#i mean thanks?? i like having my more serious posts get some love but??
pixelkip · 3 months
I hope you all are greatful for my resolve to not at least vaguely post about every single thing that pops into my head that my brain goes "you should say this at all the poor souls who happen to follow you on tumblr dot hellsite" about. If not you may be soon because my way of coping with Too Many Thoughts Head Full /neg is to become fully unable to shut the fuck up. Actually wait that's what most people do on this hellsite why am I acting like this is a problem
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burnthatbridge · 2 months
if you love him let him go (if you love him let him know) 
pre-buddie, bucktommy | T | 3k | angst, pining tommy needs to tell eddie something not on ao3 atm because i can't figure out if this is done or if i'm continuing it - please let me know your thoughts! now on ao3 because i hate not having all my fic in one place
“Can I get you another beer, man?”
Eddie checks his watch. It’s only a little after nine thirty. He’s kind of hoping to get home before Chris goes to sleep, but he’ll not be heading to bed any time soon, will likely stay up later than Eddie. Friday night means he disregards his supposed bedtime — not that he sticks to it that well on school nights, now he’s sixteen. “Sure, thanks.”
Tommy nods, disappears into the kitchen, returns a moment later with a can of IPA in one hand, a bottle of lager in the other. They’ve already finished the six-pack Eddie brought over, but trust Buck — well, Buck and Tommy — to have Eddie’s favorite beer in their fridge. Tommy hands over the can, already cracked open, and Eddie takes a sip as Tommy settles down at the opposite end of the couch. He doesn’t turn to face the TV, sits twisted towards Eddie instead, but he does pick up the remote and turn down the volume, the post-fight commentary rendered nearly unintelligible. 
“I wanted to talk to you about something.”
Eddie twists towards Tommy himself, something not-quite-anxious-but-almost flaring in his chest. Over the years they have been friends, he and Tommy have spoken about lots of things, including those not so easy to discuss: their respective experiences in the army, Tommy’s tough childhood, Eddie’s difficult parents, the hard aspects of the job. But they’ve all been topics that have come up naturally, raised organically. Tommy has never led into anything with such a pointed opener before.
Eddie studies him. He has one knee pulled up on the couch cushion, foot poking out off the end, the other foot planted on the floor, nearly parallel to the base of the couch. One arm is up on the backrest, the other relaxed, beer bottle in that hand, resting on his thigh, dripping condensation painting a charcoal ring on his — probably Buck’s, in fact, given how tight the fabric is stretched over the muscle of his leg — grey sweats. He’s not tense, but he’s not smiling, and there’s something about his expression that Eddie can’t place. It’s not that he hasn’t seen this look before, because he’s pretty sure he has, witnessed it in flickers across numerous occasions over the years, there and then gone, present for but a heartbeat. But he’d never known what it meant any of those times and he certainly doesn’t now.
“'Course,” Eddie says, when Tommy doesn’t go on, seems to be waiting for some kind of sign. Then adds, feeling like it’s necessary given the gravity he can feel pulling this lightsome evening down to something more serious.  “Anything.”
Tommy sighs, bites his lip like he doesn’t want to speak, even though he’s the one who said he wanted to talk, then shakes his head and takes a pull of his beer.
“Is everything okay?” Eddie’s starting to feel worried now. He mentally scans back over the past few weeks, trying to remember if Tommy has mentioned anything about work that could be a problem. He saw him at basketball last week, and nothing had seemed off. Plus, Buck hasn’t said anything. Not that he’d necessarily tell Eddie about an issue Tommy was having, not if Tommy wanted it kept private, but Eddie can usually tell when Buck’s concerned about someone, and he hasn’t picked up on anything, not at all. 
But maybe this isn’t about a problem Tommy is having. Maybe this is a Buck problem, something Buck has kept from Eddie. It would make sense why Tommy would bring it up with him; sometimes a concerted, multi-person effort is the only way to get through to Buck. And Tommy’s more likely to bring in Eddie first, and then expand the team to include Maddie, Chim, more, as needed. 
“Is Buck okay?” Eddie asks, something like panic constricting his throat, making the words come out a little strangled. 
Tommy actually laughs at that, a small, choked thing, an exhale of sound and air. He shakes his head again, but not a no. More like an extension of the laugh, a motion to accompany it, to better convey the disbelief — not humor — contained in it. “He’s fine.”
It’s a relief to hear. Buck had seemed physically okay, when Eddie had seen him briefly before he left the house, since he’d maybe purposefully waited to order his Uber until Buck pulled up in his jeep outside, despite Christopher’s insistence he didn’t need to wait for Buck to arrive, despite the fact that his kid is more than old enough to be left in the house alone for the twenty minutes it would have taken Buck to drive over, while Eddie was ferried the opposite way. But there could still have been something, Buck could have been fighting through pain, much better at hiding any hurt of his body than he is at masking his emotional distress. 
“But,” Tommy says, and that one word is enough to have Eddie’s muscles tightening once more, “It is Evan I wanted to talk about.”
Again, Tommy doesn’t follow it up with anything. Eddie has found, in their time as friends, that Tommy is not often a man lost for words. Quite the opposite, in fact. He usually says what he means, means what he says, and is an expert at listening and delivering sage advice. This reticence– it doesn’t feel like it bodes well, has the hair on the back of Eddie’s neck prickling.
“Alright,” Eddie says, a feeble prompt. “So, Buck?”
Tommy nods, like he’s gearing himself up for something, to face a challenge, to take a punch. Eddie is expecting something bad, so the words he says catch him even more off guard than they would have. “I want to ask Evan to marry me.”
Maybe if Tommy had seemed eager, excited, when he turned to him, Eddie could have anticipated the blow, could have felt a creeping suspicion this is where Tommy was headed, could have been provided with enough of a heads-up to brace himself. As it is, he doesn’t see the hit coming, takes it full force to the chest, so hard it steals his breath, knocks the wind from him. His mouth goes slack, and he feels his fingers slide against the slippery sides of his beer can, almost spills it over Tommy and Buck’s lounge carpet before he gets a hold on it, on himself. He forces himself to smile. “That’s– that’s great,” he makes himself say, only faintly aware that Tommy isn’t smiling back, like this moment should call for. “Did you–” he swallows around the bile climbing his esophagus, “Do you want help planning the proposal?” He wishes he could take the words back the second they’re out. Because this — just hearing that Tommy wants to ask Buck — is torture enough. To be involved with it, to help enable it, Eddie will be lucky if it doesn’t kill him. Maybe not his body, but certainly his soul. 
“No.” Tommy shakes his head. “No, I want to ask him to marry me. But I’m not going to. At least, not now.”
Eddie squints at him. The news that Tommy wants to marry Buck might hurt Eddie, but it’s not exactly surprising. Eddie’s seen how much Tommy cares for him in the years they’ve been together, has seen the way he looks at him, the way they look at each other. Has felt the way it burns him, the scorching heat of flame, the searing cold of ice. He doesn’t understand what Tommy is saying, doesn’t understand why this proclamation seems not to be a happy one. “Why not?” Eddie asks, almost grateful for the opportunity to present confusion, curiosity, rather than forced pleasure at the thought of one of his closest friends and his– best friend marrying each other. “You guys are serious. I mean, you live together.”
Tommy huffs another laugh, still more disbelief than humor, really the opposite of humor. “His lease was up.”
“Right. But he chose not to renew it. He chose to move in with you,” Eddie says, slow, struggling to understand, the pounding of his pulse not helping him think clearly, see through the puzzle that is everything Tommy has said so far and the way he has said it. 
“He was never going to renew it,” Tommy tells him.
And that’s– that’s something Eddie didn’t know. He hates it when he learns information about Buck from Tommy, always has, even though he fights with everything in him not to feel like that. Tommy is Buck’s boyfriend, of course he’s going to know things about him that Eddie doesn’t, know him in a way that Eddie doesn’t. 
“We hadn’t spoken about living together,” Tommy says, eyes on Eddie. “But he’d said he thought the loft was too expensive and he was spending nearly every night at mine by that point. When he wasn’t on shift. Or at yours.” Eddie pulls his eyes away, takes a sip from his beer for something to do, even though the bitter taste is turning his stomach. “He said he wasn’t going to renew it, that he’d look for somewhere new, cheaper. But this was too close to the end of his lease to find a place before he had to move out. I asked where he was going to stay in the meantime.”
“And he said with you,” Eddie guesses, more a statement than a question.
But Tommy shakes his head. A smile curls his lips but his eyes– his eyes don’t match. “He said he’d crash on your couch, actually.”
Eddie takes another mouthful of beer, holds it there, on the back of his tongue. He didn’t know any of this. Buck would, of course, have been more than welcome. Likely why he hadn’t asked in advance, why he planned for it without seeking permission. 
“I said he could stay with me, instead. That he’d be able to sleep in a bed here.” Eddie swallows, the beer somehow thick and cloying in a way that it shouldn’t be. “And then when he started making noises about looking for a new place, I told him he should stay.”
While it’s not how Eddie had, unwillingly, pictured it in his head — Tommy and Buck mutually agreeing that Buck shouldn’t renew his lease, deciding they wanted to live together — it still doesn’t explain what Tommy has said. “And he did stay,” Eddie says. “So, why aren’t– Does Buck not want to get married?” But that can’t be it, that can’t be right. Eddie is certain Buck does want to be married, only he’d tried hard not to think of Buck wanting that with Tommy, with anyone. Anyone else. 
“No, he does,” Tommy confirms it. He leans over and deposits his beer on the coffee table. Then sits back, still turned to Eddie, but arms crossed over his chest, like a protection of himself. “We’ve spoken about it, discussed it. And he’s told me he’s always wanted that, to get married, to be part of a family.” Tommy pops one hand out of the fold of his arms to hold it up, out, quelling, like Eddie has protested. He hasn’t, but his heart is doing something approximating a riot at the idea of Tommy being Buck’s family. “And I know he has a family. He knows he does. In you and Chris, in Maddie and Jee, in the 118. But–” Tommy breaks off, tips his head to the side, gaze boring into Eddie’s face so strong that Eddie wishes he could turn away, duck and run. “You know how much he’s always wanted to belong somewhere.”
He does, Eddie thinks, the thought almost violent in its intensity. He belongs with me. Except, he doesn’t. Not really, not how Eddie wants, not the way he does with Tommy.
“And I want that for him,” Tommy goes on, tucking his hand back in, squeezing his arms tighter about himself. Eddie’s never seen him like this, hunched in on himself, curled small. Tommy is usually so open, larger than life. “I want to be the one to give that to him.”
Eddie wants to be the one to give that to him. Desires it desperately, a secret need he’s tucked as far inside himself as he can. He can feel it now, raging to be let out, to be set free. But he can’t, he won’t. Buck is with Tommy, he’s happy with Tommy. Tommy who is so warm and kind and good, Tommy who is better than Eddie in every conceivable way, who brings so much to Buck’s life, who gives all of himself to Buck. Who wants to give him even more. Wants to, but apparently won’t.
Eddie doesn’t understand. “Then, if you want to, why won’t you ask him?” he questions, trying to. 
“If I ask him now, he’ll say no.” Tommy states it like indisputable fact, like it’s the most obvious thing in the world that Buck would refuse him. 
Eddie shakes his head, understanding even less. “But he loves you.”
Tommy smiles again, then, larger than he had before, but as devoid of happiness, as empty of cheer. This smile hurts to see, reflects the way Eddie felt inside when Tommy had said I want to ask Evan to marry me. “I know he does.” Tommy’s tone is sure, but wistful. “But he loves you more.”
It’s like– It’s like nothing Eddie has ever felt. Or maybe it’s like everything he’s ever felt. The shock of a residual lightning bolt, the joy of being a part of the 118, the pain of a bullet ripping through his shoulder, the awe of holding his son for the first time. Eddie wants Tommy’s words to be true maybe more than he’s ever wanted anything. But he also cannot believe them, has no trust that they are true. Because they can’t be. Buck loves Tommy. Not Eddie. 
“We’re friends. Best friends,” Eddie points out. “Of course, he– he loves me. But not more. Not like he loves you. He’s in love with you.”
Tommy sighs, arms uncrossing, palms coming to rest on his thighs, body taking on a posture Eddie is familiar with, the one he falls into when he’s talking someone through something, the one he adopted when Eddie came out to him some six months ago. “Eddie, he’s in love with you.”
Eddie shakes his head. It’s everything he’s ever wanted to hear, but coming from the wrong lips. Spoken by not by Buck himself but by Buck’s boyfriend, oh god. “He isn’t. Tommy, he can’t be.” 
But Tommy is nodding, nodding like what he’s said is true, like he wants Eddie to believe it. 
“He’s not,” Eddie says, hears the denial, the disbelief spill from him. Buck doesn’t love him. He doesn’t. But Eddie– Eddie loves– “I’m sorry,” Eddie says, almost a gasp. “Tommy, I’m sorry, I–”
“It’s not your fault,” Tommy cuts him off. “I knew what I was getting into. When I started seeing Evan, I knew there were going to be three people in this relationship. I just–” Tommy sighs again, scrubs his palms along his thighs. “I didn’t expect it to get this far. I thought we’d just be a fun, easy thing. Something to ease Evan into his sexuality, that new part of himself. I didn’t expect it to go like this. I didn’t expect to feel like this.” Tommy closes his eyes, lashes falling to his cheeks. He breaths in and out, while Eddie’s own breath is caught in his chest. When Tommy opens his eyes, he says, “But I don’t have to tell you how easy it is to love him.”
Fuck. Tommy knows. Because Eddie does. He loves Buck, loves him so endlessly he doesn’t know where the feeling starts and where it ends. Doesn’t know when it started; doesn’t think it will ever end. “I’m sorry,” Eddie whispers, needing to say the words again, needing Tommy — his friend — to hear them. 
Tommy lifts one palm from his thigh, his wrist pressing into the muscle as he cuts his fingers to the side in a dismissal. “Don’t apologize for it. I’m certainly not going to. I’m never going to be sorry for loving him.” He drops his hand back down, pats his leg, emphasis of the point. “But it is a problem.” He smiles, rueful. “I thought I’d be able to break up with him, if he didn’t break up with me. I should have, ages ago. I certainly should have when you came out.” 
Eddie, selfishly, had hoped Buck would break up with Tommy then. But it had seemed like a farfetched fantasy. He had told Buck he was queer after Buck had already moved in with Tommy. He’d admitted it to himself, to Frank, before that, but hadn’t told anyone else for weeks. In hindsight, sometimes he figures he’d left it too late, but most of the time he didn’t think it would have made a difference at all. But now, with what Tommy has told him, maybe it would have. It’s a knife sliding between Eddie’s ribs to think maybe. Maybe.
“But I didn’t.” Tommy looks resigned, shoulders drooping. 
“Why are you telling me this?” Eddie needs to know. It seems like Tommy has known for years that Eddie has loved Buck. Loves Buck. I knew there were going to be three people in this relationship. So why is he only bringing it up now?
