#i smoked 1 bowl. i. i cannot stress enough how usually it takes 2-3 to get me high
linuxfemme · 2 months
hi. have just smoked perhaps the best bowl of weed of my life. i always said tigers milk was my fave strain but this might genuinely beat that. fucking. 36% tch with insane terps. im having trouble making this post. my entire brain feels like it's slime in the hands of an enthusiastic 12 year old girl. amen.
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claudiaquek · 4 years
Jeju Food Guide
This is post #2 of my 3-part Jeju guide series. I will take you through the best food options in four areas: Jeju City, Udo Island, Seogwipo and Jungmun. To read post #1 of this series (guide on places to visit in Jeju), click here.
Jeju City: Black Pork BBQ from Black Pork Street, Live Octopus and Abalone from Dongmun Traditional Market, Ginseng Chicken from Jungwon Restaurant
Udo Island: Seafood Noodle Soup, Jajangmyeon and Sweet & Sour Black Pork from Sanho Banjeom, Peanut Ice cream from various cafes on Udo Island
Seogwipo: Steamed Pork/ Beef Noodle Soup from Ollae Guksu, Matcha Desserts and Drinks from Osulloc Tea Museum Cafe, Street Food from Seogwipo Maeil Olleh Market, Freshly-picked Tangerines from a Tangerine Farm
Jungmun: Fried Chicken from BHC, Traditional Korean BBQ on Cheonjeyeon-ro, Banana Milk and Banana Flavoured Desserts from Yellow Cafe
General: Food from Convenience Stores like CU, Lotte Mart and GS25
What to eat in Jeju City
(1) Black Pork BBQ
Walk down the Black Pork Street and spontaneously choose a Black Pork BBQ restaurant from the rows of restaurants serving this delicacy. Black pork (known as the “Wagyu” of pork) is usually smoked over charcoal and grilled until the meat is tender. This allows the smoke to penetrate the meat juices resulting in a flavour unlike other BBQ pork. Black pork is also special because it is sliced thicker than other pork.
For mouth-watering clips of this dish and to see how the pork is supposed to be cooked, watch Strictly Dumpling’s YouTube review.
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My subjective rating: 8/10 
Cost: ~₩24000
(2) Live Octopus and Abalone at Dongmun Traditional Market
I really enjoyed eating live octopus (or san-nakji, 산낙지). The texture of the tentacles is slimy, which somehow goes very well with the sesame oil and salt dipping sauce that came with the dish.
The octopuses are killed just before they are cut and served. The nerve activity in their tentacles make the pieces move posthumously, even as you pick them up to eat. Octopuses have complex nervous systems: two-thirds of their neurons are localised in the nerve cords of their arms. This causes reflex actions to persist even when the octopuses receive no input from their brains.
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There are, however, health hazards that come with eating this dish (for more information, read this article). Take special precaution to chew the tentacles slow and thoroughly before swallowing so that you do not choke.
My subjective rating: 10/10
Cost: ₩25000 for one plate of octopus and one plate of abalone.
(3) Ginseng Chicken from Jungwon Restaurant
Each serving comes with one whole chicken, stuffed with sticky rice and boiled in Ginseng soup. The soup is thick and has a sweet taste with a tinge of bitterness. The dish is very nourishing and is believed to boost your immune system, lower your blood sugar and cholesterol levels and reduce stress. Ginseng Chicken can be eaten by itself or dipped in sesame oil and salt. 
My subjective rating: 8/10
Cost: ₩13000
Address: Singwang-ro, Jeju City, Jeju
What to eat on Udo Island
(1) Sanho Banjeom’s seafood noodle soup, jajangmyeon and black pork
Sanho Banjeom sits just across from Sanho Beach. The restaurant is known for its (i) spicy seafood noodle soup (”jjambbong”) (which contains fresh seafood and locally sourced edible brown alga), (ii) jajangmyeon and (iii) Jeju Black pork cooked in sweet and sour sauce. 
My favourite dish was the the jjambbong - the soup was rich and had a hearty portion of fresh clams and prawns. 
