#hoo x you
psychesalcove · 11 hours
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percy jackson x daughter of apollo!reader
requested: yes by, swifthazed (accidentally deleted the ask but i hope you enjoy babes!!)
⚠️: reader not admiting she likes percy, kayla being sick of reader not admiting her feelings, percy being a dork as usual, small mention of will being a protective brother, percy making atrocious ocean jokes, super soft percy twords the end, not proofread AT ALL, percy getting pushed into water
synopsis: percy invites you to spend a evening at camp by the lake with him. and, you definitely do not have any feelings for him. nope, not at all. he just has a really cute smile, thats all.
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"he's definitely going to be asking you out," your sibling, kayla mused as the two of you watched percy leave through the doors of the infirmary.
you rolled your eyes at her comment as you turned around and went back over to the cabnit that stored bandaids. "im sure he is kayla," you said sarcastically, grabbing a box of my little pony bandaids. "there's probably gonna be other people there, not just us."
percy had come marching into the infirmary, no doubt scaring the younger camper sitting right by the door. at first, both you and kayla thought that he or someone else got hurt, but when he asked for you to join him at the lake later in the evening, your thoughts were proven wrong.
"oh please, did you not see the way he was blushing and avoiding eye contact with you? and, he didn't say anyone else would be there. he said, and i quote, "would you want to go to the lake with me later today, just to yknow, hangout" kayla repeated the words of percy while doing air quotes.
"i don't even like him like that kayla, and again, no way he's asking me out. he'll probably ask annabeth out if anything." you replied, walking over to the younger camper, who you believed was a child of hermes, and applied the bandaid on a small cut she had gotten doing who knows what.
"im sorry, did you just say you don't even like him? honey, not to break it to you, but if you're talking about him at breakfast, lunch, dinner, in the infirmary, in our cabin, im pretty sure you like him." kayla said in a deadpan tone, crossing her arms and smirking lightly at you.
you rolled your eyes at her once again as you quickly ducked your head down so she didn't see the shade of pink now tinting your cheeks. "you should be all set, and, try not to get hurt again, okay?" you advised the demigod, who gave you a couple of firm nods in response before running out the door.
"i'll tell will to take over your shift this evening, so y'know, you can get a boyfriend," kayla said. she started walking away tword other patients before you could get a chance to object.
percy came to get you later in the evening at the apollo cabin. you saw him through the front window of the cabin, recognizing his silhouette even with the hyacinth flowers overtaking majority of the outside view.
you quickly walked twords the door of the cabin before will could start interrogating percy and embarrassing both percy and you. kayla gave you a quick thumbs up before you headed out the door, mouthing 'go get your boyfriend ' to you.
percy was waiting at the bottom of the short case of stairs when you walked out. his face immediately lit up and he smiled at you. "hope i didn't come to early?" he asked, nodding his head in the direction of the sun setting. "just figured this would be considered evening, because, well, the sun is setting?" he said.
you chuckled lightly at his rambling. "is perfect timing, percy," you walked down the stairs and met him at the bottom.
"well, i guess we should get down to the lake, it's always pretty during sunset time, yknow?" he said as he started to walk in the direction of the lake.
"i do know percy, and so does everyone at camp," you joked, referring to the comment he just made as you started following him. you saw him roll his eyes playfully at you before he changed his pace and started running.
"last one to the lake is a pufferfish!" he yelled behind to you.
"well, running isn't really my specialty," percy said to you out of breath. he, somehow, ended up behind you when running to the lake; even though he had a huge head start to you.
"mhm, sure." you said crossing your arms as you looked at him smugly. "guess you're a pufferfish then," you joked, your face shifting to a more soft look as you saw him smile. he did have a really cute smile.
"guess so," he hummed, his breath finally coming back to him. "wanna head down to the dock?" he said, tilting his head in the direction of it. you smiled and nodded your head, following percy, who had already started walking away.
even though you knew the lake was bueatiful during sunset, you always forgot just how bueatiful it really was. with your shifts in the infirmary, the lessons, and everything else, you sometimes forgot that you could hang out at the lake.
"it's really pretty, isn't it," you mused, looking out to the far ends of the water as you sat down next to percy at the end of the dock. you saw percy nod his head in agreement, but didn't see how his eyes were on you and not the glistening water.
you just then realized how hot it felt being directly in the sun, so you quickly untied your low top converse you had on and put your feet into the water. "ykow you could just,go into the water if you're hot," percy said as he looked at you.
"you also realize that i'm not a son of poseiden who's immune to getting wet, right?" you laughed, looking back at percy who just blushed and starting looking down into the water. from the corner of your eye, you saw percy wipe his hands on his cargo shorts, before moving his hand to be close to yours. not exactly touching, but close to.
you heard percy take a deep breath that he was obviously trying to be quiet about, before you felt a comforting heat over the top of your hand. you moved your head so you could look at percy, and, surprisingly, he wasn't looking into the water,but he was looking at you. percys hand was laying on top of yours, not holding it but just resting there.
"so, uhm.." percy started. you noticed a small shake in his voice, so you nodded your head lightly to show that your full attention was on him. "gods this is going to sound so weird, but, ive been thinking for a while and, while i'm not the best at, well, anything, I think I finally understand what I feel when I'm with you," he countined, smiling softly as the two made eye contact.
"you make me feel like i'm actually important, like, important for who i am. and not what i've done, or what i stand for. i feel like a lot of people only think of me as the kid with a big prophecy and all that. they don't think of me as percy. but, i think you do," percy said, moving his hand that was ontop of yours so that your hands were now interlocked with eachother.
"obviously, that's not the only good thing about you. gods, no. i don't even know if i could list everything i love about you. there's so many things I adore about you. i mean, you help people so much every single day in the infirmary, i see you play guitar at the campfire and I don't think I've ever seen anyone play that well, and during capture the flag you just look amazing in your armor with your bow, not that you don't look good other days, you look amazing every single day, even if I can tell that you're tired or something, you still never fail to be so bueatiful and–" percy stopped his rambling, his eyes quickly moving down to your lips.
he looked back up into your eyes, silently asking if he could kiss you. you, even in your dazed state after hearing what percy said to you, about you, you nodded your head and smiled lightly at him.
the kiss would probably forever be the best kiss you'll ever had. you've never kissed anyone before, unless it was one of your siblings, and on the cheek or head only. but when you and percys lip collied, it did feel like the world stopped right then and there.
it wasn't a forceful or aggressive kiss in any way. it was soft but hesitant at first, both of you testing out the waters with each other. it showed all the love you shared for one another and how both of you had been longing for the other, longer than either of you would like to admit.
you pulled away first, wanting to respond to what percy had said earlier. percy chased for your lips once you moved, but quickly went back to where he was before when his brain caught up with him.
before you could say anything he said, "so, uhm. would you wanna be my girlfriend? i mean, if that's too soon we can always just go on a date first, or something, i really don't care, but ..i assume you feel the same way?" he rambled, once again.
you laughed and shook your head at him. "oh yeah, kissing someone is definitely not saying you feel the same way about someone" you joked, lightly pushing your sholder into his.
