#i think flowey stuck with me in a different way though—him being alone in the underground maybe forever not by force but by choice is...
braisedhoney · 9 months
So you said a while ago underfell was your favorite au before. Is that still true or?
Also who’s your favorite character from whatever au you like?
damn, you were around for that? :'D
yeah, underfell used to be my favorite! i think it was smth about being really edgy as a kid, or maybe it was because red was my favorite color. idk man, even now i gotta admit those designs slap really hard.
i'm not really sure if i have a favorite au now though. i do have some ideas for underfell that i like, but i think i see the appeal of most aus bc i just like making new scenarios.
i like the big three a lot (classic, fell, swap). sans is my favorite in classic (predictable i know) if you're not counting gaster, since he isn't technically a canon character. i like both fell paps and fell sans equally, and swap paps is cool. i'd be buddies with that guy.
(i also really like asgore in undertale. the tragedy of the grief-stricken ruler who kills even though it's against his nature for the freedom of his people but also because he's long past convinced he's in too deep is really compelling to me, and by proxy i'm interested in the theoretical stories of all the fallen humans including frisk. also the whole thing with their broken family and chara and—
—whoops the ask is about aus not canon lmao, sorry!)
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iced-souls · 3 years
So I’ve thought of something.
What if there’s an au where frisk goes through the pacifist route and dies (I’m thinking to asgore), but dies dies. Like no determination in there soul resets them back to their save point. They just die, and asgore gets their soul. Buuuuuut, in toriels next visit with sans, she finds out about it. And when she then she leaves to just go think. At first she’s sad that she failed to save 8 human children, but then she starts blaming it all on asgore, since he’s the one to actually kill 7 of them. And then she starts blaming the rest of monsterkind for not trying to do something to stop it. (She isn’t really being a hypocrite because she tried doing 2 things to stop it, the first being leaving asgore and monsterkind, to try and give some sense to asgore, (which she did and he already knew but he felt he HAD to do something against the humans to show them what THEY did was wrong AND to give monsters hope.) and the second being trying to keep the kids from leaving the ruins. While they may not be the best choices, it’s was still something.) anyways, she kinda stops having any care for monsterkind anymore, and I mean. ANY. And leaves the ruins to start….. giving monsters what she believes they deserve. She does nothing in the ruins cause no monsters in there really did anything in her eyes so ya.
So, for some people this may look like dusttale but with toriel, but no. No it is not. Yes it is one character doing genocide, buuuut there’s still some of toriels…. Personality (?) to take into the story that makes it different I guess. And the fact it’s not to stop frisk but to avenge frisk. Plus ruins gang be sipping spider cider durin all this so ya.
At this time, asgore probably needed to calm himself after collecting the final human soul, and another corpse. So he’s havin tea probably, meaning he isn’t breaking the barrier yet. And probably isn’t going to until he either makes an announcement about what he is going to do, incase something goes wrong I guess.
Basically toriel goes through all the districts killing off monsters one by one. And seeing how she is an immortal boss monster who has been through a war, she’s probably stronger than all of them. There’s only a few she spares. The ruins people. In Snowdin: sans. . . . In waterfall: gerson(old people gang) and Nabstablook.(partially because they can’t actually die but mainly cause their a friend from the ruins I guess so she understands them a little more.) in Hotland: . . . In core: . . . In New Home: . . . In Home: . . . And in judgement hall: . . . .
There’s more to the story for some of the people, like papyrus and a person she meets again in the big hallway. And you could say hotland got a little hotter that day.
She meets up with the only person capable of standing up to her as a fellow immortal boss monster who took part in a war in the throne room. And then they have a UWAAAA COOL EPIC ANIME FIGHT WOOT WOOOOOOT!
Now either I’m thinking she wins cause she got a HECK ton of LV. And she proceeds to maybe i dunno. Bake a pie? She did what she wanted to do. So she thinks. And thinks. And thinks about how she is alone again. And thinks about the lives she’s killed. And now she’s stuck on what to do next. She doesn’t feel like what she did was wrong, maybe a liiiiiiiiiittle bit, but LV can do that ya. Can’t it. So she’s basically living her slightly less regular life. Visiting her past friends death site regularly. And sometimes going to visit the monsters she left alive. The ruins door now left open. The people never ask about getting to the surface. And are left to try and live a newer life in the underground. Riverperson gets found out one day but toriel decides to spare them seeing them as helpful in getting around he districts faster. The ruins gang, gerson, Nabstablook, and riverperson were never particularly fully engaged with the idea of getting to the surface as much as the rest of some monsters were, so no one falls down from losing hope on getting there. Perhaps, another fallen human could help them, or join them. Not the best ending. Kinda dark. Kinda sad.
Or asgore wins and breaks the barrier seeing that that is all he can do next. He kills himself after though because he doesn’t want the look of human souls on him or the new LV he had gained from toriel to affect others around him. Gerson and Nabstablook get the ruins gang out of the ruins to go to the surface together, and find riverperson along the riverbed and they decide to come along too, seeing they are the only ones left in a now ruined underground. Gerson is like their leader considering he’s the oldest and the wisest among them. And humans being kinda wiser in the future see the small group of monsters left and give them mercy. They have their own little town and dedicate it towards the underground. Nabstablook and gerson live together, and gerson decides to run a half garden shop in his last remaining lives to dedicate it to some old friends. When gerson passes on, riverperson takes over, Nabstablook not feeling up to the task, but they aren’t as “rulerly” as you would suspect a leader to be. I suppose it’s a happier ending. Kinda dark. But nice.
Also realize that toriel did more damage then frisk could do in a genocide route. Toriel literally took out monsterkind, every house, the place monsters evacuated to in the lab, everywhere. No one hiding it out lived.
(By the way, flowey isn’t gonna be around cause I’m guessing he wasn’t expecting frisk to die die. Expecting them to reset. Not expecting seeing who he kinda thought was his best friend die (a second time) so he probably just leaves (ha. leaves. As in his plant leaves lol) having kinda given up in a way. Not knowing what to do next. So toriel never interacts with him. But if or when she does, she gonna kill him considering she remembers him from his little interaction with frisk at the beginning.)
But ya. That’s mostly it. I have more thoughts but don’t feel like writing it out today. If you wanna know more let me know!
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trashtheater101 · 4 years
Been meaning to make this for a while: Free list of skele-prompts! No credit needed (although I’d love to read it if you make one, maybe drop me a note?), and feel free to change ANY of the details or ships. This list is meant to ✧INSPIRE✧ not restrict. 
These are largely old ideas that I realize I’m probably never going to get around to writing myself and thought I’d share. Mostly Papcest, but there’s some left open for Fontcest and Sanscest, and you can always change it up. I probably forgot some, so I’ll add to it as I remember them.
RoyalMoney (Poppy/Cash)
Poppy is a wealthy, and unbearably bored Nigerian prince. Kept safe and sound, a prisoner in the castle by his overprotective brother, Poppy is allowed only limited contact with the guards or servants, and nothing at all with the outside world. When a thief breaks in through his bedroom window (captured easily by the Great Prince Poppy! He’s sheltered, not helpless!), Poppy can't help being intrigued… [His brother can shove it; He’s decided to keep this one.]
Fellcest (Red/Edge)
Red is a scientist. Or at least he used to be. He’s studied the wonders of the universe, tested the limits of time-space, and even broken through the divides between worlds. […none of it compared to learning the way his brother reacts to flirting.]
SpicyHoney (Edge/Stretch(Rus))
Edge is a loyal knight, through and through, and Rus is the true heir to the throne. Edge is determined to protect him no matter the cost. Even now that the kingdom has been overthrown and they were barely able to escape with their lives. Even now that they must keep moving, and live in hiding, lest Rus be captured and executed. Even though Rus is used to being pampered and spoiled, and Edge is the only one left to treat him with the sort of devotion and reverence that a true prince deserves. [Originally a Edge x Anyone, but the pouty, stubborn prince kept morphing into Rus, soooo…]
Edge and Stretch are stuck in a car together for a long trip, and expect to bicker the whole time. Unfortunately 5 minutes in one of them accidentally confesses. Neither are prepared for this, and now the car ride is spent dealing with THIS instead... oh dear… 
Stretch needs to get a physical. Cool, no big, even doctors aren’t sure what to do with a pile of bones, so no point in being embarrassed, and—bonus!—most don’t know how skeleton magic works, so he gets to skip the more invasive stuff. Except—wait—this time his doctor is a skeleton? A really hot skeleton?? And since Stretch is missing so much from his chart, he’s getting a THOROUGH exam??? ...great… [Bonus points for Stretch aggressively flirting to hide his nerves, “w-wow doc. i don’t usually spread my legs before the first date, haha. guess you must be special.”]
SpicyBBQ (Edge/Slim)
Edge’s new lamia is a dominant type, strong, and eager to breed him. But Edge isn’t inclined to submit, and he’s pretty sure he knows exactly how to tame his horny pet. [Succeed or fail, both are tasty~.]
MapleBlossom (Slim/Papyrus)
Slim is the lead singer/guitarist/drummer in an up and coming band. Hanging out at an afterparty of one of his shows, some cute little groupie, or a fan, or whatever, catches his attention when they start chatting him up. Slim is charmed, and while he’s got a pretty firm rule about not fucking the fans, he’s gotta make an exception this time. He’s gonna rock this groupies world. [Except that Papyrus isn’t a groupie. Or a fan. He was just invited along by a friend and thought this stranger might want someone to talk to. But boy is he flattered by all the attention! Is this… flirting?!?] 
SweetMoney (Sugar(HT!Pap)/Cash)
Taking his first ever train trip to the big city, Sugar ends up sitting next to a stranger. Cash seems friendly enough on the ride, but when they get off he refuses to leave??? He keeps insisting it’s too dangerous for someone like Sugar to be alone in the city, and that all well and good, but Sugar’s pretty sure he has a stalker now??? Blood had warned him about this… oh well… For a stalker, Cash is awfully charming. 
Edge x _______
Edge is an Alpha. All the Papyruses are Alphas, so of course he’s an Alpha. He is the most Alpha-y-est Alpha to ever Alpha, thank you very much. And as long as he keeps taking his Alpha-supplements, surely no one will be any the wiser. But the supplements can only repress his instincts so much when he’s surrounded by so many fine, aggressively-dominant Alphas. And let’s be real, how long would it really take a group of Alphas to notice an Omega in their midst? [Easily could be one-on-one, but this prompt is feeling pretty gang-bang-y to me~] 
In hindsight I think I may have seen this idea around before (so let me know if it’s already a thing…), but Edge as a Heinz Doofenshmirtz-(Or like MegaMind, Dr. Horrible, fuckin.... Team Rocket??)-style villain! Over the top dramatic! But also pretty ridiculous... But definitely EVIL!!!!! But also is he though??? Red is his henchman. His love interest can be the Hero, but also could be his usual kidnapping victim, or the cute skele from the laundry mat, or I suppose his henchman, or a brand-new unique dynamic! 
Loud Top Edge. That’s really all I’ve got for this prompt. It really didn’t have to be under Edge specifically… you could make it anyone, but I was thinking of Edge. ...as just... a… noisy… really verbal top... yeah...~<3
Papyrus x _______
Someone has been stealing apples from Papyrus’s apple orchard, and he is determined to catch the culprit! [Well, it turns out the culprit happens to be very attractive and that is a whole new, very different problem!]
Papyrus x _______/Sans x _______
Undertale is Universe 0. It’s the base, the original, the one every universe is spun off of. As such, there is some sort of general law of attraction pulling all the copies towards their originals. Or at least, that’s Sans’s theory anyway. That would explain all these Sans’s that keep hitting on him and—don’t think i don’t notice the rest of you making passes at my bro-! are you looking for a b a d  t i m e ? 
Bonus Lamia prompt
[A]’s lamia goes into a submissive heat. No matter what they do, however, [A] can’t seem to satisfy them. A quick google search reveals their lamia is looking to be bred with eggs, but—uh—[A] can’t produce eggs, and neither of them really want kids yet anyways, and—hey, you can buy safe to insert pseudo-eggs!—Don’t worry baby, I’m gonna give you just what you need~ 
- - - - -
A list of loose themes and thoughts. Poke through and see if anything catches your attention. Or maybe mix some together? (Conveniently numbered for a random number generator!) 
1. Bitties
2. Asleep on shoulder
3. Shopping trip
4. Bandaging after sparring 
5. Broken down car
6. Attractive salesman
7. Trapped in a box~ 
8. Good old fashioned temporary amnesia 
9. Is that a dog in your jacket? 
10. “If you touch him I will END you...!”
11. Crossover
12. Lamias
13. The meal was unrecognizable...You eat it anyways. 
14. Classic fairytale, but with a twist! 
15. A more obscure fairytale. (With all the ‘wtf??’s they tend to entail.)
16. “Please tell me you meant to do that...”
17. Ectoboobies
18. “God, you’re so hot… You look hot! SWEATY! Do you want a drink!?!?”
20. Borrowed pajamas
21. Candle light
23. Someone not normally collared: collared~! 
24. “Sit down and shut up! ...I’m going to serenade you now.”
25. “What will it take to make you realize I’m no good for you?” 
26. Running out of water
27. Physically shielding from harm
28. Can’t stop staring
29. Broke something important
30. He only ever acted like this when he was covered in dust…
31. Well... people always say you should marry a doctor
32. “I think I’m falling for you” 
33. “Guess you fell for me~” 
34. A bad vacation
35. Missing the bus 
36. A WAY too fancy restaurant
37. Good morning kiss
38. That’s probably a serial killer chasing you tbh. 
39. Lost & alone… 
40. Annoying Dog is secretly a matchmaker
41. A goodbye note
42. Freezing cold
43. A slow dance after the lights go down
44. Exploring
45. Hey! You’re that actor/singer/etc I like-! Why are you grinding on me!?!? 
46. “I failed you…”
47. A non-traditional Heat symptom
48. Soul-bonding: the aftermath. 
49. 2 dudes sittin in a hot tub, 5 ft apart cause they’re very gay and sorta nervous and-gosh-it sure is hot in this hot tub… 
50. Flowey: “Okay, look. I don’t normally give advice but…”
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jaypelt · 4 years
Cheers for Five Years of Undertale, and its Everlasting Effect on Me
Been a while since I’ve done one of these... I might even be rusty at it! Honestly, what I’ve got right now are more vague thoughts than coherent words in my head. I wasn’t sure if I’d even do this, since I felt it wasn’t entirely necessary. Everybody had so much to say! But spurned on by the display of someone very close to me, the cogs in my head couldn’t help but start turning for me too. So here I am. This isn’t going to be easy, though. Because if you read this, I need you to understand the depth of my feelings. Even if just a little. So I’ll do my best to bare my heart yet again, for the sake of it and everything its done for me. Everything it’ll keep doing for me.
The beginning is usually always one of the hardest parts. A blank space devoid of anything, that you’ve got to somehow miraculously fill with thoughts somebody else could understand. But Undertale is rarely a subject I ever have to struggle so much with. It’s been a long, long five years.
This is re-treading old ground that a number of those who know me are already familiar with, however, I don’t think this would be complete without it. But it will get very, VERY personal. If you’re not comfortable with that, then uh... giving you another warning now. But pushing forward...
Right before UT came out, I hadn’t begun to really unravel quite yet. But I was very close. It was somewhat of a rough transitional period as I moved on from my middle school to high, losing very dear IRL friends and generally continuing to struggle with school, as I had been for years. Untreated ADHD is real nasty. But I’d always had at least some friends, either online, or ones I made throughout the year, to rely on. And I didn’t really think about things. The start of this school year was no different. Even having a... perhaps questionable choice of boyfriend, but, well, he was my first.
I struggled with just about every aspect of school from basically the start, but having a small group, and especially an online partner to come home to everyday, helped me at least get through. In the coming months, however, I’d start to encounter more turbulence. Through aforementioned partner, I met someone who’d come to rely on me far more than he should have. Made even worse by the fact that he was a full grown adult while I was only 14, which will be a recurring trend. And has been for most of my life.
We hit it off pretty quickly, becoming good friends and talking to each other outside of mutual friend spaces. And through that, he started to open up about his problems. Living with a family that treated him poorly, suicidal urges, and particularly, an abusive boyfriend. If you know me well, I’ve probably definitely talked about this at least a little.
My daily routine starting becoming supporting this person through all of his troubles. Sitting in skype calls or exchanging messages for hours at a time on the daily. Rarely did a day go by where I didn’t, slowly sinking into an apathetic pit from overextending myself for the sake of his mental health. I couldn’t even help him improve, all I could do was just try to keep him alive. Which, well, I did. For months.
Everything else fell to the wayside as I was constantly stressed about the life of someone I cared about. Obviously my school life suffered even further. I grew withdrawn from everyone, and kept only to the few online friends I had. However, in the midst of this downward spiral, just before the ball really got rolling, a certain game came out. Exactly a month after it had come out, October 15th, 2015, I’d become interested after all the talk on tumblr about Undertale.
After watching a playthrough on youtube(I didn’t play for myself at first, a pity), It’d personally resonated so strongly and gotten me so hooked that it was something I invested a fair amount of my time into consuming content about. I grew super attached to all these characters that’d made me laugh, smile, cry... just this whole spectrum of emotions. And someone in particular, Alphys, really caught my attention after things had begun to get worse.
She felt so... relatable, though I couldn’t possibly tell you all the reasons. When I think about it, we’re not really the most similar, but something about her just hooked me. Maybe because she had all these things going on that nobody knew about. And that she lied. And felt so anxious interacting with anyone after she’d previously been much warmer and closer. That she was closer to “disappearing” than she seemed.
Whatever the reasons, the months moving further along, consuming content about UT practically became my lifeline. I reblogged heaps and heaps of posts  about it, watched videos, listened to the soundtrack, even started drawing because I’d been so inspired. When I was just stuck in this horrible pit of second-hand depression, it was the one thing that still made me happy. I started to really think about why it mattered to me and how. It’s funny, I’d read books obsessively for years before then, but UT was the thing that really got me thinking. It was all downhill from there, I tell you. Now I’m an artist and a writer. Horrific.
But, unfortunately, for all its good... it couldn’t stop what was to come. I was still getting worse and worse, with no end in sight. I’d already been supporting... let’s call him Phil, for a few months. And in December of that year, my boyfriend completely dropped off the grid for a while. I’d see him appear online sometimes and I’d message him, but no response, then right back to offline. Finally, he came back, approaching me with something he obviously was uncomfortable about.
To make a long story short, he’d come to the conclusion that he was straight, and decided to end the relationship. What’s bad is that... honestly? I was already doing so poorly that I had a hard time caring. But we did pretty much stop talking, and I leaned into Undertale all the more. Anyway, time continued to pass. Not without its few ups, and mostly downs. I got used to being called “mature”, usually followed by “especially for your age.” “Phil” told me that if I were legal, he’d date me. I’ve got a crippling fear of screwing up with people that’s stuck with me to this day, after a few occasions involving him. I considered doing some... not so great things to myself. Thankfully, I was always so averse to physical pain that it didn’t become anything extreme.
As for the few ups, there was “Phil” finally managing to leave his abusive relationship, when he’d tried previously and fallen into such a bad depressive episode I had to talk him down. So that was something. He’d even started going to therapy after the second break up.
Not that it did a whole lot. The school year began approaching its end and nothing had really changed. I’d been going through all the same motions for around half a year or more. My sleep was terrible, I was passing almost none of my classes, had practically no friends to speak of, and just felt... tired. All the time. But during this... the minute beginning of a monumental shift started. Another character in UT had begun to clutch me in his grasp. Even more strongly than Alphys. Flowey. Through the posts a singular person on tumblr had made about him and my experience with the geno run, I came to understand the dumb little flower more. Which is also funny, because he was previously my least favorite. Even, yes, after the Asriel reveal.
I’m having a difficult time weaving together this convoluted timeline of events, but it was around... perhaps March or early April that the person whom I’d been supporting for almost a full fucking year completely disappeared. Without a word. The one thing I’d tried to stick to for so long was just. Gone. So I drifted about with, well, no purpose.
By the end of the school year, it probably goes without saying that I was... not doing great. But one those aforementioned acquaintances I’d only just started to become actual friends with came forth to me with a question. That being if there was some way for us to keep contact during the summer. So I gave her my email, which would turn out to be a decision that saved my life. Because things would only get worse before they got better.
This is getting to be way, way, way too long. So to summarize, summertime came around and I’d been in pretty close contact with... I’ll just call her V. She was... well, unlike anyone I’d ever known. Someone who stood out with the intelligence you could just see in their eyes. Outgoing, charismatic, compassionate... all those sorts of things. We were opposites in a lot of ways. Or, at least, it felt like it.
Some things happened, like “Phil” coming back after months of nothing. Me immediately slotting back into my role of being a pillar of support, but then screwing up and hating myself for it. But honestly, that ain’t shit to the rest of the whole shitshow.
For a bit of context, my parents are divorced. So for most of the previous years, I’d been going to my mom’s place during the summer and staying with her the whole time, to make up for how rarely we’d see each other otherwise. That year... she was beginning to run low on money. She lived next to my granny, but still basically alone, compared to how she’d been staying with someone else in hotels for the few prior years.
After learning she didn’t have enough to pay rent and might be kicked out, she tried to appeal to her mom, who said she wouldn’t let her stay. Why? I don’t know. After that, she spiraled into a panic. And, well, the ever faithful little worker bee, I stepped forward to try and console her in any way I could. She seemed to recompose, at least a little. It wasn’t great, and she thought she’d have to do some unsavory things in order to survive, but... I thought that, just maybe, I’d done something.
