues her onslaught, nearly pushing your body across the bed with the force. "Ever felt this fucking good in your dreams? Ever been so fucking wet?" Once again she adds emphasis, only this time it's with a powerful thrust that has a lewd squelching sound echoing through the dark room.
Just as she thought, you truly are too fucked out now. Her questions go in one ear and right out the other. All your focus is concentrated on gripping Sevika's back while she fucks you hard enough to cause the bed to shake and creak. And oh gods yes, you're quickly approaching that peak again.
"I asked you a question," Sevika growls.
That one you hear, but only because of the abrupt halt to your pleasure when she suddenly pulls out of you completely.
Not even given a chance to protest beyond the startled breathy cry that leaves your throat, you find yourself just as abruptly flipped over onto your hands and knees. Clawed hands- metal and organic- grip your waist as Sevika lines up and then slams back inside you.
From a combination of her sheer force and your weakened state, your front half collapses forward, face smashing against the mattress. You claw desperately at the bedding, trying to find purchase as Sevika continues to rail you from behind.
Between one of her rounds, she brings the palm of her flesh hand down against one of your asscheeks. Her sinister laughter rings through your ears, almost louder than the shriek that leaves your open mouth.
"Where's all that attitude now?"
Gone along with any and all cognitive abilities. Especially when you feel her hand rub soothing circles over your singing flesh. And even more so when she lightly scrapes those claws from the bottom of your spine straight up to the nape of your neck.
Your back arches in reflex to the sweet sensation that she leaves in her wake. Senseless words and curses fall from your slack mouth.
Sevika must be right. This can't possibly be a dream. Not when every part of your body is screaming with pleasure. Not when you feel so completely and delightfully filled by her.
She presses the palm of her hand against the exposed side of your face, pushing your head further into the mattress as she bends over you. She encapsulates you completely with her large body. Her sweat-slick breasts press against the curve of your spine as she fucks you impossibly deeper.
You're close. So fucking close. But you need something more. Just a little-
"Sevika," your voice comes out as nothing more than a hoarse whisper, apparently having been far more vocal than you realize. But thank the gods- or rather your demon girlfriend- she hears you.
She brings her mouth to your ear, her hot breath washing over you with each buck of her hips. "What do you want, kitten?"
"I- I need-" you struggle to form the words, absolutely drowning in pleasure, and she's apparently hell-bent on only making it harder.
She takes your earlobe between her teeth and gently tugs before whispering, "What was that? Use your words."
"More- I need more," you pant. "Please."
She hums against your ear as her tongue teases along the edge of it.
Just when you think you're going to have to beg more, you feel something slide between your sweaty bodies and around your waist.
Her tail.
The tip dips down over your abdomen, and as you realize its destination, you suck in a breath and hold it. All it takes is one slide over your throbbing, swollen clit to send you spiraling.
You sob pathetically as you're overtaken by earth-shattering pleasure for the second time tonight. Every muscle in your body spasms, including those surrounding Sevika's cock.
"Fuck," Sevika grits out through her teeth. "I'm going to cum." Her pace falters for a moment, but she's quick to recover. Lips pressed against your sweaty cheek, she husks, "Do you want me to fill you with my seed?"
Legs trembling, you're only held up by the grip of Sevika's metal hand on your waist as she continues to drive herself inside your soaked cunt. The lewd sound of it is lost on you though, as you just start to drift down from your high. And then her words replay in the back of your head.
Do you want me to fill you with my seed?
"Yes. Please," you whimper.
"Do you want to carry my half-breed spawn?" She huffs, and you can hear her losing steam, feel her hips stutter. She can't hold on much longer.
Dream or reality you don't fucking care anymore. You just want to feel her release inside you. You'd do anything for her, regardless of her being a goddamn demon.
"Please, Sevika."
"Say it."
"Breed me," you cry, overstimulation starting to set in under her continued assault.
That's all it takes. That, and one final deep thrust, then she's burying her face in your neck, groaning as thick cum flows from her cock.
You can feel all of it. It's inhumanly hot and vast, seeping out each time her body jerks. It spills out and down the insides of your thighs, all the way to the bedding at your knees.
After several weak thrusts, she finally stills. Though she doesn't go completely limp, you feel the weight of her press against your back, sweaty skin sticking to more sweaty skin. She moves her hand from the side of your head to rest against the mattress. You both take deep breaths in unison, and it's the only sound in the now otherwise silent abyss.
Sevika slips her arm around your waist when she feels your legs start to give way, finally depleted of all your remaining strength.
"Need to- lie down," you murmur between panting.
Despite having spent the entirety of the night with you being atrociously bratty, Sevika takes pity on you- or perhaps she's equally exhausted- and carefully pulls herself out before gently lying you on your back.
She hovers over you for a moment, straddling your limp body and watching your dazed expression. Several beads of sweat drip down the side of her face, then her neck before disappearing between her cleavage.
The rest becomes a bit of a blur as you drift in and out of conciseness. But you recall her wiping you off, cleaning you of both your fluids. And you remember moments of her kissing each of the marks she left on your skin. The scrapes and dotted cuts from her metal and demonic claws. The bright red indents decorating your skin where she bit you. And the raw skin where her hands or tail gripped and rubbed.
And the last thing you remember is her lying next to you, the tip of her tail gliding up and down the top of one of your thighs. Then she places a soft kiss on your forehead before whispering, "You did so well, my love."
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Blinking several times, you slowly wake from your deep slumber. As your eyes come into focus in the dimly lit room, you realize you're sitting at your desk. Remembering your earlier escapades, you quickly sit up and glance around.
Your room, from what you can tell from the low glow of the desk lamp, is completely normal. All is as it was- or should be. Looking down at the desk you even find your drawing still sitting there.
So it really was a dream?
"You forgot the pointed tip," Sevika says from behind you.
You yelp, jumping in your seat much like you did earlier- or you thought you did.
"Shit, Sevika. Don't sneak up on me like that," you say groggily.
Wait- What did she just say?
"What pointed tip?" You ask suspiciously.
"On the tail," she whispers against your ear.
The hair on the back of your neck stands up and a shiver runs down your spine.
There's no way-
You peer down at your clothing. You're not in the t-shirt you remember putting on earlier that night. You're in a thin camisole, with a low cut that reveals the tops of your breasts. Including two very obvious rows of bite marks across one of them.
"Oh dear Janna," you murmur in shock.
Sevika tsks from behind you. Her voice drops lower, a familiar eerie echo ringing in your ear as she speaks in a sinister tone. “The only deity I want to hear you pray to is me. And you better start praying, because you promised me you’d do anything."
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AN: If you haven't seen it yet, be sure to check out @sevikascrown's delicious fanart of demon Sevika here. 🥰
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honeybubbletea33 · 2 months
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honestlyhiswife · 8 months
in my culture it’s still normal to “court” somebody before dating them, although it’s not as popular but people still prefer it so the tradition’s still alive and that got me thinking. how would Lieutenant Simon “Ghost” Riley court?
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Ghost who would take the initiative to learn things about you. Oh you like this band? He’ll be listening to it while working out so that you two have something to talk about on the way to your next operation
Ghost telling Soap he likes you and Soap immediately becoming his wingman, understanding the timeline of courting
Ghost who absolutely insists that you sit next to him, just in case you get sleepy and need somebody to rest your head on. Happily, you oblige, even if you’ve just chugged an energy drink and there’s no way in hell you’re tired
Ghost, who seeks Gaz’s advice on how to find out what flowers you like so that he could have a bouquet arranged. If it turns out that you’re allergic to flowers, he’s on his way to stalk your music account and create a playlist for you.
Ghost who texts:
💀: “Hi, took down some notes from the briefing if you’d need them”
You: “aww you shouldn’t have, thank you ghost”
when he realises your head starts to droop oh-so-slightly because of the exhaustion taking over you.
Ghost who’s been showing weird behaviour around Price, almost appearing jittery around his phone, constantly checking his lockscreen for notifications. When Price presses Ghost for “his lack of attention”, he catches Ghosts eyes drift towards you, in the middle of him scolding Ghost. And all Price can do go silent as he’s pieced the puzzle together and clap his hand on Ghost’s back.
Ghost, who cannot pick up on a single hint that you’re okay with his courting and doesn’t want to go any further. He’s oblivious to how you seem to push away when other people offer their seats for you, because he’s thinking of how else to impress you.
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itshoneywhatever · 5 months
Me at my corporate job doing my very important job
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…writing gay fanfic about gay pilots and f1 drivers
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You can run but you can’t hide: Chapter 1: Soulmate
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(Soft!Dark! Soulmate AU)
Summary: Lloyd Hansen had been told from a young age that he’ll one day find his other half. What they didn’t tell him was that not everyone was as excited as him to find their other half.
Soft!Dark!Lloyd Hansen x Reader
Warnings for the series: noncon/dubcon, rape? just to make sure, age gap, manipulation, sex used as punishment? edging? soft!dark! gonna give you whiplash, forced breeding, breeding kink, language, violence, blood, past abusive/toxic relationship
Warnings for this chapter: language, allusion to past toxic/abusive relationship
A/N: Buckle up, that’s all I have to say. This chapter is a short one.
As always MINORS DNI
Divider by @maysdigitalarts
18+ only and consent banners by @maysdigitalarts
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Chapter 1: Soulmate
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What’s a soulmate?
Someone who you’re destined to be with. Someone who completes you. Bullshit. Complete and utter bullshit. I don’t need a soulmate to complete me or for them to control me. My mother was better off without one. 
My mother’s soulmate, my father, they were in love-wait no, my mom was in love. She would have done anything for him and she did, she still wasn’t enough in his eyes. 
Yeah, I wish never to meet my soulmate. I’ve seen firsthand what a soulmate can do to you, the person who’s supposed to “love and protect you”. What my parents had would never be love. 
That’s why when I had the chance I fled and never looked back, now 5 years later, I’m happy as can be. I’m alone and happy.
I just have to move to a new town since I've been here for 7 months already. That's not what I normally do, usually, I stay for about 5 months and then on to the next town since it’s unlikely to meet your soulmate or anyone when you just go to 3 places-hotel, a job, a store. It’s been the perfect set-up for the past 5 years. 
I don’t have much stuff, so that makes it easier to move from place to place. I’m still packing everything inside my car. 
“Just you, me, and the open road”, I tapped the roof of my car after putting the last of my things inside. I never felt anything during any moves before but this time I felt my heart beating abnormally fast, fear maybe? but of what I don’t know.    
Getting inside the car, I take a deep breath before starting the engine. What type of job would I find this time? bartender? waitress? A dog sitter?  Hopefully my boss this time isn’t a perverted asshole, god just thinking about my time working at the retail store makes my skin crawl. I need to listen to some music.
The sound of Love Her Madly by The Doors playing filled the air in the car.
Don’t you love her madly?
Wanna be her daddy?
Don’t you love her face?
Don’t you love her as she walkin' out the door? 
Like she did one thousand times before
I hope she got out of there alive, that is if his love hadn’t killed her already. He was the reason I left not her but that was the price to pay, either I stayed and get punished or run away and survive. I felt the cool air cares my skin as I rolled down my window. The smell of fresh air, sweet sweet freedom.
«5 hours later»
Welcome to Âme soeur
French, huh? That's weird, I had no idea that there were little French towns. I should look up the meaning of it. I should make a rest stop, I've been driving for hours and I feel like sleeping. So I guess Âme soeur it is. Now time to find a motel but it doesn’t look like there are any buildings close by. It looks completely abandoned. Ghostown. Spooky. 
Ahh…finally a motel. Not the best looking but it's a motel what do you expect? Getting out of the car, the air felt different, heavy. After locking the car, I made my way to the front desk. A girl wearing the motel uniform sat at the front desk. She had charcoal-colored hair and the dullest blue I'd ever seen. A wall of room keys was behind her.
“Hello, do you have a room available?”, I asked. She just stared at me, like she was trying to figure me out. 