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My subjective rating: 10/10
Cost: ₩21000 for one bowl of jjambbong and one bowl of jajangmyeon
Address: 252 Udohaean-gil, Udo-myeon, Jeju City
(2) Peanut Ice Cream
While cycling along the coast of Udo Island, snack on some peanut ice cream from various shops scattered throughout the Island. Keep a lookout for Jimmy’s (지미스), Dennis Cafe (대니스카페) and Udo Prince Story (우도왕자이야기). The peanuts used in this dessert are locally-grown and are sprinkled over soft-serve ice cream.
Although I liked the dessert, I was slightly disappointed that the ice cream overwhelmed the peanut toppings. The flavours in the ice cream were quite weak without the support of the peanut bits. 
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My subjective rating: 7/10
Cost: ₩4,000 – ₩5,000
What to eat in Seogwipo
(1) Steamed Pork/ Beef Noodles from Ollae Guksu
Steamed pork/ beef noodle soup is one of Jeju’s top delicacies. This dish is served with your meat of choice (tender and thinly sliced), clear broth and a generous serving of noodles. This dish can help you cleanse your palate and keep warm on a cold day.
However, the dish was slightly too bland for me. Having grown up with Singaporean food, I prefer bolder flavours (like those in Nasi Lemak, Chilli Crab or Durian). Nonetheless, this is just my personal preference. If you like foods with a healthier and cleaner finish, you should definitely drop by Ollae Guksu for their steamed noodles.
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My subjective rating: 6/10
Cost: ₩8000 per bowl of beef noodles
Address: 24, Gwiarang-gil, Jeju, Jeju Island 63119, South Korea
(2) Matcha Desserts and Drinks at the Osulloc Tea Museum Cafe
(Read here)
(3) Street Food at Seogwipo Maeil Olleh Market
(Read here)
(4) Freshly-picked Tangerines
Visit a tangerine farm! (Read here)
What to eat in Jungmun
(1) BHC Fried Chicken
The BHC branch in Jungmun is a 5-minute walk from the Teddy Bear Museum and thus is a convenient stop for lunch after you have visited the museum. We ordered two baskets of chicken: (i) soy garlic chicken and (ii) fried chicken with cheddar cheese seasoning. The fried chicken was freshly prepared and served warm. This contributed to the chicken’s "crispy on the outside and soft on the inside” texture. The chicken wings and drumsticks were also doused generously with sauce and seasoning. The portions at BHC are quite large - 2 baskets of chicken were more than enough for the 4 of us. Overall, BHC fared significantly better than the other fried chicken chains we tried in Jeju (like Mom's Touch).
Of course, you cannot have fried chicken without beer (you can read more about this phenomenon at: https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/vvqjq4/behind-koreas-obsession-with-fried-chicken-and-beer). Make sure you remember to order some CASS beer to go with your chicken.
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My subjective rating: *15/10 (best fried chicken I’ve ever tasted!)
Cost: ₩55000 for 2 baskets of fried chicken and 2 glasses of beer
Opening Hours: 11:00-00:00 (closed on Sundays)
(2) Korean BBQ on Cheonjeyeon-ro
The set-up of the restaurant was very unique. We had to take our shoes off before entering the dining area and traded dining tables for traditional Korean mats. 
Ambience aside, the food was good, but did not stand out from the Korean BBQ at other restaurants.
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My subjective rating: 8/10
Cost: approximately ₩14300 
Note: Each bowl of rice came with a free Doenjang Jjigae (Soybean Paste Stew).
(3) Yellow Cafe (Banana Milk Cafe) 
Here, you can find the signature Banana Milk-related products everywhere. The cafe serves beverages, ice cream and desserts with banana milk flavour. It also sells banana milk souvenirs. In addition, the cafe has many photo spots for you to snap pictures for your Instagram.
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My subjective rating: 8/10 (additional points were given for the gimmicks!)
Opening Hours: 09:00-21:30
Address: 2877-13 Yerae-dong, Seogwipo-si, Jeju-do, South Korea
In General...