But... later that night, she started drinking. Which... well, put her in a mood. Exacerbated by the day’s earlier events and the fact that she was taking medication that responded poorly to alcohol. She came over to where I was sitting, my little makeshift desk I’d put together to set up my desktop, with my little sister just in the other room. Just... a warning for this next part, it’s... grim. More grim than anything else in this thread.
She proceeded to tell me she was going to go upstairs and grab the gun my granny kept in her room. And berated me for thinking I’d done anything to help, saying she “wasn’t like my little friends” that I could simply talk to. With that, she walked away, heading upstairs. I don’t think I’ve ever felt so crushed in my entire life, to this day. I broke down crying, sitting in that chair.
Yet, somehow, I managed to stop when I saw her coming back down. She walked back over, pointed the gun at her head, and told me to give her a reason she shouldn’t do it. And also to this day, I.... still don’t know if I said what was right. It was all I could think of. I quietly told her that if she did it, I’d pick that gun up and do it to myself. Same as her. And I asked if she wanted to be responsible for that.
It was true, too. By that point, I didn’t care anymore.
And if there’s one thing I can say about her, it’s that she’s always cared about me. In a horrible, twisted way especially, that night. It was enough to make her silently pull the gun down, go back upstairs, and put it away. One last time... she came down, walked past me to the front door and simply said “I love you.” before going out to sit on the porch.
I’m not sure I’ll ever truly get over the events of that night. I spoke to V afterwards, as I’d been keeping in regular contact, as I said. And even been speaking to her throughout the day about what was happening. I think she was panicking just as much as I had been, and told me to go find the gun and unload it. So I did. Bawling my eyes out the whole damn time. Afterwards, I took the bullets and threw them in the large neighborhood garbage can.
The rest of the night’s a blur. I don’t recall if anything else happened, I just remember waking up tired the next day. My uncle was in the house, as he’d been staying with my granny for a while, but hadn’t been around the night before. I tried to talk to him, but.. couldn’t bring myself to open up. Even though we were pretty close. I went back to my dad’s.
That wasn’t the end of it, either. For the next coming months, I’d get drunken calls and live in fear of being put right back in the same situation. It got so bad that I stopped answering my phone altogether. I broke contact with my mom entirely. I still hate answering or making calls.
Anyway, a few other things happened in the summer, like my applying for online courses. And the subsequent ridicule from my dad’s side of the family for the decision. Tell you what, the stress of taking a test to try and join that online program, then going to golden corral and having to struggle to not cry in front of everyone there was... not the ideal way to spend a birthday. Happy 15 years to me.
So.... that was that. I still went through with online courses and everything kind of... slowed to a crawl. I tried to do school work, but depression and still yet untreated ADHD prevented me from making any substantial progress beyond a few finished classes. For a while I simply... existed in a limbo. All I did was get up, get on my computer, maybe talk to a few people, and play Overwatch. Maybe look at tumblr, as I remained into Undertale. V and I lost contact after school started back up. I never blamed her for it. In fact, I preferred it that way. She didn’t deserve to have such a burden placed on her, and I still... feel guilty for leaning on her so much.
But I’m very thankful. I hope she’s out there living a good life, wherever she is.
And this! Is where we finally get to the not depressing parts! And only... what, 29 paragraphs in? Sheesh... I know I wanted to really illustrate just how shit things were to demonstrate just how much UT did for me, but this is taking it a bit far, isn’t it? Ah well... already made it this far. In for a penny, in for a pound. If you’ve made it this far, congratulations! I’m sorry. Truly. And I love you so very dearly.
Time went by and I kept doing my thing. Playing Overwatch(a practically self-destructive behavior deserving a therapy, frankly), talking to the few friends I had that I kept at an arm’s length, that sort of stuff. “Phil” and I no longer talked, thank goodness. Obviously I was depressed as all hell, not bothering to shower, eat, clean up, or do laundry for days on end. I spent more time asleep than I did awake, on most days. Did I say this was where the not depressing part was? I may have lied a little.
Blah blah “more months go by”, you know the drill. Until... I believe, November of 2016. After cementing my love of Flowey ever deeper, I’d started to follow more blogs putting out content for him on tumblr. In particular, the most important ones being I’lltrytobegood, Flowey-Answers, and later happyflowey and Corruptedflora.
It all started with a stream. I joined an art stream of LLA(Lovelyladyartist) on picarto as he worked on ITTBG. I kept quiet for the first few streams I joined, being too anxious to really out myself in any capacity. But little by little, I was coerced out of my shell. Particularly by one SilverKhaos, who I think at the time went by SilverSlayer or something. Anyway, he got me talking. And through that, I started making friends, bit by bit.
Also through the stream, I was introduced to CC(CuteCatDoodles) of Flowey-Answers. I obsessively read through the entire blog in a single sitting, just... having such a good time with it. And... strangely enough, it... got me feeling oddly better. Like I’d finally started to breath after not being able to for what felt like such a long time. If just a little. The next day, I got out of bed early, cleaned up, took out some garbage, and made breakfast. Just a simple plate of scrambled eggs. A simple, easy morning for most any average person. But for me? It was one of the most special mornings I’ve ever had.
Likewise, I did the same with Ding’s happyflowey, of reading through all of it in a single night. My head hurt like a motherfucker, but I tell you, it was worth it. The effect perhaps not as profound, but still very meaningful to me, as well as sowing the seeds of yet more relationships to form. If far off in the future, as far as this timeline is concerned. I still adore all of those dumb, charming little flowers so much. Mania would come to inspire my first ever OC, in fact. Thinking about that blog makes me miss when the UT fandom was more active here, even though I never participated in the fandom at large. But I’m grateful for the memories and incredible amounts of enjoyment getting to read it all brought me. I have way too many cropped images of Hysteria.
I wasn’t immediately better, but it was all the start of something new. I kept up with the streams, also joining in for CC’s. For hours upon hours a day, I’d just hop into them and spend the day talking away. I had something to really look forward upon waking up, starting to adjust my schedule so that I at least didn’t miss TOO much. I was able to really make friends, it felt like. Even though I wasn’t and still am not the most socially adept.
And as luck would have it, because picarto chat was and probably still is pretty unstable to this day, it just happened to go down and that led to... the creation of the discord server! It started off small, but steadily got more and more joiners from the growing population of the streams. LovelyLadyArtist, CuteCatDoodles, BrySkye, Flowers-Without-Pots, SilverSlayer, KRS, Donut, Mr.Quarter, Dragoler, Stilla, Chara, RotmModdy, Rowdy, Dunal, and probably at least a few others I’m forgetting... all names I encountered there and most of which I still see daily.
Through that server, we started keeping up even when there wasn’t any stream going on. Just goofing off and having a good ‘ol time. Already I was... well, doing a helluva lot better than I had before. All because of the gathering of a small community surrounding this indie gem. And even further centered in a niche specifically about Flowey! Who, and I’d forgotten to mention this before, I’d found a surprising amount to relate in. He’d become a big, BIG hyperfocus. Which is why I’d met everyone at all. Truly, it’s crazy to think how possible it is for me to have never come down this path.
From there on, I continued to meet new people, established new relationships. I even got invited to an RP server, creatively named “Flower RP” :p. At first I was hesitant, perhaps not even initially 100% interested. But as people really got into it, I felt an incredibly strong Fear of Missing Out. Leading to the creation of a character still near and dear to my heart.... Zorch. The result of contributions from many friends, from design ideas, to character concepts, and even his name(thanks for that, Rowdy). And... I began to write. It wasn’t great at first. very short form, and I didn’t know how to approach the roleplaying mindset, or even how to properly characterize him.
But over time... I got better. I became more confident. I really got into the nitty-gritty of character writing and discussion. I joined in on hours long discussions about the characters, lore, and narrative of Undertale. I’d wake up just to be there as soon as chat began to move, all the way to the point where everyone was finally asleep. I started to be able to help people again. For months, participating in this RP, in this chat, in this community was what I lived for. The joy that I felt in being among friends all working towards and talking about a common goal and interest is, well, honestly still somewhat unrivaled.
Paci, Pots, Neue, Castor, Silver, Nightmare, Rowdy. Me. All of us joined together in mutual love for a game, spurred on to feverishly create our own content about it. I kept up for months on end, living by the mostly same routine for probably the longest I’ve ever stuck to anything. Eventually... things happened and the server’s gone quiet. We had problems with management, people feeling excluded, targeted, etc etc. It was a very... consequence heavy RP, most of us were almost complete newbies to the roleplaying game, and many came to care rather deeply about the ongoings of it. Perhaps too much. But, well... I’m not sure it could have been prevented.
Sometimes, I still wish I could go back to that point of my life. I know someone else who does too. Even more than me. But I know not to try and emulate the past, as alluring as it may seem. So I push forward. Leading to yet another server with its own events. Clement, myself, Rowdy, Zielo, Neue, Moddy, Vee, Mini, Nappy, Tia, Silver. Some familiar names, some new. All still with the foundation of Undertale, but it quickly became a thing for us to just... chill and talk about anything. There was real love in that place. It was at this time that I even started going to therapy! After some struggling with the family. It helped a lot.
In time, that server, too, went under. For reasons that have long since been buried and forgiven. It no longer exists, after being deleted entirely, but I’ll always remember it. And we did eventually all(mostly) gather back together someplace new, which is still being talked in. Even gaining some new additions recently! If any of you guys are catching this one, I love you!
And we come to the final and most recent group. One I wasn’t actually a founding member of, instead being a late joiner. Comparatively smaller than all the ones before, but filled with just as much love. Pip, Ding, Kink, and Cola. Remember when I mentioned happyflowey sowing seeds, and then didn’t even expound in further detail about corruptedflora? Well congratulations, you’ve reached the payoff.
It all started after I began interacting with the mun of CF, Kinko, and became mutuals with them. We usually just spam reblogged from each other on occasion for a while. That is, until I got messaged, then sent a friend request through Discord. Which, even still, didn’t immediately go anywhere. But eventually... some things led to another, and we joined up in a particular server. Not one I’ll be naming, but times were... turbulent in there. It went under and we lost contact a bit after that.
That is, until completely out of the blue, I just get invited to a server with them and some pals to just join in on Roblox shenanigans. Imagine me, sweating and anxious as hell after getting asked to join a server with two people behind blogs I adore, considering Ding was there too. Cardiac arrest, I tell you. And obviously more than just them too! But the night turned out to be so fun that I forgot I’d ever been so anxious in the first place.
From there on... the rest was history. There’s been many, MANY ups and downs, but I’ve found yet more people I love very, very dearly. And they’ve gotten me to open up about the way I feel the most. In the past years, I could never tell someone I loved them, no matter how much I really wanted to. The words just couldn’t come out, but they... they brought that out in me. And now I can say it whenever I want! Like now! I love you guys!!! So much!!!! And not just you all, but everyone else too!!! And much love to Kink especially for being a driving force behind me making this, as well as just being a goddamn star.
So... as a final ovation... LLA, CC, Bry, Drago/Paci, Pots, Silver, Donut, Quarter, Stilla, Chara, Moddy, Rowdy, Neue, Castor/Skater, Tia/Nightmare, Clement, Zielo, Vee, Nappy, Ding, Pip, Cola, and Kink. As well as some stragglers like Log, Ingrid, and Jai. I’m probably still forgetting some... but thank you all for being my friends. It’s been a long, long five years. And yet, many of you are still in my life. In at least some form. There aren’t words enough to express my gratitude towards every single one of you for the most incredible years of my life and pulling me from what can be called nothing less than the fucking abyss. You all made and continue to make life worth living.
And thank you, Undertale. The game behind all of these relationships.  The game that inspired such strong feelings in me when nothing else could. That made me into an artist and writer. The reason I’m still alive. The game that changed my fucking life and will continue to affect me, I believe, for the duration of it. I really cannot overstate just how important you were and still are. There’ll never be anything else like you.
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proxylynn · 6 years
Underfell: File Name not Edgy Enough #10
Chapter 10: Skeletons WARNING: I WANT NO RESPONSIBILITY OVER SPOILING THINGS FOR OTHERS. THAT BEING SAID, THIS IS HOW FILE NAME NOT FOUND WOULD FUNCTION IN THE AU OF UNDERFELL. BEFORE YOU READ THIS, UNLIKE THE NICE TIME OF UNDERTALE, THIS WORLD IS KILL OR BE KILLED. THIS STORY WILL BE GRAPHIC, GORY, USE SWEARS LIKE NOBODY'S BUSINESS, AND DEAL WITH SENSITIVE SUBJECT MATTERS. FOR EXAMPLE, THOSE OF YOU WHO HAVE READ THE FILE NAME RELOCATED SPOOF WILL KNOW HOW I PICTURE THIS VERSION OF LYNSIE COMING TO THE UNDERGROUND. IT IS NOT AN ACCIDENT. IT IS NOT BECAUSE OF SOMETHING DUMB. IT IS BECAUSE SHE CHOOSES TO END HER LIFE. SO TAKE THIS WITH A GRAIN OF SALT. I MADE IT BECAUSE I NEEDED TO LET SOME OF THIS EDGINESS OUT OF MYSELF. WHICH I GUESS MAKES UNDERFELL LYNSIE EVEN MORE TRUE TO WHO I REALLY AM. ANYWAY, ENJOY. ^_^ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This feels familiar. Different, but familiar. This same darkness. This same unease. This same soul shivering chill of nothingness. Funny...Where's Gaster's door? Did we just revert to the old way? {Hey...Why are you here?} That voice... "Chara?" {Lynsie? What are you doing here?} "Hell if I know." {You need to leave this place.} "Not like I know how. But why?" {They took you and Asriel. I don't know where you are now, but you shouldn't be asleep while in Snowdin Town...Even if Sans is helping you, Papyrus is not bound by any promise.} That made my spine tremble. "Okay, you have a point there. But how do I leave from...what or wherever this place is?" {You have to wake up.} "I've never made myself wake up before." {Well, how do you normally know you're about to wake up?} "Normally? I become aware that I'm dreaming." {Like right now?} "There's the conundrum. I don't know if this is a dream. I mean, I'm fulling aware when I see Gaster, but I never..." {Wait...You've met Gaster?} "You know the guy?" {Stay away from him!} I feel like I flinched. "Dude, what's wrong?" {Don't go near him! He's dangerous. You can't trust him.} "Can't really do nothing about that. He comes to me. Not the other way around." {Then don't talk to him. Ignore him. Do what you can to keep him away from your soul.} "What? Why? How?" {Just try to...} Chara's voice starts to dampen, almost like he's going mute. I don't get to speak up as I'm forced away. "*gasps and coughs*" That was the weirdest awakening from that dream-thing yet. I can't see yet, I'm sweating and covered in goosebumps. My chest is tight from lack of air and movement. What the fuck is happening to me?! "HUMAN...I SEE YOU'RE FINALLY AWAKE." I shake my head and try to focus as my sight begins to come back. I can barely make him out as a white smudge in black. "Papyrus? What happened? Where is this?" I attempt to rub my eyes but can't. I yank them only to hear the clatter of chains. "NOTICING YOUR NEW ACCESSORIES, I SEE." "The hell? Why am I restrained?" "ONE CAN NEVER BE TOO CAREFUL WHEN IT COMES TO SAFETY AND HUMANS." I scoff and rub my eyes into my shoulder, blinking a few times to get things cleared in my vision. Now that I can see, I find Papyrus standing over me, which is normal because he's taller than me, and Sans is off leaning on a wall behind his brother. I seem to be inside a small room of some sorts. There is a bowl of dry pet food with what looks like cut up hotdog mixed in, a squeaky bone chew toy, and a small pet bed. Like at the start of the forest, there is a wall of bars that separates 2/3s of the room, Sans is on the smaller watching side while Papyrus is on the larger captive side with me. The walls and floor are in terrible shape, even the two windows are in need of repair yet less than the rest of the room. I'm stuck in a kind of kneeling position due to the chains connected to the wall and floor. My wrists are connected to the chains on the wall and ankles to the ones connected to the floor. However, this doesn't concern me. What does get my attention is the fact that ALL my stuff is gone. The backpack with Flowey? Gone. My equipped gear? Gone. Even the ribbon? Yep, that's gone too. Frankly, with how thorough they were at disarming me, I'm surprised I'm not chained up in my underwear right now. [HP 36, ATK 18, and DEF 11] "Where is Flowey?" "THAT IS NONE OF YOUR CONCERN." "I won't ask again. *stern* Where is he?" Papyrus growls and Sans taps on the wall. "relax, kiddo. the weed is fine. got'em in the house so he won't shrivel up." "WHILE I DON'T CARE TO HAVE THE PLANT IN OUR HOME. SANS DID BRING UP THE POINT THAT THE FLOWER IS MORE USEFUL ALIVE THAN DEAD." "Oh yeah? How so?" He grins. "YOU'D BE MORE COOPERATIVE IF THE HOSTAGE WAS STILL LIVING." My eyes widen into a glare. "If you hurt him..." "YOU'LL WHAT? AS YOU CAN SEE, YOU AREN'T IN ANY POSITION TO MAKE THREATS." "Oh sure, overreact much? Like I've done anything to actually prove I'd hurt you if I made a threat. Probably would embarrass the crap out of you, but nothing painful." "YES. SPEAKING OF EMBARRASSMENT, YOU HAVE LOWERED MY CREDIBILITY BY NOT KILLING THOSE DOGS." I scoff. "Dude, you captured a human and no one died. How is that not a good thing for you?" "YOU ALMOST MADE IT TO TOWN. YOU HAVE ONLY AN LV OF 1. EVERY MONSTER ON PATROL IS TRAINED TO KILL HUMANS AND IS UNDER MY WATCH. BY BEING NICE AND GETTING SO FAR, IT HAS MADE ME LOOK BAD." I look at him funny. "Dude...You wanted me to go through the puzzles and even agreed to my plan on making the dogs leave us alone. You were with me the whole way for fuck's sake! If you had any problem then you should've said something, ya jackass!" Sans wasn't paying all the much attention until that moment. Papyrus glares and growls deeply. "WHAT DID I TELL YOU ABOUT THAT MOUTH OF YOURS? KNOW WHEN TO KEEP IT SHUT, HUMAN. THAT'S YOUR LAST WARNING." "Bull crap! You're mad because some random assholes are talking shit about you? God forbid you yourself are happy to have done your fucking job without any issue and not care what some pussies say because they are too much of a bitch to deal with what you do. Oh no. Not the great and terrible Papyrus. You're the guy that chained up a girl that blacked out from intense vertigo. Oooh...You must be so scared." He slaps me hard enough to lock my jaw until it snaps back when I hit the wall. [HP ██████████████████████████ 26/36] "MOCK ME AGAIN! I FUCKING DARE YOU!" I can only think that his hit didn't deal more damage because of lack of space for me to fly, unlike last time. But now I'm not in a good mood. I've had enough. "Again..." "HUH?" "Touch me again. I fucking dare you! I will rip that arm off and shove it up your bony ass!" "YOU MOUTHY LITTLE BITCH..." He swings at me again and I lurch forward in a small lunge. This surprises him and he's almost caught off guard enough for me to chomp down on his hand, yet his reflexes are better than my jaw snapping. "YOU...YOU WERE GOING TO BITE ME? SANS? SHE WAS GOING BITE ME...I SAW THAT CORRECTLY, RIGHT?" Sans is now leaning into the bars with a worried expression. "um...y-yeah." "HUH...A DIRTY MOVE, HUMAN. I'M IMPRESSED YOU'D ACTUALLY DO SOMETHING LIKE THIS. BUT..." He summons a sharpened bone and plunges it into my left shoulder, reopening the scar from when it was hurt the first time as I roar in pain. And it's not a clean stab either, only the tip exits out while the rest scraps my own bones. Blood seeps around the entry point slowly and Sans is visibly shaken by it. [HP ████████████████ 16/36] "BUT YOU'RE WRONG TO THINK I'D LET YOU DO THAT WITHOUT CONSEQUENCE." He twists the bone and I choke the yell my voice demands. The satisfied smirk he has grows as I bite my lower lip hard enough to bleed just to distract from this. [HP ████████████ 12/36] "IT HURTS, DOESN'T IT? YOU CAN TRY TO FIGHT IT, BUT YOU CAN'T HOLD OUT FOREVER. I CAN MAKE IT STOP. YOU KNOW THIS. AND I'M WILLING TO BET YOU KNOW WHAT I WANT IN EXCHANGE. SO I'LL ASK YOU, HUMAN, WILL YOU SWALLOW YOUR FOOLISH PRIDE AND SAY IT?" "*strained* I'm..." "YES?" "*strained* Not impressed..." He jerks the bone and I thrash harshly against the chains. More blood begins to come out. [HP ██████ 6/36] "pap...maybe this is a bit much." "SHE HAS TO LEARN, SANS. IF SHE DOES BAD THAN SHE WILL BE PUNISHED. SUCH IS THE CONDITIONING NEEDED IN PROPER PET TRAINING." "*strained* I'm not...a dog...asshole..." He grabs my face in one hand and forces me to look at him. His other hand still holding the bone firm. "YOU ARE IN NEED OF A RUDE AWAKENING, HUMAN. YOU ARE IN OUR CUSTODY NOW. IF YOU WEREN'T, YOU'D BE HAULED OFF TO THE CAPITAL AND KING ASGORE WOULD PERSONALLY RIP THE SOUL FROM YOUR WEAK BODY. IF IT WEREN'T FOR ME, YOU'D BE JUST ANOTHER BODY ADDED TO THE UNTOLD NUMBERS THAT WILL FALL TO US WHEN WE RETAKE THE SURFACE. SO GO AHEAD. BE DISRESPECTFUL. SEE HOW FAR THAT GETS YOU. BECAUSE LIKE ANY OWNER WITH A DISOBEYDANT PET, I HAVE A LIMIT OF HOW MUCH I CAN STAND OF YOU BEFORE I PUT YOU DOWN. AM I CLEAR?" I snarl, shaking my head from his hand and defiantly biting the bone. This gives them both very weird blushing looks, though Papyrus snaps out of this oddness first when I try to pull the bone out. "*SIGH* I WANT TO ADMIRE THIS RESOLVE YOU HAVE, BUT I'M NOT IN THE MOOD." With him being stronger than me, he has no issue pushing the bone in further in. I release it in my whimpers and end up yelping when he presses me to the wall as the bone pins me to it. [HP █ 1/36] "I DO HOPE YOU'RE COMFORTABLE. YOU'LL BE STAYING LIKE THIS FOR QUITE SOME TIME." Tears leak from the corners of my eyes but don't sting as bad as the dirty look I'm giving him. Papyrus shakes his head and moves through the bars with ease. "SANS..." "y-yeah?" "MAKE SURE SHE LEARNS HER PLACE WITHOUT DYING. I'D HATE TO HAVE WASTED MY TIME ON A HOPELESS CAUSE." "sure. no problem, boss." Papyrus heads to the door and opens it, the snowy wind blows inside. Wait...Am I in a shed? "USE YOUR TIME WISELY, HUMAN. THIS CAN EITHER BE PLEASANT OR TORTUROUS. THE CHOICE IS UP TO YOU." Papyrus leaves with a slam of the door and I wince from the vibration shaking the bone. Now alone with Sans, I try to relax. I need to think of how I'm going to deal with this and get Flowey back. "man...you really like to push his buttons." I look at the bone and try again to bite and pull it out. This gets that weird look to come back to Sans. "uh...d-do ya want some help with that?" I look at him and he flinches. The blush getting worse on his face. "n-n-never mind." He looks away but takes small glances when I grunt at each nerve being tugged. "*muffled* Damn it...Why is it so big?" Sans gulp and shudders into biting his own hand. "*quiet* fuck, kiddo...not this again...and why it like that?" I snarl and give up for the moment. I'll try again later. "*annoyed* So...What's this whole 'pet' thing he was talking about?" He blinks a few times and rubs his face to return to normal. "ya don't remember what was said at the bridge?" "Dude, I was so out of my mind I have no clue what you or him were doing. For all I know, you guys were playing checkers while in formal ball gowns." "never say that again." "Whatever." "look...ya got so messed up that pap gave up on the whole 'play with the human with puzzles' idea and was about to off ya. i came up with a quick idea of keeping ya alive as our pet so he can show off that he's so great that he bends a human to his will." "You played to his ego...Smart move, skele-dude." "yeah, but you're not really helping matters much with this whole rage against papyrus thing ya got going on." "He started it. Fucker wants to blame me for stupid shit he had no problem with because of other assholes. I ain't gonna take that! And I sure as hell ain't saying sorry! You hear that?! I'm not apologizing!" "YOU WILL IF YOU KNOW WHAT'S GOOD FOR YOU!" Sans jumps and I hop a little at the sudden shout from the window. "I'll apologize when you do for reopening my shoulder, ya smarmy turd!" "YOU WILL APOLOGIZE AND DO SO LIKE A PROPER PET! YOU SHALL ADDRESS ME AS MASTER." "The hell I will!" "enough!" Sans shouts and gets our attention. "i am not putting up with this crap! if we're really doing this, then there's got to be some ground rules!" He points to his brother in the window. "papyrus, meet me at the library. we need to talk." He points at me. "and you...just... *sigh* just don't do anything stupid." Sans leaves the room and now it's just me. All alone and pinned to a wall while also chained. I wait some time to make sure they really left. I don't hear anything outside except the wind. Now it's action time. I clamp my teeth on the bone again and do my darnedest to ignore the pain as I pull on it. It's a slow and very painful process. Pulling it inch by inch. But it gets easier when the wider part of the bone is out and only the thinner pointy part remains. When it gets that far, I just let it fall out on its own from weight and heave a heavy sigh of slight relief. The bleeding isn't so bad, by my standards at least. I can pack some snow into it when I get out. Now for the hard part, getting rid of the shackles. I'm not going to enjoy this, but I am grateful for three things. One, shackles have a set restraint clasp that can't be adjusted to different sizes. Two, I'm double jointed in a few areas, my wrists being one spot. And three, when you're a creative kid with no friends, you do a lot of weird things...like learn how to escape. I move my thumb and pinkie finger to be in my palm so that my right hand is thinned in a curve. "One...Two...Three..." On three, I pull my hand down hard. I hiss at the sting and the bones popping don't help it from sounding worse than it is. But the results are what I wanted. My hand is free. Bent and sore, but free. "Hell...