#idek what made me think this
alteredphoenix · 10 months
Random question but how true is it when people say that there’s a “yuri tax” if you’re looking to get your fix from Seven Seas.
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unclewaynemunson · 1 year
One day, when Steve and Eddie are still in the early stages of dating, both a little overwhelmed but sure of each other and excited to see where it’s going, Steve brings Eddie flowers when he comes to the trailer park for a date night. It’s the first-month anniversary of their first kiss, and he doesn’t say as much, because he’s pretty sure Eddie doesn’t care about those dates like he does - and it’s not like a one-month anniversary is some kind of great accomplishment anyway - but he wants to do something special and he decides flowers will make anyone happy, if only for the gesture. He gets a bouquet with bold, dark shades; purple and dark red and some greenery with sharp edges and thorns, to give it a little bit of Eddie: sweet, but still badass.
When Steve gets to the trailer, Eddie opens the door with a wide smile on his face - but it instantly disappears and gets replaced with a kind of shocked surprise when he sees what Steve is holding in his hands.
‘Got you flowers,’ Steve says, stating the obvious and leaning in to kiss Eddie’s lips. But Eddie is still frozen in the doorway - his mouth doesn’t even move when Steve presses his lips against Eddie’s.
Steve pulls back and squints at Eddie, trying to figure out what’s going on with him. ‘You alright there?’ he asks.
‘You got me flowers,’ is the only thing Eddie says; his voice is trembling and his eyes are still wide, fixed on the bouquet in Steve’s hands.
‘Should I... not have?’ Steve asks. His palms are getting sweaty against the stems of the flowers, but it doesn’t look like Eddie is gonna be moving to take them from him anytime soon. Panic starts to crawl its way up in his stomach as he wonders if he’s made some kind of huge mistake.
 ‘I um... I’m sorry. This was stupid, wasn’t it? Is it weird? You know I’m only used to dating girls and they always used to love it when I -’
‘What the hell are we even doing?’ Eddie suddenly interrupts him in a shrill voice with a panicked edge to it.
‘What - what do you mean?’ Steve asks, still unable to make sense of what’s happening.
‘I’m not the kind of person you can bring flowers to! I’m - I live in a goddamn trailer, for fuck’s sake! I’m not like any of those girls you used to date, Steve, and if you -’ He glances around him frantically, then fixes his eyes back on Steve’s face, a scared look in them. ‘We don’t even own a fucking vase, Steve, we never - I never - Jesus, they’re really pretty but I’m not - they’re too beautiful for this fucking trailer, you shouldn’t -’
‘Hey, woah, take it easy, alright?’ Steve finally understands what’s going on, and it’s breaking his heart that Eddie believes he isn’t even worth a bunch of flowers. He gently drops the bouquet on the ground, freeing his hands to be able to place them on Eddie’s shoulders in an attempt to ground him.
‘Take a deep breath for me, okay?’
Eddie obeys, taking a shuddering breath while blinking tears away from his eyes.
‘I know you’re nothing like those girls,’ Steve says, softly. ‘And I don’t care. If anything, it’s why I like you so much more. That’s why I think you deserve flowers, even if you don’t have a vase. Trailers deserve flowers, too, you know.’
Steve can see the tension disappear from Eddie’s body as Eddie lets out a heavy sigh. Then, his boyfriend suddenly launches himself into Steve’s arms, colliding into him with a force that almost has Steve tumbling down the steps leading up to the trailer’s front door.
‘You’re too fucking good to be true, Stevie,’ he murmurs into his ear.
Steve can’t help but chuckle at that, holding Eddie as tight as he can. ‘What, ‘cause I brought you some flowers?’
He can feel in the crook of his neck how Eddie is nodding.
‘How about I get you a vase next time, so I can keep bringing you flowers?’
‘I love you.’
Steve freezes. A second later, Eddie lifts his head to look at him. His eyes are wide and shocked, probably mirroring the look in Steve’s own eyes.
