#i havent drawn a thing for it yet but i know an idea i had for flowerized!piko was that his usb tail got replaced by a (literal) flower
Thinking about ✨subconscious bullshit✨ I don't think I'd be enough to bring them back for a moment and even if it 𝗪𝗮𝘀, being torn from the safety of the Garden would probably make them lash out more, esp if it's something that reminds them of their death (So maybe Piko being reminded of fukase's name enough times might bring back a (very distorted) version of how he got Flowerised, and he'd panic and lash out) -🌟 (the next one(s) will be semi related bccgvb)
😔✌️ save my homies
if flowerized!piks is already kinda emotional i WORRY about what an angered one would act like... sad and angry is always a dangerous combo 👁️👁️
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hiemaldesirae · 2 months
AU where *Vox* is the one who disappears for 7 years, and ALL of Hell suffers for it. The remaining 2 Vees end up with their souls contracted to Alastor, Carmilla and Zestial have to become allies and join forces-most overlords do by the time Vox comes back there ARE no solo Overlords left, except technically Rosie and Alastor but even they are 'allies' in the loosest sense. Everyone else is paired up and it all because of the madness of Radio Demon at the disappearance of his muse. He's shacked up inside of The Vees Tower, taking over Vox's floor as his own, adding a radio tower to the side of it.
And then, 7 years after his disappearance, Vox reappears and joins Charlie Morningstar at her hotel for rehabilitation of sinners of all things, with Angel Dust as her first client, and--
The very foundations of Hell shake.
OHHH this one is fun. yesyesyes im so onboard with this one!!! i think about swap aus very fondly no matter how many times i see premises where vox and al get their storylines swapped ill ALWAYS eat it up.
okay so i do have some questions i want to get over with first. did al and vox breakup before the whole. (waves hands) seven year leave thing. like did they fight before he left because that brings a wholly different dynamic to the table rather than 'oh vox just disappeared one day', which in fairness i can see driving alastor crazy in a much different way, but also if they'd fought beforehand and alastor had expected to see vox back with the vees the day after or something, only to find him missing with no one aware of where he was... hoo boy. and also- does alastor take over the entertainment district here? like, he's got val and velvette as contracted souls, so do they stop running the district because they can no longer hold the respect of those they were once under and just do menial tasks under al's servitude, or is there a completely different dynamic here that ive passed over?
anyway with that over with... (bashes my head into the wall) YES I NEED THIS. ohmuy god. the aus where vox is sponsoring the hazbin hotel because of a deal he made with lucifer or something have been haunting my head for weeks upon end and i cant help but imagine something similar here- i can just imagine how pissed alastor would be to learn of the fact that vox was back and didnt even think to go and SHOW HIMSELF to him first??? vox was HIS. his muse, his rival, his stupid, stupid picture box- and he went off to make a deal with that bright-faced, stupid little princess of hell? instead of going back to alastor? no, no, no, that cant do, absolutely not, VALENTINO, you have to get your oblivious little employee under control before i rip out both your throats-- anyway. i imagine al probably hates intearcting with either of the vees but he does to make sure theyre not dead or trying to kill him (its all for voxs sake. he wouldn't be glad to return and find his friends slaughtered, after all.)
sorry i dont really have any other thoughts to addonto this (theres a reason why i havent written/drawn a swap au with them and its because ive no idea how the story would change given all the different nuances that we dont yet know... so. yeah) except maybe that alastor would probably be pissed as hell at the attention vox gets when he returns- because he was a celebrity figure before he was gone, too, and his return is like the equivalent to a comeback on princess diana's revenge dress level. instead of being pissed that other sinners are paying attention to vox in a 'they should be looking at me' kind of way though he's more pissed in a 'no one should look at him except for me' kind of way which really weirds charlie vaggie and angel out who are kinda just going like... 'are you sure about that guy man' and vox just shrugs like 'well last time i was face to face with him we had a really bitter breakup fight so idek if hes sure about me tbh'
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jwirecs · 1 year
hello, hello! here are my royal au - bts, nct, svt & txt recs! hopefully these beautiful stories get more recognition as well as the writers💝
requested by anon (unfortunately, i wasnt able to find a lot. so far i havent read any skz or atz royal fics. but these are the ones that i’ve enjoyed so far and are either already reblogged or in my drafts!)
** anything in parentheses and bolded are my thoughts that can be disregarded if needed **
🔞smut || 💔angst || 💕fluff || ✅completed || 🔄ongoing || 💯favorite
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The Crown That Is Ours || @taeshobipop​​​​​​🔞💕💔✅ (taehyung x reader)
↳ You never wished for it, but it was inevitable — an arranged marriage to a royal stranger. The Crown Prince Kim Taehyung. A year into your marriage and life still holds you firmly in its grip. How do you plan to steer through this mess when the public suddenly comes knocking at your door, pitchforks and torches in hand, threatening: “death to all who commit fraud!”
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It’s A Royal Order || @alluringjae​​🔞💕✅ (jaehyun x reader)
↳ one of your royal campaigns became a success, and your bodyguard jaehyun was there to see it all happen. it’s only fair to celebrate, right?
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Asks || recommended fics✅ (various x reader)
↳ (just an ask that was asking for royal recs and @eliphant​ was blessing us with some of their fav royal fics!)
Heir || @smileysuh​​​🔞✅ (mingyu x reader)
↳ As a princess, you’d grown up knowing you’d marry a prince and help him sire a number of adorable little royals. Truth be told, one of the things that had drawn you to Mingyu had been the way he’d interacted with his young cousins, children that would run up to him- and despite his princely stature, Mingyu always had time to entertain them, with a glint of adoration in his eye that had convinced you he was the one to marry- moreso than any of his older brothers.
I Found Love In Your Smile || @wonlouvre​​💕💔✅ (wonwoo x reader, also arranged marriage au)
↳ falling in love with wonwoo never felt so easy. however, when unforgivable truths test your relationship, you can’t help but think that maybe you were betrothed for all the wrong reasons.
Pomegranates || @idyllic-ghost​​ 🔞💕💔✅ (wonwoo x reader, also arranged marriage au)
↳ you, a princess from a doomed kingdom, have been arranged to be married to an heir of a much more prosperous kingdom. however, when you first visit them, you realize that you would much rather be with the heir's younger brother.
Saturn Without Rings || @dropsofletters​​​​ 💕💔✅ (wonwoo x reader, also arranged marriage au)
↳ wonwoo has had kingdoms, romances, endless studies, recognition and yet, with as much knowledge he has learned from life and books, he can’t figure out what it is that grows in his chest whenever he looks at soonyoung’s fiancé. the marriage is arranged, close to happening but not disclosed, and he knows the best and worst parts of her. she doesn’t like reading books, can’t speak in public and…how had the queen thought that it would be a great idea for a news reporter and a prince to get married? maybe, if that ring didn’t rest on her finger, things would be easier. for now, wonwoo will have to pretend life is easier with a new friend.
The Dark Prince || @etherealyoungk​​​​​✅ (dino x reader)
↳ The Dark Prince. That’s what everyone calls him. And every time I say it out loud, “The Dark Prince”, a shivers runs down my spine. It’s such a powerful name.
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Disguise || @jjuxii​​ 💕💔✅ (yeonjun x reader, smau)
↳ the royal family never reveals their heir before they turn 20, they always wanted their princess to experience a normal life before they face royal duties. Y/N, a heir to the throne was sent to collage but in one condition, to never reveal her true identity. she was living her best life until she met choi yeonjun.