(1) Food from convenience stores
Convenience stores to you should stop by include CU, Lotte Mart and GS25.
Look out for banana milk, soju, instant rice, packed gimbap and instant noodles. If you like spicy food, you can try the Fire Noodle Challenge (see: https://spoonuniversity.com/news/tried-fire-noodle-challenge-happened).
On a side note, Yakult makes for a very good Soju mixer.
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robertsmorgan · 6 years
9 Proven Indigestion Remedies You Can Try Today
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For most of us, mealtime is a pleasure. Sometimes, though, eating brings the uncomfortable symptoms of an upset stomach, or indigestion. One in four people experiences it occasionally or regularly.[1] While there are a variety of over-the-counter and prescription drugs that claim to target the problem, effective natural remedies to improve your digestion are readily available in your pantry.
What Is Indigestion?
Sometimes called dyspepsia, indigestion causes a painful, burning sensation in your upper abdomen. It may also cause you to feel uncomfortably full during or after a meal, or to burp more than usual. This condition typically affects the stomach and the esophagus, which comprise the upper part of your gastrointestinal (GI) tract.
Symptoms of Indigestion
A burning sensation in your stomach or upper abdomen
A sensation of pressure
A growling stomach
Acidic taste in your mouth
Nausea or vomiting
Diarrhea or constipation
Dyspepsia is not dangerous, but it can affect your quality of life. In order to appreciate your meals and get the full nutritive value of your food, you'll want to keep your digestive system running smoothly.
Indigestion is not the same as heartburn — also called acid reflux — which causes a burning sensation in your chest because stomach acid has entered the esophagus. However, indigestion and heartburn often show up together.
Top 9 Indigestion Remedies
The good news is that you can reduce or manage indigestion by living a healthy lifestyle, making smart choices about your diet, and looking to therapeutic plants and nutritional supplements when needed. All of these remedies have the added bonus of supporting your overall health. Most of these natural remedies are safe but always ask your healthcare provider if you are pregnant or have any specific condition that may interfere.
1. Apple Cider Vinegar
My personal favorite is adding one tablespoon of ACV — organic, raw apple cider vinegar — into a glass of purified water (if you're brave, or experienced, you can also drink the ACV as a shot). Rich in nutrients and probiotics, ACV counteracts an upset stomach and heartburn with enzymes — natural chemicals that break down food so we can absorb the nutrients. The ash (minerals) in ACV promotes proper pH balance in our body.
Take one tablespoon in at least half a glass of water before or after a meal. Be sure to shake the bottle first to mix the cloudy “mother of vinegar" on the bottom. Try adding a squeeze of lemon into the water as well.
2. Ginger
Many traditional plant remedies are highly effective at reducing indigestion.[2, 3] One of the most well-known and oft-used is ginger root. Studies show that ginger reduces nausea and vomiting, and it may help prevent ulcers.[4]
You can chew a bit of peeled, fresh, raw ginger root before or after a meal, or brew it into a tea. Ginger in any form helps protect the stomach and prevent indigestion symptoms such as cramping, bloating, and nausea.
3. Licorice Root
Licorice root comes from a plant in the pea and bean (legume) family. Its anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties help ease indigestion symptoms by protecting the mucus of your stomach lining.
You can consume it the same way as ginger — in tea, or chewed raw if you can find it. You can also take it as a supplement called DGL, or deglycyrrhizinated licorice.
4. Fennel Seeds
Fennel is a Mediterranean plant in the carrot family with a licorice-like flavor. Its oil has many therapeutic uses. Fennel seeds help calm muscle spasms and reduce the gas and nausea of indigestion. If you dine in Indian restaurants, you may have seen a small bowl of them on the table.
Try chewing on half a teaspoon of seeds after meals. Alternatively, add one half-teaspoon of fennel seeds to boiling water, strain, and drink as tea.
5. Black Cumin Seed
The flowering plant Nigella sativa — also known as black seed, black cumin, and black caraway — has been known since at least the time of King Tut to protect the stomach lining, fight inflammation, and repel harmful bacteria.[5]Black cumin seed is a commonly used natural remedy for GI problems including indigestion.
