#i'll work hard enough so i could be at peace. have freedom in my own way. 'fly' as i'm meant to and as i've always wished to
noxtivagus · 2 years
i'll succeed with everything. definitely.
#🌙.vent#last one fr then i think i have enough energy to fix my account. bcs. i don't really care. anymore. gna gaslight myself into being fine 🤍#smiling felt painful earlier but oh well! this is stupid anyways i shldn't think too much. this is so stupid#i have so much thoughts but yk what i will stop writing n force myself to do wtvr the fuck n yh fuck everything i'll stop overthinking i'll#just be myself. i thrive the most when i just be myself <3.. no wait i was gen doing a bit better but every time i think back n. 🥹 it Hurts#but. why the hell am i letting these stupid things bring me down. i've never really been the type to hide or bring myself down or. yeah#i shouldn't think too much on it all i know eventually i'll always succeed :< that said tho i am rlly v tired i just wna be invisible#for a while. see what'll happen if i just disappear or cut myself off from the world. if anything wld change if i'll be 'gone' in some way#but no that's bad n destructive behavior i Shouldn't but sometimes when i get stressed enough i lack any care to. stop myself maybe. but.#i made promises to myself. a lot of promises to myself in my past n to my future that. i won't do anything i'll regret. holding unto tmrrw.#the future. holding unto that sense of hope has kept me alive. even if i'll always be full of regret and disappointment i want to live to#to love and to succeed and to be free and to. fight the world & find my freedom in reality. thats hard for me n i probably dont deserve it#maybe that's precisely why i'll forge on ahead. to prove that wrong. to be kind to the other part of me that has kept me alive#it sucks bcs while. like i just said i don't think i deserve certain things. at heart i know my main truth wld be that ik i'm deserving#bcs i'm human too :< but both ends r just intense in my head n when times r draining it gets harder to. yeah#idk what i'm writing anymore but no matter how hard it gets i need to succeed. i need to improve i need something better#i'll work hard enough so i could be at peace. have freedom in my own way. 'fly' as i'm meant to and as i've always wished to#that said though ik i'll succeed in terms of several of my passions but when it comes to people.... i always feel like i fail there T_T#every time i'm distant i'm aware of how it affects me negatively but then i try to deny it at times bcs 'i just need myself blah blah'#surely i can't be weak for. wtvr but like. all that is smth that is not up to me. trying that w how i oft feel i don't belong in this world#i can't help but think that there'll always be better ppl than me for others. not that i think low of myself but its hard to feel i 'fit in#? it's a lonely world for me n i still can relate w others n socialize n wtvr n all but it just hurts. this is stupid :c thoughts like#'my friends wld be better off without me' or 'i dont contribute much anyways' & 'not much would change if i'll be gone' hurt me bcs#i do want to believe that i'm loved & cared for too in this world but.. it hurts its one of my weakest points. a hell i can't escape.#but i'm fine with it. it's my fault. my mind's fault. idk i live in my own lil world most of the time n i feel too different from others#so it's always been hard for me to reach out since i don't think it would be particularly wanted from me but i do love helping others#unconditionally n. my family's always been here from the start i can always trust them. fuck my old friends though i have trust issues#i'm working on that n i know all i shld technically fix w myself but it's easier said than done n. genuinely i rlly want to improve.#but i wonder if i'm too harsh n perfectionistic about it. making it counterintuitive. sigh. idk what i'm writing anymore i'm a mess#i'm fine. when i'm stressed n overwhelmed it's just v easy for me to lose sight of myself. i'll be fine i think soon. just need to remember
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lilbagdermole · 1 year
Hello! It's always great to meet another Taang shipper!
What do you love most about Taang?
I hope you have a great day!!!
Oh, it's so nice to see that Taang is still loved by so many people (and it's always really nice to see active blogs about them ^^)
What do I love most about Taang?
I love their dynamics. They bounce off each other almost harmoniously, because they are opposites in so many aspects of their lives: beliefs and morals, elements, backgrounds and childhoods. They clash and struggle and are far from perfect, yet, no matter how big the storm, how complex the disagreement - they always reconcile, they always listen to one another, they always learn and grow and strive to become better people. They respect one another so much to work around their oppositions and thus balance and understand one another in ways that no other member of the ATLA cast can replicate (with Aang and Toph).
And though they are natural opposites, they still have so much in common if you delve deeper. Aang and Toph are the youngest in the Gaang - and share the same love for teasing and joking; they share a very deep connection with the the original benders of their respective elements (Toph with the Badgermoles and Aang with Appa); they both runaway from their homes at a young age because of paramount expectations; both are masters of their bending - even inventing a new form/bending style at 12 years-old (air scooter and metalbending).
Aang represented all Toph needed in her life - freedom, loyalty, companionship and a friend. He saw her beyond her perceived weakness and never underestimated her capabilities as an earthbender and his potential master. He taught her to trust and confide, understood her when no other person did and soften the hard edges that she'd constructed to protect herself from her suffocating reality. In a sense, Aang was a breath of fresh air in her life.
Toph, on the other hand, represented all Aang needed - stability, confidence, strength. Aang, being the Avatar, had been coddled and protected by almost everyone - Katara, Sokka, admirers, etc. He wasn't Aang, he was a symbol - a symbol of hope and peace. But Toph didn't care about his divine-like power, didn't care that everyone around him praised the very ground he stepped on - in Toph's perspective, Aang was Aang. A kid just like her and she treated him as equals; never afraid of pushing him to further his growth; she taught him to stand his ground, face his enemies head on, become a stronger, confident bender. She was the ground that anchored him to the mortal world and made him feel normal.
It's also poetic, in the finale - Toph is in the air whilst Aang is mostly on Earth. And, may I add, that at the end, whilst Zuko and Katara ultimately did teach him plenty so he could face the Firelord, Aang's preferred bending style, that was not his own, was Earthbending. The element that had once stumped him, frustrated him; the hardest element to master, his opposite... and now, he used it to protect himself, to shield and fight. He used every technique Toph taught him - rock armor, crushing earth, even seismic sense... Toph ultimately saved Aang during the Finale.
I can go on and on about them, but I'm in the midst of writing a dissertation on Toph and Aang's development and potential in ATLA - so I'll save most of my thoughts for that whenever I get to completing it.
And... let's be honest. Aang and Toph together just look so beautiful. They would be the IT COUPLE in ATLA - their canonical height difference should be reason enough to stan Taang. Avatar and The World's Greatest Earthbender... come on now! And it would just fit right - Aang as an adult would have to travel the world and Toph would gladly travel alongside him since she doesn't have a "home" (Aang is her home); and, as adults they could built Republic City from the ground up whilst also balancing raising a family... UGH! IT WOULD HAVE BEEN SO GOOD!!!
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bigball-thefrog · 1 month
Shanks x mermaid reader!
A Hangover And A Mermaid: Shanks X Mermaid!Reader
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Thank you for the suggestion! I've actually had this idea in my notes for awhile but I wanted to save it for later. PLEASE NOTE, I have not yet watched Fishmen Island so if anything about the mermaid is inaccurate or wrong, I am sorry.
Not really any romantic tension so you can decide if you want this to be romantic or not.
PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD! The reader is a grown adult but just very curious and sheltered, I am in no way making the reader act like a child and romanticizing it! Adults can be curious and sheltered as well
Mermaid reader
Mentions Shanks being hungover
Shanks POV
My crew and I had stopped at an uninhabited island to rest for awhile. Last night we feasted and drank to our hearts content and now I've got the worst hangover.
I made my way to a private and quiet part of the beach away from the crew to try and help this bloody hangover. It was quiet the only sound being the sound of the waves crashing onto the beach. I took off my shoes and sat on the sand, the water just barely touching my feet. Other than the sun, it was peaceful. The chatter of birds, the water, the wind, the pair of eyes staring at me over some rocks... Wait, a pair of eyes staring at me over some rocks!? I looked over at the rocks and yup, there were a pair of eyes peering at me. I called out to the pair of eyes and they disappeared, hiding behind the rocks. I got up to go investigate and when I looked over the rock I was confused, there was nothing, I looked back up and scanned back over the rocks and there were the eyes again, looking over another rock, I went to look over there but once again, they eyes had moved, getting a little frustrated I activated my haki and heard a thud. Whatever this creature is wasn't the strongest if my haki made them pass out. I walked over to where I heard the thud and there, now passed out in a small sea pool lay a mermaid.
My God, it's rare to see a mermaid outside of Fishmen island, especially so far. Maybe they're lost, I probably should wake them up and find out. I started shaking them, not aggressively but hard enough and it worked, they groaned and their eyes started fluttering. Once they were open our eyes met and they froze, I could see them getting ready to try and get away but I grabbed their wrist, "Wait! I'm not going to hurt you. I just wanna talk." I said, trying to sound friendly and reassuring. The mermaid calmed down and now looked at me curiously, "You're not going to attack me?" "No, I have no reason to. I just want to talk" the mermaid smiled at me and I smiled back. "Now tell me, what's a mermaid doing so far away from Fishmen island? It's dangerous for you to be out here." "I ran away. I've lived on fishmen island my whole life and I know nothing about the rest of the world, and my parents refused to tell me anything as well, so I decided that I'm going to discover the world on my own." I put my head on my hand, "You're quite a brave one. Not many mermaids like to leave Fishmen island, usually mermaids like to stay where it's safe and trust me, the ocean isn't that safe" "Well I've had nothing but an amazing time out here! The wide open sea, the fish, the freedom. Oh it's bean great! Although this is the first time I've interacted with a human.." "Oh, well I'm glad to be the first, I'll try and make a good impression~" I have them a small wink. They smiled and moved a little bit closer. They started looking at my body, curiously, looking at my hand, my neck, and any other part that's different from a fishman. I chuckled at their curiosity and let them look further. They tried reaching for my pants and that's where I stopped them, "Sorry sweetheart, that's only for when we know each other really well~" I winked at them and they pulled their hand away
They continued looking at the rest of my body and their eyes landed on my amputated arm, "How did that happen??" they asked curiously. "It was a sea beast." "Sea beast?!" "Yeah, one of my friends got taken by a pirate and I rushed to save them, when I got there, my friend was drowning and a sea beast was swimming right underneath him! I managed to get my boat to him just in time, I pulled him in and made sure he was breathing, but as soon as he woke up, the sea beast shot up out of the water and bit my arm clean off!" the mermaid gasped and clutched onto a rock, "How did you survive an encounter with a sea beast?! They're huge!!!" I chuckled again and leaned closer to them, "I turned around. I looked at the sea beast right in he eyes. And all I said was, 'Get, lost!' and the sea beast fled back into the ocean scared.." the mermaid looked at me with wide star filled eyes, amazed at my story, "No way... You just told the sea beast to get lost and it left?!" I nodded. They gasped again, "You. Are. AMAZING!!!" They shouted, "I've never met anyone that's been able to scare away a sea beast! They usually don't listen to anyone! And then you just tell it to leave and it listens?! That's so cool..." I laughed and patted their head, "Man, pirates are mean. I hope I never run into anyone like them." the mermaid said, I smirked and looked at them in the eyes, "Oh don't say that sweetheart, you hurt my feelings~" I said teasingly. Their eyes widened in shock and realization, "No way, you're a pirate?! Oh my God I'm so sorry! I just thought that... You were just so nice, and I usually hear people say that pirates are mean and evil!" "Don't worry sweetheart, there are some evil pirates, but there are good ones. I try to be one of the better ones." I I gave them a reassuring smile and they smiled back.
"Hey, have you ever thought about being a pirate?" I asked, their expression went to a thoughtful one, "I'm Not sure... Can a mermaid really be a pirate?" "Anyone can be a pirate sweetheart, you just need the spirit and the sense of adventure." the mermaid thought some more and smiled, "You'd really let me join?" "Yeah, you can swim next to our Ship while we sail, we can stop at night so you can rest, and you could even be a secret weapon when we're under attack. How about it? You join my crew and can get to see the world while being protected?" the mermaid thought some more then looked me with a bright smile, "I'd love to!" I smiled back and held out my hand, "Then from this day onwards, you are now apart of the Red Haired pirates and I am your captain, Shanks" we shook hands and it was done, I now had a mermaid on my crew.
"But let's just stay here for a while longer, I still need to work off this hangover" the mermaid giggled and started to swim around while they wait. I put my feet into the water and watched them swim for the rest of the morning.
Thank you for reading and I'll see you next week!
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The witchling and the god [Loki x Witch!Reader] Chapter 12
Summary: The Avengers were looking for someone to help Loki fit in with the team. To become socially acceptable, so to speak. He had been given the choice of sitting in a cell in Asgard or serving some sort of community service probation on Midgard. The Avengers and Shield both felt that as long as Loki was on Earth, he should be under supervision. This is now your job. Why? Because you’re a witch. You’re not sure why this qualifies you, but here you are, giving it a shot. What could possibly go wrong?
Tags: Witch!Reader, Magic, Witches, slow burn, everybody lives in the tower, character development, Loki‘s redemption, Stephen Strange is a friend, Loki and Stephen are frenemies, Tony Stark is a good bro, kids love Loki, Tony has stupid nicknames for everybody, eventual smut
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Chapter's Note: You gave me a lot of songs recommendations and it was really hard to decide, since they were all great. So I made a whole playlist with my favorite songs from you :D Some of them even went on my personal dance playlist. I finally settled on 'Be my baby' by The Ronettes for this chapter, since the lyrics fit best. But listen to whatever song you like. Beta by @zaria-04 &lt;3
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Chapter 12: Be My Baby
The night we met I knew I needed you so And if I had the chance I'd never let you go So won't you say you love me I'll make you so proud of me We'll make 'em turn their heads every place we go
You have a bowl in your hand and a wooden spoon in the other, while you move your hips to the beat of the song. On your stove are two pots, one bubbling a purple liquid, the other so far just some water. Music is coming from a stereo on the shelf. You love listening to music while you work, turning it up to full volume, because there's no one around to complain about it.
So won't you, please, be my, be my baby Be my little baby, my one and only baby Say you'll be my darlin', be my, be my baby Be my baby now, my one and only baby Wha oh oh oh
With the spoon and a practiced eye, you measure out various ingredients to mix in the bowl. Extract of Atlantic poison oak - deadly if you use it wrong, but healing if you know your way around - chamomile and birch bark… something's missing. With a swirl of your finger, a sealed jar comes flying out of a cupboard. Dried garlic. You forget the dried garlic every time, even though you've read the recipe a dozen times and know it by heart.
When you get it all together, the bowl rises into the air on its own and everything is mixed inside by an invisible hand. You have your hands free to light a match and add the flame as an ingredient.
The next verse you sing along loudly.
I'll make you happy, baby, just wait and see For every kiss you give me, I'll give you three Oh, since the day I saw you I have been waiting for you You know I will adore you 'til eternity
The mission about the artifact was almost a week ago and by now you have recovered well. Lots of sleep and delicious snacks have helped. Since you spend most of your time in the tower in New York, your work as a witch has fallen by the wayside. So you took yesterday and today off to keep up with your orders.
While the ingredients are melting, you have time for a dance solo. It's one of your favorite songs and no one is here to judge you. Barefoot, you dance around the kitchen. Your black dress is long and figure-hugging, but through the two high slits, you have enough freedom of movement. Some clichés about witches are just true. You grab the bowl out of the air and scrape the contents into the boiling water.