*wince* I'm gonna be a mess by day's end. Mom's going to kill me." Grabbing the bone, I use it before the magic fades. Using the tip to pry out the pin that keeps the clasps together. It isn't long before my limbs are under my full control again. "Alright...Step one, done. Step two, in progress." Now able to move, I tackle the annoying issue of the bars. I exhale and make myself as skinny as possible before trying to squeeze through. These bars are a little bit easier than the forest ones, but still a huge pain in the ass. Both figuratively and literally. This shed is filled with many made up swears by the time I get my body past the bars. I contemplate on whether I should've tried going out one of the windows, but that's when I notice something weird about the shed's door. The doorknob is backward. [It's locked from the inside.] I laugh a bit and walk out like a boss. Though being touched by the cold snow air doesn't make my shoulder or inevitable bruises feel any better. To slow the bleeding in my shoulder, I pack a bunch of snow into the wound. It won't last long due to body heat, but it's a temporary thing until I can fix this better. "Step two, done. On to step three. Now...How do I get inside?" Beside the shed, is a two leveled house that I can surmise belongs to Sans and Papyrus. Spikes outline the structure, it sports a classic pirate flag and is adorned with strings of red ominous lights. To the left of the house is Sans's mailbox, which is full of threatening letters, and Papyrus's mailbox, which is also holding equally bad looking mail. Looking at the "FUCK OFF" mat at the door, I kick it up and scoff at my idea that a key would be there. I check the door nob, to no surprise, it's locked. Checking the window yields more interesting results. The frame wiggles and it loosens the clasp. With a bit of effort, the lock slips off the bracket and I'm able to lift it up. From where the window is, part of a black couch is underneath, which come in handy when pulling myself in. Mental note to self, breaking into a skeleton's house is oddly thrilling. I re-secure the window and look around. Flowey is in here somewhere. I just have to figure out where. "Step three, done. Step four, needs work." The first floor of this house contains a living room and a kitchen. The living room features a large flat-screen television. The living room also hosts a table with what looks like a pet rock sitting on it, which is covered in salt, and one of Sans's dirty socks with a series of sticky notes attached to it, I'd recognize those dingy yellow things anywhere. The sticky notes depict Papyrus nagging Sans to pick it up and they get harsher the with each continuing note. There's also stool by the couch that seats a book titled "How to kick ass and give no fucks" that contains a joke book inside, yet within that is a book on quantum physics book which itself contains another joke book that contains another quantum physics book. I feel like that means something more. But fuck if I have time to think about it. My snow shoulder patch is melting, so off to the kitchen I go. The kitchen is rather simple, containing a stove with a tinfoil covered lasagna in it that has a note on it reminding Sans to warm it up for supper, a trash can, a long countered sink, and a fridge that has containers labeled "pasta perfection" with a number next to it on one side and an half-empty box of doughnuts on the other side. "I'll take this, thank you very much." I grab a strawberry glazed doughnut and munch to bring up my HP before a hand towel into the wound. [HP █████████████ 13/36] "Okay, flower-boy ain't down here. Now if I were a somewhat evil jackass, where would I keep a hostage? Hmmm...*gasp* My bedroom! Of course." So to the stairs I go. The second floor of the house contains a framed painting of a bone in regal attire and four doors, two leading to Papyrus's room and Sans's room, the others are unknown though one is likely a bathroom. "Yo! Flowey! You here, bro?!" "*muffled yell*" "Called it." It sounded like it came from the first door and judging from the all the warning signs on the door, I have to say it's Papyrus's room. This is further proven true by the note on the door. [It's the door to Papyrus's room. It's covered in many labels...] [NO GIRLS ALLOWED!] [NO BOYS ALLOWED!] [NO SANS ALLOWED!] [PAPYRUS ALLOWED.] "Dude just keeps finding ways to come off as a pompous ass and yet cute at the same time. Well...till he stabs you that is." I check the knob, it's locked. "*muffled shout*" "I hear you, give me a second." I lack expect thief skills so I'm not so stealthy with this approach. "Screw the rules, I have boundary issues!" I kick the door near the knob and it busts open with a loud crash. "Knock knock..." Papyrus's room isn't what I was expecting. There's a chest of bones by the door, a desktop computer in the back right corner blocking the only window, a closet between the PC and a large bookshelf. Another pirate flag adorns the wall of the back left corner, an end table with figures resembling monsters of the Royal Guard is near the bed, and the bed itself is a black modified pro stock hot rod decked out with glistening flame decals. In the center of the room is a black rug framed with flames...and a suspicious looking box that looks big enough to hold a potted flower. Opening the box reveals a bound in string Flowey that's also gagged with a sock. I pull it out of his mouth and he spits in disgust. "Ew! Ew! Ew! Ew! Ew! Ew! That was the worst thing I've ever experienced in my entire life!" "At least you're not dead." I snap the string and he stretches. "What happened to you?" I look at the now very wet hand towel. "Take a wild guess." He sighs. "Papyrus?" "Bingo." He groans as I pick him up. "You wouldn't happen to know where my stuff is, would you?" "What?! They took our gear?!" "My gear. Mine. I don't see you walking around with all that on your back." "Semantics. And no. I have no clue." "Damn it...*sigh* Guess we're not leaving any time soon." Flowey's eyes widen. "W-What do you mean we aren't leaving?" "I mean, we are not leaving this house. Not till I find my stuff." I head out of the room and put Flowey down so I can fix the door. "Are you nuts?! Look what those crazy boneheads did to us! If we stay here, we are both going to die!" "And what do you think will happen if we can't call mom by curfew?" That makes the next remark die on Flowey's tongue. "...Good point." Yank the door back into its former place and tumble back a bit. "Pap is gonna be so pissed." "How do you plan to lessen this?" I pause for a moment. "I could do a little around the place. Maybe earn some points that way." "Why?" "I can snoop around while looking innocent." "...Sometimes you surprise me with evil ideas." "It's not evil if I'm doing good to get back what's mine." I pick up his pot and head downstairs. Maybe I'll start in the kitchen and work my way up. Heating up that lasagna seems like a good start. Maybe do some cleaning. But first I need to tend to this wound. [In Snowdin Town, Library] "OKAY SANS, EXPLAIN TO ME WHY WE HAD TO COME HERE AGAIN?" "like i told ya on the way...if we're gonna keep her like a pet, we should at least do some research on humans so we know what the fuck we're doing." "*HUFF* SOUNDS MORE LIKE YOU JUST WANTED ME AWAY FROM THE HUMAN." "that's just a bonus so the two of ya would shut the hell up for five minutes." The brothers stroll up the front desk where the librarian lizard looks extremely bored. "Welcome to the library, how can I be of...Oh. It's just you two. What do you want?" Papyrus sneers. "WE ARE HERE ON OFFICIAL BUSINESS, SMARTASS." "Oh yeah? Like what?" "we need any and all book ya got about humans." That made the lizard monster adjust their glasses. "This would be because of what the town is all chattering about, right? You two actually caught the last human?" Papyrus confidently poses. "INDEED, YOU HEARD RIGHT. I, THE GREAT AND TERRIBLE PAPYRUS, AM IN POSSESSION OF THE FINAL HUMAN." Sans rolls his eyes in annoyance as once again, Papyrus has stolen all the credit. "And why is that? Shouldn't the human be sent to the Capital to have its soul removed?" Papyrus was going to speak but Sans beat him to it. "this is the last human. we need to know what it knows. it's been ages since the last one, so who knows what shit is like on the surface. we need to interrogate the human and report the information before we blindly run up there." Papyrus looks at his brother in surprise. "Yeah, I guess that's a smart move. But just letting you know, my stock on human books isn't as good as you might need it to be. Aside from water damage, Alphys keeps having me send her any new books I find on humans." That made them confused. "WHAT FOR?" The librarian shrugs. "She doesn't tell me. The best answer I got out of her was something along the lines of 'needing info to improve Mettaton's lethality' or something like that. If you ask me, anything she does it that hunk of scrap is an improvement." Sans chuckles. "heh...that quack really thinks she can make the tin-can deadly to humans? hell, she can't even make it be the least bit entertaining. what's it gonna do? bore them to death?" "I know. She's wasting her time. But it's none of my business what she does." The librarian steps away. "I'll check what I have and see how much she's actually returned." The lizard goes to the many shelves and Papyrus snickers, gaining Sans's attention. "what's so funny, bro?" "HEH...YOU SURPRISED ME, SANS. I WOULDN'T HAVE GUESSED YOU WERE CAPABLE OF LYING WITH A STRAIGHT FACE." Sans rolls his shoulders. "never said i couldn't lie. i just can't do it to you." Papyrus smirks. "THAT'S GOOD TO KNOW." After about fifteen minutes or so, the librarian returns with a fairly decent stack of books. "Okay, fellas, this is all I got." Just merely glancing at the spines of these books showed them to be a rather random assortment. "WHAT IS THIS ONE?" "Anatomy & Physiology Workbook For Dummies. I've got a few of these 'Dummies' books and from looking them over, they're pretty much like a crash course rundown on whatever the subject is. This one is about the human body. It's actually pretty weird." "oh yeah? how weird are we talking about?" "Get this...Their bodies are mostly composed of water?" They laugh mockingly. "No, I'm serious. Look it up if you don't believe me. And the amount of water is different depending on gender. Males have about 10% more than females. It's so weird." Sans takes the book and begins flipping through it as Papyrus scoffs. "NONSENSE. SUCH THINGS CAN'T POSSIBLY BE TRUE. WHAT KIND OF CREATURE CAN MAINTAIN LIFE WITHOUT MAGIC?" "Humans apparently. None of these books mention anything on a human's magic abilities. Seems like the rumors were true. Humanity has lost its magic." "THAT'S GOOD. THAT MEANS THEY CAN NEVER TRAP US UNDERGROUND AGAIN." "I wouldn't be so eager if I were you. Remember that one human that came through. The yellow soul with that strange weapon?" "I VAGUELY RECALL SUCH THINGS, BUT GO ON." The librarian flips open another book. This one depicting weapons and battles between humans and other humans. "They've lost the use of magic, true. But they've advanced in physical weaponry. These bombs they have...I couldn't begin to imagine such things ever being real. The damage is incredible. The devastation to their own kind is unbelievable. We'd have to hit them hard and fast or we're goners for sure." Papyrus begins looking over the book when Sans suddenly lets out a slightly shuddering gasp. "HMMM? WHAT IS IT SANS? DID YOU DISCOVER A WEAKNESS WE CAN EXPLOIT?" Sans is sweating bullets and his cheekbones burning. "this is for real, right? this book isn't just making shit up?" This has Papyrus's attention. "Yes. It's a science book. Not science fiction. Why?" "so you're telling me that THIS is a real human fact?" Sans puts the book down on the counter and has it opened to the diagram of a human's skeletal system. "Yes. Humans have skeletons inside their bodies. It's like the core of their shape and everything else covers it. Why is that so...odd...?" Now the librarian is confused by the red tinting both skeletons' faces. "SO THERE'S A SKELETON...INSIDE OF THE HUMAN?" "Yeah?" Papyrus slaps a hand over his face and Sans slams his head into the book to hide his growing blush. "*muffled* fuck my life..." "You two are acting weird. Well, more so than usual. So...Just hand over your card and I'll let you take these so this doesn't get any more uncomfortable." "AGREED." Papyrus hands over his library card and the lizard takes Papyrus's information while also stamping the due dates into each book's time card. "Have fun learning, gentlemen." The librarian teases, making Papyrus huff while taking all the books and Sans pulls his hoodie over his head in shame of the still maddening blush he has even while leaving into the cold. "CAN YOU BELIEVE THE NERVE OF THAT GUY? MUST BE A TRAIT ALL REPTILES HAVE. JUST LIKE ALPHYS." "yep." "...YOU'RE STILL THINKING ABOUT THE BOOK, AREN'T YOU?" "i wish i could stop." "THAT...I CAN AGREE WITH YOU THERE. MOST UNSETTLING." "knowing this now makes everything so awkward!" "WE JUST HAVE TO IGNORE IT. IT'S NOT LIKE SHE CAN TAKE OFF HER SKIN AND WALK AROUND IN JUST BARE BONES. ...RIGHT?" "for the love of asgore, i really fucking hope so." "BE STRONG, BROTHER. DO NOT FALL PREY TO THIS NEW INFORMATION. SHE STILL THE SAME BITCH OF A HUMAN. THIS DOESN'T CHANGE ANYTHING. SHE IS OUR PET. AND WE WILL NOT BE CORRUPTED BY SUCH..." [RING] The sudden sound actually makes Sans jump in surprise due to being so wound up and Papyrus nearly drops everything from shock. "holy shit...*pant* that freaked me out so bad..." "WAIT...THAT ISN'T YOUR RING TONE." "it's not my phone. i took her's when we 'confiscated' her stuff." [RING] "WHO'D BE CALLING HER ANYWAY?" "probably this ghost she knows. or her mom." "HER MOTHER?" "it's a long story..." Sans pulls the old cellphone from his shorts pocket and checks the name that pops up. "yep. it's her mom. let me just..." Without warning, Papyrus snatches the phone from Sans in one hand while holding the books in the other. "pap, no! don't!" Too late. "GREETINGS. YOU ARE SPEAKING TO THE GREAT AND TERRIBLE PAPYRUS, SECOND IN COMMAND OF THE ROYAL GUARD!" Sans's eyes go black and he knows damn well this isn't going to end well. "Papyrus? Oh! You must be Sans's brother. I've heard so much about you." That caught Papyrus off guard. He wasn't expecting to be known. Or to just be known as Sans's brother. "*AHEM* YES. THAT IS INDEED WHO I AM. NOW, WHAT IS THE NATURE OF THIS CALL?" "Well, sir, I do believe I am the one who should be asking the questions. For one, why are you in possession of my daughter's phone?" Papyrus grins evilly. "SIMPLE REALLY. I HAVE HER PHONE BECAUSE SHE IS NOW MY PRISONER." Sans cringes. "You WHAT?!" The shout was loud enough to make the phone receiver crack. "YOU HEARD ME. I HAVE YOUR DAUGHTER NOW. BUT DO NOT FEAR. SHE IS PERFECTLY FINE...IF YOU DON'T COUNT THE WOUND TO HER ARM THAT IS." There's eerie silence on the phone and Sans can't take this anymore. He rips the phone from Papyrus. "SANS! GIVE THAT BACK! I WASN'T DONE GLOATING!" "tori! it's me! don't believe a thing my bro said. h-h-he's just trying to get your goat. *nervous laugh* get it? ya know i'd never let the kid get hurt." "SANS, WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?" "if ya want, i can give the phone to her right now and she'll tell ya how she's fine. that sound okay, tori?" "SANS..." Sans covers the phone. "you idiot, do ya even know how fucked up you're making this?" Papyrus glares. "DO NOT TAKE THAT TONE WITH ME, SANS." "pap, the human's mom isn't another human. it's asgore's wife, toriel." That name took a moment to click in Papyrus's head, but when it did, his skull only had the look of horror smeared on it. "T-TORIEL? THE TORIEL? THE QUEEN?" "yes! she ran away to the ruins and locked herself in, remember?" "AND HUMAN IS..." "she kinda adopted her." "AND I JUST...OH MY GOD, I JUST GLOATED OVER HURTING THE QUEEN'S DAUGHTER..." "yes, you did. now go get the human so we can save our asses from being cremated!" Papyrus needs no further prompting and rushes to the shed. Sans slowly follows. "sorry about that, tori. i had to tell my bro to go wake the kid. she's at our house taking a nap. poor thing worked herself to the bone trying to get to town, it was the least i could do to let her get some rest." "...This had better not be a lie, Sans. I am in no mood to be played a fool of." "tori, trust me. i hate making promises but never do i break them. the kid is fine. she's..." Sans pauses when Papyrus comes out of the shed with even more panic than he already had. "*SHOUT* SHE'S NOT IN THERE!" Sans almost dropped the phone. The human's gone? But how? She was chained up and pinned to a freaking wall for fuck's sake! How did she...where could she...? Okay, calm down. She couldn't have gotten far. There has to be some sign of her nearby. "Sans? Is everything alright?" Sans begins to sweat profusely and gulps nervously. "y-yeah! everything's fine. the kiddo's just being fussy is all. let me put ya on hold for a sec while i calm her down." Sans hits the button to pause the call. "what do ya mean she's not there?!" "SHE'S NOT IN THERE, SANS!" "are there any clues? ya fucked her shoulder up, maybe there's a blood trail." Taking a moment to settle down, Papyrus lets his training take over. Looking back in the shed, there is a slight trail of blood droplets starting at the wall where they let her, then a big smear of it on the bars, and then leading out of the door. Sans could see the hunter in his brother take hold and calmed down. Once Papyrus had a target in mind there was nothing that escaped his sense until he found it. Papyrus took notice that the blood had stopped outside the shed but footprints took their place. These prints lead him to his own home and even stranger still, the window. "SANS...SHE'S IN OUR HOUSE." Sans comes up to him. "how do you know?" "THE FLOWER IS WATCHING OUR TV." Sans took a look to confirm his brother's words. Yes, Flowey is seated on the floor in his pot and watching television. Though the human is nowhere to be seen, it is very convincing to believe she is indeed within the residence. They waste no time in entering their home and Flowey is tackled before he can scream. "okay, weed, we know she let ya out. now tell us where she is!" To add some more convincing, Papyrus produces many sharpened bones that take aim at his face. Flowey panics but his cries are all muffled, all he can do is point to one of the doors upstairs. "THE BATHROOM!" "got it!" Sans teleports into the bathroom, leaving Papyrus and Flowey alone. There's deafening silence before screaming and swears are heard. "Get out! Get out! Get out! Get out!" Sans appears on the outside of the door completely red skulled and panting, his left hand gripping his chest like his soul was about to escape. "SANS? WHAT HAPPENED?" He can't speak. Words fail to form in his mouth. All he can do to let Papyrus know that something at least went okay was give a shaky thumbs up. This wasn't as reassuring to Papyrus as Sans wanted it to be and he leaves the flower to check on his brother. "SANS? WHAT HAPPENED? DID SHE DO SOMETHING TO YOU?" Sans shakes his head. "DID YOU SEE SOMETHING?" He nods. "WELL? WHAT DID YOU SEE?" Sans only has enough cognitive thought to spit out one word. "everything." Papyrus goes to ask what he means by that, but seeing how shaken up Sans is, he decides to let it go till he's calmed down. Seconds later, the sound of water being drained clues Papyrus a bit more into what just transpired and he too shares the stunned look his brother has. "I was trying to warn you..." Snidely remarks the flower. "But I suppose that's the price you pay for just rushing in where fools dare to tread." Papyrus in no mood for smart-mouthed flowers. He carries Sans downstairs and sits him o the couch before leaving back to the shed to recollect the books he left there. "Awww...You don't look so good. What's the matter, Smiley Trashbag? Never seen a girl like that before?" "stop..." "Must've been something to really rattle you up like this." "stop." "Funny. I never thought I'd see the day when something got under your skin." "i said, STOP!" Sans's voice roars and his eyes go dark with only the left flaring a violent intense red. Flowey instantly regrets his choice to be a turd at this moment. "do not mock me! i will fucking end you! i will give you a very bad time! i will..." "You'll what?" My sudden voice breaks his rage and his glowing eye dims a little. "i'll make mulch of him if he doesn't stop being such a huge pain in the ass." "Of course you will..." Now out of the bathroom, I'm stuck wearing my bloody clothes and have my hair wrapped in a towel. "Flowey quit being a little shit." "But I..." "I could hear you through the door. Don't antagonize him." He grumbles as I descend the stairs. Sans doesn't look at me. I don't blame him. He saw way too much. "You okay?" "i'm fine." I don't believe him. "Want to reset this moment too?" Flowey looks at me funny upon hearing that. "i don't think that'll work this time." I plop down on the couch away from him. "Damn...And just when things with us were going cool again. Lady luck is being a real bitch today." That musters a small smile to his face but it's short-lived. Moments pass till Papyrus comes in with books and he isn't pleased to see me. "YOU WERE TOLD TO WAIT IN THE SHED." I want to clash with him on that, but choose not to. If I'm stuck here, for the time being, I might as well make it pleasant. Well...as pleasant as it can possibly get. "You're right. I'm sorry." That has Papyrus dropping the books. "WHAT DID YOU SAY?" "I said, you're right. I was told to stay put but did not. I'm sorry." My shift in obedience even takes Sans by surprise, his eyes reverting to their normal white pinpricks. I get up and head to the kitchen. "I will admit to not being the most well-mannered person. Definitely not getting a 'good girl of the year' award for such things. But I had some time to think while you boys were gone." "OH YEAH?" I get quiet and they hear the over squeak open. "THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?" Papyrus rushes over and sees me pulling the lasagna out. "What's wrong? If I leave it in there it'll burn." He's confused. But when I set it down and lift the foil, all this steam comes wafting off. "YOU...YOU HEATED IT FOR ME?" "Like I said, I had some time to think. After getting inside here..." "HOW