‘Shit, sorry, that just - um - that just slipped out,’ Eddie stammers. ‘That was - that was probably way too early, wasn’t it? I wasn’t - I didn’t mean -’ 
‘I love you, too,’ Steve interrupts him.
And the enormous grin that breaks through on Eddie’s face makes Steve decide instantly that he’s gonna get Eddie some sunflowers on the one-month anniversary of their first “I love you.”
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fatuismooches · 3 months
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EVEN MORE CUTE DOTTORE MOMENTS TO MAKE YOU SMILE 🙏 (because I am too tired to post anything of quality)
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ne-nene-ne · 1 year
Imagine being Nagi’s crush and Reo getting jealous, unsure whether it's because you're taking Nagi's attention or because he also likes you
seishiro nagi × fem!reader × reo mikage
- nagi is the primary love interest while reo has a one-sided crush on you (mostly from his pov too)
- includes a smidge of angst I'd say, (well actually not just a smidge teehee)
When Nagi was developing a crush on you, Reo was the first to notice. You were classmates, and you caught Nagi’s attention by playing the same mobile video game he did.
As Nagi was walking through the school yard with Reo, his ears perked up when he heard the familiar sounds of attacking noises and fanfare from his beloved game. Following the source of the sound, he found you, sitting on the bench and indeed playing the same video game that he did. You seemed so happy in your own little world that he didn't want to bother you. Instead, he would often peek behind your shoulder at a distance to see your progress. Your gaming tactics interested him.
Reo found the whole thing amusing at first. He elbowed Nagi lightly, "Why not just approach her and ask her about it instead of watching her like a creep?" Reo wouldn’t have encouraged him if he knew how this would eventually play out.
Nagi took his advice and approached you during those rare moments when you were having difficulty defeating a boss. You were incredibly concentrated on your phone screen, with your brows furrowed and teeth subtly biting your lower lip. It was an unusual sight to see that he finally felt the need to step in.
"Use that spell and use that attack at the same time, he'll be much easier to defeat", he says, earning a startled reaction from you as the silver-haired boy seemed to appear out of nowhere. Yet, you do as he says and end up finishing off the boss with ease.
You say your thanks, introduce yourselves, and segway into talking more about the game (and also exchange player ID's). The two of you began talking to each other more often.
This would be the beginning of Reo's 'dislike' for you.
Reo's irritation would increase when Nagi noticeably had you on his mind constantly.
Even with Reo next to him, Nagi's mind would still wander off to you. “I wonder if she’s online…”, he'd mutter and frequently check his phone, hoping that your active status would be green. The fact that Nagi would check nearly every 2 minutes particularly pissed him off.
In class, Nagi would come over to your desk, pull up a chair, whip his phone out, and you two would play the video game together. Poor Reo would be off to the side, sulking while his eyes were drilling holes into you. He'd be muttering to himself.
So what if you liked the same game as Nagi? What made you so special? Was it the way you'd sweetly smile at him whenever you saw him coming? Or was it the way your eyes lit up whenever he gave you a helpful tip to win? And that soft laugh whenever you thought he was being a bit silly. How annoying… Your blatant 'flirting' was irritating the hell out of him.
Reo was cut off from his thoughts when you suddenly called his name, beckoning him to come over with that same sweet smile of yours. And for a reason he couldn't comprehend, it made his heart beat a little bit quicker. What did you possibly want from him? He swallowed thickly as he approached you two. Turns out you wanted to learn how he and Nagi got into soccer as you noticed them practicing on the field after school.
'Is this your attempt to be nice? How dare you try to act so considerate when you're the root of the problem. I don't need your pity', Reo would think. Yet, he found himself answering all of your questions so willingly. Your eyes, brimming with genuine curiosity, were getting to him as he spoke that he ended up inviting you to watch their practice without thinking. Of course, you said yes.