So won't you, please, be my, be my baby Be my little baby, my one and only baby Say you'll be my darlin', be my, be my baby Be my baby now, my one and only-...
You sense a motion from the corner of your eye and hear a chuckle. Startled, you whirl around. The knife you throw gets stuck in the door just inches away from Loki's head. As a sign that he comes in peace, he raises his arms.
"You have a bad aim," he says.
"That was just a distraction." You point down, and as Loki lowers his gaze, he notices roots entwined around his ankles and legs, keeping him from moving. It draws his attention away from you for a brief moment and you try to shake off your embarrassment at being watched by him while dancing and singing in your kitchen. Hopefully your flushed cheeks don't give you away. You wonder how long he has been standing there.
"Consider me impressed, Witchling." The grin still graces his lips and you don’t question his good mood. With a small gesture you dissolve the protection spell and free Loki from his bonds, with another one you turn off the music.
"What do you want?" you ask him. If he shows up here at your cottage, it must be important.
"Why do you humans always ask that? Why do you always think I want something from you when I just want your company?"
His words make your heart beat fast. But you remind yourself that this is part of his game. He is flattering you to avoid a direct answer. "Because you're not allowed to leave the tower without good reason."
"Ah - that's where you’re wrong," he corrects you and starts looking around curiously. He steps to a nearby shelf and eyes at the contents. "I may leave the Tower in your company. Aside from that being a useless rule because it doesn't really stop me, Stark will probably-" Your phone rings. "… contact you."
You reach for your phone, which is on a nearby table. It's an incoming video call from Tony. You pick it up while Loki looks at your stash of labeled potion bottles with interest.
"What's up, Tony?"
You see the face of the billionaire popping up. He is wearing dark sunglasses and seems focused on something else. You hear the sound of welding in the background and every few seconds his face is illuminated by a small light source in front of him. He's probably in his tech lab, you think, when you notice the dark smudges on his face.
"Did Loki show up?" he asks you.
An idea strikes you and you raise your eyebrows in wonder. "Loki? Why would he?" you ask, seemingly surprised. "I’m off work today."
This makes Tony drop his work and turn his face to the screen. He curses under his breath. "That litte..."
Just then Loki slides into view next to you. "I'm here," he announces loudly for Tony to hear. He tries to take your phone from you, but you're faster and dodge him. A brief scuffle ensues until you manage to push Loki aside and regain control of your device.
"What's going on?" Tony asks since he hears your voices but doesn't have a clear view.
"Everything's fine. I'll drop Loki back home later," you assure him before you hang up.
"Wicked minx," Loki accuses you. He stands right in front of you, as usual in your personal space. You thought you'd have to get used to it by now, but it still gives you goosebumps. In a good way. And that's bad.
"That was for startling me earlier" you promptly retort.
Loki's grin takes on something wolfish. He's long since realized that he's found a worthy opponent in you and wonders to what extent he can test the limits.
You hear a soft bubbling and remember that you still have a potion on the stove. Quickly, you step past Loki and rush to it to keep it from boiling over. It would ruin it and you’ve put a lot of work into it.
"How did you get here?" you ask Loki in passing.
"Through the portal in your room." Apparently he's decided not to leave your side today, because the Asgardian is stepping up beside you again and watching you work over your shoulder.
"You were in my room?" You scrunch your nose. You don't like that thought. Apparently you need to put a magical protection around your room in the tower. You had refrained from doing that until now because you thought it was safe enough. "How did you get in there anyway?"
"Don't insult me," Loki speaks with his usual arrogance. "The protective measures in the tower are no obstacle to me. Speaking of which, your chambers are rather spartan and not particularly tastefully decorated. I took the liberty of changing that."
Now this is really going too far! You whirl around to face him with an angry glare. "What?! Loki, if I go back and everything is green, I swear to god-…"
"I'm a god. Swear to me."
You blink and stare at him. He's thrown you off balance. It takes a few seconds for your brain to remember how to form words and you turn back to your potion. "Unbelievable," you mutter softly.
You don't see it, but Loki is very pleased with himself. You feel his presence at your back, knowing he's still standing there. You’re longing to touch him, brushing your back at his chest. You breathe in and out deeply, trying to focus on your work. You can't let the Asgardian throw you off.
It's just a game to him.
This phrase became a mantra in your head that you repeat over and over. You wish it was different, that you could be more than just friends. It pains you, but you allow the feeling in, even welcome it. It stings your heart, but in the long run it will help you overcome your feelings.
"So, why are you here?" you ask again, but this time less brusque. You need to talk to not fall into a spiral of thoughts. "I'm not complaining about it, just wondering. You've never seemed interested in my cottage before. It's a very small country. Not as luxurious as you're used to."
Not compared to his suite in the tower and even less to the palace Loki grew up in. Even if you can only imagine that one.
"Don't sell it short. It's lovely." His puffed confidence seems to scale down and his next words are almost apologetic. "I'm sorry for coming here unannounced. I don't mean to intrude if you are busy with your work." He watches you pour the brew out of the pot. You don't say anything, because you have a feeling there's more to come.
"Sometimes being in the tower can be a lot. My brother. Everything. I merely wished to escape it for a few hours."
You throw him a smile over your shoulder. "Of course, Loki, you can stay the day."
It's a big vote of trust that Loki is so honest with you. He seems relieved by your answer.
It's little nuances in his behavior, but by now you can read him pretty well. And you also understand his reasons. You have the freedom to enter and leave the tower as you wish. Loki doesn't. The residents and workers are friendly and polite to you. Not that much to him.
But the Avengers seem to open up to him. It’s going just fine with Tony. Natasha and Clint also seem to have a better opinion of him after the mission. But it's not friendship. Not even companionship, more like a polite tolerating on both sides.
Loki only has Thor - and you. And when the two of you aren't around, he spends his time alone in the suite, or at least that's what you assume. It's big and equipped with everything he needs. But he probably still feels cooped up in it. You certainly would. And Loki has been there longer than you’ve even had this job. You can't blame him for wanting to go somewhere else, see something different.
"I may ask you to help me with my work, though," you add.
"I'm at your service, Witchling."
A grin creeps onto your face as you think of how tempting that offer is. But in a different way. Luckily, you've turned your back on him and he can't see your face. "Great. Then you can get the box of bottles from under the table," you say instead, pointing at them.
He does as told while you pull a stack of labels from a drawer and label them as rheumatism medicine and with today's date. You show Loki how he can help you fill the bottles.
After everything is done, you put them in a basket.
"We're going to deliver these to a nursing home. Unless you'd rather stay here and read in the garden," you offer him. After all, he's come here to have some peace and quiet.
"I'll go with you."
"Great," you smile, then your eyes fall on his outfit. "But you should change into something casual. People here don't know about Asgardian gods nor their fashion."
With a green glow, his usual tunic and leathery pants change into dark jeans and a green shirt. You acknowledge it with a satisfied nod.
Your path takes you along the edge of a forest. It's a quiet area, you've chosen it at your home especially for that. There are not many people out here, they normally stick to the larger paths. Since today is a cloudy day, you see nobody else.
There is also a road from your cottage to the next village, but on foot it is a detour. You'll get there much faster on the narrow path.
It is a large forest with dense undergrowth. You visit it often to look for herbs or mushrooms. You know which trees are hollow and preferred by owls for nesting, where you can find feathers from them. You know the small pond fed by an underground spring where foxes and deer rest. The forest is familiar to you – you have lived here for many years and are more out in the wild than among people. Because of your work in the tower and with Loki, you no longer have the time to visit it every day. It's a nice change and you realize you've missed contact with others. To exchange more than a few words with someone and to see them more often than just every few weeks.
Sometimes you miss the quiet of nature. New York is a hectic city and even in the corridors of the Avenger Tower you always see someone. Loki is pleasant company, you find. He walks silently beside you here, carrying the basket, contemplating the landscape. It is an easy silence, one in agreement. You don't feel obliged to speak just for the sake of words, but revel in your own thoughts – yet you are not feeling alone.
"Did you grow up here?" the Asgardian asks you.
You shake your head.
"No, I'm from the mainland. We've gotten into the habit of moving every few decades so people won’t notice that we age differently." At his questioning look, you add, "My siblings and me. My sister lives in France at the moment and my brother in Canada."
"I didn't know you had siblings," Loki admits.
"We don't see each other often. My brother is a bit like yours: great laugh and always in a good mood. Not so good with hugs, thought," you smile as you think of him. You should talk to your siblings sometime soon.
"Do you prefer that kind of company?" Loki asks you hesitantly.
"It's nice, but also draining." You turn your head toward him. "I prefer your company."
"Do you now?"
"I do." No snarky remark, no witty comeback. Just a simple truth. It surprises Loki and he falls quiet for a while. You don't mind walking in silence, you are used to it when you’re with him.
"I also enjoy your company." You almost miss his reply, a quiet confession that makes you smile.
"That's good to hear." But before you can say anything else, the Asgardian suddenly stops and tilts his head.
"We're not alone," he says quietly in response to your questioning look. "Someone is following us."
You perk up, but you can't hear more than a rustling in the undergrowth. Loki takes a step between you and the trees, you feel the density of his magic increase around him as if he were gathering it.
A low growl sounds from between the trees, and it is picked up by two or three more creatures. It is menacing, but still you can’t see any beast.
Witchling Tag List: @lokisgoodgirl @lokixryss @itsybitchylittlewitchy @yokshi-unbeliebubble @fictional-hooman @elennair @all-envy-suyu @purplekitten30 @elisadmaggiore @nothing2113 @baebeepeach @ceo-of-stfu @moonlightreader649 @ronipiamka @fluffybunnyu @ninjarose23 @ozymdias @huntress-artemiss @thedistractedagglomeration @rosaline-black @sofi786 @moonlightreader649 @paetonnn @eldriidd @r4inlov3r @maeisonline @marvel-love24 @sinsandguilt @kalinaselennespeaks
If your name is bold, you can't be tagged. Please check your settings or dm me.
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voraciousvore · 18 days
I have a question for you! I’ve been about it allot lately. It’s on the boarding school, Bucky story verse. So basically my question is there any backstory lore on the giant government? Do they have ulterior motives for keeping the peace or stoping their citizens from eating humans? Cause clearly they have allot of citizens that like to eat them and enjoy it, so it must have taken allot of work to stop them or discourage it, cause clearly it still happens. (Which made me think they might be twisting the giant history too.)
The reason I ask cause I got to thinking after those school scenes where they are teaching the giant class about their history. I was thinking about why they bother keeping the humans in the dark. Granted it could be exactly as they say, they had enough giants that got disgusted with the slave of humans and worked to free them. But Like they hold all the cards, I mean I get it on one hand maybe they are trying to stomp out resentment and rebellion, but then again why, they hold all the power, they could have easily used it as a way to say ‘oh look at us being good and being nice to you humans, you better be grateful.”
So it made me think that maybe something happened, where maybe the humans figured something out, something that was a threat to the giants, that leveraged their freedom with conditions of course.
Any way if your feeling like sharing any lore on that 👀 it’s chill if not! Im just probably thinking way too much about it.
To be honest, I don't put a HUGE amount of thought into the background lore. It mostly just exists to generally explain the setting where the story takes place. However I'll try to answer your questions as best I can. (Sorry in advance, this will be long)
I should preface this by saying the majority of the giant population do not eat humans, nor do they necessarily have instinctive urges to eat humans. The desire to eat humans is "awakened" when they taste or swallow a human for the first time, and there is a lot of individual variation in how strong the urges may become. The exception is special bloodlines such as the Maneaters, who have an innate biological desire to prey on humans.
Thus, the giants who do want to eat humans are in the minority. Most giants want peace between the two species. The history of freeing the humans from giant control and giving them their own space to live (which wouldn't be a huge cost in terms of land or resources) was borne from the progression of modern ideals and societal development (much like real-life equivalents).
However, there is of course a darker side to this narrative. There were more cynical reasons to "free" the humans beyond moral considerations. Giants learned that humans who are "wild" or "free range" taste better than captive-bred. Additionally, human stock could be ensured better if the population was permitted to multiply on its own, and a single giant couldn't just demolish a whole town's worth of people like a bag of chips. The "freedom" bestowed upon the humans was as much a compromise between giants who wanted the best for humans and those who wanted them as food.
The giants ostensibly forced the humans to hide their "true history" from their progeny to maintain peace and not breed resentment, but the truth is more likely that they wish to keep the humans in ignorance of what is really happening, to more readily exploit them. As we know from the stories, there is an underground black market where humans are trafficked to giants as pets/ food/ objects of pleasure. Giants who did want to eat humans were still able to get their fix, for the right price.
The issue is controversial in giant society, and the tension still exists even into the modern era. The influence of bad actors in centers of power such as governments and corporations is clear in Big Corp and Bucky's who are pushing hard for increased integration of giant and human societies, as well as legal means to eat humans.
Hope this answers your question! I always enjoy fleshing out the lore and rambling about my stories/ characters (I've got some serious brainrot lol) so don't be afraid to ask more questions if you're curious!
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I'm the previous anon who was talking about Indian Colonial history
I do follow you but I wanted to remain anonymous because I'm kinda shy 😭. You can call me Madhuri so that it's clear who I am
So I hadn't really put much thought into Shaan being a direct employee of the British monarchy until the other anon pointed it out and the more I think of it, the more weirded out I get because in a fictional novel, I feel that the author has the responsibility to make their content respectful to all groups of people and this move was kind of thoughtless.
Indians were treated like shit when the British governed our land. Basically, the British arrived as cloth traders and by creating this elaborate debt trap for rural weavers, they took over our economy and gained trade monopoly. They got some tax cessations from different kings and finally in the Battle of Plassey, they took over Bengal, a super super important place because it was in the plains, had a long coastline and was one of the most industrialised towns.
They started taxing people to hell and back with no regard for their well being. They told our kings they would provide them arms and forces to protect themselves against other rulers all while instigating whatever the opposite of peace is (I literally cannot think of a work for this, I'm so sorry)
Indians were forced to pay them, work for them without pay and make goods for them at extremely nominal amounts while the British got all the profit. We were kidnapped from our own lands and sent to plantations. There was this inland immigration act which did not allow workers to even exit tea gardens without written permission which was rarely given. They shut down our press and arrested our revolutionaries. Our people were forced to fight in the army. The first revolution actually started because the army was being forced to use bullets greased with pig fat and cow fat one of which was haram for muslims and the other was the product of an animal holy to the Hindus.
They decimated our country and the impact is still felt today.
I have watched a lot of movies about colonialism in India and one of the most chilling lines Ive heard was something along the lines of 'A bullet costs one pound by the time it reaches your gun Soldier. Are you really going to waste it on brown trash' this was followed by the soldiers beating a mother to death in front of her daughter and the entire village.
I'll recommend some movies to you. They are fiction but manage to capture the history so so well. You can find these on Netflix btw.
1) Lagaan- it's about taxation during a time of drought and a surreal way to escape it
2) RRR- honestly, I had watched some part of it but couldn't watch further because of how chilling it was and how hard it hit but it is considered to be amazing
3) Rang De Basanti- It's about college students shooting a film about freedom fighters and it alternates with the story of the revolutionaries and their parallels with the characters. These students are changed forever when one act makes them question the entire system and they become revolutionaries themselves. The ending was surprising and I could feel my heart being ripped out of my chest
Hey, Madhuri! No worries, I totally understand wanting to stay anonymous, I’m literally the same way on here so I get it.
