#toh headcanon
I feel like Hunter would embrace dad life.
Like his first official Father’s Day with his newborn, he’d make a T shirt that says “Dad Bod Loading” and then an apron covered in Dad Jokes that he’d wear while he grills.
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.
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So I have this headcanon that Hunter casually drops the most concerning information about his health and the things he says get worse and worse every time... Just imagine :
Hunter : Hey isn't it weird how teeth hurt all the time even when you don't have a cavity? It doesn't really make sense from an evolutionary standpoint. Don't you think that's strange?
Willow : Um, I think you need to see a dentist. Pretty sure teeth aren't supossed to hurt at all.
Hunter : Oh... yeah, that would explain a lot...
Willow : ... I'm gonna call Camila.
Hunter : Ow, i slept on the wrong side of my face last night...
Gus : The wrong side of your face?
Hunter : When i sleep on the side of my face that has the scar the whole right side of it hurts all day... Usually it just feels numb or tingly. Normal stuff, you know?
Gus : No, dude. That's not normal stuff.
Hunter : Come on! It's just a bit of nerve damge. I mean, who doesn't have any?
Gus : ...
Hunter : ... Are you gonna call Camila too?
(Later again)
Luz : Are you okay?
Hunter : Yeah, I just "blip out" sometimes.
Luz : Blip out?
Hunter : Don't worry, it's fine. I just go unconsious for a few seconds, but from the outside it looks like i'm just staring or blinking really fast for some reason. Usually it's random but it happens with flashing lights sometimes.
Luz : That's... That's a seizure. You're having seizures. How did you not know that was a seizure? How long have you been epileptic??
Hunter : Oh, no! It's not epilepsy! It's just from a concussion i had a few years ago.
Hunter : Yes...? Wait. Wait don't call your-
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maxcatz · 9 days
people who think raine whispers would be scared of horror movies are WRONG. they love them and try to convince darius and eda to watch them during movie nights but darius absolutely hates them and eda just laughs whenever people die
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ito-itonomen · 1 year
I love Eda's epilogue hairstyle so much because the implications of it being braided/tied back like that are clearly that she has someone doing it for her every day.
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Cuz like u most definitely need two hands to style hair pretty much any kinda way and I doubt Eda's hook is helping much in that regard.
So obviously Raine and Eda wake up together every morning and they share a routine that involves them very lovingly playing with her hair and tying it back 🥺🥺🥺 because they LOVE HER UUUUGHAKDJD
I hate Raeda so much guys they make me sick
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salamander-spark · 1 month
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Disguised forms for the other Basilisks!
(Including my interpretation of Number II's appearance)
+ headcanons, as well as backstory for my AU highlighted in green.
Number II, aka Tulip🌷
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Age≈ late 20's/early 30's (~15 years older than Vee)
Goes by They/Them, Is the second oldest of the experimented Basilisks. They firsthand witnessed Number One(Greater basilisk that attacks Hexide)'s descent into madness and animalistic hunger. They were scared of what they could become, so they fought extra hard to retain their sanity, vowing to protect their younger kin. Tulip often risked taking punishments from the captors in the other's stead.
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(Hight comparison for Tulip's true form (Vee for reference)
At around 15 years old, Tulip hears scouts talk about a new test subject that hatched recently and will soon be ready for experiments. Tulip breaks out and rescues the infant number five. A month of laying low later, and they are both hiding in a cave. Tulip finds a pool of Titan's blood trapped deep within, and they both enter into the human realm.
Tulip can't stay. They know they need to protect Treble and Ivy. So they watch in the shadows as Vee is taken into the care of a couple of humans before leaving her behind, where she can grow up in a place far from the Emperor's grasp. They absorb the remaining magic in the portal, severing this temporary link so that nobody can follow their child.
