inthedarktrees · 2 months
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“Teen-Age Girls: They Live in a Wonderful World of Their Own”
Nina Leen, Life, Dec 11, 1944
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raincitygirl76 · 2 months
For anyone getting excited over Hillerska being shut down by the school inspectorate, hold your glee. Lundsberg Skola is the Swedish boarding school Hillerska seems to based on. After years and years of warnings and fines re bullying and hazing, Lundsbergs was shut down by the school inspectorate on August 28, 2013.
It was supposed to stay shut down for a minimum of 6 months. Instead the school hired expensive lawyers, appealed, and were allowed to reopen on September 6, 2013. So it only took 9 days before they found a loophole. One can assume Hillerska will do likewise and everybody (except the third years) will be back in class in the second half of August when the new school year starts.
At Lundsbergs, the headmaster was fired and the entire board of governors resigned after the shut down. But they soon regrouped, hired a new headmaster, appointed new alumni and parents to the board, and debuted a shiny new anti-bullying policy. Whether it actually worked is unlikely. But the parents are mostly alumni themselves. They would’ve gone through the same brutal hazings and wouldn’t think they’d be such a big deal.
Here’s the Wikipedia page, scroll down to the Controversy section for the details on the abuse and bullying that the school was turning a blind eye to. The final investigation, the one that triggered the (temporary) shutdown, was when the younger boys were burned with hot irons by older boys at an initiation. One boy was burned so badly he needed to be hospitalized. The hospital called the local police, who called the school inspectorate. Note: that boy’s parents were not the ones to notify either the police or the school inspectorate.
Also scroll down to the Alumni section for a look at all the rich, influential and famous people (including multiple Swedish royals across many generations) who went there.
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theclassymike · 4 months
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Froy Gutierrez at the Beacon Hills Forever Con (2024)
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bloodstainedmuzzle · 2 months
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Initiation (2020) ↳ Froy Gutierrez as Wes Scott
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MONSTERS | S3.E8 | Shave and a Haircut, Two Bites 1990
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yearningforunity · 2 months
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Initiation ritual.
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divvy-div-art · 5 months
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fanfrelon · 1 month
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Froy Gutierrez in Initiation
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thea-in-the-abbey · 10 months
“I have carried Her light across the lands. That which is built with these hands will last for generations. Nothing set or spoken against me can tarnish the Mothers blessing. All plague and darkened arrows are adverted from my brow that I may know good health all my days. My purpose is tempered with the beat of the Mother's drum. I have been led up the mountain path.”
-Excerpt from "Lustration Rite to Kybele," written by: Thea/ Chthonia
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quantumleper · 4 months
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Alan Wake II (2023) | Remedy Games
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inthedarktrees · 11 months
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Ralph Crane, “College Sororities,” Life, Dec 17, 1945
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stagkingswife · 3 months
Around the holidays I had the unique joy of meeting up with @windvexer in person while they were visiting my beloved New York City.  Over sushi, dessert, and then just hanging out in their hotel lobby we had a wide ranging conversation about our practices, UPGs, etc.  The conversation eventually drifted to comparing our spirit lead initiations.  Chicken’s story is theirs to share, or not, as they choose. But I’ve been thinking a lot since that conversation about my own initiation and how it parallels another important story in my life. 
When I was 15 I was a dancer and I was good, like competing at a national level.  I was cast as Odette in my ballet school’s adaptation of Swan Lake.  I practiced, and rehearsed, and trained all year long for the role. Then a month before recital weekend my family and I went on a weekend trip to Gettysburg. I also love history, and my dad and I had just read a book about the battle of Gettysburg together, so we clambered all over the battlefield.  I tore a calf muscle doing this.  I saw my usual doctor for injuries and wore a cast for three weeks, walked through rehearsals, took it easy.  Once the cast was off a week before the recital I ramped up slowly, warmed up more than usual, stretched carefully, everything.  But come recital weekend I danced my heart out and left everything on the stage.  3 weeks later I was diagnosed with CRPS in the leg I had injured. What does any of this have to do with my initiation?  Everything, just bare with me. 
