#i remembered who my real friends are. and busted out the rice cooker
sucre-blue · 1 year
rice has never ever betrayed me ✨💜 i love you rice
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ick25 · 6 years
Rockman.EXE Episode 31 Review.
And here is Netto!
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Oh, sorry, that’s my Gulpin who I nicknamed Netto.
Here is Hikari Netto!
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Well, now I remember why I called him that.
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I like how Netto admits that the title is a bad pun. XD
We open the episode with a Star Wars parody for some reason, don’t believe me?
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Long ago in a far away parody...
Netto narrates the text since it’s in english, and we then see a flying curry saucer near the Earth and a shot of Netto’s plane arriving at Namaste, a country known for its curry. Apperantly, Namaste takes this title seriously since we see something resembling the hand of the statue of liberty holding a curry dish.
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As soon as Netto leaves the airport he is greeted by an indian looking man who tells him that he will partake in an “all you can eat curry buffet”. Netto, being the hungry anime boy protagonist, is delighted by this idea and accepts to go with the perfect stranger, despite Rockman’s suspitions.
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We inmediately cut to a fancy hotel where Netto gets ready to eat his first curry meal.
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Before watching this episode I had no idea what curry was, all I took from this episode is that it was some kind of sauce.
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It just looks like a regular dish with rice and meat sauce with some vegetables on it to me.
Netto begins to chow down the curry like crazy, ignoring Rockman’s warnings.
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Soon after we get a montage of all the dishes he has to eat in a single day.
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How is a curry ice cream even posible?!
 Anyway, the curry sushi seems to hit the spot for Netto as he has another over the top reaction, with the indian guy crying with joy.
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What does tasting curry have to do with being in the N-1?
Get ready ladies, because right after this we get a close up of Netto’s belly expanding.
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Rockman is not to be blamed if Hikari Netto explodes.
More belly expansion.
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What’s strange about this scene is the amount of detail they put into these close ups, it’s suppoused to be funny, but it feels like it has another purpose. Then again, I might have a dirty mind. X(
We leave Netto asking for more as we zoom in to some mountains where we find Madoi and Count Elec hand gliding. They talk about Mahajarama summoning them to Namaste and that Hinouken already there. We still don’t know why, but since they are gliding really high their gliders freeze up and the two of them fall into an abyss.
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I’m sure they’re fine.
 We then see Netto’s friends on a ship where Yaito tells them that they should surprise Netto at Namaste since it is his last stop, and what better way to get there fast than in a freaking rocket!
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Even Yaito seems like she’s having second thoughts. XD
Speaking of bad decisions, we return with a shot of a super stuff Netto. Naturally, he is too full to keep eating, but since Netto loves curry so much he wont quit.
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This guy doesn’t see that Netto is too full?
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It took this long for his vest to finally open.
We then see the fat Netto on a bed where the indian guy tells him to get ready to meet the best curry restaurant in Namaste with a very familiar name.
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Good to know your ears are not stuff too.
After this, we cut to Count Elec and Madoi with some souvenirs for Mahajarama.
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I like how the Count gets offended after Mahajarama underappreciates the souvenirs.
Turns out Mahajarama owns a popular curry restaurant that has been in his family for generations, to which Count Elec asks him why he didnt bother paying for airplane tickets for them.
They also ask why he called for the World Three members.
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Well that came out perfectly for you, considering you took the wrong plane in the last episode, but now that I think about it, could Mahajarama had something to do with that too?
Mahajarama tells them the harsh truth about them never getting real jobs and that their only hope is to rebuild World Three, and the only way to do that is for them to finally defeat Netto and Rockman.
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Since the last time you saw them? Because you still believe last episode was a dream, right?
After Hinouken mentions something about team work, we cut to Netto’s friends who are finally at Namaste. Not knowing where Netto is, Yaito tells them that she will track him with her spy satelite and that they will wait in the air for the results.
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She has an automatic lawn mower as part of her security system, a giant tree house that doubles as a secret base, her own private jet, a limo that can drive over water, her own battle submarine, and a freaking rocket! What else is new?
We cut back to the World Three with Mahajarama giving a speech about curry being a combination of different spices and compares it to the perfect team work, as he reveals the other three members rising from the floor with colorful chef hats.
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I like their different expressions, Count Elec looks angry, Hinouken is embarrassed, and only Madoi seems cool with it.
They are all gathered in an underground Net Battle arena that doubles as a curry research lab where Mahajarama reveals a giant machine with several arms like a hindu god.
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Pfff... Puririkko-chan.
This giant machine scans the brain waves of all the World Three members and has the ability to create a curry dish based on their team work.
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Each plate comes with a glass of water, cooked rice, some chopped vegetables and a spoon.
Since they know nothing about team work the taste of the curry is flat out horrible. Mahajarama tells them that if they can master working together the curry will taste better.
Outside of Mahajarama’s restaurant, Netto arrives with Rockman. Their suspitions are confirmed once they see a life zise statue of Mahajarama at the entrance, Rockman warns Netto that it is a trap, but Netto’s stomach proofs to be stronger than his brain since the smell of the curry inside is enough for him to go in.
