#i'm surprised i didn't post this here before
kyracooneyx23 · 1 day
would you be able to write something based of Kristie's tiktok with her and sam where sam comes in and shows off the ring but r is kristie?
6ft 5 - Sam Kerr
Sam Kerr x lionesses!reader
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summary - you're filming a tiktok video and Sam wants everyone to know your hers
You set up the phone on the bathroom sink, adjusting the dress you were wearing before crouching down to press play. When the sound plays you lip sync to it applying some lip gloss at the same time.
'I'm looking for a guy in finance,' You begin standing up straight and moving around slightly 'trust fund, 6-' Your cut off by the door opening and your fiancée Sam comes in from behind you. She must've heard the sound as she gives you a slight nudge to get you out of her way as she walks up to the camera and shows off her engagement ring.
You laugh at her actions continuing to lip sync to the sound but you can hardly say anything as your laughing to much. When the video ends you grab your phone watching it replay still giggling at Sam's actions.
'Wow baby,' you say feeling Sam's arms wrap around your waist as she stands on her tiptoes to place her head on your shoulder looking at the video 'you really had to show off that ring.' You laugh.
'Had to show everyone who you really belong to.' She whispers into your ear making you shiver. 'Not some silly 6'5 guy with a trust fund.' She states pulling away from you and walking into the kitchen. You follow behind her eyes still glued to your phone as you post the video captioning it with a simple 'let's be honest' knowing the fans would love the rare Sam content. Once finished you turn your attention back to Sam.
'I mean your definitely not 6'5, more like 4'5' You give your fiancée a cheeky grin, her being much shorter than you was something you always made sure to tease her about.
'Shut up, I'm only a couple inches shorter than you, not my fault your whole family is giants' She groans leaning into your side. You stroke her head jokingly.
'It's ok I love you no matter your height.' You tease her placing a light kiss on her forehead.
'I think it's time to go, we've got a booking for 6 and the ubers almost here.' Sam tells you, and you can tell she is sick of the topic of her height. You agree following her out of your apartment to outside, waiting for your ride.
lt was nice to be back with Sam, neither of you had really liked the long distance relationship when you had played for Barca and she was here in England, it meant you hardly got to see each other except for the shortest of breaks you had. Your move to Arsenal had come as a surprise, all the fans had expected you to sign a contract extension with the team you had so much success with but you didn't care you'd do anything to be with Sam. Especially after she had proposed and your wedding was coming up.
For the first time in a while you had time just the two of you, as she had sustained and ACL injury and you had fractured you're foot. Both of your international teams were off on camp meaning you had a well earned break together.
The uber arrived and you both got in the back. You checked the video you'd just posted seeing it had already gone viral everyone commenting different versions of the lyrics that more fit Sam's personality, you found a few funny ones and read them to Sam as she didn't have tiktok. 'babe.' you say grabbing the Aussies attention.
'These are some of the comments the fans wrote from the video.' You tell her and watch as her face slightly pales.
'I don't know whether to be scared or not.' She says causing you to laugh as you chose some of your favourites.
'one of them said looking for a masc in football, 5'5, trust fund,' you laugh at how short they thought Sam was, knowing that would not make her happy. 'oh this ones even better i'm looking for a girl in football, Chelsea, 5'4 brown eyes.' You watch Sam tense up.
'These people clearly know nothing about football, if they were true fans they'd know I'm actually 5'7.' She says grumpily and you crack, laughing so hard that tears threaten to fall.
'Chill Sammy, its just height nothing to be so defensive about.' You tell her. She sighs and you give her a side hug, she buries her face in the crook of your neck placing soft kisses everywhere, mood completely changing from before.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
After a nice dinner out with Sam, you decide to drop a photo dump form your night, making sure to include the video from earlier. Making sure to tease her more.
yourinstagram just posted
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liked by keirawalsh, hayleyraso and 76,540 others
yourinstagram fun night with my little shorty 🫶🏽 @samanthakerr20
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samanthakerr20 I am 5’7 for every smart ass about to comment x 😘
user1 y/n is definitely making fun of her
katrinagorry midget
samanthakerr20 shut up
user70 Looking for a girl in soccer. Sam Kerr. Captain. Backflips.
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felixbit · 1 day
employee discount, p2
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pairing: jeongin x gn!reader w. 1.5k genre: fluff, coffee shop au summary: part 2 of this fic, where you learn jeongin, a cute barista, has been giving you the employee discount at the coffee shop you frequent. after giving you his number, you decide to give it a chance. warnings: none a/n: this was super fun to write! there will be a part 3 (maybe not immediately), and it will be the final part of this story! thank you for all the support on this story :)
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Ever since you walked out of the coffee shop with Jeongin's phone number on your cup, you've been smitten.
You thought that the little crush you'd had on the barista was a normal thing for a regular to have at their local shop. A cute worker was part of the fun of going. It turned out, understanding that he was at least the slightest bit interested turned you into a maniac.
After getting his number, you saved his contact in your phone and shot him a text a few hours later (and many attempts at psyching yourself up to do it) briefly saying hi and who you were. His response was almost instant.
jeongin: hey! was wondering when you'd say something
Even just one message had your heart stirring and jumping to conclusions. How long had you kept him waiting for? You forced a response out anyways.
y/n: worried i wouldn't say anything?
A pause. His texting bubble popped up once, went away, and back again.
jeongin: a bit. y/n: i'm here now!
Now that the first hurdle had been jumped through, things seemed to flow a little more naturally. His conversations over text felt as cordial as talking to him behind the counter, so you got the feeling he wasn't faking interest when you'd spoken in the past.
Originally you'd sat down to have a quick text chat with him before doing the rest of what you needed to on your lunch break. Unfortunately for you, Jeongin seemed a little too interesting and time slipped by quickly. Before you knew it, your allotted time to eat and relax was over.
y/n: bad news jeongin: what's up? y/n: lunch break's over. didn't even realize we'd been talking that long jeongin: oh gosh, i'm sorry for taking up your time! don't go hungry because of me y/n: pay me back in coffee tomorrow? jeongin: deal
After sending that text and clocking back into your shift, it dawned on you that what you said sounded a bit like a date invitation. Surely he knew that just meant you coming in normally, right? Not that you would be against a date. You considered writing a text to clarify but decided against it to get focused on work.
Throughout the rest of the day, you were plagued by thoughts of Jeongin. Normally you'd think of him once or twice and a smile would come to your face, but multiple times an hour was starting to get excessive. He was just a barista, wasn't he?
Your shift finally came to an end. As you were going home, your mind was still buzzing at the promise of seeing Jeongin tomorrow. It was almost hilarious how excited you were to see the guy you saw almost every day of the week. It wasn't even going to be that different than how you always saw him.
You got to eat your lunch when you finally settled in at your apartment. Maybe it was eating and thinking that got your mind away, but you found yourself opening your phone and searching up the name 'Jeongin' on social media. It wasn't a surprise there were quite a few people in the area with his name, but you searched anyways.
As you scrolled, one account caught your eye. The profile picture seemed like it could be him but the username confused you a bit. "i.2.n.8"? His display name was Jeongin, and when you opened the account it was almost immediately confirmed it was him. Username aside, you began to dig into his posts.
He was just gorgeous. There was no other way to put it. Every post was taken in a way that looked like he wasn't trying but somehow turned out perfect. The entire account seemed to have an unintentional aesthetic and you just couldn't stop scrolling and zooming in on photos.
Against your better judgment, you followed him. It wasn't five minute before he followed you back and you saw a text message pop up.
jeongin: stalker much? y/n: guilty
That night was fun. Your text exchange lasted almost another hour before you decided to go out. It pained you to say goodbye but you knew it was best not to burn out on conversation before you saw him next.
The next day rolled around and you were way too nervous about going out. You put on a work outfit that looked what you thought was your best and made sure to look as exceptional as you could.
The time came where you had to leave your apartment and face him. The trip over to the coffee shop was short as usual and a little too calm for how you felt inside. You approached the doors and peered inside, seeing Jeongin behind the bar hard at work.
Gaining your strength, you opened the door and walked in. Jeongin peered up from his coffee he was making and gave you a warm smile. You couldn't contain the feelings that felt like they were blooming in your chest. Either way, you continued on towards him.
"Good morning," Jeongin said in a sing-song voice as you approached, not looking up from his work.
You peered over the counter to see the cream design he was pouring into the cup, "Good morning, what are you making?"
"Ah, a little frog. I saw a video of someone making it and I wanted to give it a try," Jeongin snickered as he finished and showed you, "Looks a little lopsided, though."