DID YOU DO THAT BY THE WAY?" "The window. It'll need to be resized or change the lock because I just had to shake it and it came loose. I recommend a temporary fix by jamming something into the frame." "DAMN IT. MY IMPENETRABLE FORTRESS HAS A FLAW. I MUST FIX THAT." "I got Flowey and let him watch TV while I did a few things. First thing, I fixed your bedroom door." He glares. "WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY BEDROOM DOOR?" "Had to kick it open to get to Flowey. But I repaired what little issues such force caused." "IF YOU TOUCHED ANYTHING IN THERE..." "Please, you insult me with such an idea. All I touched was the box holding Flowey and nothing else. By the way, your room, very badass." He gets a faint smile. "GLAD TO KNOW YOU CAN RECOGNIZE SOMETHING SO OBVIOUS. NOW WHAT ELSE HAVE YOU DONE AROUND HERE?" I begin cutting into the food and plating it. "Well...After patching my shoulder I did some lite dusting and cleaned up any blood I tracked in with me. Then I searched the couch to find about 50G under the cushions and under the couch itself, which the pet rock is now guarding in case you want it. Plus...I picked up that sock. Damn thing was bugging my brain just sitting there. Not sure what room is Sans's so it's sitting in my pocket for now." I feel his hands rest firmly on my shoulders and I freeze. "HUMAN...THANK YOU." "Um...You're welcomed?" Why is this making me so nervous right now? "YOU HEAR THAT SANS?! EVEN THE HUMAN IS CAPABLE OF PICKING UP SOCKS!" "good for her! i don't give a shit!" "*SCOFF* GOD, HOW HE ANNOYS THE PISS OUT OF ME." "Easy now. You're both just on edge. Nanny tends to have the effect when mad." "NANNY?" "It's a nickname I gave mom before I started calling her mom. It's a goat joke." "AH. I SEE YOUR HUMOR IS JUST AS BAD AS HIS." "Either way, Toriel can be very protective. And you telling her I was hurt? Not a smart move. You're lucky Sans talked her down or we'd all be in some serious trouble." "*GRUMBLE* WHATEVER." I hand him a plate. "Here. Go relax and eat. Now is the time for peace." He looks at me funny. "Is something the matter?" "WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED IN THAT BATHROOM TO MAKE YOU SO PLEASANT? YOU DIDN'T DRINK THE BODYWASH, DID YOU?" "*giggle* No silly. I'm just in a better more. I'm fine. Could use some healing magic to seal this wound, but otherwise okay." "HMMM...PERHAPS AFTER SUPPER, I MIGHT OBLIGE YOU WITH THAT." "I thank you ahead of time if you do." He smirks and returns to the living room. I gather up three more plates, one in each hand and one clasped hard in my teeth, before heading back to join them. I serve Flowey and move the plate from my mouth to the free hand. I then hand a plate over to Sans and takes it from me without looking at me. I frown at this but know he has to settle down. I sit on the floor and eat with Flowey. Aside from the TV playing, not a sound is made between the four of us. It's really uncomfortable. So...I try to change that. "So...Who's the robot?" Flowey gulps a large bite down. "From what I've gathered, its name is Mettaton. It's actually not that bad." "Huh? Looks familiar." "What do you mean?" "I swear...I've seen that machine before. I just can't place it." "Weird." "Eh. I'll come to me later." "So what did mom say?" "Oh, she was pissed! But I talked her into being okay. If she ever asks, we slept over. The reason I may or may not have gotten hurt was due to slipping on ice and colliding with stalagmites. Got it?" "That...That's believable. You can be a klutz sometimes." "*mock gasp* Sir, you speak ill of me? Have at you!" I nuggie Flowey and he nips at me to make me stop. This childishness plays out in front of the brothers and has them puzzled. "ARE YOU SEEING THIS?" "i am. it's so weird. like she's a different person." "DO YOU THINK THIS IS COVERED IN THE BOOKS?" "don't know. but one of those has to be a psychology book of some kind." "DO YOU THINK...IT'S POSSIBLY A RUSE?" "what? like she's faking it?" "EXACTLY." "i don't know...not sure ya can fake something like that." "DO WE...DO WE STICK WITH THE PLAN?" "the pet idea?" "YEAH?" "maybe. we gotta spin something to keep those assholes in town from narking us to undyne." "SOUNDS LIKE WE'RE DIGGING OURSELVES INTO A PRETTY DEEP HOLE HERE, SANS." "we just have to make a plan. but for now...she doesn't leave this house." "AGREED." "Hey, guys..." That broke up their little huddle. "Could I have my backpack back? I'd like to change into something less torn and blood caked." "YOU'D HAVE TO ASK SANS FOR THAT. HE TOOK YOUR THINGS. I JUST HAD THE FLOWER." I look at Sans and he flinches when he makes eye contact. "If it helps, I'll make a trade." I dig the sock out of my pocket. "Item for an item?" He looks annoyed but puts his plate down. "fine." He teleports away and Papyrus growls. "DAMN IT, SANS! YOU FORGOT TO TAKE THE SOCK!" "i didn't forget...i just didn't want to have it." Suddenly Sans is upstairs and opening a door. I mentally mark that as his room and it won't be hard to remember either. That door was the odd one with multicolored flames seeping out from under it but oddly they didn't burn or have any heat as if it's an illusion. "*SNARL* YOU WILL TAKE THIS DAMN SOCK AND PUT IT IN YOUR ROOM, OR SO HELP ME I WILL..." "you'll what?" A bone is launched and harpoons itself in the wall beside Sans's head, rattling him big time. "TAKE. THE. FUCKING. SOCK. NOW." "uh...okay, i get it. toss it here, kiddo." I ball the sock up and throw it. He catches it with ease and enters his room. Seconds later, Sans appears on the couch again with my bag. "here." He holds out the bag. "Everything in there?" "yeah." "That include my gold and items?" He sneers. "ya don't trust me?" I groan. "Don't start this crap. I have a right to ask since you guys stripped me." I snatch it from him and head back upstairs. "the fuck ya giving me attitude for?!" "Stop now before you say something stupid." "so what? now you're calling me stupid?!" "Oh my god...Grow up! You saw me naked! Get over it!" I slam the door behind me and roar in annoyance. Oh, who am I kidding? I'm not even over. Nothing like coming out of deep thought soaking in a tub and opening your eyes to see a stunned skeleton staring at you like he's seen a dead body. Why? Why did he look at me like that? The first time anyone, let alone a guy, sees me nude and they looked terrified. My self-esteem went down the drain with the bathwater. God, I hate my life. I change into a spare outfit and tie my hair back up in the ribbon. Once I'm done, I look over myself in the mirror. [It's still you, Lynsie.] [HP 36, ATK 26, and DEF 14] "Not quite. But getting there. There's always room for improvement." I exit the bathroom and see Sans is gone. Probably in his room. Papyrus appears to have grabbed another plate. The guy enjoys his own cooking, that's for sure. Flowey's zoned out on watching TV, he's such a kid sometimes. I get down there and join them. I toss the bag under the table with the rock and grab a book Papyrus brought in before sitting beside him on the couch. What a strange assortment these things are. They all had something to do with humans. This one, in particular, is called "Evolution and Selection of Quantitative Traits". So far not a bad read. "WHAT IS THAT ONE ABOUT?" "The synopsis on the back says...Evolution and Selection of Quantitative Traits presents a holistic treatment of the subject, showing the interplay between theory and data with extensive discussions on statistical issues relating to the estimation of the biologically relevant parameters for these models. Quantitative genetics is viewed as the bridge between complex mathematical models of trait evolution and real-world data, and the authors have clearly framed their treatment as such. This is the second volume in a planned trilogy that summarizes the modern field of quantitative genetics, informed by empirical observations from wide-ranging fields (agriculture, evolution, ecology, and human biology) as well as population genetics, statistical theory, mathematical modeling, genetics, and genomics. Whilst volume 1 (1998) dealt with the genetics of such traits, the main focus of volume 2 is on their evolution, with a special emphasis on detecting selection (ranging from the use of genomic and historical data through to ecological field data) and examining its consequences." "IN ENGLISH?" "What makes something work in a species so that THAT creature continues to thrive while similar beings that lack such traits don't. Like for example, there are two types of birds that live in a heavily wooded area. Food starts to get harder to come by because it starts going into the trees. The bird that evolves first to take advantage of this new way of eating, by digging into the trees, is the bird that will get to keep going while the other dies out. Makes sense?" "AH. THAT SEEMS VERY LOGICAL. HOW DOES THAT WORK FOR HUMANS?" "Eh. Humanity hasn't really evolved for a long time. I think noticeably, we stopped when Homosapiens came about and made Neanderthals die out. Though they didn't die out completely. There are still traces of Neanderthal DNA in most of the population, which shows they were able to crossbreed and keep going that way." "SO THESE HOMOSAPIENS...THEY ARE WHAT IS KNOWN AS MODERN HUMANS?" "Correct. Advancements in DNA research has allowed us to trace our line back 85 million years ago when primates diverged from other mammals." That shocks him but then has him confused. "WAIT...WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY PRIMATES?" "Monkeys and Apes. Humans evolved from them." "NO..." "I know. Sounds like complete bull. But the proof is in our blood. Yet that doesn't stop most people from thinking that's crap and we just poofed on the land because religion says so." "BUT HOW DOES A MONKEY OR APE TURN INTO A HUMAN?" "Human evolution from its first separation from the last common ancestor of humans and chimpanzees is characterized by a number of morphological, developmental, physiological, and behavioral changes. The most significant of these adaptations are bipedalism, increased brain size, lengthened ontogeny otherwise known as gestation and infancy, and decreased sexual dimorphism. The relationship between these changes is the subject of ongoing debate. Other significant morphological changes included the evolution of a power and precision grip, aka, our hands, a change first occurring in Homoerectus." "YOU KNOW AN AWFUL LOT ABOUT SUCH THINGS." "She's a nerd." Flowey interjects and I playfully shrug. "He's not wrong. I like to study random stuff that keeps my interest." "THEN IF YOU DON'T MIND ME ASKING, WHEN DID HUMANS EVOLVE TO HAVE SKELETONS INSIDE THEM?" I tilt my head confused. "I'm not sure I understand the question." "IN ONE OF THE BOOKS WE GOT IT SHOWED THERE IS A SKELETON INSIDE OF HUMAN BODIES. WHEN DID THAT BECOME A THING?" I think hard. "Well...When life began forming in the ocean, ages ago, nothing had bones because gravity is less in water and when all life is just fist, you don't need an internal support system. One-celled animals don't have any support system that holds them in a certain shape. Plants do have a support system, but it's the cellulose in the cell wall of each cell, rather than bones. Ain't that right, bro?" Flowey rolls his eyes and focuses on the show. "Early multi-celled animals like jellyfish, sponges, and worms also didn't have skeletons, but beginning with arthropods, about 550 million years ago, animals began to make specialized structures to support their bodies and give them a definite shape. The earliest skeletons were exoskeletons. They were on the outside of the animal. Modern lobsters, crabs, snails, and insects have exoskeletons. By about 510 million years ago, eels began to have their skeletons on the inside as well as on the outside in the form of their scales. They evolved first notochords and then vertebrae to protect their delicate spinal cords. These early inside skeletons or endoskeletons were made out of cartilage rather than bone. Sharks still have skeletons made out of cartilage to this day. Which makes finding their fossils very annoying. You mostly just find teeth. Big sharp killer teeth." "INTERESTING." "By about 480 million years ago, some fish were beginning to have teeth, so they could eat other fish. To protect their heads, some fish evolved their teeth into skulls. The earliest skulls look like lots of tiny teeth. Fish also evolved two sets of fins, one near their heads, and the other about half-way down to help them swim faster. During the Devonian period, about 400 million years ago, many seas were very shallow, and fish evolved to be able to live in very shallow water. Their fins developed into legs, because crawling worked better than swimming in these puddles, and they developed finger-like appendages to help them balance when they were moving. Gradually these lungfish evolved into amphibians, about 375 million years ago, and lived more and more on land. Their bodies were not supported by the water anymore, and they needed stronger bones to hold them up. And it really just kept going from their the more land dependent life became. All the way up to the bones we have now." "THAT IS INCREDIBLE. TIME AND DETERMINATION TO LIVE REALLY AMAZES ME SOMETIMES." "Wanna see?" He cocks his brow as I put the book down to pull my left arm out of its sleeve and bring it out of my shirt's collar. Now seeing the bandage, I peel it down to show the gaping hole his bone made. "If you look up in middle of it, you can see part of my scapula and humerus. You cut into there pretty deep to move that much muscle to expose the bone. Rather impressive actually." The look he gets is a weird mixture of curiosity and restraint. "Papyrus?" He doesn't respond. He just keeps his eyes locked into the wound. It's beginning to unnerve me. I move to put the bandage back on but he stops me, holding my wrist away. I don't move now. I let him do what he wants. Slowly the hand holding my wrist starts feeling the bone behind the thin layer of skin. Those eyes of his, so intense and yet holding no ill intent like he tends to display. I pay more attention to that hand and fail to notice the other begins to test touch the inside of the hole for bone until a raw nerve makes me hiss. "SENSITIVE?" "*wince* No...Painful..." "DO YOU WANT ME TO STOP?" "*strained* If that's okay, yes." "THEN SAY THE MAGIC WORDS." I glare at him and he smirks. "*weak growl* You jerk..." "I DIDN'T HEAR YOU. CARE TO TRY AGAIN?" He shoves his fingers in deeper and I bite my lip hard. This feels so weird. Why is he blushing? Is he enjoying this? Why am I blushing? The fuck is wrong with me?! Nope! So much nope! This ends now! "*stressed* Please stop, Master!" The room goes silent. Flowey even turns off the TV in shock. Papyrus grins triumphantly and takes the offending hand out to cover the wound instead. "GOOD GIRL. FOR THAT, YOU'VE EARNED THIS." His hand starts resonating with healing magic and I feel nothing but shame. "YOU DON'T LOOK HAPPY." "I feel disgusted with myself." "AND WHY DO YOU FEEL THAT WAY?" "Because you're humiliating me in exchange for aid." "DO YOU WANT ME TO STOP?" I look away. "No." "NO WHAT?" I lower my head. "*mumble*" "WHAT WAS THAT?" "...No, Master." "THAT'S WHAT I THOUGHT." Flowey just shakes his head at me and I glare harshly. "AS A SHOW THAT THIS SORT OF BEHAVIOR IS ACCEPTABLE, I WILL PERMIT YOU TO SLEEP ON THE COUCH." "Where would I have slept otherwise?" "THE SHED OF COURSE." "...I'm not even surprised." He pulls his hand away to reveal the healed flesh and stands up. "I TRUST YOU'LL BE A GOOD PET AND MAKE SURE THE FOOD IS PROPERLY STORED AND THE DISHES DONE BEFORE YOU GO TO SLEEP." I sneer and grip the couch. "Yes, Papyrus." He eyes me before turning away. "I'LL EXCEPT THAT FOR NOW. BUT DO GET USED TO CALLING ME MASTER." He heads upstairs to his room and I internally scream bloody murder while putting my arm back in my shirt the right way. "The hell did I miss?" "Not now, bro. Not now." I get up and take his plate to the kitchen. "What are you doing?" "Being a whipped bitch and hating myself for it! What else does it look like?" I kick myself as I do as told. I put the food into a correctly sized container, mark a date and number it, then put it away. Dishes don't take long to do and I set the books up on the table for them later. I even end up making sure the window and door are secured. "Why are you doing this? We have our stuff. We can leave." He's right. I have him, the bag, all my stuff, and the door is right there. So why am I doing this? Why can't I seem to even grip that idea as an option to take? "Lynsie? Hey...Are you okay?" "...I don't know." My hands are shaking and I can't feel it. Is it nerve damage? Or is something going wrong in my head? "Why don't you take a break? You've had a long day." "Yeah...Yeah, that sounds nice..." I pick him off the floor and set him on the table before flopping face first onto the couch with a groan. I want so bad to shut down and forget this happened. But I can't. I have one last thing to do before I can. I pull out my phone and dial up the only other number that isn't Toriel. [RING-RING] "...hello?" "Blook-man, it's me." "Lynsie! hey...you still coming over?" "I'm in Snowdin Town." "wow. you made it halfway. you really are something else." "Listen...I don't think I can make over by, what I'll guess is, nightfall." "how come? is it that bad out there for you?" "I am currently in the house of Royal Guardsmen Sans and Second in Command Papyrus. So...Yeah, I don't think I'm leaving anytime soon." "holy shit! are you alright?!" "So far. Kinda got this weird situation where I'm gonna be made into a pet thing going on, but other than that..." "do you need any help?" "Blooky, as sweet as that is, I ain't gonna risk you getting in trouble over me." "...then what are you going to do?" "I'll find a way. You know me." "if you need anything, just call and I'll come as fast as I can." "I know. You're a good friend, Blooky. I'll try to get over there. I just don't know when." "don't rush. the royal guard isn't to be taken lightly. hell, the captain lives near me." "...You're just telling me this now?" "in my defense...I never really thought you'd leave the ruins." "Yeah, can't fault ya there." "um...can I call you back later?" "Dude, you can call me anytime. Sorry if I bugged ya while you were doing something." "n-no! not at all! I wasn't doing anything! alright, got to go now! bye!" [CLICK] "Huh...That wasn't suspicious at all. Goodnight, Flowey." "Take it easy, human." I put the phone away and get comfortable. At least I'm indoors now and out of the cold. I can't imagine trying to sleep in that shed. A little nap will calm my nerves and bring peace to me weary soul...I hope. [Many hours later] Sans had woken up, as he often does, from non-restful slumber. The tossing and turning due to bad dreams always left him exhausted. This drained feeling is what drove him to always raid the fridge for a quick bite and feel recharged. How often he did this depended on pure randomness, but rest assured, it happens none the less and this night was no exception. Rummaging the fridge after teleporting down there, he scarfed down two or three doughnuts before chugging a large bottle of mustard he kept in the crisper. So far, a very normal replay of past nights for him. Yet in deciding to walk back to his room, something new caught his attention. The human was stretched out on the couch looking both uncomfortable and yet comfortable at the same time. Papyrus must have let her stay inside for some reason. He had to admit, he had no idea how she was managing to sleep on that thing. The couch, when used for sitting, was fine, but laying on it was another matter. It was lumpy and jangly when the springs were pressed on, so not the best bed in his opinion. But there she was. Out cold and dead to the world. He slowly approached her. Oh, how easily she could be taken out right now and no one would know. "heh...really? after everything, you really can just sleep like nothing happened?" Of course, there was no response on her end. "tell me to grow up. where the hell do ya get off telling me that shit? you don't fucking know me. you don't know half the fucked up shit i've been through. tell me to get over it after you've seen some little shit kid kill your brother and slaughter everyone before killing you. try getting over that and then you'll be on my level." He rubs his brow and sighs. "the hell am i even doing? ya can't even hear me. so why? why do ya do this to me? why are you making things so difficult? none of this has ever happened before. this is different. you weren't supposed to be here. it's a mistake. a big middle finger in the shitty comedy that is my life. like the killer kid wasn't tormenting enough, now i gotta deal with this woman that unintentionally sets me off? oh ha ha, real funny. what's next? a random house is gonna fall out of the sky with little people singing about candy and friendship? dear god, i hope not." She stirred a little to roll over. "*incoherent mumbles*" He knew he should stay quiet. He had no reason to speak. But the words left him before he could stop. "what did you say?" That seemed to draw life into her as her head lolled to look at him. Her eyes dull and hard to keep open. "Sans? You okay, buddy?" She really didn't hear any of that? He internally thanked whatever force out there for at least doing that much and got a tad bit closer. "yeah, i'm fine." "You're not mad at me anymore?" The way that came out of her sounded so innocent to him. A big difference between the girl he knows. "i wasn't mad you." "You weren't?" "no." "Oh, good. *yawn* I don't like seeing you sad. Your smile is so cute." That slowly drowned out of her as she began nodding off again and it caught him off guard. What did she mean by that? Was that even real or just the sleep talking? He wanted answers and shook her a bit. "hey, kiddo. wake up." "*whine* Two more hours, Nanny..." "i ain't your mom. now look at me." A tap on the cheek got her eyes open and the speed nearly made him jump. "Sans? What's wrong? *yawn* Is everything okay?" He just stared at her for a moment before chalking what he heard to just be nothing but sleep speech. "nah. everything's fine. just making sure you're not dead." She looked at him oddly yet let it slide due to tiredness. "Thanks." Having nothing further to investigate about her, he turned and headed towards the stairs. "Sans, wait..." He paused in mid-step. "I...I want to say...I'm sorry...For the awkwardness after that whole, you know..." That made him look back at her. This whole time he figured it wasn't bothering her past that initial intrusion, but in reality, it's been eating at her too. She was putting up a tougher front while Papyrus was around than he was. It made him feel just slightly sympathetic about it. "kid, don't mention it. i accept the apology, but let's just let that die from our thoughts. maybe give that reset thing a try." That made her smile and it had him feeling odd about it. "I'd like that." "good. then when we wake up, none of this will have happened. deal?" "Deal." She got nestled back into the couch and he began walking up the stairs. "Goodnight, Sans." Those moments. These little bits where there's no hostility. Where things are relaxed and nice. Where there is no fear and it feels safe. Those were the moments he longed for. And it scared him that she was the reason he felt any of that. "whatever." He continued up to his room and opened the door. He could feel her eyes on him yet he resisted looking back and entered his room. Now free from her gaze, he exhaled deeply and slinked over to the mattress he called a bed. This was the one place she had the weakest effect on him, but still some power none the less. She wasn't supposed to be here. Frisk was supposed to come, not her. Why this change? Why now? Such a random anomaly showing up and doing things that were so out of place made his skull itch with burning questions. Yet despite most of these questions, other thoughts would come to his mind. Like, does it even matter all that much that she's here and not Frisk? Was this really so bad? Would he had really preferred the return of that kid and causing more chaos to the timeline than to deal with this odd woman? It's not like Frisk ever gave a damn about him or Papyrus. In fact, that brat never gave a shit about any of them. So why was this bugging him so much? Maybe it was just the sense of repetitiveness that was making things weird. Expecting things to go the same way as they always had even with a new variable was foolish. Of course, things would change. And while most changes were bad in this world, this human didn't really bring any of that with her. She wasn't mindlessly going from point A to point B just to reach some unknown goal. No, she was staying put and learning. She was getting to know them. Trying to understand them. Frisk never did that. But this human...Lynsie...She was at the very least trying. Trying to do good. Trying to be better than what they thought humans were like. Trying...to be his friend. It made Sans frown at such a thought. "kiddo...don't waste your time on me. i'm not worth it." He drew his ripped sheets over himself and shut his eye sockets. Maybe in sleep, none of this would matter. Maybe when he wakes up, this will all be gone. She'd be gone. And that scared him the most.
