#i still get super excited when you comment on my fics 😂
bi-bats · 1 year
18, 43, and 78 for the Fanfiction Writer Asks?
Oh my god Jpeg!!! Hi!!!! Thank you for the ask 💖💖💖 Sorry in advance for turning this into an essay but hopefully you enjoy it and thank you!!!!
18 - Do you enjoy research? Which fic of yours required the most research?
Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't, honestly. It tends to feel like homework sometimes, but I'm a huge reader and I love reading comics. It's just hard for me to find time between working full time and the D&D campaign I'm writing/DMing and the academic article I'm writing and being in a relationship and figuring out grad school/future stuff. Basically, I'm a really busy person but I just want to read and write fic all day 😭
As for which required the most research that I've already started posting, I'd have to say Know Yourself. I had to read Battle for the Cowl, and I still have to read Final Crisis (is that a spoiler? 👀). I basically did no research for Rooftops & Bookshops (I feel like it shows) but I did read quite a few summaries.
But the fic with the most research I will have to do is definitely the fic I'm going to talk about in the next question, for which I'll have to read Red Robin, Under the Red Hood and some of Tim's Robin run. Probably more, but it'll be worth it.
43 - Is there a trope or idea that you'd really like to write but haven't yet?
YES. So many. I want to write one bed and also time travel and also identity reveal (thank you jaytimweek for forcing me to do it providing me with the opportunity). I actually have two ideas for identity reveal, one of which will hopefully be up for jaytimweek. The other identity reveal is definitely going to be my next long fic. I already know it'll be near 100k words and I PROMISED myself I wouldn't start working on it until Know Yourself is fully posted except for the epilogue (so a few months 😭). The identity reveal longfic is also going to be a soulmates fic 😈 and I think it might technically not be a love square but also it sort of will be? OKAY IF I SAY ANYTHING ELSE ABOUT IT IM GONNA SPOIL SOMETHING NEXT QUESTION
78 - What motivates you during the writing process?
Honestly, I feel sort of shitty being like "people's reactions," because I shouldn't base my worth as a writer on how many kudos/comments I get, etc., etc., and no one reading this should feel any pressure to comment if they don't want to, but when I get to see how someone reacted to my work??? OH that's the stuff.
I tend to be my own worst critic with everything, but especially my own writing, so every time I see a new comment, I have the urge to run to my computer and write. I basically get high off comments, especially when it's from authors I love to read!!! (@ you jpeg. Detective Timothy Drake and the Mysterious Case of the Unclaimed Dildo lives in my head rent free. That fic is a masterpiece.) There's just something about knowing that a writer I love enjoys my work. It really makes me feel confident in my writing, which makes me want to write more.
Also serial commenters!! I'm looking forward to what you think of every new chapter. Also people who just comment ahsjslakhdslkab or second kudos or a heart emoji. And people who post those really long comments theorizing or asking questions or copy/pasting quotes with their reactions??? My favorite. Satisfies the desire I have to watch everyone read my work so I can see them react to it.
Basically, knowing that people are enjoying what I write and want to read more is honestly the biggest motivator for me, which is why I tend to post chaptered stuff. I need the push to keep going, or else my piece would rot in my drafts (like some of my unposted works that I'll resuscitate one day)
Also if anyone reading this has ever commented on one of my fics, just know I think we're besties now. Come say hi. Even if you haven't commented and just want to motivate me to write more! Come say hi!
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chrisevansonly · 9 months
𝐬𝐚𝐟𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐦𝐞 | 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐥𝐞𝐜𝐥𝐞𝐫𝐜
✯social media au
✯charles leclerc x female reader
✯nothing beats the love of a father <3
✯not requested just felt like getting another little something out, im working on some writing prompts and fics as well so i hope they come out soon🩷
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liked by charles_leclerc, francisca.cgomes, leclerc_pascale and 342,000 others
Alia & Mommy day, just missing daddy🩷
tagged charles_leclerc
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username she’s so precious 😭
username i need to know where the blonde genes come from
>ynleclerc my mom!!🥰
leclerc_pascale trop mignonne❤️❤️
>ynleclerc 😘😘
francisca.cgomes the cutest momma and daughter duo
>ynleclerc see you this weekend auntie kika!!
charles_leclerc my girls, i miss you both so much🙁
>ynleclerc we miss you more…see you soon my love❤️
username are we getting alia in the paddock content?👀
liked by ynleclerc
ynleclerc added to their story!
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liked by scuderiaferrari, ynleclerc, carlossainz55 and 768,000 others
then and now, please stop growing so fast mon petit fleur😘
tagged ynleclerc
see 86,000 comments
username she’s growing up so fast😭
username the real og’s remember baby alia
ynleclerc look at her!! she loves the track as much as you char❤️
>charles_leclerc time to put her in karting?
>ynleclerc we’ll talk…..
username alia for the win!!
carlossainz55 okay now bring her over to me, it’s time for our tea party
>ynleclerc that’s why she keeps saying ‘tea with coco’ 😂
>username alia calls carlos coco😭😭
>landonorris why don’t i have a cute nickname😃
scuderiaferrari she’s our favourite guest❤️❤️
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liked by username, F1gossip, paddock news and 4,000 others
charles watching his wife and daughter at his interview in the fanzone today, and then as soon as Alia got fussy and they began to walk away he was super serious, keeping his eye on them. at one point a few fans got a bit too excited and you should have SEEN how upset he was, he left the stage and made sure security attended to his family until he could get to them and make sure they were safe.
remember they are people too and there is no excuse for the behaviour shown today towards the leclerc family.
see 500 comments
username those fans need to a grip
username he’s so protective of his girls :(
username Alia was crying and you could tell Y/N was getting anxious, charles was so quick to jump in and make sure they were safe
username best dad of the year award goes to charles fr
username anyone who tried to scare y/n and alia today aren’t real fans.
username i hope they’re all ashamed of themselves
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liked by charles_leclerc, lilyhme, carla.brocker and 435,000 others
the worlds best father and husband, thank you for loving and keeping Alia and I safe❤️
tagged charles_leclerc
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liked by arthur_leclerc, ynleclerc, apmmonaco and 657,000 others
you’ll always be safe with me❤️
tagged ynleclerc
see 600 comments
arthur_leclerc love you guys❤️
carlossainz55 ❤️
ynleclerc we love you so much char, never forget that
>charles_leclerc nothing like that will ever happen again.
carla.brocker looking forward to giving you guys big big hugs❤️
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ynleclerc added to their story!
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liked by charles_leclerc, scuderiaferrari, leclerc_pascale and 536,000 others
I know we weren’t there to watch in person like we originally planned but we are so proud of you honey! I know Alia was happy to see you when you got home, I swear you can tire her out better than me most days. we love you so much and can’t wait to see you keep winning❤️
tagged charles_leclerc
see 56,000 comments
username YAY CHARLES!
username i still feel so upset that y/n and alia left the race because of stupid fans☹️
username our favourite family!!
charles_leclerc I love you both so much, this win was for you❤️
liked by ynleclerc
scuderiaferrari sending hugs to you all, hope to see you again someday soon❤️
>ynleclerc you can count on it☺️
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pretty-blkgirl · 9 months
hi!! i read one of your fics and immediately came to do a request 🤣❤️. id love a angst to fluff with changbin! maybe he makes the wrong comment or forgets to pick up the reader or literally whatever lol. i just love angst and binnie
-🕷️anon (?)
Hi anon!!!! I was so excited when I seen this because it’s my first request 🥹. I LOVE angst too and while I was writing this, I realized 98% was angst and the fluff ain’t fluffing that much😂. Still, I hope you enjoy and don’t hesitate to request anything else ❤️🫶🏾
Thin Ice
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//gn!reader x idol!Changbin//
Synopsis: Changbin forgets about you….again
Genre: Angst/eventual fluff (kinda sorta)
Warnings: super angsty, sad…not enough fluff (lmao)
You walk into your dark apartment, rain dripping from your heavy clothes. It rained -hard- all day. Usually, you walk to and from work every day but this morning you asked your boyfriend to drive you.
He was ecstatic when you asked. He finally had a couple of days off and wanted to spend every waking moment with you. You and Changbin blasted his group’s music to your job, singing and laughing as rain pounded down on the car.