It was true that the frog wasn't perfect, but it was perfectly cute. "It's wonderful. I love him."
"Well, if you like it, I like it," He said as he slid the coffee out and called out the name for the order. A man walked up and took the drink, smiling at the design. Jeongin turned his attention back to you. "What are we getting today?"
The two of you walked over to the register just as you had the morning before, "The same thing I get every day."
You began to grab your wallet from your pocket and Jeongin held out a hand, shaking his head. "My treat today. Pay you back in coffee, remember?"
A free drink was hard to say no to. You stuffed your wallet back in your pocket as he input your order into the system and punched in something that took the total down to zero. Jeongin really was sweet, wasn't he?
As he broke away from the cash register and walked back to the bar to start your drink, he looked up at you. "So, you went and found my socials yesterday?"
Your face flushed a bit. Even though it was true, you weren't expecting to be put on the spot for it. "Well, yeah. Couldn't help it."
Jeongin smiled deep. He was looking down at your drink, but his dimples gave him away. "Why's that?"
Again, not an easy question to answer honestly. "Your favorite barista gives you his number, why wouldn't you look him up?"
"Okay," Jeongin nodded, "Did I hold up to your expectations?"
After finding his page the day before you ended up looking at it an embarrassing amount of times. "I liked it, yeah. Did you like mine?"
"Yeah, it was so you," Jeongin looked up and you noticed a small flush on his cheeks, "That's a good thing, by the way."
You couldn't help but laugh. He was so charming and sweet, but he still had a bit of that boyish charm. "Thanks, I'd hope it was," You said, "How's it going over there?"
"Almost done, you keep me distracted," Jeongin grabbed a lid and popped it on your drink, holding it over the bar for you to grab from his hand, "There."
You reached over and took it from him, your fingers slightly touching and your heart pulled a few somersaults. God, this was a high school crush all over again. "It looks perfect, as always."
"My pleasure," Jeongin wiped down the bar with a cloth. You saw him stop for a moment, his eyes trained on something and his breathing was a little hard. He looked up and met your eyes, "Would you want to go out sometime?"
Oh. Oh shit. Maybe his flirting was a bit overt, but the question still caught you off guard. You stood there shell shocked for a few seconds as your brain relentlessly tried to reboot and catch up. Realizing you needed to respond, you nodded a little too hard. "Yes, yeah, I'd love that."
Before you could cringe at your own words, you saw the brightest smile on Jeongin's face. You'd never seen him smile so hard, but it certifiably made your heart melt. He nodded and seemed to compose himself. "You probably have to go to work, text me later about the details?"
You checked the time, muttering a small oh shit under your breath. A bit behind schedule, but you'd get away with it. No part of you wanted to leave him now that you agreed to a date, but duty calls. "Yeah, you're right. I definitely will!" You said as you began to walk towards the door.
"See you later!" He called out from the bar as you opened the door and walked out. Oh, shit. It was happening!
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Gluttony - Leona
Author Notes: It was actually really difficult to choose what I was going to post this week. But I've been a little busy lately, so I finally just chose this one rather than working on polishing some of my other fics. I wrote this one to the song "Too Sweet" by Hozier and that most certainly showed in the writing. With that said though, I'm pretty pleased with how this fic turned out. As per usual, reader is gender-neutral. I hope you enjoy!
Type: Gender neutral reader/ fluff/ some angst with comfort/ romance implied/ some pining/ sfw
Word count: 1528
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Leona opened his eyes groggily, a frown on his face, as soon as the sun shone down through the leaves of the tree that hung over him, briefly blinding him before he sat up.
A hum from his left had his ears twitching before he twisted to see you lying right by his side. A slight smile on your face as the shadows of the leaves swayed across your form, and he felt his eyebrows raise.
He wasn’t particularly surprised to see you, though he knew the same couldn’t be said for anyone who might have seen you here.
Leona was no fool. He knew that you and him were pretty much perfect opposites. That’s why everyone always looked so confused when you were walking along beside him. Chattering away with a happy expression or teasing him about something that had recently gone in a way he hadn’t planned for it to.
Leona was the hated second prince. It was his burden, and it was one he’d carried his entire life. It was nothing new.
He was bitter, unpleasant, and something that people preferred to avoid either out of fear or powerful levels of distaste.
And then there was you. Sweet and far more optimistic than he thought he could ever be. And perhaps more interestingly, you were no fool. You knew everything wasn’t flowers and dreams. How could you not when you lived in a place like Ramshackle dorm and didn’t even have a way to get home? 
You were seemingly trapped in a world that wasn’t your own, but you didn’t let that stop you. Instead, you just keep going with your head held high, a smile on your face, and a laugh on your lips as you shrugged it off. It was admirable.
But it also simply wasn’t him. And that was something he knew perfectly well.
That simple fact was also the exact reason your classmates would find it so odd to see you slumbering here by his side and not somewhere else with someone who was a better match for your sweet disposition.
Leona leaned forward, propping his head on his chin as he looked down at where you slept by his side. You’d come here to study in the botanical garden while he’d slumbered next to you. It was something you often did, though he couldn’t fathom why.
It was almost like you either wanted the company or didn’t want him to be lonely. Either of which was ridiculous, since he could think of plenty of people who’d want to be your study buddy, and he certainly didn't want company for his naps.
But then, Leona also didn’t mind your presence, though he had his own reasons for not running you off.
Leona titled his head slightly, sighing at the sight of you, before pulling the book whose corner was jabbing into your side out of your hands and setting it off to the side where you’d quickly find it after waking up.
He idly scanned the area, half rolling his eyes as he confirmed that your feline companion was nowhere to be seen.
Grim had no doubt long since abandoned you in favor of avoiding anything even close to work.
As for you, Leona didn’t know if you were foolish or bold to have fallen asleep right next to him with no one around to protect you. But here you were curled up at his side, as if he weren’t someone who could easily harm you and were instead someone who would take care of you should you need it.
Which wasn’t something he could really deny to himself, but you didn’t need to know that.
After all, you’d seen him when he’d overblotted and you knew he wasn’t a good person. That should have been enough to send you scrambling to get away from him. But instead, here you were. 
And it was ridiculous.
It was true that it might have taken Jack a little while to realize that Leona wasn’t someone he needed to look up to, but Leona’s actions at the Spelldrive competition had cleared up Jack’s misunderstandings about him. 
Ruggie had always known what sort of person Leona was. It was one of the reasons he hung around. After all, there was safety in sticking close to people like Leona, so long as you remembered what they were truly like.
Both realized, for better or worse, that Leona was not a misunderstood individual who was secretly good. He was jaded, always beaten by others, and essentially worthless.
But then there was you, who was seemingly unbothered by any of this. 
And it wasn’t even like you didn’t believe Leona’s flaws existed; he could work with that. Instead, it was almost like you didn’t care. Like you didn’t really expect him to change outside of your occasional prodding for him to take better care of himself.
You saw his flaws—that much he knew from the times you had bickered with him over something—but you just seemed to accept them. The same way you just seemed to accept other people’s flaws as something that was just a part of them. Only ever really scolding others, or even Leona himself, when their actions either harmed themselves or others.
And that's how Leona knew you were simply too sweet for him. Too sweet for him to endure being near, but simultaneously too sweet for him to turn away.
It was just another show of how worthless he was at anything he tried to do and how little his own efforts mattered. He could try to push you away, but he couldn’t ever stop himself from clinging to you. 
As if you were one of the last sweet bits of his otherwise bitter life. A potent method of making everything else seem to fall away and be ignored so long as he just gets a fleeting taste of that kindness.
And Leona had tried to ignore you, but it was somehow impossible, even when he knew that being close to him could easily taint that sweetness of yours and turn it into a bitterness more like his.
But Leona also knew that you and him were all but opposites, and that was probably where the attraction of being near you lay.
Though that realization did nothing to lessen that attraction, no matter how frustrating it might be.
You shifted, letting out some sort of groggy sound and causing him to snort in amusement at your lethargic movements that had you shifting closer to him as if you craved his warmth. Coming closer to him instead of distancing yourself like you should.
It was ridiculous, watching you now, to think that you’d somehow bested him in the past. But you had. You’d beaten him as well as numerous others at their own game. Making them look like fools, as you seemed to change things simply by existing.
And maybe you did. After all, you weren’t of this world. And perhaps that was why it was so hard for him to detach himself from you.
Your eyes fluttered open, and you twisted to look up at the lion beastman, who didn’t even bother hiding his amusement as you blinked up at him before groggily sitting up, “What time is it?”