"and yes, percy, of course i'll be your girlfriend." you said, smiling fondly at the son of poseiden who you could now call yours.
percy smiled, allowing the biggest grin you had ever seen someone make to be on display. his smile was really cute, now that you think about it. really shouldn't mention that to kayla, you thought, making a mental note in your head for later.
"so, now that we're like boyfriend and girlfriend.." he started, already giggling slightly. you raised an eyebrow, but signaled for him to countine.
"are we on a beach?" he asked, "because i find you sand-sational, " he said, now fully laughing at his own pick-up line he just used on you.
a loud splash filled the summer evening air, along with a loud screech, only some would recognize as percy.
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pumpkinbxtch · 25 days
Hi!! I loved your aftercare hcs! Could I do a request where the reader is babysitting Estelle for the night since Paul and Sally have gone on a date and Percy comes home and finds reader and Estelle asleep cuddled up together?
girl's night
• the reader babysits Estelle and Percy finds them asleep.
— percy jackson x mortal!reader
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warnings: none
a/n: hello! What a nice request, I hope I did it justice. 😭 Also, thank you!
It all started with a:
— Yes, Mrs. Jackson. I'll be there, don't worry.
Because it was your chance to gain Sally Jackson's trust. People who know her know that this opportunity is like gold, something not even a god would dare mess up or decline. But beyond that (since she was practically your mother-in-law), you cared about something else: Estelle.
Your boyfriend’s little sister. She was tiny, still unsteady on her feet, but already full of energy, and you loved the idea of bonding with her from such a young age. So, that's how you ended up agreeing to babysit her for a night while Sally and Paul went out on a date, which you thought was admirable and exemplary, that romance never dies even after starting a family.
You wondered for a moment if life with Percy would be like that too. Despite his life as a demigod and the differences between how you two were raised, you could see his dream of living peacefully, surrounded by his loved ones. You wanted to believe that when he talked about those hopes, you were included, and of course, you were.
You wished he could be with you, but not even Percy knew you were going to babysit Estelle. You saw him too worried about godly issues and his college graduation, even though he was on break. But you knew that life never stopped and you didn’t mind as long as he let you help, even if it was just by listening.
— Darling! — Sally Jackson exclaimed as she opened the apartment door, and you stood there, mouth agape. She looked stunning in a red dress, reminiscent of that movie "Me Before You." Paul peeked through the door while adjusting one of his funny ties.
— Mrs. Jackson — She chuckled, preferring you to call her Sally, but you couldn’t drop the formalities.
They showed you what there was to eat, talked a bit about Estelle’s schedule, but after that, they just looked at you with a confident smile.
— You'll do great, dear — Paul said, kissing Sally's forehead. You couldn’t understand how they could entrust you with their most precious thing without giving strict rules.
— Her bedtime? — The question seemed funny because they just shook their heads.
— Estelle doesn't struggle much with sleep; it’ll be obvious when she’s tired.
And when they left the apartment, you looked behind you. There she was, waving her tiny hand while giggling.
— It's just us, Estelle — You said, sitting next to her as she kept watching something on TV, something more important than your obvious nervousness.
You wondered if she would just watch the screen the whole time, if you only had to give her snacks when she got hungry and make sure she slept at a decent hour. You were pondering this when you felt a tug on your hand. You looked at her, and she was shaking some coloring pages and a worn-out crayon. Where had she gotten that? When?
She said something you wanted to interpret as, "Let's color, and you'll like it, or I'll tell everyone you're no the one for my brother." Well, maybe not, but it felt like that.
You picked her up and took her to the wooden table where the family usually had dinner, making her comfortable with some pillows to adjust her height. But even then, Estelle stood up and started coloring.
You had your own page and couldn’t remember the last time you colored, so your hand moved a bit clumsily, and being so focused, you didn’t see her hand make you go out of the lines. You looked at her, and she grinned widely, but you knew she didn’t do it on purpose; she was just calling you to see her progress, a scribbled bear with at least five different colors. You smiled genuinely and gave her a thumbs-up, which she took as the best critique of her art.
The night went like that, and you never thought such a small child could teach you so much.
When you made cookies, seeing her face reminded you of the joy in just making them, not so much eating them or how they turned out.
When you watched her favorite cartoons, you remembered what it was like to watch something without guilt or the worry that you should be doing something better or more productive.
When she decided she wanted to dance, you remembered that music could be missing, but never the attitude and good moves.
Estelle ended up holding your hand as you regularly straightened the cushions and rug, making sure nothing was too messy. When you smiled, she did too, and she didn’t let go of you all night.
Finishing up washing the dishes, you looked down to see Estelle next to your feet, sitting on the floor playing with some toys while waiting for you. You stopped to watch her for a moment, seeing so much of Sally in her, but also unmistakable traits of Paul, and in her attitude, you saw Percy. Maybe because he was her big brother after all. Estelle brought her little feet together and touched her toes, lost in whatever a child her age might be thinking when you saw her rub her eyes. That was your signal.
— Estelle — You called softly, and she looked at you with sleepy, shiny eyes. You extended your arms, and she got up to do the same, and you picked her up, rocking her, but she seemed to realize what you were trying to do.
— No — She said clearly. You were startled as she hid her face in your neck, clinging to you. You weren’t an expert, but you knew what it meant, so you sat down with her on the couch, placing her properly on your lap.
— It’s okay — You lied, feeling bad about it even though you knew you had to. You put on a new movie to make her think she’d stay awake, but your trick was to make her fall asleep, though you didn’t plan on falling asleep yourself. You hugged her and got comfortable, the best cuddle ever because she kept holding onto you as you slowly closed your eyes.
You never heard the key in the lock, the quiet footsteps on the floor, nor the warm greeting from your boyfriend, who wasn’t expecting to find you cuddled up with Estelle on the couch, sleeping soundly.
— Babe? — He asked softly, checking to see if you were really asleep. He set the keys down and took off his hoodie, dirtied from some... incidents.
His blue eyes scanned the apartment for his mom or Paul but found no sign of them, leading him to realize why you were there. He walked over to you two with quiet steps until he was face to face with an image no one could take from him. Two of his favorite people, seemingly fond of each other, filled his heart with love, and he kissed both your foreheads. Unfortunately, you woke up, and he couldn’t help but pout.
— Sorry — You mumbled, blurry-eyed and disoriented from your nap, realizing it was Percy. He was smiling, kneeling at your level.
— Percy — You murmured, rubbing your eyes and feeling another weight on your chest, going rigid as you remembered. Your boyfriend noticed your fear of waking her. He extended his arms and picked up Estelle so you could get up normally.