Before he could come up with something to change your mind, the teacher came in and began class. He mentally punched himself. What was he doing? You were the enemy and he invited you to spend more time with them. But those eyes– It was those bright eyes that gazed at him while he spoke of his passions that got him carried away. He wanted more of it. You found his weak spot and he hated it.
And so you'd show up to their practices to watch them play. The moment both boys saw your figure waving at them, they'd instinctively try to show off. For Nagi, he hadn't realized it himself until he thought it odd that he wanted to put in a little more effort that day. (but that was just the effect you had on him). And for Reo, well, he just reasoned that if anyone at all was watching him, there's no doubt he'd want to look great.
But halfway through practice, he questioned himself. What was the use? You were looking at Nagi most of the time and not him anyway.
You had gained more of their affection when you brought them their favorite drinks and snacks once practice was over. Nagi would definitely eat most of the snacks you brought while you and Reo had to scold him to not eat either of yours. A muffled, "Thanks for the snacks, y/n" would come out of Nagi's mouth, now full of chips, and Reo would mutter a small "...thanks" (If you tell him to speak up or that you couldn't hear him, you'd get a rise out of him for sure, hehe)
And this would sorta be your routine with them. You would watch and wait for them to be done with practice and you three would hang out together afterwards.
Rather, in Reo's pov, it was more like you and Nagi hanging out while he was basically just third-wheeling, no matter how much you attempted to include him in your conversations with Nagi.
The interactions you two had were just different. The looks, smiles, and light touches that you'd give to Nagi weren’t the same ones you'd give to him. It was frustrating that what he wanted was right there but he could never have it.
And so maybe he could finally admit to himself that he's just jealous– Jealous that you were stealing both his best friend and his heart.
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lunarharp · 1 year
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into the deep end - 30k T orufrey fic, focusing on memory trauma, disability, and romance.
the sweet oblivion of the victim, the poisoned freedom of the other.
for one moment - it had felt like two parts returned - the needed reunion of two disparate halves. no more secrets, no more pain.
the moment you get to give back what you never wanted to take. that moment, under the night-blooming flowers, when they had both let out the same single broken sigh of relief.
but they were never whole to begin with, were they?
qifrey swore he wouldn't say 'sorry' to this man any more if he could help it - sorry is cheap now. he didn't want to be in a position ever again where you only have 'sorry' left. so he just looks down into the threads of his blanket, strains his eye until it hurts, feeling his insides - his throat, heart and head - burn with pain. he expects more, but olly says nothing.
olly says nothing.
#witch hat tag#orufrey#sorry i wanted to make a new post for my fic since the first illustration is new.#*stands in the middle of a desolate field in the pouring rain* Please Read My Tale...Blease..Oh god please..*collapses to the ground*#someone asked if there's spoilers in it. Um...yes. Sorry...it's about everything#maybe i should describe it more? it's about qifrey becoming more and more disabled - as i feel is his canon trajectory#and both of them processing the choices that have been made. it was necessary for me to explore this in order to fully understand orufrey#and for them to have the cathartic conclusion-that's why this is important to me for my witch hat fanwork making life. this connects it all#and having dived into qifrey's mind and lived through oru's feelings i was able to get to a place that is possible for them.#the hit/kudos ratio is so pathetic idek what happened. ppl opening it realising its long and saving it for later or just bailing lmfao#idek any more i hate advertising my writing i hate trying to get more ppl to read my long fics it's so hard 🥲#i'm so much prouder of this than my art...i was able to sink deeply into the orufrey feelings i had always wanted to fully explore#so. it's there lol.........i reread the date/kiss segment today after trying to forget about it thinking maybe the fic is just BAD lol#and like.....nope! i like it very much and this is what i was trying to get across. and it's always there to be read by anyone who wants to#and i will always remember the bliss i felt while writing when i was just lost in their world and living as them. dear GOD i love them.#i'm grateful to myself that i put in the work and love to make this so that i can always come back to it. i wanna illustrate scenes properly#but i'm never satisfied with drawing things i've written because i just can't capture the vivid experience in my mind. maybe one day.
