#i continue to surprise and surpass myself
feehippielove · 1 year
I'm so proud of myself. It's really wild watching myself become the person I want to be - slowly but surely
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doumadono · 3 months
Hii douma! May I request Shoto just in love? Just him being in love for the very first time and the concept of love just so foreign to him? Have a great day/night!
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The cold spring air of U.A. High School's training grounds swept across Shoto Todoroki's face, his distinctive heterochromatic eyes glancing stoically at the horizon. As he approached the courtyard, the brisk wind tousled his dual-toned hair, and for the first time, a peculiar sensation stirred within him. It was an emotion he hadn't experienced before, a feeling that seemed to thaw the icy demeanor that usually defined him, yet he couldn't put a finger on what was it.
As the son of Endeavor, emotions had never been a territory he explored willingly. However, this day would mark a shift, an unexpected twist in the stoic narrative of Todoroki's life.
Shoto was no stranger to intense emotions. Anger, resentment, and the relentless pursuit of self-discovery had been his companions for as long as he could remember. But this was different – a foreign concept that had invaded the carefully constructed fortress around his heart.
As he walked past the cherry blossom trees, their delicate petals swirling in the air, his gaze landed on a figure standing by the fountain.
It was you, a fellow classmate whose presence had recently begun to captivate him. You were a presence in his life that had begun to defy categorization. You were just a person — a puzzle piece that didn't quite fit the mold he'd grown accustomed to. He admired you from afar, appreciating your strength and determination in both academics and combat.
It began innocently, Shoto noticed. A shared glance across the classroom, a casual comment during training, and the casual camaraderie of shared laughter. But as days unfolded, the puzzle piece shifted, creating a mosaic he hadn't anticipated. He was no stranger to intensity; after all, his own quirk bore the duality of fire and ice. Yet, this newfound sentiment was a flame of a different kind, uncharted and unsettling.
"Hey," he called out, his voice surprisingly steady despite the internal turmoil.
You turned towards him, a quizzical smile gracing your lips. "Todoroki, hey. Is everything okay?"
Shoto hesitated, his usual calm exterior cracking just a bit. "I… I wanted to talk."
Curiosity sparked in your eyes as you nodded, inviting him to continue.
"I've been thinking," Shoto began, his usually concise words replaced by a rare vulnerability. "About feelings. Emotions. And there's something I can't quite comprehend."
You listened intently, sensing the gravity of Shoto's words. "What is it?"
"I've always been driven by my goals, my desire to surpass my limits, and the need to prove my father wrong," he continued, "but lately, I find myself caught in a different struggle. It's like a flame inside me, burning with an intensity I can't control."
You tilted your head, intrigued. "Oh?"
Shoto nodded, his gaze meeting yours with an intensity that surprised even himself. "It's a distraction, an enigma that I can't unravel. It's like standing at the edge of a precipice, uncertain of the fall," he admitted, a rare flicker of uncertainty crossing his features.
Your lips curled into a gentle smile. "Love, Todoroki. It sounds like you're in love."
Todoroki's brows furrowed, the word foreign on his tongue. Love. A concept he'd analyzed in textbooks but never expected to encounter firsthand.
You smiled gently, understanding the conflict within him. "Love is complex, Shoto. It's not something you can control or quantify. It's a force that binds us together, that makes us vulnerable and strong at the same time."
Shoto absorbed your words, his internal battle slowly subsiding. "I don't know how to navigate this unfamiliar territory."
You reached out, placing a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "It's okay not to have all the answers. Love is a journey, not a destination. Take your time, Todoroki."
"I think… I might be in love with you," he confessed, the admission hanging in the air like the delicate petals of cherry blossoms.
Your eyes widened, a subtle blush adorning your features. "Todoroki, that's…" you began, but he silenced you with a tender touch as he placed his hand to your rosy cheek.
"Let me finish," he whispered, his breath mingling with the soft evening breeze. "I might not fully understand it, but I know that being around you feels just right. I love spending my time with you, it doesn't matter if we just chat or study together."
A heartbeat passed between you, the air charged with unspoken emotions. And then, in a moment both tender and profound, Shoto leaned in, placing a gentle kiss to your cheek. It was a sweet, hesitant kiss, a step into the uncharted territory of love.
As he looked at you, the world around seemed to fade, leaving only the two of you in the quiet embrace newfound feelings. Shoto's stoic facade melted away, revealing a vulnerability.
A quiet moment passed before you chuckled, breaking the tension. "Well, that's unexpected. I never thought I'd be the one to thaw Todoroki's icy heart."
A small, hesitant smile tugged at Todoroki's lips. Embracing the vulnerability he rarely allowed himself to show, Shoto took a deep breath. "Would you mind if I… explore this feeling with you?"
"I'd like that, Shoto," you replied, reaching your hand out to intertwine your fingers with his.
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gangplanksorenji · 5 months
Kinknuary Day 18: Voyeurism
Pairing: Kang Hyewon, Kwon Eunbi x Male Reader
Word Count: 8,725
[Kinknuary Masterlist]
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“Is she even near, Eunbi-ah?”
Eunbi faintly winces and clicks her tongue, “Come on, just be patient, babe—she’ll be here soon, don’t worry.”
Her small attempts of reassurance even ignites your anxiety because you are a man who doesn’t get his time wasted, not even a second for nothing—two beliefs: time is gold and that your patience is as thin as paper—yet gladly, Eunbi’s reassuring tone and her practice of making your patient subdue such ephemeral advances and that alone, makes you appreciate her even more.
Apart from her being such an absolute gem and often you describe as the epitome of perfection, you can see how heart stands out amongst the rest—even though her physical features made you fall in love with her, it’s her personality that made you fully commit onto loving her and that’s the wonder of Kwon Eunbi.
You won't find a girl like her that can treat you like you’ve always wanted: full of love, compassion and intimacy—yes, and you won’t dare to find one because your heart is only shouting her and her only.
“Oh, Hyewon-ie’s gonna be here! Hurry, I want you to meet her, babe!” Of course, Eunbi is going to introduce you to anyone she becomes acquainted with, as she wants you to be more socially in contact with people. You’re not surprised with this, not even a single bit—you appreciate her advances towards you as she only aims to be the better version of yourself, and with that, you’re madly grateful for meeting a girl like her.
“H-Hyewon? I haven’t heard that name coming out of your mouth, Eunbi.”
Eunbi chuckles, as she flashed a contagious grin, emanating her optimism, “Yah—I mentioned for quite some time now, she’s a great friend from my college days.” She sighs heavily as her eyes probably glisten because of reminiscing her past days with her, knowing how much it probably means to her. “Glad we’re still able to keep in touch, whether it’s online or personal…”
You slowly nodded as you’re invested with her small introduction, and then thought of a lovely banter towards her. “You have so many friends, Eunbi—wonder how many more I haven’t met or maybe—” You chuckle from what you’re formulating, making Eunbi pique her curiosity as you continue, “—you’re even friends with some celebrities at this point.”
“Yah! Can’t blame myself for having a lot of contacts.” Eunbi brushes her hair off her shoulders, fixing herself as she continues, “Besides, you’ll like her—she’s shy and sweet, pretty much you, but a girl version. Also, don’t be intimidated by her look. She may look strict but that’s just how her stare is.”
Those piques your interest towards Hyewon because of her relativity towards your personality according to hers—maybe she’s a little overexaggerated but no blatant and evident lie can past and be utter on Eunbi’s own lips—that’s how angelic she is, but only if you knew what lies within…
Eunbi holds your wrists as she enthusiastically drags you towards the coffee shop that she always loves to visit and has a drink to calm her mind with. You could feel yourself smiling uncontrollably on how eager Eunbi is when it comes to introducing Hyewon to you, and with that reassurance, you’re getting yourself onto the brink of excitement, fully-invested into meeting her.
Yet, you always say this yourself and swear until the end of time: no matter how beautiful and captivating they can be, you’ll always lay your eyes and your whole love towards Eunbi and her only, no matter what happens.
This will be an interesting one and little did you know, your expectation will be surpassed by your desires and mostly, Eunbi’s.
“Hello, you must be Hyewon?” You continued the awkward meeting between the both of you, as you can feel how shy she is and most likely, seeing yourself in her and because of Eunbi’s excellent practice with you, you managed to initiate the better blow as you can feel herself getting comfortable. 
“Yes… Y-You must be Eunbi-unnie’s boyfriend, oppa?”
“Uhm…” You fix your composure as you meet your eyes towards hers, making her more assured and interested towards you. “Y-Yeah, Hyewon… Also, how did you know?”
Hyewon just laughed a little, covering her mouth with her hands and fixing her hair, her captivating mannerisms finally making you like her as you find it presentable and attractive. “Well, Eunbi-unnie talked about you for quite s-some time, that’s why I knew you, oppa, hihi…”
Now being enlightened, you nodded with her explanation as the both of you further conversed with each other, talking about little topics as you wait for Eunbi on the counter, ordering some coffee and with more time left to wait, the anticipated drinks are now finally within both your grasps as Eunbi happily introduces Hyewon to you.
“I’m sure the both of you have talked to each other, already, since we’ve got here.” Eunbi optimistically approached the both of you while distributing your respective drinks as you thanked her, appreciating how she did it herself even though you insisted on ordering it—maybe Eunbi wanted you to really talk with Hyewon, and introduce yourself to her in your own way without her influence. “See, babe, Hyewon’s just chill—I knew you’d like her.”
You scoffed as you do agree with Eunbi—your first impression with Hyewon is that she’s mostly introverted and calm, her demeanor most likely intimidating but nonetheless, she’s composed and a little sophisticated, on your own observation. As few more laughs ensued as well as interesting topics that spice up such hooking conversations, you then asked on the most polite manner, on why did Eunbi bring you and Hyewon here and as per Hyewon’s side, is it really appropriate for her to really barge in between the both of you? Isn’t she getting jealous?
Well, Eunbi insisted herself to introduce Hyewon to you so why would she be jealous in the first place? You may doubt that there is a complete absence of jealousy that she can feel—maybe a hint of it, but nonetheless, she isn’t really that sensitive of a girl as she knows how well your boundaries are and how much you love her than anybody else.
“Well, about that…” Eunbi sips on her straw with a nice amount of such sweet concoction of coffee and cream, then continues her response. “Hyewon actually wanted to say something to you, babe so, I hope you don’t mind being on what she’s going to say.”
Hyewon then faces Eunbi as they met eyes, glaring at her as that’s not what she wanted, for now—Hyewon wanted Eunbi to direct her proposition towards you, since Eunbi’s connection to you is eternal and unbreakable, so to Hyewon’s surprise, she didn’t expect Eunbi to really change her mind as it’s too late to retaliate, and all Hyewon could do is speak as your all ears on her.
“But why me?” Hyewon whispers on Eunbi as she encourages her to just say it directly towards you, knowing she wouldn’t lose anything and you, wouldn’t mind anything she will share for you even though you’ve met her just today—it’s maybe the utter reassurance of Eunbi and your comfort towards her and yes, you like her, too.
Of course, you swore until the day you die, that you’ll love Eunbi and she’s the only woman you’ll be with but Hyewon, she’s a different breed in your own opinion—her pretty face is really what got you, brushing off that intimidating demeanor earlier as her impeccable features are pretty similar on what made you love Eunbi even more: sharp nose, oval face, porcelain skin and of course, those, plump lips.
Having the courage built up upon herself, Hyewon composed herself and made it so that you won’t feel any discomfort for her—maybe, thanking Eunbi too for her reassurance to build up such an incredible courage that led up to this moment. “I w-want to feel you, oppa…”
With a sudden embarrassment, Hyewon suddenly covered her face with her hands as she faced against you, sipping her coffee to calm her down as Eunbi scoffed a little, finding Hyewon’s attempts cute yet on the verge of ineffectiveness. Of course, you were baffled on what Hyewon had said towards you as it could mean a lot of things but being enlightened will be better, and Eunbi will do a great job with that because you trust her with all your heart.
“Ahh, babe—I haven’t really talked to you about this, I’m sorry—” Eunbi took another sip, before holding her hands to you, reassuring you that everything’s fine and nothing’s going off-track. “—but aside from introducing her, Hyewon wanted to take this opportunity to—” Eunbi looks left and right, wanting nobody to hear such sinful words except for the both of you and Hyewon as she continues, “—experience such great sex, and I know you’re a great one, babe. So, if you would want to do it with Hyewon, then it’s going to be fine.”
Well, that was all of sudden and you were caught off-guard with it. You know how Eunbi is open when it comes to talking about sexual desires and her wants but you never thought that it would lead to this moment, wanting to have sex with her friend that you barely knew anything about. Such lustful activities with Eunbi isn’t novel between the both of you—that explains how much you’ve railed her tight cunt a week ago that she couldn’t walk a day after and dumped a healthy load down her throat on a restaurant’s restroom three days ago.
Again, you’re not new to this but just in utter shock at how things immediately unfold at the speed of light and knowing how you can see the eagerness in Hyewon’s eyes, you wouldn’t dare to say know but you need further time to discuss things thoroughly. So, excusing Hyewon with Eunbi in the nicest way possible, you then hold Eunbi’s wrist and drag her to the nearest restroom possible, wanting to talk this out as you can’t possibly comprehend what’s happening right now.
“You talked about this with Hyewon a long time ago, did you? Is this on purpose?” Your tone is sharp, wanting to question her real actions towards you as you're too flabbergasted to comprehend anything and with Eunbi’s side, she just wants to help her friend on her needs to, and that’s what she needs to explain all thoroughly to you.
“No, babe—I mean, y-yes, she did point it out but I insisted on you being that man for her, she never suggested you but with my assurance, she agreed. I’m sorry if I didn’t talk about this towards you, babe…” Eunbi lets out a sigh of relief as she feels guilty for not letting you know about this first yet your heart crumbles seeing her anxious like this—she’s your kryptonite and can’t bear to see her being on her lowest or in her possible sadness because it breaks your heart into pieces.
