#im begging you guys play it it has elf lesbians
i'll have you get utterly obsessed with a really cool video game only to discover YOU ARE ONE OF THE FIVE PEOPLE WHO ACTUALLY LIKES IT AND ARE THE ONLY ONE WHO LIKES IT ENOUGH TO POST ABOUT IT ONLINE
me about another eden
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rainedroptalks · 3 months
raine raine your ocs raine the radiant rejects I need to know more about them what are their classes I beg
HIII ZEETH!!! I was asleep when you sent this I think but im answering it now <33
Okay so now’s the time to reveal I don’t actually know that much about dnd mechanics. I’ve never actually played it lol, so all my knowledge is from various dnd shows and podcasts I’ve seen over the years
Now with that:
Caleb Rowar - my half-orc guy, he’s basically “the leader” of the group and he’s also a paladin. I don’t think he’s ever thought of himself or self care in the past 3 years
Gray Elaran - high elf, pretentious theatre kid. He’s a bard. There’s no other option there
Annie Hawkins (whose actual name is Marianne. Annie’s a nickname) - human cowgirl. She’s a ranger, and also she does artificing but as a hobby. She’s basically the lesbian you go to during an apocalypse, she definitely has doomsday supplies
Erin Willows - my sweet cowardly half elf boy. He’s a warlock. Now how he got to be a warlock is that his patron used to know his parents and is a weird aunt type figure. He really wishes he just chose wizard classes. He really does
Fern Viruk - littlest goblin guy. Also a barbarian. They’re just a lil guy with a huge fucking mace. Terrifying in fights, bad at talking to people.
Molly Graves - the new girl of the group, her first day was the worst. Firbolg fighter, I haven’t actually decided on her weapon yet. One day
One day I’ll read those dnd handbooks and understand how classes actually work. But until then I’m just having fun here
Also! Fun fact “Radiant Rejects” isn’t even their party name, it’s supposed to be one of those “Say hi Intrepid Heroes” bits (like Magical Misfits or Questing Queens). I’m very emotionally attached to the name tho so it is not changing
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s0lar-ch3ri · 5 months
tell me all about dnd character(s) please i am begging
ohevet: first ever character! uses she/they i think (and if they didnt, they do now! update: JUST REMEMBERED, IT WAS HE/HIM FOR A CIS WOMAN! THROW OUT THE OTHER IDEA SORRY) and also my first aroace character. his name is a joke with that honestly, as ohevet is hebrew for love. i lost the stat sheet a bit back BUT im working on rewriting the stats so i can make an actual character of him! his backstory is kinda silly and i dont really remember it rn so ill also be redoing that shit for sure, but i do know one thing, he's cursed. with this marking on his face, hes able to get "Stackable Concussions" (which me and my dms came up with stat affection ideas but i do also wanna make my own for funzies, and i doubt either would mind if you also wanted to lol). by the end of the campaign, he had been like the only one to not try to seduce someone (my friend had gotten a nat 20 to seduce "mommy nature" so theres that) and had a stack of 10 concussions. how he was still standing is beyond me. did i fall for him? abso-fucking-lutely, i made him hot and wanted him carnially and yet hes aroace so what can my gay ass do? (fun fact: one of my dms is my now girlfriend!) btw before i forget, mountain dwarf fighter, and had a lizard he took off the floor rather then pay for a pet, one of the players had its brother/cousin.
ivy: meant to be an npc for my campaign (which btw ill gladly talk about BUT MY PLAYERS CANNOT SEE THIS LOL ARCADIAN AND GAYWITCHNERD SKIP TO THE SECOND PARAGRAPH ON IVY), but a played character in my friend's (arcadian) campaign (arcadian was the one to try and seduce "mommy nature" btw). speaking of npc, the played character and npc have different stories, so we going with npcs rn! ivy (she/they/star pronouns lol) was meant to be a royal guard who did training and learning in the forests, but im thinking of making her a shop owner (eh, probs for out of dnd oc shit). while in the forest, she sorta fell for a nymph there which looks a lot like one of my players characters (agreed romance thing lol). while in town, i plan for her to sorta like fall for said player after bumping into them and shit. that being said, love wont be her only motivation! i do have some plot ideas i need to think up, but im pretty ready to connect shit in. also shes gonna have a dog familiar (my dog) just to involve her somehow lol. oh yeah she slso has gay moms
NOW WE TALK HER AS A PLAYED CHARACTER! in arcadians campaign, shes a half-elf druid like before, but her lesbian parents arent really too existant. (hey gaywitchnerd, i dont mind you reading this, but your character wouldnt know this info) due to issues with her planet, ivy has had her set of challenges, and is looking for strength in knowledge (literally). back home, theres some fucking secret thing there for some deity. on this route, its a pursuit of learning what the deity is. (another idea i had was that the swamp she once lived in is commonly disregarded, and due to anxiety she worried about it being forgotten and shit happening to it so she went looking for power to protect it) there are religions based around it, but ivy isnt exactly religous but still learning as much as she can about it. (fun fact for this one, but its related to the oc: i was planning for her to have BPD, but i wasnt sure how to play one so as a non-dnd character im gonna find ways to incorperate it, also she likes one of the pcs and an npc, the pc is my gfs one but i doubt they realise it lol)
hunter: like all my characters, i go into it with a basis, something i build around for them (ivy is an acception, she was just gonna be an npc), and hunters no different. since the campaign features 3-4 tabaxis (cant remember for sure), an undead, and other various magical people, i wanted to be just a regular guy, which i am! human fighter guy and all that, pretty normal (most extraordinary thing is that hes a magician)...except humans arent fucking normal here because its a tabaxi village. i fucking love that i didnt know this btw! CAUSE I DID NOT, NOR DID MY FRIENDS REALIZE. the story with this guy that i got is he was a traveling performer, one who used this bow tie made special by his fiancé, which works like the bandana chip uses. this however, got taken while traveling, and hes not willing to preform at a show or anything until he gets it back. for the tabaxi village hes disguised as a cat and his whip is his cat tail (this is to make up for the fact that im not a tabaxi with them all lol)! fun fact for him now: his original design was meant to look feminine and masculine to encapsulate my bigenderness in a character ("the most magical thing about them is their gender!"), but ended up feeling too extra for the "just a guy" vibe and got a total redesign lol (he/him cishet man btw, gonna be fun to try <- bigender afab)
techic: my newest campaign character (who i get to play again in 5 minutes, but by the time i finish writing this, we may have started already lol)! a genderfluid tiefling warlock, who worked as a cashier at a 8/12 before shit went down (its an apocalypse campaign). (update, it did actually, writing while we wait for players to arrive) the funny idea with this one? "what if they made a deal for surgery and just got more out of it?". not much on them rn so fun fact time! their mom is a pc (played by arcadian) and currently being locked in a closet cause they ate their zombified partner!
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