#i don't know where i found that screenshot but i've been waiting for the right time to use it for a while
rithmeres · 9 months
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i spent my tumblr hiatus doing the things that really matter in life (making 35 trigun stampede text post memes) [1/2]
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Aita for not telling my friend that her husband is gay and cheating on her for months after I found out?
Okay so I really don't know what the right move would have been in this situation and I feel really bad about it.
So I, 28(f) have two childhood friends who I'll call Rose (28f) and Matt (28m). Rose and Matt started dating in school, married quickly after that and have been together for years. It had been a really fairytale relationship and honestly I was really jealous of their relationship for a long time, before this situation started.
So I was hanging out with a friend who didnt know Matt and Rose, who we'll call Ben (30m). We were chilling together and he got a grindr notification. We like to share like who were talking to, what the plans are etc and he showed me this guy he'd matched with and it was Matt. I freaked out, Ben was like "hey maybe theyve got an open relationship and you don't know" I was skeptical but I had to admit that there was a small possibility that was the case. Ben sent me screenshots of Matt's profile and their texts and I arranged to hang out with Matt by himself the next week.
So when we hung out I confronted him about it with the screenshots and he broke down and told me the truth. He's gay, he's known he was gay since he was 13ish, and he's terrified of his, very conservative, family finding out. I asked him if Rose knew, and he confirmed that she didn't and he's been telling her that he's visiting family/other friends and instead meeting guys from Grindr to sleep with.
I was trying to balance my support for him, because I really felt for him and his inner turmoil being closeted for so long - I'm bi myself and it took me a long time to feel comfortable sharing my sexuality with people - and my anger for him cheating on Rose. I was also concerned because he was just meeting randos and sleeping with them with nobody knowing where he was, like bad shit could happen and nobody would know. We talked for over 5 hours going over all aspects of the situation, and by the end of it he said that he was going to come clean to Rose and tell her the truth and theyd figure out what to do from there.
Matt never told her. I waited for two months before I pressed the issue because, well that's a huge thing to talk about and I didn't want to pester him any more that it needed to be pressed. But after two months, he hadn't said anything and I was like "hey, she needs to know about this. You have no idea if youve given her any stis from the number of people you've slept with. She needs to know." He said he was going to tell her when he got home. He didn't.
In fact, Matt never told her willingly. Two weeks after I confronted him for the second time, a different friend came across him on Grindr in an unconnected situation, and he sent the screenshot straight to Rose without talking to Matt first. She immediately left him. She got an sti test and he had given her gonorrhoea.
They're getting a divorce. His family is incredibly homophobic, so Rose and Matt have agreed that they will gender swap who he cheated with when talking to his family (I.e., admitting he was using dating apps to cheat and the number of times he'd cheated but claiming that all of that was with woman rather than men). Since then they haven't spoken and Rose has been staying with her family.
I've told her all of my side of what happened and while she understands why I spoke to Matt first, she says she's upset that I didn't tell her at the same time, as gonorrhoea usually takes about two weeks to develop in the system and she (direct quote) "might have walked away with a shred of dignity if I wasn't peeing fire while i come to terms with being a useful idiot."
I feel dreadful. Obviously the blame really lies with Matt for giving her gonorrhoea in the first place but I can't help but feel responsible for not telling her when it was clear he wasn't going to do it by himself.
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aitadjcrazytimes · 10 months
It's been a good run
But it's time to bring this to a close!
The saga is over, C, T and I are all together. T and I are in the swing of it, C approves as much as it is possible for him to approve of anything, everyone knows about the blog and is chill.
C is back at his rightful place of walking his sister down the aisle.
I'm getting everything I want, and we're all free to make each other miserable until the day we die.
I'm not going to be updating this blog anymore! Nobody else involved with the situation will be submitting any more AITA posts either, because they are either not on tumblr or agreed it would be annoying.
I will say that there is some stuff on here that I've alluded to that isn't necessarily 100% in the spirit of things, so I've included some stuff below the cut for the folks who have caught onto that. I would not suggest reading it if you like how all of this played out and want to keep it that way. I know that's incredibly vague, but I'm not sure how to phrase it without making it weird?
Thank you all for listening and talking to me over the past few days! That's where I'm leaving it!
...Is everyone who wants to keep believing in the disaster polycule gone? Yes? OK!
So, this was fake. I made up the whole thing. TK and C and T and everyone else are fictional characters. Did I lie? Yes. Thanks for coming to my TED Talk.
Q: All of it? Even the og AITA post? The followup AITA post? The screenshots?
A: All of it.
Q: Wh... Why did you do this...?
A: Well, first this all started as a Red vs Blue fanfic for the ship Chexer (Church/Tex/Tucker)-
It started as a fanfic for Chexer. However, I was already working on a different fanfic for RVB that was totalling about 15k words at this point (+ at least 90k to go), and I knew I would never have the time or energy to write this one. I thought: yknow. this would be really funny as an aita post.
Q: It was a fanfic of a Halo fanfic series.
A: Yep!
So, I submitted Tucker's perspective. I did not expect for it to get more than maybe 100 notes at most. I totally thought someone would call it out right away.
The funny part is, if I'd dedicated all this energy to a fic instead of this blog, I'd probably have about 15-20 thousand words of fic already, but whatever, can't ruin my personal day!
Also, I wanted to see how many people would figure it out/how long it would take for it to become too obvious that this was a fandom thing. I was dropping names and RvB lore since the beginning. A few people did figure it out, and I DMed them in private to let them know.
Q: But why make the blog then?
A: Because I love to lie and be a nuisance to the general populace! <3
It was always my intent to wait until Carolina's perspective got posted (i am honestly still shocked i got away with "Carey/Georgia/West Virginia/Alabama/Miss Louisiana 1988"), let it simmer for about a day, then come clean. Which is what I'm doing now!
The reason I'm coming clean now instead of dragging it out is because I don't want anyone to feel stupid or like they got duped. You're not stupid! You were a part of this story! This was, as one anon said, a creative writing project. It was a collaboration! Thank you so much for helping me!
That said, I'm sorry to anyone that finds this disappointing! I had a blast doing this, but I will not be doing it again. I have gotten my fill. I have had my taste of being an influencer, and now I can go on with my life without ever feeling like I need to start a youtube channel.
Q: How did you keep up with a consistent timeline?
A: I didn't, especially at first. But in my time as a liar who lies about things, I have found that usually people are willing to believe you when you say "yeah, i lied about that".
Q: Wait, what about the thing with your kid?
A: Yeah, I fucked up on this one. In the other fic I was/am writing, Tucker was around 33. So, when I was saying what Junior's age was, I subtracted it from 33 and got 18. It wasn't until I was showing my partner the blog and they said "Wait, he had his kid at 13??????" that I realized I had fucked up. Oops!
Q: Was it really ALL fake?
A: For the most part. I will say that I did actually drop chocolate cake all over my tits that one time and had to shower by myself like a fucking loser. That one was true. I did also get my nails done for the first time ever, which did actually affect my typing. And I am in a band (but so is Tucker, canonically)! There are a few other things as well, but I don't want to list all of them.
Q: DID you ever read homestuck?
A: Nope. And I never will.
Even the title, though I will say that the title I came up with was "Leonard "Alpha Bitch" Church's Decidedly Not Lo-Fi Beats to Get Nasty and Get Clean To: The Movie"
Q: So there was never a combination sex/bathtime playlist?
A: Maybe! But perhaps more accurately: the combination sex/bathtime playlist was inside of you all along. You can make it. There are only three songs on there that are canon to the lore of this blog. Those are No Children by The Mountain Goats, Take It Out On Me by Thousand Foot Krutch, and one unknown song from the album Good Apollo, I'm Burning Star IV by Coheed and Cambria (Yep, the call was coming from inside the house, I gave Church my music taste). I had intended this to be Wake Up, but it's out of my hands now. The rest is yours to fill in.
Q: What's your main blog, so I can follow you?
A: Hi, this is aitadjcrazytimes. You're not getting that.
Q: Your AO3 handle?
A: Nope, not that either.
You will never find me. And that's the way I want it. You will see me in every blog. Every new follower. Every stranger you meet on the street. You will look into your discord kitten's eyes, and you will absently wonder if he was the one behind aitadjcrazytimes. And you will never know for certain.
Q: But-
A: Let me live on in your memory. The only person who knows both who I am and the fact that I did this is my partner, who is not into RvB or commonly on tumblr. I am not a RvB blog. I am not a writing blog. I am a nobody on the fringes of tumblr society who's been here long enough to know how to remain in the shadows.
And, even if you do manage to find me, against all odds:
No one will ever believe you.
I am closing my askbox. I am also closing my messages. If you have anything to say to Tucker or Me (tumblr user aitadjcrazytimes), you are welcome to do so in the replies or reblogs, but you will not be receiving an answer. I'll keep this blog up for anyone that wants to go through after the fact and do a deep dive or what have you.
Thanks to everyone who made this into the wild ride it was! Live long and get fucked or whatever! Xoxo <3
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smoooothoperator · 1 month
hiii lauraaa!! im just gonna say first things first and once again, Congratulations on writing an amazing series!!🥳✨️🫶🏼💗
I've been dedicated in reading and catching up and heads up, i may spam you with imagine plots soo sorry not sorry hehe😅😭
diving head first: I'd love to know abt the proposal + wedding details like whether lando proposed or violet proposed or maybe both🤷‍♀️😉 (like one of the tiktoks where the couple proposed at the same time), whoever proposes, what was their THE MOMENT when they knew 'this is it' (context: like jake and amy from b99 if you have watched), etc and etc.
i may have ranted in more detail but just wanted to share my pov of the idea. I'm sooo excited to see how this takes place! (ps: no pressure on writing asap!! take your sweet time pleasee! its always worth the wait to read😭😭😭)
okie now! byeeeeee loveee youuuuu mwaaahhhhh take care and happy race weekend!!🫂😉🫶🏼✨️ xx
Sorry it took me too long! Right now I'm very very very focused on reading that I really forgot that I had to write this HAHAHAHA
But I hope you like this!
He always knew he wanted to marry her. At first it was a joke he used to tell himself or his friends, that he was going to marry Violet no matter what, that he would put his last name next to hers. But it was only that, a joke and he barely though about it as something more.
But the day he had her, the day she said she loved him, he immediately knew he had to make that come true, that he was going to love her until his last breath. Days with her were like a new adventure he was dying to explore.
Lando started the search of a ring for her during the honeymoon phase of their relationship. He was so naive, so on love. He found himself countless times looking at rings everytime he walked in front of the jewelries Monaco, making screenshots on his phone of the ones he liked, picturing Violet with that ring on her finger.
But then the crash happened. He had to focus on her, on her recovery and making sure she was comfortable. And during that time with her, he came to the realization that he has to love the present and enjoy every second with her, enjoy life with her. But it made him realize, too, that he wanted to be next to her forever, now for real.
A year turned in two, two in three, and their love never stopped growing. They filled their house with souvenir of every places they visited, and their dogs were like their kids, always going with them to Lando's races.
It was a day he went out around Monaco with Max when he stopped right in front of the jewelry he always looked at. Max looked at him and smirked, nudging him and walking inside of the store. That day, he held Violet close to his chest, and while she was sleeping peacefully, he was staring at the ring inside elf the box, smiling widely.
He planned it, he kept the ring for months, and even if sometimes he decided to not wait and propose right in tbe moment, he waited for the day.
They went back to that city of snow, the city their favorite writer got inspired to write their favorite books. He thought it was perfect, Max and Pietra were with them, as well as their dogs.