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forcebookish · 9 months
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*claws at face* endgame topmew tho
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yourplaceinaugust · 3 months
ok so like a live action voltron legendary defender remake would be a monumentally bad idea and i have literally no idea who would even be cast for the characters in a hypothetical except the only person i can see playing pidge is mckenna grace
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ovaryacted · 5 months
This is gonna be a longish analysis post but just walk with me for a bit. I don’t even know where I’m going with this, but I’m going to talk about Leon’s humanity and how important it is to his character.
The topic of goodness, morality, and humanity when it comes to a zombie apocalypse is something I always find interesting. It’s huge when it comes to depicting what is defined as “good” in a universe where the living are amongst the dead and they are left to survive by any means necessary.
I’m currently rewatching The Walking Dead from the beginning, and I want to focus on Rick Grimes and use him as an example. When we first meet Rick, he’s a sheriff, a good man with a wife and a child (Carl) that he loves dearly. He has community, he has a life, and all of that gets taken away from him when he wakes up in a hospital alone in the middle of an apocalypse. Early on in the show, the first 2 seasons really, Rick is depicted as a man with a big moral compass, he does right by people, he protects who he loves and tries to save whoever he can.
Towards the end of S2 into S3 and beyond, Rick beings to change after he starts killing humans who pose a threat to his livelihood on top of killing the walkers (zombies) as a means of survival. He begins to lose himself the more he kills and the more losses he experiences, because he carries the burden of being the leader and has to protect what he currently has. Killing becomes second nature to him, and he’ll do it without hesitation because he has to.
Within every zombie or monster apocalypse franchise, like TWD, The Last of Us, and Resident Evil included, you quickly learn that zombies aren’t the only things you have to be scared of, but the people that are also surviving alongside you who become corrupt and are a threat to you.
Throughout TWD as the story progresses, Rick faces challenges with other leaders like The Governor and Negan who are seen as a modern depiction of “tyrannical dictators”. These people constantly fighting with Rick in particular, are intended to make the viewers question who is good, and who is evil, because all of these leaders in comparison to Rick are seen as “bad people”. Yet, when Rick goes batshit crazy in S5 and does the things he criticized his late best friend Shane of doing (before he kills him), you start to wonder whether or not Rick is still considered a “good man” or has any humanity left in him.
Why am I talking about this you ask? Well, it’s because the same questions you get when thinking about morally grey characters like Rick Grimes from TWD, it can be applied to perceiving Leon Kennedy’s character from RE. Rick has been through hell and had to do what he could to survive and protect those that he cared for, the same way Leon wanted to do from the beginning except of course it’s a bit different in his particular case.
When we first meet Leon Kennedy as a character, he’s a bright eyed rookie at the age of 21. He’s practically a baby with no proper life experience, and he carries a sense of innocence that he doesn’t really understand until he finds himself smack in the middle of a zombie apocalypse of his own. After experiencing Raccoon City and barely surviving, he gets blackmailed into military service and has to work alongside the corrupt government for years fighting against what essentially ruined his life. He was never meant to be a soldier, or a government lap dog, he was told that from the start of his military career. But he was essentially groomed and molded out to become one by force, and that would make anybody turn cold.
Leon at his core, is someone who is so selfless and heroic that it’s tragic to see how he’s changed as he gets older, of course none of it being his fault. His entire perception of the world gets flipped upside down, and he no longer believes that there is “good” in the world, that there is no justice and the reason why he joined the police force (to protect people) is a fallacy. He’s a good guy that gets thrown into the worst possible situation, and he grows numb and detached from reality because he doesn’t see a point in continuing to fight for a world that will destroy itself.