“Because I didn’t. Because I can’t. I can’t break up with him. But I want to move forward. And I want to do so with him, for us to further our life together. But if I ask him to marry me when he doesn’t know for sure that you’re not an option, he’ll say no.”
Fear freezes Eddie’s insides. “So, what– what are you asking me to do?” Because Tommy is asking something of Eddie, wants something. Something Eddie fears he will have to make himself give.
Tommy straightens up, shoulders rolling back. He’s serious, solemn but not demanding or pleading when he says it. A devastating request. “I’m asking you, as my friend, to let him go.”
Eddie could be sick, he thinks, could vomit up the three and a quarter beers and the half a dozen chicken wings he’s consumed since he got to Tommy and Buck’s place. Could spill the mess of his insides up all over himself, all over Tommy, all over their lives. Tommy is his friend, was his friend before he was ever Buck’s boyfriend. Eddie should do this thing for him. Should give Buck his blessing to marry Tommy, give Buck up, give him over, completely, to this man who has loved him so well for the past three years. Eddie should; in his gut he knows it would be the right thing to do. But his heart– his heart is in revolt. It’s Buck. He loves him. How can he ever let him go?
Tommy leans forward, places a hand on Eddie’s leg, squeezes his fingers around the ball of his kneecap, until Eddie lifts his gaze and meets his eyes. “Or,” he says, somehow even more serious, “I am telling you, as your friend, to go and get him.”
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ellemj · 7 months
Needs & Wants - Sex Pollen Trope Pt. 9
Bucky Barnes x Reader
**Read parts 1-8 first for the full effect.**
Summary: You and Bucky find yourselves stuck in a hotel room for the night after being tailed on the way back to the compound. Your game of teasing escalates to something a little more serious than just a game.
Warnings: teasing, dry humping, unprotected sex, mutual pining, profanity, somewhat orgasm denial, edging, fingering, shower sex, MINORS DNI, 18+!!!
Feel free to comment and let me know if this requires any other warnings.
Word Count: 2.3k
Author's Note: We're getting very close to the end now. I don't know how I feel about it all yet. Thanks again to everyone who's been liking/commenting on/reblogging this series, your support means so much and I'm truly blown away by the love I've received on here over the last few days. I still don't know how the heck it happened but here we all are. Special thanks again to @littlemiss-yeehaw for helping with warnings for this series and saving my ass, and also for reading my trash before I post it lmao.
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            Bucky doesn’t know when he fell for you. He doesn’t know when his feelings of annoyance turned into feelings of near infatuation. He almost wishes he knew the exact moment, so he could use some kind of Stark technology to go back in time and undo it, but he’s sure you’d just as easily make him fall for you again. He sits silently in a chair in your shared hotel room, watching you intently as you make your way over to him. The straps of your dress hang loosely off your shoulders, your breasts are spilling over the top of the fabric and threatening to escape, and your hair is still a little mussed up from the physical demands of tonight’s mission. With all of that in front of him, he still can’t seem to tear his gaze away from your face. The way you smile as you laugh so softly, your lips parting and the corners turning upward just for him, it makes him feel like he’s just coming out of cryo for the first time. For a moment, the game the two of you have been playing all week is totally forgotten by him. He lets himself pretend just for a moment that you belong to him, that you’re here in this hotel room of your own free will, and you’re walking over to him right now as a girl who wants nothing else but him.
            “No answer?” You ask teasingly, coming to a standing stop between his legs. Bucky’s tongue flicks out, wetting his bottom lip before sucking it between his teeth and biting down on it. His eyes stray from your face, and he takes a few seconds to admire the entirety of you. You see it this time. The pure adoration in his eyes. He isn’t looking at you with some kind of superficial lust or temporary need. No, he’s looking at you with something that screams commitment. He wants you. He wants you beyond one night in a safe house, beyond one night in a hotel after a mission-gone-sideways. You see it in his eyes and yet, you don’t hear that familiar voice in your head telling you to run for the hills. You feel something between the two of you, tugging you closer and closer.
            Bucky realizes he’s been staring. He realizes that you’ve been watching him stare. He should probably say something to answer your question. You asked him if he was still hard. But why answer it out loud when he doesn’t have to? He leans forward in the chair suddenly, trailing his fingertips up the sides of your thighs as he looks up with you. Fuck, when he looks up at you like that you could just melt right into the floor. The room is beginning to feel way too hot, but its contrasting with the cool temperature of his vibranium fingertips on your skin and you kind of like it. Bucky lets his hands slide behind your thighs now, and you know exactly what he’s about to do. You brace your hands on his shoulders as he pulls you forward by his hold on the backs of your thighs, guiding you to spread your legs and straddle his lap in the chair. Every single nerve ending in your skin is on fire, so much so that you hear fire alarms going off in your mind. What the hell are the two of you doing? There’s no chemical influencing you this time, no severe pain forcing you to keep going just to find some relief. So, why are you straddling your almost completely naked partner in a hotel room right now?
            Because you fucking want to.
            You fully relax on his lap now, and that’s when you feel just how hard he is beneath you. You can make out the outline of his cock as it presses firmly against your still bare pussy. Your panties are still sitting on top of his suit jacket in the bathroom, thankfully. Bucky runs his hands up and down your thighs, his fingertips grazing over the hem of your dress.
            “You’re sitting on your answer.” His voice is low and tense, full of anticipation. He knows where he wants this to go, but he doesn’t know where your head is really at right now. Do you want the same thing? Do you want him in the same way that he wants you or are you just playing the game? He’s dying to know, but the man sucks at emotional communication. He’d never outright ask you. Thus, he’s determined to fuck it out of you.
            “I am.” You respond breathily. You know you shouldn’t do it, but you can’t help yourself. You tighten your grasp on his shoulders and grind down against his cock, closing your eyes as you focus on how good the sudden friction feels between your legs. As much as he wants to throw you down on the bed and do whatever it takes to make you scream his name, he lets you have control for now. He watches you closely as you continue grinding your wet cunt back and forth along his clothed cock, your face contorting with pleasure, your chest rising and falling quickly as you let out the quietest little moans.
            “Is that all you need?” Bucky asks, sliding his hands up until they’re resting on your hips. You want to say yes but fuck it, why lie?
            “No…” Your voice comes out soft and gentle. You slow your grinding movements as you lean down and press your lips to his jawline. “I need more.” Bucky clenches his jaw and you feel the muscle there contracting beneath your kisses. Will he give you more? Of course he fucking will. He’ll give you anything.
            “You need more…” His voice trails off and you feel his flesh hand leaving your hip, ghosting over your thigh, and finding its way beneath the thin fabric of your dress between your legs. “Here?” He asks, letting his fingertips glide over your clit. You feel the sensitive nerves there igniting and joining the rest of your body in flames. Nodding your head, your grind down against his hand, losing your mind over how good it feels.
            “Fuck.” You moan the word out slowly. Bucky’s in heaven. Or almost in heaven. He sits there underneath you, watching as you get yourself off on his hand, using your pretty voice to tell him how good it feels. He’s teetering on the edge of obsession at this point. In one swift move, he steals his hand away from where you need it most and grips your thighs as he rises from the chair. His name leaves your lips in a squeal as he lays you back on the bed, crawling over you so he doesn’t have a chance to miss the feeling of your body against his.
            “Have you thought about this as much as I have?” His question alone feeds the fire inside you. You let your hands travel up his sides until they find their way to his jawline, then you pull him down to your mouth. Holy shit. You forgot how good he tastes. You forgot how good he is with his tongue. You refuse to stop kissing him even to take a breath. When he finally pulls back from you, you gasp for air, your cheeks and nose blushing pink as he stares down at you.
            “I’ve thought about this every single day.” You admit, trying to pull him back down for another kiss. He fights your advance, and instead pushes himself off of the bed.
            “Get up.” He orders you, taking a few steps toward the bathroom but keeping his eyes on you. You prop yourself up on your elbows, narrowing your eyes at him. What the fuck is he up to?
            “Was all of that seriously just a tease?” You demand to know. There’s no way he did all of that and he’s just going to walk away from you now, all as a part of that fucking teasing game you’ve been playing all week.
            “No, I’m going to fuck you in the shower.” He says plainly, tilting his head toward the door. Your eyes widen as the sound of the running water meets your ears. You totally forgot you left it running a few minutes earlier. He gives you every chance to refuse, but a refusal never once crosses your mind as you push yourself up off of the bed and follow him into the bathroom.
            Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Profanities play on repeat in your mind as you’re pinned against the shower wall, with one of your legs hitched up around Bucky’s hip and his cock driving into you like it’s the first time he’s been with a woman in this century and he’s been starved of pleasure. You’re trying so hard to stay upright against him, but he’s been fucking you so hard for so long that you’re already one orgasm in and he’s yet to come undone inside you.
            “I’m not going to let you fall, baby. Trust me.” Bucky whispers against your ear, letting his forehead rest on the tiled shower wall beside your head. How is he always reading your mind? He slows his thrusts and starts focusing on his depth and angle instead of his speed. Suddenly, he hits a spot inside you that has you crying out his name with such desperation that he feels his cock twitch harder than it ever has before. “Shit, I need to hear that again.” He groans, thrusting into you in the exact same way he did a second before. His name begins falling from your lips like a prayer as you pepper kisses across his neck and shoulder. Your second orgasm is closing in when he slows once more, feeling how tight your walls are clenching around him and knowing you’re close.
            “Bucky, stop being a tease.” You moan, pushing your forehead against his shoulder in exasperation. He chuckles and it sends a chill down your spine.
            “I’m not teasing you. I’m dragging this out because…” He stops mid-sentence to thrust into you, hard. You gasp and bite down on his shoulder before he stills himself again. “I’ve thought about doing this to you the whole damn week.”
            “Why didn’t you just do it?” You ask. Why didn’t he? He never once knocked on your door or made a real move. He just teased you and acted annoyed with your avoidance of him all week. “I live right across the hall from you.”
            “Fuck, I know. But you’ve been avoiding me, acting like you were scared that I was falling in love with you since that night.” Bucky starts grinding his cock into you in slow circles, just feeling you. His hands are balled up in fists against the shower wall beside your head. Right. You forgot that that’s why he thought you were avoiding him. Truly though, it never really crossed your mind that he might’ve been falling for you. You were just scared that you were falling for him.
            “I’m sorry.” That’s the first time he’s ever heard an apology leave your lips, meant just for him. Not that you’ve ever owed him one before, but something about seeing your walls broken down in front of him like this scratches at his heart. He doesn’t ever want to hear you apologize again. Besides, you don’t need to be saying sorry right now. He was falling in love with you. If that’s why you were avoiding him, then you were right, and he didn’t see any reason why you should be apologizing.
            “No, no, don’t say that.” He mumbles against your shoulder. He starts thrusting his cock into you with the most shallow thrusts, and it’s driving you insane. What he wants to say next is you were right, I was falling in love with you. But of course, he doesn’t say that. Instead, he straightens up and crashes his lips into yours, saying everything that he wants to say with a passionate, burning kiss. The moment escalates to Bucky holding you up, your legs wrapped tightly around his waist, and his cock fucking you into the shower wall so hard that you’re seeing stars behind your tightly closed eyes. You lose every inhibition as you climb the mountain to your second orgasm, you lose every fucking thought in your head that would keep you from saying the most vulnerable, revealing thing you could possibly say as you both race toward a breaking dam.
            “I’ve been falling since that night.” You say between moans. The words float around the air between the two of you and for a moment, you’re not even sure if they actually came out of your mouth. Your voice sounded so far away when you said it. You expect Bucky to slow down, maybe even to stop fucking you entirely, since you’ve just done the stupid emotional thing and mixed sex with feelings. However, Bucky only speeds up, thrusting into you with so much need and want that his orgasm comes barreling at him before he has a chance to pull out.
            “Fuck, I’m cumming.” He groans against your lips, pressing soft kisses against them after the words have left his mouth. He continues to move his hips into you, coaxing your orgasm right to the edge before snaking his hand between the two of you and rubbing small circles against your clit until you cum so hard that he can feel your entire body shaking between him and the wall.
            I’ve been falling since that night. Fuck, that’s everything he wanted to hear.
Next Part
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ooffmlsorry · 7 months
OP Men Dating a "Girly Girl"
A/N: sorry this took so long and I haven't posted anything original in a minute my life is mess and I'm so very tired jfc...I know this isn't more than my usual group but I was just gonna stop at Luffy and then decided to add Ace and Sabo as a thank you because writing these and putting them on Tumblr has been really good for me, so thank you for always being here to indulge me 🥲 ❤️
Sanji, Zoro, Law, Luffy, Ace, Sabo
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Let's be honest, girly-girls drive Sanji craaaazzzzyy (not that all women don't, but he's definitely more partial to the feminine ones) Your make-up, pretty skirts and dresses, jewelry, and manicure, he can't help fawn over you constantly 😍Although you do it because you enjoy it, it's nice that your efforts are so appreciated!!
He spoils you soooo baaaddd!! He literally can't help himself when he sees something pretty or cute that reminds him of you, he has to get it for you. You're drowning in squishmallows at this point.
A river of blood shoots from him every time you show off a new outfit. You're going to kill him and he'll thank you for it.
Dressing up in nice outfits together, especially on date night, is a shared activity that you love to do together. Y'all are living your best happily ever after lives.
Ya'll definitely have scheduled self-care nights. You put on some slow music, open a bottle of wine, draw a bubble bath, all that.
He's utterly useless when it comes to helping you pick your outfits or makeup if you're stuck because he loves you in everything, it's too hard for him to pick. You're his perfect, beautiful Y/N-swaaaaan 😍💖💖✨
He does love to see you in pink or red though so he might default to those colors
Don't try to test your makeup on him lol, you're going to re-awaken the gender identity crisis...I mean Kamabakka trauma
Listen...I'm not saying Sanji has a mommy kink...I'm not even at Whole Cake Island so idk wtf is going on there. All I'm saying is if you give this man a bath, wrap him in a towel to dry him off, and rub him down with luxurious lotions and oils, you might awaken something...that's all...👀
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He has no clue wtf you're doing. If it weren't for the fact that there's no proof that witches exist in this world, he'd think you are one
He looks at your vanity full of serums, creams, scrubs, lotions, etc, not to mention the makeup and he's like "??????" Just completely baffled
But what do you expect? This man would use that five-in-one Irish Spring soap if he could.
Just because he doesn't understand it doesn't mean he doesn't appreciate and admire the fact that you have extensive knowledge in something he can't even comprehend
He knows you like nice shiny things, and again, while he doesn't get it, he does think it's really, really cute when you go starry-eyed over a necklace or an outfit in a store.
In the same vein, he knows how much you love cute things and animals. He has absolutely found a cute animal in the jungle, picked it up, and brought it to you just to show you because he knew you'd love it.
Sometimes in his own gruff way he'll agree with you that it's pretty cute. Thank you for helping this manly man admit things are cute and that's okay.
