#idw rewind
keferon · 4 months
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Percy is a literal war machine when it comes to snowball fights, you cannot convince me I’m wrong on this.
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xyangblog · 7 months
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Rewind: this is going to go down in history
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leefyberrybread · 9 months
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uh oh....
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kawareo · 10 months
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Cut the Camera.
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yogurtlid10000 · 4 months
who are your favorite bots? :3
Long transformers art dump incoming. Thanks for giving me an excuse and the motivation to draw my favorite transformer characters.
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😎IDW Brainstorm is probably my favorite transformer (I like his character, dialogue, and personality)
really happy with how these turned out
Umm also I like Perceptor I’d say for all continuities he’s cool (he was the reason I started reading the comics)
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I also like soundwave
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Also all versions of him 😎he’s just the BEST transformer idc
I like whirls holoform (I mean that’s my pfp too..) and Magnus (and minimus) (DRAWN HORRIBLY FROM MEMORY help I did not do him justice)
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also for awhile after mtmte I really liked Rewind. I think I have mixed feelings about his character now but yea I think he has a lot of cool moments in the comic
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silly minibot
also I really like IDW Megatrons character, and I have his figure too so:
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Man honestly drawing all these I feel like I’ve improved a lot so yaaay
honorable mentions: tfp bee, idw and tfp Optimus, idw cyclonus yep ok that’s probably all my favorite transformers OH I LIKE FIRST AID AND SPRINGER TOO 😎
ok lastly since tomorrow is valentines here’s a little extra doodle : ) cough I think you like this ship, question asker. (Me too!)
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Kay byeee 🎊🎊
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earthstellar · 2 years
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I finally realised why this panel sticks out to me. 
For context: Everyone just arrived in the nightmare Functionist Universe, they’ve ended up somewhere they aren’t supposed to be, and the little drone is basically a cop who wants to search everyone. 
And this scene sticks out to me, this panel in particular, because Ratchet is the only one who challenges the cop-drone. 
Which is pretty significant, actually. 
How to Deal With Space Cops: Fucking Don’t! Unless You Can Get Away With It. 
Rodimus, Drift, Megatron, and Terminus all come from backgrounds where they were all harassed by authority figures on at least a fairly regular basis; They’re far more familiar with being pushed around by cops than Ratchet would be. 
Granted, Ratchet worked in the Dead End and undoubtedly got some degree of shit for it, but he still had the social class/caste status to dodge the more severe questioning, and had friends who were active duty cops himself. He got bothered by some authority figures, but for the most part, he could talk back without fear of suffering any of the more severe repercussions that most of the others here would be facing if they did anything similar. 
Authorities Aren’t That Scared of Authorities 
Chromedome, Rewind, Roller, and Minimus have all worked for or alongside bodies of authority themselves, and therefore likely aren’t as immediately resistant; They want to get through this without incident if they can, and in their minds, that means hearing out the cop-bot before they do anything. Their reactions are on hold. They’re listening, not talking-- Because most of them have been the person questioning others before. 
Gutter Mechs Know The Unspoken Reality of Things 
But check out the looks on Rodimus and Terminus’ faces. They’re just like, alright, this shit again. They’re not letting their faces show anything that a cop-drone might interpret as resistance or aggression, or they know they’re fucked. 
Drift and Megatron actively look put off, because they’re taking more of a defensive approach. They’ve both been treated severely and with suspicion by authority figures before, especially representatives of law enforcement, so they’re not saying anything--But their expressions show that they’re already calling bullshit on whatever this little cop-drone wants with them. “What does this thing want with us, now?” And rightfully, they don’t say shit. They know better. 
It’s a brilliant little bit of visual storytelling. Their reactions--or lack thereof--in their faces is a nice touch. The group of bots present consists of a mix of people with very different experiences of dealing with (or working with) oppressive authorities in their pasts, and Ratchet is the only bot here who wasn’t either a gutter mech or low class/caste, and also wasn’t an authority figure himself (his authority is entirely within the role of CMO, which is still a position of authority within a medical context, but not beyond that). 
Ratchet Had a Cop Friend, So Now His Ingrained Perspective on Authority is Somewhat Fucked
So of course, Ratchet, who has been relatively protected from the worst outcomes of dealing with cops in the past, is the only one to speak up here and risk challenging the cop-drone with a question-- Because why wouldn’t he push back? He’s never suffered at the hands of cops and was never a cop himself. He had cop friends. Surely the cop-drone has to provide a reason for a stop and search? And surely he knows that isn’t necessarily the case in reality, but he still asks, like he’s surprised or caught off guard to at least some degree. (Oh, Ratchet. I like to think that Drift talked to him about this shit afterwards...) 