"You know she will suspect if she find us recording, right?" Pietra sighed, looking at him.
"She won't" Lando nodded. "I have it planned, don't worry guys"
Lando had it pictured in his mind, he has been thinking and dreaming about this day since he bought the ring. When he's going to kneel, what words he's going to speak.
But it wasn't as easy as he thought.
His first attempt ended up with a fail. He wanted to go for a walk with the dogs and making sure that Max and Pietra were some meters away, with their phones in their hands making sure to record everything. But it ended with them screaming in a panic attack because one of their dogs decided to go explore to the wood. Thankfully they found the dog, covered in snow and the day ended with them cuddling the black dog in front of a fire and making sure he didn't freeze.
His second attempt was planned while they slept. It had to be something simple, no surprises. He has to make sure that their dogs are near, that the ring is in the box.
But at morning, when everything he wanted to do was cuddle her, he found Violet already in the living room making lunch for the day that was planned on the ski resort. So maybe that was the perfect moment to ask her.
He made sure he had the box with the ring in the inside pocket of his snow coat, sometimes having the need of patting his chest to make sure that the box was still there.
"Babe, you okay?" Violet asked worried, watching how he was always rubbing his chest. "Did something happen?"
"Oh? No, no! Why do you think that?" he frowned confused.
"Well..." she smiled looking him. "You can't stop touching your chest. Are you nervous because we're going to the red zone?"
"What?! Me?! My second name is danger" he scoffed, talking with a high pitched voice.
"Sure" she laughed, kissing his cheek.
Lando swallowed thickly and turned his head slightly to look at Max and Pietra, somehow panicking and moving his hand side to side under his chin.
"Abort plan, abort plan" he mouthed, making his friends chuckle.
He never thought that proposing to hercould be that hard without making her suspect.
He normally has a lot of patience, he had to get high levels of patience to love with two puppies and train them. But this? This is ending his patience levels.
The four of them spent the day skiing while their dogs were at a dog daycare place. And once they finished and got back with their dogs, Lando was too quiet on the way back to the house. And when they were finally there, he went immediately outside, grabbing his phone and texting Max.
Lando: Okay, this is the last chance. I'll stay out for a while, if she goes outside to talk with me, follow her.
Max: I never imagined proposing would be this hard...
Lando: Try it, then we'll talk 😩
Lando stayed out of the house, looking at the ring inside of the box. It doesn't have a big stone, in all his hers dating her he discovered that she doesn't like big jewelry. And the ring is the perfect definition of what she would wear everyday.
Rhysand and Feyre, their dogs, walked out of the house and stayed with him, cuddling him and trying to keep him warm, or trying to give him a reason to go back to the house.
"Hey, what are you doing outside? It's getting cold" Violet smiled, leaning on the door frame.
"Oh-" he wasn't ready. "C-can we talk?"
"There's something wrong?" she asked worried, walking towards him. "Lando, are you okay?"
"Well, I'm nervous" he sighed.
Violet started to panic. Nervous? Why would he be nervous? Is he going to break up with her?
"W-what?" she mumbled, swallowing thickly.
"I just wanted to do it before, but everytime I tried to talk with you, something happened" he said.
She could feel her vision getting blurry, not noticing the confusion in Lando's face.
"Baby, why are you crying?" Lando asked, holding her hands.
"You are going to break up with me, it's that?"
"What? No!" he laughed, pulling her close to him. "No! I'm actually going to do another thing"
She didn't feel him kneeling in front of her, grabbing the box inside of his coat. But when she finally understood what was happening, he didn't even need to say a word before she threw herself into his arms.
"You gave me a heart attack!" she exclaimed.
"I'm sorry, baby" Lando chuckled, holding her.
"But... Yes" she whispered. "I will marry you, idiot"
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the-froschamethyst4 · 7 months
Who’s he dating?
𖤐Pairing: Actor! Alejandro x F! Reader
𖤐Pronouns: She/Her
𖤐Warnings: Fluff, emotional, drama, language, kissing, jealously, groping, ass smacking, worrying,
𖤐Summary: Alejandro is a famous actor, being a bunch of movies where he plays villains or Mafia bosses, and the ladies LOVED HIM and men wanted to be him but what they didn't know is that Alejandro is married, and no one knew about it till they saw his ring
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Alejandro was pacing behind Jimmy Fallon's dark navy-blue curtain as he started to introduce Alejandro.
"And now introducing the face of his new movie If Death was my Lover, Alejandro Vargas," Alejandro heard his name and put on a smile as the curtains opened for him.
He walks out waving to the crowd, bro-hugging Jimmy and Jimmy showed him to the famous couch letting Alejandro have a seat.
"Alejandro, it is amazing to have you on the show."
"Thanks for having me," Alejandro said with a smile.
At the Hotel room Alejandro had rented out, his wife Y/n sat on the black couch watching the TV specifically watching The Tonight Show. She crossed her legs with a bowl of popcorn on her lap, she smiled seeing her husband on TV.
Alejandro's handsome smile on his face as he answered Jimmy's questions and then Jimmy wanted to do a game with Alejandro, Y/n smiled when her husband was winning against Jimmy.
Alejandro shook Jimmy's hand as he walked off the stage. Alejandro got backstage and immediately rubbed his head, he was getting a massive headache, he asked around for some ibuprofen which he finally found someone with it.
He took about 2 with some water and went back to his dressing room waiting for his headache to disappeared. He's been getting them for a while and is too afraid to tell Y/n that he's been getting migraines from stress on working.
He felt his headache slowly go away and he headed to his blacked-out Audi and headed to the hotel.
Y/n was getting her pajamas on, and she heard her hotel room door open, and slam shut. She turned and smiled seeing her husband.
"Alejandro," she coos, she walks up to him and wraps her arms around his neck. He held her waist and bent down kissing her lips with a smile on his face.
"Did you have fun?"
"I did...but I was missing you the whole time," he said, kissing her temple.
"Did you?"
"Yes, I don't know what's going on, but I've been getting nervous now, I was pacing backstage and was just nervous," he said, holding her close to his chest.
"It's okay, baby, but it went away, right?" She asked, looking up at him.
"Of course, amor," he kissed her lips.
Alejandro had woken up before the sun, he sat at the edge of the bed, rubbing the back of his neck and the sheets just covering his lower half.
Y/n was asleep next to him, he grabbed his phone and headed to the balcony to see what's new.
He opened his social media and then saw.
Some screenshotted Alejandro from last night on The Tonight Show, and then the other photo showed Alejandro's hand with his black wedding ring on.
"Shit," he mumbled. He's been great at keeping his marriage a secret, but he slipped up and forgot to take his ring off before the interview.
"Alejandro?" He looked up hearing his name and the sliding door open.
"Mi amor, I am so sorry."
"Huh? Why?" She asked as Alejandro pulled her to his lap.
"People saw my ring from the interview and now-"
"Alejandro it's okay...people know you're married they don't know to who."
"And I rather keep it that way, no one knowing who I am married to, it's no one's business and I don't want people hurting you or trying to threaten you...I'll make a statement about the ring and just say it was a ring I found not a wedding ring or something like that."
"That's fine, baby," she kissed his lips and headed back inside the hotel. "Come to bed, I know you're tired," she said as he smiled and followed her inside.
Alejandro really couldn't go back to sleep, he held Y/n to his chest and looked at the ceiling taking in her scent as well. She let out a soft yawn and rolled over on the other side cuddling the pillow.
He got up and opened the curtains just barely and saw that the sun was up now. He rubbed the back of his neck, he closed them and turned on the little lamp next to the big bed and got his clothes ready for a shower.
He turned the water on and started to get ready, they had to leave to go back to LA to go over a new movie with Netflix. Alejandro has been stressed out with new movies and new TV series, which is due to his headaches.
Y/n heard the water running in the bathroom. She opened the bathroom door and could see his outline in the shower.
"Good morning, amor," he says.
"Good morning," she said, grabbing her hairbrush and brushing her hair and then her teeth. Alejandro stopped the shower and got out with a towel around his waist.
He kissed her temple. "We've got to get going soon," he said, holding her waist now watching her in the mirror brushing her teeth and then her mumbling in response.
"What was that?" He teased.
"I mow (I know)," she said, placing her hand under her chin trying to not let the toothpaste fall out of her mouth. He kissed her temple and smacked her butt before walking out of the bathroom and grabbing some comfortable clothes to wear to the airport.
He even goes ahead and picks out Y/n's outfits when she gets out of the shower.
Alejandro got his clean boxers on and started to rub his towel on his hair drying it the best he could. Y/n saw her husband in his boxers bent over just a little bit drying his hair. She smiled and smacked his butt; he smacked her away as she laughed at him.
"Really?" He said as Y/n cornered herself.
"Yes," she laughs.
He grabs her wrist pulling her close to his chest and groped her ass making her moan just a little.
"Thought we had to get going," she teased.
He let go of her and grabbed his jeans and a lose t-shirt.
"Get dressed, so we can head out," he smirked and walked to the bathroom to brush his teeth. She unwrapped her body from the towel and then grabbed the clothes, she had an oversized t-shirt and some shorts.
At The Airport
Alejandro went in first to get the swarming paparazzi away from the car to see Y/n sitting in the car waiting. Alejandro just lazily smiles and awkwardly smile at the cameras.
The car circled the parking lot and Y/n changed cars. She got in a yellow cab and was taken back to the front; it was so much work just to hide from the flashing cameras.
As she exits the car and went through all the security, she tried to find the exit to get to the private area to get on Alejandro's private jet. As she saw the exit and she grabbed her pass to show to the lady.
"Hi, miss, what can I help you with?" She asked.
"Hi, umm~ this is my pass," she looked at it and let Y/n through. Alejandro stood by the door waiting for her.
He grabs her hand, and she jumped thinking it was someone else.
"Jesus, you scared me," she said.
"Sorry, mi amor," he laughs. "Did everything go, alright?"
"Yes, no problems," she smiled at they got on the private jet. Alejandro picked a seat and Y/n sat next to him and his manager and assistant sat in front of them.
"So, we will land in LA in 5 hours and 23 minutes, so we should get there on time, see Netflix and go over the new movie you'll shoot for them and then you should have a break in between to go back home and relax till a new movie or deal," his manager Xavier said as his assistant Dillon was taking notes.
"Great," Alejandro said, sounding annoyed and then the jet started, immediately Alejandro's head started to pound.
"Alejandro?" Y/n cooed, placing her hand on his.
"Sorry...I've got a headache," he said as Dillon grabbed some headache medicine.
Y/n's eyes screamed that she was worried as Alejandro took the medicine. He leaned his head back and closed his eyes, his manager and assistant left Y/n and Alejandro alone.
"Alejandro," Y/n cupped his face.
"Mi amor, please, I'm fine."
"No, you're not. How long have you been getting headaches?"
"....A few weeks," he confesses.
"Please, don't yell....it's not gone yet..." he says, placing his hand behind her head. “I’m sorry I haven’t told you, I’ve just been busy…”
“And you being busy makes you have headaches…Alejandro it’d probably be best if you took at least a few weeks off, you’re stressing yourself out,” she says.
"I'm fine-"
"You're not, Xavier, Alejandro needs to take some days off from working-"
"Amor, no."
"Don't you 'no' me, Alejandro. Xavier, please," Y/n begged.
"Y/n he's signed a contract to work at least 4 weeks a month and a 2-week break...we can't just stop now."
"Why not, he's getting headaches and next thing you know he's losing his hair, Xavier, we're taking a break and that's final."
