#im a ride he wouldnt survive
hiekka · 25 days
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MONSTER TOUDENS I soooo want to see more monster laios. also I love to headcanon that toshiro has something mad complicated going on toward both of them. i really really love laios and toshiro dynamic and think they should settle the cat fight in bed. the fic where shuro dreams about monster falin and laios is my everything
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jo-gakky · 3 months
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sweet-milky-tea705 · 2 months
I imagined gale in a vest. I imagined felix as gale. I imagined LL in bg3. My mind is BUZZING and honestly im not sure i can recover
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turtleblogatlast · 8 months
okay so just so you know, im literally in love with your prison!leo au, yesterday i spent like over an hour scrolling through the tag and i think i read every post at least twice (more for the comics). its combining ‘prison dimension has permanent effect on leo, and not just mentally’, ‘immortality angst’, ‘object or place having a form of sentience’, AND ‘leo is somehow made significantly younger than his brothers which very much changes their dynamic without him wanting it to’ all into one which is just amazing.
i love how you combined comedy and tragedy very well!! like, for example the idea of leo being mistaken for the youngest brother, than a son, then a GRANDSON, is kinda funny for a second, but when you think about it for more than a couple seconds its also. really tragic. this poor kid may never be able to fully grow up - not only is he likely going to outlive his whole family but hes also permanently in the body of a child, lacking a fully developed brain and maybe never having the full maturity of an adult (at least in path b, until hes able to find a ‘cure’, if ever). its just. so good!!
anyways aldjsldkksld enough of the gushing (i mean i could keep doing it for like two thousand more words, but if i did it would probably devolve into keysmashes at some point from the Grip this au has on my brain). i am curious, what would happen if leo got sick? i know you mentioned that things like a common cold wouldnt really affect him that much, but what about one of those sickness is that leaves you pretty delirious/feverish and can take you out in a matter of a week? (could be a type of mystic sickness or curse as well, where you don’t know if the victim will survive or not and the only option is to wait it out.) what would happen? would they sort of just decide that its better to find a way to temporarily kill him so his body could regenerate as new, or would they try to take care of him and see if they could wait it out, since i imagine it would be the only time he’d really let his family take care of him in that way. thats all assuming his body wouldnt just automatically find a way to heal the separate curse and he’d be well again within an hour (still not fully sure as to how his healing works, sorry!)
anyways, love this au and im going to be obsessed with it for the next Month thanks
[ cw: discussion of murder / discussion of mercy kill / risky behavior implied / ]
Omg I’m
So touched???
Thank you for enjoying my AU so much, it really makes me happy to hear this :’) This whole AU was thought up exactly because of my interest in the concepts you mentioned - particularly the one regarding the Prison Dimension having a permanent and visible effect on Leo.
I know I haven’t updated it in a while, but I am still working on it and have even finished drafting the next comic, I can’t say when I’ll finish it but this ask definitely pushed me to work on it more so thank you so much <3
As for your question- it depends! In most regular illnesses, Leo would get over them very quickly, only experiencing the briefest brush with the symptoms before his body throws it away, if that. If the illness is mystic in nature then things get a little more complicated, as you’re right in that it could potentially end up as an endless loop of the first part of whatever weird sickness he gets. So if the illness is something that instantly affects you in the worst ways, and it’s something you just need to ride out until it leaves…that can potentially be harmful. Of course, it needs to be a powerful illness to bypass the prison’s curse to that extent though. …then again, maybe something would prefer that for him, should it appear beneficial :)
As for whether the fam would decide to just…’reset’ Leo to get rid of the illness…that’s a tough one. It really depends on how long Leo’s been back, and even then, it’s not something they’d just do, it’s hard for them to even imagine really. More likely, a sickly Leo would merely try to find a cure himself in his delirium, and end up ‘reset’ along the way.
I hope my wishy washy answer was enough! And really, thank you so much again for the kind words, they mean a lot :’)
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pesterloglog · 9 days
Jake English, Dirk Strider
Page 633-636
JAKE: Fuck!!!
JAKE: Why did she have to go and build a moon laser!!!
JAKE: Why did she have to go and
JAKE: And SAY all that!!!
DIRK: It's not over.
DIRK: That moon laser doesn't mean shit.
JAKE: ...if theres no one to press the button?
DIRK: Boom.
DIRK: Or, you know.
DIRK: No boom.
JAKE: Her guard is down...
DIRK: And you have a gun.
JAKE: I have TWO guns.
DIRK: Let's be real, this wouldn't even be the first time you've thought of it.
JAKE: Its... an option.
DIRK: You help her win the battle.
DIRK: Avoid baptizing the Earth with laser-fire.
DIRK: And she uses The Point, and the world doesn't end.
DIRK: Probably.
DIRK: Who the fuck knows.
JAKE: What should i do?
DIRK: I'm not gonna tell you.
JAKE: I already know youll want me to do whats heroic.
JAKE: But you wouldnt want me to kill jane either.
JAKE: Would you?
DIRK: Stop staring at me like I'm gonna tongue-kiss the answer into you, dude.
DIRK: You know what you need to do.
JAKE: But jane was right about me!
JAKE: I cant be trusted.
JAKE: I dont even like 99% of people.
DIRK: Then do it for one person.
DIRK: Aren't you tired of spreading yourself thin trying to believe in everything?
DIRK: Because it's looking pretty fuckin' likely that the future where Tavvy is happy and the future where Jane is alive don't coincide.
DIRK: You have to kill one for the other to survive.
JAKE: It sounds like youre gunning for her.
DIRK: It sounds like *you're* gunning for her.
DIRK: Say what you will about Dirk, but he always wanted you to be your best self.
DIRK: He pushed you hoping if he did it hard enough, you'd push back.
DIRK: That's a far cry from whatever neutered domestic purgatory Jane's offering you.
DIRK: Wasn't it nice to be believed in, man?
JAKE: Ugh.
JAKE: Can i make an honest query?
JAKE: Did i really kill him?
JAKE: I did, didnt i?
DIRK: Common sense says no.
JAKE: Cant you swing that one by your esoteric telepathic dirk connection?
DIRK: That's a tricky fuckin' wicket, man.
JAKE: Its "sticky wicket".
DIRK: It's nothing, because that's a stupid fucking phrase cooked up by fake people about a fake sport from a dead planet.
DIRK: Anyway, it's tricky because there's not really all that much of anything left of the big man.
DIRK: Not here, anyway.
JAKE: Oh, baloney!
JAKE: Thats not how this works. Youre the supernatural tsaheylu of our combined "steezes".
JAKE: This isnt my first ride in the rodeo, mister, I KNOW THE RHYTHM OF THIS BUCKING BRONCO.
DIRK: I'm sorry.
DIRK: He's gone, dude.
DIRK: Yeah.
DIRK: Get it all out, man.
DIRK: I know a crisp glass of personal culpability isn't what you ordered, but hey.
DIRK: It's better than relapsing.
JAKE: Im drunk right now.
DIRK: And that sucks, buddy.
DIRK: But I'm talking about the big show of "everything's fine now" kitchen table red undie dirty dancing you did.
JAKE: Oh, i forgot about that.
DIRK: You fuckin' wish you did.
DIRK: It'd be the only reasonable excuse you'd have for nipping this uncomfortable epiphany in the bud so you could slink back to following orders from Dirk.
JAKE: ...
JAKE: Gods hooks, i backflipped right into my old ways!
DIRK: Don't beat yourself up about it. It's a running theme with literally everybody we know.
DIRK: You all get caught up in these feeling jams, hugging it out in self-realizational bliss.
DIRK: Then, bam.
DIRK: Premature ejaculation.
DIRK: That passionate growth grind ends before it builds to anything actually satisfying.
JAKE: :(
JAKE: Are you saying i need to be red undies jake again?
DIRK: Absolutely the fuck not.
DIRK: Hands off the belt, buddy. You've graduated.
DIRK: You're fully dressed Jake now.
DIRK: Sitting on the sticky floor of a custodial closet, hidden away from anything certain and good in this world.
DIRK: Alone.
JAKE: This is scary! I dont like this.
DIRK: Fuck yeah it is. This is sweaty, achey, burning transformation, brother.
JAKE: I want to go back! I want to be the other guy again.
DIRK: You can't be the other guy anymore, Jake.
DIRK: We're sending him upstate to live on a beautiful farm, where they're gonna immediately drag him out back and put him out of his fucking misery.
DIRK: Remember when you told Egbert you wanted someone to hold you accountable?
DIRK: Well.
JAKE: Nooooooo.
DIRK: "Here's Johnny!"
JAKE: Oh...
JAKE: *sniff*
JAKE: Oh, dirk...
JAKE: Cripes, if there really is no magical component to all of this,
JAKE: if youre really gone,
JAKE: then i am simply a forty year old man... being led by the nose... by an imaginary friend.
JAKE: That is not cute.
DIRK: It's kind of cute.
JAKE: Its mental illness!
DIRK: It can be both.
DIRK: Look.
DIRK: What you need to do is stop sobbing into your own fucking arms and make a decision.