Ratchet never worked for or alongside a police department before. He doesn’t grasp how fucked he is, if that little cop-drone decides he’s a non-person on a whim. He might understand that there’s risk in this interaction on an intellectual level, but on a personal risk level, he’s never really been at that much risk of being trashed by the cops. 
Even when working in the Dead End, his cop friend(s) clearly knew about it and never arrested him for it. Shit, we know at least one of his cop friends actively helped him out by dropping off potential patients at his clinic. 
So everyone else present has some level of experience, good or bad, with dealing with actual cop bullshit. But the majority of Ratchet’s personal experience with cops has been entirely through the lens of being a respected mid or high class/caste bot with a profession that benefits pretty much everyone, including the cops. He’s largely been “safe”, even when doing unsafe/illegal shit like running his Dead End clinic.  
So of course, his immediate reaction to being stopped and searched is essentially total bewilderment. 
Privilege: Legacy of Cybertron’s Past  
It’s entirely possible that Ratchet, even when working in the Dead End, has never really been all that bothered by cops/authorities before, despite the risks involved in running his clinic there. 
This might be the first time that he’s being stopped and searched like this. He’s never really been profiled or viewed by authorities in this way before, at least not so directly. He’s now dealing with a cop-drone that is treating him the way they treat most people, not the way they treat Ratchet the Medic and Trusted Friend of a Police Captain Equivalent, because the authorities in this universe are ones that he has no personal connection or familiarity with. 
His profile isn’t automatically popping up with all his credentials next to his name. He’s just some bot, with a bunch of other bots, and he’s now suspect. And that seems to have caught him off guard, a little bit. 
Nobody else is saying shit, because they understand this situation more personally. They’ve either been treated like shit by cops before, or they’ve BEEN cops before. 
But Ratchet is the odd one out, and he’s the only one with the particular social status of being a medical doctor, and so he pushes back, because what, exactly, did this little cop-drone say to him? And he feels secure enough to actually ask the drone for clarification. The authority figure bots know to stay quiet and let the cop-drone lead, and the gutter mechs/low class bots know that whatever they say, they’re about to get arrested anyway. 
Nobody but Ratchet is surprised, and it really feels like Ratchet is showing some of his pre-war social privilege here, totally by accident. It’s not his fault, it’s just how he experienced pre-war life compared to the others. Cybertron was a shitty place, and Ratchet was only aware of how shitty it was because of his personal drive to engage with those of lower classes/castes in order to try to assist them; If he hadn’t actively desired to open his own clinic in the Dead End, he would have stayed in Iacon, surrounded by other mid or high class bots. The same people he had spent most of his time interacting with, up until that point. 
We see how he handles Drift in the flashback to when they had first met; His advice comes from good intentions and genuine desire to help Drift, but the advice is ultimately hollow and impossible for Drift to commit to. Ratchet is shown as not really grasping how dire things are, that it’s not possible for Drift or other bots like him to simply walk into a job centre and pick up a paying gig. It took some time for Ratchet to understand this, because it wasn’t his lived experience; As a medic top of his class, he’s always been in high demand. But that isn’t the reality for Drift. 
It’s a realistic approach to exploring class/caste differences, and I really appreciate it. 
This panel is a genius quick and subtle way to emphasise the class/caste differences between all of the characters here, and highlight how vastly differently these bots would all be treated-- Both in their actual past, and in this alternate Functionist universe. 
Anyway it’s 3 AM so I’m going to bed now, just wanted to write this out before I forgot about it LMAO <3 
I can’t recall the exact issue this panel is from at the moment, but when I remember or get the time to look it up again, I’ll edit this to let y’all know! :) 
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ikkosu · 2 months
(adopting gn!human reader)
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a/n : been wanting a cute fluffy request I hope I wrote them uh satisfactorily 😭😭 I actually enjoyed writing about baby and cdrw maybe I’ll write more scenarios with this little family ughhh so cute
"Alright folks, we're leaving in thirty minutes!" Rodimus's voice echoed through the speaker.
"It's either you get on or get off the ship forever— Er, ah...oh what's that? We're not allowed to leave when— Damn it. Apologies, there's been a restatement by Ultra Magnus declaring it's illegal, you guessed it, for whatever reasons I'm not bothered enough to care. Blah, blah blah. Oh, shut it drift. Anyways, latecomers are welcomed in the brig. Buckle up in thirty! Rodimus out."