You can chew black seeds whole, ground, or boil them in water to make tea. You can also use organic food-grade black cumin seed oil internally, in small amounts.
6. Peppermint Oil
Peppermint essential oil has many therapeutic properties, including relief for GI problems such as indigestion and heartburn.[6] As an anti-spasmodic, peppermint oil relaxes stomach muscle contractions associated with pain, bloating, and nausea. Peppermint oil also helps fight harmful bacteria.
You can take peppermint oil as a supplement in capsule form, apply it to the skin blended with a carrier oil, or use a few drops to make an after-meal tea. Be careful, though: If you have gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), peppermint could worsen your symptoms. An herbal tea such as chamomile is a better choice.
7. Digestive Enzymes
Digestive enzymes help break down dietary fiber, protein, carbohydrates, and fats. While the body produces these, we can also get them from certain foods — like papain in papaya or bromelain in pineapple. When you don't get enough digestive enzymes — whether through your diet, or your body does not produce them properly — it may cause indigestion.
As you age, your body produces fewer digestive enzymes, making supplementation more important. Eating raw foods also boosts the body's production of enzymes. If you do not eat many raw vegetables and fruits, try taking a supplement containing a blend of digestive enzymes, or one with papain or bromelain, to help indigestion.
8. Probiotics
Probiotics are helpful bacteria or microbes that support digestive health. When “bad" gut bacteria outnumber the good ones, health problems can result, including GI ailments liked indigestion. Probiotic supplements can help restore the balance. A recent study[7] found that people with functional dyspepsia have different gut microbes than other, but something as simple as eating yogurt with Lactobacillus for several months restored healthy probiotic flora and reduced indigestion symptoms.
I recommend supplementing with a probiotics blend, which you can purchase in capsules, pills, and powders. Even better, increase your intake of probiotic-rich foods, like sauerkraut, kombucha, miso, and other fermented foods, or coconut-milk yogurt.
9. Baking Soda
Sodium bicarbonate, also known as baking soda, is a popular indigestion remedy because it quickly neutralizes excess stomach acid and re-balances the body's pH. Mix half a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water and drink it after a meal. If you're taking medications, make sure it's been an hour or two after your last dose before taking the baking soda.
What Causes Indigestion?
The root cause of most indigestion lies in what you put into your body. If you eat certain foods or combinations of food, you may end up with indigestion. These factors may increase your chance of experiencing indigestion:
Eating fried, fatty, or spicy foods
Eating acidic foods such as tomatoes or citrus fruit
Eating dairy if you have lactose-intolerance
Eating too much or too fast
Drinking excessive alcohol
Drinking caffeinated drinks such as coffee or soda
Taking certain medications including NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as ibuprofen) and some antibiotics.
Several conditions can lead to indigestion. Indigestion is common during pregnancy, stress can cause indigestion, and overweight and obese individuals may also have more dyspepsia. Even hormone imbalances can contribute to increased indigestion.
How to Avoid Indigestion
The best way to treat indigestion is not to get it in the first place. Ideally, you should eat a whole-foods, plant-based diet, not smoke, and avoid medications or foods that trigger an upset stomach. Here are some practical ways you can prevent indigestion:
Eat slowly and chew your food completely. If you rush, you may swallow air, which can prompt indigestion.
After eating, wait a while before exercising.
Wait two to three hours before lying down after a meal.
If you need to lose a few pounds, start a fitness regime or diet program.
Reduce your stress. Practice stress-reduction techniques such as meditation or yoga.
