#hybrid yoongi
angelicyoongie · 1 year
Abundance (XIX)
— summary: You never expected that you would end up adopting a hybrid, and if someone had told you that you would end up with seven? Well, you would have thought they were crazy. But here you are, with three different packs of hybrids that don't get along – but all want to stay with you. Yeah, it turns out crazy is an understatement.
— pairing: hybrid bts x human f!reader — genre: fluff, angst, smut — warnings/content: explicit sexual content! handjob (lol), mild sub!tae vibes — word count: 8.3k Part: I / II / III / IV / V / VI / VII / VIII / IX / X / XI / Find more chapters here!
Early access to chapter 20 and 21 can be found in the author’s note at the end!
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You squirm, grumbling in your sleep, as a hot puff of air hits your throat. Twisting your head to the side does little to deter the ticklish sensation, something soft brushing along the slope of your neck.
The comfortable weight resting over your hips won’t allow you to flip over on your side to escape, but you’re too warm and cosy to bother opening your eyes to find out who’s keeping you trapped.
You’re being scented gently, almost timidly, and it slowly begins to lull you back to sleep.
The tender motion of someone nosing at your throat and nuzzling against your skin in the morning has become familiar to you by now, as it’s a certain bunny hybrid’s favourite way of waking you up.
The weight on your middle shifts, and you reach blindly for long soft ears as you mutter out a slurred, "-Jeongguk?" 
You get a short, petulant whine in response, a set of sharp canines nipping at your throat. 
"I’m not a bunny." 
The bite isn’t hard enough to break skin but it startles you all the same, any chance of falling back asleep washed away as you blearily open your eyes. You blink once, twice, as the halo of deep orange blocking your vision begins to shift into focus.
Taehyung’s messy hair is falling into his face from where he’s perched over your hips, his hands resting besides your shoulders, caging you in. He peers down at you with dark, unreadable eyes, fox ears flattened to his head. 
"Tae?" You murmur, drowsy and confused.
You stifle a yawn behind your hand, tiredly rubbing your eyes. It feels like you’ve awoken from a long coma, your body heavy with exhaustion.
The last week has been intense to say the least, all the work you missed by helping Seokjin and Jeongguk with their ruts practically being shoved down your throat the moment you stepped back inside your office. 
You’ve been pulling sixteen hour days for a week to catch up, only coming home to sleep and wash up before hurrying back to the firm. It’s been miserable and you’ve missed the boys terribly, but the hard work has thankfully paid off. All of your less important cases have been dealt with and now you have the entire weekend off to spend time with them. 
Taehyung's face twists at the sound of his name. His voice is meek, little more than a whimper, as he asks, "Are you disappointed that it’s me? If you’d rather have Jeongguk here, I can go get him."
The look Taehyung gives you makes your heart ache something fierce, the little distance between the two of you suddenly feeling much too far. 
"What? No, Taehyung, of course not!" You scramble to push yourself up on your elbows, shocked that he would ever think so.
You reach up to gently cup his face in your hand, smoothing your thumb across his cheek as you try to catch his gaze. Taehyung leans into your touch, a sad pout pulling on his lips as he noses against your wrist, breathing in your scent.
His eyes flicker up to meet yours before he looks away, his shoulders hunching with hesitation as he quietly asks, "Show me?"
It hits you then, just how inattentive you’ve been to the other boys after Seokjin and Jeongguk’s rut passed. You were intimate with one pack and then practically disappeared for a week. It’s no wonder Taehyung feels insecure, you haven’t been able to reassure him or his instincts that you want him just as much as the rest.
The realization feels like a punch to the gut.
You should’ve seeked him out sooner to make sure he was okay, to make sure he felt wanted, especially when the incident with Jeongguk and the weasel hybrids is still such a fresh wound.
"Oh, Tae," You let out a quiet breath, covering the guilt simmering under your skin with a tender smile. "I’ll show you as many times as you need me to."
You slowly guide his face towards your own, your fingers following the curve of his jaw until you have your thumb pressed against the mole on his lower lip.
Taehyung's ears do a curious twitch as you gently pull on the flesh, parting his mouth to make room for your own. His breath hitches as you lean in, a sweet little eager sound leaving his lips as you press a chaste peck against them. 
Taehyung’s eyes flutter closed as you kiss him again, his cheeks flushing pink as you murmur a soft handsome into his skin. The fox hybrid’s tail swishes happily back and forth behind his back as you pepper light kisses everywhere you can reach, from his jaw to the tip of his nose.
Taehyung chases after your mouth when you draw back, capturing it in another kiss. He immediately tries to deepen it, tongue brushing against your lips in hopes that you’ll let him in. You willingly part them, licking into his mouth as the fox hybrid melts against your body, his stomach vibrating with low content purrs. 
You curl one hand around Taehyung’s neck, cupping the back of his head as the other settles on his shoulder, pulling him closer.
Taehyung lets out a soft moan as you kiss him with a little more intent, more passion, too distracted by your lips to notice how your eyes flutter open. He doesn’t seem to mind that you awkwardly throw a leg over his back, the duvet impeding your full range of motion.
The wet smack of your lips disconnecting as you pull back makes the simmering heat in your belly flare up. Taehyung’s eyebrows furrow as he loses your touch, his rosy lips puckering subconsciously as he blindly seeks you out.
You can hear the telltale signs of a whine building in his throat but before he can get too upset, you tighten your hold around his body, using the leg you have over his hip as leverage to flip him over.
Taehyung stares up at you with big eyes as he finds himself pressed against the bed. His orange hair is splayed around him on your pillow, looking messy and wild after your wandering hands.
The pure surprise on his face makes you giggle.
You peck his cheek, pulling back just in time as your hands settle on his waist, fingertips lightly tickling his sides. Taehyung jerks forward, a burst of laughter leaving his mouth as his brain catches up with what your unrelenting hands are doing.
"Y/n, ah–!" He wheezes, squirming on the bed as he tries to escape from the light touches fluttering all over his torso. A mischievous grin settles on your mouth as you realize the leg around Taehyung’s waist is keeping him trapped, the fox hybrid having no other option but to endure your tickling.
Taehyung’s bright laughter fills your bedroom, the infectious sound making you join in as you watch him attempt to shimmy away from your wiggling fingers.
He squeaks as you find a particularly sensitive spot on his stomach, his tail whipping wildly against the bed. The array of snorts and cackles that Taehyung lets out is like music to your ears, the insecure and vulnerable look in his eye nowhere to be found as they scrunch up with laughter. 
There’s a new glow to the fox hybrid’s golden skin when he manages to capture one of your hands, trapping it against his chest. He flashes you a bright grin as you futilely try to yank it back, using the moment to catch his breath after your intense onslaught.
You pout, zeroing in on his exposed neck. As you shift your weight, ready to lean forward in hopes that tickling his neck will free your trapped fingers – Taehyung seems to read your mind. Something wild flickers in his gaze before he surges up, the sudden burst of energy throwing you off balance. In a flash, you find yourself back where you started, Taehyung once again hovering over you. 
Your attempts to wrestle him back down are useless, his limbs rooted in place even as you try with all of your might to flip him back over. Your struggling does little but get rid of the duvet, the thick blanket kicked aside as you squirm and huff under Taehyung’s body. His bare legs are flush against yours, warm, as the heat from his skin seeps into yours. 
"Tae," You whine, finally flopping down with an exhausted sigh as you realize you have no chance of overpowering him. 
"What?" Taehyung tilts his head, blinking down at you with faux innocence. His ears are standing straight with attention, twitching with every little sound you release. 
You give him an unimpressed look, eyeing how his tail lazily swishes behind his back in victory. 
Taehyung snickers, his expression melting into something a bit more smug – pleased, as he takes in your ruffled appearance. "You’re the one that wanted to play. It’s not my fault you’re a sore loser." 
You roll your eyes, suppressing the smile tugging at your lips.
"Well … You’re too strong! Frankly, it’s a little–" You raise your hips up in an attempt to flip him again, your brain stuttering as the movement causes you to bump against something hard, "–unfair?"  
Taehyung lets out a soft moan at the contact, eyelashes fluttering as he ducks his head. 
"Are you…?" You trail off. Your cheeks grow warm at Taehyung’s weak nod. 
"It’s my instincts," He admits in a low whine, arms flexing as he digs his fingers into the mattress. "I can’t help it. You were acting like prey, uh, squirming around like that. " 
You hum under your breath, taking a moment to collect your thoughts as you rub your hands up Taehyung’s arms, feeling his muscles strain under your touch.
You have to admit that Taehyung getting turned on by your little wrestling match is, well, hot. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with him being affected by his instincts but the fox hybrid seems to think otherwise, his ears pulled back in shame. 
You simply refuse to allow him to think so lowly of himself.
"Can I touch you?" You ask. You slowly drag your hands up from Taehyung's arms to his chest, resting your palm above the harsh thud of his heart.
"Do you really want to?" Taehyung’s dark eyes shine with uncertainty as they meet yours. 
You keep your gaze locked on his, making sure your intent is clear as you raise your hips just enough to brush against his hard cock.
Taehyung’s arms wobble at the contact. A low keen leaves his mouth as his hips jerk automatically, chasing your body for more friction. 
Your circle one arm around his back, pushing between his shoulder blades to bring him closer. Taehyung scrambles to comply, making room for himself between your legs as you pull him into another kiss. He moans as your hand trails from his chest to his stomach, the light scrape of your nails making him shiver. 
The short second you pause as you reach the waistband of Taehyung’s shorts has him breaking away from the kiss, panting against your mouth as he whines out a desperate please. 
You steal a peek at his face, just to make sure he’s still okay as your hand slides under the elastic and the sight that greets you almost knocks the breath out of your chest.
Taehyung looks wrecked. His skin is flushed, burning hot, eyes glossy with want as he rasps out another plea for you to do more. 
His mouth falls open as you lightly rub the head of his leaking cock, hips buckling as you reach down to grasp him properly. The cramped angle is a little awkward but Taehyung doesn’t seem to mind it, whines and moans filling the air between you as you pump his length.
The slide of your hand is loud, lewd, in the otherwise quiet room. You thumb at his leaking tip with every upstroke, collecting the steady dribbles of precome in your hand to make the glide easier.
Taehyung moves against your fist, whimpering, as your slick palm forms a hot and wet hole for him to thrust into. 
"S-so good, fuck," Taehyung growls as you tighten your hand, squeezing around his throbbing cock. He dives down to recapture your mouth, the kiss sloppy and hungry as he nibbles at your lips. 
You’re hot and flustered, dizzy almost, from having Taehyung so close. You can’t see his cock but you can feel it – how sensitive it is, how well it responds to every little thing you do. You swallow thickly at the steady stream of whimpers leaving Taehyung’s mouth, the fox hybrid following your lead so well it drives you a little crazy.  
When you stroke faster, Taehyung snaps his hips quicker. When you tighten your hold to massage the base of his cock, he slows down, whimpering but complying. He’s just so eager to please.
It makes your mind stray places it shouldn’t, heat pooling in your belly as you wonder just how obedient he can be for you. Lost in thought, your grip grows a little slack, and the steady pressure around Taehyung’s frantic thrusts disappears with it. 
The fox hybrid’s body stutters, a distressed chirp leaving his lips as he mouths over your cheek.
"Y-n, please, please–" 
"Sorry, Tae, I got you," You whisper.
You slide the hand on his shoulder to the nape of his neck, burying your fingers into the soft orange locks there. You tug lightly at his hair, increasing the speed and pressure around his cock.
Taehyung’s stomach tenses with every brush of your knuckles against his skin, his release so so close. 
Taehyung nudges your head back, biting into the delicate skin on your throat with more force than normal. He soothes it immediately with his tongue, the wet drag leaving a delicious sting behind. 
"You’re doing so well for me, Tae," You breathe, choking on a moan as he repeats the action with even more fervour. You can see his tail swishing madly behind his back, high keens filling the back of his throat with every stroke of your slicked fist.
Taehyung is trembling, his whole body taut as he strains to keep up with your hand.
You suck your bottom lip between your teeth, confused, as another flurry of choked pleads suddenly falls from his mouth. There’s nothing stopping him from coming, and yet he’s holding back – waiting – for something. 
Taking a leap of faith, you use the grip on his hair to angle his head up, bringing his ear close to your mouth. You press a sweet kiss to his earlobe, tightening your fist around his cock before you murmur out a quiet, "Good boy." 
Taehyung’s head snaps back with a gravelly, desperate moan as his body tips over the edge. His hips stutter as he grinds into your palm, shuddering as ropes of come spill from his cock. 
You relax your grip, gently stroking him through his release as another spurt drips past your fist, pooling on your stomach. The sensation makes your core throb.
You tamp down the urge to grind against the leg Taehyung has pressed against you, forcing your gaze to wander from his blissed out expression to the dull colour of your wall instead. This was about making Taehyung feel good, wanted – your own needs can wait. 
Taehyung’s head lolls back down as you release his cock, lightly trailing your fingertips along his shaft one last time before you let your hand fall away. His breaths are heavy, chest heaving as he tries to recover from his intense orgasm. 
You tuck Taehyung's face back into your neck, smoothing your fingers through his hair and scratching at the base of his ears as you wait for his breathing to slow down. He nuzzles into your skin, happy rumbles trickling from his chest as he noses against the marks he left there. 
"How do you feel?" You hum. 
"‘m feeling good," Taehyung mumbles against your throat, his bushy tail giving a few lazy flicks against your leg. 
Your smile quickly morphs into a grimace as you shift a little to your side, noticing how the wetness on your stomach has started to cool. You gently nudge at Taehyung’s waist, pressing a peck to the side of his head as you say, "Let me clean us up a little." 
Taehyung lets out a small whine in protest, but another nudge has him tipping sideways, rolling on to his side. You reach out for the tissues on your bedside table while Taehyung curls an arm over your chest, pulling himself flush against your body. 
Making quick work of the sticky substance on your skin, you turn to Taehyung, gently cleaning him up as best you can while he happily scents your shoulder. 
You bunch the tissues up, throwing them in what you hope was the thud of your trash bin.
Turning back to the fox hybrid plastered against your side, you bring a hand up to frame his face, kissing him softly. Taehyung melts pliantly into it, letting you keep the rhythm unhurried and tender as you both wind down. 
A few minutes pass of Taehyung being putty under your lips before he suddenly jerks back, eyes big as his ear twitches in the direction of your door. 
He listens to the footsteps coming up the stairs, a sheepish smile blooming on his red-bitten lips as he confesses, "I was supposed to come and wake you up for breakfast." 
You snort, shaking your head as Taehyung grabs your hands to haul you up. 
"You can blame it on me," You grin, smoothing out Taehyung’s sleepwear to the best of your abilities. You both really need to get cleaned up and changed before you see the rest of the boys for breakfast. 
Taehyung leans closer, his dark eyes sparkling with sincerity as he murmurs, "Thank you, Y/n." 
"Always," You smile.
Taehyung surges forward to plant a wet smack against your cheek, giggling at the startled sound you make as he scoots off the bed. He hurries to the door, throwing a bright grin your way and a rushed "hurry downstairs!" before the door clicks shut behind him. 
You throw a fond look at the closed door as you get out of bed, happy that you accomplished your goal. You know it'll take more to make sure Taehyung feels confident in your relationship, but you hope it’s a start on the path to make him feel secure and loved. 
Letting out a small sigh, you grab a change of clothes from your dresser. You have a lot to make up for, with both him and the rest of the guys.
You shuffle across the room, twisting the door open as you bend your neck, satisfying little pops cracking in your ears as you try to loosen up the tightness there. Your head is nearly touching your shoulder when you find yourself face to face with Yoongi, the cat hybrid tilting his own accordingly until he meets your eyes.
"What are you doing?" Yoongi raises his eyebrows, amused. 
You straighten your neck, rolling your shoulder back as you ignore the heat creeping up your cheeks.
"Stretching," You pout. 
"Why? Are you tense?" Yoongi steps closer, curling a slender hand behind your neck. He frowns as he gently digs his fingertips into your muscles, eyeing your expression as he skillfully massages the sore area.
You feel your eyes flutter as he reaches a particularly sore spot.
Maybe you strained your neck a little too much with Taehyung, but how could you not devour those pretty pink lips when they were right in front of you? 
"Ah," Yoongi muses, tilting your head, "I guess this is why." 
You suck in a breath as he presses his thumb against one of the fresh marks on your throat.
Yoongi lets out a displeased rumble as he studies the faint bruising blooming on your skin, tail flicking with annoyance behind his back. The grip around your neck tightens just a smidge, just enough to lock you in place as he leans in.
Yoongi regards you with narrowed eyes, pupils pulled into thin slits as he takes in your dishevelled appearance. It almost makes you feel like a scruffed kitten, like he caught you doing something naughty.
"I wanted to see what was taking the fox so long, but–" Yoongi’s nostrils flare as he sniffs around your neck, a low hiss sounding under his breath as he moves lower, a particularly potent smell lingering near your stomach.
"Mystery solved, I suppose." 
Yoongi’s lip curls as he draws back, ears falling flat against his head. He looks miffed at the discovery of what you and Taehyung were up to, but you can tell that’s not all there is to it. There’s a layer of hurt there too, a hint of sadness in the heavy breath he lets out. 
You twist a hand into the soft knit Yoongi’s wearing, tugging at it.
Yoongi’s tail swishes at the contact, his mouth forming a soft pout. The fingers on the back of your neck twitch, like he isn’t sure he should keep holding on to you or not.
"Talk to me?" You ask softly, dragging him a step closer.
Yoongi grumbles something under his breath, his posture slumping as he instinctively leans towards your warmth. 
"What?" You whisper.
Yoongi looks away, words a little jumbled as he mumbles, "I missed you." 
"Yoongi..." You breathe, reaching out to cradle his face.
You really didn’t expect to have your heart crushed twice in one morning.
You pull him into a gentle kiss, smiling against Yoongi’s lips as he holds you still, the steady grip on your neck not letting you move an inch. It’s slow and sweet, the way he parts your lips, slotting them perfectly against his own. 
You let your hand explore the strong curve of his jaw, the softness of his pale cheeks, everything you didn’t have time to map out the first time you kissed.
When you eventually have to lean back to breathe, you ghost your lips over Yoongi’s, hoping he can feel the sincerity in your words as you say, "I missed you too, I really did."
"I’m sorry I haven’t been around much this week. Work has been rough, but I shouldn’t have let that come in the way of us spending time together. I can’t promise I’ll be perfect right away, but I am going to try my best to balance everything a little better." 
"Y/n," Yoongi shakes his head with a small sigh, "You’re doing good." 
He presses a quick peck to your lips, levelling you with a look as your mouth purses in silent protest. 
"You’re working hard to house and feed us, and yeah, sure, it sucks that you can’t be at home as much as we’d like, but we understand. No one else has ever put as much effort as you are into making sure we’re happy and comfortable, so don’t worry too much about us, okay? Just, focus on yourself first. That’s all we ask." 
You melt into Yoongi’s embrace as he wraps his arms around you, muttering out a wobbly okay.
He holds you securely against his chest, tucking his nose into your hair to breathe in your calming scent. Yoongi never thought he would experience a scent that soothes him as much as Jimin’s, that smells like home – but yours do. The thought alone is enough to calm down the jittery edge that’s been clinging to his instincts for the past week, low purrs rumbling in his chest.
You rub your face into Yoongi’s sweater, discreetly trying to wipe away the tears prickling in your eyes. You will do better, you’re going to stand by your promise – but still, it’s comforting to hear that they don’t hate you for spending so much time away from home recently.
"You feeling okay?" Yoongi slowly releases his hold, stepping back to look you in the eye. 
"I’m fine," You murmur, clearing your throat of the thickness lingering there.
Yoongi hums, tucking a piece of hair behind your ear. 
"Go get ready then, I’m sure the others are dying to see you." 
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"Y/n, where should I put this?"
You glance up, squinting against the sun to make out Namjoon’s outline through the rays of light.
"Anywhere will do, Joon. Thanks for grabbing it for me," You nod in the direction of the other garden tools, brushing the dirt off your hands as you flash him a grateful smile. 
"My pleasure," Namjoon grins, tail swinging happily behind his back. 
You watch as he turns, blocking the light momentarily as he hefts the bag of soil more securely over his shoulder, biceps straining under the black t-shirt he’s wearing. Judging by how buff Namjoon looks, it seems that the workouts they’ve been trying to rope you into doing with them have been paying off, the sight of a particularly prominent vein in his arm causing your mouth to run dry. 
You swallow thickly as the wolf hybrid places the bag on the ground with a soft grunt, the flowers in front of you long forgotten.
"Be careful, Y/n-ie, otherwise you’ll catch flies." 
Blinking, you quickly avert your gaze from Namjoon’s bulging muscles, whipping around to stare at Hoseok. 
The dog hybrid gives you a knowing look from where he’s kneeling on the ground next to you. There’s a teasing smirk adorning his lips, his golden tail wagging with newfound interest.
"Shut up," You murmur, nudging his shoulder with your own. You fumble for the handheld shovel on the ground as Namjoon walks over, flustered that Hoseok caught you ogling his pack alpha. 
The wolf hybrid plops down on your other side, ears perked as Hoseok lets out a low snort.
"What’s up?" 
You pointedly do not look at the sculpted, tanned arm that reaches out for the hand rake in front of you, throwing Hoseok a narrowed gaze as he cheerfully says, "Nothing much. Y/n was just really enjoying the view." 
Namjoon makes a confused sound, the empty flower bed you’re sitting in front of not offering much besides the large bay windows looking into the living room. He tilts his head back, watching the sparse fluffy clouds drift by, the sun on his back wrapping around him like a warm hug.
"The sky does look pretty today," Namjoon agrees, oblivious to the death glare you’re giving his packmate.
"Sure does!" Hoseok chirps. 
His tail hits the grass with quick thuds, clearly enjoying the flustered state he’s put you in. Hoseok’s eyes sparkle with mischief as he continues, "Y/n, I’m sure Joonie would love to hear what–" 
"Wow, look at these pretty flowers!" You interrupt him, face growing warm under the smug smile you get in return. You busy yourself with dragging the cluster of nursery plants closer, avoiding Hoseok’s gaze as you push the small shovel to his chest.
"We should get them settled into their new home while the sun is still out, don’t you think?" 
The reminder seems to snap Namjoon out of his cloud watching, the wolf hybrid letting out a startled, "Oh, right!" as he turns back to the plants. He’s too busy trying to figure out how to use the garden rake to notice the fond looks you and Hoseok send his way.
You bite your lip, stifling a giggle, as you wonder how you ever could’ve thought of Namjoon as intimidating. It’s hard to picture the calculating gaze and imposing presence you felt at the shelter when the hybrid in front of you is just so – cute.
Namjoon is hunched over the bed, making himself small in front of the delicate flowers as he attempts to crumble the soil for them. A wrinkle appears between his brows as the tool only grazes over the surface, his grey ears twisting back in confusion when it doesn’t work.
Gently, you reach out to take Namjoon’s hand in yours, turning the rake over in his grip. The wolf hybrid perks up when he once again tries to drag it over the hard soil, the tines actually digging into the ground this time. Namjoon’s tail begins to wag as he rakes the soil, a soft look of wonder on his face as old, buried roots come to the surface. 
You know the boys haven’t had it easy in the past, but you really hope that the new experiences they make with you can lessen that hurt over time. You really haven’t met anyone – human or hybrid – who are as good as they are, and you’ll be damned if you don’t try your best to make them happy. And if gardening can do that for Namjoon, then you’re willing to convert your bedroom into a greenhouse if that’s what it takes. 
Your heart skips a beat as you take in the pure joy shining on Namjoon’s face as he fluffs up the soil, his fingertips stained with dirt. You can’t help but lean in, chest tight with love as you plant a kiss on his cheek. 
"Thank you for helping me," You smile, heart fluttering as he sends you a bright grin in return, dimples on full display. 
"Of course," Namjoon preens, chest puffing out as he digs into the soil with even more energy than before. 
A low whine has you glancing to your left, Hoseok giving you his best pout as he tilts his head, angling his cheek in your direction.
The intense scenting and kissing session you received before breakfast honestly left you in a bit of a drunken daze, your mind scrambled after trying to keep up with five needy hybrids. You know that’s why Hoseok refused to let up on his teasing before, it isn’t often he can do so without you returning the favour, but that doesn’t mean you’ll let him get away with it now that the spring air has started to clear your head. 
You send him a puzzled look, feigning ignorance as you mouth a confused 'what?'
Hoseok stares at you, dumbfounded by the sudden turn of events, as you turn back to the flowerbed with a small shrug.
You have to tamper down a smug smile of your own when Hoseok seems to catch up to what you’re doing, whiney grumbles being muttered under his breath as he realizes you’re ignoring him in retaliation for earlier. You’re not cruel, it’s not like you can deny them kisses for very long, you’re just, hm, saving it, as reward for when he finishes digging up his part of the bed.
You watch him begin to shovel out of the corner of your eye, tuning out his weak complaints as you focus on your own patch. Namjoon’s excitement is infectious and you honestly can’t wait to see how the garden is going to look once you’re done with it. The old owners didn’t care for it much, letting most of the plants rot and wilt away, but you don’t mind that too much. The new garden is going to be something you’ve created together with the boys, and it’s going to be so much more satisfying seeing the space blossom and thrive the more love you collectively pour into it. 
"This is such a mess," Hoseok sighs. He eyes the flowerbed distastefully as he flips over another spot of old dirt. 
"Hmm," You lean back, tapping your shovel against the soil as you pretend to think, "I wonder what made it so messy? Surely it couldn’t have been because of two grown hybrids stomping around in it, trying to spy–" 
"Tae!" Namjoon suddenly calls out, neck splotched pink with embarrassment. 
A few slow seconds pass with no reply, Taehyung nowhere to be seen. Just as you’re about to nudge Namjoon to tease him for trying to divert your attention, you hear the sound of pattering feet rushing over the grass, a series of high pitched barks calling out from the other side of the garden.
You watch, stunned, as a copper fox runs straight into Namjoon’s arms, squirming around in his lap until the wolf hybrid gently hugs it to his chest. It yips as if asking him to play, giving his jaw a few quick licks while it rubs his snout all over Namjoon’s neck.
"Not right now," The wolf hybrid shakes his head, amused, as he lovingly pets the thick, orange fur. 
The fox – Taehyung, your mind unhelpfully supplies a little late – gives a low snort, clearly unhappy that his alpha won’t indulge him right away.
His fox form is just as pretty as you remember. Taehyung has a long rich orange fur that fades into white near his stomach, his bushy tail sprinkled with black hairs that make the copper look even more vibrant. His pointed ears and small legs are dipped in black, his body agile and nimble as he somehow manages to slip out of Namjoon’s strong hold like it’s nothing. 
