#if you're curious yes they're possible as siblings
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My Omori catify nonsense.
Aubrey, Basil, Mari Hero, Sunny, Kel
Aubrey: Black amber tortie Basil: Fawn calico Mari: Black smoke Hero: Chocolate golden marbled tabby Sunny: Black with low white Kel: Red classic tabby, minimal white
Design notes (extremely long, image heavy, and fancy cat patterns heavy) and concepts under cut.
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Aubrey is based off non-agouti (genetically solid) black amber, made tortoiseshell. Amber is a trait in the Norwegian Forest breed which causes most of the cat to change colour from black/browns to a red/orangish colour starting at around three months old. Using this to drastically change her look somewhat suitably for the timeskip, because just using hair dye is boring. As for why tortoiseshell, she gets associated with fire a lot and for "scars/wounds", which the red splotches are styled to resemble, meant to give her a tough look. There might be something in how they're less distinct post-colour change. The red end of her tail vaguely resembles Basil's. Stripes on the tail curve towards the tip like flames. For non-colour features, she has spiky lines and ear tufts. The tufts are red for the fire look. Maybe I should've just gone with orange eyes instead of yellow but I wanted to them all to have different colours, and Kel had to get orange. Yellow works fine enough for fire and is the cartoon star colour, starry eyed in (more) youth.
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Onto Basil, he's a fawn calico, fawn, cream, and white. Cream is an obvious choice to match his blond hair, while the fawn is meant to resemble dead moss as a mirror to his headspace design, and I did just basically copy his hair over directly. Not too pleased with it. Dewclaws and the bottom of his paws are also free of white for green thumbs/muddy look. The fawn end of his tail vaguely resembles Aubrey's as said above. Also fun fact, tortoiseshell/calico cats cannot be AMAB without some sort of mutation or chimerism. While I did not mistake him for a girl, a ton of people did so I thought I'd carry it over here. Broken mackerel stripes for the tendrils his Something has, and his tail stripes slant towards the tip like leaf venation. The high degree of white was mostly to not have mottling (look, I try to go for as much realism as I can), it was just about the generic bicolour pattern until I thought to spike up the flank region as Something's teeth and to stick a daisy above his left eye. His fur is arranged to look like a perpetually soaked creature, and his ear tufts also droop. Some fur on his back curls like dicot sprouts and his weird hair tufts.
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Kel gets two designs as well, not because of some colour change shenanigans, but my indecision. One is chocolate tortoiseshell classic tabby and the other forgoes the chocolate, being just red classic tabby. The mix of brown and orange evokes orange joe, more brown above since it looks like espresso floats on orange juice and like a tan, and I did mistake him for a girl at first. But I wanted to have Aubrey and Basil match in being the only torties, as a sibling theme (headcanon). Classic tabby for the signature bullseye pattern, ballin'. Being tortoiseshell also allows me to draw actual basketballs on him, even if I only did it for the flank one. Honestly the rest of the tortie mottling is just random, not planning on replicating them accurately ever. He has very small amounts of white, the toes and locket. It's meant to reflect his jersey and sneakers' white patterns. His line style/fur tufts are round like his hair.
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As for Hero, he is a chocolate golden marbled tabby. Golden because he's the golden child. If Kel is tortoiseshell, they match by being chocolate. Marbled tabby allows me to crudely draw roses with nigh 0 reproducibility plus rosettes, instead of just rosetted tabby. The roses are on his flank and one upright on his foreleg. It is also classic tabby with the Bengal modifier, so he and Kel match here, tortie or not. His fur tufts come in threes, like his hair. Crimson chin when stylised.
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Sunny is very basic for his colours, just a solid black with (unusual) white spotting. Mewo dictated he and Mari be black cats. His white is placed more deliberately, a cloud on the head, collar and socks that reflect his clothing, and the rest completes the tuxedo look. The fact that his muzzle and collar line up to look like Something was unplanned but welcome. His eyes are sun coloured. Based his build off of Oriental Shorthairs for the scrawniness. The end of his tail splits into two tufts to reflect his weird hair tufts.
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Last but not least, Mari who is a black smoke. Like Sunny, she is solid black. It's got the ghostly quality and when tabby stripes are visible on smokes, they're called ghost markings. She has those on her face, very unsubtly music staff with two semiquaver notes. The gene that causes smoke in solid cats turns tabbies into silver tabbies, so she is in a way, silver, matching Hero's golden. Her fur style is smoke/vapour, the ghostly quality again. She also has the Oriental headshape to match Sunny. I considered having her be silver shaded instead for the white dress spirit Mari is pictured in but that would make her and Sunny look very different. Included as an alt, anyway.
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All of them together. The base here (and above) is by Reevees on DA.
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Old concepting headshots, dates a few years back. They have the different versions of Kel and Aubrey. Sunny and Mari are kept just about the same, while the others have more notable changes.
Headspace full designs will come in some time... three years? Dunno. Hero's palette will change completely.
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Old line styling test, only Aubrey, Basil, and Sunny. Older and young.
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bbimharuuu · 2 years
Reader in Yandere! HOTD 1
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‌You came from a prestigious house, well known for their bravery and beauty. Even though your house is not as big as The Lannisters nor Baratheons; your house is still respected by many.
‌You didn't know your mother as she died during childbirth. You were no bastard, your mother was the first wife of the lord of your house. Only a few moons after your mother died, your father remarried. He once explained that he did not love your mother, yet he respected her enough and they both acknowledged that they married only as their fulfillment of their duty. Sadly her passing was only brushed off by your father too quickly, never once talked about her as if she never existed.
‌Although you have heard from your septa or maesters around your house, that your mother was special to certain houses. You never know what they meant, but it's as if she's special to them. Yet you never know which houses they meant nor do you know about your mothers past.
‌You gain lots of siblings who are far more beautiful and talented than you are, but in the depths of your heart; you felt somewhat relieved. You never were the one who wanted the attentions of others, therefore you kept quiet. Only doing your duty and lessons as quietly as possible, minding your own business. Your father and step-mother never complained, happy and content that you're at least never causing any problems. They're too focused anyway on your other siblings rather than yourself.
‌Though they never mistreated you. Your step-mother was nice and kind, while your siblings are alright to say the least. Sometimes you have tea with your mother, maybe join a few lessons with your siblings; but other than that you like to be alone and read books or talk to the septa and maester about certain topics.
‌Noticing your behaviour, your father tried to put the spotlight more on your siblings. Your step-mother was happy, yet nervous how you would react. But you never complained, only smiled at her while telling her it's alright. It's best for the house's reputation this way, you were just average in all aspects.
‌One day, your father announced that House Targaryen, Valeryon, and Hightowers are to be expected here in your home. The sudden news made servants rush to prepare everything, but it made you wonder why your father called you in a secluded area.
‌"Dear, you must not be seen by anyone as the guests visits our house."
‌A weird request that made you more curious, so you asked the reason. Your father seemed hesitant, only sighing deeply before saying, "It will all make sense. But for now, it's best for you to be hidden inside your room for the meantime. They will not stay long, as I don't even know why they're visiting. But after they're gone, I will explain everything."
‌You nodded, feeling somewhat relieved that you don't have to meet anyone new. Especially from big houses like The Targaryen, you've heard about how tense their relationship is now. It's best if you don't make a fool out of yourself.
‌As time went by, the day for their visit has arrived. To prepare, servants placed many books inside your room and guards stationed in front of your room for protection and needs. You woke up to the sound of a dragon roar, making you groan at how loud the sound was. You are curious yes, but you appreciate a lovely sleep more than dragons to quell your curiosity.
‌Reading the whole day seemed like a dream to you, not changing into more proper clothes and deciding to just stay in your nightgown. You read almost till night time, pausing when you hear someone walking in the corridor near your room. It doesn't sound like your guards, as they never left. Hushed talking was heard, making your heart jump in fear. Quickly hiding beneath your bed, you concluded it was an assassin when you notice your door slowly opening.
‌Holding your breath, you notice footsteps slowly making way inside your room; pausing every now and then to observe the cluttered state of your room. It was then a deep voice called out, "Little one, where are you? Don't you hide, now."
‌There was no way you are dumb enough to answer, but you couldn't help but want to see the man. Peeking from underneath your bed you saw a man, dressed in black and red attire; holding the hilt of his sword. Squinting your eyes, you gasped when you realized it's the infamous Daemon Targaryen, brother of Viserys Targaryen; the king of the seven kingdoms.
‌Too bad your gasp was heard to him, the man pausing his steps before slowly walking next to your bed; slowly kneeling before offering a hand towards you. "Don't be afraid little one, I won't bite."
‌Steeling your nerves, you slowly extend your hand towards his, grasping his rough hand before slowly exiting underneath your bed. When you met his gaze you shivered from how dark they were. But you noticed a slight awe and...happiness? You were confused when he gently pulled you to a standing position, a little shocked at how gentle he was acting when you've heard about how cruel he was.
‌"Hello, [Name]...It's wonderful to meet you again."
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merakiui · 7 months
aaaa brain rotting abt the jade fwb situ....wondering how Floyd would react if he ever found out.
I'm stuck between the possibility of him either 1. Getting extremely upset from the fact that his shrimpy would really rather fuck his brother when he's rightt there :/ (which in general the aspect of how Floyd would react to cheating I feel can be pretty obvious to guess but when it's his own brother involved I truly wonder who's side he would take in the situation. Pretense; jade being like- "Floyd will literally kill you if he finds out about this :)" because after all who's side would he take when the truths revealed? Jade def uses that as an extra plus to manipulate you I'm sure ;;
But anyways, 2. Floyd is open to sharing with jade- but in a way that truly makes reader suffer,, after all its still cheating! I can imagine the tweels taking turns impersonating each other just to mess with reader's head who, unbeknownst to them and is pitifully unaware that Floyd has long since known about their relations with jade- but wants to scare reader one day while it's assumed reader is messing with jade as per usual but a (purposeful) slip up from jade Floyd strikes the reader with dread that they've fucked up D:
Omg yes!!! What's especially fun about the line between Floyd and Jade is that it's entirely possible for one of them to end up wanting what the other has. Floyd could have no interest in you whatsoever, but if he finds out you're sleeping with Jade in secret? Suddenly he just has to have you because Jade has you and it's not fair if Jade has something Floyd doesn't! >:( it's essentially the same vice-versa. If you're in a fwb situation with Floyd and Jade finds out, he's naturally going to be very curious and if he stalks observes you enough he might find himself falling for you.