Thank you so much for this! Yeah, my history classes definitely didn’t go over enough about any of this, but I’ll be reading more about everything this week, because it’s important and I want to learn more. It’s clear there is an entire history between Britain and India that I only know the very tip of, so thank you again for writing this all out. I’m sure a lot of people probably don’t know much about this (unfortunately, since our textbooks tend to… you know… veer on the side of the oppressors), so this will all be incredibly educational to anyone reading it. Feel free to send more my way whenever you want! I love this!
I’ve heard awesome things about RRR, but didn’t know what it was about. I’m gonna watch it this weekend! And that last movie sounds really good too! Thanks for the recs!!!
As for Shaan… I honestly think Casey just wasn’t thinking. This isn’t in defense of them, an author should always think about what they’re doing and how it could show up on page or screen, but I truthfully think they just wanted to fill that role with some sort of minority and picked Indian because of the large UK Indian population. I’d bet all of the money in my wallet ($20) that Casey doesn’t know any more than the vague basics of everything you’ve told me. I noticed that they described Nora, who’s Jewish, using some stereotypical Jewish traits too (I can write more on this if anyone wants, don’t want to hijack this post). It really was a guess-and-pick of races and ethnicities for them. I love how diverse the book is, but it’s sorta clear it was done for the spectacle, not for any real heartwarming reason. Casey knew it would probably sell better, since it would be talked about as an incredibly varied collection of characters, I don’t think they thought about more than that, or didn’t think it would matter because of the positives.
Do I think Casey meant any direct hurt with it? No.
Do I think that Casey’s lack of understanding or having any knowledge beyond their contained worldview causes harm indirectly? Yes.
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txchikaze · 1 year
He's glad to hear that Kensei is managing all right since the announcement. Maybe it's because Kensei has already been not the type to schmooze around with other nobles, that he hasn't been dealing with the shock and disbelief of those of his class. But it will come, right? Hadn't it come for Renji and Kuchiki-taichou? Surely Kensei isn't exempt from that gauntlet simply because his family is not one of the great houses.
In spite of these worries, he can't help but smile at Kensei's prepared rebuttal for anyone who would criticize Shuuhei's place by his side. To hear proclamations of love from Kensei is still just new enough that color rises to Shuuhei's cheeks, too. "I'll be sure to quote you on that," he confirms, leaning on the small journalistic joke to ground himself. This is real. Kensei will fight for him, if need be. Shuuhei doesn't want a confrontation with a heckler to come to that, but… it's nice to know that he would.
Hearing Kensei say he doesn't need to apologize to anyone, Shuuhei nods. Even if it's hard for him to believe that on his own, he'll urge himself to believe it on the basis of Kensei's words. Kensei's strength gives him strength. "I'll do my best." A pause. "The relative peace of how it's gone so far does still have me concerned. I mean… there's no way it's this easy, right?"
--- "Hm. You do that." His lips quirk up in the barest hint of a smile. He might have been too reserved to do this months ago.. To allow Shuuhei such freedom to speak about the nature of their relationship. But it is pretty clear now to him what he feels for him, and since he has already declared this to the division, they should already know. If Shuuhei did end up 'quoting him' he'd only be reminding them. Though, Kensei hopes it will not be necessary. Shuuhei has already grown considerably, in his opinion, so he hopes he will stick to his guns and simply not tolerate any heckling. Even better if it simply will not occur..
Shuuhei's worries are not ungrounded, so Kensei does not dismiss them outright. Instead, he nods pensively. It probably has everything to do with the fact that he has not told his family yet, and the news must not have reached them. Either that, or they choose not to believe it. They do have a strong belief in his integrity, and the rumour mill's credibility.. It won't be an easy conversation to have.
"Perhaps a calm before the storm," he agrees. "My family doesn't put stock in rumours..They'll want to hear it from me.." Which is to say.. He really should get to that. But that is another hurdle. Worse even than declaring his attachment to Shuuhei to their division. Once again he finds himself feeling apologetic towards his.. what, partner? Yeah, that sounds about right.. Shuuhei doesn't deserve to be anticipating this kind of thing in waves. It should be one and done, so they can simply.. Get on with their lives. But.. As it stands, Kensei would rather.. Enjoy this calm for just a moment longer. He isn't necessarily hiding his relationship with Shuuhei anymore, though. He is not a huge fan of PDA, but he doesn't avoid looking at his lieutenant too long, or touching him casually at work, as he'd done before. Anyone with a good eye could see for themselves what they were to one another.
That, Kensei simply deduces, includes his family. But it is a little different for them, since Kensei doesn't live at the estate, and therefore does not bring Shuuhei around. He sighs, pushing a gloved hand through his mohawk. "I'll tell them.. Soon."
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theeeveetamer · 1 year
After reading a bunch of Leokumi and then going back to the canon of the game, lowkey I kind of want to just improve on the world building. I'm lowkey tempted to go through all the canon material and then build on it better.
Like one of the things that I noticed was that Leokumi has to deal with a lot of politics since they're trying to make peace between their nations but at least for me I find it hard to write that if there's not enough world building?
Idk I feel like if we all had a lot more lore/story to work with, we'd get more indepth plots and stories. Idk if anyone would read it though besides me or if there's even anywhere good to post it. Lowkey was inspired cause I saw that one person on here rewriting the dialogue for Fates and like omg what an improvement.
Anyways I feel like your one of the people still around in this ship that might care, thank you for listening to my ramblings
Hey! No problem, I love asks!
Okay, I'm gonna talk about two things here real quick, commentary on Fates' worldbuilding in general, and then my opinion on your worldbuilding project:
See, for me the worldbuilding of Fates is fine. Maybe that's just my kneejerk reaction to nearly a decade of people criticizing the game in wildly bad faith ways (not that I'm accusing you of that, I'm not, but I'm sure you can think of examples of what I mean. The "Doesn't have a continent name? 0/10 unplayable trash" types of criticisms)
Worldbuilding details can be important, but the most important part, the goal of worldbuilding, is to create an interesting setting and dynamic universe for the characters to inhabit. All of the detail in the world won't save a boring world, and world can be extremely engaging without necessarily having a ton of excess details. I think Fates has the "interesting world" aspect in spades, but it's just not as explicitly detailed as some would like.
Each nation has its own character and problems and we know how they interact and where they stand with each other, which is pretty ripe for building interesting conflict. There's a lot you can glean from knowing Nohr is an imperialist nation with few resources, and from seeing the dark skies and poisonous swamps and lightning flashing and people literally living underground... but knowing the name of the continent is fluff that doesn't tell you much of anything, in reality (and I could write up a whole rant about the stupid continent name criticism but I'll refrain unless someone wants to hear it)
In some ways, I think that lack of explicit detail makes it more fun to play with in a transformative sense, because it gives you a lot of freedom in writing
To use your example, how would one achieve peace between Nohr and Hoshido? Well, Nohr clearly envies Hoshido's land for its ability to produce food. Could you improve relations by setting up new trade routes? Lowering tariffs on Hoshidan goods? Working out a deal to make Hoshidan food products cheaper to buy in Nohr somehow? Does Hoshido have more advanced farming techniques, and could those be used in Nohr to increase their crop yields? Is banditry preventing Hoshidan merchants from trading in Nohr (actually you don't even have to make that up, we know that happens because that's how Oboro's parents died)? Could you do a combination of those solutions? All of these are issues that would need to be solved through politics and cooperation. Who is going to scout the trade routes, keep the caravans safe, build the bridges across the canyon, teach the Nohrians the farming techniques, etc.? All things that would be decided by the political leaders. The game doesn't give you specifics, but it gives you a starting point. So you could choose whichever option you think would be best for the story you're trying to tell
So all this to say that I think your worldbuilding project would be really interesting! This game allows a lot of room for that kind of speculation, and I'm sure there's people out there who would be interested in it. If nothing else, it would definitely be your own unique take on the game
My only advice (well, for now, since I don't know the details of what aspects of the worldbuilding you want to improve) is to know where to put the detail. A very detailed background element might be interesting, but if it has no bearing on anything then it's just pointless fluff. E.g. knowing the name of Xander's great great great grandfather wouldn't really impact anything... but knowing the exact number of siblings he killed in the Concubine Wars might be extremely helpful in fleshing out his backstory as well as the story of Nohr as a whole.
As for where to post it, I believe Ao3 would allow that kind of content? It's primarily a fic website, but actually anything fannish is within their ToS to post so long as it's "non-ephemeral" (AKA not stuff like journal entries or blog posts), non-commercialized (you aren't making money off of it), and not infringing upon copyright.
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tolkien-feels · 2 years
You know how Luthien, Ereandil, Elwing, Elrond, Elros — that entire family represents hope, a chance at salvation, victory against all odds, mercy. Even Aragorn's name means hope. And oh is it not painful that it's Estel's and Arwen's children that become the villains in the fourth age, (and at such degree that Tolkein couldn't write of it? Here you'd think first age was bad) and maybe it's a blessing that Elrond wouldn't get to know of it, even if he has to live in ignorance....untill Dagor Dagorath, that is.
This got long-ish and. slightly off-topic if I'm being honest? Sorry
You know, I think Tolkien was very right to abandon the New Shadow storyline. For all that the First Age is extremely sad, it's never gratuitous pain. It's often undeserved by the characters, but from the point of view of a reader, it doesn't feel like Tolkien is just hurting characters and destroying kingdoms for fun or shock value. There's a story worth being told and we're being told it. Unless Tolkien could find something interesting to tell, the New Shadow would be just... the fall of Numenor 2.0? From peace and prosperity to self-inflicted evil is a story we've been told before, and it's very tragic and worth telling in its tragedy, but to see it happen again would be just mindlessly twisting the knife, I feel. It's not even that I feel like the Fourth Age has to be blissful, it's just that if you're going to tell that story, then you should have, well, a story to tell. Another way of putting it is that if Beren and Luthien die and Dior's life is a nightmare, then well, it'd better be a damn poignant nightmare, or else I'll feel like I'm just having my emotions toyed with for no good reason.
....but that's all on a meta level. If we assume that the Fourth Age does happen like that, and Tolkien, like me, simply thought that's not a story that needs to be written, then I think that much like Elrond presumably grieved the fall of Numenor but kept alive the hope that evil can never wholly triumph, I would probably be really sad to see the story develop, but would also be sure that more painful evil will necessarily lead to even more moving heroes. That's maybe not something that works out in the real world, but in Tolkien? I wouldn't for a second think Aragorn's line and Arwen's line both failing mean that the Children of Iluvatar as a whole have failed. I'd be devastated because my blorbos's children are my own children and of course I'd love it for them to be good people, but I wouldn't quite say that Aragorn brought no hope. I bet that the limited peace he was able to secure was enough to allow someone, somewhere to live in safety and freedom until the time comes for them to be heroes. (Not that I measure worth of action in terms of goals accomplished, anyway.)
So like, is it painful? Yes. Does that mean Estel’s hope was, after all, in vain, as were the hopes of everyone who came before him? I wouldn’t say so. The great thing about Arda being a Great Tale that never ends is that literally anything bad that happens cannot be permanent. It’s just the nature of evil in Tolkien. It’s painful, but it’s like... keep reading. After the New Shadow there will be a New Light, because that’s how things work in Tolkien, and then we’ll say “Oh, look, Aragorn didn’t fail, you can see how that story continues until this new happy ending!” If Tolkien had written the New Shadow, and the Fourth Age was a horror show, then well. Let’s see how the Fifth Age goes. No Age is ever going to be perfect bliss, but if you can somehow find a happy ending even for Children of Hurin - the Shadow can’t touch them after death, and the entire family remained brave and true to the end, and there’s always the Dagor Dagorath and Arda Remade to look forward to - then I think it’s hard to imagine that the Fourth Age could reach a level of darkness that is too dark to ever manage to get a happy ending.
To put it more simply... If the Fourth Age proves to be the darkest Age yet, to the point where you can compare it to the lowest point of Frodo and Sam’s journey - “Well the First Age was like Gandalf falling in Moria, but the Fourth? The Fourth is Mordor” - then there’s always either Hope Unquenchable or Endurance Beyond Hope, whichever is applicable. Does that make sense?
...I probably still would find it very painful to read each and every sentence, though, so I think you’re right.
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skellebonez · 3 years
Who Do I Go To? (Monkie Kid Fanfic)
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I totally did not accidentally post this early before I edited it or added everything from my wip file... no... but anon, you gave me so much FREEDOM with this that I just went absolutely off the rails. This is not only set in a post S3 scenario where everyone survives and most of the villains have some kind of at least semi-redemption (except LBD, rip), this does feature a crackship or two of mine (you can read the tags to see the ships before you read)! Sun Wukong also has all of his immortality and some of his powers, I am writing this with the idea that he transferred most of them to MK and some of that was permanent once LBD was defeated and MK got his own back.
So... what if Sun Wukong did start communicating with the others in S3... but still has been bottling up his emotions about the past for so long he doesn’t feel he can talk to anyone because of their shared experiences? And what happens when that guilt and grief finally has someone willing to listen?
“What are you doing here, Si-SUN Wukong?” The Demon Bull King asked slowly, stumbling over his usual insult for the one once so close to him. They still weren’t close, and it was doubtful they would ever be as long as the sworn brothers they once were, but they were no longer at each other’s throats anymore.
That didn’t change how bizarre it was to see The Great Sage Equal To Heaven just... sitting outside his new home with no warning.
“DBK!” Wukong exclaimed, more startled than the larger demon was expecting as he jumped up and turned and if he didn’t look like he’d been hit with a truck metaphorically DBK didn’t know how to describe the way his fur stood on end and the redness in the other’s eyes. “I. UH. Was. Just stopping by to say hi!”
“No you weren’t,” DBK said, face falling into a deadpan glower. “You don’t do that. Even after 500 years I know you don’t.”
“I can start!” Wukong defended, crossing his arms and looking away with a wide teeth showing smile.
Too wide.
Even after everything that happened between them, from Red Boy to what happened when he needed his wife’s fan to sealing him in the mountain and everything that transpired with the Little Thief, he recognized that unhappy nervous smile.
“You can,” DBK said with a nod, gesturing to the smaller being. “You can also be here for a reason. Like what I heard you muttering to yourself behind the door.”
“And that’s my cue to leave!” The Monkey King announced as he turned to walk away before a large hand, with shocking gentleness for the one attached to it, wrapped around his shoulders.
“If you need to talk-”
“No, haha, I most certainly have no need for that!”
“-you know we’ve already made peace. I-”
“You don’t need to do anything,” Wukong insisted, struggling only a little before freeing himself from the other’s grip with an even wider nervous smile.
“-am willing to listen.”
“Don’t have to!”
“Are you at least talking to anyone?”
Neither of them said anything, The Demon Bull King staring down at The Monkey King with both frustrated annoyance and genuine concern in his expression.
The former he could deal with, but the later was so new again that...
Sun Wukong panicked.
“.... OKEY BYE!” He yelled, jumping and allowing his cloud to catch him and take him off.