** if there is any fics that you guys would like to recommend, please do! i am slowly running out of fics to read **
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silentmoths · 2 years
*ahem* may this wayward soul request some demon zhongli spice please and thank you? the man IS named after a duke of hell after all-
( go crazy, moth, make this shit kinky )
also hi i'm sliding into your inbox again-
oh bitch you know me so fuckn well, also cheers for this ask keeping me in brainrot hell for several days-
Demon Zhongli/Morax x Exorcist G/N Reader
NSFW, Ritual sex, fuck or die, Virgin Reader, corruption via sex, sadomasochism
"He is trapped within...we've tried multiple times ourselves to excorcise him but...we simply are not strong enough.." The priest before you sighs, you nod in understanding, placing a reassuring hand on his shoulder.
"I've never met a demon I could not exorcise, my friend. I will see this beast off." you reassure, the kindly old priest smiles warmly at you, nodding his head.
"Be weary of the beasts wicked silver tongue, may god have mercy."
It's your turn to nod, making your way down the hall and to the heavy wooden doors leading to the room they had managed to contain the demon within, even from out here you can feel the strength of the magics used to keep him at bay...just what on earth had brought such a powerful creature to your world? The room is dark as you enter, lit only by torchlight. Before you sits a man...well, what used to be a man.. if not for the golden horns branching from his head, the dark scalera, the fangs and the long, serpentine tail, tipped with shimmering golden fur, that is.
The demon raises an eyebrow, golden eyes roaming your form, and you shudder.
"State your name, demon." You demand, his lips slowly form into a smile.
"My, my, such spunk from such a little thing...surely they must be scraping the bottom of the barrel if this is all they have left to attempt an exorcism."
you dont respond, he was goading you, you knew that. Demons did so love to try and get a rise out of their captors. if they found a weakness, they'd exploit it. you held no weakness here.
"State. your. name." You repeat again, his grin only widens.
"That is the name of the human you have posessed, demon. your real name."
he chuckles, leaning back in his chair. you're sure if it wasn't for the ritual circle drawn around him, he would have already attempted to attack you, this one was smart.
"You should know a demon does not give his name so easily, little one."
"If you want your exorcism to be swift and painless, you should."
'Zhongli' tilts his head back and laughs, cold and malicious. "Oh little thing, you've no idea who I am... how quaint.."
"you are a demon, plain and simple"
"And you are nothing more than an excorcist. you have never been anything else, I can see it in your eyes... you showed promise as a youngster and have been forced to preform these silly rituals for the public's peace of mind since....you are tired, are you not?"
"You were sold off to the church as a child, you have no friends, do not know your family, the church is all you know, all you are, all you will ever be.-"
"Cease your words-"
"You have so much more potential, so much untapped power, you are who I have sought for millenia."
wait, what?
"What would a demon possibly want with an excorcist?" you shouldn't ask, you shouldn't bite, but after two decades of nothing but the same song and dance every day... 'Zhongli' smiles at you.
"In order for me to tell you, you and I must make a deal-"
"Absolutely not, a deal with a demon? and here I thought you were smart."
"You havent even heard my terms yet, I'm wounded." Said demon simpers, shooting you a glance through his fluttering eyelashes. "Besides, if you come out the victor of my little game, I will answer every question you've ever had about yourself, about your role, your place in life...surely someone of your standing would find that...agreeable?"
Your eye twitches, something about him..his voice you think...is this what the other priest had meant about his silver tongue? You watch as he slowly rises from the chair in the middle of the circle, he's tall, taller than you by atleast a head. Features sharp and...you loathe to admit it, handsome as he slowly steps towards you, the closer he steps, the brighter the sealing circle drawn along the ground glows. He could not breech it...but you could enter and exit freely if you wished. He stops before you, regarding you with those smouldering eyes. Something about them too, seemed very unlike the other demons you'd dealt with in the past. very put-together, no insanity or agression hidden behind them...in fact you couldn't read whatever emotion it was at all.
"Yes, you are very tired of this indeed...I can see it clearly on your face...every day pulled here and there to do a job you never wished to do... what harm is there in hearing my terms, little one? all you must do is endure for one hour, I will not actively attempt to kill you, if you can do that, you will be declared the winner and I will answer all your questions."
An hour? you'd dealt with rituals longer than that...you had a high pain tolerence...it sounded...doable.
'Zhongli' Holds out his hand, open and inviting.
"If you find the terms of victory agreeable, take my hand."
You stare for a moment, what horrible tortures could this demon have planned for you? endure for an hour...it was just an hour..you could last an hour against any sort of demonic torture... with a slow exhale, you reach into the circle and place your hand in his.
---- This was not what you had expected. You'd expected pain, expected claws rending your flesh...
Not to be suffocating on a demon's tongue, wicked indeed.
The moment you'd taken his hand, he'd pulled you into the circle, his other hand circling your waist as his lips collide with yours. Of all the things you'd seen and experienced in your life, physical intimacy of any kind was...not one of them.
Soon enough you were straddling his lap, his tail coming around to wrap around you, hold you to his chest as he kisses the air from your lunghs, his inhumanly long tongue working it's way into your throat.
It should be horrifying, you should be fighting back.
so why then, did it feel so...nice? Strong hands holding you, your senses being assulted and overpowered in such strange ways, you'd seen horrible things, felt fear and disgust...but this...what was this?
Whenever you have the courage to crack an eye, he's staring at you through half-lidded eyes, glowing gold in the dim light, along with the tips of his hair and his horns, it almost looked holy...almost.
You should be sputtering and gasping for air when he finally retracts his tongue, shoving him away, but your body only falls limp in his grasp.
"mmh, as I thought...you've never felt the pleasures of flesh before...how wonderful...such honest reactions.." His lips pull into a toothy grin, which only serves to make you look away. "You are exactly as I had hoped, little one...come now, we've barely even started."
He's back on you before you can respond, teeth grazing your throat as his hanss tear away at your robes, the coil of his tail tightening to prevent squirming as soon as he has acess to your exposed chest.
No one had ever touched you like this before. it was scary and overwhelming, yet another half of you, half that you didn't even know existed, ached for it. pushing yourself up into his hands, eliciting a purr from the demon, gasping rather audiably as his fingers find your nipples and give both of them a harsh pinch.
"mmhm, seem's we're a little slut for pain, is that it?" his vulgar words send your head spinning. you weren't a slut...you were holy, better than this for sure...yet you only let out a pathetic whine in response. "What's the matter, little exorcist, demon got your tongue?"
"S-silence, beast..." god you hate the way your voice cracks, you hate even more so the lewd moan that leaves your lips when he leans forward, one hand and his tail holding you steady as his head dips low to take one of your abused nipples into his mouth, his hand giving the other attention as he bites down, you feel his fangs pricking into your skin as you jolt and writhe, hands finally finding an anchor point, his horns, gripping at them tightly as your body betrays you with more wanton moaning.
You felt dizzy, sick with desire and lust. thing's you'd always been told were sinful and wrong...but why then did it feel so right? so good? you dont even resist as his hand trails from your chest and into the waistband of your underwear, prodding at your entrance curiously, all while you gasp and arch your spine, you aren't even sure if it's to get away from his touch at this point.