You hold your breath Taehyung as immediately scurries over to you, tail swishing as he flops down on the available patch of grass between your knees and the flower bed. He rolls to his back, looking more like a dog than a fox as he gives you a little wiggle, waiting to be pet. 
"Like this?" You ask, carefully burying your hand in the soft fur on his belly. Taehyung seems pleased as you begin to run your fingers through the silky hairs, low purrs vibrating in his stomach as you marvel at his pretty fur. 
"Look at our handsome boy," Hoseok coos. He reaches out to rub the narrow space between Taehyung’s fox ears, laughing as one of his hind-legs twitches in response. 
Taehyung looks blissed out from the attention, panting happily as you rub his stomach. You haven’t seen this side of the fox hybrid since the first time at the shelter, and it warms your heart that he finally feels comfortable enough to shift and let go even with the other packs around. 
You scratch Taehyung’s chin, grinning as you playfully say, "Do you know your hyungs are trying to use your cute little face as a distraction for ruining our flowerbed?"
Namjoon smiles sheepishly as the fox gives you a high, confirming yip in return. 
"It’s working, so I guess I can’t be too mad about it," You sigh, shaking your head in amused exasperation. 
You keep petting Taehyung for another minute until he seems to grow bored of it, his attention span a bit more fleeting in his shifted form. He rolls back over on his stomach, clambering up on his legs before he shakes his fur out. You’re not even sure if that’s something foxes do, or if he’s just picked it up from Hoseok and Namjoon over time. 
The fox walks a few laps back and forth, following the paved border along the bed as he sniffs at the freshly turned dirt. Hoseok notices the longing glances his packmate sends the disturbed soil, aware of his own instincts begging him to shift to dig around in it. 
He pats the ground to make Taehyung rush over to him, running a soothing hand over his spine as he gestures to the spot he abandoned his shovel. "There’s this root I can’t get up, it’s buried pretty deep, do you think you can get it for me?" 
You can practically see Taehyung’s entire body immediately honing in on the patch Hoseok pointed to, his tail swishing behind him in unbridled excitement. His ears are perked, focused, as he crouches low, belly to the ground.
His body tenses before he suddenly rushes forward, pouncing on the spot of dirt. He starts eagerly digging at the ground, scraping away the layers of soil surrounding the root in a few seconds. Taehyung has the entire thing uncovered in no time, his pointed snout shooting down to gnaw at what must’ve been roots from an old tree. His sharp teeth glint in the sun as he excitedly attacks the wood. A cracking sound fills the air as he chomps down on it, Taehyung's body going taut as he leans back, using his weight to pull it up. 
For a second the fox hybrid looks frozen, the root giving him more resistance than anticipated, but then it just gives – and Taehyung stumbles back, pulling out a root as thick as your arm from the dirt. 
"Well done, Tae," Namjoon beams, his chest rumbling with pride.
You cheer alongside his packmates, amazed that Taehyung managed to get rid of it that quickly. You shudder to think how many hours you would’ve been hacking away at it if you had to remove it yourself. 
Taehyung drops the root, yipping excitedly as he jumps around in the soil. He lets you all get in a few pets and a smooch between his furry ears as thanks before he shoots off, impatient to explore the rest of the garden. 
Smiling, you watch him scurry off, a streak of orange disappearing across the garden and into the thicker foliage near the back fence. Taehyung saved you all a lot of work, so now that the flowerbed is tended to and clear of anything that might impede the growth of the new plants, you can finally add in the fresh soil.
"Hobi?" The dog hybrid’s head whips around as you call his name, eyes hopeful.
"Can you help me with that bag of soil? I can’t lift it on my own."
You dust your hands, ready to rise up on your feet when Hoseok jumps up, gently pressing on your shoulder to make you stay seated on the ground.
"I’ll get it!" 
"Wait, it’s heavy–"  You turn around, warning tapering off as you watch the dog hybrid effortlessly heft the bag up in his arms.
Stunned, you watch as Hoseok carries it over without problem, no trace of a struggle visible on his face. He doesn’t make a sound as he picks up Namjoon’s rake, slashing the bag open before he spreads the soil as evenly as possible over the bed. 
Not even Namjoon, with his prominent muscles, looked this unbothered when he carried the bag for you earlier. You could tell he at least felt the weight of it on his shoulder, but it doesn’t seem like Hoseok registers it at all. You know that hybrids, regardless of their species, are genetically modified to be stronger than humans – but even so, the sight of Hoseok lifting a fifty litre bag of soil like it’s as light as a feather leaves you dumbstruck. There’s clearly a lot you still don’t know about the boys, and you have no clue how Hoseok has managed to hide that amount of strength away in his lithe build. 
"That’s, um, thank you," You stare up at Hoseok, a little lost, as he crumples up the empty plastic. 
"No problem!" He grins, ears perked as he resumes his spot. "Can I have a kiss now, too?" 
"Hmm, well, you did help, so …" You kiss the cheek that Hoseok keenly presents to you with a soft giggle, making sure to add another peck to the corner of his mouth in apology for teasing him earlier. 
Hoseok’s small dimples are carved into his cheeks when you pull back, the heart shaped smile turning your insides to mush.
He reaches out to tuck a piece of hair behind your ear, subtly brushing his wrist against your neck as he pulls back, making sure his happy scent lingers on your skin. Hoseok knows all too well that you can’t smell it or find comfort in it like the others, but that doesn’t mean he’s going to stop trying. 
"Y/n, where does this go?" Namjoon holds up a budding flower, the faintest hints of purple showing through the closed petals. 
"Anywhere you think it’ll look nice," You smile. "I picked out plants and flowers that all thrive in the shade, so the placement shouldn't matter too much." 
Namjoon lights up at that, his grey tail beating up a storm behind his back as he launches into describing where he thinks each plant would look best. He must’ve been thinking deeply about it while he was turning over the old soil. Seeing how enthused he looks as he places them all out, you wonder if he would enjoy learning more about it - maybe it would be possible to sign him up for a flower arranging course in town? Or a few lessons online? You’re definitely going to mention a few options to him later. 
"That looks pretty, Joonie," Hoseok compliments as his pack alpha finishes his positioning, small clusters of colourful flowers divided up between a variety of green plants. 
You echo his sentiment, already picturing just how lush and beautiful the flowerbed is going to look once everything sprouts and grows. 
"Thank you," Namjoon’s shy gratitude is filled to the brim with pride, the wolf hybrid beaming as he begins to dig the spot where the first flower will go. 
You hunker down in front of your own designated area, digging up the patches Namjoon marked for each new plant. There’s something tranquil about the fresh soil slipping through your fingers as you carefully pat down the dirt around the new flowers, a gentle calm settling over you as you listen to the welcoming tune of a faint birdsong in the distance.
You joke around with Namjoon and Hoseok as you plant the new flowers, happily listening to the boys retell what they’ve been up to for the past week. Namjoon in particular has taken to exploring the neighbourhood and the surrounding areas more, though you can’t quite figure out why he seems so bashful to admit it.
Before you can even think to ask, you’re interrupted by Taehyung running back over for more pets, the fox hybrid looking like he’s been rolling around in any available patches of dirt he’s come across. You can only watch, amused, as he’s gently scolded by Hoseok for getting so dirty, his whines only growing when Namjoon joins in too. 
"Hey!" Namjoon sputters as Taehyung sneezes him in the face, showing off his displeasure before he scampers off in the direction of the backdoor. 
Hoseok barks out a laugh at Taehyung’s cheeky retort and you have to cover your face as your snort, muffling the sound to the best of your abilities. You pretend you don’t see the narrowed look Namjoon gives you as he wipes his face, humming as you let your attention drift to the other boys hanging around the garden. 
Seokjin and Jeongguk are huddled near some bushes by the fence at the back, arguing loudly about what the correct type is. You just wanted to know if it would flower, but based on how long they’ve been slapping each other’s necks, you don’t think you’ll get a definite answer to that today.
You roll your eyes as Jeongguk wrestles Seokjin into a headlock, the bunny hybrid grinning victoriously as Seokjin lightly punches his stomach in retaliation.
Jeongguk’s smile falters as he glances up, meeting Jimin’s gaze from beneath the big tree in the middle of the garden. You watch as the hand Jimin was carding through his tail jerks, a small hiss carrying over the grass as he accidentally tugs on the delicate hairs.
Blushing, Jeongguk averts his eyes, loosening his hold on Seokjin in order to make the alpha jump back up, blocking Jimin from view as he squeaks about his packmate being a brat. 
This new thing between Jeongguk and Jimin is certainly interesting, to say the least. It doesn’t seem like the others have caught on to the strange tension that’s been growing between them ever since that night you found them huddled up on the couch together, limbs and tails intertwined. It has clearly left things between them awkward though, even if you’re not sure why. They seemed cosy enough when you stumbled across them and the friendships between the packs have been improving, but perhaps they need a bit more time to accept the sudden shift between them. 
Your gaze falls to Yoongi as he yawns, his dark eyes squinting disapprovingly up at the shade that has fallen over his resting spot. You were surprised when you first came outside to find the cat hybrid in his shifted form, a purring Yoongi wrapping himself between your legs for some pets before he eventually went off to take a nap somewhere hidden from view. He’s been steadily moving his way around the yard as you’ve been working, finding new spots to rest undisturbed.
Now though, you hold back a coo as the fluffy black cat slowly gets to his feet, stretching out his long body before he moves a little further into the garden, plopping down in the first patch of sunlight he finds. He curls into a little ball, delicately tucking his tail under his chin to bask in the pleasant spring warmth. 
You watch as one of Yoongi’s ears twitches, twisting towards the house, before you even manage to notice Taehyung yourself; the fox hybrid back in his human form as he quietly moves across the garden.
Taehyung approaches Yoongi’s resting figure carefully, eyes wide with wonder as he takes in his shifted form for the first time. He stops in front of Yoongi, orange tail swishing with interest behind his back as he slowly sinks to his knees.
You can barely make out one of Yoongi’s eyes cracking open to watch him, tail flicking with what you can only assume is annoyance at having his fifth nap interrupted.
Taehyung’s hands are folded in his lap, voice soft as he reverently says, "Hyung, your fur is so pretty." 
Yoongi watches Taehyung silently, pinning the younger hybrid under his gaze. He looks at him without blinking and you find yourself holding your breath, mirroring Taehyung subconsciously as the cat hybrid thinks - considers something. 
You’re not sure what you were expecting – for Yoongi to hiss maybe, definitely for him to just get up and leave – but he does, well, neither.
After a few tense seconds that feel horribly long, Yoongi simply just slides his eye shut, his tail stilling under his chin as he lets a gentle mrrp fill the silence between them.
"Are you sure?" Taehyung gasps, eyes lighting up as he reaches out, hand hovering over Yoongi’s back for a final confirmation. 
"Oh," You whisper, just as Hoseok sucks in a low breath behind your back. The scene in front of you has captured the attention of everyone in the garden, five pairs of curious eyes watching the unusual interaction unfold. 
Yoongi lets out another soft sound, something you can only describe as akin to a stuttered purr, to let Taehyung know it’s okay to touch him. To pet him. 
Taehyung looks enthralled as he lightly strokes Yoongi’s silky fur, fingertips barely even grazing the cat hybrid at the first few touches. He grows bolder when Yoongi repositions his head to get more comfortable, petting the alpha with a little more intent as he drags his fingers from the top of Yoongi’s head down to his lower back.
He just looks so happy, so content, as he continues to pet Yoongi to his heart’s desire. 
The sight truly makes you a little emotional. With how the boys acted when they got to the house, there was a point where something like this seemed more like a distant, unattainable dream than a possible future. Even though they eventually agreed to get along, there was never a promise of friendship, or closeness. There was never anything that alluded to this. 
You can hear Hoseok’s tail wagging at the sight, matching the grey blur of his pack alpha's in front of you. Seokjin and Jeongguk have calmed down too, the bunny hybrid resting his chin over Seokjin’s shoulder as he watches Taehyung and Yoongi with wide eyes.
They all seem pleased, at ease, to watch Taehyung take another step towards befriending Yoongi. Like it was just a matter of time before someone took the leap to start bonding between packs. 
Well, almost everyone. 
Jimin is silently seething beneath the tree, his dark eyes glued to Taehyung’s hand as it touches Yoongi over and over, and over again.
It's his expression that trips you up the most, the intensity there all too reminiscent of the look you saw him sporting earlier. You noticed it as they all rushed to greet you after you came down for breakfast – the way Jimin's face soured as he picked up traces of both Yoongi and Taehyung's scent on your body. He kept throwing odd looks their way, a permanent scowl on his face as he bit into his toast.
His displeasure was clear as day when Taehyung had reached for something across Yoongi's plate, their arms brushing together. The thing was though, Jimin wasn't watching Yoongi. During breakfast, he kept staring Taehyung down, lip curling whenever the fox hybrid touched someone.
You didn't recognize it then, but you do now. You can see it in the way Jimin’s tabby ears are pulled flat against his hair, strained hands clutching on to his fluffed up tail in what looks to be a painful manner. His eyes keep tracking Taehyung as he touches Yoongi, never wavering anywhere else.
It's jealousy, and it's practically rolling off him in waves.
The thing that confuses you the most however, is that while Jimin looks green with envy, you can't quite tell what's actually upsetting him more – the fact that Yoongi is allowing Taehyung to pet him, or that perhaps a tiny part of him wishes that he was the one getting touched by Taehyung.
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a/n: Chapters 20 & 21 of "Abundance" are available on ko-fi! You can find them here: https://ko-fi.com/s/e95005a91d
so uhm ... hiii? i know it’s been a very long time since the last abundance update (18 months to be exact *cough*) but better late than never, right? it felt really weird returning to abundance after this long. even though i tried my best to recapture the old ‘feel’ of abundance, i still think i have some ways to go before i get fully used to writing this story again! i hope you guys can excuse any scenes that may feel a bit stilted or off while i get to know my characters again. but all of that aside – i’m so happy to be back. i really missed this story and my hybrid boys, and i missed you guys as well. 
how have you all been? did you enjoy the new chapter? please come talk to me in the comments (& remember to reblog, that helps me out a lot)!!
the next chapter will be posted in around three weeks time, but if you can’t wait then you can always read it early on my ko-fi! i would really appreciate the support!! 💖
see you all soon, stay safe! <3
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casuallyimagining · 9 months
Two Hours || myg
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otter hybrid yoongi x female reader
Summary: Your neighbor invites you to a work picnic that he's nervous to attend. You promise to only stay for two hours. Word Count: 2,870 Genre: slice of life, fake dating, friends to ???, fluff Warnings: none
Notes: Thank you to @park-jimin-isnt-real for the moodboard above, and to @rec-me-bts for the moodboard below that I used in the teaser. I had so much trouble deciding which one to use where. Also many many thanks to @oddinary4bts and @madbutgloriouspond for beta-ing this for me and for their endless sympathies while I basically had an existential crisis in their dms. Thank you for not telling me I am annoying 💙
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The elevator dings and you step onto your floor. Your arm stings from carrying the grocery bags from the garage–they aren’t particularly full, but it’s just heavy enough and just long enough to get your out of shape muscles angry at you. The closer you get to your apartment, the more you notice a banging noise. And when you finally round the corner, you see its source.
Your across-the-hall neighbor, Yoongi, stands outside of his own apartment rattling his door angrily.
“Stuck again?” you ask, fishing out your keys with your free hand.
Yoongi grunts, the small ears on the top of his head pressing into his hair in frustration. Silently, he takes the bags out of your hand while you open your door. 
“You should call the landlord again,” you tell him. He follows you inside as if it’s natural. Which, really, it is. This is the fourth time this month his door has jammed, effectively locking him out of his home until a locksmith showed up.
“I’d fix it myself if he’d let me.” He sets the bags on your counter and starts to hand you items. Strawberries, a bottle of coffee creamer, cucumbers and celery. He picks up a box of frozen fish sticks and flips it around to read. “You know this stuff is garbage, right?”
You ignore his commentary on your groceries. “You know Krolmeir’s never going to let you fix it. He’d have to lower your rent.”
He hums, and you can hear the underlying ‘jackass’ in the tone. 
“Do you want me to call him?” you asked. Krolmeir–your landlord–likes you way more than he seems to like Yoongi. You’re almost positive you can guess why. But you aren’t afraid to use his skeeviness to your advantage.
“I called him just before you showed up.”
“And he said…?”
“I’ll be there as soon as I can.” Yoongi imitates Krolmeir’s voice–a high-pitched nasally whine more than anything. He rolls his eyes. “So he’ll be here sometime between five minutes from now and next Tuesday.”
You hum sympathetically. “Hang out here until he comes? I’ll make dinner.”
“Are you making fish sticks?”
“Thought about it.” His face scrunches up in disgust, a massive frown parts his lips, revealing his longer than human canine teeth. You laugh and roll your eyes. “I was actually just going to order something. Want to get sushi?”
His eyes light up, but when he speaks, his tone doesn’t match how excited he looks. “Whatever you want to do. I’m the one crashing your evening.”
You wave him off. He should know by now that he’s not imposing. You’ve been neighbors for a few years now. You’d started off just going grocery shopping together–it’s easier to carry groceries when there are two of you–and quickly progressed to taking refuge in each other’s apartments when something went wrong in your own. First, it had been your air conditioning crapping out that had driven you to Yoongi’s apartment to avoid the late-summer heat. Then, his oven stopped working, and he’d hidden in your living room while the landlord and the handyman made the repairs. Back and forth until a friendship had formed.
The sushi arrives and you settle in together on your couch. You prop your door open so that you can hear if the landlord arrives. He takes two bites of his sashimi before Yoongi hums urgently, causing you to pause the show you’d turned on for background noise.
“I’ve been meaning to ask,” he says, and you can tell he’s suddenly nervous. “So we’re having a potluck picnic thing at work, and someone decided it would be a great idea to make it mandatory.”
“Yeah. But I get a plus one, so I was wondering if maybe you’d go with me? Make it a little more tolerable?”
“You want me to go to your dumb company picnic with you?”
“Well, when you say it like that…” Nervously, he pokes at a grain of rice that had fallen off one of his nigiri.
“Sounds like it’s going to be not a lot of fun.”
You shrug. “I’m in.”
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Yoongi is a ball of nerves as you shift into park. You’re definitely not the first ones here–there’s like ten other cars in the gravel lot, and you can see a large-ish group of people milling about the pavilion just up the hill. He alternates between patting his thigh and picking at the skin around his thumbnail. His ears press into his hair so far you can’t even see them. You know he doesn’t care for his coworkers, but you didn’t know it was this bad. Maybe it’s the crowd, or the fact that so many of his coworkers will be here. You aren’t sure, but you don’t like how affected he is.
You reach over and gently cover his hands with your own. He freezes. “Let’s make a game plan,” you say softly. He hums. “We’ll stay for how long? Two hours? An hour and a half?”
“Two I think. Since it’s mandatory.”
You nod. “Stay for two hours. We’ll talk to people, but if it starts to be too much, let me know.” 
For a moment, he’s quiet. But then, he nods. “Let’s do this.”
You carry the dessert Yoongi made–partially because you’re a little worried he might drop it from nerves–and he sticks by your side. He’s got one hand in his pocket, but he’s so close that the other brushes against you every few steps.
The closer you get, the more the people in the pavilion notice you. You watch as one by one, then a few at a time, they watch you approach. And suddenly, you understand why Yoongi’s uncomfortable. Eventually, someone comes scuttling toward you.
“Hi Yoongi!” she calls, waving enthusiastically as she approaches.
“Oh. Hey Liz.” He presses closer. “We uh… we brought tiramisu.”
The woman–Liz–takes the container out of your hands. You make a small noise of protest, but she’s already gone, back up the hill to the pavilion and everyone else.
“Yoongi and his girlfriend brought dessert,” you hear her announce.
“Oh, tiramisu? Nice!” someone else–you can’t see who–says.
“No way. I thought he was going to bring something fishy.” Someone else, you can see them and you make a note that you hate them, laughs. A few others chuckle, too, and you also hate them.
They’re still laughing when you get to the pavilion. You’re introduced to each of them by finding out what they brought, and honestly, you don’t remember most of their names. It’s David that made the comment about the fish, so you’re sure to memorize his name so you can hate him fully. David’s dating Yoongi’s manager, Marcus, who apparently brought chicken that is very good. There’s Alison, who brought naan, and Rabia who brought chutney to go with it. And Donghyun brought some sort of seven layer dip.
For the most part, none of them talk to you. It quickly becomes clear that these people aren’t friends. Certainly, they aren’t friends with Yoongi, but they aren’t friends at all. They talk to each other, but it’s clear that this is just another mandatory work thing for them, and they don’t want to be here. You’re honestly a little glad that they leave you alone. None of them seem particularly nice. Or interesting.
So you grab food. And you sit together at a table far away from where the rest of the group is lingering.
“One hour, 45 minutes to go,” Yoongi mumbles, and you snort in laughter, almost choking on the naan you’d just taken a bite of.
“Maybe it won’t be so-”
“Mind if I sit?” You’re interrupted by a bright voice, and when you look, Liz is standing beside Yoongi, holding a plate of food.
You look to Yoongi and he makes a face that says he really doesn’t want her to sit with you. But he says nothing, simply gestures to the other side of the table. Which, of course, she takes as an invitation to sit right beside him. He practically squeaks in distress and scoots slightly over so that there’s a bit of space between them.
“I have to be honest,” Liz begins, oblivious. “No one really expected you to bring anyone. We kind of all just assumed you were single, you know?” He hums, but otherwise doesn’t acknowledge what she’s saying. Briefly, you consider correcting her–you aren’t dating–but she continues before you can even consider a polite way to address the situation. “How long have you known each other? How’d you meet?”
“Years.” He doesn’t even look at her to answer her, his focus on pushing his food around on his plate. His current victim is the seven layer dip he’s stabbing with a tortilla chip.
“We’re neighbors,” you add, hoping that maybe if you answer her questions, she’ll shut up and leave you alone.
Liz nods enthusiastically. “That’s so cute! You guys are cute.”
“I’m going to grab a drink,” Yoongi announces suddenly, standing up. “Do you want anything?”
“Surprise me.”
He nods and leaves you alone with Liz. “I’m serious,” she laughs. “When we were all told we could bring a plus-one, I don’t think anyone expected Yoongi to bring someone. He’s usually so quiet around everyone at work.”
You’ve lost patience with her quickly. You aren’t quite sure what it is, but every time she opens her mouth to speak, it grates on your nerves. “Sometimes, he only talks when he thinks it’s worth his time.” You shrug and make eye contact with her. 
Her smile falters very briefly, but then she recovers and it’s like nothing changed. “He talks to me, though,” she continues, as if you’d said nothing. “Mostly about new album releases and stuff.” You work at a music store, you think. But you let her keep talking. “He knows so much about music. He played the piano for me once.”
You hum and say nothing, craning your neck so you can look around her to see where Yoongi’s gotten to. He’s at the end of the pavilion, distracted by Marcus, his manager.
“He’s really good,” Liz gushes. “Like, really good. He used to want to be a music teacher–did you know that? He told me-”
You tune her out. Of course, you know that he plays the piano. You’ve seen the brown upright that sits in his living room, never dusty because he plays it too much. You often hear the soft melodies that travel through the walls at night when he can’t sleep. He’d even told you about wanting to be a music teacher–a long-dead dream that he’d abandoned in his early 20s. You wish he hadn’t, he had the patience of a saint and he was one of the smartest people you knew. But you also understand how needlessly cruel the world can be sometimes.
Finally, Yoongi returns, balancing a plate and two bottles of beer. He sits one of the bottles in front of you and, with a flourish, places the plate between you. “Someone made hotteok,” he says gleefully, nudging a pancake in your direction. “They aren’t hot, but Marcus said they were really good.”
He picks one up, gives it a satisfied pat. A wide, gummy smile spreads across his lips and his eyes crinkle in delight. He pats the pancake again a few more times, before nudging the plate toward you. It’s got one more hotteok on it, and a scoop of the tiramisu trifle Yoongi’d made. 
Liz makes a noise of annoyance, and the look on her face says that she’s not happy she’s being ignored. But she plasters on a smile when Yoongi looks over at her.
“Oh. Liz,” he says softly, one hand still gently patting his hotteok. “I didn’t realize you were still here.”
Her face falls. “I was just leaving.”
She leaves her plate behind.
He watches after her, eyes wide as she goes to join the group currently surrounding a bluetooth speaker. It’s blasting some sort of 90s pop song–you assume they’ve got a playlist going on someone’s phone. 
“That was weird,” Yoongi says finally. “She’s normally really nice.”
You hum and lie. “Maybe she’s having a bad day.”
And as tactless as you think Liz is, you want to believe that’s true. You’ve heard plenty of stories of her, how she’s the only coworker that Yoongi actually likes, how she’s nice to him, how she actually seems to be interested in what he has to say. You don’t trust her, but you hope for Yoongi’s sake that she’s just off her game today. 
Maybe if he clarified that you weren’t dating, it would help.
He doesn’t make any effort to do that, though, not even when Rabia brings around a QR code for you to scan to add songs to the playlist they’ve got going.
“Thought maybe you and your girlfriend would want to add some songs,” she says, offering a small smile. She waits patiently while Yoongi scans the code on her phone, and then she disappears again, back to the group over by the speaker.
“She seems nice,” you say, watching as he types into his phone and picks a couple songs.
Yoongi shrugs. “I’ve met her like twice? She works nights.”
After a second, he hands you his phone, open to some music website you’ve never heard of. You carefully consider what you might want to add. The site doesn’t let you see what else is in the playlist, so you aren’t sure what songs Yoongi picked, let alone what the others have queued up. But you pick two of your favorites that you think would be fun and hand him his phone back.
Apparently, the playlist is on shuffle, because a few songs later, you recognize the opening beats of one of the songs you chose. Immediately, Yoongi perks up, his little ears on alert as he listens. It takes all of about three seconds for him to break into a grin. 
He’d introduced you to this band back when you first started grocery shopping together. You were driving, he was playing music on his phone. They were his favorite, a small hip-hop group made up of three dog hybrids. It wasn’t common for hybrids to make it in really any industry, so the fact that these guys did and their music was good? You couldn’t deny they had quickly become some of your favorite artists, too.
He sways a little with the music, his eyes closed. He looks content. You smile watching him, rest your chin on his hands. You’re happy you came, you determine.
Two hours fly faster than you thought they would. And when you point out that you’ve hit your promised limit and ask if Yoongi’s ready to go, he immediately nods. So you stand, say your goodbyes. His coworkers make a big deal of you leaving so soon. Liz tries to hug Yoongi before you leave, but he dodges her by grabbing another hotteok–though whether it was a purposeful deflection or just a happy accident, you aren’t sure.
