#husk posting
hazbinshusk · 2 days
husk x afab!reader. an anon asked my to expand on the ideas in this post, and my horny ass was more than happy to oblige. featuring mutual masturbation, sex toys, aural voyeurism and husk managing to feel ashamed of himself even while he's got a hand wrapped around his dick. 1.6k
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The bartender is the first of the hotel residents to notice just how damn thin the walls in the Hazbin Hotel are, and the reason why would have sent a blush into his cheeks if all his blood didn’t immediately rush directly for his cock.
He’s finally made it back to his own room after hours of standing behind the bar and all he wants is a very large nightcap and his goddamn mattress. His back aches and his legs complain with each step but he still heads for the old bar cart in the far corner to pour himself three generous fingers of rye before making his way to the bed. He sighs long and heavy as he lowers himself onto the edge of the bed, untying his bowtie with his free hand and letting it fall to the floor. His hat soon follows and he swallows down a mouthful of the liquor, savoring the way it burns down every inch of his throat to pool warm and familiar in his belly.
It's then that he first hears it, and he stops with the glass still halfway to his lips, his ears twitching until they find the source of the sound. The wall in front of him is muffling it, but he’s sure he just heard a soft, breathy moan. The sound of it floods through him, worlds better than the way the rye did. He straightens slightly, his back pain suddenly forgotten.
The moan comes again, slightly louder this time, and Husk swallows heavily. The wall in front of him in blank, but he finds he can’t tear his eyes away from it as he leans to the side to set his glass on the bedside table. He listens to those heavy breaths and those occasional, sinful moans, and he feels himself harden and swell against his zipper. His hands clutch at his trousers until his claws prick at the skin of his thighs.
Because he knows who’s on the other side of that wall. He knows whose voice that is making those increasingly intoxicating sounds, and even as his mind tells him that this is wrong, he can’t seem to stop himself from unfastening the front of his pants.
*             *             *
You’re laid out comfortably across your bed, your body bare to the cool air of the room. The caress of the air conditioner brings your nipples to points and you whimper as your imagination replaces the breeze with a rough, attentive tongue. Your hand is between your thighs, fingers curled around the handle of your vibrator. The soft, steady buzz of it against your clit is slowly building your excitement further, the vibrations far too low to really bring you to release. Instead, you tease yourself, letting it relax you, unwinding the stress from the day and curling a new kind of tension inside your belly.
Still, you’re nothing if not impatient and you find yourself moaning aloud as you increase the vibrations, your hips rolling up into the toy for a moment. You press it more firmly against your clit before sliding it down to press against your entrance, dipping the tip of the toy in for a few seconds.
“Fuck…” you moan again as you return it to your clit, and you freeze as you hear the sentiment echoed through the wall to your left.
You… you know that voice. You know that rough, almost musical tenor and how many times have you imagined hearing it just like that? So gruff and so soft and so eager.
So often that it at first you think you’ve imagined it but then you hear it again and there’s no way you could ever imagine it so heady and so unbelievably real.
You’re drawn out of your disbelief when the vibrations against your clit make you moan again. And when you voice your pleasure the voice on the other side of the wall responds, sending a thrill right through the middle of you.
Could he hear you too?
*             *             *
The shame that burns through Husk as he wraps his hand around the base of his cock is intense, but the pleasure that tingles up his spine when the first pump of his hand coincides with a throaty moan from you quickly extinguishes it.
He strokes himself slowly, his other hand fisted against his thigh as his head falls back. His breathing is heavy, his eyes closing as he lets himself imagine what could be making you make those delicious sounds. When he hears a gorgeous, catching whine through the wall he groans, his mind playing pictures of his hands wrapping around your waist, his mouth on the underside of your jaw as he fucks himself into you in gentle, shallow thrusts.
“Christ, fuck…” he mutters and he swears your moans pitch louder. He presses his hips upward, rhythmically fucking himself into his fist. His wings are quivering against his back, his tail twitching against the sheets as his eyes roll back. Another curse slips past his lips, his hand slick with precum.
*             *             *
You roll onto your stomach, raising yourself up on your knees as you press the vibrator in and out of your cunt steadily. You can feel yourself dripping onto your hand, and you roll your hips into the toy, your flushed face turned to rest your cheek against the sheets so your voice isn’t muffled.
“Oh, god…” your eyes are squeezed tightly closed, your brows furrowed. You can feel that addictive, wonderful pressure inside you ready to burst, and you snake your other hand between your thighs to roll your fingers frantically over your clit. You buck into the feeling of it, your hips seizing as you cum. “Fuck, Husk!”
*             *             *
Husk’s eyes have rolled back, his lips parted for heavy, broken breathing and his shoulders hunched forward.
He’s still picturing you, spread out beneath him and begging for more as he rolls his tongue over your clit.
Picturing your lips wrapped around his cock, your eyes on his as he runs his claws through your hair and the head of his cock meets the back of your throat.
Imagining your arms around his neck, your chest flush to his as he fucks himself up into your eager cunt, his arms banded around the small of your back.