DIRK: Spying for the rebellion, running away... these were steps in the right direction, but they also had, y'know.
JAKE: Plausible deniability.
DIRK: They were deflections.
DIRK: And at the end of the day, that's what choosing Jane would be, too.
JAKE: Its odd, but...
JAKE: Shucks, i dont want to cut her down right before she makes this big turnaround.
JAKE: If shed decided to keep her promise...
JAKE: thatd be bitter fucking berries to live with.
DIRK: But?
JAKE: But she probably wont change, will she?
DIRK: Why in the fuck would she?
DIRK: She'll have won.
JAKE: But... i dont think she was meant to be this way. Do you?
DIRK: Like, was she born to be a wildly racist dictatorial cake boss?
JAKE: Ok, when you put it that way it sounds a bit bonkers.
JAKE: What i mean is...
JAKE: Take me, for example.
JAKE: I know its not my fault janey got a bit rough and tumble with our relationship. That fundamentally, i didnt deserve it.
JAKE: But that doesnt exactly make me a mensch by default, does it?
JAKE: In fact i worry there might be more of me thats, well... inherently bad than not.
JAKE: And thats why everything tends to get so furiously fucked all the time!
JAKE: Everyone is waiting around for this better version of me to pop up, but thats never going to happen.
JAKE: Because if it did, it wouldn't be me anymore.
DIRK: So, are you trapped being Mr. Pissy Pantyloos Loser Man no matter what?
JAKE: Sort of.
JAKE: What do you think?
DIRK: I don't know.
DIRK: Maybe?
JAKE: Oh...
DIRK: Who even gives a fuck?
DIRK: This is some big philosophical philandering you're trying out, and we didn't even finish elementary school.
DIRK: The best we've got to work with is whatever you gleaned from "My Dinner with Andre" and "Blade Runner."
DIRK: And you fell asleep during "Andre."
JAKE: Point taken.
DIRK: Here's what we do know: when you face our friends tomorrow, they're gonna be none-the-wiser about the insane masturbatory matrix bullet time battles you've been having with yourself in your own head.
DIRK: What will be real to them is what you DID.
DIRK: That's it.
DIRK: Show them you're trying.
DIRK: Or don't, and get left behind.
JAKE: Good god...
JAKE: This is the worst pep talk... ever.
DIRK: It's you, dude, what did you expect?
JAKE: True.
DIRK: Do you want to be left behind?
JAKE: I want to see tavvy grow up!
JAKE: I want to choose him!
JAKE: But i want to believe in jane too...
DIRK: Sigh.
JAKE: Listen.
JAKE: I never really understood all that much of the "doomed timeline" hoopla you cerebral types tend to gab on about.
JAKE: But... its nice to think that there might be countless janes somewhere out there who never stopped being happy.
JAKE: Baking, getting up to all manner of lighthearted mischiefs... true blue all around.
JAKE: When i think of her, thats whats real to me.
JAKE: What she is now, what these rotten unenviable circumstances have made of her, its all just...
DIRK: Happenstance.
JAKE: Is that stupid?
DIRK: Probably, but you're a god of Hope.
DIRK: You're a poster-child for making stupid shit feasible.
DIRK: And no one has the power to say what's true for every Jane.
DIRK: I'm sure if you asked a couple of them how they feel about labor camps and domestic violences, they'd hit you with a "Woah there, buster jones."
JAKE: "Thats not for me!"
DIRK: "No siree!"
JAKE: Hehehe.
JAKE: Exactly.
JAKE: If i can believe in those janes,
JAKE: i think i can let this one go.
DIRK: Extravagant hoops to stumble through just to keep believing, man.
DIRK: It's sneaky. I like it.
JAKE: Its decided then?
DIRK: Seems so.
DIRK: You can finally leave the closet.
JAKE: Har, har.
JAKE: Goofs aside, old buddy...
JAKE: I get the strange sense i wont be speaking with you again.
DIRK: You won't. Why would you?
DIRK: You're normal now.
JAKE: But-
DIRK: You don't need him.
JAKE: It feels good to pretend, though.
JAKE: To hold on a little while longer.
DIRK: Don't.
JAKE: Fine! Fine...
JAKE: Hope is the crummiest aspect of the lot, huh.
JAKE: I swear the only time its worth a lick more than delusions and hot air
JAKE: is if it really fucking hurts.
DIRK: Welcome to being a person, Jake English.
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1tsjusty0u · 3 months
can i present you with a random scenario. what would happen in an au hypothetical where only one of the champions survives the calamity. idk like what would happen for each champion im curious
ywah you can!!
ok this depends on if you mean like. taking links surviving role or surviving alongside link. in my au the former would be.. a bit more complicated? actually that could make for a really fucked up scenario of which i shant say as . probably spoilers? actually no . in wotb link actually dies early (a recent development meta-textually). so basically if hes already in there and a champion has to be put in their instead theres two routes. one he could never be put in there at all, already gone by the time they find the SoR. or two he Is in there but something just Fails Really Badly. it just.. wouldnt heal him. so its a last ditch effort to put a champion in there.
long text below Be Warned.
so while we’re on the topic of that scenario!!! lets start with it!! 1 mipha. she would send out an ok signal to the other champions, and she’d either check on her people first or try to get vah ruta to the nearest champion to help them. or hell she might check on zelda first. i think the plan without link would be to either say fuck it we ball and impa would take zelda to the castle, Or just go straight to kakariko instead as a safety thing. i think she’d actually check on zelda as she’s seen as the most important, then try to reach the champions. i think she’d have the same problems the champions descendants have getting into the divine beasts honestly, though vah naboris would be easy theres no water close enough. vah medoh is not only too high but has an actual shield. vah rudania walks around too much and causes way too much damage to death mountain. she could fire her shot at one of the divine beasts, but that would kill the champion inside it, wouldnt it? so she just resigns to help zelda and impa. she can take care of guardians well enough honestly. her cause of death would probably be either malice or trying to heal zelda or impa While Being Fought at. shes put in and boom 100 years later. i dont know how scales work but i think they wouldnt regrow in the SoR and she’d be left with scarred skin. either rhoam or a zora she knew would greet her on the great plateau. rhoam… wouldnt exactly be happy about. link not being there. mipha being able to defeat her blight is proof to him that shes capable, but also he really has no other options. who else is going to help zelda? mipha had defeated one of his creations.. so she could defeat him. she kind of has to, master sword or not- she’s the only one left. if a zora she knew was there instead i think itd reflect on her personally more? like her healing, her tendency to look after others instead of herself, how she’s dealing with this. the zora wouldnt force her to help zelda, maybe not even telling her. but yeag. still amnesiac, and things go mostly the same as canon besides some.. hiccups. going into zoras domain would have her literally not be able to leave, let alone go to zelda or any of the divine beasts. dorephan and muzu would gush over her because well. they havent seen her in 100 years!! and shes alive!!! she’s been martyred which would be. uncomfortable to her. because she doesnt know who that statue is, even if it looks like her. sure shes calm and nice, but the statues face.. it looks. serene almost. calm. lifeless, dead. vah rutas been protecting the place, and vah ruta would also say hi!! she’d get a memory of herself here which could include her little self or her pre cal self Hiding Things, like vulnerability. itd make her uncomfortable as well!! AND SIDON. sidon would have mixed feelings, but he would absolutely hang out with her in a more.. chill manner. just like. camping and eating. frog hunting. showing her how to ride a waterfall like she taught him. they get to know each other better like. well like siblings. she might do a pre cal and when she suggests leaving while doing a chill hangout she’d do That Smile. the hiding something smile basically, or ‘im the mature sibling’ smile. and sidon would be like ‘youre making that face’ >:( and shed go (sweating) ‘what’. but yeah. sidon would either go with her and travel with her or establish a mail system no matter the cost. They Will Talk damnit. going into other regions is hard when you cant really handle many temperatures that arent in the water. im ppretty sure zoras domain has chillfin trout in it so i think she’d do better in colder weather rather than hot, which sucks because two divine beasts are in hot weather. she’d probably still need at Least a ruby circlet though because hebra is probably too cold, or just sucks because of the snow. death mountain she’d have to put. so much flame resistance elixrs on. she’d also wear a sapphire circlet all the time there even if its not in the flaming zone. she doesnt like the hot springs </3. yunobo and her would-
-get along i think. she’d probably be slightly annoyed at how scared he is but other than that no complaints. he’d be really nice without being a pushover and i think she’d relate/admire that. she’d eat smotherwing butterflies. daruk would be really happy to see her. getting into gerudo town sucks so so soo badly. sand keeps getting under her scales, its Dry, its Hot (during the day), and theres not like. an elixr for her scales. the only real place sand Isnt on her is the lake in the kara kara bazaar. i think she’d put on flame resistant elixir there just so it protects her scales. or she gets some armour to help her with that. otherwise she’s let into gerudo town. vah naboris would be a nightmare for her. she’d have to have like. a hazmat suit for that one. and the yiga!! she wouldnt like them the moment she hears of them, which has to do with link pre cal but saying too much is spoilers. honestly though. i dont think theyd try to kill her, at least not Nearly as much. after all shes Just Some Zora. no sword, no divine intervention. after getting the thunder helm though theyd go after her probably. but yeah she does Not like them and will actually fight them the first chance she gets. this caused problems for the thunder helm stealth mission. urbosa and revali would be impressed to see her but also worried (revali) and defeated/giving up almost (urbosa). she and paya would get along really well and she’d clean with her Instantly. though paya would tell her that she doesnt have to + she should. be doing other things. she’d buy links house which. weird feelings about it so she doesnt really live in it but its just. There. like a memorial. she’d also be annoyed at purah teasing her about having to get parts but she’d mask it. she’d like indexing fish and birds in her compendium, and the sanke carp Fascinates her. she’d like kass’s music and really just sit and listen to him play. she’d also try to tell him what the shrine solution was once she figures it out. though i dont think he’d tell her the calamity legends. impa does however. she’d find lurelin and would So Badly want to go into the sea. however its too much salt. she’d probably fish there honestly, fishing rod and all. also though seafaring is dangerous for her so. no eventide unless a good boat rather than a dodgy raft. she.. tries to make it into korok forest. but she doesnt know how, and if link ever told her how he did it she cant remember. also its Super haunting for her i think she’d minorly see horrors in the mist so. yeah no forest for her. she’d defeat ganon though, and she’d probably live in zoras domain but take zelda with her. OH ALSO HER MEMORIES…. zeldas photos wouldnt help her too much. only 1 has her in it. so she’d get memories based on her surroundings, like how link gets snippets of the champions. seeing her trident would get a memory, the veiled falls shrine would have a memory, goponga village would have a memory, maybe the east post would have one?, and she’d have a zelda memory somewhere in zoras domain (maybe with those history tablets, or in an area with wildlife). and if link has a grave thatd also have a memory. she’d also get a memory of impa because hell yeah. im tempted to make link a spirit that follows her like the other champions honestly. but yeah post cal sidons been set as the ruler so. she can do what she wants. she’d mostly help zelda though.