Leona glanced around, his ears twitching slightly as he listened to the distant sounds of students chattering as they left their club areas before he looked back your way, “Time to be getting back to the dorms. Club practice has already let out.”
You nodded, not looking terribly surprised and seemingly resigned to having lost the rest of your study period.
“Have you seen Grim?” You frowned lightly as you glanced around, and Leona snorted, leaning back and relaxing once more against the ground, lazily watching you as you collected your books.
“Nope,” At the single word you glanced over at him with raised eyebrows that almost made him want to take back all the previous thoughts he’d had about you being sweet.
But then that tiny bit of bite you had to you only ever seemed to emphasize your sweetness. It was what kept you interesting and at odds with the fools at RSA.
Because, unlike them, you managed to have a certain degree of cunning even with your sweetness. After all, he hadn’t been lying that day when he’d told Azul that you were far more dastardly than the scheming cephalo-punk was.
That was probably another reason why Leona had given up on pushing you away and had even come to expect your presence. He was a glutton for punishment, and with you being a villain that was sweet enough to even catch him unawares, you were certainly enough to keep him on his toes. 
His gaze held yours even as he felt yet another chip in the wall of his defenses fall away, despite the fact that he’d always maintained these walls around himself.
He may not want to let you in, but you really were too sweet for him, and it was reaching the point that Leona was becoming more and more willing to let himself give into his gluttony.
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pomefioredove · 1 day
*does a little dance*
vil prompts you say? Can i get your take on Vil being confronted by Yuu's real and imminent return home? And it's their only chance too (ie. the portal can only be opened with a meteor traveling overhead and surprise surprise its passing NOW they have three days max)
*does a little jig, going away*
you guys love torturing this man omg. so much angst. I'm about to pour all my abandonment issues into him ikyk
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summary: yuu leaving type of post: short fic characters: vil additional info: romantic, reader is gender neutral, reader is yuu, angsty, post-book 7 author's note: my partner has been ignoring me for the past few days (I can't figure out why) so vil is about to experience pain, as he should
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There are only six visible letters in lonely, and a thousand more hiding behind them.
The word carries such a weight with it, its meaning and its leaden implications, crushing the lungs of all who dare to shoulder it. It's a sore, tender sort of hurt, one that constricts the chest and numbs the limbs. Paralyzing, strangulating.
They say beauty is pain, but Vil has never felt more hideous in his life.
He had known; of course he had known. There was always a possibility you'd get your chance to return to your home, a world alien to him, and never come back. He'd been preparing himself for that reality from the moment he met you.
It didn't make it hurt any less.
Love is blind, but it's ignorant, too. Vil had pushed that thought to the back of his mind, covering it up with an if rather than a when, like throwing a veil over a tombstone. He had convinced himself that the chances of you leaving were slim, that when the time came, years from then, he'd be ready.
He wasn't counting on a few months.
"It works for about three days," you explain, a giddy smile on your face. He forces himself to share the expression. "The spell is so powerful, it can only be cast under specific circumstances... if I miss this, who knows when my next chance will be?"
Vil is an actor, yes, but this is different. This isn't something he's reading off a page to a room full of production assistants and actors. This is you and him, alone, tangled in an uncertain future with no ending in 12-point Courier.
His voice cracks. "That's wonderful,"
Sevens, is he selfish.
A part of him wants to slap you across the face and call you an idiot for even thinking about leaving him here, let alone being excited about it, but he can't even move his feet from where he's standing.
He should be celebrating with you.
He should be happy that you get to escape this terrible place. You get to go home, where you're accepted as you are, and loved, and where you belong...
But you belong with him. He accepts you. He loves you. Why do you need anyone else? What can they offer than he can't?
It's an egotistical fantasy Vil holds in the back of his mind for the rest of the day, one where you wake up and realize that your place is here, by his side, and not a world away from him.
He tries to convince himself it's not the end yet. Perhaps the spell will fail. Perhaps Crowley will change his mind. Perhaps someone else will overblot and throw the school into chaos. Each thought is more indulgent than the last, but without them, he might have lost his mind before noon.
What is he supposed to do?
Smile and wave while the only person who has ever understood and loved him unconditionally leaves him forever? Make a fool of himself pretending to be happy for you?
Every second without the certainty of seeing you the next day feels like an eternity.
It's wrong. He knows that. He can't keep you chained to the foot of his throne like a pet. You want to go, don't you? That's what you've wanted all along.
Once again, Vil only comes in second.
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melverie · 2 days
⸺ LESSON 10 ⸺
Solomon & "Nightbringer"
MC's magic
strange feelings & soup
the 'MC is human' situation
records of a banshee
- lesson 9 || lesson 11 || all posts so far -
I'm going to reveal my crack theory on Nightbringer's identity soon since the brainrot is getting out of hand, but then again, it shouldn't be hard to guess based on the points I bring up for this lesson :) I'm still preparing a sideblog for that tho, so it might take a bit Also if someone wants to get tagged for these recaps, do let me know! General spoiler warning for all of Obey Me Nightbringer, as well as for the original Obey Me
Solomon suddenly shows up at HoL uninvited and claims he and Simeon have plans for drinking tea together. Simeon doesn't remember ever making such plans [10-4] -> while we're not told what they are talking about, I'm guessing it has to do with 10-A -> love how he just was at Nightbringer's tea party, and now his immediate response when asked why he's here is just "......Simeon and I are having a tea party" lol
by the time Solomon arrived at HoL, Satan was already outside, yet he didn't realize Solomon came over [10-18] -> while you can argue that Satan was just so caught up in watching the cat, he does notice MC coming over, the brothers leaving to the Demon Lord's Castle, AND this is the same demon that could later tell on that MC was standing in front of his bedroom door based on the intervall of their footsteps
Belphegor talks about Lucifer trying (+ failing) to hold in his laughter [10-1]. Demon!Lucifer would never :(
Lucifer seems overly reluctant to take MC with him and Belphegor at first [10-4]. When asked why, he deflects -> he was kind of quick to entertain the idea of taking Solomon with him as the 'uninvolved third party' though
Lucifer seems surprised that Belphegor was denied entry to a shop back when they first arrived in the Devildom [10-6; pic below] -> since this treatment from the denizens was part of the reason Mammon wanted to gain the title of 'Rulers of the Underworld', you'd think that Lucifer would be aware of this kind of treatment happening in the first place...
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it's raining, which reminds the brothers of the day before the Great Celestial War + according to Lucifer, it was unusally quiet [10-9]. The brothers talk about what everyone was doing that day:
Belphegor was napping in a tree and was all alone that day [10-11] Beelzebub was off in the human world to run an errand on Michael's behave [10-11] Asmodeus was taking a bath, and thinking of ways to get out of Raphael scolding him later on [lesson 10 hard mode] we don't get any comment on Satan, but he was obviously still part of Lucifer, so uh... Would have been interesting to know if he has any fragments of Lucifer's memories of that time tho Leviathan and Michael were taking a walk and talking [lesson 10 hard mode] Mammon was tasked with covering Beelzebub's gatekeeping duty, but he ended up skipping out of it [lesson 10 hard mode] and then there's Lucifer who was......somewhere. The game doesn't tell us what he was up to, but instead points out that no one knows where he was [lesson 10 hard mode; pic below]
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Lucifer hogging the family braincell as usual and immediately realizes that, yep, MC has the Ring of Light [10-16] -> btw kind of unrelated but I do find it funny that out of all the characters to (originally) head to the Demon Lord's Castle to free Beel, it was MC and Luci & Belphie. You know. The only two brothers that wanted to attack MC once they found out that they are a human. Imagine what would have happened if Mammon, Levi and Asmo hadn't shown up lol
[hi, this is probably the only time I'm bringing the Japanese version into this recap simply because I already translated this specific scene here]
illusion!Diavolo and illusion!Simeon pressure Solomon into choosing either demons or angels. Solomon chooses the secret third option :) [10-A] -> since this illusion was most likely created by Nightbringer, we can assume that he wants Solomon to either choose his side (whichever that may be), OR to simply abandon humanity altogether -> a little later on Solomon implies that Nightbringer should know by now that Solomon won't ever waver on his convictions -> Nightbringer knows Solomon well enough to know that threatening MC's safety might get him to change his mind. Solomon does stop smiling at this threat, so he does seem to take the threat seriously
during the illusion tea party, Solomon says that he just wants to be free, and that that's part of his agreement with "him" [10-A] -> while we don't know for certain, I'm guessing his agreement is with Nightbringer since it would make sense narrative-wise
Solomon also tells Nightbrignger that he sounds like a demon [10-A] -> sounds like something you'd either say to someone who isn't a demon, or someone who only recently became a demon
Nightbringer says that Solomon is acting more like a demon than he is because of his arrogance [10-A] -> Solomon then says that it is inevitable that he behaves like a demon since Nightbringer made him to the person he is today
Two fun facts about the Japanese version! 1. Nightbringer uses 「傲慢」 for 'arrogant', which also happens to be the word used in the game for the deadly sin 'pride' 2. instead of saying "you're the one who made me who I am today", Solomon says that Nightbringer is the one who reduced him to what he is now
when Solomon calls Nightbringer......'Nightbringer' (lol), he actually puts his name in quotation marks in the Japanese version [10-A; pic below]. Makes you wonder if he actually is the historic Nightbringer we learn a little of later on, or if it's just someone using that name...