He swore he’d be outside your building 30 minutes before you even got off. The rain was starting to flood the streets a little, so he texted you every hour to check-in.
Two hours before you got off, he had stopped texting. You thought nothing of it, thinking he was probably napping. It wasn’t until 45 minutes before you were set to leave that you started to call him. He wasn’t answering, which worried you.
At the end of your shift, you left the building and were immediately met with the worsening weather.
The rain sounded like stomps when they met the ground. The bottom of your pants and your shoes would undoubtedly get immersed in water. Even with a jacket and umbrella, you knew you’d still be soaked.
After looking around for Changbin’s car, you conclude that he wasn’t there. No biggie, maybe traffic? Maybe he overslept a little- but was still on his way?
But what if something happened? He wasn’t answering you, and your stomach started to hurt while you thought of any and everything that could have happened.
You called Chan. You knew that if anyone knew where Changbin was, it was one of his members.
Chan’s phone rang for a while, making you even more anxious because he never took this long to answer.
Thankfully, he answered on the last ring.
“Hello?” He asked, voice laced with worry
“Hi Channie! I’m so sorry to call so randomly but I can’t get in touch with Bin. Please tell me you know where he is”
Chan says, “I talked to him a little while ago, he was at the studio last time I checked”
You were taken aback. The studio? Why was he there? He had time off, why was he working?
“You guys were at the studio?” You question
“No, he was at the studio. He said he needed to work on an idea before it escaped him.”
You sigh, knowing how Changbin gets when he’s at the studio. He can’t multitask, he probably couldn’t even hear his phone ringing while working.
You groan loudly, seeing the rain only get worse “Okay. Thanks anyways”
“No problem y/nnie. Are you okay though? Do you need me to do anything?”
You smile despite your current feelings. Chan always wanted to help out, and you would ask him to come get you if the weather wasn’t getting so bad.
“I’m fine, but could you call up to the company and get someone to check in on Bin?”
“Sure! Is that all you need though? Aren’t you off work now? Are you home? Are you safe?”
“I’m safe.” You say, not wanting to explain the situation. Chan seems satisfied with your answer and you two hang up just as a loud boom of thunder erupts in the darkening sky.
Your coworkers are all rushing to their cars to get home, You on the other hand go to your building’s lobby and sit down.
Hours go by and not a single call from Changbin. Chan did tell you a staff member looked in on him, and he was fine, just in his zone.
You didn’t want to be upset, but you were. When work was involved, nothing else around him mattered. You wanted to believe you didn’t take a backseat to his career, but this event had your mind racing.
This isn’t the first time he forgot about you when his job was involved. He had a habit of ignoring you during the little time you guys had together to work.
The studio was his place, and you knew that.
You loved how passionate he was about the things he liked- but you wanted him to be just as passionate about you and you guy’s relationship.
Changbin was far from being a bad boyfriend, he was an amazing partner, but things like this made you sick to your stomach.
Once the rain calmed down a little, you attempted to call a cab but the streets were a little too flooded. You had to walk home, getting completely drenched.
That brings you to the present, standing in your dark living room while listening to the sounds of the shower running.
He was home. He didn’t even call you to tell you he had gotten home safe.
You walk through the apartment until you reach your bedroom. There, you begin to strip out your wet clothes. You didn’t stop until you were down to your underwear. You took the clothes and placed them in your hamper while hearing the bathroom door open and footsteps near the bedroom.
Changbin entered the room and immediately froze. He looked over your body, still wet from your clothes. He looked at your face, and a scarily calm expression was staring back at him.
He immediately felt bad, rushing over and giving you the tightest hug. You couldn’t even hear the string of apologies leave his lips, it all sounded like a jumbled mess in your ears.
Fortunately, you didn’t want to hear it. You gently pushed him off you and walked out of the room, him following after you.
You walked into the still steamy bathroom and took your undergarments off, Changbin decided to sit on the sink and watch as you turned the water on and stepped into the shower.
Some more apologies, but you expertly ignored him. You spent 25 minutes in the shower, trying to calm your nerves. Changbin stayed the whole time, switching between begging for your forgiveness and going silent.
You could hear him sniffling, so you knew he was crying. You hated seeing him cry, but you were too upset to care at the moment.
Once out of the shower, he handed you a towel and you took it without any real acknowledgment.
He walked behind you into the bedroom and sat on the edge of the bed, head down while you got dressed.
He was still sniffling, but you kept a poker face.
“Baby please talk to me” He begged for the nth time. No answer.
“I’m so sorry. I know I said I wouldn’t work during my break. Please forgive me, I swear this will never happen again”
You rolled your eyes at that one.
“Y/n PLEASE. I know I fucked up, but don’t ignore me, baby. I can’t stand it when you don’t talk to me. Yell or scream if you need to! Just don’t ignore me”
Again, no answer. You walked out of the room and to the kitchen, Changbin still hot on your tail.
He still had his robe on from when he got out of the shower, which made you chuckle a little. In the kitchen, you started to heat some leftovers as your boyfriend stares at you.
After a short while, you were ready to chew him out so you looked up, meeting his eyes.
“Go put some clothes on” You simply said, making him dash to the bedroom. It took him a couple of seconds to throw something on and rush back to the kitchen. By that time, the leftovers were ready and you were fixing two plates.
He watched quietly and muttered a “thank you” when you handed him a plate. You two walked wordlessly to the dining room. You took a seat and he sat across from you, still staring.
You began to eat, but he didn’t. He had lost his appetite. You met his gaze and mocked a confused look, “Not hungry? You must have eaten at the studio”
He sighed, ready to apologize again but you cut him off, “I’m hungry, that walk in the rain left me a little famished.”
“Baby please” He begs.
You giggle bitterly, still stabbing at the food on your plate, “You know, I love how hardworking you are. I love the way you love music. However, if your love for music overshadows your love for me- then this won’t work out”
You take a big bite from your food before setting your fork down. You take your time to chew, swallow, and wipe your mouth with a napkin.
“I’m sorry. You know how I get when I have an idea”
“That’s not a fucking excuse Changbin”
He jumps at your use of his name. You rarely call him by his name, always preferring a pet name.
“You’re right, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have gone down there, I shouldn’t have forgotten about you”
“You always forget about me when music is involved. Which, I get that this is your career, but damn. I’m always taking a backseat to your career and I try to be understanding but THIS was my last fucking straw”
“Baby don’t say that, please. I swear I’ll do better”
“You said that when you forgot about my work dinner. You said that when you forgot about Valentine’s Day. You’ve said that after every single date night you forgot. I’m sick of this shit Changbin, seriously.”
You stand now, prompting him to do the same. Tears were once again running down his face and were threatening to start to roll down yours.
“I respect that this is your job. I knew what I was getting myself into when we got together. But I have given you a lot of grace, all I ask for is a little of your time. We finally have an extended amount of time together and you PROMISED you wouldn’t work. Not to mention, I didn’t even ask you to do that- YOU made that promise”
He sighs, head hanging in pure disappointment.
“Baby you’re right. I wronged you, and I keep wronging you. But I swear this will never happen again. Not ever. I will never hurt you like this again. I will never make you question our relationship again”
Your tears start to fall now, “I don’t know if I believe you Bin”
His heart sinks when he hears that, mentally kicking himself for making you feel this way.
“Y/N you’re the single best thing to ever happen to me. I love you so much that it’s not fathomable. You’re more important than anything and everything. I’ll give up this fucking career if it means I can spend the rest of my life with you.”
He gets down on his knees in front of you, grabbing your hands and holding them tightly. The look on his face made you want to instantly forgive him and forget everything, but you knew you needed to stand your ground.
This couldn’t happen again.
“One more chance baby. Let me show you how much you mean to me. Let me spend the rest of our lives making sure you know how much I love you.”
You look away, a quiet sob escaping before hesitantly nodding.
“I love you so much,” You say, “So I’ll give you one more chance. But this is your last chance. You’re on thin ice. Please don’t let anything like this happen again”
“Wouldn’t dream of it.” He says, standing and taking you into his arms.
