#i am getting used to this ipad thingy and the whole perspective thing is a tad confusing
hg-aneh · 2 months
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the croli in heaven saga continues
part 2 :3
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dork-empress · 4 years
Rise Together
I saw Rise of Skywalker, and while I liked some of it, there are a lot of changes I’d have made, so I thought I’d Write those wrongs (ha). To be clear, I am Absolutely Uninterested in debating any of these things. Just wanted to write ‘em out and share.
Edit: I am so sorry, but tumblr on my ipad is killing me and wont let me put in a read more, i am so so sorry for the long post.
Supreme Lord Kylo Ren has discovered references in the Imperial Archives about a terrible power on the lost planet of the Sith. Obsessed with obtaining it Kylo Ren has summoned the Knights of Ren to his side in order to find the hidden world and secure his rule over the new Empire.
On the new rebel base planet of ________, REY is training to defeat Kylo Ren before he can destroy any more worlds. She learns from the sacred texts of the Jedi order, under the supervision of General Leia Organa.
Concerned about what this new power may mean to the rebellion and all free worlds, she has sent her best pilot POE DAMERON, with a team including CHEWBACCA and FINN in thee Millenium Falcon, to find more information about the First Order’s plans...........
So, first scene’s ok, with Kylo slaughtering innocents, but show more of the Knights of Ren stuff.
He gets to secret sith planet and instead of Palpatine, he is ‘greeted’ by these weird shadow zombie energy things. They swarm him, but when he pulls his red lightsaber, they vanish. He finds a special crystal that can focus the power of the force, and send the star systems to their knees or something. He can be told this by creepy whispers from the shadows (the Dead Sith, Jedi have ghosts, sith have weird zombie things) they want him to destroy the Jedi (Rey) for good.
Things are generally fine with the movie up until Poe and Rey’s argument. Poe tends to think of the Force as a weapon for Rey to use. She says it’s not that, but also argues about the pressure on her. She and Leia are the last of the Jedi, so while she wants to go on every mission, she knows that if something happens to them, there will be no one to stop Kylo. Finn tries to keep the peace between them. They are both right and both wrong.
Yadda yadda, they decide to go on this mission. C-3PO wants Poe to stay behind, because he is also important and may need to help Leia. Poe is obviously dismissive, and further upset that Threepio wants to come with him, but allows it, probably because Finn teases him or something.
Fine again up until the Cool Party, instead of making Rey feel bad about her name, little kid shows some slight force powers. Then later, when storm troopers come, little kid tries to use force to drive them off, but Rey actually does.
Fast forward—threepio actually suggests accessing his memory, says he knows someone from diplomacy, a friend of Leia’s. The one to take them to ksdjf that planet.
Captured stuff and saving chewie is good. Kylo uses some of his new cool sith powers to try and corrupt her. Except its more of a ‘give in, it’s inevitable’ kinda thing.
Ffwd—no weird ex flame of Poes, instead, Threepio uses cool diplomacy skills to get them out of trouble and to safety. Then decides to sacrifice his memory. Sad scene of self sacrifice and Poe coming to respect the diplomatic side of things.
Find the maguffin in the ship, dagger acts more as a compass than a map, because that’s dumb. (What if the wreckage had shifted????? What if they looked at it from a different perspective????ahhh!!!!!)
Meet ex-troopers. They reveal they’ve heard of Finn, were inspired by him. Troopers have their own communications they’ve started after he left, and through it his tale spread. They dismissed it at first, but then felt the feeling to just not do things (the force)
Skip skip skip, Rey goes off on her own because the pressure is too much without Leia, she can’t do it, she doesn’t trust herself. The little robot still has memories of the sith planet thingy because the dude was working from the sith planet to hunt the Jedi.
Poe takes over as General, brings on Threepio as advisor. Sends Lando out (with chewie and threepio) to negotiate their alliance.
Battle is fine, blah blah blah, except Rey is trying to destroy the power source, fighting crazy sith ghosts that want to destroy the last of the jedi.
But Rey is not the last. Kylo helps her. Force sensitive people across the universe (Finn included) send her energy. Finn has an idea.
Finn’s landing troop can’t get to the beacon thingy that Kylo had been using to attach to ships so they could arm their whole thing. Finn has new friend help him tap into stormtrooper coms. Inspires them to revolt (reflection of Order 66). Makes contact with a trooper, RC 835. Finn asks her if he can call her ‘Reece.’ She agrees, and with his and Poe’s help, shuts down the transfer signal thingies.
Dramatic speech with sith ghosts. “You will never be rid of us,” they say, “The more of us you kill, the more we multiply. You can never truly defeat us.”
Rey, channeling energy of jedi past and present, push them bac, “And we,” she says, “Will always fight you.”
She pushes back the sith and destroy the weapon/power source/thing, nearly killing herself. Ben curses the old ghosts, they helped her to fight their enemies, they should give her energy to live. Is visited by the ghost of Anakin. She comes back, and helps him to bring her back with. (Something something using force to bring people back to life, reflecting Padme, blah blah blah)
Celebration celebration celebration, Ben is on the edges, Rey invites him in, he says he wouldn’t be welcomed (he’s right). He goes out to spend his life in an attempt to fix the damage he’s caused. She smiles “If you change your mind—“ “I’ll know how to find you,” he answers, tapping his head.
Rey buries the lightsabers on tattooine. Tests out her own, “When do I get one of those?” Finn asks. She smirks. “When you deserve it.” Show she’s started her new jedi school on the moisture farm. Out of the way place, but self sustaining. Rose helps with the machines, says they’re still in good condition. The new friend, Reece, and the little kid from the party planet are there. They stand together.
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