#i also imagine him to be the kind of person to embroider designs he thinks will look cool & also to repair his coat which
courviknight · 5 months
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happy holidays and a happy new year, @ko-rka!! i am your secret santa for @fmasecretsanta ^^
i drew for you emo punk ed fashion, cats, and stars... and let me tell you, it's been SUCH a pleasure drawing as i've listened to your mcr playlist!! i ended up liking a lot of songs on spotify back-to-back, but some of my favorites were "to the end" and "sleep"
i hope you like it, and i'm wishing you the best for the new year! :]
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sashi-ya · 1 year
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🌸 ▹𝙱𝚢𝚊𝚔𝚞𝚢𝚊'𝚜 𝙼𝚒𝚗𝚒 𝙱𝚒𝚛𝚝𝚑𝚍𝚊𝚢 𝙲𝚎𝚕𝚎𝚋𝚛𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 𝐇𝐂𝐬: 𝐁𝐲𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐲𝐚 𝐚𝐬 𝐚 𝐟𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫
▹ headcanons of our sweet noble being a dad. tw: well, pregnancy of course. careful a little spoiler, if you don't know who Ichika is, then just ignore this, please. sfw. these are simple headcanons, the way I imagine Byakuya be with a baby and based on how Kubo addressed he acts with and towards Ichika ▹ wc: 800
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Byakuya would like to have just one child. Is not he is not interested in having a million with you, but, he knows that he wants to give that baby all the love and attention as possible, and sharing isn’t an option. At least during the first years of the baby’s life.
He would, for the love of God we all know he would, ask for his servants to craft the exact replicas of his own attire in baby size. From kenseikan (which you will have to remind him that babies have no long hair), a mini gimpaku (mint green, of course) to tiny, tiny white gloves embroidered with the Kuchiki clan symbol.
Speaking of the Kuchiki clan emblem, everything in the baby’s trousseau will have it on. White, pure cotton, hypoallergenic, as expensive as ten manors. You told him it isn’t necessary, but you know it’s futile. Nobody deserves the best than his own family, and he will give you even more.
You will wake up one day, and you will see your son/daughter dressed in some kind of green blorb attire; yes, Byakuya design an onesie with Wakame Ambassador for his baby. No, you aren’t taking it away. Yes, he will hire a photographer to make a special photography session with his descendant dressed in that. A photo he will put in his own office next to an Ichika one he took one day when they were training with their Zanpakuto. Cause proud uncle, always.
And Wakame Ambassador will be present everywhere too. From plushies, the first one personally sewed and embroidered by him. The baby, carrying the Kuchiki blood, will obviously cling to it for dear life. And you couldn’t ask for more, seeing baby and dad sleeping on your bed with the plushie in between them? Yes please, someone draw it.
He won’t be an absent nor cold father. Contrary to what many people might think, Byakuya is a person who really takes time to be with his family. Same as he attends the many events and reunions when his sister isn’t able to attend, he will be there for his baby. Since the Quincy invasion, he has changed for the better, and the moment his dark sky eyes meet his newborn’s he will melt, to the point of showing the sweetest smile you’ve ever seen drawn in his lips.
Byakuya will lift his baby in arms, with utmost care and pure delicacy. He would look, inspect every corner of his own blood, and then snuggle the baby in his arms. The moment he feels the chubby cheeks of his newborn against his chest, it will mark the start of the most pure bond nobody will dare to break nor even threat. He will swear -in silence- that will protect his descendant with everything it takes.
The noble will try to train his kid since baby, but he won’t be able to be really strict. Same as happened with Ichika, his child will become his weakness. Some times you will have to scold him for letting the kid do whatever he wants with him. Byakuya looks like a cold one, but in reality he would count the hours all throughout the working day to go back to you and his baby. He wants to play, to laugh with you two… he might not tell you, and probably he will never do, but with him words aren’t necessary.
Then, when the baby becomes old enough to attend the academy (cause of course the next head of the Kuchiki clan is not only strong as hell, but also has inherited dad’s sense of service, responsibility and novelty) there will be some weeks of pure chaos. “NO, HE WILL BE HOME-SCHOOLED!” Byakuya will shout. “Honey, he needs to make friends. I know you’ve been home-schooled, but, don’t you think he/she/they deserves to experience the academy, make new friends and perhaps even found a lover?” the last part was just to tease him, but, after so many nights discussing (and perhaps so many kisses to convince him) he gives up. His baby is gonna attend the Shinigami academy, and he wouldn’t be more proud of everything his son/daughter does.
Oh, and speaking of which… he will pick up, personally, his little bundle of joy. Some people will feel a little intimidated that the sixth captain of the Gotei 13 is there with his cold stare and his golden noble things, but he is gonna become an active member of the organization just to make the academy an even better place for his child. (And also, because he has met the joy of gossiping with other parents while waiting for his child to get out of class)
Byakuya will be the happiest man in the world. The proudest father. His baby, his weakness and also his strength. His genes will run stronger in the kid, and, some afternoons you will be happy to see through the window at both battling with wooden swords, with smiles on their faces and a happy ending with no end for a soul who suffered so much… 💖
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biblioklept-writes · 2 years
The Foreign Queen, Part 3
A/N: This does not have much Aemond in it, but we see the reader bonding with Haelena. Also this does contain Daemon slander, if you don’t like this i'd recommend you skip this over. (This is NOT proofread, so please lmk of any spelling or grammatical errors, thanks!) 
Word Count: 1.1 k
Summary: You find yourself with the beloved Queen Haelena, learning why the people loved her so dearly.
Series Masterlist | HOTD Masterlist
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The air was tense, everyone in the Red Keep pulled taut as a string. Word of Rhaenyra Targaryen’s husband Daemon Targaryen plotting to usurp the Iron Throne was spreading faster than a wildfire. The Rogue Prince was infamous for his bloodlust and affinity for wars, and with the brief interaction she had shared with the blacks, she had decided that she did not like him.
Crass, wild, and entitled were the words your mind thought when you had met him. Other less than insulting words also came to her head,  but you didn’t express them for the sake of court manners. Daemon Targaryen certainly had skill with his wicked sword and powerful dragons, but whatever skill he had in combat was diminished by his ability to jump to thoughtless conclusions and the less than flattering words he had expressed of you and your people.
Despite the gossip that had been filled in your ears about the Dowager Queen and her children, the Princess had found the Red Keep and its Royal residents far more welcoming than your previous hosts. Must have been your biassed mind, but thus far, all the rumours had been just that - rumours. 
Presently you were sitting with the gentle-souled Haelena, embroidering a gold jhumka on the corner of a green kerchief. It was made of the finest silk you had got from home, embroidering something for the Queen herself. Haelena sat across you, lost in her own beautiful world, embroidering flowers the princess had never seen before. Later, you were expected to accompany the Queen as she toured King’s Landing to meet her people. From what you had observed, the smallfolk loved their Queen, for she was kind and patient to anyone and everyone.
“Mighty Queen braves the storm,” Haelena’s sweet, sweet voice muttered. “The dragon blazed it down, the King can only sit and watch,” she continued, “As the enemies turn to torch.”    
“My Queen, do you see something?” You gently asked.
“Mighty Queen braves the storm,” Haelena repeated, smiling, seemingly oblivious to the ominous poem she just recited. Glancing down at the golden embroidery in her hand, the Queen said, “I find it quite lovely, the design you have sewn, what is this ring called, Princess?”
“It is a piece of Bharatiya jewellery. We wear it with our fancier clothes, or even otherwise.” You explained. “Would Your Grace like one?”
“I think Jaehara would love those.” Haelena examined the pattern, a serene smile on her face. “That looks really pretty, Princess.”
“I’ll have some personally delivered to you, Your Grace.” You said, bowing your head with a smile. “Now, pray tell, do you prefer gold or silver, My Queen?”
“Gold is like the sun - warm, ever-present, glaring.” She muttered, half to herself. “Silver is like the moon - serene, kind, gentle.” Haelena pondered for a moment and said, “I will have one of each, My Lady.”
“And I shall personally see to it, my Queen.” You smiled. No wonder the small folk loved their Queen (Queen-Consort, rather) even though they disliked the King. And there was the youngest Prince, Daeron the Daring, who was even adored by people who despised the Targaryen invaders. You were yet to make an acquaintance of the youngest prince, yet you had never heard ill of him.
Haelena thought you were nice, and brought her pet spider to see you. The creature’s wrinkly-black legs made you a bit queasy, but you had seen worse. You had even killed some of them with your slippers - you didn’t have it in your heart to break that news to the Queen. You didn’t imagine she’d be fond of you after revealing that. Either way, the spider had seemingly taken after Haelena and didn’t move anywhere from her palm, then calmly crawled back into the cage when the Queen commanded. Perhaps it knew that she was the Queen.
“Haelena-” the Dowager Queen Alicent called out to her daughter, stopping when she saw you seated beside the Queen. You promptly got up and curtseyed, then stood still with you back straight. “Princess, it’s good to see you here. I am most glad that Haelena has found a friend.” She glanced at you once over, taking in the silk saree that you had adorned for the occasion. “It is great that I found you here. I thought it would be great if you could join us for dinner tomorrow night. We will host a feast to celebrate this new alliance between Bharat and Westeros.”
“I made an alliance with your son, My Lady,” You decided to say. “I fear I am not loyal to Westeros, only to King Aegon and his family.”
“You speak dangerous words,” Alicent warned, but her big brown eyes swarmed with relief. “You might be tried for treason.”
“It is not treason if I am not betraying my land.” You simply said. “As for my words, I only speak the truth as it is. I am not a fan of coddling lies, My Lady.”
“Your boldness is refreshing and admirable, Princess Y/N” The King’s mother admitted, eyes filled with pride. “But people have been harmed for much less,”
“I must pick my company carefully then,” You smiled at the previous queen, who returned your gesture.
“Indeed,” Alicent agreed. “The hour is late, I must put my grandchildren to bed,”
The little blond twins followed their grandmother out, giggling about something. The two innocent souls seemed unaware of the war threatening to start, and you would prefer to keep it that way. These toddlers deserved to have a proper childhood, as did the thousands of others who lived. At least, you would try to push the war back until your civilians were safe back in Bharat.
“I should take my leave, Your Grace.” You said, curtseying in front of Haelena. “It was wonderful spending time with you… I will look forward to our next meeting.”
Haelena sweetly smiled at you as you turned to leave, her ominous words echoing in your mind, and the kind smile she sent your way. You didn’t want her to get caught up in the bubbling war, but there would be no way to stop it from reaching her if the war started. Such a serene woman did not have to see the horrors of war - yet, she would be the one to suffer the most - Queens and mothers see the most losses in a war, and Haelena Targaryen was both.
Had you stayed mere moments longer, you would have seen the Prince come to his sister’s chambers to fetch his nephew and niece, only to find them both gone with their grandmother and as sister with a peaceful smile on her face, admiring the golden embroidery of your jhumkas on the green silk. Lately, Haelena had always been troubled, plagued by nightmares and visions words couldn’t share.
Aemond was relieved to see her finally relax, yet his curiosity got the best of him. What could have transpired to finally calm Haelena down?
You didn’t see when Aemond held a calculating glint in his eye as his sister recited the words to him, didn’t see when his interest turned into determination, when the little embers that urged him to get to know you turned into dancing flames. For now, he stoked the fires, hiding them like he hid the sapphire in his eye socket. Fire always gives smoke, he knew that, but he had long since mastered to disguise the smoke.
“Mighty Queen braves the storm, The dragon blazed it down, the King can only sit and watch, As the enemies turn to torch.”
Tags: @km-ffluv
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elysianstars · 3 months
Looking through Emblem bond conversations with the Fell Four, and picking out my favourites because why not?
Marth: You may show bravado, but you’re actually quite kind, aren’t you? Both in and out of battle.
Rafal: What?! That is laughably inaccurate. Though I will admit to making an effort of late.
Love that every time someone calls Rafal kind, his response is 'withdraw those false accusations immediately'.
Celica: Deep down, I know you possess a kind heart. Why do you not show it?
Rafal: What do you mean? My disposition is nothing short of sunny. Surely you agree.
He's figured out a new way to deal with it now.
Edelgard: When all of this is over, what do you plan to do?
Alear: Hmm… I think I’d like to take my time and travel the world. And also read and sleep a lot.
Highly relatable, but YOU HAVE SLEPT ENOUGH.
Celica: It’s no good to eat such acidic food all the time. You should try to round out your nutrition a bit.
Nel: I suppose if someone is going to mother me, it may as well be an ancient and ageless Emblem.
Emblems trying to make dragons stop eating such terrible foods, round one.
Veyle: Roy, look! I’ve never seen food this red before. I bet it’s super spicy and super delicious.
Roy: But, Veyle…the look, the smell, the burning! It does not look like it belongs in anyone’s mouth.
Round two!
Roy: An entire shaker, Nel? I can’t imagine any food needing that much salt.
Nel: It is a pity you will never be able to taste my gift to culinary advancement.
Round three!
Edelgard: I’ll admit, one thing about you does trouble me. The amount of sugar you put in your tea…
Rafal: The sweeter the better, Edelgard. I will brook no disagreement on this point.
Round four! There's a few others too, so I stopped at this point.
Alear: Your battle strategy is always so calm and logical. I should probably try to think that way…
Soren: We each have things we are and are not suited for. Calm rationale may not be yours.
Rafal: Am I cursed to have older sisters eternally fuss over me? Did I not tell you I am no child?
Micaiah: I’m sorry. I heard you were a little brother, and I was thinking you must have been very cute.
Micaiah, the woman who called Rafal cute and lived to tell the tale.
Veyle: Didn’t a Fell Dragon ravage your world? You must hate it when I’m around.
Lucina: Not at all. You look different. You act different. You are your own dragon, Veyle.
Fell Dragons feel awkward around Lucina, part one.
Lucina: Rafal, is it my imagination, or are you avoiding me? I thought we were a team after that battle.
Rafal: Your home was destroyed by a Fell Dragon. I, too, am a destroyer. You should avoid me.
Part two!
Nel: I hear you have a history with Fell Dragons. Do not feel obligated to socialize with me.
Lucina: I don’t feel obligated, Nel. I’d like to get to know you as a person, not just as a Fell Dragon.
Part three!
Lucina: Nel! As a token of our friendship, I’ve designed some clothing for you. Vander’s handiwork!
Nel: A large spicy pepper embroidered on the front. I suppose it does represent my preferences.
The follow-up. Since she mentioned Vander, I'm guessing it's a piece of knitting? Maybe a jumper?
Lyn: You look tired. If there’s something dragging you down, you can tell me. I’m a good listener.
Alear: I still hesitate sometimes in battle because I’m so inexperienced.
Alear: Then I second-guess myself afterward, thinking of all the things I should have done instead.
Lyn: Don’t worry about making mistakes. You have friends─and me─to guide you through them.
*grabs Alear by the shoulders* SWEETIE YOU ARE DOING AMAZING. Even when you're screwing up and getting yourself killed, you're still amazing. He says similar things in other conversations and I just. Can someone corporeal please give him a hug already?
Ike: Well, what do you think? Do I seem strong to you yet?
Rafal: I will admit your aid was helpful. Perhaps, of the two of us, we can say you are second strongest.
This is even funnier in context when you see them standing next to each other.
Rafal: You… You are quite the enigma. You fight so fiercely, yet appear so weak.
Eirika: Should I…take that as a compliment?
I don't think he knows whether it was a compliment either.
Alear: Oh, Professor! Sorry, I know I’m not one of your students. I just wanted to see how it felt.
Byleth: I don’t mind. It’s what most everyone called me, after all.
Alear is being cute and I can't handle it.
Byleth: Whatever you’re eating looks pretty tasty.
Rafal: An ally gave these to me. I was told that they were too sweet, but I find them perfect.
Byleth: Good to hear! Seeing you enjoy those reminds me of an old friend.
Rafal: We are having a conversation here. Reminisce on your own time.
Rafal has now become known as a repository for unwanted sweets. Also...did you not realise Byleth telling you that was part of the conversation. That's what was happening there. Sharpen those social skills, Rafal.
Corrin: I spent most of my youth cooped up in a castle. Everything felt fresh when I got to leave.
Alear: I can relate to that. It sounds like our circumstances aren’t so different.
I mean...if I had to pick the main similarity between you two, it would not be that. I'd probably go for the whole 'amnesia + reunited with my mother and then watched her die + evil dragon dad final boss' chain of events. Maybe that's just me though.
Corrin: I hear you risked your life for the sake of your brother. I did something very similar once.
Nel: Rafal is precious to me. I wanted to protect him. Above all, I wanted him to feel accepted.
I love you Nel.
Edelgard: You charge alone into battle far too frequently. I would urge you to think more of your allies.
Rafal: If you dislike me so intensely, then leave. No one is forcing you to deal with me.
Edelgard: That is not what I said. I am merely imploring you to consider some basic strategy.
Rafal: If my being alone in battle is your concern, then clearly your best course is to accompany me.
Love that Rafal's reaction to being told he's endangering himself is 'okay guess you hate me then'.
Nel: If it is all right with you, Tiki, I would like a hug.
Tiki: Of course! I feel so safe with you. I think the gentle hands had to be yours…
Nel: So you do recall my sending you to slumber. Well, I am glad you are back with us for good.