“He turned out fine, he says,” Princess Iron Fan called from behind her husband as she emerged from their home. “So fine that it took him losing his invincibility and his successor nearly being killed for him to admit he needed help.”
DBK grunted, nodding in agreement at her words.
“He needs more, still, my dear. Even I can see that.”
“Let’s call in some reinforcements then, darling. I think there are two people who may be able to get through to him.”
Sun Wukong sat on the beach of Mount Huaguo’s island home, clearly trying not to think about what had just transpired.
“How did you even know to look for me here?” Sun Wukong asked, not nearly as startled this time. He’d heard the footsteps coming for a long time, the other apparently wanting to make his presence known.
“Bull King called Pigsy’s asking for MK. MK called me since he’s working. I remembered where you like to sulk. Hence: I’m here.”
Wukong groaned, wrapping his arms around his knees and burying his face in them. “I shouldn’t have even left the house today.”
“But you left,” Macaque said with a shrug, watching the other stew in his frustration at himself. “And you went to see DBK... and I guess Princess Iron Fan too? But you ran off. Why?”
“I can’t check up on an old friend turned enemy turned less enemy to ‘not exactly friend but we’re not trying to kill each other’ without being questioned?” Wukong grumbled into his arms.
“Not when you make him sound as worried as he did when he talked to MK,” Macaque continued, voice becoming more tense. “You didn’t go to apologize or explain anything, I was there when all that went down. So... did you finally go to talk about everything e-”
“No.” The word was said with such coldness that Macaque knew it was put on. It wasn’t out of malice but something else, something more worried and fearful. “No. I can’t talk to him about... I told him everything that explained what happened. I apologized. I don’t need to talk more.”
"I don't understand why you're so opposed to to just talking about, you know... how you’re doing," Macaque said with a concerned frown. It almost felt odd on his face. Almost. He was still getting used to the whole "not being mortal eternal enemies and now being friends and kinda sorta caring about each other again" thing. "I know it's been centuries and all and you're out of practice but like... it's been centuries."
"I just... can't, Macaque," Wukong rebutted as he refused to lift his head from his arms. "I just can't."
The single word stayed in their air between them, heavy and hard and meaning more than the immortal would ever admit to.
"Come on, there has to be a reason," Macaque insisted as he sat down beside the other immortal. When no response came he sighed, tail flicking absently and flipping over some of the rocks on the beach as they sat in silence for few minutes. "You know... I started talking to someone."
"What?" Wukong turned his head, just enough to look at the other monkey from the corner of his eye.
“Sandy’s a good listener,” Macaque continued, falling back down to lay flat on his back and gaze up at the clouds. He remembered that Wukong felt better, sometimes, when you looked away when talked to. Didn’t know why, but he remembered. “Not exactly the kind of therapy he thinks I need, but he lends me his cats and he lets me talk and sometimes asks if I want advice. Sometimes I say yes, but when I say no he understands. Sometimes I just want to rant at that one little one eyed cat he has and she listened to... I think. She’s a cat so I wouldn’t know. He thinks I should see someone more experienced, an expert. Maybe he’s right, I dunno, but this helps enough for now.
“... who are you and what have you done with the Six-Eared Macaque?” Wukong asked with a soft glower, one that was clearly in jest from the tiny smile the other could see.
“Same Macaque,” the other said with a laugh, sitting back up with a theatrical flourish. “Just realized that talking to someone isn’t as dumb or useless as I made it out to be in my head. A lot of the stuff I thought about alone wasn’t exactly the best. Or healthiest. But now I can get that out there and sometimes it makes Sandy look like he ate a whole lime which probably means it’s good it’s not in my head anymore.”
“You ramble a lot,” Wukong said with a chuckle, tail swishing softly beside him before nudging against Macaque’s. He tensed before it slowly wrapped around the other’s. “It feels odd, having you try to cheer me up again after... everything.”
“Bad odd or good odd?”
“That’s.... good,” Macaque said, squeezing Wukong’s tail with his own. “Feels odd for me too. Like I’m out of practice too. But it’s good odd...” The two sat in silence for a moment, just enjoying each other’s company before he continued. “I do think you should talk to someone. Anyone.”
“I don’t know who, though. Every time I try I just... clam up and run away. I’ve put so much on MK already,” Wukong said, tail squeezing around Macaque’s loosely in return. “And Pigsy and Sandy... After all that came out, that Sandy is Sha Wujing and Pigsy is Zhu Bajie’s reincarnation... I just... I can’t talk to them either, even though Pigsy doesn’t remember anything at all. And you... DBK... everyone... who do I go to that knows enough about me to know what they’re in for but I won’t have those memories floating around in the back of my head toward making me run away?”
“Well, you could have Sandy help you get a therapist. Prepare them in advance. Or, if you’re not ready for that, you could talk to Tang?” Macaque suggested with a shrug. “He listens to me when I’m not talking to Sandy... but that’s probably because we’re dating, that’s what it is now instead of courting, right? So he kinda has to I think? Pigsy and MK talk to him too but with me I think it’s different.”
"I don't think that's how it works," Wukong said with a half hearted chuckle as he finally raised his head all the way. "Besides, I've known Tang longer."
"By like 3 months."
"3 months more is still enough to know that if he doesn't want to listen to you he won't. The man knows how to make a speedy exit."
"Guess that's one more thing that sets him apart from his great-great-great-great-great-whatever uncle," Macaque admitted with a shrug and a chuckle of his own. He squeezed his tail around Wukong's, smile softening when he felt it being returned.
“Feels... weird though,” Wukong said with a shrug. “The two of them looking so much alike.”
“Yeah, but that’s it,” Macaque rebutted. “He’s Tang Sanzang’s great-whatever nephew 5 times removed or whatever and he looks like him. Other than that? He knows pretty much all of your history. He’s mostly out of the hero worship zone but he still respects you a lot. Aside from everything that happened with LBD and MK you two have the least history out of everyone so maybe whatever’s in your head making you clam up might not stop you. And it couldn't hurt to try. It’s not therapy, it’s just talking about something that’s bothering you. Worst that can happen is you get nervous and fumble and he takes the opportunity to ask you 40 questions about the times you were almost incinerated by a baby."
"That was one time!"
“Uh,” Tang started, staring out the open door with wide eyes at the being before him. “Hi. I didn’t exactly expect to you see today.”
“I didn’t exactly expect to be here today,” Wukong said awkwardly, nervous smile taking over his face as his tone became far too jovial for what he was about to ask. “Macaque sent me to... talk to you. About me?” His smile drooped bit by bit as he said these words, slowly starting to lose his determination to go through with this. “Oh second thought, maybe I should-”
"No," Tang said, reaching out to put a hand on the immortal's shoulder. It was nothing, really, not to someone as strong as he was. Not when he could brush it off and walk away. Go home. Just sit on his couch and watch Monkey King The Animated Series again and just think about how no one deserved to be saddled with his problems anymore. But Wukong didn't. "Whatever it is, we’re going to talk about this now. I know I’m not trained like Sandy is, but I know how to listen. And if you need someone to listen to you, I can. You wouldn't have come here to talk if you didn't."
“... ok...” Sun Wukong said, letting Tang wrap his arm around his back and guide him inside his shared home with Pigsy and Macaque.
It was... odd. Being inside this place for the first time. He’d been outside of the door more than once, invited in as well. But never inside.
“Make yourself comfortable,” Tang said, stopping his guidance once they reached the sofa. “I’m no Sandy, but I was making myself some tea and it is a batch of his own anyway. I’ll grab us some snacks too.”
“Snacks would be great,” Wukong admitted, watching the other disappear into the house’s kitchen before he sighed and gripped his thrashing tail and muttered to himself. “What am I doing..? I shouldn’t put all this on Tang... I should have gone with Macaque’s first suggestion, I’m-”
“Do you prefer lychee or persimmon?” Tang asked suddenly, startling the immortal for the second time that day. “We’re out of peach bao, but MK’s been making them out of lots of fruits and we have so many that I was planning on eating them myself.”
The scholar returned, faster than expected, with a full tray in hand. Teapot, two tea cups, and a steamer box that presumably held the buns he was asking about.
“Uh... persimmon,” Wukong answered, and he watched as Tang poured each of them a cup of tea and removed some clearly fresh (or at least made some time earlier in the day and freshly steamed), pieces of fruit laden bao to put on a plate for his guest before taking a seat in a chair across from him. “You were... getting lunch?”
Tang shrugged, laughing as he took a bite of one of his own. “Just wanted a snack. But,” He smiled, gesturing to the Monkey King. “We’re not here to talk about snacks. What’s on your mind?”
“Awfully forward start.”
“I try to be forward with the people I consider my friends.”
“... You consider me... a friend?” Wukong asked slowly, turning the bao over in his hands. It was well made, perfect he would say. You’d think MK would have been making them all his life, not that he’d learned how to on the drone ship while on the run from an evil super demon bent on erasing his mentor from the world.
“After everything we went through, how could I not?” Tang said, putting his food down to sip his tea and then putting that down as well and looking at him seriously. “You’re here because it’s the anniversary of the day you sealed away the Demon Bull King, aren’t you?”
The bao in his hands wasn’t perfect anymore. Instead the red lychee inside dripped from his claws from where they punctured it in surprise.
“How did you-?”
“My specialty study is your history after all,” Tang said, smile returning with a sad tint. “I’ve known the date for years but I felt it was something to keep to myself. For some reason. Now with you and DBK back I think that was a good choice. It feels too personal to have out in the open for everyone to make a spectacle of.”
“Is it selfish of me to be thankful for that?” Wukong muttered, gently placing the bao on the plate to lick his claws clean.
“I don’t think so,” Tang answered.
“I feel selfish though,” he continued, not managing to take note of how Tang sat up straighter and turned more toward him. “I went to DBK’s to... I don’t know. I wanted to apologize again? But I already did and he accepted it and it feels selfish to want to again. Then I just. I froze.”
“Why?” Tang asked, scooting closer.
“It felt wrong.”
“Because you would make him feel awkward?”
“NO!” Wukong groaned, burying his face in his hands. “I just. I feel...” He took in a shaky breath, claws digging into his skin slightly.
“Don’t,” Tang’s voice came soft and closer than Wukong expected, as did the hands on his own slowly pulling his claws away from his face. “Don’t hurt yourself. And don’t bottle it up. I’ll listen to you. No matter what it is. It’s not selfish, feeling things isn’t selfish.”
“I miss it,” Wukong breathed out, shaky and choppy as his throat tightened as the words started to pour out of him. “I miss him. How things used to be between us and Iron Fan. I miss that I never got to meet Red Son when he was Red Boy. I miss Beng and Ba and Ma and Liu and how things used to be. I miss Zhu Bajie and Sha Wujing even though they’re here. I miss my Tang Sanzang. I’d been alone for 500 years and I missed so much and I did that to myself and it’s selfish to miss like that...”
He didn’t realize his cheeks were wet until his hands had been let go and one of Tang’s rubbed a cloth against them. Tang cupped his cheeks softly before wrapping his arms around him and tucking the Monkey King’s head into the space between his neck and shoulder.
“No... no it’s not. You’re allowed to miss things, Sun Wukong. Just like anyone else.”
Sun Wukong started to feel better.
He didn’t know why that was what did it, but the dam broke. It broke and his tears came pouring out as he hugged the man who reminded him so much of his Master. He didn’t know if anything he said in the mean time made any sense, if he was just blubbering and finally letting himself mourn what he’d lost and never had, but Tang didn’t ever chastise him. He let him weep and hold him and for the first time in years...
“Oh!” Princess Iron Fan startled as she opened the door to see who had knocked, finding herself face to face at sunset with one Great Sage. “You’ve returned.”
“Are you and DBK free?” Sun Wukong asked, smile no longer too wide. “I... kinda just wanna talk with you for a bit.”
“Well... I think that would be lovely.”
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dragon-kazansky · 3 years
Familiar stranger | Helmut Zemo
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Requested by @realremyd
Female Reader!
The moment is eyes had landed on you, so many things happened at once. He zoned out Sam and Bucky, he took a step away from you, his heart seemed to clench in his chest, and all he could think was 'it can't be.'
Right there in front of him was the spitting image of his wife. Well, maybe not exactly, but you did hold such a resemblance to her. It was like she was right there with him again.
You were looking at him. The others too, but it was you he found hard to look away from.
"Who are you?" He asks, needing to know if his mind was playing tricks on him.
A sigh of relief escaped him. Was he relieved though?
He was obviously making you uncomfortable with the way he was looking at you, so he turned his head away. Yet, your presence felt loud. He would never be able to look at you without seeing her.
It got worse.
In Madripoor you were required to wear a disguise. You were the last to come out in the clothes he had got for you, and once again he was struck by the sight of his wife.
Often they would both dress up and go out for the evening. The outfit he had chosen, though he wasn't sure if this was intentional or not, really made you resemble her all the more.
He couldn't take it.
Zemo avoided all eye contact with you. He focused his attention on the boys, finding it easier that way. Even when he stated your role in this he wouldn't look directly at you.
You wondered if you had done something to offend him, which kind of hurt. You always did your best to get on with anyone you worked with, but obviously that wasn't happening here.
Perhaps it was best to stay out of his way.
Things took a turn: a bounty was placed on your heads because of the death of Selby, all of Madripoor was coming for you, and Sharon popped out of nowhere to rescue you.
Back at her place, you changed into something less flashy. You wanted to tone down the outfit a bit and wear something a little more you.
Zemo couldn't help thinking that you looked much better this way. Though he still saw his wife's face, you looked more like you. You suited you.
Down in the club it was easy to avoid you. Zemo blended into the crowd... kind of, and you stuck to the other side, enjoying your own time here.
You left before all of them.
When the boys left the club and went back upstairs, they found you sleeping on the sofa. You had kicked off your shoes and, obviously, made yourself comfortable.
He couldn't look away.
Zemo sat down near by and looked at you. This was a good chance to look at you without making you uncomfortable.
"How can you look so much like her, yet be so different too?" He whispered the question.
Not really realising what he was doing, he tucks some hair away from your face. You can't possibly be all that comfortable or warm here. Not wanting to overstep any boundaries by carrying you to your room, he gently lifts your head enough to put a cushion under it. He then grabs his coat and drapes it over you gently.
He leaves you to sleep in peace.
You wake up rather slowly. You had been extremely tired when you got back last night. You had enough fun in the club and excused yourself, passing Bucky on the way out.
You sit up. The coat falls from your shoulders and into your lap.
Zemo's coat.
You blink away any tiredness to examine it, running your fingers across the fur. It was soft.
Why did you have his coat?
It dawned on you that he must have out it there himself. No one else would touch it otherwise.
It smells like him.
You look up when you hear someone approaching. It's the man himself. He stops like a deer in headlights when your eyes meet his. Before he can turn around and leave, yoy call out to him.
He stays standing, looking at you curiously. It still hurts to look at you, but your voice is so much different, it makes him remember who he is looking at.
"Thank you."
He looks at the way you're holding his coat. The way your have a hand resting over the fur collar, clearly finding the feel of it satisfying.
For some reason that pleased him.
"You're welcome."
You smile. It's not her smile. It's your smile. He likes it.
You stand up and hold his coat carefully, taking the utmost care in handling it. You held it out to him when you stopped a little closer to him.
He takes it. His eyes never leave you. This is the longest he has looked at you at any one moment.
You're still smiling.