Rewind swivelled his gaze from the rock nestled on the grass, then to the ship, hovering not too far from where he's crouching. "Huh, guess I'm taking a detour." Then, his camera skims over the verdant fields of rolling hills. Red lights, blinking. "Won't hurt, would it?"
The LL had a short break stopping on Earth, mostly for refuelling, fresh air, stretching limbs,,,totally not because Brainstorm blew up the left wing again and The Science Team had to patch things up discreetly
Seriously, where is HR when you need it?
And, obviously, the Archivist is not missing the opportunity to explore, of course. It's earth! Home to,,,well,,,,the most complex (derogatory) kinds in the cosmos. And, this rock he's been examining? It's an extraterrestrial mineral. Figments of rocks from asteroids, comets, and the like originating outside of the Earth. Crazy, huh.
Better keep that for safekeeping.
Aside from, ah, well wandering where he's able to film stuff, occasionally animals and cows of the like, it's more like a need, at the moment, for a bit of (lets put this gently) space away from his conjunx — since, he's been acting like an ass of late.
Ahem, going behind his, ahem back to doing ahem Mnemosurgery....again.
It's not even an 'again' anymore, it's just borderline often
Why does he even bother to listen? You can't break old habits, as Ratchet would say. They'd break themselves before they could ever stop.
"So that's it? You're just going to ignore me like that?" Footsteps pattered behind him
Rewind huffs, walking faster. "Took you long enough to figure it out, genius."
He groans. "Oh for— Primus sake, Rewind, come on. Don't do this. We can talk."
"Oh sure, sure! Talk." He threw his hands up, whirling around to face his conjux. "That's what you always say, promising me like you're going to get your eyes gorged out if you didn't. What else, tell Red Alert to stop being paranoid and Whirl, a psychopathic ass?"
Chromedome palms his face. Primus, this apology isn't going well as he expected it to. "Look, I messed up. I breached a trust you had in me. I shouldn't have done it. That was very... inconsiderate....of me..."
"What is this, eight grade? Spelling bee on who's responsible?"
"That's not the point! You can't just—"
And, so it begins. The bickering. The blaming. Hand pointing. Arguments ablaze, never listening. Voice raising — just the tip of the iceberg, not even close to it's full potential.
"I bet my words doesn't mean anything to you now, does it?"
"It's does, Rewind. It does!"
"Hey! Stay there! Don't even come any closer or I swear to Primus I'll—"
A cry gurgled out amidst the bushes.
The Mnemosurgeon stiffens. He looking around for the source of the cry when he notices conjux was staring at him. "What?"
"Wow. Wow. Low blow, Chrome dome." Rewind puffs and presses his fists on his hips. " Low blow. I didn't think you'd do this. You're gonna resort to mocking me, now?"
He sputters. " You think that was me?"
"Yeah, blame it on the cows. Blame it on 'em like you do when avoid all responsibility."
"What's even a cow? Oh, for—" Then suddenly he lets out a surprised sound, dropping to crouch next to a bush. Rewind doesn't bother to look. Why would he? He's busy sulking and he wants that Mnemo-no-to-the-o to see it. Though, his audials tuned into a rustle of leaves when—
"There! Primus, Rewind look at this."
Said Archivist was still sulking, arms crossed, looking away. "Nuh, uh."
"Don't you nuh uh me." CD chuffs and figured actions were bigger than words so he scooped up the bundle of blankets and shoved it up his face. "Well? Still got film for this?"
Rewind takes a moment to register the visage.It was, if he knew his terms correctly, a human child. No, wait. A baby. It's the size of a sparkling but....smaller. And, significantly softer.
Most of all, it's crying. Coolant— er, tears streaming down the side of it's cheek. Gently, his servos curled around the scoop, nestling it softly against his chassis. He felt a kind of pull in is spark. Something fond pulsing. Chromedome loosened, looking away. What's the point? The mask already hid his smile.
"Seems pretty far from it's residential zone." Chromedome peers across the horizon searching for even the most recognizable specks of rooftops.
Nope, nothing.
Just rolls and rolls of green foliage.
"Hey there little fella." The Archivist coos, digit caressing the cheek to soothe it. The baby sniffled then blink, lifting up it's tiny fingers to bap his index. "What's a baby doing here of all places?Aren't human, uh, carrier, sires are very protective of their offsprings?"
Chromedome doesn't know what to say, he's not Ratchet or Percy, but he's sure as hell relieved their argument took a turn into park. "Misplacement, maybe."