Wait, Emblems CAN give hugs now?
Tiki: I don’t remember you too much, but I feel like I’m safe with you for some reason!
Rafal: That is the wrong instinct to have. Nevertheless, I will endeavor to be kind to you from now on.
His line delivery is the best part of this. He's so absolutely done. Like, he was the source of the original problem, so he gets no right to complain, but he's still done. AND he'll keep knocking away accusations of kindness, even though he's just owned up to it here.
Veronica: I hear you spent a thousand years looking after your sister. I’m jealous of your relationship.
Rafal: You envy my atonement? My just punishment for crushing my sister’s heart?
Veronica: No, I envy the time you’ve had together. I may never see my brother again.
Rafal: If he left you, it must have been with some goal in mind. Trust in that, or find him and stop him.
Too late, Bruno's dead.
Camilla: You have such lovely hair. If only I was corporeal, I would love to brush it for you.
Alear: Oh, um… That’s very kind of you, but just the thought is enough for me.
Camilla no.
Camilla: You need a confidant, Rafal. Come, rest your head on my shoulder. Tell me everything.
Rafal: Ridiculous. Your shoulder is not even corporeal. Why are you looking at me like that?
Camilla NO.
Camilla: I’ve noticed you keep your friends at arm’s length, no matter how warmly they accept you.
Rafal: I caused my sister’s death. I all but destroyed an entire world. I am irredeemable.
Camilla: That’s not what your friends believe. Don’t you think you owe them a little bit of trust?
Rafal: You…do have a point. Thank you, Camilla. I will try to see the matter from their perspective.
Camilla yes actually, tell him how it is.
General Observations - Veyle asks most of the Emblems if they'll be friends with her, and it's adorable. Nel mentions a few times that she's been speaking too harshly to Alear, despite not meaning to. Rafal and Soren's conversations are a disappointment, the two meanest people in the army and they hardly say anything funny to each other.
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angelamontoo · 2 years
what hobbies do you think the various characters would have? personally i think joel would like embroidery
That's definitely a nice one for Joel, it gives me mental images of him unwinding in a big chair with one of those old timey embroidery tablet thingies after a long and frustrating day. Also forcing Wilmer to be his mannequin while he embroiders details onto clothes
As for my HCs for what he'd enjoy, I tend to run with Cairo having theatre tickets in the film and imagine he's a big fan of theatre and literature and reads and does creative writing a lot-probably has some drafts for plays he wrote at various levels of completion kicking around. I can't say if its true, but I think I heard somewhere that in the book cairos said to know a lot of languages and I like the idea of him having a passion and interest in language aswell. Also, ik how stupid this last one sounds, but I kind of like the idea of Cairo baking after I drew that "why do they call it oven" image. Ik it's a silly shitpost, but I really like the way he came out in the second drawing I added to that post
Herman naturally likes reading up on human anatomy and how the organs function(although his interest probably started to fade some after having to know how long you can keep a person alive with their liver on the outside of the body became part of the humdrum grind) aswell as working on new faces for jonathan. I think if he had the time he'd happily plan ahead weeks in advance about exactly how he was going to make his partners next face look, drawing up sketches of the imagined nose from different angles, comparing the design to chonnys previous faces etc. But ofc he doesn't usually have that much time. If Herman were to have a hobby that's far removed from his criminal shenanigans, I can see him doing something wholesome and quaint like scrapbooking or birdwatching. Maybe after meeting Elaine they took up something together like mini golf or tennis
Polo loves collecting nice things. Ofc he knows that when he steals something he should give it back(unless Andre says otherwise) but sometimes he can't find the original owner or doesn't remember who they are or it was just a really soft, pretty coloured powder puff that would be a perfect addition to his "soft things to pet when I'm stressed cause Andre's mad" box. Another, more healthy hobby of Polo's is training his pet mouse. I think Tanya would notice that Polo's kleptomania was more manageable when he was focused on his mouse and would encourage him to keep it up. Andre would notice too and feel the opposite way
Louie collects snails and leaves them in random places around Tony's yacht when he's having rich people parties
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barnesand · 3 years
the scent of old stories [ i ]
Summary: You haven’t found your thing here in Brooklyn, but you hope that you’ve found it within the bookstore that happens to be on your work commute. Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader AU: *chants* bookshop au, bookshop au, bookshop au. Warnings: No warnings for now! Author’s note: I’ve been down, and I just wanted to write something that made me happy. I don’t know if this is technically fluff, but it’s the start of something new and Alpine is in it. Word Count: 2,551 Words (I'm a damn monster) chapter two can be found here: x 
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You’ve stumbled upon it during your early morning commute; it was a blur in your periphery the first time, your thoughts steadfast on the sweltering heat of your coffee cup, and it wasn’t until you successfully attuned yourself to your new schedule that you stole a proper glance at it. It was wedged between a coffee shop and insurance agency—two stories at least with gold flourishes and filigree painted at the edges of the window. Through that window you saw the aisles and stacks of books, all old and you gave yourself that short perusal to imagine the alluring scent of old stories. It was during that time that you decided you would take your day off to go inside; you had to.
You haven’t mastered the ability to resist a bookstore, especially one with old books in desperate need of a new bookshelf. Luckily, you had a couple of spots that have yet to be filled. And the Second Hand seemed to be the perfect place to lose a couple of hours scouring the stacks looking for some new companions.
Quick to remember the time that it closed, you tried your best to ignore the glee that settled into the pit of your stomach. How long have you lived in Brooklyn? Not long, and truthfully, you haven’t quite found the thing that made you love it. There were small things that you enjoyed, but you still managed to miss your hometown. You missed your favorite hangouts, the secrets about your home that only you knew. You didn’t have those things in Brooklyn, yet. All you knew was your job, and the streets you took to get there. Perhaps, the Second Hand could be your thing? There would be a seat that you always sat in, and an aisle that you visited so often you memorized all the books that were in it. You could be on a first-name basis with the employees and visit so often that you’d memorize their coffee orders.
Yes, you needed a place to cement your adoration for your new home.
Your day off finally came and dressed in your coziest turtleneck and jeans you followed your familiar work commute until you reached the Second Hand. There was something about the sing-song chime of the bell above a door that made you realize you were going to have a good time. And, just as you suspected, the scent of old stories filled your lungs. You weren’t a big fan of bookstores that looked clean and meticulously organized. You preferred a certain level of chaos—and the Second Hand provided that slight chaos. There were certain aisles thinner than most, due to an overflow of old books that have yet to find a place on the shelves. You could hear the soft mewl of a cat most likely prowling through the stacks above on the second store, and the small piles of books seemed to be on every step of the staircase. You made no effort to hide the elated smile that slid across your features. You clutched tightly to your coffee, making your way towards the staircase.
Indeed, that phantom cat you heard before—snow white and thick around the middle—was lurking on the second story. It leaned against the railing, eyes closed, and you could hear them purring from where you stood at the top. You made a note to ask the shop-keep (wherever they may be), if they had a name and if it was the kind of cat that welcomed a stranger petting them.
Despite being clear signs for each section, you instead made the decision to walk up and down each aisle without a single inclination of what you were looking for. Your fingers lingered over the spines, searching for the ones with the deepest lines. You preferred the ones that made you worry—the ones in which you knew you would have to restore the spines to a certain extent. Because, to you, that meant that it was someone’s favorite. It made you curious, made you wonder what about the story made someone read it over and over and over until the spine was only being held together by sheer faith.
The white cat began to follow you around, weaving between your legs when you stood still. You had to stifle a giggle once or twice when you moved and nearly stumbled over the cat—that was your mistake, you should have known the direction in which the cat was going—when they moved one way and you went the other. By the time you reached the top of the staircase again, prepared to make your descent to the stacks below, you’ve culminated several books.
You meandered halfway down the stairs before looking up, expecting the cat to follow. You tried to hide the pout, not wanting the cat to think you enjoyed your time together or anything.
You reached the bottom step, already scrutinizing over the selection you’ve made so far. Honestly, you should’ve come into the bookstore with at least a budget in mind. Knowing that you didn’t set a hard spending limit was your biggest trouble. Your second was that you hadn’t even looked down the aisles on the first floor, which meant that your stack would get heavier.
You stood on the last step, already looking at the spines—maybe you didn’t need another copy of Anna Karenina. You weren’t much of a Western fanatic, but the premise of it intrigued you and that felt like a good enough reason to keep it. No… no, you’d need a second opinion about it. You looked up to find the front counter mostly abandoned. Somewhere in the stacks you’d probably find an employee (or, if anything else, another customer). Moving towards the counter, you aimed to set your stack of books on the edge of it so that you could retrieve them later.
From the opposite end of the room, you heard a commotion through a cracked door. You stilled, waiting for the person to emerge.
And—fuck. You didn’t expect the person that emerged to look so good. Truthfully, you didn’t quite know which part of him you enjoyed looking at the most. Was it how he nearly filled the doorway with this wide shoulders? Was it how crystalline, even from where you stood, his blue eyes were? No—no, it had to be the stubbled that dusted his sharp jaw, and that dark coif of hair that made your fingertips tingle at the very idea of running through fingers through it? It could be the way his teeth caught his bottom lip for just a second, his brows furrowing apologetically at the sound from earlier, before his mouth curled into a smile.
All the above. That was your answer—all of it.
“Hi,” he said.
“Anna Karenina,” you blurted. You didn’t want to think about the shade of red you suddenly turned, or how dry your throat suddenly became. You sputtered; words unintelligible before you slammed your hand on your stack of books. “I, uh—hi!”
“Hi,” he echoed, only that time it was followed by a short laugh.
He moved toward the counter, and you quickly made note of how tight his shirt was around his shoulders—you also noticed the name of the store embroidered on the pocket of it—and you cleared your throat. He settled behind the counter, that smile of his still fastened onto his face. He was so… pretty, it almost started to hurt. He sat on a stool, placing his elbows onto the countertop and leaning in.
You cleared your throat again, remembering why you placed your books on the counter in the first place. “I’m trying to decide if I need another copy of Anna Karenina. You know I, uh, made the poor choice of going shopping while hungry.”
You sighed. You swore you weren’t always a dork—in fact, you’d like to think of yourself as the female Casanova if you put your mind to it. But there was something about the tilt of his head when he looked at you, the way his smile shifted into a smirk. He reached for the books you’d chosen, and you marveled at the size of his hands with a big gulp. He could see it—you just knew he could see how flustered you were.
“I think my first question to ask is how many times have you read your current copy? I mean, if you’ve only read it once, then what are the odds of you reading this one?” He went through the stack one-by-one, eyeing the spine before nodding to himself. You wish you knew what he was thinking. “I’m also inclined to say, you know, all of them.”
“That’s not a good sign for my back account.”
He looked at you, then, and you felt a pang—not in your heart, but in your gut. The kind of pang that caused chill to climb your spine and told that, oh, you want this man to do awful things to you. Which wasn’t something you felt often. He pressed a hand on top of your stack of books once he was finished and you tried not to think about the size of it. His blue eyes stared you down, and you watched as that smirk of his turned impish almost.
“I think I have a discount code here somewhere,” he mused, reaching into a drawer with his other arm.
You noticed it then, sleek black metal with gold embellishments. The sophistication of the design enamored you, and you couldn’t quite peel your eyes away from the way it moved—which was no different than how you couldn’t peel your eyes away from every single part of him. You swallowed, blinking away the haze before returning your attention back to the conversation.
“I would be eternally grateful,” you answered him.
“I haven’t seen you in here before,” he started to make casual conversation while he filtered through some papers. He paused to look at you, and his blue eyes looked just a little brighter when he did. “I’m Bucky.”
“Reader,” you greeted him. “And, yeah, I haven’t been in here until today. I’m new to town, so—”
He quirked an eyebrow. “Where ya from?”
You told Bucky where you’d come from, how you moved to Brooklyn for work shortly after grad school. For a moment, you started to wonder if he was taking his time looking for that discount, but each time he asked you more about your time in Brooklyn so far, and precisely what your job entailed, you didn’t mind him procrastinating.
“I mean,” you continued. “I’ve done the tourist-y stuff. The bridge. Coney Island. I just haven’t found the little local things that make it feel like home to me. It’s why I dropped in.”
You felt like you should keep that bit to yourself—like you were giving him way too much. For all you knew, he could have been making small talk for the sake of getting a sale. He probably didn’t want to know about your anxieties about living in a new city. But when Bucky looked at you, and listened, you thought you could spill everything. And it made that warm, fuzzy feeling in your stomach grow hotter. He finally found what he was looking for, and your smile sank for a moment. The conversation would be over—you could, of course, return. But that meant making another dent in your bank account, and you couldn’t risk hemorrhaging funs all for the sake of looking at his crystalline blue eyes.
“This’ll take about twenty percent off your purchase today, but,” he lifted himself from the stool, leaning in. He tilted his head, in a sort of look at me way and you did precisely that. “I will give you Anna Karenina.”
“Ooh,” you enjoyed the sound of that. “But your boss—”
“I am the boss. And I’m giving this to you on one condition.” He drew in a deep breath, releasing it with a smirk. “Next time you come in; I’d like to give you an incredibly detailed list of things to do. I mean—every hole in the wall joint I can think of. And you gotta do ‘em.”
You narrowed your eyes. “Every single one?”
“Every single one.”
“I don’t think I have that kind of time—”
“Well, I guess you’ll just have to find time. Because it’ll be a long damn list, Reader.”
He winked at you, and you nearly melted. As he started to ring up your purchase, slipping that new copy of Tolstoy into your bag, you’d reached the deepest shade of red. Again, sometimes you could be a Casanova. You could be flirty back—but you really couldn’t find it in you. All you could muster was the personality of a smitten girl and that was what Bucky would be receiving until you found your other self. He was inviting you to come back—he was practically bribing you to come back. Yes, it was because he was a local and wanted to provide you with the hidden secrets of Brooklyn, but he wanted you to come back so he could say it.
You blinked. “How would you know I did each one on your list? Bucky, I could tell you I did everything. Are you gonna quiz me? Should I take notes?” You raised your eyebrows, leaning against the counter.
You felt the white cat again, their purr vibrating softly against your jean-covered calf. You looked down with a small smile, knowing that the cat couldn’t resist you. When you looked up you found Bucky peering over the counter down at the cat.
“That’s Alpine,” he told you, and you were glad in that moment because you were so close to giving Alpine another name. “And—I guess… I guess I’d have to be there to make sure. For certain ones specifically—I’ll arrange it from solo to co-op missions just in case.”
“I-I, yeah.” You sputtered along, grinning from ear-to-ear almost. “You might.”
You don’t remember much about the transaction—but you quickly shoved your card and the receipt into your purse before you were tempted to look at the price. When Bucky handed the bag of books to you, his pointer finger brushed against your knuckles and your knees nearly buckled. You sighed.
“Thank you, Bucky,” you said, nervously. “For the discount. And for the free book.”
He flashed another smile. “You’re welcome, Reader. Don’t forget the deal.”
“I will not.” Because you were sure he just asked you out—you were certain that he had. You wished he were asking you out. You’d understand if he meant in an utterly innocent way; he wanted you to enjoy Brooklyn the way he did, and you were okay with that. But, God, you wanted it to be because he wanted to ask you out.
The chime of the bell announced your exit, and you took your time strolling past the window. You were so glad that the Second Hand had been in your periphery that day. You were gleeful at the fact that, somehow, you’d found a place to love in Brooklyn.
Bucky and the Second Hand—and Alpine—had become your thing.
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Ok since one singular person asked for this the Big Explanation for Everything In My C!Tommy Design.
c!Tommy, in general, I always try and find a balance between my really soft style and c!Tommy's rougher personality. I draw him with soft features but very sharp eyes, both to make his facial features distinct from cc!Tommy and a contrast to c!Tubbo who I draw with less rounded features but much softer eyes. I try and keep his usual expressions slightly smug and self-assured, to get across c!Tommy's bravado.
I generally draw him with tanned skin, as I imagine he’d spend a lot of time outdoors. This does vary on the arc I’m drawing him in, though, for example he’s much less tan in Pogtopia because he has less access to natural light whereas he’s more tan in exile due to not having much shelter from the sun. This is also done to make the pale scar on his nose bridge more noticeable- it’s one of the two scars I draw Tommy as having from the beginning, as I feel it shows c!Tommy's scrappy, determined personality very well. The other scar is a long jagged vivisection scar which is there to show my labinnit headcanon lol.
While I draw c!Tommy with varying hairstyles and lengths, I always draw him with curly textured hair that’s a very pale blond. I also draw his hair as leaning to one side and partially covering his eye, similar to how I draw c!Wilbur's hair, to show their closeness. I also draw c!Tommy with similar wings to c!Wilbur and c!Philza- specifically, I draw them with the same starry night sky pattern I do with c!Philza, but a lot smaller and atrophied.
I really like putting lots of fun design elements in characters eyes because drawing eyes is fun and c!Tommy is no exception! I draw his eyes a very bright electric blue, and I use a small brush and very light varied colours to make them look like they’re filled with little stars. I also give him red pupils to match his main colour association in either the shape of a full or broken heart depending on the arc. I went with a heart design to show his hidden kindness and loyalty.