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「」 are the Japanese quotation marks
MC one again absorbs the brother's magic in order to calm down Beelzebub [10-16]
beast mode Beelzebub is heading to the colosseum, and Lucifer points out that it was build on the exact spot the brothers first landed in the Devildom [10-13]. That was a year ago. Why is it built already??
Leviathan points out that the Great Celestial War feels like a really long time ago [lesson 10 hard mode]
[hey, we finally reached the reason I wanted to make this its own category, whuu!]
so here's the thing:
1. back in lesson 8, Diavolo said that while he is now fairly confident that MC is indeed a human, he still can't be 100% sure because there is "something else" within MC [8-1; first pic below] 2. back in OG season 3, fairy illusion!Lucifer asks MC what they are. If MC answers that they are an angel, illusion!Lucifer says this that he knows when he is in the presence of an angel, but also admits that there is something else within them and that he can't say so for certain [OG 52-5; second pic below]
THE REASON I'M BRINGING ALL THIS UP is because now in lesson 10, Lucifer once again mentions being able to tell when he's in the presence of an angel. This time, however, he indirectly claims that he can tell that MC isn't one [10-16; third pic below]
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Beelzebub managed to escape from his prison cell and we learn about the state he is in [10-9; pic below]. Once again, it seems like too big a reaction for just hearing the word 'banshee'
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we also learn that Beelzebub's rampage started right after the brothers left earlier [10-9; pic below]
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Barbatos actually blames the brothers for Beelzebub's escape [10-9] and I am inclinded to believe him because:
1. Solomon was (supposedly) with him earlier, meaning Barbatos would have known had Solomon tried to pull something. And yet he is blaming the brothers 2. while Solomon could have just been sneaky & teleported away right after putting some kind of spell/curse on Beelzebub, the other characters mentioned last lesson that Beelzebub was already acting beside himself during the dinner party, meaning it must have been someone who was also at the dinner party. From what we know, Solomon was with MC at the time 3. while it could have been both Solomon AND Barbatos, I seriously doubt that Barbatos was involved in this situation in any way. Diavolo is already in a lot of distress because of suddenly having to govern the Devildom, MC's situation, Lucifer's comment last lesson and so. much. more. The Beel situation right now just causes Diavolo even more stress, and doing something like that just feels COMPLETELY out of character for Barbatos 4. speaking of seeming out of character, it's not like Barbatos to just baselessly accuse others like that, meaning he probably had a solid reason to blame the brothers 5. I am reaching with this one, but I like the idea lol--Diavolo still has the ability to tell lie from truth, and while Belphegor vehemently denies having played any part in Beelzebub's escape, Lucifer never outright says so
they suddenly start arguing that Beelzebub is acting like this because he's hungry [10-13] -> thing is, we later learn that he's lacking his "demonic disposition" and that the hunger he feels is all No. 6's doing. So unless No. 6 suddenly decided to go all in that can't be true
⸺ MISC ⸺
Belphegor tells MC a little more about Lilith + we get Michael lore (he looks like a jellyfish :] ) [10-1]
Belphegor also tells us that the Celestial Realm forbids angels from intervering with a human's life [10-1]
Belphegor's line from the website [10-1; pic below]
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the sibling bickering <3 [10-6; pic below]
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Simeon reassures Satan that they will one day be known as "the seven brothers" [10-18]
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the-skull-breaker · 2 days
MCL New Gen ep 4 spoliers !
alright alright ! the new episode is out for VIPs, and just like the previous one I got to play Roy's route early, I'll play Thomas' once the ep releases for everyone !
without further ado, click on "keep reading" to see my full opinion !
so first we got to go to the Cosy Bear for potentially meet Castiel serving, but sadly we've arrived late and didn't get to actually meet him, we did get to see Lynn however, tho I understand how Castiel's fans must be disappointed, like I would have loved o see how mister rockstar deals with serving customers, it could be really funny !
then Lynn and Thomas have a small discussion and Thomas just casually told her he was in love with her in he past (I will not go into details about him because, again, I'll make another post about his route later) which led to the topic of romantic relationships. now there was a quick scene with Brune before going to the cafe about her relationship with Roy and the bet the night before, and honestly I was kinda worried about it with the way she approached us but it turns out she's not mad about the kiss, so that was a relief.
to go back at the cafe discussion we got to know each characters' relationship statues and, surely, we got to Roy and Brune's, and while I did expect them to not have an actual serious relationship, I was surprised by how honest they were about their true feelings, and I was ESPECIALLY surprised by the fact that THEY DID NOT EVEN KISS. so anyway they ended up breaking up in a calm and mature way, which I did no expect but honestly ? as uncomfortable as the whole thing was I'm glad it turned that way instead of being messy, however it seemed like both Thomas and Devon were pretty disappointed with the lack of drama which is hilarious.
now we get to Candy's relationship with her ex and we've got the choice to got into details or not, I've chosen the first option which raised my LOM with Roy and as much as I should have expected this I did NOT expect how nice our coworkers were, especially Roy and Devon ! first Roy saying that he hopes karma will get to our ex is the sweetest thing, I'm even more in love with him ! then Devon who says they will not make business with our ex-workplace which is so awesome from him, couldn't ask for a better boss than him !
then we see Jason and the topic of why he's our enemy is brought up and honestly ? I hate him even more... basically his company is just to spite the fact he was disqualified to the contest because... he cheated... and took the opportunity of working with the city hall so he could copy Devon's project... good job, dickhead, you've played yourself ! now I want even more to mess with his plans and drive him to ruin ! *insert maniacal laugh*. now about his past relationships is none of my business, he can have many conquests I don't care, I'm definitely not into him anyway. (anyway sorry for those who do like him, nothing against you, I just don' like him at all)
and FINALLY we get to the illus scene which in the case of Roy happens in the bus and wow, I do wish I was in the place of Candy there ! the way he holds us close to him so we wouldn't fall while potentially not thinking much about it just because he might think it's just normal I just... aaaaaahhhh I love him ! then we discuss more about our expectations in a relationship and it's clear he would be such a good partner, I wish I had one like him...
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and here you go, many people may think nothing much happened but remember that we're still in an introduction state, this episode was clearly about learning the LIs' view on relationship, and from what I see on the preview it seems like the next episode might make things more serious in terms of story, so hold on, be patient, it could still be great !
anyway, that's all for me, have a nice day !
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brightlilith · 2 days
Just add Truth
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Masterlist | Supernatural - Masterlist | Jensen Ackles | Navigation
In Another Universe - Masterlist
Jensen Ackles x Reader, Dean Winchester x Reader
Friends to lovers, Enemies to lovers
Series sumarry: In a witch hunt that went horribly wrong, the reader goes to another universe, where her life is just an act, (and where the handsome green-eyed hunter she has a crush on doesn't hate her), desperate, she tries to return home, but does she really want to?
1. Teas & Potions ➝ 3. Poisons served for breakfast
Warning: Bad English.
A/N:I know it took me a while to post, I'm sorry about that... The good news is that my exams are over and I'm free... for now. I haven't proofread the chapter yet so I apologize for any mistakes! I have some surprises that are coming 🫣
A/N²:I'm still getting used to writing again, writer's block isn't easy. English ins't my fist language, bad English, sorry. If you have an idea and want me to add it to the story, send me a message with your idea and I will be happy to make it happen.😊 Constructive criticism and supportive messages are always welcome, it motivates me to keep writing.
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My mind was completely silent, my body was paralyzed and I started to break out in a cold sweat.
"What?" – I laughed nervously as she closed the door and went into the living room, without maintaining eye contact with him. "I'm your y/n, is supernatural messing with you, jensen?" – I gathered my courage and looked at him, but not before remembering his name.