— Having fun without me? — He asked with his sister on his chest, rocking to keep her in the land of Hypnos. You stretched, smiling sleepily.
— There was no way to tell you — He nodded, seeing your phone on the carpet, feeling a bit bad for not being able to carry a phone to stay in touch. He often spent days away, and no one knew where he was, not even you.
— I’ll put Estelle to bed — He whispered, and you nodded, struggling to keep your eyes open in his direction, making him chuckle. Before leaving, he leaned in with his sister in his arms to kiss you.
— Be right back.
You nodded and stood to check the living room. You only had to straighten the cushions and put the chairs back in place before Percy hugged you from behind. At his touch, you hummed, feeling a wave of sleepiness brought on by the calm of having him there, finally safe.
— Hey — He greeted, still whispering, and you rested your head on his shoulder, giving him enough space to plant a warm kiss on your neck. With no immediate response from you, he held you tighter and kissed your cheek, wanting to support you so you didn’t have to put in so much effort.
— I’m okay — You said, realizing what he was trying to do, but he quickly lifted you bridal style, making his way back to the couch.
— Shh, I’ll take care of you. — He soothed while sitting with you, and you wrapped your arms around him, sharing your sleepiness. You rested your head on his chest, and he pulled the blanket from the corner to cover you both.
You sighed calmly, almost falling asleep when you sniffed your boyfriend's shirt once, twice, three times. Groggy, you kissed his cheek and whispered in his ear
— You smell like monster, Percy Jackson — He smiled, and you mirrored it.
— Things got tough — He said slowly, resting his cheek on your head, almost stumbling over words.
— Hmm — You hummed starting to fall asleep, and you both did it.
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julsvu · 2 months
mornings with the seven
fluff, gn! reader, not proofread
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jason will always find himself holding onto you tightly, before or after sleep. he makes sure you're completely warm in his arms, and indulges in the feeling of your warmth lingering on his muscles, that tense ever so slightly whenever you make the slightest movement that'd indicate you're moving away from him. cuddles with him feels like cuddling a huge plushie. he greets you with a soft good morning, kissing you on the forehead before asking how was your sleep, his morning voice deep.
with percy, you find yourself with dozens of kisses sprinkled all over your face before you both go to sleep. in the morning, he'd admire your resting face while his fingers string into your soft hair. he adores waking up with the smell of your shampoo lingering just beneath his nose. he wakes you up with a cheeky grin on his face, asking you if you'd like to watch the sunrise with him. but, before watching the sunrise, you'd have to help him cook blue pancakes. every month, sally gives him a new recipe, or rather, a new variant for blue pancakes, and this boy always insists to try them with you first and foremost.
frank has similar cuddling habits to jason. he'll wrap his limbs around you as long as you're comfortable with him doing it, almost suffocating you (in a good way, he swears). he isn't aware of it, but his hands shapeshift into a cat's paw and makes biscuits on you whenever he's too comfortable in his sleep. he invites you to have a small breakfast date once you wake up, greeting you with a warm squeeze of affection.
leo has his limbs entangled with yours, before and after sleeping. his face will always be buried into your shoulder or neck; your scent makes him relax far too much to the point of sleepiness, hence, he'd make excuses to cuddle with you no matter the place or time. he wakes you up with countless of kisses littered upon your face, and a grin paints over his lips once he sees you flutter awake, before he tells you what he had dreamt about. (his dreams somehow always involve you.)
annabeth is big on spooning. she wouldn't mind being a little spoon, but, she prefers to be the big spoon since it feels like she's protecting you, even at times of rest. she memorizes your sleep patterns; maybe she's been hanging out with you too much, and she ends up waking up at the same time as you. however, she never fails to remind you to take care of your sleeping schedule, as she brushed your morning bed hair with a small smile lingering on her lips.
hazel falls asleep holding your hand, most of the time. hazel, like annabeth, would subconsciously memorize your sleep patterns. but, unlike annabeth, she'd wake up before you. she swears that she's grown a sixth sense for her dear lover, as she greets you with breakfast in bed. she loves getting away from everything and staying with you; especially if she gets to play with your hair while you spoonfeed each other breakfast.
piper makes sure you've got everything out of your system before sleeping beside you. she never lets you fall asleep angry, or sad, no matter the reason. she holds you closely to her as you ramble to her. one half of her is listening, while the other half is admiring the way your lips seem so kissable. when you fall asleep from venting out your feelings, she kisses your forehead, already thinking of the things she can do tomorrow morning to cheer you up.
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© 2024 JULSVU. all rights reserved. please don't plagiarize, translate, put in other websites or copy my work without permission. ty!
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balletfilmss · 1 month
✸ pairing: jason grace x daughter of poseidon! reader
✸ synopsis: no, you’re not coming to your senses. even if it’s your father who’s telling you to
✸ warnings: none!
✸ notes: writing’s so weird…like it took me weeks to do my last work & i cranked this out in TWENTY minutes
idea from this post by @percabething!!
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“you heard me, yn,” said your father firmly, ready for you to take your leave and quit bothering.
as if you were the issue here. you’d been minding your own damn business when he just appeared at the lakefront, disturbing your date planning.
your boyfriend would be here any minute, and here poseidon was suddenly deciding to parent. and not only to parent, but to have the audacity to try and tell you who you could and couldn’t date, trying to slam the door on your whole world.
“this doesn’t make any sense!” you protested. “jason and i have been together for months, why is it now a problem?”
“i was hoping that your little summer fling would die out, but it seems that you’re persistent with this one,” your father said.
this one? as if you’d dated more than one other boy before him.
“now, like i said, it’s time for you to stop entertaining this relationship with zeus’s boy. i know you don’t think so, but i’m looking out for you. think about what this could do to your name! end it already, yn.”
at that, he began to walk back towards the water, trampling over your beautiful picnic spread and narrowly missing crushing your basket.
you ran after him, the sides of your unbuttoned cardigan blowing in the summer breeze as you followed him into the water, willing your dress to stay dry as you cried out, “my name? i don’t care about what it could do! jason’s the one i want, dad, you can’t do this!”
poseidon stopped in his tracks, turning to you. “i am the god of the seas and your father, yn, i can do whatever it is that i please. so do enlighten me, why, may i ask, do you think i can’t do this?”
before you could even think to stop yourself, you shouted the words at him,
“because, dad, i love him!”
at the confession, something in your father’s stormy blue eyes seemed to clear up. his face softened as he looked at you for a moment, wondering how the little girl he remembered had gotten so old in such little time.
you began to grow antsy at the silence that followed your words, suddenly aware of the swishing of the lake against your calves as time seemed to still.
finally, poseidon sighed, “very well then.”
you perked up immediately, eyes bright as you squealed, “really?!”
the god nodded his head, though hesitantly and said, “yes. make sure he doesn’t make me regret it. and make sure he knows that.”