“I mean, Eunbi—this is just crazy, no?” Your flummoxed state didn’t help in any of your decisions to come up to a final conclusion. You just shake your head, and licked your lips, thinking of the possible decision to agree with what she offered as Eunbi reassures you right after.
“Yeah, this is crazy babe but are you willing to? It’s alright for Hyewon if you don’t want—” You the interrupt her with a snap of your fingers as she shuts her mouth, now concluding something after a well-observed round of judgment.
“I’ll say it to Hyewon herself, alright, Eunbi?”
She didn’t hesitate to nod as you came up with the right term: to say it in front of her—even though she’ll be pleased or saddened with your rejection, then it’s probably going to be better to say off what you wanted in front of her and without any time to waste, you and Eunbi got out of the restroom—of course, not in a suspicious manner since you know what people’s mind can think of these days—and came up with the final conclusion.
“So, maybe…” You let out a deep sigh as you looked at Eunbi, and then averted towards Hyewon again, smiling as she felt assured with your faint grin. “We can do it, as long you’re comfortable with it, of course.” 
Your subtle reassurance makes her smile as she can’t believe that you’ll agree with her, as you just wanted to help Hyewon even though you barely knew her, and that is mostly thanks to Eunbi. Not so long after, she interrupts too as she doubles the efforts on making Hyewon trust you as Eunbi herself pretty much involves her trust towards you when having such a loving, steamy session.
“It’s alright, Hyewon—my baby’s a great person to have fun with and she can take care of you as much as he always does to me, so, don’t be scared and trust him, okay?” Hyewon nods with a faint smile curling her lips, then saying an almost-inaudible “thank you” before you can interrupt again and strengthen Eunbi’s assuring remarks. “Yeah, don’t worry, Hyewon—I’ll stop if you want to, okay? As much as proceeding, okay?”
Your brain still can’t help to comprehend such an incredible confession about Hyewon that mostly was helped by Eunbi—you knew something’s fishy right from the start but if a lovely woman of the girl of your life wants something to be fulfilled, then you’ll gladly help her out as this is just the beginning of what could be an insane session and with your coffee’s almost halfway through and wanting to end the day with a paramount of a bliss, then you would likely oblige to your wants as you invited them to go over Eunbi’s place and god, what can they have in store for this evening…
Hyewon’s coyness probably tends to allure you and captivate you, yet she fails to fully let you fall under her spell—not to disparage or brush off her natural captivating demeanor by that but it’s just the fact that you’re mostly investing your love towards Eunbi, but maybe, you can be enlightened if Hyewon pulled a great trick up her sleeve.
“Oh, you have such a great place, unnie—woah, this looks better than where I reside, gosh.” Hyewon’s in awe as her eyes wander around the spacious place, starstrucked on how simple yet glamorous this place is in her eyes.
“Isn’t your place great too, Hyewon? I’m sure it’s as good as this…” Eunbi replies back, feeling optimistic that Hyewon’s maybe just overexaggerating things as it’s probably great as she expected. It’s only expectation between the both of them because they haven’t really got the chance to see each other’s places but now, maybe it’s start of the time where everything going to get back on their original tracks—everything just gets unveiled, one by one, and maybe later, will lead to a bigger revelation.
“I doubt it, unnie. I mean, it’s not that bad but yours is better—”
“Ladies…” You interrupt their small talk with your manly voice, startling them a little. “Are we going to compare each other’s places or set ourselves towards the show, hm?”
Eunbi playfully slaps your stomach, as it did little-to-no-pain but regardless, you jokingly caressed it, playing how painful it is in a sarcastic way. “Don’t mind him, Hyewonnie—sometimes, he’s just getting too horny and impatient.”
“Yah! I’m not like that, Eunbi—you’re mostly the one who begs for dear life.” You bat out against her, knowing how those claims are close to being inaccurate and Eunbi’s enthusiasm taking over her, tending to probably over exaggerate things that she shouldn’t. It doesn’t matter where does it end up as both feeling are mutual—she can turn you on within a flick of her fingers as much as you do towards her, and it’s not even close to exerting effort as the both of you magnetize within each other’s touch, the last things you’ll probably see is her body pressed against yours, her heat emanating how needy she is for you.
“Don’t tell you’re not like that too, babe.” Of course, you wouldn’t act such a hypocrite to deny any of those facts as you gave up battling an argument against her. 
“Okay, okay, Eunbi—I am, so—” You clicked your tongue as your eyes averted towards them, anticipating what they may have in store for the three of you. “—how are we going to start this off?”
Both of their eyes met together, almost feeling like some telekinetic energy surged through the air as they instantly knew what they wanted to do, especially Hyewon. “Well, maybe I need to say everything we have in plan, babe.”
Eunbi looks up as she tiptoes a little, just to whisper into your ear but god, that sultry, seductive voice never fails to turn you on off the roof. It’s one of your weaknesses that could literally make you submissive or in the best way possible, fall into the darkness—the darkness where it’s a void with only yourself succumbing to lust and there’s no way of returning back to the light. Now, with Eunbi leading the way, you whisper to yourself how great this can be as adrenaline is now pumping down your veins, anticipation finally kicking in to you as the night is still young and it’s only going to start.
“Has a man done this to you, Hyewon?” Eunbi traces her dainty fingers up Hyewon’s thighs as she faintly whimper due to the sudden sensitivity she has been teasing her, and for not so long too, Eunbi averted her attention towards you, and voiced exactly what Hyewon wants and with foreplay building up, it should start small.
“What is it, Eunbi?”
“Well, can you stand and then lean against that wall, babe? Thanks, and Hyewon, kneel down in front of him.” Eunbi’s commands didn’t go deaf on both your ears and Hyewon’s as you immediately obliged to her imperative advances. Knowing the words that escaped her lips, you knew exactly what Hyewon would want as you reassure her as she still feels shy but you can see the lust behind it, and it’s only going to get better from here.
“I guess you probably know what she’ll do, babe.”
“Hah—of course I do, Hyewon kneeling down here is pretty obvious.” You respond hubristically and with your confidence and willingness about the anticipating turn of events, Hyewon faintly smiles because of the sudden surge of serotonin spiking up, feeling really confident on what she’s about to show you.
“Aren’t you going to join, Eunbi?”
Eunbi clicks her tongue, cock an eyebrow to you as she smirks, “Well, about that, I would like to observe how Hyewon does it. I’d like to give her everything I always loved and Hyewonnie—” She then squatted to become in level with Hyewon, uttering such words that could enhance the possible masterclass that Hyewon will do. “—don’t rush and make my baby feel good, okay? The most important thing here is the both of you getting pleasured and delighted.”
Eunbi’s such an incredible instructor—you mutter upon yourself as it’s always evident whenever she teaches something to someone or even just you. You love how eager and conspicuous her happiness is when it’s for the better of the people she’s attached with—it feels like she’s a gift from heaven, an angel in disguise as she’s too down-on-earth yet you know deep inside those genuine smiles of hers are the primal lust that she’s been consumed onto, and it’s not even an effort knowing it with the refulgent shining of her orns, full of lust and wants.
“You gotta undress his bottom-half first, Hyewon—I guess you know how to do it right.” With Eunbi’s command comes an immediate obligatory response: you can just see Hyewon’s hands working on unbuckling your belt and the buttons of your pants. You can see her hands shaking a little, knowing it’s her nervousness and to ease her up a little, you helped her to undress your defenses one by one yet Eunbi isn’t a fan of this, clicking her tongue and calling you out.
“Babe, let Hyewon do the job, alright? Just relax and enjoy the show.”
With Eunbi’s straight remarks, Hyewon confirms that she can finish her job herself and doesn’t need your help as she also wanted you to just indulge and voice out your satisfaction.
“You sure, Hyewon?”
“Y-Yes, oppa—I can do this…”
Now with your pants on your ankles, Hyewon’s eyes lit up with the erecting shaft that’s been captivating her under those frustrating garments, and to reassure her further, Eunbi gave her words of encouragement, saying it’s all going to be fine.
“I know this is crazy, Hyewon but trust me—he likes it, alright? All you need to do is to show us how great you can be. Consider this as your training.”
Even though Hyewon is not naïve in these kinds of situations, it still shows how nervous and how she lacks experience but nonetheless, you’re confident that she’ll do good yet you won’t get your expectations high—maybe, a little part of you may swallow those words once she latched her mouth on your swollen head but an action preceding your expectations will conclude your judgment.
Now grabbing the hem of your boxers, Hyewon undresses it as it goes down to your ankles and god, she’s eyeing your meat like she’s going to devour it as her eyes glistening with hunger and lust says enough. Her gorgeous, black orbs analyzes every length that she sees as she coos in amazement, genuinely excited on how your length could feel inside and most importantly, how incredible it looks in front of her.
“Oh my god, unnie…” Hyewon slowly palmed your thighs as she’s still flummoxed with your length, unable to articulate anything but just in awe. “He’s so big…”
Eunbi chuckles as she bites her lips right after, worshiping your succulent meat right on her sight with only her eyes. “He’s indeed big, Hyewon. That’s the most perfect cock you’ll ever laid your eyes upon and you’ll see why I’m so addicted to it…”
Giving the green light to Hyewon, she then wrapped her digits around your rod, feeling how its warmth already made you euphoric as she stroked it a little, a faint moan escaping your lips because of it. 
“I’d consider lubricating his shaft with your saliva, Hyewon. You wouldn’t want a man you’re sucking to have a painful burn with rough strokes.” Eunbi suggests towards Hyewon as she’s absolutely right—rough strokes are the bane of your existence as lubrication will make anything feel a hundred times better. With all of that, Hyewon managed to still question something that makes Eunbi a little bit confused.
“But isn’t it not too bad if I stroked it like that, unnie?”
“It’s never bad but the lubrication is still needed, of course. It helps the man and the won’t just excrete fluids on their own. Also—” Eunbi pointed out the slit of your swollen head, leaking with that colorless liquid and with that in sight, she wouldn’t want Hyewon to waste a single drop off that.
“There you go, trace a little of that and taste it. You could suck it if you want more intimacy, Hyewon.”
“Ooh~” Hyewon coos, finding it gratifying tasting one of your treasured nectars as she licks her index finger clean after collecting a desirable amount. 
“How did it taste, Hyewon?” Eunbi’s interest is piqued as Hyewon can’t stop squealing, too focused on admiring your shaft with leisure strokes and playful swipes on your head. 
“A bit salty, unnie—I like it.” Without wasting any time with just collecting and teasing, her lips then part onto your shaft as she planted wet kisses onto every inch of it, not leaving anything blessed with her intimate pecks. She grew impatient due to her hunger for cock, and eventually, she latched her lips onto your swillen cockhead and started sucking it, your sensitivity now off the roof as it’s actually great considering how much pleasurable it was than what you expected. She swirls her tongue to add up to the heat of the moment and god, she’s a natural at this as she alternates between doing that and sucking just the tip, leaving small streams of saliva on your shaft and some on the corners of her mouth. 
With the constant flicks of her tongue onto the frenulum and then going deeper as she gives in to her debauchery masterclass, Hyewon is a gifted woman with a gifted mouth, and she can make you moan like Eunbi can, then it’s just safe to say that she’s incredible at giving you head yet this is only the beginning of a spectacular show that’s about to unfold.
“Such a natural, hm, Hyewon? Why don’t you try and go deeper, hm?” Eunbi fixes her beautifully-tied pigtails, gaining a better leverage onto instructing Hyewon. “He loves it whenever I go deep and hear those moans he makes? That means he’s loving this, so, keep it up…”
Wanting to go deeper herself, she tries what Eunbi wanted her to do as greed took over her, taking your whole length slowly as she bobs her head frantically, eventually gagging on the spot. It’s becoming too much for Hyewon and with that, such a euphoric session has been abruptly stopped, herself ejecting out of your length as she coughs a little, becoming too risky to take it whole and greed putting a nail to the coffin.
“Hyewon, you shouldn’t take his cock like that deep immediately. You should be slow and patient and work your way deeper.” Eunbi caresses Hyewon’s hair as she reassures her and knowing Hyewon wouldn’t give up that easily, she opted to take you in again and following Eunbi’s advice for extreme pleasure and gratification between the both of you. Now, with her patience taking over her, she laps her tongue onto to your tip and took only half of your length in which, resulted into your brain going haywire again due to the pillowy softness of her mouth and the warmth enveloping over it—not to mention the hint of pain cause by the serrated culprit, which is her teeth that lives up to your guilty pleasure of masochism.
She bobs her head at such a moderate pace, unlike the greed earlier that made her suffer from her actions as every second that passes is savored between the both of you, each of your carnal desires slowly corrupting the both of you, descending towards the darkness—that damn darkness akin to the lustful void you’ve dived yourself into. Her hands aren’t idle as she knew the basic fundamentals of a great blowjob: to fondle your balls with care as a little stimulation is enough to make your knees weak and her warm palm sharing its emanating heat within your skin, caressing it slowly as her touch is as tantamount as her mouth giving away the greatest gratification possible. Eunbi is in awe on how she’s doing an incredible job, slobbering all over your length and slurping on it like she’s been deprived on it for months now—technically, that’s the case and whether it’s figurative or literal, it’s always evident how a girl is hungry for something with the sounds that resonates around your ear.
“God, you look so fucking hot sucking his dick, Hyewonnie. Look at yourself too—” Eunbi averted her eyes towards the mess Hyewon has created all over her clothes, her cleavage and her mouth, such drool capable for any person to think how much Hyewon is enjoying the succulent taste of your shaft as Eunbi was right, Hyewon’s going to be addicted by this for dear life. Eunbi continues to stroke Hyewon’s dark locks as she praises her because of her incredible work and with her confidence going up, she’s now introducing an incredible pace as she hollows her cheeks for a vacuum-like suction, taking more than a half of your length now and frantically bobbing her head, signaling how she’s giving in to primal urges and desires. She slobbered all over your dick like it’s her last, and savored every moment of it, even if it means for her to gag multiple times yet even though she fights the urge to pull out, she inevitably can’t as she ejects her warm mouth out of your raging length, coughing a little as the mess she’s made is now copious than it was earlier—her lipstick smudging onto the vicinity of the base of your shaft, strings of saliva connected onto your swollen head and then her mouth, and her makeup running down her cheeks due to the tears of her constant gags from earlier, making her a disheveled mess. 
