#i am working on the assumption you just wanted everything before 3
redwineandtarot · 2 months
your future spouse's first impression of you
hi! after a long time i am back with another reading❣️ i asked spirit using the term fs but you can use this for soulmates as well. please remember we have free will, i am just reading energies so take what resonates and leave what doesn’t. i would love to hear your feedbacks <3
🥀paid readings🥀
Disclaimer: My readings do NOT replace any professional advice. Use your own judgment while making decisions. You have your own free will. Take everything I say light-heartedly. All of my readings are for ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES.
pick a pile
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piles 1-2-3
all pictures are from pinterest.
pile 1
They will think that you are a selfless person. And that you are always ready to help others. Or fight for your values. But in a subtle way. To them you have a calming aura. They will also see you as someone reserved, someone who prefers to keep to themselves and speak less. From the first impression, you are someone who is a bit passive. 
They will think that you have a rich inner self. However you seem to be avoiding it. I don't really know what exactly this is but your fs will be confused as to why you are avoiding this amazing part of you.
You have a mystic and wise energy to you. And to them you look like someone that trusts the universe (or whatever you believe in). You also seem mysterious to them. They will be intrigued by you and will want to know more about you. Maybe it's because you are somewhat different from them. Like they may be an atheist and you may be a pagan or you two may come from different cultures etc. This difference will spark their interest in you. Because to them, you bring a different outlook on life.
They will think that you know how to balance things and can see the different parts of a situation. They will think that you try to be fair.
I don't know how your person will see this but they will think that you accept change as it is and with peace. Maybe it's your calm demeanor that made them think this way.
They will see you as someone who takes a lot on their plate. Maybe you struggle with saying no and end up helping everyone even if it burdens you. Or it's just the way they see you.
Around the time you first meet them you may be very busy. Also you or them (or both) maybe in your 30s. And you may have a 2 year age gap for some of you.
your song: intro: singularity-bts
significant placements: libra, pluto, 3rd house aquarius, uranus, 12th house leo, south node, 4th house
thank you for reading ❤️
pile 2
They will see you as someone reliable and nurturing. You have an earthy vibe to you (also fiery), to them. You look like that friend who never leaves their friends alone in their hard times. 
They will think that you have a lot of potential in you. And already doing quite good in life. You move slowly while making decisions. You think before you act. However when you decide something you move swiftly and get what you want. You seem passionate to them. The line “I want it, I got it” from 7 rings-ariana grande is your line!
They will think that you are quite attracted to them, lmao. But they may think that you already have someone in your life. Again they make a lot of assumptions so you may have not said anything about this topic but still they just can't sit still lol. They think that you shine a lot so maybe that's why they assume you are not alone or at least people are chasing you. 
They will think that you have a lot to offer. Emotion and passion wise.
To them you are quite firm on your beliefs. For some of you they may see you have a debate with someone or you may have a debate with them in your first meeting. Or it's just something that will allow them to see your argumentative side. 🔞They will think that you are s3xy when you get all bossy(?) like that lol.
You seem like someone who is quite comfortable in their own skin. However they will see the hard work behind this confidence. Idk they will try to analyze a lot probably. Like try to see through you. You may have had to work hard to gain your confidence and maybe you were self conscious/had a low self esteem but worked hard and became who you are today. Again this is in their eyes.
Some of you here could have brownish-reddish hair here. Or will have that color when you meet your fs.
you got two songs: better by myself- hey violet, to me-alina baraz
significant placements: saturn, 2nd house, cancer south node, 7th house, leo south node, 11th house, libra
thank you for reading ❤️
pile 3
First of all, you may have a purple aura. I know this is a bit off topic but it came through.
You may have a darker aesthetic or may prefer darker colors on your clothes around the time you meet your fs. And they notice this. They may notice your legs and think that they are beautiful. Also I heard, boobs/chest area for some of you.
They will think that you know how to enjoy life and enjoy yourself. You have this nonchalant energy to them. And they see you as someone who is not afraid to express themselves and live authentically. You are at peace in life. You love your life and seem to enjoy it. To them, you are like a “no bs” person. 
Like your clothing, you may like/like to search about what society deems as “dark”, like occult etc.
They will think that you are a disciplined person. However at first they may understand you wrong, this discipline can seem like the will to win no matter what, to them. They may see you as someone who is defensive and does not accept their faults. Someone who is willing to do almost everything to win. However I am not seeing that this is the case with you. Because of this later they may be ashamed of themselves. 
You also seem somewhat unattainable and unpredictable to them. But it's not like you do stupid things. It's more like when they think they know you, you say something totally unexpected about yourself. 
You have this great personality inside you. For them to see this side of you may take a while. I am not saying they will hate you but they will be a bit judgemental of you. You seem like the life of the party and like you are an authentic person but you are also such a deep person. However nonchalant you seem, you also have worries. And you have such a strong and a soft person inside you. They will see this eventually and embrace every part of you.
(For some of you this judgment may be because they are a bit more of a reserved person)
your song: take me-miso
significant placements: taurus, 3rd house, uranus leo, 11th house, neptune capricorn, 12th house, mercury
thank you for reading ❤️
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jordynbreeloa777 · 4 months
“Let go” ENDGAME VOID CHALLENGE. (Part 2, for visual people.)
This is a part 2 for the people inboxing me saying they’re more of a visual person so here is a more IN DEPTH version. If you still don’t understand please let me know!
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How this challenge works is FIRST you have to choose if you are going to enter wide awake, or wake up in!
Step 2: 🌹 Once you have choose, I want you to robotically affirm and get into the state every single day of someone who always enters/wakes up in the void aware with ease. For example I will be choosing to wake up in since I entered successfully that way before aware, but forgot to affirm for my desires!
Step 2: 🌹Robotically affirming, and get into the state. Whenever you get a chance, you don’t have to set a timer of do a counter app. Just let your thoughts run on a loop in your free time! Some affs I recommend (that I use for entering awake is) I always enter the void with ease under 3 seconds. I always enter the void on my command. I always am aware and remember my purpose for the void. (waking up in) I always wake up in the void state aware. It is so easy for me to wake up in the void aware, I do it all the time! Every time I fall asleep I instantly wake up in the void! How to get in the state is so simple, just embody the feeling of the person who knows they always enter the void state successfully on the first try. (Don’t get discouraged if you don’t failure doesn’t exist in your reality so don’t make that an option, it’s not hard AT ALL, unless you assume so)
{ If you are more a visual person, you can imagine yourself with all your desires that you manifested in the void (already done LOA speaking) or imagine you getting into the void and manifesting your desires, or your list, something of that nature whatever you may be manifesting! Or say you are shifting visualize what you want to see when you wake up, or in your DR! }
{As well as if robotically affirming isn’t your thing fullfil yourself in imagination, not saying by forcing yourself with your 5 senses} But know that your someone who has the mental mentality that it’s not difficult at all to enter! }
Pointers: If you are waking up in the void, you can do lullaby method/SATS or just command your subconscious before falling asleep!
Step 3: 🌹Vaunt at least twice a day, in your head or whenever you want. Vaunt to yourself or imagine you telling somebody how you entered the void and manifested your dream life months ago, or vaunt that the void state is soo easy to enter and that you don’t understand why people find it hard, and that its the easiest thing in the world to do ever! Really saturate your mind and it will feel more natural, I promise. The void is not something outside of you, it’s not some magical place where you manifest instantly, remember YOU ARE THE ONE WHO EVEN CREATED THE VOID. YOU MANIFEST YOURSELF NOT, “I RECEIVED THIS FROM THE VOID” NO. YOU MANIFESTED YOURSELF.
Step 4: 🌹 Enter/Wake up in. If you fail you clearly know that it’s all based off your assumptions, especially if you’re trying for the first time. Don’t make failure an option to exist for someone who controls everything. There is no “deadline” of when you need to get into the void, or set time or date, no. You manifest/enter whenever you want because you’re such a master manifestor it’s crazy..like insane!