There’s also a lot of design elements that are admittedly there primarily because I enjoy drawing them, and less for any specific reason. The fangs do have the most reason, to help show c!Tommy's rougher personality, but I also just like drawing fangs lol. (I also draw him with braces in every arc, since I imagine he couldn’t get them removed in exile and he didn’t have the time to care afterwards). I also draw him with bioluminescent, starlike freckles and a strange blood colour which is also used to help texture the skin (well, slightly, it’s not super noticeable but it’s pink instead of red) which are both just things I like to draw.
Also, this is a small detail, but I always draw c!Tommy with a Church Prime necklace (unless I forget it which I do sometimes lol). It’s a good way of showing his faith through a quick look.
Fun fact, what’s probably most noticeable about my c!Tommy design is that as soon as Tommy made the joke about his character being made in a lab I picked it up and ran with it, specifically the idea of him potentially being a clone of c!Philza. I draw them with identical facial features and hair colour/texture, though a lot of the more supernatural features of c!Philza are toned down on him. That’s specifically because due to my hc that c!Philza is an angel and angels as ageless it’d be impossible to clone them exactly so c!Tommy has some random human/hybrid dna thrown in haphazardly (which also makes him a mess of instincts from pretty much every animal ever lol)
Disc War:
I really like the headcanon that c!Tommy was nine during the L'Manburg war entirely because its really funny to imagine c!Wilbur looking at this literal nine year old and being “yes, my right hand man, responsible enough to help manage a nation in my stead,” so c!Tommy is roughly 9ish around this time in my design.
During the early Disc War is probably the only time I actually draw c!Tommy as close to his actual Minecraft skin lmao. It helps show that, despite the fact I don’t hc him as human he is mostly just a normal kid. I don’t draw c!Tommy in the traditional red and white t-shirt entirely just because I want to make sure he’s not mistakable for Dave Strider though. I have him in a white button-up shirt, a red and white hoodie, cargo pants, and trainers.
During this arc, I draw c!Tommy's hair as fairly short and very similar to how I draw c!Wilbur, as this was back when he idolised his brother and I think drawing their hair so similar shows that well.
This covers the time from the beginning of the L'Manburg war up to c!Tommy's second exile to Pogtopia, so this design covers a period of years from when I hc c!Tommy was nine up until about thirteen.
During the war, c!Tommy wears his uniform without modification, except for of course wearing his Prime necklace, but afterwards he and the rest of the residents of L'Manburg (except c!Wilbur) slightly modified their uniforms to better fit their own tastes. Specifically, he wears his trainers instead of combat boots, loose trousers instead of shorts, and a slightly shorter and short-sleeved revolutionary jacket, for easier mobility.
During the war, his two canon deaths left him permanent injuries and scars. His death in the final control room, where he broke his leg during his desperate attempt to escape, left that leg permanently weakened (along with being badly scarred) and requiring a leg brace to help him stand and walk properly. The arrow through his skull during his duel with c!Dream left him with a large scar on his temple, covering his brows in crack-like scars which also leave him with frequent migraines.
During the L'Manburg arc, c!Tommy's hair in my design still looks like c!Wilburs as they were still close during this arc.
Since Pogtopia apparently lasted two years (which is probably from Cursed Timeline Lore but I love cursed lore it’s hilarious,) c!Tommy would be around 13 to 15 here.
In Pogtopia, I draw c!Tommy as wearing similar clothes to during the Disc War arc, however, I also add on a loose belt holding knives, to show c!Tommy's increased need for self defence along with his fondness for knives lol. I actually don’t do the bandanna design with c!Tommy and c!Tubbo a lot of people do mostly because I couldn’t figure out how to get it to work with c!Tommy's hoodie. They have an equivalent but it’s later on alas.
As c!Tommy and c!Wilbur get more distant, c!Tommy grows out his hair slightly, and wears it tied in the back in a short ponytail.
Oh I have a lot of things to talk about here >:). As a quick note to my messed up timeline, c!Tommy would be 15 here.
During exile, c!Tommy wears the same clothes as he did in Pogtopia initially, though due to lack of care and supplies, they eventually of course fray and rip. He also wears c!Wilbur's old ragged longcoat, even though it barely keeps out the cold, the smell of alcohol and cigarettes weirdly comforting. Over time, he rips up his shirt for bandages to the point he’s not wearing anything under his hoodie. His leg brace breaks and he makes a new one out of branches and leaves. (He could ask c!Dream, but he doesn’t want to be fucking reliant on him, relying on pity handouts like a child, so he won’t.)
Eventually, since c!Dream doesn’t exactly want c!Tommy to get hypothermia and die anticlimactically, he gives c!Tommy one of his capes. This is one of my favourite character design decisions I’ve made lmao. I specifically draw it looking too-big, despite the fact that doesn’t make much sense because they’re the same height, so it looks almost like he’s getting enveloped in c!Dream's green shades, and it also hides c!Tommy's wings which helps reinforce the loss of freedom.
c!Tommy gains… a lot of scars over exile. I mean he was literally hit by an axe multiple times. Specifically they’re primarily around the shoulders or the torso. I also draw him with a Glasgow grin, specifically curved to resemble Dream's mask, along with smaller, self inflicted, scratch and bite marks covering his arms. In addition, due to him barely eating I draw c!Tommy from this point onwards looking very scrawny. This is also where c!Tommy's pupils change from hearts to broken hearts! They never turn back :)
During exile, Tommy's hair grows out a lot, down to just past his shoulders, in a matted mess. c!Dream used to braid it at the back, like how I draw c!Dream's own hair, but it very quickly grew too matted with saltwater, mud, and blood to style :) :) :)
Bedrock Bros:
c!Tommy turns sixteen here during my scuffed timeline.
c!Tommy patches up the rips and tears in his clothes. He can’t fully salvage his cargo trousers, so he turns them into shorts. He makes his own shoes out of leather to replace the ones he lost. There’s a gaping hole in his hoodie pocket that couldn’t be stitched up. He'll patch it up later. c!Techno gives him one of his capes to keep him warm, fur lined and arctic blue with silvery snowflakes embroidered on. c!Tommy has to be reminded, or he puts on the green cape, turned a dull viridian from the sun, that makes him feel both safe and so, so afraid.
Scars heal, but never fully fade. Still, his eyes brighten again, somewhat, even if the bags under his eyes less disappear and more just turn a strange gold. He finally has the time to clean out his hair, and c!Techno ties it into a short, loose braid at the back. With the cape, he almost looks like c!Techno like that. Obviously, the visual implication here is to show that even though it’s obviously not exile, c!Techno is still suppressing c!Tommy's identity, albeit unknowingly (and the gold is from his constant eating of golden apples).
Final Disc War:
By this point, c!Tommy's back to just wearing his old clothes, tattered and frail as they might be. He finds his old sneakers, and day by day he sees himself in the mirror a bit more than the gunpowder on a battered trenchcoat, blood on a smiley face mask, wither rot on the edges of an elaborate snowy cape. He patches the hole in his hoodie with a piece of the fabric from one of c!Tubbo's old shirts. He lends him one of his too-small hoodies so he can do the same.
He still braids his hair, but in his own way, in a tightly woven ratstail braid more for convenience than for aesthetics. Character design wise, it’s another way to show c!Tommy's openly rougher personality than say, c!Dream or c!Techno, and so’s the patchwork clothes and rough shorts and scars. Like I said, maintaining a mix of rough and soft is very important to me in how I draw c!Tommy, and I’m very satisfied with how I pull it off here and in the next entry.
the story has handed me the opportunity to make my favourite boy undead. i will not pass up the opportunity to make my favourite boy undead.
After revival, c!Tommy stops aging, at least in appearance. His skin… less pale, more colourless and almost grey. One of his eyes glows a pure, empty white now, like ghosts do, and the white messy streak in his hair doesn’t glow but it’s white enough it might as well.
The injuries of his death bear apparent on his form. His limbs can bend at impossible angles, his entire body covered head to toe in bruises. Two black eyes cover his face like a raccoon mask, and the ugly mottled marks of strangulation on his throat stand out like a sore thumb. You cannot look at him anymore and not see that he hasn’t died. He avoids mirrors again.
There’s stranger things, too, like how he doesn’t bleed anymore, any cuts just revealing an impossibly dark void beneath his marble-cold skin. Sometimes he goes weeks without eating, the hunger only hitting once he realises. He feels so tired, so cold, in a way not even the touch of fire can stem at all. He doesn’t have a heartbeat, or breathe.
Initially, he was too tired, too out of it to even consider cutting off or dying the white streak. When he wasn’t, he’d soon learn any attempts were futile, dye fading in mere days, cut off hair half regrown in a week. It should bother him more, but he just feels numb.
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chatonyant · 4 years
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Some hella messy doodles for the shippuden designs! Excuse the every changing details because I am never truly happy with final designs dear lord-
I’ve got design notes! Long wall of words belooowww
Starting with Naruto once again!
his clothes are based off of several unfinished ideas I had of Uzushio and how their proficiency with seals would allow them to be more flamboyant or lighter in their gear. The magic of storage and protective seals!
there are seals embroidered into the inner lining and occasionally the exterior, acting as both armor and pack. Uzushio always seemed like a rather bright place, connected to the sea, so I made the robes generally blue themed but also darker as they are still shinobi in the end and bright colors are harder to hide. 
I added a hood because Naruto just,,,, he has modern streetwear vibes. He’d love hoodies
The whole Uzushio inspired ensemble is cause I was thinking that in this au he finds the opportunity to find and visit the island itself. Probably during the time skip, considering it’s hard to really place the discovery of a long lost village within the six-month period between graduation and the chunnin exams
At first I wanted to give him like a mesh crop top to show his seal but then it kinda didn’t have that traditional vibe that I wanted, so I added the kimono top and a red obi with symbols that kinda symbolize the seal (because Naruto connects with Kurama much earlier in this AU)
The headband was honestly ridiculously tricky to place because i was trying to draw this longer hair without making it poof weirdly at the top. Plus I wanted to keep the headband where it was cause,,, cause i was thinking when he goes into tailed beast mode the ribbons flare up to look like Kurama’s ears :”DDD peek design amiright-
his hair. is longer. because i love long hair Naruto to bits and it makes him look like his parents ;;; both of them
the gloves. I have no excuse. They just Look Cool
I gave her an undercut
she deserves it
I didn’t mention this in the other redesign post but she has dimples (though i’m really bad at drawing them
that one scene where she tied up her hair in the Kazekage Rescue Arc was so fucking beautiful I couldn’t resist throwing it in here lmaoooo
i can’t draw it right but imagine the ponytail kinda flowering out like a sakura blossom 
I took a lot of different things I liked about the older!Sakura designs and smooshed them in one with my own twist
like sleeveless qipao
Belt from pre-timeskip period stays, except now with an extra medical supply bag
longer pants cause they look nice
honestly I like his normal shippuden design a lot so i kept most of it
I added a cape though, cause he does travel around a bit
and as i was drawing him the collar reverted to a similar shape to his kid clothes
fun fact
the reason that his outfit remains largely the same is because
Sasuke does leave
the action itself doesn’t change, but the circumstances and the ensuing effects do. quite a bit, actually.
and no it does not take the entirety of shippuden to get him back
because he is not a revenge obsessed angry kid here
the biggest reason for all this change is cause I want to change Orochimaru cause i wanna make him live purely because I love mitsuki so fucking much
also i gave him a little half ponytail cause i wanted to give him longer hair but then realized that idk how to draw that and make it look good sO new style boyos
Kakashi? what are you doing here?:
I wanted to change up Kakashi’s look as well because it’s actually really fun to design these outfits no matter difficult it may be bUT it was difficult because I just... can’t see him without a vest. 
Not that i can’t see him without wearing a vest, because i have and it’s good and I like it, but i can’t see him going into battle or on missions without one. 
I’ve got this headcannon that the vest is lowkey like a security blanket and it’s this grounding weight whenever he’s in this adrenaline filled situation where he may suffer many varieties of consequences if he’s not careful. It has his tools and it’s his armor. Replacing it with a robe feels like robbing him of something he’s always had and is always used to
he keeps a vest
i modified it a bit to make it more right hand sided (i may headcannon Kakashi to be ambidextrous but there’s no denying he uses his right hand more) and the collar to be a bit thinner
Kakashi is like, made for biker fashion. like leather or denim jackets on motorbikes. So I gave him a haori that emulates that look 
Naruto came back, saw that Kakashi didn’t change at ALL and took it as a personal offense and dragged him around to get new threads because “Kakashi-sensei, we all upgraded our closet, you should too!”
kind of a sad headcannon that Kakashi didn’t quite let himself enjoy things that wouldn’t benefit him as a ninja and therefore just stuck to his normal outfit of ninja clothes and jonin vest. Icha Icha was the one exception and he picked it up because he had no idea what to do once he was out of ANBU (i would like to back this hc up by pointing to Boruto where Kakashi no longer really holds himself to this rigid ideal of a ninja and lets loose and has fun with Gai and Mirai)
he actually likes the stuff Naruto finds for him, though he has no idea where the boy is actually finding all this shit
some misc info about the outfits:
Naruto began learning sealing after the Wave Arc, and he took to it like a fish to water. (i have uzushio spirit hc that I will tell at a later time)
a rare nugget of information he found about uzushio seals was that they were often stitched into the clothing itself
so Naruto went wild with this
he learned sealing while practicing normal embroidery on the side and as he went on his 2-3 year trip with Jiraiya he learned more and just got better and better
He added the seal to his own haori himself and actually made one for Kakashi too. Kakashi just didn’t see him whip the gift haori from one of the stitched sealing scrolls
embroidering takes a really long time and matching it with sealing? oof, hard work. So he actually only got two done and is in process of Sakura’s next. Now that he’s back in the village, he can talk to her about certain things she would want/need considering Naruto isn’t sure what a medic-nin requires.
he made additional gifts for everyone in team seven (even sasuke, even if he doesn’t know what will happen) and hopefully as time passes little trinkets will start to appear
i just really like the idea of naruto being a really craftsy person. He just keeps making small trinkets except these trinkets have sEALING POWER cause he’s very chaotic with his experiments like that
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solastia · 4 years
Love And Lies | 3
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Pairing: Kim Seokjin x F!Reader
Summary: You are a simple maid. When your lady and dearest friend need help escaping an arranged marriage with King Seokjin so they might be together, you do the only thing you can - take her place. 
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You followed behind the man who introduced himself as Chancellor Namjoon Kim, listening to him halfheartedly as he explained that while that was his official title, he was more of a Jack-of-all-trades and preferred calling himself the King's right-hand man.
You smooth your hands down your gown, hoping it was grand enough to disguise the commoner wearing it. You’d changed for supper, something that Eleanor had told you was common for people at court. According to her, depending on the person they might even change outfits as many as three or four times a day! The nobility were a ridiculous bunch, you sniffed derisively to yourself. You couldn’t help but feel sorry for the maids that had to care for all that clothing and the laundresses that cleaned them. Two times a day - not counting your sleeping gown - was extravagant enough for the likes of you.
The ensemble that you had now made you feel like a fairy princess of legend. You were a shimmering cloud of pink and white as you glided along the stone floors. The dress was pink velvet lined with white silk, along with white ermine fur on the edges of the sleeves and bottom of the gown. The bust was embroidered with silver thread and decorated with glistening pearls. You were also very happy to note that the top was much more modest this time around, though not by much. Eleanor had let you pick the jewelry yourself, so you’d settled on a simple strand of pearls around your neck and tiny pearl earbobs. Your hair was left loose and free of any painful and tedious styling with the hot iron.
Truthfully, you rather liked this dress. The fabric was soft to the touch and very comfortable. You even liked the little slippers that matched. When you asked Eleanor why she was letting you wear something like this, she had told you that your previous ensemble had been to impress the King, and this one was to appeal to the man. It was an odd statement considering that your goal was to not appeal to him, and she’d seem rather conflicted saying such a thing. You wished you’d had the time to question her further, but the Chancellor had shown up before you could.
In the end, it wouldn’t matter if you looked rather pretty in your outfit because you knew that eventually, he’d move on to the other women. You had literally nothing of interest about you to keep royalty interested. After all, what could you speak to him about beyond stain removal techniques and how to haggle for the best prices at the market?
Chancellor Namjoon opens a door and ushers you inside, seeming to not notice or mind that you hadn’t even been listening to him talk this entire time.
“His Majesty will be with you in a moment.”
He nods and leaves briskly, closing the door behind him. You take the chance to look around, your mouth falling in awe as you take in the rows and rows of scrolls. So this was a library! You had heard of such things but had simply chalked it up to the fancies of nobles, but this was truly amazing. Beyond the scrolls, there were even parchment tied together filled with writing and little sketches. A few were even covered in decorated leather, something that boggled your mind. Books! You had never thought to see one in your life.
You adored the family you worked for, of course, but not a single one of them had any use for reading and writing. Eleanor could write a little, mostly her name and a list of things she needed that looked like badly designed inkblots. Jungkook was a little better but mostly relied on drawing things out. You remembered the departed Duchess had a slanting script that was like beautiful art to your young eyes. She’d taught you how to read and write before she’d passed, but you rarely got a chance to use that knowledge. You never had anyone to write to and the Duke saw no use for books.
Your hand trailed reverently across the hard leather of one of the bound pages, wishing you had the freedom to peer inside.