He barely speaks until you’re in the car and halfway back to your apartment building. He shifts around in his seat, digging around in his pocket. He pulls out a rock–his favorite rock, you note–and rolls it around in his hand.
“Thanks,” he says quietly. “For coming with me. I uh… I’m sorry I didn’t tell them we weren’t dating.”
You frown, and when you slow to a stop at the next redlight, you turn to look at him. “You don’t have to apologize for that. If it made the situation even a little easier, it’s totally fine.”
“Yeah, I mean, when am I going to see these people again?” The light turns green and you hit the gas. “Let them think whatever they want. You wanna come back in eight months and tell them we’re married? Go for it.”
“I-I don’t…”
“Seriously, don’t worry about it.”
He nods. “I appreciate it.”
The car falls silent, the only sounds coming from the radio–Yoongi’s phone connected to the aux cord. He continues to toy with the rock, rubbing it between his fingers and tapping it against the armrest on the door. It takes only minutes to pull into the garage under your building, and even less to find a spot.
While you’re waiting for the elevator to return to the garage, he says your name so softly, you almost don’t hear it over the whirring of the cables and machinery.
“Here,” he says, reaching out and grabbing your hand. Carefully, he presses his rock into your palm.
You look at him, confused. “Yoongi, I…” He loves this rock. He’d never said exactly where he found it, but it’s a little round and very smooth, and you’ve seen him pat his pockets down on numerous occasions to make sure he has it with him.
“Take it. Please. I… As a thank you.” He doesn’t look at you, his face flushed a shade of light pink.
You nod and close your fingers around the rock. You’ll have to find somewhere nice to put it. And maybe, someday, you can find him a new one to replace it.
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I'd love to know what you thought! I had been considering making this longer, but I thought leaving it open might be a little more fun. if you're interested, I may do a part two later? idk let me know if you're feeling a part two. thank you again to yav and jay for the moodboards. they're both so pretty.
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arduouslove · 1 year
Loving You isn't Hard to Learn 06
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genres: hybrid, romance, found family, slow burn(ish) series rating: mature (mentions of/references to death and abuse. eventual smut) chapter warnings (may contain spoilers): mentions of death. accusations of drugging/roofie-ing. descriptions of injury to the face. the reader character cooks meat; if you don't eat meat, please think of it as them just cooking it for other people. relationship(s): ot7 x female reader
In the middle of what many would call nowhere, a sign glows bright yellow. Old, unmaintained, and on its last legs, the letter e flickers for a few seconds before going dark. H aven’s Door Motel, it now reads.
prev | chapter six (12.0k) | next
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The floor is cold when you wake up on it, though not as cold as it could be, so you must've been sleeping on the floor for at least a couple hours. As you sit up, you try to get on your knees, but find your legs tangled up in half of a throw blanket. You grumble, touching one hand to the side of your head, where you had to have laid directly on the floor rather than the throw pillow you can see pushed under the coffee table. Okay, you're definitely not telling Hoseok your head kind of hurts. He's already enough of a worrywart. Speaking of...
Looking up at the couch, you see Hoseok's sleeping face smushed against the cushion, his hair ruffled all over and his mouth slightly open. Upon closer inspection, a small wet spot of drool has grown on the couch cushion directly under his mouth. You grimace at that but quickly shake the split second of disgust away. It's just saliva; it'll wash out just fine.
You untangle yourself from the blanket, and when you stand up, you drape it over Hoseok's sleeping form as quietly as you can. Yawning, you head to the kitchen, first filling your kettle and turning it on, then moving to the other side of the counter and unplugging your phone from the wall. As the screen flicks on, you see a missed call from Lee Minhyuk from only a few minutes ago, and a text from him that followed soon after.
It seems I forgot to leave one last thing to you. I found it in our storage this morning. I'll be in my office all day if you'd like to come and pick it up. Otherwise, please let me know by phone call.
As professional as always, this guy. Glancing over at the microwave, you take note that it's only 8:56AM, which isn't that early for someone like him, but still. Lee Minhyuk is punctual, you'll give him that. Well, you suppose if you head out soon, you could get back before ten, depending on what it is Minhyuk forgot to give you. Some paperwork, maybe. He did say before that Mr. Jung had liquidated everything he owned other than the motel... You wonder what it could be.
Not wanting to wake your two house guests up, you stop the kettle before it can beep to signal that it's boiled and pour the hot water over a tea bag in a to-go mug to let it steep while you get changed. You sneak on tip-toes back to your room, and you move your hand as deftly as possible on your bedroom doorknob, focusing on your feet as you step in and close the door behind you. Bee-lining to your dresser, you tug off your pyjamas and pull on some fresh clothes as quietly as you can.
But when you turn around, Jimin is sitting up in your bed and looking at you with a frown.
"Oh my gosh!" You jump and pat a hand over your heart, taking a sharp breath in at the sudden sight of him. He barely reacts, just raising one of his eyebrows at you, his bottom half still snug under the comforter. "How long were you just sitting there?"
Eyes still half closed, Jimin says, "Long enough."
"Oh. Well..." Embarrassment trickles along your veins knowing he watched you trying to quietly sneak in. He looks too tired and uninterested to care about the fact that you changed right in front of him, though. There goes your confidence in your own sex appeal. "...Did you sleep okay?"
"It was fine." His words come out short and curt, and you can't quite pinpoint why, but you get a weird feeling as you try not to narrow your eyes. He flips the covers off himself and swings his legs over the edge of the bed, using his hands at his sides to push himself off and stand. His eyes dart around your room. "Where are my clothes?"
You blink. "Oh. They're in a hamper in the bathroom. I was planning on putting them through the wash and then making something to eat." Of course, stopping by Lee Minhyuk's office threw a tiny wrench in those plans, but still, you weren't expecting this from Jimin as soon as he woke up. Whatever this is.
Just as he tries to exit your bedroom, you move to stand between him and the door, your hand held up. Jimin stops himself before either of you touch, and he frowns slightly when you go, "Whoa, hold on. What's the hurry?"
"I have to go back."
"Go back?" you echo, confusion tinged in your voice, but Jimin doesn't bother. He gently puts a hand on your wrist and moves you out of the way, which you let him do all too easily in your stupor. Go back? To the streets? Blinking and shaking yourself out of it, you turn to follow him into the bathroom, where you watch him find his dirty clothes at the top of the pile in the hamper. "What do you mean?"
Jimin doesn't look at you as he focuses on unbuttoning his pyjama top. "She's looking for me."
Sputtering, you completely miss the fact that Jimin is taking off his clothes right in front of you. "Rayoung?"
Even though he doesn't answer you, the determined look in his eyes tells you you're right. He slips on his old clothes and pushes past you again.
"She is?" You struggle to follow both him and his words, stepping into the main living space after him. "How do you know--"
Jimin whips around, and you almost bump into him, but your feet screech to a halt directly in front of him. He glares at you with those piercing brown eyes. "She loves me," he says.
Your mouth opens and closes like those dogs in kids movies they'd feed peanut butter to so it'd look like they were talking. You can't say what you think, no, that would be too harsh. You can't just say outright that someone who loves him wouldn't leave him to live miserably like he did. But, what can you say? You don't want him to go back to where he was, even if what he thinks of Rayoung is true... not when you have something within likeness of a solution so close to falling in your grasp. You were planning on going to the motel this evening with Hoseok -- and, ideally, Jimin -- to scope out the building better and finally figure out what the hell you're doing.
"Jimin..." You hold yourself back from reaching out to him, knowing that your touch might be the last thing he wants. "At least eat something..."
"I'm not hungry," he tells you, and with the conviction he puts behind the words, you almost believe him.
"C'mon, at least a bite--"
Jimin's sudden volume startles you, and your eyes go wide as he pushes both hands against you, causing you both to stumble back a step. You stare at your feet for half a second before looking back up at him, a breath of a laugh tainted with disbelief puffing past your lips. "What--"
"Don't come any closer!" He wraps his arms around his chest and scrunches his eyes shut. "I don't know what was in that fucking tea, but you can't keep me here." His back turns to you. "Rayoung was right. I can't trust anyone."
Completely thrown off, you straighten up slowly, his words settling in your brain. "...Excuse me?"
Jimin says no more, simply standing there in the foyer with his back turned, shielding himself from... you.
Roused from his deep slumber, Hoseok appears next to you. His hair is tousled and pressed flat against the side of his head that he slept on, but the sight isn't as endearing as it would be if you weren't so baffled by what Jimin just said. Taking one step in front of you, Hoseok puts a hand on your arm before you've even realized you went to get closer to Jimin, one hand up and pointed at him.
"You--" Hoseok's firm grip on your arm stops you from getting far, and as he pulls you partway behind him and your shoulder bumps into his back, you lower your voice to a whisper. "You think I drugged you?"
With his head down low, Jimin still refuses to respond. His entire body trembles, fear coursing through him like rapids under his skin. Even you can see it.
But something fogs over your rationality.
"Are you serious right now? I didn't-- I would never--" You try to take a deep breath, but it gets stuck in your throat and only serves to fuel this ugly feeling inside your chest. "You're delusional."
Hoseok hushes out your name, a warning of sorts, or maybe something closer to a plea. You don't hear it past the ringing in your ears.
"And it's not because of anything in my fucking tea," you continue. "No, you know why you're delusional?"
Hesitantly, Jimin turns around half-way, his frowning profile causing that awful roiling in you to flare up.
"Because even though you've been living on the streets for months, starved enough to root through restaurant trash bins, abandoned by the very person who supposedly loves you--" Something flashes across Jimin's eyes, but you have no grasp of what it is. "--you still think she's coming back for you."
No one says anything for a second -- too long, and Hoseok's hand slides down your arm and gently wraps around your wrist. You tug it out of his grasp with a sharp inhale. "So let's just go," you say, walking to where you keep your car keys. The jingle-jangle as you pick up your keys is the only sound in the apartment aside from your footsteps. "I'll take you right now. Near Antonio's, right? She left you around there and that's where you think she'll go looking for you?"
Hoseok softly calls your name again, but you don't hear him. Jimin only follows you with angry eyes.
"I was on my way out anyway," you continue. With your hand already on the doorknob, you slip on your shoes. "So yeah, I have no problem with dropping you off on your own with nowhere to go." You pull the door towards you and step out, eyes still on your feet. "Where you have no sure way of getting food."
Jimin doesn't look at you as he puts on his shoes.
"Where Hybrid Services already know your face--"
Your words choke to a stop when you look down the hall towards the elevators. That damned fluorescent yellow armband you had no business caring about a couple days ago -- two of them -- appear in your sight just a few metres away, directly in front of the apartment-next-door's open entrance, where your neighbour to the right, Anne-Marie, is talking to the two officers.
Without uttering another sound, you push Jimin back inside your apartment as quickly and overtly as you can. Unfortunately, this means you achieve that by shoving your hand in Jimin's face, but your head isn't exactly in the right place to think about hiding-someone-away etiquette.
"Wha--?! Stop--!"
"Shh!" You make frantic eye contact with Hoseok while Jimin glares daggers at you. At this point, you know you can't just go back inside yourself; both the officers and your neighbour have probably seen you already. You keep your voice as quiet as you can, hoping the boys can still hear you with their weird hybrid powers. "Both of you, not a peep. Got it?"
You don't wait for either of them to answer before you grab the doorknob and swing the door shut in their faces. As soon as you look back down the hall, both officers, a man and a woman, and Anne-Marie are looking at you.
"Good morning," you greet with a slight bow, completely unsure of what to do or say next.
Would asking some sort of question be suspicious? Or would trying to walk by and ignoring them be even worse?
Either way, you have to get to the elevator...
Before you have to decide, (or maybe after you already should've, considering the awkward silence,) Anne-Marie waves you over with a slight frown. "Leaving so early today?"
"Ah..." You nod at her with a strained smile as you walk up to her and the officers, making sure to smile and nod at them too in that weird, you're not really part of this conversation but you're standing here so I'll try to include you sort of way. "Yes, I have some errands to run this morning."
Anne-Marie doesn't question you, thank goodness, and just gestures towards the officers. "Well you should hear them out before you go," she says. "Apparently there's a feral hybrid on the loose."
"Feral hybrid?"
You don't have to fake the initial look of concern that appears on your face, but the way you deepen your frown at the flyer one of the officers hands you is definitely for show.
"Yes," he confirms, face stiff and almost bored from repeating the words so many times to all the residents in the building already. "He ran away from a hybrid clinic in the city and was last spotted in this neighbourhood."
Anne-Marie nods along as he speaks and shakes her head when he points out the area the hybrid was spotted last night on a small map included in the flyer. "So close to home..." she mutters, which he ignores.
Continuing after him, the female officer speaks up. "We're doing rounds to make sure everyone living in the area is aware of the risks of a feral hybrid, as well as inform everyone of the proper procedure."
"Which is...?"
"Do not approach," the man tells you as your eyes finally focus in on the two pictures of the feral hybrid, one from the front and another of his profile. In both photos, he's smiling, eyes bright. "It's dangerous for regular citizens to attempt to capture feral hybrids. Leave it to the professionals and call Hybrid Services upon encounter."
He doesn't look so dangerous.
His smile is wide and almost boyish, like someone told him he was posing for a photo op rather than the strange hybrid-version of a mug shot it actually is. He holds up his name placard like it's an award he's proud of. "V," it reads, then a bunch of numbers underneath. His animal ears are perked straight up, and you can't tell what kind of ears they are in the grainy black-and-white pictures, not to mention how small they look compared to Hoseok's. Still, the deepness of his smile, the happiness in his eyes and the scrunch of his nose -- you're not scared at all.
You don't say any of that, though.
"I'll keep an eye out, thank you," you say with a polite smile. "What kind of hybrid is he?"
The two share a look, the female officer grimacing before she turns back to you. "That's unfortunately classified information."
"What? Why? Wouldn't it help us be safer and more prepared if we know what he looks like?" You turn to make eye contact with Anne-Marie, who drinks in your words and nods with a slight frown towards the officers, a finger propped concernedly on her chin.
The man sighs. "As much as I agree with you, these pictures are the only images any of us have to go off of. Even Hybrid Services hasn't been informed of his sub-species. It's private information belonging to the clinic, and legally, we don't need to have it to apprehend the hybrid."
"I see..."
After thanking them again and giving your due goodbyes, you do your best not to turn around and watch the officers as you wait for the elevator. You step into the elevator, and as your finger finds the button for the ground floor, you peak down the hall and let out a breath of relief. The officers seem to have skipped your door because you already spoke to them.
It would probably be suspicious to re-enter your apartment so soon while they're still patrolling your floor, you think. The last thing you need right now is Hybrid Services finding a reason to look into you.
And, maybe, you need a minute to yourself. Just to breathe.
You hadn't meant to snap at Jimin like that, it just... So much doesn't make sense to you. You've barely had Hoseok around for a few days, but you feel as though your friendship is something already. Maybe not something to be proud of, exactly, but it's something.
Jimin... you've known him for even less time, if you could even call that "knowing" him at all. And yet, you felt this strange surge of protectiveness over him.
You really hope that isn't part of the saviour thing Hoseok spoke of before...
Sighing into the empty elevator, you try not to think about the fact that it probably is, and instead focus on what is right in front of you. Your car keys are still in your hand, the shape imprinted into your palm from how hard your nerves had made you grip them between your fingers while you talked to the officers.
You take the coward's route and run away.
Lee Minhyuk's office building isn't that far in terms of distance, but the traffic around it is pure hell. It gives you much too much time alone with only your thoughts. You try to drown them out with whatever is on the radio, but even that can't seem to calm the disquiet within you. The more you think about the things you said, the more regret builds in your gut. What right did you have to say those things to Jimin? Sure, you think it's a fool's dream to believe this Rayoung girl is out there searching for him, but to purposefully shut him down like that? To crush that dream just because you got offended by emotions he was completely valid in feeling? Just because he's been scarred by humans before and you happen to be one? It's not his fault that he thought you might've drugged him, it's a product of--
"Ah, you're here."
Blinking, you realize that your body went on autopilot and walked you up to Lee Minhyuk's office without you knowing, and you watch his back as he goes to sit at his desk.
"Yeah I... got your text," you say dazedly, unsure of anything else you could possibly say in the moment.
"Well, it's good that you came. I wouldn't want you to go without this." Minhyuk holds his hand out, and you step closer to his desk to let him drop whatever the thing he forgot is in your awaiting palm.
A single key stares up at you, attached by a small ring to a simple metal tag.
Silver Meadows Columbarium, it reads.
Moving the key to your fingers, you flip over the tag and read lot C 258 on the back. You'd never heard of Silver Meadows Columbarium before. Never needed to...
"I believe Mr Jung set up his..." Minhyuk pauses as he mulls over his word choice. "...accommodations before he passed."
You can't help but ask, "Just him? No family, or...?"
Your words trail off, both of you knowing that Mr Jung left you as his sole beneficiary. If he had family, he didn't leave them anything. Not even the location of his remains.
Minhyuk shakes his head, and you frown.
"He prepared for his own death all by himself?"
Your concern is met with a small, understanding smile on Minhyuk's face. "Well, he may have done the paperwork himself, but he wasn't alone. He had you."
"But I--" You hardly knew Mr Jung.
"He brought you up more than once," Minhyuk says, making you close your mouth and blink stupidly at him. At your silence, he continues. "He came to my office a few times to sign the papers and whatnot, and he mentioned you every time. Always said you're the only one who laughs at his jokes."
"They're funny!"
Your own response jars you a bit. The last time you said that, you thought Mr Jung was alive.
Minhyuk only smiles again, softly. "He was happy you thought so."
"Did he say that?"
"Not in so many words, but I it wasn't hard to tell. Don't get too caught up in the fact that Jung didn't have blood relatives he wanted to include in his will. Evidently--" He gestures to you. "--he had a family of sorts."
Except that you weren't it. You couldn't be, right?
A seedling plants itself in the forefront of your mind.
A seedling named Hoseok.
That's must be it -- Mr Jung wanted to leave his estate to Hoseok, but couldn't figure out how to, legally. Hybrids probably can't even have bank accounts, much less accept inheritance, which is why Mr Jung defaulted to you. He trusted you to help Hoseok start up Heaven's Door as the legal owner of the land it's built on.
In his letter, he'd said it's that it's you, whatever that means.
You look down at the key in your hand, taking a deep breath in. It might not be the key to Heaven's Door Motel, but you clutch it in your fingers, and as you step out of Lee Minhyuk's office, you make a silent promise to Mr Jung.
You'll get Heaven's Door up and running.
And you'll do a damn good job of it too.
When you return to your apartment, you have a brown paper bag of fresh pastries in your hand and a heavy something in your chest. You tried to figure out what you want to say to the two hybrids in your place on your way home, but it's hard. You feel like all you keep doing is messing up. Now, you even ran off without a word after seeing the Hybrid Services officers, which had to have freaked Hoseok out.
You grimace as you twist the doorknob. Less than an hour ago, you'd resolved yourself to running Heaven's Door with everything you've got, but are you really the right person for the job?
When you enter, you go to call out for Hoseok, but you freeze with your mouth partially open. The guys stand ramrod straight in front of you, Hoseok with a slight smile and Jimin with a hesitant clench of his jaw, arms crossed. You gape at them for a couple seconds until Hoseok frowns at Jimin and jabs his elbow into his side.
"Ow! What the--"
"Don't you have something to say?" Hoseok prompts through his teeth, a harsh grit to the question.
Jimin huffs, his arms shifting in front of his chest, hands holding his own arms a little tighter. He meets your eyes. "I'm--"
"Wait." You hold up a hand to stop him, not missing the confusion that flashes across Hoseok's face. Something like panic reflects in Jimin's eyes when he sneaks a glance at Hoseok, but you don't acknowledge it. "Let's talk." With the hand still holding the paper bag, you gesture towards the couch. "Have a seat. Both of you."
Jimin doesn't move until Hoseok does, following silently while Hoseok watches you out of the corner of his eye as he sits down.
You set the pastries on the kitchen table before making your way to them, stopping in front of the couch and chewing over your thoughts. Jimin regards you with a half-frown, brows knitted in apparent distrust. You can't really blame him.
If your ears were better, you might've heard the slight gasp Hoseok let out when you dropped to your knees, bent down, and pressed your forehead to your hands, which are now flat on the floor. You bow in front of them, let out a breath, and raise your head once you gather your thoughts, putting your hands respectfully on your lap. "I'm sorry," you say. "I fucked up."
Hoseok's ears twitch, dipping, and he scoots forward on the cushion, about to say something, but you don't let him.
"Jimin, I want to apologize for this morning. I had no right to react the way I did." You look at Jimin, but you can't read his face. "It's not your fault if humans have hurt you enough to make you think we're all the same. People can be... horrible. I wish things were different, but... I want you to know that I will never intentionally hurt you--" Your eyes meet Hoseok's. "--either of you. I'm not going to punish you. I'm not going to force or coerce you into anything you don't want to do. I don't want to be the kind of human you're afraid of."
Hoseok shakes his head. "I'm not afraid--"
"I can't promise I won't fuck up again," you say, wincing as you realize you've spoken over him, but when he doesn't speak up again, you continue. "I honestly feel like a walking disaster with how many times I've fucked up, and it's only been a couple days. Sometimes I speak before I think, and I really need to work on that. I'm sorry."
You don't know when you started staring into your lap, but you let out a long breath, and only after that do you slowly look up at the two hybrids. They both wear blank expressions, and it makes you want to shrink back in on yourself. "I just--"
"I lied," Jimin blurts out, and you face him, eyes slightly widening.
"...Lied? About what?"
Sighing, Jimin casts a glance at Hoseok, who nods determinedly. He fidgets with his hands, looking at them rather than meeting your eyes. "I guess, technically, Rayoung isn't looking for me right now," he mumbles. "But she will. As soon as she breaks up with her stupid tool boyfriend."
"Oh." You blink at Jimin. "Well, um... You're welcome to stay with us. Until then, I mean."
Jimin's lips form into a contemplative pout, but he says nothing.
You scratch the back of your neck. Is there a good way to approach this? "We could, um... let her know somehow? That you're with us."
You eye Hoseok, who's hopefully in the same boat for you to be saying we. He wasn't exactly Jimin's biggest fan last night, weird possessiveness over pyjama sets aside. Now, though, you see that even he can tell this Rayoung girl is bad news. Still, Jimin's ties to her seem to run deep, and you know it's nowhere near simple to tell someone a person they love isn't as great as they thought.
Jimin takes a deep breath in, his shoulders scrunching up as his body tenses and relaxes. "Can I... think about it?"
"Of course!" You perk up at the idea of him even considering your offer after the way you snapped this morning, and you point at the brown paper bag on the table. "Do you want to have breakfast while you think?"
While Jimin marks a straight line to the kitchen, Hoseok holds his hand out for you before you even move to get up. You take it, and he uses his other hand to gently grasp your elbow and lift you onto your feet. He doesn't let go right away, instead holding both your hands and whispering, "You shouldn't have gone out alone." He rubs his thumbs over your knuckles. "You're still concussed."
The proximity combined with his concern for you causes heat to stir in your chest. It's uncomfortable and foreign, so you try to force it down, smiling and letting out a chuckle that screams casual. You hope. "I can hold my own. Besides, I think I'm all better; right as rain up here." You pull one of your hands out of his tender hold and curl it into a fist, knocking on your cranium like a door. Except, the impact makes your brain swish around in your skull like gargled fluoride. "Whoa-- shit."
You sway, tipping the direction you knocked your own head into. Hoseok keeps you standing, but he doesn't like it. "You just proved my point."
"From now on, no going off on your own," he says, and from his tone, there's no point in a rebuttal.
You roll your eyes, and, whoa, does the room always spin when you do that? Still, even wooziness can't stopper your sarcasm. "Protective much?"
"Kind of my job description."
"I thought I was your bodyguard," you tease, and he chuckles, his seriousness evaporating with the sound.
"As if--"
"You're dumb."
You and Hoseok both turn towards the kitchen, where Jimin stands next to the table with a half eaten pastry in his mouth. Ignoring the glare he's under from Hoseok, which you don't notice, he speaks around the pastry. "Only a dumb person would go out on their own in your condition."
Even though you're pretty sure he should be on the same side as Jimin on this, Hoseok sneers at him, the slightest of growls rumbling in his throat.
Jimin holds up a hand, mockingly. "Easy, pup."
"I'm older than you, punk!"
You can't help it; you laugh. Jimin is all over the place, accusing you of atrocities one second and talking to you and Hoseok like you're long-time friends the next. The two hybrids cease their bickering at the sound of your laughter.
"Okay, okay." You take a breath to stop the giggles threatening to break past your lips. "New temporary house rule: no one should go off on their own unless they have to."
Jimin raises a brow. "No one?"
"Ideally." You nod. "Which brings me to the next thing I wanted to talk about. When the Hybrid Services officers were here before, they were telling everyone there's a feral hybrid in the area. The entire neighbourhood is going to be on alert-- I don't know how kindly they'll take to finding any unregistered or, uh, stray hybrids if they run into either of you alone."
Nodding along, Hoseok rubs his chin with his thumb. "Makes sense."
"They know what the hybrid looks like, but we don't know how much they actually care about the picture. Who knows if they'd just nab any male hybrid off the street," you say. "It's probably best to play it safe; at least while we're still in the neighbourhood."
"What do you mean, 'still in the neighbourhood'?" Jimin asks, curious.
You smack your own forehead and ignore the way Hoseok immediately brings his hands up like you're going to knock yourself over any second now. "Right, uh... We're kind of..." Bringing up a hand, you gesture between yourself and Hoseok. "...prospective business owners? Is that--? No, we're, uh...starting up a motel? But, like, for hybrids?"
Hoseok is decidedly unhelpful with explaining what Heaven's Door is meant to be, staying silent and just making a face as you botch it.
"Anyway, it might be safer if we head out there sooner rather than later if the neighbourhood is getting paranoid over stray hybrids. It's outside of the city, and Hybrid Services doesn't do patrols out there. I was thinking to move once I'd figured more shit out, but I didn't think the whole 'feral hybrid' thing would happen today, and I definitely didn't foresee meeting you." Not that anything that's happened to you in the last few days could've been foreseen, either. You smile at Jimin. "But hey, at least you were a pleasant surprise."
"Didn't I threaten to kill you?."
You shrug. "I'm still here, aren't I?"
"And your guard dog attacked me."
"After you attacked her!" Hoseok argues.
Clicking his tongue, Jimin gives his head a nod. "Point taken."
"Anyhow," you continue on. "While you think about what you wanna do, I'd like you to come with us. Of course, you're free to refuse. I still have two-ish weeks of rent paid for this place, so you could stay here, but..." You share a look with Hoseok, then return your eyes to Jimin.
"...I'd be alone?" he finishes for you.
"I guess I'd just feel better if you're with us."