"you know...it occurs to me that you didn't even ask about what I get if you surrender..." 'zhongli' mumbles against your collarbone, his comment makes your brain finally switch on for a moment, he was right...you hadn't asked...and internally you try to reason that it was simply because you expected your fate to be death if you gave in...
"what...what is it you want...?"
He chuckles, slowly kissing up your neck until he's looking you in the eyes, the black scalera really highlighting just how bright his iris' were.
"I want you. I want you to be mine...you hold such impressive power...you'd make such a wonderful bride. Be mine and I would turn you and you could finally take your vengence on those who never gave you any other choice but to blindly follow a god you do not believe in."
his words leave you trembling. How? How had he already known your deepest secret? even with all you'd seen in your years being trained and worked by the church...you'd never once believed their god was real..how could he be if there were demons like this one running around?
"Surrender to me...you will never know fear or pain again...only pleasure" He pushes as he slowly works two of his fingers inside of you. your tongue feels thick in your mouth and your throat dry, so you simply clamp your teeth shut. An hour, you only had to last an hour.
'Zhongli' doesn't seem upset by this at all, even as he shifts off the chair finally, laying you out on the cool stone floor, tail unwinding from your waist just to his hand could replace it's hold, keeping you there.
Faintly you realize, that with the light of the torch illuminating him from behind, and the glow of his horns...he almost looks like he has a halo... like he could be an angel, if it werent for the hunger in his eyes.. or the blunt head of his cock rubbing against you.
"Will you submit to me?" he asks again, voice and gaze entierly too tender for your liking. this was meant to be torture to endure...and endure it you would. So you turn your gaze away, throwing an arm over your eyes, he'd never said anything about you having to watch what he was doing. Again, he doesn't seem upset or angry, the demon only chuckling as he takes his time slowly rubbing against your hole before slowly pushing inside.
You expect pain, but the sting is only superficial, even for someone as large as he is...perhaps it's something to do with the warm, tingling feeling eminating from the hand on your belly.
viriginity stolen by a demon...and not even that unwillingly given...how sinful.
The demon above you lets out a gutteral, pleasured groan as he continues to slowly thrust his cock into your belly, slow, but inevitable, steady and unfaltering even when you twist or whine, a low ache slowly curling through you, not unbearable in the least.
Finally your bodies slot together and you let out a breath you'd not realised you'd been holding. you feel...full, impossibly so, it's enough to make your toes curl as you slowly peek out from behind your arm. The demon is watching you intently, curiously as you take in your situation, eyes slowly travelling from his face, lower and lower until you finally look to the spot between your legs where you're both joined. Only then does he thrust once, deep and hard, knocking the breath from your lungs.
Just like that it's like a switch flips inside of 'Zhongli', one of his large hands grabbing both of your wrists and pinning them above your head, his other hand gripping your hip, pulling you down onto him with each consecutive thrust of his hips, his cock dragging against every sensitive spot you'd never known existed within your body. He was so deep you could have sworn he might as well have been in your belly as you moan and cry, head thrashing from side to side as he bullies your insides so sweetly.
"Doesn't sinning feel simply wonderful?" He grunts, folding over to cage you beneath his warm body, chests pressed together, his heartbeat is erratic against your skin. "I can give you pleasure whenever you desire, simply submit to me...become mine and I will give you all you deserve, all you are owed, become mine.."
this kind of pleasure...whenever you wanted it? No more church? no more lessons and training? no more being 'pure' for a god you didn't believe in...?
"what...what could I possible provide you if I were to...submit?" you finally manage to pant, Zhongli blinks down at you, his head tilting as a fond smile pulls to his face.
"I have been searching for millenia for a companion to match my power, together we would become untouchable...no more fear or pain... All I want is you..."
"And...how can I trust you?" There was something building in your gut, a...tightness you'd never felt before as he angles his thrusts slightly, absolutely crushing one particular spot inside you that had you seeing stars.
"Morax." He whispers against your ear almost reverently, hand releasing your wrists to run through your hair "My name...My name is Morax..."
Morax...your eyes widen as the name settles into your mind...you knew that name, and it becomes apparent as to why any exorcism performed on 'Zhongli' had failed.
Morax was a demon lord, known for his human disguises, he hadn't posessed zhongli, he was zhongli.
and he had just told you his name, willingly.
Now was your chance, with his name, you could banish him, deal or not...and yet... you can't bring yourself to utter the chant, to send this one back to the pits from whence he came.
"I am yours...I submit...take me away from this place." your words are followed by a long moan as he bites into your shoulder, his hips jerking slightly, unable to keep up a steady rhythm as his arms wrap around you, pulling you up and into his lap as he falls back, back resting against the chair as he all but bounces you on his cock and gods- it felt so good to finally let go, moaning freely as that warm, tingling feeling from earlier only spreads. You only just manage to chant the words to dispell the sealing circle before that tightness in your belly finally snaps, your first ever orgasm ripping through you like a wildfire, making you scream and clench around morax's cock. "Yes...yes...Mine, mine forever, we are bound...take it, take my seed and become mine!" Morax is babbling but you don't have it in you right now to care, not when your body felt like it was on fire, the burn is bright, fritzing across your nerves as moraz lets out a growling moan, pulling you as snug into his lap as he can before spilling inside, even his seed it hot, and it sends the burning feeling up a few notches, causing you to cry out and writhe with what little strength you had left in you, but just like he had this entire time, he holds you steady until it becomes too much and you pass out, slumping against his shoulder.
Only once he's had a minute to catch his breath and admire you does he finally pull his softening cock out of you, he's dressed within seconds, carefully bundling his new bride into his arms, you would look so very lovely, draped in golden silks, sat upon hells throne with him...
He catches sight of the priest who had managed to trap him within the room as he strides from the church, cowering in fear, as he should.
For once his darling had acclimated to her new powers, he was sure they would want to return to pay respects.
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flooficandii · 3 months
thats got me thinking actually . i havent rly had the energy nor the interest to update nuniq's doc to include interactions w/ the newest agents . including harbor and tjats literally her boyfriend lmao 😭😭😭😭 but anyway lemme make some poorly drawn depictions of what nuniq thinks of the newer agents (starting from clove to gekko)
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honestly. nuniq wasnt too jazzed about the idea of hiring a kid (grown adult but theyre a kid to her), especially an untrained one . she understands they might have a link to omen going rogue but is still iffy about the whole situation
also oof. the whole immortality thing? yeah it must be a lot to bear for clove, theyre just very good at hiding it. but like with a lot of the young radiants, nuniq lets them know they can approach her about this stuff bc shes been through it too
she can admit she gets pissed at clove bc their immortality causes them to make more reckless decisions on the field . she wants to get it in their head that you still have to be smart about these things no matter how much power you have
but! she thinks clove is very nice. very silly very sweet guy who is an excellent storyteller. storytelling is very intertwined in both nuniq and clove's cultures so she loves listening to whatever clove can whip up
clove has probably dragged her into dnd at least once
she took a while to grasp it but thats ok shes trying her best
anyway yeah clove talks a lot and sometimes nuniq cant understand them so she has to ask them to slow down
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valorant hired him because he was a kingdom killer and nuniq was ALL FOR THAT !!!!