“Do you like to read?”
The voice startled you, and you gasped and turned with your hand on your chest.
“Goodness. I’m...sorry, Your Majesty.”
His smile was kind, but his eyes looked like he was laughing at you. “It’s quite alright. So, do you?”
“Hmm?” You hummed softly, distracted by the way his now silver tunic made him glow like an otherworldly being. “Oh, read?” You smile sheepishly, forcing yourself to focus on the conversation and not on his lips. “I don’t get to very often, but I like stories.”
He seemed pleased with your answer, gesturing towards the book. “We got this one from a visiting Monarch years ago. Livres des merveilles du monde. It’s about a merchant named Marco Polo who was an adventurer for a while and traveled through the Orient. I was certain I was going to grow up and conquer the world someday when I first read this.”
“Why didn’t you?”
“Ah, the bane of my existence. Responsibilities,” he says dramatically, obviously trying to make you smile. “You may borrow it if you like. I’m not certain if it will be riveting enough for you, but you’re welcome to it. Or anything else here, during your stay.”
He picked up the book and handed it to you, his grin growing as he watched you cup it in your hands and stare at it in awe. A whole book!
You smile up at him genuinely for the first time, your smile wide and beaming with joy. “Thank you, Your Majesty. I’m not certain I’ll have time to finish it since I read so very slowly, but I thank you for the chance.”
He nods, his cheeks pinkened slightly. He gestures with a hand towards a table in the corner.
“I have some warm wine and honey pastries if you’d like to join me. I thought we might have a chance to get to know each other a little more before we have the pressure of an entire room watching our every move.”
“Oh...yes, that will be...tense” you gulp and sit as gracefully as you can in the highbacked wooden chair.
His smile is soft and kind as he pours you a drink. “I suppose despite your status you’re not quite used to court life. Your father mentioned you preferred staying home.”
“Yes,” you stuttered nervously. “I found I was more comfortable tutoring at home rather than being fostered out. I’m afraid the one time I tried, I found the group of ladies rather spiteful and begged Papa to come home after only three months.”
Which was a true story. Eleanor had been sent to the Duchesse Aline Villeneuve - the King’s very own aunt - to learn how to run a keep and other “women’s arts” not long after her mother had passed away from a sudden illness. According to Eleanor, she had been horribly bullied by the other ladies in the Duchesse’s care and she “hadn’t cared to make friends with such vain and heartless wenches, anyhow.”
Personally, you had rather fond memories of that summer, as with Eleanor away you’d had the freedom to do as you pleased and you’d even made a new friend for a few months - a village boy with the most annoying laugh you’d ever heard but had been sweet and fun. The two of you had been inseparable for the entire summer until one day he didn’t show up to the stream you often met at. You still thought of that boy from time to time and hoped he was doing well. You never did learn where he disappeared to.
King Seokjin nods in understanding. “Unfortunately, it’s not going to be much better here. Gossip is practically a form of currency, and whether it’s true or not doesn’t matter,” he rolls his eyes and sits back in his chair, bringing up a mug of steaming spiced wine to his lips. He gulps and sighs, setting the cup back on the table.
“And in your case, it will be twice as bad as you are...well…” he coughs lightly, his cheeks blushing once more. “A high contender to be Queen?”
You sputter on the drink of wine you’d just taken, trying to hastily wipe any spilled droplets before he sees them.
“Yes...err, I am...that.”
“So,” he says loudly, slapping his hands onto his thighs. “I mostly wanted to set aside some time right now so you can tell me things you like to do. I’m afraid I have to live my entire life by a set schedule, so if I had some ideas for my courting days with you that would help greatly.” “Oh,” you smile mischievously, “Yes, I imagine it must be difficult trying to balance so many suitors. Romantic sailing on Monday, serenading on Tuesday, kissing in a dark alcove on Wednesday...”
“You have no idea, “ he groans, only to still and gape at you in astonishment. “You’re making fun of me!”
“I would never, Your Majesty,” you drop your eyes to your lap, still smiling despite the way you were internally smacking yourself. This wasn’t home, you had to curb your tongue.
He squints at you suspiciously. “I have a feeling you would and will. You have some spirit hiding under that demure stance, don’t you Lady Eleanor?” He cocks his head and looks at you with an expression of pleased wonder.
“Perhaps, Your Majesty.”
“I think,” he begins softly, his tone making you lift your eyes to meet his. “In private settings like this, you may use my first name.”
Your eyes widen incredulously. “Oh, I couldn’t!”
“I can order you to if I must,” his smile is playful, even while his eyes are staring at you intensely.
“I...alright. Thank you...Seokjin,” you respond quietly and no doubt with crimson cheeks.
“There. That wasn’t so hard. And...I liked hearing it.”
He stands up and offers you his hand. “It’s time to head to supper. I can escort you as far as to the hall, but I have to go to the high table without anyone seeing you with me. Don’t want them to see you entering the dining hall on the King’s arm; that would make you a target for the harpies,” he winks, linking your arm in his. “You can send a list of activities we can do together later.”
The walk down the hall is too short, but you’d enjoyed the feeling of his strong arm encasing yours and the occasional sneaky peeks of his beautiful side profile. He releases you as soon as the noisy dining hall is close enough to hear.
“I must leave you here, but I look forward to speaking with you on the morrow. I’ll have someone bring the book to your room tonight.”
“Thank you, Your M…” you begin, only for him to raise an eyebrow at you daringly. You glance around you for eavesdropping servants and sigh. “Thank you, Seokjin.”
His beaming smile is worth your embarrassment. “Well done, lambkin. Be sure to try the custard tarts, they are the best!”
He waves and strides off, leaving you to find the waiting Jungkook and be escorted to your seat. Something pricked at the back of your mind, however. Lambkin? Why did that seem so familiar? Perhaps you were just overwhelmed. You shake your head and focus on the elegant supper in front of you as you find Jungkook waiting just inside the door, and he gestures for you to walk ahead of him. You can tell from the way his jaw is clenched he’s dying to ask you about the meeting, but there is no way to subtly speak to him at the moment.
The dining hall was brimming with people and you praised Eleanor for being the sort of noble who kept to herself, since the chances of anyone knowing her here were incredibly low. Your seat is incredibly close to the high table - in fact, it was directly above you. A few more steps to your right and His Majesty would be getting crumbs and wine on your head.
You’re not brave enough to look at him yet, though, and decide to look around for your “competition.”
Your table seems to be where they are all located, judging by the way most of the women gathered around you meet your curious gaze with measuring looks of their own. Most of them turn away after a few seconds, obviously dismissing you as not a threat.
One girl that looks similar to Eleanor all the way down to her bouncing curls grins at you playfully and waves at you with the chicken leg in her hand. You nod in answer, adding a slight smile as you decided she seemed nice enough.
A regal brunette meets your eyes with a quirk of her eyebrow, blatantly looking you up and down. Her lips thin and she pointedly turns away with a sneer, clutching her silverware almost threateningly. Alright, she will not be someone you want to know.
Directly across from you is a redhead and you snort, coming to the realization that His Majesty literally has every color of the rainbow to pick from for his bride. Variety is the spice of life, you suppose. This woman seems very disinterested in everything around her, however, focusing on her meal and only interacting with servants to refill her goblet.
At the head of the table and directly at your elbow is the one that you can only assume is the Princess. She is incredibly pretty, you have to admit. Her dark black hair is mostly loose and cascading about her in waves. The sides have been pulled back and secured with a large golden hairpin the size of a dagger with little jeweled flowers adorning it. Her dress is strange yet beautiful. Silk or satin, if you had to guess. The top was lavender and embroidered with flowers and some sort of serpent that vaguely looked like a dragon. The bottom was nearly peach-colored and consisted of the same decorations. Her features were sharp and sculpted, with high cheekbones and a thin nose. She looked exotic and lovely, but it wasn’t until her smile blinded you that you realized she was beautiful. She met your eyes with a twinkle in hers, reaching her delicate hand up to point at herself.
“I am Hosook. You?”
“I am Lady Eleanor Rose D’Aily, Your Highness,” you answer slowly, assuming that the way she was squinting while you spoke was her concentrating on your words. Perhaps she was learning the language still.
“You for him too?” she asked with a wave behind her at the high table.
“Yes, I was brought here for the King. I’m sure you’re a much better choice.”
The Princess smiles her understanding and waves away your compliment. “Too...ugg,” she grunts, obviously failing to find the word she wanted. She chose instead to flap in the general direction of King Seokjin like she was shooing away a fly.
“You...aren’t attracted to His Majesty?” you ask in a hushed voice. How could anyone not find him the most beautiful being to ever walk this earth?
She sticks out her tongue, “Reminds me of Haraboji...uh...Grandfather?”
You sputter a laugh which you know is too loud, but you can’t help yourself as Princess Hosook giggles with you. You feel yourself being watched and glance up to lock eyes with the very man in question. The King looks down at you curiously, his lips tilted in an amused smile as you can’t stop your giggles. Suddenly, he winks at you and you look away quickly as your laughter dies down into a shy smile.
“Oh,” Princess Hosook says slyly, clucking and patting your hand with a grin. “I see now. You nice, make pretty Queen.”
“Goodness, it’s not like that at all. We just met,” you rush to explain, your excuses being waved away yet again.
“I like…” she waves between the King and you. “Nice together. Uh...need more words,” she grumbles quietly, biting her lip.
“I could help, if you like? I helped my Lad...err...my Ladies Maid learn how to read and write.”
Her smile was beaming as she nodded her head in agreement. “Yes. Need be better to deal with them,” she nods her head towards the gaggle of noblewomen surrounding them.
“I understand. I have to wait to hear which days I need to spend with the King, and then we’ll set aside some time for us!” You smile kindly at the Princess, who grins back and attends her meal with much more gusto now that she had something to look forward to. You sigh and quietly thank the powers that be for making some sort of friend to get you through this, and one that you were able to fall back into your natural state of submission with. It would be easier to explain any lapses in your behavior if you were just a mere Duke’s daughter shadowing a Princess, rather than being with the other women who were basically your equals and expected you to be just as much of a spoiled prat as they were.
The meal comes to a close (and you were amazed that you only caught yourself staring at His Majesty less than five times), and Jungkook is back at your elbow to escort you to your rooms. As you accept his helping hand, you feel someone tap on your shoulder. Princess Hosook flicks her eyes up and down Jungkook with an exaggerated waggled of her eyebrows. Her hand goes to her chest and she mouths something that you assume is complimentary. Jungkook’s eyes are huge as he tries to follow what’s happening.
You giggle and slap his arm. “She thinks you’re handsome.”
“TAKEN…” he squeaks, “I’m taken. Sorry..uh...lady...majesty…”
“Always pretty ones,” Princess Hosook sighs and waves goodbye with fluttering fingers, disappearing with her own small army of attendants.
You continue to laugh quietly as Jungkook begs you to stop. You pause just before leaving the hall and catch the King’s eye right before he leaves for his own apartments. He smiles and shallowly bows, and you watch him until his broad shoulders disappear from sight.
“Sis,” Jungkook mutters quietly as he herds you back to your hallway. “You can’t…” he sighs. “I’m sure you think he’s handsome and he seems to be nice to you, but you can’t be with him. You remember that, right? You’re not who he thinks you are and he’d find that out if you were to marry him. I am literally stealing a potential bride from him, and the moment he finds out, he can kill us all.”
“I know, Jungkook. I’m not an imbecile.”
“I know that, but you’ve never been courted before. I forgot about that and now I’m worried that you’re over your head.”
You sigh and loop your arm in his as you walk. “I suppose I forgot that he’d be trying to win me over as much as the rest, at least at first. I might have let the sweet words and smiles affect me, but I promise Jungkook, I’ll remember. Besides, I saw the other potential brides. I am no match for them. The novelty of someone new will fade in a few days, and I pray that we have the deed to the keep no later than a month. Then, I will tell him that I don’t think I’m a good match for the Kingdom and we can be on our merry way.”
He sighs wearily and tugs you close for a quick hug. “I know, I trust you and your judgment, I just got worried. If he does anything that makes you uncomfortable or makes you feel compromised, let me know. I don’t care if he’s the king, I’ll throw down my glove.”
“You’ll not duel the King, Jungkook. Go seek your bed, brother dear,” you say with a tiny smile, pushing him away from you once you reach your room. “Tell Eleanor when she comes back from the kitchens she can go straight to her room. I won’t bother her tonight because I’m so exhausted from all this excitement I’m going to fall asleep the moment my head hits the mattress.”
Jungkook grins, a look you really don’t want to identity lighting his eyes. “Will do. Sweet dreams, sis.” He stomps off and leaves you to close the door to your opulent apartments.
You yawn and observe the room as you undress, leaving the layers of clothing across a chair to be taken care of the next day. The room was spacious and absolutely gorgeous, decorated in lovely shades of robin’s egg blue, white, and gold. There was an entire room just for clothing, one for washing, and yet another whole room for your ladies maid - something that Eleanor had seemed suspiciously excited about. You worried that she was going to try yet again to seduce her love now that she had a new sort of freedom without her father about.
You crawl onto the giant golden bed and arrange the blankets over you as you fight off another yawn. A full belly and an overwhelming day full of excitement seemed to be all your poor body could handle. Another yawn and you drift off to sleep, visions of warm brown eyes and smiling lips filling your dreams.
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1. Yes, that is Hoseok. He’s a pretty princess today. 
2. I don’t really like using the term “exotic” but since this is a historical and being done from the viewpoint of a person in the middle ages, it seemed fitting. 
3. Oh, look at that totally huge and obvious hint to the past. Hmmm....
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manabombs · 4 years
doing this meme for mr captain jack rackham because I think i’m finally ready to try to articulate my feelings, even if no one asked (i’m sorry this post is so long)
Why I like them:  So... here’s the thing... 
I’m kind of known for dressing like a fancy gay pirate. I’ve made a lot of cosplays over the years, but my pirate outfits are what I’m most infamous for. I met my partner over a decade ago while dressed like a fancy gay pirate. Many of my friends have seen me in pirate outfits more often then they’ve seen me in normal person clothing. Once upon a time I went to art school to study fashion design and I said “yes this is the aesthetic I’m going to cultivate” and now here we are. 
When I first heard that they were making a big budget period drama that was a prequel to Treasure Island, I knew that it was going to be My Next Hyperfixation, long before I had any notion of how much queer representation there would be or even how well-written the show would be. But it took me a couple years to finally feel like I was Emotionally Ready to delve into the series (Sometimes I’m bummed that I missed out on participating in the fandom while the show was actively airing, but I’m also glad that I was able to binge it all in its entirely, because the time waiting between seasons would have made me too crazy). 
And within those first two or three episodes, I saw that greasy rat man with his mullet and his avant garde facial hair choices and whatever the hell was going on with his wardrobe
and I said to myself “wait... Calico Jack... as in, the pirate known for his fashion sense...”
and I had one of those moments where I realized that this character was so much My Type that I was mad at myself for being so predictable. and I questioned some of the life choices that I made that led me to the point that this greasy rat man the sort of character that I immediately knew that I was going to fall in love with.
But that was only the beginning, because as I watched more of the series, I related to him more and more-- I think it was mannerisms at first, and things like “having to explain the vocabulary you just used to your coworkers” and “I would also like Anne Bonny to be my wife”, but gradually I began to relate to him for increasingly personal reasons. I first watched Black Sails after I had gone through a particularly rough couple years, and the catharsis of watching Jack go from “they pissed on me” to being the character who is ultimately victorious over the series’ main antagonist was an emotionally intense experience. I was already projecting on him by the time that he delivered the “great art has felled empires” monologue, which was the moment I knew that I was deeply invested in this character, and he hadn’t even started showing off his best looks yet. There are, of course, moments where his actions are... morally dubious, but even those instances just managed to make me more attached to him, because I respect the hell out of how well the writers succeeded in making him such a well-developed character. 
By the end of the series I realized that I related to this character on an intensely personal level, in a way that I haven’t connected with a fictional character in years, except it felt more profound than the times I’ve connected with fictional characters in the past because this time I was an Adult with a deeper understanding of the Self. I don’t want to sound like a soulbonder or a kinnie or whatever the kids are calling it these days but it really felt like this:
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tl;dr I came for the wardrobe and stayed for the waxing about art philosophy and historiography
Why I don’t: ... undermining the revolution wasn’t great...
Favorite episode: I’m a big fan of 2.06 because... you know...
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but also because we had to wait 14 episodes to see this pirate on a fuckin boat
Favorite season: Season three features so many of my favorite tropes it feels unreal... Jack and Charles as co-captains sharing authority and declaring their undying loyalty to each other... the way he goes full dandy the moment he has money to burn... Jack has to gain the approval of his judgmental father-in-law... his homoerotic rivalry with Rogers... getting arrested and then rescued by his significant others in the most dramatic way possible... I choose to believe that there was a brief, shining moment right before the beginning of season 3 where Jack was able to just chill and be optimistic about the future and bask in Charles Vane’s approval amidst his pile of gold and new wardrobe while Anne and Max were off doing lesbian stuff...
Favorite line: “It’s the art that leaves the mark, but to leave it, it must transcend, it must speak for itself, it must be true,” I mutter to myself as I draw vampire pirates at 1am
Favorite outfit: oof what a question...