Other times, he's the one making sure you don't get distracted because it's so cute
Unfortunately and fortunately, you're pretty to him no matter what you do to yourself so it's all kind of a moot point to him.
You can try to ask him about which 'x' to wear, sometimes it's helpful because he'll throw out a really practical answer and then other times he's like "How 'bout you just go naked" 😏.
He'll wear a face mask with you like...twice a year. And he's going to bitch and moan about it but he does it because he loves you. The entire process is like trying to give a cat a bath "WHY IS IT SO COLD? THIS STAYS ON MY FACE FOR HOW LONG???"
Exfoliate this man at your own risk...I'm dead serious that water is going to be brown
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I need you to know right now this man will let you paint his nails!!! I mean, not like gel or acrylics or anything, but he'll let you paint them any color as long as it's a dark shade of that color. You once designed Bepo on his middle fingers. He did in fact flip people off a lot more often when he had them.
Let's you wear a pastel boiler suit because you he loves you and wants to see you happy
Much like Zoro, he's got no clue what you're doing. He'll stand back and watch you while making the exact same face as the gif above.
He thinks he's being stealthy peaking around a corner to watch your morning or night routine, but you quickly catch on. Please please pleeaaassee ask him if he has any questions because he does. He's just really curious why you're doing what you're doing and what it does. It's basically skin medicine and he's really fascinated.
Knowing that you like shiny things makes his life admittedly a little easier, it's not that he doesn't think of what to gift you, he puts A LOT of thought into what he gives you, but knowing that earrings, necklaces, and bracelets always make you happy is great just in case of analysis paralysis or he forgets. Sorry.
Also you wearing the jewelry he gets you does something to him, especially a necklace he can pull on a little, mmhhm you're making this man struggle with impure thoughts.
You both love cute things, it's something y'all connect on. It's really good that you help him access that very neglected inner child of his and encourage him to coo and fawn over adorable animals with zero reservation.
He'll do skincare with you too when he's not super busy. He can admit it's kind of nice to sit in bed with a book, glass of wine, and a face mask and just bask for a minute
He acts like he hates when you rub serums across his face and use a derma roller on him but he loves it
Law doesn't really pay attention to your clothes, but when you really go all out he breaks out in a sweat and he can't keep his eyes off you.
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I'm not saying he thinks it's stupid, it just...why have an hours long care routine when you could be going on adventure with him??? 😭😭😭
He will help you pick out your makeup but don't expect it to look good. You're gonna end up with neon orange eyeshadow and green lipstick. Like literally every "My Boyfriend Does My Makeup" youtube video.
Plays around with your stuff but that's because he has no idea what all these strange contraptions are. The moment you try to explain his eyes glaze over and next thing you know he's whisking you away to go do something more fun.
He likes the shiny bright stuff (highlighter), makeup probably is the only part he even remotely engages in because it's
Explain how contour works to this man and watch him lose his fucking mind, he thinks you're a shape shifter now (honestly this applies to all of them except Law and maybe Sanji)
He never notices what you wear, Nami is gonna have smack him on the back of the head to get him to realize you put on something fancy
Luffy points out everything, it just so happens that things he points out sometime happen to be cute animals
Hides in all the stuffed animals and squishmallows in your room to surprise attack hug you
*throws mud at you* "Is this the kind of mud you like, Y/N??" He really means well though.
You know those hair masks with all natural ingredients like honey and banana? Yeah, he's gonna start sucking on your hair like spaghetti...I'm so sorry.
He'll bathe with you but that's because he wants to be close to you, it's definitely not about being pampered or relaxing.
Try to put a face mask on him or something else and it'll just become a game of tag around the Sunny. You can't catch him and he's having a great time outrunning and outwitting you.
He knows this is all important to you so even though he doesn't get it he'd never make fun of you for it and the moment someone calls you "extra," he's kicking their ass.
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Maybe all the glam is a little silly to him but that just makes you extra cute!
He will also absolutely let you paint his nails. Hell, he'll let you do a full beat on him just for fun and he'll wear it for the whole day because he's so unserious lol
...As long as he gets to do your makeup after...Much like Luffy you're gonna be covered in neon colors that don't even remotely match, but you guys have a great time lol
Admittedly likes to be pampered by you when he gets back from a long mission.
Please take a bubble bath with this man, it's not like the water is ever going to get cold!
I'm pretty sure you'd legitimately lead to Ace taking better care of himself. Got this man out here talking about his cuticles and shit lol
Honestly, it's really good for him because self care leads to self love and Ace needs a lot of help with that.
He tells Pops about all the stuff you do 1.) because he loves you and 2.) he hopes some of it will help Whitebeard heal a little, god bless him 😢
All of your hardwork doesn't go unnoticed, he legitimately gets kind of misty eyed when you really dress up because he's so so so lucky. He swears he doesn't deserve you.
He always brings back some kind of gift even whether it's a cute plushie or something exotic to wear from all of his long travels
I need to stress how much this means to him, everyone of these things is like a little proposal because he already knows you're it. Every little gift is leading up to a ring from this man.
He's also just genuinely impressed by the skill it takes to do your makeup so well, especially after he tries doing it on you
Much like his little brother unfortunately, he does play with all the little contraptions in your vanity, especially in the beginning because have you seen an eyelash curler? He's so confused lol
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Sabo and Ace truly are his brothers because he really don't get all the effort lol
Admittedly, a lot of that is because he thinks you're so hot already what's the point???
Once he gets this is just how you are he's less confused, he's probably the most normal out everyone. He lets you do your thing, although he's really curious how you managed to always look amazing while being in the fucking revolutionary army!!?? Where are you getting the time???
If someone were to intrude on y'all on a free afternoon you're both in fluffy robes with face masks on and Sabo loves to pretend to act like a bitch when he's in selfcare mode with you lol
"Are you seriously bothering us right now, ugh! I can't even right now!!" And then you both break out in laughter
He really thinks you should teach others how to contour and do makeup because it has great applications for disguises and infiltration.
And brags about your skills to everyone
Wonders how many of your makeup supplies could actively be used as a weapon *eye roll* jfc Sabo
There's a part of you that secretly worries all your boujieness will remind him of his blood relatives, but he assures you that it doesn't because you have a good heart and he never doubts that
Besides, being a little extra with him helps him associate those things he used to associate with his blood relatives with you instead so it's even better
He spoils you so bad, but with a Sabo-flair, ie. stealing from shitty people and bringing it back to you because you're oh so more deserving of nice things let's be honest
He gets jealous of the cute animals that you squeal over hehehe, please hug him when he starts pouting
He'll always wear a little pink just for you ❤️
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atticrissfinch · 1 year
Gimme What I Want: A Fic in Texts
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pairing: joel miller x afab!reader summary: the wrong number that texts you ends up being a man much hotter than you’d ever expect… warnings/tags: [18+ MINORS DNI] no!outbreak, porn w/o plot i’m sorry but not really, dirty talk, daddy!kink, praise!kink and degradation!kink (we love duality), light dom!joel vibes, pet names/degrading terms (darlin’, babygirl, pretty girl, whore, slut, bitch, etc), age gap (Joel is 56, reader is 25), implied masturbation (m & f), mentions of cream pies, sexting a stranger but it’s ok cause he’s a dilf, really bad innuendos word count: ~2.2k | ao3 a/n: biting the bullet and posting my first fic in literal years because Pedro is just…an inspiration what can I say. So I’m going with something a little lighter (conceptually, not topically…this is just smut lmao). Pls be nice I am c r u s t y with my writing rn ty <3 (gif from ketokitsune on reddit)
Series Masterlist | Masterlist | Kofi
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[5:32 PM] UNKNOWN NUMBER: Hey Doug, this is Joel. Tommy gave me your number, he mentioned a build job you might have for us? Happy to chat whenever, just let me know. 
[5:40 PM] You: Good to hear from you Joel. Unfortunately I’ve vowed to never do work with a man whose name starts with the letter “J”. Nothing personal 
[5:46 PM] Joel: Uh…no disrespect intended…but are you jokin?
[5:52 PM] You: ‘Fraid not. J is reserved for our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen 
[6:10 PM] Joel: Well…I guess in that case, let me know if you change your mind. God bless, I suppose 
[6:12 PM] You: I’m totally fucking with you, man. You got the wrong number 
[6:12 PM] You: Sorry I couldn’t resist 
[6:15 PM] Joel: Wait, serious? 
[6:16 PM] You: As a heart attack. Sorry about that 
[6:18 PM] Joel: You got me good, I gotta admit. Head is still reeling a little bit LOL
[6:19 PM] You: I get my kicks where I can 
[6:23 PM] Joel: Well sorry to bother you. Thanks for the chuckle 
[6:27 PM] You: So you’re construction or something?
[6:30 PM] Joel: Yup. General contractor at your service
[6:30 PM] You: Your own business?
[6:31 PM] Joel: Is indeed
[6:32 PM] You: Damn, big bossman. Pretty hot
[6:35 PM] Joel: You’re silly. Im just an old man who’s put in too many years of work. Got achy bones
[6:40 PM] You: I know you’re not supposed to ask this on a first date, but how old are you, Joel?
[6:42 PM] Joel: HA! You’re a funny one! LOL
[6:42 PM] Joel: 56 very long years old
[6:45 PM] You: Oh, now, that’s not so old! 
[6:50 PM] Joel: Tell that to my knees. LOL
[7:03 PM] You: You lay a lot of pipe as a contractor, Joel?
[7:06 PM] Joel: Suppose I do. Gotta have plumbing. Why do you ask?
[7:15 PM] You: Actually been looking for someone to come snake my drain
[7:19 PM] Joel: I mean you’re probably lookin for more of a plumber in that case. I got some contacts if you need one
[7:25 PM] You: I prefer someone who knows how to lay pipe to snake my drain 😏
[7:36 PM] Joel: I feel like you may be talkin about somethin different than I am. Less appropriate maybe
[7:37 PM] You: It’s possible
[7:46 PM] Joel: if we’re breaking those rules I suppose I should ask how old YOU are. ‘Fore I say somethin stupid
[7:46 PM] Joel: or illegal
[7:47 PM] You: Well at least you’re careful. I’m 25. Safely out of “jail bait” territory 
[7:48 PM] Joel: Golly. 25. Jesus was I a hellion at 25. Hope you’re better behaved than I was 
[7:50 PM] You: I bet there’s still a little hellion in you 😉 
[7:51 PM] You: I could stand to have a little more hellion in me, if you catch my drift 😉
[7:58 PM] Joel: You’re a bitta trouble ain’t you
[7:59 PM] Joel: What you doing flirtin with a man over twice your age
[7:59 PM] Joel: A STRANGER at that
[8:00 PM] You: Oh I found you on google about an hour ago already. Not so strange anymore. 
[8:00 PM] You: Miller Contracting, right? In Austin? 
[8:02 PM] Joel: I’ll be damned. We got a regular Nancy Drew on our hands. 
[8:03 PM] You: Wasnt terribly difficult 😂 Already had your first name, area code, and occupation. 
[8:03 PM] Joel: Well shit if that ain’t a reminder to be more careful…
[8:05 PM] You: You’re a very handsome man, Joel Miller
[8:07 PM] Joel: Think you’re lookin at Tommy. He’s the face of the operation. I’m just the brains. 
[8:08 PM] You: Oh no, I see Tommy here. But he’s not who I’m looking at. There’s a couple pics of you on google. 
[8:08 PM] You: Salt and pepper hair. Scruffy beard. Nice sturdy build. Little scowl. Sound like you?
[8:09 PM] Joel: Damned if it don’t I guess
[8:09 PM] You: Definite silver fox 
[8:10 PM] Joel: Well I’m blushin over here. Thanks darlin
[8:10 PM] Joel: I’m sure you’re a beautiful young woman
[8:15 PM] You: How about you let me know
[8:15 PM] You: [Image Attached]
[8:15 PM] Joel: SHIT
[8:15 PM] Joel: Darlin you can’t just be sendin stuff like that!
[8:16 PM] You: I’m fully covered! 
[8:16 PM] Joel: Barely! 
[8:17 PM] You: I suppose I should have asked if you’re married
[8:17 PM] Joel: Might’ve been smart. But luckily no. Wouldn’t want to have to explain that shit to no one 
[8:17 PM] Joel: Wrong number suddenly sending me…pics like that
[8:19 PM] Joel: Not that it’s a BAD picture. You certainly are an undeniable beauty 
[8:19 PM] Joel: But you ARE trouble just like I said
[8:20 PM] You: Well then I have to ask. Do you like trouble, Mr Miller? 
[8:21 PM] Joel: Hey now don’t be callin me that…Mr Miller, that was my daddy 
[8:21 PM] You: Is that so
[8:21 PM] You: How would you feel about me calling you my daddy?
[8:22 PM] Joel: Jesus christ darlin…you are a forward little devil aren’t u
[8:22 PM] Joel: A little temptress
[8:22 PM] You: I tend to know what I want.
[8:22 PM] Joel: Seems like it
[8:25 PM] Joel: Ok. I’ll bite. In that pic…that really you? That what you’re wearin right now?
[8:25 PM] You: It is. You like?
[8:26 PM] Joel: Lord strike me down, but I do. You wear it real nice. Skimpy little top. Those wicked little daisy dukes. Like you’re right out of a fuckin dirty magazine 
[8:27 PM] Joel: What would your daddy say if he saw you takin pictures like that and sendin em to strange old men like me?
[8:27 PM] You: I dunno, daddy, what would you say?
[8:27 PM] Joel: Fuck me. You’re a naughty fuckin thing aint you  
[8:28 PM] You: VERY naughty. And I think you like that.
[8:33 PM] Joel: Goddamn it. Alright if you wanna be naughty who am I to stop you, darlin
[8:33 PM] Joel: Show me a little more 
[8:42 PM] Joel: Shit I’m sorry that was too much
[8:43 PM] You: [Image Attached]
[8:43 PM] You: Just wanted to get it right
[8:43 PM] Joel: Christ, you are…..
[8:43 PM] Joel: That is the finest pair of tits I may have ever seen in all my years. All pulled out of that flimsy little shirt. Absolutely perfect
[8:43 PM] You: Thank you, daddy. I’m glad you like them. 
[8:44 PM] Joel: I more than like em. God would I love to…
[8:44 PM] You: Love to what? Tell me, daddy. 
[8:45 PM] Joel: Goddammit somethin about you callin me that darlin
[8:45 PM] Joel: Got me all fucked up in the head
[8:45 PM] Joel: I want them in my hands. In my face. My mouth 
[8:45 PM] Joel: Bet they look fuckin exquisite bouncin up and down on…
[8:46 PM] You: On what, daddy? 
[8:47 PM] Joel: You got my filter all turned off babygirl. Thinkin some things that’ll send me straight to hell. Specially with a young thing like you 
[8:48 PM] You: Let me be real clear then. I like older men, Joel. Like how much they KNOW. All that experience. All that practice. 56 years, I know you know how to talk to a woman. So talk. 