“We just have one available”, she plainly said typing away on the computer. She truly looked like she’d rather be anywhere else. “Ok, I’ll take it”, I smiled. She turned to get my room key, and that's when I saw it, for a split sec, a mark on the back of her neck but she turned back just as quickly. Weird. She handed me the room key. As took the room key, she stayed silent. I left with a quick “bye”, I got to my car and opened the trunk to get my things out. I felt goosebumps on the back of my neck, and my bag fell from my hand as I touched the back of my neck. I looked around but shook it off and picked up my bag and the air felt somehow heavier than before. I looked for my room key to see the room number. My heart stopped. 
Room 222.
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topofmythighs · 1 year
burning into my mind
sam winchester x female reader
rundown: reader forgets pjs, sexy sam saves the day
warnings: none
word count: 3,759
my masterlist
gif cred:: cantscrubitclean on tumblr
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dean pulls into the parking lot just as slowly as her eyes open. every action shared between the three hunters feels - and probably looks - like it’s in slow motion. the hunt tonight was particularly rough, involving two witches who would not give up until they got what they wanted. and what they wanted was sam.
thankfully, he sits in the passenger seat of the impala and readjusts as he notices they’re all back at the motel. he slowly clambers out of the car, hearing a soft yawn slip past her lips. everyone’s limbs feel like they’re a thousand miles long, especially as they try to regain feeling in their legs to get out of the car. dean’s the first to grab his duffle bag from the trunk, sam following.
he grabs hers, too. without a word, the three of them saunter to the motel room door, thankful for the beds - no matter how uncomfortable they truly were.
dean drops onto one of the beds face-first, his jacket and jeans still on. his legs hang off the bed a little, as he’s not fully laying at the top of the bed. he lets out a large groan into the mattress. sam looks back at her as she closes and locks the door, smiling to herself at dean’s expression.
“hated that,” dean’s muffled voice whines.
sam’s eyes widen while he sits at the end of the other bed, taking his boots off. “dude,” he starts. “you weren’t the one being converted into some creepy witch cult.”
dean turns his head out from the mattress to glare at sam. “i walked into that creepy-ass building and lost my gun in two seconds to those bitches,” he complains.
sam’s mouth opens, offended that dean is even trying to win this battle. “dude!” he repeats. “witch cult! minutes away from being their little snack!”
“snack?” she ponders. both men turn to look at her. her head is propped up by her hand as she sits at the uncomfortable wooden table, and her eyes are closed. “you were gonna be their bitch boy, sammy,” she comments, half asleep.
dean lets out a one-note laugh, but she can tell he is mere seconds away from retaliating to sam to claim he’s right. she interrupts dean. “that doesn’t mean you win, dean. “bitch boy witch cult” beats “wah, i lost my gun because of magic”.”
she opens her eyes to see dean huff and stuff his face back into the mattress, and sam smiles over at her. she sends a wink his way, making him laugh with his body. she slowly sits up, stretching her body and cracking whatever joints she can.
“i’m gonna hit the hay,” she says. “i am ready for this day to be over.” dean’s hand fist pumps in the air in solidarity and quickly slaps back down onto the bed.
sam chuckles softly, “i’ll walk you to your room.”
she smiles, grabbing her duffle bag. “goodnight dean,” she says, and he only replies with a grunt. sam closes the door behind them, immediately taking her bag from her and carrying it himself.
“you don’t need to do that,” she says.
he looks down at her as they walk, the smooth concrete feeling cool on his sock-clad feet. “i know.”
her room is only three doors down from the boys, but her heart warm-up at sam’s chivalry. she unlocks the door, happy to feel the warm air of the room. sam rests the bag on the ground, awkwardly stuffing his hands in his pockets. he watches her intently as she ties up her hair, takes off her jacket, and improperly takes her boots off. he wants nothing more than to lay down in that bed beside her under the blanket she brought from home and to feel her body close against his.
she looks at him and smiles. “you okay, sammy?”
he comes to, shaking his head. “yeah. yeah, sorry. just, umm,” he pauses, trying to play his staring off the best he can. “just a long day. tired is all.”
she walks closer to him, and he thinks it’s just to be close to him, but she’s only picking her bag up off the floor. he kicks himself for thinking she was coming near him for him.
“i get that, sammy,” she says, placing her bag on the bed. “i’m sorry today’s hunt was so difficult. if you’re shaken up, you can talk to me about it,” she offers, turning her head to him and smiling. she begins going through her bag as he talks.
“i appreciate it,” he begins, “but you know i’m not one for spilling how i feel and making it everyone else’s problem.”
“you’re not making anything anyone’s problem,” she mutters without a second in between his words. “fuck,” she whispers, erratically digging through her bag.
“what’s wrong?” sam asks, hands still deep in his pockets, looking awkward as ever.
“just, ugh,” she mumbles, rubbing her hands over her face, exhaustion taking over her body. “i forgot pyjamas.” she instinctually cracks her knuckles, frustrated with herself.
sam frowns at her. “take a shower,” he says kindly. she looks at him oddly, as if he didn’t just hear her. “i have, uhm,” he mumbles. “just shower, i’ll find you something to wear.”
she smiles at him, rubbing her hands over her face again. she sighs, and there’s silence in the room. he notices that she’s trying to collect herself, trying not to blow up. she’s exhausted, he can see it in the way she’s keeping her shoulders up. he swears, if he could, he would wrap her up in his arms, put on her favourite movie, and let her bitch about the day. he knows he can’t - they’re close, but not that close - but oh god, does he want to.
he shakes his head to be-rid his trance. “shower, please. and lock this door. i’ll be back over in, let’s say, twenty, yeah?”
she nods and walks over slowly to the door to lock it when he leaves. he opens the door, and she watches as he ducks through it, eliciting butterflies in her that she tries to ignore. she locks the door and continues to watch him through the window, unable to stop. she breathes in deeply and decides to shower, while sam is in his and dean’s room, searching through his duffle bag.
“what are you looking for?” dean asks. he rests against the headboard on the bed closest to the door, his legs crossed, and the tv remote in hand.
“uh,” sam starts, pinching his eyes together. “pjs, any sort of pjs.”
dean’s face contorts out of pure confusion. “context is cool.” sam stops digging through his bag when he finds a grey henley, a green zip-up, and a pair of black briefs. when he doesn’t answer his brother, dean continues. “the fuck are you doing, sammy? planning to go for a polar dip or something?”
“oh, uhm, no. she - she forgot pyjamas,” sam says shyly.
dean smirks, preparing to tease his brother for all eternity. “did she forget pyjamas, or did she “forget pyjamas”?” he asks, air quoting.
sam wads up his underwear and chucks it at dean, who lets out a merciless “ew!”
“who purposefully forgets pyjamas, dean?” sam asks sternly.
dean shrugs. “dunno, never forgotten my pyjamas before.”
sam rolls his eyes.
“but,” dean continues. “i have also never been in love with my roommate and hunting partner for years on end.”
sam whips his head around to dean, disregarding his neat folding that he’s doing. “dean, i told you not to fuck around with me about that.”
dean’s hands go up in defence. “i’m not fucking around with you, sammy. that chick,” he whistles, “has the H-O-T-S for you, man.”
sam rubs his neck. “dean,” he sighs, his eyebrows turning upwards in sadness. “she doesn’t like me like that. i know you think she does, but she doesn’t. if you had walked her to her room-“
“which wasn’t totally necessary.”
sam sighs again, flipping dean off then continuing, “she would’ve asked you for pjs too. so, can we please drop this so i can go and give that exhausted and adorable girl in the next room over some of my clothes so i can have the most confusing and irrational dreams ever tonight?!”
dean looks stunned at sam’s outburst, but ultimately chucks him a thumbs up. “go for it, kiddo.”
sam puffs his chest out, retrieving the thrown underwear from dean, and gathering the rest of the clothes. he checks his watch to make sure he’s on time, and of course, he is, so he shuts the door on his laughing brother and heads back down to her room.
he knocks lightly on her door, hoping she’s not in the shower and overthinking that something terrifying awaits her on the other side of the door.
she answers quickly, the motel room towel wrapped tightly around her. she smiles at sam, a small blush painted onto her face. she ushers him in, and he quickly sits on the foot of the bed.
“i, uh,” he stammers. “here. a hoodie, a long sleeve, and boxers. i don’t know if you need it all, or even want it all, but i couldn’t have you sleeping in those gnarly clothes, or be in here, and cold, and vulnerable, and-“
she sits next to him and wraps her arms around his chest, giving him a large hug. sam feels himself freeze, unsure if it was really happening.
“thank you, sammy,” she says, noticing he felt uncomfortable, and pulling away from him. her heart sinks, but she tries to convince herself it was just because she was still a little wet from the shower. he looks at her, and it takes everything in him not to melt from her sweet eyes. he hands her the clothes, and she heads to the bathroom to get changed.
“dumbass,” she says to the mirror, letting the towel drop as she changes into his clothes. she can’t believe she’s slipping on that worn-in grey henley and stepping into his boxers. she gently pushes her arms through the sleeves of the hoodie, half zipping it up, and staring at herself in the mirror for a little longer than she should’ve. the bright led lighting in the old, smoke-stained bathroom drowns out the blemishes on her face and the rosy blush on her cheeks. she brings the sweater up to her nose and takes a deep breath, smelling sam and only sam. she smiles to herself, but feels awkward and dumb for thinking this is anything more than borrowing a friend’s clothes. she sighs and shakes more of the water out of her hair with the towel before shutting the light off and leaving the bathroom.
sam sits in the same spot she left him, but now he’s flipping through the television channels.
“hey,” she says, and his head spins quickly to look at her. they smile at each other, blushes painting pink across their cheeks.
“hi,” sam whispers back. “you look, uhm,” he clears his throat. “comfy. you look comfy.”
“i am,” she whispers back. “thank you again, sammy.”
sam nods and pats the bed next to her so she can sit. she sits next to him then lets her body fall back onto the bed. her tops shrink up her body a bit, enough for sam to notice the skin of her tummy. it looks soft, smooth, and warm, and it’s taking a lot of self-control for sam not to reach out and touch it. her eyes are closed, so sam feels less creepy for staring at her. he smiles to himself, his chin resting against his shoulder as he looks back at the exhausted girls he longs to call his. she’s breathing deeply, trying to relax her body. he’s watched her do this a dozen times, but never in his clothes. his mind is racing - thoughts of how cute she looks in his clothes to how nice it would be to take them off of her. he clears his throat once more and readjusts.
she reaches her hand out to sam’s bicep, holding tight to pull herself back up. he swears he has goosebumps, so he’s glad he has a sweater on.
“d’you wanna watch a movie?” she asks, sitting upright again. “i know today was really long, so i get it if you don’t but, i dunno,” she mutters, playing with her fingers.
he nudges his body gently against hers. “what’s wrong?”
she sighs, looking up at him, then back down to her hands. she shrugs. “don’t know,” she whispers. sam bends down lower to hear her better, and she feels her heart beat faster. “came close to not comin’ home with you, bitch boy,” she says, trying to make the sentiment as lighthearted as possible.
sam huffs out a small laugh. “yeah, it was a close one today.” sam sees her nodding, and he can smell the remorse coming off of her. “but,” he continues, and she looks up at him again. he feels butterflies in his stomach when she holds eye contact this time. “i’m here, you’re here, de’s here. we’re gonna watch a movie, chill out, and we’ll just try to move past this, okay?”
she smiles at him, nudging him back. “thank you, sammy,” she replies. they stare at each other for a moment before she looks away, nervous the blush on her cheeks would intimidate him. “this is comfy,” she says, gesturing to her outfit.
sam smiles. “you look really cute.” he comments, immediately regretting it until his unprovoked words are followed by an adorable, girly giggle.
this feeling - the closeness, the looming scent of sam, the fictitiousness of it all - it’s a lot for both of them. both of their heads are spinning, drunk on fervour and starved of touch. their hearts are rhythmically beating to the sound of imagined love, lust, and connection; but, there’s some sort of dense, unbreakable wall that’s holding either of them back from blurting out what they’re feeling.
the sheer density of that wall creates a weight of awkwardness that is heavy on both of their chests, and their minds are scrambling to overcome it.
she scoots closer to sam, desperate to shake off that feeling. once again, her hands find his bicep, and she wraps her arms around it. she rests her head on his shoulder, letting her body depend on his to stay upright.
sam is convinced his heart has stopped, that this is somehow a lucid dream. he can’t let her initiate this closeness and not reciprocate it again, so takes his opposing hand and rubs her head. he takes it a step further as he hallucinates dean’s voice in his head telling him to “man up and show that girl you love her!” he kisses the top of her head, lingering for a second, before whispering, “everything’s okay. we’re all here. no one’s hurt. you’re safe.” her arms tighten around him at his sweet words and gestures, and she snuggles impossibly closer. he kisses the top of her head again, letting her know he’s still there. “uhm, if you lemme shower, i’ll smell a hundred times better. then we can watch a movie, yeah?” she nods against his arm. “i’ll be super quick.”
she lets go apprehensively, pulling away to see sam smiling down at her. sweet sam, the protector of all. “thank you, sammy.”
he nods, too. “find a movie, please. i’m gonna go, but i’ll be back as quick as possible.”