My childhood mentor had been initiated by the spirits of her tradition, and she had spoken to me about the effect this had had on her.  I had written an academic paper on initiatory spiritual traditions and the phenomena of initiation sickness.  I knew, long before Oisin ever broached the topic with me, that a spirit lead initiation could wreck your life, that it would be trying in ways that were specifically designed to change you on a fundamental to suit the spirit's needs, and that undertaking one would have consequences I couldn’t even begin to image.  I also knew that dancing Swan Lake one week out of a cast could have disastrous results for my dance career.  But I loved the music and choreography.  I loved how I felt while I was dancing.  So I danced.  I was already in love with Oisin when he presented me with this trial. I loved learning from him, and working with him, and if there was something hard, even something impossible, that he needed me to do so that I could keep learning and working with him - it was no question. 
I had no way of knowing when I was teenager waiting in the wings in my white leotard and feathered wig that I was about to dance my last ballet.  That in less than a year I would start using a cane, or that I would one day swap the cane for a wheelchair, or any of the changes and accommodations that I’ve had to make in my life for my disability.  I only knew the love. When I said yes to Oisin I couldn’t have predicted how much it would break me when he killed my soul, dismembered it, and scattered the innumerable shreds across the Otherworlds.  I could have imagined the amazing and terrifying things I saw and experienced on my journey to find those fragments and assemble myself - or what it was like to live without a complete soul in the meantime. And nothing could have prepared me for the permanent changes the whole process had wrought on my life: on my physical health, my mental health, the very fact that my spiritual oaths and promises must always come first for me.  I only knew the love. 
17 years after my diagnosis, and 13 after my initiation started, I look back at the choices that led to both and would make them both again, even knowing the consequences.  These two choices, more than almost anything else in my life, have shaped who I am as an adult and I like that person.  These choices came from the right place, both times.  Not from ambition, greed, guilt, or fear, but love.  And I can’t ever regret what I did for love.
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“Those who take a first step along a new path but still want to hang on to a little of their former life will end up being torn to pieces by their past.”
–Paulo Coelho, Maktub: An Inspirational Companion to The Alchemist
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mise-n-abyme · 1 year
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"—I prayed for strength, and life gave me hard times at my weakest.
—I prayed for happiness, and life gave me sorrowful times.
—I asked for forgiveness, and I received ridicule and blame from others for all my mistakes.
—I prayed to change the world, and ended up becoming the product of the world."
"Life did not punish me, or play a cruel sick joke. Life answered my callings with its own; no strength can come without first being weak, no happiness can be felt without first knowing true sorrow; no forgiveness can arise without first forgiving yourself, and no change can occur to the world without first creating the change in yourself. To seek life, to know life; we must accept death. Experience death in ourselves and in the expectations we perceive life to be. To be born again, one must be annihilated—to experience death in what one perceived themselves to be and realize the masqueraded existence of ones illusion.
To undergo change, we must peer beneath the curtained mirror, as it is ultimately us that can only change ourselves. It is what you do in your circumstances which define who you truly are. What you choose to see at your darkest hour and what you choose to be, life does not punish you but prepares you for what's yet to come."
|Artwork: 'Awen' — Silk Alchemy, Unknown
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weirdyearbook · 8 months
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Source details and larger version.
From secret panels to secret societies to the box that holds a secret, here's a collection of vintage secret imagery.
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Faces/Gods/Heroes participating in the Eleusinian drama: Although we may not know exactly how the plot unfolded or what roles each hero or god played we find these present (our source is ancient art depicting facets of the Mysteries): Triptolemus, first priest of the Mysteries and son of the Eleusinian King Celeus, goddess Demeter, mother of Persephone (usually mentioned as Kore), Persephone, queen of the Underworld, Dionysus in his role as Pluto, Semele, mother of Dionysus. Elsewhere we find: Demeter accompanied by the child Pluto and her daughter Persephone, the hero Eubouleus, Triptolemus, Herakles, Dionysus, again Dionysus' mother Semele. Other persons: Aphrodite, goddess of the divine marriage to happen, Hermes and Athena, liitle child Iacchus, Zeus in his throne, close to him Hera.
Art: Demeter and Persephone by John D Batten
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