your father pointed over your shoulder, his tone suddenly shifted from how it’d been just about three minutes ago. you turned to find jason standing on the bank of the lake with colored cheeks and his hands behind his back, waiting for you to return and not wanting to interrupt your discussion with your father.
from the look on his face, he had definitely heard you.
blood rushed to your face as you realized that your first “i love you” for your boyfriend had been screamed at your father, of all people. when you turned back to your dad, he was gone with the waves.
tilting your head back as you dramatically rolled your eyes at the theatrics, you tentatively spun back round to look at jason, a sheepish smile on your face.
without missing a beat, he joined you in the water, splashing up to his ankles and sending water flying everywhere as he giddily made his way to you.
immediately upon arrival, he placed both hands on your face and pulled you in, catching your lips in a hasty kiss he’d been waiting to give you ever since he accidentally overheard your conversation.
you pressed your lips against his as your head swam as much as the creatures in the water below, winding your arms around his neck and pressing your body flush against his.
when you only separated because of lack of oxygen, neither of you strayed far.
“you heard me?” you asked with a breathe, forehead pressed against jason’s.
he was wearing what might’ve been the widest grin you’d ever seen.
“i did,” he said, pushing a tendril of hair behind your ear. “and i love you too.”
smiling hard, you pushed your lips against his once more.
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gay-dorito-dust · 5 months
Can you do a Jason grace fluff?
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This could’ve been better but still I hope someone likes it. 🦦
It had been a long day and all you wanted was to cuddle up with Jason, preferably while wearing his hoodie, drifting off into a rarely peaceful slumber.
So needless to say when he opened up his arms to you when you took up his invitation to sleep over at Zeus’ cabin, a cabin which felt more of a shrine to the king of the gods rather then an actual cabin for his children -which made you see why Thalia and Jason spend the least amount of time there- your deepest desire were eventually grated to you as you collapsed within his arms; melting in his embrace.
‘Tired?’ He asks in a tone as to not disrupt your rest.
‘More than you could ever know.’ You said, voice slightly muffled by the fact that your face was pressed against Jason’s chest, leaching off of his warmth and overall enjoying the closeness between you two. ‘I could just sleep forever because I’m just that tired.’ You then bit back a particularly strong yawn from escaping but at the last minute, you yielded and let out the rest of the yawn. ‘That and you make the best pillow.’
Jason chuckled as he softly presses short little kisses to your forehead, nose and mouth before tightening his grip on, making it near impossible for you to escape but luckily for him, you weren’t planning on moving anytime soon for you were already where you wanted to be; With him. Something you often told him during the slower moments in your lives as Demi-gods that never failed to have him a little speechless and hold you that little more tighter.
‘So you cuddling me is only for your own benefit? Love to know how much you care about me.’ He joked and you peered at him through hooded eyes, pouting at his playful comment.
‘My pillow is somehow speaking.’ You began sleepily, lifting a hand to cover Jason’s mouth. ‘Silly pillow, pillows don’t speak.’ Jason removed your limp hand from his mouth and holding in his own before pressing a kiss to it and holding it against his chest, his thumb soothingly stroked your knuckles. ‘Sorry my sweet, I shall let you rest now.’ He said just above a whisper as he pressed another set of kisses to your forehead, nose and the corner of your lips.
Jason didn’t wish to kiss you on the lips as your drifting off into unconsciousness, it just didn’t sit right with him no matter how many times you’ve told him that it was more then okay; You respected this as it had taken him well into your relationship for him to kiss you without permission, you loved him going out of his way for your consent but sometimes you just wanted to kiss the chivalrous boy senseless.
‘As long as you join me in my dreams.’ You muttered almost incoherently but Jason heard you clearly enough to feel his face heat up but found himself complying to your wish and eventually closing his eyes, drifting off to sleep alongside you, though not before tucking both of you beneath a warm blanket as the light drizzle of rain continued on outside.
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infin1ty-garden · 5 months
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꩜ summary: headcanons of dating superman! jason grace ꩜ pairing: superman! jason grace x gn! reader ꩜ warnings: none ꩜ word count: 246 ꩜ author note: i got back into the pjo fandom and had this idea for a while
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꩜ The relationship between you and Jason was a complicated one
꩜ He was a really caring and thoughtful person, he did his best 24/7 which left him exhausted. He barely remembers to take care of himself
꩜ You would have to remind him to take a break or relax. Usually the day would end with the two of you cuddling
꩜ Plan the best dates. Makes sure everything is to your liking
꩜ When he inevitably misses a date or event because he's saving people. His guilt will eat him alive and won't stop until he makes up for it in some way
꩜ One of the most supportive people ever. Celebrates your success but also comforting in time of loss
꩜ He loses his glasses like all the time, he knows he needs them. Leaves them somewhere and forgets where
꩜ When a supervillain decides kidnapping you is a great idea, Jason drops everything to save you. He doesn't care if it's a trap
꩜ Due to his superhuman senses, he could tell that your heart rate sped up a bit when he was around. Which game him the confidence to confess
꩜ He remembers every detail about you and tries to make time for you
꩜ Throwing him a surprise party or surprise of any kind is the most difficult thing ever due to his heat and x-ray vision, and the last time you were kidnapped
꩜ He took you flying once. It was terrifying and then it was stunning the view was magnificent
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Thank you for reading!
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jvpiterzs · 6 days
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𐙚 WARM WELCOMES — LEO VALDEZ .ᐟ ˚⋆. ˚ ₊ · ͟͟͞͞➳ ꒰ leo valdez x gn!reader — a riordanverse blurb ꒱
— ordered﹔yes / no - here!! — ingredients﹔fluffy whipped cream, use of y/n, purpose use of lowercase alphabet soup, reader has a supporting/loving family, established relationship, probably not well proofread, lmk if i missed anything! — wc﹔500+ // 4 min average reading time — recipe﹔read the order above :) — cassie's tea time﹔i've been scrolling on pinterest for so long and couldn't find any good photos for 'handmade' stuff so i decided to just go w those three 😔😔 i also had like no idea what to name this HELP [also thank you to that anon who told me what i got wrong because i was like half asleep when i wrote this]
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﹙the cafe // dishes // menu // barista board﹚
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leo valdez stood nervously at your doorstep, one hand stuffed into the pockets of his jeans and the other fiddling with a gift he brought for your family. despite the confident grin he usually wore, you noticed the anxiety in his eyes. you reached over and gave his hand a reassuring squeeze.
"they’re going to love you, i just know it." you said, smiling warmly.
"easy for you to say," leo muttered, but his smile became more genuine as he looked at you. "you're not the one who has to impress their partner's family."
"you'll do great," you assure, kissing his cheek.
as you opened the door, you could hear the sound of laughter from the living room. leo’s grip tightened on your hand for a moment before he took a deep breath, following you inside.