When he hears you cum, you're crying out his name. His entire body stiffens and his disbelief at the sound of it is washed away by his own release. He groans through his orgasm, falling back against the mattress as cum stains his fur. He exhales an almost delirious chuckle, his face finally flushing with heat as his breathing steadies and he realizes what the fuck just happened.
He raises his clean hand, dragging it down over his face slowly.
Part of him feels the urge to go next door, to apologize for being such a fucking pervert. Another is seriously contemplating the idea of leaving the hotel completely just to avoid having to look you in the eye again, Alastor’s contract be damned.
But then the way you moaned out his name returns to his mind and he swallows heavily, reaching for the glass on the bedside table.
He throws back the remainder of the rye, eyes closing at the feel of the burn inside him.
*             *             *
Husk stiffens as you slide onto your usual stool in front of him, his tail flicking behind him. “Mornin’.”
“You got any more of that?” you ask, nodding to the coffee mug in front of him. He glances down at it, nods, and fumbles for the coffee maker set up on the bar behind him. You smile softly as you watch him pour you a fresh mug, swallowing back your nerves while he’s distracted. He sets a mug in front of you – one emblazoned with flames and the phrase Hot as Fuck – and you raise your eyebrow at him as you read it.
Husk flushes, clearing his throat. “It’s the only one we have left.”
“Uh-huh.” you reply, smiling as you take a sip. “How’d you sleep?”
Husk’s tail waves, his wings pulled tight against his shoulders.
“I slept great,” you tell him when he doesn’t answer, leaning your elbows on the bar, the mug still held up in front of you. “Best sleep I’ve had in ages.”
“Oh?” Husk’s ears flick upward, and he swallows.
“Yup,” you reply easily, thoroughly enjoying the way he’s reacting to your words. You’d been so nervous to come downstairs this morning, but the bravado you’d forced forward was now giving way to genuine excitement at the energy between the two of you. Part of you began to wonder just how far you could push him. “I’ve never felt so… relaxed.”
Husk gulps down a mouthful of coffee, exhaling as it burns his throat. His lips part for a moment before closing again, and he runs his claws through the fur at the back of his neck. His mouth opens again.
You watch him in amusement. “You okay?”
“Mm-hmm.” he nods, setting his mug back down. “You?”
“Never better,” you reply almost perkily, leaning across the bar to reach out and smooth over the mussed fur behind one of his ears. Husk stiffens for a second before relaxing; a soft, feline sound escaping despite himself. Your smile widens at the noise, and you meet his eye. His pupils are huge, his lips parted slightly. “You really should check the mirror before leaving your room, y’know. With this bedhead anyone would think you’d had some kind of wild night up there.”
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adyophene · 3 months
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Husk's secret weapon
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captainsaltypear · 5 months
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it's not just me. right? (I BLAME KEITH DAVID'S BUTTERY VOICE)
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kipkiphoorayy · 4 months
‼️ hazbin s1 finale spoilers ‼️
some text posts for the finale, what a ride!
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blitzy-blitzwing · 5 months
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That loving stare. 🥺❤️
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celestialalpacaron · 21 days
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YALL know how like…Alastor has his little minion guys as his goons??? My brain said “I wonder what Husk’s minions looked like when he was an overlord….” And I WASSSS gonna give him little bunnies (hahaha magician motive) but they turned out too similar to Alastor’s so WHY NOT GIVE HIM SOME SEVERAL RIGHT (and left) HAND MANS HDJSKSKKSKASJA
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dragon-spaghetti · 1 month
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Late night talks 💖
(Please click for better quality!!)
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triona-tribblescore · 2 months
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I WANNA DRAAWW!! RAHHHGG!! Absolutely swamped with college work, im so tired TT (hence whatever tf this is lmao)
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ricebin-hotel · 4 months
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i made more of these :3
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planetkram · 4 months
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Literally everyone making out in this episode fr
Ugh.. why couldn’t we add Husk and Angel to this?
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hazbinshusk · 3 days
husk x reader. a birthday present written for the wonderful @monstrousvoice. just pure, tooth-rotting birthday fluff featuring everybody's favourite alcoholic feline bartender. hope you like it!
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“D’you think Angel will be upset that we left early?” you ask as the two of you make your way back to the Hotel. It’s just barely three a.m., and the streets are reaching their peak of sinful depravity all around you.
“If he even notices,” Husk replies with a shrug of one shoulder. A car screeches around the corner, and Husk takes hold of your wrist, tugging you over to walk on the other side of him so he’s between you and the gutter. Your skin is warm where he touches you, and you feel a brief pang of disappointment when he releases you. “He seemed pretty… distracted.”
You chuckle quietly. Angel had been enjoying the limelight at a new club opening, and with Cherri there to keep an eye on him you hadn’t felt too bad about calling it an early night.
“I gotta say, Husk, I genuinely can’t tell if you enjoyed yourself tonight or not.”
The promise of free booze thanks to Angel’s level of celebrity had warred with the loud music and large crowds for the bartender, but the former had won out.