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ask-serious-sans · 6 years
PTA Reader (Platonic!Reader and PTA Sans) Part 12
Summary: In which a school event results in Asgore getting stuck in a bounce house, PTA Flowey is back once again (and apparently really loves jump scares), and Linda learns why you should never insult Frisk while they're alone.
The PTA had been planning a school-wide event for several weeks, and now it was finally happening. There was a bounce house, several hand-made games like ring toss and a dart throwing game, and various snack tables. Even Muffet had been allowed to bring some spider pastries, much to Linda's dismay; mostly due to Flowey's comment that 'If Linda didn't let her bring the pastries she would just be proving to everyone that she was jealous of a spider's baking skills being superior to her own.' It was a Saturday, and nearly all the students had shown up, many with their parents. Fortunately, this event was being held outside rather than inside the cafeteria, so the amount of space available wasn't a problem. Even with everything spread out, one could barely walk ten feet without almost running into someone, not due to it being crowded but because there were little kids everywhere running from place to place. If this had been held in the cafeteria, it definitely would have been a disaster. Not to mention, you had no idea how they would have fit a bounce house in there. You and your sibling ran into Sans and Frisk, as well as Asgore and Toriel, shortly after arriving. Sans was also carrying the flower pot Flowey generally resided in, explaining that Flowey had wanted to come for the sole purpose of bothering Linda. Helen happened to overhear this, and rushed to warn Linda, much to Flowey's annoyance. "Oh, come on! I had this whole surprise planned to scare her!" Flowey muttered. "Oh well, on to plan B." You weren't sure what 'plan B' was, but you figured you would find out soon enough. Anyway, Frisk had discovered a plush dog as one of the prizes for the dart throwing game, and was now determined to win it. Considering it was one of the larger prizes, you figured it wasn't going to be easy to win. The person running the booth seemed to agree, but Frisk wasn't one to give up. Besides, this was the kid who had single-handedly freed an entire civilization of monsters, so winning a stuffed toy wasn't that improbable. Frisk took the darts and stood the indicated distance away from the dart board, a determined expression on their face. Then, their posture changed slightly, and their eyes seemed to turn red- though that was probably just a result of the sunlight hitting them in a certain way, right?- and they threw the darts, one at a time, every single one a bulls-eye. Frisk accepted the plush from the confused person running the booth with a smile, eyes now back to normal. So it had just been your imagination, you thought. Shrugging it off, you followed the others to the bounce house. Your sibling and Frisk entered the bounce house immediately, joining a small group of other kids who had already been inside. Soon, Frisk climbed back out, dragged Sans into the bounce house, and then resumed jumping around while Sans tried to keep his balance. Eventually, at Frisk's insistence, Sans started to jump around inside the bounce house as well, except every time he jumped he seemed to teleport and land on the other side of the bounce house. Soon, the children had created a game where they tried to guess where he would end up each time. Then, Frisk tried to convince Toriel and Asgore to enter the bounce house as well. Toriel started explaining that that probably wasn't a good idea, but Asgore, who thought the bounce house looked cool, actually agreed to it. It wasn't long before he realized he was stuck in the bounce house, one of his horns having been caught in one of the mesh sides of the inflatable structure. It took Toriel, Frisk, Sans, you, and your sibling to get him free, and he promptly left the bounce house afterwards. On the bright side, the children had all found the entire thing immensely funny and Asgore was now known as the 'coolest dad on earth,' at least according to the students at the school. Then you noticed Flowey's flower pot was empty, and immediately started looking for Linda because you had a feeling you didn't want to miss this. After scanning the crowd a few times, you saw her arguing with Muffet at one of the snack tables, and it seemed you'd found her just in time because mere seconds afterwards, Flowey popped up from out of the ground right next to her. Linda shrieked, but before everyone else could turn to see what had happened, Flowey had disappeared again, reappearing in the flower pot a moment later. "So, that was plan B?" you asked. "Nah, that was plan C, but I realized the chance was too good to waste." Flowey replied. "Fair enough."
Bonus - PTA Chara Later, Linda happened to come across Frisk when they were, surprisingly, completely separated from the monsters. Naturally, Linda decided to take the rare opportunity while she had it and started blaming Frisk for all the 'problems' the return of the monsters to the surface had caused her. After all, Frisk never fought or argued back; Linda had heard about this from their teachers and peers. And without the monsters, or any of their other friends around to overhear, it was unlikely anyone was going to stop her from ranting at the poor child. "This is all your fault. You've caused so many problems by bringing those monsters here." Frisk initially just remained silent, as Linda had expected, but then, something changed. They stood up straighter, glaring right back at Linda with eyes that suddenly seemed red, and spoke in a slightly different tone than usual. "Oh yes, blame a child you've barely had one conversation with for the intricacies of all the social disasters in your life. Because that makes sense." "Wha-" Linda stammered, shocked. What had happened to the overly nice child who was kind to everyone? "What, you can't handle the truth?" "How dare you speak to me like that!" Linda replied, fury filling her tone. "Like what?" the child asked innocently. "Do you know who you're talking to?" Linda asked, trying to seem intimidating. "Do you?" That statement seemed incredibly ominous, even coming from a child. Or perhaps because it was coming from a child. Linda scowled. "Now listen here, you have a horrible attitude." "I could say the same about you," the child replied with a smile. Somehow, the smile was even more ominous. Linda shivered involuntarily, but continued anyway. "You need to grow up." "Hey, I still have time to grow up. What's your excuse?" Later, Linda would try to tell the monsters what had happened, but none of them believed her. "You sure this is Frisk we're talking about?" Sans had said, looking amused. "You know they literally wouldn't insult a fly, right?" "But-" "Frisk is way too nice to do that. Nice try, Linda." Flowey had told her with a laugh. "I'm serious!" "Seriously out of it if you think Frisk said any of that," Asgore had commented. "They're the sweetest child I've ever met." "Yes, and I would appreciate it if you wouldn't make such accusations about them," Toriel had added. "I'm sure you would be less than pleased if someone had been claiming such things about your children."
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mekers · 7 years
Error of his Ways
Chapter 4
Toriel and Flowey had just gotten situated at the dinner table when the front door flew open. Toriel leaned sideways to peer into the living room to see Frisk shutting the door behind her. Her cheeks were pink and her chest was heaving with effort to suck in more air. She literally ran the entire way. One good thing about being around Undyne and Papyrus; was she was able to go long distances without tiring easily. "Welcome home dear!" Toriel called to her happily from the kitchen. Frisk lifted her head and gave a faint smile and waved at her briefly before straitening up and heading towards the kitchen.
Flowey perked up upon seeing Frisk enter the kitchen a small pep in her step. His brow rose as he watched her circle the kitchen picking up a clean plate and helping her self to the casserole on the stove. Her hips were swaying slightly like she was dancing to music playing. Something really good must of happened.
"Someone's in a good mood.." Flowey remarked, sneering. Toriel forced her smile, and beamed at Flowey. He rolled his eyes and used his vines to pick up his fork to take a bite of food. Frisk pulled out the chair next to him and flopped down a big smile on her face.
"How was your day my child?" Toriel asked in between taking a bite of food. Frisk took a bite and set her fork down before signing.
*It was really great! I met with my friend today and took him on a tour of the town!*
Toriel rested her chin on her hand holding her fork in her furred digits. Flowey also sat quietly as his sister signed away.
*I showed him City Hall, oh and then we ran into Sans!* She smiled and rolled her eyes, trying to hide her amusement. Flowey scoffed, and narrowed his eyes at the mention of the skeleton. 'Thought he said being a third wheel wasn't his thing..' He thought to himself.
*After we parted ways with Sans we..* She paused briefly, remembering what Muffet had said to them. Her cheeks took a light red tone and Flowey quickly noticed this. *We went to Muffets, and got some free pastries!*
Toriel gasped in awe, "That was very kind of her! I shall have to send her a thank you card." Her eyes twinkled in delight. Muffet was rather stingy with products and goods. A free pastry would be considered worth gold in these parts from Muffets'.
Frisk shook her head, *It's fine mom, you don't have to. I gave her my thanks when we left.*
Toriel sighed, and took another bite of her food. She reached over and took a sip of her water shortly after.  Flowey finished his portion of food and quickly used his vines to move to the sink where he deposited his dishes. Frisk thought back to the conversation she had with Error at the park; and her eyes seemed to gloss over. She promptly pushed the feelings aside to keep from attracting attention.
"I'm glad to see that you are having a fun with this new friend of yours. It makes me happy to see you happy my dear." Toriel reached over and patted her hand that was resting on the table now. Frisk smiled sweetly at her. She was really a kind hearted monster.
Flowey hummed in response. "So what's this guy's name again.."
Frisk tilted her head and looked back at Flowey who was behind Toriel now on the counter.
*His name is Error.*
Flowey snickered, "Why, was he a mistake?"
Toriel whipped her head around and gave Flowey a stern glare. Flowey flinched back a bit and help his leaves up in defense. "I was just kidding..Ha Ha Ha."
Toriel shook her head and peered back at Frisk. "No one in this world is a mistake. From the tiniest flea, to the biggest creature on earth. We were all put here for a reason."
Flowey rolled his eyes, and lowered himself to the floor. "Is this guy safe? Does he make you uncomfortable in anyway?" Flowey tugged on her shoes.
Frisk peered down at Flowey.
*Of course he's safe. I can feel it in my soul; that he's a good monster. I've only known him two days, but I feel like we have a connection.*
Flowey didn't like hearing that. The last thing he wanted was to be left alone with Toriel at all times if Frisk really did like this guy. "Alright, but if he tries anything funny.. I hope he likes getting thorns stuck in his hide."
Frisk giggled and pat Flowey on the head gently. He pushed her hand away with his vines and turned away blushing slightly. She always babied him.
Frisk then smiled at her mom, and quickly finished off her food. She really wanted to text Error. "Frisk, would you mind helping me with the dishes before going to your room?"
Toriel stood up, and turned to place her dishes in the sink and started to run the water to fill it. Frisk nod her head and also stood to bring her dishes over. She walked back over and took her glass of water and promptly chugged the entire thing. Toriel watched her with mild amusement and went to start washing the plates.
Frisk walked over to stand beside her rinsing out her glass and grabbing a hand towl to dry it off. As Toriel cleaned them, Frisk would dry and put them away.
"I have some news," Toriel spoke suddenly, as she handed two forks to Frisk. Frisk took the forks and looked up at Toriel. Toriel glanced at her from her peripheral, and smiled.
"They're letting me open a few more schools around the country. I get to travel and see some new sites, while also being representative of the schools. I'll be there for their grand openings!" She looked up to the ceiling; her brown eyes were wavering with excitement.
Frisk gasped in shock and suddenly hugged Toriel. Toriel laughed warmly, and patted Frisk on the back. "Unfortunately, that will leave you to watch over your brother while I am away."
Frisk frowned a little bit at this, and pulled away. *How long will you be away?*
Toriel sighed, and grabbed a dry rag to dry off her paws. "Maybe a month at least. They expect to be able to open up a school every week or so. I have to make arrangements, and be there for the board of education. After all we are integrating Monsters and Humans into the same schooling."
Frisk huffed and wasn't sure how to feel. One one hand she was happy that her mother was achieving her dream of being a teacher and on the board for many schools to help humans and monsters co-exist better. Though now she too was leaving her alone. Well, not really leaving she would be back. The thoughts of being alone still lingered though.
*We'll be fine! I'll make sure to watch over him.* Frisk smiled brightly, snapping out of her depressing thoughts.
Toriel giggled, pushing back some of Frisk's hair behind her ear. "Thank you, if you need anything, Papyrus and Undyne will be in town next week."
Frisk smiled while nodding her head. She finished putting away the dishes and quickly made her way up the stairs to her bed room. Little did she know while they had been conversing. Flowey had gotten Frisk's phone from her back pocket and took down a few contact information, and placed it back before she noticed it was gone.
He quickly made his way into the living room and pulled himself up on the couch. He pulled a phone out from behind a pillow on the couch; a different color from Frisks, and entered a number. "Alright, trashbag. What do you know about this Error guy?" He hit send and waited... Frisk on the other hand her finger tips were flying as she sent a text to Error as soon as she had made in into her bed room. She giggled, and thought back on how Toriel would be leaving in the morning for her trip. Talk about sudden plans.
She shrugged her shoulders and tossed her phone on her bed. She shifted out of her jacket and placed it back on a hanger inside her closet. She then bent down to untie her shoes and quickly kicked them off. She sighed in relief digging her socked feet into the soft carpet. She hoped she wasn't being too forward in her message. The way Flowey acted, maybe she should introduce them after all. Error was swinging lazily in his hammock when his phone buzzed in his lap. He opened one eye socket and picked up the device and smirked when he saw a message from Frisk; who he had changed to "Bright Eyes" in his contacts.
Bright Eyes: Hello, I had a really great time today! I was wondering if you would like to come over for lunch tomorrow? My brother Flowey would like to meet you. He chuckled to himself, going to send a reply. 'Miss me already?' He snickered.
Frisk heard the familiar ping of her phone and quickly darted over to pick it up. She swiped the screen to the message and jumped up happily at his response.
Error: sure, wut time?
His phone buzzed quickly in return.
Bright Eyes: Say noon tomorrow? I can cook, and we can go to this awesome place that I think you will like! Error paused briefly before replying. 'She thinks she knows me already.' He shrugs and sends his reply. He rests his phone on his sternum and reaches to take out the small Frisk doll from his hoodie pocket. He brushed his phalanges thumb over the face and flashes of what Frisk had told him ran through his mind.
'She felt alone.'
'She wasn't happy with her self, but happy for the others.'
'She felt at a stand still; while the others were moving on.'
'She'd do it again..'
'She was selfless, determined, and her hope..'
He rubbed his skull with his free hand. Small scraping sounds of bone on bone vibrated inside his skull. He had seen a bit of her soul again when she was talking about the monsters helping her back to Toriel.  Her hope had been so low. How had Sans not noticed it. Or maybe.. he chose not to. "Typical Classic, always looking out for himself.."
This aggravated Error. He squeezed the doll harder in his grasp, and flopped his head back letting his sockets close. This Frisk was certainly different from the other Au's. She was the original. She held so much determination, but now.. she couldn't do anything with it. Or she chose not to. He didn't think anyone told her she had to stay with the Monsters.
His thoughts went back to her smile, and how bright her blue eyes were, how trusting she was. How she had confided in him because she felt a connection and could trust him. He glanced to his other hand and the realization hit that 'he' had reached out for 'her' hand. A small blue blush crept into his cheek bones, and he quickly shook his head trying to ignore the way she made him feel.
"Tch, get a grip. Your only interested in her because you were bored." He told himself. Speaking of being bored, he chuckled and summoned is strings. Slowly from the ceiling a Sans doll was lowered to him. He took it in his grasp and grinned manically.
"I wonder if I should have some more fun.." The hammock slowly disheveled and he landed on his feet gracefully. He shoved both dolls into his pocket and opened another hole in reality. Through the error and coding he could see Grillby's.
Snickering to himself one last time, he stepped through the hole and landed on the other side. His sneakers met the concrete and the portal closed behind him. He had perfect timing. Sans was just coming out of the bar. He grinned and leaned up against a nearby lamp post. He would wait for him to notice his presence. Sans called back to the crowd of patrons inside Grillby's one last time as he exited the bar. He had helped Dogamy win four rounds of poker by mainly telling jokes to the others. "What can I say, I'm a punny guy.." He chuckled to himself. As he shuffled down the side walk, his phone pinged.
"Hmm?" He reached into his hoodie pocket and pulled out his phone. An unknown number.
(454) xxx-xxxx: Alright, trashbag. What do you know about this Error guy?
"Tch, only one thing ever calls me that.. This can't be good." He sighed, and went to hit the call icon. He held the phone up to his skull looking around as it began to ring on the other end. He was alone or so he thought.
Flowey jerked at the sudden vibration from the phone. He hissed and quickly answered it while peering around making sure no one had heard it. "Ever heard of texting trashbag!" He spat into the speaker.