"mom, dad, this is leo," you introduced him to your parents. leo smiled nervously, giving them a small wave, his eyes looking around the room as if taking everything in.
your father stepped forward first, a kind glint in his eyes. "nice to meet you, leo," he said warmly, extending a hand. leo shook it firmly, a bit of the tension easing from his shoulders.
then came your step-mother who treated you like you really were her own. "my child's boyfriend, yes? she talks about you a lot." she chuckled.
you blush, and leo can't help but laugh as he glanced at you, his anxiety melting into amusement. "they're truly one of a kind."
"i made a few things for you guys.. just as a gift, y'know?" leo says sheepishly with a smile, handing your family the handmade gifts he had spent all night working on.
"made this yourself?" your father says, impressed as he examined the wrsitwatch your boyfriend gave him, turning it over in his hands to inspect the fine details..
"yep!" leo nods, squeezing your hand for reassurance.
"can you really make anything?" your little brother asked, eyes wide with awe and curiousity.
leo grinned enthusiastically, his eyes lighting up with excitement. "pretty much. wanna see?" your little brother nods eagerly.
he pulled a few random items from his pockets — a couple of screws, a piece of wire, and a small chunk of metal. in minutes, he had crafted a tiny bird that flapped its wings and chirped. your sibling’s eyes widened in amazement.
as the evening wore on, the tension leo had disappeared. by the time dessert came around, he was trading jokes with your dad and sharing stories with your mom like they’d known each other for years.
when it was time to leave, your parents pulled you aside.
"he’s a good one," your mother said softly, her eyes warm. "and he clearly cares about you."
your father nodded. "just make sure he knows we’re always watching," he added with a wink, his tone teasing but his meaning clear.
you couldn't help but roll your eyes playfully. "yeah, yeah, dad, got it."
you walked leo to the door, the night air cool against your skin. he turned to you, his expression a mix of relief and happiness.
"that wasn’t so bad," he admitted, pulling you into a hug.
you laughed, resting your head against his chest. "told you they’d love you."
leo kissed the top of your head. "thank you for believing in me."
you smiled up at him. "always."
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— thank you for placing your order, and i hoped you enjoyed your meal! kisses from jvpiterzs <3 — cafe guest list﹔n/a
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midnight-pluto · 4 months
I have returned for the 400 followers event and humbly request for an x gn reader
Fandom: PJO
Format: One shot
Character: Grover underwood or Annabeth chase
Plot/Prompt?: Reader who is a monster, but is docile and when (character) encounters them, they think the reader is going to harm a demigod they're near in a school
(Idk if that made sense but you can avoid the plot and just have the prompt of monster reader)
- PJO asker
VIBES — annabeth chase
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TROPES: crack, pining
PAIRING(S): book!annabeth chase x gn!monster!reader
UNIVERSE: canon-divergent
WARNING(S): swearing, can be read as platonic, reader has sharp teeth
A/N: i wasn’t entirely sure what kind of monster to make reader, so i left it as ambiguous as possible
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IT WAS NEARING the end of the day when Annabeth looked out her classroom window.
She’s grown accustomed to the sight of monsters whenever she was simply attending to daily tasks, but the sight of a monster laying under a tree comfortably wasn’t one of them.
Normally she would pay no more attention than needed to the monster as school was about to end and she could easily take care of it, but this was around the third time she's seen this specific monster.
How could she tell?
Well, when she looked away from the window and continued to scribble down some more math equations into her notebook and looked back, it seemed that there was only another student on their break period.
A very familiar student, that she's seen a multitude of times. Like sitting outside an ice cream parlor, petting a nearby stray cat, and very ominously sitting on a swing set late at night in a park.
Monsters didn't have the ability to change their appearances that the mist showed, so it was obvious that it was the same monster.
Annabeth impatiently tapped her pencil against the desk in thought, wanting the day to end already so she can go deal with the monster outside. Her thoughts were no longer preoccupied on how to solve the equations on the board, but why the monster was behaving the way it was.
Usually monsters didn't have the intellect to bide their time or have any regards to the nearby surroundings, so why was this one just sitting there?
It could possibly be that they did in fact have the brains to observe her every move and study her, but then why would they choose to attack her in an extremely public setting?
Thinking about it just asked more questions than answered, which isn't what she wanted at all.
Silently sighing to herself, she just continues to try and solve the written problems in front of her as a means to distract her mind.
Clicking her mechanical pencil once, a voice interrupts the silence.
"The bells about to ring, so whatever you didn't finish in class will be homework."
Sighing outwardly, she begins to pack up all of her things into her backpack like the rest of her peers. Looking back out the window, she sees that the monsters position hadn't changed one bit and narrows her eyes in thought.
Thankfully, the rest of the class was busy conversing with each other or on their phones while the teacher didn't care enough about what she was about to do.
Cracking open the door, she looks both ways and walks out of the classroom. She could hear calls from inside the class but pays them no mind, her concerns and mind were elsewhere.
Stepping down the last step, the bell rings and she's the first one out of the building, making a beeline to the monsters direction.
Slipping a hand into her pocket, she grips the handle of her knife knowing what she's dealing with.
However, she did in fact not know what she was dealing with.
Hearing the sound of footsteps in your direction, you slightly open your eye to see who was approaching. Inhaling slightly, you could automatically recognize that it was a demigod, a daughter of one of the olympians no less due to the powerful aura surrounding her.
Observing the nonchalance of the "student" in front of her, she stares down at them, trying to figure out how to first start up a conversation with them.
"So, you come here often?"
Nailed it.
"Nah, just came here for the food," you lazily reply, tired eyes staring back up at the girl in front of you.
Eyes widening at your choice of wording, Annabeth speaks up again, "Food?"
"Yeah, the cafeteria here is shit though. Took a bag of apple slices and saw that they were expired," you yawned, unintentionally showing off your sharp teeth to the demigod.
Grey eyes stared at them intently, not bothering to soften her word choice, "I thought you were going to talk about demigods."
"Nah, I'm just vibin' man," you shake your head.
She pauses for a second, "Vibing?”
"Yup," you nonchalantly nod.
"How am I supposed to know you're telling the truth? How do I trust that you aren't actually here to attempt to attack me?" she takes a defensive step back.
Humming in thought, you reply, "I would've done so already, simple. If you want me to go I will, no hard feelings. I understand your perspective on things right now."
"So, just like that? You're just going to leave if I asked you to?" Annabeth asked incredulously.
"I ain't tryin' to mess up anyone's vibe," you simply state, standing up from under the tree, dusting off any dirt left on you.
"What's the catch?" she deadpans.
"No catch. No deal," you shrug.
Looking you up and down she scoffs, "That's hard to believe."
"Well, maybe it could be a deal," you trail off.
Stiffening up, she tightens the grip on her blade, "What's the deal?"
"Are you a child of Athena, by chance?" you inquire.