[8:49 PM] Joel: Shit
[8:49 PM] Joel: Fuck it then. I certainly don’t aim to disappoint
[8:49 PM] Joel: Those gorgeous tits would look downright sinful if you were bouncin on my cock
[8:50 PM] You: Fuck yes daddy
[8:50 PM] Joel: You touchin yourself babygirl?
[8:51 PM] You: Just my tits right now. Imagining those big, rough hands of yours all over them. 
[8:51 PM] Joel: That’s good, babygirl. Squeeze those tits for me. 
[8:51 PM] Joel: Fuck. Sendin me dirty pics. Callin me your daddy. You’ve got this dick nice and hard. Might pull it out in a second
[8:51 PM] Joel: Would you like to see it?
[8:52 PM] You: Yes please daddy
[8:52 PM] Joel: Good girl
[8:54 PM] Joel: [Image Attached]
[8:54 PM] Joel: All for you babygirl
[8:55 PM] You: Holy fuck
[8:55 PM] You: I know every girl says this but I mean it, you are so fucking BIG
[8:55 PM] Joel: Haha believe me I know darlin
[8:55 PM] Joel: Had a lotta girls over the years have to take me real slow at first
[8:55 PM] Joel: But they all end up screamin my name just the same
[8:56 PM] You: Fuck I want it. Make me one of those girls. But don’t go slow. 
[8:57 PM] Joel: Yeah? You want it rough pretty girl? Want to be split open on this cock? want me to make you take it like the filthy fucking whore you are?
[8:57 PM] You: FUCK. Yesyesyes please keep talking to me like that i’m touching myself daddy
[8:58 PM] Joel: I know you are baby. Can’t fucking help yourself. Begging and drooling over this cock since you started talkin to me. Slutty little girl wants to get fucked and degraded by an old man 
[8:58 PM] You: Yes daddy I do I need your fucking huge cock in me PLEASE
[8:59 PM] Joel: Surprised a whore like you knows her manners so good, sayin please all pretty and nice
[8:59 PM] Joel: Matter fact when I put this cock in you, I better fuckin hear a thank you as well
[9:00 PM] Joel: That’s right babygirl take that fucking cock and touch that pretty clit
[9:01 PM] You: Im already close daddy please please
[9:01 PM] Joel: Fuckin right you are. greedy little whore throbbin for this big cock. cum all over those soakin wet fingers thinkin bout me. god such a slutty little bitch aren’t you
[9:01 PM] You: Yessssss daddy im a slutty little bitch youre gonna make me cum
[9:02 PM] Joel: Stop textin and take a video of that dripping cunt comin for me. That fuckin orgasm belongs to me doesn’t it babygirl. Im givin it to you so I deserve to see it
[9:03 PM] Joel: So fuckin pretty babygirl got my cock so fuckin hard let me see that fucked pussy
[9:05 PM] You: [Video Attached]
[9:05 PM] Joel: Shit baby you are the filthiest thing I ever seen. Sound so sexy those little whimpers when u came fuck
[9:05 PM] Joel: Gonna make me cum all over my fist baby
[9:05 PM] Joel: Gonna pump this pussy full of my cum take this cock and this huge fuckin load up your cunt babygirl
[9:08 PM] Joel: [Video Attached]
[9:13 PM] You: Shit. That was. Fuck. 
[9:14 PM] Joel: Not so quick-witted when you’re fucked stupid are you LOL
[9:14 PM] You: Shut up…
[9:15 PM] You: Goddamn you sure know how to sext I’ll tell you that
[9:16 PM] Joel: As you said. Had some practice over the years. Wink. 
[9:16 PM] You: Oh god, do you not know how to use emojis to wink? 😂 
[9:16 PM] You: Dinosaur 😝 🦕🦖
[9:17 PM] Joel: Yeah, well, if this “dinosaur” ever gets ahold a you, you’re gonna be real sorry for pokin fun at him, little girl
[9:20 PM] You: Well since you mention it…
[9:20 PM] You: It’s possible I might be in Austin too 
[9:21 PM] Joel: I may have suspected. The area code n all 
[9:22 PM] You: Wouldn’t it be REAL embarrassing if I did end up actually being that guy you were looking for? 😝
[9:24 PM] Joel: Shit, if Doug looks as fine as you I wouldn’t give a good goddamn LOL 
[9:25 PM] Joel: I ain’t givin out any dick discounts though 😉
[9:25 PM] You: *gasp* you do know how to use emojis!
[9:26 PM] Joel: Quick learner 😉 Gotta be if I’m gonna be your daddy after all 😏
[9:30 PM] Joel: Well I’m mighty glad I texted the wrong number darlin 
[9:31 PM] You: Me too 😊 Maybe someday we can try this in person…
[9:34 PM] Joel: I’ll bring the snake
[9:35 PM] You: 😂😂😂
Part 2
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lilmashae · 8 months
*ੈ♡‧₊˚paper thin (walls) — s.jy
cw: oral (f), unprotected sex, roommate!jake, pet-names, some plot sprinkled here and there, NOT PROOFREAD, smut (so 18+)
a/n: hi! if you're coming back to this post // revisiting and wondering, "is something different?" it is! i've decided that for longer fics (such as this one) i'll be using a larger font to contribute to the readers experience reading. thank you for the feedback everyone!
: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : ꔫ : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :
"fuck, fuck, fuck! ah — r-right there,"
"c'mon, c'mon... oh, fuck!"
you'd lost count — how long has it been? too long. how many girls have come in (and out) of his room in the last week? too many — jake must be insatiable, the 'hook-ups' must be never ending. never ending as in the loud "noise" would never end, and you'd never get any proper sleep.
"look who's finally awake!"
"go fuck yourself."
" 'ouch! that's no way to greet your favorite roommate."
"you're my only roommate, asshole."
"i know." jake hummed contently with a shit-eating grin plastered across his face, and you scoffed, " 'you like hoeing around? don't you have any hobbies?"
" 'love it," he paused, "nope. 'don't think so."
nope? no? damn right, the way those girls scream and cry out, it's a sport — a work out, a job, even. several girls would come in and out of your shared apartment, each of them having a different reaction to your presence. jake's type seemed to vary, bimbos and uptight, good girls, drunken sorority bitches to gothic, edgy ones. you began to wonder if he'd just do anything to get his dick wet. "right, well, i have a date tonight."
"so?" resting his head in his hand, jake batted his eyelashes.
"so, 'place's mine." if you were paying him any attention, you would have noticed the pout spread on his lips. "but, y/nnie— " the nickname makes you sick, you roll your eyes. "no buts! tonight y/nnie's 'gonna get laid." mockingly, you reply in a condescending tone, "booping" his nose before waltzing back into your room.
it's not that you and jake didn't get along—you two wouldn't have moved in together if that was the case. but even in highschool, before you two began living together he always had a habit of picking up strangers. "you're too nice, jake." you told him one time while walking home and he shrugged. " 'you think so?" he watched you nod as the two of you strode alongside one another. "yeah." blatantly, you mumbled under your breath. you'd always remembered that evening—insignificant as it may be. and it may have been because later that night you swore you saw jake sneak out with some girl, a big smile on his face as he waved up to you from your window. all you could do was roll your eyes, but as you walked away from the window-seal and into your bed, you somewhat wished he'd call you to go out instead.
"jake..." you walked out of your room, searching around for the tall australian. "jake," you walked up to his door, knocking once. no answer. twice, still, no answer. a third time—the last time before barging into his room. "ja—are you serious?" you deadpan. "where are your clothes, don't you have somewhere to be?"
"you're so mean, y/n. it feels like you always want me gone." he sighs, one hand (holding a towel) tangled in his hair still drying it as he sits down. "no... but, as of now, yes... i have a date." your voice sounded a bit more whiny than you had intended. "a date, or a hook-up?" jake laughed, looking up at you from his seat. "oh please, you have girls over all the time. i think it's fine for me to get laid for once."
"so you want me to leave... so you can fuck some guy?" he pauses. "for once?"
"i don't know, jake. yeah, maybe." you cross your arms and pinch the bridge of your nose. "why'd i have to leave? you're always here when i—"
"that's not the point, that's different and you know it."
"how, 'you shy or something?" it's not that, of course you're not "shy". but you'd feel guilty getting off with jake in the other room—and, sure, you've done it before; you've listened to him fuck at least a hundred girls, wishing it was you. you've also listened to him whine and stroke his dick painfully slow, debating whether or not you should barge in and drop to your knees. "no, jake. i'm not shy." you pick a shirt up off of his floor throwing it at him, as it covers his head and he laughs. "i think you are." jake gets up, walking towards you with a smirk on his face.
"am not."
"are... too." he's closer.
"no, i'm not."
"prove it." your breath hitches in your throat—your faces are inches apart, you can feel his breath on your lips. swallowing thickly, you pout. "how..?" it's more of a whisper, and you find yourself leaning allowing him to lean into your lips. "jake," one of your hands rest on his chest as he has you caged between his arms. "my date..." "cancel it, yeah?" he whispers against your lips, crashing into them. they're pillowy and soft—his lips are just how you imagined, plush and full. "mhm," a muffled moan escaped your mouth as you feel jake's hands travel down your body, one hand cupping your cheek and the other pawing at your side. when he finally pulls away the only thing connecting the two of you is a string of saliva. "you're a pretty good kisser." he huffs, chuckling and you nod. "yeah, you're not bad." you mutter and he pulls you back in, this time his tongue swipes over your bottom lip before entering your mouth.
the hand that was once gently cupping your cheek moved to roughly unbutton your pants as he picked you up. "ah!" a small yelp left through your lips as he lifted you up, feeling his bulge through the wet spot in your underwear only made you squirm and whine into the kiss. "s'sensitive, hm, baby?" "shut up..." he sits you down on his bed, kisses still trailing down your body: from your mouth, cheek, and your neck—wet, sticky trails of spit coated your collarbones and stomach by the time he reached your core. "jake, c'mon, please." you whimpered watching as he continued to tease you, playing with the waist of the thin fabric.
finally, the path of kisses lead to your hip and then right-over your clit (which made you shiver). " 'smell so good, y/n." his nose prods at your clit as he loops his fingers under the material to play with your arousal. " 'been waiting so long to taste..." and those are his final words before diving into your cunt—moaning into your heat as his tongue laps over your folds. "f-fuck! y-you've been, ah! 'been waiting, jakey?" and he hums, sending waves of pleasure throughout your abdomen—a sigh of relief when his lips latch onto you, sucking and drooling. but right when you feel the knot in your stomach about to snap—"shit," you hiss. "n-no, jake, please." he pulls away. "s'okay sweetheart, 'want you to cum 'round my cock, princess, 'kay?" nodding feverishly, you sat up straight puling your shirt over your head and pulling jake into you by his sweatpants. "someone's eager." he smiled against your lips and you nipped at his bottom lip, bruising the soft pink skin. "well i was planning to get laid," you pause, "for once." now you've done it—you've got him riled up, and the same for him.
he knew you could hear him every-night, fucking girl after girl, after all, your apartments walls are paper thin. jake just wondered how long it'd take, or if he'd have to lure you into his bed another way. any how, it was worth it, you were worth the effort—being able to claim your sweet cunt as his own, that was worth it.
"fuck, you're so tight... 'relax f'me, cutie." jake groaned in your ear aligning himself with your sopping hole before pushing in. "you're so perfect, fucking pretty..." he kissed away the tears streaming down your eyes. the way he jerked himself before dipping his tip into your slick drove you feral (and so did the sight of his pink leaking tip)—the stretch provided alone was enough to make you want to cum on his cock, but the way he praised you made you want to hold out. with each thrust jake hit deeper and deeper, causing you to moan wildly, "fuck, m-more, more, more!" and, "please... i can take it,"'s echoing off of his bedroom walls. you feel just as good as he imagined, all those nights he'd spend jerking off couldn't compare to this one bit. "fuck, i'm 'gonna cum if you squeeze me like that, y/n."
"do it! please, cum inside..." and that only pushes him to give you more. " 'such a good girl, y/n... fuck! 'made for my cock, 'want me to cum, make you my girl, for real?"
"yes, yes, please, your girl, jake!" the aching feeling in your lower-body is satisfied as copious spurts of white coat your insides. "s'warm..." you huff out and jake giggles. "i'm a pretty good fuck, right? 'fucked you dumb?" your arms wrap around him and you plant a chaste kiss on his lips. "shut up, don't ruin the moment."
: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : ꔫ : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :
guidelines and disclaimers! this took me like 4 days... so too fucking long 😭 anyways she's cute i like her !! i'm sorry if it's a lil lengthy ml
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ghosts-bandwagon · 1 year
Hi, your last post about reader not knowing that it was sa, I saw that and I wanted to request something. What if reader knows that she have been through it but she mentions this as a joke, she says it and just keep going like she said something silly. How would the boys (141 + konig) react?
(I do this sometimes and I don’t like it, but it feels like some kind of copying mechanism)
I’m sorry if this was too much, do not feel that u need to write this.
Anyway, thank u so much and take care
Honestly I make out of pocket jokes about my own trauma all the time, so I feel this
tw: mentions of trauma, brief mentions of sexual assault- nothing graphic or descriptive, humor as a coping mechanism, comfort
Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley:
Whiplashed so hard his neck is broken
“You bein’ serious?”
You explain what happened but you’re a little too blasé about it, he understands humor as a coping mechanism but this is a little serious
And by ‘a little’ I mean very
“Love, you can’t just drop a bomb like that.” He tries to soften his tone but his rage at what you’ve just told him is starting to seep through
He doesn’t realize he’s being a little hypocritical, we’ve all heard his “army humor” so he really doesn’t have a lot of room to talk. But the fact that it happened to you has blinded him to that fact. It’s not that you can’t make jokes, it’s that you shouldn’t have to because it shouldn’t have happened in the first place.
He doesn’t even let you apologize before he’s pulling you into his arms, hands shaking, doing his best not to imagine what kind of sick fuck would do that to you
“Simon, it’s fine.”
“No, it’s not.” His tone is firm and he’s refusing to let you go, so instead of arguing, you opted to melt into his embrace. Hands running up and down his back and as he’s kissing the crown of your head he’s wondering how worthwhile it’d be to give the fucker a visit. Maybe teach him a lesson or two.
John ‘Soap’ MacTavish:
Laughing with your joke at first but then it hits him like a ton of bricks
“Beg your pardon?”
You explain the joke and the context with a dismissive laugh before going back to what you were doing and he’s just frozen in place
Someone… hurt you… in one of the most awful ways imaginable, and you’re laughing it off?
He’s not sure if he should be in awe at your resilience or concerned at your choice of coping mechanism, so he takes a gentle approach
“Bonnie, you know you can talk to me, aye?”
“I know, I just… don’t want to burden you with it. I mean, it’s not like it’s your fault it happened.” He’s holding your hands in his, gently massaging the space between your thumb and your index finger,
“Aye that’s true, but it’s you. And I love you, good and bad included.” He gently held the back of your head and kissed your forehead,
“Anytime you feel like talkin’ I’m here. Copy?”