Sans rolled his eyes lights, "Alright, weed. How'd ya get my numba."
"That's none of your concern. What is concerning is who Frisk is hanging out with. Why did you 'third' wheel today eh?" He quickly moved from the couch to open up the window in the living room. He looked back real quick to make sure Toriel or Frisk hadn't came into the room, and slipped outside.
Sans took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. "Alright. Look, you and I both know of the resets right?" Flowey hummed in response on the other end. "Kay, now stay with me. This monster is bad news."
Flowey lowered himself into some bushes and quietly dug his roots into the ground. He held the phone up with his leaves. "Ya don't say.." He retorted back.
"Ya wanna know, or not?" Sans growled on the other end. Flowey huffed and nodded his head.
"Yes-yes, go on."
"Well, he's not from our universe.. He comes from a place that's glitchy, and white." Sans shrugged his shoulders, and kicked at the sidewalk with his pink slippers. "He has the power to travel to different universes and destroy em' if he wants to."
Flowey's eyes narrowed at this and he took a shaky breath. "If this is one of your lame jokes, it's not funny trashbag."
"I wish I was kid.." Sans looked up to the night sky and sighed, "There are alternate mes, yous, Frisks all of us. 'Course none of us are the same, some universes yer nice, or have your old body back.." Flowey gasped at this and jealousy filled his being. He'd love to have his old body back, he shook his head pushing those thoughts aside.
"How do you know all this.." He asked lowly.
Sans rubbed the back of his skull, and sighed again. "I met one of em. Ink. A while back; he and Error were in a fight. Ink followed Error here, and I kind of helped him chase Error off. Ink's the only one who can stop him."
Flowey's leaves shuddered. "How can we get this guy to help.. Is he still a danger, why is he back. What's he want with Frisk trashbag!" Sans growled, "Hey, calm down ya over grown daisy. Thing is.. I dunno how to contact Ink.."
Flowey grunted in aggravation at him. If what Sans was saying is true, Frisk was in danger. Everyone here was in danger. "What a way to be a let down.. trash bag. So what does this guy want?"
"'m not sure what he want's.. Might be here to just cause trouble. The fact that he's take an interest if Frisk chills me to the bone." Flowey groaned at the pun, and Sans forced a laugh.
He decided to continue walking down the sidewalk. "Look, what ever happens, we gotta keep the kid safe. There's no tellin' what Error will do. He's unstable. He could snap and even kill her. I... I think we should work together. Two pairs of eye sockets are betta then none." Sans gritted his teeth. Asking for the weed's help was more than him swallowing his own pride. He could practically hear Flowey smiling on the other end.
"Why trashbag, I didn't know you cared!" He chuckled, then turned serious again. "You are right though, we both need to keep an eye on them. You keep me posted... I'll.." He sighs. "Keep you posted." Sans shrugs, "Heh, guess we'll both grow to like the idea." Flowey hissed in response.
"Tch, someone's funny bone's busted." He rolled his eye lights and shoved his hand back into his pocket. He heard shuffling in front of him and his head snapped up to look at Error coming to stand face to face with him.
"Classic." Error beamed at him.
Sans stood silent, while Flowey noticed the sudden mood change. "Trashbag? You there?"
Sans gripped the phone tighter; "I'll call ya back kid.. Something's come up."
"Hey! Wait don'tchu hang-" Flowey was cut short by Sans disconnecting the call.
Sans' sockets darkened, and his whole body tensed. "Abomination.." He growled in response. "Tsk, tsk." Error waved his boney finger at Sans in a condescending manner.
Sans let out a slow breath. 'What now?' He grimaced at Errors determined gaze.  Then straightened up, forcing a grin. Error rolled his eye lights.
"Did you have fun today? Tail'n Frisk and I like a lost pup?" Error raised a brow bone, his grin twitching a little higher on his face at Sans discomfort.
"Ya look a little strung out..did Frisk wear you to the bone?" Sans forced a grin. Punning was always his safety net. "Look.. I dunno what yer game is here bud, but yer not welcome here." Sans clenched his fist by his sides. He was alone, with a powerful enemy that could crush his soul with a wave of a hand.
"Oh I think I'm indeed welcome Classic." Error paused a moment inspecting his metacarpals. "That little human savior of your kind seems to want me around.." He chuckled darkly, narrowing his eye sockets. Sans glared back at him, feeling the magic within his soul stirring with rage. "And who am I to disappoint such a frail human?" He was mocking him.
Error shuffled his hands in his hoodie pocket, and Sans tensed up ready for a fight, but Error just laughed pulling out the Frisk doll he had been carrying with him.
Sans' eye lights blacked out and he visibly shuddered. "Frisk is an innocent kid, she tries to see the best in everyone.." He grit his teeth in agitation. 'There's no way in Hell, I'm lettin' him take advantage of 'er.' He struggled mentally.
Error only smiled coyly before lowering the doll to the ground with his strings. Sans watched his movements carefully. This could be a distraction, away to attack him.
"Heh heh, it's a shame really.. How naive she really is. She's so different from her glitch counter-parts.." Error titled his head to the side, wiggling his phalanges making the doll move about. "So easy to lure into a sense of false security. She trusts to easily with anyone that can make a small connection.." He looked back up Sans who was trembling now. His left eye flaring to a bright blue.
"Heh, I wouldn't do that if I were you." Error warned him in a low voice. Sans shoved his free hand in his pocket, a habit to keep himself from attacking.
"If you lay a hand on her.." Sans growled. "I will be sure to take you a part..piece by piece.."
Error huffed and chuckled at Sans bravery. He held his free hand over his skull, as he continued to laugh.
"You think this is a g a m e?" Error glitched slightly. "I think it's time to take a stroll." He pulled out the Sans plush from his pocket, and Sans jumped back a few feet his hand held up with his magic buzzing around it. His adrenaline was pumping, and he stared hard at the doll in his grasp. 'Shit..'
Error shook his head, "Heh heh, lets go little Classic.." Error squeezed the doll in his grip, looking at Sans with a menacing grin. Sans felt a strong tug in his soul, and cursed. He couldn't move. It felt like he was being constricted.
"Fun fact. I can control you through this doll." He turned on his heels and began to walk down the street. Sans body moved on it's own, following the other monster. Sans growled, trying to fight the hold, but it was no use.
Error only chuckled, and looked up at the night sky, then back to the Frisk doll that was walking beside him. He smiled down at it, then flashed a grin back at Sans who only glared back in response.
"Shame I can't give you an actual bad time. Seems I made a friend today.." He chuckled darkly looking back ahead of him. Sans hissed in anger. "You would do well to tell the weed to keep his place also.."
Sans' sockets narrowed more. 'So he had heard our conversation..'
"Heh it's funny. I keep thinking about what you said earlier.." Error paused then stepped down from the sidewalk and across the street. Sans body followed after him a little bit behind him.
"How you sacrificed so much..to get the 'happy ending' you all deserved." His voice grew darker, and he felt bitter taste on his tongue. "Tell me, do you think everyone's happy with the ending they received?"
Sans didn't speak at first. "W-What are you talk'n bout. 'Course everyone's happy. It's all we've wanted for centuries.."
Error whirled on him, his eyes lights no longer in view. Red dark sockets stared coldly at him.
"I can't help but wonder how many times you watched her die. How many times you stood there and let it happen." His voice was growing more warped and menacing as he spoke. Sans flinched at the bizarre sounds that echoed behind him.
"How can you act like nothing happened..How can you accept all the love, the adoration she gives you when she sees you. Her eye's brighten, her soul shines.." He growled.
"It's d I s G u ST in GG.." His bones rattled in rage.
Sans averted his gaze. His grin faltering to a grimace. Everything he was saying was true. It's not like he didn't like the kid. Too many things have happened; the guilt, and regrets he keeps deep down in the depths of his soul. He could never be fully relaxed around her..
Error shut his sockets, and slowly opened them again, his eye lights appearing again; wavering slightly.
"How can you justify all of her deaths..like it was nothing. Heh heh heh." He covered his skull again his laughing growing in pitch. "It's ironic..how things have turned out!" He pulled his arm away grinning like a mad man. "She's turned into a shell of the person who she once was! Her soul cries out for attention, love! Someone to connect with. Someone like Me."
"I'll never let that happen you bastard!" Sans growled in reply. He tried struggling again, but Error only smiled smugly.
He paused for a moment, and exhaled slowly. His shoulders relaxed and he looked back to the smaller Skeleton.
"She can't remember all the previous timelines.. but her body does subconsciously. The pain, the fear.. all the times she died. It remembers. " He glanced down at the doll standing next to him, she raised one of her arms to rub her upper shoulder. Error grimaced slightly.
Sans eye sockets narrowed at this information, sweat beading at his temple. 'There's no way.. I would have noticed by now..' He thought to himself.
Error sighed, releasing the Sans doll, and shoving it back in his pocket. Sans fell to the ground with a thud. He quickly scrambled up taking a defensive stance ready to fight or teleport out of there. "I will give you this one warning. I'm not interested in your useless universe..I have other ideas. I know you want to keep her away from me, and I think it's hilarious. Like you could ever keep her from me." Sans huffed getting more frustrated. Where this conversation was leading?
"You can spy all you like, but it won't change a thing. Try and keep her from me, because if you want to keep her safe; you'll keep that incessant trap shut. If you don't the moment she's alone she will be mine. And unlike you.. I can keep my promises." His grin widened, and his shoulders shook with laughter. "After all.. we're all gonna have a gReAT tIMe."
He picked up the Frisk doll, and with one last smug grin he ripped open a portal to the other dimension. Sans growled summoning a Gaster Blaster, and thrust his arm forward to incinerate Error. Error only hopped through the opening; the blaster having no effect on the now closing portal. Sans cursed and rubbed his skull in agitation.
 Error's wicked laugh echoed long after the portal closed.
Sans stood silent for a few minutes trying to register everything. He slowly lowered his arm, dispelling the blaster. He whipped out his phone again and dialed Flowey.
Flowey had just settled back inside, and was fretting nervously about the information that Sans had just given him moments earlier. "I need to keep an eye on her.. What if he tries to hurt her? What if she resets.. ugh.." He rubbed his face with his leaves when he heard the phone beginning to buzz in his dirt. He glared down at the offending object and quickly answered seeing who was calling.
"What now?" He growled.
"We gotta problem." Sans huffed into the speaker.
--- Error chuckled to himself as he walked along the white vastness of the Void. He was feeling pretty smug after his encounter with Sans, and had almost forgot that he needed to reply to Frisk from earlier. He hummed, reaching into his hoodie pocket for his phone, and sent a reply to her asking her for her address. After that was sent he waved his arm and held up the Sans doll from his other pocket. It was securely attached back to the strings and lifted up to a collection of other dolls that resembled more Sans. He fished the Frisk doll from his other pocket and sighed, rubbing his thumb over the face of the doll.
"Things are getting more interesting.. right Little Frisk?" The Doll nodded it's head, and he grinned menacingly before flopping backwards and landing in a string hammock again. His phone buzzed shortly after with the address and a good night from her. He snickered at the sentiment.
He would wait for the next day to arrive.
--- Frisk rolled around on her bead happily. She would have to get up bright and early after Toriel taking her leave. She had so many ideas for dishes that she wanted to make for their lunch. She set her phone on the night stand next to her bed and plopped her head down on the soft pillow. Her eye lids drooped heavily as the days events played back in her memory.
Things were off to a good start, she had found someone to connect with; and have fun with.
Her lips formed a small smile, as she slowly drifted off to sleep.
Flowey came in a few hours later, slowly creeping into the room and settling him self in another flower pot on the windowslil. He sighed looking over at Frisks sleeping form. He worried for her safety, and the things Sans had told him after he called him back.
"Gee Frisk.. I hope you know what you're doing.." He whispered frowning slightly. He turned his back to her and gazed up at the night sky. The moon was a crescent, and he wished more than anything that he had his body back to protect Frisk with.
"Frisk, Flowey! I am taking my leave now!" Toriel called up the stair case. She had a sun hat on, and her Delta Ruin Dress on and a pair of yellow sandals. A blue suit case was sitting next to her on the floor; looking a tad over stuffed.
"Coming!" Flowey shouted from Frisk's room. She was quickly scrambling to get some fresh clothes on before sending her mother away. Flowey watched with her amusement as she almost stubbed her toe on her desk. She sighed in relief when she missed hitting it and gave Flowey a thumbs up and a cheesy grin. He rolled his eyes and wiggled his leaves at her.
"C'mon Frisk, she's in a hurry!" Frisk stuck out her tongue and she quickly made her way over to his flower pot and picked him up. She turned on her heel and quickly made her way out into the hallway and descended down the stairs. Toriel smiled brightly at the two, and scooped them into a huge hug.
"I will miss you both, please watch over one another." She set them down, and Frisk nod her head. Flowey sighed, looking a little down trodden. "Don't worry I'll keep her out of trouble." He snickered playfully. Frisk set him down on the small in table next to the stair case, so she could say her good byes.
*Please be careful on your trip. We can't wait for you to come home.* She looked a bit saddened, and Toriel sighed reaching out to lift her chin up with one of her claws.
"I will be back soon my child, if you ever need me please call me." She then patted her softly on the head. Frisk smiled, and hugged her one more time. Toriel squeezed her tightly; then released her. "Okay, I'm off! I shall call you to let you know when I arrive at my first stop!"
She looked so excited; Frisk couldn't help but feel slightly mixed on her leaving. She watched as Toriel leaned over to pick up the suit case. She lifted it with ease, and went to the door. She gave one last look and she was gone.
Flowey waited a few minutes patiently watching Frisk stand there watching the back of the door. "Frisk? You going to be okay?" He whispered softly to her.
Frisk blinked at the realization that she had zoned out. She slapped her cheeks a few times and turned to face Flowey with a bright smile.
*Of course I'm okay. I have you here with me.*
Flowey blushed suddenly, and gave her a scowl shortly after. She pat him on the head and picked up his flower pot and took him into the kitchen with her.
She set him down on the counter, and grabbed an apron from the hook on the side of the wall next to the refrigerator.
"What are you doing?" Flowey tilted his head at her. She was beginning to collect ingredients from the cupboard. She had the look of determination on her face. Flowey sighed.
"Frisk! Don't tell me.." His eyes narrowed. "We're going to have a visitor.."
Frisk felt her face heat up. She had been caught. She quickly set the ingredients down and puffed out her cheeks at him.
*I invited Error over for lunch today. I am making my own Snail Pie that's slightly different from Moms. A bread cone sandwich, Asparagus Pasta, and for desert I'm making  chocolate mousse!* She looked rather proud of herself. Standing there with her hands on her hips with all the determination in the world in her eyes.
Flowey flinched back at her piercing gaze. "J-Just leave me outta this." He held up his leaves in defense. Frisk smirked and reached for him. He yelped and made his flower pot bounce backwards from her. It made a small clinking sound against the counter.
She huffed in annoyance, and shrugged her shoulders at him. Flowey let out a sigh, and folded his leaves. "I'll supervise, but I am not helping.."
Frisk smiled brightly at him, and pulled a hair tie off her wrist to put her hair up in a high ponytail. She then leaned down to pull out mixing bowls and other utensils needed for her creations out of the lower cabinets. She set them down, and pulled out her phone to pull up the recipes. Once she found the first one; which was bread cone sandwich; she smiled and set the phone up on the counter against a tin so she could read the directions with out any issues.
She would need to make sure the yeast dissolved first into the warm water. She did so; and waited for bubbles to form and made sure it was dissolved before adding the rest of the ingredients, milk, sugar, oil, and an egg.
After mixing that up she added the bread flour, and stirred occasionally until a dough formed. She then took a few sheets of foil, and crumpled them up into longer cylinders that were wider at the top and smaller at the bottom so the dough would wrap around the foil in a cone shape. After she had made 6 of them, she went over the bread with an egg wash before putting them in the oven to bake for about ten minutes.
She sighed happily brushing her hands off on the apron she had been wearing. Flowey hummed in response; and watched as she went to wash the bowls she had used.
'Always clean up the dishes before starting another project, human!' Papyrus' voice rang in her head. She smiled at the notion and quickly set the clean dished the dish drainer. Next she would work on the pasta as it was easier to do. She wanted to save the deserts for last as they would take longer.
Flowey yawned while he watched her start her new task at boiling the pasta. "You're putting quiet a bit of effort into this arent'cha." He liked seeing her enjoy cooking and baking; it relaxed him and reminded him of Toriel baking snail pie for him and Asgore before he was a flower.
Frisk gave a smile and nod her head.
She pulled out some rotini pasta noodles from the box and set them in a pan of water over the stove. She turned on the burner, then went to the frige to pull out some asparagus, chopped carrots, and a small sack of peas that had been thawing.
Flowey arched his brow at her and his eyes followed her back to the stove. "Asparagus?! Yuck!" He stuck out his tongue. He didn't like vegetables much. Frisk just gave him a knowing look and rolled her eyes.
Flowey huffed. "Are you saving any of this for me?" He was feeling slightly jealous that she was fixing all of this food for a monster she had only known for three days now. An evil.. monster. Flowey shuddered at Sans warning. 'He can destroy an Au if he wants..' 'He could kill her..' Flowey shook his head, his petals ruffling slightly.
Frisk turned to smile at him. *Of course I'm saving some of this for you, what kind of girl do you think I am?*
'A naive one..' He thought in retort. She turned back around to attend to the pasta that was beginning to boil.
He looked at Frisks' back with a determined stared. He'd never let anything bad happen to her.
Frisk set the asparagus, chopped carrots and peas in a small pot with a lid and pour 1/4 cup water and a tablespoon of butter in it. She then set a glass lid on the top and set it in the microwave over the stove so they would steam properly. She'd wait until the noodles were almost done before cooking them.
She glanced at the time, and opened the oven to look at the bread cones, they were puffing up nice and golden brown. Another minute or two and they would be done. She turned down the heat on the pasta as it was getting close to boiling over, and sighed. She turned to face Flowey again and noticed he was staring off into the distance.
She walked over and leaned down in front of him.
*Flowey? Are you okay?* She gave him a quizzical look, her mouth perking into a small 'o' shape. Flowey snapped out of his thoughts and smiled up at her.
"Yup, just dandy Frisk." He wiggled his yellow petals at her. She rolled her eyes smiling more at his attempt to pun.
*He should be getting here soon.* She motioned with her fingers and glanced up at the clock on the wall over the sink. Her eyes widened and she noticed that it wasn't as early as she had thought and Error would be arriving at any minute.
*Oh no!* She ran over to the stove and hit the start button on the microwave. She fussed and grabbed an oven mitt and slipped it on before grabbing the bread cones from the oven and setting them on a cooling rack next to it on the counter. She switched the oven temp, and then took a wooden spoon to scoop up a noodle from the pot.
She blew on it quickly and took the noodle in her mouth. It was perfect! She smiled happily; turning off the burner and quickly taking the pot to drain the water out.
Flowey watched her hurried form, when the door bell rang. His whole body tensed, and Frisk jumped from the sound. She whirled on her heels and quickly sprinted to the living room to greet Error at the door. Flowey cursed and quickly pulled himself from his pot and lowered himself to the ground to follow Frisk.
"Frisk! Wait up!" He called out to her as his vines pulled him into the living room just in time to see her open the door. Flowey stopped and stared wide eyed at the monster before him. He was black and red.. and blue..and yellow.. and..a skeleton.
Error took in Frisks' appearance. Her hair was up in a ponytail; she had a white powder substance on her cheek, and sleeves of her purple shirt she was wearing. The thing that stood out was the apron she was wearing. His sockets narrowed, and he coughed into his hand.
There was a taco on the front of it with the phrase "I don't wanna taco bout it." Memories briefly flashed of Underswap Sans shoving tacos at him that were covered in blue glitter..
"Uh.. Hey." He shook his head slightly. Frisk smiled at him, and then a small angry voice came from behind her.
"Oh no, you didn't tell me he resembled the trashbag! This one looks even weirder!" Flowey growled out.
Frisk turned a bright shade of red at the embarrassment she felt. Error's brow arched and he looked down at the voice he just heard. His face turned that of surprise to nothing but smug. Flowey glared up at him with hatred.
"Heh, you must be Flowey." He chuckled under his breath. Frisk waved her hands and he quickly looked back up at her.
*I'm so sorry for him, please come in. I'm still making our lunch so please feel free to look around!* Her cheeks were still red; and she gave Flowey a scowl and quickly sprinted off to the kitchen to start on the Snail Pie and Chocolate Mousse.
Flowey didn't move from his spot in front of the door. Error watched Frisk retreat then looked back down to the flower blocking his way.
"Don't get any funny Ideas trashbag..I'm onto you." Flowey growled threateningly.
Error laughed and slid his hands into his hoodie pockets. "How's it feel to be stuck inside a flower all these years Asriel.." His sockets narrowed; and his grin twitched higher at Flowey's flinch.
"How do you.." His leaves trembled with rage.
"I know more than you think..weed." Error's voice was low and more of a growl. Flowey slowly moved out of the way to let Error in staring off past him with a stunned expression.
 Error chuckled to himself and shuffled past him taking the site of the house in. It was small and gave off a cozy atmosphere that made him feel welcome.
The couch was back against the wall next to the windows; a small tv sat across from it. A fire place was at the far right wall. To his left were the stairs leading up. In front of him was the opening to the kitchen. "Think I'll look around a bit." Error muttered under his breath.
Flowey glared at the Skeleton as he looked at pictures on the wall; and then slowly made his way up the stairs. Flowey gasped and quickly followed him. Error glanced back over his shoulder giving him an amused look. Flowey just muttered curses in return. The first door that Error came to was Toriel's room.