Hesitating for a second, she responds, "Yes, what about it?"
"What's your name?"
"What?" she furrows her brows, trying to decipher what you were trying to get at.
"Your name, I wanna know what it is," you explain, but not in a menacing way, more so casually. As if you were actually a new student trying to make a new friend.
"Annabeth," you trail off, "Oh! The architect of Olympus?”
"Yeah, what about it?" she asks, not prepared for your sudden interest in her reputation.
"Nothin,' just thought that that was cool," you explain, beginning to walk away from her.
"Where are you going?" she inquires, shocked at your sudden actions, "What about the deal you wanted to make?"
Looking over your shoulder back to her, "That was the deal. I just wanted to know your name."
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A/N: women.
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static-symphony-fm · 3 months
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d.j. robin is: on the air! 🎧
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[begin transcript]
“this button?”
“oh, it’s going already?”
“you’re listening to 98.6 fm, where we bring you the top hits, the deep cuts and everything in between."
"if you’re new here, welcome! i’m robin, i’m sixteen and i’m going to be your host tonight."
"a little bit about me: i use she/her, i’m in cabin 12 and ravenclaw, and i’m a writer who’s excited to share her fics with you!"
"if you have any requests or just want to chat, call into the station using the button on my profile!"
"requests are OPEN!!!! read my rules pls!"
"check out my masterlist (coming soon) and rules!"
"i only write for pjo, hoo, and mcga at the moment but that's subject to change!"
"that's all the time we have for today, but tune in same time tomorrow for more!"
[end transcript]
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currently playing:
everywhere, everything - noah kahan
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special thanks to covey @hopelesslyromanticshark for coming up with the radio theme!
borders from @saradika-graphics!
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just-john-and-me · 5 months
chat w/ bf!percy jackson
(user is implied to be mortal but it is ambiguous)
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astronomoney · 2 months
Do I have a bunch of request I want to fill? Yes I do. Do I have a fic in the works that I promised the people? Yes again. Am I going to drop a completely unrelated non request Jason fic tonight? You guessed it, yes I am.
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psychesalcove · 2 months
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jason grace x reader
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ᝰ starting off, (almost) all the pjo boys are boyfriend material, so no surprise there when jason's up on that list
ᝰ he loves to include you in anything he does—sword practice, eating food, reading one of his novels that would put most to sleep..
ᝰ but! he also gives you your space and him his own space, he knows that it's important to be your own person outside of your partner, while also being close to them
ᝰ if you two have a shared condo in New Rome, you bet that the two of you will be getting some sort of pet
ᝰ ALSO!! on the topic of New Rome, Jason will be going out every morning to get you a coffee (or whatever you like) from your fav Cafe
ᝰ he would definitely write little things on the cup before handing it to you
ᝰ hope your day is amazing, beautiful, I love you so much, etc
ᝰ he would also do this thing where he would find Demeter kids and ask them to make a bouquet for you
ᝰ...so you would end up getting fresh flowers every week that you would put on your bedside table
ᝰ when your working on your college class work in bed, Jason will come a sit with you and do his crossword puzzles (like the old man he is)
ᝰ you are a full time passenger princess when it comes to this man!! he opens the door for you, has your car playlist ready to go, you probably even have your mirror decorated somehow in his car
ᝰ he also does the thing where he puts his hand on your thigh while sitting next to you, and he just,, traces shapes like stars or hearts with his fingers
ᝰ the two of you would definitely go on museum dates, probably to art ones and on occasion historical ones
ᝰ you guys have this routine where you make dinner together every other day, it's like a time to wind down your brain after a long day
ᝰ or somedays you two go out, and if your one of those people that are nervous to order, he will do it for you ZERO hesitation
ᝰ he would also be one of those guys that's like, "uhm..this isn't what they ordered.." but he would be super nice and polite about it to the waitress
ᝰ if your into fashion that your practically dressing this man, he cannot make a fashionable outfit for the life of him
ᝰ and on that topic, if your into skin care, he will happily do it with you or even help you with your own
ᝰ if you let him, he will happily brush your hair before going to bed;it's soothing for him to do and calms him down before bed
ᝰ highly important info:he does not steal the blanket from you throughout the night
ᝰ if your not super into cuddling , he'll respectfully stick to his side of the bed, but he will probably be facing you to remind himself that your there
ᝰ but if you are a cuddeler, he is going to be all over you, holding your waist, hugging your shoulders, spooning you, you name it
ᝰ he also does not snore, just talks and mumbles in his sleep
ᝰ a lot of the time he likes to have you in his lap while he reads and your doing your own thing;he enjoys when the two pf you can be around eachother but be in your own worlds
ᝰ overall, Jason grace would be a partner I would be blessed to have but cannot have 😔
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pumpkinbxtch · 1 month
Hi, I just saw that you said that Jason is a little possessive, so I was wondering can you do a request with Jason and reader in that scenario, where he is a little jealous and possessive boyfriend?
he wrote 'mine' on my upper thigh
— jason grace x fem!reader
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warnings: jealousy, language, jealous jason
a/n: I live for this face of everyone, it makes me very irresistible, lol.
— Want to die? — Jason asked, his expression completely changed. As if his pale skin wasn't enough, the way his face turned into a deadly calmness gave them enough reason to doubt every decision they had made in the last two miserable years of their lives. When they felt a cold breeze run down their spine, confirmed they had definitely messed with the wrong guy. What Jason didn't know was that normal mortals didn't find it hard to play that game because, well, those threats were never as real as he was used to.
— It's just a woman, no big deal, buddy — maybe was the brown-haired guy said it in a disdainful tone, or maybe was the last word that made Jason's stomach churn, but he remembered he was still in public, so he tried not to incinerate them with a snap or at least not to keep gritting his teeth the way he was because he swore he was about to shatter them.
— Just a woman — he repeated the words, dragging each one with hatred and disgust. The guy with the red hair looked more nervous than his other friend, so he tried to make peace, but that was something Jason had already left behind as an alternative to that argument. He wouldn't forgive any disrespect to you, because you were his best friend, his girlfriend, the person he would die for without a second thought, and if they wanted to see him that way, then you weren't just a woman, you were his woman.
He glanced to make sure you weren't anywhere near the checkout and took a few steps toward the pair. The redhead was close to wetting his pants, but his friend still had that stubborn look, pretending to downplay the significant difference in height and muscle mass between them.
For a moment, Jason struggled with his morality, because it was stupid to fight with his clearly abnormal strength for something that was easy to ignore because they would never be able to lay a finger on you while he was alive. However, he couldn't help but notice the way their eyes had been roaming over your body or the way they looked at you while you smiled at him. It made his blood boil and awakened the most primitive part of his being causing his logical side to drown and disappear, almost like those days when he was with the wolves. Besides, if he thought about it, it wasn't just them, it was every damn man and woman who dared to smile at you in a way that suggested more than just kindness, especially if they were the ones making you laugh. That's when he always felt on the edge of losing control.