“take your time,” she says, aware that if she didn’t reply, he’d ramble his way out of the room.
he stands up, walking towards the door. “lock this,” he says before ducking again and leaving.
it all happened very quickly for sam, and as he walks back to his and dean’s room, he’s afraid he’s messed up again. he tries to move as quickly as he can as to not leave her waiting for long.
when he swoops through the door, dean becomes guarded, asking sam what’s wrong.
“nothing,” sam says, going through his bag one more time to grab his shower supplies and actual pyjamas.
“what’d you do to her, man?” dean asks, sipping his beer.
“nothing!” sam replies, looking up at dean, his hands full. “i didn’t do anything, de. i need to shower and get back to her, okay? so shut up and keep watching your shitty western movie.”
“hey!” dean yells defensively. “don’t take your shitty pick-up game out on my cowboys!”
“it’s not shitty!” sam yells back from the shower.
he can’t remember the last time he felt so rushed in the shower, but, he feels elated at the same time, so any anxiety he’s feeling from being rushed is immediately counteracted.
within minutes, he’s out of the shower, drying off, and changes into blue flannel pyjamas, black boxers, and a large, oversized black long sleeve. he comes out of the bathroom as fast as he went in. he sits on the foot of his bed, putting on socks that he found in his bag and roughly slipping his feet into his black chuck taylor’s. they slam onto the brown carpeted floor as he wiggles his feet into them.
“remember earlier when i told you politely to not bring up the whole “unrequited love” thing?” sam asks, as he stands up.
“uh huh,” dean mumbles.
“can you do me a favour and bring it up right now? i don’t know if i’m overthinking right now, but you’re like, my automatic wingman, so you need to help me out.”
dean smiles, taking another swig of beer before looking at his dishevelled brother. “i promise you,” dean starts, “that girl is in love with you. from bro to bro, i want you happy, and i know she’s into you. wingman to a rookie?”
sam scoffs.
“i’m not setting you up for failure, sammy,” dean finishes. “i’m serious.”
sam sighs happily, smiling down at his shoes. “i’m gonna go back.”
“thatt’a boy!” dean cheers, and sam hushes him.
“i’ve got my key,” sam says. “so, don’t, like, shoot me when i come back tonight.”
“if,” dean winks.
sam rolls his eyes and leaves his room, briskly walking back to hers. he knocks on the door again, and he swears he feels some kind of deja vu.
she answers the door quickly, smiling at sam. “i haven’t decided on a movie yet.”
sam smiles too. “well let me in, and we’ll pick one out.”
they stand awkwardly near the bed before she asks, “do you, uhm,” she sighs. “d’you wanna sit together again?” her voice is meek, a tone sam often doesn’t hear from her.
he nods, scared that if he speaks, his voice will crack. he sits against the headboard, extending his legs down the bed. she does the same, making sure her blanket from home is spread out over both of them. there’s a significant gap between them as sam surfs through the channels for a movie.
“”she’s the man,” “the big stampede”,” sam lists.
she chuckles. “i bet dean’s watching that one.”
sam smiles and looks at her. “can confirm.”
she laughs again. “did you make sure to tease him about it?”
sam nods slyly, eliciting another giggle from her.
“well,” he mumbles, tired of flicking through the channels. “what do you wanna watch?”
she shrugs. “you could put on “the big stampede” for all i care.” her voice is quiet when she adds, “just wanna be here.”
sam’s smile widens, and his dimples are carved deep into his cheeks. he’s brave again and pulls her head gently toward him so he can lay another kiss there. “here,” he suggests. “come closer and get comfy.”
a deep blush fades onto her face once more, and she begins to play with the sleeves on the green zip-up sam loaned her. her lack of eye contact feeds the fire in sam’s stomach, and instead of waiting for her to do something, he wraps his large hands around her boxer-clad hips and slides her closer. he tucks her into his chest, and she immediately melts into him, burying her face into his chest. he continues to kiss her head, becoming more and more comical about it until she laughs at it. her hand makes its way around his neck, bringing them closer together and encouraging sam to trail his kisses down her face. she keeps laughing, so sam continues, hoping that his brother didn’t lead him astray. everything about this moment feels as natural as it is terrifying for both of them.
“sam,” she giggles out. he keeps kissing her face. “sam!”
he pulls away instantly, at least, as much as he can with her hand still playing with his hair at the nape of his neck. her eyes meet his.
“i need to tell you something,” she says, trying to adjust her body so she feels more serious.
sam nods. “me too.” he licks his lips, and he feels his anxiety spreading to his toes.
“i, uhm,” she says, looking at his lips and back up to his eyes. “i’m in love with you,” she whispers.
sam’s eyes widen, and he can feel his cheeks heating up. he adjusts her again, holding her hips and dragging her into his lap. she clings to his body like she’ll lose him if she lets go.
“not in the friend way, right?” he asks, using his fingers to make sure she looks at him in his eyes. her head shakes, and she bites her lip. sam smiles. “i’m in love with you, too. and not in the friend way either.”
she smiles and tucks her head into his neck as he wraps his arms around her. she presses small kisses on his neck, and he does the same to her.
"thank you, sammy," she whispers against his neck. he nods. "i was so scared today."
he gently shushes her, rubbing his hand up and down her back. "i know, but i'm here. we're both here, and we're in love."
she pulls back from his neck, and he admires his clothes on her again. "in love."
he nods once more before placing his hand on her cheek. "can i kiss you?"
she smiles, nodding excitedly before leaning in to kiss him, something she's fantasized about for years.
"in love," she whispers against his lips.
he chuckles, finding the repetition adorable and comforting. "in love."
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hischierhoney · 2 months
Be Good
Nico Hischier x Reader
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Summary: 3.6k of just. long hair Nico smut. very little plot honestly. sorry in advance this is a lot. @theemporium & I have been spiraling over long hair nico for days and this is what I came up with
Warnings: oh boy. sexual content 18+, minors dni!, hair pulling, oral sex fem receiving, mild spanking (?), unprotected sex, overstimulation, I think that’s it but let me know if I missed anything?
When Nico nearly tackles you in a hug the second he walks in the door of your apartment, the first thing you notice is his hair. Realistically, his hair hasn’t grown that much since you last saw him. It’s only been a few days. But it is long, longer than normal, longer than he likes it to be, and it’s been a bit since you've been able to run your hands through it.
“It’s so long,” you say, twisting the strands between your fingers.
He groans into the crook of your neck. “I know. I have an appointment to get it cut tomorrow.”
You let out a whine and throw your head back dramatically. “Why?”
He just laughs this time around. “Because it’s long. And annoying. And the boys are chirping me about it.”
“I don’t care what the boys think,” you grumble, as he pulls his head from the crook of your neck. “Don't you care more what I think?”
He sighs, cupping your face in his hands. You love the look he gives you- so full of amusement and care and sweetness. He’s missed you, too. You know it without him even saying it.
“Of course I do,” he says, leaning close until the words wash over your cheek. He brushes his lips there, and you let your eyes flutter closed. “I care the most about you, always.”
Then he’s kissing you, soft and sweet and full of everything you’re already feeling. You part your lips for him, happily, easily. His hands slide up to hold your waist, fingers pressing into you softly, twisting the fabric of his t-shirt that you’re wearing. When his tongue slips into your mouth, you start to melt. He backs you up against the wall, and you place your hands on his shoulders to steady yourself as he hitches one of your legs up around his waist. You’re only in one of his t-shirts and a pair of underwear. He’s so, so close, right there, when he’s been so far away and it’s almost overwhelming. You swear when you thread your fingers into his hair and pull, it’s just because you’re trying to hold on. Nothing more.
Nico knows, though. He groans loudly into your lips, and the kiss gets messy, fast. He tugs your lower lip between his teeth when you give another pull, and white hot desire rolls down your spine. When you let out a soft whine, he pulls away and starts mouthing at your jaw. He’s breathing heavily, chest heaving against yours. His eyes are dark when you finally open yours.
He drops your leg from around his waist, and then taps the side of your thigh lightly. “Bedroom.”
You blink back at him, lips parted, heart racing. Your fingers are still wrapped up in his hair, and you don’t really want to let go. He raises his brows and swats at your ass this time, and you yelp.
“Bedroom,” he repeats, in a firm tone.
You take it more seriously this time and start scurrying towards the bedroom. He’s hot on your heels, hands grabbing at your hips. You giggle as he pulls at you, almost like he’s trying to keep you from going where he told you to. You take his hands in yours, trying to pry them off, trying desperately to make it to the bedroom. When you stumble up to the bed, he lets you fall onto it- you land face first and roll over onto your back, scrambling up the mattress as you laugh. He pulls his shirt over his head, and your breath hitches at the sight of him, at the wide expanse of his chest and shoulders.
He crawls up after you. Your breaths are heavy again. He props himself over you, one arm planted next to your head. His hair hangs in dark tendrils over his forehead, and his chain glitters on his neck. You swallow, trying desperately to steady yourself. It’s not working very well. Your heart thuds in your chest.
He mutters something under his breath, something you’re pretty sure isn’t English, and then he’s kissing you again. It’s more frantic, now, like he needs it. Like you need it. You place one hand on his chest and slip the other into his hair again. His hair, god, the hair- it’s long enough to twist your fingers in, long enough to let the strands slip against your skin. You sigh into the kiss, and he groans again, his chest vibrating against yours.
“Please don’t cut it,” you whine, and he lets out a huff against your lips. “It’s so nice long. Please-“
“Shh,” he says, pressing his lips to your jaw. “It’s okay, baby.”
He draws a line of kisses down your jaw and neck. You squirm underneath him, your skin already feeling boiling hot. When he nips at your neck, you tug on his hair harshly, and he hisses, pinching your hip.
“Please-“ you choke out, staring up at the ceiling.
“Behave,” he mutters. “I’ll give you what you need. Just be good for me.”
You whimper and squeeze your hands so tight in his hair, you’re afraid your knuckles will lock up. He makes a disapproving noise and lifts his head from your neck. He looks at you through hooded eyes, lips red and puffy already, and you know you’re in for it.
“Hands above your head,” he says, and you swear tears start to fill your eyes.
“No, please, I’ll be-“
“I know you will,” he says, sweeter this time. He drags his lower lip against your collarbone and blinks up at you. “Put them above your head anyways, though.”
You whine, but you do as you’re told, knowing better than to keep trying to argue. He reaches up with one hand and helps you settle yours against the pillow, squeezing your wrists lightly with his long fingers. Your face is burning up, along with the rest of you.
“That’s my girl,” he murmurs, pressing his cheek to your skin and sighing.
He pushes your shirt up until it’s bunched around your chest, revealing your breasts and torso to him. You’re staring down at him, taking heaving breaths, utterly entranced with the absolutely destroyed look on his face. He seems out of breath, too, and his eyes are only half open. He presses a kiss to your stomach, just above your navel, and you sigh and kick your feet, feeling restless.
He rumbles out a laugh against your skin. “Do I need to tie you down, baby?”
You squeeze your hands around the pillow and sigh. “Nico, please.”