The jet ride was silent as the destination was getting changed around, Y/n knows Alejandro is probably upset with her right now, but someone had to make the calls around here. Y/n played with her fingers as the jet landed. Everyone gathered their things.
Alejandro got off the jet leaving Y/n behind, she knew she messed up, but she did what she had to do so her husband could rest.
Alejandro got in a black unmark Audi and Y/n opened the back seat, but Alejandro snapped his fingers pointing to the passenger seat, she thought Alejandro may not want to speak to her, so she wanted to ride in the back.
She sat in the passenger side and looked down at her legs, she felt bad, and she could feel the tension in the car, it was strong and felt like he was going to yell at any moment, but he didn't say anything as he drove off to their home.
Alejandro's knuckles were white, and his gaze was on the road, not a word was spoken, nothing, hardly any music played as well.
"A-Alejandro, I am so sorry, I said something like that, but I can't watch you drag yourself into the ground, and almost kill yourself, I just can't see that happen to you," she said, looking at him.
He didn't say anything till he pulled up into their driveway. She got out first and grabbed her things, Alejandro walked into his home as Y/n opened the door and saw his shoes and coat by the front door and he is talking, probably on the phone with Xavier or someone.
"God, I am such an idiot," she said to herself.
She goes into her bedroom and changes out of her clothes into sweatpants and a crewneck. She went to the living room and looked down at her phone seeing her social media.
Fans were still blowing up about Alejandro being married. Y/n rolled her eyes at the hate comments saying she's probably ugly and smiled at the ones telling off the haters because he didn't look at them first.
Alejandro came downstairs seeing his wife and just stared at her, she looks up and saw him.
"I understand you were probably just helping....and I'm sorry for getting all pissy for no reason," he says. He walks towards her and lays on the couch and used her thighs as his own personal pillow.
"Okay, okay, it's okay, Alejandro. I should have just left it alone..." she says, patting his head and running her fingers through his soft hair.
"It's okay," he says, kissing her thigh making her shiver down her spine and she squeezed her thighs just a little bit. Alejandro smirked knowing what he is doing. He turns his head his mouth just grazing her thighs again and just gently biting her leaving a bite mark on her thigh.
"What? Mi amor?" He coos, sitting up and cupping her face and kissing her lips.
"Don't 'what, mi amor' me," she says.
He just chuckles and picks her up off the couch and took her to the bedroom, he places her on the bed and crawled on top of her and kissed her lips again.
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totesnothere04 · 1 year
I Found You Pt.1
Grace Augustine x Oldest Sully Brother!Reader
Disclaimer: I don't own any of the fanart, screenshots, or gifs used with my stories.
Warnings for this series: Mentions of injuries, character deaths, a murder, surprise kid, age gap, shotgunning.
Part 2
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You sat down in an uncomfortable chair in a waiting room outside of the most influential woman in the world. Madam President MacDonugh. You had just gotten off your last day as Lieutenant (Y/n) Sully of the United States Marine Corps and were headed to your car. But as fate would have it the United States wasn't done with you yet. Two Secret Service agents intercepted you in the lobby and requested (more like demanded) you to go with them. So here you are. Waiting to find out if you had done something wrong to end up in your bosses, bosses, boss's office. Finally after 30 minutes of waiting a woman in a tight pencil skirt carrying a clip board came out of her office.
"Lieutenant Sully, the president will see you now." She spoke and you got up and walked in. The woman, you assume is her assistant, leaves the room and shuts the door.
"Lieutenant Sully, three tours in Colombia. Injured on your last tour earning the purple heart and being pushed from 63rd infantry to a desk job here in Washington. Do I have that right?" The president asks and gestures for you to take a seat.
"Yes ma'am." You respond and she purses her lips.
"And you have two younger brothers still in school is that right?" She asks again and you feel your throat tighten. Did something happen to one of them, or did one of them do something?
"Yes ma'am. Tommy and Jake. They'll be sophomores this year." You respond and she leans back in her chair.
"I'm assuming you decided to leave the Marine Corps for the RDA for better pay." She says and you nod.
"Yes ma'am. I want to be able to put them through college. Someone has to... And seeing as you know almost everything about my life you also know why I must." You say and she releases a humorless chuckle.
"I'm well aware of your parentage. A father who's in and out of prison and a mother who can't lay off the sauce. Not the most stable of homes to raise children in." She comments.
"I know. I've been sending as much money to my younger brothers as possible, but paying for college tuition for two people on military pay is... Well, it's not possible." You tell her and she nods.
"I have a proposition for you. I've heard through the grapevine that you'll be security detail for science expeditions." She says and you nod. "I want you to go in as a spy for the United Nations." She finally spits out the reasoning and your eyes nearly bulge out of your head.
"Ma'am I wouldn't know the first thing about spying. I was infantry and on my best days a marksman." You say and she nods.
"Which would make you perfect for the job. They wouldn't suspect you to be one." She says and you feel your mouth start to run dry.
"Why does the United Nations need a spy inside the RDA?" You ask her.
"There have been a lot of claims from scientists stationed there claiming the RDA is committing genocide. We need you to either tell us if these claims are true or false. This is a need-to-know operation and you need to know everything, but no one will know your true intentions there. Earth is dying and if the RDA is committing genocide then the relationship between the human race and the Na'vi will be in jeopardy. Pandora would be a good place for us to go when the time comes, but as of right now, that plan can't come to fruition. If the situation is unsalvagable we will look for another planet, but if there's any hope we need to know. That's where you come in. Assess the relationship between the RDA and the natives. Report back once a month upon your arrival using this." She slides what looks like a regular tablet over to you. "We have long-range communications satellites set up between Earth and Pandora that only this tablet can access. It will connect you to a live feed that all UN representatives can see." She tells you. "Do you think you could do that?" She asks and you nod.
"Yes ma'am. How long will this assignment last?" You ask her.
"The entirety of your time with them." She responds.
"And if I die or get caught?" You ask her and she pulls out what looks like a key fob and hands it to you.
"You push this button and it will send an emergency frequency directly to the UN. All you'll need to do is record a video once a year to describe the current status of things. If anything comes up on our end we'll send you an update on it. Any other questions?" She asks and it was your turn to purse your lips.
"Am I still with the government or the RDA?" You ask her.
"Is that your way of asking if you're being compensated for spying?" She asks and you nod. "Name your price."
"Help me put my brothers through college if they want to go to college?" You ask and she smiles.
"You got it, Sully. We'll even pay for their housing through their college years." She says and you smile.
"You've got yourself a man on the inside, ma'am." You put your hand out to shake hers and she does so.
"Sounds good. I'll let the charter know that I've got it covered. If my timing is correct your flight leaves tomorrow morning at 0500, so you need to sleep." She says and releases your hand. She stands up and you follow her lead. "The next president will be expecting to hear from you in 6 years." She motions to her door and you salute her.
"It's been an honor ma'am." You say and she straightens her back and returns the salute. When she releases it you leave the room and are escorted back to your office by the same two guys from before. When you get home you ensure the safety of the little fob and the tablet in your bag along with your other belongings. You look at the time and realize it's still early enough that the boys would still be awake and decide to call them before you leave for your flight tomorrow. The phone only rings once before its answered.
"Hey (Y/n). I was starting to think you weren't going to call before you leave." Tommy says jokingly and you smile.
"I would've called sooner but my boss wanted me to confirm one more thing before I was gone forever." You told him and you hear the phone get shuffled a bit.
"Hey (Y/n) you're on speaker now!" You hear Jake say and you chuckle.
"Couldn't wait for a separate phone call huh? Ever the impatient you are Jake." You say and he laughs.
"Well you know me. Life's too short to wait for things." He says and you shake your head.
"I'm gonna miss you two." You say.
"If I have it my way I'll be joining you as soon as I can." Tommy says.
"Oh? Going into security detail?" You ask and you can picture the look of disgust on his face.
"No. Science. I want to learn everything I can." Tommy says and you hear Jake scoff.
"You're boring. I'm going into the military. My boots are staying firmly here on Earth." Jake says and the two of them start bickering.
"Hey. I'm still here. Trying to say a heartfelt goodbye to my idiot brothers who are currently arguing over their life choices which they haven't even gotten to follow through with yet." You jest with them and the bickering stops.
"Sorry (Y/n)." Tommy says.
"Yeah sorry. It's just difficult to agree that getting shot across the galaxy would be fun." Jake says and you laugh.
"I'm not going there for fun. I'm going to try to give the two of you a better life than I've gotten to have." You say and you hear one of them sniff.
"Dad's back in jail again. Grandma put Mom back in rehab." Jake says and you sigh.
"So where are the two of you staying right now?" You ask them.
"During the school week, we stay at our friend's house. During the weekend we stay at grandma's." Tommy says and you start to feel guilty about leaving them behind.
"I'm sorry I'm not staying here with you guys." You say and you hear a dismissive scoff.
"Please. It's nothing we aren't used to." Jake says.
"I know, but you're only kids. You shouldn't have to live couch to couch because our parents can't get their shit together." You say and run your hand over your face.
"(Y/n) stop that. You're going to cause premature aging in yourself if you don't stop that." Tommy says and you chuckle humorlessly.
"I know Tommy. You're very fond of saying that. I just want the best for the two of you." You tell them.
"We know, but it's not right. You're our brother, not our caretaker." Tommy says.
"I know but I made myself your caretaker. Mom and Dad aren't going to, and Grandma is getting old." You tell them and look at the time. "Alright, I've got to go and so do the two of you. You've got school in the morning." You say and they groan.
"Okay fine. Love you (Y/n) and I'll miss you so much." Tommy says and you wipe away the tear that fell down your cheek.
"Love you (Y/n) I'll miss you too. Who knows maybe if things go well for me in the military I might join you two out in space." Jake says and you chuckle.
"I love both of you very much. I'm going to miss you every second." You say as your emotions start to take hold of you. The line goes dead and you let your phone fall from your grasp as you finally allow your reality to hit you. You were leaving your younger brothers on a dying planet to fend for themselves. As unmanly as it was seen to be you allowed the tears to fall freely and fell asleep that way.
6 Years Later
You opened your eyes to find yourself in a cryo pod. You blinked to try and ward off the headache and swallowed a couple of times to try and rehydrate your mouth. You were slid out of your pod and a nurse floated over to you to check on you.
"Hello, Lieutenant." She said as she started to check you over.
"I'm guessing we're there." You said and she chuckled.
"Yeah, we're there." She said with a flirtatious edge to her voice but you couldn't bring yourself to care. She was cute but ultimately not your type. She floated off to check on other people and you were able to be released from the straps holding you in. You went over to your locker and got your stuff out of it and looked out of the viewport. It was magnificent. The view of Pandora from space and the fact that you were in literal freaking space boggled your mind. It wasn't long before you were on a shuttle and heading down to Pandora's surface. The moment the ramp went down everyone was ushered inside quickly. You had to duck down a bit to get through the airlock because of your height. One of the current security personnel chuckled at the sound of the discomfort in your back.
"Keep moving kid." The guy says and you readjust your bag to let him see your Lietenants bar on the strap. He gives an impressed face when he sees it and you keep moving ahead. Following the group to a mandatory safety briefing. Typical run-of-the-mill scare tactics to get everyone to despise the locals before they even know anything about them. Except for those who had studied Pandora and its inhabitants before coming. You were among that crowd except you didn't have the fancy degree to go with it. As you left the mess hall to go find your bunk to drop your belongings, a man with curly dark hair and glasses intercepts you at the door.
