#i havent drawn them in so long... i wanted to
zeldasnotes · 3 days
𝔞𝔰𝔱𝔯𝔬 𝔬𝔟𝔰𝔢𝔯𝔳𝔞𝔱𝔦𝔬𝔫𝔰 𝔱𝔥𝔦𝔯𝔱𝔶𝔰𝔦𝔵
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𓆩♡𓆪 Ive noticed people with a strong Pluto or Neptune to appear out of nowhere. You are watching tv and suddenly they are just sitting there. You didnt even see when they walked in and sat down. If you think about them you will most likely see them within a week even if you havent seen them for years.
𓆩♡𓆪 Asteroid Jung(11518) was named after the famous psychiatrist Carl Gustav Jung. He founded analytical psychology. People with this asteroid prominent have a unique way of understanding the human Psyche and its functioning.
𓆩♡𓆪 People with planets in your 10th house might have heard about you a lot. Might have been around people who talk about you a lot so you are like a celebrity to them. Ive noticed this a lot irl that the people I heard a lot of rumours about and later got to know I had planets in their 10th house so I knew who they were before we met. Doesnt have to be bad rumours can be just people talking about you in general.
𓆩♡𓆪 How to know an 8th house Sun is near you? Weird changes start to happen. I swear an 8th house Sun walks into the workplace and all of a sudden the boss gets fired, employees fired, the company changes its logo. Its not their fault they just awake certain energies.
𓆩♡𓆪 Plutonians be moving like a spy. They see whos 100 meters infront of them. They will see you from 100 meters away and be able to take a shortcut before you saw them if they are not in a talking mood. Scanning the environment. Sitting in the back of the classroom to see who walks in.
𓆩♡𓆪 You might fit the beauty standard of the countries that have your Ascendant sign as their Venus. For example South Korea have a Cancer Venus and the typical ”Cancer look” is considered beautiful there. The clear glowy skin, round features, hyperfeminine look is considered typical for Cancer Risings.
𓆩♡𓆪 India have a Leo Venus and long thick hair is a beauty standard there(lol its a beauty standard in most countries) BUT romani people come from India originally and are known for their long hair because romani women are not supposed to ever cut their hair during their life.
𓆩♡𓆪 If you have 12th house ruler in the 1st house your mental health is very visible on your appearance. If you do drugs, are depressed, tired or going through something everyone can see it.
𓆩♡𓆪 Moon aspecting Saturn tend to do ”adult stuff” early. Might have kids or move out from their childhood home before they are even 18. All my friends with a Moon/Saturn aspect lost their virginity and started working earlier than the rest of us.
𓆩♡𓆪 People tend to ”deny” their Chiron wound. Its often where people are quick to scream ”im not insecure!!”. For exemple most of my friends with Chiron 1st house would NEVER admit they feel insecure and will instead project this onto others. People dont like to be reminded of their Chiron and might go a lifetime avoiding it.
𓆩♡𓆪 People with Sun in the 8th house might dislike to show any signs of an ego. Might also feel uncomfortable around people with ego issues. They dont seem to like bragging, showing off, competing and other signs of ego issues.
𓆩♡𓆪 People with a Moon/Pluto or Venus/Pluto aspect in their natal chart seem to often have other women asking their boyfriends or other girls if the Venus/Pluto person is pretty or not. ”Shes not that pretty right?” ”Would you go out with her if you werent with me??”. Same with Lilith aspects.
𓆩♡𓆪 12th house synastry can make one of yall see the other as the secret friend or the friend you meet up for a cig in the middle of the night. Or the friend you traumadump on or talk to about negative stuff you dont want to bother others with.
𓆩♡𓆪 The mobwife trend just screams Venus/Pluto & Venus 8th house. The shiny wine red bags, the leoprints, the black furcoats.
𓆩♡𓆪 Libra Venus tend to be repulsed by brash people while other Libra placements seems to be drawn to them.
𓆩♡𓆪 If im ever arrested I want someone with Uranus 3rd house with me. They will come up with an excuse and escape plan before we even get in the cop car. Quick minds.