Jason could feel shame somewhere in his conscience for his behavior, but this was also too real to hide for a little longer. That moment alone with those idiots had only given him the golden opportunity to unleash those piled-up frustrations.
— Yeah, just a woman — it was stupid, the conversation didn't go beyond that, but the retort was enough for the air to smell metallic and their hair to stand on end warning of the electricity beginning to fill their surroundings. How bad would it be if two mortals were struck by lightning for earning the title of the biggest idiots of the month? The answer was obvious to Jason: very bad, useless, in fact. So he took a deep breath and watched their hair return to normal.
— She's mine — he said, starting to turn around to go help you, but he stopped when he heard the other mocking him.
— Who says? —Jason was fed up with the irreverence and turned back to them, his fingertips sparking again.
— Beat it —he said as he sent a small electric shock to both of them. Mild enough not to cause harm but enough to make them scream. His eyes literally sparkled, making them doubt what they were seeing, scaring them, and confirming that the Mist hadn't helped when he saw them run. He wondered if he had gone too far, if he had let himself be carried away too much by that part of him that didn't make him proud but that he knew was part of him. In the end, he decided he didn't care, remembering that someone had once told him he had to stop holding back. So, with that philosophy in mind, he decided to go look for you.
The picnic tables weren't as crowded as you expected, in fact, there was hardly anyone around you, and you wondered if it was because for a moment there was a hint of rain or because of the heavy aura that Jason had been carrying since you left the grocery store, and now that you thought about it, you considered that both reasons were possibly related.
— Jason Grace — you called him sweetly as you opened the picnic basket, and he immediately softened his frown and looked in your direction. He was struck by the gentle way the breeze swayed your hair, it was an almost imperceptible movement but it highlighted how beautiful you were. He knew why you were calling him by his full name, his behavior couldn't be more obvious, but those words echoed in his mind.
»Who says?«
He slid along the bench to get closer to you as he watched you set things on the table. He wrapped his hand around your waist, and although you smiled in that way that was like oxygen to him, it wasn't enough for him. So, taking you by the hips, he forced you to stand up.
— C'mon, let's eat, baby — you said giggling, and he sat you on that old wooden table while he returned to the bench.
He looked up at you with his blue eyes, and seeing you from that perspective that made you look majestic. he rejected the idea of letting anyone else be the person who hugged you or who was close enough to smell your sweet scent. The idea of someone else other than him being able to kiss your lips, which were so perfect and soft, drove him crazy, he couldn't handle it.
»Who says?«
With that thought, he started searching in your bag that was lying next to you, you never stopped him, but you wondered about that change in attitude because he seemed a little rougher and severe, his eyes were even a little darker, but you couldn't deny that he looked handsome, that you even liked it.
When Jason found what he wanted, he stood up supporting only his right knee on the bench as support and he enjoyed the way that velvet skirt rose, leaving your thighs in his view. Before leaning towards them, he searched your eyes for any kind of disapproval because for him, the most important thing was how you felt, and not finding anything like that, gave him enough confidence to continue.
He felt your muscles tense and tried to undo it by caressing your leg, but failing that, his lips kissed a bit above your knee, which made you swallow saliva, what the hell was he trying to do and why now? Jason was never too public, any major display of affection was always in a more intimate place. When he straightened up, in his hand you finally saw what he had taken from your bag: your eyeliner.
Dazed, you reached out to try to take it, but he quickly caught his hand with yours on the table and before you could do the same with the other, he placed the open eyeliner between his lips and trapped your other hand in the same way.
He raised his gaze above his glasses and slowly shook his head, sending a silent warning before leaning towards you again, exactly on your upper thigh. You felt the moisture of the pen on your skin and with a given precision, you started to see that he was writing, but it wasn't until he finished that you could barely read it. The air left your lungs when you deciphered it and you didn't understand how after doing that, he had sat back down with the same serene smile as always, his hands spreading the tablecloth for you to eat while he hummed a familiar song.
Had you missed something? It was definitely something new in him to behave openly in that way, but you didn't dislike it. After all, what it said there wasn't a lie.
— Do you have any objections? — His demanding question didn't match the sweet tone in which he had said it, and you got off the table to put both hands on his shoulders.
— No, sir — you confirmed with the same tone and kissed the line of his jaw before taking a seat beside him.
Jason continued to arrange things, he seemed peculiarly focused, so you took the opportunity to discreetly look down once more, but your skirt had covered the word. Slowly with your hand, you lifted the fabric until it was visible again:
You felt a warmth spread through your body and crossed your legs on purpose to make it visible. That action drew a smile on your boyfriend's face, and not long after, he kissed you. No, it wasn't a lie, but as you was his, he was yours.
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julsvu · 2 months
heyyy you take requests for pjo right? If so can you do Leo Valdez x fem!reader head cannons about what type of dates they go on and all the ways f!reader tries to pay for things and Leo stops her
fem! reader
💬: tysm for the request!! i hope u enjoy the hcs :D
📒: fluff, reader is implied to be a demigod
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i feel like leo wouldn't really be the type of guy to like really expensive or fancy dates, such as restaurant dates and stuff
i think he's more like a mall date, convenience store date type of person fr AND AND grocery date kind of guy??
simple dates, in other words
but he'd probably be down for whatever, as long as it's about hanging out w u he's cool with it
I FEEL LIKEE u guys would go into a convenience store at UNGODLY hours to just buy one or two chip bags
this mf..would not let you pay though
most of the time he'd LITERALLY snatch your wallet away from you so he could pay first, or he'd race to the register so he'd be the one to pay
u guys went on a grocery date together and HE LEFT YOU ALONE IN THE AISLE DRAGGING THE CART when you guys concluded that you should go pay 😭😭 RAN LIKE HIS LIFE DEPENDED ON IT and proceeded to act casual and all
as if nobody saw him running across the store holding his wallet and the grocery cart
cue you chasing after him
OOO and i feel like he'd dare you to ride a grocery cart, so he proceeds to push you really fast ☠️☠️☠️
as revenge, you pushed him faster when it was his turn to ride it
i feel like he'd find picnic dates really nice, too
cries whenever he accidentally drops his sandwich onto the grass, and ants already start nibbling on it
stargazing dates!! >>
u usually go on stargazing dates when the other is in a bad mood/had a bad day, it's so therapeutic 😭😭 also lets u sleep on his shoulder during those dates, and carries you to your cabin to make sure you get sleep in an actual comfortable position
also!!! he'd definitely like carnival dates too!!!
once raged because he couldn't win a teddy bear for you 😭 bro was TWEAKING while a group of kids were behind him, scared
he'd be the one to be act all cool before the rollercoaster, but he's the one that's the loudest™ on the ride 😭
i need someone like leo NEOOWW !!