Jimin seems to absorb your words, but he stays silent for a few seconds. He tosses the last bite of the pastry into his mouth, chewing quietly and brushing his hands together to get rid of the leftover crumbs. He takes a breath. "I guess I sort of owe you for the food and the bed I slept in last night... The least I can do is make you feel better."
Your cheeks make way for a beaming smile.
"Just while I think about it."
You school yourself. "Right! Right," you say, clearing your throat of any enthusiasm that might've gotten clogged in there. "Just while you're thinking about it. Nothing's set in stone."
Either Hoseok calls shotgun outside of your hearing range, or Jimin silently sits in the backseat of your car out of some unfounded sense of regularity. He doesn't speak a word as you drive, just watches the world pass by through the side window. You can't really see him in the rear view mirror, and most of your focus is on the road, but there are a few moments where you catch his fingers scratching at his arms before he flexes his hands and stops. You're reminded of the red, bumpy skin you saw on his arms. Now, it's covered by his shirt and jacket, both of which you convinced him to let you wash before you all left your apartment.
"I don't think this is the right way..." Hoseok says, squinting at the street signs as you drive out of the inner city.
"Yeah, uh." You'd looked up the address to Silver Meadows before you left, and it's practically on the other side of the city as Heaven's Door. "There's somewhere I wanted to go first. You know how I left this morning?"
Hoseok nods.
"Well, it wasn't just to throw a tantrum, if that's what you were thinking."
"I thought maybe you were trying to get those Hybrid Services officers to think you were going somewhere, so they'd think no one was in your apartment," Hoseok says, making your eyebrows rise on your forehead.
"Wow, you're pretty intuitive, aren't you?" Your eyes dart to the backseat, but you can't see Jimin's face since he's sitting right behind you. "Were you guys able to hear that whole conversation in the hallway?"
Jimin scoffs, something sarcastic in the simple sound, while Hoseok nods again. "It's weird how even they don't know the species of the feral hybrid," he says. "Without that information, they'd go after any stray hybrid they encounter -- not that they weren't doing that already."
"But they might treat any stray like they're feral and dangerous," you finish the thought process for him, and when you meet his eyes, he sports a grim expression. You roll your shoulders back, sighing. "It's a good enough reason to stay on our toes, but hopefully we won't run into any trouble outside of my neighbourhood..."
And, hopefully, the feral hybrid doesn't get found by anyone less than civil. The cheerful face of that hybrid flashes across your mind, and you wonder about his circumstances. What makes a hybrid go feral, anyway? What made him run away from the hybrid clinic? How much of the information the officers gave you is a stretching of the truth?
"So where did you go?" Hoseok asks when you make another unfamiliar turn.
"Lee Minhyuk texted me -- he was Mr Jung's estate lawyer." You add that in to give Jimin some context, but you're not sure if he's even listening. "He forgot to give me the key for Mr Jung's niche."
Hoseok's brows furrow as he echoes you. "Niche?"
"It's what they call the individual sections in a columbarium," you explain, not too informed yourself, but you know enough. You take Hoseok's silence as him not filling the gaps quite yet. "Mr Jung's urn is being kept in one. Lot C, niche 258, at Silver Meadows Columbarium."
"Oh." Hoseok doesn't exactly slump in his seat, but you see the way his shoulders sag just the slightest. "He was cremated?"
You nod, eyes still on the road. "Yeah... I hadn't thought about it much. I'd assumed his family was dealing with all the..." Breathing out a long exhale through your nose, you try to think of the right words. (And come up with nothing.) "...well, that kind of stuff. But apparently I'm the only one with the key."
"Mr Jung never talked about any family..." Hoseok mumbles.
A road sign ahead reads Silver Meadows, and you slow down to turn into the lot.
"You're not bringing flowers?"
You turn your head at Jimin's sudden question, surprised since he was quiet the whole drive. He meets your eyes.
"You're visiting a grave, and you didn't bring flowers?" he asks, arms crossed.
"Oh." You look downward. "I hadn't thought about that..."
Jimin doesn't say anything, and you've run out of words yourself. Does it make sense to go back to buy some? You think about Mr Jung, and far above wanting to go get flowers for him now, you wish you could've brought him one back then. When he could see it.
You find a parking spot and switch off the engine.
"It's okay," Hoseok says before any of you exit the car. He's not looking at you, though. "We can bring flowers next time."
You watch him step out of the car, and as he does, he pulls his collar out of his pocket and fastens it around his neck, clasping the metal ends together before he shuts the car door behind him. Before you'd left the apartment, you told him to bring it, but you forgot about it during the drive.
"Oh, right. Jimin." You twist in your seat and reach into your bag, finding the red velvet choker you'd stuffed in there earlier. You've never really worn it since someone gave it to you however long ago, and you just hastily grabbed it from your room before you all left the apartment. You hold it out for him. "Wear this for now. It's not technically a collar, but... no one will be looking too closely. I hope."
Jimin frowns, but he takes the choker. "Can't I just stay in the car?"
You don't want to pressure him, but you can't help the grimace that crosses your face. "I feel safer together..."
"Fine," he huffs, bringing his hands up to fasten the choker. "You're lucky this is cute."
By the time you both catch up to Hoseok, he's already found the directions to lot C. He walks silently, and when he finds niche 258, you and Jimin hang a bit back, giving him a moment.
This section of the columbarium is indoors, and the walls and niches seem to be white marble, or made to look like white marble. Whichever it is, it feels a bit... cold.
Mr Jung's niche is empty, save for the black urn inside. Jimin was probably right -- some flowers would at least bring some life to the space.
Hoseok stands in front of the niche, which is embedded in the wall at around the height of his chest. His arms hang limp at his sides. You step up beside him, and you take his hand, gently, bringing it up so you can push the key into his palm.
"I think he meant to give this to you." And everything else, you want to say, but you hold your tongue. That's a lot to put on someone all at once.
You would know.
Hoseok holds his hand in front of him, staring at the key. He looks up at you and meets your eyes with his watery ones. "You think so?"
"Of course I do." You put a hand on Hoseok's shoulder, your thumb rubbing back and forth over his coat. "You said Mr Jung never talked about any family, right? That's because you were his family."
Sniffling, Hoseok bites his bottom lip to stop it from trembling as he breaks eye contact and returns to looking at Mr Jung's niche. "I... I wish he wasn't this far away. He made it so much harder to visit."
"Hey..." Gently, you use your hand on his shoulder to turn Hoseok toward you, then put both your hands on his arms and give him a reassuring squeeze. A tear threatens to roll down his cheek, but you reach up at thumb it away. "I know you probably knew Mr Jung better than I did, but... something in me thinks he'd want to say..." You turn your head to look at the niche, smile, and shake your head. "He's not in there." Bringing a hand up, you softly poke the pad of your pointer finger between Hoseok's eyebrows. "He's in here." You move to his chest and poke at where his heart should be. "And here." Finally, you take both his hands, a bit awkward with the one still holding the key, and hold them between you. "And that's what matters, right?"
Hoseok nods, but his face crumples up, and he tucks it into your neck. You wrap your arms around him just as his embrace you tight. Over his shoulder, you glance at Jimin, who quickly looks away, but you know he was watching. He stuffs his hands in his pockets, suddenly very interested in his worn out shoes.
"But we can still visit, right?" Hoseok mumbles into your skin, bringing your attention back to him.
"Of course. And next time, we'll bring flowers."
As you slide into one of the parking spots in front of Heaven's Door, it occurs to you that this is the first time you're seeing it in the daylight. All of its mediocre glory. The outer walls are a faded yellow, with supporting pillars and railings on the second floor landing which were once white. The doors to the individual rooms are a nice dark green that matches the roofing, but you have to admit they've seen better days. Still, you can feel the potential the old building blooms in your chest.
"Not too bad, hey?" you say to Jimin, who's leaning forward between the driver and passenger seats to peer out the windshield at the place.
He sniffs. "It's no Plaza Hotel."
"You've been?"
"No, I've seen Home Alone 2."
Chuckling, you pull your car key out of the ignition and exit the car. You put your hands on your hips, inhaling a big, exaggerated breath as you take in the motel. Hoseok walks over and stands next to you, arms crossed.
"Well," you say. "It might be a bit of a fixer-upper, but that's nothing a couple of fixer-uppers like us can't handle, right?" You bump your shoulder into Hoseok, who smiles at you and bumps back with his hip. You stumble a bit, but Jimin's hand on your back stops you from swaying too hard. When you take your eyes off your feet, he meets your eyes with a plain expression.
"You guys are disgustingly optimistic."
A hand on his shoulder, you grin. "You just named one of my best traits!"
The move into Heaven's Door is by no means smooth, but you can't say it's not something you expected.
The first thing you notice is the broken window in the convenience store under the motel lobby, which you'd missed that first night in the dark. Hoseok sheepishly admits that he'd had to break in to eat the snack food inside. You don't push it -- that void of time between losing Mr Jung and meeting you isn't a topic you think is worth diving into if it's going to bring Hoseok back to that time. The window won't be cheap, but if you don't put a custom decal on it like the shattered one on the ground, it might not be as expensive.
Secondly, Hoseok leads you and Jimin to the master room you remember Mr Jung mentioning in his letter, and you realize you'd only seen the motel from one side. Behind the lobby, which has a lot of that same forest green as the doors outside, Hoseok shows you the half of the building you had no idea about before. An entire branch extends behind the lobby, about the same length as the front, but instead of the entrances to each room facing outside like the ones you saw before, there are doors mirroring each other on both sides of a hallway. Immediately to the right is the master room, but at the end of the hallway seems to be a common area with couches and coffee tables, and two walls lined with a counter and cabinets. Hoseok tells you it's the same downstairs, except the end of the hall is a kitchen and dining area. It reminds you of a college dorm.
If anyone stayed in the rooms you saw out front, you don't think they'd even notice this half of the building.
The master room is smaller than your apartment, but it has its own half-kitchen and en suite bathroom with a pretty nice shower. Hoseok explains to you that most of Mr Jung's time and focus went into building and upgrading the interior of Heaven's Door, which is why it has its less than shiny exterior.
You can tell Hoseok was staying in the master room up until you... kidnapped(?) him.
"This is probably the nicest room in the motel, huh?" Jimin posits, walking inside with his hands in his pants pockets. He's wearing the clothes he met you in, now washed but no less worn down.
You nod. "Probably. We're a bit far from the city, so it would make sense for the owner to just live here."
"Dibs." Jimin flops down face first into the bed.
Hoseok crosses his arms. "Yah."
As you fail to hide your laughter behind your hand, Jimin squirms in the bed, twisting himself so he lies on his back. He stretches his arms and legs out like a sea star. "Smells too much like dog here, though."
While Hoseok sneers, you say, "Probably because this is Hoseok's room. You and I can take the rooms next door and across the hall."
"Why would I wanna be next door to you?" Jimin closes his eyes and interlocks is fingers behind his head, fully relaxing into the bed.
You let out an affronted scoff. Your hand goes up to your chest, right over your heart even though Jimin can't see it. "Um, my amazing company and charming personality?"
As you and Jimin go through this back-and-forth, you miss the way Hoseok's face fell when you said you'd be in a different room. His disheartened expression goes unnoticed, and when you stand up, proclaiming there's a lot of work to be done, he smiles at you with all the sunshine he can muster.
You're none the wiser.
Aside from the horrors (the mere idea of business management, the building maintenance, the absolute atrocity that is dealing with plumbing, the phone calls, etc, etc,) at least it's fun to print keys. Hoseok apparently never figured the system out because Mr Jung took care of getting it installed, but half an hour on the computer, and you manage to print a key for both yourself and Jimin. He chooses the room across from the master, while you're right next to it.
Hoseok insists on him and Jimin carrying all the food you'd brought inside, but to appease your need to take part, he lets you carry one item for each trip from your car to the common kitchen area. (You find this a little patronizing, but it is admittedly nice to be doted on by them both, even if Jimin's still pretending he doesn't care.)
((He takes a bag you were reaching for, despite already having both his hands full.))
Much of your things are still back at your apartment, but you have time to bring them over. The first day is mostly about getting Hoseok and Jimin out of dodge -- you can worry about your own problems later. You spend the afternoon sitting in the lobby, poring over the paperwork left there and googling motel business 4 dummies like your life depends on it. Hoseok, who'd been cleaning up his room and taking care of the broken glass outside (and inside, unfortunately) the convenience store, forces you to take a break in the form of helping him make dinner.
During dinner, unprompted, Jimin tells you he's still thinking.
It hasn't slipped by you, of course, that Jimin's stay with you is conditional and, lest you hope otherwise, temporary.
But when he says that, staring into his food rather than looking at you, a tiny smile makes it's way onto your face,
"Take all the time you need."
On the third night, you wake up to soft knocks on your door. You have no expectations because your brain is in the process of trying to dissect the dream you'd just been ripped out of, but seeing Hoseok on the other side of your door still isn't something you were prepared for. He's wearing the new, new pyjamas you'd bought for him in a sparse shopping trip you'd all gone on the second day, despite him saying he didn't care that much about Jimin wearing the other ones.
You go to say his name, but he just brings a finger up to his lips in a silent shush, and with his other hand, he gently takes your hand and leads you down the hall into the master room.
Nothing in your body wants to fight it, so you let him bring you right up to the bed. He practically pushes you onto it, but the way he pulls the warm comforter over you defies any ill intent. When he settles in on the other side of the bed, his breath puffs against your cheek. He hasn't really scented you since the day you met Jimin; you've been near each other almost constantly since, so there was really no reason to.
You remember him telling you it's about separation, but also not. He never did tell you more about it.
In your sleep-ridden haze, you shift to your side. Hoseok is on his side too, rather close, and his eyes are closed, but you know he can't have fallen asleep so fast. Gently, you bring a hand to the back of his head, careful, as always, not to touch his dingo ears. You pull him closer ever so slowly. If he resists at all, you'll let go.
Hoseok lets out a shaking breath. He wraps both arms around you and tugs you closer, his face pressing itself against your neck. Eyes still closed, he squeezes you close. It's warm.
That's right, you think.
He’s a strong little pup, but he hates being alone.
How did you manage to forget that?
If Jimin has anything to say about the fact that you've started to retire to the master room at the end of the day, he doesn't vocalize it. Hoseok never brings it up, either. He's hardly touchy during the daytime, keeping his hands to himself, especially in front of Jimin. Yet, when night comes, he pulls you to bed like he's done it his entire life and keeps his arms around you until you fall asleep and wake up to find him all tangled up in the sheets.
Jimin either hasn't noticed, or, as you suspect, he doesn't care.
He'll often say he's "still thinking about it". You're not quite sure how to respond to it every time, so now you just smile and nod, sometimes reminding him that the choice is still his.
One night, you find him in the common area, sitting on a couch and watching a muted cartoon on the tv you'd connected to your Netflix account the day before. The subtitles aren't even on, and when he turns at the sound of your footsteps, you see the red of his eyes, and the shining tracks on his cheeks.
There's still a lot you don't know about Jimin.
Rayoung. Her boyfriend. His red contacts and why he wore them.
"It's freezing in here," is all he says as he wipes his cheeks with his sleeve. "You should get the heating system checked."
You sit down next to him, neither of you looking at each other. "Feels normal to me."
The cartoon isn't one you recognize, but it looks like it could be fun if you knew what anyone was saying.
For a while, you and Jimin say nothing. He sits next to you, and you next to him. At some point, he shifts just the slightest bit closer so your shoulders brush against each other. That's as far as he goes for your body heat.
"Do you get cold easily?" you eventually whisper.
"Is that a snake thing?"
Jimin shakes his head, slowly, the late hour finally getting to him. "Some reptile hybrids are like that, some aren't. There aren't many of us, so people don't really know why. At least... that's what he told me."
He. You decide not to dig into that. Jimin will tell you if he wants to.
"Your scales... the skin around them seemed irritated."
"...Itchy..." Jimin's head falls to your shoulder. He doesn't snuggle in, but he rests there. "I had a cream for it..."
"We should buy some," you say.
"It's expensive... You shouldn't buy it if I'm going to leave soon..."
Though his words cause a muted ache in your heart, you don't stew on it. That was always the case.
"You can take it with you."
Jimin doesn't respond, asleep on your shoulder.
You're not sure how much time passes, but later, you hear light, shuffling footsteps behind you, and you turn your head towards the sound, careful not to jostle the slumbering Jimin on your shoulder. Hoseok stands there, eyes half closed but on you nonetheless.
"You left," he mumbles, swaying slightly like he's struggling to stay both awake and upright.
You give him a small smile, lit only by the tv that's still playing that cartoon you don't know the name of. "I didn't go very far."
"Come back to bed?"
Gently, you lift a hand and gesture at Jimin. "Can we bring him back to his, first?"
When you're sent the invoice for the window repair, you realize (not for the first time) this won't be easy.
You didn't think it'd be a walk in the park, of course not, but you've never really had to worry about the cost of running a business before. Now, you look at the numbers, and you just can't wrap your head around how it'll all work. Mr Jung left you a considerable amount, yes, but... will it be enough? You can't imagine the motel is in any high level of traffic area for travellers. There are quite a few campsites around in the surrounding forest, but that's about it. How many customers would it take monthly to support the motel? How much has to or even can be sacrificed before any income is made?
You've already spent so much on keeping you, Hoseok, and Jimin alive and warm for the past week. It's normal, you suppose, but you've never supported two dependants before, and the fact that you're currently unemployed doesn't settle the heavy feeling in your chest at all. You're draining your savings while not making any money in the meantime.
A safe haven for hybrids...
...who can't pay rent.
Maybe Mr Jung was older and more senile than you thought.
You shake your head and rub your hands over your face, resting your elbows on the desk in front of you. First, you gotta apologize to Mr Jung for disrespecting the dead. You might be cynical, but he had a dream. A really good and nice dream. Secondly, you scold yourself for thinking what you did about hybrids. Of course they can't pay rent. They were born into a system that actively discourages their financial (and pretty much every other kind of) autonomy. They can't pay for anything because of humans.
Still, you don't know how long you can keep running Heaven's Door on your inheritance alone. You haven't even opened yet -- how much will it cost to run for a month? Three? A year?
"Do the numbers change if you sigh hard enough?"
You turn in your swivel chair to glare at Jimin, who's sitting in the chair next to you with one leg folded up to his chest, foot propped up on the seat. He doesn't return your gaze, enraptured by the match-three game he's playing on your phone, which he's been going at rather consistently for the past two days. You don't really have a job for him right now, and aside from the tv, he doesn't have much to take up his time. You'd offered to grab the contents of your bookshelf back at home for him, but he'd casually refused, telling you he'd take a look next time you make the trip, but not to go out of your way.
"Maybe they will," you taunt back, which goes just as ignored as your glare. "I better sigh harder to test it out."
You tilt your head, looking at your phone in his hand. "Should I get you guys phones...?" you ask, mostly to yourself.
Jimin's eyes glance up, and he finally acknowledges you. He doesn't need to say it. He does anyway.
"I'm still thinking."
Curling your lips in, you nod, turning back to the computer and hovering your hands over the mouse and keyboard even though you have no plans on what to do with them. "Right. Right..."
Thankfully, Hoseok chooses that awkward moment to walk into the lobby. "You should take a break," he says. "How is your head feeling?"
"It's fine, doc." You roll your eyes, smiling. "Just as fine as I said it was yesterday."
"Have you been taking your meds?"
You shake your head. "The doctor said they're for headaches. They're just painkillers -- the few times my head has hurt, the pain went away by the time I remembered I could take them."
Jimin lowers your phone and gives you a look you can't quite decipher. It's not positive; you know that at least. "You're still getting headaches?"
"Only itty-bitty ones," you try to placate them.
"How long has it been since you fell?"
You almost forgot you lied to Jimin about how you got your concussion. By the looks of Hoseok's guilty expression, though, you're not sure if you regret it. You don't want him to feel responsible, but talking about it -- whether or not Jimin knows -- still seems to remind him of what he did. Where you put the blame doesn't matter to him. He still thinks it's his fault.
"Uhh... a little over a week?" you answer, keeping a careful eye on Hoseok. "Maybe eight or nine days."
Jimin frowns. "That can't be good, right?"
"The doctor said to go back to the hospital if the symptoms last over two weeks." Concern laced in his features, Hoseok crosses his arms.
You nod along. "I'll put the date on my calendar, okay? I'm sure I'll be fine by then."
"You better not play it down when the time comes," Hoseok warns.
"Yes sir," you joke.
Hoseok takes in a sharp breath, shoulders scrunching up for half a second before he forces them to relax. A small huff of a laugh escapes Jimin's nose, and you look at him in confusion, but his eyes are on Hoseok, something playful and teasing in them. Jimin mouths something to Hoseok, which you can't read.
Hoseok grumbles and tightens the arms crossed in front of him. "Shut up."
"No fair," you whine. "You guys already have inside jokes?"
Jimin just laughs harder while Hoseok gives him a death glare and says, "It doesn't count as an inside joke if I don't find it funny."
"Don't worry," Jimin teases through a smirk. "I find it funny enough for the both of us!"
You can't help but smile at the ever-growing amity between the two hybrids, which is admittedly playful in the biting way, but it still makes you happy that they're somewhat getting along.
"We should celebrate," you tell the boys one day.
"Celebrate what?" Jimin questions, hands stuffed in his coat pocket and shoulders scrunched up to his ears.
You'd gone around the back of the motel and found a paved, patio-like area, complete with five wooden picnic tables, propane patio heaters, and an old-looking but (probably) functional barbecue, but Jimin isn't exactly a fan of the cool breeze flowing through the air.
You lift the lid of the barbecue, examining the charred grates of the grill. "Well, I dunno, but it'd be a shame not to use this before it gets too cold out."
"Too late," Jimin mumbles. His lips are hidden behind the front of his coat, which he's ducked half his face into.
Hoseok ignores Jimin, nodding at your idea. "A barbecue night would be nice."
"How are you on the grill?" you ask him.
"I'm better at prepping."
You chuckle. "So basically, not good?"
"Not good," he echoes with a smile.
After sharing some giggles, you look at the barbecue again. "I'm sure I could figure this out."
"I'm going back inside," Jimin tells you both, already walking away.
"C'mon!" you call after him. "It'll be fun!"
Although you're in a different store now, near the edge of the city closer to the motel, the pet/hybrid aisle hosts a pretty similar collection to the store near your apartment. You pull another plain, black collar off the hook on the shelf, which matches the one currently sitting around Hoseok's neck.
He's not paying attention at all, as far as you know, instead hunched over the pushbar of the shopping cart he insisted on pushing for you, poring over the grocery list you'd written on a memo pad for tonight's "celebration".
In your mind, you've started calling it your "new friends party :D", emoticon included, but you haven't worded that out loud to either of the boys. Hoseok would surely laugh at the childishness of the name, even if he'd politely try to stifle it, and you know Jimin would only remind you that his relationship to you and Hoseok is temporary.
Mood killer, you think to Jimin, although it's the hypothetical version of him.
The real Jimin is looking at the array of collars on the shelf like you asked him to, and you step up next to him.
"What do you think?"
Jimin frowns, deep in thought. "They're all ugly."
Okay, maybe not that deep.
"Ouch," you chuckle, fingers toying with the black silk in your hand. "You don't have to wear one all the time -- just while we're in public spaces like this."
Grumbling, Jimin stuffs both his hands in his coat pockets. "In public... that's when I wanna look good."
"Okay, okay." You pat a hand on his shoulder. "Maybe we can find one you like online, or something."
"Doesn't this one work?" Jimin points at his neck, fingers ghosting over the soft velvet of your red choker.
You tilt your head. "I guess... Probably."
The tags for collars have to be bought and customized separately anyway. There's no reason why you wouldn't be able to put Jimin's on your choker, though attaching the tag might not be as simple as the store-bought collars. Manageable, though, you're sure.
"If you're done being picky, we should get going. The frozen meat will be rotten by the time we get to the car," Hoseok says, making Jimin roll his eyes and stick his tongue out at him.
You clap your hands together. "Ooh! We should get ice cream!"
When you bring all the groceries to the counter, you notice that Jimin keeps his head down, avoiding the eyes of the person ringing everything up. This isn't new -- Jimin seems to not like making eye contact with anyone but you or Hoseok.
He'd tossed the red contacts after one of them had an intimate meet and greet with your bedroom floor, but you can tell he doesn't like being without them. It's awful, you think, how long he wore those fake red eyes just because his owner... what, enjoyed the idea of owning a deadly hybrid?
The... exoticism?
You shiver.
On the cusp of winter time, with Jimin in a couple layers, you wouldn't even know he's a hybrid if you weren't paying attention. As far as you know, his only hybrid-defining trait is his scales, and the only ones you can see right now are on his neck. They'd easily go unnoticed to the everyday passerby.
"Your total is--"
The cashier's voice startles you, and all you can do is shake your head when they ask if you have their points reward card.
Before heading back to the motel, you make a quick stop at your apartment, telling the boys that you're just grabbing some more of your clothes and that they can wait in the car. You do grab some clothes, but you also pick up a few of your favourite books. Hopefully the boys will be able to find some entertainment in them. Recently, you discovered a recreation room in the motel, complete with a couple of exercise machines and a pool table. With how preoccupied you are with all this motel business stuff, though, you haven't had the time to play a round of pool or even think about exercising. Maybe the boys have been in there, but it seems like Hoseok is almost always somewhere around you, still weary of your condition.
It's sort of fair, you think. Dizzy spells still hit you sometimes.
Jimin, too, often sticks around somewhere nearby. Maybe it's because he likes scrolling through your phone and doesn't want to just take it and leave whatever room you're in.
Which brings you to the real reason you stopped by your apartment. You walk up to the mailboxes and pull out your key, smiling when you open your locker and find the packages you were expecting.
It's a bit of a pricey expense -- at least, for how you used to budget your life before it flipped on its head -- but you think it's worth the money. A simple phone for each of the boys, a new family plan to save on the phone bills, and a specialty reptilian hybrid eczema cream. You hope it's the right one for Jimin. You haven't seen his irritated skin since that shower due to the chilly weather, but you still catch him scratching his arms over his clothes from time to time.
You're sure if you told Jimin you wanted to buy the cream for him, he would've refused. The phone, too.
"Took you long enough," Jimin says when you dip back into the driver's seat of your car.
You chuckle. "I missed you too, Mochi."
He huffs at the nickname and crosses his arms, then turns his head to stare out the window. You don't see his faint smile.
"It's freezing," Jimin complains through chattering teeth, hands stuffed in his coat pockets and shoulders scrunched up practically to his ears.
You can't hold back a little laugh. "I told you, you could either help me out here with the grill, help Hoseok with prepping everything inside, or run the raw food from the kitchen to out here." Raising an eyebrow at him, you gesture towards your gloved hands and the food you're flipping on the grill with metal tongs. It is chilly out, especially since the sun set, but you're wrapped up in your own jacket, and the fire from the grill is keeping your cheeks warm. It probably feels colder to Jimin, though. "You wanna trade with me?"