in the scenario she lives alongside link, she’d tend to him on the great plateau and generally help out purah and robbie. she’d have to be at the domain most of the time though, and she’d be next in line for the crown rather than sidon. she’d grow older and do her best to help with the side effects of the calamity. she HATES yiga even more here than the last scenario. she also hates guardians, but she can take care of even the stalkers now. she’s there to greet link instead of rhoam, and helps him recuperate. she doesnt have a paraglider at first so for him to get down he’d need to climb down. or she couldve made a river system into the great plateau so if he holds his breath he can dive in and out. he still has to do the shrines zelda let mipha know that he has to. she might also travel with him honestly. she’d also spearhead the guardians on the great plateau when she finds out some are active. things would tense between them as time goes on but thats another story. basically old lady who may want to kill.
if revali survived!! uhh first scenario. he would fly all the way to the other champions first, and would check on zelda last. he’d also try to see how the village is doing before he flys to the champions. he cant get to naboris or ruta because he cant see anything, and rudania is at a Really painful angle, and with death mountain erupting.. its a pipe dream to make it there. he dies also to malice, or maybe to a guardian shot. same deal as mipha, either rhoam or a rito he knows greets him. rhoam has the same feelings (+exasperation because of all the champions, it was revali. and he’s a lot more of an old man to him with like changing the deal and teasing him. they would probably fight if not for the fact they dont hate each other). if it was a rito theyd focus more on flying than anything else. actually. he can get off the great plateau. i mean unless he forgot how to glide/one of his wings couldnt work he could. simply get down there. so for plot lets say he forgot how to fly and glide. once he learns how to again he goes to kakariko, and once he learns of rito village hes goes straight there and almost never leaves it. its His Hometown damnit!!! the nostalgia would get to him. though not knowing anyone would be… weird to him. but he’d still love the village. he and medoh would banter but theyd miss each other. he has to get to vah ruta by walking and hes SO mad about it. he would absolutely fight muzu if muzu hated him like he hated link. maybe muzu would doubt his skills and insist no outside help is needed. mipha would be sad probably. not to see him but just to see her family. but i think her and revali would be friends like pre cal and theyd have fun just with now looming dread. the flame resistant stuff would suck to put on, but he isnt going to drink it so he suffers instead. he would probably like yunobo. he’s able to reassure him better and yunobo is like you mentioned more reasonable in general so. yeah!! OH YEAH also he and sidon.. hm. i think sidon would tease him/punk him a lot. be more mean but thatd be why theyd get along in the end. frienemies. vah naboris. would be awful. sand in his feathers the same way mipha had sand in her scales. itd be Doubly hot for him, so he’d have to go at night but rito have terrible night vision so it sucks, and he cant even get into town. he spends a good minute arguing with the guard, not about wanting to be let in but to do Divine Beast things. eventually riju has been summoned and, while exasperated, she believes him. he still has to get the thunder helm, and hes more neutral on the yiga than mipha is. he sees them as a threat but like. he doesnt despise them. if they werent threats itd be fine. i think hes also slightly scared of them. he sneaks through, master kohgas defeated and the yiga are after him, and actually doing naboris hed also need a hazmat suit for. though its a bit better because ARCHERY YEEAAHH 🔥🔥🔥🔥💶💶💶🦅🦅🏹🏹🏹🏹🏹🏹🏹🏹🏹🏹🏹🏹🏹🏹🏹🏹🏹🏹🏹🏹🏹🏹🏹. urbosa would feel the same like she did with mipha, except more exasperated and defeated because Its Revali. daruk would be happy to see him though still. link may or may not be a spirit here? itd be tense at first but i think itd mirror their friendship arc pre cal (of which i need to answer that ask i am sorry) except the roles would be swapped. youll see. anyways yeah. payas meh to him, doesnt like impa a lot but doesnt hate her, would debate purah probably Somehow. he wouldnt buy links house probably. memory locations: his bow and arrow, the flight range, the tabantha village ruins, tanagaar canyon/dinraal, mabe village perhaps, one of zelda same with mipha, links grave, and maybe one of impa. also possibly one at the secret hot springs. post cal he’d constantly help rito village and thats it. Maybe help zelda if she sends a letter but yeah. he’d have to find a hobby though
living along side link. he would also help purah and robbie, though less so. he’d be forced to greet link but in the meantime he’d protect his village and basically become the elder. seeing a young link whiles he old would be… disconcerting. he’d probably feel a mixture of guilt and anger. same deal as mipha though he has a paraglider for him. he wouldnt kill the guardians however and would just find a route for him to avoid them. he’d also be straightforward about what happened to link as opposed to mipha, so their relationship would be less strained as time goes on. he travels with him up to rito village and no more. i think he’d also visit the champion descendants to do his best to help them out.
daruk!! he’d go to the champions straight away. vah ruta is isolated in water which he cant get to (and also has a shield), vah medohs way too high up, and naboris wont stay still, and though hes mighty he can absolutely get crushed by naboris’s legs. god how would he die. yiga misfire maybe???? malice once again?? probably just an accumulation of malice. hed try to instantly leave the plateau (no fall damage like majoras mask goron rock ball form) and while rhoam (if he was there) would try to tease him he’d have to just tell him ‘hey. you Have to do this. Its important. please’ or would straight away tell him the truth. if a goron spirit was there . shrugs. theyd probably focus on strength and building enough to get ganon. goron city, hailed as hero though hes a bit uncomfortable about that and tries to both take it and be mature(?) about it if that makes sense. like hes more comfortable with it than mipha, but it still puts him off a little. vah rudania would hate to see him (rudania missed him so much its unbelievable). vah ruta would be. one Hell of a divine beast to do. he’d have to use a thunder sword instead of arrows, and he’d be A Test to sidons strength as a whole. OH ALSO yunobo would love him !!!!! him bludo and yunobo would probably hang out post cal. anyways. vah naboris he would simply slam into their legs instead of bomb arrows. still would need the thunder helm. master kohga would respect daruk enough however business is business and right now theyre enemies. daruk would not like the yiga like mipha . closer to the hate scale than revali but less than mipha. he’d be pretty pissed at them and wouldnt realize why for a while. the yiga have to get inventive when he becomes wanted which means new weapons methinks!! also he’s let into gerudo town. gorons r genderless so. hell yeah. and. ok so daruk cant get up to vah medoh theres. not many options. either he’s chucked from hebra peak at all of medohs batteries and is finally chucked on board, Or if youve seen klerics 10 ways link can make it up to that divine beast on his own he does that. also also urbosa would have more hope with daruk than mipha and revali. revali would secretly be happy to see the guy. link might be a spirit as usual. memories! his stone smasher, death mountains peak, military training camp, the place where link saved him which he mentions in his diary, the hot springs/springs near the base of death mountain, honestly probably meeting mipha (maybe trading fish) ((where no clue, though he has memories of the other champions like all of them of which they arent the samw memory locations in botw. like miphas statue doesnt trigger a memory for daruk and anyone else ok sorry)), uhh zelda, impa?, links grave, and maybe some place in akkala.