Despite his thoughts and his traumas, his humanity remains intact. Even when he’s been on so many missions knocking on death’s door, he continues to fight. Of course, a big reason being because of Sherry and because he has nothing else, but at the same time it’s because he still maintains some sense of his moral code after everything happens. He easily could’ve become corrupt with his bitterness and anger towards the government after all the trauma he experienced. If he wanted to he could’ve become like Krauser, or Jason, or even Dylan; trying to gain some power because there is no justice or morality. He also could’ve just ended everything a long time ago if he really didn’t want to live anymore. But he doesn’t. He still helps people, he still wants to save them, and he lives by his own personal mantra: If you don't try to save one life, you'll never save any. (In Degeneration)
And we see that in practice multiple times throughout the times we get to see Leon:
RE2 w/Sherry and Claire, and also trying to save Ada and Marvin
RE4 with Ashley (Luis is questionable but both his death and Krauser’s impacted Leon too)
Infinite Darkness with his team, Claire, and seen in how he treats Patrick
Damnation with how he tells Buddy that he shouldn’t kill himself because he owes it to the people who died to stay alive (kind of questionable cause the delivery was wrong but yeah)
RE6 in general trying to save everyone against Simmons
Vendetta helping Chris to fight against Arias despite being drunk and suicidal
Death Island trying to take down Dylan with everyone else
Leon’s humanity is so fundamental to his character that it’s the one thing that really makes him stand out (of course the main character have their humanity but I’m focusing on Leon in particular). The fact that no matter what happens or what he says or what he’s been through, he still somehow carries the same thinking he had when he became a rookie cop in the first place, and honestly it’s admirable. It’s one of the things that really makes me love him as a character. He’s just a good man with a heart of gold in a shitty situation, even though he doesn’t he’s a good person, and somehow underneath all that trauma, a part of him he still cares enough to keep fighting.
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evansbby · 10 months
guys would it be okay if I posted my poyt fanart?
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Wtf is red dwarf and why does it look so cool
It's a British scifi comedy show from 1988 where in the very first episode everyone but one guy on the space ship "red dwarf" fucking dies. This one guy survives bc he was put in stasis for smuggling a cat on board. After 3 million years he gets outta stasis and learns that everyone died from a radiation leak and yk, it being 3MILLON years later its basically safe to assume hes the only human left alive. The ships computer, who is a floating head on a screen and who (legit and no joke) later transes his gender for a few seasons resurrects the guys boss as a hologram, who incidentally is also the person that accidentally killed everyone. The guys cat was pregnant and in the 3million years it took him to get outta stasis the cats evolved into humanoid guys so one of those cat people is there too. This all happens in the first episode.
The show has legit such interesting scifi ideas and shit i am so mad about how good it is. Shaking. If you like parallel universes then boy will you have something here. This guy:
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Is legit at least 10 completely different characters.
You need to watch it rn. The only thing that keeps you from going "this shit is actually very sad" is the laugh tracks. For some fucking reason they keep making this show every 5 years or so. There was a movie in 2020. I hope they never stop.
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Tim has ALWAYS been a mirror. to anyone and everyone who needed it or who he needed. he reflects those around him and you have to figure out what's at the heart of it all by looking through all those bright, conflicting, broken and warped mirror pieces. as Robin he wanted to be like Dick, yes, but he always wanted to live up to Jason. he formed himself into what Bruce needed, a Robin just enough like both his sons to be accepted despite pain and circumstances pushing back against the both of them, who doesn't realize that in the end he's loved for who he is, not who he reflects. some cameras are made up of mirrors. is the image they capture the same that was alive and in the world, or a reflection, or both? do those mirrors go dark when the shutter clicks or do they light up with flashing fragmentary light? if the Robin is reflected enough times, is it still the same Robin? if the Robin acts as a mirror enough, what does he see when he looks at himself in one?
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the-cpu-system · 4 months
Every time I hear the song G.U.Y by Lady Gaga I think of this weird au where Rhys is like a space sex goddess and Jack is just some human who somehow was worthy enough to see him . Then they have weird interstellar ethereal sex .
Tbh if I wrote a fic for this would ppl be interested ?
UPDATE: fanfic written!! It's G.U.Y on my AO3 !!