“You a-alright, Hyewon?” You grew concerned as she seems struggling to breathe because of her hostile nature on slobbering over your length that oxygen became the profound enemy yet she states that she’s fine, and that makes sigh in relief.
“Oppa’s c-cock is just too b-big to handle…”
Eunbi laughs as she smiles at Hyewon, knowing that she’ll soon say that as it’s damn true—even Eunbi struggles to tame that beast within you, even with plethora of times that she’s taken you down her throat, she still constantly struggles due to the gifted length and girth you have. Of course, not even Hyewon complains but rather, loving it because of how she can manage to push her limits off to what she can possibly do, and you, a great example to help her with that. 
“It’s alright, Hyewon. You’re a natural at this—keep that up and make him cum, alright? I know he’s pretty close…” Eunbi cocks an eyebrow at Hyewon, signaling her to give everything she has as you know you’re near on your release yourself—and it’s pretty impressive how Eunbi knows how near your approaching orgasmic trance will be, considering how your relationship and herself knowing tiny details about you makes up to her accurate prediction. Maybe it’s not even a prediction at this point, more so, a gut feeling and the visible throbbing of your shaft making her know of your near release and god, it’s just awfully close.
Hyewon isn’t just going to stare at your dick like it’s a long-lost artifact she piqued her interest in, yet instead, she converts that arousal into actions as she continues to suck you off, like a popsicle that can’t get enough. With her constant fondling of your sensitive balls and her ruthless pace onto your shaft, you can’t possibly contain the profanities escaping your mouth as you voice how great Hyewon’s oral service is and with those green lights being muttered, she picks up the pace and further brings you in closer to your high. Her feverish strokes onto the base of your shaft further puts you on the edge of release as Eunbi encourages Hyewon to keep up the good work as she bites her lip in satisfaction, feeling gratified with erotic sight of Hyewon gagging and slobbering over his boyfriend’s perfect cock.
“Also, Hyewon, make eye contact with him. That’s important because with your eyes, you can portray multiple emotions all at once.” Such striking details won’t get passed by Eunbi’s judgmental approach towards the eroticism the both of you emanate and again, it’s goddamn true—such an intimate and endearing look between the both of you can indeed portray a plethora of emotions that can rather increase the quality of pleasure. With Eunbi’s advice, Hyewon then locks her gaze onto yours as all you can see is how engaged she is, full of lust as every bob portrays her willingness to do this and your anticipated load.
It wouldn’t last that long even if you want to savor her warmth for hours as suddenly, your dam broke loose.
“Fuck, I’m g-gonna cum, Hyewon, Eunbi—fuck, shit!”
Now with Hyewon still blowing you with a ruthless face, Eunbi formulates an idea faster than the speed of light as her oral expertise comes into play, offering a proposition. “Pull out if you want him to paint your face or keep bobbing if you want his load deep down your throat, okay, Hyewon?”
Hyewon eagerly nods as she keeps sucking you off, signaling that she wants your load as deep as possible. She then submerges her whole mouth onto your length, up to the back of her throat as she gags constantly but Eunbi guides her, her hands pushing Hyewon’s head until her lips meet the base of your shaft, reaching incredible depths that she thought was nigh-impossible. Now, with Hyewon’s hands gripping your thighs onto dear life and her tight throat constricting around your length, you couldn’t hold it much longer as you shoot thick spurt if your delectable seed, filling it up to the brim as she takes it all like a good girl, despite her constant gagging and her breaths being restricted because of your whole length. Eunbi didn’t influence much, as she lets go of her grip on Hyewon’s head as soon as you voice out your blissful release and ultimately, you do short thrusts into her mouth to keep your orgasm extended but the inevitable will soon happen as it slowly dies, catching your breath from your euphoric trance. Hyewon then pulls out immediately as Eunbi directs her to not swallow it yet and commends her excellent blowjob yet of course, Eunbi not utterly impressed (she still appreciates Hyewon’s efforts but not that much) as she didn’t get her expectation up, since Hyewon isn’t really used to this but nonetheless, she showed her great capabilities and her natural talent.
“Don’t swallow and stick your tongue out to him. Show him the healthy load he has given you.” Again, for like the hundredth time, Hyewon does as she's been told, sticking out her tongue towards you as she’s proud about the creamy load you gave her and with her innocent eyes building up the oxymoron of this filthy mess she has gone into. Now, incredibly aroused and in awe with her beautiful, disheveled visage, you then commanded her to swallow as Eunbi didn’t mind it, knowing you have the control over her too and god, her face and its expression after eagerly swallowing your creamy load is such an arousing as you couldn’t ask more.
This was just one of the few things they have up their sleeve and you’re absolutely into the game, wanting more as your carnal desires are the obvious culprits of your horniness. 
“Did it taste good, Hyewon?”
“It d-does, unnie—it’s so creamy and a l-little sweet…” She replies back with a faint smile on her face, still catching her breath due to the intense blowjob session that has ensued.
“Hyewon—I c-can’t believe you’re a natural at this.” Of course, you can’t really comprehend how good she is as you didn’t expect her to be this daring and great and you wouldn’t complain for various and obvious reasons. With your compliment, Hyewon blushed a little as she felt grateful being constantly acknowledged with her skills yet of course, you can see the lust burning on her eyes as she wanted more, and you wouldn’t dare to really stop her on that because you wanted more yourself.
“Well, maybe it’s time for the main event, babe…” Eunbi then stood up from her previous kneeling position as Hyewon does it too right after, knowing what the future may hold once Eunbi said those specific words.
“Are you sure with this, Hyewon?” You still feign hesitance, knowing that it may seem uncomfortable with Hyewon and maybe even Eunbi that you’re going to have some filthy sex with her friend yet all of your thoughts contradicts on what they want—Eunbi insisted you to have her own permission for the best experience for her friend and Hyewon, starting this alone means that she’s comfortable with you and it grew better considering how your small moans of pleasure increased her confidence and your reassurance that made her feel better.
“See, Hyewon wants it, babe—don’t keep her waiting.” Noticing how eager Hyewon had been, she then puts a little bit of a show in front of you, stripping her clothing so leisurely that it’s agonizing to watch considering you want to see her impeccable features badly, as soon as possible. Knowing this, Eunbi has a different thought in mind and decides to step in to the show, interrupting her Hyewon’s spectacular masterclass as you frowned a little because of it.
“No, Hyewon, I think my baby needs to strip for you, how about that?” Being enlightened with Eunbi’s proposition, Hyewon herself can’t really turn that down because that thought alone arouses her, and with her pleading eyes captivating you to do what Eunbi has told, you didn’t hesitate to fulfill everyone’s needs as you came up to Hyewon, inching dangerously close towards her as you palm the straps of her brown, cotton dress and lets gravity do the work, letting it run a little, dropping it below her shoulders. You can feel her hot breath against yours as she voiced her satisfaction with the way you’re stripping her—slowly and surely, unbuttoning her dress one by one as you whisper how good she's been earlier and in return, she voice how juicy and addicting you were.
“I guess you’re so gifted, oppa—your cock is amazing—oh fuck…”
“You’re a natural too, Hyewon. Maybe a few more improvements then you’ll be on par like your unnie.”
With the heated tension between the both of you, Eunbi manages to bat out how incredibly arousing the sight is, sharing how that’s probably the sight between you and Eunbi everytime the both of you get sexually heated against each other.
“That’s how hot we probably look when we get heated, right, babe?”
“Yeah, Eunbi—kinda want to see the sight too but I guess I don’t need it anymore.” Well, it’s evident and obvious because you’re literally in the front seat of a splendid show between you and Hyewon. Now, with the last button restraining her to let her impeccable beauty be visible with your eye, you slowly unbuttoned and god, you’re instantly blessed with her hourglass figure and a scrumptious sight of her tight body: slender, small waist flexing a little of her abdominal muscles, her perky yet large mounds that’s been contained with a brown, strapless bra and her probably dripping pussy covered with a brown-laced thong, that’s complimenting the colors of her outfit. You were starstrucked with her incredible figure as much as Eunbi is, and with that, you can’t help but palm her hips and admire every inch of her delectable features, probably mouth-watering at the sight of it and imprinting a picture on your mind.
“Foreplay is part of having a great session of sex, Hyewon. So, if he caresses and feels her touch all over your body, feel free to voice out how good it is, okay?”
Hyewon nods as you start to strip the last defenses concealing her pure beauty, flicking and letting everything run from her smooth skin and gravity doing the work. With her last bit of clothing now onto the floor, deeming it useless, you take a look to admire her beautiful features again but this time, her apparent nipples and her glistening pussy is now visible, making you even riled up as your cock inevitably twitches from the sight. You then undress your clothing, making everything mutual between the both of you and as you do so, you ask Eunbi another question that will surely intrigue her and make everything even spicier.
“Don’t you want to join us, Eunbi?”
“Yeah, unnie—it would be really good if you join us here with us.‘
As much as Eunbi wants to join, there are two things that are stopping her from her desires and it’s for the better on all parties: firstly, she wanted to instruct Hyewon what’s the best ways to make the session best for both worlds and some techniques that can make her a greater fuck; and second, she badly wanted to watch someone having sex and any sexual activities as that thought (not anymore) turns her on incredibly well that she just wants to watch everything unfolds within her eyes’ reach—talk about peak voyeurism, then its paramount on her mind right now.
“I’d rather watch and make the best of Hyewon, but thanks though—hey, proceed, babe…”
You’re quicker than a predator catching prey, your clothes now off and deeming it useless as you approach Hyewon, pinning her slowly as you grasp her waist and onto the bed. Hyewon trusts you with all her heart as her eyes glistens with need and you immediately can sense how much she wanted this for a long time, so, without depriving her from your touch, you brush your swollen head onto her labia, teasing her as she cries in her own sensitivity and utmost pleasure. Wanting to build up the anticipation and to be gentle with her, you further tease her glistening lips and this time, adding some fingers to stimulate her further, her moans now increasing in volume because of the pleasure coursing down her veins.
“May I, Hyewon?” Your hands then coursed its way onto the bedsheets and then, towards her stomach, as you asked her permission for mutual understanding and agreement. 
“Please d-do, oppa—oh gosh, fu—fuck…” Given the green light, you immediately palmed a handful of her breasts as you fondle them, caressing her mounds and feeling its softness is such an addicting act and with that, you can’t really find yourself to let go of it and continue what you’re best at. Her moans really fuels you to let out your deepest desires, stimulating her further as you latch your mouth onto her neck, giving it small pecks that lets her know how much you’re loving this and of course, to further elevate the heat emanating around the bedroom.
“Let it all out, Hyewon—let your voice be the fuel for him to further fuck you and babe—” Eunbi palms your skin, from the back as she leisurely ran her hands down your buttcheeks, caressing it as her touch further arouses you. She didn’t waste a single second and voice out what’s the best for the both of you. “—give her the fucking she absolutely deserves, alright? Want to see how you’ll ruin an incredibly beautiful girl like her…”
With Eunbi’s green light and the urge to further indulge to your own primal debauchery, you further inform Hyewon that it’s about time for the climax as she doesn't even hesitate to nod and agree and with a single flash of light, you plunge your length slowly inside her. The both of you groaned in the mix of pain and pleasure, as each other’s elements of a great, pleasurable intercourse checks all boxes and it’s just way too euphoric to be true. You now start to ensue such a sluggish pace, moving your hips in tandem with her angelic moans that bless everybody’s ears as you grasp her shoulders for a leverage onto a better quality of your thrusts.
“God—Hyewon, you’re so fucking tight—oh fuck!”
“You’re b-big too, oppa—ahh, oh my—ahh, fuck!!”
As you voice out such intense spikes of pleasure and lustful feeling against each other, Eunbi then voiced how incredible the sight is and how goddamn arousing to watch your length suddenly disappearing inside her wet folds as it hypnotizes her, the slow movements you’re ensuing finally making her realize how hot to watch sex scenes with you are.
“Damn, babe—look at her eyes. She’s starting to see stars at this point, god—also, keep that pace for now babe and Hyewon—” Hyewon then averted her eyes towards Eunbi that just had joined on the bed, feeling too much pleasure and drowsy as Eunbi stroked her hair again, making her feel reassured that she’s taking you well and that alone, makes her plant a smile of satisfaction. “—you’re doing good, okay? Keep that up and it’s only to get better from here.”
She then holds your arms for leverage to fight the pleasure and to further admire the filthy mess that has been created since the time you’ve plunged your entire length in her. The constant jiggles of her buttcheeks and her thighs makes such an arousing sight as it hypnotizes you and to top off with that, her cunt spills her treasured nectar very often that it’s getting much easier to thrust inside her in an incredible pace and of course, to coat the vicinity of your nether regions with Hyewon’s own fluids. With a newly-profound pace, you kept your mind clouded onto giving her such a spectacular feeling as every thrust does wonder on both your brains, mostly Hyewon’s since it has been a while since she had one and god, the faces she makes and the eye contact she does whenever you withdraw, and then slammed back in her is alluring and arousing.
With a paramount of an erotic sight being done thanks for the both of you, Eunbi can’t even help herself from getting turned on and decided to take this as an opportunity to derive pleasure from it. You didn’t even see Eunbi, nor even sense her stripping her clothing as you’re too busy giving Hyewon such hammering thrusts that makes her escape more alluring and sexy moans that just add up to the gasoline of the flames of lust inside you. Because of your rampant oscillations, Hyewon couldn’t contain anything as she’s on the verge of screaming because of the incredible surge of pleasure running down on her. She then wrapped her legs all around your waist in order to lock in with your thrusts and to not pull out, wanting her cunt constantly rammed in with your whole length as the wet squelching of it even adds to the symphony of erotic sounds that became music to each other’s ears. 