the second scenario he would constantly try to help the descendants rather than link as he figures purah and robbie got it covered, but he visits them while they do great plateau things and they chat!! maybe try to take care of guardians. he would be the most straightforward with link, both in helping him gain strength but in his memories. he’ll offer to travel but wont force it on him. other than that he’d stay on death mountain with rudania. most things wouldnt be a threat with daruk around honestly. just a support beam basically. kind of sad because i. dunno what kind of character arc he would have in most of this. </3
urbosa!!! she’d take a quick glance at her people but go to zeldas and the champions aid. its hard to tell which she’d go for first.. like on one hand she’s biased towards zelda but she just went through a blight and can hear the SOS signals of the others. maybe multitasking? getting naboris to zelda as fast as she can, picking her up/dropping her off (which could lead to some chatting on the way), and then to a divine beast, maybe realizing about a quarter left of the way that theyre already dead and theres no point now. mipha would have a similar revelation probably just.. later. but urbosa dies helping zelda and impa, either distracting something or getting ambushed. great plateau, you know the drill. if rhoam was there theyd have some, “lovely” chats (theyd be So petty against each other. she’d find out her smiting power by trying smite him. though they are friends and have fun and would drink with each other.) and once her whole deal is revealed they have a little heart to heart, and this becomes even more serious to her. she’d go straight to the castle or would reluctantly go to kakariko taking rhoams suggestion seriously. if a gerudo was there it’d probably be more fighting training/regaining strength, plus. warnings of the world beyond this plateau. anyways. impa and her would be besties (though impa would be.. too lax for her). and she’d enjoy paya a lot, maybe try to flex on her to tease her. zoras domain dorephan and her would get along i think AND OH WAIT. SHE HAS LIGHTNING POWERS. if she can get the thunder helm she could finish vah ruta in one strike (though it Does worry the zora a bit). she may throw shade at muzu for his hate of hylians and of the shekiah tech (especially the latter i think). sidon and her would be battle buddies i think, theyd constantly try to outdo each other but still respect each other to have Actual Teamwork. dynamic duo that will kill you. also she makes fun of him sometimes. anyways. mipha would be pretty happy to see her! death mountain. either drinks the elixir first and then realizes most people apply it on their skin so. oops. but she doesnt really care so she keeps drinking it like its champagne. chugging. despite being used to the desert she still doesnt like the heat. yunobo and her would also get along i think!! she would just immediately kill whatever hes afraid of and he looks in. slight fear. though the mines was a workout for her and shes making sure he knows he Owes Her for that one. anyways daruk would be ecstatic to see her theyre Instant Besties. new ghost pal perhaps as well. he’d yell like a sports fan everytime she beats the blight/gets a hit. its chaotic that time the energy is just net positive despite the circumstances. hebra. honestly. she might be ok with it? the desert is cold at night and she lives next to snowy mountains. nice change of pace. teba gets her up there pretty easily, maybe bow troubles? slices the targets with her sword as teba watches in surprise yet defeat. revali and her would, once again, be very petty. however revali would still worry with the blight but she’s fine. i think she’d hate the rotating angle of vah medoh. aaand naboris!!! no freeing to do she just gets to see a long time friend of hers (naboris). she’d love riju and riju may feel a bit of pressure, but over all she’s welcomed back with open arms (maybe some new locals not recognizing her which would be interesting). though she’d have to clear the yiga. now on the hate scale, she probably wants them annihilated (i am so sorry). like riju would have to pull her back saying ‘heyheyhey yeah they suck but dont??? kill them??? or their entire clan????’ which would only barely stop her. she wouldnt even try to sneak through she’d fight them and threaten kohga for the thunder helm. kohga lets her have it without fight and makes a retreat, though he probably lays low? if he hunts her afterwards is debatable because on one hand she Is a threat to them and ganon, but also she Can kill them before they teleport and retreat. so a bit of a choice. also hateno, purah and her wouldnt be-
too much of friends but theyd get along well enough. same with robbie. she wouldnt get links house to her its not her problem. or maybe she does but because she’d think itd be a nice place for zelda. kass and her would just be diplomats to each other. link spirit maybe shrugs . memories!! sword and shield, kara kara bazaar, southern oasis?, shield surfing champion shrine that she did, patricia maybe?, digg dogg suspension bridge, a spring memory with zelda, flora and fauna with zelda, links grave, impa, the champions yadda yadda. the memory numbers probably dont match up between all the champions sorry
second scenario!!! exclusively helps zelda and either stops her from letting ganon eat her or tries her best to fight ganon before retreating and he eats zelda. then she just. wanders. purah probably helping her cope or just. do things. she might even stay in kakariko for a bit, and she moves out of gerudo town. she’d say goodbye to everyone of course. but ywah. also maybe guard kakariko from yiga of which cado would fear her immensely. she’d either greet link or let rhoam do it and just meet link at kakariko and be Cryptic and Vague like he was but push him towards helping zelda, maybe even traveling with him. however she’d probably try to have him stay On Track constantly which would go. poorly. either that or she silently judges him but doesnt say anything. she’d only really hammer in to Go To Castle once all the divine beasts are free. they probably split off though, urbosa going to either chill or help in some way just elsewhere. like helping robbie light his ancient oven and getting guardian tools. also she has more wrinkles now shes super super old
if link isnt revived but the champions arent put in the SoR itd just be a mix of the two scenarios, slowly chipping at the divine beasts while helping out globally and getting old and having to cope with everything afterwards because they still have their memories
this . may not have been what you meant. i am sorry. however. thumbs up
ALSOALSO wanting the yiga dead is not a morally pure/correct course of action for them. it is not morally right thing to annihilate an entire group of people this isnt a bug its a feature. them wanting the yigas dead is not good. just in case.
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marvelita85 · 1 year
16 years of age and your grandfather the king thought you were of age to start looking for a husband you knew your mother had chosen your father at similar age, you were a dragon, you ride DarkShadow the 2nd larger dragon after Vaghar and a princess obviosly many great lords and sons would come to kingslanding to dispute your hand, you didnt want any part of it, you wish your freedom as your mother did at that age
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Rhaenyra your mother granted you more freedom than most mothers would
- you are a delight for sore eyes my niece -Aegon walked beside you and you tried to hide a smile
- uncle.... Im surprise to find you awake so early in the morrow...
- I knew you were coming today how can I not welcome my favourite niece
- Im the only one you have, but thank you my prince...- you always tried to be polite with your uncles, Aegon was never close to you,but realising you have become a beautiful woman he would definitly be closer much to your disconfort but you could always count on your brothers to save you
Jace found you and soon took you away from Aegon, in just a moment your eyes turn and found the ones of your other uncle the one you've always been close the one you yearn in your absence in dragonstone, he wear an eyepatch now and you just hope he didnt hate you for any part you had that fatidic night
Aemond was training when his niece got outside the countryard he followed her with his eye and silently thanked his nephew to go and rescue her from his brothers schemes
- she has became beautiful... a delight - his brother said Aemond only looked at her he didnt care she was a bastard her eyes hold a Targaryen look as they were dark purple as much as his instead of your brothers you had your mothers eyes
You were your grandfather's favourite he anounced in the feast that night whoever you chose would rule with you after his passing and after your mothers, any children you might have would rule after you and all men in westeros wanted their heirs to rule the 7 kingdoms, you didnt want that presure but it was inevitable, for now you were dancing with your cousins and your brothers who were bethroded to them, Luke let go of your hand as you star spining in the middle of the dance floor but you lose your footing tangle with your dress and you though you would fall but a pair of hands steady you holding you close as you stoped
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- uncle!!... thank you...
- are you sure I can stop holding you there is no danger for you to fall- he was taller than you he hold a half smiling never taking his eye from yours
- no... I believe I survived today thanks to you...
- hmm...- he simply let go of you and you realised you didnt want to lose his arms around you
- my prince... I presume you wouldnt stay to dance with me... even if I ask you one...
- you presume right niece - you gave a small smile and bow your head trying not to feel disapointed but you were deep inside you hope Aemond wouls say yes to spend sometime with you - this is not the field I'd like to dance but if you want tomorrow I expect to be training outside - your smile watching him go said everything and no one in your family missed the way you interact with the Targaryen prince
You turn to the sweet table and grab an orange cake closing your eyea enjoying it
- what are you doing? - your brother was beside you
- what are you talking about Jace?
- our uncle...
- what about him...
- you invited him on a dance
- yes, I just wanted to thank him for stoping me to embarassed myself in front of everyone if I fall
- he is looking for your favors sister...
- he just wanted to be polite he never did anything improper
- you are the heir of the 7 kingdoms he wish for that throne is the only thing that matters he knows he can be king through you
- so... any man I chose knows he will rule with me one day... what if I want our uncle to be that man...
- you cant be serious...
- he is a prince, he is a Targaryen he is smart and clever and he was never evil hearted towards me from all the prospects grandfather showed me tonight I would married Aemond in a heart bit if it only depended on me
- he hates us... he will always think we are bastards you included
- I wonder why he harbored those sentiments in his heart for us, if I have to remind you brother you took his eye..
