#im sorry for grammar errorrrrr
mako-neexu · 1 year
Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii im that anon (just call me raynon) that sent the arknighhts/fgo thing and funny how you like Honkai Star Rail bc i do as well :]
anyways stelle "fated to have some kind of glorious fate" meeting ritsuka "was never meant to have this fate". Can you tell i love main characters who are doomed by their narrative.
Hello raynon!!!!! I liked writing the fgo x arknights mini fic xD but i really wished i could have written dr. roman and Doctor conversation!! but im not too confident yet ahaha
But i loved your idea again and decided to give HSR x FGO a go xD so i tried a conversation between Stelle and Gudako!
I'm so sorry for taking so long asdfhjkl i wasnt too sure about stelle's personality since it swings from goofy raccoon, to greedy trailblazer, and to cool girlboss XD
- No matter where she went with Dan Heng and March, for her, the sky, the stars, and her friends had always been a constant relief in her life.
Stelle didn’t really remember much from back then… but Kafka was the only one she truly remembered. A figure close to a mother, now a criminal she and the Express are doing their best to capture.
“So you love the stars too, huh?”
From beside her, Ritsuka leans back, hold folded behind her head. Stelle turns her gaze back at the sky, smiling softly, “I do, but it could get boring and sad real fast though.”
“Mmm, you’re right about that.”
When she looked at Ritsuka, there was something in her eyes that told her of a journey unlike her own Trailblazing one. 
If hers was a journey with the stars, finding out what her purpose and true Path was, then Ritsuka’s own was a descent from the sky, struggling to hold on to that star she had attained long ago.
“Come to think of it,” Ritsuka hums, then turns to her with a mischievous grin, “In terms of when our journey started, I’m your Senpai in ‘this’.”
Stelle groaned, blushing as she was reminded once more of those days when she was just a child, seeing Ritsuka’s face in the television broadcasting other worlds’ conundrums. She did admire her like a fan would to an idol or celebrity, but up close, she realizes how human Ritsuka is. Or perhaps, was.
“So you want me to call you that then?”
The Master bit the inside of her cheek and smiled, “Not really. Just call me Ritsuka.”
Sensing that the title felt kind of personal, she stuck to the request. “Ritsuka, then.”
Silence reigns the atmosphere, though it was comfortable as their surroundings were nothing but the countless stars before them, to Stelle, she felt a little nervous. Especially when she caught Ritsuka’s glance, nothing more than patience in her eyes to encourage the Trailblazer.
“Do you regret it?” She stopped at that.
“I think… if I were in your position I would’ve gone crazy.”
Ritsuka blinks, once, twice, before her words registered, “Ohh, so it's that then. Well, I don’t regret it one bit.”
“You’ve died more than a hundred times though. What seemed to be the end also becomes another ‘beginning’ in your journey.”
“Pfft, I’m still alive and kicking, dude. Weren’t you the one who got stabbed in the heart earlier? That just means I get to see my friends for a little while longer.”
Urk, she’s right… But- “While my… journey seems to be onward to something ‘beautiful’, yours is-”
“-is what?” Ritsuka snapped, taking Stelle aback, “Something doomed? Something awful? Of course I’m doomed from the start. I knew that. But is it awful? It’s not pretty, but there are far too many beautiful things in my life too.”
Ritsuka looked away, pulling her knees under her chin and crossing her arms around her legs, she whispered, “A… friend said that as well. That I’m going down the path of destruction, a path which I was never meant to be put in yet thrusted into.”
And here Stelle was, down the opposite one, a “fated” path that seems so glorious that the light of it might blind her.
“...I’m sorry.”
Ritsuka sadly smiled, something Stelle never would never be able to if she had been in her position, “It’s okay. I’m sorry for snapping back at you as well. You were just concerned.”
The Master reached out, covering her gloved hand with her own, “Just… Even though I have to wade through the blood, I know I’ll be able to find happiness along the way.” Turning to Stelle, she suddenly pulled on her cheek and puffed her own, “As for you! Just because you think it's beautiful doesn’t mean you won’t be encountering challenges near impossible to overcome.”
Stelle pouted from the slight pain of having her cheeks pulled but nevertheless replied, “Thank you… but I really am worried about you.” After all, she’s seen how she has come so far after being in literal years to continue her journey.
Now that the Master had finished not only finished “part one” but “part two” as well, there would surely be more to come… as fate doesn’t want to let her rest just yet.
Ritsuka stilled, and smiled, a happier one compared to the others from earlier, “I’ll be okay. Plus, I’m used to it.”
Despite the darkness of space with its stars, their surroundings seem to be getting lighter… Just as she saw Ritsuka notice it as well, Stelle hummed, “We’re waking up I guess? Or going back to our worlds.”
…Either way, this would be another goodbye. One that she herself wasn’t sure if it would be the last despite the first with the very person she admired from afar.
“Oh, already? That was fast.”
Stelle grimaced, “It was. Do you think I’ll be able to see you again?”
“Here I thought you'd be excited to see the trash cans again.” Ritsuka’s laugh had her blushing and sputtering on the spot. Gah! What the heck? Of course, she’d also know that! 
“Urgh, Ritsuka!”
“I know, I know! I’m sorry!” As her laughter died down, the smile that never quite reached her eyes was back in place, “Still, it was nice meeting you.”
She blushed, averting her eyes from the red-haired’s own, “Same here. But before we go back, just in case we meet again, let’s tell more about our stories to each other.”
That way neither of them wouldn’t forget the other. Whether the Stellaron would swallow her body first or one of Ritsuka’s peril would finally “set her free”, that was up to their fates inscribed in the stars.
Ritsuka faltered, sensing her intentions, before giving her a genuine smile.
“I’d like that, Stelle.”
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