With such a sinful sight of event turning into a pandemonium of filthy events and cacophonous sounds of moans and groans, it wouldn’t take long for the room to get heated up onto its hottest state as the constant clashing of bodies became apparent and made such a big difference. You didn’t even got the chance to know if Eunbi is still there on your back, watching the both of you—maybe even her presence alone—as you became so invested with Hyewon’s tight cunt that you could literally fuck her for days.
Well, that could be possible but we don’t know if Eunbi can even agree on that, or maybe even Hyewon herself.
“Fuck m-me harder, oppa—please—fuck!!”
You then double the efforts of your thrusts as her legs pull you even closer towards hers, initiating an intimate kiss that made her realize how she’s been deprived of this and how badly she wanted this. You immediately reciprocate onto the kiss as Eunbi even encourages the both of you to up the ante of the liplock, now sharing such intimacy and torrid pecks that further heats up the environment of this puny room.
“Love how his lips feel, Hyewon?” Eunbi asks with a smirk painting her face and eagerly, Hyewon nodded as it became the immediate response from hers as they completely indulge into the intimacy of the kiss but eventually, they pull out because of the oxygen running out. You didn’t waste time as you came back to your original pace, withdrawing with only the tip inside and then slamming back in, making her whimper in need and the utmost pleasure. You then thrust in her hard enough for your balls to slap against her constantly clenching puckered hole as you eye onto it, wanting that to be the next target as the thought of railing her from behind and fucking her ass is such an arousing though—well, you should probably focus on further onslaught of harsh thrusts into Hyewon’s wet, tight hole begging for another load because of its constant clenches.
You know how close she is as Eunbi can sense it too—her constant whimper in need and her eyes begging to sully her are one of the strongest evidences that someone fully-indulge themselves onto their own carnal desires and soon enough, she will be gifted because you can feel that familiar sensation in your loins knocking onto the door of your damn, about to break it apart and let everything loose again.
“Fuck her harder, baby—she’s about to cum and look at her—fuck, you look so fucking hot getting fucked into oblivion, Hyewon.”
Hyewon can’t really articulate to say anything now as the pleasure she’s been experiencing is on it's all-time high—you couldn’t blame her and neither can Eunbi: herself getting pounded into an absolute state of bliss is an evident reason for her unable to think straight and knowing the inevitable will soon come, you gave her the best final thrusts your hips can muster.
“Oppa—I’m g-gonna c-cum—ahh, fuck!!”
“God—m-me too, Hyewon—fuck, this pussy is—ahh, fuck!”
Eunbi is in utter shock, is surprised with two things—she didn’t think that Hyewon would last this long with an incredible dick of yours and second and this is where she was genuinely surprised, is the fact that you’re going to cum pretty earlier than what she expected. 
Enough of that talk, with a few more thrusts, Hyewon immediately moaned out beautifully as she voices her euphoric high, creaming onto your cock like it’s her last as her thighs quiver in every spasm she does when attaining her orgasm. Her nectar immediately coated everything in its vicinity: the bed sheets, your balls, your constantly-pumping length and both of your thighs and clearly too arousing to handle and it’s such a sight to behold and treasure. Your high, didn’t come late as she locks her legs around your waist, wanting you to fill her up to the hilt as you do so, burying your entire length in her as you let out series of pleasure-laced moans and of course, shooting thick shots of your seed inside her tight, velvety cunt. You could just feel yourself submerging onto the euphoric state of bliss, the highest amongst all gratification as you can’t comprehend how good it felt and after it slowly died, you slowly pulled out of her tightness and watch your hard work seep out of her freshly-fucked pussy.
“God—t-that was a lot, babe…”
After comprehending the sudden pleasure you just indulge yourself into, you then quickly come back to your senses as when you’re going to apologize, Hyewon interrupts you with a reassuring smile as she wanted this all along.
“Don’t w-worry, oppa—I wanted this and I took a pill before t-this.”
So, she knew this may work long ago? Why did Eunbi get to make it clandestine against you?—These thoughts wander around your brain yet dismiss them as soon as you see how a show-stopper Hyewon’s sight is: completely ruined, a disheveled mess and enervated because of your own doings. Knowing how great Hyewon took you in, Eunbi smiled at her proudly, happy for her to experience such an elevating act that’s more than greatness thanks to you.
“It feels good right, Hyewon?”
“Yeah, u-unnie—hah, oppa’s so good…” Hyewon exasperatedly voiced out how great the session was as she fell limp, recovering from her recent high all achieved thanks to you. Eunbi then smiled at you with glee because of what you gave her friend for and she’s happy that everybody’s needs has been fulfilled yet of course, Eunbi herself wouldn’t just be the audience of your own show, she would like to be the part of it and there’s no better feeling in the whole world rather than fulfilling such needs of these hot women in front of you and maybe, it’s just going to get better from here.
“You can lay down, Hyewon and watch us—” Eunbi undresses her clothes swiftly as she brushes her hair hubristically as her confidence peaks off the roof. “—because I’ll show you how real freaks get to fuck each other.”
Well, of course, it’ll end up here and like you said earlier, the night is still young and with that being said, maybe everything is just going to get better from here as there’s more opportunities up your sleeves and it will all start within somebody.
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niikosia · 6 months
; y/n became a pornstar because of suna rintarou.
synopsis: y/n's and her brother lost a poker match against the japanese volleyball players and now she got ganged up by kageyama tobio, tsukishima kei, and suna rintarou while getting filmed.
warning: foursome, gang bang, finger-fucking, anal fucking, throat fucking, tits play, nipple play, vaginal penetration, throat goat, finger penetration, live sex, film sex, voyeurism, humiliation, dirty talks, calling names such as: slut, whore, bitch.
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I shut my eyes tightly while instinctively biting my lower lip, overwhelmed by the sensation that surged through me when Kageyama Tobio's adept tongue gently fondled my gauzy clit. As his tongue explored the sensitive region, an electrifying tingling began to spread through my entire body, leaving me quivering with a luscious weakness. My breath hitched, and a soft moan escaped me, barely audible, every time his warm tongue made contact with my throbbing clit, causing me to arch my back in delectation.
However, amidst the intense pleasure, Kageyama's hands firmly pressed against me, urging me to remain still. His muffled voice breathed out a command as he continued to expertly pleasure my swollen clit, "Don't move." And with those words hanging in the air, he skillfully slid his tongue into my already dripping wet slit.
I uttered his name, "Tobio", in a soft moan, expressing a mixture of pleasure and longing. My fingers tightened their hold on his navy blue bedsheet, feeling its soft fabric caress my palms.
I felt my thighs shaking uncontrollably as his tongue delicately ventured within me, savoring the sensation like it was the most exquisite treat. Simultaneously, his hands slithered up towards my chest, caressing it with a sensuality that sent shivers down my spine. He tenderly squeezed my breast, causing me to instinctively roll my eyes back in pleasure, all while I could feel the weakening effect his touch had on my entire body.
As I sensually pressed my feet against his t-shirt, an indescribable pleasure overwhelmed me, causing unruly moans to escape my lips. The sensation intensified as my toes instinctively curled, responding to Kageyama's actions. In a moment of passion, he shook his head and assertively squeezed my nipples, sending waves of ecstasy through my body. The intense pleasure caused my back to arch, undulating with each motion, while I could sense his intense gaze fixed upon me as he deftly pleasured me with his tongue.
It was an implausible celestial and transcendental encounter, as I found myself gazing skyward in sheer ecstasy. The ardor of his oral exploration left me utterly pleased, and my pleasure consumed me as I could not resist exclaiming his name amidst the breathtaking celestial sights. The stars twinkled above, the galaxy stretched out before me, and the ethereal beauty of the Milky Way entwined with the heavenly presence of the diety. synchronous, my tits danced delightfully as Kageyama artfully indulged in fondling and caressing them.
I let out a startled cry, my voice filled with a mixture of astonish and satisfaction, as Kageyama's tongue began to move in a swirling motion inside my already wet and aroused core. The intense sensation caused me to instinctively grasp onto his hair, my fingers tightly entwined in his locks, as I attempted to communicate my desire for him to pause. However, in that very moment, Kageyama understood, without any verbal exchange, that I did not want him to cease his actions.
I must say, this crazy sensation I'm currently experiencing surpasses any other I've ever encountered during my entire stay in Japan thus far. As I delicately arched my back, an astonishing surprise awaited me, causing my eyes to widen in startled: a pair of fingers began sensually caressing and stimulating my clitoris, leaving me breathless with pleasure, while simultaneously being accompanied by the heat of his saliva as it intimately touched my sensitive area.
"Tsukishima move!" Kageyama emitted a low, guttural growl as Tsukishima Kei hastened the speed at which he intertwined his fingers
"Fuck you tellin' me? You're literally sipping all the juices that's coming out from her all because I was playing with this little thing." As Tsukishima's fingers grazed my clitoris, a surge of pleasure engulfed me, evoking a gentle moan to escape my lips, while simultaneously, my nipples became erect and sensitive under his skillful touch. Meanwhile, Kageyama attentively attended to my nipples, neatly massaging and squeezing them with his nimble fingers, heightening the sensations coursing through my body.
As my head was gently tilted by a hand, I couldn't help but notice Tsukishima, wearing a mischievous smirk, observing my reaction. His fingers were teasingly toying with my tongue, while Tobio was passionately pleasuring me. Consequently, my breasts were being sensually squeezed by his hands. All the while, I found myself unable to tear my gaze away from Tsukishima, who was also captivated by our intimate encounter.
"Hey slut," Tsukishima called out for me. "You like getting toyed by your brother's friends?" With a mischievous tone, he inquired before moving closer towards my face and playfully deposited his saliva onto my lips, which he subsequently spread using his fingers.
My body felt an overwhelming surge of sensations as Tsukishima placed his fingers vigorously in my mouth, causing me to choke, and my eyes coerced rolled back in response. Meanwhile, Kageyama proceeded to slip two of his fingers inside my pussy, evoking a sudden mixture of pleasure. Simultaneously, he deftly inserted a single finger into my rear, sending shivers of delight and excitement through my body. This intense combination of stimuli resulted in my body trembling uncontrollably, overwhelmed by the unexpected rush of pleasure.
With tears streaming down my face, I wept out, "S-stop." Tsukishima gazed at me with a docile expression and asked, "Wouldn't a slut like you wants to get finger fuck your three holes?"
As their fingers explored every inch of my body, a wave of tension surged through me, causing my muscles to tighten involuntarily. Overwhelmed by the intense sensations, tears welled up in my eyes as Kei ventured deeper with his fingers, penetrating my throat, while Kageyama skillfully extended his tongue inside me. The combination of Tsukishima's rhythmic pumping and Kageyama's tantalizing movements sent waves of pleasure coursing through my core, leaving me in a state of blissful surrender.
My entire body was gripped by rhythmic movements, causing me to uncontrollably tremble, as I experienced the intrusion of another set of fingers penetrating my pussy, forcefully expanding its walls. In my state of vulnerability, I instinctively called out "K-kageyama!" unable to defend myself against these two assholes who smiled timidly, voyeuristically observing me as I lay on the bed, merely a plaything in their hands.
Tsukishima sat on the other side of me, and Kageyama got up and sat next to me. They began sticking their fingers inside of me, making me cry with pleasure. "Fuck, use that useless hands, whore!" The king, Kageyama, angrily exclaimed, pumping his fingers in and out of me, while Tsukishima simply grinned at the way I was treated.
As I sensually ran my hands along their erect members, a soft whimper escaped their lips, enhancing the intensity of the moment. With a seductive bite on my lower lip, I skillfully caressed their throbbing shafts, gently gliding my fingers up and down their lengths. The sensation intensifying, their hands responded with a newfound urgency, desperately attempting to maintain control over my fervent grip.
"Tsu- Tob- aagghh!"
Tsukishima laughed as Suna said while filming me getting fingered by these two Karasuno boys "Look, the slut of Karasuno doesn't even know which name she's gonna moan."
I cursed in frustration as their gaze widened and their pleasure intensified when I firmly grasped their manhood, and one of them unintentionally discovered the exact spot I had been longing for. As their four fingers penetrated me, I felt my self-control slipping away. In a moment of ecstasy, I involuntarily shook my head, and Tsukishima found amusement in my unrestrained response as I playfully teased the tip of his cock. He gleefully taunted me by extending both his middle and index fingers to stimulate my G-spot.
I felt my throat tightening again as Tsukishima removed his finger from my mouth and replaced it with something much larger – a massive cock belonging to Suna Rintaro. Suna, unexpectedly, positioned himself above my head and forcefully began thrusting his manhood into my mouth. It was as if he was treating my mouth as a rubber pussy, and the sensation caused me to gag and drool uncontrollably. To make matters more intense, Suna was even filming the explicit act, capturing the moment his cock reached the depths of my throat.
He's sticking his big ass dick in my throat and fucking me on camera while the three of them were chuckling like how they like seeing me in this state.
Suna's lips curled into an amused smile as he witnessed the reaction unfolding before him. My eyes instinctively rolled back, overwhelmed by the intense sensations surging through my body as his member occupied my throat. A mixture of pain and pleasure, tears welled up in my eyes, silently streaming down my cheeks. Meanwhile, Kageyama's teeth grazed against my sensitive nipple, teasingly nibbling on it, while Tsukishima skillfully lavished attention on my other nipple, sending waves of bliss coursing through every fiber of my being. The combination of their ministrations rendered me ecstatically delirious, every touch pushing me further into a transcendent state of pleasure.
My hands made rhythmic taps on different surfaces. Suddenly, I experienced a sensation as a scorching tongue delicately grazed my intimate area, prompting an immediate and intense release of pleasure that resulted in a spontaneous squirting. This unexpected occurrence abruptly halted our actions and captured the attention of Miya Atsumu, whose face bore witness to this intimate moment. Tsukishima, attempting to stifle his laughter, struggled to maintain composure, but soon the both of them' expressions turned serious as Atsumu confidently rose to his feet, positioning himself right between my trembling thighs.