- it was Lucerys after he called us bastards
- it doesnt matter what he called you or if Luke was defending you, you never said sorry... maybe now is too late but you never apologized and probably it was the only thing he was expecting, you were friends once, and now that relationship is lost forever only because no one could say one word that could chance everything
- i hope Damon and mother never allows you to marry him - you hated to fight with any of your brothers you loved them but you couldnt deny what was building inside your heart
Part 2:
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chiangyorange · 1 year
Big Leo holding Raph and joking around with lil' Leo 🥺💜
RAPHIE!!!! I LOVE MY BIG MAN SM!!!!!! i love him i love him i love him i love him i love himmmmmmm
(v excerpts taken from ch7 v)
Before he responds Leonardo walks into the room. Under his arm is Raph, hanging there limply with a shocked expression. Leo reels at the sight a little bit. It looks like Raph is too as he jolts up. “Wait, you can actually carry me?” “I've been waiting for the perfect moment to!” The older turtle chuckles. “And I can do more than carry you, big brother.” He lets Raph down to the floor and crouches down forward for a piggy back ride. Raph gasps loudly and climbs on his back, locking his ankles together. Leonardo stands up with no struggle and Raph starts to pat excitedly on the older turtle’s shoulders. His older brother was wiggling, and yes, it’s fucking adorable! “Leo, Donnie, look!!” “We see that, bud.”
raph is literally so excited to be picked up, the last time he was picked up was from when april tried and he was like 11. yeah sure hes 17 now but that does NOT make him immune to having an indescribable amount of joy for being carried around like a ragdoll
he kicky his feeties
on the other hand, fleo wanted to return and thank raph in his own way. for protecting him, for taking care of him donnie, and mikey. and also as kind of an apology.
"let me carry the burden you do" is what hes trying to say here. and even to present raph, hes still taking care of fleo. raph cares about his brother so much it doesnt matter if fleo is taller than him now, that hes older with decades on him, that he survived a war.
fleo is his little brother and nothing is going to change that.
onto the leos !!
He sees in his periphery that Leonardo smiles wider. “Awe, you like me.” “Don’t push it.” Leo rolls his eyes. “It’d be shitty to demote you just because you're not from this timeline. If we did that, we’d have to do it to Case– Junior too. It wouldn’t have been fair.” “Whatever you say.” Leo snorts. “That being said, can you stop leering over in the shadows? It's actually terrifying.” “I can only do so many things in the lair before I’m bored again.” “And that means giving me a heart attack every time I go into a room? Put away your scary ass stare man, I swear your eyes turn red.” “I didn’t know you were so faint of heart.” “I should have kept you sedated.” Leo says, knowing he never once put him under sedation.
my dynamic of leos is very hard for me to describe personally. its not hostile, its just complicated, and even then "complicated" has too negative of a connotation.
leo is a person who latches onto family with his entire heart. he accepted karai as gramgram near immediately and we all know how fucked up about her death was on him and to the rest of the boys.
its different when its a version of yourself.
for me i didnt want immediate hostility(look away from the scalpel incident for one sec), because i saw some fics that go too hard into the "leo hates himself" angle and while not unsounded, it can be played straight and have a good payoff, it was NOT the tone i wanted in wmas. it wouldnt match the kind of complication im trying to give across here
pov leo, hes seeing himself as the pinnacle leader, from how casey described him, hes the Hero, this is the ideal of what he should be striving for.
but the person hes seeing in front of him is just a guy. leo saw him injured, resting on bed in the medbay, he saw him start to cry in raph's arms, he sees a father, he sees a confused and lost man in front of him.
in a way its pity. in a way he pities himself. fleo is tired and leo can clearly see that, cause hell, hes fuckin tired too.
“I should have kept you sedated.” Leo says, knowing he never once put him under sedation. “That’s called elderly abuse.” “And you’re how old?” “Do I really- okay I see that face, alright.” Leonardo moves his hand to cover Leo’s face and shoves him back. “You got me. Whatever, you absolute child.” Leo cackles.
and fleo's pov on the matter is, well, i kinda already typed it out all the way in chapter 5
The world of this timeline said that Leo will be able to make up for his mistake with the key. Not him, the world said. 
he looks at leo and feels so much pride, but hes scared that leo thinks less of him. leo managed to save the world and he didnt. and now hes here fucking up a perfectly good happy ending that didnt need to include him.
and on a little more selfish level, "why wasnt i good enough" fleo is thinking.
he doesnt think leo as the superior version of the two of them, but the fact still stands. one of them won. the other didnt. and he sometimes wishes he won too. its complicated.
they dont hate each other, not even a little bit. theyre too good of people to hate each other
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almalvo · 1 year
STAR TREK: DISCOVERY | S1E4 "The Butcher's Knife Cares Not for the Lamb's Cry"
[I will react to each episode individually and in full, raw reception and then post as is unrevised here onto my tumblr for the full span of every and all NuTrek episodes and series that have been and will be released. If this falls under your field of interest - I welcome your company in joining me. Enjoy the ride.] -------
these effects are so pretty whoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa i love how that was a nanoscopic view on replication omlll what a wonderful uniform give it. to me. ugh i love this interiour hi saru man i cant wait for burnham to NOT be ostracised like this THREAD GANGLIA HMMM?? what. does he give himself away. when hes nervous. i love this screen. lorca youre a fun man huh. OOO WHAT IS THAT SPIDER HEAD WHO IS THATT i like his spider face oo how the lights just come on like this reminds me of the incredibles guess they have to save power SOMEhow. ugh these internals are so nice so spiffy
yeah i like the older bat'leth more right, his pet. lorca, the shroom man. yes a man with a name like lorca would indeed have em. war specialist hmm ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh this INTROOOOO I CANT GET OVER ITTTTT now but like yall seriously to see a queen so crowned at long last - do you UNDERSTAND??? HOW THAT MAKES ME FEEL. ughhhh such a pretty introductionnnn and this music compliments so wonderfully but WAIT ALSO WHAWAIT HAHAHAHAH THOSE TSHOSE THOSE TWO SUITED GLOVED HANDS TOUCHING TOGETHER LIKE GOD AND ADAM. ARE YELLOW AND BLUE. UM UUMMMMMMMMMMM UUUUUUUUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM ok ok breathe ok ok ok ok b r e a t h e . wheew ok . ok. ughhh these coloursss i really like how its all in klingon. cuz why wouldnt it. dude this fucking ROOMM theyre in is so gorgeous yeah im absolutely correct, lookin at this Xray view on the screen. fuckin space water bear THANK YOU BURNHAM YES
TARDIGRADE INDEED. fuckin galactic moss sucker. thats so intersting, to see an internal skeleton in a suped up tardigrade. you know. its funny. how nutrek starts off with what is literally my favourite animal since childhood. water bears for lyfe 👏 trek KNOWS im watching >;} hi stamets. im sorry bout your hubby :( ugh saru looks so good in any lighting. ah so lorca is "get it done" man is he ruder than "make it so" lolol ooo i like this klingon with the red stripes oh i love how convincing they make these inflections in klingon - they certainly put the care in to instil and preserve as much linguistic servicibility in their delivery - love it.
the warped DOWNwards hahah - but damn was it pretty ughhh these key shots are SOOO nice oml stamets are you ok?? ofc hes ok hes hard as steel. man im sry but watching this and seeing the tardigrade just gives me such a nostalgia wow that broken nose doc i see you talk, stamets. ugh keep elon musk out of this he didnt DO shit but be rich. "real life iron man" my ass. his ideas literally aint new. he just has the money to do stuff. ANYways. we dont give a fuck. back to what matters. IS WAIT IS THAT DID I JUST SEE CORRECTLY IS WHAT IS THAT ON THAT PLATTER ON THE TABLE WHY DOES THAT LOOK LIKE A DISSECTED TRIBBLE ? no. it better fucking not. ima kill a land orca... also this poor space bear.. alsso damn the way it just mauled the tactical officer. that sucks. but also i aint mad at the space bear for it. it just tryin to survive. UGHHHHH LOOK AT THISSSSS KLINGON IN ARMOUR UPSIDE DOWN WHY CANT WE GET A FUCKING GAME OF THIS CALIBRE STAR TREK IP PLEASE LETS GETS SOME DASTARD AAA GAMES IN THIS BITCH
man these klingon actors, i appreciate them so much to adorn this make up attire and speaking such a difficult tongue - fabulous. saru time ughh i cant wait to learn more about saru and cant wait till this animosity disa-fuckin-ppears. space bear better live after all this. it deserves that much. i hope it can have all the moss it can find. also wait are m;y eyes working is that a humanoid skeleton with a suspiciously reptilian looking skull and spikes on the back of its head. omll MY BOI IS EATIN THE SPORES?? wait MY BOI BEFRIENDING BURNHAM?? first contact lets GOOOOOOOOOOOO lower decks. hehe. ok sorry that was weird editing the outside shot of burnham talking to stamets is not aligned properly with her speech. awwwwwwwwwwwwww big baybeh so cuteeeeeeeeee i dont like the blur on the space bear among the mycelium though
awww it TALKS TO THE SHROOMS? oh my god please i love it i give it all my sentimental pets. also hey nice dragon fruit. the pale klingon has nice lashes pretteh boi whatever it is she just ate looks good ughhh these visuals outside of discovery are so nice awwww space bearrr so cuteeee UMMM THEY JUST STABBED HIS MILKERS sir they grippin his nonexistent nipples. sry but that girl screaming so mechanically was not the greatest lol also sorry but i really dont like how the shots when they zoom in from outside to into the birdge always end up blurry its hapened like 3 times now SPACE BEAR PECS ARE RED BRO STOP WHOA WHOA WHOAAAAA WHOAAAAA TH E SHIP JUST WARP ROLLED TFF whoa interstingggg i cant get mad a baby acting ofc ahhaha oml they did stab his milkers, not grab them. wtf. im so sorry. that is a waste of a padd. vengeful voq. hes not going to ally wiht the humans to reap vengence for the house of t'kuvma is he against kol.