I will be trying this challenge as well, have fun and Happy Manifesting!💝💝
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soquimic · 8 months
some things i’ve manifested using the law of assumption —note that i’ve been using it to manifest for years, i was around 8 or 9, so it’s a lot—
1- when i was 8, i remember leaving the church and going home. i really wanted to go to the mall that day because it was almost xmas eve and there’s a lot of activities in my country, i also wanted to see the big xmas tree by the electric stairs. i remember that i affirmed everyday only one affirmation, i didn’t pay attention but lately i realized that ive always been living in the end and didnt realize because my affirmation stated the desire already fulfilled. i affirmed the whole day, i even went to the backyard and looked at the sky as if i was talking with god or something similar. i started affirming around 11 am and by 5 pm my mom was getting ready and i asked her “where are you going?” and she literally told me: i received your school grades, they are all good for me so im taking you to the mall. i lived happily the whole week because i thought that was my first encounter with god or something 😂😂
2- this was in my freshman or sophomore year, i really cant remember the time really well in this one but i do remember that my friend and i had fought and i was really scared because he ignored me everyday and we used to be really close so i reminded my subconscious everyday for like 3 days straight that they were not mad, they were just dealing with stuff or busy (yeah the gaslighting 😘😘) and nah, by day 4 he talked to me again and everything was back to normal like nothing happened.
3- food. yes, the thing i manifest the most is food because i adore eating. i used to live with the assumption: my mom is bringing me chocolate/cheesecake or pizza from work today. EVERY WEEK. and it would happen, i got used to it and stopped assuming random things that had to do with food.
i cant remember any other one, dementia patient right here 🚶🏻‍♀️🚶🏻‍♀️🚶🏻‍♀️
as for my recent ones, ive got a bunch. im a very anxious person and tbh manifesting before was way easier than now. the pressure is killing me but i still managed to manifest stuff from 2021 to this day.
1- a boyfriend. yes, i manifested a boyfriend around april 2021. i didnt go into detail but he had everything i was looking for + he was amazing (at first ofc), he later changed and i had to start attending to therapy sessions cause i got diagnosed and im still traumatized. i forgot to script the loyalty part… so yeah he definitely did cheat and gaslit me. but he made me feel amazing while it lasted. we broke up around 2 months ago and we had 2 years together. i didnt manifest the break up, he did. which is good. the universe sent me signs cause days later after the break up i found out messages and stuff of him cheating the same week of the break up.
2- i manifested for my attachment to go away. note: im the type of person to get attached emotionally to people, i was emotionally depending on my ex, so as soon as we broke up i had a dream where somebody told me to just go out the day after and spoil myself. buy whatever i want and spend some money cause i was working so hard to buy the flight to go and see him. 4 days later when i found out he was with another person i cried in my way to work and i was feeling so well that day that i literally did my hair and makeup but it got smudged :(( but that was the last and first time i cried over him after everything was over. next day i woke up feeling positive and i suddenly let everything go. bad people eventually get what they deserve in life so i just got over it and im not attached to him or the old story anymore!!
3- i manifested new friends plus i contacted my old friends back. most of them were in bad terms with me cause i blocked them out of nowhere because of my ex, everything was so messed up but they forgave me and they are very good friends after all, they text me and hype me up every day so i cannot be more grateful :D
4- i manifested my sp :D after these 2 months i thought to myself: if that person could move on, you can too. so i did, although my sp and me are not fully prepared for a relationship rn, we’re both aware of our mutual attraction and promised to give us time until we were both fully healed 🫶🏻
5- MONEYYYYYY. yeah it sounds like im too ambitious when it comes to money but im soooo silly. i spend everything i get plus i need to pay for my own stuff at school. i dont like bothering my parents with my expenses —even though they are supposed to provide for me but i feel like a problem when i do that so—, i manifested money like 4 times this year??? first, my parents never give me more than 100 for my birthday and all of a sudden they gave me 500$??? i even posted about it my happiness was out of the roof. i went to the cinema w my friends to watch an anime movie that got released on my birthday yayayaya. later, i started working and got like 1,200 in the summertime and now i manifested more money this week TO SAVE. i literally by assuming got into the void and manifested a bag full of money. i wont stfu about it IM AMBITIOUS in a good way with money, i need to move out and start building my future (bro im still 17 😔)
6- clothes and makeup. uMmm im not a fan of makeup tbh buttttt i wanted to have some in case one day i decide to put some on, my skin has always been clear and pretty, my lashes are super long and my eyebrows are really thick so i only worry about doing a perfect lip combo. i got a box and 2 bags full of makeup <3 especially makeup of my favorite brands 😙😙😙 i also was able to buy clothes online very similar to the ones that i had on my pinterest boards ^^ but i kinda forgot to buy shoes.. BFFR 😭😭😭 ive been repeating the same 5 shoes, but im gonna buy some new ones soon!!
7- colognes and jewelry 😘😘😘😘😘 yes, im a fan of these too!! my dad gave me a box full of earrings and rings. but not any kind of earrings, LONG AND BIG EARRINGS W UNUSUAL DESIGNS just how i like them. and some cute rings w rabbit, figures, etc. the colognes smell really well!! i got the nicki minaj perfume in all versions, dior colognes and a box with like 8 different types of victoria’s sprays 🚶🏻‍♀️🚶🏻‍♀️🚶🏻‍♀️
8- a good school year. its only been a month but ive made friends and i find a lot of people WHO SUDDENLY KNOW ME, waving at me in the hallways and im like OH YEAH HI even tho idk who they are?? it feels so goodddddd i feel like an it girl omg 😭😭😭 and also my grades are MAGNIFIC, i got accepted in our honors program and im currently a staff cadet in our military program I DID NOT EVEN KNOW IT WOULD BE POSSIBLE FOR ME TO ACQUIRE A HIGH RANK HERE BUT I DID ITTTT I DID ITTTT IM LEADING :D
yeah i cant remember more but thats all i’ve accomplished so far, see u dont need the void to fucking manifest 🥱🥱🥱🥱 gurllll-
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gotham-daydreams · 7 months
Hun you have probably heard this before but take all the time you need and more! Lol. It's your fic, your idea and there is no need to stress on getting it out so fast. You lose nothing if some people ever get bored of waiting, but honestly i know many (including myself) who have waited double digit months for someone to update their fics. Anyway this is just my short way of saying that It's alright to just relax and have fun. Hope this didn't come off too rude or like im making assumptions about you, if you feel no stress, good. 🖤 And even if tumblr ends up lagging due to the lenght of the fic, you could always split it into two like you talked about before. Take it one step at a time, can't wait to find out what happens next!
Nono you didn't come off as rude or anything at all! Thank you so much for your kind words and everything, they mean a lot 💛💛💛
Though I do feel bad for taking so long since I have been working on it for a while, and even if I will prioritize the quality of Part 3 over getting it out as soon as I can, I am still trying to get to a point where I can get it out in a reasonable amount of time for you guys! And also hopefully produce a Part 3 that will make the wait worth it- even if the length doesn't exactly say anything about the quality of the chapter itself.
Which, trust me, I never intended for Part 3 to be as long as it's becoming now 😅, as I said a bit earlier on another ask, some of the moments that were supposed to be "small/short" are, in fact, not what most would consider short at all :']
I'll be honest and admit that back when I started writing Pt. 3 in September, I honestly thought that the length would be somewhere in between Pt. 1 and Pt. 2 (so about maybe 3/5k - 10k words), only for us to be here. Where Pt. 3 might end up being, (funnily enough) almost 3 times the length of Pt. 2- which I suspect to be around 10k words since by the time I reached 10k on Pt. 3, it was just about as long as Pt. 2.
Pt. 2 alone made tumblr lag on my end, so that's why the length of Pt. 3 is making me so nervous, and though I will split it into two parts if I have to- I will try to keep it as one whole part since, again, I do believe that it's better read that way.