He doesn’t usually bring work jargon home but he knows it gets a laugh from you, and sure enough your little giggle proved him right
John Price:
The whiplash also broke his neck
“Sorry, what?”
His heart broke when you explained yourself and whined that the explanation ruined the punchline
“Sweetheart, that’s no laughin’ matter.” His tone was gentle as he approached you, hands hesitantly coming to rest on your hips, suddenly unsure of himself
“Honey, I’m fine. It’s how I cope.”
“I know, and there’s nothin’ wrong with that. Just, maybe, talk to me about it instead, yeah?” One of his hands came up to cup your cheek and you closed your eyes and leaned into the warmth of his palm, trapping it between your cheek and your shoulder
“I don’t wanna be a downer, John.”
“Never. I’m more concerned for your well-being than bloody mood. Am I clear?” As you looked in his eyes, you saw nothing but honesty and genuine concern, so you nodded
You closed your eyes and kissed his palm before he pulled you in to a tight embrace.
Kyle ‘Gaz’ Gerrick:
He heard you say it and weakly laughs before stopping as he chews on the words a little more
“Wait, what was that?”
And when you’re passively explaining it to him in the same way you’d talk about the weather he is in shock
He’s not sure if you’re trying to put on a brave face if you’re as nonchalant as you seem. He’s inclined to believe it’s the former.
“Babe that’s no joke. That’s kind of serious.”
“Don’t sweat it, Kyle. It’s how I’ve dealt with it. I’ve got it.”
He’s unsure but at the same time if it’s really worked for you so far then there’s no harm in letting it continue right? Wrong. He’s a little uncomfortable but it’s more so because it happened to you, someone he loves so deeply and he can’t fathom the idea
“Well yeah, I get that. But maybe we can talk about it when you feel like joking about it?” He shrugs, his words cautious and carefully chosen as he makes his suggestion
“I just want you to be alright. Ok?” His arms are rubbing yours before he’s pulling you into a hug, “I’ll always be here for you, babe.”
Not a single chuckle from this man as he’s chewing over the words in his head
“Schatz, what’d you just say?”
When you explained what happened with a shrug and an all too casual tone, he’s tasting iron in his mouth from how hard he’s biting his cheek
He doesn’t want you to think he’s angry at you, never in a million years, but jesus christ schatz, surely there’s no way?
It’s not that he doesn’t believe you, he just can’t believe it happened to you, you’re the light of his life, his reason for existing, you’re the morning sun and the midnight moon, he’s truly in shock
“König?” Your voice snapped him out of his thoughts and in two short steps he was in front of you, sinking to his knees and hugging your middle. He’s buried his face in your shoulder as your arms wrap around his shoulders and you run your fingers through his hair.
“Liebling, please don’t make those jokes anymore, ok?” His voice is so small and fragile, you almost felt like it was a child talking instead of the 6’ something behemoth at your feet, “I can’t stand to hear that you’ve been hurt like that.”
“König it’s ok, really. Humor is how I cope.” You kiss the crown of his head and your chin against it,
“I know, liebling, I know but I’d much rather you talk to me ok? Please? For me?”
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seventhemaverick · 5 months
Astro Observations 2 🪽
Thank you for 120+ followers!! <3 this post has opinions and personal observations. Don’t take it too serious my babies. I love ur feedback. Please be kind, inform me otherwise!
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☁️ I love how many people in the Astrology community are Scorpio risings, have dominant scorpio/8H placements/degrees, strong pluto influence like we’re all trying to find the meaning to all the f*ck shit that happens in our lives
☁️ Another dominance that I see in a natal chart that is really into these practices is Uranus and Neptune.
☁️ Lilith dominance in a natal chart can be rough especially when they make conjunctions to mars or Pluto. Men can sometimes be so mean to you especially when you both are around other people and you’re just like what just happened 😃? You were just telling me your deepest secrets and desires?? Odd… Á la poubelle 🚮
☁️ Speaking of Lilith, I get annoyed hearing that certain asteroids like Lilith and Chiron aren’t considered a part of a stellium 🙄 because if you can have Lilith dominance in your chart you should be able to consider it a part of your stellium as well? Same with Chiron. If there’s many aspects to those signs as well and if everything is energetically interconnected like astrology tries to show us, you would think those two asteroids at most would be considered. Especially because these asteroids play significant roles in HEALING *cough Chiron cough* and stepping into your power (Lilith). Both asteroids take a shorter amount of time to orbit the sun than most outer planets and some inner planets likeee cmon y’all.. me complaining because I’d technically have a Sagittarius stellium if Chiron and Lilith was included
☁️ Whatever quadrant(s) the majority of your placements fall in is what you are meant to focus on in this life. In the last quadrant, your focus could be on the world around you, humanitarian causes. A lot of planets in your first quadrant your mission in this lifetime is to be more self focused.
☁️ Intercepted houses are interesting... I’m very thankful I don’t have them because my chart is already 😀😗 .. yea. But I realized I’ve come across a lot of people with them and those houses if you don’t know already have a lot of focus on the house it pertains to. Example: intercepted houses in the 1st and 7th house means one of your life’s mission is learning how to assert yourself, set boundaries, find balance in relationships and your free time.
☁️ People that have intercepted houses usually attract people that has signs that rule those houses to teach them significant life lessons. So if you have 1st and 7th intercepted you’ll have someone who probably has Aries/libra in big three or within their chart , if you have 2nd and 8th you’ll attract someone with Taurus/Scorpio in big three or in their chart etc etc
☁️ If you’re feeling unstable it’s best to connect with the element you have most dominant in your chart. Whether it’s literally connecting to that element by physically interacting with it or you are doing the themes in relation to that element. This also applies to whatever sign your mars is in. Surrounding yourself with the element associated with your mars can allow you to release and ground yourself.
☁️ For instance, if you have a lot of water in your chart/water mars, swimming or being by the water and journaling, drawing, whatever creative outlet feels most healing to you by the water can bring you some peace. Talking to the ocean, lake, etc. can be grounding and if you’re really into esoteric practices you can give the water an offering in exchange for peace of mind. Earth, going on a hike, feeling the earth (not concrete yuck) with your bare soles/palms can be helpful, hugging and talking to trees. (Side note fun fact, removing vines that are wrapping a tree is also like an offering because vines growing around trees are invasive and preventing it from receiving sunlight, ultimately killing it. Save your local trees!! I see this as a form of an offering as well) Mother trees will help you most. Fire, first and foremost please be careful. Secondly, working with candles can be very healing and watching the light, taking walks when it’s really sunny, sun bathing, solar plexus yoga could bring much peace. Sun bathing your yoni when the sun is at its peak :) it really works. Air, burning incense whilst having good air ventilation, journaling, stimulating activities like running or jogging while simultaneously working on the breath. Breath work, mental workouts like chess. I might do a post about all Mars signs and specific activity outlets. Lmk in the comments if you guys would be interested :)
☁️ To break out of your comfort zone, to attract newness into your life, connect with the element you have least in your chart!
☁️ The element you have least of is what you tend to attract in others
☁️ People that connect more to sidereal astrology usually have some old soul-ness to them. I’ve observed it’s usually modern Astrology earth placements, mostly Taurus placements that tend to value that system more from what I’ve seen
☁️ I’ve noticed water sign placements/dominance like anime and k-pop a lot. Honorary mention is Aquarius but more towards anime.
☁️ I saw @harmoonix say this in one of their posts recently but this has been sitting in my drafts for over a month so I’m gonna agree and add on lol (love ur posts fr— trendsetter 💐) Aquarius placements, especially in the big 3, love video games. Love playing games on their phone and on a console. Love technology, it’s their safe space— a way to get away from the world. Aquarius does rule over technology! They’re the most tech savvy in the family. Their elders in their home relied on them for that stuff lol.
☁️ Sagittarius placements, esp mercury usually have different genres and languages of music in their catalog
☁️ For Sagittarius to be in detriment in Mercury that placement has many fantastic writers, poets, lyricists etc.
☁️ Earth placements, especially Capricorns can out smoke you. Out-any-substance you fr it’s actually crazy to witness 😂😂.
☁️ Your Groom (5129) or Briede (19029) in your natal chart can not only show the actual sign or house placements that your partner may have but the synastry overlays you both may have as well. For example you may have your groom asteroid in the sign virgo. Your spouses natal placements especially big 3 could have those planets fall into your sixth house. Virgo rules the sixth house.
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☁️ This picture above is all Libra placements during this south node in Libra transit. The area Libra resides will show up and out! Villain era fr. Big 3 Libra placements will feel this way the most! This transit has me not giving ANY f*cks!
☁️ Your solar return rising sign is very important. It will tell you the themes that will take place in the new year ahead. For example: Virgo rising in your solar return has you more work and health focused. Should I make a post about solar return risings lmk in the comments!
☁️ It’s also interesting that your rising and moon sign in your solar return chart can pertain who you most come into contact with during. So if your rising is Leo that year you’ll probably befriend, get closer to, date many Leo’s or people that have Leo placements/degrees in their chart :). I can confirm that within each ascendant I have had in my returns since studying astrology the people I was closer to/in contact more with during the time period had those placements in big three especially.
☁️ not an observation but a statement of a dilemma of mine because I cannot choose between placidus and whole sign system. I deeply relate to both. I thankfully don’t have intercepted houses but I can see both sides to the placements in my chart and the different houses they reside in with both systems 😂 ok moving on
☁️ I use placidus house system mostly when I’m reading other people’s chart and whole sign when I’m reading compatibility charts
☁️ placidus is a better system to use for most people because we live in different hemispheres and that system caters to that imo
☁️ I realize most Pisces and Sagittarius placements loveeee green. It’s that Jupiter calling in that abundance!
☁️ Scorpio and Aries are ruled by mars and I have realized people with these placements like purple a lot. Capricorn placements tend to like purple too and cap is exalted in mars! Purple and black are associated with satur(n)day!
☁️ Saw an observation about sag mercuries always interrupt you and it’s true LMAO but they’re very passionate people and I think they just wanna get what they have to say off their chest
☁️ Sagittarius mercuries are the smartest Mercury sign imo.
☁️ Pisces placements especially in the big three are very crafty when it comes to talking their way out of being held accountable
☁️ Being around people that have the signs in your 2nd and 8th house can easily trigger you if you’re not actively working on healing your wounds
☁️ I haven’t met an air sign that doesn’t speak with their face and hands especially Gemini chile
☁️ Mars rules celibacy, Venus rules lust. I realize that people with strong Aries/Scorpio/Capricorn are not into having sex with multiple people simultaneously or can go long periods without having sex. They view sex as a very intimate activity.
☁️ hate to come down on my Venusians but Taurus and Libras and let’s not forget about my girl is exalted in Pisces! People with strong placements in these signs can be loyal but sometimes there can be wandering eyes. Like an itch they want to scratch so bad. Even if they’re very loyal in nature it’s more possible for them to flirt for fun or get into affairs more because they’re hedonistic in nature
☁️ when a Capricorn loves you they will always have your back and put into you financially to help your dreams come true. One of the most attentive , supportive people to have in your corner!
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🪽 I wanted to post this sooner but I’m currently grieving the loss of my Capricorn dominant grandmother who was my closest confidant and greatest inspiration, about a month ago. She passed during her Saturn return and Uranus return. She lived an incredible life. Strongest, most fearless person I know. An entrepreneur who knew how to get it! Some people didn’t make it into the new year with us and I hope you know that you have now gained an angel. I’m grateful to the Tumblr astrology community for sharing their knowledge. Astrology really helps me make sense of the world and I’m happy that we all find peace in that. Sending my love and best wishes to you all. Thank you for reading and tuning in xoxo 🪽
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astonmartinii · 10 months
loving on a sunday | lando norris social media au
pairing: lando norris x reader
y/n and lando, the grid and an honest attempt at a sunday roast
masterlist if you want to leave a tip x
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liked by landonorris, maxverstappen1 and 601,239 others
yourusername: warning !! do not own a nice country house and farm because you will get lumped with the annual post season grid dinner, SEB PLEASE COME BACK I CAN"T TAKE THIS RESPONSIBILITY @landonorris what are you going to do when they find out you can't cook?
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user1: learning that lando can't cook is the least surprising thing in the entire world
user2: i'm sorry post season grid dinner? brb just going to cry my eyes out why haven't we heard of this before
user3: for my mental health i need photographic evidence asap
landonorris: way to bait me out in front of the whole world, thanks babe
yourusername: i'm sorry but if this crashes and burns i need people to know that it was your fault (because it defo would be)
landonorris: where is the faith? you back me to win every race but won't back me to make some roast potatoes :(
yourusername: babe when i was sick you burnt the soup so bad we had to throw the pan out
yourusername: awwww babe, but it was le crueset and literally cost more than my life
sebastianvettel: it's been an honour to host it but i know you and lando will do great, send me all the photos !
yourusername: thank you seb, please come visit the farm at some point xx
landonorris: see i knew seb would have faith in me thanks mate
user4: lando's gf being a farm girl makes so much sense but also no sense what so ever
yourusername: tis the south west babe it's either banksy or farmers and nothing in between
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liked by maxfewtrell, yourusername and 1,023,677 others
tagged: yourusername
landonorris: should be peeling potatoes right now she's too pretty
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user10: oh to be a kitty cat being cuddled by y/n
yourusername: you're such a smooth talker babe but those potatoes won't peel themselves
landonorris: my years of being teammates with carlos has come in clutch
yourusername: you still suck at flirting i just love you so i still swoon, any other person would probably laugh in your face
landonorris: gonna ignore the insult and focus on the fact that you love me
user11: i swear every time i see y/n she's with another animal i've never seen before
yourusername: my farm is a safe haven for any animal, if they find themselves there they'll leave with a full tummy and a good load of cuddles
maxverstappen1: if lando is on potato duty does this mean we won't get them? they're my favourite part of a roast y/n PLEASE STEP IN
landonorris: oh wow i see how it is
maxverstappen1: i'm dutch i'm so serious about my potatoes
landonorris: i also don't fuck around about roast potatoes HAVE FAITH
user12: can we start a petition for lando to stream this? like at least the cooking portion
yourusername: watching my nervous breakdown live would not be ethical
landonorris: it's true she threw a carrot at my head the first time she cooked for my family
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liked by landonorris, estebanocon and 590,455 others
tagged: yourusername, landonorris
oscarpiastri: officially a farm boy for the week (also known as third wheeling for seven days)
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user15: omg oscar went early? my mclaren heart is so full
yourusername: so so happy to have you here osc!! though you're not any more trustworthy in the kitchen
oscarpiastri: i'd defend myself but we've all seen me fail to boil an egg
yourusername: you tried your best !! but you've mastered the english tea which is a massive asset
oscarpiastri: i think i'd lose my seat if i couldn't make a cup of tea
user16: obsessed with y/n dragging everyone for being menaces in the kitchen
user17: love how oscar was like: post lando? no. post ducks? yes.
landonorris: mate you asked to come early don't complain about third wheeling now
oscarpiastri: i know i asked to come early but if y'all could lay off the soft porn for two seconds would be appreciated
landonorris: don't pretend you don't enjoy it mate ;)
yourusername: lando don't be mean :(
landonorris: i'm sorry oscar, i'm sure you don't enjoy watching us be happy
oscarpiastri: thanks i guess?