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Geez, Netto, if it wasn’t just the World Three you would’ve put your life in danger just because you couldn’t resist the smell of curry.
Netto quickly remembers he walked into a trap as soon as he hears Mahajarama’s voice, who captures him inside a ball that transports Netto to the underground floor.
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After commercials, Netto arrives at the underground arena where he is greeted by the World Three operators challenging him to a Net Battle, Netto agrees and sends Rockman into a cyberworld that looks a giant curry stew.
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Just like their operators, Fireman and Elecman can’t wait to fight Rockman and interrupt Magicman’s witty dialogue attemp.
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Rockman points out that they are cowards and the two Navis rush over to attack him, with Coloredman joining in by thowing his ball along with some vegetables he picks up accidentaly hitting Fireman and Elecman who fall in the apperantly boiling curry water.
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Mahajarama nags them and the machine scans them again revealing another curry dish that they dont even bother to taste.
Netto sends in the Shot gun to Rockman, but the four Navis finally work together to block the attack and make a combo. Rockman dodges the attack but a new curry dish is created.
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Normally when lightning strikes, it means something bad.
The World Three curry is getting better as they score another combo attack, which is just them passing Coloredman’s ball to eachother like in a soccer game, and they knock Rockman into a giant bread cooker that rises from the water.
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Rockman is being cooked inside, and it looks like Yaito’s spy satelite can also capture images from the cyberworld because Netto’s friends inmediately receive the footage of Rockman’s face! They figure that Netto and Rockman are in trouble and they hurry to where the footage came from.
Netto points out that the World Three strategy is dirty, but Mahajarama just complements himself by saying that the dirtyness adds that extra flavor to his curry.
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Okay, now the machine has cooked meat too?!
Yaito’s rocket arrives and drops two drilling cars with arms that bust through the ceilling to where Netto and the World Three are, because what can’t you buy when you’re rich?!. After casually greeting him, Netto’s friends plug in their Navis to break the container where Rockman is.
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The World Three Navis proceed to attack them, but Rockman’s friends protect him with a cuadriple barrier. After seeing how in synch they are we eachother, Mahajarama scans the group’s brain waves and a new curry dish appears, literally blowing the World Three away.
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Netto and the others explain to him that their team work is better because they’ve been friends for a long time, and that the best curry is the one that is left out after a day.
Rockman activates a new style change, the Elec Team Style aka Elec Brother Style.
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Somehow Netto knows the Elec Brother’s ability since he asks Tohru to lend him Iceman’s power by using an “extension chip” from who knows where, because I have never heard of that until now.
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The extension chip downloads Iceman’s data into Rockman which might be the anime’s version of a Navi chip, this grants Rockman the power to send his electricity to the WWW Navis and freezing them.
For some other unexplained reason, Piririkko-chan...Pff, blows up after this and Netto and friends manage to escape on Yaito’s rocket just in time, where Netto then tells them that he might not eat curry again in a long time after his experience in Namaste.
Mahajarama survived the explosion where he is found by Beet, he says that he have finally realized that he’s indian curry is superior to the japanese curry and that he will proceed with his plan of expanding his restaurant world wide.
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However, the other World Three operators overhear him and are not happy with the fact that he used them in order to confirm his theory, leading to them beating him up off camera.
Netto finally returns home, where his useless mom had no idea he was coming back that day nor did she even consider picking him up at the airport. Netto asks her what’s for dinner and falls over after she tells him that its curry. And the episode ends with Rockman laughing at Netto’s bad luck and telling the viewers that their trip around the world is officially over.
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She sure seems trilled to see her only son back home! XC
My thoughts?
This episode wasn’t just for comedic purposes, it also lets us know what the former WWW members are up too after the whole Pharohman incident. Any other criminal would just go find another job, because its not like the police know who they are and the Net agents have proved to be useless in arresting people. No, these guys want to keep creating chaos and get revenge on Rockman, Mahajarama already has a different goal, why can’t the others do the same? Just give up already, you’re never gonna beat Rockman!
“Namaste” is an Indian greeting, and in the anime it is the name of a country that seems to be based on India, though it is never mentioned again after this episode.
We also learn what curry is, curry is a dish that was created in India and is a sauce made by combining spices and herbs. Curry is a popular dish in other asian countries who adopted it and created their own curry recipies based on reginal preferences. For example, did you notice how the curry plate created from Netto and his friends teamwork was yellow rice? That is because thats a japanese styled curry. Rice curry is a popular dish in Japan, so in any anime series you will always find atleast one episode where the main characters are eating rice curry.
The Elec Team style is actually named the Elec Brother style, I guess it is because Rockman and Netto are suppoused to be brothers in the game. This style is activated when using Navi chips often, since there are no Navi chips in the anime they decided to let Rockman gain another Navis ability with the help of some “magical” extension chip that appears out of nowhere, seriously, I have no idea where Netto got that thing or knew it was compatible with the new style.
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