But then there's also that sibling urge to just,,,, sabotage regardless of opinions or feelings. It's like how Floyd essentially tattled to Eliza on Jade during Ghost Marriage (about how the flower he'd given her was a poisonous species) solely because he couldn't stand the idea of Jade winning when he failed and was stuck frozen LOL. It's so petty. I imagine both brothers can be like this towards each other when you're involved and they're both vying for your heart or one of them is and the other has no interest.
And the idea of them impersonating the other just to mess with you... I love it a lot. <3 the twins can do very good impressions of the other, so you might be entirely fooled if you aren't scrutinizing too closely. They live for the way your face falls when you slowly start to realize they've tricked you all along. If Floyd really wanted to, he could probably muster the patience to play Jade for a while, but he's so capricious sometimes. Conversely, Jade could do it all day. If it's a game where he knows something good will come out of playing a long waiting game, he'll gladly put in the effort.
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apollowhoo · 2 years
Hey, can you do a yandere collector x reader were the collector and the are flame twins? Since they're soul split into two bodies, they can used collector's magic?
(well, this took me a while to understand!)
The Collector goes by he/them and i'm using him
The Collector x Twin!Reader
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There are 2 possibilities really. You're either energetic or you don't have any kind of energy.
Energetic Reader
All you two are gonna cause is chaos. You guys have so much energy inside and especially after going back to your human forms, you guys are worse than ever. All you do is run around like a maniac. You guys mess with anyone that you want. I mean both of you have a power that is too powerful for the your own good. Ya'll can play games all day long! You guys probably force people to join to your games as well. I mean no one can stop you guys from bothering people. The Emperor is probably scared of you two. When it's just the one of you, you know it's not THAT bad but when it's the two of you...there truly is no getting out. Ironically you like cold jokes. Sometimes you make them just to annoy The Emperor or someone else. Y'all also gossip a lot, you guys can't mind your own business. Both of you, curious. You guys want to know everything about everybody! You guys also act like each other in a comedic way. Bullying each other as a joke then doing it literally to strangers. The worst part is, both of you know how powerful you are. You both share the same power so for example you found out something new about your power, you can use it on The Collector then show him how it's done. You guys love pranks, you guys do it all of the time! The Collector hates it when you aren't with him. I mean why are you hanging out with someone else when he's there. Aren't siblings suppose to stay together forever? He often gets jealous. Whenever you hang out with someone he just doesn't shut up. He's also very protective of you. If someone does something to you, they are going to die in the most painful way possible. He truly loves you and you love him too. Another headcanon is that; you guys try new dumb stuff. Most of the time it ends with either killing people, burning the place, hurting one of y'all or a traumatic experience but it's still fun. You're never alone, there is always someone who matches your energy! Pretty solid relationship i say.
No Energy Reader
He always wants to play with you but you don't have the energy:( . You not being all that sunny isn't a huge deal for The Collector though! You do play board games with him. You're more mature than The Collector. You protect him from any kind of threat or at least you try to. Also you probably are not a bully...you kinda are. He loves clinging onto you. He never leaves you alone. You both do create chaos but you prefer going slowly while The Collector just goes right into it! He isn't all that patient y'know? The Collector watches you do stuff. Like reading, making food...yeah you get the point. If he wants to cook just like you, oh boy. He's probably going to start a tantrum if you say no so you have no other choice than saying yes. Be really really careful because he might burn down the place. He sometimes pull pranks on you to see your reaction and ngl they are kinda funny. If your someone who is always tired, he'd cuddle you or something. He tries being extra quiet when you're sleeping (fails miserably). He makes a lot of noise but i mean he is you brother so you can deal with it. He hates seeing you without him by your side. I mean what if someone catches you of guard?! He does know that you're really powerful and all but still he worries about his sibling! He's also over protective and possessive too. He want all of your attention! He even gets jealous of the book you're reading. I mean why pay attention to a book when there is The Collector. He obviously loves when you decide to make chaos with him. It's actually pretty fun when you try it out! You guys often have little talks. He trust you with his own life. He tells you anything and everything.
(as i said before it took me a while to understand the request, so i hope i did it right!)
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ask-duotale-b2fc · 5 months
✨️Duotale FAQ✨️
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Just in case peeps ask questions a lot lol. Will add more as we go.
•What exactly is this AU about?
Its just a funny little AU where not all monsters were locked underground and some went into hiding instead. Some species of monster in this AU can take on human form with their magic, hence why this is possible. Of course, this doesnt stop kiddos, human or monster, from climbing that darn mountain though.
•When is the next page?
Duotale updates every Friday. Time varies but I try to keep it between 10am and 12pm EST. If either day falls on a holiday, the page will be posted the following day.
•Why is this AU called Duotale?
Because the two main characters are twins, hence the Duo in Duotale. Ok they aren't twins, but they are siblings, born a few months apart. Yes, Strawberry is the Older one.
•Is the player a thing in this AU?
Maybe, maybe not. Depends on the AUs in the Citadel. No one is controlling the Duotale cast though. They've had their own mind and actions from the start. Underplayer is in the Citadel though, if you count them as a player.
●Can my AU be featured in your comic?
Why yes. Just refer to the link in the Masterpost labeled "how to get your AU into the comic". Follow the rules, answer the questions, and you'll be in where we can fit you! Do note that we will try to spread everyone out through different MVC visits, so please, don't be upset if your appearance isn't automatic! You will be seen eventually before the story's end! Scene art and asks are a different story though.
•Will Kris make an appearance?
Yes :3. I'll leave it at that. Ralsei will make an appearance in asks or art, Susie may or may not be in the comic itself. Here's the boi. During the comic he's a lil toddler. (Gender explaination is below btw for those that care.)
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•Is Kris gonna be Frisk or Luci's counterpart?
No. Neither. They will be their own person.
●Is Clover gonna make an appearance?
Like Kris, the cowboy ghost will be there, but unlike Kris, you won't see him in comic til the end. He will (and has already) pop up on our blog, like Dalv or Star sherrif boi, but in comic, sorry, hes in Asgore's castle and that's so far away right now lmao. But here's how he looks. Yes, he knows the fox stole his hat. He does not know where his gun is, though.
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●Will xxx color soul child also be in this AU?
Depends. We already have the Yellow soul decided (obvi). If There's another colored child you wanna see pop up as a canon-to-duotale ghost at the end of the comic you can ask, but so far only Clover and MAYBE Marine(Patience soul) but the lore is off that comic might contradict yellow or ours so that's undecided. Any other kids so far would be only seen in the MVC. We're trying not to pick kids in full existing sets so thats why Clover and maybe Marine are our only choices so far. We are more likely to make up the rest tbh. No more red souls though beyond cameos. Red souls work a special way in our AU and there's not a lot (if any) that can fit that requirement.
•Can other ghosts see Chara/Luci?
Yes. And she can see said other ghosts. Strawberry can only see those that she summons and Blackberry can see ghosts as well. Frisky can sense spirits near him but obviously cannot see them.
●Why do some characters have rings around them?
That just means they're dead. Ghosts. Spirits that didn't move on to heven or hell. The ring color matches the color of their soul and doesn't change. Luci, Blackberry, Dalv, and Kris have special rings though. They change color based on emotions. This color changing mood ring is only available to one species and it starts becoming visible around puberty. Luci is fullblooded, hence why her ring is always visible and changing like a rainbow, though Blackie and Kris aren't fullblooded, so their rings might be a bit faultly ha. If you're every curious what the colors mean, you can refer to the link labeled "Luci's mood ring" on the master post. Or a more simplified list ca be found on her teen ref.
•What exactly are the main cast's species?
Blackie is is a halfbreed kitsune vampire, Luci is a purebreed vampire with demonic powers, Strawberry is a tanuki who practices witch magic, and Frisky is a human. He just has a magical scarf to give him wings like redbull. As for Kris... you'll figure it out. No spoilers, sorry lol.
•How did you come up with the idea of Duotale?
Originally this story was gonna be a comic of our own runs in Undertale, showing how they clash and would effect each other. Kinda like thise PMD comics and Nuzlocke animations people make. But somewhere between writing the script and making the first cover art, we changed our minds and made a whole AU instead.
•Is fanart allowed?
Yes uwu. You can find character info and all current ref sheets in the Masterpost, last section at the bottom :3 If ya tag me, I can reblog it in my main account so peeps can see it, and an account I have specifically for or art made by others so I wont lose it. Main account is @oatmealkitty . That is where all non ask/comic art goes.
•What ships are in this comic/blog?
Oh boy a hard question to answer. Ignoring any cameos, out of our own and JUST our own characters this is the list. I'm probably missing a LOT though as these are off the top of my mind.
☆Friskyberry (Frisk x Blackie) | ☆Charaberry (Luci x Strawberry) | ☆Charisk (Sugartale) | ☆Chariel (Luci x Cristal; in the past before adoption, though nothing comes of this.) | ☆Pappyton | ☆Soriel (They break up post story on mutual terms) | ☆Torgore (They break up before the story and never get back together.) | ☆Kingdings (Asgore's relationship post comic) | ☆Sansby (After Sans and Tori split) | ☆Alphyne | ☆Kris x Ralsei
•What are the pronouns of each character?