He drags his lips across your skin, pressing soft kisses to untouched places. Each touch sends sparks up your spine and butterflies swirling in your stomach. He uses one hand to keep himself propped up over you, and the other sweeps up and down your body, tracing lines and designs and squeezing at your skin. You’re burning up. He’s smiling about it, like he just knows. His chain hangs from his neck and brushes against your skin with every movement. Cold metal meets heated skin, and it makes you shiver.
He draws delicate patterns on your skin with his lips, stopping to nip at your collarbone or suck a hockey into the skin of your stomach. When he wraps his lips around your nipple, you cry out, the heat of his mouth enveloping your every sense. His other hand paws at your other breast, and you arch your back. He pinches your nipple in warning. As he starts to drag his mouth downward, leaving bruises along the way, you bury your hands in the feather pillow beneath your head and start to bargain.
“Nico,” you mumble. He doesn’t look up, but you feel him hum against your hip. “Please. Just. I’ll be good-“
“Keep them there,” he says, firmly, and you shiver.
God, he’s so close to exactly where you want him. You squeeze your eyes shut. Like if you don’t look, maybe he’ll do what you want.
“I won’t pull too hard,” you say. “Promise. I’ll be gentle.”
He moves lower, pressing a kiss to the crease of your hip. Then he brushes his lips against the soft skin of your inner thigh. Sparks shoot out across your whole body. If you could just grab his hair, you could lead him right to where you need him, where you’re aching for him, but he knows that. Your panties must be soaked by now.
“It’s not about pulling too hard,” he mumbles. “You couldn’t hurt me if you tried.”
You whine, high pitched and breathy, pulling another chuckle out of him. It would be humiliating if it wasn’t so hot, if you didn’t know how much he truly cares for you. He runs a finger along the seam of your underwear, then presses his thumb against your core, against the wet spot there. He groans, then, and latches his lips onto the skin of your inner thigh, sucking harshly. You yelp, but you keep your hands above your head and your legs mostly still.
“Good girl,” he says into your skin, as he pulls your panties to the side. You buzz with a mixture of pride and pleasure and frustration. “Be good for me and give me just one, just like this, okay? Keep your hands above your head for just one-“ he cuts himself off with a soft sigh. When you look down at him, his eyes are locked between your legs, and your skin grows hot all over again. “Fuck, baby. Just gimme one, and then you can touch, promise. Just-“
In a matter of seconds, he drags your panties down your legs, hooks your knees over his shoulders, wraps his arms around your legs to hold you in place, and dives in.
Your whole body arches off the bed as he buries his face between your legs, but you keep your hands firmly wrapped in the pillowcase. He doesn’t bother with teasing. His fingers dig into your thighs to hold you close as he licks a flat stripe up the center of you, and you do your best not to kick your legs. It only devolves from there. When he wraps his lips around your clit and sucks harshly, you keep your hands wrapped firmly in the pillowcase. When he groans against you, the vibrations rattling your every bone, you keep your hands wrapped firmly in the pillowcase. When he moves lower, tongue slipping inside and nose brushing against your clit, you keep your hands wrapped firmly in the pillowcase. When he slips a finger into you, alongside his tongue, you-
You give up. It’s barreling down on you, and when you sneak a peek at him, all you see are his nearly closed eyes, flushed cheeks, and his hair, curling in sweat soaked tendrils over his forehead. The need to touch and pull and hold takes over, and before you know it, your fingers are buried in his mess of dark hair. When you pull, he lets out a loud, rumbling moan. You’re right on the edge, your whole body buzzing with it, and for just a moment you’re worried he’s going to stop. He told you to keep your hands above your head, and you didn’t listen and he’s going to-
He crooks his fingers in just the perfect way, wraps his lips around your clit, and it hits you so hard you see stars. You’re sure this must hurt- the way you pull his hair so tightly, trying to hold onto some last shred of sanity as he works you through it. Waves of pleasure roll through you, and he-He’s talking, between swipes of his tongue and messy open mouth kisses against you.
“That’s it- there you go, just let it out-“ you realize, then, that you’re gasping for air, muscles twisted up and legs shaking. “Does that feel good, schatz? Mm, I know, I know-“
You’re babbling something, incoherent, as he rubs his cheek against your thigh, stubble burning against your skin.
He sighs. “Breathe, baby. Mm-“
His thumb brushes against your core, where two of his fingers are still buried deep, and you yelp, tugging on his hair again. He laughs. You keep your hands wrapped firmly in his hair. When he starts up again before your breaths have settled, with soft little licks that set your nerves on fire, you try to use your hands to pull him away.
“Come on, baby,” he mumbles, using the arm still wrapped around your legs to pull you close. “You didn’t think you’d get away with it that easy, did you?”
You take in a wobbly breath, going to slip your hands from his hair. “Nico, I-“
“You can keep your hands there,” he says. Your eyes flicker down, and your gaze meets his, dark and almost menacing, and you know you’ve made a grave mistake. “Keep your hands in my hair. Go ahead and try and pull me away, if you want.”
You whine. He grins- you can feel it, against you, and you can see it in his eyes. There are tears in your own eyes, threatening to spill over your lashes. He crooks his fingers inside of you again, and you cry out and try desperately to pull him away. It’s no use. You know the safe word, you know if you really asked him to stop he would. He knows it, too, and he raises a brow expectantly.
“Be a good girl, like I said,” he says, closing his eyes. “And gimme another.”
He settles in, and he works you up to a peak again. And then again, and again, and again. You lose count of the orgasms, lose focus, lose your sanity, really. It turns into a blur of pleasure and overstimulation. He’s so good, and he knows it, knows all the ways to take you apart at every seam. You’re on fire, your fingers cramp up in his hair, and he doesn’t let up. In a brief moment of clarity, you cry out.
“Nico,” you beg, gasping for air, on the comedown yet again. “Nico, please, need you. Need-“
He presses a kiss to your clit, and your whole body shakes. “What do you need, baby? M’right here.”
You whine. “Fuck me, please, I- I need it, I-“
You don’t realize there are tears streaming down your face until he unwinds his arm from around your leg and cups your cheek in his hand. Your lower lip wobbles, and he pouts at you in return. His touch is soft, quite the contrast from the grip of your hands in his hair, or the hold he’s had on you for God knows how long now. He leans up towards you, and when your legs drop to the bed, they shake. He hums proudly, and you squint up at him in what you hope is a menacing fashion.
“Hey, hey,” he mumbles, kissing your cheek. “Don’t glare at me.”
You loop your hands around the back of his neck as he props himself up above you, hands next to your head. He gives you a moment to catch your breath. His eyes dart to your heaving chest, and you smile. You roll his chain underneath your fingers, against his skin, and laugh lightly at the way he shivers at the feeling.
“You sure you can take it?” He asks, smirking.
You slap his shoulder blade lightly and then pinch his neck. “Nico, if you don’t put your dick in me in the next-“
He cuts you off with a kiss, one that feels bruising and bright and strangely tender, in the middle of all of this. Then he tugs at your lower lip with his teeth and you whine, loudly, arching your hips against his. He drags his lips against your face, laughing under his breath.
“You are such a brat, you know that?” He asks.
“But you love me,” you mumble.
“I do,” he says. He kisses your cheek, and then pulls back to look you in the eyes. “Hands above your head.”
You frown immediately, shaking your head. “No! Please, no, just-“
“Just for a bit. Just to start,” he says, voice low and rumbling. “If you pull my hair while I try and do this, it’s gonna be over way too soon.”
You blink at him, and then you laugh, throwing your head back, and throw your hands to the pillow like they’re drawn there magnetically. That’s why he told you not to pull his hair- he likes it too much. He laughs, too, burying his face in your neck like he’s trying to muffle it, his stubble definitely leaving beard burn there. There’s something so sweet about it. He’s taken you apart bit by bit and now he’s here, laughing against you. It’s your favorite thing about him, the way he loves you so intensely and also so lightly. Softly.
Though there’s nothing soft about it when he slips his cock into you with a groan, and you respond with a noise of your own. The stretch is so overwhelmingly good that your breath gets caught in your chest. He presses his lips against your neck and cups your face in his hand, his thumb brushing against your cheek as he splits you open. Waves of pleasure roll out over your whole body. You’re already on edge. You think he might be, too, just from the way he breathes, slowly and carefully. Steady.
“Feel so good,” he murmurs, nose brushing against your jaw.
The words send a shiver down your spine, and you clench around him, involuntarily. He makes a sharp noise in the back of his throat and rolls his hips. You want, so desperately, to reach out and twist your fingers into his hair. You don’t, though. You want this more. Want him, and the way he rocks his hips against yours, setting a steady, unforgiving pace. You want the way his hand digs into the pillow next to your head, like he’s holding on for dear life, too. You want his soft groans, his heavy breaths, and your noises to match them. You’ve never wanted anything more.
Your next orgasm sneaks up on you devastatingly fast. You should’ve known it wouldn’t take long- you’re over sensitive and so turned on and it’s him, always him, and he’s just so good. He knows it too- that he’s good and that you’re close. He pulls his face from your neck to look at you, and his hand fumbles for yours. You’re burning up from the inside out again.
“Hold on, baby, hold it-“ he says, voice low and choked.
You go to wrap your fingers in his, but he’s tugging your hand towards his head, and- oh. You take the hint eagerly, and you sink your fingers into the sweat soaked tendrils once again. When you give a tentative pull, he makes a blissed out sort of noise. He wraps your other hand in his and keeps it pinned above your head, and then his lips meet yours in a messy kiss.
When you fall apart, waves of pleasure crashing over you and taking you out, he follows suit, burying himself deep inside of you with a loud, low groan, pressing himself right up against that perfect spot that has your legs shaking. You lose your grip on his hair and on reality, too. You melt into the bed, one hand still pinned above your head, and bask in the feeling of it. He collapses against you, chest heaving in time with yours.
Eventually, he drags himself away and slips out of you, and you whine and try to pull him back. He insists, though, and soon you’re in the bathroom, and he’s cleaning you up. You blink blearily up at him, and he cups your face in his hands and kisses your forehead, both your cheeks, the tip of your nose. There are tears welling in your eyes again, but he brushes them away. You let him carry you back to bed. He does so happily.
He crawls up over you and lays down carefully with his head on your chest. He may be big, but he loves to be held like this, and you love the weight of him on top of you, especially on nights like these. It’s grounding. His chain is pinned between the two of you, the metal biting into your skin, but you really don’t mind. You drag your fingers against his scalp.
“You owe me a head rub,” he mumbles into your chest.
“Shut up, you liked it,” you tease.
“Of course I did,” he agrees with a nod. He shuffles around and buries himself closer, one hand coming up to sweep your hair from your face. “But you can still give me a head rub.”
You laugh, but you do it anyway. He lets out a groan as you press your fingertips into his scalp, and you kiss the top of his head, gently, too. You rub behind his ears, over the part of his hair, and press firmly against the spot his forehead always seems to be the most tense. He melts further and further into you, and as his breathing slows, you know he’s about to fall asleep.
“You know I love you, right?” He says, quietly.
You reach over and turn off the bedside lamp. “Does this mean you’ll cancel your haircut tomorrow?”
He rumbles out a laugh and kisses your collarbone. “Baby, it’s not like I’m going to shave it. You’ll still be able to play with it.”
You groan unhappily. “Fine. Whatever.” You pause, and then sigh. “I love you too.”
You feel him smile against your skin. You twist a lock of his hair around your finger while you still can. You and Nico both know that when he comes back from the barber shop tomorrow, you’ll run your hands through his shorter hair and tell him how good it looks, and how handsome he is, over and over until his cheeks are stained red. He’s right- you really are just being a brat.
In the morning, though, when he shuts off the alarm and doesn’t bother to climb out of bed, he ends up missing his haircut appointment. You’re not sure if it’s on purpose or not. You just know you’re definitely not complaining.