"What a fucking disrespectful bitch you are." Atsumu forcefully pushed my legs apart and began masturbating himself, before vigorously thrusting his large member deep inside me. The pain from his penetration was excruciating, but I had no choice but to endure it. Meanwhile, the other three in the room carried on with whatever the fuck they are doing with my body, seemingly unaffected by my presence. The entire ordeal was being recorded, capturing every explicit detail of me being penetrated by these volleyball players. It was a humiliating situation that I found myself in, all because I lost a poker match that we had played earlier.
As Rintarou filmed me getting lewd with him and his friends, I'm going to be the popular girl in Japan again.
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don't repost my work to any platform. thank you!
© 2023 niikosia. all rights reserved.
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kaivenom · 1 month
can i request for some more heartbreak high ant fics, the last of it is killing me !!
A little competition
Summary: you get to a new recreatives on town and decide to try every game, apparenty one of the boys in your high school doesn't like someone beating his records.
Pairing: Anthony "Ant" Vaughn
Warnings: none
A/N: here it is, since this precious men has so little content, almost inexistent, i decided to do it myself.
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You were new on town and your firsts days on high school weren't the best to make friends so you decided to get ot a new recreatives to try talking to people. You talked to many people and was really fun but the thing you succeded on was to beat game records, especially you beat up "Ant's" records in everygame he was on.
You had such a great time that you decided to go there again the next day. Some people greeted you in, it was great to feel a little included. You went to a new game and saw again, the highest record was "Ant". With a couple of tries, you succeded on surpass him, you couldn't help but imagine how the person would react when seeing the news. You went to grab a snack and talk to some people.
When you came back, you saw a cute guy with a cap and some other guys on the machine you were before, you recognized them from high school.
"Fuck man, i don't know who is this person but it's breaking my records in almost every game, if i catch them i will break some," you hide yourself behind one of the stalls.
"Men, it's not that important, but if you want, we can kick them for breaking your records."
That made you really scared and you had the sensation that every moment they could catch you. You got out of the local without catching their attention but you failed.
"Hi, are you the new girl from school, right?" you try to sound confident at his question.
"Yeah, i am Y/N, you?"
"Ant, you haven't by any chance saw a person on the machines getting really high scores, right?"
"What?, me? ... no. Why would i do that?" your nervousness was revealing you.
"There's no reason to be so nervous, unless..." he made a pause, thinking about it and then his face turned surprised, "You are..."
"i am a pacifist but i heard what you said i won't hesitate to fight." you form a punch and made a feint to prepare to fight.
"What? no. I was angry and with the boys, i don't want to hit someone so pretty."
"Ah , no?"
"I don't plan to do it, do you want me to?"
"No, of course."
"But i am still angry and i want to resolve this because i worked really hard to be that good."
"A competition on a two player game?"
He gave you his hand to shake it, sealing the deal and you both went inside. You decided to fight on a game that both of you weren't really good, to make things interesting. He won the first time, then you, then he two times, then you three... and continued to do so until the recreatives were closing.
"I liked doing this, maybe it's good to have a competitor that it's as good as me." he said with a grin.
"Wait, i winned you more."
"No, i winned more."
"We need to confirm that, here tomorrow, again."
"i am not going to be defeated by you pretty face."
"Why do you keep calling me that?"
"Because you are... well, if you win more tomorrow the i stop calling you pretty face but if i win, then i invite you to dinner." he said, giving you his hand to shake again.
"Okay, i will win but maybe the dinner it's still a good idea, but you pay."
"No, pretty face, if you want me to pay dinner the you have to loose."
You both laughed and went separatedly to your houses but really hoping that tomorrow gets fast to compete again.
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hisui-dreamer · 11 months
a letter never meant to be delivered
Characters: Riddle, Azul, Jade, Rook, Malleus, Sebek, Lilia
Synopsis: you find a letter left on his desk, and find his feelings for you have overflowed onto it
Tags: love letter, pining, period drama coded, regency-esque language, confessions, bot proofread
Word count: 393
Notes: pick your fav twst boi from above when you read this haha
i just rewatched pride and prejudice and emma so the period drama language has been infused into me haha
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To my dearest and most esteemed prefect,
It may come as a surprise for you to receive this letter from me, yet, in this moment, I can think of no better way to express my innermost sentiments. Regardless of your response, I desire nothing more than to remain by your side, even if only as a friend.
I have fallen irrevocably, with profound ardour, for every facet of your being. Each passing moment, without exception, is adorned with the indelible presence of your image in my thoughts. Your essence lingers, casting an enchanting spell that intensifies my longing to be in your presence. This yearning within me knows no respite, ceaselessly expanding like a relentless flame, consuming my every waking thought and weaving its way into the fabric of my dreams.
I have attempted to restrain these sentiments, attempting to confine them within the chambers of my heart. Alas, their potency has surpassed all expectations. It is incredibly foolish and juvenile, I admit, but I cannot help but succumb to envy as I witness your interactions with others, fervently wishing to be the recipient of your attention. I long to be the one who witnesses your most radiant smiles, the one you rely on during your darkest hours, and the one who lingers in your thoughts when you smile so lovingly.
Yet, I must confess that this affection, while bringing me moments of incredible joy, has also become the source of my deepest torment. The perplexity of our relationship and the ambiguity of your feelings continue to elude me, and perhaps foolishly, I wish to put an end to this.
If it is that you do not reciprocate my feelings, then please speak it once and I will never mention my affections again and no longer infringe on our friendship. But, if you do find them my feelings so imposing as I fear, then please take care and I shall distance myself from now on. And I sincerely apologize that I may no longer be considered as your friend.
And if, by some stroke of fate, you harbour affections for me as I do for you, then I beg of you to hasten to my side without delay. Allow me the privilege of holding you close, that I may envelop you in the embrace of my ardent affection.
Your most ardent admirer
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if you liked this post, don't forget to reblog!
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eldritch-spouse · 10 months
While yall awfully horny, i'm gonna be open with Hudds
Hudds, i really like how you are filled with knowledge. Like, i could ask you anything about the world and you will answer me without hesitation.
You are very well-read, you are not afraid to critique ignorance. You look like someone who isn't afraid to stand up for their opinion.
I love guys who's dedicated to their interests, you are a good conversationalist, we could share our knowledge about the world.
You really seems like a interesting person that could discuss so many things together, and i wanna meet with you more often. So, wanna hang out together someday? We could translate some books if you want
[You saved the other anons' asses, congrats.]
(He sits there, listening in silence for a few moments. Slowly but surely, light taints his cheeks.)
" That's... Quite the flattery. "
(Stunned is putting it lightly.)
" I am... I'm very glad that's the way you feel about me. It's- I certainly aspire to be that way! "
(For once, his discomfort isn't born of something you said that set him off.)
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" ... Suppose I wouldn't mind feedback from someone like you in my future translation endeavors. "
(He spaces out for a moment, picturing something.)
" Yes, perhaps... One day. "
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(Eventually, he sets a calmer gaze upon you, looking distinctly pleased. It's almost a bit contagious. He nods to you, great horns shining in the light.)
" I admit, things have gone much smoother than last time. You have... Surpassed my expectations. "
" I dare say I enjoyed myself here. Clearly, I was right to have approached you, you're not some witless moron bumbling around. "
(Hudsyn says this like it's a surprise even to himself.)
" And... Of course, I appreciate your availability thus far. "
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(The lights in the room start flickering, failing. Your guest looks unbothered by this, continuing to smile and speak softly.)
" It has been pleasant. "
" I will see you soon- "
(As the demonoid's speech fades to murmuring, you just barely manage to catch his last words.)
" My protégé... "
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(When darkness engulfs the room, you're left in complete suspense, maybe a bit of fear even.)
(It takes a few seconds before they buzz and crackle back to full power, revealing a vacant seat, the cup you offered Hudd lying there alone.)
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sarahscribbles · 1 year
hello, can I please request a drabble happening in a library? I already had this idea in my head some time ago, and the bookstore date question made me think about it again today :D
Of course!! I'm not sure if this is what you envisioned, but I hope it's enjoyable nonetheless! (And sorry if it's really bad)
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Loki Masterlist
Loki x f!reader
The familiar musty scent of old books wraps snugly around you like a mother's loving embrace. The scent is safe and comforting and you associate it with the best thing that's ever happened to you, but, even at that, it's nothing compared to the heavy feel of his arms while he holds you.
Loki has you cradled close to his chest on the soft velvet loveseat, his cheek resting on the top of your head while you both contentedly watch the colourful explosions lighting up the night sky.
The obsidian darkness is the perfect backdrop to watch the emerald green sparks dance joyously with pale lilac ones - both your colours intertwining endlessly for all of Asgard to see.
A surprise from the Allmother to mark your wedding day.
A contented sigh floats from you as the sky continues to explode with colour and the music from the Great Hall below rises up in waves. Loki shifts beside you and you feel the gentle kiss he presses to the top of your head, and somehow it feels that much sweeter now that he's your husband.
"I kissed you for the very first time between those shelves." Loki breaks the silence, but you don't even need to raise your head to know which shelves he's speaking about.
You were sure you could find your way to them blind.
You curl tighter into his chest and his arm squeezes your shoulder. "Mm, how could I forget. You made the shelves shake so terribly I was sure the books would collapse around us," you tease him.
His soft laughter has warmth blossom in your chest. You want to make him laugh every single day.
"Darling, you looked so ravishing in that gown that I couldn't restrain myself. For weeks I had been dreaming of how it would feel to kiss you," he says softly.
"And did it live up to your expectations?"
"It surpassed them," he answers, taking your left hand in his to kiss the gold metal band he placed there only a few hours before.
He tucks your hand in his while you nuzzle your face into his chest. Your heart is brimming with so much love for this man you feel that it might burst. Today, he's made you his wife, his Princess, but even an eternity together doesn't feel long enough.
"We should return to the celebrations," you say finally, not wanting to leave the warmth of his embrace, but not wanting to miss a second of your wedding day either.
Loki hums his agreement but wraps himself tighter around you. "Soon, my darling wife. You're going to need every second of this rest with what I have planned for you tonight."
Drabble taglist: @the-lady-amphitrite @cheekyscamp @muddyorbsblr @lunarnights95 @joyful-enchantress @kinky-faerie @currish-rosewolfe @loopsisloops @liminalpebble @holymultiplefandomsbatman @coldnique @fictive-sl0th @goddessofwonderland @mischief2sarawr @ladyofthestayingpower @simplyholl @joyful-enchantress
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ploompkin · 26 days
I’m still working on that poetry fic!! And I just drafted a love letter addressed to tav (left anonymous, from Zevlor) and I maybe made myself swoon a little bit ;; let me know what you think!! They’re hard to write ic but it’s a fun challenge.
I’m so embarrassed posting this lol
@cinnasalmon thought you might want to see 🤭
Keeper of my heart,
I hope you shall permit me another letter, and that you are not put off by my lack of signage. Perhaps one day I shall find even a shard of the same bravery as you, and lay these meek tributes into your hands as you deserve. I must confess- and it grieves me- I have not had ample time to finish my next offering of what I fear are my crude attempts at poetry, and so it is with my greatest affection that I now sit at my desk with quill in hand, instead penning this love letter with juvenile levels of giddiness.
You my dear, continue to occupy my head and heart every hour of every day, although that is hardly a surprise. I find myself returning time and time again to a comparison between your reverent self and a wild tempest; almost violent in your beauty and in possession of the endless, awe inspiring courage of a dragon. Truly, I need only to think of you as I pen these words, and I find myself without breath. I have scarcely scraped the surface of course, your virtues are many more still and I fear I have not the wit nor the brilliance to properly convey them to you— but I will gladly make a fool of myself trying. For what else am I if not your fool, mind clouded with a dizzy ectasy that far surpasses any drunkard’s in intensity. Affairs of the heart I am no stranger to, but the passion with which I now love threatens to break my composure entirely. I long for our next meeting so ardently at times I fear I may be driven mad, and am scarcely comforted by the knowledge it may be soon. Soon, will never be soon enough again. Not when it comes to you, you whom inspires, amazes, comforts, and other such descriptors which hardly do the feelings you conjure within this weary soul justice.
But now the candle light burns low, and my hand grows stiff. While I would continue to write until I lost use of it altogether, come daylight others have need of my aid, which I will gladly provide.
Although I have a great many reasons for doing so, a selfish part of me also considers that perhaps if I can touch even one life the way you have mine, I may manage to deceive myself into thinking that just for a moment, I could ever hope to be worthy of your grace.
Your loyal friend and servant. Always.
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blissfullyapillow · 10 months
┃An Endearing Conundrum  
₊˚⊹♡Alhaitham x gn reader
₊˚⊹♡‎wc: 1,712~
₊˚⊹♡summary: Endearing scenarios of your relationship with Alhaitham as you keep him on his toes.
 ₊˚⊹♡warnings: A bit suggestive. Overall fluff.
₊˚⊹♡notes: A bit ooc Alhaitham (?), kinda but not really. Alhaitham header created by @lovnupe (n𔘓⁩pe) on pinterest. I wrote this listening to Why by Sabrina Carpenter so it was inspired by that. I just find the idea of Alhaitham being in a relationship with an s/o whose a tease/a handful to be really cute. Lowkey radiates crack fic energy. I’m L.I.V.I.N.G for this Alhaitham ଘ(੭˃ᴗ˂)੭
₊˚⊹♡Main Masterlist
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“Turn it back on.”
“It’s too bright.”
His disappointed sigh speaks volumes.
“You’re so…” He doesn’t say anything more. He simply turns on the lamp by his chair, illuminating the previously dim room.