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© 2024 JULSVU. all rights reserved. please don't plagiarize, translate, put in other websites or copy my work without permission. ty!
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balletfilmss · 3 months
✸ pairing: jason grace x fem!aphrodite!reader
✸ summary: it’s not your fault that your sister’s ex boyfriend is so stuck in your head that you can think of little else but him
✸ warnings: intense makeout but nothing more
✸ a/n: ik we’re all tired of the aphrodite reader, but it’s essential to the plot 🥲 anyways, justice for my man jason, he needs more fics
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You shouldn’t have been thinking about your sister’s ex boyfriend so much, and especially not like this.
Piper and Jason broke up two months ago and had both well since moved on. No hard feelings involved, just a little resolution that they were better off as friends.
It wasn’t a big deal. Really, it wasn’t.
You shouldn’t have felt so bad about how much you thought about him. He was just so captivating, so beautiful. You remembered every detail Piper had ever told you about him as well as every one you had learned on your own.
The curve of his lips and the pale scar scored through them. The flex of his muscles when he trained. Those glasses that made him look unfairly attractive.
Gods, it made you so upset that you weren’t supposed to be thinking about him like this, obsessing over the fact that you couldn’t have him.
Maybe Piper wouldn’t care. Or maybe, she’d be inflamed by the fact that you’d gotten with her ex boyfriend, friendly breakup or not. There was probably some girl code about this, right?
There definitely was, and your sisters would probably have your head if they knew you were busy breaking it.
You tried your best to stay away from Jason, you really did. If you just kept your distance, you could harbor the obsession in your own mind, keep it to yourself.
But of course, the son of Jupiter just had to notice it. Notice your distance. Notice you.
It was his fault, really, what was happening. He was the one who had approached you at the campfire, his mind set on getting an answer as to why you were trying to avoid him.
He was the one who’d followed you back to the cabins when you took off. He was the one who provoked you first.
It wasn’t your fault that everything just came spilling out. All your feelings and secrets, pretty much everything short of your guts, spewed from your mouth when you just couldn’t take the questions anymore.
This was going to hurt, you knew it would. You were prepared. And maybe, you wanted to get a little hurt.
But what you weren’t prepared for was that maybe, Jason Grace was just as obsessed with you as you were with him.
“I know I shouldn’t, but I can’t help it!” You had confessed, standing in front of the door to Cabin Ten. “You drive me absolutely crazy, Jay. And I’m probably just embarrassing myself, but you wanted an answer and this is it.”
Jason looked at your face and then down at the wrist he’d caught to stop you from going inside your cabin and that he was still holding onto. His skin was hot. His head was spinning.
He was standing really close to you. You let out a deep breath, preparing for a rejection that would be embarrassing as hell.
“Who says you shouldn’t?” He breathed out the question, a tempting little smile on his lips.
You looked at his lips. He looked at yours. You went for it.
You grabbed his forearm of the hand still holding onto you and yanked him forward. In a rush of adrenaline, you pushed your lips against his.
He responded immediately, hands gripping onto the sides of your waist as his lips mashed against yours feverishly.
You skin was alive with delight, your head buzzing with excitement.
You stumbled backwards and grabbed onto the doorknob behind you, the boy following blindly after you. You twisted it with one hand, pulling him closer to you by his arm with the other.
Nobody was inside, they were all still at the campfire and should be for another good hour.
You made your way inside somehow, hardly pulling yourself away from his captivity. On the other side of the cracked door, you looked up at him, a moment of hesitation.
“This is a bad idea, right?” You asked as you caught your breath, which mixed together with his.
“You think so?” he asked, pressing a quick kiss to your wet lips. Moonlight filtered in through the cabin windows and covered him in a beautiful glow.
“I don’t know,” you answered. Looking at him, nothing seemed like a bad idea. You knew he’d slept on the opposite side of one of these beds as Piper, you knew he’d once maybe loved her.
You knew all of that. He did too. But still, you couldn’t help it.
“Well I do. I know.” He said. The hand he had on you slid up your arm and over your shoulder, leaving a trail of goosebumps in its wake. Damn son of Jupiter and his electricity.
He rested it against your cheek, warm and tingly against your skin. He stared at you like maybe he wanted to risk getting hurt too.
“I haven’t been able to get you out of my head for weeks.” He confessed, his voice husk. He trailed his other hand up your arm until it mirrored his other, now holding your face between his hands. You thought you just might die on the spot.
“Still think this is a bad idea?” He asked, face so close to yours that you could almost taste him again.
Even if it was a bad idea, it’d be fine.
“Not at all.”
He pulled you in this time. He held one hand on the side of your neck, the other on your face, and kissed you with ferocity.
You let him push you back until your back hit the door, closing it fully with a satisfying click.
You pushed your lips against his hard. No amount of close was close enough. You felt dizzy, lightheaded with bliss.
Your hands slid down his abdomen to the hem of his shirt and then, underneath. Your fingers pressed against his skin, sending shivers up his spine.
You could feel a smile tug at his lips as they moved methodically with yours, right beside where his scar was.
You’d always thought about what it might feel like, and now, you were rhapsodic that you had found out.
He forced his lips away from yours and began trailing sloppy little kisses from the corner of your mouth and across your jaw, lower and lower until his lips slotted against your neck.
You tilted your head back to assist, give him more room to roam. When it knocked against the wood behind it, he brought his hand up behind your head, carefully putting a barrier between you and the door.
He moved further down your collar bone, teeth and tongue and lips all heavenly against your skin.
One particular nip provoked a gasp from you, and your nails dug into the flesh of his abdomen, leaving little crescent shapes that would be there in the morning to remind him.
No sooner did you hear voices. Outside, there were footsteps crunching against the grass and the sound of voices as campers returned from the campfire. The one time they end early.
“Jase,” you sighed, your hands crawling out from underneath his shirt, much to your dismay. “People are coming.”
He pulled away from you, looking at you with disheveled hair, swollen lips, and beautiful as ever. He looked at you like you were the most precious thing on earth, smiling at the fact he had been allowed to lay hands on you.
“You kicking me out?” He asked teasingly, voice low and insanely attractive so that it was such a shame he couldn’t stay.
“I dunno, do you want to get caught?”
“Hmm, maybe next time.”
You suppressed a smile as you pushed him towards the window at the back of the cabin. “Next time?”
“Yep,” he quipped, pushing open the glass pane and letting in the summer air. It was almost like he’d done it before. “None negotiable. You’re stuck with me now, sweetheart.”
You breathed out a laugh as he ducked down towards the window. “Get out.”
The doorknob to the cabin twisted, and Jason pressed a chaste kiss to your head, whispered to you a goodnight, and then he was gone.
You could hear his feet hit the grass as the door swung open and in walked Piper and Drew.
“What was that?” Piper asked as you quickly slammed window shut.
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chauflan · 6 months
what should I write next?
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