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scyllas-revenge · 2 months
I've been encountering post comments of people flipping out over the Bridgerton S3 teaser clip where Anthony sneaks a kiss on Kate while dancing in front of the ton. It made me realize that Boromir was quite bold and brazen with the way he interacted with Reader (Aerdis) in "Breathe".
Getting so close and intimate, publicly, with a lady who was not his wife or even anything?? All the pearl clutching!! 👀😂
Real question, though: what are your thoughts, opinions, or headcanons about social protocols and restrictions in Gondor/Minas Tirith regarding interactions between unmarried men and women? Do you see it as a climate similar to the Regency Era, or something less restrictive? I guess it wasn't super conservative, considering the Farawyn public canoodling... unless that was a great scandal in itself. 😂
Oooh I love this question! (and I'm so excited for Bridgerton S3!!) Here are entirely too many of my thoughts XD
You know how much I love your Breathe fic, and I think acting a bit outside of social norms fits Boromir very well- he seems like the type to feel every emotion very intensely, and while he's very aware of social norms, he's not going to let them get in his way for long. (be still my heart, fetch me my smelling salts at once)
That being said I don't personally imagine Gondorian society to be quite as restrictive as regency-era England, just because the regency era was SO restrictive. There were SO many social taboos and particular ways you had to navigate social settings, and while I'm not an expert on them all, a lot of aspects of Jane Austen's books still stand out to me as just insane, like never referring to your spouse by their first name, even when you're just chilling at home with your kids. No hand touching if you're not wearing gloves, no dancing with someone more than twice in one setting (unless you're making your intentions VERY clear), etc. And alongside that, you get a lot of class restrictions too, like only certain pastimes being considered "proper," and everything from manners of speaking and sitting and chewing your food can mark you as uncouth and poor (I'm thinking of Emma here, and all the minute ways Emma has to teach Harriet to be an upstanding member of society. It's exhausting!).
I think some of these taboos would carry over to Gondor, like needing a chaperone to hang out with a person of the opposite sex before you're engaged, and minimal touching or displays of affection (and yes, I think the Farawyn kiss was VERY scandalous, people were probably gossiping about that one for ages lol). But some of the smaller more restrictive social norms of regency society probably don't apply (unless I want them to, for heightened drama).
Overall, I'm going to say that 1. social norms probably are bent out of whack a bit both during and a while after the war, just because people had more important things to worry about, and 2. Boromir and Faramir are a half-step away from royalty in Gondor, so their behavior probably gets a pass most of the time anyway.
As for the class restrictions, I think once again Boromir gets to bend a lot of rules here- he's probably very aware of how other nobles behave vs commoners, but I don't think he cares much and is probably a bit sick of all the hoops higher-class people have to jump through just to navigate a basic social situation. I also think that, because he's a soldier, he's more attuned to the rest of his citizens than other nobles might be. Plus he's had to cook his own meals, take care of his own horse, clean and sharpen his own weapons, mend his own clothes while on the road, etc. Nothing is beneath him by now. That was probably true for a lot of people during the war regardless of wealth or class, so I'm imagining a bit of the class division kind of dissolving, at least temporarily, after the war. Everyone emerged from it in different places with a different view of the world than when they started.
Finally, I personally really like the idea of some Ancient Roman influence on Gondor (they have aqueducts, I just know it! And I love the idea of Gondorian women wearing those Ancient Roman woven hairstyles) but unfortunately I haven't been able to find much on Ancient Roman societal norms online outside of how they approach meals (which we can tell from the books and films doesn't really apply anyway). So that idea might be a bit of a dead end.
Anyway, thanks for the ask!!! And sorry I wrote such a long rambling response, but you hit me with such an interesting question XD I couldn't help it!
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rhoorl · 9 months
Week in Review | Sept. 3
Happy September and welcome to another week in review! This past week had been circled on my calendar for a while. Do you ever have those weeks that you know are going to be an absolute cluster? Well, that was this week for me at work. On top of that, we had a hurricane to track...luckily we are all safe!.
I was so overwhelmed by all of the messages and comments sending good vibes my way this week. It seriously gave me some much-needed wind in my sails. Anyway, here we go to my fic recs and other fun stuff under the "read more" because I'm apparently super long-winded this week in everything I do 😆
Fics I read this week:
Three of my absolute favorite fics posted final chapters this week. Congrats to Megan, Mel, and Jo for wrapping up the main stories, and I'm looking forward to your epilogues and anything else you share! 
Frankie Morales
The Layover by @goodwithcheese - I’ve been shouting about this one for a while now and Megan just keeps knocking it out of the park. While I’m sad that this story came to an end, I’m so excited to reread it and for the epilogue. (I'm especially keen to reread that scene where Frankie and the boys clear the yard)! 😉
Shared Breaths by @frenchiereading - Another great Frankie fic that I’ve been following for a while! Frankie deserves the world and this story is just so sweet! The epilogue Mel posted was just … ugh so good! It made me feel every emotion. And she also posted a behind-the-scenes post that was so interesting and insightful. I love seeing how others organize and work on their stories.
Just a Number by @linzels-blog - There was a fun little extra published this week about a girls’ night that was especially fun! I'm loving Frankie so much in this.
The Pilot and His Girl by @avastrasposts - If you’ve followed me for a while, you know I love this TLOU/TF crossover so damn much. And with the inclusion of a couple of Millers into the story recently I’ve been over the moon.
Javier Peña
Late Night Texts by @mvtthewmurdvck - The concept for this fic is so good and I love how the relationship between these two evolved. I was an utter mess reading the last chapter. Bravo!
La Camisa Negra by @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin - I feel like a moth called to a flame anytime there is a mention of black shirt Javi … and now there's a whole one-shot dedicated to it 🫠. Speaking of Angela, she put together a compilation of her favorite Frankie fics and was sweet enough to include Delta Landscaping, so thank you!
It’s Never Too Late by @javierpena-inatacvest just gave us all of the content this week! Besides, the main story there was also this ask called Again that made me lose my damn mind! 🫠
Jack “Whiskey” Daniels
The House by @gemmahale. Chapter 3 was posted this week and it was a fun journey through time to see how OFC grew up going to her adopted grandfather’s farm which was located next to the Stateman Distillery.
Marcus Pike
Sick Day by @trulybetty - Our favorite FBI agent is under the weather. I just love the fluff and domesticity of this, there's nothing like someone taking care of you when you're sick. 🥹
Dieter Bravo
I am deep in my Dieter feels these days with Working Title and as a result, I haven’t been reading much with him. The only exception is  Destiny & Deliverance by @mysterious-moonstruck-musings - Ugh, this one is so good! Between all of the teasers and hints dropped along the way, I’m so intrigued to see where this one is going!
Benny Miller
I’ve been in the deepest of deep dives with all things Garrett Hedlund, particularly Benny Miller. I just have to show this post again and the photo that came out with Garrett and Charlie (and then the subsequent video of Garrett at the roller rink). I mean, sir, are you serious?! I’m still not fully recovered. Thank you @musings-of-a-rose for giving me a crash course in all the Garrett content I've missed … and for letting me run feral in your DMs about this man 😂 Also, today is Garrett's 39th birthday, so yay. I hope that he has a great day!
Anyway, @wildemaven posted a one-shot titled  Supply & Demand that shows Benny at his best - sexy, charming, and sweet.
Things I watched:
I didn’t really get a lot of TV in this week that wasn’t the 100th rewatch of Frozen for my daughter. We have tried to sprinkle in some other movies like Tangled and Zootopia, but Elsa is her girl and who are we to deny her?
Last week, I talked about the method my husband and I use to go and see movies. This week, I went and saw The Curse of the Demeter. I know this is based on a chapter in Dracula, but I’ve never read it, so I can’t give any insight as to how true to the text the movie was or wasn’t. It was fine. Like, it was suspenseful…not super scary (I mean, you know it’s Dracula and he’s going to bite people). If I had to put it on a scale of 1-5, it would be like a 3. Perfectly fine movie, but there are other movies I’d tell you to go see first.
My husband went and saw The Haunted Mansion after I raved about it last week and he confirmed a lot of my thoughts, especially that LaKeith Stanfield is amazing in it.