He gives you a flat look. "You're kidding."
"Thought so. You wanna trade with Hoseok?"
Cringing, Jimin shakes his head. "I hate touching raw meat."
"Well, there's our answer then," you say. "Was that the last of it?"
He nods, another shiver rippling through him. It's almost endearing how red his cheeks are turning, but you know he really can't stand the cold.
"Okay, go inside and warm up. I should be done cooking everything in ten or fifteen minutes. Bring this plate in--" You point at a foil-wrapped plate of the food you've already cooked. "I can bring the rest inside once I'm finished."
Jimin's eyes widen slightly. "I thought you wanted to eat out here?" He looks at one of the picnic tables.
"Nah." You shrug. "It's way too cold for me, and the food will cool down too fast."
Elated by this news, Jimin smiles and bounces on his feet when he grabs the plate and runs it inside.
"And help Hoseok clean up the kitchen!" you yell out right before the door shuts behind him.
Truthfully, you did want to eat outside for the celebration, but it's more important to you that Jimin is comfortable and happy. After all, he's one of your new friends, and that's the whole point of tonight. You smile at the thought, excited to gift the boys their new cell phones after dinner.
Flipping some of the last pieces of meat on the grill, you hum to yourself. Out of the corner of your eye, you see a hand reach for the plate you have set to the side for the cooked food. It tentatively grabs one of the slices of meat and pulls it off the plate, which you let out a chuckle at.
"What, you couldn't wait a couple more minute--"
You choke to a stop, though, when you look up and see neither Hoseok nor Jimin.
Dark eyes meet yours for less than a moment before swiftly turning downward. The man stumbles back a step, but he freezes in almost the same way you do. Except, instead of his jaw dropping open like yours does, he pauses mid-chew, the frisked meat still in between his teeth.
That's not what makes your breath hitch, though.
Even under the blackened sky, you can see the bruises.
A dark, deep purple sits boldly under is left eye, the surrounding skin a sickening blend of yellow and green that winds up all the way to his brow. His chin sports another bruise in a similar state, like the blows had been a couple days ago and the skin has gone through only the first stages of healing. Although his face is grimy with sweat and dirt, you can see crusted blood just at his hairline before his black hair hides anything else. You can tell his lip was completely busted at some point, marred with dark, dried blood that's been split over and over again and given no chance to heal.
Even his stance looks like he's in pain. Like he's trying to make himself look smaller.
You swallow the shock down, the words not coming out. "I..."
He snaps out of it at the sound of your voice. Both of his hands shoot up, palms flat and facing you. "Sorry-- I'm sorry," he mumbles and winces, like it hurts to speak. His voice is scratchy and rasping.
He backs up further while you try to find something to say, something to do, but before you can do anything, he runs off the patio and disappears into the treeline, a clear limp in his movement.
"Wait!" you call out, but he's gone.
Maybe it was the injuries that made you want to go after him. Maybe it was the way he held himself, like he didn't want to be in his own body. Maybe it was the way his voice trembled, or the fact that he definitely wasn't wearing enough for the temperature outside.
Maybe it was all that combined, but most of all, it was the pointed black ears you saw on top of his head.
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forthechubbies · 1 year
A thought I felt like sharing.. snake hybrid min yoongi x mouse hybrid reader where yoongis mum walks in on him about to go down on her but he’s being a tease: “Don’t play with your food, son.”
I'm sorry I'm so late, I don't really expect anybody at actually talk to me so I never check lol I got like 2 more I think... I feel so loved. 🥰
I can't imagine Yoongi being anything other than a cat. Like, look at him. Little Kitty meow meow ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ. Smutty...kinda? Just beware, okay.
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But a mouse hybrid seems perfect for a sadistic kitten like meow meow. I see him needing a collar not for domestication but for ✨ fashion ✨, honey. Anyway you the unlucky pip squeak got the sassy feline as a partner for project at work. In fear of being cut loose you played along...fighting through any trial he throws your way. No matter how * gulps * scary the threat -
You can't tell if he's purring or growling; it's a difficult call since his voice is so deep. “Hello, Minnie” speaks of the devil. He purred, using his long slender tail as a lasso to reel you into his chest where he commanded, excuse me, proposing the idea of having you for lunch with his parents. " Huh?! Speak up!" Yoongi teased, obnoxiously raising his voice over yours.
" I'm busy!" you squeaked out .
Your bluff was challenged.
" Oh yeah," He darkly chuckled, lowering his cherry lips to the curve of your round ear. "I'm sure your vibrator needs a little break, don't you think?".
You expected his parents to have somewhat more class than their son, but, indeed, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. When you arrive in yoongi's arms, his parents are over the moon at the way you cling to their son out of fear. You didn't realize the restaurant’s clientele is mainly cats.
"She's gorgeous, Yoongi." His mother purred, fluttering her ears. " but there's no point in being here if you bring your lunch." she chuckled as Yoongi did earlier. Like mother like son.
" Mother. " He scolded, flicking his tail before turning towards you. "you know how greedy I can be." those large green eyes fell on yours, occupying you from discovering his large hand creeping up to squeeze your ass.
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nighty night
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pairing: Min Yoongi x Female Reader, Kim Taehyung x Female Reader, Jeon Jungkook x Female Reader word count: 1496 warnings: smut, cat hybrid!yoongi, bear hybrid!tae, bunny hybrid!kook, foursome (f/m/m/m), nipple play, handjob, oral sex, creampie, vaginal sex AO3 A/N: request - hi, i really love your stories and i would like to ask a story where you adopt hybrids (yongi, tae and jk) and they ask to suck your boobs to fall asleep and it ends in smut Hope you like it and that you have a wonderful day wherever you are💜
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When you woke up that morning with the intention to adopt a hybrid you would have never expected to leave the shelter with three hybrids - Yoongi the black and white cat, Taehyung the brown bear, and Jungkook the black rabbit.
You were honestly surprised with how well they got along considering their different personalities. Like any other cat Yoongi was really independent and loved to spend the majority of his time laying down, Taehyung was jovial and adored to cuddle with you, and Jungkook was a shy one that barely talked but you could always see him near you.
Overall the day had been going pretty good but as the night grew longer the fatigue of the day was starting to get to you. You had already shown your new friends to their new room, so you got up from your seat and told them that you were going to bed, telling them to turn off the television once they were done.
You don't know how long after you were laying in your bed with your comfy covers that you heard a knock on the door. Sitting on the bed and rubbing your eyes all three of your hybrids walk through the door, Yoongi's face not giving anything way while the other two had looks of apprehension, Jungkook using his bunny ears to almost cover his face.
"Hey, is something wrong?"
"N-No! Not really, but," Taehyung started to play with his fingers. "There's something we need to tell you."
"What is it?" The room fell into silence, the younger hybrids preferring to focus their attention on their feet while you could've almost mistaken Yoongi with a statue, not counting his tail swinging, with how unmoving he was. You were starting to get worried.
With a roll of the eyes and a sigh the cat spoke. "Oh my God, we need your help to fall asleep."
Oh. That wasn't so bad. Your mind was creating worse scenarios. "Okay, how can I help?"
The bunny started. "W-We n-need to…"
"S-Suck on y-your…" the bear continued.
"Your boobs," the cat finished, looking almost bored while scratching one of his ears.
"You what?" your voice was high-pitched and your eyes were wide. Surely they were joking, right?
Seeing the shocked look on your face Jungkook started to slightly pull at his ear out of nervousness. "I told you she wouldn't like it."
"Wait," you came back to your senses when they started to leave your room, curious about what they had said. "Can you explain what you mean?"
The boys shared a surprised look between each other before turning to you. With a sigh, Yoongi began. "Okay, so to make a long story short, for some reason our biology makes it so that we need to suck on tits in order to fall asleep." his tail stayed still, while the bear looked at you and the rabbit looked at his elder. "We don't know either so don't bother asking, it's just our way of life."
Listening to his explanation you weren't sure if you believed his words 100%. The statement might have some truth, considering that throughout the day there were plenty of occasions where Yoongi kept trying to fall asleep but always failing.
You would be a liar if you said that they weren't attractive but you didn't know them for that long. Would you really be willing to put yourself in such a vulnerable position?
"You don't have to do anything," Taehyung said taking a step in your direction. "We can figure it out on our own."
"Sorry to bother-"
"I'll do it," you interrupted the rabbit. You didn't know if that was the right thing to do but being pleasured by three gorgeous men didn't seem too bad.
All three hybrids were flabbergasted, looking at one another to confirm they had heard correctly. "Really?"
You removed your shirt, showing them your chest. "Really,"
The hybrids looked at each other once again before Taehyung and Jungkook practically shoved each other, each wanting to be the first one to reach you, the embarrassment Yoongi felt at their desperation almost making you chuckle.
With the bunny on your left side and the bear on your right side, it didn't take long for their hands to start massaging and squeezing your breasts.
Taehyung started to trail kisses from your neck before taking your breast into his mouth, Jungkook rubbing circles on your nipple slowly before doing the same. Soft moans escaped you while you kept your eyes on Yoongi, seeing that he was attentively watching you as his tail swinging.
The younger hybrids kept sucking on your nipples as if they were newborn babies, licking and nibbling on them and sometimes pulling away just to twist and pull them before going back to sucking on them.
Moans kept escaping you while you started to rub your thighs together, and there was something that was bothering you in the back of your mind. "Aren't you going to join in?"
Taehyung pulled away from you and turned to look at his elder, a look of mischief on his features. "Yeah hyung, aren't you gonna join us?" he groped your boob tightly, making you let out a whine. "You're missing out on such an amazing treasure."
"I have a different treasure in mind," Yoongi said as he walked towards you, climbed on the bed and pulling your legs, making you lay down on the bed, pulled your panties off of you, and throwing your legs over his shoulders.
"So wet already," spreading pecks throughout your thigh, his fingers teasing your entrance. Licking a fat stripe of your slit before starting to suck on your clit, two of his fingers thrusting into you while the other two kept their focus on your chest.
You moaned loudly at all of their ministrations, arching your back and grinding against Yoongi's face while pulling Taehyung and Jungkook closer to your breasts.
"I-I'm c-close," you gasped, feeling like you just needed a small push to finally reach your peak.
Unfortunately for you the moment you finished speaking all three of the hybrids pulled away from you. You whined, feeling tears start to form, being so close to your end just for it to be ripped away from you.
"On your knees dear owner," Jungkook's deep voice affected you in such a way that you had no choice but to comply. Taehyung moved to the front of you while Yoongi and Jungkook were behind you, all of which were pulling down their pants.
Jungkook's hand caressed your cheek while Taehyung's hand was on the back of your head, his other hand holding his cock. "You ready sweetheart?" Yoongi whispered in your ear.
"Yes," you said nodding and opening your mouth for the bear to guide his cock inside, with him letting out a hiss as the wet cavern completely surrounded him. Yoongi stood next to you, stroking his cock in close proximity to your face. Jungkook's hand rubbed the wetness around your slit before you felt the tip of his length in your entrance.
Taehyung's hips thrusted into your mouth at a steady pace as he held your head in place. The bunny's cock pushed inside you, making you let out a long moan. From the corner of your eye, you saw Yoongi guide your hand to his cock. You wrapped your fingers around him, automatically moving your hand in soft strokes.
You couldn't stop the muffled moans that kept escaping you as Jungkook jackhammered into you, gripping tightly to your waist.
"Gonna fill you up so good," he said breathlessly in your ear. It wasn't long before he spilled inside you with a loud grunt, pulling out of you and leaning against the headboard, Yoongi taking his place, lining his cock and pushing inside. "So tight," the cat grunted, hands gripping your waist.
The bear pushed his cock all the way down your throat, drool spilling out of the corners of your mouth as tears cascade down your cheeks. You couldn't hold back for much as you came all over Yoongi, making him speed up his pace.
Taehyung kept thrusting into your mouth until one hard thrust he shot into your mouth, pulling himself from you and letting the air fill your lungs as you fell onto the bed.
The cat kept ramming into your cunt and with one loud groan, he buried himself in you, painting your walls white once more, completely spent Yoongi pulled out and leaned against the bunny.
You were left exhausted by the activities so much that you were struggling to keep your eyes open, not even bothering to lay down in a more comfortable position.
"She's asleep," Taehyung whispered to the others, pushing your hair out of your face.
Looking at his friends he found them also in a deep sleep, shrugging his shoulders he layed in bed, pulling you closer to him, a smile on his face as he closed his eyes.
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bangfantanfic · 1 year
Our Own World: Chapter 11
Warnings: stalking, masturbation, yandere behavior, future smut. If I have missed anything please let me know :) 
 Type: romance, yandere, hyrbid!bts, somewhat slow burn.
tags; @miss-jupiter @imagine-forlife @blaaiissee @millenniumspec @toughbook @darkuni63 @badbyeyoongi @iloverubberduckiez-blog @missseoulite @singukieee @potterbrooke @suhappysuho @doublebunv @zae007live @sevenpersona @blancflms @childfmoonn @caffeineandreveries @cryingpages
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  You liked to think you were relatively positive as a person. You tried to look past the bad, power through, and make the best of a terrible situation. The last few months had been less than ideal but you were figuring things out, slowly albeit, but steadily improving. You had been proud. Pushing your discomfort aside, working on your fears and feelings of disgust. You had made solid improvement in creating some form of relationship with the seven strangers your brother had inconvenienced you with, and the road had been bumpy and slippery, and every other thing you’d hate a road to be, but it was finding smooth ground. Sure there had been a slight increase in tensions, and things had gotten a little uncomfortable with Jeongguk but you were positive you could push past it. He was testing you, of course. You were just as much a stranger to him, as he was to you. That had been easy enough to walk yourself through. Talk yourself through. 
This new situation was something steps, nor words could truly solve. 
Bile sat at the peak of your throat, the hammering of your heart threatening to push it out. Hoseok’s wide eyes on yours made your stomach knot so painfully tight you were sure it was moments away from rupture. It was evident that he was somewhat embarrassed, and at first while frantically trying to understand what the fuck was happening, you noticed. You wished you could take it back. Somehow convince your fritzing brain it saw wrong. But the evidence was so clear, just what the man had been doing in your room. 
“What happened?” 
The commotion around you sounded muffled. Like you were underwater having a conversation with someone on the edge of the pool. You must have screamed. You couldn’t remember doing it. The raw feeling in your throat could be explained if you had. Soothing hands rubbed at the bare skin of your shoulder, muted whispers tickling your ear. 
Who was talking to you? Their skin felt so cool against your surely clammy skin. It was a welcomed feeling. 
“Hoseok Hyung?”
The name seemed to echo for a second, the room quiet. And then it felt like a tsunami hit, the air forces from your lungs, a gasp of air so loud one would think you held your breath for hours. 
Hoseok was under your bed. Hoseok was staring at you, gripping white knuckles at a pair of your panties with his dick out. 
What the fuck. 
“Jimin, please take Y/n somewhere else.” Namjoon’s voice was eerily calm. The usual lighthearted tone was nowhere to be heard. His body was tense and tall, almost as if ready to pounce. 
Jimin had easily understood the urgency in his packmates' tone, and more than gladly ushered you off the floor. His packmates split aside like the Red Sea as he guided you out of the room, aching to pull you closer and hold your hand. But he knew better. 
The fox hybrid found you were compliant, letting him lead you wherever he wanted. If this had been any other situation he would have been thrilled. Happy to have you to himself, listening and obedient. If he was being honest, he was still rather happy, but it was dulled. At least he had you to himself for once. His pack was greedy, they didn’t understand that Jimin needed you more. You needed him more. 
Jimin had led you to his bedroom— well, shared bedroom. But it was empty as of now, so his. Personally, he would have preferred a room on the floor, his instincts wanting to be as low as possible but.. well, sometimes he just had to be thankful for what he had. Jimin had not minded sharing a room, not really. Not until you arrived and suddenly the space felt too small. How could he give you the perfect home, the perfect nest to raise children in, when the space was crowded? He had no privacy for his time with you. 
Once you realized how you and he are meant to be, he was sure things would change. You could both leave. The thought was slightly depressing. Leaving his pack would hurt. But that pain would be nothing compared to a life without his mate. It was an easy choice. An easy sacrifice. 
Seeing you in his room was a whole new feeling he wasn’t aware he was capable of making. You had been so awkward at first, standing limply by the closed door. He had thrown himself into his bed, sighing happily to be back in his own comfort. No strange smells, no looming anxiety, just contentment. He had watched as you took in the room, eyes flickering over every corner of the room before settling back on him. Jimin loved having your attention. It happened so rarely, and it would need to change. It was beginning to drive him insane. 
“Y/n, you should lie down, you look like you’re about to drop.” Jimin frowned, gently taking your fingers into his. 
You didn’t pull away. A grin threatened to bloom across the hybrid's lips, but he had to control himself. He didn’t need you to be upset with him either. You needed a friend, someone in this house you could feel comfortable with and clearly, his packmates were doing poorly. But not him. Perhaps all this distance between you and him hadn't been such a bad thing after all. He could make this all work in his favor. What a lucky fox indeed. 
Jimin’s room was technically the main master bedroom. The house had four bedrooms, and the study was a temporary room right now. The downstairs ‘master’ room Jay and Mila usually resided in was originally a guest suite, but seeing as there were more people than rooms, and the upstairs master was slightly bigger, it was divided up into three, tall makeshift shelving used as privacy walls. Namjoon, Seokjin, and Jimin all shared the master room, Yoongi and Hoseok in the next, and then the youngest two, Taehyung and Jeongguk in the third. Usually, the other four shared a bathroom, and then Jimin and his roommates shared the ensuite, but unfortunately, it needed some fixing after Namjoon’s last rage fit. So now all seven of them were stuck in one bathroom. You were kind enough to share Jay’s ensuite downstairs with whoever needed it, your brother wasn’t as soft-hearted. 
The hardwood floors were scratched up from the rearranging of furniture, and the walls were painted a cool gray with white trimming, a neutral color to match three different men. You couldn’t see past Jimin’s section, his being the first. A double bed shoved in the corner, one bedside table covered with wrappers,  a laptop, and a tissue box. His bed was covered in pillows, blankets, and articles of clothing. Despite how messy it sounded, the cluttered bed was still somewhat neat. Almost as if every item was placed purposefully, carefully. A few shelves lined the walls, and manga was neatly lined in order. They looked so well cared for, you wondered if they had even been read. The space was clean, other than the half-unpacked suitcase on the floor and headphones dangling from the laptop. 
“Y/n?” Jimin was starting to feel antsy. He had watched you look over the entirety of his side of the room, and he felt anxious. Did you not like it? If he had planned for you to be in his room, he definitely would have cleaned up... And emptied the bin by his bed. 
Jimin could have sworn he melted when your eyes met his, a little smile on your lips. Sure, it was forced, but it was for him. You were trying to look okay, for him. 
Holding out his hand, he watched as you placed yours in his so softly, without hesitation. You weren’t scared of him at this moment, he truly had to thank Hoseok. Your hand was smooth in his, soft and warm. Did all of your skin feel this delicate? He could feel your heartbeat under his fingertips, your blood thundering through your veins. An involuntary shiver ran up his spine at the thought of your pretty skin bloody and bruised. 
With a soft tug, Jimin had you on the mattress with him. His nest would need fixing later, but for once he wasn’t bothered. Your fingers were still linked with his, and your eyes closed. Despite the tranquil look on your face, your chest raised rapidly. Jimin frowned. You weren’t as relaxed as he was. He knew why, but why? Sighing, he shifted to look at you better. You peeked through one eye. You looked so tired. It made his heart ache, he wants to look after you. 
“Y/n, I’m sorry.” He wasn’t entirely sure why he was apologizing. He knew for a fact he hadn't done anything to you. He had been walking on eggshells since you arrived, wanting to keep you happy. Sure, he had maybe gotten a little clingy and touchy, but your presence was so intoxicating that he couldn’t help himself. He likes to think he held himself back rather well. Perhaps he was sorry on behalf of his pack. Moreso Jeongguk and Hoseok. He wasn’t entirely sure what had happened with Jeongguk, and he felt a little guilty knowing that whatever had happened between the two of you, he could have been there to help had he not run off with Hoseok. 
But Hoseok. While he wasn’t entirely sure what had happened, Jimin wasn’t an idiot. He could piece things together. He had seen enough to have a good inkling about what his packmate had been doing in your room– hell, he could smell it. 
“You have nothing to be sorry for, Jimin.” 
Jimin. Jimin. Jimin. 
The way you whispered his name was heavenly. Like you were telling him a secret. He loved when you spoke his name, it sent tingles through his nerves and sent his stomach spinning. Nothing had ever sounded so sweet. He knew he had nothing to really be sorry for, but it felt right to say and he had been right. You finally responded to him. 
Your breathing had eased, not quite as labored as minutes ago, but the grip you had on his hand had tightened. He wished Namjoon would have lowered his voice a little more so he could enjoy the sound of you breathing. He was jealous of your poor hearing quality at this moment– and honestly some others. It must be nice to live so unaware of everything around you. 
Namjoon wasn’t sure he had ever felt this angry before. The fearful expression you bore as Jimin all but dragged your paled form out of the room had nearly broken his heart. You hadn’t looked up from the floor, wide eyes glued to the floor as if trying to comprehend what was happening. He wished he had been the one leading you, comforting you. But of course, he couldn’t. Not when Jay had left him in charge of your care. He had a duty to you, and even if Jay hadn’t requested this of him, he still would do the same. The rest of his pack's feelings didn’t matter to him when it came to you. He was well aware that there were a few others that may have shared a similar sentiment toward you as he did, but he knew that what he felt was vastly different. You were the first human woman they had spent time with, it was excitement, lustful almost. Not for him. Your soul had been specifically created to mesh with his. A perfect match.
And they were driving you away. 
“Namjoon, maybe you should step away fo–” Seokjin’s words died on his tongue, the poisonous look his leader shot his way was more than enough. Instead, he sighed, pressing his tongue against the meat of his cheek in frustration. 
“Hoseok, get out from under there.” Namjoon barked, jaw so tense he was sure he could feel his teeth cracking. A dentist visit will be needed after tonight. 
Five sets of eyes watched as the snow leopard awkwardly shimmied out from under the bed, hands still white-knuckled around a piece of cloth. His head hung shamefully, cheeks flushed in embarrassment. He was usually so careful. The look of disgust and fear had his stomach so tight he couldn’t breathe. 
The wolf hybrid stalked closer, leaving an inch between them. When Hoseok made no move to meet his leader's eyes, Namjoon felt his anger bubble over, the calming breaths he had been attempting to use were failing him. Hoseok had flinched when Namjoon had raised his hand, expecting a hit. Instead, nails dug into the elder's jaw, forcing him to meet his leader's eyes. 
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” Namjoon asked calmly. If Hoseok couldn’t see the man's face he wouldn’t have guessed he was angry. The pulse in his throat was rapid, and his teeth grinding painfully was what gave away the simmering anger. The hold on his jaw was beginning to ache, and his knees felt like jelly under all the accusing eyes. 
He knew he was wrong, of course, he was. But how could he explain himself? ‘Sorry Joonie, spending a rut alone and having my mate so damned close I just couldn’t control myself, my bad.’ 
Of course not. He was sure that would have him sporting a shiny black eye. 
“Joon, I’m so sorry–” 
“Bullshit!” Taehyung scoffed, the only prey in the room frustrated. “You and Jeongguk are fucking this all up, you’re ruining it!” 
Taehyung was sick of it. The perfect opportunity had been served to him on a golden platter. A pandemic that would force Jay to stay away longer, and you to stay with him. An indefinite period of time for him to court you. A love story he could tell his grandchildren. But then fucking Namjoon had ratted to Jay about the early ruts, for ‘safety’ reasons. Leaving Taehyung locked away from you for two goddamn weeks! And somehow in that little time, they had fucked up everything, sending him back to square one. He was sick of this. He just wanted his mate, and everyone here couldn’t seem to control themselves and were scaring you away. 
Seokjin rested a hand on the younger man's shoulder, giving him a gentle squeeze. He pitied the boy. The younger three were still so clueless about love, he was sure the monkey had dreamed too big and was struggling to accept that you just weren’t quite there yet. The poor boy had most likely made a movie like a love story in his mind and found it frustrating that the plot didn't move as fast as he wanted. He was impatient and greedy. Perhaps it was his fault for giving him everything. 
Hoseok’s eyes couldn’t even flicker in Taehyung's direction. His eyes cemented Namjoon's. Too scared to even blink. The wolf looked ready to rip his throat out with his teeth. Nothing was stopping him from doing so either. He was sure the rest of his pack would just watch it happen. How depressing
Namjoon shoved the leopard away, Hoseok stumbling before hitting the floor. The pack leader turned back to the others, frustration oozing from every pore he had. “Clearly, some of us have forgotten how to respect boundaries.” He sighed, fingers pinching the bridge of his nose as he took shuddering breaths. “Are you trying to run her away?” 
Namjoon watched the shake of heads; no. 
“Then why the fuck are you acting this way? Do you want Jay back?” He hissed. Their owner was able to return whenever they requested, Namjoon had asked him to stay with Mila’s family a bit longer, and his human was more than happy to comply. Honestly, Namjoon had a lot more control over his owner than he would ever admit. 
“You’re all to leave Y/n alone. She will seek you out if she wants to, but until then leave her be.” 
Seokjin found the rule to be a bit much, but he had no choice but to agree. Namjoon knew what was best, even if it felt unfair. At least in the rules he had set, they were allowed to speak with you during dinners, and greet you in passing, but they weren’t to seek you out. That was easy enough. Seokjin already knew your routine like the back of his hand. 
“Y/n… Y/n, wakey wakey~” 
You grunted at the gentle shaking, limply trying to brush the hand away.
“Aw come on sleepyhead, I really gotta pee.” 
Who even was that? Was someone in your room? When did you even fall asleep... In your room? Hoseok was in your room...
Your eyes flew open, greeted by the dark. You could roughly make out the layout of the room and it definitely wasn’t yours, this was far more lived in. Your pillow wasn’t this firm either. Your hand brushed over the material, frowning. It was much rougher than your pillowcase. Not silk at all. 
“You’re getting a little low there.” Jimin’s strained voice whined out.
You jolted up, scrambling to the other side of the bed. Your face felt like it was on fire, how embarrassing. You were just feeling up the poor dude. 
“Oh my god– Jimin, Jimin I am so sorry!” You groaned, pressing the heel of your palms into your eyes willing yourself to go completely blind. You may not be able to see in the dark but you could still feel his eyes burning over you. 