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hanniejji · 1 year
mr. perfectly fine ft. mikage reo
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[ anada one, im obviously fucking obsessed and this sone has been on fucking loop have mercy on thy person; i obviously don't proofread who tf do u think i am | 584 | brainrot]
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reo's such a "mr. perfectly fine" by ts but at the same time he's also not??? because??? have you seen him lose his shit because of nagi??? he can't possibly be fine after losing you.
sure, he can pretend he's fine for a few days. he'll go through his day pretending that you're not literally a few feets away from him in the same fucking room. that he doesn't sneak stolen glances at your figure, a knowing look in his eyes when he notices the way you slump against your desk, deep dark circles around your eyes and obviously poking at the food in your bento—his heart hurts, knowing it's because of him, but he can't break the act up. he can pretend that he doesn't feel your eyes staring at his back whenever he stood a few feets away in front of you, or when you watch their matches within the audience seats rather than the vip front row seats like you used to—following his figure run across the field with concern whenever something heats up between him and the players from the opposing team. he can pretend he doesn't secretly love the way your eyes scrunches in concern whenever the opposing team starts to get a little physical with him. he can act like he's not exhausted and disgusted at the girls crowding him at school, wishing it was your hands that was pulling him along the hallways and your voice calling out his name.
he can pretend that he's fine.... for the first few weeks.
he can't stop himself from looking thru your socials, wondering if you'll find someone better, because somehow he's always not enough. he can't stop himself from slipping in your favorite drink from the vending machine in your bag or your comfort snack on your desk whenever he sees you disheveled in the morning—he just knows that you stayed up doing homework. he can't stop himself from searching for you in the cafeteria or, well, anywhere really. he's subconsciously seeking out your presence that when he does find you, his feet automatically brings him closer to your figure until he catches himself, immediately turning the other way and ignoring the screaming voice at the back of his head to turn around and be with you. he can't stop himself from wanting to go where you go, suddenly finding himself at the same spot where the two of you used to hang out.
he can't stop himself from wanting to finally tell you that he's not fine. that he's terribly sorry, that he's miserable without you—he's going crazy because he oh so love you so fucking much, why did he even gave you a chance to slip away in the first place? he can't help the tears from pouring down his cheeks as he pours his heart out to you, begging for someone above, and especially you, to give him another chance to prove himself. please take him back, he only feels at home with you, he doesn't know what and how he'll be without you. he needs you, he wants you, he has to have you back because god help this man if he can't. he doesn't try to stop himself from hugging you close when let him, doesn't resist the urge to press kisses on your cheeks and whisper his sorry's and i love you's in your ear.
he's can't be perfectly fine without you, and won't be until he has you back in his arms.
389 notes · View notes
honeys-hotties · 4 months
ok this is kinda specific but can I request a julien fic where she's not sure if the reader is into girls and they're all out and a random guy hits on the reader and jb pretends to be her gf to get the reader away from him. and the reader plays along and kisses jb so she gets her confirmation and then they just confess their feelings ugh 🥰🥰🥰
i love this request!!! sorry it took me sooo long my loves, i've been absolutely overwhelmed with everything recently, but this one has been in the works for a bit and i'm so excited to get it out!!
My Type-Julien Baker x Reader
julien baker x fem!reader, sorta angsty? but happy ending (of course!) not proofread so i'm so sorry in advance, but i wanted to get something out tonight!
word count: 2727 💗
“When do you want me to pick you up?” Julien asks, her voice coming from the phone propped up on the coffee table. You’re sitting on the couch painting your nails while she watches through the screen, her face close to the camera on the facetime call.
“Umm, what time did Phoebe want to meet us there?” you ask, carefully applying a second coat. 
“I think sometime around 9?” Julien says, smiling at the sight of you, deeply concentrated on your manicure. 
“Okay” you say, capping the bottle and blowing on your freshly painted nails. “Do you wanna come over and get ready with me before we leave?”. Julien nods enthusiastically. “Yeah, that sounds fun. When should I come over?” she asks, getting even closer to the screen. You pick up the phone, careful not to smudge your nails, and laugh at Julien’s expression, her face giant on the screen. “Oh, I don't care, maybe around 7? I can order a pizza or something?”
“Sounds good princess” she nods. “I’ll see you then. You smile and blow her a kiss before hanging up the phone and grabbing a bottle of clear nail polish to go over the red painted onto your nails with a smile.
Julien, however, is much less relaxed. As soon as you hang up the phone, she lets out a huge sigh and immediately calls Phoebe and Lucy to vent.
“Guys, I’m literally going over to her house to get ready with her, which really means watching her get ready, and I don’t know if I can take it.” she says dramatically. “She’s just so gorgeous and smart and funny and cute but I don’t even know if she’s into girls and I feel like I’m going to fuck up and make things SO awkward and if I ruin our friendship I don’t know what I’ll do and I just-”
“Yeah, I’m gonna stop you right there” Phoebe cuts her off. “First off, that girl is definitely not straight.”
“Oh one hundred percent,” Lucy chimes in. “Remember when she was auxing when we were at the beach and she played girl in red? And when she and I talked for like an hour about Portrait of a Lady on Fire?”
“Yeah, or when all of us were like, collectively drooling over that Angelina Jolie movie? Honestly, shoot your shot JB.” Phoebe encourages, Lucy nodding along.
“I don’t know guys, I really don’t want to fuck up our relationship. I mean, other than you guys, she’s my best friend in the entire world. I don’t know what I’d do without her.”
“Julien, even if she was straight, which for the record she’s definitely not, she would never, ever hold your feelings against you.” Lucy tells her seriously, Phoebe agreeing with her. 
“I guess so.” Julien tells them. “Alright, I love you both, I’ll see you at the bar tonight.” Julien waves to the pair before hanging up, dropping her phone onto the table, and dropping her face into her hands.
When you answer the door you’re fresh out of the shower, fresh faced with wet hair, wearing an oversized Green Day shirt, and tiny shorts, and Julien feels like she’s about to have a heart attack.
“Hey, you” you say, giving her a tight hug before opening the door further and letting her inside. “I just called, pizza should be on its way soon!” Julien can hear music playing faintly from your bathroom, and is acutely aware of the smell of your body wash and the fact that you are wearing very little clothing.
“Yeah, sounds good.” she says, walking inside and taking her shoes off, before following you into the bathroom where your makeup and hair products are spread out over the counter. She sits on top of the toilet and watches you dry your hair while you tell her about your day and the drama between some of your friends, looking at you like you hung the moon. Satisfied with your hair, you drag her into your bedroom and sit her down on the bed, pulling different hangers out of the closet.
“Okay, so I have this dress I thrifted,” you tell her, holding up a short, black dress. “It has this really cool neckline, and I was thinking I could do my layer necklaces and those black heels?” You show her another hanger. “I have this skirt too, though, and I thought I could wear it with that red top and my leather jacket? And my boots?” Julien stares at you blankly, but really she’s just picturing you in the clothes you’re holding up and trying so hard to keep her cool. You gently wave your fingers at her. “Hey, earth to JB, you okay over there?” 
She starts, and stares at you for a second, blushing wildly. “Oh, um, I don’t, I mean, I think they would both look good.” she stutters, glancing down at her tattooed hands which are fidgeting in her lap. You roll your eyes playfully, laughing gently at her words.
“But which one would look better?” you ask, waving both of the hangers in her direction. “I was kinda leaning towards the dress, especially cause then I would match your shirt,  but I really wanted your input!” Julien flushes again at your words, before nodding her head in agreement. 
“I um, I think the dress would look really gorgeous on you.” she manages, and you beam at your words, heading into the bathroom to change and leaving Julien a flustered mess on the edge of your bed. Reminding herself of Lucy and Phoebe’s encouragements, she tells herself to get a grip and get over herself, taking several deep breaths as she waits for you to come back.
When you return, fully dressed and putting on your jewelry, Julien swears she can feel her heart stop. You pause, slightly self conscious under her gaze, and cast your eyes down, fidgeting with the hem of your dress. “What, um, what do you think?” you ask her, slowly meeting her eyes with your own.
“I think you look stunning” she tells you, voice full of sincerity. “I mean, shit, you’re easily one of the most beautiful people I’ve ever seen.”
You flush at her words, and smile at her before grabbing your jacket and sitting down beside her to put on your shoes. “I think you’re one of the most beautiful people I’ve ever seen too, JB.” you tell her, and miss the way her face burns at your words. “Ready to go?” you ask her, straightening up and grabbing her hand, pulling her into the living room as she nods. “You sure you’re okay with driving?” you ask her, grabbing your keys and phone while she ties her shoes.
“Of course I am,” she reassures you. “You just focus on having fun tonight, okay?” You grin at her, and the two of you chat about the night ahead all the way down to her truck, where she holds the door open for you before climbing inside herself. As soon as the car starts, she hands you her phone, and you pull up the playlist she had made for the both of you, singing along to the music the whole way to the bar. Julien has her hand resting on your knee as you speed through traffic, and you have your window down, the cold, nighttime air rushing through your hair.
Once the truck pulls into a parking space outside the bar and Julien opens your door, grabbing your hand and leading you into the bar, things start to speed up. Once the two of you find Lucy and Phoebe, making your way over to the booth they had claimed and greeting them with tight hugs and cheek kisses, Julien offers to get the three of you drinks, and after she leaves, Phoebe pulls you onto the dance floor. You throw your arms around Phoebe’s neck and she guides your hips to the music, the two of you a giggling, sweaty mess under the flashing lights and blasting speakers of the club. After Julien returns with your drinks, you pull Phoebe towards the table and slide into the booth, leaning up against Julien who lays an arm across your shoulders as you sip your drink.
“Having fun out there?” she asks, her face extremely close to yours in order to be heard over the music and chatter of the club. You nod, grinning, and gesture towards Phoebe
“She’s taking charge,” you say, laughing. “I’m just along for the ride.” Phoebe winks at you, pulling you into her side and planting a sloppy kiss on your cheek, causing you to squeal and laugh. Lucy laughs loudly at the pout on Julien’s face at the loss of contact between the two of you, and Julien rolls her eyes, before quickly excusing herself to go to the bathroom.
In front of the mirror, Julien splashes water on her face, exhaling deeply and trying to talk herself up. The images of you dancing with Phoebe, the ones of you getting ready earlier, and every single second you had spent with her played in her head as she spiraled into a haze of overthinking and self-doubt. How could someone like you ever fall for someone like her, she wonders, but before she can get too deep into her own head, Lucy barges into the bathroom. Seeing the questioning look on Julien's face, Lucy cuts her off before she can ask:
“I know you too well, JB. I know you’re in here overthinking, but you need to be out there making a move.” Julien tries to protest, but before she can even get the words out Lucy cuts her off again, holding out a hand. “Don’t even try to give me any of that ‘she’s so out of my league’ bullshit either Julien, you two are made for each other and you know it. Now snap out of it and get your ass out there. Go get your girl!”
Julien grins ruefully at Lucy, thanking her for the pep talk before heading out of the bathroom to find you.
Meanwhile, you had wandered over the bar to get another drink for you and Phoebe. Julien was acting weird, barely making eye contact with you ever since you two had arrived, and you were stuck wondering if you had done anything wrong. When she had left the table, you had wanted to go after her, but Lucy insisted that you should stay, that she would go check on Julien. Phoebe had encouraged you to get another drink, so you were sitting in front of the crowded bar while the drastically overworked bartender made his rounds. You were so absorbed in what was happening with Julien you didn’t notice the guy next to you that had been ogling you from the second you sat down, until he opened his mouth.
“Hey you, come here often?” he asked, and you cringed internally, before tuning to find the man. He wasn’t unattractive, but his sleazy pick up line coupled with the stench of alcohol on him and the fact that he was way too close to you turned you off completely to the man. Well that, plus the fact that you already knew what you wanted, and it wasn’t him.
“Um, not really.” You said politely, before attempting to turn back around. The man’s hand on your shoulder prevented you from doing so, though, and you felt panic rising up within you. You tuned out whatever he was saying, searching frantically for Lucy, for Phoebe or Julien behind him, but with no luck.
“Like I was saying,” the man continued. “A pretty girl like you really shouldn’t be here all alone. Let me buy you a drink, then maybe we can keep getting to know each other at my place.” 