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liked by yourusername, landonorris and 1,034,560 others
charles_leclerc: sad to announce i've been banned from the kitchen:( even banned from making drinks as well
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user18: this is defo the banning i agree with, we all saw the vlog with the pesto pasta
user19: tbf i've come to the conclusion the one person y/n would let into the kitchen is seb
yourusername: you're not wrong
user20: i need a chick in my dungarees right now
yourusername: why are you complaining about a free pass to sit on the couch and have someone else cook for you?
charles_leclerc: well when you put it like that ....
landonorris: let me revoke all of my previous complaints
yourusername: you know i like to treat you baby
charles_leclerc: why thank you y/n but that's an inappropriate thing to say while in a relationship
yourusername: it was in reply to lando's comment charles 😭
landonorris: guy forgot he could read for a second
charles_leclerc: MY BAD
user21: i know charles didn't come to a farm in all white
yourusername: i regret to inform you he did (it's all designer as well)
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liked by oscarpiastri, landonorris and 702,340 others
tagged: landonorris
yourusername: sunday roasts are my love language, so happy to host the grid dinner with the love of my life
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user23: at first i thought she was being a bit too serious about this but that roast looks like it BANGS
user24: legit i need one asap
georgerussell63: carmen wants the recipe please and thank you
yourusername: bring her to the farm next time we're free and i'll teach her in person
carmenmundt: thank you darling
yourusername: anything for you
landonorris: ummm what about the guy you called the love of your life in the caption?
yourusername: i love you but i've tried to teach you to cook way too many times
user25: i'm sorry lando is so sexy
user26: forget lando, every pic i've seen of this house is the sexiest thing in the world
carlossainz55: thank you for hosting y/n and lando!! i had a great time see you on new years
yourusername: no worries chilli
maxverstappen1: the roast was the best thing i've ever eaten, i'll only dock points because i had to top and tail with daniel
yourusername: i didn't see you complain when i walked in on you guys cuddling
danielricciardo: you told me you loved it :(
maxverstappen1: i did !!! i enjoyed all of it, especially the roast though
landonorris: second to a roast @danielricciardo that's tough
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liked by alexalbon, yourusername and 1,208,943 others
tagged: yourusername
landonorris: so honoured to host the grid dinner and take over from such an inspiration in seb!! but mostly thanks to y/n for hosting at her farm and putting together an amazing dinner and weekend - also thanks for not killing the grid, i defo would have
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user27: i would've given a kidney to be there for real
lewishamilton: thank you for having us and for the sick nut roast
yourusername: we love you and roscoe !! and vegans are always welcome on my farm
user28: ROSCOE WENT?
yukitsunoda0511: thank you y/n i no longer think that english food is an abomination
yourusername: wow thank you yuki, i knew it would be hard when your only exposure was ... milton keynes
landonorris: wow my girlfriend is a miracle worker, and you're welcome yuki san we loved having you
user29: watching lando go from rookie to hosting the grid dinner, i'm soft
oscarpiastri: i love it here i'm sorry you're not getting rid of me
yourusername: no worries osc, you can stay as long as you want
landonorris: no complaining about third wheeling though, you're basically our child now
user30: experienced racer and rookie teammate friendships are so special to ME
danielricciardo: glad i managed to get my seat back just for this roast tbf
landonorris: not cause you missed me?
danielricciardo: eh i guess so
yourusername: just let me know when you're in england and you can come over for another
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moonstruckme · 4 months
I saw ur last post so for tasm!peter.... maybe r has really bad period cramps and peter just takes care of her?? thank u!!
Thanks for requesting my love <3
cw: period cramps
tasm!Peter Parker x fem!reader ♡ 637 words
“Are you sure this is normal?” You’re sweating, for Christ’s sake, face all shiny and pinched despite the heating pad and the painkillers and the chamomile tea and the dark chocolate he’d made a trip to the bodega down the street to get you. “I feel like we should call a nurse hotline or something.” 
“Don’t.” You look over at Peter from the couch, voice tight with pain. “It’s normal. This is the way it is.” 
“Is it really?” he frets. His knee bounces as he scrolls on his laptop on the beanbag beside you. “It hasn’t been this bad before, has it?” 
“Not in a while,” you admit. “Just once or twice a year, it’ll get like this.” 
Peter shakes his head, looking at his laptop. “Have you talked to anyone about it? I know lots of doctors talk about period pain like it’s never a big deal, but sometimes—” 
“Are you really about to explain to me about how women’s pain gets dismissed in healthcare?” You frown. “Seriously?” 
He winces. “Okay, yeah, you know this. Just, I know this isn’t my area of expertise, but I’m reading up on uterine cysts—” 
“I don’t have a cyst.” 
“There’s just no way this can be normal, sweetheart.” It feels like he’s pleading now, either with you or with whatever higher power is putting you through this. “There’s no way it’s supposed to hurt this much even with painkillers in your system.” 
“Some girls throw up or pass out,” you tell him, a bit gentler now. 
“I know,” he sighs. “I know, and it sucks that womankind has to go through that, but it’s worse when it’s you, you know? You’re my girl. You’re not supposed to hurt.” 
You sound almost pitying, and when he looks over you’ve softened considerably. The pain must have ebbed for the moment, because the space between your brows is smoother, the muscles around your eyes relaxed for the first time in hours. 
“Close out webMD, honey,” you say with a little smile. “It’s not going to help.” 
Peter obeys, shutting his laptop and slipping off the beanbag to kneel beside your head. He feels his eyebrows pinch as he cups your face. You’re running a little fever, though you’d assured him that’s normal too. When he dies, he’s got some serious questions for the guy upstairs; this is inhumane. 
“What can I do that will help?” he asks. 
Your mouth pulls up on one side. “You’ve already done a lot,” you say with a pointed glance to the tea and chocolate on the coffee table behind him. 
“Give me something else,” he begs. “You want tickets to disney world, pretty girl? Ask and it shall be done.” 
You huff a laugh, the sound doing more to Peter’s heart than it really has any right to, then look just to the left of his face. “Could you hold me?” you ask shyly. 
For a second, Peter’s frozen. “Yeah,” he breathes, then kisses your cheek emphatically, standing. “Yeah, baby, why didn’t you ask sooner?” 
“You seemed busy,” you say as he climbs over you on the couch, trying to maneuver you onto your side without disturbing your heating pad. 
“Busy freaking out about how useless I feel, you mean.” He presses both hands to the heating pad, shuffling around until you’re slotted perfectly against his front. “If I can do anything to help, you tell me, okay?” 
“Okay,” you murmur, smiling when he leans over to press a kiss to your cheek. “I’m good now, though. This is nice. Can we just stay here for a while?” 
Peter pffts, the show of indignance doing little to hide his fondness for you. “Sweetheart, I’ll stay here all week if you want me to. You just peel me off when you want something to eat.”
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thoughtsforsoob · 5 months
asking them to buy you pads :( - nct dream
a/n: period season has unfortunately come for me (is it really unfortunate or does that just mean I’m not pregnant 😁 lmao probably not even possible bc I have no bf nor many male friends). Anyways, I hope you enjoy!! I am going to try to do some more writing formats instead of texts but let me know which of you two you guys like best. Thank you and remember that requests are always open :D
To me he seems like a very caring boyfriend. This scenario doesn’t take place very often because he keeps you stocked up all the time if you forget. For the sake of this post, let’s say that you’re at home and he’s on tour. You’re stuck at home, crying to him on the phone about how you forgot to stock up on pads. He’s being the most sympathetic person ever and comforting you while ordering you pads to be delivered. He also throws in some groceries and sweets because you probably weren’t up to going shopping. When it arrives, you groan when he tells you to go to the door but immediately your eyes light up as you see the large delivery. “Anything for my girl. So sorry I can’t be there to make it better :(“
He didn’t even need to be asked to get more. He either has more or he noticed and went to the store before coming home. So, you get your period that evening and when he’s on the drive home, you call him crying like never before and he’s worried. You tell him your situation and how silly you feel. “I’ll stop by the store. I should be home soon okay? Don’t even worry about it. I’ll also make you something warm to eat and drink for dinner.” He was tired, sure, but you needed him and he loved that.
jeno is the cutest bf on earth hello???!!! Keeps a period tracker on your phone and one morning, he got the notification that your period should be coming on that day. He trusted it and slipped out of bed, running to the pharmacy and the convenience store to get what he needed for a period care pack. He decided to make one for you ever since you two have been together as a sweet little tradition. You woke up when he was gone and panicked. You called him and cried to him about him leaving, “see you leaving me forever?? I miss you Jen, please come back to me I’ll do anything!” He laughs, “silly girl, I’m just getting your care pack. Your period should be here today.” He comes back home asap and comforts you all day.
This guy is so silly that he tells you no!! what a silly guy hahaha *my eye is twitching as I type this* You ask him to pick up some pads for you and his way home from schedule and he’s like “nah I don’t wanna. You go do it.” You immediately start to fight back and tell him in a serious tone, “unless you want me to trail blood all over our apartment and then faint in the way to the store, please go get me some pads.” BLOOD? Haechan immediately reconsiders and asks to stop at the store when being driven home.
Such a gentleman! Jaemin will never ever say no to you when it comes to asking him to buy you personal care items. He makes sure you get the best quality brand and that you have everything else you might need. Want a ice cream that only is made at a creamery 20 miles away? Done. Want noodles from your favorite spot in the next town over? Don’t even have to ask. He makes sure you’re comfortable the whole time and even tells the kitties to be gentle with their mommy.
Doesn’t want to show it but he’s so nervous. He might try to tell you no by saying something along the lines of, “you’re so irresponsible why did you not buy more if you knew it was coming soon? plus, this isn’t manly at all.” you threw the hardest pillow you own at his head and start to sob so he takes his ass to the store. he starts to feel bad so he grabs what you need and picks up your comfort take out on the way home. don’t worry, he’ll even cuddle you and feed you if you so wish when he arrives home.
He’s so nervous. The only reason he goes is because he knows you absolutely need them and he doesn’t wanna get in your bad side when your hormones are all out of wack. When he realizes he forgot to ask you for a picture of the box you need and then you don’t answer calls or texts, he panics. He’s hesitates but ends up asking a store clerk what to get :( he’s so embarrassed but the clerk, noticing how shy he was, commended him for his bravery and helped him select the pads. he buys them plus some candy :)
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hannieehaee · 6 months
I think your writing is amazing - I love it so much! Even stuff you’ve only posted a day ago, I’ve already reread! Your writing is just so compelling and engaging!
I saw that you have requests open, would you be able to do a svt reaction to their fiancée/wife getting injured/getting in an accident after a big argument please? I live for the angst! Thank you!
reaction to you getting hurt after an argument
content: angst, arguments, mentions of reader getting into an accident, mentions of a hospital, reader is mentioned to be their wife/fiancée in some of these, etc.
wc: 2143
a/n: thank u so much ur words about my writing are so sweet T-T im so glad ur enjoying my content <33 tysm for requesting!!
seungcheol -
seungcheol can be a bit of an emotional person. he has a tendency of getting exasperated easily. although he was not one to pick arguments with you too often, whenever it did end up happening, he was usually too stubborn to let them go. if an argument came up, he needed the last word in. if you ever left during an argument, he wouldnt chase after you; to proud to let himself do so even if he really wanted to. if you happened to get hurt afterwards, maybe finding yourself in an accident due to the height of your emotions at the time, he would feel more remorseful than ever. he let his pride get the best of him and didn't go after you. he couldve stopped it (or at least that's what he'd tell himself). he would bow to himself to never let any petty argument prevent him from being by your side at all times. would be extremely gentle towards you for a while after the fact.
jeonghan -
someone as calm as jeonghan (at least where emotions pertained) would probably not find himself in arguments that often, which would make any and every argument a big deal due to how rare they were. he would never get too angry or cause a ruckus, but he could get a little mean. his goal at the moment would be to drive you away a bit, being too frustrated to be reasonable. the moment you left he'd feel more calm, knowing he needed time alone to collect himself and not allow his emotions get the best of him. except his emotions would get jumbled all over again the moment he got a call from the hospital letting him know you had gotten injured as you made your angry exit out of your shared apartment. he'd beat himself up over it all the way to the hospital, only feeling a bit more calm when you allowed him to tend and coo at you. he'd promise to never let his angel out of his sight ever again.
joshua -
during an argument, he'd grow serious. he's very emotionally smart, but his frustration would cloud all reason within him, causing him to be petty in these moments. when you suggested leaving for the night, he'd hammer the nail in the coffin by scoffing and telling you that yeah, that'd probably be best. would ignore your first call to him a few hours later, feeling like he needed to sleep on it. upon the second and third call, though, he'd grow immediately worried. nothing would take away the remorse he felt over his mean behavior towards you upon hearing you were at the hospital. although it had been nothing major, he'd prepare a whole speech full of apologies to you as he let you know how badly he regretted ever disregarding you like he did.
jun -
he'd grow a bit stoic during arguments, becoming too trapped in his thoughts to pay you much mind when you spoke up saying that you'd be heading to your mom's for the night, feeling like you needed a night away to keep you from becoming even more frustrated at him. he'd feel sad at this, but would still bid you goodbye, trying to keep things as calm as possible and even slipping an 'i love you' before you left. the moment he got the call from your mom, his heart sunk, terrified that you'd been seriously hurt. he wouldnt even remember the fight as soon as he heard the news, putting it all aside in favor of staying next to you and comforting you as much as possible.
soonyoung -
as the certified silly guy of seventeen, getting into a serious argument would him would be rare. but when you two did happen to argue, it'd get emotional pretty quickly. he'd sometimes have issues controlling his emotions, letting it slip that maybe you should leave if you felt so annoyed at him, that some distance might do you good. would feel bad at your dejected state as you left, but would not do much other than just give you a sad look before your departure. the moment he got a call informing him you'd gotten hurt during your separation, he'd drop absolutely everything, extremely worried regardless of the gravity of the accident. would ramble apologies at you about his behavior, placing all blame on himself without letting you get a word in. this would make him become even more attached to you from then on, never wanting you away, even during the hard moments.
wonwoo -
he's a very calm guy, which is why an argument with him would probably be very rare. in the occasion that it occurred, he'd probably suggest that you both take the rest of the day to yourselves, that maybe itd be best to clear your heads. you'd feel a little dejected by this but ultimately agree, insisting that you'd drive over to a friend's. a few hours later when wonwoo got a call from a nurse over at the hospital stating that his fiancee had been admitted, he immediately dropped everything to run to your side. he would completely forget about the argument, telling you that he was wrong to ever think letting you go out alone last night while so emotional was ever a good idea. he'd be overly attentive to you after that, feeling like he had caused this somehow.