"I have to ask," you begin, "have I done something to offend you?"
His lips part ever so slightly as be tilts his head a tiny bit.
"Offend me?"
"Yes. This is the most you've looked at me since we met. You don't really talk to me and you seem to avoid me when possible." You gaze down at the floor.
He can hear the disappointment in your voice. He can see the way your hands fidget in front if you.
It seemed to really bother you that he was avoiding you.
"It's nothing you have done."
You look at him with concern.
"Something I've said?" Not that you've spoken to him much.
"Then, please, tell me how I can fix whatever this is. I would quite like for us to get along while we work together," you were pretty much pleading with him.
He clutches his coat, but you don't seem to notice.
"You remind me of my wife."
The way your head shoots up to look at him tells him he caught your attention. There was no going back now.
"You look so much like her and I can't take it," he whispers. "It is not your fault at all, but I cannot look at the face of someone I loved and failed greatly."
You're at a loss for words.
"But I know you're not her. The way you speak, the way you dress, the way you look when you're sleeping soundly... that's all you."
You stand there quietly.
"If you'll excuse me." He turns on his heel and leaves the room.
Helmut doesn't speak to you at all at the dock. He ignores you further on the plane to Latvia. You find yourself looking at him a lot more, but he doesn't even glance your way.
When you arrive at the safe-house, you immediately seek out a bedroom and try to stay out of everyone's way.
Sam comes to look for you. He can see something has happened and he's concerned it's a problem.
"Y/N? Open up."
You open the door to him.
"What happened?"
"What do you mean?" You ask, trying to sound as casual as possible.
"Between you and Zemo. You're ignoring each other more than usual. If this is going to be a problem, I think we should at least talk about it."
"I think it's best I tap out now. You still need Zemo, right?" You ask, avoiding his eyes.
"Possibly, but not for much longer. Why? What's happened?"
"I think I'm making it difficult for him. He told me, back in Madripoor, that I look a lot like his wife and I think it's hard for him to look at me. I don't want to be the reason the job fails."
Sam wrapped an arm around you and pulled you into his side.
"That's not going to happen. If you want to stay here, I'm sure that's fine, but just know we could really use your help."
"I think I'll stay here. You can call me if you need me."
"Alright, we're not going anywhere just yet, so you'll have to deal with Zemo being around a little longer."
"I know."
Sam gave you a slight squeeze and left you in peace. Zemo was waiting downstairs when he returned. The Baron was kind of disappointed to find that Sam was alone.
You were avoiding him too. He supposed he deserved that.
"How is she?"
"Fine. She'll probably stay in her room for a while. She's decided to stay back for now, so we'll be dealing with the Flag Smahsers without her," Sam explained.
Zemo didn't mean for that to happen.
There was another knock at your door. You called for them to enter, expecting it to be Bucky coming to see you, but it wasn't.
"Oh, Zemo."
He closed the door behind him and walked over to you, but still maintained a comfortable distance between you.
"You're not coming with us?"
"Thought it would be better if I didn't tag along any more. They need you more than me right now," you speak softly, playing with the corner of your pillow next to you.
You hear Zemo sigh gently. The mattress sinks down next to you as he sits down.
"They need you too."
You shrug.
"I didn't mean for you drop out of the mission. I shouldn't have said anything."
"No. I'm glad you did. I feel better knowing the reason why you can't look at me."
"Who's not looking now?"
You look up. His dark gaze is on you. He had been looking at you from the moment he entered the room.
He smiles.
"Won't it be difficult working with me if I'm there? I'm worried I'll jeopardise the whole thing."
He reaches out and he takes your hand.
"No. I did some thinking on the plane. I've spent too much time living in my past already, I won't let you back out of the plan because of my foolishness. I had no idea it would bother you so much that I was avoiding you." He gives your hand a little squeeze.
"I'm surprised too, you know. It kind of bothered me that you wouldn't even talk to me unless absolutely necessary."
"Apologies. I am a fool."
"No, you're not," you chuckle softly.
The smile he gives you sets the butterflies off in your stomach.
"Who is it you see now?" You ask, whispering.
"You. Just you."
You bite your lip shyly and shuffle a little closer.
"Then, I changed my mind. You'll have to put up with me when we go get the bad guys."
Zemo laughs.
"Poor me."
You rest your head against his shoudler. You don't know what it is about him, but there was something there that made you want to know him. If he would let you, you wanted to get closer to him.
Even if his freedom was short lived.
@ajeff855 @moonstuffsteve @sky-writes-stuff @lieutenantn @lostghostgirl94 @friday18eo @yaskna
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nashibirne · 3 years
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Helen and August are back. Sorry it took me a while to write the next chapter but our holidays got in the way of writing. Anyway, here it is and it's getting a little steamy. I somehow struggled with writing the smut this time, it was somewhat hard to find the right balance in their dynamics but I think it turned out fine in the end. I hope you like it, too. As you know, writers live off validation, so comments, reblogs and likes are very much appreciated 💜
Pairing: Augut Walker x OFC (Helen Nichols)
Summary: August has survived the fight with Ethan Hunt and the fall from the cliff. A few lucky coincidences saved his life and he ends up with a woman that saves him and gives him shelter in her little hermit hut. He is at a turning point in his life. What is he going to do?
Word count: ~ 3.1 k
Warnings: Description of injuries, smut, NSFW, 18+, unprotected sex, oral sex (f and m receiving), vaginal sex
NO BETA! English is not my mother tongue, so expect bad grammar, wrong spelling, chaotic punctuation and clumsy language. All mistakes are mine…
Credits: I don’t own August Walker and anything related to MI:Fallout. Pics for the moodboard from pinterest, face claim Helen: Rooney Mara
You can find parts 1 and 2 and my other fics on my masterlist.
Taglist (please let me know if you want to be added or removed)
@lunedelorient @inlovewithhisblueeyes @willkatfanfromasia @hell1129-blog @mis-lil-red @agniavateira @kebabgirl67 @omgkatinka @legendarywizarddetective @summersong69 @taebfada @xxxkatxo @artandotherdelights @notabronte @littlefreya @luclittlepond @eldarwen333 @meowpurrbooks @marantha @liliumdream @enchantedbytomandhenry @greensleeves888 @witcherfan @margauxmargaux07 @radaofrivia @m07belzen @a-little-counter-esperanto @starstruckkittyangel @mary-ann84 @sillyrabbit81 @emelinelovesjc
Let's go...
Oh, you ain't gettin' no younger
Your pain and your hunger
They're drivin' you home
Freedom, oh freedom
Well that's just some people talkin'
Your prison is walkin' through this world all alone
From Desperado by The Eagles, Lyrics: Don Henley, Glenn Frey
"She's dead. She died in an accident. She was gone. I stayed."
No matter how hard August tried to find out more about Allison, there was no way to make Helen tell him anything else but these simple basics. She'd worked hard on building a protective wall around that part of her heart and her mind, she had closed off the grief and the feeling of guilt and she wasn't willing to hand over the key to her memories to a random stranger who was lying about his identity.
Besides August's futile attempts to pry into Helen's past the next two weeks were quite harmonious. While Helen had decided to ignore the fact that Austin Peters was a fake persona to avoid any kinds of complications, August had decided to accept the inevitable and to be a nice houseguest and he grudgingly let Helen take care of him. They soon got used to the fact that her help made them share pretty intimate moments and August had a hard time granting her access to his personal space, letting her literally touch him everywhere when she had to treat his wounds or help him get dressed and undressed, but he also watched her blush and shy away from him with fiendish joy.
It made him feel better about his face that his body obviously still had a significant effect on Helen and he couldn't deny that seeing her running around in her underwear or imagining her standing in the shower naked had a certain effect on him too. And it wasn't only physical, he really started to like her. She was smart and tough but also witty and cheeky sometimes, and it was hard for him to admit to himself that he enjoyed her company. Stockholm syndrome for sure, he tried to tell himself but in the back of his mind he knew the truth.
He had no idea that Helen felt the same and that her aloof manner was mostly facade. Behind the mask of indifference she was growing warm feelings for him. Warm, foolish, irrational feelings for a man she actually knew nothing about and who was involved in an FBI investigation. She blamed her hunger for interpersonal interactions and warmth that resulted from her self-chosen isolation for these surfacing emotions and did her best to ignore them.
What was really bothering Helen most after only a few days was the sleeping situation. Despite the fact that the there-is-only-one-bed-trope was everything from hot to romantic in theory it was only leading to back pain in reality. August kept on offering to sleep on the couch but she wouldn't let him. He needed a comfortable place to sleep and her sofa was hardly big enough for her. A tall man like him wouldn't be able to get a wink of sleep on it. So after 14 nights she decided to do something about it. She had made a call in the morning, August had heard her muffled voice from the kitchen when he was in the bathroom, and now a car was driving up to the hut. He started to panic.
"Who's that?"
He looked at Helen and she gave him a shrug.
"A friend. He's bringing me a folding bed, called him this morning. I'm not going to survive another night on the couch."
A car door was slammed shut with a thud and foot steps were coming closer to the front door.
"He can't come in, Helen", August whispered, giving her a pleading glance. She raised an eyebrow.
"Why's that?"
"He mustn't see me. Please."
Helen eyed him up and down and when it knocked August held his breath, his heart racing. She turned to the door without another word and August grabbed a large knife from the knife block before hiding in the corner of the room that wasn't visible from the entrance. Helen flinched when she realized that he'd armed himself but after taking a deep breath she opened the door with a nonchalant smile.
"Naseer. Hi. That was quick."
"Hi Helen. Yeah, it sounded urgent on the phone and you can't sleep in a broken bed so I thought I better bring you the folding bed as soon as possible."
August tried to imagine the man who belonged to the pleasant, warm voice. His English was very good but he clearly wasn't a native speaker. Someone from the village he guessed. From the village he would have erased without batting an eyelid just two weeks ago. His stomach twisted at the thought and it filled him with anger that he seemed to evolve something like a conscience lately.
"That's really kind of you."
He could hear the smile in Helen's voice.
"Let me help you unload it."
"No, I'll go and get it. Just tell me where to put it."
"Just put it here on the porch. I'll take care of it later."
Naseer gave Helen a funny look and she knew he was thinking she was acting strange but she could hardly let him walk inside the hut where August was awaiting him with a knife. She watched her only friend walk to his truck, grabbing the bed from the loading space and carrying it to the house.
"It's no problem to carry it inside", he said when he was standing in front of Helen again. "I could also fix your bed. I built it, it shouldn't be hard to replace a broken part."
He built it? The guy built Helen's bed? August started to wonder what kind of friend he was and why the question bothered him so much.
"No! No, that won't be necessary, Naseer."
Christ, woman, don't talk so fast. Her nervousness was showing in her voice and August was worried he might really have to use that fucking knife.
"Really, it's fine...I'm quite busy right now. In the middle of a creative phase...you know...kissed by the muse."
Good girl, back on track. August's heart rate went back to normal.
"You're working on your book again? That's great, Hel."
Hel? He rolled his eyes, annoyed and impatient.
"Yeah, it really is. My agent is pretty relieved too, my writer's block made him quite nervous. But I'm working almost non-stop on it...so yeah."
She shrugged with a sheepish grin, feeling terrible for lying to him.
"Is that why you needed all those supplies? Because you don't want to leave for grocery shopping in the next few weeks? Your truck was loaded when we met the other day."
"I see...well…"
"I better get going then. Let you work in peace…"
"Thanks for stopping by, Naseer."
"Anytime. You know you can always call me when something's wrong or when you need help, right?"
"Of course." Her laugh sounded fake and nervous and for a moment she thought Naseer was going to ask her what was going on but he only gave her a worried look before he left. Helen let out a long sigh of relief, turned around and closed the door behind her.
"He's gone. You can put that away." She pointed at the knife August clung to, her eyes shooting daggers at him.
"What?" He looked at her angrily, putting the knife back in the knife block. "I just wanted to be prepared."
Helen let out a snort. "For what? Naseer attacking an injured stranger?"
"I don't know him."
"But I do. He's a friend and you made me act rude without a reason."
"A friend, huh? Hel?" August said in a mocking tone wiggling his eyebrows. He tried to be cheeky and make her laugh to ease the tension but he knew it was a stupid move as soon as the words left his mouth.
"Yes. A friend. Austin."
She was still being deadly serious and stressed his false name pointedly crossing her arms in front of her chest. August didn't know what to say or do to keep the situation from escalating so he just shrugged.
"Fine? That's all you have to say? For fucks sake...tell me why you didn't want Naseer to see you. Explain to me why you armed yourself with a knife, hiding in a dark corner of my house. My fucking house, goddamn…in which you found shelter..." She was furious now and he made a step towards her, his hands raised up in surrender. "Okay, listen, Helen."
"I'm all ears."
"As I said, it was just taking precautions. I'm a mistrustful person, made some bad experiences in the past and got hurt too often."
"Bullshit." She shook her head. "Don't try to tug at my heartstrings. Just tell me the truth."
August took a deep breath, he was getting frustrated and annoyed by her insistence.
"I can't."
"Why not?"
"I just can't, okay? Let's just leave it at that or…"
“Or what? Are you going to kill me?”
Her voice was full of sarcasm but her eyes showed him that a part of her was scared of him, wondering what he was capable of. The logical answer to her question would have been yes. His answer should have been yes, but when he said no, when he denied it, August meant it. He wasn't going to kill her nor would he ever hurt her.
“No, but I still can’t tell you.”
She could tell by the expression on his face that he was torn. He wanted to open up to her, but he felt like he couldn't.
“Just give me something. A little part of the truth to help me understand who you are, where you’re coming from and what you`re up to."
“That’s not so easy, Helen. You might not like what you’re going to hear.”
He gave her a shrug and something that was supposed to be a smile.
“I don’t care. August.”
He blinked repeatedly. “Sorry?”
“Yes...August.” She rolled her eyes. “I know that you've been lying to me from day one."
He got up and started to pace the hut, still hobbling a little, though his ankle was much better. He wasn’t really worried just debating with himself. After a while he stopped by the window, staring outside. “You're right. My name is August. August Walker.”
"Thanks, but I already know that much", Helen snapped.
"How did you find out about my name?" He asked as calmly as his fluttering nerves allowed it, turning around to look her in the eyes.
"Why did you lie to me?" Helen threw him a challenging look.
"How much do you know?" August was not willing to leave his questions unanswered.
"Why. Did. You. Lie. To. Me?" Helen shouted at him.
"It's none of your fucking business", he yelled back.
Helen laughed out loud.
"It's none of my business? Are you kidding me? I saved you. I let you stay in my house, sleep in my bed, I treat your wounds, I take care of you, give you shelter, I've helped you in every possible way, no matter how many of my personal boundaries have been transgressed and now you're seriously telling me that it's none of my business that you've lied to me all this fucking time?"
"I've never asked for your help."
His voice was calm, his facial expression blank and stern but his eyes were blazing with emotion. His stare was so intense it made Helen shiver.
"You ungrateful ass", she whispered, stunned by his audacity. "You took all I had to give without saying thank you only once. And now you're…"
He was right in front of her with two big strides, his lips crashing on hers with unexpected passion. Helen was too surprised to think about her reaction. She instinctively kissed him back, granting him access, letting him deepen the kiss, allowing his hands to explore her body. 60 seconds later she was in control of herself again. She pushed him away, staring at him dumbfounded.