Which, I also keep commenting on the length and everything since, well- Pt. 3 isn't done yet. And I can only look on in slight horror as I keep writing, and knowing I'm not even at the ending yet :']
Regardless of all of that, however, I do deeply appreciate all of you who are waiting, and thank you for your patience and time! I know I haven't been the most active or anything, but I do appreciate everyone and all of the support I've been receiving!! Recently I've reached 1k followers- and have been also trying to think of what to do for that, since that's a huge milestone! And I want to properly thank everyone for the support and everything, but still don't have many ideas for that at the moment :']
Still, thank you so much for everything!
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raygirlramblings · 8 months
Well the people have spoken and are willing for me to indulge in a ridiculously assumptive breakdown of the main 4 characters in the upcoming Captain Laserhawk show. So thank you for that!
Keep in mind the following thoughts are ONLY MY PERSONAL OPINIONS and based COMPLETELY on the trailers and teasers we have been provided with. I know nothing about the show beyond that, I have no connection to the show staff and my word should not be held as gospel. I am ready for the show to completely undermine everything I type here, and you should be prepared for that too ;)
Also this is only going to be a post dissecting the 4 leads (Dolph, Pey’j, Jade and Bullfrog) so no discussion about Rayman or any other characters unless they directly relate to the main 4.
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Also no Cody Rhodes for obvious reasons 🤯
With that out of the way let’s dive into this.
Dolph Laserhawk
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I was perfectly willing to write off our stoic lead as just that. The angst-filled prettyboy who lurks in the background and doesn’t want to get involved with SuperMaxx or the warden’s plans. Dolph isn’t a gung-ho hero type. He doesn’t revel in his skills or even seem to enjoy being a badass. Heck in the Rainbow 6 trailer we can see he can be overpowered in a physical fight if he’s alone. Compared to Alex’s jokes and stunts, Dolph just wants to get the job done without quips. He doesn’t seem to have any particular connection to his new team and particularly doesn’t seem to have time for Bullfrog. He comes across as very much a Sasuke-type. Brooding, introverted and stoic.
But I also see in this character a level of vulnerability which makes him far more interesting. We are told the only reason he is alive and has an arm laser is because of Eden, a corrupt system that turned him into a tool in exchange for his life. Then when he tried to rebel against that system that hurt him he is betrayed by the man he loved, someone he trusted on and off mission.
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This shot of Dolph and Alex lying together says a WHOLE lot with Alex completely relaxed on his back and Dolph snuggled into him. Dolph felt SAFE with Alex. He wasn’t just a lover, he was a trusted ally who would always be there to catch him. It’s no wonder his betrayal stung Dolph so deeply and left him unwilling to ever trust others again.
It will be interesting to see how the group works around this. How do they win the trust of someone who has been hurt this badly, especially when the only reason they are together in the first place is under threat of death. And why should Dolph feel to befriend them? To his mind either they will betray him like everyone else or will die and leave him alone.
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I think it’s obvious that Bullfrog is a favourite character of the show staff. We’ve had the most cannon information presented to us out of the main cast and out of it comes 2 major aspects to Bullfrog’s character. His slightly goofy personality, and his confidence/pride in his abilities.
Despite making jokes and attempting to banter with his team Bullfrog is a formidable fighter unafraid to resort to violence if the situation requires. However much like Dolph he doesn’t kill because he enjoys the bloodshed. It’s work. It’s a means to an end. And while he seems to enjoy the stealth aspects of the job part of me feels that he doesn’t really ENJOY killing if he doesn’t have to. His teaser shows him killing 3 powerful guards to complete his mission, and afterwards he seems tired and downhearted compared to his bravado before their deaths. Generally speaking assassins (especially not Assassins Creed assassins) are not random murderers. They have a strict code they follow to complete their missions, and I just get the feeling that Bullfrog would rather take out obstacles non-lethally until the moment comes he has to kill.
If this is true it will be a fascinating exploration of the character to see him be this goofy guy forced to kill against his own moral code. To put his highly trained skills to the act of espionage for shady purposes at the threat of death if he refuses. Will this break him?
As for his relationships with the other characters it will be fun to see how his humour bounces off them, and whether that is affected upon seeing his incredible abilities in battle. Bullfrog certainly seems to be loyal to his new team, shown in multiple instances to jump into the line of fire to protect them from bullets.
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While relatively under represented in the trailers the strongest trait I take from Pey’j is that he is compassionate to others. He clearly states that he would protect Jade no matter what. We also see him in Bullfrog’s teaser ushering injured people to the safety of a van, and he is confused and horrified when law enforcement would rather shoot at him than help people.
This on top of his seemingly incredible strength and ferocity makes him one of my favourite archetypes, the gruff guy with the heart of gold. Pey’j just comes across as a dude who wants to live in peace but can’t in a corrupt world because everything is cruel and wrong. The injustice of this gives him the energy to keep fighting. So he uses the skills he has to protect the weak and help where he can. I hope the show builds on this and allows his gentle ‘dad’ persona to shine because by god, the team needs it XD.
Judging from the few screenshots and clips we have it seems that Dolph and Pey’j seem to get on well in each other’s company so it will be fun to see what kind of relationship they build. As for Jade, it will be interesting to know how long they have known one another. Either Pey’j dedication to her comes from a long shared history, or it is a new development which speaks to his loyalty and willingness to protect people he sees as worthy.
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Sadly Jade has the least amount of info to go on from official sources so far. She seems to be confident and streetwise, clearly skilled at espionage and undercover work complete with her trusty camera. However I’m glad they showed her displaying some level of vulnerability and didn’t just make her a generic, mean ‘action hero girl’ (kinda like how the Warden is but she is supposed to display authority and coldness).
She is freaked out by the exploding head bomb reveal, we see her being awkward when she’s captured, and she appears to be worried for Pey’j when he swears he’d do anything to protect her. Jade doesn’t seem to be the kind of person to let others control her, but also doesn’t want people to die for her sake. She seems empathetic and curious, and I can’t wait to learn more about her personality and how she interacts with the rest of the team.
Aargh, I with I had more to say about her but really we have so little to go on >_<. She barely even has any lines in the trailers or teasers! I hope this isn’t foreshadowing to her role in the team and in the show.
And that’s what I have so far based on the info I’ve seen. As stated above this is all purely my speculation and I’m ok with being proven wrong by this show and it’s Remix nature.
ALSO if you have your own insights to share or want to call out something I ave missed or got wrong, don’t hesitate to do so! Fandom thrives on conversation and shared experience :)
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222barbie · 2 years
LIFE IS YOUR CREATION: 1 year anniversary
hey y'all! it's me barbie, long time no see ;) it's been one year since my first manifestation post and since my beliefs and my advice have evolved, i wanted to make an anniversary version of "life is your creation" ! i also am planning on making a part two so stay tuned !
have fun and enjoy reading <3
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remember who you are (god)
remember, you are god. the creator of your world. and you have full absolute control over everything. god is limitless, god is capable, and god can do it all. you are the creative force and the operant power. and god can bring their imagination to fruition without the aid of any outside force.
and by external source, i mean that god does not need methods, god does not need techniques, and god does not need anything like that to manifest. you are everything you need.
you want to manifest fame ? you can do it. you want to manifest an sp ? you can do it. money ? you can do it ! a big mac, large fries, with 10pc nuggets with a large drink on the side ? ab-so-lute-ly.
you can manifest anything, anything, because you are a limitless masterpiece - an imaginative being that is a force to be reckoned with. who cares if you don't see a success story about what you want ? be the first. you think that god was watching to see if anyone else had manifested light ? no, he just did it because he was god.
you are the source of everything. so if you want something to happen in your reality it can certainly happen. start accepting and realizing that you can have everything you've always wanted since the only thing standing between you and your goals is you and your thinking.
start changing your perception of who you are and what you are capable of manifesting. you are capable of achieving your dreams because you are limitless and unstoppable.
the power of your imagination
as i said before, everything and anything is possible and there is nothing stopping you from getting your desires. nothing. your circumstances don't matter. if you want it you can have it.
the law of assumption is a law. it must conform, just like the rule of gravity. see, if i dropped a coin from a building it would fall, right ? so my reality would reflect my assumption if i assumed i was the person i wanted to be and stayed true to that idea.