"...How do you misplace a baby in a bush?"
"Things like that can happen, you know."
"If anything, it seemed like it's deliberately thrown in there. Look! It's even wrapped in a blanket."
He held it up for the Mnemosurgeon to see who, in turn, simply shrugged.
"Yeah. To keep it warm."
"Until someone finds them."
Chromedome narrows his optics. He's got a bad feeling about this. "Rewind. What are you trying to say?"
"What I'm trying to say is that this child is deliberately left here to be found. We can't just leave it out here—"
"Are you saying we should steal it?''
"I'm not saying we should- ugh yes! I'm saying we should steal it—"
"You're kidnapping children now?"
Ratchet cuts through both of their comms, immediately barraging them, "Are you two idiots done squabbling with whatever stupid problem you have or are we gonna have to wait another fraggin' hour until you both make up and kiss?"
They had to take the baby, much to CD's dismay.
Ultra Magnus was losing his mind. What do you mean you found a baby in a ditch, in a bush, in a field of all places?! Even worse, literally miles and miles away from the nearest habitual region!
Purely, coincidental. He'll have to look in his files for crimes like this lest another is let loose for havoc. The young are the future for society! Something Cybertron is severely lacking in
Unacceptable. Simply unacceptable. Oh, and by the way, you're both going in the brig. You're late.
"Chromedome stalled me."
"Here, we go again."
Everyone is busy cooing and taking turns prodding the bab, and can someone please keep whirl away from the child he's armed, (with the exception of Megatron, the medics and UM) who didn't, mostly for the fear of passing diseases to it, mostly stood far with unimpressed looks on their faces.
First Aid, though, eventually took matters into his own hand,,, by taking it into his own hands and putting it in a glass box (shut up Brainstorm we're not using your stupid Polyhex Quadrilateral Box or whatever) to scan it's vitals and conditions
Everyone was outside, peering through the glass, prodding, helms jut at odd angles to see through the crowd — while the medics delicately assessed its condition.
Ratchet had to explain poor Rewind that not everyone wants children and not every parents are deserving of it so. He's seen this a lot in human culture.
"So they abandon babies just for the fun of it?!"
Well, he's got a point. Most of it at least. "Rewind.... no."
When they were done ensuring the baby is in optimal condition, Ratchet comes up to the, er couple, if he had to put it that way and crossed his arms, a brow raised.
"Do you trust yourselves enough to look after the child?"
"Might as well." CD sighs. ".... I've got enough responsibility on my plate, already."
"Nobody forced you to go back and take it." Rewind mutters.
Ratchet held up a servo to cut off another argument brewing. " I'm going to put this out clear."
A digit points to them. Ratchet grits his dentas and every word that spooled out of his vocalizer, more intense.
"You both are going to have to put your differences aside. You're going to resolve that problem of yours, and resolve it clean — not in front of the child, but behind. Go hide in a broom closet for all i care. Mutilate or incapacitate each other's limbs, if it helps. Fight all you want, kill each other if you have to. But this baby? This baby? You're going to give this child the most loving, caring family it can have. You hear?"
Shenanigans ensue.
Obviously, given they're Cybertronians, human anatomy isnt a topic they're very well versed with. Rewind does know a thing or two. But consulting videos are not really the best way to go when neither of them have the tools to feed the baby
Percy and Nautica (because he doesnt trust brainstorm) are tasked with concocting the milk formula. They're seen tinkering away in the lab, barring the other scientist against a let-me-in charade. Lab doors are locked and padlocked with a specific colde — suck it BS.
All elements, minerals and resources as such are to be provided Rodimus (begrudingly), then fact-checked by the medics, very, very carefully.
They're like guts deep in space and very far from earth. A quantum jump to said planet, in case of an emergency, can affect the only organic living onboard.
Moreover, Ratchet doesn't trust CDRW to learn the stuff themselves, so he holds five hour long sessions daily on how to provide sufficient needs for the baby. You know, handling them, playing with them, learning their gestures, mannerisms,,,etc
CD loves holding baby by the armpit, and especially loves it when he does that, baby tries to bap his face, squealing and babbling, trying to reach him— he finds that his chassis always melts a little.
Rewind, on the other hands, adores cradling baby in a blanket. He likes how warm and soft it is against his arms. And how easily it his to nestle baby under his chin as he walks.
He is the most affectionate from the two. And definitely records everything. Soccer mom-esque, cheering loud whenever baby does something' monumental, for instance, blabbering dada coherently. But also the most rigid. Like, lattice structured rigid.
