#im on my gnap arc and ive read fics that are SO good and soft god i wish there were more multishippers here just so they would read them
sapybara · 1 year
I feel like there’s so much shipping discourse in this fandom because some people can’t tell the difference between truthing and for fun shipping so they therefore see any sort of alternative ship as a “threat” to their OTP.
It’s like KNF vs D.NF - obviously there were still some KNF truthers but I feel like a lot of people were just shipping for fun only to have a bunch of DN.Fers jump down their throats shouting about how they’re “wrong” and KNF is “not real” or whatever.
Then there’s the whole Dreamnap situation - I’ve seen D.NFers go to the lengths of accusing Dreamnap shippers of advocating for incenst because Dream and Sapnap call each other brother occasionally (but they conveniently ignore aaaaaaaaaaall the times Sap and Dream joke about sucking each other off).
Idk. Truthers are weird and should just let people have fun. Obviously I know George and Sapnap aren’t getting married, but I just wanna have fun with the idea that they might.
Okay point one, I feel like a lot of people here call themselves truthers when they mean shippers. Like they just changed the meaning, like with the solos <- a George main is called golo when thats not what it means.
Point two, yeah I feel it's like you say, ppl see other ships as a threat to their ship which is. Weird. And the dnap thing is sooo annoying, ppl who said that are insane, they remind me of ppl who go "how can you like c!dream? Can't you see he's an abuser?" Like bro. It's not real.
I've also seen a lot of comments saying that multishipping is basically fetishizing people because "you just want X to be fucked by whoever is near them" which sounds totally insane for me. Because 1. That's not true? 2. If that was the case then only one ship is enough to cry fetish yknow.
I think that what a lot of people don't understand about multishipping is that is less about "x y z sucking and fucking" and more about trying to explore/imagine the dynamics they already have but in a more romantic/intimate setting (which does not directly goes to sex). It's just for fun. It's just because we see a nice dynamic and go "oh X absolutely carries Z to bed" "yeah Y is definitely a small spoon" "X definitely enjoys to annoy Y just to kiss them silly after". Create dynamics for the funsies, yknow?
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