He laughed...
He was laughing...
Why was he laughing?
"I'm teasing you, sweetheart." – He was laughing. – "I'm going up, see you at dinner." – He headed upstairs and headed towards one of the guest bedrooms.
I let out the breath I was holding, and Eclipsa looked at me and meowed as if to say he knew.
I look at the couch where the laptop was, it was still open to the music tab, a reminder that this was the only thing that connected me to my true home.
What do I do, God?
A few minutes had passed when the fake Dean came down, he came over to where I was and sat next to me on the couch, I had ordered a pizza and put on some movie, where the fake y/n was the main one.
It was strange to "see" myself on TV, her acting was impeccable compared to mine when we had to disguise ourselves when hunting.
She is beautiful, no scars, perfect face, perfect body. Something I could never be. Something the my real Dean would like.
"Hey, what's wrong?" – The fake Dean said when he noticed a frown on my face.
"Nothing, why?" – I disguised
"Nothing, but you have that frown..." – He gestured with his hand.
I laughed and said nothing was wrong, he still seemed worried, something the real Dean wouldn't care about. That was the difference.
"How did you know?" – I sighed, saying something after a few minutes of internally fighting whether I should say it or not.
"Knew what?"
"You know..." – I said reluctantly. – "I know you know..."
He fell silent and sighed before speaking.
"Hm, I don't know if you remember, but when they came here, and stayed in our bodies, I went there, to your reality... and I recognize my real Y/N, and you also has this scar on the cheek." He seemed afraid. "hm... that's it..."
I do not remember this.
"Oh, I see, I don't remember that..." – She said confused. "But why do boys remember?"
"I don't know." – He laughed nervously. "You should know."
I just smiled and went back to the movie, but my mind was racing, maybe they erased our memory? But why not theirs, and why didn't they delete mine again after they told me?
Hang on.
Scar on the cheek?
I touched my cheek and realized that it really was one, and I realized that not only did I come into this reality, but my body too?!
"I'm not going to tell anyone, if that's what I was thinking." – He looked at me again. – "Jared is the only one who knows besides us, but he will keep quiet."
"I wasn't worried about it..." – I laughed nervously.
It was very late, we were already in our respective rooms, and from what I heard, there would be no recordings at least for a while, so I would have some time to see how I could get back.
Jensen, from what I would have to get used to saying, is actually really cool, unlike Dean.
I need to stop comparing them...
But it doesn't work.
I wanted him to be like that.
He and I introduced ourselves and we can say that we would be great friends for a while.
He told me everything about here and about her and how I could pretend to be the Fake Y/N, it was weird I admit, but I needed to do it.
"Morning" – I said yawning when I entered the kitchen.
Jensen was already drinking his coffee, he just murmured good morning and continued drinking his coffee, he's not a morning person from what I saw.
I got a cup of coffee and sat opposite him at the counter, the silence was comfortable, he was still sleepy and I can't judge why I was too, we stayed up late watching movies and talking, the pizza had long been forgotten and was probably in the fridge.
I needed to start researching even more, and I remembered that on set there were the books I needed, even if they are fake, they can still be of great help, but since we entered a vacation period, there was no way for me to get them.
Maybe, just maybe I could enjoy a little bit of this world, and when we got back to recording, I could start researching.
"Sooo, I'm not going to start looking for a way to go back because I need the books that are on the film set..." – I looked at him hopefully before speaking. "What cool can we do today?"
He looked at me and smiled.
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It's getting interesting in my opinion...
Support my coffee addiction
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© morganaah/brightlilith ─ all rights reserved. do not copy, translate or share my work on other platforms.
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dragonydreams · 1 day
Cake is a Love Language - BuckTommy, HenRen
Title: Cake is a Love Language Fandom: 9-1-1 Rating: General Audience Pairings/Characters: Evan "Buck" Buckley/Tommy Kinnard, Hen Wilson/Karen Wilson, Denny Wilson, Mara Driskell Additional Tags: Double Date, Cake is Love Summary: Tommy thanks Hen for introducing him to Buck, so Hen invites them over for dinner. Timeline: post 7x06 Word Count: 2,494 Disclaimer: I claim no ownership over these characters. I am merely borrowing them from Reamworks, Brad Falchuk Teley-Vision, Ryan Murphy Television, and 20th Television. Betas: Thank you to @medieshanachie for looking this over for me.
Read on AO3
The doorbell rang as Hen and Karen were getting the kids ready for school the Monday after Chimney and Maddie's wedding. Hen was a little harried as she opened the door to see a man standing there wearing a shirt with the logo for her favorite bakery.
"Andy, what are you doing here? I already picked up my order," she said, thinking of the single cupcake in the fridge decorated in the bisexual flag colors she planned on taking in for Buck.
"Hey, Hen. This isn't an order you placed, but something that was ordered to give to you," Andy said, holding out a box and envelope. 
"Who's it from?" she asked, accepting the package. 
"Can't say, but they knew what you like," Andy said, turning to go.
"Hang on, let me grab my wallet for a tip," Hen said, quickly.
"Already covered," Andy said and waved as he headed back to his car.
Hen closed the door, more curious than ever, as she carried the box and envelope to the kitchen. 
"Who was that?" Karen asked.
"Delivery," Hen said. She opened the box after setting it on the table where Denny and Mara were eating cereal. Inside were four cupcakes.
"Cupcakes!" Denny exclaimed. "Can I have one now?"
"No, finish your cereal," Hen said. "We'll have them for dessert tonight."
"Who are they from?" Karen asked, obviously sharing the same thought as her son.
Hen closed the box and put the cupcakes in the refrigerator and then opened the card. Her eyebrows rose as she held the card out for Karen to see. 
Thank you for convincing me to fly into a hurricane. - Tommy
Karen laughed as Denny asked what the card said. 
"It's from an old co-worker, Tommy," Hen said. 
"You think that's about Buck?" Karen asked, quietly.
"Oh, definitely," Hen said. "We should have them over for dinner. Soon."
"Tell Buck to let us know when Tommy's next free night is," Karen said. 
"I will," Hen said. She pulled out her phone and scrolled to find Tommy's contact info. 
You're welcome. And thank you for the cupcakes. I'm going to ask Buck, too, but Karen and I would like you to come for dinner the next time we all have a night off.
Tommy replied immediately. 
We'd love that. I'll have Evan coordinate our schedules.
"Evan, huh," Hen muttered. 
"What's that?" Karen asked.
"I texted Tommy to thank him and invite them to dinner and he said Evan would coordinate our schedules," Hen relayed. 
"Who's Evan?" Karen asked, confused.
"Buck," Hen said. "That's his real name."
"I don't think I've ever heard anyone call him that," Karen said.
"They don't. He introduced himself that way when he first started but said to call him Buck, so we do. Maddie's the only one who ever calls him Evan anymore, aside from his parents."
"Interesting," Karen mused.
"Very," Hen agreed.
Buck was already upstairs by the time Hen arrived at the station. She quickly changed into her uniform before heading up. She found him sitting at the table, grinning at his phone.
"I suppose this isn't much of a surprise, but I still wanted to give this to you," she said, placing the boxed cupcake in front of Buck. "Welcome to the family."
Buck's face lit up. "Maybe not, but it is very much appreciated." Then his face scrunched up in confusion. "I thought we were already family."
Hen nodded to the decoration on the cupcake. "That family."
"Oh, right," Buck said, blushing. "Um, yeah, thanks."
"I got the flag right, didn't I? I know we haven't talked about it yet. And there's no rush to label yourself," Hen rushed on, suddenly realizing she may have been presumptuous. 
"Hen, it's perfect," Buck assured her, taking her hand in his. "It's the right flag. I'm definitely bi. I still love women, but have recently come to realize that I also really like men."
"You know, I always thought you might be, but since you never talked about wanting to date men, I didn't want to make you confront something you weren't ready for," Hen admitted. 
"I probably wouldn't have believed you," Buck agreed. "I had no idea that what I was feeling for Tommy was attraction until he kissed me. I just knew I wanted to spend time with him."
"If you were confused, you could have talked to me," Hen said, a little hurt that he hadn't.
"That's just it, I wasn't confused," Buck said. "It was like everything suddenly made sense. Like that thing that I've been searching for so desperately was suddenly right there. I wasn't confused, I was at peace."
"That's beautiful," Hen said. "I'm so happy for you."
"I'm happy, too," Buck said. 
"Karen and I want to hear all about how you and Tommy got together over dinner the next time our shifts all give us a free evening. I already told Tommy when I thanked him for the cupcakes."