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This look is probably my overall favorite and there’s a good reason why it’s the outfit he’s wearing for the final climactic battle. He has so many amazing coats, but the details on this one make it my favorite, and I also love that gradient scarf and the pink embroidered shirt. The color and pattern mixing here is impeccable. It makes me appreciate his hot mess of a wardrobe in the first season more, seeing how his first outfit just looks like plain boring muslin and then more color & patterns gradually get introduced.
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This is my runner-up just because I love the shade of blue and the prince charming vibes that are happening here, so I’m sad that we only saw this look for like 3 seconds.
OTP: I can’t remember the last time I cared about a ship as much as I care about VaneRackham.... sometimes I get mad that they succeeded in making me have these Feelings about fictional characters... I watched a show with multiple canon gay relationships and ended up fixating on the queerbait white man ship where one of the characters dies, because I have questionable taste and I love making myself suffer. 😩
Brotp: Jack and Max’s relationship means so much to me 💕
Head Canon: This might be me projecting, but because of his background in textiles I headcanon that Jack was more competent at sewing than anyone else on the Ranger and that skill came in incredibly useful on more than one occasion. The fancy coats that we see him wearing in seasons 3 & 4 most likely would have been custom tailored specifically for him, but I imagine that all of his earlier ones were acquired secondhand (one way or another) and he sometimes did patching/adjustments on them himself.
Unpopular opinion: I respect the artistic liberties that were taken with his character design, but he should have been allowed to wear some silk stockings and show off his calves at least once tbh
A wish: Obviously my #1 wish is that Jack and Charles had been permitted to kiss, but I also wish that we had been able to see them on a ship together clearly I have no choice but to assume that whenever they were on a ship together there was lots of kissing going on An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: man it would sure suck if Jack was executed for piracy within like three years of the series finale 5 words to best describe them: this adam ant looking motherfucker
My nickname for them: my guy/my dude
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artificialqueens · 3 years
Galactica, Chapter 57 (Group Fic) - TheDane/Veronica
A/N: Click here if you’re looking for previous chapters (or here if you’d rather read on AO3). 💫
Last Chapter: Fame nearly gave the designers a heart attack while Violet reached out to a friend and Courtney couldn’t get Bianca out of her head.
This Chapter: A delivery, an investigation, a confession, a meeting, a startling revelation, a secret rendez-vous, and an emotional breakdown.
“Miss?” Courtney asked timidly, standing in the doorway. She knew she’d been a bit distracted all week, and could tell that Miss Fame was annoyed with her, but she was trying nonetheless.
“Ivy sent over the powerpoint for tomorrow. She wants to know if you have any more notes.”
“Leave it.” Fame gestured to her desk, and Courtney hurried forward to put it down, turning to get out of the office and her direct eye line as quickly as possible. “Courtney!”
“Yes Miss?”
“Close the door behind you.”
“Of course, Miss.”
Courtney closed the door, sighing. It had been a long week, Courtney already counting down the seconds until their meeting at Marie Claire tomorrow, nervous butterflies filling her stomach as she wondered what it would be like to see Bianca again.
Would she be all business? Would she flirt with her right in front of everyone? Courtney’s skin prickled, imagining those dark eyes smoldering at her, when the intercom buzzing made her jump, startled.
“Court, got a delivery for you,” Roxy announced through the speaker, and she hurried to reception to see what it was, assuming Roxy meant a delivery for Miss Fame.
At the front desk, Roxy held a small bag out, but when Courtney reached for it, she moved it out of the way, first asking, “Why’s the runner from Marie Claire bringing you stuff from La Perla?”
“I...I dunno,” Courtney said, twirling her hair, already psyched at the prospect of a delivery. It was probably related to the meeting, but even so... “What’s La Perla?”
“Bitch, it’s a lingerie store. A fuckin’ fancy one,” Roxy said, still holding the bag out of reach.
“Oh.” Courtney bit back a smile, abdomen twisting with excitement, lunging forward to grab the bag from Roxy’s hands. “Thanks.”
But Roxy wasn’t giving up without a fight, grabbing her sleeve and pulling her back.
“Ma’am, you aren’t going anywhere until you answer. What’s the deal?”
“Well…” Courtney said, “I’m kind of...dating someone who works there.” Which was at least a little bit true, wasn’t it? Maybe dating was too strong a word, but she didn’t think “fucked” would be appropriate for workplace chitchat.
“And he used the company messenger?” Roxy asked. “He must be pretty high up then, who is it?”
Courtney giggled at her mistaken assumption, shaking her head and saying, “That’s all you get today.”
She wrestled her sleeve out of Roxy’s grip and skipped off back to her own office, where she eagerly opened the bag, first pulling out a handwritten note on BDR stationary, which Bianca must have written as soon as she’d gotten to the office, since her plane landed only a few hours ago. Not that Courtney was tracking her flight.
See you tomorrow. XX, B
Courtney touched the letters, feeling a bit silly but also incredibly elated that Bianca was thinking about her at all, much less sending her presents. She then pulled a tissue-paper wrapped package from the bag, opening it carefully to reveal an embroidered lace turquoise bra and matching panties. She quickly stuffed them both back in the bag before anyone else saw, cheeks warm and skin pleasantly tingly.
Finally, she had an excuse to send another message. She pulled out her personal phone and quickly typed it out before she lost her nerve.
COURTNEY: Thanks for the present. ;)
Courtney felt a rush of adrenaline as soon as she hit send, wondering how long it would take for Bianca to reply. When those three magical dots appeared almost immediately, she nearly gasped with delight.
BIANCA: You gonna wear it for me?
Her heart pounded as the dots appeared once again, waiting with bated breath for Bianca’s response. She seemed to be typing for an awfully long time. But when the message finally came through, it was short.
BIANCA: Can’t wait.
As she took a deep breath, trying to calm her frantically beating heart, the phone rang, the shrill sound nearly knocking her out of her chair. She put on her headset, trying to compose herself and swallow down her giddiness before answering.
“Miss Fame’s office…”
ROXY: Hey girl, got a minute?
SHANNEL: Sure babe, what’s up?
ROXY: One of our assistants here is apparently dating someone high up at MC. Need you to help me solve who it is.
SHANNEL: Oooh, I love a mystery. Clues?
ROXY: Yeah, your runner just dropped off a bag of La Perla for her.
SHANNEL: Lol cheesy. Stand by…
SHANNEL: OMG. Last person to send the runner out was Joslyn. BDR’s assistant.
ROXY: Whaaaaaat????
SHANNEL: Who’s the assistant?! Is she gay???
ROXY: I mean not that I am aware but daaamn!!!
ROXY: PS It’s FAME’S assistant
IVY: Lol, what’s up?
ROXY: BDR just sent Courtney a delivery
IVY: Yeah, and? It’s probably for the meeting tomorrow
ROXY: Bitch it’s La Perla
IVY: :O :O :O :O
ROXY: Exactly
If anyone asked, Jovan would say that he found creating support pieces boring, that there was no creative challenge to rounding out a collection, that his talents were wasted on closing up holes and tying up bows.
In reality, it was something he looked forward to every collection.
Once all the major pieces had been selected, once the stars of the show were submitted, it meant that he could direct his creative attention outside of the company without it affecting the quality of his work.
Jovan pressed save on the drawing he had just finished doodling, a repetitive pattern of beige thread roses on a cream white background for the seasons underwear not a detail anyone would pick out when they looked at the runway, but one he knew would matter to senior management when they were shooting the looks in the spring.
He stretched out, hiding a yawn behind his hand as he grabbed for his coffee cup.
He had spent the majority of last night on his building's roof, his outfit for this year's christmas party an orange suit he was decorating every square inch of in graffiti.
Jovan raised the cup to his mouth, the liquid barely touching his lips before he spit it back out, the coffee ice cold.
“Fuck-“ Jovan groaned. He had completely lost track of time, and as he looked around the room, it seemed like he wasn’t the only one, all of his coworkers caught up in their own projects.
“Hey, Chachki,” Jovan twirled around in his chair, turning so he could look at his desk mate. Violet was sitting with her sketchbook, her gigantic headphones on, her head resting on her hand.
“Yo-“ Jovan stretched his foot out, tapping the edge of Violet’s chair which made her jump, a loud laugh leaving Jovan at her surprise as she took her headphones off.
“What?” Violet sounded annoyed, but Jovan had learned that it was simply who she was once she was in the zone, interrupting her a really bad idea if she wasn’t in the mood.
Jovan figured that was part of why Trixie had paired them up, neither of them ever taking it seriously when the other one snapped.
“Coffee?” Jovan waved his mug, a smile on his lips. Violet considered it for a second, but then she nodded, grabbing her own cup to go with him, Jovan not even noticing that the page Violet had been on was completely blank.
“Your team is already here,” Joslyn said, leading Miss Fame and Courtney down the hall to the conference room. “So if you’re all set, I can let Bianca know-”
“Bianca knows better than to keep me waiting,” Fame said, tossing her coat to Courtney, who stumbled a bit.
“Of course,” Joslyn assured her, and was proven right by the fact that Bianca strolled into the conference room a few moments after them, greeting Fame warmly and then turning to Courtney, a sly grin on her face.
Joslyn was no idiot. She had a sneaking suspicion when the whole “find a vegan chef for Thanksgiving” thing had come up that Bianca had her eye on someone new, and it was basically confirmed yesterday when Bianca had asked her to arrange the La Perla delivery.
Today was the first time she’d met Courtney in person, and she had to admit that she certainly was beautiful--Joslyn even briefly wondered if she was wearing the lingerie before telling herself that was inappropriate.
“Hey, Courtney.”
“Hi,” Courtney replied, biting her lip, cheeks reddening. Zero poker face whatsoever, Joslyn noted, turning her head to hide her amusement.
“Courtney,” Miss Fame said, and Courtney’s head whipped around, standing a bit straighter, her arms still full of the heavy white coat. “This conference room is too crowded. We don’t need you here.”
“Oh. Okay, I…” Courtney looked around, slightly embarrassed, clearly unsure where to go, and Miss Fame let out a little huff of annoyance.
“Hey Jos,” Bianca cut in, a hand on Courtney’s lower back guiding her towards Joslyn. “Why don’t you set Courtney up in my office?”
“Your office?” Miss Fame repeated.
“Yes, so she’s close by in case you need anything. And she can hang your coat in my closet, where it’ll be safe.” Bianca punctuated her suggestion with a self-satisfied grin.
“Sure thing!” Joslyn chirped, taking Courtney’s elbow and leading her from the room before Miss Fame’s death glare melted them both. She then unlocked Bianca’s office and opened the large closet for her.
“Thank you,” Courtney said, taking the offered hanger.
“So, um, I guess just make yourself comfortable. Can I get you anything? Water, coffee, tea…juice?” Joslyn asked sweetly, pretending that it was totally normal for an assistant from another company to be hanging out by herself in Bianca Del Rio’s office. This girl could very well be a brief fling, and probably was, but it didn’t hurt to get on her good side anyway.
“Thank you, but that’s alright. I don’t want to be any trouble for you.” Courtney bypassed Bianca’s comfy sitting area, instead choosing a hard-backed Lucite chair in front of her desk. She seemed to be trying to make herself as small as possible.
“It’s no trouble, honestly.” Joslyn smiled again, and Courtney looked up at her.
“I appreciate that. You’re really sweet.”
“That’s why I make the big bucks,” Joslyn joked, and Courtney chuckled.
“Can I ask you something?”
“Of course, go ahead.” Joslyn perched on the arm of the sofa.
“Is Bianca a good boss?” she asked, shifting in her seat.
“Why, you after my job?” She crossed her arms, feigning offence while giving Courtney an exaggerated look of grave suspicion.
“No,” Courtney laughed, “I just...I don’t know. I know you’ve been here for awhile, and she seems like a good boss. Is she?”
Joslyn wasn’t sure exactly why Courtney was asking, and she was also aware that anything she said could easily be repeated, so she was careful but honest in her response.
“Sure! I mean, she’s tough. And she expects us to work really hard. But she also works really hard, so...plus, you know, her last assistant is now one of our senior ad execs, so that bodes pretty well.”
“Yeah, definitely. Thanks.” Courtney smiled again, this one bright and dazzling, and Joslyn couldn’t help but return it.
“Ginger! You’re back!” Katya exclaimed, a big smile on her face as she entered the staff room, holding a slightly misshapen hand-painted mug gifted to her from a student several years back. She set it down on the counter and went to give her friend a hug. The fifth grade teacher had been in Florida for a family reunion, and Katya couldn’t wait to hear the stories of her self-described crazy redneck relatives.
“I’m back,” Ginger affirmed, her smoky voice even hoarser than usual. “Made it out by the skin of my teeth.”
Katya laughed, then winced, pulling back suddenly.
“You alright, kiddo?”
“Yeah, I just like...I must be PMSing because my tits are so sore,” Katya said. She poured coffee into the mug and then sat down heavily. “And I’m exhausted.”
“Oh yeah? How long’s that been going on?” Ginger asked, one eyebrow raised.
“Oh, I dunno. I’ve felt a little flu-ish on and off all month, just kinda tired and achy and nauseous, but it’s never developed into actually being sick. I probably just had a stomach bug that didn’t want to leave my system?” She shrugged, adding, “These flesh suits we lug around are weird.”
“That they are.” Ginger sat down, putting a hand over Katya’s. “But in this case, there may be an explanation.”
“Oh god, am I dying? Like, faster than normal?”
“Well, I’m no doctor, but…it sounds like you’re pregnant.”
Katya burst out laughing. “Oh my god, can you imagine?”
Her giggles died down when she saw that Ginger wasn’t laughing along. Which was weird, because she’d been the one to make the joke in the first place.
“You’re kidding, right?” Katya asked, a sense of dread growing inside of her as she repeated, “Please tell me you’re kidding.”
Ginger paused before shaking her head slowly. “I mean look, I could be wrong, but…”
“Oh my fucking god.”
Bianca stifled a yawn, trying to pay attention to Raja and Alyssa’s presentation on their upcoming collaboration. She had no doubt that the spread would turn out well in the end--the partnerships with Galactica always did, the fashion house absolutely known for bringing high quality editorial pieces.
However, at the moment, she was seeing a lot of taupe, and with the level of jet lag she was still suffering from, it really wasn’t enough to keep her eyes engaged. Luckily, they appeared close to the end.
“If we’re committed to this color story,” she cut in, “then I’d like to think about incorporating a few more graphic prints as well, and some exaggerated shapes.”
“You’re so impatient; that was our next slide,” Raja replied, motioning for Ivy to click forward, showing sketches of some of the looks with bold large-scale prints beside the originals.
“Yes, the idea is for the makeup to be the real color stars,” Alyssa said, “but of course we want plenty of eye-catching shapes.”
“Yeah, it all looks good, very promising. What do you say we order some lunch, take a short break, and then go over the potential advertising partnerships my team put together?” Bianca suggested, and was met with nods (and a few relieved sighs) from around the table. She dialed her office extension on the intercom. “Joslyn, can you bring in the lunch menus?”
She began to get up from the table when she noticed Fame giving her some side eye from across the table.
“Where are you going?” she asked suspiciously.
“Bathroom. Is that okay with you?”
“Mm…” Fame sat back, eyes still narrowed, and Bianca laughed, shaking her head.
“If you really want, I can bring you back a sample.”
“You’re disgusting,” Raja called out, and Bianca shrugged, letting out a cackle before ducking out of the room.
She hurried the short distance down the hall, passing Joslyn on the way, swiftly entering her office, a rush of endorphins filling her with glee the second she caught a glimpse of Courtney inside. She hadn’t expected for her to get under her skin so fast, but the entire week in Tokyo, she’d found herself thinking about her, fantasizing about her, anxiously waiting for the next time they’d meet. And now here she was, finally.
Courtney stood, turning around slowly. At first, she looked shy, maybe a bit unsure, tucking her hair behind her ear. “Hi. How was your week?”
“Brutal. I thought about you every second…” Bianca said quietly, her gaze unwavering.
Hearing that seemed to embolden Courtney, her eyes brightening before her face melted into a suggestive grin.
“Shut the door.”
“Yes ma’am.” Bianca grinned back at her, closing the door firmly behind her. She looked as fresh and pretty as always, in a belted, long-sleeved shirtdress and ballet pink heels. But all Bianca was interested in was what was underneath. “Are you wearing it?”
“Come see,” Courtney said, head tilted coyly, and Bianca strode forward, immediately taking hold of her belt, pulling it loose. As she began undoing the buttons as fast as possible, Courtney added, “I don’t usually wear bras, but I figured I could make an exception today.”
“Special occasion?” Bianca asked, heart hammering in her chest as she opened the dress to reveal the bra and panties she’d sent over yesterday, the teal standing out on her creamy skin, even better than Bianca had imagined.
“Uh huh…”
“Fuck.” She stepped closer, wanting nothing more than to wrap her into her arms, but Courtney evaded her touch.
“Now show me yours.”
Bianca’s head lifted, temporarily stumped. “Excuse me?”
“You heard me.”
A smirk pulled on Bianca’s lips as she asked, “Do I look like some kind of sex object to you?”
“Yes.” Courtney twirled a lock of hair around her finger, perched on the edge of the desk.