🎼Treble & Ivy🌿
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Ages≈ Mid twenties
Treble: He/They, Ivy: She/Her
I got the idea to name him Treble from The Angel of the Owl house, by OwlHouseAngel on A03. I thought fit well, considering they're playing Eda's Citern in the finale, and the Idea of a basilisk playing instruments sounds cool. (even inspired some things for my AU)
Both were created from the same set of samples at the same time, making them twins. They've got a close-knit sibling bond, very protective of each other. Treble gets headstrong and does risky things like attack coven scouts. Ivy often has to reign Treble in to prevent him from being too reckless. She tends to take an overly cautious approach to anything new.
I'm still not entirely sure how they play into the AU, but they meet Vee and are introduced to Camila to be accepted into their family
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I loved this shot when I first saw it, I'm glad to see at least someone in the crew cares about them
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& 🌺Viola "Vee" Noceda
I like to think she has a collection of different sweaters and chooses to wear them to keep her warm. Basilisks are mostly cold-blooded but passivly use up their magic to keep warm in cold temperatures. Vee likes to conserve energy by dressing warm during the colder months
She ended up in the human realm thanks to Tulip and was quickly adopted by the Nocedas. Not knowing about her origins, she's horrified learning what her kin has gone through.
She's less timid when confronting danger and hasn't gone through her canon trauma (minus a few fears like sharp objects and dark basements from ). She does, however, have trauma and grief from Manny's sickness and death.
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pincushionx · 2 months
Hunter head canon #2
I feel like we need to remember that Hunter was treated like an adult and was around adults his whole life. Not just any adults but adults in the emperors coven and coven heads themselves. Who are shown to be, to put it nicely, catty. In result, Hunter himself can be very catty even if he doesn’t mean to be. The lack of knowledge to certain social cues and his overall sass can make him seem pretty mean even if he doesn’t mean to be.
I also imagine him being a young emperor coven head (for goodness sake he’s 16 and already the golden guard when we meet him) he was frequently the butt of the joke among other coven heads. So of course he needed to be just as harsh back to not let himself put down like that.
Like the hexsquad will be messing with each other for fun as friends do and he will just insult them and their whole existence and when the others tell him like bro that enough he’s like “oh no, did I do something wrong. Im sorry :(“ and the other have show him a difference between a joke and insult and the limits to a joke. He quickly learns and is understanding of course cause he does genuinely love his friends.
However with that being said, when he does start attending Hexside like he said he was he runs into some issues. For starters, I imagine him being ex golden guard and being a bit different (obvious scarring, weird personality, etc) many aren’t very kind to him. But what makes him hard to bully is that he can easily rebuttal back and do it meaner. He was surrounded by rude, powerful adults, he can handle some measly rude teens easily. Of course he still does get emotionally effected, he’s not a robot obviously. But he can defend himself and has others to help him
I also imagine he knows how to “professionally” insult people. Making his insults sound polite or be very passive aggressive. Like. “Just a friendly reminder…” or “we can’t all have winning ideas, we need people like you to help fill the roster” or “There’s no reason to be so humble, it’s quite indifferent” and other things.
Idk theses are just my thoughts as I feel alot of people make him seem idk… weaker I guess or a ‘pure soft boy’. He can be both soft n sweet but still a sassy lil shit. Their must be balance people
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dorknop · 10 months
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I've been seeing some posts about Willow with Rollerskates, and I really love the idea :)
I didn't want Willow to be the only one, so I put my own spin on Hunter.
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He's a hockey player for his uncle's team in my lil' headcanon, but he'd much rather be figure skating with Flapjack.
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fandoms-of-erlik · 19 days
Do you think Philip, lost in the euphoria of creating a life, creating his brother, again, named the first grimwalker Adam?
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rfswitchart · 4 months
Hunter's Comfort Food
I think, at this point, you all know my personal favorite Owl House headcanon. I shouldn't have to say what it is, you already know what I'm about to discuss. However, I am going to describe why Hunter loves what he does and maybe you'll adopt it as your headcanon too...
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It all started when Hunter ran away from the Emperor's Coven Post-Hollow Mind. He'd been living in the paranormatorim in Hexside since, building a nest and living on snacks. Gus, having seen the former Golden Guard living so dreadfully, offers him his lunch, which, among other things, included a sandwich.