When Indigestion Is Something Else
About one-quarter of people with indigestion-like symptoms may have an underlying condition.[8] Some of these include:
Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) (where stomach acid irritates the lining of your esophagus)
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
Irritable bowel disease (IBD)
Peptic ulcers (a sore in the lining of the stomach or intestine)
Gallbladder issues, such as gallstones
Infection with H. pylori or other types of harmful bacteria
Gastritis (an inflamed stomach lining)
Gastroparesis (a condition in which the stomach cannot fully empty)
Celiac disease (inability to digest gluten)
Anxiety or depression
Consult a healthcare professional if you've had indigestion for more than two weeks, are in severe pain, or your indigestion includes any of the following symptoms:
Unplanned weight loss, or appetite loss
Vomiting blood
Black, tarry stool
Trouble swallowing
Extreme fatigue
If your indigestion includes shortness of breath, sweating, or chest pain that spreads to your arm, neck, or jaw, go to the emergency room.
Points to Remember
Indigestion, or dyspepsia, is a common set of symptoms that include upper abdominal pain, fullness, and nausea during or after eating. Smoking, medication, and eating fatty, fried, or acidic foods are some of the factors that can trigger indigestion.
You can usually manage indigestion through diet and lifestyle changes. Apple cider vinegar, digestive enzymes, probiotics, and ginger or licorice root are a few of the remedies that provide relief to many. You can also take it a step further and try to prevent digestion before it starts by eating more slowly, losing weight, and practicing relaxation.
The post 9 Proven Indigestion Remedies You Can Try Today appeared first on Dr. Group's Healthy Living Articles.
from Robert Morgan Blog https://www.globalhealingcenter.com/natural-health/indigestion-remedies/
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99proart-blog · 7 years
Post has been published on Gooeos
Post has been published on http://gooeos.com/2017/02/13/sore-throat11-ways/
11 Ways to Treat Pain in Throat Naturally Powerful
How to Treat Pain in Throat - If you experience throat inflammation? Pharyngitis or a sore throat can caused by bacterial infections and viruses such as in the case of the common cold.
Naturally, body immunity against a sore throat newly formed when we are adults, generally this one disease many attacks in children and adolescents.
A sore throat is very disrupted once, especially when we eat. In addition to the pain when swallowed food, sore throat is usually accompanied by symptoms such as:
The glands that grow in the neck
Tonsils/adenoidal that swelling due to inflammation
Muscle ache
A dry cough and phlegm
Rhinorrhea (a runny nose)
The virus and bacterial infection causes
There are many bacteria and viruses that cause a sore throat. The following are some of them such as:
Parainfluenza viruses, coronavirus and rhinovirus (the causes of the most common)
Influenza Virus type A and type B is also often caused cold/flu
Adenovirus that often cause ocular
Herpes simplex Virus type 1 as a cause of wound scalding around the lips
Some type of bacteria as the cause of infection streptococcal streptococcal
The Virus Epstein Bar (EBV) as the cause of the fever the glands
Difteri: severe respiratory disease.
How to treat sick throat inflammation Naturally quickly
An actually sore throat that you experience will be healed by itself in 3-4 days without the consumption of drugs.
But when the symptoms appear to very disrupt the activities, the following there are some drugs sore throat experience that you can try.
Salt Water
Do not underestimate, salt very powerful to heal the sick throat. These one kitchen spices have an antiseptic property that can kill bacteria or virus that causes inflammation of the throat.
In addition, salt also functioned to dissolve the mucus that is usually found in the throat. You can cure a sore throat with the two ways of using salt water for rinsing out or drink it.
How to treat throat inflammation with salt water:
Provide water white with normal temperature is a glass only
Then dissolve 1-2 tbsp salt tributary
Use the salt to Rinsing out the mouthwash
While for you that includes sputum, please drink.
Still surrounding the herb kitchen, then you can use the garlic. Some experts expressed, garlic has the wombalicin compounds that can help kill bacteria and reduce inflammation.
How to heal throat inflammation with garlic:
Chewable one point of garlic crude still until smooth
Take the white water temperature (normal) and use for Rinsing out the mouthwash
To eliminate this is unpleasant taste I drink honey.
Lemon and honey
Once I discussed the benefits of honey for health, including one can resolve inflammation. But that it may yield maximum, should mix with lemon. This fruit has a womb High vitamin C  that can increase the immune system you.