You will find all information on the masterpost, last section. If someone is missing we just didnt finish the refs yet. Apologies. Since I know MK, MTT and Blooky will be asked about due to lack of refs, they are all he/him here but Blooky and MK accept They/Them. Remember that this is an Alternate Universe, as in not sticking to the game's lore to a T. So please dont start a fuss over this. If canon versions of the characters ever speak or are spoken to in the Citadel, they will be referred to by the genders Toby (NOT THE FANDOM) placed on them, so be happy with that smh.
A note to avoid confusion since I KNOW this will cause issues if I don't give a bible explanation: WITHIN the comic, Kris' pronouns will be he/him, hence me calling the younger one he/him. Personally, I can't see a literal 3 year old toddler changing his gender or even caring about that. I know I sure didn't back then lol. I didn't care till damn near the end of highschool tbh. Soo, He starts requesting people use they/them (if possible) in his late teens as thats what I personally experienced. Sorry to anyone who wants out of the womb non binary/trans babies. Oh and when he's spoken to or about in another language, regaurdless of age, it will be male pronouns bc languages. Sorry, can't fix that either. That's just how languages work. So yeah, Tldr: In comic=he/him. In asks=they/them (he/him if non english language).
•You can ask LITERALLY anything to ANYONE. Even the mods. All suggestive/sexual questions will be filtered with a label if need be.
•All questions will go to the post comic adult versions of the cast unless specified in the question, or unless we allow asks for the kiddos for some reason.
•You can ask spoiler based questions, but they will either be heavily censored or answered in a joking manner as to not give away everything that happens in the story.
•All asks that seem like spam will be ignored. I know we answered them before jokingly but after a while it becomes too much. Also! We will ignore asks about religion (offensive/forcing), racism, sexism, stuff like that.
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cinemasteves · 2 years
Eddie teaching reader how to suck him off but reader is all self conscious but it's all cute and sweet
Friendly Favors
eddie munson x reader
notes/warnings: 18+ pls! soft dominant!eddie, swearing, a blowjob, weed & mentions of alcohol
not my gif
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Being best friends with Eddie has its perks. Free weed, a ride to school everyday, constant sleep overs and movie nights, the whole nine yards. You both found peace in each other. Him being able to distract you from your house full of younger siblings and parents on the verge of divorce and you being one of the only people to willingly want to be his friend and talk to him. You knew everything about each other. Well, not everything. You'd been keeping a small, silly secret from Eddie, afraid that he'd make fun of you for it for the next few months. The secret? You'd never given a blowjob before. Sure you'd hooked up with guys, but it's never come down to doing that. They always wanted to please you. Which you're not complaining about, but you want to do it at least once so you know what you're doing just in case a guy actually does ask for one.
Tonight was no different than any other Friday night at Eddie's trailer. You two watching some shitty movies and being so stoned you think you're hearing shapes. The two of you giggling about god knows what and talking about literally any and everything.
"Hey Eddie," you giggled "I've got a confessionnnn."
He gave you a concerned look, but laughed along with you. "Lay it on me princess." What came out of your mouth next was not what he was expecting at all.
"I've never.....sucked a guy off." And just like that you realized that the shapes were gone and now you were left horrified awaiting his response.
"Really? Why?" He had a serious, yet intrigued look on his face. Not the response you were expecting.
"I don't know it's just...i've never been asked t— wait...why aren't you making fun of me right now?" you questioned.
"Oh no believe me i'm going to, i'm just curious. So you mean to tell me, that out of all the guys you've hooked up with, none of them wanted a blowjob???"
You shook your head no.
"Freaks. They don't know what they're missing."
"What's it like?" you were expecting him to just explain in detail what happens, but his answer made your stomach flip upside down.
"Want me to teach you? I could use one anyway, been a while." You stared blankly at him for the next couple of seconds before he spoke again, "You don't have to if you don't want to, I just figured we could kill two birds with one stone." He shrugged, sitting back into the couch getting comfy again as if what he just asked you was a simple yes or no question.
"U-Um...sure." You stuttered.
He sat up again and moved closer to where you were sitting, grabbing your arms tightly. "Are you really sure? I don't want you to feel pressured." He's suddenly nervous about this, realizing how this could possibly change your friendship. Sure you guys have shared kisses before, but they were only for dares or if you both were drunk. It didn't bother either of you, and you never had a complaint, he was a phenomenal kisser.
"Yea. Let's do it." He gave you a kiss on your cheek after your response before guiding you to the floor in front of him and you blush at the feeling of being on your knees for thee Eddie Munson. Although this would probably be something you both put in the back of your minds after it's over, you still wanted to please him to your best ability, otherwise you'd never want to show your face here again.
Your nerves began to kick in as he started to undo his belt. The sound of the metals from his rings and belt clinking was something you'd never thought would turn you on. He watches your face in awe, smirking and getting hard at the sight of you on your knees for him. "C'mere for a sec sweetheart." He pulls you up onto his lap so you're straddling him and brushes your hair out of your face, tucking it behind your ear. Both of his hands rest on the sides of your face and he slowly pulls you in for a kiss. The cold of his rings clashes with the warmth of your cheeks, sending a shiver down your back, making you unintentionally grind on him. He lets out a hum as he gets fully hard and brings his hands down to your hips to guide your movements for a couple more minutes. Breaking the kiss, his hands come up to cup your face once more.
"As much as I'd love to see and feel you ride me, we have something else to do."
He lifts you up so he can pull down his jeans and boxers as you get back down onto the floor. You look absolutely angelic to him right now, so sweet, somewhat innocent and so, so beautiful. Your eyes widen at his size, causing your nerves to kick in and him to smirk. His hand comes around to your neck, slightly gripping to bring you forward.
"This might sound kinda silly, but just think of it as sucking a popsicle." he explains. "Just spit in your hand first and rub it around to lube it up a little. Kinda hurts if it's dry."
You nod, doing as he says, taking him in your hand, pumping a few times to rub your saliva around before bringing your mouth forward. As your lips wrap around him you hear him groan, causing you to stop, fearing you already did something wrong. "Go ahead, it's okay." You begin to take him deeper into your mouth and as you begin to go back up, your teeth slightly scrape him and he lets out a hiss.
"Oh fuck I'm so sorry. That's so embarassing god I'm sorry, Eddie." You blush in embarrassment as you sit back onto your heels, debating if you should stop. "M-maybe this was a mistake." At this point you're too embarassed to even look at him.
"Relaaaxx, Y/N, I don't expect you to be a porno star your first time. Just...don't use your teeth that's all. I'm okay, all good I promise." He says, rubbing your face to comfort you. You slowly go back to where you were before, and take him in your mouth once more, without teeth of course. This time, you slowly begin to suck him and he immediately grips your hair into a ponytail, wanting to just shove you down, but he just leaves it there, not wanting to take control just yet. You get into a comfortable rhythm and begin to pick up the pace, causing him to let out a moan. "Just like that, sweetheart. Doing so good." You feel his grip on your hair get tighter and his thighs tense up, causing you to hum, which nearly sends him over the edge.
You decide to try and swirl your tongue around as you suck, and boy did that nearly do it too, as he twitches in your mouth and his breath starts to hitch. "K-Keep going. Fuck just like that." His grip is still tight around your hair, tempted to take full control at this point. As if you read his mind, you slowly take all of him into your mouth, reaching the back of your throat causing you to gag. This sensation sends him into outer space, his dick twitches once more, and he lets out the hottest moans as he gets closer and closer to euphoria. A wave of confidence floods through you and you do it again, picking up the pace, adding your hand to the mix to jerk him off as you come up to his tip and direct your focus there. You taste his precum, humming once more.
"So close, sweetheart. Keep going." he begs.
You lock eyes with him as you suck and stroke him for a little longer, getting sloppier and messier each time. "Jesus Christ." His breathing sporadic, legs shaking as he groans and finally releases into your mouth. You swallow every last drop, releasing him with a 'pop' sound and kissing his tip.
"Still gonna make fun of me?" You smirk up at him as you wipe your mouth on your t-shirt.
He pulls up his boxers and brings you off the floor back onto his lap, gripping your jaw to make you look at him, desire in his eyes. "Not if you do that again sometime." He smirks, pulling your face in just milimeters from his, ghosting his thumb over your puffy lips. "So pretty. You did so good." he praises, kissing you gently.
I am melting k bye.
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radio-free-beth-sarim · 5 months
My Predictions for Caleb and Sophia
For the uninitiated: Caleb and Sophia are two characters that feature in short videos produced by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society intended to indoctrinate Jehovah's Witness children. They're two young children, siblings, raised as Jehovah's Witnesses and dealing with many of the problems growing up as one brings. For people raised as Jehovah's Witnesses, it brings back a flood of insane memories. I kind of can't help but like them. The kids go through things I went through myself, and as I watch I imagine what they're feeling in that moment. The things I would have felt. The thoughts and emotions I would have suppressed. If you're curious I recommend looking them up on youtube. Owen Morgan aka Telltale has a bunch of videos where he reacts to them and provides commentary. He's just one of many that cover the videos.
Whenever I watch a Caleb and Sophia video I always speculate how they end up. So here's my predictions.