"He followed through with that?" Buck asked.
"He did. I assume you told him which is my favorite bakery?"
"Yeah. When he told me he wanted to send you something to thank you for introducing us I told him that cake is your love language and gave him the number to call," Buck said.
"That was very thoughtful, thank you," Hen said. "Tommy already said yes to dinner, so once you have his schedule, he said you'd coordinate on his behalf."
"I look forward to that," Buck said. 
The bell went off then, so Buck stashed his cupcake in the fridge before they both ran for the engine.
It took about a week for everyone's schedules to align, but soon Buck and Tommy were ringing Hen's doorbell.
Denny was hovering behind her as Hen opened the door. He and Mara had eaten earlier, but he wanted to say hello. 
"Come on in," she greeted them. "Tommy, it's so good to see you again."
"Thanks for having us," Tommy said as he followed Buck into the house.
"Hey, Buck," Denny said, coming over to give Buck a hug.
"Hey, Denny, loving the new hair," Buck said. "How'd it get so long so fast?"
"It doesn't feel like it was fast. I just haven't seen you for a while," Denny said. 
"I guess we haven't," Buck agreed.
"Who are you?" Denny asked Tommy.
"Denny, this is Tommy, he's Buck's… date?" she said, unsure of what label they might be using. "Tommy, this is my son, Denny. Tommy used to work with me at the 118, before Buck joined us. He’s the one who sent the cupcakes.”
"It's a pleasure to meet you, Denny," Tommy said, holding out his hand to shake.
Denny shook it and said, "You, too. Those cupcakes were so good."
Tommy laughed. “I’m glad you liked them.”
Hen looked over to see Mara hovering in the doorway, clutching her blanket. "That's Mara over there. She's a little shy." Raising her voice she asked, "Mara, would you like to come meet some of my friends?"
Mara shook her head and retreated from the room completely. 
"We’re going to play video games while you have your dinner," Denny said. 
"You're not joining us?" Buck asked.
"Nah, we already ate," Denny said. "I'll see you later."
They all watched him go after Mara. "Mara's our foster daughter. She's had a tough time settling in but she's been opening up to Denny. He's being the best big brother," Hen explained.
"You're very lucky," Tommy said. 
"We are," Karen said, joining them. "Sorry, I had to get dinner out of the oven before it burned."
"Tommy, you remember my wife, Karen," Hen said. 
"It's a pleasure seeing you again," Tommy said. 
"You too," Karen said. "Dinner's ready, so let's move this to the dining room."
Karen looped her arm through Buck's and led him to the table with Hen and Tommy following close behind them. 
Once the couples were seated on either side of the table, Buck said, "Ladies, you have outdone yourselves."
"Flattery will get you nowhere," Hen teased.
"Except perhaps another dinner invitation," Karen added.
"That's all I'm after," Buck said. 
"Is he always such a shameless flirt?" Tommy asked, amused.
"Always," Hen answered at the same time that Buck said, "Hardly ever!"
They all laughed and began to serve themselves. 
After they'd all had a few bites, Hen said, "Thank you again for the cupcakes. Although I don't feel like I deserved them. Chimney's the one who brought Buck and Eddie to Harbor, not me."
"Don't worry, I got Howie a nicer wedding present than was necessary in thanks. I'd never hear the end of it if I hadn't. Besides, he may have been the one to physically bring Evan into my life, but he wouldn't have been there if he hadn't anticipated you calling in air support to go after Captain Nash and Sargent Grant. We all know better than to ignore your hunches."
"You know, I had a hunch about you," Hen admitted, leaning back in her chair as she looked at Tommy.
Tommy blinked. "How? I was completely in the closet when I was at the 118."
"After Gerrard left, you stopped talking about girlfriends. If you mentioned dating at all you used gender neutral pronouns."
"I didn't think anyone noticed," Tommy admitted. 
"I'm sure most of them didn't, but I'm well familiar with that game," Hen said. 
"Anyone in our community would recognize those signs," Karen added. 
"I probably wouldn't have, but I also got caught out by trying to keep neutral pronouns," Buck said. "That's how Maddie found out about Tommy. I slipped up. Granted, it was the first conversation I'd had after our first date."
"You also came out to the team pretty quickly," Tommy pointed out.
"And what a way to come out," Karen said. "You've gotta tell me, was that planned?"
Buck and Tommy shared a look and grinned.
"Not exactly," Tommy said.
"I mean, Tommy was always going to be my date for the wedding," Buck added.
"But I hadn't exactly planned on coming straight from a fire covered in soot," Tommy continued.
"And I couldn't resist kissing him when I saw him," Buck said, blushing. 
"You didn't tell him his face was covered in your soot?" Hen asked.
Tommy laughed. "Oh, I did."
Buck was grinning. "It saved me the trouble of making some big announcement."
"True that," Hen said. She raised her wine glass. "To nonverbal announcements."
They all clinked glasses. 
"So that's how you came out, but how did you get together?" Karen pressed, leaning forward in her seat, eagerly. 
"Yeah, so do you remember when Eddie had to stay behind on light duty because he'd sprained his ankle during a basketball game?"
"You mean when you pushed him during a basketball game?" Hen clarified.
"Chim?" Buck asked, guessing that Chimney would have given his partner the play by play.
"Chim," Hen confirmed.
"After I took Eddie to urgent care and then got him settled with pain meds at home I went to talk to Evan. Eddie and I had been hanging out a lot since the rescue and I didn't want Evan to think I was trying to come between their friendship," Tommy said.
"I was kinda jealous," Buck admitted, bashfully. "But not just because Tommy was spending so much time with Eddie, but because Eddie was spending so much time with Tommy." 
"I get that," Karen said. 
"Luckily, so did Tommy," Buck said. "He understood better than I did because I didn't realize it was because I was attracted to him until he kissed me."
"Damn, Kinard," Hen said. "Way to just go for it."
"I've gotten pretty good at reading signals," Tommy admitted. "And if it didn't go the way I'd hoped, it's not like I can't take a punch."
"Eddie's the hitter, not me," Buck said.
"No, you're the pusher," Hen drawled.
"Ooh, ouch," Buck said, hand to his heart, everyone laughing.
Tommy brought a hand up to rest against the nape of Buck's neck. "Luckily, Evan didn't pull away and he agreed to a date that Saturday."
"Which I totally ruined by being an ass when Eddie and Marisol showed up at the same restaurant," Buck said, leaning into the touch.
"He did not," Karen gasped.
"Oh, he did," Tommy said, taking a sip of wine. "Their appearance sent Evan running for that closet."
"I was caught off guard," Buck said, "and I reacted badly. Very badly. After dinner, Tommy ended the date early and left me at the restaurant."
"Can't say that I blame you," Hen said, earning a slap on the arm from Karen.
"I didn't actually blame him. I understood why he'd behaved the way he had, but also I knew that Evan needed to really think about whether or not he wanted to date me," Tommy said.
"Which I did," Buck rushed to say. "Eddie talked sense into me after I told him that he'd interrupted a date and not just a dinner between friends and he convinced me to call Tommy. We met up for coffee the next day and I invited him to the wedding."
"After buying me truly disgusting coffee," Tommy said.
"I guessed at his coffee order," Buck admitted.
"Why didn't you just order him a black coffee with a handful of creamers and sugars?" Karen asked. 
"Because if I'd gotten it right he would have been impressed," Buck said.
"Do you still take it–?"
"Yes," Tommy rushed to say. "I take it the same way, which Evan hasn't figured out yet."
Hen tapped her nose and pointed at Tommy. "Gotcha."
"How many cups of bad coffee have you had to drink by not telling him?" Karen asked.
"Way too many, but I'm not giving in now," Tommy said. 
Buck turned hopeful puppy dog eyes on Hen. 
"No," she said. "You won't get it out of me. Unlike some people on our team, I can keep a secret."
"So you're going to make Tommy suffer through my guesses rather than allowing me to bring him the perfect cup of coffee?" Buck wheedled. 
Hen glanced at Tommy who shook his head. "Yep."
Buck gave an exaggerated pout and Tommy used the hand that was still on Buck's neck to pull him closer until he could kiss the pout away.
Hen saw the way that Buck melted into the kiss. She looked over to Karen who had the same soft look on her face that she knew was on her own.
Hen leaned over to whisper in her wife's ear, "I don't think I've ever seen him so relaxed and happy in a relationship before."
"He really is happy," Karen agreed. "They both are."
"Stop talking about us," Buck teased. "We're right here."
"You were a little busy," Karen pointed out.
"Our ears still work," Buck countered. 