''Rewind you watch snuff films you hypocrite, a Sunday cartoon getting a liiiiittle violent is nothing compared to the archives you go through." Rodimus wags the CD in front of the Archivist, an upturned pleading pout, pulling his features. He looked comical hunching to regard the smaller Archivist with baby nestled under his chin.
It was an obvious ploy to fiddle with the baby. Everyone's trying to get a nab of their little squeals, these days. Why wouldn't they?
Those adorable fats for cheeks, soft and cuddly, crawling around the habsuite like a cretin, gumming on everything they could find.
Skids managed dodging through the vents after a successful glimpse of peek-a-boo (Rewind forbids physical touch. He's not risking any disease that can be transferred.)
He slinked down and baby immediately latched onto his pedes, babbling for an upsie. It took him a while, and much restraint, not to take it through the vents
Swerve almost poisoned baby with the engex again because, in his own words, what's a little harm in trying new things?
He's now locked up in the brig, banned from touching baby ever .
This entire crew is a hazard and Rewind wasn't having it.
"Is this the same captain known for illegal conduct of meteor surfing?"
"....Oh, shut it."
Chromedome's not very affectionate but is less-rigid when it comes to baby. He's the type to cave in when they want something. Sweets? Oh, you want sweets? He doesn't care if the Lost Light is miles away from the nearest planet. He's going there and he's going now.
Stop him and he'll plunge those long, needle-like nails into mecha's skull, their ancestors could see Primus's aft whole again.
Hoards like,,,,around fifty satchels of sweets. It was only until Ambulon had a private chat with the Mnemosurgeon, that, yes, the baby is going to die eating that much.
So, he offered safer alternatives if baby wanted something sweet. Boiled potatoes, ripe avocados and fruits could help. (They'll have to frequent the nearest planets)
CD is like the most cynical ass ever to exist so Rewind find himself with an existential crises, staring off into a wall, when baby would scrunch up their face, the way CD does when he's displeased.
"That mask stays on."
"But I didn't even—"
"It stays on."
But he also finds, a little begrudingly, that CD is a lot more understandable these days. Mostly always cradling baby and humoring the little cretin . Arguments are close to nill. He barely has to raise his voice
Cybertronians naturally have harsh edges, given they're metal (duh), so their rooms would be congruent in terms of features as well. Not exactly a pleasant thought when an organic is dawdling about.
So to be safe, in their habsuite, Chromedome installed padded cushions everywhere. Even the ceiling is padded, mecha's kibbles are also padded (much to Rodimus's chagrin)
And, every inch and crevice of that room is filled with scribbles. (Scribbles only Swerve can decipher, but he's busy lounging in the brig so there's that.)
Red Alert, during a habsuite check, once blacked out inside the room because he didn't recognize the new change. It was so pastel-ish, bright and soft, he justs goes away
Chromedome finds the poor mech on the ground, baby on top with their crayons, assaulting said mecha's face while squealing at the teal green against stark red paint
"A new paint job, huh."
"Chromedome, get the poor guy up for Primus's sake!"
Baby is limited to the Library and Med-bay (as per Rewind's request). Library because Megatron is there and they know for a fact he's more trustworthy with the baby than anyone. And, Med-bay because, well, medics
But obviously, baby is like, a little cretin who thinks rules are a no-go and said social construct a danger to society. And, by who's declaration? Rodimus. It's Rodimus.
Rewind is going to murder that speedster of a captain
So , it's a given mech's will see CD scampering across the halls upon spotting baby dangling off a goddamn beam. Or, hanging off someone's shoulder, (said bot doesn't know, because baby is so small, the sensors didn't pick up), then sees the mnemosurgeon slumping onto the ground in relief, passed out for a minute
What's baby doing there?!
Rip CD's spark rate.
And, since they've got to play the part of a happy family, Rewind has to sleep in the same berth as his conjux. Not that they didn't ever
After the reveal (CD going behind his back doing unethical things w/ his fingers) Rewind was obviously displeased so they sported separate berths. Now? They'll manage squeezing in the same bed.
Rewind tried to act all huffy about it, glancing to one side, as though he doesn't want to be there. He does. He's just sulking.
Chromedome silently stares at the ceiling. Baby is between them, chewing on a miniature Rung figure (that Rung gave because, somehow, it calms the little thing)
Baby notices the silence and wants attention, so they bap their hands on the surface when both mechs weren't listening. And does it again for the fifth time. CD sighs and decides to humor baby, a little.