We'll start with Caleb, since his story is one that easily could have been mine. Caleb is the Bart Simpson. He's a kind of rambunctious kid. He would like sports and video games if he was allowed, but he doesn't have those outlets available to him so it all becomes bible study and chores. He's given busy work at meetings and field service, and eventually he gets given "privileges" like working the soundboard and passing the microphones around at the Watchtower Magazine study or organizing and manning the literature counter. Eventually he'll make Ministerial Servant, which is the rank below Elder in the congregation and basically means he's being groomed for command. But thankfully he's never going to be an Elder. He's eventually going to be put in charge of the congregation's other rambunctious young boys, and will be responsible for studying with them and indoctrinating them into the Watchtower Society's beliefs. He's going to be seen as a role model and success story. His post high-school years will see him juggling his responsibilities with the congregation and working in a trade. Statistically window washing, but any given trade is likely. He'll apprentice under another Jehovah's Witness, possibly a relative, who is also likely an Elder who now holds his economic and social future in his hands. Now you'd think with all this going on, is Caleb happy? Well, that depends. He might genuinely be if he's kept too busy to really think about his life or what he wants from it and is too sheltered to experience anything more. But that's really difficult to do. Most JW young men get to experience just enough of the world to give them a taste, and everyone has a vice. Statistically it's porn and smoking. Chances are he'll get caught once, repent, lose his privileges, and then eventually make a slow return shortly after getting married. Caleb is getting married by 19 at the latest. He's full of so many hormones and urges if there's no release he's going to pop. So he'll marry literally the nearest non-related Jehovah's Witness girl roughly his age. If there are none nearby, he'll meet one at a convention or (scandalously) JWdate. Yes, that's real, and it's kind of an open secret because dating websites are not really what a JW should be about. Somewhere in the following years he's going to be working hard at his trade, trying to regain his status as a Ministerial Servant, and figuring out how to live with this stranger he rushed into marrying. Maybe they can make it work. Maybe they can't. I can't say. But kids will be happening soon. Eventually Caleb is going to hit a crisis moment where he needs to decide whether or not this is the life he wants. There's a roughly 66% chance he doesn't. He's got to make a choice. Does he stay in the life he has? Can he leave the Watchtower Society behind and still keep his family? That I can't say. I like to think his wife also has similar doubts, and through this their bond strengthens, they come to truly love each other deeper than they did when they first married, and leave together, sparing their children from the same life they were forced into. But doing that means they'll only ever have each other. Sometimes that's enough. Sometimes it isn't. His wife could divorce him, taking the kids and leaving him alone. He'll eventually find apostate material online and become fervently anti-JW, with only bitter memories among the ashes of a life that never had a chance to be anything but this.
Next we'll turn to Sophia. Some of my story for her is pure conjecture based on what I've seen from friends I grew up with. When I see Sophia, I see specific girls I knew growing up and I think of things they've told me about their lives. I don't have any experience being a girl in the Jehovah's Witnesses, but her story is one that I feel is honestly similar to mine just with her dealing with all of the added pressure of being a woman in a fucked up patriarchal clusterfuck like that. I'll have to make a part 2 for her, as Tumblr has a character count. I will reblog this post with that when I am done with it. Thank you for reading this far. I hope this provides some insight.
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grokebaby · 9 months
Just wanted to pass by and ask: Where are Mewmew's kits now ? They musta grown quite a bit since that photo, so I'm kinda curious myself :33 How's their relationship with m too ? Is it good ? Do they know Bout Evie in the house ?
Hiiiii you can read more on tha kittens here and here :3
Tumblr media
Here's also some art I done of them!
[Two slight updates on the kittens' (adult) names but Goop is now Goog, and Turbotuho goes by just Turbo! Other than that there's not too much new.]
•Googy (Mew Jr.), as mentioned somewhere in the fuzzy past, is a housecat for good. Yes, they're on the same level mentally as Mewmew and everyone else, and also has the option to choose to develop some kind of alternative mecha mode. But they completely choose not to, and so remain in cat mode indefinitely. Mew Jr. Is fully content to live as a normal pet cat until the end of time (or until their.. Humans pass away from old age..) Junior is a laidback personality who envied normal cats in their kittenhood and thus made the decision to become one as much as possible. Cannot be convinced to adopt some alt form and is rarely in contact with their siblings. However Turbo misses them sometimes, and Goog has the ability to use a phone (opposable thumbs you see), so they call sometimes. Mewmew is completely accepting of this lifestyle choice, if not very distant to Mew Jr...
•Captain Tiramisu and Turbo are living a space opera/cheesy scifi drama somewhere in the far off cosmos, and they're very close! They're each other's emotional support, even if they're perpetually bickering. Similarly to Mew Jr., they both chose the kind of external mode that they personally found the absolute coolest, and live in robot mode almost exclusively. Turbo is more keen to kitty around every so often tho, for comfort reasons. Turbo is the sweet optimist of the two, and loves breaking stuff. An absolute biting fiend as a cat. Love language is biting (Cap'n Tiramisu also bites but not lovingly).
There's no nicer way to say this but Tiramisu is an egotistical, petty brat. While Turbo is more of a follower personality, they do also blatantly and stubbornly make their own choices and turns along the way. Many people often wonder how these two can stand each other, but Turbo often comforts Tiramisu when things don't go their way and occasionally enables their bombastic revenge plots, and Tiramisu will violently explode you if you're mean to their baby sibling. Turbo likes to test Captain's patience (making them a better person by pettily not leaving them any other choice sometimes), and Captain "Mom friend anxiety hack"s* their way to helping Turbo take care of, or stand up for themself more. *(aka. Oh no I'm too nervous to do this thing. Oh, you're also too nervous to do this thing? I'll fucking do it double for you then!!!)
Both are neurodivergent so they also assist each other in whatever the other can't do. Despite having many petty and childish traits to them, these two make it work.
•Relationship with Mewmew can be summed up with:
Captain Tiramisu - Geez mom/dad, you're embarrassing meeeeee.... Ugh... Fine. I love you.. Yeah yeah I'll send you a post card from the milkyway association's holiday hotel.. Yeah of course I won't get into trouble (gets into trouble as soon as they depart)
Turbo - Oh weee yuppeee It's mom/dad ^~^ so here's everything I've been up to since we last saw (talks for three hours), sorry I didn't call you I forgot, wow you're so cool I love you, and Tiramisu and Mew Jr. Love you too. Okay bye, I wanna go do something now! I'll call you (forgets to call.)
Admittedly they've gotten distant with adulthood.
•To address the.. Evie in the room, I will just say that none of the kittens know of Mewmews life during the galactic alliance, they only know Mewmew "did something in the military but quit to pursue a peaceful life". The kits were born after quitting. They do know of Evilicus, as that scary dark lord that was defeated long ago, and they actually do community service sometimes for planets that Evie's reign has left scarred and ravaged. They however definitely haven't been in touch with Mewmew recently enough to know Evie is roommates now lolol
Thank you for the ask!!! ^w^
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bookwyrminspiration · 9 months
Hi there! (cw for fictional trauma mention, i hope that's ok?)
idk if i'm right or not but you strike me as a psych nerd and who would enjoy thinking about this, so i have a KOTLC thought! my sibling brought up a possible drawback to true photographic memory in that, the human trauma response often includes your brain editing out or even fully forgetting some memory of a trauma out of self-preservation.
(And of course, talking about photographic memory always makes me think of Sophie, because I Am Not Well)
Now in humans, what we usually describe as photographic or edeitic memory is generally related to the ability (natural or trained) to memorize and visualize an object or a page of information and remember it for a short period (and likely won't apply to remembering a traumatic experience), but Sophie has true photographic memory and seems to remember everything she sees. (Without taking into account the book lines like "Sophie had a hard time remembering which Councillor was which without their thrones to look at" as I mark those as honest author error.)
Which means Sophie--and Keefe too, since his photographic memory also seems to reach beyond just memorization--can probably remember their traumas in great detail! Keefe seems to have a very visual memory, but I think Sophie can remember sounds and other sensual input beyond what she sees. Especially considering the fact that emotions can't be removed by a Washer, they probably both relive their trauma so clearly. This is a sad thought and i do not like it :) but I must inflict it on other people.
That being said I hope you're having a good day (at least before i came along)! Thanks for listening :>
Hi! You're right, this is exactly the kind of thing I like to think about. Taking this a step further, elven minds are supposedly fragile when it comes to violence--including just witnessing it. So even though they may have survived the incident itself with their sanity intact, what if merely remembering something they experienced could break them later on? Since it's so vivid, I wonder if it could be similar enough to witnessing something
Going back to your point about self-preservation, I'm curious how this would manifest in them. Because they'd need an instinct to protect themselves if things are too much, but their minds can't function the same way. Does this create a more difficult aftermath where they actively remember their traumas in great detail, or where they're very easily triggered by a lot of things, as they remember more of what happened and therefore more can be tied back to it? But what about when that gets to be too much? Would they just shatter? I feel like they should have some sort of self-preservation ingrained instinct, but what? If it's tied to emotions experienced, could numbness be an option? Definitely for Keefe, but would that work for Sophie?
We could assume forgetfulness for them as well, which could be interesting because for people who remember their lives perfectly it'd be incredibly unsettling to have blank spots. What if they keep going over those spots and dragging back up the memories by force to try and put that unease to rest only to get catastrophically upset by re-exposure to it until their brain shuts it down again and makes them forget, to be repeated again and again until they truly process it? How do they even process it?
Fascinating questions here, but back to your point! yes! they absolutely remember their traumas incredibly vividly, not just visually, but in many senses. and for that I'm glad I'm not them
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girlwholovesturtles · 3 months
First Shift
Oooooh! I absolutely love this opening music!
I wasn't planning to actually live blog this and just wanted to mention the music but then I heard the line "Bones are a lie pedaled by big milk" and now I don't know if I can simply not react to this series in real time. If I don't get my thoughts out I'm gonna be sitting here exasperated by my screen...
"Spite and coffee." I relate to this woman. I run almost exclusively on Spite...
I already love these characters!
I don't actually like chocolate cake...
Another emotionally distant mother figure you say?
Okay, so what I know about this series so far is that there are ghosts in the machines or something like that. The assumption being that it's Jon and Martin and possibly also Jonah Magnus?
Alice is the best character and I love her. If she dies or is emotionally crippled in the future, I'm gonna riot.
The predecessor to Windows 95. What a nightmare...
Ah yes, government employees breaking privacy laws because they are the law... Wow, is this really how they're gonna get their statements?
This sounds like a job I would not only be capable of but might actually enjoy...
"He snapped a pencil in half and walked away." This man realized how nonsense this all is and is so very tired...
The End story? Wait, something pushing from the inside? Maybe the Web or the Corruption then?