It was shut. He paused in front of it; and reached out to touch the door knob. Flowey hissed behind him. "Stay out of there!"
Error glanced down at the plant, and with a smug grin turned the knob to go inside the room. Flowey's vines rustles angrily. 'Did this guy not know when to stop?' He thought to himself.
Error walked in, looking around the large room. The bed was made up; and fluffly pillows adorned the top. The carpet was a plush white color, and the accents were dark royal purple.
A desk with an open book, and a small cactus sat in the windowsill. Over all it was an average room, not very many pictures. He walked over to glance at the open book and noticed a few knock-knock jokes written down, and he rolled his eyes in disgust.
'What was it with this family and puns..'  He wondered to himself before turning to leave. Flowey glared at him the entire time, keeping a close eye on the monster. Error didn't bother to shut the door behind him and he glanced at the next open room. It was the bathroom. He shrugged his shoulders coming to another open door to his left.
Flowey hissed again in warning, and Error gave him another smug grin in return. He slowly sauntered into the smaller bedroom. This one was Frisks. It smelt of her; and all the pictures had her in it. The bed was a canopy bed; with white sheer curtains. Her room was a soft lavender with white accents.
'This family also likes purple.' He noted. He walked over to the wall with all kinds of pictures of when Frisk was younger. She was smiling and hand a band aid on her cheek. In the picture was a small yellow monster in a red striped sweater. He didn't have any arms Error noted.
Flowey huffed behind him. "You shouldn't snoop in other's people's business."
Error chuckled while side glancing at Flowey. "I do believe I was given permission to look around."
Flowey glared, "This isn't what she meant trashbag."
Error rolled his eye lights looking back to the photos. Frisk with Toriel and Flowey. Frisk with Papyrus who had spaghetti all over the top of his skull, and Frisk was laughing at him. Error's sockets narrowed when he came to one with Frisk and Sans making funny faces.
As he continued to look at more pictures; he noticed the older she got; the unhappier she looked; and the less pictures she had of her and other monsters. The last few were just of her with a fake smile on her face. One in particular of her in a white sun dress and a sun hat sitting on a large rock. She looked happy; but he could tell her in eyes that she was hurting.
He reached out to take the picture off the wall and shove it in his pocket. Flowey was about to say something when Error turned on his heel and walked out of the room with more purpose. Flowey grunted and followed quickly after him.
"Give that back trashbag!" He yelled after his retreating figure. Error sighed and turned to face Flowey before going down the steps.
"Keep calling me that, and you'll end up in one." He threatened coldly. Flowey gazed up at him, hatred; anger; the need to protect Frisk. All these emotions he held in place.
Error smirked at his silence,and continued making his descent. Flowey cursed; and followed after him. Error reached the bottom of the steps and the smell from the kitchen hit him at full force. It smelt wonderful.
He peeked his head into the kitchen and spotted Frisk putting dishes and utensils in a picnic basket. She was sweating, and was covered in more smudges. She heard him walk in, and looked up at him blushing. She was a mess and she knew it.
*I'm almost done! Please have a seat, and I'll go get ready! I can't wait to show you to my favorite place.* She smiled the same bright smile at him. He blinked, and felt his soul thrum in his chest; and he glanced down at the table top to push away the feeling ebbing inside.
"Heh, take your time." He waved one of his hands dismissively at her. She gave a curt nod and excused herself from the kitchen. Flowey hissed and followed after her. Soon as he got in the bedroom with her she began to strip off her clothing.
Flowey covered his eyes, and whispered venomously. "I don't like him Frisk. I don't think you should hang around him!"
Frisk just rolled her eyes. And slipped her jeans off. She quickly went into the bathroom, and took a wash cloth. She turned on the faucet and let the water get warm before wetting the cloth and washing her face.
Flowey called from the door way; still averting his eyes. "I'm serious Frisk. Something about him is off. Promise me.. you'll keep your guard up!"
Frisk sighed into the cloth and let it fall into the sink. She shut off the water; and grabbed a smaller towel to dry off her face. She then marched past Flowey and to her closet where she pulled out a light blue dress. She smiled at it; and went over to her Chester drawers and pulled out a fresh pair of panties and a strapless bra. She put them on first and Flowey sighed when he could look at her.
Frisk beamed down at him, and he rolled his eyes. "I'm not being over protective! I'm just weary. This monster shows up out of no where, and you flock to him like a moth to a flame!" Frisk slipped the dress over her head and turned to her fussing brother.
*Flowey, I can take care of myself. I trust Error. He's really nice to me.* She tugged the hair tie out of her hair and grabbed the brush off her Chester drawer and started brushing her hair.
Flowey growled, feeling very disgruntled. "At least tell me where you two are going? The park? The town square?" He tilted his head at her in question. Concern plaguing his face.
Frisk set the brush down, *I'm taking him near Mt. Ebbot; it's quiet there, and away from people; which would help Error with his anxiety. I wanted him to feel safe.*
Flowey's soul dropped right there. His eyes widened and panic began to set it. "M-Mt. Ebbot! But Frisk; that's so far, and you'd be alone with a stranger!" His leaves were rattling.
Frisk rubbed her temple in annoyance and glared down at him.
*He's not a stranger! In fact I feel closer to him then I do some of the monster's that I've known for years! I finally have a friend who I can relate to and talk to! I'm not lonely anymore!*
Flowey flinched and looked like he had just been kicked. Frisk noticed his hurt expression then cursed herself mentally. She knelt before him, and tried to reach out to him, but he only recoiled away from her.
"Then what am I to you!? Am I not your friend, your brother! What about me being lonely! It's always about you! Fine! Go off with that..that.. Trashbag! If something happens, don't come crawling to me!" He whirled on her and in a few seconds he was gone.
Frisk sat there, staring at the spot he was once at. Her lips quivers and a few tears were brimming in the corners of her eyes. She rubbed them with the backs of her hands and took a deep breath and exhaled slowly.
'He's just being silly. He's jealous that's all. He knows I still love him..' She reassured herself. There wasn't any good talking to him when he got like this. He just shut everyone out and needed time to himself for a few hours. He'd usually come back around and apologize, but this time she would apologize to him. With this mind set; she stood back up and finished getting ready.
Error just sat at the kitchen table, tapping at the table top with his phalanges. He was resting his head against one of his palms, looking bored. Humans sure did take forever to get ready. He heard footsteps coming quickly down the stairs and he turned in his seat to face Frisk.
Her face was shaded a light pink. She was wearing a blue sundress with long sleeves, with white sandals, and a pink ribbon was at the side of her hair. Error's soul thrummed again, and he had to keep a straight face to keep his emotions from playing across his face.
"Heh, welcome back." He waved to her. She smiled again at him, and made her way past him to grab the picnic basket.
*If you are ready, let us be on our way. We will have to walk there, so I hope you don't mind.* She picked up the basket with some effort. He stood up pushing his chair back in, and waited for her to lead them to the living room. She walked past him and he followed after her.
She opened the door to let him go first, and gave one last glance around the room for Flowey. No sign of him. She frowned slightly; she didn't want to leave him like this, but Error had been waiting, and she could deal with Flowey later.
She sighed shutting the door behind her, and quickly giving Error a smile.
"Lead the way Bright Eyes." He chuckled at her blush, and she motioned for him to follow. Flowey glared at their retreating forms from Toriel's bedroom. It had really stung what Frisk had said. He grunted, pulling out the red cell phone from his pot and dialed Sans' number. San was laying on the couch at their house; when his phone rang. He shot up when he saw who it was and answered quickly.
"They're on the move." Flowey growled into the phone. Sans tensed; feeling sweat bead on his skull. They were together again?
"Where are they right now?" Sans hefted himself up off the couch.
"They just made it to the street in front of the house. Come pick me up; we need to go after them.." He hung up the phone, and set it back in his pot.
Sans stared at the screen as the call had been disconnected. He ran a hand down his face, and gave a glance towards the kitchen where Papyrus was cooking dinner.
He sighed walking over to the kitchen doorway. "Hey Paps, something's come up. I gotta go run some errands, but I'll be back before dinner's ready."
Papyrus was standing in front of the stove wearing a kiss the cook apron, and a chef's hat. He turned to glare at his brother.
Sans forced a grin at the mention of the over grown soup can. "Don't mention it Paps, I'll be back in a jiffy." He grit his teeth, and Papyrus jumped up happily. Sans turned away scowling; and quickly teleported from the house inside of Frisks'.
Flowey was waiting for him by the door.
"Took ya long enough trashbag. Let's go! They're getting further away." Sans huffed and reluctantly let Flowey crawl up his arm and rest in between the crook of his vertebra and his hood.
"Hold on tight." Sans warned him and in a brief second, they were gone. Error and Frisk had been walking for at least thirty minutes before Error decided to ask where they were going.
"So where are you taking me?" He glanced down at her. She had been enjoying the comfortable silence between them, but was happier now that he wanted to talk to her.
*It's one of my favorite spots that I like to come and relax. Leaves me to my thoughts undisturbed.* She smiled thoughtfully at him. He wondered just how much she smiled, and how many of them were real and how many were fake. She was always smiling..
He looked back ahead of them, they were walking through moderately tall grass now. He could see Mt. Ebbott a good few hundred miles away.
He left it at that, and after another thirty minutes or so; they passed through a small group of trees; and came to a clearing. In the clearing was a large tree. Surrounding the tree were hundreds of yellow, white and pink wild flowers dotting all over the place. She sighed contently at the sight and quickly sprinted forward. Motioning him to follow her.
He chuckled at her excitement, and shuffled after her. He felt a sudden surge of magic, faint but it was there. His sockets narrowed playfully. 'Heh, so they followed us..' He continued his walk over to the tree; that Frisk was now setting a blanket up at. She had pulled it out from the basket.
Once the blanket was in place she looked over to Error expectantly.
*Well what do you think? I thought you'd like it because it's away from everyone. You don't have to worry about someone knocking into you!* The proud look on her face made him grin.
He whistled brielfy nodding at her.
"Heh, thanks for thinking about me. You didn't have to go to so much trouble." He rubbed the back of his skull absentmindedly. She sure had some weird ways of affecting him. She knelt down on the blanket and sat down curling her legs to her side to make sure her skirt didn't show off too much skin. Her stomach let out a loud growl.
Error looked down at her; and a slow smile crept on his face. He let out a loud laugh, and let his arm fall to his side.
"I know a couple loud mouths; but not as loud as Frisk's stomach." Sans chuckled under his breath. Flowey groaned hitting his head against the tree he was rooted by.
"What's going on? Can you hear them.." Flowey whispered to Sans. They had followed them all the way out to the field; and were hiding behind some bushed and a few smaller trees. Sans was glaring at the back of Error's skull, if looks could kill; Error's skull would implode.
"Just barley.. Frisk made him a gourmet meal.." He grit his teeth. Flowey sighed, looking through the bushes over at them. "I know.. I was there."
Frisk patted the spot next to her, and Error paused for a moment.
She noticed his hesitance, and shook her hands in defense.
*You don't have to sit directly next to me, I was just gesturing for you to sit down. I was going to serve lunch.* She was blushing in embarrassment. Here she took him all the way out here to get him away from people; and she wanted him to sit close to her.
'Silly Frisk..think before acting!' She scolded herself mentally. Error sighed, and plopped down next to her. He was a good comfortable distance from her.
"What did you make?" Error looked to the basket. It smelt really good; he had been wondering what she had made since he smelt it in the kitchen. Frisk beamed brightly at him, he eyes sparkling with determination and pride. He blinked at her expression and she started pulling out all kinds of dishes.
One she had laid them all out she gestured to each one telling him what they were. Error's eye's shown brightly; and he had to rub his teeth clean with the back of his hoodie sleeve for he was beginning to drool. He hadn't had an actual meal-meal in years.
*This one is a bread-cone sandwich. I filled it with chicken salad, and some lettuce.* She pointed to the next one.
*This one is Asparagus Pasta! I hope you like your veggies!* She snickered, and pointed to the pie.
*This is Snail Pie.  I took my mother's recipe and dialed it down a bit. In stead of actual snails; I used crush snail powder to give it a more creamy texture.* She smiled thoughtfully at the pie.
*The last one is a chocolate mousse desert!* She took a few plates and began to place servings on them and set them down in front of him.
"These look delicious.." Error muttered; a small blue blush crept up his cheeks. He couldn't help it. He was happy to eat genuine food. Frisk blushed, and rubbed her upper right arm.
*You don't have to eat it all! I know it's a lot, but I really love cooking. It's one of my hobbies; and I had a really great teachers! I just wanted you to have a good lunch!* She signed quickly; averting her gaze. Her cheeks were turning to a dark red now.
Error let out a laugh, and took a bite of the bread-cone sandwich. His eye lights turned to small stars; as he quickly devoured the dish. Frisk gasped at his display. He grabbed the plate with the piece of snail pie and just threw it into his open mouth where it disappeared.
Frisk stared in awe, she knew they didn't need to chew their food; and it turned into magical energy, but it was still surprising to watch..
Flowey grunted. "This is so awkward.. I feel like they are on a real date."
Sans huffed in response. "Yeah they're a real Pear." He rolled his eye lights. Flowey groaned under his breath again. "Just keep your guard up.. you never know when we might need to jump in."
Flowey sighed nodding in response. His eyes never leaving the site of the two.
While Error was still eating, Frisk had finished her Snail pie a bit ago. She was now busing her self with making a flower crown. She had picked all three colors of the flowers that were surrounding them from near the blanket.
Error sighed in content; and set the plate down on the blanket. He looked over to Frisk who gave him a worried expression. He arched his brow in question and she shook her head, setting down the partial flower crown.
*You didn't have to eat all of that you know. I wouldn't want you to get sick.*
Error shrugged his shoulders in response. "Can't get sick from human food, besides it's been a long time since I've had such a good meal. Shame to have it go to waste." He looked to the Flowers in her lap and pointed to them.
"What are you doing?" Frisk smiled shyly at him. *I'm making a flower crown. I used to make these a lot when I was little. Would you like to give it a try?* She held up her partial crown, and he studied it briefly.
"You humans, sure do weird things. How do you get them to stay like that?" He tilted his head, and turned his body to face her. He crossed his legs getting comfortable. She set the crown down.
*You have to braid them together almost.. here just watch me, and try to copy what I do.* She turned and plucked up a few flowers, leaving some of the stems long enough to weave together. She held them out to him. He paused momentarily, but for reaching out and taking them with his strings so he wouldn't come into contact with her.
Frisk felt a slight pang in her soul at this, but pushed it aside. He wasn't going to get over his fear of touching people just because he had one slip up of an emotional encounter.
She nod to him and started to weave the flowers together slowly so he could follow her motions. Error watched carefully and tried to weave them like she did, but was finding it a little bit difficult, he decided to try and distract his thoughts while making one.
"So tell me, how did you come to have a Flower for a brother?" He glanced over to her to gauge her reaction.
Sans tensed up, his sockets narrowing at the question. 'I wonder how much he plans on telling her..' He rubs his hand over his sockets, and Flowey looks up at him with a worried expression. Frisk set her crown down and looked past Error into the distance. He could see her eyes waver and knew she was remembering something.
*Flowey was the first Monster I met in the underground.. He was rather rude; and even tried to kill me.* She paused for a moment.
Both Sans and Flowey flinched at this. Flowey rubbed his face with his leaves. He didn't really want to be hearing this. He hoped that Frisk had forgiven him by now.
*Over time; I came to understand him when we were freed from the underground. We were a lot a like him and I. He's gotten pretty protective of me over the years. Acting like a Big Brother; when he's so small himself.* She covered her mouth to hide a giggle.
Sans sighed, looking down at the plant. Flowey really had come along way.
"Tch, keep your eyes on the prize trashbag. Not me." His cheeks were a light red, and he was glowering. Sans chuckled and went back to reading Frisks' signs.
*What about your family?* She picked up her crown to continue waving it together. Error glanced at her hands, and tried to mimic her again. Error's body glitched a few times before he could speak. "I don't really have a family that I can remember.." He didn't want her pity. He was so tired of pity. He glanced up at her; and was stunned to see her giving him a look of sympathy. His soul thrummed in his chest again, and he coughed into his hand to push down the feeling.
*I understand what you mean. I was taken from my family at a young age and went through an orphanage. I can only remember bits and pieces.* She paused with a strained face. Error barely caught the expression as it changed to relief.
*But I have a great family now, so all that doesn't matter. I also have a new friend to hang with!* She smiled shyly at him. He felt a small blush creep up his cheek bones, and he averted his gaze.
"You're such a sap Bright eyes." He muttered to her. She covered her mouth to hide her snickering.
*Why am I?* She responded with a playful smirk.
Error glitched again and groaned in response. Frisk only gave a raspy laugh and suddenly an idea hit her.
*Why don't we play a game?*
Error's brow arched and he crossed his arms over his sternum. "What kind of game?"
*I ask a question, then you ask me a question. We get to know one another more.* She tilted her head at him, giving him a pleading look.
Error took a sharp inhale at her wavering eyes, and felt his soul drop. "U-Uh Yeah Yeah." His form glitched slightly.
*You go first!* She smiled patiently waiting for his question.
He thought for a moment, then smiled. "What are your hobbies?"
*I like cooking, and reading and even dancing.* She blushed at the last hobby and averted her gaze as she continued signing. *I've even won dance competitions..*
Error chuckled at her response, and nod his head.
*What about your hobbies?* She replied.
Error chuckled, "I like to fix mistakes." He could feel the glare from Sans and Flowey burning into the back of his skull. It only made things more amusing to him.
Frisks' eye lit up and she hit her fist into the pal of her other hand. *IS that what you were doing with that doll that you had yesterday? You were fixing it?*
Error's sockets widened and he hesitated; sweat was beading on the back of his skull at the mention of the doll. He sighed and nod his head.
*Do you have it with you?* Frisk looked like an excited little girl.
"Yeah, I brought it with me. I actually made it." He reached into his pocket and pulled the small doll out and showed it to her. Frisk smiled sweetly taking the doll from him to examine it. It had blue buttons for eyes and the hair was almost life like. It wore a lavender long sleeve shirt and blue shorts and blue sneakers. She rubbed her thumbs over the face, and studied it harder.
Error just watched nervously as she held it up closer to her face. She then looked at him suspiciously, and he averted his gaze. 'Would she catch on?' He pondered.
*It's adorable! It even looks like me, what a coincidence!* She hugged it to her chest.
Error's eye lights disappeared at he stared in her direction. 'You've got to be kidding..'
Sans face palmed his skull in agitation. Flowey just sighed using his vine to pat Sans on the back. "She's never been the brightest crayon in the box.." Sans nod slowly in agreement and kept watching them.
*This is very well made, do you have anymore?* She tilted her head at him setting the doll in her lap facing him in a sitting position.
Error chuckled and scratched the back of his skull. "Yeah, I actually have quiet the collection. It's a hobby of mine.." He thought to all the Sans Dolls that were strung back up in his void and a smug grin tugged at his teeth.
"I can show you some time if you like.." He offered to her. Frisk smile brightened more and she nod her head excitedly as she put a small flower crown on top of the look a like doll.
Sans growled, and Flowey huffed. "The nerve of this guy. How long does he plan on sticking around.." Sans shook his head, pulling out a bottle of Ketchup from his pocket and guzzling half of it. Flowey winced in disgust.
Sans wiped off his teeth with his hoodie sleeve, and grunted. "No idea, but I wish he'd just turn to dust already.."
Error went back to messing with his flower crown, and side and some of the flowers fell apart. He looks disgruntled, but then thought of a question. "So what's with all the punning?"
Frisk smiled. *You could say it's a bit of a personality ERROR.* She cupped her hand over her mouth to hide her snickering. Sans chuckled under his breath feeling proud of the kid.
Error rolled his eye lights.
*I grew up around Toriel and Sans who loved to pun all the time. I just picked it up and have fun with them.* She tilted her head thinking of a question in return. She pointed to her eyes, then him.
*I notice you squint or narrow your eyes alot.. why is that?*
Error coughed into his hand, "I don't really let anyone know about this, but.." He put his hand up to his teeth and whispered to her so the other two spying on them couldn't hear him.
"I need glasses to see up close.." He put his hand down, and Frisk nod her head in understanding.
*I bet you look like a cute nerd in them!* She realized what she said and averted her gaze nervously.
Error studied her for a moment, feeling that strong tug in his soul, and cleared his throat.
"What are they talking about?" Flowey whispered to Sans. Sans shrugged his shoulders. "Not sure he obviously didn't want us to hear.."
Flowey sighed, "You think he knows we followed him?" Sans gave a quick nod, and rolled over to sit against the tree.
*Can I see you in them?* She hugged the small doll in her grasp. Error chuckled and shook his head.
"Maybe some other time.." He gave her a smug grin. Frisk huffed.
*Do you promise?* She gave him a pout face.
Error was taken aback, she really wanted to see him in his glasses. He paused when she held out her pinky finger. He flinched backwards a little bit, and she gave him a sincere smile.
*Pinky promise?*
Error let out a slow breath and raised his pinky finger, a blue string came from it and wrapped itself around her pinky. Frisk gasped happily at his attempt to make some form of contact. He laughed at her expression, "You humans sure are interesting with your customs.."
Error could feel her soul radiating off her body with his string. She was happy right now. Genuinely happy. He chuckled pulling away from her, "It's a promise Bright eyes, but only if you come visit my home first."