“Nooo.. Alhaitham..” My whine goes ignored as he continues to read. “Why do you need the lights off?” He sounds uninterested in my response, but the way his eyes briefly lift from the pages of his book to glance at me says otherwise.
My heart flips in my chest; Alhaitham looked up from his book to talk to me. He stopped reading his book to talk to me. 
What I feel right now surpasses elation. 
“I’m tired. I want to sleep but the light is too bright.” I mumble. I sit up from my previous position of lying on my side. I blink, trying to will the drowsy feeling away.
He sighs once more, but he turns off the light. Instead, he turns on a dimmer lamp nearby. “Come here.” He commands. I waste no time in leaving the comforting warmth of the fluffy blankets. I make my way over to Alhaitham, stumbling a bit in the process.
He mutters “What am I going to do with you?” under his breath as I draw near. “What do you mean by that- oh!” As soon as I’m within arm’s reach, Alhaitham pulls me into him. His strong arms wrap around me, pulling me onto his lap.
I get comfortable. I rest my head on his chest, hearing his heart pound beneath my ear. He holds his book with one hand while the other tangles itself in the strands of my hair. I’m pleasantly surprised when he begins to read out loud, and I close my eyes to better immerse myself.
Being held like this, along with the sound of Alhaitham’s soothing voice, is enough to lull me to sleep.
It isn’t long before I start drifting off again. I snuggle further into Alhaitham’s arms, mumbling something incoherent to myself as he reads.
Alhaitham’s fingers slowly run through the strands of my hair, and my breathing evens out as I welcome the warm embrace of sleep.
I vaguely feel his soft lips press against the crown of my head.
Oh how I love Sumeru at night time.
The stars shine down on the citizens of Teyvat, and the moon graces us with it’s beautiful alluring glow..
Too bad it’s daytime now, and Alhaitham insisted on bringing me along.
“Haitham, do you really need me to come with you? I’m sure a ‘feeble scholar’ such as yourself is more than capable of handling this situation on your own.” I groan when Alhaitham pays no mind to my words. His hand continues to drag me along gently by the wrist.
“This feeble scholar requires the emotional and moral support of his partner. You’d be wise to accompany me.” His explanation causes me to snort in amusement. “My love, you require my support to handle a few ruffians?” I adore the blush that appears on his cheeks when he hears my term of endearment for him.
“..Yes. If you stop complaining I promise to go on a late night stroll with you. You know, the one you keep pestering me about.” Alhaitham’s gruff words successfully serve to motivate me. My hand intertwines with his in silent compliance.
“You’re almost too easy to please.” He sounds smug, but I can hear the underlying appreciation in his voice that he always fails to mask. “Mhm. You know it. Actually, speaking of please.. I have some other ways you can please me. It involves me, you, a bed and-oomph!” Alhaitham’s hand covers my mouth as he pulls my body into his.
An arrow flies past where my head previously was.
My eyes widen in surprise. Alhaitham smirks. “After I handle this I’ll gladly take you up on that suggestion.”
Oh, my heart.
I lovingly admire Alhaitham as he verbally insults his assailants intelligence and very existence, down to the minute detail.
I swear I see physical hearts as Alhaitham effortlessly kicks one of them down in a flexible, suave move.
I hope he’ll show me just how flexible he can be later.
“Can we please turn the air conditioner off?” Alhaitham’s monotone voice only serves to irritate me.
“No, sweetheart. I get too hot when it’s off. Although.. I admit I am a bit cold with it on.” Alhaitham’s currently lying on his side, facing me under the shared warmth of his fluffy blankets. His face is really close to mine, so the incredulous look he makes looks even funnier.
“Y/n, why would you want to keep the air conditioner on if you're cold? Logically, turning the air conditioner off would only serve to-” “Just cuddle me already you nerd.”
He sighs in dismay at my interruption, yet he indulges me anyway. I smile as his strong arms pull me into him, a pleasantly familiar feeling.
“You bring all sorts of ‘excitement’ into what should be an easy, simple life.” Alhaitham grumbles. His complaint is ignored; I opt to nuzzle my head against his chest in favor of responding.
“These are my favorite pillows. So soft.” I almost wish I could see his face as I squeeze his pectorals.
Actually, I can.
I look up. I’m blessed by the sight of flushed cheeks and parted lips as Alhaitham stares at me. He seems to be at a loss for words. “Y/n you actually… I.. Archon’s know you drive me crazy...” That last part leaves his lips in a breathless whisper that I’m sure I wasn’t supposed to hear. His following sigh conveys that he’s very flattered, but he doesn’t know what to say.
“I love you too Alhaitham.” I melt into him. He holds me tighter. “..I love you too.” “Hmm? Can you say that louder please~” “For the love of-“
My lips part to tease him some more, but he’s quick to capture my lips with his own.
“Alhaitham I’m HOTTTT.” I purposefully elongate my words as I trudge through the sand. “I know. You’ve told me five times already. Are you going to make it six?” His snarky reply makes me roll my eyes.
“Alhaiiiithhhaammm…” I whine. I stare at the back of his head, drilling holes into it. He shakes his head, choosing to remain silent. We continue our trek through the dessert. Alhaitham’s making me accompany him on another one of his academia related endeavors.
“I’m hoootttt-“ Alhaitham turns around so fast I jump, the quick movement startling me. “If you don’t shut that mouth I’ll shut it for you. Archons, come here.” Alhaitham’s words make me feel hotter than I already am, but in a pleasant way. He moves to stand in front of me before he swoops down to literally sweep me off my feet. I yelp in surprise.
Alhaitham begins to walk once more, except now I’m in his arms. “Do you have any water left? You’re burning up.” He asks. “I drank it alll..” Alhaitham tsks at me. He mutters “You’re my handful all right..” under his breath. The way he grumbles the words makes me shiver.
He maneuvers me to hold me with one arm. His free hand offers me his personal water container.
“Alhaitham.. but don’t you..” “Just drink from it. Please. We’re almost there. Promise.” His words are a bit terse, but the emotion in his eyes is one of concern. I smile softly as I graciously accept his water container. His other arm returns to its previous position. I happily drink from his water container.
“Honestly, you really are a handful. Here I thought I’d be able to live a quiet, peaceful life with minimal inconveniences. Instead I’m in the desert with the love of my life as they complain about being hot every two minutes.” Alhaitham’s words are as affectionate as much as they are chastising.
“Listen, ‘Haitham I… wait.. love of your life?” I inquire. My eyes desperately search his, and my heart pounds painfully in my chest. The air leaves my lungs at the implication of his words. I mean, it’s not like he hasn’t told me that he loves me before, but.. even with all of my whining and complaining.. he still..
His beautiful mesmerizing orbs meet mine head on. His gaze softens as he looks at me. He slowly stops moving forward, and my heart jolts once more as he leans into me. The way his soft lips mold with mine makes this entire trek through the desert worth it.
His lips curve into a delightful smile as we slowly part from each other. “Do you need me to repeat myself? I will do so as many times as you need me to. Although you’ll have to keep your mouth shut for me to do that.” My face feels warm, and a bead of sweat slowly runs down my face as I look at him.
His expression remains one of pure love as he returns my gaze. He uses his hand to wipe the sweat from my face. “You’re the love of my life. There’s no one else I want to spend my life with. You can try to be as annoying as you can possibly be, and I’ll continue to love and adore you through it all. ..Would you look at that. We’re here.” Alhaitham’s words are stated matter of factly, like they aren’t a heartfelt proclamation of his love for me.
He doesn’t set me down; he walks inside with me still in his arms
“This shouldn’t take long. I work fast. Use this time to cool off. We’ll make it back by twilight.” With that, Alhaitham sets me down on a chair. He pulls another one over to sit beside me. He wastes no time in getting to work.
I lean my head on his shoulder as my finger languidly traces shapes on his thigh. I blatantly stare at his face to admire his handsome features, including the small smile on his lips. 
He lifts his free hand to reach down towards my hand on his thigh. My eyes curiously follow the course of his hand. As his fingers interlace with mine, euphoria welcomes me into its loving arms. 
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alexbkrieger13 · 3 months
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Full artcle
I couldn't hold back my tears.
I don't know if it's age, but I seem to get more emotional in these situations.
It's difficult to put into words what I felt when I jumped onto the ice at the Verdun Auditorium on January 13 for our team's home opener.
The crowd was incredible, but it was more than just the ovation that put me in this state. This emotion represented years of effort. I dreamed of this moment for a long time and, finally, we were there.
When I saw great women like Caroline Ouellette, France St-Louis, Kim St-Pierre and Danielle Goyette arrive on the ice, I got chills. I was so happy that people recognized them and gave them the ovation they deserve. Without them, I would not have had the same career.
I'll be honest. At one point, I feared this moment would never come. It took longer than expected. Yes, there were these showcases , weekends where matches were organized in different cities, but it had nothing to do with a real professional league.
JI remember the first time I came to see the installations in Verdun with Danièle Sauvageau. There was almost nothing done. We had our work boots and construction helmets. She had a vision which she explained to me in detail. But I really had a hard time imagining it.
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Marie-Philip Poulin greets the crowd after a Montreal team match.
Our fans are the best. Friends who play on other teams told me that. It's not a crowd like any other in Montreal. She is noisy. She is invested. It's important to me to give back to people who are on the move. I am now more comfortable in this role. It’s the experience that comes in, you have to believe.
Before a live interview on Radio-Canada during an intermission at the Verdun Auditorium, a boy called me to offer me a treat. He threw one at me and I caught it in midair with my mouth. I started my interview anyway, with a smile on my face and my mouth full. It's part of my identity, my personality. Interaction with young people is really important to me.
The enthusiasm for our league is very real. I feel it. I hear it too. In Ottawa, I got booed when I went for a penalty shot. Being booed at home, in Canada, I admit that it's a first! It's weird, but it doesn't bother me. After all, that's what we wanted: a competitive league, rivalries and fans who identify with their city.
After a game in Minnesota, we went for a beer. Fathers came to see us to tell us how excited they were to see professional women's hockey. I saw how happy they were for us. It was in Minnesota, we are the team from Montreal and, despite everything, we attract attention.
This anecdote made me realize how our situation has nothing to do with what we experienced in the past. The enthusiasm is there and I have the impression that it is not just the effect of novelty. It will last and it's truly magical.
OHe talks to me a lot about this match last January 20, against Toronto . In fact, I'm mostly told about this goal scored with 17 seconds left in the third period and that we lost by one goal. Honestly, I don't know what happened. I had a blackout . It's rare that I take the puck and try to get to the goal on my own. I saw an opening. It was not premeditated. I was the first surprise when I scored.
Then, I was sent to shootouts four times by my coach. I obviously wasn't ready for that. It took me a little by surprise. It's not my favorite rule, but I'll get used to it.
I was burned out after that match. It's a lot of adaptation. LPHF games, Canada-US Rivalry Series, travel. We're not used to having such a big workload. You have to prepare well, but also make sure you recover well. That's the beauty of this league. It allows me to continue to surpass myself, to learn new things.
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Marie-Philip Poulin
I like hockey. I love that. And what I prefer is when the score is close. I like it when you have to give a little more, when you have to empty the tank. When it really counts, that's when I'm at my best. It turns me on.
My parents always told me: You practice like you play. It always stuck in my mind. I don't take anything for granted. I am aware of the pressure, but I have learned to manage it over the years. I don't forget that it's a team sport. I'm lucky to have been able to achieve some of these great moments, but I know I'm not alone in this.
I won Olympic medals, but I also lost world championships. I even wondered if I was capable of winning one. The 2018 Olympics were arguably the most difficult time of my career. I was practically hiding. I didn't want to see anyone. I thought I had disappointed the whole world by failing to bring home the gold medal.
I also learned not to read everything, to leave certain comments aside. Hockey is such a difficult sport. You can do the same thing every game, but the rebound won't go your way, it won't work or the opposing goalie will be on fire. I keep in mind that if you give your maximum in every match, it will happen.
People expect me to score goals, but that's not all I am. I take a lot of pride in blocking shots, in raising sticks in defensive withdrawal. I can still improve my defensive game. To win championships, you have to count, but the little details in the defensive zone will make the difference.
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Marie-Philip Poulin and Laura Stacey celebrate a goal together on January 2, against Ottawa
Even though she has been on the national team for a long time and is one of the best players in the world, Laura Stacey is less known to Quebec fans. Why her, they then asked themselves?
I knew full well that Danièle Sauvageau had not chosen her because she is my fiancée. Laura, she's an incredible player. A real power forward who has remarkable discipline.
She chose to move to another province. She is learning the language and doesn't hesitate to try to do bits of interviews in French. It's not easy, but she embraces her new reality.
I'm proud of her. I am proud to see her doing promotions for the media in French. I'm proud that people are discovering her personality, the player she is and that Montrealers are falling in love with her because she really deserves it.
OI often ask myself why I continue.
I don't have to play hockey. I do it because I love it. I feel the best on the ice.
I have the Olympic gold medals, the World Championship gold medals. Now I want to win an LPHF title in Montreal, at home.
Having a positive impact on the next generation has become my priority. To see the little girls in the stands, with stars in their eyes, it's worth more than championships, it's worth more than medals.
Eventually, I want to start a family. It would be in my next projects. We love kids, so this is really important to us.
For the moment, it's still hockey first and foremost.
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Marie-Philip Poulin has fun during off-ice training
Comments collected by Christine Roger
Header photo by LPHF Montréal/Arianne Bergeron
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Embracing Love
As you approached the group, Kageyama's hand instinctively found yours, intertwining your fingers. His touch brought a sense of comfort, grounding you amidst the whirlwind of emotions. You could feel the eyes of the team on you, their curious gazes assessing the new addition to their circle.
Kageyama's teammates, a mix of familiar faces and strangers, formed a semi-circle around the court. Their expressions ranged from curiosity to mild surprise, a reflection of their intrigue in seeing the usually composed and focused Kageyama arrive with a partner by his side.
