#im getting better at drawing etho :D
sunspriite · 9 months
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gotta shreep or something
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daily-ethoslab · 7 months
For the feedback on the brush: I personally think it makes your art seem a little more cartoon-ish, which I think suits your style (which is amazing by the way, I just wanna, wanna squish) (Also! The brush reminds me of the artstyle in Gravity falls)
I know the kinda struggle one may have with the line weight (I use brushes like these all the time, they can absolutely get frustrating at times)
I know tons of artists (or rather artsytles) that use a brush that doesn't vary depending on how fast you draw with in or how much pressure you're putting on it, and it doesn't look cheap at all!
I think the other brush looks very good as well, but if I had to choose, I actually think I'd rather have the new one that doesn't vary depending on how you draw (I personally would draw thicker lineart with a brush like that, or atleast on the outside, but you do you and your art is amazing :] )
Long story short: I like both very much, your artstyle is squishy, and respect you've been doing this for 500 days and have literally been one of the hughlights of my day (I don't watch Etho too often, probably should, but still :D)
This ask made me think so much about like my art style and like why does the pixel brush just.. feels better. I think it has to do with my transition from sketch to line work
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Heres a random sketch (not the best example but work with me.) Both are pretty expressive i think
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And here’s the line work with both of them. I noticed with the line work one I was so focused on trying to make some of the line weight makes sense that I lost some of the expressiveness of the original sketch. Meanwhile with the other one i was able to keep some of that expressiveness??
Idk, this is just for me. I love using brush pens in real life but i think with digital art I tend to be overly perfectionist. Meanwhile with traditional art i have a mindset of “if it’s on the paper it stays on the paper” So im less likely to be all focused on mistakes? Idk if this is even true, it could be a completely different reason that i didnt catch when i was drawing but this is my best guess atm. ALSO TYSM FJDSKFSJESKD honestly im just happy that other people are still interested in my silly little ethos and people are willing to give feedback on my art and help me improve. Thank u for such a detailed ask :3
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booky-arts · 6 months
11 for the spotify thing ? :D
im pretty sure i got this off a traffic!joel playlist and i fucking love this song ^-^ it just itches my brain just right ^-^
anyway, boogey gem be upon you ^-^ (i still havent watched gem's pov so ignore that this will be like. heavily inaccurate lol)
Gem was terrifying. The sweet, kind girl that everyone loved had a nasty streak in her. And it was shining brighter than ever. 
Gem’s task was to infect the server with the boogey curse. And if there is one thing that Gem enjoys more than anything, it’s violence. She was chasing Scar and Bdubs. She was turning on her allies. The more Gem killed, the bigger her army grew, and the more she could kill.
She made a pretty fierce leader. The blood thirsty glint in her eye ever visible as she stalked the server with her army. Gem was determined to succeed this task and cause as much havoc as she could.
But then Etho got infected. And Etho was refusing to turn on Cleo or Grian. He was avoiding helping the army. And Cleo and Grian were 2 of the 3 people left, they needed to be killed. Etho had even out right told Gem that he let Cleo go.
This couldn’t stand. Gem had followed Etho back to his base. Bdubs was accusing Etho of hiding Cleo. Gem walked right up to Etho, drawing her sword, “Etho… you better tell us where Cleo is buddy,” she tilted her head to look up at the man right in his eyes, “or I’m going to have some more fun with you.”
Etho shifted under her harsh gaze, desperate to not give up Cleo. “Well, Grian was in here. You guys went right past him,” he quickly swung around Gem to get out of her reach, “he was invisible and right in front of you guys.” He quickly turned and threw an ender pearl as Gem went to lunge at the fox.
He may have gotten away from her for now, but Gem was going to get him for failing HER task.
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coppercanary · 2 years
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#also if skizz was in dlsmp and he didn't get impulse as his soulmate im sorry but that'll be a crime. they share hearts all the time already
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(creature... That's a funky creature in your icon)
hi! :D
(yeeee the baba is such a creature . an Animal. i love them so much)
things that make me happy hmmm ,, reading (particularly fanfics tbh fjdjdh), my frens (looking @ the dynamos and chaos server here love you guys <3), i really love warm blankets, hot chocolate, and having little quiet moments to myself where i can just relax and breathe . is nice :3
2 notes - Posted May 24, 2022
our dog oscar had a minor surgery this morning , luckily now he is home safe and well, if very sleepy. he has to wear the Cone of Shame But Soft tm and can’t walk around much but he’s been napping since i got home anyways <3
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2 notes - Posted April 5, 2022
heyo finally gonna make a pinned. after over 20k posts . yay?
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tagging system is as follows: [name]talks - we say random shit [name]answers - answering stuff people throw at our inbox [name]draws - art tag [name] refers to the person responsible for the post
3 notes - Posted May 2, 2022
3 notes - Posted April 15, 2022
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discovering that there is no fandom for the wildings + the hundred names of darkness on tumblr is making me sad . pleas eplease please why do my favourite cat books not get enough appreciation ): they’re better than waca i prommy
if anyone has read them and wants to talk hmu
4 notes - Posted April 13, 2022
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