don't underestimate your imagination. all you need is you. you don’t need methods. you don’t need techniques. you are enough already — all you need to do is assume you are the person you want to be, or that you have what you desire, then do nothing. creation is finished.
imagination creates reality. what are you imagining then ? who are you in your thoughts ? do you imagine yourself to be a nobody who only hopes their dreams come true ? or are you a god that already knows they have everything they want and that the 3D will reflect that ?
all the success stories that people have sent into blogs, or success stories by celebrities and famous people have all come from imagination. do not underestimate yourself or think for a second that it's impossible for you to achieve your goals. instead of comparing yourself to others and their successes, start applying the law to see for yourself that you are capable of manifesting your desires and more.
last year i was absolutely shit at math class, and i despised the thought of doing anything with math. this year i retook the course, and decided to change my assumptions on math in general. and i aced an entire worksheet that i thought was difficult, all from changing my assumptions and mindset.
i had a terrible time in math class last year (a shitty teacher too, oh it was horrible) and despised the idea of working with math in any way. i retook the course this year and made the decision to change my assumptions of math in general. changing my assumptions and mindset allowed me to complete the same worksheet (that i thought was challenging last year) with flying colors.
math has become actually pretty fun for me to do and i didn't stress about it at all. now i'm looking towards my next class (with a much better teacher i manifested) !
see, if i can do manifest something that i once thought was possible, so can you. trust me on this !
forever, life is your creation
again, life is your creation. you can manifest anything as long as you put your mind to it. so stop giving power to external things that don't matter. don't be so critical of yourself and overcomplicate every step of your journey. everyone manifests differently, so figure out what feels natural and fun for you. and remember, creation is finished. decide that you're doing everything right because your desires are already yours.
all of your dreams can come true, and i am fully confident that all of you can do it. i love youuu <3
love, barbie ♡
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lynxiesblog · 9 months
hi! i've been listening to subliminals for maybe 2ish years, and I learned about the law of assumption a little bit ago. I have that mindset of whatever I'm manifesting is mine, apart from the occasional stray thoughts, and I see people seeing subliminal results take as long as you think they will but sometimes I feel like I've never gotten any results at all or if I have they've gone away. Especially when it comes to appearance subs I feel like I haven't gotten any results in the time I've been listening to them. Sorry for the rant but if I could get any insight I would rlly appreciate it! <3
No need to apologize my luv :) ♡
I definitely know what you’re talking about — I kinda had the same experience especially when I started manifesting my desired body. I would see the results then after a while they would go away. Before everything you need to convince yourself that your results are permanent no MATTER what, because they literally are. There’s no question about it.
Some tips that’s really helped me :
˚ . ˚✧ Flat out ignoring the fact that I’m manifesting x physical aspect about myself (in my case, it was my body);
some people say whenever you’re manifesting a physical change you shouldn’t focus too much on what you’re seeing in the 3D, but let’s be honest it’s kinda impossible not to😭 . soo, what I did was instead of having a negative reaction towards what the 3D is showing me I would affirm while looking in the mirror saying “omg when did my waist get so small” or “why have my hips gotten so wide all of sudden???” while looking at my body and “acting” as if I was genuinely surprised.
˚ . ˚✧ Affirming as I am falling asleep — I am being so honest if you are “lacking results” literally listen to one subliminal overnight, I say one because you don’t want to oversaturate your brain especially if you’re trying to manifest something new.
++ while I would be falling asleep I would repeat each affirmation 5 times. E.g let’s say I want to have a smaller nose I would affirm :
“I already have a small/ button/ ski slope nose”
“It is an objective fact that i have a small/ button/ ski slope nose”
“I truly know that i have a small/ button/ ski slope nose”
“I can go on with life now, as i know that i already have a small/ button/ ski slope nose.”
“My manifestations are done.”
“I feel all of the joys and sensations of having a small/ button/ ski slope nose immediately.”
“The 3D physical world is simply an illusion and doesn´t determine what’s real. I already and truly have a small/ button/ ski slope nose.”
While affirming, you really have to ACT as if you already have your desire. This method works the fastest in my opinion and for me personally, so I am constantly recommending it ♡
˚ . ˚✧ Changing sub makers / making my own subs — there are many famous sub makers that others get results from that I have never gotten results from or when I did they went away same thing as you. And that is completely fine I would recommend you take out the subliminals that you think don’t work for you and replace them with others <3
Some sub makers that work very well for me are :
Aiko’s potion (to be more specific her symmetrical face sub, princess peach lips sub & body sub) — she’s literally the ONLY sub maker than I got results from when using her symmetrical face sub. I got my results pretty much instantly 😭😭
Kestiny — I just started using her subliminal but they work so so well . Especially her feline eyes sub, friends sub, confidence sub; they are all 10/10’s
I want it, I go it — her pretty privileged sub worked INSTANTLY
Raemi — the clear skin sub worked overnight for me no joke😭
Those are the main people I have in my current playlist and I’ve been getting constant results so you should definitely check them out <3
˚ . ˚✧ TAKE PICTURES OF BEFORE AND AFTER — I cannot stress this enough you won’t notice any changes unless you compare old pictures to recent ones. You don’t have to do this with everything you’re manifesting but with things such as your eyes, nose, jaw, eyebrows, whatever it may be you should definitely take pictures and kinda try to forget about them for a while then taking a new one after couple of days (or even weeks) and compare them. (Try taking the pictures in the same lighting & angle so that you’ll be able to see the difference clearly)
˚ . ˚✧ if you speak a different language (in my case French & Spanish) — you should try making your own subliminals in that language it speeds up your results by a lot :)
I wrote so much I am so sorry😭, I truly hope this helps you. Im always free for you to dm me if you want me to expand more on a point or share my playlist 💕.
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anemoiashifts · 3 months
the law of attraction explained (for reality shifting).
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let me give you a personal example of mine. i really really wanted a volkswagen beetle & after started seeing them everywhere. this is important because the first thing you must understand is that our thoughts create our reality. what we give our attention to has the ability to manifest itself into the physical just by thinking of it. the cars didn't just suddenly appear. what happened was my brain was influencing the 3d & confirming my thoughts because i was giving that thought attention.
now, we have hundreds of thoughts & assumptions everyday. this is why it's so important to pay attention to what you think & how you speak to yourself. to change your circumstances, we must change our thoughts.
going forward, most of these points are taken from the book "the power of awareness" by neville goddard. this is a very simplified explanation & this definitely does not scratch the surface so i encourage you to read. I have linked a free pdf here.
⋅˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚.
♡ loa basics.
the term "i am" is the ultimate definition of self. manifestation is the result of your beliefs & consciousness in the physical. all that you are is your beliefs & the definition you determine for yourself. for you cannot know how other people define you, that speculation is purely assumption based on your beliefs. the only one who can define you is yourself & if you allow yourself, you can be anything. reality is what you make it & an unlimited one at that.
"...steel, when magnetized differs not in substance but from its demagnetized state but in the order & arrangement of its molecules.."
it (steel) is still the same substance, only the particles are rearranged. when these particles are mixed up at random, the particles are demagogues. but when the substance has many particles facing in one direction the substance becomes a magnet. this is exactly how our desires work.
this may seem obvious, but you must want your desires. then, make your want a present fact. assume you have already acquired everything you have ever wanted & you will. persistence is key.
mental & spiritual knowledge are different. you know something by looking at it & by physically seeing it, but you know something internally by feeling it — knowing it to be true.
again, we must change how our mind works before we can begin to see our desires in the 3d. there are no external factors at play, only yourself.
⋅˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚.
♡ "i cannot shift".
considering what i've just told you, by telling yourself you "cannot shift", you are only reaffirming & strengthening that belief. similar to how when you tell someone something enough times, they'll start to believe it — that can also apply to yourself.when you say that you cannot do something you will start to notice all the reasons and barriers that stand in your way of you and your desire (not shifting).
since this is mainly a shifting blog, lets consider the phrases "i cannot shift" vs "i can shift". one has a positive & the other has a negative connotation when in actuality, they are both neutral statements. the reason for the shifting = good / not shifting = bad is because that is the definition you have given it; what you associate it with.
the conformation that you have shifted, cannot be found in the 3d. it is found within yourself & system of beliefs.