Not in theaters, but I watched Mojave last night - that scoundrel Garrett Hedlund strikes again, but Oscar Issac is in it too! I liked it, but then again it may have been because of how hot Garrett looked and sounded in it! I mean look at this man:
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Things I'm excited for:
Tonight I’m going to my first-ever Halloween Horror Nights event at Universal. We have a babysitter so mom and dad are ready for a date night! The only mission I have is to do the Last of Us house. There’s also some cool Last of Us-themed food that I want to try as well. I’ll report back and share some photos if anyone is interested. I'm sure to be channeling my inner Pedro-at-the-Beyonce-concert and saying "I'm fucking dying" at how amazing it's all going to be.
Fic updates:
Both WIPs had new chapters this week! I keep adding ideas for future one-shots and possibly a series, I’m not quite sure yet. I need to concentrate on the two I have going right now though! Thank you to everyone who has read and left me feedback and sent messages - it means so much!
Anyway, that’s all for me! If you made it this far, thank you for reading my ramblings. I hope you have a great week!
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chaos-monkeyy · 7 months
20 Questions for fanfic writers
Tagged by @trainofcommand and @cordeliaperry , thank you 😁
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
969,232 !
(I had a soft goal of trying to break a million this year, but I probably won't quite make it. Ah well, next year!)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Literally anything I see or read that happens to hit squirrel-brain in the right spot: Stargate, Star Wars, Cosmere / Stormlight Archive / Sanderson's books generally, Loki series & other MCU media, OFMD, Good Omens, Dresden Files, Star Trek (and one-offs for random-ass shows like the Mentalist, 1899, tLoVM, Echoes, etc). Honorable mentions to past beloved fandoms that I'm not super likely to really get back to again include Midsomer Murders, the Witcher, Assassin's Creed, and the Expanse 💕
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Top spot is A wonderful thing (OFMD); the next four in order are all Witcher - A Tight Fit, Stolen Moments, Keep it up, and Undignified.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do! I love seeing people's reactions, and letting them know how much I appreciate that they took the time and energy to comment (because fuck knows, I don't always have the spoons to comment on stuff myself). And it's so nice to get that connection with people and get excited about stuff together!
(I have missed some replies here and there just because of over-stressing about what to respond, and subsequently feeling guilty that I left them unanswered so long 🙈 ahh, anxiety-brain, you sure are special)
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
This is one is easy, it's definitely Zombie / what's in your head. One of only two times I've written Major Character Death, and the only time I've used the Angst and Tragedy tag.
It's fucking brutal, honestly. Damn good, but ouch. Dark. Sometimes I reread it when I just want to cry hopelessly for awhile. It's like an... emotional reset or something.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Most of my fics have happy endings in the happy-sexy-sated vein, but most of my fics are also happy-sexy-oneshots so there isn't any real conflict or worry to come back from that makes the happy ending something that wasn't a given, if that makes sense. My first thought for something more involved was Inflection Point, but it's not exactly a happy ending for everyone. So I think I'll go with Curious Creatures, because even though I know how it ends and I wrote the damn thing, I still somehow get worried it will have a sad ending every time I go back and reread it, and then I'm relieved all over again at the end.
(Honorable mention to the Adventures of Admiral Prawn and Yee-Claw, because how can we not be happy that he found his lost hat with the help of a new friend 😂)
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Honestly nowhere near as much as I'd kind of expect to? 😆
I had some rando dickhead giving me grief in comments on a couple Assassin's Creed fics, and I've seen people griping in fandom social media spaces about a couple of my works and the fact they (gasp) existed in the tags at all, but mostly people have been decent and kept it to themselves when they don't like me or my writing 💖
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
Yes. All of it. All the smut.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Not really! Never published one to AO3. Closest I've got is that Witcher-Assassins Creed WIP languishing in my google docs, and a silly fun little SGA-Original SW thing on tumblr from probably a couple years ago now.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Pretty sure, yeah. Not to the point of really being able to do anything about it but it kinda sucked. Shit happens.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! A couple of them that I know of 😁
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
Oh hell yeah. Many times 💕
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
Mmm I have two published WIPs that fall into that category exactly, Ill-advised encounters and The skills of Assassins. They were really fun, I'd have really liked to finish them, annnd I probably never will 😅
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think I'm pretty damn good at pacing a story, whether it's a oneshot or a longer fic, and at getting ~feelings~ across (whether it's horny feelings, smushy soft feelings, angsty feelings, whatever). And I've been told that I'm good at like... developing a setting and characters in a way that flows or unfolds naturally with the story while you read? Or something like that? (they said it better and it made me very happy)
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
That would be not getting things actually started and just keeping the ideas in my head because What If this time I can't make the words do the thing good enough. Especially whenever I have ideas for something potentially longer or more involved, I do tend to kinda shoot myself in the foot by going "eehhhhh that would be a LOT of work though.... I don't want that kind of commitment....... Maybe I'll write down the idea later............"
Also being constantly distracted by shiny new things. But that part's fun 😆
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I use italics, try to limit it to single words or short phrases, and where possible I make the meaning clear or translated somehow within the fic itself. Last resort, I'll add a little glossary to the start or end notes if it's important to the story.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Midsomer Murders 💖
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
I genuinely don't have a favourite! There's a few I'm extra proud of myself for accomplishing, but I really like most of what I've ever written for one reason or another.
Or another answer would be, my current favourite changes like every week and is usually one of my recent fics 😂 Right now it's probably The Taste of My Blade; it'll be something else in a month.
No pressure tags: @dewdropreader , @mirilyawrites , @starport-seven-five , @loki-is-my-kink-awakening , @dedkake , @wantonwhale , and I won't spam tag all the same people as I did in yesterday's tag game in case you're not feeling it right now, but as always - if you see this and want to be tagged, you are! 💙
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cuips-not-cute · 1 month
Heya cuips! Long-time listener, first-time caller (not entirely true, I've left a comment of each brl chapter so far 😂)
blinking red light has permanently burned itself into my brain at this point, and I'm so keen for the next update! I, no joke, stare at the AO3 tab in my Chrome app like it's my husband who's currently at war.
Other than the GO fic that you have labelled as the main inspo, what inspired you to write brl and fanfiction as a whole?
Ps. Hope you're having a good day❤️
aww well hello!! you are such a sweetheart omg,, however i could not find a comment under this same username on ao3, what handle do you use on there? (and if you use the same one and i somehow missed you then i am so so sorry<3)
ahhh it really means a lot that you're excited about the next update, i'm sincerely hoping to post it within the next few days, but if i can't finish it by this sunday i'll put it up next weekend for sure!! it's at almost 12k now, super chunky.
hmm i think it really was just closed set that inspired it!! i remember being at work last july and daydreaming about the fic & thinking about how much i loved it when i suddenly realized, "hey wait a second, i could steddie-ify this" and i kinda let that idea simmer for a while (was still working on cyclical at that point and i am not the type of person who can write multiple wips at a time) before reaching out to @racketghost about potentially writing smth inspired by their fic!! and they of course were really lovely about it so i started the planning process which took FOREVER because i actually ended up rewriting ch1 several times,,, fun fact originally the plot was gonna be "eddie lies about making tapes with steve harrington to a gang of bullies in order to save his ass from getting beat, except now he feels bad about it and goes to steve to come clean, cue shenanigans when steve offers to actually make the tapes" but i reallyyy wasn't liking what that was doing to eddie's character, plus i couldn't figure out how to make it fit within the post s4 timeline i wanted to write it in because i am just a SUCKER for post canon fics. however it was a bee in my goddamn bonnet and i was GOING to figure out how to make it work because i really really wanted to write a steddie sex tape au inspired by one of my fav stories in the world, so through a hearty combination of bitching and moaning about it to my most incredible friend @lollaika, actually rewatching zack and miri, and generally pacing around the kitchen while the puzzle pieces slowly fell into place i finally figured out how i needed the plot to work and voilà, chapter one!!
as far as writing fic as a whole tho? i can't pinpoint one thing that got me into it, but i've always kinda been a writer, used to have a blue glittery notebook i carried around everywhere as an elementary schooler for that exact reason, and that love for stories has just stuck ever since!! and then getting into fandom opened my eyes to a whole new world of writing that i gotta say i like a whole lot. like so much. you people are the fucking greatest❤️❤️
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tagalongifyoudare · 2 years
Hey there :) I just love your thoughts and observations about all the little (and big) things in YR, and that ep4 flashback scene in your (amazing!) fic has got me thinking about something again. So I'd like to pick your brains if that's ok... :)
I've never really read about it that much and it might not be important, but to me it's kind of meaningful... That when Wille & Simon lie down and Wille is spooning Simon, Wille is actually very clearly getting aroused. I'd never really picked up on that before (although I mean it's pretty much to be expected, given the little sounds Simon's making and how he's clearly enjoying himself and also, well, just being Simon really), but I recently read this comment about it, and since then I can't really unsee it. The clue being that once Simon is asking Wille if he remembers what he said, Wille gets up and frantically starts pulling his blanket over his lap. I kind of used to overlook this previously, assuming that maybe he's shuffling around trying to get up or looking for his shirt or whatever--but no, he's clearly just covering his crotch. And judging from that millisecond glance we see Simon giving him, following by that tiny smirk, I kind of feel like Simon caught on to him as well. Wdyt?