"Lieutenant (Y/n) Sully?" He asks and you nod. "Great come with me and I'll show you the way to the linkroom." He says and you clear your throat.
"What's your name?" You ask him and he stops and stick his hand out to shake yours.
"Dr. Max Patel. Sorry I didn't start out with that. It's been a long few days." He says and you smile.
"I get that." You tell him and continue walking the rest of the way in comfortable silence. When you walk into the link room you take a good look around. "Got quite the setup here Dr. Patel." You tell him and he nods.
"Please just call me Max. State-of-the-art technology to ensure our avatar drivers' safety. Do you want to see your avatar?" He asks and you nod.
"Yeah I do. And I'll call you Max if you call me (Y/n). Lieutenant is for the people I want to intimidate." You tell him and he laughs. As he leads you into a room near the link room and three large tanks come into view. They give off a blow glow and the bodies inside of them twitch every now and then.
"Damn. I knew the Na'vi were big but not this big." You tell him as you look over your avatar.
"Your avatar is the biggest we've ever had come through. Maxing out at a whopping 9 feet and 7 inches tall." Max tells you and you whistle.
"Sorry if that makes something inconvenient. I didn't realize that it would be this big." You tell him and he shakes his head.
"No actually. An avatar replicates the driver. You are well above average height for a male, so your avatar followed suit. He's very tall by Na'vi standards as well. At least that we know of. We've only really encountered the forest Na'vi." Max says and you turn around to look at the other two avatars.
"Who do these belong to?" You ask and Max smiles.
"This one belongs to Dr. Halla Dean. A xenobotanist." Max says and he goes to the other one. "This one belongs to Dr. Serena Dean, also a xenobotanist."
"Am..." You stop and look around at the others in the room. "Am I the only one with an avatar that doesn't have a college degree?"
"Yes, but you're also the only one to be assigned as security detail to make an investment in the avatar program. Usually, security detail just throw on an exopack and follow everyone out into the field." Max tells you and you frown.
"Like hell, I'm gonna try to protect people when I'm only half the height of the attackers. In order to do my job efficiently I need to have every advantage I can get." You tell him and he nods.
"So did you study anything about Pandora before you came?" Max asks but before you get to answer a voice booms through the link room.
"Where is my goddamn cigarette?" The feminine voice asks and one of the other scientists starts running over to give her what she asked for.
"Did you atleast read up on some of Grace's book?" Max asks and you nod while watching the woman. She was admittedly gorgeous to you. Her brown eyes, red hair, and fair skin were enough to make a small blush appear across your cheeks.
"Grace! This is (Y/n) Sully, our new avatar driver." Max introduces you and Grace takes one look at you before raising an eyebrow. You shake out of your shell-shocked state and stick out your hand for her to shake.
"Sorry ma'am. I'm a bit flustered right now." You admit and she smirks a bit and shakes your hand.
"I've heard about you." She says conspiratorially.
"Some of those good I hope." You say and she releases a dry chuckle.
"Mostly. Your third tour in Colombia... You were shot three times rescuing a group of orphaned children from the frontlines. Mind telling me how you survived that?" She asks as she sits down at her desk and you pull up an empty chair to sit with her.
"I like to say they were non-life-threatening wounds. One shot was here," You pull up your shirt to show her one of the wounds in your abdomen. "The other two were my left thigh." You tell her and she shakes her head.
"Three gunshot wounds should have knocked you on your ass and caused you to bleed out." She said and you looked away from her.
"When lives are in danger pain and death are the least of my concerns. It's my job to protect people." You tell her and her features soften.
"Sounds like there's a back story there." She says and you feel like a deer caught in headlights. "Ah. It's personal. Changing the subject how many hours did you put in for the simulation?"
"Not as many as I wanted to. I was only able to put in about 460 hours over the course of a few years. My job was pretty demanding on time." You tell her and she nods.
"Atleast you tried. Also 460 hours isn't bad. You're prepared for what you're going to need to do." She says and you nod. "And have you studied anything about Pandora before you came here? Whether it be the Na'vi, their language, or the flora or fauna?" She asks and you take a deep breath.
"I learned their language but I admit that plant life is not my thing." You admit to her in Na'vi and she smiles wide.
"Knowing the language is all I really ask. The fact that you tried to learn about the plant life says you are willing to try." She responds in Na'vi and you smile and nod along. "I think we will get along fine."
The next day you went to the link room in the clothes they provided for your first link. You watched them calibrate your pod so you would beable to do it yourself in the future. Unknown to you Grace was across the room next to Max watching you take in the information.
"I've seen you study plants, animals, and the Na'vi. I've never seen you study a human before." Max says and Grace looks away from you for a moment to respond to him.
"There's something different about him. I've never seen a Jarhead so invested in doing the best that they can." She tells Max who continues overseeing the link. Since you had laid down and the pod closed on you.
"So it's true then? What you said yesterday about him saving orphaned kids?" Max asks her and she nods.
"Yes. He was forced out of the infantry and placed as a pencil pusher in Washington." She told Max, and he made a noise of approval. They went to the one-way glass to watch you connect.
"He has a gorgeous brain. Really healthy activity." Max says and Grace looks at his screen and nods in agreement.
"He's smarter than he gives himself credit for. I wonder why he never put that brain power toward a college degree." Grace says and she looks back at your avatar right after you opened your eyes.
"(Y/n)? Can you hear me?" The scientist you found out was named Kari asked and you smiled.
"Yeah. I can hear you." You say and she nods and starts leading you through all of the tests and you are finally allowed to go outside after you get dressed. You wiggle your boot covered feet and huff in annoyance.
"You okay (Y/n)?" Kari asks and you start taking off the boots.
"They don't feel right. It's annoying." You say and Kari starts to write that on her clipboard. She opens the door and you're able to go outside for the first time without an exopack.
"Hey (Y/n)!" You hear Grace call and you look up and your jaw nearly hits the floor. She's hot as a human and in her avatar.
"Uh hey Grace!" You call out and she throws a large purple fruit at you. You catch it and she motions for you to try it and you do so. The taste is delicious it's one of the best things you've eaten in your life.
"Thank you Kari I've got it from here!" Grace calls out and the two of you walk away together. "No boots?" She asks and you frown and huff in annoyance again.
"No. They felt weird on my feet." You admit and she grabbed your arm and started looking at you closely.
"Hmm, no abnormalities. Maybe your body was reacting to the cotton?" She suggests and you shook your head.
"I don't think it was that. It felt weird. Like my feet were caged and couldn't move right." You tell her and she shrugged.
7 Months Later
You and Grace were collecting samples just the two of you today. You were admiring her profile as she watched something on her screen. She turned to look at you still with that wide toothy smile.
"Is there something on my face?" She asked and you felt heat rush to your cheeks at being caught. Your ears pinned back in embarrassment and she laughed quietly.
"I think you're pretty. Sorry I was staring." You apologize and she reaches for your wrist.
"I think you're pretty too." She says and you're both blushing from the interaction. Her hand wraps around yours and you finally make eye contact with her. She finally pulls you into a kiss and you drop your gun to cup her cheeks. You're both pulling each other as close as you possibly can when you both finally break the kiss to breathe. "My age doesn't bother you?" She asks and you rub your thumb over her cheekbone.
"If it bothered me I wouldn't have been interested. Besides, I think it's the personality that counts more than your age." You tell her and she hides her face in your chest. You look at the time and pat her arms. "It's getting close to eclipse so we need to leave." You tell her and she groans and collects her belongings leading the two of you back to the Samson and climbing aboard.
"You're coming with me tomorrow to meet the kids at the school." Grace said and you felt your heart plummet to your feet. The picture of your little brother's faces in your mind and decide when you get out of your links you'd tell her everything. When you landed, unloaded, and got ready to put your avatar to bed you were finally able to get out of your link pod. You sighed as you got up and intercepted Grace's cigarette and lab coat before they reached her. It was a common occurrence by this point for you to do this by now. She sat up and saw you coming over to her with her cigarette and smirked.
"Mind lighting it for me?" She asked and you placed it between your lips and lit it then took a drag from it. You returned her smirk. She took her cigarette and pulled you down by the back of your neck and you exhaled the smoke from your drag into her mouth. She happily inhales it and when you break apart she releases a small wisp of what was leftover.
"Did I do it right?" You asked her and she smiled and nodded.
"Yeah you did, Lieutenant." She says and you sigh sadly as you help her stand up.
"I'm ready to tell you everything." You tell her and she smiles at you happily but it quickly falls when she sees how it's affecting you. She casts a quick look around the room causing everyone turns back to minding their own business. She takes your hand and leads you to her more secluded part of the lab. You both sit down and she gives you her undivided attention.
"I'm the oldest of three boys. My younger brothers are twins, but the only thing they have in common is a face. Tommy is rational and highly intelligent with a pension for science, while Jake is more like me. Stubborn, and idiotic, but he has a heart of gold. Or at least he did when I left. They were only sophomores in High School when I left, shit I think they're about 22 now." You tell her and she gives you a fond smile.
"But that's not what hurts you is it?" She finally asks the million dollar question.
"No. Our parents are not good people. Mom's always on the sauce and Dad can't stay out of prison. So I've been the one taking care of them since I was about 10. Decided not to go to college and went into the Marines to provide for them. Those orphans I saved... I took one look at them and saw my brothers. I spent a couple of months in the VA hospital where they told me I should've died. The adrenaline I felt pulling those kids to safety numbed everything. Collapsed almost as soon as everyone was safe. One of the kids was able to get one of my squadmates over and he got the medic. Saved my ass that day." You tell her and she frowns as she takes your hand in hers. "I was recruited for something top secret before I shipped out here. Best that I don't talk about it out here though." She seems puzzled by what you just said and pulls up a list on her monitor.
"I want to let you know... Your little brother Tommy. He's training to come out here. See." She shows you the list and you exhale a breathy chuckle.
"He kept his promise." You tell her and she smiles at you again. "I promise when we're alone I'll tell you everything."
"Your place or mine?" She asks and you smirk.
"Mine." You agree to meet up later and head to your room. You quickly showered and changed and waited for her to get here.
Permanent Taglist(message me of you wsnt taken off of it): @drinking-tea-and-be-obsessed, @kenzi-woycehoski
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kogetaikid · 18 days
TW! UTY pacifist Spoilers!!!
Before people think I’m turning into a reblog account, here’s some of my misinterpretations of UTY pacifist before completing the game (there’s only two but Vera with me
1. Ceroba wanted to inject Kanako with INTEGRITY.
(Drawing unrelated, but you’ll know why I put it later)
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When playing the pacifist, I thought the Ceroba misunderstood Chujin’s final message before he died, and convinced Kanako to get injected. However, during the Ceroba fight, in one of her memories, we see this:
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(Cutting through some emotional dialogue)
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Through some of the dialogue I skipped (wasn't originally planning on making a post about this), Kanako offers herself as a subject for her father's (Chujin's) work. Ceroba shows hesitation as it goes against her husband's wish but goes with it so she doesn't ruin his legacy. It made me feel bad for both characters. Kanako was just some dumb kid who didn't know what the hell she was asking for/expecting. She was just grieving her dying father and felt it was her fault for his demise. Ceroba was grieving too, and therefore couldn't think straight, but made the awful decision of giving into her daughter's demand of being injected with INTEGRITY.
2. Clovercide (TW!!!)
(Image also unrelated)
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(TL;DR: Due to traumatic reasons, what was just a just sacrifice from Clover seemed like suicide to me.)