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ultr6violnce · 5 months
kinda random but feel like charlie would love jellycats. like on the whole stuffed animal thing , he'd definitely just like collect others to like cuddle. he'd defo love the bat jellycat aswell. ( im only saying it cuz it's my fav ☺️☺️ )
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atopvisenyashill · 1 year
another day another shit take on catelyn
this one was “catelyn is classist for calling the smallfolk edmure is bringing into riverrun useless mouths” and my main thought is “do you guys read with your eyes closed or what.”
let’s look at the passage:
“My people,” Edmure answered. “They were afraid.” Only my sweet brother would crowd all these useless mouths into a castle that might soon be under siege. Catelyn knew that Edmure had a soft heart; sometimes she thought his head was even softer.
now let’s look at catelyn’s other disapproving thoughts throughout the chapter:
Her brother’s voice was full of brusque confidence, but Catelyn found herself wishing that Robb had not taken her uncle Brynden west with him. The Blackfish was the veteran of half a hundred battles; Edmure was the veteran of one, and that one lost.
She was suddenly weary. Perhaps she was wrong to oppose him. Perhaps it was a splendid plan, and her misgivings only a woman’s fears. She wished Ned were here, or her uncle Brynden, or …
and later, when edmure puts his plan into action:
Her brother had taken every able-bodied man for the fords, leaving Ser Desmond Grell to command a garrison made up of the wounded, the old, and the sick, along with a few squires and some untrained peasant boys still shy of manhood. This, to defend a castle crammed full of women and children.
Do you see what happens when you actually read instead of simply deciding that Cat is a huge bitch who hates all Northerners, smallfolk, bastards, tomboys, and all things good and great? You see what she’s actually upset about, which is that Edmure’s plan hinges on luring a man with 3 times his host into battle while leaving Riverrun full of women and children and no one to protect them but old and wounded soldiers. She’s judgemental because she doesn’t think the plan will work and as far as she knows, Robb doesn’t approve of the plan.
And she’s RIGHT - Robb is pissed at Edmure in a storm of swords because he had wanted Edmure to hold Riverrun and that’s it, to lure Twyin deeper into the Riverlands where he’s cut off from refreshing his host, and cut off from King’s Landing, which is tearing itself apart unbeknownst to Tywin. Catelyn was right to question Edmure’s call here because it was a super risky plan with absolutely zero pay off and only serves in prolonging the war.
And Catelyn is right to fear a siege! The most famous siege we’ve had mentioned on page, stannis’ holdout against the reach lords at storm’s end was brutal, and a siege of Riverrun would be no different if it were to last overly long:
Ned found it hard to imagine what could frighten Stannis Baratheon, who had once held Storm's End through a year of siege, surviving on rats and boot leather while the Lords Tyrell and Redwyne sat outside with their hosts, banqueting in sight of his walls.
she calls them “useless mouths” because she’s worried they’re about to enter a siege and she knows a siege can get real desperate when you have a lot of people who need to eat. she’s not making a comment on the uselessness of the smallfolk, she is pointing out the flaws in edmure’s battle plans, which she thinks have a small chance of working - and once again, she is proven to be right! when robb shows up he’s livid about edmure’s blunder! it’s one of the key missteps during robb’s war against the lannisters!
like yeah, a lot of these characters are classist and one of edmure’s defining traits as a lord - his care for the smallfolk - is one of the main positives about him, and also why so many are still willing to flock to the Tully banner! but crowding a bunch of scared and starving people into a castle that is about to be brutally attacked by a man known for the brutality of his armies is not the smartest move!
that’s it!!! that’s all she’s thinking!!!!!!
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oswlld · 1 year
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Here me out… if we remove the time travel element for a moment, Midnight at the Pera Palace is very Orphan Black-coded on a very surface level
Orphan Black S1 ⪢ Midnight at the Pera Palace S1 — Not Pictured: Rachel Duncan, a likely parallel to Sonya
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Proud member of team give everyone in avatar tattoos and piercings
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