Bianca had to hand it to Courtney--she was proving to be a lot feistier than planned, and it was a very welcome surprise. She slipped off her jacket, placing it on the guest chair, and then turned around. “Maybe you better help me with the zipper.”
Courtney took her time, dragging the zipper down, fingers trailing along the exposed skin until Bianca shrugged out of the dress, letting it pool in a heap at her feet. She turned back around, standing in what was at least pretty respectable silk underwear, if slightly unmatching as usual, and a black garter belt hooked to her thigh high stockings.
Courtney’s green eyes raked over her body, taking in every inch of her, making her feel exposed in a thrillingly unfamiliar way. When her eyes finally lifted to Bianca’s face again, she was breathing hard. She reached out and pulled Bianca in by the waist.
“Kiss me.”
“I’ll get lipstick all over you,” Bianca warned, fingering one of her bra straps.
“I don’t care. Kiss me.”
Bianca smiled, tilting her chin up and moving in for a kiss.
It was electric, hungry--even better than the last time. Courtney’s hands clawed at her ass, pulling her closer, and soon she had her sprawled on the desk, falling apart in the most glorious way. Bianca pulled down one of her bra cups, tongue wrapping around her dainty pink nipple, making her gasp and whimper, thighs tightening around Bianca’s hips.
Bianca moved a hand between her legs, feeling through the thin lace how wet she was already, one finger teasing her clit, rubbing her in gentle circles as she watched her eyes roll back.
“Oh god…”
“Look at me…” Bianca cradled the back of her neck, wanting nothing more than to watch her beautiful face as she came, when she heard buzzing, a phone vibrating beside them. She paused, fingers going still, eliciting another choked whimper. “Is that you?”
“What?” Courtney blinked up at her, pupils fully dilated, hips still rolling fruitlessly against her hand.
“The phone.”
“Shit!” Courtney gulped for air, struggling to sit up as Bianca handed her the still ringing phone, doing her very best to answer in a normal voice, the anguish in her eyes nearly making Bianca laugh. “Yes Miss?”
Bianca tried to suppress her dimples, patiently waiting as Courtney listened to rapid-fire instructions from Fame, but unable to resist teasing her a little bit more, fingers just barely touching the front of her panties.
“Uh huh...yes, I…” Courtney drew in a sharp breath, and Bianca’s dimples deepened, now unable to wipe the grin off her face. “Yes...right away, Miss.” She finally hung up, pressing her forehead against Bianca’s shoulder, chest heaving.
“Everything okay?” Bianca asked, moving closer, hovering over her.
“Yeah. I have to…um…” Courtney swallowed hard, tucking her face into Bianca’s neck, teeth grazing her skin.
“Can you spare a few more minutes?” Bianca murmured, and Courtney nodded.
“Yes. Please…”
“Please what? Tell me what you want.”
It had become clear to Bianca, during their last encounter, that Courtney was not accustomed to dirty talk. She had no trouble giving orders in some circumstances, but words like fuck and pussy seemed beyond her. So of course, being the sadistic bitch that Bianca was, getting her to say them became an urgent desire.
“I want...I want your fingers…” Courtney grasped at her wrist, doing her damndest to shove Bianca’s hand down the front of her panties.
“Yes? Where? Tell me.”
“In my cunt,” she said finally, voice breaking, and Bianca would have laughed if it wasn’t so fucking hot.
“You got it, angel…” Bianca slid two fingers into her wet pussy, curling them forward, pausing a beat when she gasped. She could feel nails dig deeper into her ass and asked, “You okay?”
“Fuck me, please…”
How quickly they learn.
Of course, Bianca obliged, working her quickly, thumb dragging figure eights over her clit the last thing she needed to send her over the edge with a high-pitched, drawn out moan.
“Shhh, shhh…” Bianca whispered, attempting to remind her where they were, who was potentially still in earshot. And then her whole body went soft, practically molding itself to Bianca’s, and all Bianca wanted to do was wrap her into an embrace. A pang of regret that she had to quickly return to the meeting went through her, and she tipped Courtney’s chin up to kiss her softly. “Hey so...you got any plans later tonight?”
Courtney shook her head, still in a daze.
“So there’s a restaurant near my place that I’ve been dying to try. Why don’t you come over after work and I can take you out on a real date...wine and dine you like you deserve.” The way her face lit up at the suggestion told Bianca that it was absolutely the right call.
Bianca helped her down off the desk and guided her into the bathroom, where she handed over a makeup wipe and then went to work fixing herself.
“I gotta get back, your boss is already suspicious of my whereabouts,” Bianca said, pulling open a drawer to find a lipstick that matched what she was wearing before. “But use whatever you need in here.”
“Thanks, I-shit!”
“What’s wrong?”
“No, um...when she called, she was giving me a lunch order and I can’t remember if she wanted broccoli or kale…”
“Go with the broccoli,” Bianca advised, walking back to the office to find her clothes. “But why’s she not ordering from Pierre’s? We literally chose it because it’s her favorite.”
“She said there was nothing she wanted on the menu,” Courtney said, stepping forward to help with her zipper.
“What a diva,” Bianca chuckled, and turned around to face Courtney, brushing a thumb over her cheek. “I’ll see you later.”
Courtney nodded slightly, and Bianca couldn’t help notice that her dress was still unbuttoned. She took one last gratuitous look, and Courtney giggled, pushing her towards the door.
When Trixie opened the door to the supply room, he heard a strange noise.
He had only meant to come in to get a new box of pens, his favorite one all dried up, but now, he paused, waiting for a beat, but when he heard the noise again, he knew instantly what it was.
Someone was crying.
“Hello?” Trixie stepped inside, flicking on the lights, taking a few steps. “Anyone in here?”
Trixie had expected to find Blu, or maybe even Kiara or Kandy, but instead, he came face to face with Violet, who was standing in the corner, hiding in between reams of printer paper and extra staplers, her crutches resting against the shelves.
“... Violet?”
Trixie could see that Violet had been crying, black smudges under her eyes telling their clear story, but she looked so different from when she had been lying on the floor with a broken foot, the expression on her face completely devastated.
“Please go away.”
“Not until you tell me what’s wrong.” Trixie didn’t like to force himself on anyone, didn’t like to force anyone to open up, but he couldn’t accept that anyone from his staff was crying, couldn’t look away when someone he was responsible for was so obviously in distress. “Is it your ankle?”
“No,” Violet looked up, turning her eyes towards the ceiling as she quickly dabbed under her eyes, her lip between her teeth. “It’s stupid.”
“That doesn’t mean you can’t tell me.” Trixie leaned against a shelf, making sure he didn’t knock over the boxes of pencils. “Please.”
“I just, it’s-” Violet took a deep breath through her nose. “I’ve been trying so hard to keep up, and I can’t. I just- I can’t. I work on my dress, and I can’t let anyone else touch it because it isn’t finished-”
Trixie nodded, listening to Violet’s words. He understood her point of view, a couture gown a completely different beast from designing ready to wear. No one expected Violet to do the entire thing herself, not even Violet, but Trixie could see that she had an extremely clear vision in her head for how she wanted it down to the beading, which meant she couldn’t ask for anyone’s help yet and least of all tailoring.
“And when I’m on schedule for the dress, and I try to focus on the sketches, I don’t, I can’t, I just scrapped half my sketchbook because it isn’t good enough, and I can’t push through because I’m so tired and-”
“Hey, hey hey hey.” Trixie reached out, gently touching Violet’s arm. “Violet. Violet. Listen.” Trixie squeezed it, forcing her to focus on him. “It’s okay that you don’t have any support pieces-”
“Maxwell has done over 30 submissions.” Violet looked like she was about to cry again, and Trixie could see how much she hated it painted all over face.
“Maxwell is a senior designer.”
“No. No buts.” Trixie cut her off “Do you want to hear a real problem? I’m trying to replace Aiden, and so far, Fame has rejected every single candidate.”
“She does like to do that,” Violet gave the tiniest smile, and Trixie couldn’t help but grin.
“Exactly, but do you know why I think she’s so tough this time around? Because the last hire we made, is a goddamn rockstar, who happens to be closing on her first ever show.”
Violet snorted, like she didn’t actually believe him, but she looked so much better, the woman he had come to genuinely care for slowly coming back.
“Go home Violet.” Trixie squeezed her arm one last time before letting go. “Go home, and I’ll see you Monday. Okay?”
Violet nodded, not even opening her mouth to argue, and Trixie couldn’t help but feel like he had finally, finally, finally broken through to his newest designer.
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cherryonigiri · 4 years
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the retrospective: alice’s 1k special || lover masterlist
matchup requests: CLOSED
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@bbytetsu​ asked: 💘id love a matchup. mbti: infp/isfp. in kind, creative, strong-willed, independent, romantic. my hobbies: cooking, doing my nails, gym-ing, watching movies, writing, astrology. my style is minimal, a lil romantic, and a lil punk (i 💖daisy daisy tv, vivienne westwood). fav outfit: white oversized button up + corset skirt (like orseund iris’s gamine skirt) + black kitten heels. fav drink: cold barley tea/passion fruit green tea w boba! i dont have a fav team but it wouldnt b karasuno yikes + omg i didnt know my house or patronus lmfaoo but i took a quiz n it said ravenclaw n orca 😳 hope that helps  — ang
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Your matchup is: Semi Eita
How you met: You’re working part time as a bartender at a place where Semi regularly performs with his band. He probably does 2-3 shows per month, and you come in early before the night starts to set up the bar, so the two of you end up talking because it’s only the two of you in the bar until opening. You’re working on finishing up your college degree and Semi just graduated and started his job as a civil servant. The two of you strike up easy conversation whenever he’s setting up for the night, and by now you know his regular drink and have it ready for him after he and the band finish their set. Eventually, you find out that the two of you actually attended the same university, only that you were in different departments/colleges. 
Your first date: I feel like Semi is the kind of guy who will play things by ear for a while - and figure out if you’re interested or not. He probably just approaches you after his set and sits down at the bar until closing, sipping his favorite drink. He offers to help you clean up and the two of you enjoy companionable silence. Probably acts all chill/suave and is like “hey do you want to go out with me?” once you finish locking up the bar. For your first date, probably a nice dinner befor hand followed by a movie. I feel like Semi is a sucker for classic date ideas. Ooo but he’d probably take you to a drive in movie theatre - probably in a pickup truck. He packs several blankets, pillows + snacks so the two of you can lie in the bed of the truck watching the movie in peace. Lots and lots of cuddling during said movie.
Your first kiss: Ahhh it’s so romantic bc it also happens on your first date. The credits are rolling and people are slowly starting to pack up their stuff but you and Semi just sit there, kind of leaning on each other and enjoying each other’s presence. Slowly the lights + the projector turn off and it’s just the two of you and the stars. Mayhaps there is (coincidentally) a shooting star or meteor shower as you cup his cheek to bring his face closer to yours. I just imagine after the first time your lips touch Semi can’t get enough and pulls you closer, dragging you into his lab where the two of you continue to make out for quite a bit before packing things up and driving back to the city. When he drops you off at your place late at night he pulls you into another long and fierce kiss before you get out of the car. 
Anniversary: I feel like Semi would get you two matching/paired leather jackets - custom made/comissioned with some elaborate embroidery. They wouldn’t be identical, but the designs would be similar or centered around a similar theme - maybe the same flower/object embroidered but with slightly different designs that represent your individual quirks and personalities - your jacket might have symbols related to astrology, have some laces/ties whereas semi’s might have some references to his band + volleyball. I feel like you might get creative and maybe getting some custom jewelry for the two of you - some rings, studs, earrings, etc. For the day of the anniversary itself - the two of you have a lazy day at home - maybe a jam session or karaoke session where Semi plays the guitar + binge watching marvel movies or something. 
How they propose: Probably after you graduate from university. Semi still plays gigs at the bar you used to work at, except now that you have a full time job in a field you’re passionate about, you’re usually part of the audience, nursing some fruity version of a Long Island iced tea. As the band has grown, Semi has also grown as a songwriter (let’s be real he’s secretly a poet) so they’ve been performing more and more songs with Semi’s original lyrics/melodies. Towards the end of the night, when the bar isn’t as crowded, Semi steps up to the mic and dedicates the next song (I think he might call it “glowing eyes in the evening”) and it’s basically a song about your first date + other memories in your relationship. At the end he walks into the audience and kneels down in front of you, and says “Hey, can we get married?” 
What your wedding looks like: Definitely on the smaller side - Semi is a private person and invites a small group of people that he genuinely cares about + really values to the wedding. I feel like both of you have kind of a punk + modern aesthetic, so I feel like your wedding might also reflect that - I’m thinking you’ll probably find a gothic style chapel (architecture wise) to get married in bc it matches your aesthetic, but also the decorations would be super sleek + modern. As part of your reception Semi sings you a song + your first dance is to the recording of the song he sang when he proposed. I think Ushijima and Tendou tag team the best men toast and Semi probably yells at Tendou to stop calling him “semi semi” but also Tendou comes in clutch by providing desserts/chocolate for your wedding. 
Newlywed/domestic hc: You and Semi buy a house together, mainly because you convert one of the larger bedrooms into a creative studio/haven of sorts. It’s soundproof so Semi can jam inside and also has a bunch of production equipment but it’s also sort of cozy - with fairy lights, bean bags and a lot of throw pillows + blankets. Also there’s a lot of cupboards of stuff that you use for your artistic/creative projects. Also I feel like you and Semi would enjoy couple workouts - maybe every weekend on Saturday morning you’ll clear out your living room and lay out some yoga mats + weights and follow a workout video together.
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sanchoyo · 4 years
Looks like you’re gonna have to gush some more cuz I meant in general uwu🌸
🌺😌🤟 Always happy to! Okay here’s just some General bnha Thoughts ™ Mostly Lov centric. You asked for them, and you said GUSH about them, so here’s. A Lot! :)
This isn’t a lov one but it’s really funny so I thought I’d put it out there:
-when bnha was first gaining traction on tumblr, it was all art of Tsuyu. I have no idea why. People were talking about the funky frog lesbian superhero anime. Maybe it was just the people I was following, maybe it was a general trend, but I LOVED her design!!! my fav color and frogs r super cute!!! And I already loved superhero media, so I was like. I’ll watch it. For Her. SO. FROPPY IS THE REASON I WATCHED/READ BNHA. I went in thinking she was the protag and I was sooo confused when Izuku was... tbh I still think it’d be more interesting if she was lmaooo aus where? ...seriously if anyone has good aus where this is the case send them LOL
-I don’t actually feel that bad abt what Shigaraki’s doing. I still feel bad for him. I’m this post. yes im an apologist. its not my fault hes sexy and has been running around shirtless. hes a lesbian icon like thor is. I want to touch his hair. hes never done anything wrong in his life. he could kill all might, deku, bakugo, whatever, I’d still be sayin this. I don’t feel bad for gt. like. was anyone genuinely attached to him? lmao
-well u know how spinner’s quirk is just sticking to things? We haven’t seen him use it in canon except like, (1) time iirc?? I think this is probably bc he’s embarrassed about it even in front of the league... I loooove the idea that he gets more comfortable with it around them :”) and also how shigaraki. um. does that falling asleep thing while standing up with his eyes open, canonly? (which I still love lmfao) Imagine someone in the league walking in a dark room, turning on the light n just seeing. Spinner upside down, stuck to the ceiling asleep bc heat rises and its Warmer Up There. (cold blooded thing like tsuyu?? come ON give him a big fuzzy coat and scarf...) and Shigaraki in the center of the room, slouched but still standing, eyes open and motionless. Theyre both sleeping. Whomever sees it just...slowly walks out. LMAO
-Toga roller derby au. No deep thoughts I just think she’d be good at it. 
-Toga 100% is a social butterfly and could befriend anyone if they didn’t just judge the fact she was trying to stab them smh :/ (ok but seriously anytime I see cute friendships with her n the other kids im like :) aw. I feel like her and Camie...would be good friends. Camie feels chill enough to be like ‘ok whatever thats totally fine I forgive you!!’ LMAO we love airheads here)
-HOW DID TOGA GET SO GOOD AT FIGHTING? We know she’s been on the run since middle school or so, but good enough to pin Deku down after he’s been formally trained at a ~hero school~ for a while? (she pinned him TWICE I think, once when his arms were messed up, but, the other time as Camie, so? AND THEN WAS ONE OF THE 100 PEOPLE TO GO THRU TO THE 2ND ROUND OF THAT? even tho she didn’t bc she had to leave) good enough to beat Aizawa in a fight and stab him? A professional hero and teacher for YEARS? Is that seriously just street training??? Can people acknowledge how amazing her combat skills and reflexes are??? More Toga appreciation when?? Also her backstory??? SO subversive and incredible, hate when people reduce her to just a ~typical anime yandere~ :/
-Tomura doing stuff with his hands/fingers to train his quirk!!! And to learn to be careful with it!! obv I’m a Big Fan of him playing piano to do this and video games are prob the canon answer, but like, guitar or any stringed instrument that requires Hands would work too. Or knitting/sewing? EMBROIDERING? ??? Please, let me give you the mental image of him knitting aggressively while mentally scheming, watching a twitch streamer or smth too while doing it. (Doing stuff with your hands is a great way to let your mind come up with creative stuff, that’s how I come up with writing/drawing ideas 70% of the time)
-Tomura actually PREFERS cutesty, relaxing games. I mean, he does fighting and bloody stuff irl, games are a way to relax...he’ll play shooters and gta type games with The Lads, but. on his own?? animal crossing. pokemon. kirby games. mario. zelda. BIG ZELDA FAN (not saying this bc I, personally, am biased, but,) slime rancher, stardew valley, funny simulator games... he really enjoys those :”) God forbid he has a kid bc they’re 100% getting named after a viddy game character unless someone can talk him out of it LOL. Toga and Tomura are that animal crossing /doom meme where she’d be asking for doom and him asking for animal crossing :”)
-Bits and pieces of Before are kinda stuck in Kurogiri’s brain, but like. mostly useless stuff the doctor didn’t care about removing. Like, types of clouds. So Tomura kinda picks up on stuff like that. He can just look at clouds and tell you what type they are because Kurogiri used to take him up to high places in the city and point them out to calm Tomura down from a panic attack when he was younger. He can tell you if the sky looks like it’ll rain with a 80% accuracy rate too. 