these klingons are much more similar to the aos ones but the connection is likely not there. IS THAT A FUCKING GORN SKELETON IN THE CASE. IS IT. IS THAT WHAT MATURED GORN IN NUTREK LOOK LIKE. WHATEVER SNW'S XENOLIZARDS BECOME? they better fuckin have their dresses. aw sorry space bear. im sorry. me and you both, burnham. sylvia's delivery was a little fast on the mother joke hmm what did phllipa entrust to you. cant wait till burnham gets her starfleet badge. aw burnham SMILEE LET YOURSELF SMILEEE what is it. phillipa what is it. oml what is it. man bye mamma phillipa, ima miss you. WHAT IS IT. ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh the telescropeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuteee curious where nutrek will go. its got some odd goofs here and there but im not being too critical on them so much that the story is ruined - lets continue.
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straycalamities · 10 months
24 for kian, ace, and daisy waisy
What is an alternative life path your OC might have gone down? How different would their life be if they’d made those decisions?
AH! the nearly-uncomfortable au strikes again
kian: hrmm...im trying to think...i cant imagine a world where he doesnt eventually leave his dad... like...is it even feasible to live ur whole life in those conditions and not try to get away. theyre just..UNLIVEABLE. if he didnt leave he'd just DIE
tho...even if he just left later that'd make a huge impact on him i think...he'd be soooooooo cold. he wouldn't even have the unserious funny haha nihilism he has now. he'd just be an angry dick that's entirely dead inside. he would survive doing the bare minimum bc he wouldn't think about how life could get better than that. everyone would avoid him besides the naïve "ooo sexy man" initial response but just one interaction would have them being like nah, actually,
ace: oogh, there's so many decisions he made that i could unmake, oogh. delicious.
if he decided to not help his dad financially as a kid. oh thats a big one. oh its so big the more i think abt it. holy shit. that's what formed his entire personality. all his interests and everything. (special mentions for if he decided to not befriend jack or decided not to pursue his dreams so hard)
but i wanna do this one
so. honestly? ace would probably be taken away from his dad if it got worse. even if CPS fucking sucks there's nooo way i think it'd be allowed to go further downhill. (otherwise they'd be literally on the streets and THEN ace would get taken away? either way) and i honestly cant see ace getting adopted, unfortunately.
his dad, even if he didnt spoil him with STUFF, he spoiled his attitude. it's like...probably some way of like making up for not being able to get ace anything is to let him act however he wanted. so it'd take some reeeeeeal patient parent(s) to wanna take ace in because he wouldn't have the mind to hide it at that point. ace would maybe eventually learn to chameleon his behavior? but i think by the time he learned it in the foster system it'd be too late bc..ppl dont tend to adopt teenagers either
god this is making my brain gears TURN that one decision rly is everything
i think that his growing up would be pretty shit. bc now im thinking abt the differences between this and cult au ace AUGH. cult au ace at least had a stable home with a turn-around of income even if it wasnt from him specifically busting his ass to earn the money (well in a way it still is, but, different)
ace, but...jaded O_O he wouldn't evolve that charming personality. i think he'd lean more into the class clown personality. but it's not as endearing bc everyone sees him as a girl. and i know from experience, girl class clowns are just...weird-girls w Issues to everyone. its not endearing like it is w boy class-clowns to other ppl. he'd still have like..pretty strategic ideas for situations and stuff bc that's inherently him. but..i dont think it'd get him as far as it normally would
so he'd be so..lonely lmao. like regular ace also has issues w loneliness but its way more complex. this would just be straight up. fkn lonely. and straightforward misery from it. maybe he'd have some goons or smth at some point? but idk if he could ever truly connect w them unless they were also from the foster system.
cuz see im thinking that normal ace learns everything he does bc he makes the decision that he HAS to. he has to to survive so it all becomes this like...ok i do this or i starve. whereas an ace that's either decided its hopeless, not his responsibility, or just didnt think to do it, wouldnt have that same direct "inspiration" riding his ass. so his social skills would form in a rly weird way based mostly off how much of a brat he is and how much he desires everyone to like him (which is also true of any other ace but this one has a like..feral desperation to it in comparison. like a stray animal more than..someone who grew up too fast and forgot to make real friends along the way <- the usual)
he'd still have these like lofty dreams and i think he'd still want to chase them somehow, but he wouldn't have the connections nor the charm normal ace has. he'd be, at most, some stand-up comedian who performs nights at some local venue and he's just an opener for the main act. maybe he'd sing and put in the work to be good at it, but a big part of this kinda career is the ppl you know so :pensive emoji:
god this ace is the epitome of sopping wet meow meow. what a miserable little man. so richie tozier-coded but more of a failure bc he doesnt have a group of friends to bond w over other-dimensional clown trauma
anyways i think that's enough rambling abt this. i could go a hundred different directions with it from here and i cant choose one. so. there u go. something to chew on. (god he wouldnt care abt sleight-of-hand shit or magicians or card tricks or any of that. WHO WOULD HE BE??????????? maybe he'd hold onto the bar interest in general? like billiards n stuff? oh my god he'd be more likely to be an alcoholic like his father NOOOOOOO)
after that daisy's gonna seem so lack-luster LMAO
daisy: the thing w daisy is i dont rly have a set story in my head for her rly? i kinda just have..scenes and things i like her doing. ive never sat and gave her a like...biography
so idk what decision she'd make that i could undo and have it make an interesting change...if she didnt decide to sing, she'd be an actress. if she didn't decide to kill ppl, she'd just be focusing on her dreams full-time. and so none of that's super interesting to get into uh...
if she didnt decide to push being famous, she'd probably just be happy being some homemaker or smth. someones trophy wife or...a singing waitress or waffle house worker idk.
even with nyanpire daisy its more like...her big decisions is to not...die. uh. (bc shes miserable as a vampire) so if i reverse that then shes just dead LFJKSDJF
so idk 8_8 thank u for including her but IDK WHAT TO SAY!!!!!!!!
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magioffire · 2 years
👫 Yes please! Caoimhe and Vali!
Send a 👫and I’ll write four headcanons I have about our muse’s relationship ; accepting
i. vali needs to stop talkin shit about winter fae because now hes really close with one LMFAO. but seriously, i like to think that the schism between unseelie/seelie and winter/summer fae is entirely cultural/historical from years of warfare and peace treaties gone wrong and vengeance and repeating the same old mistakes and being stubborn and you know, just fae things, and winter/summer fae are actually meant to help complete eachother, obviously. esp with caoimhe and vali i feel like they help round eachother out, and it helps a lot that caoimhe belongs to her own court completely separate from the rivalry of the ljosalfar and dokkalfar courts. vali was pretty quick to set aside much of his preconceptions surrounding winter fae once he realized that not all winter fae were the ljosalfar lol.
ii. i think its safe to say that their main love language between eachother is gift giving and physical affection. caoimhe often spoils vali with handmade gifts, and vali is very lovey dovey as an expression of his affection. and they flip flop on this, sometimes vali is the one making a handmade silk sash from his own silk, and caoimhe is the one picking vali up and hugging him tightly. also they are the embodiment of the 'he asked for no pickles' meme. caoimhe always be standing up for vali andvali greatly appreciates that, and hopes he can return the favor one day.
iii. this is actually the second time vali has experienced real snow -- which perhaps explains why he thought it was a good idea to find shelter in a goddamn snow trap. dumbass. but caoimhe has since taught vali lots of cold weather survival. like dont go inside the snow trap under the tree even though it looks warm and cozy and safe, its a death trap!! as well as stuff vali would just have never had to deal with, like how to prevent and deal with hypothermia, and how to orientate oneself even when youre standing in a field of white. he still wouldnt be caught dead outside in the freezing cold without caoimhe, but it helps that he knows lol. on the flip side, vali might return the favor one day if caoimhe ever ends up in the sidhe. it'll be jungle survival hours then.
iv. vali's basilisk and caoimhe's elk should meet and they should be friends. granted, basilisks are nasty little shits, but maybe caoimhe's elk may be enough to put rakhsh in his place lmfaoo. but i imagine they could go riding together. im sure vali would be able to collect his mount and bring him to caoimhe's court. rakhsh would totally just be a splotch of warm colors splattered across the wintery landscape, just like vali is lmfaoo. maybe they could have matching saddles and reins too....