Just a heads up! I'll put a "keep reading" (if you wanna well, keep reading) under this because this may get a little personal...
This is still okay to reblog as long as you put the right warnings!
When I first saw the game in general, I though the screenshots I saw of the pacifist ending were the neutral ending. I though Clover got badly injured, or fell ill causing their end.
When I found out the wasn't the case, and watched a short clip (with no other context) of Clover giving up their life in the pacifist, I thought nothing of it. It was when I was listening to the soundtracks and saw how badly everyone was grieving Clover, then going back to places like tumblr talking about how they were just a kid that I started to get the wrong message.
I started to think Clover was probably miserable and indirectly asked for an assisted suicide by Ceroba and it broke me. Especially as someone who was suicidal/had dark thoughts as a kid. (I haven't felt like ending my own life for four years and have been clean for over one year) I've also had to endure the sob stories of mentally unstable people. This all tying back to the very few things I new about the pacifist ending, I felt kinda bad, sad and a little angry at Clover. This is what I would think:
How miserable are you...?
Waiting for that fateful day where I could finally complete the game felt like preparing for a flu shot. I almost didn't want the game to end. I was so mad at the people saying "It was just a sacrifice", and shit.
...and as it turned out, they were kinda right. (still not giving them full credit) I didn't get the best screen shots cuz my computer crashed, but it was Clover going through all their memories in the underground, and realizing that they can't just hide away in the underground forever as a human. Monsters have been trapped for centuries and no matter how many of the monsters cared for them, they needed to do what was would've possibly happened from the start: give up their soul.
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What I then got from the ending was that Clover felt to guilty to stay alive, and in the end, the wanted to do what's right. It's kinda getting sad again now that i think about it. Any who, this concludes my post. Enjoy the random screenshots at the bottom that I could fit into the post without it proving my point /hj. I'm currently debating whether or not I wanna go back and do the genocide route. Even though it's a fangame, I don't wanna fuck up the timeline.
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pretty-idol-hell · 10 months
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So I finally got to play Idol Land PriPara for a significant amount of time. I managed to sneak in around 4pm EDT (3am JST) and I've been in for hours since. If you do get in, whatever you do don't close the app hahah.
Here are my honest thoughts!
So, at first I was kinda baffled by a lot of the decisions that were made in developing this game. But when I actually took some time to think about it, I do think a lot of thought and effort was put into reflecting the true spirit of PriPara (...right down to the compulsive spending... more on that later...).
For example, at first the menu really confused me. I opened up Kuma and clicked on プロミス (promise) thinking it's the Promise Counter, but it's not. The Promise Counter is a part of the background, behind my character below.
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I found it kind of disorienting to figure out which buildings you can actually enter, and which are just decoration. But at the same time, I do appreciate the effort they made to make it feel like your character is exploring PriPara.
I was also confused by the need to wait to do a promise, since I'm used to being able to select and play songs right away. But after some thought, it is a very PriPara thing to do. Basically how it works is: You pick a "promise" to participate in at the Promise Center (or create your own) and then you have to wait until a total of three people have selected/agreed to the promise before you can play. At that time, you can play it from the プロミス (Promise) screen Kuma menu. From what I've gathered, it's not like all three members need to be online at the same time, just signed up to do the promise. It is definitely a very PriPara thing to find a way for you to play with other actual, real players like this. (I guess simultaneous play was a bit too much of a challenge, so you could say it's a compromise.)
But of course, here's where the money comes in. Because there are a whoooole lot of promises that you can't even participate in from the start unless you've bought a certain song, or a certain coord.
So, my attitude about spending money on this game has admittedly changed a lot over the past few days. I basically went from "TAKE MY MONEYYYY!!!" to "Well, what's the point in spending money on this game if I can't even play it when I want to anyway?" So, I decided that I will NOT spent a single cent until it's easier to access the game, and definitely not on the first day. As I'm writing this I have managed to stick to that, but...
The hardest thing for me so far has been songs. I think that's where you get the most value for money. I think the tipping point for me though will come when I run out of promise tickets because you need to create the promise if you want to be center and goddamn it I'm a spoiled PriPara diva and I need to see my character as the CENTER daaaMMITT ahaha.
So, a few random things I like: I like how when you create a promise you can decide which coord everyone wears. It's how I was able to get the upmost screenshot with two randos wearing the same coord above. (Back in the day, you'd have to scour the ticket board for weeks, ask a friend, or create more characters if you wanted a uniform team.) I like that there's an option to easily take screenshots during your live, as that was also convoluted to do during the arcade era.
I have mixed feelings about the Prism Stone Shop.
On the one hand, I would have killed to be able to easily buy so many coords back in the day. And many of them for free too! There were a lot of coords I wanted that you could buy with silver idollars. And, even though it's gold, I like the option to be able to buy the coords featured in the most recent episodes of the anime.
On the other hand, honestly... I'm realizing a lot of the excitement and heart of PriPara comes from the gatcha.
And of all things, I didn't expect the gatcha to be gold idollar exclusive. On the one hand, it sucks that you have to pay when you don't even know what you're going to get. On the other hand... I mean............ it's PriPara. It's... it's not like... it's not like this is new. It's not like I haven't spent hundreds of dollars on gatcha before. IT'S NOT LIKE THIS IS NEW... HAHAH ahahaha... help. Help I want to spend so much money on this game but I feel like I can't it's torture.
So. I feel like there's no point in complaining about how disastrous of a release this was. I'm sure Syn Sophia and everyone else involved knows that. It's not in their best interest to be keeping people out of the game. I mean, look at me. If they had let me in on Day 1 and given me the chance I would have given them so much money, but no. They outsourced the game to an inexperienced developer who was probably the lowest bidder, probably to save money, and here they are losing way more money than they probably would have initially by choosing a better developer due to delaying the release and keeping paying customers out.
I just hope that:
a.) Someone higher up learns from this
and b.) Eventually all the f2p people give up on this game and open up the gates large enough to let the whales in.
That is all.
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petrichoraline · 10 months
For the honest answer ask game: what's the history of your blog? (this really just includes how/when you began blogging on tumblr, content, your interactions and your special moments on here etc; whatever you wish to prioritize for the ask in context).
honest hour question answered 3 days later <3 truly hope the wait was worth it love hahah
as someone who's gone through my archive already, you know i started out as a bts fan account in 2015. (my previous blog is not gonna be discussed for the simple reason that it's barely relevant to this one)
i believe i used to tag and organise my reblogs? there was a time where i cared enough and i loved srolling through my own blog, i stopped enjoying that when i became more involved w/ fandom on here and things weren't aesthetics based anymore. i don't like going through it that much now. i used to play around with themes, search for them, tweak colours and fonts for hours. after i returned years later there was an issue with the editor so now i can't change my theme at all and it sucks cause i just want to edit a few things.
so it started of as a bts fanblog, then i started rb-ing other kpop stuff, maybe afterwards i started sharing gifsets from movies and series i liked? as for fandom, i had a good amount of mutuals - accidentally became one with a girl from my country, we went out once and it was very nice <3 procrastinated and lost track fo tag games back then too lmaoo i felt a lot of dissatisfaction over it so i try to do everything now with my current fandom :)
back then is when i started reading fanfiction - i believe my first imagine was a taegi one where v was an artist and yoongi a photographer lol i stumbled upon it on the dash randomly and i got introduced to ao3 a bit after
iirc for the following years after i'd stopped stanning bts, i used to come back either relatively often or once in a blue moon - in the beginning i was just enjoying wtv my dash was offering me or seeking out specific stuff, then i started using it as a tracklist of what shows i've watched haha, no tags, just rb after finishing a show.
i started engaging with fandom around the release of episode 5 of kinnporsche, i read a bunch of posts on here, then tms2 came around and i got even more into reading people's takes..at some point i started talking to people i guess hahah i don't even know when i started trying to put out content, so to say, i just know i was doing screenshot posts short before i found myself pushed to attempt gifs and that was after big dragon had just finished airing.
then i started my giffing journey. had support from @gillianthecat whom i loved giffing paulnice for. honestly that and the discussions we had were such an important part of me having fun with this site and keeping it up. and @joyladagang, my self-proclaimed #1 hype woman, made me feel super welcome. then i got even more moots, at some point i started reaching out or actively reciprocating others attempts at getting closer (though i had been active in discussions before that, i just mean i got a bit braver and started acting more familiar with everyone (esp w/ ppl i got closer to through @joyladagang like @cankersoregirl, @feralmuskyscentedhoepran, @loserlesbianongsa etc.)
i'm grateful to a lot of people on here, truly. it's not supposed to be a shoutout post so i won't be tagging any more people (esp since i would have to tag everyone who follows me plus a bunch of people i follow which..it's a bit much) but i'm genuinely thankful for each person that enjoys my rants, gifs, theories or wtv the things i post classify as, whether they found a post by accident or follow the blog. and i'm grateful to the creators i follow, and i'm happy to talk to so many sweet, smart and funny individuals on various topics daily.
so this is where my blog is at right now - trying to do a bit of everything and talking a bit with everyone. my issue, tbh, is i'm trying a bit too hard to satisfy everyone which sounds ridiculous but i am a bit of a people pleaser at times so it checks out lol
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craacked-splatters · 2 years
tumblr is the only place where my hyperfixations and ramblings won't make me seem like I've been trapped in a basement never seeing the light of day as I piece together a century long conspiracy. Apologies 4 the person I'm about 2 become . I'm gonna full theorist mode but I only have time to point out the puzzle pieces in d first ep for now cuz I got work in like 6 hrs :(( ill come bak n do rhe rest ltr feel free 2 add if u want
Ok so i was rewatching the eps again on my phone & collecting screenshots for my conspiracy board when I found this symbol in the intro 2 d first ep
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And I was like wait a min that kinda looks like d ones from the book so i went to see if was true and yep
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I don't know if there's anymore symbols scattered around in the other eps or if it was just forshadowing either way its making my brain vibrate. Has anyone else noticed this before? It's so cool
The other things in d intro that seemed a bit weird 2 me was the pics n letters on the fridge, the fact that our 3 guys r coming out of a clock house, and fuking roy looking into d house thru a hole in the wall. The symbolism and metaphors r there guys. I know it but Im putting a pin on unraveling that for ltr cuz I don't have time rn :((
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I kept my eyes peeled 4 anything else n then I saw the similarities between the breifcase n his older bro and yellowguy and his imaginary older bro
Both of them were like stuck in the shadow of their younger sibs u know kinda left behind, like the smol suitcase felt inferior n could only watch as his younger was running around being bigger n better, the yellows fake bro was always stuck in the background while yellow took the spotlight,
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and they both like lost their shit and injured themselves. The suitcase bro punched a wall n the fake bro literally comitted suicide. Maybe I'm looking to much into this but that kinda intrigued me a bit. Again I'll dissect to that ltr cuz I don't have d time 😔
So the 1st EP was about work & jobs right?
Noticed how like each guy had the same positions in each job?
Duck: (The judge, cryptocurrency, General, astronaut)
At 1st duck's jobs are more centered on power,on bieng a higher authority figure, someone who is respected, admired and successful. He views himself above the rest, he said one needed aggression to get ahead in workplace, (u know w/ the attention freaks part lmao),he narssistic, hes selfish, and is always strivings for better positions, better everything (the vending machine, wanting a better job etc)
He doesn't like this job, he failed at his work tasks, and no one is taking him seriously.