⋅˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚.
i've been meaning to make a post like this for sooo long. a few people have requested it on tiktok & honestly i just wasn't sure how far in depth i should go. hope this helps some of you <3 !
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sencubussubs · 5 months
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Loving Yourself in manifestation
(adorable banner art by Nekosuke)
I, like most law of assumption content creators, preach self concept. I’ve talked in a previous post about what self concept is and little ways you can incorporate it into your daily life but today i want to emphasize the inner love and respect for yourself that manifestation both uses and heightens. (This is a bit of a ramble be aware)
in brief, since i have talked about it before, your dominant thoughts about yourself, what you are capable and deserving of, and how you see yourself in relation to others (all your self concept) reflect into the world around you (the 3D). Most of you should be familiar with this sentiment, it is a large part of LOA(ss) after all :3
This does not mean however, which the law of attraction community often misconstrue, that you have to feel good and amazing all the time. You do not have to be a ray of sunshine to manifest anything. You are allowed to have bad days, you are allowed to feel upset. The important part is that you KNOW you are a person worthy of respect, love and your desires.
something i love about law of assumption, is that many people come to this community and the law feeling lack - desperate for something or someone and believing they need it or them to be worthy, happy or even just okay. But with doing the techniques and really learning of the law, they create a good self concept and they realise their own worth and value.
Something i love about the law is the inner transformation you go through. Most people come to the law in a state of lack as they are desperate for someone or something and - though they may not realise it - believe this thing or person will make them worthy, happy or have value. Once they are introduced to self concept and really start applying it though, it really changes all of this: this feeling of inner fulfilment, happiness and worthiness just for being you! This feeling of content and happiness just for being me is unmatched, truly.
No person or thing is going to give you value, the only meaning or value assigned to anything is that which you give to it. And the person who deserves to be assigned the most value is YOU babe.
The neural pathways that we have built over time are mostly reflections of our societies’/community’s/family’s norms. Most societies preach being humble, not being overly optimistic, always looking for worst case scenario. As we grow up these dominant, core thoughts become reflected back to us. But, as put by bashar, this makes us belief thief’s. it’s silly but i think it’s important to learn that you do not have to hold on to anyone else’s beliefs. That which does not serve you, bye bye!
Of course i like to be humble, but i think it’s often pushed way further than that to not even believe in your own inherent worth in fear of being selfish. i choose to believe in my power, my looks, my personality and my worthiness. I am fully aware that i can have bad days and that things go wrong - and even though i’m sure i could manifest even this away, i prefer to live my life and have my world like this - but i refuse to have a mindset that always assumes the worst. after all, our assumptions reflect back in the 3D. You deserve to assume that things always work out for you and as you assume it so it shall be :)
quick side note, two affirmations that have really helped me to unlearn assuming the worst:
- All is well, all will be well
- Everything is always working out for me, no matter how it looks at any given point in time.
Okay, having discussed the importance of self concept and identifying with assumptions and beliefs that serve you, back to the main point of this sort of appreciation post. Though your journey may start from a state of lack, the change in self concept brings not only your manifestations but also so much happiness and fulfilment. Now this is gonna sound silly to longer time loa lovers as of course the whole point is to embody the state of wish fulfilled, and that’s gonna make you feel good, but i feel like many new manifestors - at least definitely me when i started - don’t realise the true fulfilment and happiness within yourself that this journey will give you.
What at first seems like a chore and silly little affirmations to get a goal, becomes little smiles throughout the day when i remember how happy i am to be me.
it is the greatest reward.
saph <3
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strugglingatart · 24 days
So I posted this and people actually did care (exactly 2 but hey! that's enough for me! So here are my ideas of how I would/how I think they will stage the show, let's flaunt my scenic design degree baby!. Now a few caviats before I start:
I have only ever worked with scripted content before, of course I only did things I think will be possible BUT I'm not 100% on all logistics of this type of content.
These are all very rough sketches, I couldand still might do more acurate/detailed models and drawings and floor plans but wanted to at least post these/talk about them also I have so few correct measurments I cry
I am just a fan and also haven't been to the Madison Square Garden so I'm going off just the info and pics I could find on the internet and some assumptions both irl and in game
ok so obvi we will use the HELL out of the screens the venue has for close ups and more images in general
1) This is what I think they'll actually do: just a round table in the center with as many camera angles as possible so everyone sees everything and probably the same seating arangment, maybe some projections but those are harder with arena seating bc it could easily block ppls views
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2) This is what I would do actually do personally: make the battle map and the minis on a larger scale (but not super huge) each intrepid heroe gets their own podium decorated to fit their character, Brennan obvi gets a podium as well but his is just NYC themed like an extention of the DM screen art
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3) A bonus one: now, this will not happen because logistics and budget wise it would be a nightmare, but it would be SO COOL so I'm putting it here: so the whole "stage area" becomes the battle map, statues, like half a person sized, of the PCs that each intrepid heroe actually moves around(and they'd be rolling/having their character sheets on tablets so they're free to move) and Brenan has a slew of stage hands to move all his characters and all so it'd feel way more theatrical and you could use lighting to enphasize spells and it'd be so cool there is no drawing for this bc it's not realistic and in order for it to work as a drawing I'd need to know what the actual battle map IS bc it becomes the scenery and we don't know that
Shoutout to @queerpiratebrainrot and @blueberryblogger for saying they cared I actually had fun coming up with these and also with having to remeber they don't work from scripts was an interesting aspect that didn't make a diffrence on the finished ideas as much but did completely change my whole process
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antlerqueer · 9 months
hii, megan! I hope everything is going well for you. I was wondering if you'd be willing to share how you created the gifs and images overlay effect in this /post/727210103698259968/scott-pilgrim-2010-lgbtqcreators-bingo pretty set? Have a nice day.
I will do my best!
First and foremost shout out to @nelsonnicks Norah whose beautiful gif set here inspired me!
In order to make this as succinct but also thorough as possible, there are some assumptions this tutorial makes:
We are working in photoshop
You know how to make a gif using photoshop
You know how to use the timeline feature to make/edit gifs
Okay let's learn how to make this gif:
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(Due to Tumblr's image number limitations, there is a PART TWO linked where I add that "item" and gif, which you can find by clicking this entire sentence.)
STEP ONE: The Image Overlay
Pick your image! Here's the one I've picked, I cropped a page of the graphic novel:
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From there, I'm going to click on that magic wand tool:
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And select subject (crudely circled for emphasis)
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If it's not perfect, you can either use the quick selection tool to refine the selection before or continue on with these steps and use the eraser later. I do both, but it's up to you.
Now I have a lasso around the subject, and I'll click that "Select and Mask" button next to "Select Subject"
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Now I can see what my lasso'd image looks like against a white background, and I see that it's pretty good, nothing I can't fix with an eraser if I really want to later.
If the image looks rougher than you were expecting, use the SMOOTH option and play around with that slider.
If it looks a bit more smooth than you wanted (not clear defined lines where you were aiming for clear defined lines) use the CONTRAST option and play with that.
And if you wanted a little more or less around the edges, you can use the SHIFT EDGE tool to grab like 1px-ish of additional space.
Anyway, I like what I've got, so I am gonna CLICK OK
And I'll either cut or copy it onto a new file, and throw away my scraps.
Now it's time to add my character details! I'll use the same format I did for the original set here, and create 3 equal-sized rectangles using this lovely shape tool tool:
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So my working file now looks like this:
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I move the rectangles closer, I'll want them behind the image of Ramona after but here's just what it looks like while I'm adjusting them.
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Then I add the text:
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Now, it looks like when I put the bars behind her it'll cut off her name! I don't want that, so I'll adjust the side of the bar for her name and scoot it over....
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Now I'll adjust those layers to be closer together and behind Ramona...
