#if good was a word that could encompass all those feelings I am experiencing rn
taraunderstars · 6 years
When I first started on Tumblr I made my blog thinking it was a blog like any other. I started to write my posts as if I was on a Livejournal. But then something extraordinary happened: people. I met people, and discovered Tumblr is nothing like any other blogging platform, because it actually encourages community and dialogue between blogs. I first started with the intention of putting my experience with Lesho out there, so maybe people going through the same thing I had could find me over the internet - and I met some. But I must admit, now, my blog is becoming something else entirely. I have shared some resources. I even, recently, accidentally messed up my in-blog resource list and index and it became a post generating notes (wtf?). I admit, I am now part of the “community” whether I like it or not. 
so I GUESS I should clarify some things:
NO, I won’t be what some call a “beginner friendly” blog. I mean, I’ll probably answer to any ask I get (as long as Tumblr doesn’t eat it), but it won’t be in the way you expected. Probably. I won’t hold your hand in the early stages of spirit communication or astral travel and explain each and every step because so many people have put good resources on that already, I just don’t have anything to add to that. HOWEVER, if you want to tell me your new exciting experiences, I’ll probably listen and laugh and cry with you.  NO, I won’t be providing services any time soon, or ever. So many talented folks do it already and it’s not part of my path rn. SO I won’t give energy readings, channel spirits for you, etc.  NO, I won’t stop shitposting. I’ll probably continue posting new resources, but most of my posts will be random astral meme jokes that aren’t even funny. I’m not sorry.
BUT WHY, you must ask, why you are so mean?  It’s because I’m a double Gemini and I have no heart And because magic in general encompasses A LOT of possible paths.  I don’t want to influence people because my path is very personal... so my advice will always stay vague. I am in no position to help you find your path. I don’t want the responsibility of guiding your first steps onto something that’s probably not even for you. And I probably will never talk about my witchcraft on here because it is very personal. I’m a filthy Gemini who keeps jumping paradigms and I’m afraid you won’t be able to follow my barely formed thoughts and end up misunderstanding something capital. THATS ALL. And NO, Lesho isn’t the massive bitchy asshole I make her sound to be. and NO my practice isn’t only hanging around the astral, being snarky and ending up in Bad Situations. I’m a mystic at heart, and Lesho is the center of my mysticism (FEEL THE GAY LOVE). I started this path before I was even born. I started studying various paths of occultism and paganism and New Age shit too since FOREVER. My dad (the one who is dead and whom I love very much) was an adept student of ceremonial stuff. I have talked to tree spirits since I was three. I don’t even have words to describe most of the things I experienced. Believe me, it’s all grounded in reality but I won’t talk about this because I have no heart, remember? 
HOWEVER, I am a proud anti capitalist bordering on anarchism, feminist, queer, gender non-conforming, vegetarian striving to be vegan, having been through rough mental and physical health patches and MY HEART WILL ALWAYS GO TO THOSE WHO NEED DEFENDING
Your practice is your own, and your soul is your own. Stand up to them. Don’t let anyone take the steering wheel of your live. Don’t let anyone dictate your path. If you need someone to reassure you, that’s alright, but keep in mind most people can behave like jerks if they have an occasion to so please, please, keep the most personal bits to your friends.  BE THE BAD ASS YOU WANT TO SEE IN THE WORLD And if you can’t, that’s alright. Pretend you are one, that’s the first step to being one. Reclaim the power that’s yours to take. Ignore the hate, if you can. If you can’t, don’t go down easily. Being a witch is being Other, being subversive, belonging to some other place and that includes not fitting in to standards of society. If witches can’t get along well, then what’s the deal?  Cheers my loves, and be strong!
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