𓆩♡𓆪 Men with Aries Rising or MC tend to have people threathen others with their name. I know several men with these placements and people will mention their name in fights ”If you mess with me I will go get David to beat you up”. People will also literally walk up to them crying like ”That guy over there just beat me” and expect the Aries ASC/MC man to do something about it.😂 Girl I dont know you I aint beating nobody up for you.😭
𓆩♡𓆪 Some of the most famous criminals have Lilith in the 6th house. For example Bugsy Siegel and John Dillinger. Because fuck a 9 to 5. No but seriously these people might feel a strong need to rebel against the typical work and routine thing.
𓆩♡𓆪 If yall have Mars 10th house in the composite chart and you dont like eachother everyone will know it. If you are a couple people will see that yall fight a lot. You know that couple we all know whos broken up and gotten together like 100 times? Yeah they might have this one.
𓆩♡𓆪 People with Demeter(1108) or Ceres(1) conjunct Moon NEED to nurture something. If not a child they might be into plants. Just something they can take care of.
𓆩♡𓆪 People with Demeter(1108) or Ceres(1) conjunct personal planets radiate warmth and nurture. People who dont get this warmth at home will be extra drawn to them.
𓆩♡𓆪 Harvey Weinstein having Pluto and Lilith conjunct his MC really makes sense. With these placements its impossible to hide what you are up to. People will find out eventually.
𓆩♡𓆪 You probably have 3rd house synastry with a lot of people in the neighbourhood you grew up in, especially since yall were not only neighbours but also went to the same elementary school.
𓆩♡𓆪 Moon 1st house synastry = Always having a special place in eachothers heart. 🫶
𓆩♡𓆪 People with Mars Square Sun often have a scar somewhere around their right eye.
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egg-on-a-legg · 10 months
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theyre so hashtag woman
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tianhai03 · 6 months
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didnt have the time to do a full finished drawing, but i tried to keep up with my tradition for redrawing the same good bro day drawing ive done for 3 years already :')
(last year's, which also has links to prev years as well)
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eznii · 4 months
made a lil something something ;)
some frames under the cut:
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mokadevs · 10 months
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summer lovin have me a blast
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wangxian bunny puddle chibis
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puppyeared · 2 months
When you go on walks, what’s your favourite part? Mine is when I find one of the rivers or small streams nearby my house. Or when I get to meet some new dogs- or when the temperature is just warm enough to bask in whilst the trees are rustling because of a strong breeze. Maybe my favourite part is the walk itself, I like walking places. Problem is I always need to have a destination in mind.
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the weather is getting nicer so its the best time to go outside and poke around for some new visitors ^_^
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gayfour · 6 months
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Practicing drawing these weird little space guys (with my new favourite brush (it's quite fun)
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simcardiac-arrested · 10 months
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buwheal · 1 month
Bro the askers treat spamton so much better on that askblog.
While over here we send him drawings of his joints and tell him "go puppet boy go!"
Honestly I love seeing the difference.
LOLLL they do… and maybe a little bit of that is my fault based on the ones i choose because im really picky with the ones i do answer (being nice to him, in this case) because there are SO many people who are trying to make him feel better, but ultimately they always bring up something or other to remind him of the shit he’s gone or is going through..
..Like,, “so you know how youre always failing and you’re uh… maybe alone with the (physical) things you’re going through? Yeah? Well ive failed too. Sometimes. Hope you feel better after i just reminded you!” Kind of stuff. Obviously im very much exaggerating what people say but YIPPPEESS its like they’re trying to get him to cry or something. I appreciate their efforts and how much the care but damn i dont think that they’re thinking about how that’d sound to him, especially since his immediate thought towards things like that is that its ingenuine.
I think less of Loki’s audience wants to see him suffer. A lot of mine do. LMAO. The difference /is/ funny.
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randomminty · 2 years
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Ive only got sv in the brain right now
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coolattabong · 6 months
save me gordon freeman .. gordon freeman save me..
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skitskatdacat63 · 4 months
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+ process kinda
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dandyshucks · 2 months
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one of the kiddos really loves rabbits and we're not able to really do much for Easter related activities irl so I thought I'd draw them with their favourite rabbit 'mon ... perhaps a gift from Guz,,,,,
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skenpiel · 8 months
you guys have NO IDEA how hard it is for me to draw rose with light hair. when i read the comic for the first time i thought she had brown hair for some reason so i was really confused when i saw fanart of her for the first time…………
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in a constant battle between wanting to draw funky pointy sun and wanting to draw squishy chibi sun. squeeze him
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