"It's past bed-time." He says quietly, patting their head
With a squeal, baby plays with CD's servo and curls it over their head. He scoops the little bundle up into his arms and loosened up a little.
Rewind swivels to find baby nuzzling his conjux, both deeply asleep. Something soft thrums in his spark, and while he’d rather bash his conjux’s a skull with a hammer, he can’t deny the lovely visage of him cuddling their child. So, he scoots over a little, resting his helm on CD's shoulder. He doesn't flinch when a servo lands on his shoulder plate, pulling him close.
Maybe, it wasn’t so bad.
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rawmeknockout · 9 months
Whirl gets invited on a picnic with the Minibot Squad. Shenanigans ensue
I'm gonna respond to this less like a fic and more like an assortment of ideas because I have many thoughts.
It started as a picnic, handmade treats and friends hanging out, and just devolved into absolute bastards and their malevolent little plans. Theyre dropping people's belongings into buckets of paint, putting a strong magnet under Rodimus' captain's chair, replacing Magnus' important documents with Megatron's poetry datapads.
Rewind is a shithead, Swerve is a shithead, Tailgate is a shithead, and Whirl didn't realize they were all so AWFUL. For once, Whirl seems like the tame one. Once someone proposes an idea, the others build upon it like they're building a fucked up fortress of bastardry. They celebrate a bunch of fucked up pranks successfully laid with sweet, fruity beverages and delicate little finger foods made by Rewind.
Whirl knew they were little bastards, but he's blown away and impressed.
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Mermay Day 8- Atlantic Pygmy Octopus Rewind
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soda-sparkss · 6 months
come get yalls food srry for not posting had a forced hiatus bcs my puter broke :(
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plus transformers oc :) his name is Stripscrew(courtesy of my husband)
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keferon · 7 days
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And nothing bad ever happens to them:>
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starscoffeecreamer · 5 days
Hi Tailgate anon back, been going nuts for minibot gang all day and the idea of lost light farm made me insane, sorry to always be in your inbox with long post-
Take the minibot carrier club and move them into the farm, three lovely cows and their two studs. Tailgate, Swerve, and Rewind make the cutest herd and Cyclonus and Chromedome would do anything to keep them happy
Rewind and Tailgate have absolutely swapped tops before, and both have been knocked up by each other's partners. Chromedome takes Tailgate apart slowly until he's desperately mooing and begging for a spike to fill his forge, meanwhile Cyclonus is fucking Rewind so hard you can see a bulge in his belly. Once their conjunxes are full and definitely sparked, Swerve enters the mix. They'd make it a competition who could fill Swerve's forge first and spark him, the winner gets first pick of their cows once they're ready to breed again
Eventually the minis are going to want even more from their studs, and aren't they lucky they have two tops who will do anything for them and two valves to fill
Rewind is the lucky first cow. His conjunx and Cyclonus both stretch his valves to the limit, pounding into his gestation tank until his belly is swollen with transfluid. They wouldn't stop until they're absolutely positive Rewind would carry from both forges, and he's happy to let them go all night if he's gonna feel that good
He wouldn't just be getting treated by his studs though, not while his fellow cows are waiting so patiently. Tailgate and Swerve are both feeling up Rewinds perfect carrier body, rubbing his full belly, squishing those soft thighs, squeezing on those huge tiddies until he's leaking everywhere. Swerve is the real lucky one, being the only mini between them with a mouth. He's the one who gets to latch onto Rewind's nozzles and drink up that sweet energon while he gets well and thoroughly bred by their studs. Eventually it would be their turns, and then the three of them get to spend more quality time enjoying being so full of sparklings like good cows should be
it's all good! I love it when people get texty in my inbox, I love seeing people's ideas
oh my god I love this sm. little fat pregnant Minicowbots and their big ol sires.
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amiination · 2 years
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Hey I'm back! Kinda. I probably will have a busy schedule so posts are a bit more rare.
But I recently (2 days ago, sepcifically) got news that I was accepted into the course I went to the interview for!! I'm so happy! I didn't expect to get in ^^
Thank you everyone for the support! I'm so excited...the course consists of animation that I can't wait to learn...maybe one day I'll create a idw transformers animation XD (which would take forever lol.)
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nephitefortuna · 6 months
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Some Chromedome and Rewind for today
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itonakoart · 2 years
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rewind icon commission for @rewindedart thank you^^
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yogurtlid10000 · 4 months
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🥳minibot who died and came back…😎
Inspired by some other artists styles I’ve seen around :00 shoutout trashflower on insta your art is so fun
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