"Shit. What are you doing?"
"Expressing my gratitude."
He gave her an outrageously sexy smirk and it took Helen just a split second to grab him by his shirt and pull him close again to kiss him feverishly. She wanted him. She wanted him badly. She wanted him now.
August pressed her against the wall with his huge body, caressing her tits through her clothes while kissing her neck. She moaned and started to tug at his shirt. He took it off in a hurry and Helen got rid of her top and bra. When they kissed again she let her hands run over his chest gently, making sure not to hurt him. She pulled away and looked at him, at his scarred face that was still so handsome now that the wounds were healing and the swelling had gone down around his eye. August averted his eyes, burying his head in the crook of her neck again, withdrawing from her gaze.
"Turn around", he mumbled, taking her by her waist.
She did what he asked her to do but when she heard him fumble with his belt and the sound of his pants hitting the floor behind her back, when his hands tried to pull down her sweatpants impatiently, she turned around again. She reached up and cupped his face with her tiny hands, running her thumb tenderly over his burnt skin.
"Listen, August. This is not going to be a quickie, okay? You want to express your gratitude? Great. I like this. But do it properly. Fuck me rough, if you want to, fuck me hard, but don't you dare to hide from me. Look at me. Kiss me. Give me the feeling of being wanted. Pretend it's more than just some kind of job."
He looked at her with an unreadable expression, hesitating for a moment. He opened his mouth but instead of saying something he pressed his lips together with a nod. Helen smiled at him before stripping naked slowly.
When he kissed her again he took his time, enjoying the sensation of holding her naked body close to his now. She was surprised by his tenderness, by his gentle touch and the delicate kisses he covered her body with and blown away by the passion that soon erupted from deep within him. It was just a small step from long, slow kisses to making out like two hungry predators.
He lifted her up easily and carried her to her bed where he laid her down on her back carefully. He climbed between her legs and looked at her.
"Ready to get fucked like never before?"
She smirked. "Big words. I hope you're not all mouth."
"You don't like my mouth?" He started to kiss her belly, licking her skin, leaving a wet trace that led down south where his tongue met her soft pubic hair.
"I love your mouth."
Helen moaned when he kissed her pussy and parted her folds with his tongue.
"Yeah? You like my tongue too?"
He started to tongue fuck her and she grabbed his head, pressing his face closer to her sex.
"Shut up and eat me out."
She threw her head back when sucked on her clit.
"Oh fuck…" She moved her hips slowly to the rhythm of his actions, rolling them with intense motions, burying her fingers in his thick, curly hair. "Just like this...yes."
Her moans got louder and louder and his dick was so hard it hurt, leaking precum. He knew she was about to come but she stopped him before she climaxed.
"Lay down", she ordered and so they switched positions. August had always been a dominant lover but being bossed around by her was a great turn on. He loved how determined she was, it was incredibly sexy how she was chasing her high, not even trying to hide that she wanted to fulfil her own needs most of all. She was starved, desperately in need of this, of him. In this moment she needed him, she wanted him, she allowed him to give her what she was craving.
Helen was kneeling between his legs now, grabbing his dick. "I love your cock too." She grinned at him before she started to suck him off with a devotion that was new to him.
She turned him into a whimpering, panting mess soon, her lips and her tongue working their magic on his dick, and just like her, he grabbed her head to have some kind of control over her actions. He made her take him deeper and she took him deeper.
"Good girl. Taking me so well."
His voice was raspy and she locked eyes with him, her gaze telling him that she liked to be praised. August groaned when she slowly pulled back, licking his length one last time.
"Fuck, Helen...I need to feel you."
"I'll make you feel me."
Saliva was dripping from her swollen lips and he almost got off just by the sight of it. His saviour, his saint had turned into a shameless whore and he was willing to worship and adore her for being his dirty, little slut.
"Yes, you will."
He grabbed her by her waist and pulled her onto his cock. She sighed with pleasure when he entered her tight cunt, stretching her wet pussy and as soon as she got used to his size she started to ride him, rolling her hips slowly in a rhythm that was giving them both the greatest pleasure. August stroked her tits, caressed and kneaded them and she supported her body with her hands on his chest. She picked up speed and when August pinched her nipple she came with a hoarse shriek, her whole body trembling with ecstasy and lust.
Helen bent down to kiss him and he wrapped his arms around her, hugging her tightly while thrusting his hips. He fucked her without restraint now, his thrusts hard, fast and deep. He railed her mercilessly until his intense orgasm swept him away. He let out a long, satisfied moan and loosened his grip on her body.
He kissed her again but she seemed to be in a rush suddenly and rolled off him and went to the bathroom. August was kind of surprised and sobered to a certain degree when he heard that she was taking a shower. She either couldn't stand after-sex-cuddles in general or she really thought that he had just done her a favor to thank her for her hospitality.
He wondered how many times he would have to fuck her till she was willing to fall asleep in his arms afterwards.
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curiousconch · 3 years
Chase You/Chase Me (Pt. 7)
Part 7: Round and around we go
Catch up here: Series Masterlist
Chapter Summary: The attack in McGraw Byrne's offices reveals a deeper conspiracy that runs to the top of the law firm, which Alex pursued head on. But when the dust settles, she is forced to face the music of her own troubled mind.
Book/Pairing: Choices - Laws of Attraction / Gabe Ricci x MC (Alex Keating)
Words: 2.1k+
Rating/Warnings: Mature (16+) / themes of violence, and trauma, language. Reader discretion advised.
Disclaimer: Most of the characters as well as some dialogue belong to Pixelberry. I am merely borrowing them.
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A week after, New York City
Shit. Shit. Shit.
The gunman panted as he ran through the dark and unfamiliar side streets of New York, the covering on his face not helping alleviate the sense of panic overtaking him.
His current state of mind paled in comparison with how calm he walked into the offices of that freakishly bright law firm.
The task was simple - get the phone and get out.
But when he found himself face to face with the woman who'd sent his life into a whirling clusterfuck, he didn't hesitate to pull the trigger.
He missed.
A brute of a man rammed into him right before he took a shot. Who knew corporate slaves can be combative? By then he knew he was fucked. He snatched the phone then ran.
An earlier scope of the building gave him an easy way out, but the shitty maze of the streets of the business district didn't give much of a reprieve.
I fucking hate this city.
He didn't know how long he'd been running, not until he had to stop by the dead end wall in front of him.
Blue and red flashing lights caught him in a daze, his breath heavy, realizing he was boxed in by police officers in an alley.
"Freeze!" one had shouted. "Raise your arms over your head!"
He didn't have a choice. He's not willing to die for his uncle, nor take another sentence in prison. That scumbag wasn't worth it, regardless of how many times that man tried drilling the thought into his head.
I'm tired of this shit anyway. Though I'll miss the perks.
He raised his hands, then felt his knees buckle when someone kicked him from behind, forcing him to the ground. Someone pulled the ski mask off his head, his face now exposed for everyone to see.
He was the younger, spitting image of Koenig's CEO. Except for those piercing blue eyes.
Now everyone will know, he thought. Poor uncle Peter will be burned to the stakes after he spill every single sordid detail of all the crimes Max was ordered to do.
From that pretty little celebrity in L.A., the poisoned man from Oklahoma, the researchers from Massachusetts, and all of those other victims in between.
Good thing he kept all those souvenirs. He will prove to them that he was just a pawn.
The pawn that was Maximilian Koenig Cornell.
A few days after, Rooftop of McGraw Byrne
Alex took another hit of nicotine from the cigarette between her fingers, standing by the edge of the fancy rooftop lounge. She exhaled a plume of smoke, the friction in her throat giving herself a temporary reprieve from her chaotic state of mind.
By the rest of the world's standards, it should have been a beautiful day. The skies above her was indigo, filled with streaks of orange from the setting sun. The peacefulness of it a far cry from the storm that was brewing inside her.
Success shouldn't feel this way. She was having a hard time basking in her recent victories.
Alex was just named junior partner this morning, after successfully taking Peter Koenig and Sadie McGraw down. Max Cornell, who turned out to be Koenig's nephew slash hitman, had confessed. He revealed who really was pulling the ropes, all in the form of well-kept call logs and text messages.
The backlash of it all reached McGraw Byrne's founding partner. The same form of proof exposed Sadie's hand on the Koenig class action suit, as well as her involvement in tipping off authorities to paint Marcus Sharpe as Aliana's murderer. The intent was to veer suspicion away from Koenig, making thousands of dollars along the way.
Alex had completely unraveled the conspiracy, with the help of Aislinn and Gigi. Beau, surprisingly, was more than participative. But it was obvious for everyone at the firm who led the crackdown, and it didn't take long for recognition to come to pass.
In everyone else's eyes, she emerged the winner.
And now, when all is said and done, there was nothing to escape to.
Alex can no longer disassociate herself from the sight of the gun barrel held by the ghost she tried to forget all these years.
The sound of applause, soured only by Martin Vanderweil's display of pain-in-the-ass arrogance, should have made her want to enjoy the fruits of her labor. Instead, here she was, wallowing with herself to be overcame by old bad habits.
What happened in the library was etched in her mind, clear as day. The memory of that close encounter with death, being brought up to life by the lack of distractions, made her shudder.
Every waking hour was consumed by the man with the haunting blue eyes that meant death. Those same eyes from the past that suffocated her for so long.
A decade spent running away from them, yet they still caught up with her.
She worked so hard not to remember, not to let it bring her down, for it not to be her end game. She's at the top of the fucking career ladder, yet why can't she still have a sense of freedom?
Everything just felt wrong. She felt out of place.
Lost in her frustrations, she didn't hear the whirring of the elevator and the approaching footsteps that followed.
"Thought I'd find you here," Gabe said, stopping inches away from her.
It took everything of her not to swivel and look at him, opting to curse at herself for how her body quickly relaxed by the softness of his voice.
The storm clouding her mind instantly dissipated, leaving her bare. Gabe's presence made the oceans within her stand still, as if awaiting to be stirred.
"Didn't want to be found," she mumbled, closing her lips on the still burning stick of nicotine. Alex struggled to keep her gaze steady at the slowly darkening skyline.
I know. Gabe wanted to say. He knew that finding her here, seeking out the comfort of isolation screamed her desire to be left alone. He had seen her internal turmoil, hiding behind the air of stoicism she projected for everyone else.
That's why he was never more determined to find her. He wanted, no, needed, to be there for her.
Gabe knew he'd been a dick to walk out from her that morning in L.A., right after he admitted what he felt for her.
But there was rarely an opportunity to make it right. Whenever there was, there was no getting through her. No matter how much he tried to reach out, to make her see that he regretted his actions that day, she wouldn't let him in.
He couldn't blame her.
Gabe told himself he'd give her time, to give her space. However, fate had other plans.
He almost lost her that night, and it was a wake up call. When he watched helplessly as Cornell aimed at her, something in him shifted. He's no longer stuck in a limbo questioning who Alex was for him, or why he constantly wanted to be near her, wanting to make everything right.
He was decided to run after her, to stay with her, no matter what. He was done chasing after dreams of the past.
Alex was his future.
"Can't get rid of me easily," he settled on that reply, leaning on the glass railing beside her.
"Really?" she quipped sardonically. "I honestly didn't take you to be the staying type."
That had to sting.
He knew he'd hurt her by leaving, so he deserved that. It wasn't enough to make his resolve waver.
"I am," he insisted. "It just takes me some time to find my footing."
She lifted a hand to him. "Don't go there, Gabe. Just don't - "
"I'm not walking away from you again, Alex," he professed.
She whirled to face him with a look of sullen resignation. "I know."
Deep down, she wanted him too. But not in the fucked-up state she was in. She needed to think, she needed to recover, she needed to get a grip on herself.
But she needed to do it alone.
"I can't deal with us now, it's just.." She sighed. "Everything else that's happened is too overwhelming."
Gabe deflated.
It was the first time he heard her admit defeat. He's gotten used to seeing her fighting every step of the way, that finding her in this state of hopelessness felt alien to him. His chest tightened, hating himself on taking part of what pushed her to breaking point.
"I need to take a step back from everything, Gabe," she said, almost begging. "That includes you."
"What do you mean?"
"Can I to take some time off?" she pleaded, wrapping herself in her own arms. "I have to hit pause for now."
"For how long, Alex?" Gabe's voice was strained. She just made it clear that he wasn't what she needed.
Still he hoped. So he held his breath.
Alex thought quietly for a few moments, before looking back at him in determination. He found a semblance of the Alex he knew.
"A couple of weeks," she answered with a tone of finality.
He didn't want to. But in his heart of hearts, he had to respect her decision. He understood that even the strongest needed to heal. Even the brave Alex Keating.
"I'll arrange it," he relented, closing his fists at his sides to stop himself from reaching out to her. "Anything else?"
She hesitated, biting her lower lip before she continued. "Actually, there is one more thing."
"What is it?" Gabe watched intently as she raised her head to look at him, her mouth curved into that familiar signature smirk that he'd grown to chase after.
"Will you wait for me?"
As per her usual modus operandi, Alex took his breath away by her unpredictability. Almost immediately, Gabe wrapped his arm around her to pull her close. He raised his free hand and let his knuckles brush against her cheek.
He smiled softly, a tad afraid that by holding her this close could break her. And yet, the effect she had on him couldn't be stopped from spilling out, as if it was what he wanted to say all along.
"I've waited my whole life for you, so what's a few more weeks?"
Alex beamed at him, relieved. "I knew you'll be up for the challenge."
"Because I care about you, Alex," he whispered.
"I care about you too."
Alex then dared to take it forward.
Before he had the chance to move away, she tiptoed and surprised him with a tender kiss on the cheek.
Gabe wasn't able to react as quickly, the contact catapulting his senses. Just as his mind plunged back to the ground, she was already walking away, the clicking of her black heels syncopating along with the beating drum inside his chest.
His sight followed her until she stood by herself in the employee elevator, her brown-eyed gaze melting him with earnest affection. As the doors shut closed, so did the heart of Gabriel Ricci.
It shut down in anticipation of her return.
Two months later
Mind hazy and craving for Chinese food, Gabe had asked the driver to take a quick detour.
He had just flown from Los Angeles, spending two weeks to assist on a big hotel chain M&A. He got out of LaGuardia at around 10pm, and now his jet lag and empty stomach were taking its toll on him.
The car stopped at the familiar block, and he got out of the vehicle, grabbing his suitcase. He walked the rest of the way, enjoying the craziness of New York City on a Friday night.
For a minute, it reminded him of her.
He heard rumors of her coming back, but HR had been heftily secretive on all things concerning her. With the firm fidgety over Vanderweil's recent harassment lawsuits, he erred on the safe side and didn't poke further.
It didn't take long for him to find Hoi On. Once inside, he greeted the servers in flawless Cantonese, striding straight to the counter.
As he gave his order, the kitchen crew brought out a bag of hunger-inducing takeout box. He was almost tempted to bargain for it instead of waiting for another 20 minutes. Until...
"Order complete for Alex!"
Gabe froze.
His senses were instantly filled by the familiar scent of coffee and vanilla and the echoing beat of heels hitting the floor.
There was no doubt about who was approaching the counter.
He found her standing beside him, the woman he'd missed every single day since he saw her last. The powerhouse junior partner with the easy smile and confident aura.