How to treat a sore throat with lemon honey:
Squeeze excess of fresh lemon fruit and mix with honey in a glass of (much honey can be adjusted appetite)
Directly only drink the mixture that has been made earlier to empty.
Chicken soup
When asked about the drug throat inflammation where the most delicious, surely you will select this chicken soup. In addition to the blessings, chicken soup contains warm broth that can reduce the pain inflammation.
But for you spicy lovers earn do not wear condiment too many of. Why? Because of its spicy taste too excessive force will create inflammation deepens, can even cause the wound in the throat.
Ginger is one of the traditional herbs that can cause the warm sensation in the body. has a womb zingiberene compound that can streamline the blood circulation, removes the poison (detoxification), and of course overcome inflammation.
It is very easy once, among others:
Prepare the spices ginger fresh as needed only and hot water one glass
Beaten spices ginger, then brew with hot water
In order for the taste more delicious, add some natural honey spoon
Drink ginger was little by little and feel the sensation of the chicken in the throat.
White wood oil
You know with the steaming therapy? The treatment of one is quite popular in Japan and the surrounding area.
Steaming is a treatment that is done with the use of steam to streamline the blood circulation, relieving headache, reduce symptoms of inflammation and even ease ache stress.
Therefore, one of the ingredients that you can use for this treatment is white wood oil.
How to treat inflammatory throat with white wood oil:
Prepare a large bowl hot water still evaporated
Apply a drop of hot water earlier with white wood oil
Inhale the aroma of warm out of a large bowl with hot water earlier
In order to warm steam no anywhere, cover with a towel dry
Complete the inhalation of hot steam repeatedly until the inflammation improved.
The bananas
When the throat inflammation attack would have to swallow food is very sick. Some doctors recommend that you consume food soft first. One of soft food rich recommended nutrition is the bananas.
In addition to having a soft texture, banana also has a high potassium content that has proven to be able to reduce inflammation, deter free radicals, and even enhance the immune system. In order not to get tired of clicking consumption, you can also make fruit juice bananas.
Reproduce rest (enough sleep, reduce physical activity, avoid sluggishness)
Basically the throat inflammation will healed himself went hand in hand with the improvement of the immune system. To increase the immune system one only you can multiply the rest.
Remember, rest not only sleep alone. You must also reduce physical activity such as work overtime and sports so that the body is not tired. Because if the body tired, the immune system will return dropped so that more severe inflammation.
Drink more water
Rest alone is not enough to increase the immune system. You must also increase the consumption of water. Ideally the experts recommend that we consume water at least 2-3 liter daily.
In addition to can help to balance the fluid in the body, the consumption of more water can also prevent dehydration due to the throat inflammation.
Stop smoking or inhale smoke
There have been many cases of tumor throat caused by cigarettes. From year to year in the number of patients with tumors of the throat is sharply increased. The World Health Organization (WHO) recorded almost 60 % of patients with tumors of the throat from cigarette addicts.
Early symptoms of tumor throat himself one of them is an inflammation. Therefore, before it is too late better to try to stop smoking start this time also. In addition, avoid smoking because of the same danger.
Candy inhaler throat inflammation or ice cubes
Now this is a lot of emerging candy made specifically for relaxing the throat. You can get various kinds of candy taste in accordance with the appetite. There is a sense of strawberries, orange flavor, and even mint.
Candy suction inhaler throat to resolve inflammation. But when does not have the money to buy candy, you can suck the ice to reduce pain due to the effects of inflammation.
At the right time to meet the doctor
Although can healed by itself in 3-4 days, but you should consult the doctor when experience:
The throat inflammation pain that does not improve for more than 2 weeks
Already sometimes pain in the throat that cannot treated with pain reliever
A sore throat accompanied by fever days of temperatures above 38 C, and cannot be is soothed with drugs
A cough that produces blood.
Earn during treatment above you not many cried out, consume less fatty food, sweet food, oily food (fried), and chemical drugs any type.
How easy is it? This is somehow to treat sick throat inflammation that I can share in this occasion. Good luck and hopefully quickly healed. sore throat,
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