Interesting? So the list is actually huge then? I'm very curious to see how everything gets classified.
I don't know if I like this manager.
Oh, dear lord... Collin scares me... But I like him.
"Tell Alice I laughed." Yeah, I like him. He's so awkward.
Can't tell if Collin has a thing for Alice or if it's sibling kind of relationship. Too soon to start shipping I think but I got my eye on these two...
"Magnus Institute ruins..." When I say my head shot up at that line!
Okay, 20 years later then?
Symbols? Okay, so the dread powers left their mark in the ruins?
Canary lost their eyes I get the feeling...
"Blast from the past." What does that mean, Sam? Tell me your secrets, sir.
Oh? Sam and Alice dated? Cute...
Hello Collin. Pretty sure you're a little crazy...
Oh, I really do love this music! It's so good!
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xoteajays · 9 months
Obviously Noboru is the more intelligent one. He finished high school and even went to college to become a lawyer to help people but it did end up backfiring after certain events happened in his life though.
If I can.. I try to avoid calling people stupid. Because I actually believe everyone has their own intelligence in some way or another. Like how Cobra and Yamato might not have book smarts, but they have a lot of street smarts. Unless you're a part of DTC. But Dan and Chiharu, they are legitimately stupid. They do not have any book or street smarts.
I would even help Koo. Because I want to break Dan's legs too, since a character like Dan infuriates me too much. More than any characters.
Oh. Obviously. If certain secrets are actual secrets, like Rocky's family for example, then Kizzy will stay quiet about those secrets. But Rocky only told the Rascals about his family because everyone was always a bit curious about why he was protect of women, now they know why.
But it the secret is funny, and even embarrassing, then she is actually telling everyone she talks to. Especially Rocky's girlfriend (or even his future girlfriend if they are not dating yet). She has to embarrass him.
Even though Rocky would never ask for help whenever he is attracted to someone, Kizzy would be able to recognize every expression on his face. From his expressions on his face, to the how she converses with the girl, possibly finding ways spend more time with this woman in all the ways he can so he could get to know her. Kizzy already knows. So many things he is doing, she knows that Rocky is really smitten about a woman that he barely knows. Kizzy is always Rocky's matchmaker.
Kizzy and Kaito are like Rocky's siblings. They are the closest to being a family, besides some of the other Rascals, since Rocky's family died when he was a child. They're his found family. Anyway. Yes. Kizzy just says and does things a sister would do. Which is embarrassing Rocky in every way she can, especially to women that Rocky's attracted to a lot of the time. Because why not. But Rocky's exasperated expression at Kizzy, his eye rolling, his "Shut up, idiot." while complaining at her.
"I told you that was a bad idea." Koo's always right though. Rocky is a man who should learn to listen to Koo, at least about some things.
That is confusing. Which is why I have never wasted my time learning any internet slang.. If I want to say something, I'll just type out what is gonna be said. I think everything would be less complicated that way.
I have pictures. Well.. Obviously. But if you want visuals of what they'd look like, how they dress, so on and so forth. I have pictures for them.
She is definitely a tomboy. Her style is somewhere between a very traditional tomboy style to a punk tomboy style, depending on her mood for what she wants to wear. But her tomboy styles does have a slightly feminine look sometimes because she does wear makeup and jewelry (especially her piercings). She rarely wears dresses and skirts, but has been known to wear kimonos for festivals though. [Basically this is Blue's real style that is used for her. And, besides, tomboy aesthetics makes sense if she's friends with the Oya boys.]
I feel like Blue might open minded to watch any shows and movies, I do think she has her preferences though, but I think she'll watch a lot of media that interests her. So she'd even watch horror movies.
When it comes to her fragrance, I am still figuring out the scents I'd imagine for her. But, because she is blue, I imagine fruits or flowers that are blue. Like berries (blueberries) for fruity scenes. Though I'll still don't know why. So there isn't much about this bit of trivia yet.
Since I'm still undecided on their relationship. Regardless of what I decide their relationship is - platonic or romantic, I feel like they are always sharing their snacks with each other. Orange would eat a lot of sweet foods, and most of the time she likes to pamper herself by buying expensive sweets from pricier bakeries. But she is so willing to share her desserts with anyone, especially Cobra, if they wanted to try the food. But if she goes to the convenient stores for snacks.. If Cobra and her weren't already walking their together, then there's a chance they bump into each other a lot when buying snacks a lot of the times. And Junko's always really jealous how much attention Cobra give Orange instead of her. Junko, just move on from Cobra.
Psychological, thriller, supernatural, gory. She will watch any genre of horror. She's not picky about horror movies at all, and that would be the same for Red too. And she (and Red) don't care about which language, country, the movies are from if it's entertaining enough.
The fragrances that I imagined for her.. I'm still kind of figuring out what her exact scent is. But I might have some vague idea how she smells like. There are a lot of fragrances I'd use for her, but I may be only mentioning a couple because I would be listing way too many. But just enough for you to have an idea for her. Sensual Ambers by Bath & Body Works - the notes: golden amber, wild berries, orange flower, lotus petals and creamy sandalwood (so that is floral, fruity, and woodsy at the same time); Twilight Woods also by Bath & Body Works - notes: lush berry, sparkling mandarin, soft mimosa, apricot nectar and cypress wood (is also floral, fruity, and woodsy at the same time too). There were other scents I might even use for Orange's character, but those were only some examples I'd choose. Like blends of floral, fruity and woodsy fragrance like those scents.
I guess it would depend on who she's related to. If she has a sibling that you might never meet in the story, I was thinking she would be an older sister. But, if by some rare chance that she's related to any characters of High&Low, then that would actually depend on who's her sibling. But I'm leaning more towards her being an older sibling, if she has a sibling anyway. So I'm still figuring out this trivial fact.
She should have a connection to Daruma? Because if she does end up with a connection towards them.. Originally I've imagined her as a relative to Hyuga. Not necessarily a sibling, but a cousin who was from America. Or even a childhood friend who was like a sister, but not an actual sister - even though you wouldn't think they were not related with how close they are. Don't know. I'm still figuring it out.
I don't blame her. If her mother's alive, but abandoned her with a even more abuse father.. I would think my mother is dead to me anyway.
So is her style similar to the lolita fashion? Maybe not that exact style anyway, a similar style? [Is this based off the person's actual style?]
I love spicy food. The spicier the meal, the better the meal is. The mild foods are considered bland for me.. I always need spices for my food.
I don't necessarily know which flowers I may associate with any of my characters. Unless fragrances count? But it depends on the character I'm creating, because sometimes I have more details for characters in comparison to others. Sometimes. Really depends on the characters.
After she uses her collectable treasures as weapons, does she end up finding the items again so she can still keep everything? Or what?
I can say Orange is good with children, maybe Blue too, but not really sure about Red yet. But someone has to care for the children though.
Makes sense. Skirts and baggy shorts would be a lot easier to pull on, just because pants would be too difficult to wear with prosthetics like this one. So her style doesn't surprise me. I can imagine that for her.
That is a problematic thought.. Because Koo's a man who has to help women be happy, so part of him might feel obligated to help to make sure the girls are in a happy family. But at the same time, Koo actually knows to not get into another person's personal life like DTS keeps on doing. At least Tettsu originally tried stopping them, even though Dan and Chiharu never listened to him. But I can say Koo is frustrated any time he helps them, but only if he does ever decide to help them with this though. Just leave the man alone. He's on vacation for a reason.
"kuryu feels slighted or betrayed and they go pick out a car with tinted windows. just beep beep. time to run over a person! if they don’t die, they’ll at least be in a coma and out of commission!"
I can't stop laughing, I can't breath. I might be stealing this comment.
I've only ever watched a couple music videos of curiosity. Their music and style is very eccentric. That's all I can say.
So.. I knew about the men of Aizawa and Enari were married, but I did not know Jun (Enari) had an affair until you just told me so now I have mixed feelings about his character. What the fuck, Jun. So apparently from what I've read, he also forced her to have their baby aborted too. What the fuck, Jun. Now we know why Rocky never allows Enari back into the White Rascals, Club Heaven, or anywhere near women. Since Rocky probably beat the guy into a coma. Stay loyal to your spouses. Apparently no one knows what loyalty is anymore. Like why bother to get married, if you're just gonna do something like this to someone.
I wish that I never knew that about Enari. What the fuck, Jun.
But I did know about the multiple scandals of Alan (Bernie) though.. A lot of sexual affairs happened. What still actually bothers me about all his scandals though, is that those women he was with are getting just way too much blame than he is. I did originally want to have a original character to related to his. But, after finding that out, I decided not to for obvious reasons. I can't look at him the same way again either.
I know two other actors who were in scandals during the filming.. The actor of Ukyo (the silvery blue haired Daruma man) was suspended in his acting career for some time when he got caught illegally gambling in a casino. And the actor, Seungri who was the Korean man Lee from the Korean mafia, had to be written out of the script after he ended in prison for so many different scandals from gambling to prostitution.
Don't know about anyone else.
Exactly! The Daruma babies are still young. So they do not know how to control their alcohol intake yet but the older Daruma guys do since they've been drinking ever since they were old enough. They are used to drinking now. Almost like seasoned veterans when it comes to any experiences they have compared to the younger members in Daruma anyway. So there might be some older guys, like Kato, who would like to make sure they're okay from time to time so that no one know dies from partying too much. Some of the older guys are like big brothers.
I have watched the High&Low many times. And I did start rewatching again, but I'm also not rushing either because I did watch this series a lot of times already. I will rewatch the show soon, but right now I have been slowly rewatching the movies at my own pace though. Because, y'know, many obvious reasons why.. Same as your reasons anyway.
Obviously Koo disapproves because the man has boundaries, but any other person involved in this situation does not. It's blackmail reasons that Kizzy would have those visuals but Yamato and Noboru just want to get entertainment from this whole situation. Blame the alcohol.