"And yes, we are happy," Tommy said. 
Lifting her glass again, Hen made another toast. "To happiness."
The End
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h3rself · 22 hours
did i ever tell you guys that i got a handwritten letter from K?
a little back story: i'm a very sentimental person, and whenever someone means something to me, they will one hundred percent get a piece of paper from me with all of my feelings poured on it in ink. that's just who i am. i keep a small notebook of everything everyone's ever said to me, and i just think it's nice to give others something to hold on to as well (or at least i hope they do hold on to it).
K kind of knows about all this because i've mentioned it multiple times on Instagram stories, but he hadn't gotten a letter from me yet at the time. what he didn't know back then was that i'd been working on a letter to give to him after i graduate. i just wanted to, you know, let him know how much he and his classes meant to me. and i kinda hoped i'd be the first student to ever do that for him in this form.
as you might remember, there was a moment right before the end of my last year at uni where i decided to be a little bold and i invited him for a glass of wine at a nice restaurant. that is also when i gave him my letter.
to my surprise, somewhere towards the end of our meeting, after he said we should head home, he took something–an envelope–out of his jacket, and put it next to my hand that was resting on the side of the table (i remember this because our hands brushed and i almost died)
imagine how fast my heart was beating then!!! he told me to open it at home, which only made me more anxious
the envelope had my name on it in his handwriting. i should probably tell you about his handwriting. he uses a fountain pen, and writes beautifully in cursive. he wrote my full name in gold ink, and i'm not even joking when i say i had no idea my name could look this pretty
i took an uber home and as soon as i got out, i sat at the nearest bench and opened the envelope. you guys, my hands were shaking at that point.
i don't want to post the entire content of the letter here for privacy reasons obviously, but one of the things that i think became engraved in my head was how he said that he never really treated me as a student but rather as an equal because of how much i already knew and how little he had to teach me, and how he viewed having linguistics classes with me as, and i quote, simply using language as a means of exchanging thoughts, because it was never just a class, more like a conversation between us.
i've got a photo of this letter saved on my phone and i look at it every now and then because i swear to god this is the most beautiful thing anyone's ever done for my sentimental heart
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jjks-dodo · 8 months
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teacher AU + vampire AU (gojo got cursed from Romania when he was supposed to get the cursed tool used for exorcising a vampire. but it's more like gojo let it happen for fun lol)
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a-shadowedvales · 25 days
when jane's powers return in season four (and because they were regained by her confronting and accepting her past, rather than being retraumatised with it!) they're stronger than they ever were. when she starts getting a handle back on them, she very quickly comes to realise not only have they affected her, but her mother, too. one of the biggest losses that came about with her losing them was the fact that she could no longer visit terry in the void; while there was no real communication there, it did allow jane to sit with her, and gain a little more connection than she could in the real world. when she first visits the void after their return, it takes her three hours to find terry, something that is both unexpected and incredibly worrying. but when she does, it's something of a miracle. jane's increased strength and control over the void actually wakes terry up from her catatonic state, but only in the void. there's no way to help her mother physically, but she does do so (unbeknownst to her) mentally. terry is reborn in jane's newfound control over the vale of shadows; she becomes the woman she once was, and while her body remains frozen in a "good dream", her mind connected to jane's own allows her some freedom. jane is able to speak to her mother in the void, is able to be held by her, and while it's still unfair and jane cannot stay in there forever, it's something. this only lasts for about eight months, as each visit slowly begins deteriorating terry's physical and mental state, and jane's health begins declining after spending hours upon hours in the void each and every day.
when jane finds out these visits are actually killing her mother on the outside, she deems to stop, but terry expresses the importance of them being able to speak, that she'd prefer to die on the outside, if it meant she could have just a few months with her daughter like this. terry and jane's connection was always so strong, which ultimately led to terry "waking up" in the void, but even jane's newfound strength cannot save her from the harsh realities. each visit nearing the end of those eight months, terry fades more and more, becomes weaker in the void, and her real body eventually gives up. jane's in the void when her mother eventually passes on, and physically feels their connection weaken, like some part of her suddenly becomes lost in the shadows, a part she'll never find again. jane falls into a depressive state for weeks after her mother's death, given she's technically lost her a second time, but soon comes to realise she was lucky to have even shared those eight months together. it was better than nothing at all. there is a proper burial and funeral, (and when jane dies, she's buried next to her mother) which allows jane some sense of closure. she never fully recovers from losing terry, nor from the fact that she never had a proper relationship with her, but she does eventually find some peace with it all.
#study‚ in my dreams it's all real and my heart has so much to reveal.#IF U SAW ME POSTING THIS YESTERDAY. no u didn't.#i wanted to change things again (who is surprised!!) and decided to just rewrite it all rip.#me taking a few weeks off from this blog and then coming back with a brand new terry / jane hc? more likely than u think.#purely self indulgent too i might add!#every day i battle with making my terry portrayal canon to jane's timeline so jane can have her mother in every verse not just#selected ones.#but. her not having her mother is ultimately important to my writing of her and sfjasfjas >:( hate myself for it.#so here be a brand new addition to my timeline that gives jane SOME time with her mother!!! bc i need it for my mental health.#i imagine when terry dies her body turns to smoke in the void. almost like what happened to billy when jane was spying on him.#and he stopped her connection and faded in front of her.#and jane also visited terry a lot in the void because it allowed her to see more memories of her mother.#i hc that she had a real grasp on that before s3 when she looks into billy's memories.#terry (even in her catatonic state) WANTED jane to see what happened to her in hawkins lab.#so she'd want her to see the good stuff too. her childhood. andrew. her grandmother that raised her and becky.#all the good memories!#so when terry dies jane loses all that completely.#which leads to jane grappling with the conflict of whether or not she should have kept visiting terry in the void which eventually led to#her death.#because if she hadn't connected to her. she'd at least be able to look back on all those memories.#jane becomes obsessed within those months and barely speaks to anyone else.#in any free time she has. she's in the void with terry.#her own physical body grows very weak after a little while but she pays no attention to it and even gets into heated arguments with becky.#because becky is jane's carer and needs her safe and healthy. needs to look after her.#but jane is so adamant about the fact that this is her MOTHER and she's finally able to speak to her.#UGH i have so much to say abt this actually i sense a brand new addition to my timeline coming on.#ANYWAY. i'm emotional about them that is all.
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herrmit · 2 months
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not to start shit but. tell me you didn't understand princess jellyfish without telling me you didn't understand princess jellyfish
#idk idk something about the lines we draw to divide women being ultimately useless as they degrade both sides#something something bridging gaps between people with different interests#something something literal actual sisterhood and solidarity between women#i'm never one to defend tiktok i'm not even on there and it surprises me that princess jellyfish is being brought up#but like. what is this supposed to mean. to 'tiktokify' something#girlboss narrative what hello? what? you're throwing words at me and i don't know what they mean#but it's hilarious that this post comes off as something the sisterhood would have posted before all their character development#because this is a story about empowerment not through appearance- but that inner change is what beauty is made of#the development tsumiki and the other members of the sisterhood get is not that now they dress well#but that their often self-imposed isolation is not an antidote to os being ostracized in high school and having social anxiety#and that they've dehumanized other women in the process of defending themselves#and it's not that they have to change who they are of their interests but that they full accept themselves and can therefore#be comfort with who they are#and better navigate the world. and form friendships . and human connection and FUCK#like what are you talking about#sorry i know no one here follows me for princess jellyfish takes but that's what we're gonna get today#i think when you have a fandom / readership as small as pj (in the west at least) every bad take hits that much harder lmao#anyway. kuranosuke princess rights. we are all princesses. etc etc#princess jellyfish#kuragehime#screeds#screeds fR FR#txt#i didn't want to tag this person or show their name bc it ain't personal i just want to address takes like these .#“girl's girls are toxic” “not like other girls are toxic” what if we were all princesses idk. what if we loved each other
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asjjohnson · 1 year
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Part 10 of my poll adventure fic. Links: the beginning, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6, part 7, part 8, part 9.
Danny walked with Sam and Tucker toward his first class.
Just as he started to step through the doorway, Sam touched his arm.
"Wait, Danny, I should warn you..." she said, and searched Danny's face as though she was about to tell him bad news. "A new transfer student was introduced yesterday while you were gone."
His ghost sense had gone off partway through class yesterday and he'd spent a long time searching for the ghost before finally giving up, missing the last few hours of school.
Danny tilted his head to the side in confusion. "Okay? And... there's more to this, isn't there?"