Jimin had to bite his tongue, and stop himself from telling you just how much he enjoyed your hands on him. You had fallen asleep some time ago, wrapping yourself around his torso. Your pretty head resting so gently on his shoulder. It was his own piece of heaven. He spent hours playing with your hair, smelling it, kissing it. He smelt just like you. He had put off waking you up for as long as possible, wanting to soak the moment in, not knowing when he would ever have it again. But of course, his bladder had other ideas. 
Waking you up hadn’t gone to plan. Turns out you were an incredibly deep sleeper, the new information sparking excitement. He wondered how far he could go, what he could do before you would woke up. When you finally did open your eyes, you didn’t seem all there. Your eyes move across the darkened room. Your heartbeat had picked up slightly, panicked at the new surroundings. He had gone to speak, he really had. He was going to comfort you, and remind you where you were… but your hands. It was light at first, fingertips grazing over his clothed chest. Pressing, putting pressure. You hummed thoughtfully, and he felt his heart spasm in his chest. Palm down and trailing over his chest before sinking lower, lower, traveling downward. He knew his shirt had risen a little, you wiggled a lot in your sleep. Your pinky had just brushed over his bare skin, feather-light. Jimin had felt his throat close up, his joints locking him in place. 
Speak. Speak. Speak, Jimin. 
When he had finally managed to spit out words, your whole frame had frozen up before pushing him away. He grunted at the force, pouting. You looked incredibly flustered, and he couldn’t say he didn’t resemble you. He was incredibly thankful for the darkness of the room, the hard-on threatening to bust through his sweatpants would have sent Jimin to an early grave. 
Here lies Park Jimin
Beloved packmate. 
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.” He mumbled, shuffling himself into a sitting position. He quickly pulled one of the many blankets of his nest and placed it over his lap before turning on the light on his bedside table. The pale light lit up the room enough for him to see your face clearly. He had rather good eyesight in the dark, but he preferred to see you with the lights on. 
“I was just surprised.” You defended, arms crossing over your chest. “You don’t scare me.” 
Jimin grinned, licking his lips.  The lovesick side of Jimin’s brain was preening. You weren’t scared of him, of course, you weren’t! He was here to protect you. You were his, and he yours. Life has specifically made your souls for each other. How could he hurt you? 
A side of Jimin that he would rather ignore was thrilled by your comment. You weren’t scared of him, but he could change it so easily. What fun it would be to have you terrified under him, how far could he push you? 
“I can be very scary.” Jimin teased, leaning closer. Your eyes rolled, making Jimin simper. “Do you want me to prove it to you?” 
You laughed softly, shaking your head at the challenging tone. Out of all of the men in the house, Jimin was probably who you felt safest with. Seokjin was a close second, but knowing what he was spliced with, you were apprehensive. Jimin reminded you of a kid, playful and cheeky. 
 “Sure Jimin, prove it.” 
The fox hybrid's body shivered in excitement, his tail swishing wildly behind him, a blurred movement. “You asked for it.” 
A/n; every time I post I feel like I’ve missed something ;-; anyways hope you enjoy, it’s all downhill from here 🥰
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jjkhz · 1 year
I love meanie and bad boy yoongi but it's just not him at all. Yoongi is quiet and more into himself which makes him look intimidating, but that's pretty much it. He is actually a big softie and has a kind heart and is respectful to everyone. He is more of a calm guy who is anything but selfish. Just a small analysis after years of watching him:)
(hybrid yoongi fluff&smut coming)
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Cat's Cradle
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Summary: After five years of back-breaking work under your hardass boss Min Yoongi, you can finally step back and live your life well with your son and his rowdy uncles. Opening a Cafe with your eldest brother Seokjin after so many setbacks was euphoric, but what happens when your ex-boss finds his way into your cafe? Will everything fall apart again or will your life finally piece back together?
Pairings: Panther Hybrid Yoongi x Single mom Reader, Sibling Kim line Feat. Best friends Hoseok and Jikook.
Warnings: Cussing (I mean who am I if I don't include cussing), mention of pervy old men, a deadbeat ex, angst between yoongles and Joon. Open but fluffy ending teehee 😈
Word Count: 4.4k
Surprise! I've had this in my drafts since April, so I decided to finish it up and post it. I hope you enjoy and pls look forward to the next chapter of ACR in the coming week or so.
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"You've done great tonight Y/n, I think we have the deal made with the Choi's."
You're sitting in the backseat of a luxurious sedan with your boss, Min Yoongi, heading back to the company after a dazzling dinner party for the most posh and elite members of Seoul's society. Having worked for him for five years now, you were well attuned to the Panther hybrids personality and high expectations. You knew anything and everything about him, and yet, you're pretty sure he doesn't even know your birthday.
Tonight is the night you're going to announce your resignation after years of dedicated work. Planning this moment for months at the encouragement of your family, having put it off until the breaking point.
"Thank you, sir." You reply, looking out the window and taking a deep breath to steel your nerves.
"You should tell me what you would like as a reward, that was good work, you deserve something nice."
"Sir, that won't be necessary."
"Don't tell me no Y/n, you've worked with me long enough to know I don't reward people often."
His retort had cut you off from revealing your intentions of resigning, and it only sets your nerves on fire.
It was way past midnight and he had forced you to stay for the after-dinner drinks, leaving you alone to fend off the grubby hands of inappropriate old men. You were tired in more ways than one and you had been skirting around tipsy grab-ass attempts all night while the love of your life was waiting for you to return home.
"Actually, sir, the reason why I said that is because I'll be resigning now." A hint of annoyance in your voice.
His ears perk in shock and then flatten, boring his eyes into you. ". . . What? What are you talking about?"
"I'll be handing in my letter of resignation on Monday, sir. I'm very thankful for the years we've spent together and everything You've taught me but, I'm leaving the company."
"I don't understand" He almost whines. "Did you get another offer? Is it the pay? Or the hours? Why are you resigning?" Firing off the questions in bewilderment.
"No, sir. I've just determined it's the best decision for me."
"In what way is it the best decision!?"
"I understand this may seem rash and unwise to you, but this is something I considered and chosen after a lot of thought. I truly believe this is what's best for me and I hope you can respect that."
"I... Okay, I-I wish you the best then..."
Your heart unclenches and a breath of relief releases from your chest. Giving him a soft smile, you thank him and turn your gaze back out the window. Unable to see the heartbroken look on his face when you turn away from him.
It's been two weeks since you dropped the bomb on Yoongi's heart and announced your resignation, and now he watches you smile brightly through the glass panes of his office as you celebrate your last day with the rest of the executive team workers.
He had never imagined that you would leave him one day, and now it's burning a hole through his soul.
At first you had just been a young girl so poor and in a mess, she had to settle for an assistant position despite having an elite degree. You had once told a coworker the reason was because you couldn't afford to go through an intern position in your career field. You had to sacrifice the life you wanted in order to do what you needed to survive. Overhearing the conversation between the two of you from outside the breakroom.
He had always held a deep-rooted annoyance and dislike towards you for skipping out on the hard work for your career in exchange for money. Clawing his way to the top of his own company as a poor orphan from Daegu. But listening to that conversation struck something in him and softened his heart, he understood what it was like to make sacrifices to your own happiness in order to live.
After that instead of being a hardass just to be one, he was a hardass in order to teach you and allow you to grow in the business world. Instead of being the meek woman behind the powerful CEO, you became the fortress around him.
No one worked in their society and didn't know your name.
Other assistants revered you and directors knew they could never get around you, handling the inner workings of Yoongi's company like a well-oiled machine. Nothing got past you or swept under the rug without you knowing, and no-one got the drop on him because you had already seen it coming.
Two years into your job with him and he treasured you as his most valuable employee and friend, never daring to think more of the relationship than that. But when you had single-handedly prevented the total collapse and takeover of the company from a rival, you stole the panther's heart irrevocably.
Now here he is three years later and you're leaving him when you weren't even truly his. He had no right to stop you and he knew he had no right to use his feelings to get you to stay. The same scent of another had always clung to you from the time he could identify it from your own. It had told him all he needed to know, you were taken and there was nothing he could do about it.
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Stepping into the café that night after bidding your former coworkers and boss a final goodbye, you had never felt freer.
"Eomma!" Your son yells, hopping down from his stool behind the counter next to your eldest brother. Bounding towards you like always.
"Hi my little kitten! Were you good for Uncle Jinnie today?" Wrapping your arms around him and looking at his cute face, his black cat tail flicking behind him in happiness.
"Mhm! He's teaching me how to make Brownies!" He chirps back at you, slipping from you and back over to his uncle.
As a working mom the best part of your day is coming into the café your family owned after work to hear the happy shout of 'eomma!' from your little boy. Now after five years of hard work you can step back and run the shop with your brother without any worries of supporting your son.
Years long before Yeonjun was born you had dreamed of opening a Café with your eldest brother, working hard to get a scholarship to Seoul National University and graduating with honors. But life had its ways of throwing wrenches into your plans, you had gotten into a relationship with someone you thought loved you and you loved them. But when you found out you were pregnant, he disappeared like a coward, and like a domino effect your life came crashing down after you gave birth to your little kitten when your parents passed in an accident.
They had left debts unknown to you and your siblings and being the older siblings; You, Seokjin, and Namjoon shouldered the burden of that debt to protect Taehyung while he was still in High School. The money Seokjin and you had saved for the cafe opening had gone to the repayment and had still only managed to cover half of it. Namjoon sacrificed his full focus on college in order to work part-time jobs to help. Jin got a job as a pastry chef and after Yeonjun was old enough to leave with a daycare you snagged the assistant position under Yoongi.
It had taken the three of you two years to pay off the debt, barely scraping by on the strictest of budgets, and two more years for you to save up to open the café. Thankfully the two of you had already bought the building before everything came to a halt, and you only needed the money to make it operational.
Your little kitten tells you all about his day at school with his teacher Mr. Park and helping your older brother in the café as you stand and walk around the counter to greet Seokjin, before heading through the kitchen to the stairs that lead to the apartment above. Despite what most people would think, the home is much larger that it appears on the outside, spanning two stories like a townhouse and equipped with 5 bedrooms and 3 1/2 baths. You send Yeonjun back downstairs so you can change out of your work clothes and get started on dinner, living with your three brothers and a five year old can be hard sometimes but you all work together to make sure things get done around the house.
Walking back into the kitchen in your comfy clothes you hear the door open to reveal your twin brother Namjoon and younger brother Taehyung.
"Hey, how was work?" you ask the two as you begin to pull ingredients out of the fridge.
Namjoon starts first as he plops down on one of the stools at the island, "It was good, I'll be able to release my mixtape soon." You beam at him, proud of his hard work as a musician while working as a producer for other artists.
"What about you Tae?" The youngest of the Kim siblings worked as an art teaching assistant at a local college, giving music lessons on the side.
"It was pretty good, Jungkook made a complete fool of himself again today by volunteering as the nude model for the freshman course, he got chased out of the class by our old professor with a ruler."
Both you and Namjoon laugh at this, picturing the scene in your heads of Taehyung's mischievous best friend, who was a vocal teaching assistant at the same school.
The rest of your day went smoothly preparing dinner and getting Yeonjun settled and ready for bed, grateful that you could finally spend time with him and see him consistently every day. You should have known your luck would run out again though when your former boss walks into the café the next morning.
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"Welcome to Cats Cradle Café how can I help- Mr. Min!?"
The both of you freeze as you stare with slack jaws, expressions mirroring each other.
"You decided to quit so you could... work here, Miss Kim?" He speaks the question slowly, as if trying to figure out if he stepped into an alternate reality.
"Um, well... I guess you could say that. I own this shop actually." You reply hesitantly.
You can see the gears in his brain turning as he stares at you in silence after you divulge the reality of the situation. He doesn't have the chance to respond to the revelation however, when your son knocks him out of his stupor, catching both of your attention when he opens the door to the café.
Taehyung and Jungkook hot on his heels as he runs to where you are behind the counter, "Eomma! Look what Uncle Kookie bought me!"
The boy holds up for you to see a pink microphone with a cartoon rabbit on it, wrapped up in a box.
"Oh, baby that's so cool! Did you thank Uncle Kookie like you're supposed to?"
Your son wouldn't notice the change of intonation in your voice, but you stab Jungkook a thousand times with your glare for getting a noisy toy like this for Yeonjun. 
Jungkook shuffles at your glare to hide behind Taehyung as Yeonjun thanks him for the toy.
"You're welcome, buddy! Uncle Kookie has to go now but I promise I'll teach you how to use it another day okay? Bye Noona!" Inching his way backwards Jungkook nearly sprints out the door when he finishes his sentence, hoping to escape your motherly wrath. 
Upon his departure you turn your attention back onto your nearly forgotten former boss, "Would you like your usual Mr. Min?"
You watch the way his black tail flicks nervously behind him as he nods, the black ears on his head flattened to blend in with his dark hair.
"Hey Ahjussi you have a cat tail like me." Yeonjun has reached up to grab Yoongi's hand to get his attention, and the both of you stare at your son in shock.
Thankfully Taehyung steps in for you, "Yeonjun, you know better than to touch people without their permission."
The boys' ears flatten as his tail curls around his leg, not yet long enough to curl around his body.
"Sorry Uncle TaeTae, sorry Ahjussi." He bows to Yoongi and takes Taehyung's hand to go sit at their usual table for his weekend music lessons with his uncle.
"Mr. Min are you alright?" He had been captivated with watching your son walk away, ears following the movement.
"Uh, yea sorry this is just a lot to take in." Jin walks in behind you from the café office where he was ordering supplies and takes over for you at the counter.
"Thank you, y/n." You take off the apron and grab the Iced americano you had made for Yoongi, walking around the counter to your ex-boss.
"You're welcome, Jin." Calling back to him over your shoulder, you stop in front of the panther hybrid and silently hand him his coffee, speaking up after a few seconds of awkward silence.
"If you have some time, would you like to sit and talk?" his ears perk up at your question and you almost giggle at the behavior, never seeing his hybrid features betray his calm façade often. 
After agreeing, the two of you settle at a table near Yeonjun and your brother so you could monitor their shenanigans.
"I never knew you had a son; I didn't even know you were married much less." Yoongi begins the conversation as he looks at the little boy, missing the frown that comes across your face at his words.
"That's because I'm not married." His head whips to focus on you, eyes wide in surprise, and he can see now the sour look that mars your features.
To you his reaction is just that of surprise, but in reality, it's a look of hope, being completely oblivious to the fact that your big bad boss has been harboring a crush behind his cold behavior all these years.
He decided to do his best to act like his feelings never existed all those years ago and he had been doing well for three whole years until the single phase 'eomma' nearly tore his heart out. 
"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to assume, is the man at the counter your boyfriend then?"
You bark out a laugh at this, his cheeks heating up in embarrassment at his own question.
"That's my eldest brother actually, the man sitting with Yeonjun is my younger brother and my twin brother is at work right now."
If his cheeks had been pink before they're on fire now, his keen sense of smell had always identified three male scents lingering occasionally along with a constant feline presence. Now that you've explained it to him though, all these years of repressed jealousy are downright mortifying to him. Not to mention the fact that the male behind the counter isn't even a hybrid.
"Yeonjun's father actually isn't in the picture, it's why I never told you or anyone else in the office. You'd be surprised at how many job offers got rescinded when they found out I was a single mom." You speak quietly, looking out of the window to avoid Yoongi seeing the hurt expression on your face.
He doesn't have to see your face to know you're hurt though; he can tell by the change in your scent and the tone of your voice.
Not saying anything further on the topic to prevent upsetting you more, he notices the way your son locks his attention on you when he gets a waft of your sad scent in the air. 
The boy hops down from his chair, ignoring his uncles' protests and makes his way over to you, his hybrid instincts telling him to protect and comfort you.
He climbs into your lap and snuggles his face into your neck when you wrap your arms around him, letting out little purrs meant to comfort you.
Yoongi smiles at the scene before him and he selfishly wishes to himself that the boy was his own and watching the two of you was a normal part of his day. 
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Since your run in with Yoongi at the café he started to spend his weekends hanging out around you and your family in the shop. Even meeting Jimin, Yeonjun's teacher and the third troublemaker to your younger brother's friend group, and your best friend Hoseok. The only person he has yet to meet Namjoon, which is where this VERY awkward situation is stemming from as Yoongi unknowingly discusses with you a PR plan that he's been having trouble with to collaborate with your brother.
Joon had recently released his mixtape and it had blown up on the charts, leading to the marketing team suggesting adding him to the list of possible collaboration candidates. Unbeknownst to you, Yoongi had completely been sold on his music the second he listened to it, and now you find yourself in the pickle of whether or not to tell your ex-boss that the rapper he's gushing about is your twin brother. 
"Hell no." Joon blanches when you ask him that night.
You had gotten Jin to help you by requesting Namjoon take over the café with you for a little while so he could run some errands. Hopefully giving you enough time to convince the man, and if that failed you had hoped Yoongi could convince him when he stopped by for his regular visits.
Despite the rocky feelings you had towards the CEO while working for him, he had proved himself a completely different person outside of a working relationship. Even spending some of his nights after work learning to make various coffee drinks and sweets with you and Yeonjun; one of which ended with flour all over his designer suit, a very giggly little boy and a gummy smile from the panther.
"Please Joonie? Can you at least just consider it, for me?" he stops sweeping the floor to give you a look when the bell on the door rings as its opened.
"Uncle Yoongi!" Yeonjun jumps up at the sight of Yoongi, having grown closer to him over the weeks with the added help of both being feline type hybrids.
"Uncle?" Namjoon's deep baritone voice stops the panther in his tracks, slowly looking up to take in the tall beefy frame of your twin.
"Ahaha, Joonie this is Min Yoongi, the one I've mentioned that's been coming to hang out at the shop with us on the weekends. Yoongi this is my twin brother, Namjoon." 
Your ex-boss's posture is ramrod straight as he bows and introduces himself to the taller man, almost looking ready to bolt. Joon gives a noncommittal hum in response and narrows his gaze at him.
"What makes you think you have the right to come here and have a close relationship to him when you put his mother and my sister through hell?" The color in your face drains as you look at your brother in horror, Yoongi's face mirroring a similar reaction to your own.
"Namjoon!" You gasp out.
"What!?" He whips his attention to you. "Don't tell me his sweet behavior these past few months have let you forget the nights you came home crying from the stress. Or your own child's Birthdays and milestones you missed seeing while you were forced to work overtime or denied time off. Or even having to sit at work for hours on end while your son was in the hospital because this asshole didn't think a family emergency was enough of a reason to leave early!"
He then turns the focus of his ire on Yoongi, tears of frustration streaming down his face. "Do you even have the slightest clue of the misery you have caused this family? Do you even understand how heartbreaking it is to tell a child his own mother can't come home on his birthday? Or how gut-wrenching it is to see the guilt on my sisters face when she was finally able to come home hours after he had gone to bed? She spent five years watching her son grow up through the screen of a phone while she catered to your every whim, and you expect me to be okay with you kindly sliding into our lives like none of that happened?"
The tears are streaming down your face now, never knowing the hurt Namjoon had felt seeing you struggle. You had been so happy to be free and content with a relationship with Yoongi that didn't contain a superior-assistant balance that you had let go of the frustrations you felt while working for him. Seeing now that he had not let go of those negative feelings out of protection of the other half of his soul and his beloved nephew.
"Uncle Joonie don't cry." Your sweet little boys voice comes out muffled as he clings to his uncle in the biggest hug his tiny body can muster.
Namjoon crouches down to wrap his arms around the boy, tucking his face into Yeonjun's shoulder and bringing a large hand to the back of his head. "I'm okay bub, Uncle Joonie is sorry for yelling in front of you. Why don't you go upstairs with Eomma and help her make dinner, hm?"
He looks up at you then, an apology in his eyes that only the bond between twins can decipher, and you nod your head in understanding. Taking the boys hand when he comes to your side you give a look to Yoongi and bow your head in goodbye. Namjoon watches the two of you walk into the back of the shop and heaves a sigh when you disappear from his sight.
Yoongi watches as your brother gets up from his crouched position and levels his gaze back on him. "Let's go for a walk, Min."
Yoongi has never felt more intimidated by a person than your twin brother. Sure, the other two were both tall and by no means scrawny, but the sheer size of Namjoon's biceps makes him feel like the dude could pick him up and toss him like a sack of potatoes.
The hybrid shakes himself out of his thoughts and softly clears his throat before he responds, "Yea, okay."
Your brother takes off his apron and motions for Yoongi to follow him out of the café, turning the 'Open' sign around and locking the doors. He sets off down the sidewalk without looking back to see if the older man was following him. Namjoon stops walking after a while and lets out another sigh as he leans his head facing the sky, then lolling his head back to focus on Yoongi after a second.
"My brothers have been telling me about your new habit of visiting and quite honestly I don't know what to think about it. For years I've watched my sister come home exhausted and force herself to get up and go to work even when she was sick because of you. She's missed out on so many of Yeonjun's firsts and birthdays as a result of how hard you had her working and now all of the sudden, you're a different person?"
Yoongi doesn't know what to do, guilt is washing through him at the man's words, and he struggles to think of what would convince him that he truly cares about you. That he never intended to cause you misery and he never would have done what he did if he had known he was pushing you too hard. You had never let him see you were struggling, he thought you were thriving, he felt pride in the results of your hard work, and it made him think you were capable of that much more.
"I know you have your doubts in me. But I never intended to cause her such pain." He looked into Namjoon's eyes with determination. "I've admired your sister since I hired her, she was always capable and hardworking and after a while I saw a potential in her that others couldn't. I admit at first, I worked her like a hardass because I didn't understand why someone like her was skipping out on the steps of her career in exchange for money. But then I saw something in her that reminded me of myself, and I admired her for her sacrifices, and I worked her harder because I knew she was capable and that she could accomplish something incredible under the pressure."
"And what? You thought you could push her like that without checking in? You thought you could put all of that responsibility on her without the corresponding title? Or pay? Or benefits?" Namjoon fires back, skeptical of the hybrid before him.
The CEO takes a deep breath, knowing that the man was right. "You're right, and I know I'm selfish for it, but I wanted her by my side for as long as I could. I wanted her to continue to be the fortress around me. She kept me levelheaded and calm, and she protected the company silently and I took that for granted. And fuck- You're so right in that I just expected her to take my shit and still stay by my side forever, but I was blind and stupid and Naïve, and yet I can't live without her in my life even after knowing I don't deserve her."
He's looking into your brothers' eyes with the most sincerity he's ever felt in his life, and he prays that if there's a god out there that it will help him just this once. That your brother will believe him, that he will at least let him stay in your life if only as a friend, that he will get a second chance to do this the right way.
"How long have you been in love with her?" The response throws him for a loop, but he won't back away from his feelings anymore. He won't risk losing you again.
"Three years, but I think I loved her long before I realized it." Confessing the truth with confidence lifts a heavy weight off his chest for the first time in a long time.
"Do you still love her knowing what you know now about her? Knowing that she's a mother?" Namjoon levels him with the question like it's the final challenge, and he doesn't hesitate a second in his answer.
"More than ever."
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mysingularitybts · 1 year
Me: *sigh* Kitty Yoongi really fucked it up with Blue.
Also me: Alright *claps* bring in the side characters to make everything worse!
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angelicyoongie · 11 months
Abundance (XXIII)
— summary: You never expected that you would end up adopting a hybrid, and if someone had told you that you would end up with seven? Well, you would have thought they were crazy. But here you are, with three different packs of hybrids that don't get along – but all want to stay with you. Yeah, it turns out crazy is an understatement. — pairing: hybrid bts x human f!reader — genre: fluff, angst — warnings/content: none — word count: 5k
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Yoongi hovers awkwardly near the entrance to the kitchen, tapping a nervous rhythm against his thigh as he watches Seokjin work. The hamster hybrid's shirt is stretched tight over his broad shoulders, the fabric hardly even shifting as he slices into the vegetables on the cutting board. He cuts with the kind of speed and precision Yoongi has only seen on TV, the kind that comes with years of practice.
Yoongi waits for the moment Seokjin puts the knife down before he clears his throat, "Hey, uh, do you need any help?"
Seokjin's hands jerk with surprise, startled, at the unexpected voice that calls out to him. A slice of cucumber falls out of his grasp, landing on the floor with a soft splat. Yoongi winces as Seokjin lets out a soft sigh, watching as the hamster hybrid carefully deposits the rest into a nearby bowl.
As he bends down to pick up the fallen piece, Seokjin's slacks hugs his figure a little too perfectly. Yoongi's back stiffens as he finds his gaze drawn to Seokjin's backside, cheeks warming at how he struggles to look away, eyes glued to the sight in front of him. There's no one that can hold a candle to Jimin's ass– uh, assets, but Seokjin certainly isn't far off. 
Yoongi's throat suddenly feels terribly dry. 
He doesn't manage to tear his eyes away before Seokjin throws him a look over his shoulder, brown eyes unreadable as they dart from his feet to the tips of his pointed ears. Yoongi fights the urge to take a step back, to cower, all too embarrassed at being caught staring. Seokjin's undivided attention makes his body feel hot and itchy, like his skin is too tight and too loose at the same time. He wants the older alpha to look away, to give his flushed body a break, but he also dislikes the idea of Seokjin not looking at him all the same. It's confusing. Yoongi hasn't felt this way for years – not since he first met Jimin. 
"Sure, you can help," Seokjin shrugs as he straightens up, tossing the slice of cucumber away like he didn't just catch Yoongi blatantly gawking at his ass. 
Yoongi's tail whips nervously behind his back as he walks over to Seokjin's side. He takes the cutting board and knife offered to him with a small thanks, biting his lip as he starts carefully slicing up a couple of carrots. Yoongi is hyperaware of Seokjin's presence just next to him, their elbows brushing whenever the hamster hybrid reaches out for something. 
They work in silence for a while, only Seokjin's low hums filling the air between them. Even though Yoongi feels like his cheeks might be permanently stained pink with embarrassment, he can't help but feel strangely relaxed, comfortable, as they continue to prep the food.
Yoongi finally musters up enough courage to speak when Seokjin starts dividing the vegetables into small lunch boxes, hands clutching the edge of the counter as he says, "I want to apologize for how I accused Jeongguk of messing with Jimin."
Out of the corner of his eye he sees how Seokjin pauses, tilting his head in Yoongi direction to show that he's listening. Yoongi is thankful that Seokjin doesn't turn to face him head on, that he lets Yoongi talk without the added pressure of being stared at while he does so. He's once again struck by how considerate Seokjin is even when he doesn't have to be, how he always stretches himself a little further to be accommodating to those around him. 
Seokjin is nothing short of a true pack alpha.
Yoongi releases a small breath, "Deep down I knew it had nothing to do with him, but it was easier to use him as a scapegoat than to actually face the fact that I hadn't been as attentive as I should have. It was out of line, and I'm sorry." 