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Hunter then helps Gus escape Adrian and the scouts, citing his reason for doing so being because Gus offered him food. When the illusionist questions him on it, Hunter says "It was a really good sandwich." As many have pointed out, Hunter's diet in the castle was probably miserable. On top of it, he was clearly malnourished, as several characters (Luz, Eda, Amity, Edric, Emira, Matt) have said. So it is assumed he didn't have a great time food wise, which is why he looked so happy eating that loaf of bread in King's Tide...
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Yeah, look at him go. Happily chewing on some bread and being pleased as punch over it. And this is where my HC came to be, Hunter and Gus bonding over a simple offering of food. A kindness Hunter had probably never known until then, combined with something that probably saved his life or at the very least made him feel much better. I feel like that sole interaction weighed on Hunter's heart, and it made him fall in love with sandwiches. After all, without Gus' sandwich, he would have never been able to sit down and actually talk about how he was feeling about Belos. He wouldn't have bonded with Gus and helped the younger witch when he needed it most. Hunter developed an intensely strong bond with Gus, a friendship and brotherhood forged in love, trust, and sandwiches.
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That said, I assume when they were trapped in the human realm, Hunter started looking into various types of sandwiches (with the help of Camila and Luz, of course.) Figuring out what the best meats and cheeses were. What kinds of vegetables go well with them (information he totally shared with Willow, obviously.) The best kinds of bread and condiments to compliment the other ingredients. I assume he learned about what foods he liked and disliked (boy loves himself some olives, btw.) Of course, this eventually lead to the ultimate creation. His pride and joy: The True Hero Sub. The culmination of his knowledge and understanding of foods that allowed him to create divinity between two slices of bread (well, shoved into a loaf of french bread, but hey, who's counting?)
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Of course, this is a BIG sandwich. I know, that's the one I made myself. It is about 2' long (60.69cm for you non-Americans.) It is not something you can eat by yourself, and Hunter would never want to eat it alone. Because of this sandwich, Hunter came up with his philosophy on food; "Food tastes best when shared with others." So I assume the first time he made one, he shared it with the others. Definitely Gus, his sandwich brethren, and possibly Willow, someone Hunter would be thrilled to share his accomplishments with.
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And this probably continued as he became an adult. I bet anything that Hunter has a series of sandwiches he brings with him to work. He maybe even wrote down his own cookbook of sorts for them. You KNOW anytime he had a new idea, Gus was the first person he told about it. He probably even made a book to make sandwiches to represent Cosmic Frontier characters (you know Gus AND Camila happily assisted him.) And that's my headcanon. A boy, his best friend, and a type of food that brought them closer and possibly even saved a life in more than one sense. In this house, we respect the Sandwich Bros. (Tagging @childlikegoblinqueen, @unniebeans, and @probablyhuntersmom, who I assume have also had this headcanon infect their brain for some time. *evil laugh*)
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ferretwhomst · 1 year
headcanon for why alador looks different in his first appearance: he used to use a concealment stone, like how the twins do now, because he can't grow proper facial hair for shit and couldn't be bothered to make himself look neater on his own
i have two possible explanations for why he stopped using it later on:
either a. he stopped using it as often over the years when odalia started really working him into the ground and he stopped going outside as much, meaning he didn't really have a need to
or b, the funnier option- he posted a selfie of himself using it on penstagram and within 5 seconds darius responded with something along the lines of "nice concealment stone dumbass" alador deleted the selfie IMMEDIATELY but stopped using the stone out of embarrassment anyway
(yes i will make anything about the middleaged queer men. in fact here are some doodles:)
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quadrantadvisor · 6 months
Owl House/Boiling Isles biology headcanons from a fic idea I never wrote:
Witches have a wider range of color vision than humans. A lot of magic puts off infrared light (meaning Luz is missing out on like, half of what spells actually look like).
Humans, however, have a better sense of smell. Witches are better at digesting potentially hazardous materials, but humans have to worry about poisons. Humans are also highly specialized to smell petrichor (via Wikipedia, "able to detect it at concentrations as low as 0.4 parts per billion"), and witches can't smell it at all. (Luz is like, "I miss the rain smells in the human realm so much. On the Boiling Isles the rain just smells like burning :/" and all her friends are like, "what. are you talking about."