You felt fear closing over you, your friends were nowhere to be seen and this guy was relentless. “No, really, I’m not interested.” you told him as calmly as you could.
“Why not?” he asked, grinning horribly at you.
“I’m not available.” you hear yourself say, to which the man scoffs.
“That’s what they all say, but I don’t see anyone here for you-” but the man is cut off by a firm hand sliding around your waist. 
“Sorry about that, baby.” Julien says, pulling you protectively into her. “Line for the bathroom was crazy long. Who’s this guy?” she asks, pointing to the man whose slimy grin had slid right off of his face. Relief rushes through you at the feeling of Julien’s hands on your hips, and you exhale a breath you didn’t realize you were holding. 
“Don’t worry about it, honey.” you tell her, melting back into her arms. “This is, Matt, was it?” The man scowls.
“Mike, actually.” he responds, gruffly. Julien sticks out her tattooed hand. 
“Mike, hi, I’m Julien. Her girlfriend.” she says gruffly, her voice and hands on you sending a wave of heat through your body. “And you’re obviously making her uncomfortable, so if you could leave, that would be great.”
“No, you know what, we were having a good time before you interrupted.” Mike scowled. “Who the fuck do you think you are?”
“I’m her fucking girlfriend.” Julien snaps at him, before pulling you into a strong kiss. You relax into her, throwing your arms around her neck and she pulls you in by the waist, standing between your legs and tilting your head gently upwards to meet her lips. You kiss her back feverishly, until she abruptly pulls away and steps back. “He, uh, he left.” she tells you, running her hand across her mouth. “Sorry about that.” she mutters, before turning on her heel and running out the door, leaving you sitting at the bar, speechless.
You stare at the spot where she disappeared into the crowd, heading for the door for a moment, before jumping up and stumbling after her. You pass by the booth with Lucy and Phoebe who are sitting, staring at you with smirks on their faces. 
“Well, what are you waiting for?” Lucy asks, smiling gently as you get closer. “Go get your girl.” Phoebe whoops at her words, and you roll your eyes playfully at the two of them, before turning towards the door and hurrying out into the cold air. Once you stumble outside, and walk a couple feet down the sidewalk, you see Julien in the alley, leaned against the bricks with a cigarette in her hand. You walk slowly towards her, watching as she takes shaky drags from the cigarette in her hand.
“Hey, Jules.” You call softly to her when you’re a couple feet away, and she slowly meets your eyes with her own red-rimmed ones. “Why are you crying?”
“Fuck, I’m so, so fucking sorry, I don’t know what I was thinking, you just looked so uncomfortable and I wanted to make sure you were safe but I wasn’t thinking and-” but you cut her off, surging forwards to kiss her again. Your hands fly into her hair and she drops the cigarette, crushing it under her boot before pulling you in by your hips. She runs her strong hands up your back and bites your bottom lip gently, causing you to moan into her mouth, tugging gently at the roots of her hair. Moments later, you break away, panting, and she rests her forehead against yours, breathing hard.
“You have nothing to apologize for.” you tell her, placing a finger to her lips when she begins to protest. “You did save me, and you showed me that you feel this too.” you gesture between the two of you. “I’ve been waiting for you to make a move for like, forever!” you tell her breathily, giggling at the incredulous look on her face.
“Me?!” she asks. “I thought I wasn’t your, uh, your type, I guess”
“Well, you thought wrong.” you say, before lacing your fingers with hers, smiling at the beautiful grin that breaks onto her face. “Let’s go tell Lucy and Phoebe good night, and then you can take me home.”
Julien steals one more quick kiss before squeezing your hand gently and pulling you after her back into the bar, laughing as you stumble, and thanking her lucky stars she had been wrong about you.
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xoxo-honeyy · 1 year
need dina to ride my strap reverse cowgirl
here's a smutty little thought i had about this.
because this is such a dina thing too
see, she thinks she's the dominant one in the relationship and has the most control, but sometimes she needs to be put in her place.
so don't think about having to fuck her into submission, overstimulating her until she's pleading with you. her ass up and face shoved into the pillow your lithe fingers circling and twisting her clit.
and definitely don't think about how after two orgasms you would make her ride your girthy strap, ass facing you. and how she would need help after only a couple of thrusts, forcing you to grab her hips roughly (ofc leaving bruises behind) and move her up and down your cock. the fat of her ass rippling with each thrust making your mouth water.
she would be moaning your name loudly and whining, the pleasure taking over her senses as her cum leaks onto your cock.
and when ellie goes up to dina and asks why she's walking funny, make sure not to laugh at the way her eyes widen or the way her face turns bright red.
woah who wrote that?
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abitohoney · 7 months
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CH1 - I Don’t Bite AO3 link
CH1 || CH2 || CH3 || CH4 || CH5 || CH6 || CH7
Vampire Sevika x female reader
Rating: Explicit, MDNI, NSFW
Story Tags: Vampire Sevika, Soft Sevika, liaison reader, Porn With Plot, Porn with Feelings, Grinding, Sexual Tension, Biting, Drinking, Smut, Clothed Sex, Blood, Canon-Typical Violence, Assault, Vaginal Fingering, Cunnilingus, Minor Character Death, Vampire Silco, vampire Ran, definitely took some creative liberties on vampire lore here, Menstrual Sex, Menstruation Kink, Strap-Ons, Overstimulation
Word Count: 3.3k
Story Summary: As the new liaison between Piltover and the Undercity, you've been guided by the enigmatic escort Ran to meet with their boss- and fearsome criminal kingpin- Silco, as well as his alluring right-hand woman Sevika. You're well aware that plenty of shady things take place in the depths below, but there's something particularly mysterious about these three that you can't quite put your finger on.
AN: This is already in process over on AO3.
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The ride down the lift that carried passengers between the starlit skies of Piltover and the dark bowels of the Undercity was no different that night than any other. Ran, your escort, stood in silence just behind you, uncomfortably close despite there being more than enough room to leave you breathing space. Their ebony lips curled into a small smirk when you peered at them from over your shoulder. You offered a shy smile in return before returning your attention to the iron bars of the gate in front of you.
The clear lights from the lampposts above slowly faded the deeper you traveled, replaced by the sparse neon lights barely visible through the thick smog rising from the sump level in the depths below. It pained you to know there were people forced to live in such conditions, but that was part of your job, the reason you traveled to the Undercity once every week.
- - - - - - - - - -
You had been hired as a liaison to work between the Piltover council and the Undercity’s industrialist Silco. It was your responsibility to oversee negotiations between the two, a bit of a messenger and peacekeeper for lack of a better term. You were a neutral party, working to find terms that would favor, or at least be most agreeable, to both sides.
Your first meeting with Silco and his right-hand woman Sevika had been admittedly both terrifying and unnerving. Though you were privy to many rumors, and excessively debriefed by your employer, it did little to prepare you for seeing them in person.
Silco, criminal kingpin, driven to convert the Undercity into the independent nation of Zaun, was a thin, pale, heavily scarred man that simply exuded power and control. Mismatched eyes; one, sitting among the scarred side of his face- a contrasting fire among a black abyss, the other, arguably just as terrifying in its seeming ability to see your soul- a beautiful shade of blue. Lips thin, pulled into a serious taut line. Dark slicked back hair with trails of silver flowed like an extension of the scar on the left side of his face. Suit tailored as if straight from one of Piltover's finest, a regal mix of dark red, black and gold trimmings and accents. His voice was cool, calm, but with a clipped edge that left no room for arguing. He spoke almost poetically, with metaphors and eloquent rhetoric, clearly far more educated than a majority of his Undercity peers. Though he spoke softly to you, his tone almost sensual in nature, you suspected that could take a frightening turn if he were cross.
Sevika, Silco’s second in command, was equally a sight to behold. Tall, muscular, dark, and brooding. She too donned scars, but considerably smaller, vein-like and glowing a lovely blueish-purple against her rich brown skin. They ran along her left check, traveling down her neck, under her leather choker, then disappeared beneath the collar of her leather top. Her eyes, a rare and lovely shade of gray, glowed eerily red and purple at times. She too had dark hair, cut in a short angled bob, half pulled into a tie at the back of her head. But her most notable and unnerving feature was her left arm; a mechanical, electrical, and hydraulic amalgamation- including gears, tubes, and enough joints and movable components to make it a fully functional extension of her body. She typically kept it hidden between her maroon cape, but you had more than once gotten a glimpse when she lifted that arm or shifted such that her cape fell aside. Sevika's voice was unique too. Deep, a bit raspy, and noticeably sultry. At least it seemed that way when she spoke directly to you. She, however, was more straight to the point with her words. She didn't use fancy language or long-winded stories to convey her thoughts. She said exactly what she was thinking and nothing more. And similar to her employer, she too had a tone you suspected could strike fear into anyone who pushed her buttons.
Even your escort, Ran, another of Siclo’s lackeys, was wrapped in mystery and danger. Though they spoke very little, it only served to drive that fear and unease deeper. Their appearance, though slightly less unnerving than Silco or Sevika, still left the impression they were not someone you’d want to trifle with. Their short, black, choppy hair hung diagonally across their face, obscuring their left eye. Dark black makeup painted their lips and surrounded their eyes, a stark contrast to their pale complexion. A leather harness wrapped around their seemingly out of place crisp white shirt, twin blades resting in the sheaths at their back. Similar to Sevika, Ran’s right hand appeared to be a prosthetic, or included some sort of dark metal covering.
Admittedly, the three of them intrigued you despite the fear they instilled. However, Sevika was the one to have piqued your interest the most.
The meetings, held weekly and late in the evening at Silco's office above his establishment- a bar or club of sorts- always started with just you and Sevika, typically for an hour or two before Silco would finally appear. At first you thought it simply was that he was just a busy man, running late and nothing more. However, after several failed attempts to initiate the discussions you were sent to hold on behalf of the Piltover council with Sevika, you started to suspect she was intentionally calling you in early. For something entirely different.
Each visit Sevika would sit on the large settee beside you, arms spread across the back and legs spread wide, a cigarillo or glass of liquor in her prosthetic hand. Her human hand always rested near your neck, fingers occasionally brushing along the sensitive flesh, subtle enough to be considered unintentional, but it sent chills down your spine each time.
Some nights she would listen to you talk about anything and everything you could come up with. Some nights the two of you would sit in comfortable silence. On rare occasions, she would grace you with little tidbits of her own life, to which you hung on every single word spoken in that enticingly deep voice of hers, your eyes glued to her full lips.
- - - - - - - - - -
You were pulled from your thoughts at the sudden jolt of the lift coming to a stop. Your body lurched forward, not prepared for the abrupt halt.
Ran’s metal hand reached out, finding purchase on your shoulder and preventing you from falling face first into the iron bars.
You gasped softly, quickly grasping one of the bars and righting yourself. “Sorry,” you murmured awkwardly to Ran who then stood beside you. “And thank you.”
Their dark lips pulled into a crooked grin. One that had you wondering if they were amused by your slip. They said nothing though, removing their hand, but not without first dragging the very tip of a metal finger along the side of your neck.
The touch sent chills down your spine. It was so subtle, so casual, you weren’t sure if it was intentional. But you weren’t about to ask.
Ran stepped past you, flashing one last smile to your stunned expression.
You followed, feeling suddenly more apprehensive about the night’s meeting than usual.
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You sat on the dark burgundy settee in the dimly lit room of Silco’s office, trying to keep your cool as you waited for his arrival, which over the past few visits had been suspiciously later and later.
Sevika, seated beside you, absentmindedly ran the fingers of her human hand through the hair just above your neck. Twirling the strands, her fingertips brushed along the stretch of sensitive skin below.
It took every ounce of willpower not to simply purr, or let your head roll forward, close your eyes, and just relish in the sensations. You were only brought out of your daze when you heard her husky voice beside you.
"You're a lot prettier than our last liaison."
Turning your head, you peered up at her curiously. Had you heard her right?
Gray eyes, almost glowing in the faint light of the desk lamp several feet away, were trained on your exposed neck. Her dark taupe lips pulled up at one corner of her mouth.