jihoon -
it was easy for jihoon to dismiss you whenever an argument arose. he just didnt have the energy to entertain a fight. he knew this was a less than ideal characteristic of his, but he couldnt help it. he just felt like a bit of separation was better than allowing a full-on fight to occur. he'd occupy himself with work, wanting to give you time to process things on your own before trying to make amends. a few hours later, when he received a call from you, he was a bit shocked that you'd contact him so soon. he'd respond and express his surprise, only to hear your cries as you told him that you'd broken a leg while distractedly biking away from your shared home after the argument. he'd be instantly glad that you hadnt gotten hurt past that, visiting you immediately and completely forgetting about any argument you had.
seokmin -
you were his pretty and beautiful wife. how could he ever ever even think about arguing with you? well, it sure was rare, but it still happened once or twice during your relationship. and seokmin could get a bit ... childish when mad. he wouldnt outwardly argue with you. it would start with less than pleasant words being exchanged between the two of you, only to evolve into a silent treatment from him. you'd likely leave after that, too frustrated at his childishness. he'd think he had won the argument, feeling pleased with himself until he received a call from your mom letting him know that you had deviated your car from the road on the way to your parents' house. you hadnt gotten too hurt, but you had to have some stitches done and were now resting at home. he'd come home to you, tail between his legs as he begged you to please forgive his stupid childish behavior, promising he'd never make you feel like you had to run away from him ever again.
mingyu -
he can be a bit childish and immature when it comes to fights. arguments between you dont happen that often, so when they do, theyre kind of a big deal. when you suggested just leaving in order to allow things for mellow out, he shrugged and agreed, telling you you could come back whenever you felt like it, not really thinking much of it, he was still a bit peeved off after all. the next morning when he received a call from a family member of yours letting him know you never made it home to them, having somehow ended in the hospital, he would drop everything and run to you. even if it hadnt been his fault, he'd kneel next to the hospital bed and apologize to you. would take on the duty of tending to you until you got better and would not let you out of his sight again.
minghao -
the atmosphere would be heavy. dealing with arguments with minghao would always be difficult. emotions would be heightened, and you'd both be tense at one another. minghao could sometimes be too direct; communicative to a fault. although his good communication was usually a good thing, sometimes it came at the cost of your peace of mind. in an instance in which you just couldn't take an argument anymore, announcing you'd stay over with a friend for the night to calm down, his easy dismissal of you, responding 'if you feel like that's best, you can leave' with zero will ro try and stop you would have you feeling dejected. the next morning when he got a call from your friend stating that you'd been a bit careless on the way to her house would have him regretting his stoic behavior towards you, visiting you as you recovered at your friend's house as he offered to take you home with him so he could live up to his husband duties and make things right.
seungkwan -
he had a tendency of being a bit stubborn. it wasnt too difficult to pull an argument out of him. except they never really went too far. you'd both allow your frustration to dissipate mid-argument, always finishing the day off in a good mood with one another after having made up. on the rare occasion that arguments went too far, you'd usually choose to distance yourself for the rest of the day, knowing that if you instigated him the situation would just get worse. he'd be a bit pleased at himself, thinking himself the winner of this argument. the feeling would only last so long, however, as he got a call the day after letting him know that you were now in the hospital. his heart fell through his chest at hearing the word hospital, rushing to your side and whining at you about how scared you made him. he'd coo and tend to you, forgetting about the argument in favor of taking care of you, promising to never ever leave your side and to never let his emotions drive you away ever again.
vernon -
arguing with vernon was never a pretty sight. he could sometimes be a bit hurtful without thinking. not with his words, but more so with his lack of them. he was never a man for speeches, nor was he one for verbally expressing his thoughts too often. so whenever an argument arose, it almost felt like you were arguing with yourself. it made you feel stupid and dismissed, so it was often during arguments that you'd simply announce your exit, claiming it would probably be better if you stayed apart for the night. this would usually do the trick, allowing you two to reconnect the next morning in mellow moods. except today vernon had not received the usual call from you that next morning letting him know you'd be on your way back phone. the call he got instead was from a friend of yours, letting him know that you'd gotten hurt on the way there last night, landing yourself in the hospital. vernon wouldnt care when or how you got hurt, only worrying about your wellbeing as he rushed to your side. unlike during the argument, vernon would air out all emotions he was feeling, letting you know that he'd never let you walk away during a fight ever again. he'd scream and go crazy if that was enough to get you to stay.
chan -
his words could be a bit pointed when he was frustrated, he was too used to his members talking over him whenever an argument arose, which was why he was a bit less lenient when arguing with you. he'd frustrate you very quickly, making you want to stay away from him during those moments. he wouldnt chase after you either, figuring that some space might be best for the both of you to calm down. when he got the news that you'd somehow gotten injured on your way away from him, he'd rush to you, even risking his own safety at the speed in which he tried to get to you. he'd get you flowers and a huge apology in the form of a speech detailing how badly he felt at ever driving you away. he'd dedicate the rest of his free time to giving you all and every type of affection he could muster, feeling guilt even if you insisted it was fine and was not his fault.
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gvnvks · 1 year
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holding zb1 boys’ faces … !
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> pairings: non-idol!zb1 x fem!reader
> warnings: lowercase intended, not proofread
> song recommendation: gladiator by jann
> note: thank yall sm for the notes on my latest post !! its really motivating 🫶🏻 im also working on a lot of requests rn + thinking about doing some smau so yall will be FED 💯 requests r still open but not for long, so if u want to request u need to be quick quick !!
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김 jiwoong.
he’s soo confused
enjoys the touch, but can’t help but wonder if something happened for you to act like that
it’s literally not like y’all touch 25/8
nah but really
“what?” poor boy is soooo confused 😭
hides your hands in his
man is so giggly
he looks at his whole world and you look at your whole world
turns his head a little to kiss ur palm…
enough omgggg
장 hao.
homeboy freezes
like literally his whole body just straight up freezes
asks if you need something
he’s kinda embarrassed idk 😟
kiss his moles pls
his face will literally cover in blush
he’s so cute stop rn
he takes ur hand off of his face and leans in to kiss ur cheek girl bye
pls pls pls do it more often to him
성 hanbin.
has the BIGGEST grin EVER i swear to god
he goes a little “oh” and just giggles ……. lawd have mercy.
looks really deep into your eyes like y’all having some kind of a deep convo
like boy it ain’t that serious
but he’s just so in love omg
he peppers ur face in little, feathery-like kisses
please where can i get boyfriend like this
he leaves some wet marks (😟) on ur forehead but you don’t mind cause he’s the most adorable human ever
석 matthew.
now bffr
he is the one to cup ur face every now and then
not u
but if the roles swapped one day and you’d be the one holding his face
boy would get so confused
cause girl what the hell are u even doing
like… it’s his job
nah but being fr now
he would be so happy 😭
like literally he would be full of the joys of spring for the rest of the day
he’s so grateful for u ‼️
girl u better keep this man
despite all that he probably has the calmest reaction of them all
probably cuz yall all lovey dovey on a daily basis n hes kinda used to it already
김 taerae.
okay now
he’s literally head over heels for you like
just as hanbin, he would simply go “oh”
has literal hearts in his eyes
and im not even joking
he just stares at you
with that wide smile of his
u can basically see if he brushed his teeth this morning 😭
he would brush his thumbs against ur palms… girl
his heart is literally pounding
have u ever seen a man that’s more in love than him
no u haven’t case closed
리키 ricky.
i know ricky may not seem like it
but i feel like he would be very affectionate
maybe not physically
but he will definitely assure you he loves you with his words
and also with gifts sometimes cuz young and rich and allat yk yk
when u place ur hands on the sides of his face
at first he gets really confused
then literally just melts into your touch
whispers some i love yous
kisses ur temple. thats what i said.
hes so shameless girl goodbye
hes just so lovable
김 gyuvin.
i dont know but i feel like he wouldn’t be that big on skinship?
i mean yeah of course he enjoys your touch but like
too much of it sometimes can overwhelm him
and you know that
but he was so cute and kissable today that u just couldn’t resist
and simply just
cupped his face
poor boy has never been more embarrassed in his whole entire existence
also the confusion added to it
cause like why so sudden
“are you okay?” NAH ARE YOU OKAY GYUVIN
pls kiss his nose… pls.
he will basically be embarrassed to look at you for the rest of the day
but don’t get him wrong tho
it’s because he’s so in love with u
박 gunwook.
okay now we’re talking
who would resist holding that pretty face of his
literally no one
asks the most random questions cause he’s so flustered 😭
“are u hungry” “am i missing our anniversary”
okay… its not like yall couple and can hold each other any time without particular reason 💯
takes ur hands and just
kisses your every finger
he goes like thumb *kiss*
index finger *kiss*
all the way to your pinky
also lightly bites on some of them cause he’s random like that
this is so cute
he’s so baby
한 yujin.
cute baby
very cute baby
squish his cheeks
he would be so dramatic if you’d do that 😭
but don’t stop tho pls he really didn’t mean that
he’s just so surprised by the sudden touch and like
he doesn’t know how to react
his heart just goes boom boom boom boom but like one million times faster
and you can tell by the way his ears and cheeks turned bright pink
but this shade really suits him
so do it more often pls
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gvnvks © 2023
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mingtinys · 2 months
" i would do anything for you "
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pairing : lee chan x gn!reader
"13 ways to say "i love you" with seventeen"
warnings : traffic violations ( for a good cause ! )
word count : 0.6 k
a/n : it's bittersweet posting this last part of the series :( i'm so sad for it to end cause i've had so much fun , but i couldn't be happier with how it turned out ! thank you to everyone that showed this series so much love and support <3 next up .... an nct series !!
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Maybe you're just being paranoid. Perhaps the scratching at your back door wasn't some crazed killer messing with you before the inevitable. In fact, it's extremely likely you've simply stayed up too late and now your brain is playing tricks. But are you willing to take that chance? Absolutely not.
The fifth scratch comes and you're picking up the phone to dial the first person you can think of.
Chan reaches your home at a speed only possible by violating a few traffic laws. Armed with nothing but a broken broomstick and his dinosaur bedroom slippers. You're not even sure he's entirely awake. But he marches his way through your home and straight to the back door with conviction, advising you to stay back while he handles it.
He lowers his voice a few octaves as he speaks. "Whoever is out there, you better knock it off!" The scratching noise picks up. "I'll come out there!" Chan warns, though sounding a little unsure. Yet the scratching never ceases.
At this point, the genius thought to call the police finally enters your panicked brain. Something that probably should have been your first instinct. But it's too late, you can hear Chan thrusting the door open. "Alright, you asked for it– oh..."
When your savior returns, a fluffy orange creature in hand, you feel your face drain of all color. Your friend's cat. The one you were supposed to be sitting while they were away on a business trip. You'd forgotten you'd even let him outside to explore hours ago.
Chan points to the cat with a mock-serious look, "Is this guy bothering you, babe?"
Though severely embarrassed, you let out a sigh of relief. "I'm so sorry, Peanut," you coo at the cat, carefully taking him from your boyfriend's arms and carrying him over to his food, which you're certain is what he was scratching to get in for.
When you spin back around, Chan's arms are crossed over his chest, an expectant look on his face. "You know, usually the knight in shining armor gets a kiss for his bravery."
The playful tone in his voice alleviates some of the guilt you feel for calling him over at two a.m. to defend you from a killer cat. A gesture for which you're more than happy to reward with a kiss or two. And once he's claimed his prize, Chan happily gathers you in his arms. He rubs circles into your back, soothing any remaining anxiety in your muscles.
"I'm sorry you came all the way here for nothing," you mumble into his shoulder. "I guess I watched one too many crime shows and sort of panicked."
"You don't need to apologize. It's my job to be here whenever you need me." He pulls back and takes your face in his hands, holding your gaze with genuine eyes. "I would do anything for you."
That confession earns him a second kiss, causing him to break out in a dopey grin. "My hero," you tease, although he looks rather proud of himself for it.
"One question though?"
"What's that?"
"If you thought someone was trying to break in, why didn't you just call the police?"
Trust, Chan is over the moon to be the person you call in a time of need. But realistically, what was he supposed to do? Fight to the death with his bare hands and a broomstick to save you? He absolutely would... doesn't mean he'd win.
You pause. "I don't know, I guess I just panicked and thought of you first."
Chan is probably going to be riding that ego boost for the rest of his life.
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taglist: @matchahyuck @dontwannaexsist @minnieminshi @myfavoritedelusion @armycarat2612
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heartfeltcierra · 1 year
Reacting to you making/giving them a friendship bracelet Pt. 2 (Zoro, Luffy, Sanji, Bartolomeo, Sabo and Law
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AN- I hope you enjoy part two of OP character receiving a friendship bracelet! (You can find part one that included Roger, Ace, Shanks, Marco and Doffy here)
Characters- Zoro, Luffy, Sanji, Bartolomeo, Sabo and Law
Warnings/Contents-Fluff, All SFW, Mentions of fights, Law's is a little angsty and a bit longer.
I'll be posting a marine version tomorrow night including Koby, Garp, Smoker and Issho
ʕ•ᴥ•ʔノ♡ More under the cut
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 🍶 Zoro was confused at first but smirked seeing what it said “Best swordsman huh?”  “You need to make one for curly brows that says “Dumbest cook.”
🍶  Immediately took that back saying he wants to be the only one you make bracelets for 
🍶 He noticed there was some spare room on the bracelet, so he came up with a idea to fill the blank spots
 “You were pretty tough.” Zoro said, putting his swords back into their sheath. “I’ll get my girl to add you to my bracelet.” 
 “Excuse me?” Despite being half dead, the  bloody man lifted off of the ground with a rather angry expression. “What the hell does that mean?” 
 “You see this?” Zoro bends down, showing the man the many beads decorating the bracelet. “They represent my victories, and since I won against you, she’ll add a bead to it.” The man could only give Zoro a baffled look knowing he was now nothing more than a mere bracelet charm. “Anyways, nice fight and all but I gotta go. Which way is the exit?”
 “To the left.”    
 “You fool, that's the right!”
 (To bad the bracelet doesn’t have a GPS)
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🍗 Rubber boy was very excited when you gave it to him
🍗Would walk up to strangers to show them saying “Y/N made me this, I bet you're jealous!” 
🍗The only person that was genuinely jealous was Sanji 
🍗 Tries to take good care of it, note TRIES
  “Y/n…..” You look and see Luffy peeking his head into your room with an unusual gloomy look on his face. 
  “What’s wrong Luffy?” He padded over to you and laid the bracelet, or more like parts of the bracelet in front of you. 
 “It broke earlier during the fight. ” You knew from his tone he felt bad. “I’m sorry.” 
 “It’s okay!” You rummaged through the remains and smiled realizing the damage wasn’t irreversible. “I can fix it.” The frown on your captain’s face was finally replaced by that wide smile you know and love. “I’ll even make it more durable so it’s harder to break!”