The woman whose return Gabe eagerly waited for.
"So," Alex began. "I take it tinsel town's fusion of cuisines can't match authentic Brooklyn takeout?" she teased, smiling at him in the same red dress she wore the first time she walked into his office.
He looked down over her - closely looking at the tiny changes in her features. Regardless, she looked more beautiful, taking note of the longer, loose tendrils of brunette hair framing her face.
"No," Gabe shook his head in amazement, his lips breaking into a lopsided grin. "Everything else couldn't compare."
She chuckled. The radiance of her laughter showed Gabe she was really back, and that she was finally ready.
"I bet they couldn't," she winked.
In an instant, Gabe's heart awoke from its slumber. It's as if it knew that this time, the wait was over.
The chase has come full circle.
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Author's Notes: This may be the end of this series, but Alex & Gabe will return.
How did you find it? Let me see in your comments/reblogs! Thank you! 💖
Tag list: @adiehardfan @pixelnutrookie @starryjieun @latinagiraffe @sarcastic01lily  @spookycolorpeanut @ophrookie @suitfer @thegreentwin @mkatschoicesblog @made-of-roses @lillijill @kachrisberry @weaving-in-words @peonierose @wanderingamongthewildflowers
@choicesficwriterscreations @lawsofattractionfanfiction
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andromedia5 · 3 years
timsteph 18? but can it be kinda the whole song, like Tim being a ceo and Steph being a supportive gf? "I'll be there if you're the toast of the town, babe"
Anon, I would die for you.
There’s glitter and quickly melting snow in her hair after the party. Steph can’t really focus until Tim shuts the cab door behind them, blocking out the noise and the gossip of Gotham’s elite ringing in the new year. He looked tired and scared and so lost she could cry. He had urged her to go after the gala had stopped being a party. After midnight, when all the work gremlins who switched off their holiday spirit at five past, had swarmed him. She had stayed, mostly because she could sense this was coming. The panic from the paparazzi, the reporters who already had something to say, not an hour into the new year. The articles that had come out so far weren’t spectacular to the point that she was starting to reconsider the benefits of freedom of the press and was coming up empty. Tim turned off his phone, eyes coming to a halt from the rapid back and forth they always were when he read quickly. “God, this is gonna be such a mess in the morning,”
“Then we can handle it it tomorrow,”
“It’s midnight. It is tomorrow,” He found her hand and laced his fingers through hers. “I don’t know how to do this, Steph,”
“Hey,” she squeezed his hand “You’re good at this,” And he was. It was like playing chess, all the strategy of it and he was incredible. She'd seen him be incredible at it and so had all of Gotham.
Tim’s head tilted against the window. “Thank you for coming with me,”
“You think I’d miss the opportunity to stress Bruce out?”
“You don’t stress him out. I mean, you do but,” he laughs tiredly and she clings to the sound, hoping it’ll stick. “You make these easier. For everyone, not just me. But you do for me. Make everything easier. All of it. I don’t think I thank you enough for that, just showing up as much as you do,” His fingers drum slowly on the back of her hand like he’s playing piano. “My parents would fight before every party. All day they were passive aggressive and then, about midafternoon they would just start yelling and screaming. I think she slapped him once. But by the time the first car pulled up into the driveway, it was like they were happy. And the minute that car left they were arguing again. About how horribly that went and whose fault it was and how choosing the cream and not the ivory napkins had just cost us a hundred thousand dollars, at least. Someone forgot their coat once and came back. They jumped right back into happy couple mode.” Tim smiles, half amused, half sad, all tired and bumps her foot with his, like a little kid with his crush on a school field trip. “I don’t know why I remember that. I think I’m glad we’re not them,”
Steph feels her cheeks get hot at his frankness. When he says things like that, when he’s thinking out loud, it’s like he forgets she can hear him and the same dorky awkwardness that never left goes away for a moment. “Same. Everyday I wake up and I’m thrilled my boyfriend doesn’t have an Edipus complex because that would be-” Tim raises their still interlocked hands and kisses the back of hers, which is probably sweaty and gross and dry because you can’t put on lotion right before you put on gloves and medical school is literally just an eternity of putting on latex gloves, but he does it anyway and she adores him for it. There’s something so graceful about the way he loves her. Steph loves him hard and fast and always, him and her, forevermore. But his love is so elegant and peaceful, two things the both of them are definitely not.
She kicks off her heels because even in a very questionable cab, he is more important. Well that and that she has all her shots. The swishy material of her dress is a thousand times nicer in a heated car where she can feel her defrosting legs and tuck them up to her side to rest as she koala locks onto his arm, resting her head on his shoulder. His arm wraps around her waist, fingers tracing shapes on the small of her back.
“We’ll never be like them,” she promises, burying her face into his neck, where his cologne has worn off and now he’s just Tim. God, she hopes he believes her. Completely, without the ‘what if?’ worries that float around in his head. She will always fight with him in public, she’ll always love him in private. She couldn’t stop doing either if she tried.
“I know,” he murmurs into her hair. He holds onto her in the warmth of the tiny cab seemingly lost in the cold, vast city for the whole ride home.
Tim always wakes up before she does. He doesn’t really ‘sleep in’ so much as he stays in bed with her as a person sized sheet warmer getting his own work done until she wakes up. Which is why Stephs as surprised as she is when she wakes up hours later with Tim’s laptop nowhere in sight. What is there, however is her tousle haired boyfriend with Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Askaban propped open on his chest as he reads, forehead clear of worry. He dogears his page and she doesn’t even care that she can feel a part of Jason’s soul dying because he’s kissing her so sweetly and so earnestly she beams against his lips.
He believes her.
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1a-imagines · 4 years
A knights promise (part 2)
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(Knight!Midoriya x reader)
↬Warnings: smut
↬Summary: After finally running away so you can be together, you find travelling isn't as easy or fun as you first thought. Luckily you have someone to take your mind off it.
↬A/n: This is day 18 of the Izumonth collab! You can find the collab post here.
This is a part 2 if you want to read part 1 you can find that here! But honestly, this one is mostly just smut so i guess you don’t really need to read part one. It just gives a bit more insight into their relationship and goals.
Also the art is mine, I'm really nervous to post my art, especially since its kinda old art and my style has changed a lot, so I don't love it. But I drew this awhile back and thought it would go well with this fic since its fantasy izuku. Anyway! Hope you enjoy ^^
You shuffled closer to Izuku's side, half hiding behind him, hoping his body would act as a shield against all the wildlife.
Izuku couldn’t help but chuckle at the way  your nose crinkled up at the new environment.
"Have the forests always been so-..." you paused thinking of the right word to say. "disgusting?” you asked as you stepped around yet another puddle of sludge. Your hands tightened around his arm. The forest was indeed a beautiful sight from the palace windows, but now you were trudging through mud and wet grass, your boots already caked in dirt, it wasn't as enchanting as you thought it would be.
Izuku gave your hands a light pat. “I know you’re not used to these conditions yet, but I think you're overreacting a bit, princess. It’s just a bit of mud.” He giggled at your sour expression. Truth be told he expected you would be a lot more enthusiastic about the whole situation, finally having freedom, getting to date him without worry, travelling to far off kingdoms and learning new things. You had always dreamed of such a life.
Though it seemed you never thought through the possibility that not everything would be easy and perfect.
"Still, had I have known it would've been this bad I would've brought bigger boots." You muttered. So far this whole 'adventuring' thing has had its ups and downs, like yesterday when you both found that hidden waterfall, the water was sparkling in the sun, vines the trees hung low to keep it hidden as flowers bloomed around the edge of the lake. It was lovely, you both got to splash around in the sun, make a campfire and sit under the stars when night came. It was amazing! One of the most beautiful nights of your life in fact. However, walking through blank fields filled with nothing but muddy sludge wasn't so magical.
A yelp escaped your throat when you were suddenly lifted into the air. You instinctively wrapped your arms around Izuku’s neck as he carried your bridal style. With raised eyebrows you turned to the man who held you in his arms. "What are you doing?" You asked Izuku who grinned in response, "The mud is bothering you right? And as your knight it's my job to protect you even from nature!" He declared, you couldn’t help but smile at him.
"You're not technically my knight anymore, I ran away, remember? So I'm not royalty." While his logic confused you, you weren't about to complain that you were his arms. "I'll always be your knight, royalty or not, I'm always going to protect you." His smile melted your heart, like the sun beaming down on an ice cream cone.
You pressed your flushed face into his shoulder, deciding not to reply. He looked so determined there was no way you would win this argument.
He carried you for hours, and with every step he took guilt stacked another brick onto your heart. Weren't you getting heavy for him. Surely he must be getting tired? He was strong, no doubt. He had trained sith the royal guards, as well as in his spare time, for years! But carrying another human in your arms for hours!? Even the strongest of men would tire eventually.
Catching your eyes he smiled at you, silently reassuring you that he was ok. You purse your lips in response, not believing him, you had already asked him countless times if he was tired, you had told him he could put you down whenever he wanted, but it seemed like he was pretty content with you in his arms.
The more he walked the denser the forest grew. It was a nice day, the sun's light caressing your skin in the best of ways, the breeze brought a refreshing chill every now and then, you could have fallen asleep in his arms then and there. "I don't think we're going to make it to the next down by sundown.." He muttered, shaking his head with a sigh.
"Then maybe you shouldn't have carried me so far, we left the muddy field hours ago and you still won't put me down." You giggled, playfully poking his cheek with your finger. . He blinked, a blush coating his cheeks. "I-I just like holding you!"
He was indulging in the fact he no longer had to hide his love and affection for you, carrying his princess in his arms was just another way to show the outside world who you belonged to, despite having passed no people at all. It was more for his own satisfaction.
"There's a cave over there! We can rest there for tonight!" Your voice snapped him from his thoughts. Your finger pointed out to a lake with a waterfall. It was hard to see but there was a small, circular, opening in the rocks of the cliff. "Good find!" He smiled at you as you jumped from his arms and hurried towards the cave, you wanted to make sure it would be safe enough to sleep in tonight. Izuku pouted as you ran off, already missing the warmth your body provided.
He followed you into the cave, it wasn't big
but it was dry and would keep you hidden from the dangers the night brought. "This will do for tonight, from the looks of the clouds over the mountains it's going to rain soon and we don't want to be stuck outside when it does. That would mean more mud." He grinned at you, nudging you with his elbow. You flushed at the jab he made and turned your head away.
What a tease.
You both took off your bags and placed your items down, Izuku went off to collect sticks to make a fire and you began to roll out your sleeping bags. You kicked away all the stones and dirt before placing them down next to each other. You made sure there was enough room for the campfire, you weren't working with a whole lot of space and the last thing you needed was for your beds to catch fire.
You finished your task relatively quickly and decided to walk outside to the lake's edge. There was a small pathway around the water leading to your cave. It was narrow, meaning you both had to shuffle along sideways to get in and out of the cave,
but it also meant the likelihood of others finding or walking into your cave was very slim.
You took your shoes off at the entrance of the cave and sat down, dipping your feet and lower calves into the water. You closed your eyes and leaned back onto your hands, taking in all the sounds of nature. The rusting of tree leaves, the calls of birds singing with each other, the sloshing of the water as you gently kicked your legs.
Izuku found you peacefully becoming one with nature, a smile made its way to his lips. He figured it would be hard for you to adjust to such a big lifestyle change, going from silk sheets and servants tending to your every need to sleeping bags and having to fend for yourself wouldn't be easy for everyone. You certainly struggled with some of it but at times like this, when you were soaking in the sun, and allowing your surroundings to bring you peace he couldn't help but feel pride for you.
You were doing your best to enjoy this new lifestyle, no matter how much of a shock to your system it was.
He left you alone for now and got to setting up the fire, it took about ten minutes to get the fire going, just in time for thunder to roar from over the mountain tops, a cry of war directed to nature.
You walked back into the cave to avoid being caught in it. Izuku handed you some fruit to snack on, he wished he could offer you a nice meal but when travelling, it wasn't that easy.
“Stop pulling that face.” You said as you took the apple from him, and took a bite.
He blinked, looking up to meet your eyes. “W-what?” You frowned, sitting down beside him, the fire crackling before you both as raindrops began to fall from the sky outside. "You keep pulling that face, as though you're afraid you're not doing good enough."
You could read him like an open book. Granted he never tried to hide his feelings from you. He just wanted to make you happy, you must be so used to your lavish lifestyle, but now you're stuck trudging around in mud and living off apples for every meal. He looked down at the ground, his lips parted as he tried to speak but no words came.
"You already know why I left, but allow me to remind you." You flicked his forehead, a way to get him to look back at you. He frowned, rubbing the sore spot on his head. "I left because I want to be with you, no matter where we are. Whether I'm sitting in a palace eating a piping hot meal or in a cave eating an apple. None of that matters to me, what matters is that I have you by my side." Your hand came up to his cheek, the pad of your thumb brushing over his red cheek.
He half smiled at you, there was still some uncertainty despite your words. However, he wouldn’t be Izuku if he wasn't always worrying over all the little details. You chose to be with him, and he was determined to give you the best life possible. Even if he had his worries he always appreciated you trying to reassure him. He was so lucky to have someone like you in his life, someone willing to give up everything for him. He silently vowed to give you the rest of his life in return. He nuzzled into your hand, pressing it closer to his face. “I love you.” he whispered.
“I love you too.” You smiled, brushing some hair from his eyes before moving in as he did to join your lips in a sweet kiss.
What was meant to be a reassuring peck quickly turned into tongues dancing and hands fumbling. A kiss that stole your breath away. Your hands trailed from his cheeks, down his neck to place on his shoulders. He shivered at your feather-like touches that glided across his skin. His hands pulled you forward by your waist bringing you to his chest.
Your head titled as his did, deepening the kiss. You hummed as his tongue traced over your lips, desperate to feel more of you. You parted your lips, getting up on your knees, never breaking the kiss, and shuffling forward until you were close enough to straddle his lap. He felt him smile into the kiss when you sat on him, like he had gotten his way. His skin was already tingling despite the layers of clothes in the way.
Your fingers tangled into his hair, tugging at the locks, wordlessly begging for more. He got the hint, his hands pushing under your shirt and taking it off in one movement. His scarred hands began tracing shapes into your back as you began gasping for air. He pulled back from your lips, teeth gently tugging at your lip as he did so.
When you looked into his eyes you saw them burning with desire and that alone was enough to send a pool of heat to your core. He moved forward again, lip connecting to your neck, his hot breath fanned against your skin sending shivers down your spine, a small hum escaping your lips as you pulled his head closer.
He left marks all over your neck and collarbone, sucking and nibbling at your soft skin. He soon trailed down to your chest as he unclasped your bra and moved it aside. His eager lips attached to your breast, and while his mouth began to suck on your sensitive buds, playing and groping with the mounds of fat as his hands rolled your hips forward. A groan echoed through the cave when he felt your clit grinding against his growing erection. You moaned, taking the hint and grinding against him creating a heated friction between you. The way you hugged him closer, begging for more, how your hips desperately rolled forward to feel more of him, it turned him on so much he could feel the blood rushing to his throbbing cock.