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kewpidity · 14 days
and to add to the alastor post, some stray little Thoughts and Ideas to play around with in regards to this story:
while researching alastor's life and 'hunting grounds' we run into a copycat killer, probably someone who has a personal collection of alastor's things, works at a library maybe, who's always dreamed of following in his footsteps, and that decides i should be the first victim since im also sooo interested in alastor's 'work' that i surely wouldnt mind (i do, and so does alastor (he does Not consider imitation as flattery and who tf does this loser think they are coming after something that belongs to him (he's gotten attached)))
i for sure need to come up with more fun and awful little adventures like that
alastor's ability to effect and manipulate the living world around me through his powers alone (so like Not literally using my body for example, this is more like a poltergeist) is stronger when there's radio static playing in the air
going off the idea that the mental link gets stronger and clearer the long it lasts, maybe at sone point it gets so strong that one time when i go to sleep, i 'wake up' in a v similar state as when alastor was first possessing me, that floaty, kinda-lucid-kinda-not, excpet now im hitching a ride in His body in hell and at this point he's so used to having me as a v general and vague presense at the back of his mind that he doesnt even notice at first that im much more clearly and actively There- its a frightening idea for us both when the realization sets cause now we Really gotta face whays going on here and how far its gone
when i get shot by the hunter, alastor is actively co-piloting my body at the time, and since i headcanon he died in a similar fashion (bullet to the head) its like he experienced his own death all over again (something something tied even in our death etc etc) and he sort of 'wakes up' back in his body afterwards and after realizing what happened having to fight the urge to be seen frantically searching the streets for me now that i must be here
considering we Were linked up when i died, and the black mark this whole situation would leave on my soul, my demon form would probably echo his design
how far am i willing to go while alive to achieve our goals- ive definitely been put in situations where i needed to do harm for survival, but would i go further than that, not because i needed to, but because i wanted to? is it alastor's influence or something that i was always capable of? do i indulge in cannibalism? what about after im in hell, what then?
thinking on it, i think Will go with alastor's mom suffering from his life choices, and him having to deal with that, as Well as having to deal with that first demon in 'part 2' to carry over as an overarching plot
maybe we Both get redeemed but we dont actually like it in heaven like its too bright so we fuckin.
act up to get sent back (this is mostly jokey but could you imagine)
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olivers-cocoapuffs · 7 months
Good morn' dear sir
I have a Spanish test tomorrow. Worst experience of my life has been the forty-odd minutes I just spent revising. WHY DO I NEED HOW TO SPELL 'I am a member of a youth club.'?? I HAVE NEVER BEEN A MEMBER OF A YOUTH CLUB IN MY LIFE
To summarise, I will be so very glad to be rid of Spanish next year.
Anyway, my exhaustion is paramount and I drank an energy drink and the high from that has left me dilapidated beyond repair. One more day and then I'm off for a week.
One day and a Spanish test. And a double art lesson. AND GEOGRAPHY
Missed my music double this week though. I was off yesterday. My music teacher despises me because I can't play recorder. It's quite fun. I actually just can't read notes on a stave lmao
And I just realised I have no idea if Logan's dad is actually dead (Would have deserved it.) or if he was just stabbed for fun and survived. Good for him and all that.
So tell me anything. Fun fact's, trivia, stories. Whatever you'd like most.
I am going to write all my troubles away now.
Have a light-hearted day xx
im Sure you’ll slay it, you revised. Fun fact about me but I’m gifted child burn out and am incapable of studying. I rawdog every test I’ve ever taken which isn’t very smart but yk. Who cares at this point
I’ll go as you and do your geography if you want. I love geography sm
…poor Logan?
I AM DOUBLY BORING. Mum wants to know what I want to do for my birthday except I’ve got no irls because people in this town are
fun fact about me or something else??
me - I remain unable to ride a bike
random- Mozzies eat your blood to help produce eggs
see you in ten seconds when I reopen whatsapp xx
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richardsphere · 1 year
Rwby Catchup: V8E2
Oh no Jaques is still in the plot. That sucks, i really hoped they wouldnt make him overstay his presence. (but then again, people above are all locked up with Ironwood with no outside help incoming, we’ve got a limited cast so i’ll look the other way). Seriously, why hasnt Captain Despot just executed Watts? I assume they’ll claim he’s “trying to gather information from Watts”, but the scene is not selling it (not nearly enough indications of Watts having been tortured for information Gitmo-style to sell that idea). Also they all share prisons so i guess this is going to be one of those “lets make an uneasy alliance” plotlines that inevitably falls flat on the heroes faces? Jaques still thinks that Captain Despot has a fear of lawyers apparently. how  did you get to be in charge of a global megacorporation with this little sense of how the world works? YES they are going to torture him for intel! Ok his survival is at least semi-justified now. Yang gets a new motorcycle (the old one is still at the bottom of the river) and immediatly does an unnecessary wall-ride flip-stunt thing for no reason, fires her shotgungauntlets for good measure (wasnt it an established plotpoint that James was hoarding all the dust for his plans and that the entirety of Mantle was running low on all supplies? Seems a bit wastefull) Jaune is such a defensively spec’d character, even his grenades are shields. Ozma is talking again, god does he ever stop talking about how “we all need to work together”, its his favourite thing to jabber on about (right after “trust me the secrets i keep are for good reasons and definitly wont bite you in the but again”). Also he says he’s “been regaining his oldest memories”, as if to imply he’s just forgotten most of his history with salem somehow? How has humanity made it this far with this guy at the helm anyway? “all the drones report to the company, not the general”. You mean the company whose owner is now in prison, and whose personal password to everything has been taken by Watts?  Btw, is it me or are they really overplaying the “emotionless robot-voice” on Penny ever since they returned her from the dead?  Wait did she legitimately consider James a friend? I really like sheepgirls power to just “absorb anything into her hands”, it means we get to have a named character who is both combat capable as well as not carrying big-ass weapons everywhere all the time.| Moleman is back for a second scene. (i assume it’ll be his second-to-last. He’s got real “going to be murdered to motivate Oscar energy about him) Huh, moleman is “phi”‘s uncle. I stand corrected, he’ll die to motivate “phi”. (have we gotten a full name yet? Anyway she’s my favourite of the Huntresses. But then again i love myself a heart-of-gold goofball) Congrats Knightboy, you have killed your first actual dragon. (at least im fairly certain i saw one shoot fire in an earlier scene. TBH a lot of these grimm’s abilities start to run through eachother at this point) Sniffygrimm is Biteygrim. Oh so now the grimm can shapeshift themselves at will to alter themselves at-will?  “but grimm arent that smart” Didnt Oobleck tell the girls in like, season one or two that grimm get smarter as they age? This doesnt seem shocking to me. And it can talk, ok maybe it isnt old but probably just a second Tyrian-level-loyal human a grimmsuit.  Why wait until NOW to grow those wings, If you are supposed to be so tactically minded dont you know how adventageous an aerial advantage can be? Have i mentioned how much i hate the “you wouldnt believe me if i told you” cliche, i mean there are definitly stories and places where it has its place but “Phi” is aware of Salem at this point thanks to Jimmy’s Mantle Broadcast. I think a simple “Teammate captured by Supergrim” would not be disbelieved.
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zeravmeta · 2 years
god honestly the entire group dynamic of the lancers was so funny the more i look back on it cuz like ok reiji by that point in the show had basically been stalking yuya and watching his every move and the moment he saw berserk mode he was like "PERFECT my cardgame monster superweapon is ready i just have to beat subservience into him via card game" meanwhile yuya was riding the high of nearly being killed like 4 separate times and losing his girlfriend only to learn that the entire tournament was a setup by reiji to assemble his strike force and that reiji knowingly sacrificed most of the teams in order to make a team of survivors so he's understandably incredibly pissed and frustrated but he cant actually swear at reijis face about it not only because he needs his dimension teleporter tech to find his gf but also reira is there and he HAS to be a good role model for this child because reiji sure wont be since yknow he's literally bringing his younger sibling into a war then we have serena who just approaches yuya and goes "hey uh i know this is awkward as shit since your girlfriend was kidnapped because she looks exactly like me and she swapped clothes with me specifically so i wouldnt be kidnapped and i know your smiles thing sounds nice but im just here to maim and kill oh and rescue ou- YOUR, girlfriend" which is then triple awkward because shun is also pissed as hell and not allowed to just go around killing people he doesn't like because reiji has him on a leash and now this dude who looks like his best friend (and also possibly killed him) and this girl who looks like his sister (who is from the military school that destroyed his town) are stuck to his side and he's being told to cooperate with them and if shun doesn't comply then he'll maybe be killed by reijis hired-on-the-spot ninja bodyguard tsukikage who for the most part is just watching all this shit go down and is on a genuine revenge quest against one of yuyas best friends who betrayed him but his employers little sibling is a small child He Cant Not Protect which causes reira to look up to him and feel pressured to step up into this conflict they're incredibly not ready for but don't worry gongenzaka is there to be the one stable influence amongst the group who reminds them to actually work together and since he has like 2 ft and twice the weight in pure muscle on everyone else no one crosses him even shun since he knows that despite his experiences that gongenzaka would kick his ass but Holy Shit dennis is annoying and can't shut up about his entertainment role because Hes Totally Not A Traitor Guys but like half the group kind of already knew they just kept him around because he's the one person who actually knows how to make money for them and scout information and he's also a perfect target for yuya to project and pretend he hasn't been thrown into a fight for his life and on top of all that theres shingo who just kind of happened to survive the events and most of the group went "wow you survived? You?" where even reiji is like "...well pendulum can make the unexpected possible i guess" and shingos only there to prove a point that he can absolutely beat yuya at his own game (he can't) and then on their maiden voyage mission they fell apart within 5 minutes and got arrested and didn't properly reunite until the end of the arc. what the hell was reiji thinking
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words-for-holland · 4 years
Apple Tree Kisses | T.H.