I think it's kind of cute and, frankly, relatable, but what actually gets me here is that I feel their following interaction is kind of running on two tracks: Simon saying "Wille, it's okay" with that look he gives him kinda refers to two things now, and it definitely explains why Wille is blushing THAT hard in that moment… Also, when Wille moves on top of Simon after Simon has said he likes him too, the first thin he does actually is pushing the blanket away, in this super determined and forceful movement. To me, that's kind of beautiful and poetic--with a split-second decision, he gets that there's no need to hide himself (or his feelings) in front of Simon anymore, and there's that really determined + unapologetic version of him coming out at that moment (the one I'm hoping we get to see more of in S2).
Haha, boy that's a really long paragraph just thinking about a (fictional!) teenage boy's bodily function, gahh! But what actually fascinates me here is the double meaning aspect, the two layers this interaction is kind of happening on (at least in my mind)--if that makes any sense? I'd love to hear your opinion on it :) Is that all just in my head, or do you see it too, and does it change something about your perception of the scene / their interaction at all? I personally think since every tiny little detail in YR appears to be there for a reason, there must have been a decision amongst Rojda, Sara, and the actors at least about including that...
OH MY GOD!!!!!
First of all, this is beautiful. I am delighted that my obsession with YR is bringing you joy!
Secondly, I am so glad you are liking my fic; it started out as like a 3 chapter scene I couldn't get out of my head. It is now over 90,000 words and still growing 😂 (I may have added to one of the scenes based on this ask!)
Thirdly, thank you so much for the ask! The depth and thought in this question brings so much excitement to my heart. Also I had to rewatch this scene to properly answer, which always warrants a thank you! Onwards to the answer!!
This got away from me by a lot, so enjoy a lot of my unhinged ramblings below!
One of my absolute favorite things about YR (yeah, yeah, I know, I say that about every part of it 🤷🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️) is that I honestly don't think there is anything in it that is unimportant; I think that every detail, every aspect is very meaningful, and very intentional.
As they lay down, Wille is already studying Simon. Wille holds his body almost cautiously as he allows Simon to settle comfortably. Wille seems sure of his desires, but still cautious. As they are lying down, Simon seems more visibly unsure; just allowing Wille to move him. He wants this, but is still unsure of what Wille is wanting or thinking. Simon looks surprised and delighted when Wille places his arm underneath his head; I think Simon was just planning to just lay down on the bed. Simon immediately grabs Willes hand, and starts playing with it. Simons breath becomes slightly quicker when Wille plays with his hand too. Simon is being just as effected as Wille.
Willes eyes never leave his face as Simon is nestled within his arms. Wille is just making sure this is okay, that Simon wants this too. (Side note-I think Wille has a hard time trusting people's intentions when it comes to being around him; another thing about the "it's okay" that makes the double meaning such perfection). You can hear Willes breath catch just slightly as Simons hands begin stroking his other hand, and up his arm. Simon wants this too. Wille just keeps studying him.
The real changing point for me is when Simon kind of twines their fingers together. It is such a tender caress; you can hear both of their breathing change. It feels so intimate, so loving. They had to feel each others breathing change in that moment. This is when Wille begins to shift his body around minutely. I think this is when he starts to actually think about their positions, and that if he gets aroused; Simon will know. We can see Willes face heating up just slightly.
Then the camera pans back, and we can see Willes breathing speed up, just slightly. Simon is studying their entwined hands; he can feel Willes arousal, and he wants Wille too. For Simon it is complicated though, because of the drugs/alcohol and because of everything with Micke. I think that Simon asked BECAUSE he felt Wille getting aroused. Before anything happens, Simon has to know if Wille remembers, if Wille meant what he said, if Wille will admit to it in the sober light of day.
And so Simon asks, and they both panic.
I think Simons initial thought is panic that he misread the situation, as he has done before (the music room scenes to name just a few....it's really complicated....you get it). His second thought is of feeling Wille aroused, and so he smirks. Simon always seems so delighted and proud when he can effect Wille.
You are so right about the blankets and the double meaning it adds to the interaction; I am absolutely OBSESSED with this new detail. The amount of times I have watched that scene, and never picked up on it is why I love YR so so much. I always just assumed it was Wille being nervous and awkward and panicking. NOPE, he is straight up covering his lap; and Simon definitely clocks it. This gives so much additional beauty and care and meaning to Simon reassuring Wille.
On one level Simon is reassuring Wille that it is okay to physically feel how he is feeling, it is okay to want Simon. Simon with his gentle words, and his little teasing smile, is trying to let Wille know he doesn't have to be embarrassed. Simon is trying to let Wille know that Simon is right there with him, that Simon feels the same. And yes, this 100% explains the level of Willes blush!
On another level other, Simon is telling Wille that it is okay to remember what he said, it is okay to have said it, it is okay to feel it. I think that this is so important. Wille has spent to much time fighting against his feelings for Simon; he needed to be told that how he is feeling is valid, is normal, is okay. (Sad side note-Simon is also the only person to tell Wille that they did nothing wrong after the video is leaked 😥)
I love the determination with which he climbs on top of Simon. The way you said it sums it beautifully. "To me, that's kind of beautiful and poetic--with a split-second decision, he gets that there's no need to hide himself (or his feelings) in front of Simon anymore." The fully trust each other in this moment; you can see it in how Simons body follows Wille as he moves, in the way they they look at each other, in the way they touch each other, in the speed with which they lose their clothes.
Another thing I think is so beautiful about this scene is their lack of doubt. After Wille moves the blanket, and climbs on top of Simon; all hesitation is gone from both of them. Neither of them question, or faulter, or hesitate; they just enjoy each other. So often in queer media, the characters first times (especially with someone like Wille who may not have really thought about boys before) are portrayed as uncomfortable, and often layered with doubt and hesitation. YR portrays it as awkward (because it absolutely would be) but without hesitation. They both feel so comfortable and safe and free with each other; it is just so breathtakingly soft and perfect.
This got well and truly away from me. Thank you very much for this ask! It gave me so much to think about, and an added perspective on this scene. I am always so amazed, and excited that this community is always finding and sharing new details. It feels like I got something new, even though it might just be one shot in a scene I have seen a hundred times; it makes me just as excited as the first time I saw it. Thank you for that!! I hope you enjoyed my very long answer 🤦🏽‍♀️ and that it at least included something you were hoping for! 🎶🫀👑
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allylikethecat · 4 months
ally!!! congrats on finishing the january prompts !!! i have enjoyed them so much & am very happy to have 31 prompts to look back on when i’m need of some fictional!george and matty
also!!! as the self-proclaimed #1 fan of YKWTCI I was very excited for this update and it did not disappoint (tuesdays have quickly become my most anticipated day of the week thanks to u and ur fics)).
Poor fictional!taylor and fictional!matty are clearly going through it & you portray their struggles so well. I am especially loving how you portray fictional!matty & his struggles with his new found fame as taylor’s boyfriend ((also the fact that the money from fictional!taylors drawer went ‘missing???’… hmmm wonder who took that - such a good detail!!!)
also fictional!george makes an appearance?????!!! YAY. I love me some fictional!george and cannot wait for a fictional!tay & george interaction — i feel that the angst & jealousy may just be unmatched.
last thing and i’ll shut up!! — the equestrian fic??!!!? do i know anything about horses?? no. do i know that i am absolutely going to devour this fic? yes. the enemies to lovers vibes are so strong and this version of fictional!matty seems so soft & i am in love with him already. i am VERY excited to see where this goes!!