You could feel the heat begin to spread across your cheeks. "Are you- are you trying to court me?" you asked incredulously, your voice barely above a whisper.
"Court?” She chuckled– a deep, sensual little laugh, eyes drifting to yours. “You mean, am I trying to seduce you?"
When you only offered her a shy little smile, she continued in a playful tone, "That depends. Is it working?"
"Yes," you admitted, heat flooding your cheeks and ears when you realized what you just confessed. Before you could attempt to cover it up, she spoke again.
"Then why don't you be a good girl for me and lie down so I can do this properly."
That was not what you’d expected. Not at all. You expected her to be surprised, or put off. She couldn’t possibly have been serious. But she was.
Your chest tightened, the implications of the situation quickly setting in. Any ounce of confidence you had remaining was gone in an instant. And you suddenly felt terribly unprepared for whatever was about to take place.
Sevika must have taken notice, as she tried to coax you on.
"C'mon, sweetheart. I don't bite," she purred, then raised a single brow. “Unless you want me to.”
The sinful curl of her lips revealed pearly white teeth, including a pair of eerily pronounced canines. Thick fingers made a long sensual drag along your neck as her hand left the back of the seat. The cushions rose as the weight of her lifted when she stood to leave you the room necessary to lie back on the large settee.
“What if Silco comes in?” you asked, eyes darting between the door and Sevika’s far too tempting smile.
“He won’t be here for a while,” she assured you.
Again, you were left to wonder if that was intentional. If Sevika had planned these early arrivals to have alone time with you. To do whatever it was she had planned to do right then and there.
Despite your trepidation, you finally complied, pulling your feet up onto the settee and turning to lie across it. As you let your head fall back to rest against the arm, Sevika bent down, looming over you while she grabbed a pillow from behind your arm and placed it in the gap beneath the incline of your upper back and neck.
"Thank you." Your words were so quiet you were uncertain she could even hear you. Your eyes tracked her movement, but you focused on her prosthetic hand, finding it too difficult to look into her eyes.
Her human hand tapped the valley between your thighs, just above your knees.
You lifted your gaze to hers in question.
"Make some room for me, sweetheart." It was a command, but spoken with a hidden promise behind it.
Heart hammering in your chest, your eyes remained on hers as you spread your legs just wide enough for her to place one of her own knees between yours. The other knee came to rest on the opposite side of yours so that she was straddling your leg. Even in her kneeling position she towered over you, blocking what little light the tiny desk lamp could offer.
Your eyes fell to the point where her knee was touching yours, hovering there for a moment before traveling up the length of one of her thick thighs and across the muscular planes of that teasing strip of exposed abs. They continued up over the rise and fall off her soft chest, then the leather choker surrounding her neck. Over those thick, dark, smirking lips, and her pronounced nose, before your gaze finally landed on her gray eyes. Even without the light of the lamp, those eyes somehow seemed to glow in an eerie mix of red and purple.
"You aren't scared are you?" she asked, observing your fraught expression and tense posture.
"No," you whispered with a small shake of your head. "Just- just nervous," you admitted.
Her brows raised as she spoke, "Nervous?"
Averting your attention to the leather bracelet around her wrist you replied shyly, "I- I just don't want to disappoint you."
It wasn’t a complete lie. This was a powerful woman who clearly was experienced, likely much more so than you. And you desperately wished to please her. Though not for the reasons or in the ways you should as liaison. But another part of you also worried if this was right. To allow her to have you like this. This certainly wasn’t part of your job description. Not to mention this could certainly appear as if Sevika was trying to win some sort of favor or advantage in what was supposed to be an even, fair deal between Piltover and the Undercity.
And yet, your body seemed to speak louder than any voice of reason. And your body wanted nothing more than to give Sevika whatever she wanted.
Your gaze slowly drifted back to her seductive grin and glinting eyes.
She placed the palms of her hands on the arm of the settee on either side of your head, her cape further shrouding you in darkness. She bent down to bring her face closer to yours, noses nearly touching. "I'm certain you won't," she purred, her warm breath fanning across your face as you took a deep breath.
You were drowning in her scent; a heady mix of fine liquor, cigarillos, and smoke. Your lips parted and breath hitched as you watched her descend further, mouth inching towards yours. Her head tilted just enough to allow space for her nose to fit beside your own. Heat flooded your body and you closed your eyes. You felt her lips pause a hair's breadth away from yours. The room was utterly silent save for the breaths you two exchanged through parted lips. The heat that had invaded your body was instantly replaced with an ache that concentrated in the apex of your thighs and spread down through your legs. A breathless moan escaped the small gap of your open mouth when you felt the tip of her tongue snake teasingly along your bottom lip. Her name fell from your mouth in a breathless whisper. Suddenly, it felt as though the room had begun to spin.
When her soft lips finally connected with yours in a passionate kiss it nearly took your breath away. Moaning against her mouth, your hands instinctively grabbed the collar of her top, trying to pull her closer while you pressed your mouth to hers fervently. Her nose rubbed along the side of your own, brushing along your cheek when she adjusted the tilt of her head to deepen the kiss.
Her metal hand slid down to rest against the seat to support her body as her human hand slipped under the front of your shirt. It left a trail of heat as she slid it up along your abdomen to cup a breast through the thin material of your bra. Her tongue delved into your mouth, tip gliding hungrily along the backs of your teeth.
When her tongue receded, you attempted to replicate her movements, your tongue dipping into her mouth and brushing along her teeth. The sudden gentle press of a sharp canine into your tongue had you gasping against her mouth.
Her throaty chuckle elicited another deep moan. She released your tongue, only to lick along it with her own.
Releasing your grip on her collar, your hands slipped up and around her neck, burying your fingers in her silky hair.
Sevika moved her mouth to your chin, kissing a line along your jaw. She pressed her knee against the apex of your thighs.
A wave of pleasure rolled through your body. You tilted your head back against the pillows, softly moaning her name.
Her lips pressed against the taut, exposed flesh of your throat. Burying her nose into your neck, she inhaled deeply. A low groan pulled from her chest as she kissed, sucked, and nipped her way to your pulse point. When your fingers pulled at her hair, forcing her mouth closer, she released something akin to a growl.
Your mind was in too much of a daze to determine if that sound was a threat or a result of her pleasure. Either way, it only urged you to pull her even closer.
A pair of surprisingly sharp teeth grazed along that delicate point in your neck, threatening to sink in deep and break the flesh. The fingers that were gently groping your breast moments ago pressed harder into the softness, nails leaving little crescent moons in their wake.
“Sevika,” you moaned wantonly as you ground against her knee.
Her breath was hot and heavy against your skin, as if she was getting off to just the taste and smell of your skin.
Or what was beneath it.
And then, without warning, she was gone. With nothing more than a startling, loud growl of frustration.
You blinked several times, still lost in the haze of arousal. Your hands rested at your sides, fingers twitching at the loss of Sevika’s silky hair between them. As your vision came into focus, you found Sevika standing beside the opposite end of the couch, her back to you. Her body was almost heaving, breaths ragged and shaking her body.
“You need to leave,” she growled quietly without facing you.
“What?” you asked, slowly sitting up.
“I said you need to leave!” she growled, much louder this time as she glared at you from over her shoulder. Her normally gray eyes flashed a bright purple, but her mouth was obscured by her cape.
You wanted to ask why. What you had done wrong. What about the reason you came there in the first place. You hadn’t even had the chance to speak to Silco yet. But her anger, her tone, her glare- it all left no room for questions. So you quickly gathered your bearings, or what little you could, and made your way to the door. With your hand on the knob, you paused. Swallowing hard, you turned one last time towards Sevika.
She still refused to look at you. Even with her cape covering most of her body, you could see- even feel - the tension.
What the hell happened?
With a resigned sigh, you opened the door and stepped out, closing it softly behind you.
Ran stood leaning against the railing not more than a few feet down the hallway. They glanced up at you, their exposed brow raising in surprise.
“I- I guess we need to reschedule,” you explained quietly. You silently prayed Ran wouldn’t ask why. You had no idea what you’d say. You certainly couldn’t tell them that you and Sevika were doing something so unprofessional in Silco’s office.
Why had you even let that happen?
You knew why. Sevika was incredibly attractive. Everything about her exuded power and charisma. But she also seemed to have this oddly soft side beneath that hard exterior. Both sides of her drew you in.
Thankfully, Ran said nothing. Not a word. It was one time you were actually quite grateful for their typical silence.
The walk to the lift and subsequent ride up to Piltover would have been more awkward than usual had your mind not been swimming with questions, worries, and concerns. You just couldn’t figure out what had gone wrong. Had Sevika regretted her advances?
As Ran opened the lift gate and watched you step out, you promised yourself you would apologize to Sevika for what had happened next time you met with her.
Assuming there would be a next time.
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honeyypotato · 1 year
A Reiner Braun x gender neutral reader fic
▸ 🎕 ┈┈┈┈ 🎕 ┈┈┈┈ 🎕 ◂
“This chat is twenty years overdue,
Let’s have a seat and tell me your news.
Something about you is different,
I feel at ease when you talk.
Each painful knot is untwisted,
You’ve matured more than I thought.
My destiny is knocking,
This is what I’ve been wanting.
When did our eyes get soft?
I wanna be here, wanna be yours so hard.”
▸ 🎕 ┈┈┈┈ 🎕 ┈┈┈┈ 🎕 ◂
Four years ago, before his betrayal, you’d been Reiner’s love. But now, after you both survived the rumbling, could you go back to how things were?
[Lyrics and title from the song “Restart” by Veela and Mod3no]
No warnings! Go crazy! Read to ur heart’s content friends!
Tags: lots of fluff, Reiner is soft, kinda spoilers if ur new to the show, post-canon AoT things, awkward ex-couple moments, happy ending
▸ 🎕 ┈┈┈┈ 🎕 ┈┈┈┈ 🎕 ◂
WC: 3210
I mean…I would take this man back in a heartbeat. He could step on me and I’D be the one to apologize…you get it.
I took a break from writing my usual super-long fics to bring you this one! I came across the song this is based off of the other day and…my adhd is eating it up, so I have been listening to it on repeat.
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Once more, your gaze locked with golden eyes as you sat in the library. It was a lazy spring afternoon, one which you should’ve been enjoying. Instead, you were hiding indoors, attempting to distract yourself from your emotions once again. That is, until Reiner had walked in on the opposite side of the room. 
You watched from over the top of your book as he exchanged a few words with Mikasa and Armin, who were doing some research that you didn’t have the heart to join in on. Then he turned around, and his eyes found you again, and for a moment you thought you could see him consider walking over. But after a heartbeat, he leaves you alone once more.
“You two can’t keep just staring at each other from across every room like this.”
You were shaken from your thoughts by a voice. It had been three months since you’d all returned from fighting Eren, and your relationship with Reiner was…a stalemate. Four years ago, before he’d left, you’d been his. From the moment you’d walked onto the training field as a cadet, he’d practically attached himself to you at the hip. You had never been sure of what the blond saw in you, but whatever it was caused his eyes to glow a little whenever he looked at you. Soon enough, that warmth had grown into full-blown love; your hands intertwining before missions, curling up a little too close when it was cold, sneaking kisses underneath the stars. 
Your heart shattered into a million pieces when he left, but it was more because he was leaving you, not because he had revealed himself as your enemy at the time. You couldn’t care less if he was a titan shifter, or if he’d been keeping the entire rest of the world a secret. Each morning that you were forced to wake up alone took a little piece of your soul away from you. You were long past convincing yourself it would get better with time; you’d accepted you would feel like this forever.
You looked at the source of the voice, tearing your eyes away from the empty spot where Reiner had been standing. 
“I don’t even know what I’d say to him, Jean,” you murmured as your friend sat down next to you.
“The way you look at each other says you both have a million things you want to say.”
“I wouldn’t know where to start. Besides, he’s better off not having me in his life to hold him back.”
“Now that’s just ridiculous,” Jean scoffed. “Neither of your lives are going anywhere as long as you keep up this weird…orbiting dance you’re doing.”
You raised an eyebrow at him. “Orbiting dance?”