-Kurogiri left food out for kitties in the alley beside the bar. They weren’t allowed in for Health Reasons (it IS a bar with sanitation standards!!) And Tomura really wouldn’t stop it or encourage it either way so long as Kurogiri did his job, but occasionally would stand outside with Kurogiri and just watch the kitties from a distance. If any approached he’d go back in (lowkey afraid he’d hurt them by touching them :( ) They kinda kept that between them tho, bc they both Know AFO is a big bag of dicks and no fun
-people have pointed out how similar aizawa and tomura look. this was 100% the intention. tomura has a hatecrush on him. THIS IS SO FUNNY AND HORRIBLY AWKWARD FOR KUROGIRI LMAO
-Sako??? Mr. Dramatic?? Opera fan. Drama kid. Like, obviously, but. Really. He is. I feel like he can speak a dozen languages. I also feel like he used to be an overachiever but got too ambitious. He was def some kind of leader at one point of a diff Group or something that fell apart. I LOVE how creative he is with his quirk and the magician theme??? incredible. I don’t show him enough love but I Love Clowns :o)
-I don’t care what their canon heights are. Spinner and Dabi? short kings. My height hcs are (tallest to shortest) Kurogiri, Twice, Sako (who also has heels on his boots and a tall hat, keep in mind), Tomura, Magne (Tomura and Magne are about the same height imo) Toga, Spinner, Dabi. LISTEN. Dabi has short energy. Sorry. it’s true tho
-This is a semi-popular hc I think bc I KNOW I’ve seen it before, but Dabi having Terrible Vision and needing glasses is so so good. (seriously, with burns THAT close to his eyeballs, how could he not?) 
-he tries to be a tough loner coolguy. you’d think he’d smoke, but I hc his ‘weak constitution’ comes with weak lungs (esp from years of a flame quirk?? inhaling smoke over so much time is SO bad for you, most people who die in fires actually die of smoke inhalation...) so he’s got like, an inhaler, can’t smoke, actually gets carsick, needs glasses, overuses quirk to save friends constantly, likes napping, a little awkward and rude. Tomura put him in charge of the vanguard so he’s smart, and good with strategies too, like a nerd. this is the Dabi I wanna see, not the popular fandom version of him tbh also step on hawks one more time sir :”)
-I wish all the lov fics weren’t?? villain!deku like I said earlier, but also, chatfics? I have nothing against them but most of them are just a bombardment of Memes with NO PLOT!!! Listen. text/chatfics CAN have plot and be an interesting way to tell a story. I almost want to write one just to show what I mean...
I know I’ve said I like spinaraki and blackmagic, but I am a multishipper, so a few ships I don’t talk about that I like that involve the lov in some way:
-toga/any of the 1A girls??? or Camie??? super interesting. ALSO in the radio drama, bakugo’s voice actor said Toga was his favorite girl??? so?? bakugo/toga ?? I WANT TO SEE IT. but specifically my fav dynamic with her is when someone ELSE is the one to like her first, it’s what she deserves.
-Kurogiri/aizawa/mic?? any variety of that is also 👌🏻 I also kinda wanna see kurogiri/all might bc. Dads. COME ON. they bond over ‘well, I raised him, and you want to have a part in his life now?? ok. earn it. prove it. I’ll screen you first’ or something LMAO they’re both genuinely concerned for the boy, and SOOO biased. let them bond.
-giran/twice is cute. like he was hyping him up so much and so ready to go save him...
-dabi/magne where is the content. when. why not everywhere??? I’ve also seen magne/compress which was cute!! or twice/magne? they’re the big sibs of the lov...
-dabi/spinner?? come ON dabi could get over his learned biases and spend time with him and they could hold hands. I want them to.
-dabihawks. Obviously bc the Drama. yes even still, don’t @ me. (also, shigahawks, seen some REAL interesting fics with it tbh) or spinahawks?? adding hawks to a ship is like adding extra chili powder. makes it SPICY dramatic)
-nine/tomura don’t @ me once again. both kinda afo’s playthings, nine obviously was the test for tomura’s new upgrades...they both love their friends...That Scene in the Flower field </3 hmmm tragicships are fun.
-tomura/mirko. more enemies to lovers. big fan of her and bunnies. remember when he wore bunny ears in bnha smash. (ok its crack but. CUTE.) 
-I’ve also seen shiganatsu and shigafuyu and I’m like. these are cute, but also Dabi’s reaction always makes me cry laugh. so good.
-MOST EVERYONE IN THE LOV IS LGBTQA+!!! heres my personal headcanons:
Toga: pan or bi (CANON BASICALLY)
Magne: transwoman (CANON BABEY) bi, leans towards men. (her crush on dabi in bnha smash... uwu content where)
Shuichi: gets sooooo flustered canonly, I think he’d go for the first person Who Hit On Him (I can see him being the target of those mean pranks where someone says ‘my friend likes you!!’ and the friend is like ‘eww!!’ :(((( ) he’s super hesitant for romance, lots of repressed stuff. gay but takes sooo long to realize it bc he thinks most women are conventionally pretty Aesthethically, feels obligated to Like Them, but has bad self esteem so never goes after them, then only likes (1) guy so hes like?? is this allowed?? is this allowed???? (HES LIKE. IN LOVE WITH SHIGARAKI)
Dabi: bi but rly hasn’t ever gotten to date anyone, so he’s actually more reserved about it and while he’ll tease, he absolutely is absent and kinda oblivious (again, I KNOWWWW bnha smash isnt canon, but. my god. when magne is hitting on him and he Just Doesnt Understand.) also hes ace
Tomura: doesn’t care. (just prob says ‘its whatever’) trans/nonbinary (i’M NOT PROJECTING, BUT. :’/) probably goes with like, the label queer if any but doesn’t care much for labels
Kurogiri: bi??? kind of??? I say kind of bc well, I hc U Know Whom as bi, I feel like thatd carry over but he’d be really avoidant to date anyone bc hes gotta Watch His Kid u know? this is gonna sound surprising but I think he’d be the type to be like ‘ok we can have a one night stand/fling BUT it cant get personal bc I have a Job to Do for my Son so don’t get up in your feelings’ and act a little coldly at first or very ..not personable... depending on who it was he’d prob turn around eventually, esp if that person valued his feelings/job :”)
Sako: that mans Not Straight. I hc him as gay and also trans :3c
Twice: Bi and HAS dated prob more than anyone else in the league imo, super comfortable with his sexuality and supportive of everyone else’s :)
ok that’s about all I can think of atm, come back in 5 minutes and my brain will refill with lov headcanons :3 thank you for asking!!
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saintfms · 4 years
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            hello  everyone  !  i  originally  wasn’t  going  to  make  the  gif  i  used  for  this  intro  because  it’s  already  midnight  thirty  ,  but  i  went  through  with  it  anyways  .  i’m  bay  ,  and  this  is  my  disaster  of  a  disaster  ,  saint  !  he’s  a  fairly  new  muse  and  i’m  sure  there’s  going  to  be  a  lot  about  him  that  i’ll  develop  as  the  rp  goes  on  ,  but  i  think  i’ll  touch  on  a  good  chunk  of  information  as  well  .  i’m  also  trying  out  a  new  intro  style  compared  to  what  i  used  to  do  ,  so  ....  either  i’m  gonna  come  out  on  top  or  i’m  gonna  be  wearing  a  clown  mask  KNFDHSF  .  if  you’d  like  ,  my  di.scord  is  𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐣𝐨𝐨𝐧 𝐬𝐮𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐜𝐲.#4090  ,  and  enough  of  my  rambling  omg  .  
❛ ✶ ( HWANG HYUNJIN , CIS MALE , HE/HIM ) . who the hell is blasting NO RESCUE NEEDED by DPR LIVE at one in the morning ? nevermind , that’s just SANG-JUN ‘SAINT’ KIM from APARTMENT 1106 . apparently , they are a TWENTY TWO year old YOUTUBER & FASHION STUDENT AT PRATT from ATLANTA, GA , and they’ve been living at the complex for ELEVEN MONTHS . i heard they can be a bit - HEDONISTIC , but they make up for it by being so + VIVACIOUS — which makes sense , considering that they are a ARIES ! when i think of them , i imagine HAPHAZARD STACKS OF TEXTBOOKS ATOP HIS DESK, A PERFECTLY SITUATED RING LIGHT IN THE CORNER OF HIS ROOM, AND PILES OF CLOTHES DESPITE HAVING ‘NOTHING’ TO WEAR . and of course , don’t forget to follow them at ( @SNTKM ) !
NAME  :  kim  sang - jun  .  NICKNAME(S)  :  saint  (  preferred  name  )  .  AGE  :  twenty - two  .  DATE  OF  BIRTH  :  april  10th  ,  1998  .  ASTROLOGICAL  SIGN  :  aries  .  MORAL  ALIGNMENT  :  chaotic  neutral  .  GENDER  +  PRONOUNS  :  cis  male  +  he / him / his  .  PLACE  OF  BIRTH  :  atlanta  ,  georgia  .  CURRENT  LOCATION  :  astoria  ,  queens  ,  new  york  .  SEXUAL  ORIENTATION  :  bisexual  .  ROMANTIC  ORIENTATION  :  biromantic  .  OCCUPATION  :  youtuber  +  fashion  student  at  pratt  institute  .  NATIONALITY  :  korean - american  .  ETHNICITY  :  korean  .  
            you  were  born  into  the  kim  family  as  the  happiest  baby  there  could  be  .  your  mother  had  diamond  tears  staining  her  cheeks  as  she  hugged  you  close  --  it  had  been  her  first  time  having  a  cesarean  ,  but  you  were  healthy  .  your  father  could  tell  that  you  were  when  he  spoke  with  a  slight  shake  to  his  voice  :  ‘  he’s  got  a  pair  of  lungs  on  him  .  ’  and  it  was  true  .  you  screamed  your  little  head  off  ,  but  it  simply  was  because  you  wanted  milk  .  the  family  you  were  born  into  was  one  of  wealth  .  it  was  no  house  full  of  diamonds  and  designer  duds  ,  but  the  home  was  comfortable  .  your  other  brother  ,  jong - hyeon  ,  was  five  at  the  time  and  he  sat  at  the  end  of  the  hospital  bed  propped  up  on  his  knees  and  wondering  when  he  could  hold  ‘  his  baby  ’  .
          life  for  you  is  everything  that  a  child  would  want  :  your  parents  smother  you  with  love  every  single  day  ,  your  brother  plays  with  you  despite  being  older  ,  and  you’ve  got  a  smile  that  brightens  your  eyes  .  your  childhood  comes  stocked  full  of  everything  you  could  ever  want  and  more  ,  but  entering  your  teen  years  comes  with  a  hefty  bump  in  the  road  .  your  interests  are  elsewhere  ,  loving  the  pretty  pieces  that  your  mom  owns  and  wears  whenever  there’s a  dinner  or  gala  to  be  attended  .  you’re  smart  and  creative  ,  but  your  father  is  against  the  idea  .
            your  father  wears  light  blue  scrubs  and a  crisp  white  jacket  with  his  name  embroidered  on  it  everyday  .  his  office  is  hidden  amongst  the  winding  hallways  of  northside  hospital’s  maternity  ward  ,  highly  respected  by  his  peers  and  loved  by  his  patients  .  your  father  has  a  passion  for  what  he  does  ,  and  he  forces  it  upon  you  and  jong - hyeon  with  an  iron  fist  .  he  wants  his  sons  to  follow  his  lead  into  medicine  ,  already  bragging  to  his  colleagues  about  how  his  sons  will  someday  take  over  the  medical  profession  just  like  him  .
            you  had  no  interest  in  medicine    though  .  your  grades  could  speak  for  themselves  ,  but  you  had  a  low  interest  in  the  sciences  despite  your  high  marks  .  you  hated  being  asked  by  the  stuffy  doctors  who  would  come  to  your  house  what  field  you  wanted  to  specialize  in  ,  and  despite  the  laughter  that  erupted  from  them  when  you  said  ‘  none  ’  ,  but  your  father  wasn’t  entertained  .  you  would  sit  on  the  steps  as  your  mother  would  try  to  calm  him  down  ,  and  you’d  hear  that  your  father  would  refer  to  you  as  worthless  ,  dumb  ,  and  an  embarrassment  .  for  years  ,  tears  would  well  up  in  your  eyes  and  you’d  sulk  to  your  bedroom  with  your  head  hung  low  .  the  last  thing  that  you  wanted  was  for  your  father  to  berate  you  for  crying  .  the  pictures  of  your  brother  seem  to  mock  you  as  you  pass  ,  jong - hyeon  forever  immortalized  as  the  son  your  father  always  wanted  .
              you  hope  that  your  mother  would  be  there  for  you  when  your  father  berates  you  ,  but  she  keeps  her  head  down  to  avoid  his  wrath  .  it’s  at  the  tender  age  of  fourteen  that  you  realize  you  have  no  one  on  your  side  .  your  brother  is  gone  ,  fulfilling  your  father’s  wishes  and  adding  his  two  cents  when  your  father  decides  to  be  snarky  at  the  dinner  table  .  you  keep  quiet  at  the  dinner  table  ,  only  answering  when  spoken  to  and  avoiding  the  disappointed  gaze  of  your  father  .  no  matter  how  much  you  seemed  to  disappoint  your  father  ,  you  also  began  to  stop  caring  .  it  was  evident  that  your  parents  didn’t  support  you  the  way  that  they  did  when  you  were  a  child  ,  so  you  decided  to  go  as  far  away  as  you  could  when  applying  for  college  .
            you  were  over  the  moon  when  the  heavy  acceptance  package  from  pratt  institute  showed  up  in  your  mailbox  once  day  after  school  ,  clutching  it  close  to  your  chest  as  you  went  bumbling  into  your  house  .  most  children  aren’t  excited  to  leave  home  ,  but  you’re  in  desperate  need  of  an  escape  .  your  senior  year  of  high  school  can’t  end  fast  enough  ,  and  although  you  can’t  rid  your  father’s  face  of  the  scowl  he  wears  before  it’s  time  to  board  your  plane  ,  you  want  to  believe  that  he’s  proud  of  you  .  you  want  nothing  more  than  for  him  to  love  you  ,  to  be  proud  of  you  ,  but  he  send  you  sends  you  off  with  the  cut  of  the  eye  and  a  suck  of  the  teeth  .
            living  in  new  york  for  two  years  helps  you  to  come  out  from  under  your  father’s  thumb  .  you’re  happy  ,  you  grow  your  hair  out  and  dye  it  blonde  ,  even  starting  a  youtube  channel  that  has  a  slow  start  ,  but  802  thousand  people  want  to  know  what  you  do  in  your  daily  life  .  sadly  ,  you  spend  your  last  summer  at  home  in  the  thick  of  a  heavy  disagreement  with  your  father  and  brother  .  you’re  mocked  for  your  hair  ,  teased  for  the  way  that  you  carry  yourself  ,  your  brother  even  wonders  why  you  even  returned  home  .  every  night  was  filled  with  you  slamming  your  bedroom  door  ,  speaking  to  your  father  in  a  tone  you  swore  you’d  never  use  ,  and  dealing  with  a  heartbreak  you  never  thought  you’d  experience  .
            your  mother  doesn’t  come  to  your  rescue  when  you  need  her  the  most  ,  but  you  can’t  bring  yourself  to  care  .  no  matter  what  happens  ,  you  swear  to  yourself  that  you’ll  never  return  home  .  you  leave  ,  and  thanks  to  the  money  you’ve  been  saving  ,  you  move  into  the  tower  28  apartments  .  you  need  a  roommate  ,  but  you  don’t  really  care  .  somehow  ,  your  mother  convinces  your  father  to  continue  to  pay  for  your  schooling  ,  but  all  you  do  is  send  him  pictures  of  the  cleared  balances  as  a  thank  you  .  
in  terms  of  saint’s  personality  ,  he’s  a  chaotic  boy  with  a  heart  of  gold  .  he  has  mastered  the  art  of  being  fake  --  he  knows  how  to  put  on  a  brave  face  in  public  ,  but  he’s  struggling  when  he’s  alone  .  saint  covers  up  his  insecurities  with  his  youtube  channel  ,  where  he  comes  across  as  your  typical  college  student  living  in  new  york  ,  but  he’s  the  furthest  from  it  .  he  doesn’t  handle  confrontation  well  and  he  hates  the  sound  of  yelling  ,  and  not  the  fun  kind  that  you  might  hear  at  a  party  .  he  has  a  tendency  of  apologizing  sometimes  even  when  something  isn’t  his  fault  by  a  long  shot  ,  but  he’s  also  a  chaotic  mess  at  times  !  he  flirts  like  there’s  nothing  to  it  with  anyone  who  has  a  pair  of  legs  ,  and  he  quite  honestly  might  call  someone  d*ddy  just  because  he  can  ORUEFSDS  .  
i’m  going  to  create  a  tag  of  wanted  connections  that  i’d  love  to  have  for  saint  ,  but  i’m  gonna  do  that  tomorrow  since  i’m  finishing  this  intro  at  nearly  3am  .  outright  though  ,  i  would  love  to  have  :
an  angsty  ex  boyfriend  👀  like  yes  PLEASE  hand  it  over  i  promise  i’ll  make  you  cry  :D
a  best  friend  !  probably  one  of  the  only  people  who  can  see  right  through  his  ‘  i’m  okay  ’  bullshit  
someone  that  tries  to  make  him  workout  but  in  reality  he’s  sitting  and  eating  a  bagel  on  the  weight  bench 
something  soft ?  something  really  sweet  and  enough  to  make  my  freaking  teeth  rot ?  could  either  be  a  boyfriend  or  girlfriend  thing  or  i  don’t  know  something  literally  anything  just  give  me  the  softness  that  i’ve  been  craving  for  my  boy  .
give  me  a  plot  where  they  full  on  hate  each  other  .  no  lingering  feelings  ,  no  soft  moments  –  give  me  a  full  bred  spicy  hate  ship  that  literally  gets  your  blood  pumping  .  it’s  all  i  want  in  life  ,  thank  u  .
i’m  really  feeling  a  one  night  stand  with  some  substance  ? like  yeah  ,  they  have  their  fun  together  but  they  don’t  pretend  to  not  know  each  other  in  public  (  unless  they  have  like  a  fierce  rivalry  going  on  or  something  )  so  they  probs  tend  to  be  a  little  like  confidants  at  times  but  it’s  still  them  having  fun !