Same with Rocky? Because he has a lot of smoking scenes through a lot of the franchise. But yeah.. Hyuga was smoking a pipe. Someone's mentioned what he was smoking, but I can't remember what it might have been. Tobacco? Opium? Or what. I don't know. Maybe I'll just try finding answers another way then. If I can find that out. I don't know.
A lot of people in my life are smokers.. So I am used to being around a lot of smokers. And I'm short, so I never get smoke in my face either.
Obviously. I could see them taking anyone out of an abusive situation in any way they can.. Regardless of the abusive situation since Rocky, he's against every way of abuse (physically, mentally, emotionally and sexually). Kizzy might fight if in a necessary situation. But Rascals are against hitting women, so I doubt the male Rascals would do that if a situation like this did occur. I don't think the women in Club Heaven is the type to do this, I imagine them as more of these supportive types who have women still together in some way. Or something like that is what I imagined those girls being. But imagine any situation where he - Rocky - finds out his girlfriend was mistreated by other women, that they were used and abused in any way other women. Does not matter what type of abuse it was. Since Rascals are against harming women.
I've never seen The Glory. So I can't comment on that.
I didn't know about that until recently. I know laws are just different in Asian countries compared to here. So like if a celebrity was just going to do something stupid like drinking and driving... Wait till after any of production is over for that show or movie, rather while in productions. Because then the entire scripts has to be rewritten - without that very character, possibly with a different plot compared to the original end. But that's how I feel though. So I don't know if another season comes out from this one, part of me hopes so just because I completely love the two main male characters (and actors) in the show. And since I've never had the chance to read any webtoon comics, I don't really know how different the original ending is now. I did still enjoy the show. But I'm completely curious what the original ending was, so I also they do release the original script for people who may want to know what it is though. I don't know. But I get annoyed when these things happen.
don’t wanna call people dumb but dtc are really d-u-m-b.
kizzy’s only spilling your secrets if it’s funny. obviously if it turns out that it actually upsets the person, she’ll apologise, but otherwise, she’s just having a bit of friendly fun.
kizzy’s like ‘ooh rocky’s got a crush, gotta get over there and help’. she can pick up a hint if rocky wants her to leave, but she’s also here to matchmake and tell the girl how great rocky is. kizzy loves love.
rocky has oldest brother energy, kaito has middle brother energy, and kizzy has baby sister energy. kaito’s just chilling, but kizzy is causing problems and making trouble. she’s acting bratty and then rocky’s like ‘stop it’ and then she over-dramatically pouts about it.
always listen to koo. very smart man.
i’ve got pinterest boards for both ryuko and hinami, but they haven’t got a lot on them yet. i’m still working on them. figuring out the vibes and aesthetics.
oooh, punk tomboy blue! love that!! i’m the same as her, i’ll pretty much try watching anything at least once, though i do have my preferences.
if there’s a two-for-one deal at the store, i could see cobra buying orange a snack with his own and junko being jealous af because ‘why isn’t he buying (her) something’ even though she’s nothing less than weird around him all the time. also same! i love foreign horror/thriller movies, especially korean and thai ones. one of my fav horror-esque dramas is a thai show called ‘girl from nowhere’.
if red was a sister or sister-figure to hyuga, she could’ve been sent overseas for schooling or to keep her out of kuryu business, since she could’ve been put in danger because of her connection to the hyuga clan.
her mother is very much dead to her. i imagine her mother might come back to find her after her father hets arrested, but ryuko would reject her. they don’t have a good relationship and her mother did leave when she was very young.
it’s not exactly lolita, but kinda girl punk-y and eccentric. she’s kind of got some basis in her fc’s (yeule) style, but only the clothes and accessories, not really the makeup. some stuff she wears i can imagine on ryuko, but other stuff doesn’t suit.
depends on where she’s fighting. if she’s in nameless, hinami might go around and pick some up or someone else might find them and give them back to her. if outside of nameless, she’ll probably just leave it and collect some new ones from the junk around nameless. she keeps all her favourite pieces though.
skirts and baggy shorts definitely, good for her prosthetic and good for running around in. i dont imagine that she wears a lot of dresses, though she’s more tomboyish anyway. also she gets all the shoes that they can’t find pairs for, since she only needs one anyway.
it’s not as if the mother and her daughter were in an abusive situation, they were just having trouble communicating between themselves. if it was a bad situation, koo would step in, but dtc was really just meddling in these peoples lives. koo just wants his vacation, he’ll make sure the club heaven girls are all doing okay, but let him relax please.
oh, you upset kuryu just a little bit? better stay away from the road!
steal it!
it’s just so frustrating. like affairs are bad enough in themselves, but to be someone famous, like you gotta know that’s not going to stay private. just get divorced ffs, then you can go do whatever you want. cheating is so stupid.
hyuga doesn’t care, but kato, sakyo and ukyo are looking after the babys. i hate that their called ‘babys’ instead of ‘babies’, at least on some of the sites ive seen. hyuga’s like ‘do what you want, but don’t throw up near me’. he’s just chilling, the boys are getting drunk, kato is forcing them to drink some water.
koo is like ‘behave, you’re adults’ and kizzy, yamato and noboru are giggling over videos and pictures of drunk cobra and rocky. kizzy is going to show the rest of the rascals whenever rocky doesn’t let her get away with troublemaking.
imm just not looking. i don’t see it. it’s not happening. i’m just really not a fan of smoking or drugs of any kind. i had friends and family who smoked and i was always just like ‘i’m gonna go and not participate!’. the smell always made me sick and i had pretty bad asthma as a kid too.
i really enjoyed the glory. it gets into the background of all the characters, including the bullies but doesn’t try and make you sympathise with them. i do love a good revenge story too. it’s a little tough to watch at some points, because of the bullying scenes and everything, but it’s still pretty good.
i think the laws in asia are a lot stricter, even around stuff like weed which is legal in (some?) places in america (idk im australian) but you can get arrested for it in japan? like that actor from tokyo revengers? idk enough laws in asia, but it’s still a shitty thing to be drinking and driving. it’s literally so dangerous and there’s so many awful stories and deaths that have come from it.
shame to do something so stupid while preforming in a show and forcing the writers to change the original plot line.
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shhisp · 8 months
I read new Cute Girlfriend chapter, I screeched because of new Cute Girlfriend chapter.
And I just know that Dirk would be not fuckin normal about this, maybe he thinks it's over, he can manage but I give like... Week before he does something weird.
Plus yeah, I'm there for more Jake and Dave. Mostly because I'm curious if Jake would still have energy for faking his interest If yes then it's gonna be bonkers, if not then double hilarious.
If I get it right both Jake and Jane are adopted? I'm not gonna lie I suddenly remembered other fics in that series where Jane was okay with going for it when they were cousins. But for another hand, they are raised as a siblings so maybe she spend too much time with Jake to see him as a option. Idk, your fics are bananas, everything is possible.
Oh Dirk is Most Certainly Not Normal At All. But Jake is unfortunately the more deranged of the two, at least in his uhhhhhhhhh....... enthusiasm for making things worse for himself, as a treat. (His histrionic borderline ass man.) I'm so excited to get into the official (and shorter) phase two of their Courting Ritual mwahaha
Even if I don't end up going for a bonus additional chapter we actually fit in more of Dave and Jake like... WAY later on in the story which is fucking hilarious, to be honest, and I cannot fucking wait. As for him faking his interest......
He is so damn insane that it's a coin flip in the eyes of the readers huh. And I love that.
Also YES! Jane and Jake are adopted with no point of direct origin (see: how they arrived via meteors of paradox clones of themselves.) They're taken in to be groomed heirs for Betty Crocker and Skaianet respectively (though the overlap is insane.) I love LE as an absent father figure to represent Jake's lack of proper male role models in life as well as his canonical association with LE because (to me) if that doesn't just scream daddy issues by reading in between the lines a little too much idk what does truly.
My dynamic for them is usually LE almost entirely absent with Condy favoring Jane, but is much harsher on her as well. I don't see HIC as a horrible mother towards Jake, though, even if I wouldn't call them "parents" in any way. Like, they weren't in the beta timeline... They wouldn't be otherwise. I write more about how Grandpa Harley favors his mother over his intense and very batshit father in A Loser's First Love, and how HIC, with having Jane estranged and all, is just like. Yes my idiot son I totally agree, your father needs to kill himself. It's such a fun family dynamic for me, and I have a soft spot for Jake/Jane being mildly incestuous, so.
^ that being said Jane isn't slated to play a super big role yet. I'm not even sure how she feels about Jake 100% yet but to be honest I think she is......... worried to say the least in ways that Roxy isn't. You know because of the whole............ Yeah. I love her though, I wish I had more excuses to include her in my fics. (This is reminding me that I would love to write an equally deranged CottonCandy fic just to match alongside the Dirkjakes Mae and I write. Which. Honestly. Will probably come to fruition. Toxic yuri era?)
I'm so happy you find these fics absolutely bananas though, to me that is the biggest of compliments. It's very late but I had a lot of fun talking about The Fic (and I am SOOOO happy you enjoyed it!!!!!!!!) It has some of my favorite parts in the entire series thus far T_T mostly the pee scene but you know who doesn't expect that from me
Rambling over!!!!!!!!! Thank you for sending another ask Kefis you're lovely ^_^!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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yanderes-galore · 2 years
Male!Zoroark with a researcher darling? He sees darling playing with his young sibling/child Zorua and decides she's the one (wether as a trainer or lover, not that there's much difference for him). Don't mind if it's headcanons or concept.
I assume you mean Hisuian! Zoroark? Based on the Arceus ask that was sent...
Yandere! Male! Human! Hisuian! Zoroark Concept
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Yandere like behavior, Stalking, Manipulation, Abduction, Threats, Implied murder, Deception, Obsession at first sight, Implied possessive behavior, Slight sadism, Forced relationship.