Yoongi's ears pull back as he dips his head, almost disappearing into the shadow of his dark hair. 
"I appreciate your apology, Yoongi," Seokjin nods, easy-going as usual as he swiftly moves on, "Now, can you help hyung prep the food we need for dinner? Y/n mentioned she might get home a little late, but it doesn't hurt to get a head start on things." 
Seokjin reaches out for another cucumber to dice, pursing his lips in effort not to smile at the breakneck speed Yoongi's head shoots up to look at him. The cat hybrid's gaze is wide, clearly flustered at the comfortable tone Seokjin has taken with him. 
"S-sure," Yoongi stutters.
His tail does a cautious yet curious swish behind his back as he accepts a new batch of vegetables from Seokjin. Yoongi places them down on the board with clumsy fingers, skin burning from where Seokjin's hands brushed up against his. He worries at his bottom lip as he dices up another carrot, all too aware of the question that's been burning at the back of his mind for some time.
"Have you and Jeongguk been settling in alright?" Yoongi lets it spew out before he can talk himself out of it.
There's a slight pause in the Seokjin's steady rhythm as he cuts, the split second of it enough to make Yoongi worry he's overstepped.
"I think we've adapted to the situation pretty well. Our instincts settled about a month ago, that made things a little easier," Seokjin pulls his shoulders back in small shrug, unbothered.
The confirmation makes Yoongi's stomach drop.
Only a month ago?
It's been well over three since you brought them all home. 
Guilt claws itself up Yoongi's throat, his chest tight with shame. He acted horrible towards the preys for what he thought was a valid reason at the time – he wanted them gone to give himself and Jimin a better chance at staying with you – but he knows now that there's no excuses for the awful things he did. Yoongi can't imagine having his instincts on edge for months, of always feelings like danger is lurking around every corner.
And in a way, it was.
It didn't take more than a petty comment to trigger a full out brawl in the living room and it's only a miracle that no one was seriously injured. Who knows what could have happened if you hadn't come home when you did? 
Yoongi doesn't know how to apologize for the months of torture he was compliant in putting Seokjin and Jeongguk through. He doesn't think there is a way to ask for forgiveness for something so terrible.
Yoongi swallows around the lump in his throat, his slow drawl soft as he asks, "And your ruts? Were they manageable?" 
It's no wonder it hit them out of the blue, that Seokjin didn't realize what was going on before it was too late. With how their instincts must've been going haywire for months, it makes sense that their cycles arrived earlier than they should have, that their bodies were desperate for something to regulate their emotions; to make them feel like they were in control. 
Yoongi remembers how sick they both looked, their eyes hazy and skin flushed red, something that's not in the slightest bit normal for a rut. The whole situation screamed wrong and out of the ordinary, yet he practically had Seokjin's head for not noticing sooner. 
"Ah, Yoongi-chi, why the sudden interest in our rut? Do I smell a little jealousy?" Seokjin sniffs the air obnoxiously in an attempt to lighten the mood.
Despite the turmoil that's settled on Yoongi's face, Seokjin sees the corner of his lips quirk, his ears lifting up just the slightest bit from his head. 
Seokjin grins. He's never one to pass up on an opportunity to tease.
"You certainly did seem to like how Y/n smelled after it passed, hm?" He hums, turning to Yoongi with a raised brow as he adds, "I don't think I've ever heard a cat hybrid purr so loudly before." 
He sees the flush return to Yoongi's pale cheeks, hears the embarrassed whine the cat hybrid lets out as he ducks his head. Yoongi abandons his knife in favor of hiding his face behind his hands, muffled voice garbling out something unintelligible. 
"You don't have to be embarrassed, it's okay to like our scents," Seokjin leans his hip against the counter, cocking his head a bit before he adds, "It's cute."
Yoongi's tail flicks behind his back, showing his interest despite the groan he lets out at Seokjin's comment. The cat hybrid rubs his face, hands falling down to his side to show off his pout as he says, "Ah, hyung, don't tease." 
Seokjin's heart skips a beat at the sight, stomach fluttering at the soft jut of Yoongi's pink lips. He finds himself a little speechless at the other alpha's use of honorific, blinking in surprise. Yoongi has always kept that wall firmly between them, always made sure to be a little disrespectful, bratty, in ways he could get away with.
The hamster hybrid clears his throat when Yoongi glances up at him, hoping he doesn't see the slight tremble to his hand as he reaches out for his shoulder. Seokjin settles his hand there, giving Yoongi a gentle squeeze. 
"Our ruts went fine, by the way, it's nothing to worry about. It was just our pre-ruts that were a bit more intense than normal." 
Yoongi's expression shifts into a scowl, his shoulder sagging under Seokjin's hand as he murmurs, "I'm sorry. I'm part of the reason it was triggered too early – that it made you and Jeongguk sick." 
Seokjin shakes his head. 
"It's all water under the bridge, Yoongi-chi. Don't worry about it." 
Yoongi makes a non-committal sound in return, holding himself back from following after Seokjin's hand as he lets go of his shoulder. 
The thing is, Yoongi doesn't think he deserves to be let off the hook that easy. Much like Jimin feels guilty for the way he's been acting towards Taehyung, Yoongi shares the same sentiment towards Seokjin. He needs to prove himself worthy of the older alpha's forgiveness before he can embrace it. 
"Though, if you really feel bad, maybe you can go pick up that box of groceries that's supposed to be delivered to the door in a few minutes? I think my knees are starting to give out with my old age." 
Yoongi looks at Seokjin with a frown, "What are you talking about? You're only one year older than me." 
"A lot can happen in 365 days!" 
"Fine," Yoongi hides his eagerness to help with a roll of his eyes, tail swishing with faux annoyance.
If he has to blow his back out carrying boxes to get in Seokjin's good graces, it's an easy sacrifice he's willing to make.
He hurries out of the kitchen before Seokjin can change his mind, pressing his hand to his chest the moment he's out in the hallway. Yoongi feels his heart hammer beneath his skin, jumping against his palm from the radiant grin that Seokjin flashed him as he walked out. 
Yeah, Yoongi thinks, ears perking at the sound of the doorbell, he'll do whatever it takes to make Seokjin smile at him like that again.
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Namjoon glances up at the blue sky with a sigh, grass tickling his ears. 
The fresh air does little to clear his mind, his thoughts straying back to Taehyung no matter what. It was shocking to find him wrestling on the ground with Jimin, their tussle reminiscent of how pups play fight to grow closer and learn about boundaries. Taehyung's giggles were bright and happy, a little wild, the way he only gets when he's truly excited. That night, after he and Hoseok had scented Taehyung so aggressively they almost left him scent drunk, desperate to restate their claim on their packmate; shame had curled deep in Namjoon's chest as he realized he couldn't remember the last time he made Taehyung sound like that. 
Have they waited too long?
Namjoon lets out a harsh breath through his nose. It's like his mind is warring with itself, the bright yellows clashing with the blues. 
One part is happy that Taehyung is growing closer with Jimin, that he's bridging the gap like you asked them to do, that he's gaining another friend that isn't just his own pack. But the other part is terrified, clawing at his insides and screaming that Taehyung has realized he can do better, that the shelter left him with limited options and now he's realized he wants more. 
It leaves Namjoon feeling a murky green, his emotions bubbling just below the surface, waiting for that final drop before it all overflows. 
Namjoon jolts up at the sound of the garden door slamming shut. His loud thoughts are interrupted by the sight of a frozen Jeongguk, the bunny hybrid's fingers still closed around the handle. As soon as their eyes meet, Jeongguk's body relaxes, the tension draining out just as quickly as it arrived. 
"Hey, hyung," Jeongguk offers shyly. He gives Namjoon a gentle smile, probably smelling the turmoil in his scent as he walks across the garden to join him.
Namjoon can't help but wonder just what made Jeongguk change his mind about him. He knows that his species alone is one most people, let alone hybrids, tend to stay away from. Namjoon is also an alpha wolf – which doesn't exactly make him the most inviting. It's like taking the two worst possible things and slapping them together, making one creation that's designed to scare away prey hybrids.
Jeongguk has always been a little skittish around him, even after their truce, but the bunny hybrid's opinion of him appears to have softened drastically in the past weeks. 
He thinks it started the day he made Jeongguk laugh for the first time, Namjoon's clumsiness always hitting at the worst possible times. He was carrying a load of fresh laundry, everything clean and folded neatly in a stack. He was only a few steps away from the den when he tripped over nothing, hands dropping all of Hoseok's hard work as he reached out to brace himself against the wall.
Groaning, Namjoon had sat down in the hallway, staring mournfully at the crumpled clothes. It was only when he had tried to fold the same sweater three times that he picked up on Jeongguk's small giggle, the bunny hybrid peering at him from the kitchen. 
Blushing, Jeongguk had timidly crossed the hallway to join him, bending down to show Namjoon how it was done with a kind, "Oh, hyung, you're doing it all wrong." 
Namjoon tried, he really did, but nothing ever seemed to line up quite right when he tried to fold it the way Jeongguk had showed him. He learned how patiently impatient Jeongguk was that day. In the end, he sat on the floor, watching the bunny hybrid with wide eyes as he quickly folded the laundry back to the pristine way it had been before Namjoon had tripped. 
Ever since that moment, it felt like Jeongguk had slowly begun to realize that Namjoon wasn't much more than a clumsy wolf, with hands and feet too big for his own good. He was certainly no vicious predator.
"What are you doing out here?" Jeongguk asks, eyes darting to the blades of grass stuck to Namjoon's hair. 
"Just thinking," The wolf hybrid sighs, shaking his head to dispel the images that keep repeating in his head over and over. "I thought coming out here would give me a fresh perspective but it didn't help much." 
"Do you... uhm, do you want to talk about it?" 
In all honesty, Namjoon doesn't. He's tired of thinking and feeling uneasy about his relationship with his pack. Talking about it with Jeongguk, who seems to have the most stable and loving bond with his packmate and mate, feels like the worst thing to do for Namjoon's heart right now. Why set himself up for more heartache than necessary? 
But as he takes in the cute furrow between Jeongguk's brows, the way his slightly too large front teeth nibble at his lip in worry, he must admit that it's sweet that Jeongguk is that concerned about his troubles. 
"Actually–" Namjoon pushes himself off the ground, dusting off his trousers, "Would you like to go on a walk with me? I have something I want to show you." 
Namjoon keeps glancing at Jeongguk with every other step, making sure the bunny hybrid looks comfortable as he leads him down one of the paths he found. It's pretty, wildflowers covering every side of the small trail, sparse trees on one side and houses on the other. He timed it multiple times to know it only takes eight minutes to walk from the house to the beginning of the trail, the area you picked out a perfect blend of having both nature and the city within manageable walking distances. The city is certainly further away, probably thirty minutes by foot, but Namjoon finds he prefers their quiet neighbourhood over the hustle and bustle of city living. It must be the wolf in him, always yearning for nature no matter what. 
Jeongguk's step falters as he noticed a patch of pretty wildflowers, the vibrant hues of red, lilac and yellow blending together in a striking picture. "Wow," He smiles, one foot thumping the ground in excitement, "the flowers are so pretty here!" 
"They are," Namjoon agrees, tail wagging as he watches the bunny hybrid lean down to sniff them. He stands there, instincts silently preening as he observes Jeongguk enjoying the scenery. Jeongguk likes the the trail he picked out, he did good.
Clearing his throat, Namjoon ducks his head, a little shy as Jeongguk glances over at him, "I don't mean to overstep, I hope I'm not, but I've been spending some time memorizing a few safe routes you can walk on your own if you need time to yourself. This is actually the longest one." 
Namjoon pulls a face as he looks off to side, chest rumbling he explains, "What those weasel hybrids did to you was terrible, Jeongguk. The fact that it happened on your first walk alone too... I'm so sorry. Shelters never allow you much privacy, so going on walks have always been very therapeutic for me. It makes me sad that your first experience was so badly tainted by them." 
"I know how frustrating it is to be constantly cooped up inside so I wanted to offer you an alternative. I understand if you don't feel comfortable walking these routes yet by yourself, especially not after what happened last time, but I'm always willing to accompany you if you need it. I can even walk far behind you if you'd like, making sure that everything is safe while still offering you some time alone! Or not, that's fine too! I'm sure Seokjin hyung or Y/n would–" Namjoon's rambling ceases at the small noise Jeongguk makes, the bunny hybrid giving him a look he can't quite decipher.
Jeongguk's lips are parted in what must be surprise, long ears standing tall with attention and his doe eyes sparkling. 
"Namjoon hyung," Jeongguk breathes, visibly touched at the wolf hybrid's thoughtfulness. "Thank you." 
"Oh," Namjoon murmurs. He stares bashfully down at the ground, cheeks reddening as he says, "It's, um, no big deal." 
It really isn't, so why is his heart beating so hard? 
Namjoon suddenly find himself unable to meet Jeongguk's gaze; the soft eyes he can feel studying his face. "Let's continue walking? There's a spot a little further up the road I think you'll like." 
"Sure, hyung," The bunny hybrid hums, taking pity on him. He falls into step besides Namjoon, matching his long strides without problem. 
Namjoon is so caught up in trying to tame his flaming cheeks that he doesn't notice the small rock in his path, the front of his shoe getting caught on the edge. He lets out a yelp as he stumbles forward, eyes closing automatically as he braces for the inevitable impact. The last bruises he got on his leg had just started fading too. 
A strong grip closes around his arm, yanking him back before he can fall. Namjoon opens his eyes to find Jeongguk staring at him intently, the corner of his lip twitching like he's fighting off a smile, "Hyung, you really need to be more careful." 
Namjoon blinks, the blush that was once contained to his cheeks slowly spreading down his neck at the amused look Jeongguk gives him.
"I know," He sighs. As far as Namjoon remembers, he doesn't think there's ever gone a week by where he hasn't been told that in some shape or form. 
Jeongguk gives him a small tug on the arm before he lets go, resuming their walk. Namjoon takes care to pay extra attention to his surroundings this time, not wanting to make a fool of himself once again. It's the heightened focus that makes him aware of how close the bunny hybrid suddenly is, the distance between them so small that their arms keep bumping into each other.
Namjoon doesn't comment on it, pleased that Jeongguk feels comfortable enough to touch him - accidental or not. 
His gray ears perk as they round the last bend, the trail opening up to a small park hidden away at the end of it. It's quiet today, no kids running around and no adults occupying the benches places around the grassy field. 
"Ah, he's here!" Namjoon lights up as he sees the small cart tucked into one of the corners of the park, beneath one of the largest trees. The old man resting beside it raises his hand in greeting as he notices them and Namjoon copies the motion.
Jeongguk makes a questioning sound as the alpha wolf speeds up, tail wagging behind his back. Namjoon glances back at him, grinning as he says, "You like ice cream, right?" 
Namjoon offers a warm greeting to the old man once they reach him, exchanging pleasant small talk as Jeongguk contemplates which flavour to pick. The bunny hybrid's eyes are shining with joy as he peers into the containers, gaze jumping back and forth as he struggles to choose. 
"Have you had cookies and cream before? I think you'd enjoy that," Namjoon points to the flavour in question, smiling as Jeongguk immediately agrees.
Namjoon goes for chocolate, letting Jeongguk find them a bench as he pays. The bunny hybrid's back is facing him as he walks over, his brown cotton tail vibrating with excitement. Namjoon has to bite the inside of his cheek to keep from grinning too big, endeared at the sight. 
"Namjoon hyung, this is so good," Jeongguk wrinkles his brows as he eats, staring angrily down at the ice cream as if he's offended by how good it tastes. 
"Right?" Namjoon hums, taking a spot on the opposite side of the bench. "Mr. Kim's ice cream is definitely worth the walk." 
They enjoy their treats in silence, only offering a few passing comments here and there. Namjoon knows his tail hasn't stopped moving since they entered the park. 
He offers the last bites of his cup to Jeongguk, pushing it forward as the bunny hybrid eagerly leans across the table to grab it. Jeongguk's oversized sweater slips as he moves, exposing the skin below his collarbones, his faded mating mark on display. 
Namjoon swallows thickly, averting his eyes before Jeongguk can catch him looking. He traces his fingers along the wooden grain on the table, ears twisting back with uncertainty.
He wants that too. 
Namjoon can try to deny it all he wants, that he's content with the way things are - but he's not. He doesn't just want a packmark, fleeting touches and careful kisses during ruts, he wants everything. He's tired of always holding back, of not being able to take care of Hoseok and Taehyung like Seokjin takes care of Jeongguk. He wants, no, yearns, to love them, chest tight with the need to call them his. 
They promised to take it slow, to talk about it later, but it's been years. How long are they going to allow themselves to suffer, to stay in this weird in-between where all the lines are blurred yet impossible to cross? 
He didn't want to burden Jeongguk with his troubles, but perhaps the bunny hybrid can offer him another perspective. Namjoon thinks he owes it to himself to at least try. 
"Jeongguk," Namjoon picks at a loose splinter, mustering up the courage to ask, "How did you and Seokjin hyung become a pack?" 
"Oh, I wouldn't leave hyung alone," Jeongguk snorts as he swallows the last of Namjoon's ice cream. He leans one arm on the table, resting his head in his palm. His long ears twitch as he thinks back, a fond smile on his face as he explains, "From the moment I saw Seokjin hyung, no one else mattered. He always took care of me and the younger hybrids, taking on the role of an older brother. He has always been so kind and selfless, always willing to help. I kind of latched on to him – after my shelter transfer I was desperate for something stable, safe, and hyung was exactly that." 
"We became bonded very quickly, much to Seokjin hyung's horror," Jeongguk sighs. "He wanted me to have a chance at being adopted, to find a home, but that didn't matter to me. I didn't want a family if he wasn't part of it." 
Namjoon nods, heart squeezing in sympathy. He knows how that feels.
"He was just as attached as I was though, so we decided to become a pack so that they legally couldn't separate us. For all the lectures hyung gave me on the importance of being adopted, I think he was just as scared as I was whenever someone came to look around. He didn't want to lose me either." 
"How did you become mates, then? It sounds like what you had was more brotherly than a relationship?" Namjoon tilts his head, glancing up at Jeongguk.
The bunny hybrid grins, a little smug. "I'm very determined once I set my mind on something and I just knew that hyung was it for me. He had his worries since I'm younger, but none of that mattered to me. It took some time to convince him to give it a shot, to at least try to see me as a potential mate and not just someone he needed to take care of. Uh, well, let's just say my first rut opened his eyes a lot?" 
"I was already nineteen at that point, so there wasn't anything legally holding us back from mating. We waited another year I think, I didn't want to rush hyung into something he wasn't comfortable with. Deep down, we both knew we loved each other and that we had done it for a long time, but sometimes it's just easier to fall back on what's comfortable. Change can be scary." 
Namjoon feels exposed, like Jeongguk can read the thoughts appearing behind his eyes.
Smiling wistfully, the bunny hybrid shrugs his shoulders, leaning back on his seat as he says, "Change can be scary, but at least you'll know, right? For better or worse." 
"Yeah," Namjoon grimaces, "For better or worse." 
He flashes Jeongguk a wobbly smile, collecting their used cups as he gestures to the path they came. "Are you ready to go back?" 
The bunny hybrid springs to his feet, the seriousness gone from his expression in a flash. Namjoon steps over to a nearby trashcan, taking a deep breath as he chucks the empty cardboard away. 
Whatever Taehyung and Hoseok wants, he'll accept it. If they have to stay the way they are, he'll learn to deal with it. He's been tampering down his feelings for years already, so what's a lifetime more of it, really? 
As he walks back with Jeongguk, eyes once again trained on the ground, he finds that he can't voice the thing he wants to say the most. That while he'll always respect his packmates wishes, he's not sure he will ever be able to fully heal if they reject him. Not again.
There's only so much sorrow a heart can take before it's beyond repair.
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"Shit," You curse, wincing at the uneven gravel road.
The ground is filled with bumps and holes, rattling your car something fierce. You're in the middle of nowhere, following the coordinates your whistleblower supplied you with. They hadn't said much, just that whatever was waiting for you would be helpful to your case. 
Your destination is twenty meters ahead.
You try to squint past the dust the car keeps kicking up, seeing nothing but the road. Your contact hasn't betrayed you, right? They wouldn't send you off into the forest to have you taken out by one of Lim's men? 
Glancing over at the GPS, you slow the car to a stop just as the cheery robotic voice announces that you've reached your destination.
You wait for the dust to settle, eyes scanning the road for anything out of the ordinary. Finding nothing, you cautiously exit your car, keeping your keys tucked between your fingers. You doubt it'll do much should someone actually try to attack you, but it feels comforting nonetheless. 
It only takes walking to the other side of the car before you spot it, a rusted red mailbox barely visible beneath the climbing vines growing all over it. 
"Please don't let something jump out at me," You whisper, stepping through the tall grass to reach it. You lean back as you open it, letting out a relieved breath when you only find a small envelope inside.
You quickly snatch it up, hurrying back to your car. Locking the doors, you do another sweep of the forest around you before you carefully open it, pulling out the folded piece of paper inside.
You can't quite believe your eyes as you straighten it out. 
They can help, is all it says, along with three names scribbled messily below. 
You know them.
A choked sound bubbles past your lips, hands shaking as you stare at the black ink.
An Daeun
Yoo Jeonghui
Nam Minseo
It's the same names you gave to Kim Hajoon only a week ago.
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a/n: i know things are pretty angsty for the canines right now, but it'll get better soon 🥺 we are very close to a breakthrough!
i would really love to hear what you think about the chapter! yoongi's crush on seokjin is pretty obvious, huh? do you think he knows? and what so you think about namkook's talk? or what the MC found at the end?
(it's 1 am rn and i'm tipsy so i'll fix any mistakes in the morning lol)
if you like the chapter, please let me know! 💖 engagement has been quite low lately and it’s pretty discouraging :(
chapter 24 should be posted near the end of August! see you all soon and stay safe <3
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casuallyimagining · 10 months
Two Hours (Teaser)
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otter hybrid yoongi x female reader
Summary: Your neighbor invites you to a work picnic that he's nervous to attend. You promise to only stay for two hours. Word Count: 2,870 Genre: slice of life, fake dating, friends to ???, fluff Warnings: none
Notes: Thank you to @rec-me-bts for the moodboard. Also many many thanks to @oddinary4bts and @madbutgloriouspond for beta-ing this for me and for their endless sympathies while I basically had an existential crisis in their dms. Thank you for not telling me I am annoying 💙
Full fic posting September 2!
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“I’ve been meaning to ask,” he says, and you can tell he’s suddenly nervous. “So we’re having a potluck picnic thing at work, and someone decided it would be a great idea to make it mandatory.”
“Yeah. But I get a plus one, so I was wondering if maybe you’d go with me? Make it a little more tolerable?”
“You want me to go to your dumb company picnic with you?”
“Well, when you say it like that…” Nervously, he pokes at a grain of rice that had fallen off one of his nigiri.
“Sounds like it’s going to be not a lot of fun.”
You shrug. “I’m in.”
139 notes · View notes
bts-fic-collection · 2 years
hello! i'm looking for cuddle buddy fics, any pairing is fine but if yoongs can be the cuddle buddy would be even more great, thank you!
Sure thing! ^_^
Your secret is safe with me by MoonCypher
Rating: Not rated
Pairings: Jungkook & Yoongi
Status: Incomplete
Word count: 6,611
Summary: Jungkook flees to Seoul after he came out as gay. He doesn't have any friends in the new, big city yet, except for a stray cat that won't stop begging him for food and attention. Soon he becomes his best friend and every night they cuddle up together while Jungkook whispers his sorrow, fears and secrets into the cat's fur. It doesn't take long before the cat starts to feel bad that Jungkook doesn't know that he's a shifter.
Solace by tonghua
Rating: E
Pairings: Taehyung/Yoongi
Status: Complete
Word count: 4,353
Summary: Taehyung goes to Yoongi when he needs comfort and normally just a little bit of cuddling is all that’s required. This time, it’s not enough.
invisible map of the world by veausy
Rating: M
Pairings: Yoongi/Jimin
Status: Complete
Word count: 8,305
Summary: He blinks, processing, and finds his eyes drawn to the sight in front of him. Familiar hair and neck. Beloved hair. Beloved neck. He wants to press close and breathe in, suffocate there, wants to do it unafraid. - Or: Jimin finds out he's forcing them to cuddle at night against both their wills and just really doesn't know how to stop.
15 notes · View notes
bangtanflirt · 1 year
Wait, Little Rabbit! (Part 5)
fluff, angst, smut
Bunny Hybrid (Fem) Reader x Human Seokjin x Dog Hybrids Jimin and Hoseok x Cat Hybrid Yoongi x Wolf Hybrids Namjoon, Taehyung, & Jungkook
NSFW. 18+
Part 1 >  Part 2 > Part 3   > Part 4  > Part 5  > Part 6
Summary: You, a meek little bunny hybrid, find family amongst six predator hybrids and their lovely human caretaker.
Warnings: group sex but like they are all taking turns with y/n, y/n goes into heat, heats hurt until they are taken care of, a little bit of crying, mentions of birth control methods, vaginal fingering, vaginal penetration, throatfucking, Joon’s control kink, heavy d/s dynamics, slight breeding kink even though y/n is on birth control, slight voyeurism, predator/prey dynamics in a sexual context, abandonment issues
The morning is calm, with Seokjin teaching you how to make coffee with the new drip coffee maker he bought. You focus in on his hand movements, watching with fascination as the coffee filters down into the pot. As much as you wish you liked the taste of black coffee, like all the men in the house do, you know that you’ll be pouring your weight in sugar and creamer into your cup.
“My heat is coming up” the words come out shy and unsure. Telling Seokjin such a private matter feels very different than telling your former eighty-four-year-old female caretaker. It can’t be helped that your cheeks turn red, even while your eyes are on the coffee. His movements have stopped though, as he’s put the kettle down to give you full attention.
“How close?”
“Two days”
“How would you like to spend it?”
“I was thinking of asking Jimin and Hobi” you grow redder with each response, but the man just gives a casual nod.
“That’s what I would’ve suggested as well. Do you have any preferences on birth control? I’ve never cared for a female hybrid before, so I’m not sure what to prepare.”
“I, um, I have a chip in my arm” you notice his surprise, “my old caretaker helped me get it.”
“Well, then that’s taken care of. Anything else you need? If you give me a list of your favorite snacks and drinks I can stock them up in the outside room. I like to make sure you guys have enough to recharge during your heats.”
Your heart swells up at just how attentive Jin can be. You could’ve never imagined having a male caretaker in the past; every female hybrid you knew had one bad experience or another with them. Even the most decent ones didn’t feel approachable for such topics—but here you were, with the nicest human male you’ve ever had the fortune of meeting. You can’t help but jump up for a hug, your previous shyness fading away. He chuckles as he holds you in place, heart hurting because of your adorableness.