— 💌💌💌
Hello My Dear 💌 Anon! I hope you are well!
Thank you so much for following along on the January OTP Prompt Journey! It was a lot harder than I thought it was going to be, but I had a lot of fun with it, and am super proud that I was actually able to finish them all! (And also so grateful for everyone that read them- thank you so much for being so wonderful and encouraging!) If you're looking for all of the January OTP Prompts one place, or any of my other prompt fills, they can all be found HERE.
I'm smiling so hard at the idea that Tuesdays are becoming a favorite day because of the updates! Thank you so much for following along and the continued support of this fanfic endeavor! I am *also* a huge YKWTCI fan, and am so happy that people are still willing to give it a chance after all of the May drama with these two IRL. I was really excited about this update and am so happy it didn't disappoint!
Oh my gosh thank you so much 🥺 Fictional!Taylor and Fictional!Matty are both very sad and fucked up in their own ways in this fic, (I've been calling them my fictional bisexual disaster duo lol) and I have really enjoyed writing them and developing their characters and motivations. Getting to explore Fictional!Matty's relationship with his essentially "over night" fame in this fic is also a lot of fun- I can't imagine a universe where the character I've created with all of his issues would handle it well, and that it wouldn't have an impact on his self worth only being "desired" because of who his parents, and then later his "girlfriend" are. I was also way too excited about the missing money bit 😂 and was so very much hoping that someone would comment on it so a HUGE thank you for that😂 (this is like when I was very eagerly waiting for someone to comment on Fictional!Matty doing coke in Fictional!Taylor's bathroom and her totally missing it- and then being SO EXCITED when someone commented about it, I'm like yes, excellent, my hints are obvious enough lol)
We still have another chapter before Fictional!Taylor and Fictional!George meet (the meeting will be going down in lucky Chapter 13!) but I am SO EXCITED about their pissing match as they essentially both try and mark Fictional!Matty as theirs meanwhile Fictional!Matty has no idea what's going on and is just trying to make it through the day 😬 I was really excited about this chapter though and getting a little introduction to Fictional!George since he hadn't physically appeared yet.
AHHH Thank you for checking out the Equestrian AU as well! As very much a horse girl, that fic is so much fun for me to write and I am very much my own target audience (then again, I am pretty much always my own niche target audience lol) If I ever am just... assuming that people know too many things about horses let me know and i can try and clarify more. Horse things are just such a part of my day to day life (and the day to day life of the people I am surrounded by) that I sometimes forget that not everyone like, knows what a martingale is. One sided enemies to lovers is one of my FAVORITE things and I am having SO MUCH FUN writing it! Fictional!George hates poor Fictional!Matty so much and Fictional!Matty just wants them to be friends 🥺 I can't wait to get into this version of Fictional!Matty's past- if you think he's soft now just WAIT you are going to want to give him the biggest hug (I know I do!) I also really enjoy writing bitchy Fictional!George and it's been a lot of fun to explore a different dynamic with him!
Anyway, I apologize that I have written you the longest response ever. I was just VERY excited to see your ask! I thought of you when I posted the YKWTCI chapter and am so happy that you liked it! Thank you so much again for always being so lovely and supportive! I hope you have the best rest of your week!
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rockyroadkylers · 7 months
20 Questions Game for Fic Writers!
I was tagged by @ssmtskw! thank you bud <3
1. How many works do you have on Ao3?
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Technically, Marvel (specifically Iron Dad) and Red, White and Royal Blue, though I've taken a huge step back from Marvel.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Baby's Firsts
Domestic Life Was Never Quite My Style
Starlight, Star Bright
Two Worlds, One Family
Tony Stark vs. Babies "R" Us
(um... ok, they're not bad fics, but they're all super old. the fact that they're my top five is due to age more than anything else. I was a semi-popular writer in the height of the Iron Dad fandom's activity. My writing has significantly improved since these were written, so if you've read my most recent work and decide to go back and give these a try, just keep that in mind 😂 most of them are five years old.)
5. Do you respond to comments?
Almost always! There are a couple of unfinished fics that I ended up turning off the comments for, though, because I don't plan to finish them, and I kept getting comments on them that are written with the best intentions but come off as discouraging and kind of obnoxious instead - "update when?" "i know this is a longshot but please update" "it's been two years, will you ever update?" Aside from those, I do try to answer every single comment that comes to my inbox.
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Um... I don't really write angsty endings 😂 "I Will Soften Every Edge (I'll Do Better)" is probably as close as it gets? It's not pure angst, but it's not pure fluff, either. "Oh, Little One, You Just Need to be Brave" is another kind of vaguely hurt/comfort angst-adjacent ending, I guess, but please don't read that one 😂 the only reason I haven't deleted it is because I know how frustrating it is when authors delete stuff.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Maybe "Baby's Firsts" or "Before, After, and Beyond"? Like I said, angsty endings are hard to come by in my fics, but if you want pure fluff...
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Nah. I've gotten a couple of comments that were confused by something and asked for clarification, but they were very polite about it.
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
LOL, no 😂 I'm comfortable talking about it, but I don't think I'd ever write it myself.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve ever written?
I used to write wild crossovers all the time when I was a little kid just learning how writing works for the first time 😂 I don't write them so much, anymore, it's not really my thing, but I think one time when I was a kid I wrote a Harry Potter/American Girl crossover? 😂
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yeah, actually! Or, at least part of one. Someone translated two chapters of "Before, After, and Beyond" into Russian. I think they forgot to translate the third? It was still pretty cool, either way.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yeah, a couple times. I've taken my name off the published ones, but I'm working on another project with a bunch of people from the Brownstone server, at the moment, and I'm super excited about it!
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
At the moment? FirstPrince. It changes depending on my current hyperfixation, but Alex and Henry are my #1 right now.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
Ugh. Probably the birthday fic in my "Tony Stark adopts Harley Keener and Peter Parker" AU. I've just completely run out of steam on anything Marvel-related, and I feel bad about it, but there's not a lot I can do. My mood completely plummets whenever I try to sit down and make myself work on any of my old Marvel WIPs, so I've just been giving myself some grace and telling myself that if I never finish them, it's okay.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Ooh, I don't really think about this very much. I feel like I'd need an outside opinion 😂 I've been told by several different people that I'm good at nailing characterizations, which always makes me pretty proud of myself, haha. Every time I get a "this is so in character!" comment I puff up like a peacock 😂
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Descriptions, maybe? I can do them, but I feel like they've never quite as interesting as they could be.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I love multilinguism in fics! It's a little intimidating for me personally, because I never quite managed to grasp a second language myself, so I have to rely heavily on translators and asking people who speak the language "hey, does this make any sense?" but especially when I'm writing Alex and his family in RWRB fics, their bilinguism is so important and I don't want to skip it just because I'm scared, so I'm willing to put in a little extra work to make it more authentic.
19. First fandom you ever wrote for?
Well, technically, if we're talking about writing that never even got published, the very first fanfic I ever wrote back when I was probably around six years old was a Harry Potter self-insert 😂 But my first published fic was for the MCU.
20. Favorite fic you’ve ever written?
"It's Nice to Have a Friend" 😊
tagging @inexplicablymine, @hgejfmw-hgejhsf, @happiness-of-the-pursuit, @littlemisskittentoes, @movetoheavens, @affectionatelyrs, @read-and-write- and anyone else who wants to! (sorry if you've already done it lol)
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darkangel0410 · 1 year
2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 14
sorry so many its only bc im obsessed with you and love your brain! and really genuinely interested in how it works!
❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Don't apologize, I love talking writing stuff with you!!! This did get super long, tho, so I'm putting it under a cut:
2) What is your favorite fic of yours?
I mean, the real answer is all of them, lbr, but I'm really proud of trouble at my door (the necromancer au!!) because I love the worldbuilding I did, and it's basically the first case fic I ever wrote, and fight scenes that don't lead to sex!!! And a really good sex scene, too, if I do say so myself
3) What fic of yours do you think is underrated?