Sensing your slight apprehension, Kageyama tightened his grip on your hand, silently reassuring you. His touch became an anchor, providing you with the strength to face this new situation head-on. With a deep breath, you took a step forward, standing by Kageyama's side, ready to face the scrutiny of his teammates.
The silence lingered for a moment before a voice broke through the tension. It was Hinata, Kageyama's energetic teammate, who couldn't contain his excitement. "Kageyama! You finally brought your girlfriend!" he exclaimed, his wide grin lighting up the court. The statement was met with a chorus of chuckles and nods of agreement from the rest of the team.
As if given permission by Hinata's enthusiasm, the team began to relax, their curiosity turning into warm greetings and friendly smiles. One by one, they introduced themselves, extending their hands in welcome. Kageyama stood beside you, providing a steady presence as you navigated the introductions, his support unwavering.
But as the conversation flowed, you couldn't help but feel a growing desire for closeness, a yearning to feel connected to Kageyama amidst this sea of new faces. It was a vulnerability that often emerged, a side of you that craved reassurance and affection.
Unable to contain your longing any longer, you leaned into Kageyama, resting your head against his shoulder. The action caught the team's attention, their eyes widening in surprise. Kageyama, his cheeks tinted with a light blush, wrapped his arm around your waist, pulling you even closer.
The atmosphere shifted, an unspoken understanding settling among the team. They realized that your connection with Kageyama ran deeper than they had initially anticipated. The bond you shared was one built on trust, affection, and an understanding of each other's vulnerabilities.
A soft smile spread across Kageyama's face as he exchanged a glance with his teammates, their expressions a mixture of amusement and acceptance. The initial surprise melted into warmth and camaraderie, as they recognized the depth of your connection and the happiness it brought to their teammate.
Embraced by Kageyama's presence and the acceptance of his team, you felt a sense of belonging that surpassed your expectations. The clinginess that defined your affection became a testament to the strength of your relationship, a language that spoke volumes of the trust and love you shared.
As the conversation continued, the team's laughter filled the air, blending with your contented sighs and Kageyama's whispered words of reassurance. In that moment, surrounded by new friends and a supportive team, you knew that this journey was only just beginning.
With Kageyama by your side, you were ready to face the challenges, celebrate the victories,
and cherish every moment of growth and connection. As the bonds between you and the team strengthened, so too did the bond between you and Kageyama, creating a foundation that would carry you through the highs and lows of the volleyball court and beyond.
And amidst the cheers and laughter that echoed across the court, you realized that you had found not only a place in Kageyama's heart but in the hearts of his teammates as well—a family forged through shared passion, acceptance, and the enduring power of love.
a/n: it always manages to get the word camaraderie in there somewhere lmao. the more i enable myself, the more self indulgent my requests get.
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imponderabillia · 5 months
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David Sylvian - Perspectives (Polaroids 82-84)
”In the early part of 1982 I had, for numerous reasons, decided to take a rest from songwriting. This was to be the first break I had had since I’d started as a child at the age of 12. It was therefore not surprising that to relieve the subsequent frustration caused by this action, I turned to the only other creative outlet I’d known, and which had been my main preoccupation until my discovery of music, drawing.
The freshness brought on by this change, the naive pleasure of working and learning in a virtually unexplored area for me opened many doors.
Not least of which being my new found appreciation of the world of the arts. Drawings, paintings, sculpture, ceramics, a universe of creativity which had always been hidden from me, suddenly came to life. I had of course been aware of works by various famous artists before, but although I was able to appreciate a lot of what I had inadvertently seen, I had never felt anything emotionally from the work in the way that I could quite naturally feel from music.
Now all was changed. I first realised this whilst visiting a major exhibition by a painter living and working here in England, Frank Auerbach. The depth and intensity of emotion I experienced surpassed anything I had felt in music for a very long time, if at all. I explain this because through these and various other similar experiences my outlook on life and work changed (or maybe matured would be more appropriate) at quite a dramatic pace. In the midst of these changes came my first attempts at Polaroid montage.
It was during a visit to Hong Kong, one of the stops towards the end of a rather lengthy tour, that I first started working with Polaroid film. As was my routine throughout the tour, I would return to my hotel after the day’s performance and there I would stay for the remainder of the evening, reading and drawing sketches. On our arrival in Hong Kong we found ourselves with a day free. However, having been there fairly recently, and not having particularly enjoyed the place, I decided to spend the day at the hotel, and among other things write some letters and complete some rawings. By evening, having filled all the paper space available with notes and sketches and wishing to continue working on ideas formed while drawing, I turned to the only materials available to me at that time, the Polaroids. This is how it started and so it has continued since, constantly developing, trying to find different uses for the same materials, and when a new technique shows itself using it to the advantage of creating interesting photographs/pictures. I feel I must point out that although looking back I know there were other artists working with Polaroids in the same, or similar areas as myself (most notable of these being D. Hockney), at this time (the remaining months of ’82) I was working totally by means of self-discovery as I had no other possible guides. I gradually became more aware of the work of others towards the middle of ’83. Sometimes consciously (and I hope with humour) I place references in my work to that of others.
Prior to my work with the SX-70, my interest in photography was to be found in areas of concept and design. I never intended or expected to become personally involved in photography, indeed even now my knowledge of the practical side of the art is extremely limited. For this reason and also because of the nature of the work I do, I would not begin to think of myself as a photographer. I have far too much respect for the people who spend a large part of their lives working with the camera (Brassai, Kertesz, Riboud, Benton, McBean and Ray) and who give true meaning to the word.
I do not see the work in this book as an end in itself. Essentially I believe that there are only a handful of pictures I have produced which transcend the techniques used and show a possibility of standing up to time. The remainder are either very personal pictures and ‘or show and explore germs of ideas which may be followed up in the future by work in other mediums.
My experimenting with Polaroids is about at an end. Although I’m still working with the techniques I’ve developed in an attempt to produce pictures of a more lasting quality. I’ll soon be turning my interests to new areas, using, along with new ideas, the more valuable I have learnt from working with Polaroids."
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diegowife · 2 years
“Two Of Us”
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A Mini Of Denji X Reader
Reader uses She/Her pronouns :)
Might be include manga spoilers, read at your own risk!
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Makima revealed that Y/n possesses a unique gift since birth - the ability to manipulate Hell-Fire. She is capable of generating and controlling flames, despite not being a devil herself, which sets her apart with this incredible power.
Y/n, who is not only my close friend but also my first love, captured my heart from the moment Makima introduced us. She possesses an exquisite, refined, charming, and courteous demeanor that surpasses even Makima.
Her prowess in eliminating devils, coupled with her captivating actions, sends shivers down my spine. I find myself unable to divert my gaze from her. Unlike Power, Y/n does not possess a childish disposition nor is she easily frightened. In times of danger, I feel assured that Y/n would come to my aid, steadfastly standing by my side.
I often contemplate confessing my feelings to her, but the thought of doing so is daunting. The fear of potential rejection and ensuing embarrassment renders the endeavor an arduous one.
Nevertheless, today is the day I gather the courage to ask her out. I cannot continue to suppress these emotions indefinitely. Nervously, I knock on her apartment door, eagerly awaiting a response. As the door creaks open slowly, my heart skips a beat.
To my surprise, Y/n is already dressed impeccably. Why is she adorned as if attending a wedding? I stand poised like a gentleman and clear my throat,
“Ahem, Y/n, will you go out with me today? You know, just in case the two of us want to spend time together? Since there are not so many devils and Makima hasn't informed us of any mission yet...”, It can prove quite a challenge to convey my thoughts to her on occasion. Undoubtedly, I can be quite bothersome.
“Oh? I was planning to go out to buy something. I guess going out with you is fine too..” In a manner that exuded shyness, she gently rubbed her neck as she spoke.
While holding my hand, she stepped out of the door, “Well, where should we go?”. The suddenness of her actions caused my face to blush as red as Makima's hair. Why would she hold my hand? Is this all just a dream? Or could it be that my dream has finally come true? If this is indeed a dream, I wish to share it with Pochita. He expressed his desire to know and understand the contents of my dreams. Hang on a little longer, Pochita; we are almost there.
Walking hand in hand with Y/n now felt like a taste of heavenly bliss. Although I've never experienced heaven firsthand, I assume this is what it must feel like. Earlier, I had to lock Power in the apartment to ensure she wouldn't disrupt our date. That girl truly knows how to cause trouble.
Presently, we find ourselves in Y/n's apartment once again. The burden of carrying her shopping bag is quite noticeable, indicating her fondness for shopping. Assisting her, I collect her belongings and arrange them within her humble abode. After completing the task, "Denji..." She appears discontented. Did I do something wrong?
“Denji, I extend my gratitude to you for everything that you have done. The time we spent together was truly delightful and it brought a smile to my face”, This made me chuckle. Oh yes, the plan that we executed has been successfully achieved. “No worries, I had intended for this to happen all along.”
It pleases me to see that she appreciates it. Our moments spent together were enjoyable, but the highlight for me was the opportunity to hold her hand..
Despite all that we did, it still doesn't feel satisfactory to me. We engaged in various activities together, such as going to the shopping mall, purchasing ice cream, having dinner, and strolling around the park. However, even with all of these things, it still doesn't meet my expectations. I can't help but wonder what else is lacking. Ugh, what is it that you desire, Denji? Come on, tell me.
As she prepared to close the door, I intervened, realizing that I needed to speak up once again. “Um, excuse me, but I have something else to say,” I blurted out. In that moment, I questioned my actions, thinking to myself, 'Oh no, what am I doing?' It felt as if my hand had a mind of its own. She furrowed her brow and asked, “Yes? What is it that you want, Denji?” Contemplating whether or not to reveal my thoughts, I considered that perhaps she wouldn't welcome them. Today was an exhausting day, after all.
“If you would be interested, I could propose the idea of accompanying me to the beach tonight, around the hour of 2 am. However, if this time is not suitable, I am willing to change the tim-”, before I could finish my sentence, she ecstatically grasped both of my wrists.
Without hesitation, she replied, “Absolutely, Denji, I would be delighted to join you!” Her laughter filled the air, causing my eyes to widen with admiration. She truly is a treasure. Alas, if only my wealth allowed me the privilege of showering her with delightful gifts. We solidified our plans and rendezvoused at the beach later on.
At the seaside, I found myself by 2 am. It has been a while, yet she has not shown up. What could be causing her delay in arriving here? Perhaps she is still asleep? No, that cannot be, as she never fails to keep our promises.
Not too distant from this location lies her apartment. Engaged in playing with the sand, I suddenly felt the touch of someone closing my eyes. I couldn't help but smile, playfully remarking, “You won't fool me, Y/n.”
In a state of amazement, she burst into laughter and released her grip, “Impressive how quickly you can guess!” Her face radiated joy as she flung sand towards me, yet I managed to evade it. “To me, it seems evident that we are the only one here,” I commented. Indeed, there is no chance that anyone else is present at this hour, considering it is late morning. Nevertheless, there was a peculiar sensation, as if someone was observing our every move, perhaps a homeless individual seeking solace by the ocean's embrace. I could simply overlook it all and fully embrace this moment.
In addition to that, a solid button-front blouse and trousers were worn by her; in contrast, I am only donning shorts and find myself half-naked. As she took a seat beside me, I crouched down. “I apologize for my tardiness, as I had to carefully select a suitable outfit, and may I mention, I also prepared a bento for the both of us!” she exclaimed, proudly displaying her portion of appetizing food.
Without warning, she forcefully pulled me into the ocean. I have never been a proficient swimmer, especially after the incident involving Reze. Although the trauma continues to linger in my thoughts, I must brush it aside. Y/n is all that matters to me now. “Can't swim, huh?” she scoffed, taunting me. Irritated, I retaliated by splashing water in her direction, provoking her laughter as she reciprocated the action.
Observing her silhouette, her laughter, and her facial expressions brings me great pleasure. Following a blissful period relishing in our youthful moments, we situated ourselves upon the sandy terrain and savored the bento she had prepared.
“Denji, why did you choose this particular location out of all the options available?” she inquired quizzically. Pausing to meet her gaze directly, I responded, “Well, it's quite challenging to put into words, but what I desire above all else is merely the presence of the two of us, without any disturbances or interruptions.”
Momentarily pausing to collect my thoughts, I continued, “All I yearn for is to sit in tranquil silence by the shore, admiring the rhythmic waves, listening to the harmonious melody of the surf, and experiencing the soothing pulse of the earth.” Yes, I suppose that phrase will suffice. While I cannot offer a concrete explanation, I did my best. At that moment, I felt her hugging me. Indeed, she enveloped me with her affection. Well done, Denji.
A rush of warmth envelops me as I sense her skin, the pulsating rhythm of her heart, and her embrace encircling my neck. Regrettably, the embrace is destined to be short-lived. She disengages from the hug and gently places her palm on each of my cheeks, hesitantly questioning, “Denji, do you believe this to be a date?”. Mirroring her actions, I also rest my palm on her cheeks and confirm, “Yes, Y/n, all along, this has been a date.”
A mixture of nervousness and anticipation tinges my smile as I gradually close the distance between our faces, and she reciprocates with equal measure. My throat tightens with anxiety. Despite not being my first kiss, I hope that I am deemed a proficient kisser. Our lips finally unite, and I relish the sensation of her soft lips pressed against mine. It is comforting warmth, and I find myself enjoying it immensely. In that fleeting moment, just as I am beginning to savor the experience, that moment until I hear...
“ BANG !”
Rather than realizing the events that had unfolded, I continued to relish in the sensation of our genuine kisses. My gaze shifted towards her, and the sight before me was utterly unforeseen. The tender caress of her cheeks and the touch of her hand upon mine were no more. Her body lay before me, disintegrated into countless fragments, not a single bone remaining intact. The crimson blood splattered across my visage and drenched my entire being. The chilling tableau left me breathless and shaken.
As I stared at the bloodstained hands, my eyes widened in disbelief. I cast a glance over my shoulder, and to my astonishment, it was Makima. I attempted to utter a response, yet my voice failed to escape my lips. “Denji, creatures like you, devils, should devote their attention to destruction rather than surrendering to love,” she proclaimed.