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- Your goal on the Survey Corps is to head to Alabaster Icelands and research Pokemon.
- You're all bundled up while pacing about some ice caves where Misdreavus tend to cluster.
- That's when you encounter a Zorua, the young Pokemon hybrid looking at you from a distance.
- They look rather curious towards you.
- You smile, looking up from what you were doing.
- As you do research throughout the ice caves you soon notice the Zorua is following you.
- The Normal/Ghost type wishing to also partake in what you were doing.
- Carefully you allow the young Zorua to come closer.
- You didn't want to upset them by stressing them out, but if they wish to join you, so be it.
- "Alright, fine, you can help me watch these Misdreavus, okay?"
- They give you a curt nod before sitting beside you.
- Although, since they're still rather young, they have a small attention span.
- You feel tugging at your coat, looking over you see the Zorua wants to play.
- With a sigh you accept their offer.
- While you two are running along the ice, predatory yellow eyes watch you closely.
- An adult male Zoroark stares at you and his child playing along the caves.
- The kimono he wears sways in the freezing wind, giving a ghostly appearance to the Pokemon hybrid.
- A sharp grin appears on his face.
- Yes, you'd be perfect.
- You care for his young well.
- You'd be the best choice for him.
- It soon becomes his goal to trap you here before you're able to leave.
- Turns out the ice cave temperature is not your only danger.
- Playing with this young Pokemon child has sealed your fate.
- It's not hard to sense a malicious presence when you're with this young Zorua.
- Not from the Zorua themselves... but deep within the cave.
- You ask the other crew members with you about it and they admit there is something odd going on....
- The Zorua that seems to like you occasionally disappears at some points, too.
- Only to come back with berries and other small useful items.
- You asked about it out of curiosity.
- "Papa told me to bring you them! He said they'd be useful to you~!"
- It sounds innocent, but you've never seen a Zoroark here in your visit.
- At least not yet.
- Just when you're prepared to wrap up the expedition, things go downhill.
- Other members start going missing, the Zorua who was with you was gone....
- Soon you would be the only one left in that ice cave.
- Completely at the mercy of the Pokemon there.
- "Watching you has proven you'll be great with my Zorua."
- The voice has an echo, coming out rather beastly.
- The other Pokemon in the area had left quickly.
- Soon it was just you and the unknown voice.
- "I wonder what sort of fate has brought you to meet me...."
- The speaker is revealed to be a Zoroark, ghost like appearance freezing you in place.
- Was that blood?
- "My child has told me all about you. I hope my gifts pleased you, as I plan to take you in!"
- "What-"
- "You know how to take care of a child, I can see that. Both of us adore you after this little meeting. I am aware when it comes to... 'pure' humans, this may be a one-sided attraction..."
- The Zoroark hybrid steps closer until almost nose to nose with you.
- He only seems to grin at your fear.
- "Yet I am sure you will learn that I mean you no harm. I only wish to care for you and my child like family!"
- Claws then lock you in place, the Zoroark preventing you from fleeing.
- "I have ways of making you follow me. Will you come willingly... or do I need to use some trick to MAKE you follow?"
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sporadiclilbook · 3 years
Yan!Childe x Singer/Dancer!Khaenri'ahn! reader
Proof-read by: @choquackette
a/n: in a way, does this count as a songfic :D? Also I'm gonna use Lost in Thoughts All Alone for this. And to be fair you're pretty much like Shigure/Azura from fates in this
TW: Kidnapping
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You are the ocean's gray waves
Destined to seek life beyond the shore
Just out reach
Your voice rang out through the crowd who was listening. Your Hydro Vision glowed as you made particles of water float around you. It created an illusion that made them looked like it was sparkling. It was mesmerising. To Childe, it amazed him how you used it so beautifully for a show. Unlike his more....bloodthirsty uses of his. To think a Vision can do something so graceful and morbid at the same time.
Of course he had his Electro Delusion but this is the Vision we're talking about. He uses it as a weapon while you used it for entertainment. To be honest, he never thought he'd see something like this. It was all thanks to a mission he has to do. Tailing a guy who was in debt to the Fatui and all. Childe think he was a fool. Instead of trying to make his business better, he wastes it on shows like these. But now that he sees you, he understand why. Your exotic appearance was a sight to behold. The only known person to have the same eyes as you was that Favonius Cavalry Captain and he only showed one eye. One already can make one look intriguing but having both made you look ethereal.
Yet the water ever change
Flowing like time
The path is yours to climb
Your dance was graceful, fluid movements that did flow like water. Childe think you could've been a good sword fighter if you were able to incorporate these movements into sword fighting. But for now he'll enjoy your voice and dancing. There's just something about it he loved so much. Sure fighting is always the one he loves but there's just something about you that he's attracted to. Was it your appearance? Vocals? Movements? Or those pupils of yours? He thinks it's quite silly, he doesn't even know who you are and yet......
A burdened heart
Sinks into the ground
Here he is, eager to look for you after this whole mission thing. If there's one thing he knows, is to not judge someone's prowess by appearance. Take the traveler for example. They have a petite form and yet they were able to defeat his Foul Legacy form! Who knows what you might have in store for him? Just the thought of you actually being able to fight makes him feel giddy.
Alas, all he can do for now is listen to your song. With that said, he didn't forget his mission. Out of the corner of his eyes he saw his target. The man was also in awe of looking at you. Too in awe of noticing his presence that is. He'll get right back to him when your show's over.
A veil falls away without a sound
Not day nor night
Wrong nor right
For truth and peace, you'll fight
He wondered if his siblings would love your singing. Sleeping to a lullaby sounded like a nice idea to him. Why he even thought of that was a mystery to him. Is this what they called love at first sight? He just can't help but wished to woken up by your voice that will roll out his name softly in the morning.
Sing with me a song
Of silence and blood
The rain falls, but can't wash away the mud
Within my ancient heart dwells
Madness and pride
Can't no one hear my cry?
The song ended and the crowd threw a round applause. You bowed and left the stage immediately. Childe, who hasn't forgot his mission, quickly trailed the guy he was after outsidd. "Ah! Hello there Mr. Wei Xing! I reckon you know who I am yes?" And so from there, he scared the poor man to the death with threats and grim reminder of the debt he owed. But Childe was feeling a bit merciful today "Tell you what I'll give you some more time on one condition." Wei Xing, his target, was confused. The Fatui giving a bit of leverage? Still, he would be an idiot to refuse "And that condition is....?"
Childe chuckled at his quick response. It's natural after all. All of his intimidation must have triggered his survival instincts. "Just answer me this. Who was that singer with a Hydro Vision?" Wei Xing was baffled. That's all he wanted? "A-as far as I know, t-their name is (Y/N). They're a performer that was passing by Liyue to gain more popularity across Teyvat." Childe hummed as he hears it. 'A travelling performer huh? Looks like I'll have to act quick if I want to meet them' There was moment of silence before he asked another question "When are they leaving?" "I-in a few days"
Childe let him go and as promised gave him more time for him to pay his debt. Should he fails again to do so.....he'll be history. He only had a few days to meet and talk to you so he has to be quick. Thankfully being a Fatui Harbinger does have it perks. One of those perks being having informants that can collect informations for you. And since this is no top secret info, it was quite easy to find out where you were staying and exactly how many days before you were gone.
As he wait for you at the road that led guests from Wangshu Inn to Liyue, he thought of what you might say. Maybe you'll recognise him right away? Or perhaps you were too innocent to notice the horrors of the Fatui. As he notices your figure walking on the horizon, he prepared to greet you casually. But then he was perplexed by your outfit. It seemed less travelling performer and more of a......fighter? Interesting. He drops the idea of greeting you and opted to follow your path instead.
He followed you until you reached a domain that was near one of the ruins. You stood in front of the entrance as he awaits your next move, intentionally letting his presence seep out. "You're not doing that much of a great job to hide yourself, Fatui. Or is it intentional?" Childe walks out from the spot he was hiding in and approached you slowly while saying "Well, isn't this a surprise? I just happened to be passing b-" His actions stopped midway as your pointed a spear at him. "Not a step closer, what do you want?"
Your starred pupils were sharped and narrowed. It held an intense emotion in it. Childe held up his hands in some sort of mock surrender and laughed a bit "Hey now! There's no need to get aggressive, is there? I was just curious why someone like you is doing here. Not exactly a good place to perform isn't it?"
"That's none of your business."
"Are you gonna go inside this domain?"
"If so, can I follow?"
"I said no."
"I'm very good at fighting you know. It'll be a shame if someone like you gets inju--"
Your spear was closer to him now. Threatening to slice him open any minute you wanted to. It didn't faze him at all. In fact it made him thrilled. He knew there was something about you that was enchanting and perhaps this was it. An unrelenting fighting spirit. In a blink of an eye, he immediately summoned his hydro javelin and parried your spear. You backed away in surprise but kept your guard up.
"Listen I have no time for you Fatui. Leave me be. I have more important matters to attend to." Childe just gave a fox-like grin at your attempt to intimidate him. "Is that so? Like what exactly?" You rolled your eyes at him. He was getting annoying for sure. "Like I said, none of your business." It looks like you might have to halt your plans for tonight. The Abyss Order can wait. "So, what are you gonna do little star?" Without warning you immediately engulfed yourself in a torrent of water and disappears. Childe was shocked when he sees it but still grinned. If you wanted to be a challenge then so be it. If he can't bother you during your 'missions' then he'll bother you during the day.
And that is exactly what he did.
For two days straight he kept trying to talk with you whenever you were out visiting the Liyue Harbour. At first you tolerated him but now he was insufferable. You were glad you were leaving as soon as possible next day but Childe was not having any of that. In just the span of two days his little curiosity had turned into a tsunami of obsession. Your expressions and reactions not to mention the little heart warming moments he saw you cheering up some of the kids in Liyue. He wants to know even more of you.
And precisely why he is fighting you right now.