Hmmm, there's a couple answers for this, one of which is trouble at my door again, lol, but probably (this one) to the grave - it's an ultra rarepair (Chris Kreider/John Tavares), but I love the werewolf worldbuilding I dit, and sometimes I think about revisiting it
4) What fic of yours were you surprised by how popular it was?
Oh, probably any Tkachuks or Hughes (or Fantilis now, I guess lol) fic that gets over like 20 kudos or more than a couple comments, tbh. I get so much pushback from fandom (anon and otherwise) about writing it that it's always weird to me if they do well in that way
6) Do you outline your fics? If so, how?
I do not usually - for a series, I'll make notes as I go so I don't Joss myself, and if there's a case (so basically, necromancer au and in death au lmaoo) I make notes about it, but usually I just have an idea - what if Thom Bordelau was a necromancer? What if Jack Eichel was a crime lord? What if Trevor Zegras was a werewolf? and on and on forever - and then I sit down and start writing it to see what happens. After a few hundred words I mostly know how I want it to end, and what happens to get there. But I don't outline it the way plotters generally do - I tried before, when I was still figuring out my process for writing, but when I do write done everything like that first I don't want to write it anymore because the story feels told to me then, and my brain's satisfied.
8) Do you take inspiration from real life? If so how do you incorporate it into your fics?
Yeah, some - I think to a certain extent every writer does, we can't help it. As for how it ends up in fics...I think it's mostly little things, like. Someone's favorite song or drink - large iced mocha, extra chocolate from DD baybee (Turcs fave btw) - the way they tilt their head to the side when they ask questions, how impatient they are with people sometimes.
I do bring a lot of sex/kink/bdsm experience to my fic, too, I think - not necessarily in the sense that I write everyone having the same kinks as me, but I've been around kink and dungeons almost my whole adult life so there's stuff I know how to write that I'm not always into, and it makes it easier to have seen it done irl, or know someone who's into whatever I'm writing.
It also means I get a lot of people poking at me, through their own fic or in my inbox, about stuff that I've written, but at least there's hardly any death threats any more, unlike when I first started writing bdsm AUs/fics 😂😂😂
14) What is something you wrote in a fic that you are hoping readers picked up on but you don't know if they did? And/or, what is something that you were excited that readers did pick up on?
Oh this is such a good question - there's a couple, really, one of which is in (take this) to your grave by the end of that fic John's a very specific kind of crazy, and I love when readers picked up on that ❤️❤️❤️ there's also a part in the godlings verse where it's explained why Auston always looks so cranky when he's in Toronto (it's because he's the son of Apollo and he loathes cold weather lol) and I love the couple people who picked up on it 💕💕💕
Thank you for asking!!!! It was alot of fun!! ❤️❤️❤️ (fic writers ask meme)
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ageless-aislynn · 2 years
Okay, frens, I’m about to probably be a lot less available once NaNo starts tomorrow. Which is kinda saying something, given how I’ve been pretty absent lately. Being sick sucks rocks through a straw. 😕
However, the exceptions will be if:
I’m stalling (despite the fact I’m probably panicking that I’m not writing at the same time 🤷‍♀️)
I’m blocked (in which case I might ask for prompts just to try to get something short going again)
My writering muse* is being a little jerk (there’s no cure for this 😣😛)
(*I just caught this weird typo and left it because “writering muse” felt appropriate for some reason, lol, kinda like she’s wandering around, maybe gonna write eventually... 😛)
Again, depending on how I feel/how things are going, I may start editing and posting things just to give me a much-needed serotonin boost. We’ll see!
I’m hoping going to write “The Price” (Frosthunter, The Flash, NSFW) in its entirety because I have a total of one (1) person at AO3 who has politely asked me about it a couple of times over the past - what, year? Two years? - since I first mentioned wanting to write it. Just when I’m about give up on it, this lovely person writes me a sweet note saying how they hope I’m doing well and that I’ll still write it one day. And that gives me the strength to keep fighting on, lol!
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Despite the fact that, well, Zoom isn’t usually a laugh riot, “The Price” is intended to be rather explicit smut with a humorous slant. Just how explicit and how humorous... we’ll find out together! Even if it’s just me and that one lone person over at AO3, lol!
(If you ever wonder if your comment will make a difference, then I can promise you that yes, it definitely does. Just knowing that somebody cares is SO important. 🤗)
Secondly, I want to finish “Cupid’s Kiss” (Snowells, The Flash, NSFW) and “Guardian Angel” (Snowells, The Flash) at long last. 🤞😣🤞
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This will probably close out my Flash fics for now. I wish I could’ve gotten them done sooner but... Life, right? 😕 I hope that anybody who still cares how they ended will get the chance to see them.
“Try” (aka the Big Beast of ReverseSnowThawne) still might randomly appear one day, despite being a thing that exactly zero (0) people probably want to read, lol. But I still want to see how it all works out and it has worldbuilding and there are already 3 chapters written so... We’ll see. It definitely has enough mileage to it to give me the 50k for this NaNo.
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Over in the world of Halo... “15 Minutes” chapter 6 (John/Reader) and “Recreation” chapter 3 (Kai/maleReader) are in pre-planning. (“15 Minutes” is the rare beast of mine in that I actually have so many events still in store for it that I’ve done an outline. As a long-time pantser, that’s saying something, lol!)
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“Choices” (tentative title, Noble Team x Reader, Halo: Reach) is something I’m still very excited about! It starts with the premise in chapter 1 where the reader meets Noble Team. At the end of ch1, you’ll choose who you’re going to go with and there will be links to the appropriate chapter that will conclude the story with you and either Carter, Kat, Jun, Emile, Jorge or Six (male and female versions).
I’ve always loved Choose Your Own Adventure type stories and after reading @lialacleaf​‘s awesome and super fun Master Chief x Reader interactive fic “The Medic,” I was inspired to try my own variation (mine is, of course, a very simplified version, you only make that one choice of who you’re going with but still! Similiar if simpler! 😁)
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If you’d like to be tagged for any of that, just let me know. 😉
Flash Masterlist
Halo Masterlist
Anyway, that’s where I’m at right now. I have only a really basic NaNo playlist done but that can fall into place as we go along. 🎵💃🎵 I just mainly gravitate to songs with a good beat to type to, lol! This one is already on there...
“Sing Along” - Sturgill Simpson
Noble Team is kinda running to the beat in my GIF, lol! 🤷‍♀️😂
Anyway, it’s helpful to me to spell out my goals, hence why I wrote all of this. 😉 Good luck to those who are also participating in NaNo and happy November to those who aren’t!
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For some reason I really love ask games and I get super excited when I see one happening 😆 I have no idea why though! 😂
Okay, question time:
✨What's a fic you've posted you wish you could breathe life into again and have people talking about it? (or simply a fic you wish got more credit)
🕯️how do you think engaging with each other through tumblr, twitter, comments, kudos, creates healthy fandom experiences? How do you deal with that if you're not a social person/experience social anxiety?
Hope you have a good day!!!
I think ask games are so fun too! It's a fun excuse for us all to interact with each other and it's so interesting seeing different people's viewpoints on the same topics! I wish they went around more often tbh, it's a good time. 😁
✨What's a fic you've posted you wish you could breathe life into again and have people talking about it? (or simply a fic you wish got more credit)
In retrospect, I wish I would've spaced those last two Encore fics out a bit more because I feel like the Halloween chapter, Wild Horses Couldn't Drag Me Away, got overshadowed. And I get it! It's on me, releasing two 12k fics a day apart was asking a lot of people lmao and it makes sense that the Christmas one generated more interaction because it was the finale of sorts, holiday fic generally does pretty well, and (spoiler) it had the "I love you" scene everyone had been waiting a year for. But I wished Wild Horses would've had a little bit more of a moment - I think it's really fun and funny, shows some interesting growth within their relationship and I worked really hard to give the smut the right balance between unhinged filth and loving exploration. (Somehow I'd never written bondage before! I did research! 😂) It found a bit more of an audience on AO3 than on here but I still haven't heard much feedback about it on either platform.