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And this is what my screen looks like now!
It looks how I want it, so now I'm gonna merge all of the layers EXCEPT the background layer. This makes it so the part that's merged has a transparent background.
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Highlight the layers, right click, and find the "Merge Layers" option
And now it looks like this:
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Step one COMPLETE. Great job. Have you been drinking water? It helps you think clearer. Or something.
STEP TWO: Make the gif you want. Sorry I'm not doing this step-by-step it would be so long I'm sorry!!!
STEP THREE: Put Ramona on the gif!
So I just use the selection tool and make a square around my bestie Ramona here to create this:
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And then paste her right on top of my gif here:
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Woah! She's ginormous!
Let's resize her by hitting CTRL+T....
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This is where we get a little creative. Personally? I think the font is legible, but doesn't look nice now that I've resized it. So I'm going to back to the original file and UNDO my last action (merging the files):
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And hit CTRL + T on the Ramona layer (Layer 1 pictured) and adjust her size:
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Time to merge these layers again, and redo the process:
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MEGAN SHE'S LARGE AGAIN! I know, I'd rather work with big files I have to make smaller than small files I have to make bigger. Sue me.
Resize the layer, make any adjustments to the gif you have under it in terms of placement/size:
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And WHEW we got this part done.
STEP FOUR: Add color overlay
I'm gonna make her color overlay blue like her cartoon hair, so I'll eyedrop tool her hair:
Go to Layer:
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Add new, and then using a regular brush at like 5000px just click onto that new layer, and...
Bump that layer under your Ramona cut-out,
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Go back to the layer drop-down menu, and select Blending options...
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And this little menu will pop up:
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MAKE SURE YOU HAVE THE PROPER LAYER SELECTED FOR THIS. Otherwise you're going to be very confused.
See where it says "Blend Mode" and it has a drop down under normal? For these purposes, I'm gonna use the drop down and select COLOR:
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Now you can see that all-blue layer in the background now is showing the original gif behind it, but you know your original gif? "I know of it." It's all blueee. /ref
This is what it should look like:
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Before I go any further, I'm going to check my timeline to make sure this is covering the WHOLE duration of the gif:
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It does, so let's drag that bar on the right to line up with the end of the gif:
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All fixed!
So now we've got this:
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Oh man! See those white spaces between her arms? I'm gonna go back and fix those now, fortunately I can edit it directly on the full file itself, by just editing that layer.
Using my magic wand tool, I'm selecting those white spaces between her arms and her jacket and deleting them-
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She's not perfect but you can always be nit-picky and zoom in really close and refine with the eraser.
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quinloki · 1 year
*pirouettes in again* Hello hello! If you're up for it, for the kink ask game, may I request Smoker and Drake with Cum Marking, Voyeurism and Formal Wear? Thannkssss your headcanon are giving me life <3
Oh you are always welcome <3 \o/ My favorite clumsy trash panda xD
You know, I really REALLY wanna add Sir Crocodile to this, so I hope you don't mind me including him at the end ^_^
I am admittedly, unsure about your inclusion of "formal wear" in this context, but I have some (I believe) solid assumptions, so I'm going to go with my gut - and if you had something else in mind, don't be afraid to speak up!
Alright let's do this - I'll save my personal indulgence until the end XD
X Drake:
Cum Marking - FUCK Yes - Neither of you are sure if it's a him thing, or part of his devil fruit. There's just something in his eyes when he cums on you. Your back, your thighs, your stomach, your face, it doesn't matter where, so long as it's there and he either rub it into your skin or watch it dry. It's like being sure that his scent is on you, whether someone else noticed it and took heed or not was on them, he was just content to know it was there.
Voyeurism - Yes - Primal play concerns him because he's worried about losing control of the instincts in his devil fruit. That said, watching you is a little like stalking you - pre-hunt kind of stalking, and it gets his blood pumping whether he wants to admit it or not. But you're only for him to watch. This isn't a show for others, and he's not sharing his prey.
Prey that knows they're being hunted, certainly, there's no way you're accidentally giving him such a beautiful show.
Formal Wear - Sure - He's not against getting dressed up, but it's not high on his list. Pirate's son to marine to undercover agent, he's just never cared for the red tape of formal occasions in general. Certainly he looks good in a suit - so does everyone, and you look amazing dressed up, but you look amazing naked underneath him. The wrapping matters little, but he will admit that slowly slipping those delicate pieces of clothes of you. Making you stand there as he unbuttoned, unzipped, and undressed you, carefully setting the expensive pieces aside before devouring you whole.
It wasn't a bad change of pace.
Cum Marking - Sure - On you, in you; for Smoker it doesn't matter so much. What marks you best is the scent of his smoke. He smells like his cigars, you're not entirely convinced the cigars don't just smell like him, since he is smoke. However the lines blur is irrelevant. He'll mark you however you want him to, and he has stamina enough to be sure you're thoroughly covered in cum and smoke by the end of it.
At the end of the day there'll be no question you're his.
Voyeurism - FUCK Yes - He works long hours and there's little more that's more relaxing than watching you while he gets to sit back and enjoy the show. The first time you waltzed into a room buck-ass naked, going about your day like you weren't bandying about nude and told him he was always welcome to look he took it to heart.
He enjoys everything from watching you do little chores around the house, to laying yourself out in all your glory and giving him an enticing show. He'll even watch you at times you aren't completely certain he is - but whenever there's a chance that he's watching you privately you always give him a lil' show.
Formal Wear - Yes - He's not a big fan of dressing up, but he'll endure it (and look damn good in the meantime) in order to see you all done up alongside him. He certainly enjoys getting you out of your nice clothes than he does seeing you in them, and if you've been teasing him all evening - whatever the occasion may be - then you better help him undress you if you like what you were wearing.
He's generally a patient enough man, but he's not gentle enough to promise that he won't just rip that wrapping aside to get to what he wants.
Sir Crocodile:
Cum Marking - FUCK Yes - Every way that he can mark you, he wants to. Covering you in the heat of his sand, in the wetness of his pleasure, in the scent of his cigars - biting you, lining your body with the red marks of ropes and crops, even more permanent adornments like tattoos and such. Marking you inside and out with his cum might be the most temporary option available, but he's no less into it. You're his, his prey, his love, his partner - others can dare to lay their eyes upon you, but they'll know you're his.
If their smart, they'll even sort it out before they get on Crocodile's bad side.
Voyeurism - Oh god you don't even know - Let him watch you. Let the world watch you for all he cares. So long as your actions are for him, and your noises are because of him, he doesn't care who else sees. Put on a show for him, by all means. Every curve and turn and twitch of your body belongs to him, and if you're lucky, it's because you've given it all over willingly.
It may seem like he's being gentlemanly, when he stops himself from touching you before you're ready. It may seem kind and smooth for him to close the distance while waiting so patiently for your reply before he devours you. In all honestly, he's completely fine just watching you. Watching you struggle, watching you move through thoughts and decisions, watching you slips beneath the grains of sand that make your stance unsteady.
Again and again, he'll lay his trap. Wait patiently. Purr at you softly and reassuringly. And then smile like the beast he is, as you walk yourself into the waiting jaws that will never release you again.
Formal Wear - FUCK Yes - Crocodile looks good. He looks good without a scrap of clothing on, but the man knows how to dress. He has good taste, and he'll have you both the center of attention no matter where you go. To Match without matching, to dress so elegantly that you ride the line of simplistic and overstated with such skill that magazines have declared new trends in your honor (and his).
But more than seeing you dressed so perfectly, he loves to just rip the clothes from you. He has the funds to have you perfectly dressed again the next day. Hell, he could have whatever you want completely replicated, as often as you like, but the tattered remnants of what you had been wearing will fall to the floor. His patience doesn't exist for unwrapping you, and anytime he manages to show a kindness to your clothes it is completely for your sake that he restrains himself.
... I went a little hard at the end, but um, I had thoughts.