she can tolerate the cocky smug little shit thing bc hes professional at least
hes not very hard to work with and is very cunning and calculating. nuniq likes that
iso has most definitely heard about nuniq before and was surprised to see her alive bc a lot of media made it seem she was dead to quell the uprisings against kingdom
nuniq is fascinated by iso's radiance but it definitely makes her think about how fast and how complex the concept of radiance itself is evolving . to think he could create his own pocket dimension with prismatic energy
besides that i feel like they mostly mind their own business
theres a mutual respect for eachothers skill and grit and they just *nods*
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like the thing says. theres currently some weird tension between deadlock and nuniq rn (and its surprisingly not gay)
theyre both so cold its kinda hard for either of them to approach eachother
deadlock is. working on her relationship with gekkos creatures! which nuniq appreciates
but idk nuniq never forgets anything and its hard for her to get over the fact she almost killed wingman multiple times
+ proposed awful countermeasures to keep the radivores in check
yk that one headcanon someone made about gekkos friendliness and critters winning over a lot of the protocol?
and how they immediately had beef w deadlock because of it?
yeah thats the situation with nuniq
things have simmered down with the creature situation but nuniq mostly ignores deadlock outside of work
and frankly i think deadlock's scared of nuniq too so
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last but not least GEKKO !!!!
nuniq loves gekko!!! hes so silly
hes fun and lighthearted while still being a good fighter
being around gekko makes nuniq feel. Friendlier idk how else to describe it
also his critters have 100% stolen her heart sometimes she asks to babysit wingman when gekkos busy
she has had to apologize for aput using dizzy as a chew toy though
gekko has dyed nuniqs hair temporarily; it was northern lights-colored streaks that looked really cool when braided, she kept it for about a month until it washed out
overall she thinks hes very sweet and she and reyna can get along over being protective of him
anyway yeah i think thats every agent so far after harbor! wow !!! i cant believe we've already made it this far to agent 25 .. and agent 8 still hasnt been revealed yet i love valorant lore (tired
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ratsbypaulzindel · 3 months
have you ever thought to yourself "hey wouldnt it be cool if there was an oc story made by two guys and it was about a haunted waterpark slash arcade in a fake town in a real state". you probably haven't. but if you have youre in luck! more under the cut ok.
rainforest floods is a terrible no good ocverse made by me and my good friend crawford @dykeseesgod. everyone in it sucks and is horrible except maybe one or two side characters. it's set in the podunk middle of nowhere town of timberline, new mexico, and more specifically a waterpark/arcade called rainforest floods (title drop).
also the waterpark SUUUCKS like its budget is nothing they are in debt. the managers havent paid taxes in 15 years. anyway these are the employees. theyre bad
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and these are the co-managers. theyre even worse (and also toxic old man yaoi. these refs were drawn by the aforementioned crawford)
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anyway yeah. they get up to wacky hijinks in what will ideally be a tv show coming out in one million years. they're also horrible and tragic. most of it is bruce's fault. some of its not though!
ok also here's some other side characters.
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^ running gag that nobody knows her name except kelsey who has a huge crush on her.
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^ unnamed girl's younger brother who is constantly faced with horrors and torment at the hands of the rainforest floods employees. dont get me wrong hes annoying as fuck but he didnt deserve to run on that hamster wheel. (ref also drawn by ford)
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^ jeff's girlfriend. also the coolest person in timberline new mexico. worlds most unimportant minor character but she is wonderful and loved by the producers (me and cosmo)
rainforest floods stupidity logic is a thing me and robbie came up with to explain why all the characters are idiots who dont find things out that are important to the plot too soon.
there's a chain gimmick restaurant that andy's whole family runs except him. its like italian food but its like also magicians. their tagline is "so good its practically magic". andy hates it.
kyle has a curse on him so that nobody remembers or recognizes him outside of like. his family. so the rff employees arent even targeting him for their shenanigans on purpose theyre all just weird freaks.
kelsey gives unnamed girl the company landline as her phone number because shes stupid and a ghost and doesnt have a phone.
the employees all get together on wednesdays in the breakroom and compare evidence on whether or not andy and bruce are together romantically. its the one thing that truly bonds them all together.
vincent: is a watchmojo fan, had his first kiss as beethoven in his 12th grade production of dog sees god confessions of a teenage blockhead (2004), gets really christian in some episode subplot, is not a swiftie but he is a gaylor, wishes he was jonathan sims sooooo bad, types like a toddler who was just given a keyboard.
vincent also ruined rainforest floods' lobby playlist
also there's a brand account that we run and post on whenever we feel like it. its more of a sounding board for ideas we may explore more in the future. its fun but it may be a bit difficult to get the full idea with the execution so :-( sorry you wont fully understand our wonderful and hilarious visions
annnd i think that's it. yay worlds silliest yet most tragic oc story. ok bye ^_^
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Just Some Random Things I’ve Manifested Since Entering the Void <3
Tickets to Disneyland
More specifically, available tickets to Disneyland. I actually had no idea about the new reservation system they have because I haven’t been to the park since 2012, and my grandparents are visiting us so my family had intended to go to Disneyland for the weekend since they’re from out of the country and have never been. Lo and behold, the website says they’re booked and the whole plan goes down the drain. Well, that’s what we thought until I remembered “hey! Im a master manifestor!” And I affirmed and lived in delusion the entire ride there. I successfully manifested openings for our group of 7 people for passes that lets us take my grandparents to Disneyland to live out their childhood dreams 😌
Winning Lottery Tickets
Like actual tickets I won from the scratcher cards slfkfkdkksls sorry I havent manifested millions of dollars yet. I just bought a couple of lotto scratchers on our way back from California because we don’t have them in the state I live, and I just decided they’d all be winners. Lo and behold, they all had a prize of a free lotto scratcher ticket. That one is on me for not being more specific, but hey free tickets are free tickets and at least now with my new ones I’ll actually have a cash amount in mind to manifest once I get them 💀
I’ve been obsessing over malachite and opalite since forever. I’ve been drawn to these stones for so long but I always put off buying them because Im not someone who strongly utilizes crystals in day to day life, I just think they’re pretty and that they offer good vibes yk? I want to a swapmeet the other day and literally found them at the stalls and so I got a malachite ring and a GORGEOUS piece of opalite. Im literally obsessed its so pretty and im manifesting that my aura shines just like it because it is just my favorite crystal in the world <3 (yes I know its a man made glass pls just let me enjoy my shiny rock)
Just a few random tidbits, all since awakening my power and realizing that of I can get into the void after 3 years of trying, I can do anything <3
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camzverse · 2 months
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fnaf spider-man au....................
-what are ness and greg's spider names?
-what do u want their suits to look like?
-does freddy + ellis tony and cassie know? do they help keep gregory and vanessa's secret?
-are the animatronics villains in this au??
-do you know how crazy this au is making me? /j
-ok sooo. i havent decided what i want vanessas spider name to be yet but ive been calling her spider-van in my head lolzz. i literally cant pick what i want it to actually b tho.. i have no idea </2 (i would gladly accept any suggestions though Blinks rapidly.) andddd gregs is "spidey" ! (storytime. so its bc like. the press had just been calling him "spider-kid" and he thought that name SUCKED ((plus he thinks it makes him sound like hes some child and hes 15 in this au)) so he came up with it on the spot so that theyd start calling him anything but that and the name just stuck ^_^)
-i drew a little basic design 4 nessas suit actually!!
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SO SOMETHING LIKE THIS !!! ill probably change it somewhat bc im not that happy with the colors n stuff but likee. :333 . its kinda based off the vanny costume (and ghost spider) ! also i realized . vanny has that same eye shape and bald ass head every spider-man has its really funny to me
anddd i havent drawn gregs suit yet but i was thinking it would look like the standard spider-man suit but the blue and red switched !!! and lighter shades!! so like a lighter mostly blue suit with red parts. ykwim ??