As he has deducted, your move was as graceful as your dance. Your fighting style was as unique as your eyes. Something he has never seen before. You dodged his flurry of arrows, panting while doing so. How long has he fought you? It felt like an eternity. You tried to dash to him and deliver a swift strike but him and his stupid shield won't let you. You jumped back just in time before he strike his hydro swords at you. You can't even get an elemental advantage here, you had to mostly rely on your weapon.
"Well (Y/N), it's been a fun fight really. But why don't you surrender now? You're tired aren't you? I promise things will go smoothly if you just give up."
You didn't want to. There's no way you'll give up. What does he wants with you anyway? You only stared down at him in silence, refusing to answer. "Ah, stubborn now aren't we? I guess I'll have to use a little force...." He activated his Delusion and immediately dashed towards you, giving you no time to react. The electricity made you groan in pain. You use your spear as a stabiliser from falling to the ground but you were running out of energy at this point.
Before you could fall, Childe took a hold of your body. "See? It's not that hard to give up." You wanted to mutter a remark but darkness shrouded your vision before you fainted. You woke up in an unfamiliar room. Certainly not Liyue's architecture nor your homeland's. Your first thought was to look for an escape.
The door was locked.
Windows were barred.
The wardrobe had the clothes you brought with you across Teyvat along with some new ones.
There was a chain at your leg that's long enough to get you to the bathroom.
Your Vision and weapon was missing.
You waited in silence, pondering what to do. You certainly can't escape like this. But then you heard the door open. And as expected it was him. "Did you had a good sleep? You were knocked out for a while there." You scowled at him "Drop the act, where am I?" Childe hummed before answering "You're in Snezhnaya of course! Where else would I bring you? I'm quite lucky to be able to bring you here and visit my siblings! Say would you like to visi--" "Why would I do that?"
His grin dropped and his eyes stared at you. His eyes was....hollow...empty...devoid of any humanity in them. He walked towards you and you instinctively stepped back. He had you trapped against a wall. He lifted up your chin and let out a small but terrifying smile "Well, because your fate is in my hands. There's nothing you can do now, is there? But I'll forgive your behaviour for now.....if you sing that is."
You hated it. You hated the fact he was right. So you had no choice but to stay obedient and be his 'little songbird' until you found a window of opportunity. He lets go of your chin and sat down on a chair. With a heavy heart, you opened your mouth to sing.
You are the ocean's gray waves
Destined to seek life beyond the shore
Just out of reach
Childe smiled as you sing. He's sure you'll come around and fall in love with him soon enough.
Yet the water ever change
Flowing like time
The path is yours to climb
Shame that you can't meet his family yet. They would've love you. He can't wait for that day to arrive though. He can't help but feel joy. His little songbird, all his and no one else.
You are the ocean's gray waves.
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heart-forge · 3 years
*based on the last anon ask I am curious* who would be the good parent , the fun parent and the bad parent in your opinion 🤔
djfh when I think of any of them as parents it's always like an old movie situation where they just Find a Sad Kid and they're like well you're obviously coming home with us.
I'm going to reword some things, mostly because like I think all of them could basically care for a child and not treat them badly which is extremely baseline behaviour but "bad parent" is a bit of a touchy label to throw on someone who is otherwise trying very hard, you know? Like being a good parent is more than just wanting to be one, but "bad" kind of has implications I'm going to politely sidestep.
I also think "fun parents" are extremely hyped by movies, mostly ones that like to portray their male leads as perfect besides their failure to commit that can be cured by putting a child under their care which is wild. I've met "fun parents" and there's an overlap between "failing to set boundaries and standards for behaviour based almost entirely on how they themselves live as adults even without purposely bad intentions" that overlaps with "bad".
On the Ball Parent
Crave, Mantis
They got bedtime down, they've got healthy meals, they know what time the kid is supposed to be in school, yes they have to go to school even though it sucks. They plan for the worst and constantly come off as nearly psychic in their ability to predict zags, and are generally the type of guardian where you're like okay you're definitely gunna be the one who gets to sleep in.
This is definitely mostly because they both think of themselves as the older sibling.
Forgot How Chaotic Children's Lives Are Parent
Gnarl, Abeni
They gotta go to bed at this time because they need to be up at this time, they can't have sugar because it literally does something to their heads, every day is a new opportunity to discover an allergy, they're emotionally fragile...once the kid's asleep they're going to curl up on you and make a sound like they're in The Grudge.
Both functionally went into the situation pretty confident that they could easily charm a child into behaving, but quickly realised that they were out of their depth once they had to draw a line between "fun" and "nutrients". Also, this is my stone cold diagnosing of them both as chronic younger sibling/only children. My sister gets along much better than I do with my nieces, but I'm still the one cooking supper.
Are Ya Winning, Kid?
Trigger, Valerian
They do their best and it shows, but the one place where they struggle is to like, speak to the child. Are they going to think he's lame? Does he even understand what they're doing? Should he try to show interest or should he just let them talk? Should he priortize teaching them moral lessons or just letting them figure things out on their own? Oh god did he wreck the kid?
Valerian's is born of a quiet desperation to not be as inscruitable as his own parents, Trigger just generally lacks confidence.
What Do You Mean It's Not a Little Adult
Siruud, Tahira
They're super prepared for things that wouldn't possibly happen, they're paranoid about things the kid would never feasibly do, they don't understand the limitations of different developmental stages, and they learn the sugar lesson the hard way.
Siruud isn't a human and so broadly has no idea how to care for them and hopes for the best, while Tahira is more used to other adults. She knows what adults want. She has no idea what a child wants, and that what a child wants and what they need can differ significantly.
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mkstrigidae · 2 years
hi, reread anon here! i just finished my latest reread and noticed both your answered ask and your request! i’m so glad it’s fresh in my head so i could think of all of the different threads. i feel for both you and GRRM - this gets overwhelming very quickly! as for my questions, here they are:
- cersei et al. scheming - will we learn how baelish and the lannisters are connected, and how they managed to pull off this kidnapping?
- will uncle benjen and brandon meet sansa?
- when will the phone call from prison be revealed? i feel like shit will go down when this happens (sansa might have a falling out with someone? maybe mya?)
- mya and gendry sibling reveal
- lysa’s possibly intentional death (and how this can lead to petyr getting extradited to westeros) - very excited to see where you’ll take this (you’re exceptional at true crime stuff)
- will sansa stop deflecting (affectionate) - i noticed jon was so perceptive of this and i wondered when it’ll change (maybe after more therapy sessions?)
- are we going to address robin’s grief and aversion to hospitals :(
- when daemon and oberyn are investigating petyr’s home office, were there really braavosi cops in petyr’s pocket? the few times we interact with them (mya and sansa packing clothes, and the last chapter, i’ve been suspicious LOL)
minor character things
- what’s happening in the martell babies’ lives? are they still in touch with robin? someone was studying for college entrance exams! how did that go?
- will we see more of rhaegar and aerys? curious about them
- how come jeyne doesn’t want to visit the north? does it have anything to do with the boltons
- how does the modern monarchy work? is robert just a figurehead?
i’ll think of some ~theories~ tomorrow! i definitely have a few but i’m going to bed after sending this ask. thank you again for everything!
Honestly, the more I get into my complicated AU, the more sympathy I have for the fact that it's taking GRRM a bajillion and six years to finish the Winds of Winter because even with all my nonsense, I'm nowhere near that level of plot.
Hello reread anon! We will get into Petyr's connection to Westerosi power brokers like the Lannisters as we go forward for sure, and Benjen and Brandon are due to make an appearance in like, 2-3 chapters! The Starks do an annual lakehouse trip where every Stark is contractually obligated to make an appearance at the 'cabin' (it's a fucking mansion of a lakehouse of course), and i don't think it spoils too much to tell you that Mya's invited this year too, and will definitely make an appearance soon! I'm still sketching out how I'm going to handle her and Gendry figuring out that they're siblings, but Ned probably clocks it as soon as he meets both of them.
My personal theory on secrets is that they have a finite lifespan- Sansa's calls with Petyr aren't going to stay a secret forever, that's for sure. Also eeee omg you're so sweet to say that I'm good with the true crime stuff (esp because i am definitely flying by the seat of my pants writing this), and we are definitely going to get into Lysa's demise. Interestingly, I think as I'm writing it now, Petyr might get extradited because of a different and currently-as-yet-to-be-revealed crime (I've left some hints here and there, especially in the last chapter) but that's still in progress. I'm not a criminal mastermind (and frankly, neither is Petyr), so it's taken a while to work this whole thing out, but we are GETTING THERE. Lmaoooo. Also, yes, 100%, Petyr has cops on his payroll in various places.
(And yes of course we are going to get into the Robin Trauma Spectacular because this boy is complicated (and I love him) and so was his parents' marriage and relationship- his aversion to hospitals is something I find really interesting, so it's definitely getting explored more in the future! He and the Sand-Martell babies are going to be besties for life, honestly- like I have him roughly mapped out as going to college with Doree and Loree lmao. They're all in a groupchat where they make fun of Oberyn mercilessly).
As for your other questions, I'm not entirely sure! Aerys is alive in the story only because I think it's hilarious to have Rhae call him 'gramps', and Rhaegar is the captain of the H.M.S. Daddy Issues with Rhae, Egg, and Jon along for the ride- there's definitely a lot to explore there, but he's not necessarily the main focus of the story. I make a campaign promise to continue to have Lyanna roast him at varying intervals throughout the story though. As for the monarchy- uh- give me like, two hours with wikipedia and I'll figure out how the government works, but assume that Robert has a hereditary position with more power as a monarch than say the british royal family has. He's not all-powerful, and there's multiple elected bodies with say over things, but he does have some executive powers, as well as the capability to get away with an astonishing amount of legal tax evasion (like any modern monarch).
Thank you so much for the ask!!! these are so much fun to read, and hearing everyone's thoughts is really helping me narrow down the important pieces of the story!
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