When the screen lady starts singing about stress n shit I was like hold up
First we see, him on the beach with a crab offering him pills. Relaxation=drugs?? An escape from reality perhaps 🤨
Then him walking on a tightrope with a bunch of red things under him (portraying his struggles with his inner demons maybe?? Showing that he is or was barely keeping himself from falling to them??)
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This whole thing. The line segments with the relaxing never being an easy straight line,(gotta go thru hell 1st b4 ur happy type of thinking??) And also the colors on the diagram. It's our 3 main guys. Red duck and yellow. (I'll dissect this ltr too no time rn😔)
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And this. The coins, (cryptocurrency?? financial issues??) The screw(shitty work jobs maybe) the crab(drugs) the red snake(inner demons?) And the green thing...idk what that is it has scissors n looks like its shushing(untold secrets/issues?) Maybe ita part of himself he doesn't like or harms him
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Duck is forced to like his job. He tries to go along with this whole bs, but he can't and snaps causing the hand accident. Is that what happened from before he was dead? Did he cause the death of someone? We know they all died at the same time different places.Then we see ltr that his jobs aren't as powerful as before, he is a mailman, hes a struggling artist, those jobs usually arent seen as impressive as say a CEO. Is this lore👀 could it be a bit of backstory for duck👀
Next we have Red: (Doctor, Barber, boss 2 whole company, horseshoe maker) His jobs are more concentrated on responsibility and expectations. A lot of ppl rely on doctors to help them out, a lot of pressure is laid on their shoulders especially with serious situations. With barbers you want them to give you exactly what u asked for, or at least something acceptable if u cant think of anything. Bosses are bosses. They're literally in charge of a shit ton of things. They keep everything running smoothly cuz 1 wrong move and everything starts going haywire. And horses need shoes to walk I guess
Notice how red is kinda... negligent? I wouldn't say lazy hes not. But remember how he would always want to do something else besides what they were doing? Or be anywhere else besides in the now? He didn't want to do anything at all in the 1st ep deciding to just chill. He didn't want to acknowledge yellows sadness in the Death EP, I guess he didn't want to deal with it? He wanted to meet a real fam, saying that the 3 of them weren't it. The whole road trip breakdown and "Im not going back to that house"?? Very interesting 👀
Yellow: (lumberjack, icecream man, fisherman, assembly worker, therapy patient??)
Yellows jobs r more centered on labor. They're average jobs regular ppl like u and me could get whenever. They usually don't ask for degrees or sumthn just experience perhaps. They might be easy, but there is a form of danger to them Lumberjack? You chop up wood dude, you could easily lose a limb or die. Ice cream man? Well you could always run over someone and uh, stranger danger? Fisherman? Fall out and drown or get lost at sea Assembly line worker? You saw what happened the same as the lumberjack (Trust me I work at a GE and ppl r always getting hurt)I got nothing 4 patient 😔
Besides the assembly one(I'm not counting it it was a lesson), the other jobs could be viewed as experiences.
Lumberjack- helping build the shack with his dad (Roy was there)
Icecream man- its icecream. lot of us go after that car. Especially children.
Fisherman- going fishing for fun, could be a bonding experience idk
Therapy patient- c'mon
There's a lot of shit I didn't cover but it's fine. Everything is so cool and fascinating I'm losing sleep to this whole thing. I'll talk more about it later I'm tired n it's 5am I've got 2 hrs to sleep.
Edit: yo I'm literally at work rn but I realized something. Yellows jobs are repetitive too. A cycle of things that are done a sort of loop. Lumber jacks, assembly line workers, etc etc usually focus on doing one task only, over and over whether it's screwing in bolts, chopping wood, serving food doesn't matter. It's repetitive, meaning you don't have to worry about changes bcuz there aren't supposed to be. You become accustomed to it, it's reliable.
This might've been a bit forshadowing about the way our 3 characters have to start the same routine in the same house again and again, a seemingly endless loop.
Did y'all notice how yellow was extremely against the road trip idea? And the death episode? He didn't want the routine to change. he didn't like it was confusing to him. And just when he's getting used to a change it all collapses on him. Man :(( this show is so cool fr I'll continue dissecting ltr gotta go now
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temporalbystander · 1 year
I told myself I wasn't going to ever make this post. Because I had hope. Because I wanted to believe that Miraculous had decent writing and that the sentiadren theory was not the pinnacle of what they could accomplish. Then season 5 happened. The first few episodes were good, it even forced me to make my blog solely Miraculous themed because the interactions I had with everyone were so much fun. Heck youve seen the reaction posts I did both in character and as myself.
(under the cut is a bunch of writing that you can take as me explaining my reasoning or just complaining. Either way, if you're hoping for anymore Miraculous content from me? Stories or screen caps, you best unfollow. Because I'm done.)
But then the leaks came. And, like an ancient being unable to properly use Facebook, I failed to avoid them. I told myself that certain spoilers didn't matter, that I could wait until the actual episodes came out to decide whether or not the salt was justified, that with a terrible memory like mine I'd forget it in no time (just look at some of the other screw ups I've made regarding Miraculous, it's not that far fetched.) However, as the number of Miraculous tags and blogs I followed began to grow the number of consenting opinions grew as well.
There are those who hate Marinette for being obsessed or a stalker when it comes to Adrien (who Id like to point out has had several episodes where we've seen his obsessed stalkers. Now Wayhem is creepy.) Those who love her and believe that all against her should suffer (which I was briefly a part of and still must fight my Alya bias even now.) And the same goes for the rest of the characters. But I still wanted to sit back and form my own opinions as cleanly as possible.
Needless to say, I failed. The more I stepped back and looked at the episodes, the more spoilers I failed to avoid to the episode screenshots I saw despite not having seen said episode yet. It all resulted in one clear opinion in my mind. Season 5 is a letdown. Not only because it's an out of order mess with the release dates but because it seemed more and more like pandering. Sentitheory is confirmed, Adrinette becomes canon, Lila gets revealed, Chloe gets punished and we get some LGBTQ+ recognition in the form of Zoe. (And Miss Bustier if I'm hearing right but I'm not really sure about that one.)
That should have been great, I'm all for writers letting the fans know they're appreciated. I was a brony during the 100th episode. That was like ambrosia for us fans. This? Felt like bad fanfiction and I know bad fanfiction, I've written tons of it. Firstly, why Zoe? If you're going to piss off Disney and other broadcasters, which I believe is why it was never done before, then why not confirm Rose and Juleka? Or Marc and Nathaniel? Why spend an episode saying something the fandom had basically decided the moment Zoe first showed up? And apparently it's just an end of episode confirmation where Marinette says she's flattered? I mean I get it but really? I don't know whether to be proud of her for not making a big deal of it or disappointed that the show doesn't make a bigger deal of it considering just how hard a confession like that can be. But you know what? I haven't watched the episode and I'm not going too so I probably shouldn't judge it.
What I will judge the everloving shit out of is the handling of Luka and Chloe. Luka must leave Paris because he knows who LB and CN are. That makes sense, we've seen in Star train that HawkMoth can't really sense or control his akuma's once they leave Paris so they'd have to leave to hunt Luka down. However Luka found out halfway through last season and, outside Ephemeral (which is its own set of issues) is never brought up. Seriously? I'm all for the Lukagami team up (which didn't actually end in Lukagami) for getting Adrinette together but you couldn't have had him pop up in a few more episodes to have him give excuses for the heroes to get away? Maybe pop up a bit more in support of Adrien? I'd be more upset if I hadn't known about the whole Luka leaving Paris, along with the Zoe confession, since BEFORE THE SEASON STARTED. But again, seperate issues.
And then there's Chloe. Oh Chloe. Now I wouldn't call myself a Chloe Stan. Until I actually started writing out ideas I didn't like her. She's the civilian foil to Marinette who is only put up with because her Daddy's the mayor and Adrien remembers when they had fun as little kids. The terrible airing of episodes didn't help either. Had I not been taking notes on every episode and had they not marathoned them on tv leading up to the release of the movies, I would have never put the pieces of her character together. Her self doubt, her abandonment by her mother, Mr. Cuddles and sucking her thumb? That is not the actions of evil incarnate. And what does the show do? LITERALLY REPLACE HER WITH ZOE!
And I don't mean the salty fans complaining about Mary Zoe as a replacement. No, the show doubles down by having the mayor adopt Zoe and send Chloe off with the mother who refuses to get her name right that Chloe doubts actually loves her. That? Is beyond fucked up. That? Is something I'd have written back when I didn't fully understand how tribulations and pain were parts of character growth. Just a simple "nah, Chloe bad. Zoe better. Just have Zoe." Seriously do you know how long it took me to realise that you can't just get rid of the bad guy if you want to make a good story?
And then, to cap it all off. HawkMoth gets his wish. On the bright side, if you wanted to know why Bunnix didn't show up until Evolution or during Ephemeral? That's why. Apparently Marinette feeling like a complete and utter failure is necessary for the future Alix comes from to happen. In fact, had Ephemeral happened before Wishmaker? Wed basically be watching season 6 right now. How else was Luka supposed to know what the hell Ladybug was talking about? Dudes not that smart I'm sorry. Hell nobody in the show is.
Seriously, who's genius fucking idea was it to have HawkMoth win this far into the show? Need I remind all of you how the wish is meant to work? It's a reset. A complete erasure and rewrite. There should be no "keeping secrets from Adrien" drama because, as far as the entire UNIVERSE is aware Emilie Agreste never vanished and whatever happened to Gabriel always happened. Hell the only one keeping secrets in this new world should be the kwamis since they're apparently the only ones who recognise what a reset looks like meaning they've experienced it before. And apparently they're all with their holders in this new universe? Hell I may watch the last episode just to figure out what crap they pull to try and explain everything. And why we should care about anything that happened in the past 8 YEARS if the "grand plan" of Astruc was just to erase it!
..... Sorry. I got way more frustrated towards the end there than I should have. If you have read this entire thing? Thanks and I'm sorry if I've wasted your time. What started out for me as a wonderful show about magic and love and typical good vs evil has now appears to have devolved into lazy writing, character assassination, retcons and repetition. I don't want to be one of the people who blame ZAG or TA or the writers about the problems of the show. That's more anger and salt then I need in my life. I'm just saying that, if this is the direction they choose to take it, that this was always the end point? Then I'm getting off here.
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gren-arlio · 10 months
Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to Part 3 of Waku Puyo Extras. (And a fairly big announcement for translations.)
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Ah, I'm running out of images, the Waku Puyo images, so the tride and true "Post Manga panels I do understand," got me covered. If I don't got anyone on my side, I know the Waku Puyo Manga does. Amen.
(Context for this page and a few others is Satan having a nightmare about Schezo and Arle marrying, and wakes up in a cold sweat. It's so goofy, and seems exactly like a Satan Nightmare, but the art goes hard.)
Heya, Gren here, and welcome to Part 3 of Waku Puyo Extras, the series where I find random videos about a route and go off from there because, even though I'm in the English Puyo Puyo Community Discord and have been lurking in the lore channel for like 3 years, I'm not verified yet because I'm scared to speak to the Ciel Bot. So if a mod or something SOMEHOW sees this...what're the odds for one, and two, idk we can talk via DM's or somethin' about lore.
(I really do want to speak there someday. Seems fun, I'll probably quietly add some details for this game onto specific characters pages.)
That aside, I'm here today to provide the community with more text and stuff to read.
Today's post will cover the following scraps I found while looking for stuff:
A video where Serilly appears again. Once again, Schezo and Serilly speak to each other, small but interesting.
A video that has a Rulue encounter and...that's about it. I'm really looking for scraps. Today doesn't have a whole lot.