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sequincult · 3 months
Return of the Floyd Part 4
(part 1 can be read here) (part 2 can be read here) (part 3 can be read here) *KA-CHUNK* The sudden jarring sound of the elevator gears engaging reverberates through the walls, startling all but its seasoned operator. As it descends, Floyd and Poppy’s expressions could not be any more different. Poppy has an air of excitement emanating from her. She was clearly ecstatic about finally entering Branch’s bunker as he’d never let ANYONE in before… what an honour! Still, she tried to seem nonchalant, as not to come across as insensitive. Not that that was working particularly well, judging by the overwhelming grin on her face. In contrast, Floyd’s expression ached with dread. He knew what was coming was going to be difficult to say the least. He’d truly have to confront the reality of Branch’s situation, the mess he inadvertently helped to create. Every second of their descent felt like an entire week to him, until finally, they came to a halt.
“Welp, here we are. Please, do not make yourself at home.” Branch groans as he spins around to look at the pair before his face sharply scrunches in confusion. Why does Poppy look so cheerful? Floyd looks appropriately miserable, but what’s the deal with her? 
“You look, err, happy Poppy!” He takes a prolonged, exaggerated breath. “Why.”
His sudden shift in tone breaks her out of her trance.
“What? Huh? Oh! I’m just happy you’ve let Floyd in! Haha!”
“Right… Oh yeah, there’s no seats. Of course. It’s not like I have guests after all. So just sit on the ground I suppose, if that’s not too improper for you, Princess…” the venom on his tongue with that last word was surprising, even for Branch.
“I can sit on the floor quite comfortably, actually. You can’t just make assumptions like that!”
“Yes I can, and I will.” He cocks his head and puts on his brightest faux smile, sarcastically patting the ground beside him. After which they sit down awkwardly on the cold, hard ground of the bunker.
“So, uhm, Branch? I have something I want to say.” Floyd breaks the silence and speaks for the first time since they’d arrived.
“Gee, I wonder what insightful things you have to say to me today. Wanna mention how ‘dull’ I am again?”
“Shhh.” Poppy swiftly raises her finger to her lips. “Let him talk Branch.”
Floyd takes a deep breath. “I’m… sorry. I’m sorry that we argued yesterday. I’m sorry that I didn’t know what to say when I saw you.” His hands ball up. “I’m sorry that I left, that I was stupid enough to think that you’d just *magically* be ok. That nothing bad would ever happen to Grandma. That nothing bad would happen to me. I just want to try and be here for you now, like I always should’ve been.” He tentatively reaches out his hand to Branch, who seems to consider it for a brief second, before hunching his shoulders and turning away.
“J-just because you apologised doesn’t mean I’ll let you stay here.”
“I’m not stupid Branch, I know an apology won’t fix everything… but we’ve got to start somewhere.”
He crosses his arms like a child. “Hmph. Sure. You’re only being nice to me so I’ll help you.”
“No, it’s because you’re my little brother. Why wouldn’t I be nice to you? Don’t you remember how close we were?”
 “But when you showed up yesterday… all I did was yell at you. I was so mad I didn’t even notice your hand.” 
“Branch it’s ok, we can talk about it.” He reaches his hand to hold Branch’s, but soon after Branch snatches his away.
“NO!” he buries his face deeply into his hands in a desperate attempt to quell his emotions.
“You are NOT a waste of time!” Floyd and Poppy speak out simultaneously. Floyd had almost forgotten she was there. She clearly wasn’t the best at dealing with negative emotions, but Branch’s self hatred must have broken her heart too.
“Ha, try telling that to any troll in the village… you know how they talk about me. Don’t you Poppy.”
“Branch… you’re none of those things. If we didn’t want to help you, we wouldn’t be here! I know the other trolls don’t always understand you, but that doesn’t mean they hate you! And… if it’s about your brothers I’m sure them leaving you must of been hard, but it’s not your fault.”
“YOU WEREN’T THERE! How the hell would YOU know…”
“I was there Branch” Floyd interjects. “And I know it wasn’t your fault. It was John’s obsession with perfection that caused the rift within the group. The concert was simply the last straw, you likely weren’t old enough to remember most of what happened.” 
“I KNOW what I remember. I couldn’t hit the family harmony and everything fell apart. Now just… let me look at your hand.”
Floyd sighs and places his wrist on the ground for Branch to inspect.
“Hmm. It seems like it’s only made it up to your wrist so far. I have no idea if it’s reversible though.”
“So far? Is this how it happened to you?”
He shakes his head. “No. It came all at once.”
“Oh… Do you know if there’s anything we can do?”
“I’m not really sure, but since colour is likely related to mood, attempting to improve that could reverse it. Or at least prevent it spreading. The more it spreads the harder it’ll be to feel happy at all.”
After a brief silence, Poppy scoots closer to Branch.
“Well, I think I know something that might make Floyd feel a lil better…”
“I had a feeling you were going to say that.”
She scoots even closer, looking up at him with the most adorable expression she can summon.
“Well??? PLEAAASEEE???”
“Ugh fine. He can stay. BUT only until he feels better.”
“YAY!!” Poppy rushes over and squeezes Branch as tight as she can, much to his chagrin of course.
“HEY HEY! No hugging ok? My bunker, my rules.”
“Oh, sure. Guess I got a little excited.” She releases him and backs off towards the exit.
“Alright, I’ll head out for now, I hope you two can get along tonight!”
Branch does a double take as she prepares to leave.
“Wait a second, do you even know how to operate the elevator?”
“I think I know how to push a lever Branch.”
“Yeah yeah, just don’t break anything or I’ll never speak to you again.”
“It’s not like you speak to me that much anyway.” She sasses as she struts over to the lift and puts great emphasis on her ability to use a lever, pulling it down with great force.  “Bye Bye!! See you later!” She calls out as she ascends, contorting herself to view them for as long as she possibly can until the platform raises above her eye level.
Branch lets out a sigh of relief.
“Phew. Well, at least she’s gone.”
“Oh, you don’t like Poppy then? I think she’s quite nice.”
“Ugh god no! She NEVER leaves me alone.”
Floyd raises and eyebrow and points past his brother. “If you hate her so much, what’s with all those invitations you’ve kept over there?”
Branch’s face drops as he realises he didn’t have time to hide them before they arrived.
“Uh, uhmm… That’s… my recycling pile! Yeah! She gives me soooo many that they build up. Oh, and by the way, I’m fairly sure I said you could stay here, not snoop around.”
“Ok sure. Tooootally.” 
“Whatever! Just don’t go nosying through my bunker. Now follow me and I’ll show you your room.”
“But Branch… I remember the art you made. We shared a room, didn’t we?”
“Huh.” He turns his head over his shoulder to glance straight at his brother. “I guess I changed my mind.”
Floyd stops in his tracks.
“You really know how to make my heart hurt Branch.”
“Good. Think of it as an exercise in empathy… now you know a teeny, tiny little fraction of how you and your deadbeat brothers made ME feel.” 
“We’re your brothers too. And how is that supposed to help me feel better.”
“It won’t. That’s what sleeping’s for. It’s the only time I get to be happy.”
They continue their walk through the tunnels in a painful silence, giving some Floyd time to observe his new home. He couldn’t help but be impressed by the sheer scale of the bunker, with its seemingly endless hallways and rooms full of supplies. He notices a few areas are still under construction. How long had he been building this? How long had Grandma been…
“We’re here. I’ll wake you at six, ok.” He holds open the door and nods his head in the direction of the entrance.
“Oh, ok then… Goodnight Branch.”
“Right, yeah… Uh, seeya.” He quickly shuts the door before scurrying back to his room and hurling himself into his bed.
“WHY did I have to let them in…” He mutters to himself. But deep down he knows that Floyd wasn’t just going to go away. The sooner he deals with it, the sooner he leaves. And then things can go back to normal!
“Yeah.” He yawns. “Normal…”
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adambja · 7 months
When will you share us ur void tape experiment results? Is there anybody who reached void with it?🥰
Basically if you are asking about the first void state tape experiment day 1 & 2 are up also days from 3 to 7 are private but I will make them public once I finish coaching with all that load of clients I got and upload all the paid tapes and the free tapes to YouTube so yeah!!