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desiraypark · 4 years
Let’s take a tour...
A Tour of Clyde and Sherri’s Home Close your eyes and imagine. Well, don’t close your eyes because you have to read this.
Clyde bought the cozy two-bedroom house after the last great Cauliflower scheme. Sherri moved in a few weeks before their wedding. I imagine the exterior looking something like this...
Alright. Now, we’re in the livin’ room. Very simple: Cream walls, butterscotch oak floorin’. Navy blue sofa against the wall, matchin’ recliner beside it. Dark wood coffee table. Flat screen TV mounted on the wall. Sherri’s additions: She picked out the table under the TV. Its color matches the coffee table almost perfectly. She put framed photos on top of it (we’ll talk about those photos in a few). At one point, she’d bought a coral rug to put up under the coffee table. Right now, she’s got a white vase in the middle of the table with some artificial peonies up in it. 
Oh, she also bought a shoe rack that’s by the front door (please use that next time). And a floor lamp. Just a regular ol’ floor lamp with a silver body and white shade. Before they got engaged, Sherri strongly recommended that Clyde get some real blinds and toss those temporary shades (he did). KITCHEN/DINING  Alright, now we’re gonna walk through the living room and into the kitchen and dining area. As you can see, the kitchen has maintained a...”classic” look—the wood panelin’, wooden cupboards and shelves.This yellowed linoleum that needs to come on up. The oven and refrigerator are both black--kinda new. Sherri’s mom once asked her when those two would get the kitchen remodeled, It reminded Clyde of his Grandma and PawPaw’s kitchen. The previous owners didn’t make any changes to it, so neither would Clyde.  Now--step on inside, y’all, I don’t bite--now, as you can see, when you walk all the way into the kitchen, the fridge is pushed to the wall on your right, sitting beside a half-counter that connects to the oven. You see the counter wrapping all the way around to the door--giving Clyde and Sherri some good cookin’ space. They do other things on this counter, but that ain’t my business to tell. They love lookin’ out this window over the sink to look at the birds and butterflies in the backyard. Of course, that door leads to the back yard, but this door is right here to my right is the pantry slash laundry room.  Sherri’s additions: So, Sherri got her grandma to make these cute lil’ embroidered curtains for the window and the door. Sherri keeps sayin’ that she’s gonna learn how to sew, but that ain’t girl ain’t gonna start no time soon. Anyway, she just bought this big blender--she said it’s for smoothies, but she really wants Clyde to make her some frozen margaritas this summer. She also bought them a 12-piece Pyrex set. Now, I don’t like to stereotype men, but both me and Sherri were shocked that Clyde had so much cookware, and silverware, and a good set of dishes. I mean, the man had all kinds of nice pots and pans--even a cast iron skillet! But the thing is, the stuff was barely used. Of course, he’s always busy at Duck Tape, but one day, he told Sherri that he’d bought it all during his “Food Network phase”. Okay, to your left is their dining table. Nothin’ fancy. Let’s move right along... MASTER BEDROOM So, if y’all turn around and step outside of the kitchen and look to your left--that door right there leads to Clyde and Sherri’s bedroom. It has the same design as the living room: cream walls, butterscotch flooring. Y’all follow me inside. So, as you can see, the bedroom set is a dark wood, I guess that’s ebony or somethin’. It came with a queen-size sleigh bed, a vertical dresser, and a nightstand. Clyde could have gotten a horizontal dresser with the mirror attached to it, but he didn’t think he’d need it. He just put a floor length mirror on the back of the door. Clyde also keeps sayin’ that he wants a king-size one day--he’s a big man, you know? But he didn’t wanna overcrowd the room. To your left is the closet, where Clyde and Sherri keep their shoes; their coats; their nice clothes--you know, dresses, suits, and all that. Now, as we look past the closet, our eyes will land on the nightstand, and beside that, the bed. Clyde put the bed there so he could look up at the sunshine in the morning. Then, on the other side of the bed is the horizontal dresser with its attached mirror. Then, directly to your right you’ll see a vertical dresser. That’s a case for Clyde’s prosthetic arm on top of it. Sherri’s additions: Sherri hasn’t added much to the bedroom. Of course, she was definitely gonna need some space for her clothes, so she and Clyde went on and picked out a horizontal dresser. Sherri kinda hates it, though--because it doesn’t match the rest of the set. Clyde bought the landscape painting over his dresser. But other than that, Sherri’s only additions are her personal items, a few candles, and some extra bedding sets that she keeps in the linen closet. BATHROOM Okay, now let’s step out of the master bedroom and walk across the living room and into that tiny, little hallway. In front of us is the linen closet. To your right is another room and to your left is the bathroom. Let’s step into the bathroom, it’ll be quick. Matter of fact, don’t even step inside--just peek in. The wall is a pale yellow, the floor white tile. The sink is to your left. That’s a medicine chest on top of it--I don’t think they put those in too many new houses, these days. Of course, that’s the toilet beside the sink, and beside the toilet is the tub. That’s Clyde’s shower curtain. The mother duck leading her ducklings across a pond. He picked out these green rugs, too. Sherri’s additions: Again, all Sherri really bought to the bathroom are her personal items...and her desire to set the shower curtain on fire.  SPARE ROOM
*closes bathroom door* Now, let’s turn around. We have what’s my favorite room in Clyde and Sherri’s home. The “spare” room. I love it and they love it because it’s a space they built together. When Clyde and Sherri were dating, it was an empty room, minus a few boxes and a random lamp with a bird on it. 
Come in, come in.  So, when they were engaged, Sherri helped him sort through his boxes. Just a few boxes--three or four, I suppose. They had books; photos; stuff from his time in the military, and some of his mom’s belongings--some jewelry and a few little accessories. Clyde told Sherri that he just never got around to unpacking the boxes, but she knew that he really meant, “I wasn’t ready to unpack these boxes”. So, she didn’t push him with this one. Instead, they just put a lot of thought into what they’d turn the room into--then the stuff in the boxes would find their places.  So, finally, they decided they just turn this into an “unwind” room. Not an entertainment room, but a place to just relax, or take a nap. But as you can see, they kept the furnishing minimal--because who knows? The unwind room might have to be transformed into the Lil’ Shlyde or the lil’ Clerri room, one day. Don’t tell them I came up with those names, they’re liable to take me serious. So, I know, the first thing y’all probably noticed was the console record player right in front of you. Somethin’ about the scritch and scratch of some vinyl just puts you in a different kind of mood, don’t you think? Up against this back wall is a modular sectional. Clyde and Sherri take many a nap on this thing. Doesn’t it look cozy? I wonder what they’ll do with it if they move out...
But anyway, to your left--is a modular bookcase that houses the lovebirds’ combined book collections. Over here, under the window is a mini fridge and a tub of snacks. The unwind room turns into the “PMS” and “eat your feelings out” room, real quick! Okay, that wasn’t my business to tell.  I’d show you the backyard, but it isn’t much. It’s fenced in--that I will mention. But other than that, the yard is patchy. They have a couple of reclining lawn chairs. They don’t have a grill because Jimmy is the designated Logan Grill King, so why bother? But it’s a pretty empty backyard--nothin’ special.
So, that brings me to the end of this tour. I hope y’all enjoyed it. Please pay Clyde and Sherri a visit. They’re a lovely couple. Ask Clyde to fix you up a drink he calls the “Sherri”. I don’t know what’s in it, but I know that thang had me in their living room doin’ The Wobble one night. The Wobble wasn’t even playin’ and I was doin’ it by myself. Needless to say, he doesn’t make it for me anymore.  But anyway. Bye y’all!
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uraharabyakuya · 5 years
Rant: ChenQingLing is a disgrace.
Disclaimer: this is a rant, and it’s antiCQL. So those who like it, pls ignore and refrain from posting your counter arguments to me. I just want to vent my displeasure of this live action and only welcome those who agree with me to comment and share.
Being a massive fan of MDZS, I just have to get this off my chest. I am sick of all these brainwashing and gaslighting by so called “fans” of the original work who are singing high praises for this shambles of an adaptation.
The live action series should be ashamed of themselves because they’re simply using the popularity and following from the franchise and totally disrespecting the core of the story and characters. Before these nincompoops come and wax lyrical about adaptations being different from the source material, there is an obvious difference between a genuine adapatation to screen whereby the major plot lines are maintained, the core stories are maintained, the character histories are maintained and superfluous or extrapolated materials are minimised, also where there are obvious gaps of non-explained or non-elaborated space only is where things are created and imagined. Whereas a rubbish excuse of an adaptation is what CQL has done. Because what it did was to use the characters names, take the fantasy world setting and cool elements, and then totally walk over the storyline by completely meshing and mixing and stirring everything and everyone into a big pot of dog poo. And testament to them just using the franchise’s popularity to milk money and attention is by completely unashamedly BL-bait with all the WangXian interactions including many that are either not in the book or extras, or not in the right context or scene, or completely nonexistent and made up. And then the shameless tag that it’s just a platonic bromance since censorship in China wouldn’t allow this. Right.
So let’s talk about the plot. So WWX is not some grandmaster of demonic cultivation since it has already been going on behind the scenes with Xue Yang casually helping WRH practise some hardcore demonic cultivation and the fact that the Tiger Stygian Amulet is just some relic that’s been around for ages. Nothing to do with WWX’s ingenuity and talent for harnessing the resentful energy stored in that sword found at the TuLuXuanWu cave. Then apparently the TianNu statue that comes to life was already something that he and LWJ had encountered before in their youth whilst they go along to hunt for the Amulet pieces. And then WQ apparently is able to influence the zombified with a flute like instrument anyway. And then apparently Lan Yi and WWX’s mum knew each other cos nothing spells more destined love than when your respective previous generation also had some sort of bond and connection. And the bunnies were really reared by her so not a sweet little homage of the Wangxian love. And the forehead ribbon is not just ugly aesthetics wise but LWJ can’t decide if he’s steadfast about it or he is nonchalant about taking it off and tying it onto WWX’s wrist even when he was not intoxicated. And then WWX was already using some unexplained paper puppet powers which was apparently not seen as demonic cultivation in his youth to mess about, and he apparently could manipulate LWJ quite easily to get him drunk. And when things that are not canon like LXC and JGY they just had to make their first meeting so obviously charged with innuendo. And then WQ since the actress invested in the series, had to be important, so she is given some all so noble duty of being the good guy in the bad camp who is doing stuff that she doesn’t want to but she is still good and should be liked though she’s still a bad guy nonsense trope. So she goes to GuSu to get the amulet piece for WRH, because only when he gets the piece will she be able to somehow bring WN away. And WN was a great enough character both alive and dead as the Ghost General with his design from the source material, but no, they want to embellish it that he’s afflicted with some condition that makes him susceptible to being possessed and taken over by evil spirits. Wtf. And naturally, WQ should somehow capture JC’s eye, because why would JC want to be infatuated with a Wen person when eventually they cause the demise of his parents and his clan. But hey maybe he’d be so selective thinking WQ didn’t do it though so that’s okay. Like wtf.
Let’s talk about the actors. I like WWX’s look, the actor has a good face, he “looks” like a WWX, but damn his acting is bad. And damn, he cannot do the duality of WWX, because he does not exude that dangerous aura and the strength and power that WWX naturally possess because of his natural abilities, evident even before he was a Yiling Patriarch, much less if this guy wants to play a convincing Patriarch. He does all these ogling of LWJ from the get go since they met, cue all the cheap BL baiting. And he pouts and stomps his feet and acts cute the whole time. WWX is cheeky, naughty, devious, mischievous, but not girly, not a sissy. Wtf. Then we move onto LWJ. So that guy is some boy and heartthrob, but damn he has neither r looks nor the presence nor the acting skills to touch LWJ. WTF. The moment he appeared he made me want to slap LWJ, want to cry for his ru8ning of his whole imagery. The action sequence is so wooden, and the expressions are so constipated or dead. Everybody else looked bad. The actors I think chosen right for their looks were WWX, WN (alive version, the ghost general version has such awful make up it makes me cringe), NHS, JGY, XY (he apparently got to get a good looking dude to play him who also looks kind of evil and yet looks like an anime character walked out of the anime) and maybe JC (that’s because aesthetically he actually can be considered good looking and that is ridiculous because he’s better looking than the Twin Jades of Lan in this). LXC and his butt chin hurts my eyes. WRH looking like some voodoo witch doctor gone drag in his evil volcanic dungeon lair makes me want to throw an encyclopaedia at someone’s head violently. NMJ looking like a complete perverted uncle complete with hentai stache is just blasphemous. JZX just looks weird, no better way to put it.
So onto the make up, costumes and props. Make up is so shit that you can see up close where spots are done smoothed over or powdered down, the gore or the effects of veins and wounds are so fake and so obviously drawn on it looked like a 6yo went to arts class and took some marker pen and crayon and created these outcomes. The props are so cheap that the ghost hand looks like a rubber Halloween glove you get from the prop shop around the corner, the deity binding ropes look exactly like rough ropes. The Emperor Smile bottles look so tiny and white that it looks more like medicine bottles on ancient times than an expensive alcohol bottle. Where’s the YunMeng silver bell, the jade piece on LWJ’s robe. The forehead ribbon looks so cheap because it’s too thin and the stupid metallic piece in the middle is ridiculous. Why can’t they just stick with the original to have the silk cloth with the cloud patterns embroidered on the cloth. And the clothes, Lan sect is supposed to be ethereal, so why are they dressed in such plain white and tight clothes. They should have the flowing sleeves, the light blue tones, and the cloud embroidery. YunMeng needs to have their original violet colour, the Wen Sect does not need to be full body red like they’re getting married (see WQ), and the Jin sect needs their golden robes with the centrepiece of the JinXinXueLang peony, not some watered down white with yellow hues and nothing else to show for it. And what is with LWJ’s hair do and hair piece, it has such a disgusting look to it and it doesn’t look right. Do the bun properly and the accessory properly, not some weird plop of hair right in front on top of his head and then put a flat piece of elaborate metal on top of it.
I had been looking forward to seeing the epic ness of MDZS brought to the small screen. I had been completely prepared for changes in terms of the romance line being cut, but I fully expected the main storylines to be followed and perhaps elaborated on. Not to be chopped and changed and meshed up and violated like they’ve done so. And with the ability to get some really lovely natural scenery and some of the sets that actually look good eg the Lotus seat in Yun Meng was elaborate and intricate. So why won’t they invest in the right places like making the make up perfect, getting the costumes and looks correct, getting actual actors who can act cos even if they don’t look aesthetically good enough but if they’re solid actors it would flow so much better, and more vitally, why don’t they retell and elaborate on the existing epic storyline as it is! That’s the core of it, the MDZS storyline and major scenes are so awesome wit( their backstories, no changes need to be made, but merely elaborated and extrapolated on, not to be comepltely vandalised and violated. My heart breaks as for the sake of my love for MDZS, I’ve watched 8 eps and had to stop and restart so many times because of how jarring, unnatural, awkward, infuriating, irritating and frustrating the factors above contribute to my viewing. And now the greatness of MDZS as an original source material will forever be tainted by the sacrilege that is the Untamed.
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