Sam and Tucker looked at each other for a moment, Sam giving Tucker a pleading look, before they both turned back to Danny.
Tucker said, "You remember Gregor?"
Danny frowned. "He's back?"
"Well, noooo..."
"But he does kinda resemble him."
"Okay, whatever. One more thing to think about," Danny said with a tired sigh, and then walked into the classroom.
With a quick glance around, he saw a head of white—or maybe platinum blond?—hair. The boy had his head down, writing something in a notebook.
So that's the kid Sam and Tucker were worried about.
He wasn't sure what his friends thought about him—whether they thought he could be a GIW operative, or some other kind of spy, or maybe even a ghost in disguise... or if they'd just wanted to remind Danny that Gregor hadn't been any of the above. But he would be prepared, whatever the case was.
Danny sat in his own seat, and pushed the transfer student to the back of his mind for now.
He talked with Sam and Tucker for a few seconds. Then Valerie came into the room, looking tired.
Just after she sat down, Danny heard something buzz. She tensed and glanced toward the door with a frown, leaning forward slightly, as though preparing to leap from her seat.
"Good morning, class!"
Danny turned to see Lancer walk through the door. Lancer sat down and sorted a few stacks of papers on the desk, before looking up and beginning to call roll.
Danny started paying attention as Lancer neared his name.
"Dan Phantom?"
Danny startled, his desk rising an inch and slamming back to the floor.
He opened his mouth, but before he could say, "I'm not Phantom!" a voice behind him said, "Here."
Danny snapped his head around.
Green eyes lazily met his.
Danny stared, mouth still hanging open. It was like looking in a mirror.
"Danny Fenton?"
One eyebrow, above the green eyes, rose in question.
Danny's shin was kicked and he turned back around.
"Danny Fenton."
"Oh! I'm here!"
"Tucker Foley?"
"Valerie Gray?"
"Present—can I use the bathroom?!"
Lancer pinched his nose and sighed. "Fine, but"—Valerie ran toward the door—"be back in fifteen minutes this time!"
Danny wondered where Valerie was going. His ghost sense hadn't gone off earlier.
But his thoughts turned back to the 'transfer student'.
He didn't know what was going on. Danny's eyes kept nervously glancing the kid's way, though he didn't seem to notice. Why did he look just like him?! Why was he here?! Was he him somehow?! What was happening?!
Lancer finished taking attendance and said, "Now, today we'll be reading pages—"
A ghost flew by the windows. And Danny's ghost sense activated.
He raised his hand. "Uh, Mr. Lancer, I also need to use the bathroom." His voice was higher than usual, still freaking out about the white-haired green-eyed kid that looked and sounded exactly like his ghost half.
Lancer looked skyward. "Fifteen minutes, Mr. Fenton. Fifteen."
He let out a sigh of relief as he ran from the room.
“Alert me when there’s an update” list:
@charlietheepic7, @chrysanthemum9484, @mymadmedleyw, @dp-marvel94, @aikoiya, @whydouwantmyname, @cinturon-cadena, @freakofyournature, @satanicrutialspecialist, @danphantom80, @kaezer, @chipsyay
(if you want on the list, specifically ask to be alerted for updates in a tag or comment. Ask again if I forget to add you! If I can’t tag you, I’ll send a Message.)
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chubs-deuce · 1 year
Mona's mom is probably in prison and fuck your boundaries, I hope you get brutalized in the future
Those are some bold words for someone who tried to gaslight me with plagiarized words and didn't even have the decency to deny it, even when the server admin from who you stole the paragraph - back from when she was politely warning you about your toxic behavior in dms - has directly confronted you about it.
I know you can't stand losing to the point where you show your worst colors the second anyone disagrees with you (something you've been called out for consistently by multiple people, on top of general rudeness), but this is an L you're just going to have to accept taking lmao.
It was never about Mona's mom or how close to the truth your crude takes were or not, it has always been about your rancid behavior and self-absorbed attitude with which said takes are always presented. You barged into my post and dropped an insulting assumption in the comments about a hypothetical character the post wasn't even about, then made an ass of yourself when I pointed out that it's rude to do that.
The fact that you're completely failing to acknowledge this and instead try to shift the blame - once again - away from you and proceeed to resort to threaten me with violence is just proving that for me.
I don't normally respond to hateful asks like this, but there is also rarely a person that has proven to be as deserving of my ire and being told exactly how much is wrong with them and their behavior as you.
And you hate me because I see through your manipulative bully tactics and call them out plain as day.
Note by the way, please, how not once I have resorted to childish name-calling in this entire post and yet made my distaste for you abundantly clear? That's the difference between me and you.
I understand and acknowledge the risks and consequences of my actions, think and reflect about what I'm saying and how it affects people, how both can and will be used against me if the opportunity presents itself, how to handle it when it does. I will admit when I've made a mistake and do what I can to rectify it, or at least take steps to try and prevent it from happening again in the future. I'm not perfect and I make mistakes, but I at least try to be better.
You don't. You talk shit and get mad when you get hit. Then keep doing the same thing, again and again.
Have you ever stopped to consider that maybe being more observant, honest and mindful will actually get you the kind of validation you crave? And yet you keep tricking, keep manipulating, keep bullying your way through life, to get what you want.
I feel almost sorry for you, honestly. Whoever taught you that that's the way to go has done you dirty, because there's just no way in my mind how anyone as vapid and manipulative as you as her go-to strategy in life would be capable of forming genuine, lasting bonds.
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dmclemblems · 2 years
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we don’t even get to see mikky in this route but we do know he’s out there kicking the empire’s ass and giving them a whole lotta shit and im rly quite proud in fact
#Three Hopes#Three Hopes Spoilers#Sylvain#Miklan#I actually am surprised lots of people who played this route before AG didn't catch on to this#some ppl I've been around like on Discord were unaware that Miklan is in the game at all#so it actually surprises me that nobody noticed the implications just from that first scene#because it's not only clear he's alive but the implication is that he's at the western front and Dimitri is going to contact him#that would mean he's fighting for Faerghus in this war and I'm curious how/why people missed it#also curious if anyone follows me here who didn't notice!#I know it's not as direct as showing him in the route but I'm like legit surprised so many ppl seem to have missed what this means#especially bc Sylvain says ''will say'' and not ''would say'' which implies he's alive and also that Sylvain is aware of his whereabouts#but the second line from Dimi makes it totally clear that he's around and yet I think it kinda like#went over people's heads somehow so I'm legit curious if/how people thought nothing of what was meant there#since I played AG first it was more like surprise that he's even mentioned in this route but a little like yay a tiny win u kno???#but no shock or anything bc I knew his role already in this game and it just makes sense to connect the dots in another route#I think I would've been exploding head emoji if I played this route before AG and saw this lmao#like. what??? he's alive? fighting for faerghus? they're going to tell him about sylvain's position? what WILL he say??? WHAT???#but here I'm like... yeah we been knowin all that now where's muh cutscene of his thoughts#gotta remember to stick this in my post for his lore ref tho
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neil-gaiman · 6 months
I hope this finds you well. Today is the 10th anniversary of my sister's death. She died unexpectedly when she was 20, and I was 13. My sister was so full of energy and compassion for others. She befriended probably well over a hundred people, and knew each of them by name. She taught me something that I think is demonstrated really well in Coraline (and reading it reminded me of her)--that courage is not fearlessness, but it's being afraid and standing up to that fear regardless. Off and on since she died (though more on than off in the past 5ish years), I've struggled with depression and a feeling of pointlessness in my life. The realization that someone that vibrant can suddenly vanish off the Earth has never left me. And I don't shine nearly as bright as she did. It feels like no matter what I do, I'll never leave a significant impact. I've had a lot of difficulty with college, and I'm on my second leave of absence since starting my undergraduate studies. I don't really have any career goals and have had trouble finding a career path that would be interesting and fulfilling enough to me to feel like I could stick with it long enough to make a living. But I've been doing everything I can to keep going and keep trying to get to a more stable place emotionally. To finally find my footing. Every night before I turn in I like to look at your posts on here. I find the words and advice you give to others very comforting. So, I'd first like to thank you for sharing your kindness and humor with everyone. And I'd also like to ask if you'd have any kind words or advice for me. Thanks for your time.
The main thing you should probably remember is that from the inside your sister didn't realise how bright and sparkling and energetic and compassionate she was either. We know ourselves from the inside, see only too well our pain and clumsiness, our depressions and our failures.
She was a light for you. You'd be surprised to find that you are a light for others. You shine. (Whoever you are reading this, I promise you this: you shine, and you will leave your own impact on the world.)
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