  “You’re the best.” Luffy nearly sent you to the floor as he snaked his limbs around your body. “Also can you make one for my other wrist?”
“Sure what do you want it to say?”
  (I mean it’s Luffy, what did you expect?)
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 💛-You might as well have proposed to the man
 💛- Picks you up immediately and starts spinning saying “We might as well plan our wedding~”
 💛- A little bummed to hear you weren’t proposing, but is still eccentric that you made him something 
 “What kind of fighter doesn’t use his hands?” The beaten looks up at Sanji
 “Listen pal, my hands are only meant for two things. For Cooking…” His serious face scrunches up to his signature lovestruck idiot. “And for wearing bracelets made by my dear Y/N-Swan~” 
 (Please make this man more bracelets)
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💚 -His soul ascends into the clouds seeing that you made him something (Bonus points if your a straw hat pirate)
💚-Would fall to the ground and cry for a good half hour claiming he was “unworthy.” 
💚- But despite loving the bracelet, he NEVER wears it
 “Look at what was bestowed upon me.” He proudly holds up a small display case. “A friendship bracelet handcrafted by none other than Miss Y/N.” 
 The entire Strawhat lovers congregation would ooh and awe at the encased bracelet.
 “I could sit all day and bask in the sheer awesomeness.” Bart hits the floor with tears running down his face. “I just…I love her so much.”
 “Oh no boss man’s going down!”
  “What do we do?!” 
 “I don’t know, but we better figure something out. Were losing him!”
 Luckily after a cold towel and some fanning, the Barto Club was able to revive their green haired leader.
  (Please do not make this man any more bracelets , unless you want to send him into a coma.)
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🎩- You had no idea what you were really getting yourself into
🎩-You know how people flex their engagement rings? Yeah Sabo’s going to do that… a lot
🎩-“Oh this thing? Well my beautiful Y/N hand crafted it for m-“ Would go on and on when literally no one asked 💀💀💀
“Y/N come quick it’s Sabo!” You follow Hack in a full blown panic as he leads you down to the RA’s infirmary.
 “Sabo!” You see him lying in one of the beds breathing heavily with a towel on his forehead. “What happened?”
 “Y/N….” You rush to his side and he takes your hand in his. “I’m sorry. But…” Tears roll down his face. “I promise I did everything in my power to save it….”
“To save what Sabo?”
 “My…..my…..MY BRACELET.”
 “I’m leaving.” 
 “Why?” 🥺
 “Sabo you literally went into shock, scared everyone half to death and ended up hospitalized , over a bracelet.”
 “But it’s not just any bracelet.” He frowns. “You made it for me.”
 “And I’ll make you another one.” You playfully roll your eyes. “So tell me what exactly happened to it?”
 “To be honest, I burned it off accidentally.” He nervously scratches the side of his head. “I’m still not quite used to my new powers.” 
  “I see.” You nod.  “I’ll see if I can somehow make one that’s fireproof.”
 “You will?” The blonde smiles and wraps his arms around you, pulling you down with him on the bed. “I love you so much!”
“I love you too.” You let yourself relax into his hold. “With that being said, can you promise me that you'll never do this again?”
 “You have my word not only as the chief of staff, but also as your overly dramatic boyfriend….. that I may do this again.”
 (Sabo is a absolute drama queen and you cannot tell me otherwise)
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 🫀- And the crowd goes mild
 🫀- Literally had no initial reaction
 🫀- Law would stare at it, then back at you, then back to the bracelet, then back to you
 🫀- Poor man is not good at showing his emotions, so bear with him
 “Why?” Law gives you a confused look while staring at your labor of love. 
 “Because I wanted to.” You shrug your shoulders,  a little hurt seeing the lack of reaction.
 “I see.” Law doesn’t put the bracelet on, instead he puts it in his pocket. “Thank you.” He immediately turns his attention away from you and goes back to working.
 “Sure” You turn away with a frown. “I’ll go now, see you later.” 
 The second you leave the room Law is pulling that bracelet back out of his pocket while sporting the deepest shade of red on his cheeks. 
 He was so caught off guard and over the moon because of how cute and excited you looked while giving it to him that he completely went brain dead. 
 But he was now back to his senses and remembered the frown on your face as you left the room. 
 You were laying on your bed sulking when you heard a knock on your door followed by a “It’s me.” You recognize your boyfriend's voice, but you're still hurt from earlier so you don’t reply. Instead you bury your face deeper into the pillow
 “I didn’t say you could come in…” You spoke into the “pillow” which is now none other than Law.
 “You also didn’t say I couldn’t.” His tattooed arms pull you closer into his chest. 
 “Guess not.” Despite being angry at him, you can’t help but enjoy the closeness. “Is there something that you need, captain?”
 “Yes there is actually.” Law says in a matter of fact tone  “I have a very important task to assign you to.” You look up at him completely confused. “I need you to make me a bracelet with our jolly Roger on it.”
 “You want another bracelet?” You pull back from his hold. “I didn’t think you liked the first one I gave you.” 
 “I didn't like it, I loved it... see.”  You smile seeing the bracelet was in its rightful place on his wrist. “So do you think you can do it?”
 “Of course I can.” You jump up from the bed and run over to your desk that was covered in different colors of twine. “I’ll work on it right now!”
 Law feels relieved seeing the smile he fell in love with back on your face. Mission accomplished. He was about to leave the room to let you work, but couldn’t help but notice a huge pile of bracelets sitting in a basket on your dresser.
 “Damn Y/N you really like making these don’t you?” Law said while rummaging through the bracelets.
 “Law, wait!” It was too late, he was already holding the cheesy couples bracelets you made out of self indulgence. “I umm. I just made these for fun..”
 “Oh really?”  Law smirks while spinning the bracelet around his finger. “If you don’t mind, I think I’ll take this one with me.” 
 “Are you sure?” 
 “I’m sure.” Law nods before throwing the other bracelet into your lap. “And you should wear yours too.”
 Law leaves you an embarrassed mess, but at the same time,  despite his “cool guy” act, he was just as embarrassed if not more. Why does she have to be so cute??? 
 (Won’t say it out loud, but is loving the fact he now owns a bracelet that say “I ❤️ Y/N”)
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stabortega · 7 months
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Summary: Having to deal with the aftermath of that situation was definitely worse then finding out the truth.
Pairing: Jenna Ortega x Fem!G!P!Reader
Warnings: NSFW. Implied fem reader, she/her pronouns used. Mentions of sex, dirty talking and sexting. Knife play. Mentions of kinks, nothing explicit. Top!Reader x Bottom!Jenna. MDNI.
Author's Note: Still think my writing is trash but you guys seem to like it. 💜
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"What the actual fuck?!" Jasmine almost yelled as Jenna shoved her inside one of the dressing rooms in the set, while she tried to shut the other actress up. "Thank god someone's paying that poor girl's college."
"This is not fucking funny, Jasmine. I shouldn't have told you." Jenna locked the door behind her, looking at her apprehensively. She made a terrible mistake by telling Jasmine what went on last night. "And now they expect me to work with her? After I-"
"Seen her dick? Oh god, what will be of you?" The black girl laughed, while sitting down on the couch. "Chill, alright? She probably doesn't even know you donated. I mean, what was your username?"
Jenna gulped. "I don't wanna say it."
"Come on, was it that obvious??" Jasmine rolled her eyes, waiting for an answer.
"It was my first name then the first four digits of my birthday."
"I cannot fucking believe you."
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Living in New York wasn't easy. Every apartment was obnoxiously expensive, so you had to resort to leave the city and start living in Brooklyn. It was a nice neighborhood, the best you could afford if we're being completely honest. Moving to the big city was by far the best and the worst decision you've ever made. Other than starting college, obviously.
I mean, you loved every second of it, but it started to fuck your financial life right up the ass.
"You should create an Only Fans or something." You almost spit the whiskey shot you were drinking right back to your cup, looking at your friend as if she just told you that she had killed three men with a needle. "I'm serious, (Y/N). Do you know how much money you can get just by posting out some feet pics, or whatever?"
"I'm not gonna sell pictures of my feet for cash, Liana." She shook her head no while taking a sip of her Appletini.
"Then don't. Sell your dick pics, or livestream. Come on, I know how much you're struggling and you know you're putting that body to waste. What's the worse thing can happen?"
And she was right. You started out with just an account on that website, posting some pictures here and there; until one of your followers suggested livestreaming and said she would pay some good money just to watch you cum on your stomach (which obviously, she did). It happened so fast that, when you realized it, you were able to get yourself a better place right downtown, pay off your college debts and buy a professional video camera to shoot some amateur movies. And no, not the pornographic kind.
You wanted to be a director someday, but you were also really good with a camera; which is why you got the opportunity to work in the upcoming Scream movie as an assistant videographer (and because Liana put in a good word for you). It was your first real gig in your area of interest, you couldn't be more excited.
The first day was just like any other. You got to meet a few people and get a hold of the equipments you were going to use.
"Ay, (Y/N)! Come here for a sec!" Your boss, Dave, called your name while you were looking at one of the IMAX cameras, which you've never got the opportunity to film with. You realized he wanted to introduce you to some people, which he did. You just didn't expect it would be one of the protagonists (and the newest it actress of Hollywood). "It's a pleasure to meet you, Jenna."
You extended your hand for her to shake, which she did after looking at it for a couple of seconds, almost if she was analyzing you. "Nice to meet you too, (Y/N)."
And that was pretty much it, you guys didn't exchanged any other words besides that on that particular day. You even thought that she could be avoiding you, for whatever reason. All throughout the day, you felt her gaze on you multiple times, but everytime you looked at her, she just looked away.
"You're definitely not subtle." Jasmine whispered in Jenna's ear, while she watched you handle one of the camera films. "I'm pretty sure that she can physically feel your eyes on her butt as we speak."
"She's definitely gonna find out that I was on her stream last night." The Ortega took a deep breath, looking away when she realized you looked at her again.
"She's not, don't get paranoid. You have the most obvious and boring username ever? Yes. It would take just one Google search to figure out your identity? It would. But still!" Jenna got up from the chair she was sitting, realizing that all she wanted to do was to smoke this off.
"You're not helping, Jasmine." She took out her pack of Marlboro's and her lighter once she was outside. "I never even watched porn before, not even by myself."
"And now you donated $1500 to a complete stranger just so she could cum while moaning your name. That's a character development." Jasmine stood beside Jenna, who had just started smoking so she could even try to forget that she wanted to sit on her coworker's dick less than 24 hours ago.
"I'm never doing that again, Jasmine. It's inhumane and gross. It was the first and the last time."
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jenna2709: thought about you a lot today.
"Oh, did you? Good to hear that." She locked the door behind her and sat on her bed. That was Jenna's, at least, 10th day of watching your streams nonstop. And she had just "caught" you in the beginning of your livestream (which meant that she had the notifications of your page on and was too much of a chicken to admit it). So that meant that you weren't even undressed yet, you were just rubbing your dick over your sweatpants and chatting a litte bit with your followers before you started your actual show. "What exactly were you thinking of, huh?"
jenna2709: of me sucking your cock under this table while you tell me how much of a good girl i am.
Jenna realized what she said after she already sent the message. Where did that came from? She thought while looking intensely at the livestream, hoping you would just stop with the teasing and take your cock out of your pants for her to see (and drool). "Oh baby, I'm sure you're very good with your mouth. Wanted to cum right on your throat and make you swallow every drop."
jenna2709: i would be honored to be your cum dump.
"Okay, I crossed the line." She took a deep breath, not even recognizing who was that person inside of her, the person that would say the most obscene and erotic shit that she ever heard. It was almost if something awakened inside of her everytime she saw you. Every couple of days, at exactly 10PM, she would lock herself in her hotel bedroom and fuck her pussy so deep until she passed out from having like, five orgasms. And that was the easy part, obviously. The hardest part was definitely waking up in the morning and having to look at you as if she didn't saw your dick inside of a fleshlight the night before.
Jenna grew up christian. In a american dream type of household. But getting in touch with Hollywood and all of the film industry made her get out of her bubble and quite literally, discover the world. She drank, she smoked, she went to 2AM parties at some A-List celebrity's house that she never even met before. But sex? Never sex. She met a few people here and there, but nothing further. It made her think about that, the fact that she couldn't even be interested enough in someone to actually have some sort of contact with them; but with you, she would stay all night thinking about you fucking her raw and senseless until she couldn't remember who she was.
"Stop teasing, Jenna. We both know you were born to be my cum dump, and mine only." You were so horny imagining having that stranger on her knees while she had her mouth open, waiting for you to dump your cum inside of her pretty little throat. You took your cock out of your pants, a little bit earlier than you've expected, but you were getting so worked up that you didn't even thought about your stream routine. You started to stroke the member gently, feeling your dick pulsate right on the palm of your hand. "I know that you're the only one who can take care of this right, don't you think?"
jenna2709: if you were mine, i would make you cum on my pussy everyday.
Jenna started to get scared. Who was this person that was hiding inside of her? Was she really like that? Is she the female version of Christian Grey and doesn't know it yet? How the fuck she got so horny all of a sudden?
She knew that the reason you were playing that little game with her was merely money. But there was a part of her, a tiny part that hoped that you felt attracted to her as much as she felt to you. Even if you'd never seen her face, or her body. It didn't mattered if she had just met you a couple of days ago; she wanted you to want her, the same way she wanted you.
"And if you were mine, I would carve my name on your belly so everyone would know who you belong to." Oh yes, the knife play.
Jenna wasn't naive or innocent, she knew about fetishes and BDSM practices; and thankfully there was the option of marking your kinks on your own profile when you created your account. The actress spent an embarrassing amount of time researching some of your kinks that were listed on your profile (there was so many things she didn't even knew existed, to be completely honest). And the thought of you doing all of those things with her got her aroused in a matter of seconds.
jenna2709: you could carve your name on my face, for all i care.
jenna2709: i would definitely want people to know that i'm yours.
The rest of the livestream went as usual, you doing all of the things that your subs asked you to, Jenna being awarded as the number 1 tipper for the 5th time in a row, nothing out of the ordinary. You were just about to cum for the second time when Jenna tipped you again with a request.
Wow! "jenna2709" donated $2000 with the message: i want you to cum for me, again.
"You know I never decline your requests, baby. But, let's be fair this time around?" You answered, a little bit breathless, masturbating your cock as hard as you could. "I'll give you a private livestream if you show me your face."
Oh, a private livestream?
Jenna had been following your for awhile now ever since her first time watching your stream. She knew that private livestreams weren't something you did. And yet, you were here, offering one for free, just to see Jenna's face in return. It was a really good offer, but Jenna couldn't accept. If you found out who she was, the shooting would be the most awkward work experience for both of them. It would be like, "Hey, (Y/N)? Can you get this camera ready for me? Also, I've already seen your dick and I'm having wet dreams with you fucking me like the slut I am." So, she took one last breath after she decided to stick with her original plan and decline.
jenna2709: it's a deal.
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