Frisk smiled warmly pulling her hand back to her lap. *Okay! I can bring something yummy!*
Error chuckled to himself. He set the flower crown down next to him. He wasn't getting very far with it. "So tell me.. what's your relationship with Cl-Sans?" He corrected himself quickly before she could notice his other name for him. "You two looked pretty close to me.."
Frisk smiled, and looked past him again before signing.
*Well when I was younger I had bit of a crush on him.* She blushed a bright pink and covered her face hiding her embarrassment. Error tensed up; and his sockets narrowed at that.
Sans had been taking another drink of Ketchup when he read her signs and spit his ketchup all over the ground in front of him. His sockets were blown wide, and his eye lights were tiny pinpricks. Flowey flinched away from the messy red paste on the ground. Sans' cheek bones were dusted a bright blue.
Frisk sighed before continuing. *Sans was the only monster who had never tried to hurt me.. He was always trying to help me and watch over me. He always cheered me up with his bad jokes.* Sans was sweating more now, and Flowey was just shaking his head at Frisks small confession.
*I don't really feel that way anymore though,* Sans sighed in relief, and Flowey did as well. Error visibly relaxed at that information.
*Besides, Sans never really felt the same way about me. After the adoption fiasco, I asked him out on a date. He thought I was jokng..* She looked a little trodden, but shrugged her shoulders shortly after. Sans rubbed his hand over his skull trying to think of when she asked him out. A memory flashed of a shy Frisk approaching him and tugging on is hoodie sleeve.
She asked him in a small voice to go out with her, and he replied jokingly he'd take her to Grillby's some other time. Sans groaned hitting his palm against his temple.
"I'm sucha numb skull.."
Flowey laughed at his realization. "If you ask me, it worked out better.. I'd hate to have a trashbag like you as a brother in law.."
Sans blushed a hard blue and shoved Flowey over. Flowey hissed in response, and Sans kept his eyes locked on Frisk.
*I really only see Sans as a family figure; sort of like an Uncle that comes to visit on occasion.* She smiled warmly at Error. Error nods and growls at the flower crown in his lap. Frisk smiles and reaches out to snatch his flower crown from him.
Error flinches and his eye lights blank out; Sans feels the tension and gets ready to teleport.
Suddenly Error feels something soft around his skull and blinks back his eye lights. Frisk was snickering at him and pointing to his skull. Error glanced up and noticed Frisk's flower crown on his skull that she had been working on earlier.
"W-What!" He looked back at her. "This is yours, why would you.." He was baffled, why give him her flower crown?
*I wanted your flower crown.* She puts his flower crown on her head. It was falling apart, but she sat there smiling brightly at him. He felt a small blush creep into his cheek bones and cursed himself for feeling like this around her.
"But it's falling apart.. Yours is so much better." He pointed out gruffly.
*Life is full of Errors; and I love all Errors because they make life interesting.*
Error's body froze and his body glitched in place a few times.
Sans dropped his ketchup bottle and stared jaw dropped at what Frisk said. Flowey's leaves rattled.
"She doesn't realize what she just said..does she..?" He looked to Sans with concern. "DOES SHE?!"
Sans was silent, his mind whirling with hoping that Frisk was much more naive then she let on.
Frisk waved her hand in front of Error's face. It took him another minute before he moved and his eye lights flashed back in his sockets.
"Why are you joking with me like that.." He growled, narrowing his sockets. She made his soul thrum, and tug, and made him blush. He hated these new feelings, but was also intrigued as to why she had this affect on him.
Sans and Flowey tensed. "Get ready for teleportin' kid.." He warned reaching out for Flowey. Flowey nod his head and they waited for the attack.
Frisk frowned and shook her head giving him another sincere expression.
*I'm not joking with you. My mother told me no one is a mistake, and sometimes you learn from your mistakes, or learn to love them.*
Error blinked in confusion and looked down into his lap and then back up at her. She was telling the truth. He looks back up at the flower crown thinking that this Frisk is too innocent for this universe; and that there should have been more like her. Frisk squeezes the doll and flops down on her side, letting out a small yawn. Error looks down at her, and wonders what she's doing. She smiles up at him holding the doll close to her chest, and gives him one last smile before slowly dozing off.
Error stares at her for another moment, before leaning over her. She was indeed a sleep. Error huffed, 'that was rude.' He thought to himself, but then remembered she had cooked all this food for him, walked all this way to bring him to a spot that he would be comfortable at.
He smiled and reached out to move her hair with his strings. "If I asked you to come with me, to take you away from this world.. would you say yes?" He chuckled when she responded with a soft snore. "Tsh..cute." He sighed glancing back over to the trees and bushes where Sans and Flowey were. He gestured to them to come out.
Sans cursed, 'Frisk you really are too trusting! Falling asleep next to this abomination!'
He grabbed a hold of Flowey and teleported them a few feet away from Error and Frisk. Error smirks still messing with the flowers on the crown that she gave him. "What did you do!?" Sans growled at him.
"Heh, I was wondering when you two would show.." He pulled himself up from the blanket and stood at his full height eyeing the two with a smug grin.
"I only helped her sleep.." He gestured to his hand and a small trail of strings were coiled around her form, and her soul.
Sans' eye lights disappeared and the air around them dropped a few degrees. Error only chuckled at the magic filling the air. Sans took a few steps forward; determined to take Error out here and now.
Error held up his free hand, and waved his finger at him. "One more step Classic, and I'll kill her."
Flowey hissed in response. Feeling useless to protect his sister.
Sans chuckled darkly. "You might wanna let her go, this Flower is getting blooming mad.." He gestured to Flowey who had his pellets floating around him. Error's eyes narrowed and he smiled like the mad man he was.
"Not in a position to be making threats comedian." He lifted the hand connected with Frisk and she twitched. Sans growled, shoving his hands back in his pockets; letting his magic dissipate.
"That's better. I only want to chit chat.." Error titled his head to the side, glancing at Frisk then back to them. "Oh, and don't worry she won't remember anything. Wouldn't want her to hear our little conversation."
Sans grunted in response, and motioned for Flowey to drop the magic. Flowey gave Sans a dirty look before dismissing his pellets.
Error chuckled, "I originally came to this universe out of sheer boredom. After all the void is kind of like Hell. I didn't really expect to enjoy the scenery of the surface.. Then I ran into your Frisk."
Sans glanced down to Frisk to make sure she was okay. Her back was moving up and down peacefully. 'Good shes still fine..'
Error covered his face with his free hand looking at the both of them through his phalanges. "I must reiterate. She really is naive, and trusting.. Who would of thought she'd go all out just for me. She makes Papyrus look intelligent.."
Sans growled; clenching his fists hard in his pockets. He could feel his phalanges scrap his palms. "Leave Paps. out. of. this." He warned through gritted teeth.
"She's really something else. She cooks, and smiles way too often. She intrigues me to no end."
His eye lights disappeared suddenly and his voice sounds warped and itchy.
"Y o U D-d o n't D e S E r v e H e r r."
Sans flinched, and Flowey shuddered at the menacing voice.
"Yet, what I can't understand about her is how she can be so selfless.. she loves all the monsters here, who willingly killed her or tried to."
Sans averted his gaze and felt his sins crawling up his back. Flowey sighed, knowing what Error was telling them was true. Error chuckled, looking back to look at Frisk.
"It doesn't matter though.. I'll be taking my leave soon enough." He reached out his hand, and lifted Frisk up with his strings and brought her close to him. Sans took another step and Flowey shouted at him to put her down.
"Heh heh don't worry boys; I'm taking my new toy home. After all that's what friends do right? They look out for one another!?" He was laughing now; his shoulders shaking. Sans was trembling and felt helpless. If he tried making a move; Error could crush Frisks' soul and bring a new reset.
Error took a few steps back, and a portal opened behind him. Sans reached out but they were gone in a few seconds.
Sans felt a surge of anger rise from his soul, and a cry of rage escaped his throat; as three blasters appeared from thin air and blasted down the near by area and large tree that Frisk had been at. Flowey yelped in surprise and cowered down, covering his face. Sans was breathing heavily. His eye was flaring brightly.
"We gotta stop him!" He growled. Flowey shook in fear and nod his head in agreement.
--- Error appeared in Frisks' room a few seconds later. He was still chuckling to himself. He loved holding Classic in the palm on his hands. Threatening the one thing that could take all their happiness away. Frisk not knowing how to reset or reload really worked out better in his favor than he thought.
He walked over to her bed and lowered her down with his strings. The second he let go of her; she stirred and looked around groggily. Error was standing next to the bed snickering at her. Frisk shot up looking confused; the doll falling beside her.
*What happened? How did we get here?* She signed frantically.
Error waved his hand at her. "Don't worry Bright eyes, you fell asleep and I brought you home."
Frisk looked around and noticed she was in her bed. She blushed slightly, pulling her skirt down more towards her knees. She then picked up the doll and held it out to him. She felt embarrassed for hogging it half the day.
Error took it from her and put it back in his pocket.
"Why don't you get some rest?" He tilted his head to the side just about to turn around.
She reached out to grab his sleeve then quickly retracted her hand when he froze. He slowly looked over his shoulder at her with wide sockets.
*I'm sorry! I want one!*  She gave him a pleading look, and kept signing 'I'm sorry.' over and over again. He paused before turning back to face her.
"You want one, what?" His body was still tense. 'Why was this human so touchy?'
*I want a doll..* She chewed on the bottom of her lip. A nervous habit he noted.
"You want me to make you a doll?" He tilted his head again and relaxed slightly. Frisk nod her head.
*It's not fair for you to have a doll that resembles me by some chance, and I don't have anything to remind me of you..*
Error dead panned, 'yeesh laying it on thick arent'cha?'
He sighed, "Alright, I'll see what I can do. For now get some rest. Send me a message when you wake up."
Frisk clasped her hands together happily, and wanted to very bad to hug him, but that would be too much. She gave him a nod and flopped back on the bed, watching him turn to leave.
She sighed happily, and wondered if he had carried her all that way home. He really was a nice monster she thought. She shot up for a moment thinking about Flowey. She wondered if he was home, and slid out of bed to look for him. After about an hour searching; she gave up thinking that he wanted to be left alone.
She changed back into her pajamas and slid into bed. Flowey would come back around soon.
She set an alarm on her phone before laying her head down. Today had been a really great day.
She then sat up quickly. 'Oh no! the picnic basket!'
Error hummed a small tune as he entered the white void. He shuffled around until he found a blank doll. He'd use his magic to create one that resembled him, but maybe a bit better looking.
He chuckled once he stared sewing. "Anything for you Bright eyes.."
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demonspirit101-blog · 7 years
MettatonXreader Part one ‘The Letter’
[WARNING! This is going to be a smut Fanfiction it is 18+. No one under the age of 18 can read this as it will soon contain sexual content.The character in this part of the story is genderless, but be aware the character does wear dresses in this part of the story so if your wanting it to be a male i hope your ok with cross dressing. Also this is my first try at fan fiction so i am not good at it yet. Anyway i hope you guys still like it and will give me advice on how to make it better. ENJOY! ] 
Living in Snowdin was a huge change to what it was like on the surface. though still not use to the coldness of the snowy little town, i putted up with it. The cold always caught me off guard, sending chills though my body and letting out surprised gasps every time. The town monsters are always chuckling at  my reaction and thought it was cute that the human can't handle the cold so well.
The Skeleton brothers were kind enough to let me live with them when i decided to not to try and break the barrier to go back home. Meeting so many new and strange faces made life more interesting, and oddly enough I felt more closer to home then ever did before. Life was simple and so peaceful, taking the joy out of every little good thing that came across my way. I became close to many, especially the brothers. Always laughing at all of Sans 's puns and doing fun puzzles with Papyrus.
But there was one monster in the underground that I just felt always so strange around. When i first met him, he looked to just be an odd robotic block with a lot of sass. But every time he came my way in some form, he seemed to grow more intriguing. And that monster was the famous underground star named Mettaton, the one that all monsters swoon over.
His Sleek metallic curved body, so smooth and gleaming like a beautiful polished gem. He has the perfect hair that looked so soft even though it was made of metal. He had eyes that did shine like stars, a new world you could get lost in if you just stared long enough into them. His voice alone was alluring, it could make anyone bend their will for him. He looked so beautiful, and so perfect in every way.
But ever since my last encounter with him near the Core, I just could never bring myself to go talk to him again. I just only admired him from a distance, just watching him on the MTT program next to Papyrus like always.
But on one of the quiet days, listening to Papyrus once again telling Sans to clean up his socks from the living room. I went to go get the mail from outside to give to the brothers. I collected them all and handed them to Papyrus, as Sans would of probably lost them the second I give them to him. I turned to go and clean up the sock mess till Papyrus shouted in his usual loud voice.
“HUMAN! There is a letter for you!” he called out as he went over to me and handed over the letter. I was very shocked at seeing the envelope, as I never received any letters from anyone. So I never bothered to even look if my name was even on any of the mail. And who would even send me anything? I looked at the front of the Letter, and he was right. My name was written on the front of it, written in fancy curled letters. The envelope itself was a light baby pink colour. As I looked at the back of it to see who it was sent from, I couldn't help but gasp out in shock. Catching the attention of the brothers very quickly.
“Who is it from bud?” Sans questioned in his very calm cool voice. Resting his hands in the pockets of his blue jacket as she shuffled his way over to me.
“Who is it from human?! Tell us, the royal guard of the human must know!” he exclaimed excitedly. He always saw himself a guard of protecting me, and he definitely makes sure everyone knows it.
Papyrus rushed over to look at the pink letter. As soon as he saw the name at the back of the envelope he let out an loud scream of excitement.
“IT'S FROM METTATON!” he cried out, jumping up and down bubbling with joy. But as soon as Sans heard the name he let out an annoyed groan and shook his head
“what does he want?” he asks sounding a little irritated. Unlike many of the monsters of the underground, Sans was not the biggest fan of the super star, unlike his younger brother. He told me that he always had a problem with the star once Papyrus became a fan of the stylish robot. Not enjoying the fact that it exposes him to many over sexualized television content. Though Sans knew that Papyrus was no longer a little baby bones, he was always so protective over him and not wanting the innocent mind become spoilt to such perverted thoughts.
“i am not sure” I said with slight tremble in my voice. I started to tenderly open the envelope. There was a note inside, it was perfectly white with the written words in a pink ink. I gently held the note between my finger tips, being careful not to crinkle the delicate paper and started to read it.
“Hello again Human, it has been a while since we have talked. I have heard a lot about you, Alphys always talks about the human shows you and her watch together. I think its finally time you and me catch up once again. Lets call it a date shall we? Meet me at my hotel sometime tonight. I'll be waiting”
I couldn't help but drop the note from shock at what was contained within the note. I felt so weak my legs gave out, but luckily Papyrus caught me and helped me onto the couch.
“Human are you ok?!” he said in shock “what did the note say?” he asked with curiosity
I slowly looked up at him, looking up at him with wide eyes “h-he wants me to meet him tonight” I say with a stutter. Sans eyes widened with shock
“You cannot go” he moved over quickly to me “That pervert could do anything to you, he could still want to use your soul! I don't trust him one bit!” if his mouth wasn't stuck permanently smiling he would be looking more horrified with the new information he just heard.
“S-sans I am sure he won't, besides it would be good to catch up” I look down shyly and start to fiddle with my hands. My heart was starting to pound at the thought of once again meeting him. Sans sighed “Alright, I just worry. If anything goes wrong just come straight home ok?” he says like a protective brother. I smile and nod pulling him into a hug and head upstairs to get ready.
After a while of trying on different clothes trying to see what would feel right I finally decided to wear my favourite clothes. It was nice and cute, a pink dress with a small white bow at the back. It was basic but looked nice, the material felt nice and soft on my body. I Putted on some of my favourite undergarments, white little panties with a pink bow at the front of them to match the outfit. I was not planning for anyone to see what was up there, I just wanted to feel nice about my appearance for once. The thought of someone seeing me like that was nerve wracking, and made me feel odd between my legs. I straighten out my dress, and took a large deep breath as I headed down stairs.
“i-i will be heading out now boys, I will be back a little later” I say shyly to the brothers. We say our final goodbyes and soon I start heading to the Hotel. As I walked along the path my mind was flowing with many possible ways of how I can screw up this night.
Before I knew it I have arrived at the hotel doors.  My heart was pounding fast like a drum was being beaten in my chest. I took a couple of slow deep breaths, trying to calm myself. These nerves that I was feeling was nothing like I ever felt before, more never racking then when I was about to face Asgore in battle. More frightening than when Flowey would spew out his threats. But I knew I was not in danger of anything, so why was I feeling like this? Was fear even what I was feeling within me? I questioned myself as I stared at those doors for a brief time. I took a deep breath and forced my legs to take one step at a time, as I finally pushed myself through the doors.
Part One done
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mo96my · 7 years
Kind Soul- 3 Trapped
The area was completely white, the road was not visible for how much snow there was but the trail seemed to go straight. -Better go- Flowey interrupted the silence that had gone to create. - Yeah - The cold was too much for Frisk, and after a while she walked she no longer felt her feet. -Flowey ... you know the way? - -Yes sure...- -Sure? - - Ehm ... -
- You can also say that you do not know - She smiled. The little flower immediately turned his gaze away. -Eheh- The road continued long and the only thing to see was the snow white and the trees back, in addition to its footprints. Something did not go was felt, but every time he turned around there was no one. Flowey gave the paranoid, but when he heard a branch snap behind them urged her to go faster. A wooden bridge was right in front of them, the only problem: it was too tight. Hey girl ...- A voice behind them made them jump. A deep voice that shivered. - Did not they teach you to greet someone? Turn around and squeeze my hand - Frisk turned, standing paralyzed in front of the figure. In front of her a skeleton little taller than her, his eyes red as blood. The hand was outstretched in front of her, she looked at her for a moment before returning to watch him. -Then?- She shook her head back with a foot on the bridge. - Hehe okay ... You are a human right? - Frisk did not answer. - Since you're a few words ... Better. Papyrus my brother, be looking for humans like you, then you come with me, with the good or with the bad ones? - She took her arm Frisk, not paying attention to Flowey, who tried in every way to make himself known. His grip was very strong for a skeleton. He walked fast, sometimes stumbled in the snow. But it seemed to him not interested. There was another skeleton near a station. This was higher and it was much scarier than the first. - SANS WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING !? - -Hey Boss, I got one thing for you- Sans pushed Frisk in front of him. - A HUMAN ... DID YOU THINK YOU GET AWAY IN FRONT OF ME? - Papyrus approached. At that moment Flowey used his magic. Large roots appeared from the ground by firing away Sans and Papyrus. -Now Frisk run - The little girl did not repeat it twice and ran away as fast as possible. They had gained ground but could not stop at that moment. - Frisk behind ... - -W-We can not ... and if ..- - You can not do it anymore, stop - Although somewhat wretched, Frisk hid behind the rock, which with great surprise appeared the little star seen also in the Rune. He has also disappeared when he touched her. Flowey looked at her, the girl was destroyed, she could not continue to run for the moment but could not even stay. -W-We should go ... They will come soon- - Rest for a moment ... If they come back I'll think about it - -Thank you- She put her legs on her chest, resting her forehead on her knees. It was cold but now it did not matter. -Let's go Flowey - -B-But- -I have rested enough- Frisk started to walk, but felt very cold. They did not meet anyone on the way, which made them worried. - Maybe they gave up- Frisk said hopefully. -No believe ...- Strange noise and then darkness. ** Frisk When she opened her eyes, she saw that he was at the point where they were hiding. -What...- -You died ... We have to be careful- - I remember ... I remember being transfixed ... - Touch at the point where the spear stuck, but with great surprise there was nothing. -How is it possible- -You are different from others ... Do not you understand? If you die you can come back to life! - Frisk stitched his sweater, was not confident and fear began to hurt her. - Let's go ... Now we know there are traps - - All right - They went on their way trying to dodge all the traps. He died several times, as soon as it exceeded a snapped another and so forth. After all these deaths finally came to the door of Snowdin, where he found the star again. -We made it...- -There ... But you're exhausted- - Do not worry ... Maybe we should ask where to go- -Do not lower your guard- Frisk turned to Snowdin for somebody who could help her, but no one seemed to look at her. Discouraged, she sat on the steps of a closed shop. - They're all coming back now ...- -Already- - We should ...- But Flowey not finished speaking, there was before them Sans, Papyrus no trace. -Hey girl, what are you doing here all alone - -N-Nothing ...- Frisk started to get up, but Sans stopped her. - Do you want me to come with me from Grillby to eat a bite? -No!- He did not want to go with him, even though his stomach demanded food. She and Flowey walked away not realizing that Sans was following them. She was tired. Whatever it was about to happen would probably be dead. She passed various houses until she saw it anymore. - Flowey, you should leave my arm - She said as soon as she saw Papyrus coming out of the dense mist that had formed. -Frisk ...- -Flowey ... I do not want something to happen to you ... I can go back- Flowey did as he had said, hiding. -YOU PASSED MY TRAPS AS I SEE - Her soul was already in front of her, this time she could not escape. She did not have time to replicate that she was with bones stuck in the abdomen. Her eyes wide open, letting  see the color of her eyes. It was all dark again. She died many times against Papyrus. The last time, however, managed to dodge most of the attacks even though it was pierced but remained alive. She was wounded, could not do anything soon would have died for the next time, until he thought of Toriel's words. They needed them alive. - If you really want my soul ... why kill me! - Papyrus, who was about to hurl the attack, stopped. His face was frightening. -Boss is right- - I KNOW THAT IS RIGHT IDIOT - He said, slaping his brother. Frisk not stand it and fainted. Her blood had stained the  snow. Now she was alive, but trapped.
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