Talk about the Manga for a bit. I plan to do this for most of the Extra Episodes, since it seems fun to do. Gonna specifically talk about Schezo and Serilly because...you know with everything going on, I think it's a nice start.
However, the scraps will become actual meals sooner or later because of two simple reasons. The first is that there's a whole video I'll translate that...has ALL 3 CHARACTERS...trading with Witch, starting next week, and that'll be Waku Puyo Extras Episode 4.
Yeah this girl really won't leave alone, its been like half a year of this stuff. Oh, what I do to translate. Oh and the video has Succubus too IG
Witch still is my 3rd favorite character though for the lunacy I've dealt with from her. Joking aside:
The REAL announcement:
About 2 weeks from now, I'll be trying my best to translate Arle's Route for this silly game.
That's right, I'm gonna do another Route that totally didn't take me 6 months to finish the main storyline. Waku Puyo Extras will still be real, trust me, but they'll be like filler episodes like in Dragon Ball, bits I release if the current video I'm translating is taking too long and/or if I just randomly feel like it. I will still also be doing minor Schezo Route stuff as well, and still take requests for all routes, so as usual, if you got a goofy screenshot to send me, DM me.
Big announcement away, it's time for the videos themselves, starting with:
Serilly Stuff:
...I did say I'm scraping for stuff. These things are so miniscule in the grand scheme that you could probably come to these posts just for the comedy act I try to put up.
The episode posted has been fully translated already, being Episode 3, for the record. Imma just translate the Serilly stuff.
But with that;
Timestamps: (...They're at the start of the video, but there's 2 different occasions, so...rip?)
Serilly 1: (0:05)
Serilly 2 (0:32)
...I wish I were kidding, it's that little. Lmao
With that out of the way, this marks the Readmore section of the post. Thanks for reading if you're not interested, and let's continue if you're enjoying this.
Serilly 1: (0:05)
This is such clean water, I can cleanse my heart there...
...Wait! What's a Dark Mage doing getting cleansed!?
Woman's Voice:
What're you doing here huffing by yourself?
Hm? I remember this voice from Water Paradise...
It's me, Serilly.
Oh, what're you doing here?
When I'm here, it feels like my mind and body are at ease.
...Yeah, seems like it.
I know, right?
(...And so, Schezo talked to Serilly for a bit.)
...I better get going.
Okay, but...come back soon!
Yeah, if I ever feel like it.
Serilly 2:
Oh! Mr. Schezo!
You're really here again!
(W-Why am I blushing!?)
(Schezo had a small chat with Serilly.)
...I'd better get going.
Okay, but...come back soon!
Yeah, if I feel like it.
Yeah, so some speech repeats itself at the end, but hey, Schezo seems to enjoy her company, a rarity nowadays. I'll go deeper when the manga portion comes up but so far, that's what you're getting.
And now, The Rulue Stuff:
This goofy video here is actually Episode 6 of the translations I've done here. I just missed a single talk coming from Schezo and Rulue. (Not even Minotauros. Guy is just nothing now.)
I'm not gonna timestamp this one because it's a SINGLE interaction at the start. I promise I'll make this up somehow.
So, with that...here's the interaction.
Rulue Interaction: (Start of the video)
Oh, you haven't given up your chase, have you?
Mind your own business. In fact, you should be the one to give up!
No more from you. That magical item will be mine.
Oh-ho-ho-ho, good luck on your wasted endeavors. (She says efforts here but...why not make her sound more sophisticated?)
That magic item will be useless for a meathead like you.
Yes, for the sake of the treasure, I cannot lose!
And...that's all for the translations. Not much, but I'll compensate with the manga.
For those who are unaware, Waku Puyo has a manga that wildly differs from the story of the game. Lot of characters got redesigns, most notably Witch, Incubus and Honey Bee have a MUCH bigger role, Lagnus is real, and tags along with Arle, (I'll talk about that next Extras Episode.) and even some new faces.
Since the 10 image limit is goofy, I'm gonna limit myself to specific things about the Manga. Plan is:
Talk about Schezo and Serilly because there seems to be a lot with them going on in Waku Puyo as a whole. I'll also mention Honey Bee too.
Lagnus tagging along with Arle, along with a couple of goofy pages I found.
Maybe Rulue's side of stuff...? This one I'm iffy on right now so currently it's in the air.
Since I'm unfortunately incredibly committed to my work, I decided to translate the Serilly section of Volume 2 and 3 of the Waku Puyo Manga. (For the most part...)
Here's how it goes.
It actually starts with Serilly hearing noises from the lower floors and becomes nervous at that fact, hoping her only friend, Satan, will come to help her. Schezo and Honey Bee (his ally who has the hots for him,) find her and realize that during the fight with Suketoudara, he said that she isn't exactly a fighter, and they should try to reason with her.
Due to the 10 image limit, I'm skipping a good amount of pages and really showing off highlights. However, I'll explain the thing entirely. Here is the Google Drive with the Manga, courteously given by Puyo Preservation.
Schezo then tries to chase her, scaring her, and he grabs her arm, which leads to this page.
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Honey Bee is pissed at the fact that they're holding hands and all that, meanwhile Schezo and Serilly are about as shocked. Serilly begins to actually sob, asking them to not bully her, while Schezo asks to give him the orb, and if she does, she won't get hurt. However, he's swinging his sword, which causes Serilly to get more nervous, leading to Schezo giving Bee his sword to not scare her off.
Surprisingly...it works. Serilly isn't as afraid as she was before, and Schezo asks if she know where the orb is, to which Serilly stutters a bit. For no reason, Honey Bee tries to threaten her, leading to Schezo hitting Bee away.
Serilly says they can't have the orb because her "friend," Satan, told her to guard it. Schezo gets mad at that, saying that a friend should be there for you, not be barking orders, and Bee herself adds onto that, saying that if he was her friend, why did he lock her in a room?
Unfortunately, Serilly says that she doesn't mind being locked here forever, as if she leaves, Satan will hate her, and she'll lose her only friend. She explains that she's never had a friend and was bullied all her life, so she doesn't want to risk it.
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Finally, Schezo has enough and says that she Satan isn't her friend, and that he manipulated her, leading to a similar case of what happening during the game...Schezo giving therapy.
Honey Bee insults Serilly AGAIN for her actions, and Serilly sobs while saying she's sorry for everything, leaving Schezo speechless after smaking Bee away. (Unfortunately, 10 image limit. Won't be seen.)
However, the 3rd picture below is when Schezo tells her to stop crying and that he'll...be her friend, if only she gives up her unhappiness, which she agrees to.
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The events are similar to the Game, even the part where Schezo thinks that he feels like he's preaching, and doesn't care if she's happy or not.
As Honey Bee basically insults her more, Suketoudara appears absolutely livid at what Schezo is doing to Serilly, and...basically tries to drown him. However, Serilly doesn't want to lose her new friend, so she rescues him, leaving Bee and Suketoudara shocked, even though Schezo had to save her too.
Leading to this.
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This beautiful artwork.
Schezo knocks out Suke for a bit, and he and Serilly look at each other, before looking away, blushing, leading Bee to get upset with both of them, saying they probably flirted in the water.
Even though Bee is pissed at how Schezo is carrying Serilly, they're both ok, but Schezo sustained a injury to his forehead, which leads to Bee comically trying to wrap band-aids around him.
Suke wakes up, saying that was the first time he ever saw Serilly help someone like that, which even she's shocked by. Bee though, says that it's natural to help someone you care for. Serilly goes up to Schezo, and gives him the key to the orbs. After that, Schezo tells Suke to bring Serilly away from the place, which angers him, but agrees to, before Schezo and Bee walk away.
However, Serilly yells at them to stop, before asking Schezo if he'll meet with her again.
Shown below is Schezo saying yes, if he ever feels like it, much to Bee's chargin, before they set for the door...which has Incubus in it.
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While it's just a section, it's a really, REALLY good section, and I feel like a writer/developer really wanted Schezo/Serilly to be real so they went all out here. And props to them, they did it well, and made some cool scenes.
With that...I believe this it the end. See you all next week.
Hope you enjoyed the show.
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Oh god I just finished Book 2 and it was so bad… I went into this with an open mind just like I did with Book 1 and god did I hate this. Clem just annoyed the hell out of me for the entire book. I liked everyone BUT her, Ricca and Morro. And I don’t even hate Morro she just showed up randomly to say weird ominous shit and then went to do her walker autopsies. Idk… it just sucked so hard. I miss Amos.
I've reread it and I'm working on my review so I won't go into a whole spiel but yeah. I mean, I still think I like Book Two over Book One... until we get to chapter 7. It has the same problem as Book One where the ending is just bad.
Clementine still feels out of character when you compare her to game Clementine, but she's consistent with Book One Clementine. I get what her character's supposed to be and why she's going through these things, why she approaches things the way she does but it makes it hard to enjoy when you have context from the games. I've already seen Clementine grow up and face hardships in the apocalypse, and the games have the advantage of showing all that across four games whereas this series only gets three books, so we don't have time to waste, y'know?
But Morro was the biggest wasted opportunity, like... what a disappointment. When I read it the first time, I was giving my first reactions in chat with Pi and we were both like, "So it's gonna be revealed that Morro's actually doing science experiments on walkers, right?" but no.... she's literally just doing autopsies like c'mon, walker science experiments and abominations would've been amazing!
And Ricca... honestly, I like the idea of Ricca because let's be real, a lot of us wear glasses or contacts or have some sort of vision impairment, myself included, and a zombie apocalypse would suck! If my glasses broke and I had no means of getting a new pair and it's the zombie apocalypse, I'm dead. And Book One set up this interesting story where Ricca's brother was an abuser who purposely broke her glasses so that she had no choice but to rely on him, then when she finally found pair that worked, she left him. But now her eyesight is worsening, and that's scary, that's something I could sympathize with...... but it's almost treated like an inconvenience? Because her and Clementine's relationship is the emotional drama that takes stage and frankly, I don't like clemricca. Not just because it's not clouis. I went into it with an open mind wanting to ship it but... meh.
I don't like how Ricca's like, "I'll wait for you," and then later she gets butthurt because Clementine won't get on the same level as her fast enough. Clementine doesn't owe Ricca anything, y'know? But Ricca is like "I love you, and I know you love me too, but I need you to love me always, not start and stop. It's not fair, you want me to wait for the impossible!?" Stop trying to guilt her when she's clearly not ready for a relationship? I get the frustration but c'mon.
And then there's chapter 9 which... I'm honestly this close to losing my shit with people. I don't think I've ever been as disappointed or disgusted of the fandom than I have seeing people send threats to Tillie on her instagram over chapter 9. She posted about how Book Two released AND she gave birth to her son on Oct 4th, and you go to the comments and there are just people calling her a pedophile and writing threats-
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On a post. From Tillie. About the birth of her son. What the hell is wrong with you???
And then there are people just straight up LYING about shit.
I read a comment on reddit where someone compared Clementine Book Two to 50 Shades of Grey because there's an explicit sex scene and uhm NO??? There's absolutely nothing explicit, Ricca is not like Christian Grey like?? What the fuck is wrong with you? It's like these people read the summaries on the wiki- WHICH BY THE WAY if any of you happen to see this screenshot circulating anywhere-
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^this is not a real quote, this is obviously fake.
Please don't mindlessly believe people on the internet about shit, especially when they themselves haven't actually read it.
Anyway, it's like people read the wiki summaries and decided to spread false and exaggerated information about the comic because they want to paint it in the worst light possible to trick people and it's working and I'm so...UGH.