-cassie is the only one who knows ^_^ she was actually there when greg got bit and also when his powers kicked in. They were freaking the fuck out together<2 . at first she only knew ab greg but then she accidentally ended up finding out vanessas identity too lolz. anyway cassie keeps their secret LIKE NOBODYS BUSINESS. shes covering for greg so well she deserves a medal. ellis and tony have noo idea theyre cluelesssssss. they def find out eventually but thry have no clue for a long time lmao. also tony would totally be obsessrd with trying to figure out the spider duos secret identities. hed have a blog about it i feel it in my soul. Alsooo frankly im not even sure how ill fit freddy into this au. I REALLY WANT TO but i havent thought of anything. hm maybe fred has kind of like a reformed villain thing going on and ends up teaming up w spider duo to help them out. hmmm i actually like that concept.. if i do smth like that with him he'll most likely know their identities then
-ya the animatronics are villains!!! ill probably fuse some of them with the classic spider-man villains so like theyd be similar to those villains while still mainly being the animatronics if that makes senseeee
-vanny do u know how crazy this au is making ME. we will simply be crazy together
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hearts401 · 7 months
i havent actually seen werefox mike aus so i dont really have any ideas/scenarios….
but like, if you were gonna make a werefox au, im curious;
1. when did mike become (or discover) he was a werefox?
2. how did he become one? is it a fucked up way or is he just Like That
3. does his family know? are any of them weres?
4. if any are, are they also werefoxes, or smth else?
5. if his family doesnt know, is he hiding it on purpose, or have they just like, not figured it out by pure coincidence?
5.5. adding onto five, not really a question, but i think even if he was hiding it/they didnt know hed use it to scare cc given the opportunity. no one believes him that a fuckin werefox keeps coming into his room at odd hours and scares him at any opportunity
6. can he talk when hes in his werefox form? does he sound different? actually now im imagining a teen boys voice coming out of a big ass fox thatd be so funny
7. are weres a common thing at all (even as like, outcasts) or is he just fucked up. like are they known to exist in the world as a thing or is it like, yeah theyre a myth they dont actually exist thatd be wild
okay. i think thats all my questions :3
Probably recently when the story takes place, so about 14.
It's genetic!
Willaim is! That's who Mike got it from! (Also CC but he's too young to know just yet)
William is a rabbit! the fox part likely was just a mix up of genes since i doubt every wererabbit had kids with only other wererabbits and vice versa yk?
William knows one of his kids is likely to be a were, but they didnt know HE was a were, so mike hid it from him, but liz and cc found out eventually.
he has two forms! i dont have the other one drawn yet but its much bigger and harder to control and he cannot talk in that form, but then he has a smaller one where he's just a little fox boy. its similar to turning red/tokyo mew mew in that his emotions can bring it out but also he can do it at will (however the big one only comes out at specific times and he can't go in and out of it freely)
weres are not well known, but people understand they exist. its like a "this thing is real and not a story but ppl hardly see it so who cares anyways" because weres are nnnot treated well methinks
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spearxwind · 11 months
been thinking a lot about my different oc worlds recently. ive said before ive got four, but technically it's five if you count extinction.
im gonna put all my thoughts under a readmore bc once again this got insanely long jkllkjjkf. i be rambling
most of my attention has definitely been going into challenger deep the past year (and will likely continue), recently i refurbished hollowridge as well and have had a lot of fun with it (even if i havent drawn much to show for it...)
the other two of the set of four i originally posted about are my agony drive and broken horizon settings. Broken horizon is more of a personal headworld where ive set my dragon ocs, but I have not really been successful with it in terms of like. worldbuilding and crafting a story for it, mostly because there are very few characters in it currently and i struggle with it. But it's the world where cercerion and my sona dima (as an oc) exist. i would love to actually do a better job with it sometime but it currently isnt a huge priority because ive been focused on the other two main ones (but again since its just a personal headworld it literally is just some place i like to mentally hang out and fly around in, im not super bothered by it being undeveloped.)
However we have the two troublemaker worlds now
the agony drive setting has been driving me more than a little nuts because of its whole situation with it. i absolutely adore the characters i have in it, but i have no idea what to do with the world itself. it used to be a joint project so i was extremely limited in the way i could develop it bc i depended on the other individual enjoying the ideas and i did my best to keep it afloat almost being the sole contributor to it, so now that its liberated i just didnt know what to do with it. i do like a bunch of the lore bits i came up with but some part of me is like 'idk if i enjoy this as a world' bc it still feels limited in some way? Another issue is that while hollowridge (previously my horror and slapstick gore setting with demons/angels/magic vibes) was dead in the water, i channeled that violence slapstick demon/magic vibe through TAD, but getting a focus back on hollowridge has kinda just. straight up deleted a bunch of TAD's reason to exist? i dont know if that makes sense
HR isnt really that much slapstick violence because death is final, and TAD is more cartoony in that sense bc death ISNT final which is its main reason to exist (unlimited violent major character death for the funnies), but theres a weird overlap that is keeping me from focusing correctly because it makes my brain go 'you are doing the same thing twice'
I would really really love to actually turn it into something fun and unique (separate from my other worlds) but i really havent been sure how to go about it because of that overlap. i genuinely think its just a problem of 'you have to actually develop the setting to have fun in it' and i just havent been able to do that yet bc i cant decide what i want it to BE. TAD has also never really had a lot of story to begin with so it makes things harder bc the story is the vehicle to explore the world with. its pretty frustrating bc midas set and david are some of my fav ocs ive made and i miss them but god dammit if it isnt hard to actually work with the whole thing....
and last but not least... the fifth one. extinction. a lot of you probably know this one from my comic. if youve been here since like... 2014-2015 (which would be insane) you might remember me beginning to develop that story until it eventually became the comic that is currently sitting unfinished and feels like a huge weight on my shoulders just out of sheer shame
the issue with extinction is that it was a lot of characters that i deeply loved (and still i still deeply love!!) all with fun plotlines, backstories, and a lot of fun tidbits to em that i ended up bending and breaking dozens of times just for the purpose of fitting them into a relatively short story that i could draw out and finish. and more importantly into something i hoped would be handleable instead of spiralling out of control like it had happened before
but what i didnt realize is that by doing so, i "locked" their lore in place into these very small boxes that would fit into a story, and thus i would remove what i had loved about those characters and their interactions that i had come up with years and years ago and a lot of my very very cool ideas for them simply went out the window in favor of .... well i dont. know. but off it went
i live in complete shame for not being able to finish the comic. it genuinely is a huge and extremely heavy weight on my shoulders and this whole thing has prevented me from even thinking of said ocs for years now even though they are some of my oldest and most beloved. saying all of this is not something i take lightly in the least as well
so recently I have been thinking about bringing them back as well... maybe (to the extent that i can... i have a lot of ocs and you guys know i have a lot of bias when drawing faves. so i cant guarantee content but at least i would be able to think about them again).
essentially the same way that i rewrote and got back my old concepts for hollowridge that slapped hard i want to get back my original ideas for extinction that i thought were really cool and just wasnt able to fit into a comic narrative
obviously this would come with a lot of retconning and i know a lot of people will probably not like it if i do it and i think thats something i have to face and learn to live with
but yeah anyways. TLDR is i really want to actually do something proper for TAD but have been having a lot of trouble with it unfortunately, but im working on it. and ive also been feeling rly nostalgic about extinction so you might see the characters again, albeit different in terms of story from what you probably know
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its MUTANT MENACE DAY which means im about to be SUPER ANNOYING !!!!!!!