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
Summary: The boys take Y/N out for apple picking on their day off. Much fun. Much cuteness. And lots and lots of apples.
A/N: So maybe another mini installment of fall adventures with Tom? Well see how it goes. Hoenstly dont even know I feel about this one lol.
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“We’re going apple picking this fall right?” Y/N asked the boys as they all sat down, scrolling through their phone in their cozy Berlin suite. Neither letting out an answer, as they all sighed in unison.
“Right?” Y/N asked again. “Tom, right?” She playfully shoved his shoulder hoping to grab her boyfriend’s attention. Y/N could easily see the slight smirk that grew on his face. Of course, Tom was never one to ignore his girlfriend, but he loved to tease her when it came to doing things she really wanted to do. In all the years they’ve been together, he knew Y/N was the most indecisive person in the world but when she knew what she wanted...she knew exactly what she wanted and would go the distance to get it.
“Mmm I dont know Y/N. We might be busy.” He chuckled, his pink sleeves engulfing Y/N in a cozy bear hug.
“Cmonnn. It’ll be fun. We cant miss it this year. It’s tradition.” She reasoned.
“I know Darling. Soon. I promise.” Tom gave her a chaste kiss on her slightly chapped frown, which slowly turned into the smile he always loved to see.
Needless to say, soon came a lot faster than Y/N anticipated. As she wrapped up a few emails from work, Tom, Harry, and Sam stood before her, leaning over the table, giving the Goofy Holland smile. “Whats up with you three?” Y/N giggled.
“We’re going on a trip. So you better get ready.” Sam answered as he walked away.
“Better hurry up before we leave you.” Harry joked around as he made his way out as well.
“I do suggest you wear something cute. I mean, you always look cute. You’re perfect, but Im just saying that red plaid shirt you got in the closet...just does things to me.” He groans, making his way to their room to get ready as well.
Y/N playfully rolls her eyes and scoffs out a chuckle. Of course all the boys finished up before her as they head to the car waiting for Y/N. She appears, wearing Tom’s suggestion with a white top undeneath the plaid shirt and black leggings, opening the door and sitting beside her giddy boyfriend, who was smiling from ear to ear. He sported a denim jacket and pants with a white shirt underneath and navy blue baseball hat, much like his character Arvin from Devil All the Time. Of course Tom very well knew, this look did things to Y/N after the first time she saw the film with him, making comments about how hot he looked as a southern bad boy. “Well you’re looking mighty fine there miss.” Tom flirts, displaying his southern accent for Y/N.
“Why thank you kind sir. You’re not too bad yourself.” She responds back, smirking at his comment. Tom leans in quickly to give her a small peck...only to go back in for another. And another..and another...
“Ugh, can we save the flirting and snogging till after the car ride. Please. Im trying to keep my lunch down for the next hour.” Harry groaned in the front seat.
“Sorry Harry.” The love birds mumble as they sit in their respective seats.
For those wondering, Harry did indeed survive the hour drive while keeping his lunch in tact. The group arrived at the German apple orchard called Alstead farms where they were dropped off at front.
Y/N took in her surroundings. Seeing the fall foliage, with autumn colored leaves sprinking the walkways, the sounds of the busy stands of food and fresh produce, the smell of freshly fried apple cider donuts it reminded her exactly why fall was her favorite season.
“Cmon darling, you’re supposed to be day dreaming about me not those apple cider donuts.” Tom teases as he grabs her hand in his.
“Trust me mate, I wouldnt blame Y/N if she was. Those donuts were absolutely amazing..” Sam muffled as he shoved another donut in his mouth.
“Oi, you already got yours?! And didnt even bother to share?” Harry questioned as he tried to grab the crumbled bag of sugary goodness.
Sam rolled his eyes at he reluctantly lent his last donut to his brother. The four grabbed their wagon, maps, and bags, ready to gather as much apples as they could. They went row by row, picking up macintosh, fuji, honey crisps, and empires. They tasted each one closing their eyes in delight, and scrunching their faces with ones that werent so sweet.
Harry took pictures of the surrounding and as he turned around he was given the perfect angle to capture a sweet moment between Tom and Y/N.
The two had their hands interlaced as they admired one tree with golden hues on the apple. Tom leaned in towards Y/N’s ear as he told her a funny apple pun, kissing the top of her head. When Y/N turned around to hear the clicks of the camera, she proceeded to cross her eyes and stick her tongue out.
“Thats attractive.” Harry comments with a hint of sarcasm as he looks through his camera. They all knew how camera shy Y/N got when she was aware of her picture being taken. In her words, posing for the camera while acting natural, made her feel like an awkward deer that’s about to get run over over....Dont ask, its a long story. “Okay, wait the lighting and this tree is perfect though. I want you and Tom up on that tree.” He commanded as he pointed at the sturdy tree with curly branches.
“Uhh...you sure about this?” Y/N asked, in an apprehensive tone. “What if I fall?”
“Oh c’mon darling you know I wont let you.” Tom said as he grabbed her hand to reassure you. “I’m not gonna let you fall. Ill hold on to you the entire time.”
“Sam, hold the apples for them and I’m begging you to please not eat my share.” Harry groaned at the thought.
Tom and Y/N had situated themselves on the tree not as high up from the ground as they had anticipated. At first they took a photostanding up. Tom towering over her as he stepped onto the higher branch, one arm hanging on the branch above him and another holding onto Y/N’s hand. They smiled and looked into each others eyes completely forgetting that they were on a tree and Harry was taking their pictures. Y/N took his navy hat and placed it on her own as they laughed. Tom licked his lips at the sight and couldnt help but to lean in, “You look so hot right now.”
“Oh god, stop you know thats not true.” Y/N giggles as her cheeks are tinted with a light pink blush. Tom continued to look at her smiling, and buting his lips. He really couldnt contain himself when she was acting this adorable. “Stop looking at me like that.”
“Like what?”
“Like you want to eat me.”
Tom laughs out loud at her comment. “But I kinda do...like everyday.”
“TOM WERE IN PUBLIC!” She squeals covering face.
“Okay love birds, stop the flirting and give me one more pose. If you can manage just kiss each other without falling, I think it’d be perfect.” Harry instructs.
“Dont have to tell me twice, brother.” Tom replies as he looks down at Y/N, wiggling his eyebrows.
“Tom he said kiss not snogg, dont get any ideas. We’re in public!” Sam yelled out.
“You three are such debbie downers, I swear.” Tom pouts.
“Yeah yeah, come on lover boy.” Y/N says curling her index finger to gesture him to lean forward. Tom happily accepts, as he leans down pressin his lips against her soft glossed ones. They stayed like this for sometime, feeling the slight tingles that came with it. Slowly...so very slowly did they pull away, but only for Tom to come in for two small pecks...three...well maybe four...Okay five but that was it.
“Wow...these actually came out good.” Harry said atonished by how well he captured the sweet moment between his brother and Y/N. Tom who was very excited to see how their came out, jumped down from the tree as he made his way towards Harry. Meanwhile Y/N took her time trying to make sure she didnt completely fall off the tree. Sam was watching Y/N as he had his phone recording her. He didnt think there would be much but knowing how clumsy she was anything was game.
She was barely 2 feet off the ground, but for some reason it felt like the empire state building. “Wha-Okay.” She speaks out as she takes a leap of faith. Y/N sticks the landing, she walks toward Sam, Tom, and Harry with confidence that only lasted 0.5 seconds.
“WHAAA.” Y/N sqeuals, as the branch hits her straight on the face.
While all three boy were heavily concerned, they couldnt help but laugh so hard at what happened to poor Y/N.
“IM SO GLAD I GOT THAT ON VIDEO.” Sam yells out, tears of laughter streaming down his face.
“My god that was priceless. Please send that to me.” Harry says emoting the same expression as his twin brother.
“Darling, are you okay?” Tom says stifling a laugh, as he checks her precious face. “How did you manage to hit the tree?”
“Honestly I dont know.” She cries laughing. “These things just happen.”
“It’s okay.” Tom places feather light kisses on the corner of her eye. “C’mon lets get you an apple cider donut.”
“This is going on instagram I hope you know that.” Harry yells out as the couple walks away.
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