Witches don't have an appendix, but they do, coincidentally, also have a random organ that doesn't have much of a purpose and sometimes ruptures and kills you. It's located slightly above the right lung.
Kinda obvious but, ears. Witch ears have a greater curve than human ears and taper into a point. They have some limited mobility, allowing the witch to pinpoint sounds, and they play a part in emotional expression. For a witch, it's not really that strange that human ears are round, it's more that they don't move at all. They're completely stiff, and it makes humans difficult to read. (Luz is lucky she's otherwise very expressive, or else she would come off as nearly emotionless. As it is, sometimes people think she's not being genuine, because her ears don't match the rest of her expression, like when someone smiles without their eyes.)
Humans have slightly denser bones than witches. As a result, humans weigh a bit more on average and put on muscle easier.
Witches can't digest lactose
A high tolerance for most human poisons means that alcohol isn't a popular drug for witches. It technically affects them in a similar way, but their tolerance is such that it's not an effective way to get high. Most of the drugs used recreationally on the Boiling Isles would kill a human instantly.
Witches have a different pulse beat from humans, since their hearts are designed differently to accommodate the bile sac (and grimwalkers' pulses are even more unique, since they have a galdorstone. Rather than the thump of blood valves, Grimwalkers have a sort of magic hum that pulses their circulatory system.)
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childlikegoblinqueen · 11 months
Noceda Sibling HeadCanon:
Luz, Vee, and Hunter are all into nerdy things, but Hunter has least experience with the properties.
Obviously he latches onto whatever is his fave so when he sees The Princess Bride for instance, he blurts out lines and quotes like the movie is brand new.
When he explains to confused folks who can’t understand how the pure nerdy kid has only JUST seen this classic movie, Vee and Luz blurt out,
Eventually Hunter is so used to this that he starts telling people this all on his own. But it’s completely deadpan and no one is sure if he’s being sarcastic or not.
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pigeoncreep · 1 year
Happy pride month you silly little gays 🪄✨
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maxcatz · 9 days
raine whispers the type of mf to have beethoven and my chemical romance in the same playlist
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c0rec0re · 5 months
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Picture I just found while clearing my camera roll
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salamander-spark · 15 days
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Skeletal Anatomy of a Basilisk
I've been thinking about Basilisk anatomy stuff for my brainstorming, and I thought it would be cool to show what I think their skeletons would be like, cause snakes are cool...
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yeah, and I wanted to practice drawing bones and body shapes (fun that I don't have to worry about drawing the pelvis, that thing is such a wierd shape), I've never drawn so many ribs before, but thats what snakes are like.
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I know many people have different interpretations on what Vee being smaller/more humanoid than the other basilisks means. Some people say she's a different species (lesser basilisk, hybrid etc), But I always got the impression she was much younger than the rest of them.
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Apparently, certain kinds of pythons are able to regulate their body temp and generate heat in special conditions.
I think Basilisks are naturally cold blooded, but can expend magic in order to keep their body temperature high in cold climates. Maybe some who have lived in cold climates for a long period of time naturally have adaptations, like increased body fur and cold resistant scales. The idea of Basilisks being able to adapt to their unique situations is such a cool concept, I wish we knew more about them in the show.
I also like drawing Vee with a more realistic appearance while also staying true to her canon proportions in relation to the other characters.
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I liked finding a balace between more humanoid skulls, and more Boa/Python skulls, I think what I came up with was pretty cool looking. They can definitely open their jaws super wide, as shown by the inspector (Or at least greater Basilisks can):
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I had fun on these drawings, and coming up with ideas, I'd like to hear your thoughts.
In an earlier post I said I was brainstorming for a potential fanfic. It's been super slow and I can't get my brain to start writing anything. That's always been my weakness, same with school writing. Maybe once summer comes, I can practice more with writing for fun and actually get somewhere. Just average struggles, IDK where I'm going with this and why I'm writing this down.
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