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ok ok so a few thoughts (specifically about the royal inhumans parts) and also
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i dont have a ton to say about this i just really like how this panel looks. i still havent gotten around to the first ms marvel comics (slowed down on the comics reading for a,, bit) but i like these little monologe boxes. maybe i should just skip ahead to them,,, we're also *still* not given anything about where the inhumans are hiding out! i wonder if there's even anybody outside the family living there at this point?
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once again still not a lot to say im just very excited to see them again. THEY'RE STANDING!!! THEY HAVE LITTLE NAME BOXES!!! THEY LOOK SO GOOD!!!!
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i absolutely adore how lockjaw is drawn in this comic. and medusa laying kamala down against him is the cutest thing <3 lockjaw really IS the best cure for all things
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now i can definitely see some people getting,,,, upset about these panels. before this i did theorize that the inhuman dna was probably causing problems with the mutation and that was what was causing the "glitching", and i think it makes a lot of sense that terrigen (or lack thereof) IS the cause of this problem! and obviously the mutants wouldnt be able to replicate terrigen, and regardless on if they knew this would cause problems or not (im going to assume they probably didnt have any idea but i also havent read like, any modern xmen comics set in krakoa) of course they wouldnt go ask the inhumans. but im also not sure they could have if they wanted to?
the same with them telling kamala she should have reached out, the inhumans live in hiding right now. and although johnny has been able to call crystal, he (and probably in extension the entire ff) are obviously very close to the inhumans and its reasonable that he and crystal would still be talking. as for anyone else being able to just,,, call them whenever? do most of the xmen have any idea whatsoever that doti even happened? does most of *anyone* on earth know whats going on with the inhumans? so i do think theyre being a bit unfair with this, but also,,,, yeah of course theyre still bitter about the ivx thing!! of course medusa in particular would still be bitter about that!! that was one of the most difficult points in her life, and theres been like no resolution to most of that bc the inhumans just *left* and she just kinda got back with bb after maybe one or two conversations?? it makes complete sense to me that she (and karnak too but mostly medusa) would still be upset about it and i honestly dont know why she *wouldnt* be.
and also scroll back up and look at how adorable lockjaw is <33
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now this had me pause for a moment. the plan is to expose kamala, a resurrected *mutant*.... to terrigen? also as im typing this i just realized kamala has a cheeseburger (something she commented on wanting at the very end of last issue. red dagger probably went to get it w lockjaw and im very happy she got to eat her burger) BUT ANYWAYS. i thought we made a big deal about how terrigen is deadly to mutants?? wasn't that a thing??? pretty sure that was a thing.
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once again pointing out lockjaw i love him so much. HIS EARS !!!!!
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aaaand this confuses me even more again. terrigen just... stops her from getting her mutant powers, and maybe only temporarily? although this does seem to kind of fit in with what was going on with luna (who isnt even half mutant anymore last i checked), luna rules are very different from 2014-2018 rules. which are the rules that applied when kamala got inhuman powers in the first place. why does terrigen not hurt her if she's a mutant? is this explained in a comic i havent read yet? if it is ignore how confused i am ill figure it out eventually.
if this hasn't been explained i am very curious about why she specifically would be fine with terrigen exposure. also why are karnak and medusa seemingly not concerned at all about how exposing her to terrigen might kill her? even if there has been an explanation, how would they know that? this seems like a giant "lets just see what happens and hope for the best" situation!! which,,, i guess actually isnt ooc for either of them at all, but still, this is like very dangerous science experiment-y even for them 😳
and disregarding all the kamala being immune to terrigen stuff.... how do the inhumans even *have* terrigen? all of it was put in a bomb, which was blown up, and then all of it was in a cloud, which was destroyed. of course, maximus learned how to make more, but all the terrigen he made was destroyed like five minutes after he made it. and considering he then immediately went to space and then finally returned only to live on the moon again (and the ingredients he requires for terrigen are on earth), im pretty sure he also needs triton's help to gather some of those ingredients, and idk if they would just let maximus and triton run off together again. i dont remember if doti gives any clear timeline references (and considering it basically completely ignores uncanny, royals, and the bb series, im gonna guess it doesn't) but even IF maximus somehow had time to go back to earth and make more terrigen, it all would have been destroyed again when vox attacked. and then maximus died. so there should be NO terrigen and NOBODY who knows how to make it.
now granted, considering this was about 6 years ago and the inhumans have pretty common continuity issues this is probably just a "we need this to fix the Problem" and its,,, whatever. im sure they can fit some explanation in there somewhere. unless we're retconning everything past inhumanity and before doti? which i reallyyy am not too keen on the idea of. i know ivx was a really unpopular story but ignoring it means retconning a LOT of stuff, and sets up a ton of new problems about the terrigen cloud, and im pretty sure the current xmen stuff still acknowledges that as canon.
once again Not an expert so dont kill me if any of this has an explanation and this is just a useless Leo Complaining Post 🥺
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i dont have any more space for images and this is about the last that we get of them, too. fairly minor, but still doing stuff!! and they get to have dialog!! pretty pleased overall with this (even if i wonder what exactly is happening continuity-wise) and hoping we get some more appearances later this year !!!! once again lockjaw. lockjaw was the best part of this issue for me. put lockjaw in every comic ever 2k24.
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gladii0lus · 9 months
Looking around the Delsin Rowe tag (cuz I've been hyperfixated on inFamous Second Son for a bit now) and found your art, so I was wondering three things.
1:I noticed you have a favoritism to Bad!Karma Delsin....is there any particular reason why? (Not judging given my first playthrough was a Bad!Karma run)
2:Will we see art of the other Conduits from Second Son on here? I get it if not.
3:If ya had to choose between Smoke, Neon, Video, and Concrete. Which one? (I'm stuck between Smoke and Neon)
Hello!! And im glad you like me art hehe >:)) I mostly post on instagram hehe
Hmmm idk :0 To be honest I like default Delsin the most but for some reason i get drawn back to Bad!Delsin 😭 I dont know ig it cause I think of bad!karma as a sly dude with a very mischievous attitude idk how to describe it AHH but that’s just normal Delsin to be honest hehe. Like with my most reason art I drew him as bad delsin cause ig it just fit right for some reason? :O
For other fanart of the other conduits maybe… Ive been hyper focused on Delsin (i love this man frfr$ that i havent really gotten to that yet haha maybe in the future cause I do have some post ideas!
If i had to choose between the powers irl it would be smoke or neon but leaning on neon! I LOVE smoke!! It’s my favorite for design wise because of how clever the dash is! But I could draw with neon! Like how cool is that!
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Katalepsis after live-read thoughts collection
So, now that im caught up about in time for book 1 to end, i am just regurgitating half-thoughts ive had along the ride, doing some retrospection and working my way through all the stuff i still want to draw.
I think thats one of the big things i really noticed and appreciated about katalepsis. Theres just drawability to it. I havent decided yet if its Hungrys writing style in general, the genre, or most likely, a characteristic of Heathers that got me to figure out i can use my laptop as a drawing tablet. Heather in her internal monologue just has a real appreciation for spaces.