🕯️How do you think engaging with each other through tumblr, twitter, comments, kudos, creates healthy fandom experiences? How do you deal with that if you're not a social person/experience social anxiety?
It's interesting because I am really not a people person at all but I joined Tumblr primarily to engage with fellow fans. I was enjoying fangirl life on my own but I knew it'd be so much more fun to experience that with other people, whether it was through direct correspondence or just scrolling my dash, reading everyone screaming about the same things and relating to the different reactions. And it took a while for me to engage with other people! To be honest, the Tumblr fandom wasn't quite as tight-knit or welcoming back then as it is now (we all kind of have our own lil zones we hang out in but I feel like we kind of recognize or are generally familiar with most people?) and I lowkey got brushed off by the first few people I tried to befriend but somehow I stuck it out and I couldn't be more happy that I did because I can say wholeheartedly that some of the best, most gratifying friendships I've had in my whole life have been in this fandom on Tumblr. As for the broader "fandom experience", I think engaging with each other and having discussions, whether it be about our art or just our opinions is a key component. Being a part of a fandom is to be a part of the community and it's always encouraging to feel seen and understood by a peer. To seek out and be found by kindred spirits is why I'm here and everyday I'm thankful I made that choice. 🙂
Let’s chat! Writer Asks
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lokisgoodgirl · 1 year
Hi beautiful 😊Thank you for asking!! I'm excited about these.
💘Is there a fic you would rewrite?
YES! I would re-write Competitive Advantage (1 & 2) - I LOVE that story and it was one of the first things I posted and I think I could do it better now. Like you can tell it's 'me' - but I guess I've gotten a bit slicker.
BUT having said that, I do still love it. That was the first fic that people started really commenting on and such and god I was SO EXCITED. I was at the beach and dancing in the sand and my dog was like ??? 😂
🌿How does creating make you feel?
It's a bit like dreams...you know when you have a really nice dream and you're like man, I wish I could have more of those. Well, writing is like making your own dreams. It's very comforting.
💕what's the most important part of a story for you? the plot, the characters, the worldbuilding, the technical stuff (grammar etc), the figurative language
For me it's creating the 'moments' - my ultimate goal is for reader's to be able to read something and be able to see and feel and smell what's happening. Whether it's just thirsty, or fluffy or smutty as fuck - visceral is what I'm after. If I can get one moment like that right for a reader per fic, I'm happy.
Characterisation is also super important for me, I spend a lot of time crafting my lil HCs for my versions of characters and so it's something close to my heart, and I really appreciate it in other writers' too.
If you like, you can ask some cool Qs from here
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kithtaehyung · 2 years
i havent been able to check the last 3tan fall drabble yet, especially with the busan concert 😩 so ive been avoiding your blog so to not get spoilers
but i just saw your word count for 3tan9 (forfeit?) and i just wanna say how excited i am! i cant imagine how much of an effort it is demanding from you, since you never give us nothing short of perfect, and im so grateful! it comes as no surprise you would want a break after it lol 😅, but yeah idk, just felt like thanking you! thank you to put in so much thought, to share so much of your process with us (im so happy whenever you talk about how your writing has been going), to engage so much with us and play along with our theories and our craziness, to write such great pieces and fics and storylines and arcs and developments and dynamics and urghhhhh EVERYTHING 🥺🥺😭
im sure the chapter will be amazing and super 😫🥰🥵🤠🙈 in a good way!!
you're really good to us, and i hope you can really enjoy your rest while you watch us screaming in your inbox 😂 u got an army right behind u too
btw ik im sappy as hell, damn, always reaching out with long ass asks and shit, sorry, i think im still on the edge cause of the show but that excuse only goes so far
anyways, thanks 😊
LUA you're gonna make me melt more and more with every message you send. every sentence, really. i'm just teary eyes rn i'm lucky i took pics before seeing this bc it finished me!!
it's okay! the drabble will still be there whenever you're ready to read. no rush at all, just enjoy when you can :D
forfeit is gonna be humongous omfg. and to make sure all of it is worth the wait, i do admit that it's a bit stressful on top of being just fun and comforting to write<3 it's been 3 months since the last major drop, so i feel like this needs to be super good! the break is gonna be muuuch needed :'))
oh my gosh, it's never dealing with y'all! i love interacting. it's a joy not a chore. thank you for being here with me and sending all the theories and encouragement and whatever else, truly. it makes my day to see y'all caring about this series as much as i do. tbh i had a little moment today in my car, just overwhelmed with how grateful i am to have bangtan, and 3tan, and y'all in my life. this year has been absolutely incredible and i can't believe i'm just now stopping to reflect on it.
just like in fireworks, when reader says being nostalgic for the same moment you're living? that's how i feel now. because the moments we're living now are my favorites.
i can't even describe how your army comment made me feel. just.. thank you. reaching out to hug you so tight🫂 y'all mean the world to me, and i know i say that often but i really do mean it.
sappiness makes me melt!! thank you for sending this bc i needed it. you're amazing, you know that?
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chaotic-plotter · 1 year
@dreamerinsilico <3 sent me a lot of emojis and i'm going to answer them all. from this ask meme
✨What's a fic you've posted you wish you could breathe life into again and have people talking about it? (or simply a fic you wish got more credit)
is it cheating to say "any of them"? 😂
i haven't written all that many so there's not a lot to choose from. we'll go with "a lighthouse five hundred yards down". at the time, i never planned on writing it, but the idea hit me like a damn anvil one really stupid humid day in summer 2021 and i was haunted until i finally wrote it.
💫what is your favorite kind of comment/feedback?
the kind where people either tell me why something struck them or where they dive into language/images/etc. mostly because that's what i like to do when i read something (dive into language, images, etc) and also because, even though it's a super limited dataset, fic is the only place i can get random reader feedback (not writer feedback, i have critique partners). i come from throwing myself against (....and sliding on down) the glass hill of trad pub and had never actually gotten any kind of feedback/response from people who didn't know me or my writing before and it was really useful to see what people responded to, if they liked my style, etc.
💘Is there any posted fic you want to rework/re-edit/re-write?
funny enough.....yes? and also funny enough, i sort of get to? in a sense?
i started my long post-fall fic right after my first rewatch back in 2021 and i planned out the whole thing (yes it's still taking me 800 years to finish it, i apologize). but in reality, i sort of have a different outlook on will and hannibal post-s3 than i did at the time. and i'm really going to be rethinking the back half of that fic as i work towards finishing it.
so, essentially, yes, i wish i could rework those first 6 chapters (especially the first 2, wrt to writing style and tone especially!) to better fit whatever pivot i'm going to do in the last 4. i wouldn't change any of will's internal arc, i'm still happy with that, but there's plot stuff that i would.
🕯️was there a fic that was really hard on you to write, or took you to a place you didn't think it would take you?
not one that anyone can read, but i tried, thinking it would be darkly funny and maybe a good time (why i thought this is a mystery) to write about will post sex with margot. but writing about it in a "will has had sex that was Not Enjoyable but hey it was Sex With a Real Human Person and is reminded of his profound loneliness and has a little cry in the bathtub about it" way.
.......yeah i legitimately made myself upset with that one and had to stop. maybe i'll circle back around to it when i'm not so profoundly lonely.
🪄what is your post-writing/sharing aftercare? How do you take care of yourself or celebrate yourself when you've finished a fic?
i don't have any writing aftercare 😛 i probably should though
mostly i just take a couple of days off from writing after i finish something. idk, does checking your email hoping someone comments count as aftercare? i'm afraid i'm a terrible obsessive and putting things down is not my greatest skill, even if i am exhausted and glad to be done with actively working on them.
💌share something with us about an up-and-coming work (WIP) that has you excited!
hmmmmmm. well.
the next wip i actually have on the docket is a s1 nudist will au. i'm excited to jump back into hannibal's headspace after being outside of it for so long. he's absolutely insufferable and i can't wait to go full goose menace on everyone in the story (until it turns back on me and he never shuts up 😛)
and then, well, i've got another one-shot challenge after that, which is all about stretching muscles i rarely stretch 😏. i'm still deciding if i want to run a poll about it or if it should be a complete surprise
send me more asks if you like! i love these emoji meme post things
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