“Yeah, you’re both too afraid to get too close to the other, even though that’s exactly what you want. So you both just keep your distance, circling around each other, hoping something will knock one of you off your path and into the other’s so you don’t have to do it yourself.”
“You learn that in therapy, or something?” You sighed, and replaced your bookmark back into the page. You wouldn’t get any more reading done.
Your remark earned a chuckle from Jean. “No, I learned it watching two people not bothering to hide their emotions at all.”
Dropping your head in mild embarrassment, you knew you’d never been good at keeping your emotions under wraps when it came to Reiner.
“Talk to him. Please,” Jean moves to stand up from his post beside you. “You’ll both feel better when you do.”
“I’ll try, Jean. But I can’t promise anything.”
Reiner knew you’d been spending your afternoons in the library, but as much as he was trying to give you all the space you needed, Historia had asked him to relay information to Mikasa and Armin. Of course they were doing their research in the library, and of course he couldn’t keep his eyes off you for two seconds when you were in the same room. It was obvious that you’d both changed; he could tell from the small conversations you’d had during the Rumbling. But hell, did he know that he still loved you. You’d grown from that rambunctious, sweet, and slightly awkward cadet into a true soldier and adult. You were level-headed and mature, a deep thinker, kind and gentle…He could tell you’d retained some of your youth, too, from the way you and Conny threw jokes at each other during meals. 
But what did you think of him? He was the one who’d torn you to bits, left you alone on the island while he returned to the safety of his country. When he wasn’t with you as a Scout, he’d spent his time figuring out ways to break the news about himself to you gently, and ways that you’d be able to stay together while he completed his mission. It had all happened so fast, though, and by the time he had Eren in the palm of his hand it was too late to explain anything. Through the titan’s eyes, and through yours, he had seen the shattered pieces of your heart. That memory had resurfaced a hundred too many times while he was back in Marley, the way you’d looked at him. As badly as he wanted to pull you close now, to try and fix everything he did and put all the pieces of your heart back together, he continually convinced himself he’d just break your heart all over again. So, he kept his distance. But when the two of you were in the same room, you were so beautiful, so perfect to him, he was pulled toward you like a magnet. 
You tried to talk to him, you really did. But you’d gotten one good look at Reiner after dinner and had turned on your heel, marching straight back to the solitude of your room. Now, you laid face down on your bed at three in the morning, cursing yourself for being cowardly yet again. This wouldn’t even be the first time you’d talked to him since he left, you’d exchanged words with him throughout the Rumbling. Hell, you fought side-by-side. But now that the fighting was over, everything was…different, and you couldn’t bring yourself to speak with him. There was just too much between the two of you.
Knowing it was going to be yet another sleepless night, you dragged yourself out of bed. Throwing on a pair of old sweatpants, it was time for yet another nighttime stroll around the building. 
Despite the fact that you were exhausted, your–what had become nightly–walks were rather peaceful. The entire city was almost silent, and you could exist in your own mind and world for a bit. Pacing through the halls, you found yourself wishing for what you always did; that he was close.
Passing the library, you had the fleeting idea that you’d read a little more of your book, so you tugged the heavy door open. But when you settled down on one of the plush couches, book in hand, you couldn’t bring yourself to read a single word. Sitting in the silence, you stared out the window into the night sky, lost in thought. 
A shifting of the couch seat next to you brings you back to the present. You had been so deep in thought you hadn’t heard the door open, but before you could conjure up a reason why you were sitting in the dark library at three in the morning, you saw a pair of eyes you hadn’t dared to be so close to in a long time.
Reiner watches fear dart behind your eyes, immediately regretting his decision to sit next to you. He hadn’t been able to sleep, as usual, so he decided maybe some fresh air would help. But when he saw you, he became so lost in the pain of the fact that you were probably doing the same as him, walking around to try and get through another sleepless night, that he forgot to glue his feet to their spot. Before he knew it he had planted himself firmly in the seat next to you, studying every inch of your face.
“Hi.” Your voice is barely a whisper, and after a heartbeat your eyes snap back to where your hands had curled tight around the book in your lap.
His face softens. “Hey.”
Your mind swirls in a panic, trying to find something–anything–to say. 
“Um…What are you reading?” He asks, causing small cracks to appear in the ice that had formed between you. His voice is deep, warm, and familiar, and you feel at ease when he speaks.
“A fantasy novel.” Daring to meet his eyes once more, your heart beats picks up when you see the warm, almost smiling expression he wears.
“Didn’t know you were into those.”
“It’s a habit I picked up. From Sasha.”
You went back to cursing yourself for making it awkward.
But now Reiner is fully smiling, gently, as he gazes out the window into the starry sky. “Remember when she used to tell those stories, during missions?”
“The ones where all the characters were named after different foods?”
“Heh. Yeah, those were something else.”
“She knew how to make long horseback rides a little shorter, didn’t she?” You chuckle as that odd mix of happiness and sadness washes through you once more. Silence washes over the library again.
“I’m sorry. For everything–”
“Reiner. Don’t.” Feeling your throat tighten, you look up at him, closing the book on your lap and placing it aside.
For the first time in years, you hold his gaze. “You have nothing to apologize for.”
“I hurt you.” You can hear the pain in his voice. There are tears in his eyes, glistening in the moonlight. 
“You were doing what you believed was right. You always have. I would have done the same.”
“What we believe is the right thing isn’t always the right thing.”
“You did what you could, with the information you were given. We all did. I could never hate you for what you did.”
“Then what do you hate me for?”
Your face twists slightly, shocked, and this time you’re the one with tears in your eyes. 
“I-I mean, you have to hate me for something.” Reiner watches your expression.
But your face changes, and a soft smile takes over your lips as you gaze up at him. “Wouldn’t that be childish of me?”
At your smile, he relaxes into the couch slightly, leaning a little closer to you. “You’re allowed to hate people as an adult, silly.”
“Hate is born from not understanding. I understand why you chose to do what you did, so how could I possibly hate you?”
“I hate myself…for what I did.”
“The choices you were forced to make weren’t easy, Reiner.”
“They should’ve been.” 
He pauses for a moment. 
“How could I leave the person I love more than anything else in this world?”
You blink in surprise. Then, warmth floods through your veins. You lean into him, pressing against his arm and resting your head on his shoulder.
“Even if I had known what you were going through, I still would have let you go. It was life or death for you,” you murmur.
“I should have found a way to live. I would have. Shit, I’ve been stabbed and shot and bombed more times than I can count.”
“You fought in a war, Rei. It must’ve been awful.”
His hand slides into yours. “It was. But I’d fight a million more just to see you for one more day.” 
“You don’t have to. And if you did, I’d be right there at your side.”
You feel him sigh, leaning his head against yours and pressing his lips against your forehead.
“Reiner…” That familiar warmth blooms in your chest, something you hadn’t felt in a long time. 
“I missed you so much,” he whispers. “I wished you were there with me every day…but also I was glad you were somewhere safer.”
He missed you…You shift in your spot to look up at him, pressing a hand to his cheek. You’re no longer so afraid to look him in the eyes. “I missed you too. But I’m here with you now.”
“You are. And I’m here with you,” he echoes, as if he’s afraid it’s all a dream, and speaking it aloud would cement the two of you in reality.
And then he shifts, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you into his lap, pressing his forehead against yours as your arms loop around his shoulders, tangling in the hair at the back of his head. His hands grip tightly at your waist before sliding around you completely, pulling you as close as humanly possible as your noses brush. For a heartbeat, you linger against each other, letting it settle into your minds that the other was here, until neither of you can hold yourselves back any longer, and you collapse into each other.
The familiarity of his lips against yours overwhelms you, memories of the night he first kissed you surfacing in your mind. You were both sitting on patrol, joking about something stupid, and he suddenly pulled you close. In this moment, time seems to loop back on itself, the two of you kissing in the same way you had all those years ago. Even though you’d both grown as people, he still felt the same…because the love you had for each other had never changed. 
The kiss breaks when Reiner tries to somehow get you even closer, and you giggle at his effort before sliding off his lap and pulling him with you to lay down sideways on the couch. He’s nearly surrounding you completely as he lays half on top of you, crushing you slightly but you couldn’t care less. He peppers kisses across your nose and cheeks and down your neck, lingering a little longer on each one and relishing the way you laugh when the stubble on his chin tickles you. 
The warmth of the moment overwhelms you, turning your laughter into soft sobs as you pull him close, burying your face in his chest. 
“I love you, Reiner. It’s good to have you back.”
“Oh, baby. I’m here, and I’m not going anywhere, I promise,” he whispers against your skin. But you can feel the tears running down his cheeks too. 
There’s a few moments of comfortable silence between you two, that couldn’t be more unlike the awkwardness of the past few months. Your fingertips trace over the contours of his face, occasionally wiping fallen tears off his cheeks, simply enjoying being so close. He tightens his arms around you, a rare soft smile appearing across his lips.
“You know, I got so scared when I saw you during Eren’s invasion, in Liberio,” he murmurs, brushing a stray lock of hair away from your face. “That place wasn’t safe for you at the time.”
“I wasn’t afraid for me. But when I saw the titans fighting, I was a little scared that you’d get hurt…” you trail off, getting lost in the way the moonlight reflected in his eyes. “What was life like, in Marley?”
He chuckles at your question, sinking into the couch next to you. “It had its moments…but overall, not great. I guess things like cars, photographs, and electricity were normal for me though. I probably grew up in a nicer environment than most people here.”
“Your mother did her best for you, I’m sure of it.”
“Heh, she definitely did something. I guess I get it from her.”
“The drive to do absolutely anything for the people I love.”
“That’s one of my favorite things about you, actually.”
He raises an eyebrow at you. “Really? That’s what you like about me?” He was confused; that trait had caused the deaths of so many people. He’d always preferred not to think about it at all. But it was obvious that you didn’t see it in that way.
“Yeah, I think it’s sweet. It’s what’s kept you alive for so long.”
“No, that’s not it,” he sighs, “What kept me alive was you.”
“I wanted to live…so I could see you again too. I wanted it all to be over so we could be here, like this.”
The emotion behind his eyes is a mix of melancholy and nostalgia as he gazes at you. “How were things, after I…left?”
“Rough, at first. But eventually, we got rid of the rest of the titans, and took over the port. We met Yelena and her crew, and they brought us up to speed.”
“How nice of her,” he muses, causing you to snort out a laugh.
“I think we’re just about on par with Marley now, in terms of development.”
“Eh, it’s way nicer here. Besides, here is where you are.”
“Aw, I kinda wanted to live in Liberio for a bit…” you trail off, giving him a dramatic look that turns to laughter at his expression. “I’m kidding!”
“Heh, you better be,” he laughs, pulling you close once again. 
You move your hand to rest it against his chest as his nose slides against yours, lips fitting together like you were made for each other. His tongue presses against yours slowly, drinking in every breath, every heartbeat…every shred of evidence that you were alive and okay and in his arms. This was everything both of you had wanted since you returned from fighting. Tilting your head, you try to get closer to him, wrapping a leg around his waist as his hands slide under your shirt and up your back. But after an especially deep kiss, he pulls away slightly, his lips ghosting over yours.
“You know, we should probably head to bed before someone wakes up early and finds us making out on the library couch.”
“Aww.” You sink into the couch a little more in protest.
He sits up halfway, still leaning over you. “I promise, my bed is comfier.”
Blushing at his words, you’re thankful it’s still dark in the library. You’d half expected him to send you back to bed in your respective rooms. Who were you kidding, though? This was the man who climbed through your window as a Scout so you could sleep in each others' arms. Hell, he’d seen you naked more times than you could count. But that was so long ago, everything felt new again.
Reiner leads you back to his room, your hand in his, and you can’t hide the smile growing on your face. Not an hour ago this was something you’d only wished would happen; but now your wish had come true. When he pulls you into his room, finally into privacy, you lose track of how many kisses he plants across your skin. And as you settle into his arms under the blankets, sleep washes over you faster than it had in years. 
You wake up with your head resting against his chest, one of his hands tangled in your hair and the other around your waist, and only one thought in your mind: you were glad you talked to him.
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