About the first experiment and how it went - I will make it short for you look one person entered using my tape (they actually entered before using my tape too) but they really didn't affirm for their dream life and all the others felt so confident about entering their void and symptoms but they didn't really do it and then that's it
I found out that the issue was on the self-concept part even emotions and other personal assumptions they had so yeah!!
This was the first void state tape I have
Sooo I made another void state tape V2
Everything about it is here 👇🏻
You can fill the form there and just join me with this journey of making a powerful paid tape that really works for everyone and %100 guaranteed whatever they worked on changing their self-concept or not!!
Also it has the neurons benefit I just made it makes you literally lose your connection to your senses completely and enter your void naturally
I personally tried it and didn't feel my body within one min of just doing nothing I just wanted it and it happened on its own and someone else tried it too and it worked with them
But idek how will it work with people who didn't enter the void before so that's what we will know and I am sure it will work with everyone here and yes
This tape is paid but the tape in the experiment is for free!!! Because you are giving me your review so you are getting the tape for free at the end without any restrictions
So yeah I think all of this is pretty lit and guys
The restrictions I added aren't bad things it's just for me to get my experiment straight I mean AT THE END IF YOU DO EVERYTHING RIGHT YOU GONNA GET YOUR TAPE FROM ME BECAUSE YOU LITERALLY getting it for nothing BY GIVING ME SIMPLE THING LIKE just your review and how it went with you
And finally
This experiment might begin in December and make sure you accept and read all the rules before filling the form!!
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luvelylili · 2 years
48 hour challenge results !!
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the updates
- clear skin.
ok so, my skin isn’t 100% crystal clear but my pimples became smaller and like, another thing i affirmed for was glass skin and the overall skin on my face is much smoother and even now. like it’s not a major glow up but i can notice an improvement since the first day, and i can tell that in a few days my skin will actually be fully clear, so i’m happy with these results.
- sleep paralysis.
honestly i wasn’t expecting to get sleep paralysis, nor was i even trying because i actually was away from home, on vacation during the weekend and sharing a room with my family members so i wasn’t about to start doing my method with people all around me. i know i don’t need a method like wbtb for sleep paralysis but, for me, the closest i got to sp was with this method. anyways, i didn’t get it. but i was able to strengthen my assumptions surrounding sleep paralysis and i feel like affirming positively for it like i did these past 48 hours only did me good. sooo, my goal for the future is to just keep persisting. usually this would be the part of my journey in which i give up due to not seeing any movement in the 3d but i know better now and now is the time i have to persist the most, there’s always movement and since i have my desire (sleep paralysis) right now in the 4d it is only a matter of time before it shows up in my 3d soon enough. why? because my 3d perfectly reflects my 4d, no matter what, because i said so.
- best case scenarios.
ok this!!! this was the best results i got from this challenge! i was on vacation with my family and i was kinda dreading it because they are all really close and even though they make an effort to include me and always are super sweet to me, i oftentimes felt like an outsider but this time that was not the case at all. i had so much fun!! literally everything went perfectly, it was like we were together all the time and it honestly was just such a blast. i really had not wanted to go but now i’m so so so happy.
+ other successes.
- on the day we were leaving for vacation, my uncle who was meant to pick me up texted at 3am that he would pick us up at 10am but i was asleep and didn’t see the text. so i woke up in the morning at 9:40 am and had to pack and get ready and i was panicking and then i affirmed like 3x ‘everything always works out perfectly for me’ and then literally 10 seconds later i get a text from him saying he was actually coming at 10:30am
- i saw 3 shooting stars!! (i always wanted to see one and i’d never seen one before)
- i felt super comfortable in my own skin! i wasn’t overthinking every little thing i did and was able to just relax and enjoy the moment and the company of the people i was with. i didn’t feel self conscious in a bikini, i didn’t feel judged for being myself and i just felt happy overall.
final thoughts
i enjoyed this challenge! having a clear outline of my goals and affirmations really helped me and it felt so good to see things fall into place just by controlling my thoughts. i reminded myself that i am god. i am the operant power and i am the one who has power over the 3d, not the other way around. i loved having my affirmations listed out on my original post because i was able to keep going back to them and affirm whenever i wanted. i still have a long way to go but i think this was a great challenge not only because i got results, but also because i was able to work on my loa skills by being mindful of my mental diet and being consistent with the same affirmations for the 48 hour duration of the challenge. this is also a really good challenge for beginners to try since it is short and really allows you to witness your own power by bringing desires to you in a period of 48 hours.
thank you @zen-shu for creating this challenge!! <3
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abrahamvanhelsings · 9 days
CURRY. hi, it's me again just realized i should also have asked for metternich/rossini (i am 100% serious)
going to give you a 100% serious answer. do i think they fucked? not historically but do i think in another world they might have? by god. yes. i am not exaggerating when i say that metternich was genuinely one of rossini's biggest fans, and that's saying something bc rossini had half of europe eating from the palm of his hand at the height of his popularity. i haven't read much on their interactions, and i think there's nothing on their... situationship specifically. they're briefly mentioned in various literature, and im not sure where the primary sources concerning their relationship (like letters) can be found. it's kind of hard to get a good grip on what they were to each other, bc one author will simply say that rossini was metternich's favourite composer and then another will say they were friends. however i read an article on metternich's use of music in diplomatic settings recently, Damien Mahiet, 'The Musical Diplomacy of Metternich', Diplomatica 3:2 (2018), and that really got me thinking abt how they could've been something. in my mind. for real. going to add some screenshots here:
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It's clear from this article at least that they interacted on a level that, to me, goes beyond 'guy who hired another guy', but that they really talked about music together. also, not unimportant to mention that metternich played the violin as an amateur himself, so he really did know what he was about! this is what i mean when i say they interacted on a more casual level:
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extremely funny to me that rossini would complain abt this to metternich, like the gossip... these two were hitting it off. what's also really important to me is how metternich wrote abt rossini to dorothea lieven (the wife of the russian ambassador in london who he had a situationship with, also btw a very interesting woman bc politically she was arguably a more influential figure than her husband the ambassador):
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"a very nice chap"
"he consistently touches a sensitive string in my heart" :')
metternich going 'fuck beethoven his vibes are miserable and his music repetitive. rossini is everything to me btw' has me on the floor lmfao?
"a lifelong passion for the work of rossini in particular"
rossini saying that metternich really understood music >> they were talking deep into the night i know it
in a wild turn of events metternich hated court life and the public, societal nature associated with politics and diplomacy. he really much preferred to be at home with his wife and children (and to have long conversations through letters with his mistresses, which is a whole other interesting aspect of his life, but before anyone starts making assumptions, i must state he was also happily married to his wives - id have to make a whole post abt early 19th century upper class relationship conventions and metternich's specific ideas on love to dive into this). but ?? to say abt listening to music, and apparently rossini's music in particular in such public settings, "i live in a moment when the rays of the sun enter the darkness of my jail" ?????
also there's these other bits that show metternich was SUCH a fan like he really did everything to get rossini to perform at places. and partly this was bc of his diplomatic efforts through music, of course, but that he chose rossini in particular is bc he thought he was the god of harmony and thee best person for the job. and i like to imagine he also wanted to talk to his bestie in person:
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and ROSSINI STILL WROTE TO METTERNICH IN 1858 talking abt "the brilliant days" and their friendship from almost 40 years ago. brother.
so there's this for the historical aspect of their relationship. now it's of course also very interesting to me that metternich was considered to be very attractive by standards of the time, plus he was abt 20 years rossini's senior which :) i love me an age gap (and so did metternich's third wife as ive shown you lol). lot of ways to do something very interesting with this whole dynamic. plus i think there's plenty of room for angst if we consider metternich's conservative policies against rossini's politics which are always kind of... ambiguous, but there's a lot to say abt the opera's he created and what did and did not shine through in those. also the fact that despite whatever political differences they had it clearly did not prevent them from being friends bc of the power of music <3
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