“Not exactly my kind of fun,” he admits and you feel his wing rise quickly behind you, hear the sound of glass breaking against the dense wall of feathers that suddenly shield you from harm. He shakes away the broken glass before tucking his wing back down against his shoulder. How he’d noticed the bottle’s trajectory towards you without turning around you had no idea. “But it’s lookin’ up.”
You smile to yourself as the two of you make your way up the hill to the hotel, your shoulder bumping against his briefly. You can feel warmth swirling in your stomach at the easy proximity between the two of you and you swallow, fixing your gaze pointedly on the hotel ahead of you. Your friendship with Husk has steadily become one of the brighter points in Hell for you, and you didn’t need to jeopardize it by letting yourself indulge in whatever it is you’re feeling.
The two of you don’t speak again until you’re in the lobby, and the two of you linger there for a long few moments. You swear you feel Husk’s eyes on your face but when you look up, he glances towards the bar, rubbing his claws through the fur at the back of his neck. You cough awkwardly, jerking your head towards the stairs. “So, I… I’m gonna head up. But I’ll see you in the morning.”
“I’ve got somethin’ for you,” Husk blurts out as you turn away, and you stop, surprised. When you meet his eye he looks almost… embarrassed, his ears low and the bridge of his nose a soft pink. He clears his throat, making his way to the bar. “It’s, uh…”
You follow him curiously, taking a seat on your usual stool as he rounds the bar to reach beneath it. He glances back up at you in a way you could swear is shy.
“Can you, uh… jus’… shut your eyes for a minute, okay?”
You raise a brow but do as he asks, folding your hands in your lap. You can hear him fumbling around with something for a moment, a soft click, and after a few moments you feel him take the stool beside you. Without opening your eyes you turn to face him, your knee bumping against his thigh.
“Okay,” Husk’s velvet tenor says quietly, and you try to ignore the shiver that runs up your back. “You can… you can open ‘em up now.”
You do so slowly, blinking a couple of times before your eyes settle on the space on the bar between you.
A cupcake sits on a small china plate on the polished wood, topped with soft white frosting and a single burning candle. You stare at it for a few seconds in surprise before dragging your eyes back to Husk. The candlelight plays over his features, the warm light making his eyes glow.
He gives you a small, embarrassed smile. “Happy birthday, doll.”
“How did you even…?” you swallow; you can feel the beginnings of tears welling to stick in the back of your throat. “You didn’t have to do this for me.”
“I wanted to.” he says and shrugs a shoulder as though it was a gesture that didn’t make your heart flip against your ribs. “Didn’t think your birthday should be all about someone else.”
You feel a soft smile on your lips, your eyes falling to where your hands were still twisted together in your lap. “Thank you, Husk.”
“You okay?” he asks, his own voice now barely more than a gentle rumble. With your eyes on his you feel your breathing hitch… you hadn’t realized just how close he is to you. “You’re, um… you’re blushin’.”
You nod slowly, and you see his eyes fall to your lips for a moment. Your heart flutters, and you feel yourself lean forward for a second. A brief flicker of surprise passes over his features before he moves forwards incrementally too. The moment hangs between the two of you for what feels like forever, the passing time only marked by the shadows dancing over his face and your heartbeat pounding in your chest.
And then… and then the two of you lean forward, his lips brushing softly against yours.
It’s hauntingly brief but still leaves you breathless, and you feel your inhale come shudderingly as he pulls away. He doesn’t go far, his forehead only inches away from pressing against your own.
“’s this okay?” he whispers and you nod, bringing your mouth back to his.
Husk kisses you with reverence, his lips achingly soft and his breath fanning warm across your chin when you part briefly. You reach up to touch your fingers to his cheek, carding your fingertips carefully through the soft fur. A quiet sound, almost a whimper, escapes you as you feel his hand take a gentle hold of your waist.
The kiss doesn’t deepen, doesn’t morph into something salacious, it just lingers in an embrace that sends butterflies through every part of you.
When you do finally pull away you’re breathless, and you see the warmth in your cheeks mirrored in the pink of his. His paw still rests on your waist, and you can feel it curl in the fabric covering your side as you lean over and blow out the candle on top of your cake.
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adyophene · 3 months
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I couldn't get the idea of Alastor holding Husk like that one ferret gif during his lament in the finale out of my head.
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shey-pancake · 6 months
Edits with my redesigns of the main cast of:
(refs of them here)
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Charlie Morningstar ★
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Alastor the radio demon ★
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Angel dust ★
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Vaggie ★
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Husk ★
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Niffty ★
Here are the originals, hope u like it !!
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zelrishere · 4 months
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Husk looks so damn annoyed 😭🙏
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wispurring-moss · 1 month
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kay I pinkie-swear I'm not gonna keep blasting y'all with constant wips of this thing but i s2g my heart demanded that I share this part Immediately at least, so... TwT enjoy some more SoftnessTM~ <3
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snailsnaps · 4 months
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healthy relationships built on consent, boundaries and trust — my beloved
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