Sorry to nosedive into this but it pisses me off. There's a lot to discuss about chapter 9- shit, there's a lot of criticism to be had with Book Two, and I will go over everything in my review, but for right now I'll just say yep, Book Two isn't very good.
I miss Amos, too.
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Hey, I'm looking for some advice and validation on a very messy situation.
I miss my best friend. Typing out everything that happened would take long but I'll try to give as much context as I can.
We have been best friends for 8 years. We were both "outcasts" and found each other. We both came out as queer, then later on as trans men around the same time. We both struggled with so many personal problems for a big portion of our friendship. I was impulsive, paranoid, had undiagnosed BPD. He was delusional/struggled with some forms of psychosis and strong attachments. He got unhealthily attached to me when I was the only close friend he had, invaded my privacy and went too far without realizing because he was always worried about me. I was lashing out and splitting on him because I didn't know how to deal with it. I unintentionally ignored him for periods of time to give myself space. We were both very dramatic people. Not everything was dark though, we have lots of memories together that I'd do anything to experience again, and he knew more personal things about me than anybody in my life and vice versa. The last straw was around exactly a year ago. Neither of us could take it anymore and we cut all contact after a nasty argument.
At first I blamed him but since I've had time to reflect on my own very bad behavior towards him. I realized I was equally responsible. We were both enabling each other's behavior the whole time which ruined everything. We were both unfair, I'd say even abusive to each other at times, unfortunately.
I wanted to reach out many times after time has passed but couldn't find the right moment. Then, a few days ago, I was sent a screenshot of him calling me really disgusting things. He called me a "groomer" because i had a situationship with somebody two years younger than me. (as a victim of actual grooming mysi felt sick reading that accusation). He said I made him starve myself, which I can disprove at any point with with messages where he admitted he did it because he was delusional about me thinking he was "fat" (I never cared about his physical appearance nor did I make comments about it, he was always naturally skinny anyway), he insulted some of my personal beliefs saying I don't actually "practice what I preach" (said without any basis).
I'm not sure where to go after this, I never spoke badly of him and when somebody asked about our falling out I always say we both had issues and cut things off for our own good, and yet he's insulting me a year later.
People who still talk to him have told me he's behaving very erratically, just like he did at the height of his psychosis which leads me to belive he said these things about me under some delusion.
Again, I'm not saying I was a good person through everything because I DID hurt him unintentionally just as much as he hurt me. I admit that and I'm trying to work on myself. We both messed up.
I do really miss him though, but I can tell he's not in the right state of mind to talk things out anytime soon.
Is there any point in even waiting for him to talk things out? Should i just let it go? Maybe things went too far to be fixed? I'm not sure how much the both of us would have to heal in order to have a healthy friendship ever again...
Hi anon,
It sounds like the best thing is to leave things be. Even if you did become friends again, the actual friendship may never be the same due to the resentment, trauma, and hurt of the friendship you used to have. Those arguments and misunderstandings might always remain at the back of both of your minds even if you did become friends again. There are people waiting to enter your life that you can foster deeper and healthier connections with, and eventually outweigh the bittersweet memories you shared with this person. Learning to move forward from this toxic friendship may be a grieving process, so please be patient with yourself as you navigate this transitional period of your life.
If anyone has any comments or suggestions, feel free to add on. Otherwise, I hope I could help and please let us know if you need anything.
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Made Marion Development Update, June 2022
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Hello everyone!  I'm back fresh from vacation with a ton of cool stuff to show off from Part 2 of the Sherwood Common Route. I've finished all the coding except for a few bits that are waiting on art completion.
Sherwood Common Route, Chapter 2
In order to better balance the Sherwood and Nottingham common routes, the entire Sherwood segment found in the current demo has been changed to Sherwood Chapter 1.  Chapter 2 now starts where the current demo ends, right after Marion asks if anybody can hand her a sword. This works better IMO, because the title of Sherwood Chapter 2 is "My Future, in My Own Hands," and that's the part where Marion really starts to take control of her situation.
Sherwood Chapter 2 gives players the chance to get to know the Sherwood love interests better, as well as revealing a bit more about the rebellion and its members.  Tuck fans will discover hints about why he isn't available as a love interest at this juncture, and folks who chose to spend a little quality time with him at the bonfire will get some different scenes with him.
Speaking of which, we have our first choice that only appears if you've made certain earlier choices. When you get to the route selection question at the end of Sherwood Chapter 2, you'll get a fourth option that only appears if you got close to Layton at the bonfire in Chapter 1.
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You still won't be able to romance Layton, but you'll get to be the recipient of his biting wit and perhaps learn an interesting tidbit that gives hints about our DLC. Don't worry, making Layton choices in the common route won't negatively affect your Sherwood romances.
You'll also be able to spar with the Sherwood love interests, which is a lot of fun.
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John is happy to allow Marion to demonstrate her attacks against his quarterstaff, but he won't go on the offensive. You'll find out why!
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Robin is left-handed... that's his parrying dagger in his right hand. His sword is in his left. How will Marion fare against this tricky opponent?
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Does Marion stand a ghost of a chance against Will's unique fighting style? Does anyone?
You'll also get to spend time with some of the secondary Sherwood cast, such as Nell the tailor (who you'll learn has a few other interesting skills), Roan the changeling, and Aiden the cat sidhe (the only full-blooded fae who is visible in the main game, since only cat sidhe appear to non-druids).
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Officially, Roan is under John's command, but they often run scouting missions on Robin's behalf and Nell helps teach them the ways of humanity.
Of course, in the end you'll be choosing which of our three Sherwood love interests will be working most closely with Marion; in other words, whose romance route you'll be embarking upon. Each of the three men has their own mission that they're undertaking for the rebellion, and each has particular skills to teach Marion, as well.
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Two of these men would be very happy to partner with Marion, but don't let that stop you from picking the third, you gluttons for punishment!
General Goodies
With this programming pass, I added tinting to the characters during dusk and nighttime scenes. Thanks to everyone on our Discord server for their feedback; my settings now look subtle but help to set the scene.
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On the left are the sprites before the sunset tint is applied, and on the right is how they look with the tint (it looks a bit different in-game than it does in screenshots).
We also have a font for Avalon handwriting now!  Here is the letter that Marion writes to her father in Chapter 2:
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It bears a bit of resemblance to Tolkein's elvish script, but it isn't.  What does Marion write to her father?  You'll have the chance to set her tone to either angry or open to reconciliation, which will change a few scenes in the game's endings.
I'm happy to report that my long Covid symptoms, which had been gradually fading over April and May, largely disappeared over our vacation. Nature is healing!  So I'll be buckling down like crazy on Robin's route this month.
I know our dear Robin can be a bit overlooked in comparison to his powerful cousins Will and John, but I think more people will be interested in him with a bit more information about who he is and how his route unfolds. Thus, I will be re-introducing Robin over the next month on our social media.
See y'all in July!
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I moved in with him for a year and he cheats on me while we're engaged and actively planning a wedding. 😣
And his excuse is because he was "bored and horny at work." 😠🙄
Granted, I cheated on him while we were long distance in the beginning of our relationship but we didn't really know each other then, we had started this relationship off on sex and now it's breaking apart for the same reason.
I can't.... I don't understand.
I asked him if he was trying to get out of the wedding, I asked him if he was trying to even the score with me, I asked him if he did this before I moved in/before we were engaged, he said no, not until Wednesday when she hit him up.
I knew it was happening. I sat on it for four days because I was fuming and pissed and I wanted more evidence in case he decided to lie to me and in all honesty, I wanted to see how long it would go on for. My car's been out of commission so I originally wanted to wait until my car was fixed and I could get the fuck out of here and go to a hotel for a couple days to sort out my feelings, figure out my next step. He didn't even seem sorry or apologetic when I asked him. He knew I knew and didn't care. He admitted it.
Me: "I need to ask you something."
Him: "Okay. What's wrong?"
Me: "You tell me. And don't you fucking lie to me because I already know."
Him: "You found out about Bailey."
What I should have said in hindsight: "No... Who's Bailey?"
What I actually said: "Yeah. I know about Bailey."
He admitted everything, how it was just pictures, her husband was beating her and she reached out to him, they started talking but "apparently" it wasn't anything sexual until Wednesday.
We've been together for seven years, but only really together for four. I didn't know him when I cheated on him. I didn't know what he was like because we had never met in person before. Not that that excuses it, I know I fucked up by doing that but I was young and naive and sheltered.
We had only met in 2020 and then started visiting each other and actively working on our relationship for the past four years. I worked on myself for four years, never contacted the guy again, and just started getting myself on the right track - got a job, got my license, quit school, worked for a company for three years, quit that company, got two freelance jobs for a year, got an actual job and started saving money and making steps to move to be with him in 2022. I never cheated on him again. I packed up and moved a thousand miles away from everything and everyone I've ever known to be with this man, we were living together for only a couple weeks and he proposed, I said yes. Told him I wanted a long engagement, so I could figure out if I liked it here, if this was what I really wanted, if he was who I really wanted. He said okay, we've been engaged for a year, and then when I'm actively planning this wedding - making save the dates because we've figured out where we want it, when we want it, etc. - I snooped on his Facebook and found out he was sending pictures to this girl while he was at work.
I wanted to know if he had told any of his friends about the wedding, he sent me a screenshot of his conversation with one of his friends about my colors and I just wanted to see what they were talking about. I know it was wrong but I just had a feeling... I needed to check.
And there it was. I took pictures on my phone and sat on it for days because I wanted to know. Confronted him about it, after he admitted it, he got down on his knees while I was getting my shoes on and hugged me/begged me not to go. He asked if it was sabotage or if I found out on my own, like if the bitch had sent them to me it would have made a difference? I told him I wish she had, so I could have told her you can have him, but no, I found out on my own.
We were watching tangled the day before I confronted him about it and I was crying while we were watching it together. I couldn't eat, I still can't. He figured out I knew when I didn't eat my pizza. I told him I was feeling sick, that the pizza was making me feel sick. He caught on and apparently ended it then. Told her "hey, I can't do this. My fiancee is in my arms right now and I can't do anything to jeopardize that." I confronted him about it the next day, leave to go calm myself down, and then I came back and asked to see the messages again and he goes "I deleted them when you walked out the door." ... That seems suspicious, right?
I get back home after we're talking things out and he goes "I had to tell Mom about it because I was gonna kill myself while you were gone." Manipulative, gaslighting motherfucker. You were gonna kill yourself and then have me come home and see you lying on the floor after two hours of being gone? I called him out on it, told him uh that's on you, that's not on me. You need therapy. You need to work out your own shit because that's not good. He goes I do with my friends. Bitch, that's not working through it.
My eating disorder is going haywire with this information, but do I bring that up when we're fighting or "talking through it"? No, I don't. He's been sleeping on the couch for the past two nights because the way I see it, I moved, I sacrificed everything and everyone I love to be with him, to try and make this work, I know no one here but him and his mom and his friends, and I get the bed because I didn't do anything wrong. It's isolating and terrifying and I took a huge leap of faith to even do that. Yes, I didn't go about it in the right way, but I thought if it works out, it'll be good for me. If it doesn't, I can move back.
But now... With my car on the Fritz, I can't decide anything until my car is working again. We're planning on going to therapy this coming week, to see if we can work things out, so that's the plan as of right now.
I just don't understand how you can come home and lie to your fiancèe's face when she's showing you wedding plans. Save the dates! That I designed while he was getting his dick hard and sending pictures in the company bathroom!
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