“Denji, it is obvious that you have developed a sentiment for her from the very beginning. Why did you decide to switch your affections towards her? You have kissed both Himeno and Reze, and now you attempted to kiss her?” She approached me and lifted my chin, saying, “Denji...from this point forward, you are under my complete control.” With a smug expression, she departed, completely disappeared in the shadow.
I find myself completely immobilized. Has the circulation of blood in my body ceased, or am I simply paralyzed with fear? I have lost Y/n. Why am I unable to experience any emotions? Why can't I shed any tears? I had just experienced my first genuine kiss, only to witness her obliteration right before my eyes. It is at this moment that I comprehend the following truth:
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“In a world consumed by devils and misery, no feelings of love can endure.”.
I'm sorry if there are any grammar problems. English is not my first language :)
Thank you so much for reading <3 I hope the ending satisfies you. If you have A03, please look up my account PortgasDqish. I usually post my fanfic there ♡
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nspwriteups · 1 year
Silent Love
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Exploring Kundavai x Vanthiyathevan first meeting (movie version) through Vanathi's eyes
"Kanne, your dance was truly mesmerizing" Kundavai remarked, making Vanathi blush."I'm glad you like it Akka, but now that the performance is over why are we still here? Are we waiting for someone?" Vanathi asked, looking around at where they were standing in the boat, anchored in the middle of the river.
Kundavai simply smiled at her and looked at something or someone behind her. She turned around to see a coracle boat approaching them. And who was it but the person who danced with her as Kamsa Raja, standing with his hands on his hip, occassionally swaying to the movement of the river. Kundavai spoke up in a deep majestic voice, "I hear that you wanted to meet me alone"
"It depends on who you are, Devi" Kamsa Raja spoke aloud trying to match her Akka's bold tone.
"Whom do you wish to meet, young man?" Kundavai asked again
"I wanted to meet the most beautiful and gracious daughter of the Emperor Sundara Chozhan, the sister of the two brave princes Aditha Karikalan and Arulmozhi Varman, the Ilaiya Piratti Kundavai Devi" Vanathi heard the visitor speak, suppressing her smile.
Kundavai also smiled after glancing at Vanathi, "I bear all those fancy titles with burden"
Vanathi saw the speaker looking at them in surprise and particularly at Kundavai with awe. As he approached the boat, he slowly climbed up, acknowledging her with a smile which she returned and proceeded to look straight at Kundavai, in an expression that Vanathi could only describe as lovestruck. Then she understood who this person was. She remembered her Akka telling her of a Vana Kula Ilavarase named Vallavaraiyan Vanthiyathevan, a trusted friend and spy of Aditha Karikalan who was sent to meet with Kundavai. But looking at him now, he seemed less of a spy and more of a youth in love at first sight. She felt like she could say the same for her Akka too, who was now watching him with equal admiration. 
"Ilavarasi" Vanathi heard Vanthiyathevan address Kundavai in a soft tone
"Aaha, what a transformation! From a demon to a spy" Vanathi suppressed a laughter at Kundavai's taunt.
"I had no choice. Pazhuvettarayar is after my blood and that fake Vaishnavite Nambi follows me everywhere" Vanthiyathevan said 
"Why were you looking for me?" Kundavai asked.
"Karikalan send me to Kadambur, Devi. A secret meeting has taken place there. Prince Madhurantakan was taken there in Nandini Devi's palanquin" 
Vanathi tried to eavesdrop as the conversation took a serious turn. She saw her Akka had become slightly disturbed in hearing the news but didn't lose her composure, "I have only one question - Did Madhurantakan agree to this conspiracy?"
Vanthiyathevan nodded "He wishes to be emperor" . Vanathi was shocked. What does this mean? Is there any danger to the lives of the royal family? Her Akka, her Aditha Anna and her Yaanai Paagan?
Kundavai continued to keep her poker face "The list for power surpasses the lust of beauty" She sighed "Very well. Where's my brother's message. Do you have it?"
Vanthiyathevan gave her a ghost of a smile "Yes Devi. I wrote the message myself. Coming here empty handed didn't seem right" 
Kundavai extended her hand and Vanthiyathevan placed an olai into her hand, neither of them noticing Vanathi's confused look. Weren't they having a serious discussion on royal politics a while ago? How did it turn into teasing again? Vanathi wondered to herself as Kundavai read the olai aloud "This message is from a great warrior.." Raising an eyesbrow at the writer of the olai, Kundavai said in a sarcastic tone "Such modesty!" 
Vanthiyathevan smirked "Books says modesty must not dwarf truth" 
Kundavai looked at him with a twinkle in her eye "which book? The one you're writing?"
Vanthiyathevan tried to hide his blush "Yes Devi". Once again they failed to notice Vanathi staring at them with wide eyes. Why is the Vana Kula Prince -turned- spy trying to flirt with her Akka? And moreover why was her Akka encouraging him? How did they forget the conversation they had a few minutes ago about the conspirators and the imminent threat to the royal family? Did she imagine that? But she didn't had time to ponder on those thoughts as she heard Kundavai speak again " In the war against the Rashtrakutas, didn't you fight alongside my brother?" On hearing this, Vanthiyathevan lifted his head proudly and said "I was by his side. I killed over a thousand soldiers…" and on seeing a slight look of disbelief in Kundavai's eyes, said "Alright. A hundred? Over Fifty? If I lower the number any further my bravery will be in doubt ". Vanathi could see her Akka was impressed. Not only with the bravery of this warrior but also with his charming manner of spech. 
"So shall I send you on a dangerous mission befitting a brave warrior?" . Vanathi was sure her Akka was planning something. 
"Is that my reward?" Vanthiyathevan asked innocently
"After all, you are a brave warrior and have slain over 50 soldiers." Vanathi wondered whether Kundavai was just buttering him up just so he would accept the mission or if she was reciprocating his sweet-talk.
Vanthiyathevan smiled openly "That is true. I await your command"
Gone was Kundavai's playfulness when she commanded him " I want you to go to Lanka. Find my brother Arulmozhi and bring him to me. Can you do that?" . Vanathi was elated. Her Yaanai pagan was going to come here? There wasn't a day when she didn't miss him and now her prayers were finally being answered. She glanced at Vanthiyathevan. Can this warrior bring back Ponniyin Selvan safely? How trustworthy is him? But she put her worries aside. If he is the dear friend of Aditha Anna and if Kundavai Akka seems to put so much trust in him then she can also trust him. She was so engrossed in her thoughts that she missed Vanthiyathevan looking at Kundavai with adoration but heard his proclamation " I will seek the Lord of Death if you command me, Devi". Vanathi tried to suppress her giggle. Who does this person think he is - Lord Krishna himself? How he is showering words dipped in honey to her Akka as if he had known her for ages! She shifted her attention to Kundavai, eager to note her reaction. 
"Really?" Kundavai asked with a smile, looking to challenge his words
"I swear on you" Vanthiyathevan said with genuinity
Vanathi knew immediately that her Akka was going to take him up on the challenge when she heard Kundavai said "Very well. I command you to jump into this river" 
She saw Vanthiyathevan looked at the waters nervously before saying "Not the river Devi"
Kundavai smile wholeheartedly and Vanthiyathevan returned the smile, his eyes never leaving her face for a second. What a rare pleasant sight! Vanathi mused. Ilaiya Piratti Kundavai Devi getting flustered? She mentally noted to tease her Akka about it later. She saw Kundavai walking towards the inside chamber of the boat followed by the seemingly lovestruck Vana Kula spy. "You'll have the message for my brother before you go" She heard Kundavai say and a doubtful look in Vanthiyathevan's eyes "The crown prince is waiting for me"
"I shall let him know. He'll wait for you" Kundavai said, turning to him to say in a soft whisper "So will I"
If Vanathi was doubtful about Kundavai's actions till then, she was absolutely sure now. So this warrior with a honeyed tongue managed to conquer her Akka's heart in their first meeting itself! She knew if Kundavai actually noticed her, she would have seen her amused expression but luckily for her, the duo continued to stare at each other until Kundavai turned again to continue her teasing "There's a reward of 1000 gold coins on your head. Careful!" 
Vanthiyathevan was silent till now but he suddenly declared "My life belongs to you, Devi" . Vanathi was impressed by his dedication, respect and honesty as much as she was impressed that he made Kundavai blush a second time. He seemed to lose himself in her flustered face for a while before snapping out to say " I will stay alive to fulfill your mission".
It was then that he turned around to leave, and in doing so locked eyes with her. Vanathi could hardly keep her mischievous smile to herself and he stared at her as if realising she was the sole witness to all the conversation that happened here. Then smiling at her sheepishly and looking at Kundavai's retreating figure for one more time, he started to descend the stairs.  Vanathi you idiot! Her mind chided her. Stop standing there and put this golden opportunity to good use. She called out for the warrior, meaning to call him Ilavarase but somehow saying "Kamsa Mama". He looked at her curiosly. "Can you do me a favor?" She asked, praying he wouldn't deny. "When Lord Krishna himself asks, Can Kamsa refuse?" She laughed at his term of endearment. "If I give you an olai for Ponniyin Selvan, would you make sure it safely reaches his hands?" She asked again and watched as he narrowed his eyes at her before grinning in understanding. "I am embarking on a mission of danger anyway, might as well do this mission of love too" He said and she gestured him to be quiet lest her Akka hears their agreement. 
And as she watched Kamsa Mama reach the shore, she couldn't help but feel that this wouldn't be the last time she'd be seeing him. She prayed to all the gods to keep her Ponniyin Selvan safe as she would be waiting for his arrival just like Kundavai would be waiting for the return of this mysterious charmer. 
@ramcharanobsessed @dumdaradumdaradum @vibishalakshman @harinishivaa @hollogramhallucination @kovaipaavai@rang-lo. @willkatfanfromasia@thelekhikawrites@thegleamingmoon@deafeningflowercat@yehsahihai@whippersnappersbookworm@itsfookingloosah@gemsmusings@chiyaanvikram@elvenladysakura. @matka-kulfi. @madatdisney@bumblebeeskywalker@vahnithedreamer@nkarti@dosai-maavu@utterlynotperfect@winter-birds@happy-bookworm @tumbledout @anabanana4115 @freeunknownwasteland @bhataktiatmacore@rapunzels-stuff@celestesinsight@mairablue@rationalelderberry@existenceiswhateven@arachneofthoughts@spider5884fan11 @cara-2003 @nirmohi-premika @stella12
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accio-victuuri · 9 months
xiao zhan @ SBMS fox factory interview 2/2:
you guys just went to the night view in raffles city
XZ: the night view is very beautiful, it’s also my first time going there after it fixed. it’s my first time going up. do i sound like an outsider?then i even said that chongqing is really beautiful because i really haven’t been there myself.
the feeling of cyberpunk
XZ: because chongqing does have a sci-fi feel due to its terrain.
have you ever thought of having the opportunity to shoot a news or science fiction story in chongqing?
XZ: of course it would be great and better if speak with chongqing dialect.
(imagine) what is your heroine like?
XZ: it depends on what the script looks like. it’s better to be a charming and cute villain
i was just about to say are you two different? waiting for the script to impress you, if one day you shoot on the set and you found two secrets of the world one is secret of martial arts, and the other one is complete collection of health care, which one would you keep?
XZ: martial art secret script. in fact, health care is related to the foundation of martial arts. it’s all about learning luck. if your martial arts skills are at the top then your health will be good too.
recently, how do you maintain your health?
XZ: take more rest when you have time.
then where do you have time to rest?
XZ. ah….
now if xiao zhan could travels back to the xiao zhan who did his first introduction video for the first time, how confident would you be of it?
XZ: i don’t know, i don’t know. when i went to shoot some audition clips at that moment i think the producer and the director what they value more is the type of person, what you pass on at the moment. does it match our play or character, so i don’t think he can win with his skills.
do you think your first audition was for the director or the producer? and after filming he was sure it was you.
XZ: remember it was “the wolf” i went to perform two auditions. later, he said that he was sure it’s me, then i would have been pleasantly surprised.
but now you have gotten better. you performance state are more relaxed and then you have more confidence, do you think your state is more dynamic now and that with your current state you can impress others more?
XZ: i’m not sure about it. skills can be improved. but the feeling you convey at the moment it’s really precious so if you let me travel back now, on the contrary, i may pay too much attention to what i showed and lost some precious moments
do you prefer the audience to be captivated by the character’s charm or your charm?
XZ: character’s charm. because this is the uniqueness of the actor profession, continuously producing interesting stories, play some moving characters only then you journey will last for a long time.
if anyone says they will always have a certain role filter for xiao zhan, will you feel happy?
XZ: i will be happy. it shows that your role is very successful, you role is loved by everyone. it will also followed by pressure, because you have to create another character that surpasses that character.
anyway, we will also want to know if you understand shengyang consumption method?
XZ: very understandable. don’t buy things that are not practical.
when he went to western restaurants, he paid for 168¥, would you do the same?
XZ: i might just leave
and perhaps do you know that everyone is working hard to calculate. our shengyang has his salary only 4,000 before got promotion and spent only 20 yuan that month. how did he survive?
XZ: there is also a commission
so you have been working hard, we want to know when will you have a time to travel
XZ: let’s see it later and find the time.
if you go out and stay, will you shoot us some funny videos?
XZ: i think the desire to share is something that only comes when you really want to share at the moment, i just don’t really like to do something very deliberate. i don’t like others to describe what you share with the word business. i saw a beautiful scenery from my heart. i want to share it with everyone. i really want to share it, and then i will share it.
because your hair has grown longer, how do you adapt yourself to the length of your hair?
XZ: to be honest, i’m not used to it. but i gradually got used to it.
you will think it’s in the way, you have to tie it up like this.
XZ: right. i will use the hairband and then tie it up.
i feel that your hair grows so fast.
XZ: yes my hair growing very fast
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