As the day goes by, you notice the hybrids acting different around you. It starts off subtle, with them zoning out when you come near or eyes lingering on certain body parts that they’ve been too much of gentlemen to stare at before. Namjoon’s the one that addresses the atmosphere first, “y/n…by any chance, is your heat tonight?”
You look at the wolf with confusion, “No, it’s the day after tomorrow.”
They all look at each other, eyebrows raised. “Your pheromones are going crazy bun, are you one hundred percent sure it’s that far away? Maybe you should sleep in the extra room starting tonight.”
To everyone’s surprise, you don’t obediently nod to the Alpha. Instead, you thump your feet and puff out your chest as stubbornly as you know how. “But it’s not for another two days! That’s unfair! I think I know my heats better than anyone else.”
Now, with any other hybrid in the house, Namjoon would be standing firm with his suggestion. However, he’s extra cautious when it comes to you—not wanting to seem like he’s once again belittling your autonomy as a prey hybrid. So, he concedes.
“Okay bun, you know what’s best for you.”
“What’s with him?” Taehyung asks upon seeing his usually-laid-back Yoongi hyung visibly tense.
“Eunwoo’s back in town. He’s asked to have dinner with Yoongi and I. He’s just a bit nervous but he’ll be alright. Right Yoongs?”
The cat hybrid lets out an unconvincing yes, brows still furrowed in worry.
“Eunwoo?” You inquire, and Jungkook fills in the gaps.
“Eunwoo hyung is Yoongi’s former caretaker. He was friends with Jin hyung in college and asked him to take Yoongi in when he joined the military.”
“He’s back for a couple days before he’s deployed again.” Jin further explains.
You nod, still a little confused on why Yoongi looks so on edge but deciding it best to not prod further.
“Joonie, take this” Jin says, handing the wolf a credit card, “since both Yoongi and I will be gone, and we can’t be sure the kitchen won’t burn down with just you guys. Order whatever you like.” Namjoon rolls his eyes at the remark, smiling nonetheless.
“I vote tacos” Jimin enthusiastically chimes in. His hybrid counterpart, Hoseok, laughs along, tuning into the conversation while keeping his main focus on Yoongi—stroking the cat hybrid’s back gently the entire time. Yoongi leans into the touch, grateful for Hoseok’s calming presence. Hoseok doesn’t leave Yoongi’s side until the moment Jin has to separate them to get Yoongi out the door, even then the dog hybrid doesn’t miss the chance to help Yoongi put his collar on.
With the two of them alone for the car ride, Jin attempts to soothe the cat’s nerves.
“He really misses you, you know that? The first thing he asked me was how you were doing.”
“Well if he cared that much, he shouldn’t have left.”
The rest of the ride is silent and stiff. Before long, Yoongi finds himself sitting opposite of the man he dreaded seeing. At the very least, Jin is still beside him, holding his hand under the table. Yoongi attempts to hide behind the restaurant menu, but Eunwoo earnestly speaks up.
“What about the ravioli for you, Yoongi? You love ravioli, don’t you?”
The cat hybrid doesn’t dare make eye contact, but his tone is ice cold. “Not anymore. Grew out of it.”
Jin nervously cracks a joke to ease the tension but hurt is evident on Eunwoo’s face. The dinner continues on with the two humans catching up while the cat hybrid picks at his meal. It’s when Jin excuses himself to go to the restroom when the tension is at an all-time high.
“Yoongi, will you please at least look at me? I know I’m not your caretaker anymore, but I’m still trying my best to be a part of your life. Please don’t shut me out.”
It’s the first time that night that Yoongi meets eyes with the man.
“You don’t get to be a part of my life after you dumped me onto someone else.”
Eunwoo’s heart further cracks at the biting remark, coming from the hybrid who used to look at him with hearts in his eyes.
“Leaving you was the hardest decision I’ve ever made”
“Then why’d you do it?”
“Because I had to! Because I was lost Yoongi, and everyday you were with me I was reminded of how I couldn’t do anything for you. You were behind on vaccines because I couldn’t afford them! You couldn’t go to hybrid parks because I didn’t have time to take you! My life was a mess and I felt so selfish for making you go through all of that because of me. The army really straightened me out, gave me the direction I so badly needed—but you and I both know how miserable the hybrids on base are. This is the best thing I could possibly do for you.”
“But I missed you.” Yoongi tries to hold back a choked sob, but tears roll down his cheeks at a faster pace than he can wipe them off. Without a second to spare, his old caretaker is taking the seat besides him, wiping away the tears.
“I missed you too. I’m so sorry it turned out this way, but you’re happy, aren’t you? Jin and all those hybrids, they make you happy, right?”
He nods through the tears, too many emotions all being felt at once.
This time the ride back home is much lighter, on both Yoongi and Seokjin.
“You know I like being with you, right hyung? I was never upset that he left me with you.”
“I know Yoongs, you don’t have to worry about me. I know you love us. You also love him, though, and you don’t have to pretend like you’re okay all the time when I can tell you miss him.”
“I just—I thought he’d always be by my side. And then one day he wasn’t. The part that sucks the most is that I am happy now, but I’m worried that this is all temporary too.” He looks out the window, not wanting to voice his fears while looking in Jin’s direction.
“It’s completely valid to have those fears, but I’m not going anywhere Yoongi. Neither are the others. Eunwoo can’t take care of you, but he loves you enough to trust you with someone who can. Someone who will take care of you for the rest of your life.”
Yoongi steals a glance at his caretaker, letting himself believe the words for now. It’s when he’s relaxed more into the seat does the hybrid realize this isn’t the way back home.
“Um Jin, where are we going?”
The man cracks a mischievous smile, eyes still transfixed on the road. “Somewhere that you’ll really like.”
The roads are curvy and uphill, causing the two to swerve with the car on occasion. Yoongi observes the passing buildings with perplexity, not recognizing this as any part of town he’s ever been to. Seokjin keeps his playful air of mystery, looking on amusedly as Yoongi tries to make sense of his surroundings. The car stops into an unfamiliar driveway, the driveway of a house that leans miles high over them—tall and wide frame dauntingly casting a shadow.
“C’mon kitty” is all the older man says before getting out the door and walking to the front door, all while Yoongi sprawls to not be left behind.
“Hyung, can you tell me now?”
“Look” he points to a sign with bold black letters reading ESTATE SALE.
“You brought me to an estate sale?”
“Yup. I want to spruce up the house but I have no idea where to start. That’s where you, our designated interior design expert, come in.”
Yoongi’s heart jumps in excitement, hands already itching to examine every piece of furniture in the ginormous house. Things up until now have been an emotional roller-coaster, but a few hours here is just what Yoongi needs to decompress—and his caretaker is well aware of that.
You’re okay. You keep telling everyone around you that you’re okay. You keep telling yourself that you’re okay. Because frankly, you’ve made too much of a scene not to be. The pride you felt when you stood your ground about your heat cycle is still fresh in your mind. But maybe—just maybe—you’ve been too prideful. Maybe Namjoon has a point. Because right now, as you’re in a cuddle puddle with the dog hybrids and Jungkook in the living room, something snaps. It snaps so roughly, so deliciously, that you feel the wind being knocked out of your lungs. Air feels like a secondary need, second to the pleasure you need to be feeling right now. Everything hurts, your core aches, and you know the universe is mocking you right now. You’ve been so adamant about your heat schedule that you entirely ignored the possibility of going into it early—a common occurrence of when a prey hybrid experiences high stress between cycles. It’s never happened to you before, but it happening now makes perfect sense considering your whole life has been twisted inside out since your last heat. You don’t want to draw attention to it, but the intensity building up inside you has tears threatening to pour. The hybrids with you notice immediately, the scent of the air turning unmistakably more pungent. The salty scent of desire, undeniable pheromones of lust swirling around you—too strong for any of them to act indifferent to.
It's Jimin that takes your face into his hands first, startled expression as he sees the pain in your eyes. “Bun…you’re in heat…” His voice is on edge, not expecting this nor knowing what to do. His rational brain would take you to the outside room immediately, but your pheromones are hazing that rationality in all three hybrids. Yoongi was the only hybrid that’s ever helped a prey through heat—the others are nowhere near equipped to handle just how strongly the heat pheromones affect predator hybrids in particular.
“Please help” you cry out, voice breaking in the process.
The words mixed with your scent send the dog hybrids into a primal frenzy. Jimin kisses you hard, sucking on your lips in a manner that’ll no doubt leave them bruised after. Hoseok is tearing your clothes off, as well as losing his own. The youngest hybrid is the only one who stills in hesitance. The dog hybrids are no strangers to taking care of your needs, but Jungkook has never had you in that way before. As high as your scent has him, he still keeps a distance, unsure if you even want him to help you through your heat. He feels guilty even looking—no, ogling—at your nude form right now. The curve of your perky ass, the stiff peaked nipples that top your breasts, your already glistening cunt; every detail he tries to commit to memory, scared he’ll never be able to see it again. He watches with tense posture as Hoseok slides two fingers into your cunt with ease, with you begging for more. He continues watching as Hoseok fucks three long digits all the way into your cunt while Jimin takes your mouth with equal ferocity. You’re beyond the point of forming coherent sentences, heat making you cock dumb and only able to beg. It’s when one of your hands reach towards Jungkook that he stops being just a spectator; Jimin’s cock has you unable to talk, but your eyes and hand motions do well to plead the wolf hybrid to join.
“A-are you sure bun?”
You let go of Jimin’s cock with a pop sound, taking a moment to catch your breath before answering.
“Please Kook…need you…need your cock…please” The words “please” keep falling from your lips like a mantra, in rhythm with Hoseok’s fingers pumping you good.
The oldest dog hybrid is used to taking charge, which makes things a lot easier for everyone in this moment. “You heard her Kook. Our desperate little bun needs your cock. Are you going to deny a poor bunny in heat?”
The wolf shakes his head instantly, doing well to strip out of his all-black clothing. He stands bare, cock straight up and yearning to be inside of you, but even your exquisite pheromones can’t make Jungkook forget his pack hierarchy.
“Joon hyung…I need his permission.”
That’s when a low snicker intrudes the moment between the four of you. You all turn your heads to the wolves’ bedroom door, where Namjoon and Taehyung are standing with hyperfocused vision.
“My little beta never forgets his manners, does he?” The Alpha quips, looking proud. The other beta watches with lust-filled pupils, hiding behind his Alpha as if your scent is something dangerous.
“please…need all of you…it hurts” your trying your best to plead, but Jimin’s assault on your throat makes the words come out raspy. Speaking of the youngest dog hybrid and his cock, he pushes it right back down your throat again. This isn’t like the other time he’s been in your mouth, when he was gentle and had all the patience in the world—right now, he’s a creature of instinct, and his instinct is to breed your mouth.
Namjoon makes his way to the loveseat adjacent from the couch, getting the perfect view of everything. Taehyung follows close by but stops at the couch rather than the loveseat: your scent intoxicating him.
“Go on, I want to see both of my betas stuff that tight little cunt.”
Taehyung’s eyes go wide, and Jungkook thanks his lucky stars that his Alpha is not in a denying mood. If Namjoon is affected by your pheromones, he’s doing a damn good job showing restraint—opting instead to sit back in a commandeering position with his large hand palming over his sweats.
Hoseok helps the Alpha’s command come to fruition, taking his fingers out and gripping your thighs open as invitation for the betas. Jungkook doesn’t waste a single second, plunging into your heat like a possessed man. You gag around Jimin at the sudden intrusion, and the dog hybrid takes himself out to let you adjust for a second. Just for a second, though, because he’s back in your mouth in no time. Jungkook’s head is thrown back in ecstasy, guttural moans spilling with each heavenly thrust inside of you. No one can tell exactly when Taehyung loses all of his clothes, but it’s not long before the other beta is holding his cock in hand, waiting impatiently to feel you.
“Kook, don’t be greedy. Let Tae have a turn.”
“Yes Alpha” his words are readily obedient, but it takes the wolf a lot of willpower to keep from diving back into you.
Taehyung takes full advantage of his turn, getting fully lost in both your cunt and your scent. That’s why he’s also struggling when Namjoon orders another switch. The two betas fuck you like that for a while, taking turns controlled by their Alpha as Hoseok keeps your legs open and Jimin keeps your mouth busy.
It doesn’t help that every time Jimin lets you breathe, you use the time to beg the words “harder” and “more.” The words only egg Jimin on, making him fuck you even harder until he’s emptied his seed deep down your throat.
Jungkook is the first to fill your cunt up, and Taehyung is second (both with the Alphas permission, of course). Hoseok succumbs to temptation and sinks into your cum-filled folds too, leaving his big load in there as well. Without your mouth occupied, screams of pleasure fill the house in no time. It’s during Hoseok’s turn when you get your first orgasm, no doubt because of his skilled movements on your clit. Your high hits as fast and hard as your heat, making every cell in your body ascend in pleasure. It takes a minute for the aftershocks to subside, your legs gradually slowing down in their shaking—as well as the rest of your body. It’s all too much and not nearly enough at the same time: the orgasm leaving you breathless, but your libido still crying out for more. You look at the Alpha, still showing immense restraint, eyes picking you apart alone. His gaze is taunting, and you’ve lost all pride to not give in.
“Joon, please fuck me” it’s the most coherent you’ve been since your heat hit, but you know you need to string a sentence or two together to get the Alpha’s approval. “need you so bad Alpha. Need your cock so bad it hurts.”
He doesn’t say anything back, just cocks an eyebrow at you like he’s expecting something. Like you should know what to do right now. Your mind is cluttered and horny and your grasping at straws to figure out what he’s expecting. You’ve already begged…oh. You’ve only begged. His words from before ring clear in your otherwise hazy mind.
“If you want me, you’ll have to kneel and beg first.”
With no explanation to the other hybrids, you half-fall-half-crawl off the couch, away from their hands on you. They all watch the mixture of cum drip down your thighs, cunt practically slobbering over the couch and carpet as you make your way down. You look right into the Alpha’s eyes, knowing this is what he’s asking for as you crawl over—unable to walk even if you wanted to. It’s when your right in front of the loveseat do you stop, giving him one last pleading look before ducking your head to meet his feet. You let your head fall onto his feet in complete submission.
“Please fuck me Alpha” you get out in your most desperate tone yet.
The Alpha’s smirk grows tenfold.
“Gladly, little prey.”
A/N: Thank you guys for waiting patiently as my health recovered and I could put this part out! As always, I’m overwhelmed in the best way with your enthusiasm for the series. The people that comment and reblog especially make me so motivated to write!! As of right now, the next part is planned to be the final. What I have planned for it feels like a natural conclusion to the series. It will be out much quicker than this one for sure!
Taglist: @osakis-gf @strawberrysweetness @yoongiigolden @welcometomyworld13 @xjiminsthighsx @btsiguess-kpop @kirakombat @iheartsvt @pb-n-juju @shabbamadapot @bxcndd @se-oul @mageprincess7 @xoxo-jeans @effielumiere @mrcleanheichou @seajae @uarmyhore @strxwbloody @aquasan29 @sinceritythatcouldntbedelivered @bontensbabygirl @katskeigo @lucymultistan
**It won’t let me tag some blogs, idk why. If you asked to be on the taglist but tumblr won’t let me tag you then I will be DMing you when each part is up!
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yoonlattesworld · 2 years
to that anon who sent cat videos, i found these two and i'm in tears 😭😭😭😭 hybrid!yoongi and hybrid!mc indeed
Omg anon anon anon LOOK 🤧🤧 please my poor heart cannot handle this anymore.
Thank you rosy because now you're tempting me to write a hybrid fic 😭😭
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Uhm, I would like to present the idea of cow hybrid!Yoongi. Maybe as a Halloween fic/drabble. It just seems like a really cute concept. 👉👈
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derireo-galge · 2 years
Sujim Fam! | 2,5k | yoonmin✍🏼
Feline shifters yoonmin are young parents now!
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[ contains nsfw, lactation, handjobs, fluff, past angst, happy ending ]
The first time it happened they didn't expect it. In theory, they of course did. But practice is always different to what is written in the books.
Despite being so young, Yoongi and Jimin thrived to become the best parents for their little one. Ever since they found out they were expecting, they knew it was a fundamental step in their lives. They enrolled in parenting school - a kind of course that their local clinic offered to attend.
They've been continuously reading books on parenting, baby care and cooking written specifically for their kind. And they've researched online, talking to young couples who were just like them, unexperienced, but eager to get better.
Naturally, there were specific to every species and them being the feline shifters made it even easier, soon as there were so many of them out there and all the information was easy to access. And even though they've obtained a certain amount of knowledge, experiencing everything for the first time was completely different.
It was a sleepy kind of morning, the one where you'd wake up several times through it and then doze off again, pawing at the warm body beside you and kissing each other's shoulders with your eyes closed. The one where you'd breathe in the lovely scent of your mate, the most desirable in the world, with its undertones peaceful, calm. Where you'd be able to literally smell how rested your other half is.
Jimin opened his eyes slowly, yet again waking up from the pleasurable dream. His hands quickly went to his soft tummy and discovered it being small, flattened. Funny, just a moment ago he saw it in his dream, rounded, full of their young. He saw how he was expecting, how Yoongi was carrying him in his arms at every opportunity. Saw how they laid in their nest, with the elder scenting his baby bump repeatedly, talking to it and sharing secrets Jimin pretended he didn't overhear.
Despite having had their baby Jimin still had these vivid dreams of their recent past. Could be the hormones in his body or just because it happened to be one of the happiest times in his own life and in their life as a mated pair.
He didn't have time to miss it though. Because their little one was taking a lot of their time, not leaving much of it spare for dwelling on things that don't matter at this particular moment. Even if they were so dreamily joyful.
Jimin's hands raised and his blunt nails grazed his mate's buff chest who was laying in his side facing him. He traced the dusty pink nipples and glided his fingers down his abdomen, now more determinedly going downwards, to his lower belly.
He looked at his own hands, now hooked on the edge of the thin sheet that was covering Yoongi's lower half and that was obviously tenting right where it should be. He didn't get to touch him though as he completely stilled when his mate's palm lazily laid on his chest.
It's been filled since last time he nursed their little one and was now more rounded, tense. Strong fingers moved gently and slightly squeezed the soft nipple. Sensitive, it pebbled right away under his touch. A couple of droplets escaped and Yoongi sleepily bent towards it to lick them off.
- Hyung! - Jimin whisper shouted, - Kiss me first!
The elder chuckled and opened his eyes to look at his stunning mate. He looked sleepy as well, smiling softly and with an adorable blush on his cheeks. His full lips were a little pouty and Yoongi immediately came closer, kissing them again and again.
- Ah, careful, - the younger mumbled into his hyung's mouth when his palm went to cup his full milky breasts, moving as slowly as possible.
- You're so delicious, my love, - he whispered into the skin of his neck, pecking and scenting it, licking along the pulsing vein and moving lower to his full breasts again.
Jimin finally got his hands under the covers and wrapped his palms around the thick shaft, feeling how hard and warm it was, with wetness smeared all over the tip. His hand came back to his own mouth just so he could taste his lover with his tongue and lick all over his palm to make the glide better.
Yoongi sucked on his nipple, tasting the milk and making the younger moan quietly. When his hyung did it, it was a different yet very welcome kind of pleasure.
- Don't be greedy, leave some for the baby, - he whined, arching towards his love and stroking his mate's cock faster and faster, feeling how it pulsated against the skin of his palm.
Yoongi moved his hips, sloppily thrusting into the pleasuring hands until he spilled the trickles of his release over the dainty fingers. With a sweet relieved sigh, he finally let go of the milky breasts and moved his hand down to where the younger was rutting against the sheet that was covering him.
His palm engulfed his length completely, thumbed at the slit and massaged all over the shaft, getting his lover to come in no time. He performed soft strokes intermittently with harder, shorter ones, making his mate almost mewl from the blissful sensations. Jimin came in spurts of white, landing on his hyung's warm hand and his own lower belly.
Sweaty and sated, they cleaned themselves the best they could without needing to get up and laid in each other's arms peacefully. Feeling a little lazy, they exchanged soft open mouthed kisses, breathing in the intensified scents they obtained after their short morning encounter.
That's until it clicked that it was way too quiet for the morning. No baby crying, no noises, nothing.
- Hyung! The baby! - Jimin all but jumped when he sat up and looked at the bedside cabinet. Yoongi rolled over and got to it faster, picking up the baby monitor. Nothing showed that there was anything wrong with it.
- It's working but it really is too quiet. Maybe he's asleep still? - He wondered.
- At this hour? We better check, - the concern was clear in the younger’s voice.
But they didn't have to go anywhere. The next moment the door creaked and opened a sliver. Slowly, tentatively.
The young parents watched in awe as their child, still too young to even crawl in his human form, was entering the room on all fours. He now again, just like when he was born, had tiny paws and a brush like tail. Cute miniature ears twitched and he emitted such a tiny mewl, and the both of the adults had to surpress the urge to coo.
- Why is he like that? I thought he shifted for good? - Jimin asked, whispering quietly.
- They did say it was possible in some cases. We should have kind of expected it. - Yoongi replied in a similar volume.
They were clutching at each other's forearms as they sat there on the bed, waiting for their baby to find them. What they wanted the most was to run to him and pick him up but the young parents realized they should let him do things on his own.
That's how he will develop the best. And if anything, they will always be there to help.
The tiny orange kitten looked from side to side and didn't find anyone. He sat awkwardly and licked his paw, losing his balance and falling on the soft carpet after. He heard a gasp and raised his head.
There he saw what he was instinctually looking for. He mewled louder and went towards the hands that were expectantly waiting for him at the foot of the bed.
Jimin picked their baby up and kissed his head. He passed him to his mate and watched as the love of his life nosed and scented at the soft fir, calming the kitten down and holding him carefully.
In his strong arms he looked even tinier and the elder raised his eyes towards his younger mate. He has been his dream for such a long time and seeing this very dream developed in this direction only made him all the more happy.
- This will never get old, - he rasped, looking Jimin straight in the eyes, trying to convey the amount of gratitude and respect he had for him for bringing this miracle into this world.
- It really won't, - he agreed, watching his two boys' bonding time, - We are so naive, hyung. We've already put all the kitten bottles away.
- Are they on the upper shelf? Let me get them. Here, - he passed him the kitten baby to feed and stood up from the bed with a grunt.
Before leaving the room and having put on his robe that he discarded somewhere on the mattress last night, he leaned down to peck both of his babies on the head. They didn't have that much time left before going out like they originally planned.
Surely, their little one shifting back to his feline form is a slight change to their stroll around the seasonal market that they planned but it isn't a major mishap. They just had to adjust to the unexpected situation.
Yoongi boiled a pot of water and put several tiny bottles to sterilize there. He searched the chest of drawers for different covers and disposable sheets that they barely used now that their baby shifted to human form. Finally he went to their storage room and rummaged through the top shelf, finally finding a woven basket that was given to them by their friends for one of their anniversaries.
What could he say? They saw ahead of time, it seemed, for now it turned out to be a much more valuable gift than he initially thought.
The elder wiped the basket clean of dust and made a little bed there, lining the flannel pocket with the waterproof sheet and checking that the ties were in place. That created a cozy and easy to clean space for the little one that they will carry in their arms, not any worse that a special baby carrier they had used before.
Walking back to their bedroom he saw Jimin, half covered with a thin sheet and a half asleep kitten in his arms. He wanted to save this scene in his mind forever.
- Let's put him in the basket? Look? - he was uncharacteristically nervous but then he remembered that his hormones were wired from having a baby too and it was a gesture that demonstrated how capable he was of providing a safe space for their child.
- It's perfect, hyung! - the younger exclaimed and set the kitty inside the fabric pocket, - You did an amazing job.
With the praise, Yoongi puffed his chest and purred in content. His mate was purring just as happily and they connected in a chaste kiss above the little basket where their miracle has already dozed off.
Used to doing their maximum while the baby was asleep they quickly got dressed, picking their stuff and the baby bag along with the basket. The road to the market was peaceful, with Yoongi playing some music quietly, not to disturb their kitten's sleep. Their destination was just in the neighbouring area, a usually empty promenade was now lined in stalls and kiosks.
Yoongi was carrying the basket in one hand and holding Jimin with the other, walking slowly through the now busy street full of small businesses and displays with produce. They didn't get much, mostly picking things that caught their attention or they were curious to try cooking. All the seller aunties and uncles were eager to chat with them, and both mates indulged every single person, having both lost their parents at a young age and having sentimental feelings towards the other generation.
The moment their kitty crawled out of the fabric pocket and mewled, sleepily sniffing the unfamiliar air around him, things changed drastically. When it became obvious that the tiny orange creature that Jimin carefully wrapped in a small blanket and held with both hands isn't a pet but a shifter baby, they were looked at in a different way.
These seasonal market people, mostly village folk, never once frowned upon such young parents like the people in the city often did. On the contrary, they praised them and congratulated on starting their family.
Yoongi had a hard time paying for everything, with the kind sellers not wanting to take much from them. So the elder resolved to putting money directly into the small boxes everyone had at their stalls next to their scales they measured the produce with.
They went back to their car loaded with fresh meat, eggs, vegetables and fruit and with at least a dozen written recipes on how to best preserve whatever they won't be able to eat. Yoongi sat behind the wheel with Jimin on the passenger seat, clutching onto the basket where their son was playing with his tail.
They made the right decision coming here as they obtained so much more than just seasonal groceries. The reassurance that they craved but never got from the older generation, they found here, so unexpectedly.
Yoongi had his eyes full of tears as he leaned his head on his arms that he crossed on the steering wheel. He rubbed both palms over his face and looked at his beautiful mate that was watching him with a small smile and understanding in his eyes.
- We are fine, we're going to be just fine, hyung, - he leaned over to kiss his mate on the lips, trying to convey all his trust he had for him, all the faith he had in their little family.
The journey back home was just as fast as to the market, only this time their son was wide awake, playfully wriggling in Jimin's hands and nipping at his fingers with his small teeth. Yoongi just changed into his home clothes and turned around where the kitten was playing on their bed to see there were no paws and no tail anymore. There, among the sheets laid a human baby, grunting and sucking on his chubby fist.
- Jimin-ah! He's back! - he announced happily, picking the little one up and wrapping him in a clean sheet he took off the shelf. - Hello, baby. Let's go say hi to your dada?
He paused in the doorway that led to the kitchen. His mate, surrounded by the newly bought groceries and with his hair disheveled was making them drinks, looking out of the window.
His silhouette, although changed with years and rounded deliciously in all the right places, was still the same as the first time he saw him all those years back. And it's with the same kind of fondness, just intensified, he was watching him stir the beverage in the mug he was holding, quietly clacking the teaspoon.
He was right, he was sure of it, that all three of them will be just fine, as long as they're together.
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