A space is rarely a backdrop to do a scene in, the places and buildings and dimensions are characters to heather in a way that just makest a lot of sense for someone who grew up seeing the personified spirits of the everyday world as well as the varied wilds of Outside.
When the Stairwell trap is sprung, theres a very real feeling of betrayal, the willow house has forsaken raine and heather, who previously thought it a sanctuary.
We later learn that the space was bound, artificial, forced to act against its inhabitants in a way a house usually would not, which fits some themes that come up waaaaayy later.
I originally thought this would just be a quirk of heathers, some flavor to her thought processes, but it really did get picked up as an actual story beat, not just an aesthetic, with the soul of edward lilburnes house.
The Outside places are a bit more metaphorical about this, but strangely more clearly alive as well. The Library is an extension of the catalogue, wonderland is dominated by the eye. Ooran Juhs Projected space is his own physical gullet. Carcosa is the stage of a living play. The very first outside space we get to properly see is on the back of some giant creature, hairs and all.
Theres just Personality to every place that keeps them all so very, very vivid.
Ive been planning to draw wonderland ever since the mirror incident at the very beginning of the story, and in a very funny way, as ive drawn other stuff along the way ive been training for wonderland and the eye along with the cast. I really want to do it justice.
Staying on said cast for a bit, ive already talked about raine for a good bit, but theyre all amazing. I was always happy to see that an arc or a few chapters would become a cast members designated backstory time, because i really do want to know more about them and how they work as people. After about the middle point of the story though, those moments and how they connected became pretty hard for me to keep track off
For a reader who was along for the ride since the start, having to wait between chapters as they come out, the pacing probably works way better than it did for me.
I found myself really wishing for more time with the spookycule in each stage of development it had. Early katalepsis with just raine evee and heather is probably where it was the closest to ideal for me, in terms of just vibes i enjoy and things to keep track of.
I dont want to be too analytical, im bad at that, but for example we only see the fractal used to banish a sharrowford cult servitor once.
There could have been way more time spent in the twilight of magic, the street level zone, where every accidental slip outside is a moment of grand terror, and heather learns to live with the idea that the spirits are real.
For someone who gets called “Shaman” a lot later on, we only really see her asking a spirit for directions once (the wrecking ball hands gorilla), where i was expecting that to become a very integral bit of her kit as a character. I love the cephalopod changeling we got instead, but i do feel there could have been a heather who learned to work with her non brain pain vomit inducing abilities for practical reasons, at least for a little while.
After that comes the Messenger demon and maisies message. Knowing the rest of the story, i love that the primary motivation set up here has jack and shit to do with Ed or Alex. This isnt a story about killing the bad guy, its in a very serious way a story about love and that is what should motivate the characters.
Ed and Alex really are just invaders to the story, who grasp at threads that should not concern them at all, with their meddling eventually causing the collapse of Alexs portion of the cult under the Eyes gaze.
I dont quite know how much actual space is in between Kimberly and Zheng joining the household, but this is really the part of the story where just a lot happened at once. We get both badger and sarika, the entire abyss transformation and zheng so very close together.
During the time of the dead hands there is actually some breathing room though. Mostly because set dead hands keep us consigned to a breathable atmosphere for a bit.
The other big stretch of story that i wish lasted longer is the post proposal journey with sevens and saldis through carcosa. Given how time works outside, that whole stretch of time could have really stretched for a while without threatening the maisie limit, and i do wish that some of sevens later character development had happened in here, since i didnt quite know what to think of her after they left the palace, whereas right now in the end she is one of my favourites. I still dont know what i think of the king in yellow being in this story at all, but thats a me issue.
Yeah, so given that most of the smaller thoughts ive already posted in the liveread chat, i guess ive now covered my two big thoughts. I love how katalepsis treats spaces, and the only thing i had any problems with was the pacing, which tbh might just be because i didnt take my time when reading at all.
Time for even less structured thoughts now, just a rapid fire of things that come to mind after reading:
I hope we eventually get a perspective on the worlds cosmology from a mage fully unconnected to the vaguely interconnected british underworld of mages, im very curious how deeply different interpretations of outside, the abyss, demons and beyonders a person might have if they never interacted with the humunculus wars environment. The abyss beeing wet and aquatic seemed to be a general truth, to edward, zheng and even lozzie, until we met taika for example. I want to see more of that.
I said earlier that sevens has become one of my favourites, which is kinda stupid since most characters are my favourite at something by some measure, but Raine and Evee are still the two that are the most meaningful or connected to me. Ive already gone into maybe too much detail on how Raine just works in a way that ive never seen portrayed in anything for some reason. What i havent really realized until about now is how similar evees struggle is. There is that same need to feel useful. They both define their fundamental self via a skill that is in some way repulsive to them for whatever reason, and must cling to another to point them in a direction where they feel they can use it to do good. Evee has to feel useful, has to justify her presence and her dangerous knowledge to herself to some degree, and helping heather is how she does it for now.
The fundamental difference i think is that Raine chose to define herself that way, as knight errant, as supporter, while evee feels any other option to act on the world was taken from her by her mother. This mostly takes the form of her physical disability often stopping her from acting in time, reaching places, but also stopping her anorgasmia seemingly stopping her from loving in the way she thinks is correct (at that point of the story at least. Both of those are changing of course, mostly thanks to Praem).
It kind of lines up with Kimberly in a funky way, since she essentially decided not to use sorcery to justify her presence, both in the house and the story, but still remained around and appreciated, as a sort of in universe counterpoint to evees negative view of herself.
Thats all i can think of for now, i dont actually now how to end this, this isnt a sotry analysis, i have no conclusion except that im glad i caught up so close to the end, because im excited to see all of us react to whatever crazy shit is going down live!
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pesterloglog · 7 months
Aradia Megido, Rose Lalonde
Act 5, page 2808
-- apocalypseArisen [AA] began trolling tentacleTherapist [TT] --
AA: what d0 y0u think y0ure d0ing!
AA: just st0p
AA: st0p st0p st0p st0p st0p st0p
AA: maybe if i say st0p en0ugh s0mething else will happen instead 0f the thing that d0es
TT: Hi.
AA: y0u arent g0ing t0 st0p are y0u
TT: Do you want me to stop using magic too?
AA: n0 i d0nt care ab0ut that
AA: its y0ur quest t0 tear y0ur sessi0n apart
AA: i kn0w its exciting
AA: breaking stuff
AA: and n0t w0rrying ab0ut it
AA: but there are c0nsequences t0 hum0ring y0ur destructive impulses
AA: and c0nsequences t0 f0ll0wing
TT: ?
AA: what they say
TT: Who?
AA: y0u kn0w wh0
TT: You sound frustrated.
TT: Like you know you can't change my mind.
TT: I presume your future footage of me has already verified this?
AA: i d0nt even need t0 watch y0ur future acti0ns t0 kn0w this
AA: the kn0wing is the same as this elusive feeling 0f sickness thats been with me f0r years
a: pr0bably since bef0re i died c0me t0 think 0f it
AA: it was always a big setup
TT: You died?
TT: Revived via dream self, I take it?
AA: n0
AA: i never had 0ne
AA: s0rt 0f a special case here
TT: Hmm.
AA: i just wish
AA: back when i was behaving recklessly
AA: i had s0me0ne t0 tell me t0 st0p listening
AA: even if i ended up ign0ring their advice
AA: it w0uld have been nice
TT: What did they tell you?