He pulled away from your breasts, his hands fumbled with your pants. He did take a second to catch his breath as he pulled your pants off leaving you only in panties. He took a second to admire your body, hands caressing up and down your sides as his eyes drank you in. "Gods… you're so beautiful. How did I get so lucky?" He smiled, pressing a loving peck to your bare shoulder. He was always so sappy, even now when you were grinding against him.
You smiled, pressing a kiss to his cheek and yanking on his hair. You were desperate to feel more of him, you needed him. He got the hint and pulled off his own pants, throwing them to the side before taking off his shirt. You looked over his scars, pressing kisses to a few of them.
Once you were both rid of all the clothes that kept you apart, he picked you up bridal style, carrying you over to the fur sleeping bags. He lay you down, coaxing your legs apart so he could get between them, your lips locked again, your naked bodies rubbed together, it felt so much better without the clothes in between. He moaned, getting up onto his knees and fisting his hard cock in his hand.
He gave you an expecting look and you crawled forward. You sat back on your knees when you reached him, looking up at him through your lashes, pupils dilated. He smiled down at you, one hand petting your hair as the tip of his cock traced around your lips. "Open up, princess." He whispered and you obeyed.  
He pushed his hips forward until his ball hit your chin, tears peaking at the corner of your eyes as you swallowed his length, the tip hitting the back of your throat. He wiped them away for you, "Suck on it for me princess." He muttered breathlessly.
Your tongue circled around the tip, the salty taste of pre cum hitting your taste buds. You bobbed your head up and down, impatience  making your actions erratic. He breathed out, eyes sliping close as he marvelled in the feeling of your hot mouth around his aching cock. It took everything in him not to start thrusting forward into your mouth, but he didn't want to hurt you.
You grabbed onto his hips for better leverage, quickening your pace. Saliva began to drip from your mouth, onto your bouncing tits. "Mhh, yeah, just like that baby." You removed one hand from his side and slipped it between your legs, his loud moans and words of praise were too much for you, your ever growing heat needed to be tended to.
Izuku opened his eyes to see where your hand had gone, and upon seeing you pleasuring yourself as you sucked on his member got too overwhelming. His head went back, toes curling as he inhaled a sharp breath. "P-princess i'm going to cum!" he let out a strangle moan, his body curling forward as he released his hot seed into your mouth. He panted as you pulled away, cum covered your lips. Your tongue poked out to lick up every drop as you stared deep into his eyes.
His lips parted at the sight of you greedily lapping up his cum. You smiled at his reaction before laying back down on the sleeping bag. He smiled back, crawling over your body. You were far from done.
He connected his lips back to yours, noses clumsily bumping together, he could taste himself on your tongue, it boosted his ego. Your hips began to rock against his, your slick coating his cock as it slipped between your folds. You sighed into the kiss, grabbing at his hair and neck to pull him closer.
His lips started to trail back down your body, this time going further than your breasts. He kissed his way down your stomach, soon his face was between your legs, he could feel your heat, see your dripping arousal. He licked his lips, squeezing your thigh before diving forward. His tongue pushed inside your hole, lapping up your juices, his nose buried deep into your clit.
You gasped, back arching and toes curling when your aching core finally had some attention. He moaned at your taste, sending vibrations down your spine. Your beautiful noises of pleasure bounced off the walls of the cave. Neither of you had to be quiet anymore, there were no guards, no servants, not even family to be careful of, and he wanted to hear you scream out his name.
"Fuck! p-please. Just fill me up already." You mewled. He looked up at you with a grin, pulling away from you as he licked his lips. You'd never seen such an animalistic look in his eyes. It was like a lion stalking in on his prey.
He got onto his knees, grabbing your hips and pulling your forward. He pressed the tip of his cock to your clit, teasingly rubbing it up and down, slapping it a few times. You whined at his teasing before finally pressing it into your hole.
You simultaneously released low groans. Your hands grabbed at the fabric of the sleeping bags as his fingers dug into your hips. A trapped sigh escaped his lips once he was fully in. He gave you a few seconds to adjust as he put your legs over his shoulders and leaned forward so he could grab and hold one of your hands.
"M-move- fuck~ please!" You moaned. He didn't need to be told twice. He began to pound into you without hesitation. Each thrust of his hips made you whimper and whine, you squeezed his hand as the heat in your core grew.
"Mmh~ you're taking me so well. G-Good girl." He whispered, his hips quickening at the sound of your squelching pussy. He moaned, his cock going sliding into deep. As much as his body wanted to throw his head back he fought to keep it forward. He didn't want to miss a second of your expression. You looked so beautiful, your hair falling around your head like some sort of halo. The way you bit your lip, your eyes rolling back as those blissful, slutty moans left your parted lips.
It was all too perfect.
He took his hand from yours, sitting up and changing the position. He bent you over, ass in the air and your glistening pussy on display for him. He moaned at the sight before slipping back inside of you. His hands clamped down on your waist, pulling you back into him. It was so much faster, harder, you were both screaming out in pleasure at the new position. His cock reached new places.
You rolled your hips against him, eyes rolling back into your head as you desperately grabbed for something to hold onto, fearing that you were already about to come undone around him. You felt his hands rub at your ass cheeks, his eyes admiring how perfectly round and plump they were.
He leaned over your body, chest against your back, one hand holding him up as the other moved around to your swollen clit. He drilled into you as his fingers rubbed circles into your clit. His lips leaving small kisses to your bare shoulder in between his moans.
"Oh.. oh, Y/n~ princess." He panted into your ear. "Are you ready to be filled?" He asked, nuzzling your neck with his nose. His toes were digging into the floor as he felt his throbbing cock ach for release. He wanted to stuff you full of his cum as you screamed out his name.
You nodded, moaning out a string of yes's. You pushed your hips back, keeping up with his lightning speed, your breasts bouncing with each thrust. He closed his eyes, back arching as he felt his hot ropes of cum spill inside of you as you cried out his name, your juices spilling over his hand. Your body curled in on itself as the pleasure washed over you.
He fucked you through your orgasms, only pulling out when his cock had stopped twitching.  
You both collapsed onto the fur. He wasted no time pulling you into his arms, hand moving around to massage your hips as he always did. You did your best to ignore the feeling of his cum slipping out of you and dripping onto your thigh.
With a light kiss to your forehead he pulled you to lay on his chest. "You ok, princess?"
You giggled at his concern. "We've done this so many times now and you still worry about hurting me?" His face flushed red, eyes turning away to look at the pouring rain outside the cave. "I-I would never want to hurt you." He confessed.
You took his face into your hand, turning him to look at you. You pressed a kiss to his lips and lay your head back down. "It was amazing as always. Don't worry."
He nodded, both of you laying in silence for a while as you enjoyed the sounds of nature. The calming sounds of rain showering down from the sky, the cackling of the fire that kept you both warm. It was so peaceful. There were no other people in sight, no guards, royals, townspeople. It was just you two, alone, how you both had always wanted it to be.
"You never told me what your mom said when you told her we were leaving." You turned to face him again, resting your chin on his shoulder. His hand ran through your locks absentmindedly.
"She was happy for us. She said she was glad i was following my heart, that i found someone who loves me enough to give up everything they have just to be with me." He smiled, recalling her reaction. "All she asks is that we come back to visit every now and then, and when we eventually find a good home to settle down in, we have to send her a letter telling her our whereabouts so she can come visit us too."
You smiled, it would be so nice to have her visit your home, to be able to cook for her for once. She always took good care of you whenever you went to visit. You couldn't wait to return the favour. "That sounds nice doesn't it?"
He hummed in agreement, the image of you both living in a cottage, somewhere in the forest. Not too far from civilisation but enough to have your own space. No one to bother you, everyday would be peaceful. You could have spare rooms for guests. Maybe a family and pets someday.
"Yeah, that sounds amazing." He smiled, looking at you. His one and only princess, his first and only love.
He couldn't wait to spend the rest of his life with you.
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knifeewifee · 4 years
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A/N: Some love to Kacchan uwu The feral Gremlin needs love too. This is also My first of many posts for @bnhabookclub ‘s Bingo Event! I thought of Moe as i wrote this uwu We need more Kacchan than Katsuki. This was SO close to being angst ngl. Glad I didn’t go down the route lol.
WC: 1.6 k
TW: Kissing, Fluff, Cursing, Bakubitch being Bakubitch, small hint hint at sexy time but not really
Tag: @pinkjeanist @gallickingun @pixxiesdust @solzubasu
It felt like it had been far too long since you and your beloved exploding Pomeranian had time together. His ambition to become the number one hero was still very much prominent. It had only been two years since you both finished your three years at UA high. Katsuki Bakugou went straight into hero work, quickly rising through the ranks. It didn't surprise you in the least. Katsuki was aggressive, and nothing will hold him back from what he wants. But you also knew the Katsuki pushed himself far beyond his limits. He never sat down and relaxed. He was always ready to leave at a moments notice. You could tell by the way he seemed angrier than usual that he was stressed. His body never seemed to relax anymore. Even when he slept, he tossed and turned throughout the night. His face blanketed in irritation and exhaustion the next morning. You worried about him. You worried he might be throwing his health to the side for the sake of becoming number one as soon as possible.
You waited for Katsuki to finally have a day off, you scheduled your day off on the same day to make sure Katsuki finally relaxed instead of trying to work on his rare day of freedom. The night before, you made sure to turn the alarm off after he fell asleep. Katsuki doesn't usually sleep late, but you wanted to make sure he didn't wake up to the sound of all might yelling 'I AM HERE' repeatedly until he rolled out of bed. You snuggled into bed comfortably next to Katsuki, who was sound asleep by 9 pm. You pressed your face into his warm back, bathing in his caramel scent, your arms wrap around his small waist tightly as you quickly drifted off to sleep.
The soft light of the morning drifted in through your window. The suns rays kissed your face as you stir from your long night of sleep. It was odd not waking up to the sound of your alarm. You sink into the comfort of your pillow and duvet. The smell of slightly burning sugar that lingered on all the blankets and pillows brought a beautiful warmth to you. After a moment, you turned to still see Katsuki sound asleep next to you. A smile formed on your lips as you realize it was now past 6 am, and he was still sound asleep.
You slid out from under the blankets carefully, not this disturb the sleeping grump. You make your way from your shared bedroom and to the kitchen, the cold tile nipped at your feet as you make your way to the fridge opening it and looking inside. You grab some eggs, milk bacon, and some other things. You dance around the kitchen, preparing breakfast for your dear boyfriend. You knew the second you started the coffee Katsuki would wake up, so you put it off until the very last moment.  Yow throw in jalapenos and peppers in with Katsuki's eggs and finished your own 'normal' eggs. You pulled out a tray and began to place everything neatly onto it. Lastly, you started the coffee. Katsuki liked his coffee black with a little bit of sugar. You couldn't help but think to yourself that it was pretty similar to Katsuki himself. Bitter with a bit of sweetness mixed in.
You hummed sweetly as you placed the black mug onto the tray. You picked it up and walked back towards your room. You push open the door with your hip. To your surprise, Katsuki was still bundled up inside the duvet. You set the breakfast down onto the dresser and slide your way back into bed. You snuggle into Katsuki, who sleepily wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into his chest. His chin rested on your head. His soft breathing was almost enough to lull you back to sleep. You wrap your arms around his waist, running your fingers gently up and down bareback. His skin was burning hot, but it was the type of warmth you were used to from him.
You place a gentle kiss to his collar bone. "Good morning, Kacchan~"  Katsuki's only response was a low grunt indicating he was indeed awake.  His fingers find their way into your hair, lacing through your locks and messaging your scalp gently. You hummed in satisfaction closing your eyes and nuzzling closer to Katsuki's chest. "Ya know I made breakfast for you…" You try to pull away to get up and grab the breakfast you made for the two of you. "If we don't eat now, it'll get cold." Katsuki pulled you back in his arms, refusing to budge.
"It'll be fine cold... I'll still eat it. Let's just lay like this for a bit longer, dumbass" He leaves a sleepy kiss to your forehead, and you sigh in defeat. How can you say no to him when he was so cute right now.  Your hand slides from his back to his hair; it was soft and messy despite its look. You loved the way his hair felt between your fingers. You loved how his typical scowl softened whenever you ran your fingers through his pale gold hair. You couldn't help but stare at him. His usually angry face looked so gentle. Even though his face was constantly twisted in some sort of a hostile fashion, he never had any hint of a mark that would give away his constant scowl. His skin away always smooth and flawless. It make you a bit jealous at times, but you also admired his beauty was well. You also loved that you were the only one to see Katsuki look so peaceful.
You kept moments like this a secret; you locked them away inside your heart to remind yourself that moments like these are the reasons why you fell so hard for this man. His attitude sometimes got into the way, he couldn't control his tongue sometimes, but you know that he wouldn't even if he could. He felt he was right all the time, though if he was far from it. The arguments sometimes became too much for you. Sometimes you wondered if he loved you like you loved him. Wholehearted without a single doubt, but it was moments like this where he holds you close, where you can hear his heartbeat fast, where his calloused hands touched you so gently as if you were a flower,  that you know he loves you just the same.
You couldn't deny that the two of you had so many issues, but you also couldn't deny that the love between you two was genuine. Your eyes traced across Katsuki's face etching his strong jaw and the soft curve of his cheek into your memory. You never wanted to forget moments like this. Never wanted to forget that the man who held you so tightly was indeed your soulmate. Far more than in a romantic way, but he was your best friend as well. Most people wouldn't believe that Katsuki had a sill side either where he danced in the living room with you. Making jokes or even playing pranks from time to time. He may have shown this side of him with his close friends, but you knew that he felt comfortable around you.
Your fingers glided down the shell of his ear and towards his jaw. Katsuki makes no move to stop you as your fingers run from his jaw to his cheek and then finally settling onto his lips. Katsuki opens his eyes and looks down at you his piercing red eyes softened as he leans his forehead onto yours. His warm handshake their way under your shirt, his thumb rubbing circles on your side as his lips press into your gently in a chaste kiss. Your legs intertwine with his as his sleepy kiss becomes more and more heated. Your lips press into his moving in sync as your hand roams through his hand. He always got this way when you touched his face like that. When you looked at him with such innocent eyes, Katsuki wasn't good with his words. He didn't know how to express his feelings in words. He showed everything through actions, and right now, his actions spoke in volumes.
Before the kiss went any farther, you pulled away. A small growl leaves Katsuki's throat. His eyes still lidded with sleep. "Kacchan, our food really will get cold." You wined. Katsuki rolled over onto his back, groaning.
"Fine, Fine Shitty Woman, go get it then." He sighed. He wanted to sound mad at the fact that you broke away so soon, but you could see the small smirk that settled comfortably on his face. You clumsily crawled out of bed. The blankets twisted and tied around you from cuddling with Katsuki. You make your way to the tray and bring it back to the bed. Katsuki sat up, leaning against the headboard as you place the tray over him. You take a piece of now cold toast and began to munch on it.  Katsuki smiled at you as he pinched your cheek. "You went and made a large breakfast, didn't you ?" You puff out your cheeks to show him so displeased you were with his teasing sop early in the morning. Katsuki takes a sip off his coffee, spitting it back out, His brows furrow as he looks down at his cup.
"It's fuckin cold" He groaned as you giggle at his irritation. Katsuki pushed the try away and flops on top of you, pushing you into the plush mattress. "That's okay... I have a better meal right here in front of me" a deep blush covers your face as Katsuki kisses you again this time with a purpose.
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