AA: i was assured i w0uld be saving my race
AA: which is maybe still true i d0nt kn0w
AA: but if it is then it will be the punchline t0 the vast j0ke
TT: Is that anything like the ultimate riddle?
AA: y0u really d0nt understand anything yet d0 y0u
AA: and yet y0u bug and fuss and meddle
AA: with things m0re danger0us than y0u can imagine
AA: what d0 y0u want with the s0urce 0f the first guardians
AA: what g00d d0 y0u really think c0uld c0me 0f it
TT: Do you know about it?
TT: The sun?
AA: y0u cant p0ssibly wield its energy 0r put it t0 c0nstructive use
TT: That isn't exactly my plan.
AA: y0u w0nt find it either
AA: its imp0ssible
TT: How do you know that?
TT: Could you please share your information with me?
AA: n0!
AA: y0u still havent gathered that y0ure the pr0blem
AA: im thr0ugh with c0nsci0usly c0ntributing t0 inevitable 0utc0mes
TT: Well,
TT: Aren't you doing that regardless? Right now?
AA: 0bvi0usly
AA: but im just talking
AA: maybe the things i say will indirectly trigger y0ur critical acti0ns
AA: maybe n0t wh0 kn0ws
AA: maybe!!!
AA: maybe if i behave in a manner s0 rand0m
AA: parad0x space w0nt kn0w h0w t0 handle it!
AA: blah BL00P blee BLUH!@#$%^&*()_+
AA: didnt see that 0ne c0ming did y0u pspace??? + ?*rand(413^612)
AA: oh look and now i suddenly refuse to type zeroes in my sentences
AA: isnt that crazy! who thought that was even a possibility
AA: bslick never would have imagined THAT little vestibule of probability was tucked somewhere in his huge glistening blow sack
AA: ribbit ribbit ribbit
AA: hahaha!
AA: 0h w0w im sure y0u were just being faceti0us with that but y0u have n0 idea h0w funny that is right n0w
AA: y0u had n0 way 0f kn0wing thats a thing i d0 all the time but with zer0es
AA: this is great
AA: i think im 0n t0 s0mething here
AA: maybe if i dig deep en0ugh int0 my circuitry and rer0ute all 0f my reserve p0wer thr0ugh my quantum based rand0m number generat0r i can pr0duce behavi0r s0 c0mpletely 0ff the wall that parad0x space will have n0 ch0ice but t0 change everything!
TT: You have circuitry?
AA: maybe i will also rig my p0wer s0urce t0 the 0utc0me 0f the functi0n and rand0mly bl0w myself up!
AA: that w0uld be just
AA: really
AA: really
AA: really*rand(rand(rand(rand(rand(0M)*0M)*0M)*0M)*0M) where 0M = s0me number drawn quite at rand0m fr0m 0ne 0f y0ur absurd human hats
AA: !~M~0~D~N~A~R
AA: g00dbye r0se
AA: enj0y y0ur rampant indiscreti0ns
AA: talk t0 y0u later assuming i havent rand0mly bl0wn myself up!
TT: Wait, don't go!
TT: You were actually interesting.
--- apocalypseArisen [AA] ceased trolling tentacleTherapist [TT] --
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moochio7 · 9 months
can we get more coach content ?? :D
teared up seeing this in my inbox /pos
get ready for way too many words...
I never had any ocs that stuck around before making coach for the stupidest crack fic with my friends,, so idrk how this is supposed to work but whatever. He isn't a very nuanced character yet, but he'll get there eventually.
on the google doc for planning False-hearted (the insane crack fic) this is what was written for coach a while back
"Coach: (deals with some behind the scene shit and plans “plays” to do in battle) {Boss Man} He plans plays for battle but also is in battle observing and making plans on the spot- like we all have radios and hes armed creepin around being like oooooo we got an abandoned sentry ill get that which opens up a space for someone else to come in and yada yada u get the idea (long story short i'm specifying that he gets a gun and gets to be in battle cause teehee silly) YOOOO HE CAN LIKE TRAIN THE MERCS N SHIT BY ANALYSIZING THEIR SKILLS IN BATTLE AND SEEING WHAT TGET CAN WORK OJ AND RAAGGHH cuz they got that training gym area right? coach the personal trainer lol"
Also have I mentioned its a self-insert? I think I may have just said oc but no yeah this guy is just me.
in terms of who this guy is, he gets along well with pretty much everyone, bullies scout like a brother a lot tho. no hard feelings ofc. since a very young age he had a lot of pressure and responsibility dropped on him, so while he is immature and messing around sometimes, he is wary of being too obnoxious, is never vulnerable with others, and puts up this false rigid cool leader guy persona. For now at least.
He may not talk to others about his emotions or whats going on with him, but he doesnt just bottle it up and never think about it. Hes got an over analytical brain and has looked into every single thing hes ever done or said and seems to truly understand so very much about himself. Hes knows the issues he has but cant bring himself to fix them because that takes being vulnerable and brave. Some things he cant be. He appears brave to others in your typical "do whatever it takes to help others and jump into action without worry" way tho.
In terms of backstory and what growing up was like? I havent decided yet lol
theres some older posts on my page under the false-hearted tag to (maybe???) give you more context of the strange world this guy is in.
heres pretty much every time ive drawn coach 👍👍im still working on figuring out his exact features so theyre pretty inconsistent.
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quick sketch n colour
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this one is inspired but an amazing song "La guerra di Piero" by Fabrizio De André
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another sketch, and some images i cooked up for sending as reaction images to friends. (Coach brutally killing Blu scout with scouts own bat, and then coach being the innocent kid he is)
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banditsregina · 11 months
15 questions and 15 mutuals
thank you for the tags 🥹 @gilliandersons @sophiedevreaux
were you named after anyone?
nope! my parents just liked the name. was almost a lauren until they changed their mind at the last minute
when was the last time you cried?
i'm a crier so its very easy for me to cry lol most recently was probably over my cat but give me anything sort of sad and those tears are flowing
do you have kids?
do you use sarcasm a lot?
sometimes, usually only when joking around with people i'm close to.
what's the first thing you notice about people?
eyes and teeth/smile. i find myself staring at people's mouths a lot when i talk to them 😬 not in a 'i want to kiss you' way but in a 'neurodivergent it helps me hear' way so that's generally what im drawn to first.
what's your eye color?
brown or as my friend once said 'hey your eyes match the whiskey bottles!'
scary movies or happy endings?
happy endings forever and ever
any special talents?
i...dont know if i really have any. i consider myself a very good listener for people where they feel its easy to talk about anything with and a good sounding board for them to bounce ideas off of. 🤷🏻‍♀️
where were you born?
wisconsin. midwest baby!
what are your hobbies?
oh man.. reading, watching tv, doing a puzzle, playing games. if i have the time and energy, making costumes/dressing up for things like ren faire!
have any pets?
my cat, dottie, the queen of my household
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what sports do you play/have you played?
does marching band count... or tennis for fun lol
how tall are you?
favorite subject in school?
i loved school so most of them! but english, music, french class the most. but science and math were fun too! i loved my environmental science class a lot a lot.
dream job?
i've never really had a 'dream job' exactly but im drawn to entertainment in any form. theatre, music, film. so something in that industry would be great to get back to!
tagging: i feel like i've seen this all over my dash already so if you havent done it yet, consider this your tag!
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