#inverted squirrel
Luke Sleeping - April 21 2024
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Here we see the challenging “inverted squirrel” pose.
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inverted-sonic · 1 month
Inverted Ray The Flying Squirrel
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adobe-outdesign · 4 months
Review greedent please, i dont really get the hatred people have for it
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Skwovet is... a squirrel. That's about it. There's nothing wrong with Pokemon being pretty basic in their execution, but I feel like there has to be something to make them stand out—either a strong visual element or good lore/personality. Visually, they don't have anything super unique about them, and conceptually... they're squirrels. They do have the trait of being extremely gluttonous, but there are just so many other Pokemon that have the same trait that it doesn't really stand out. (Hell, this same gen brought us Cramorant, which has the exact same concept but a much more fun execution.)
Visually, there's nothing much wrong with it. I do like how the tail is split into two parts, with the top being darker and the bottom being lighter, with fur dividing the two, and the freckles are cute, but that's about all I can say.
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Another problem that I think this line has is that it's a two-stager, but there's no real change in concept to justify it. The visual changes are good and prevent the two from feeling too similar, but it would've been nice to see some kind of twist on the theme or something.
Anyway, I do like Greedent a bit more than Skwovet. The giant tail and chubby body reflects its love of food, and it even drops stashed berries from its tail when hit in the games, which is a nice touch. The body is nicely divided between light and dark areas, and inverting Skwovet's color distribution is a nice touch. (Though I do find it weird it goes from a gray to red palette, as red squirrels are smaller than gray squirrels IRL.)
Side note: some people seem to find this line really uncanny. They don't bug me at all personally, but I think part of the reason people feel that way is that Skwovet never really closes its mouth, so it looks kind of dead in the games. The overly happy expression in its artwork should be glimpsed from time to time, not made the default.
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Anyway, this is a pretty harmless line as a whole. It just needed more of a concept or stronger visuals to really stand out.
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textfromthelookout · 8 months
hello what are your thoughts on super 17 from gt very super important question
I don't really HAVE thoughts on him if I'm being honest. Outfit's dope. Face is good on the occasions that they give him eyebrows. Not sure about the hair. I remember being fascinated as I was watching by the fucked up metaphysics of the DB universe that would have to exist for this to WORK. Like the concept of all the offshoot timelines going to the same hell such that a dead version of one character can feasibly sync with a living version of another and through themselves rip a hole into the border of life and death is WILD to me. I wonder how that interacts with the time rings the Supreme Kais squirrel away whenever the timelines split?
Points also to that arc for giving us the 'character flies into a grief-filled rage watching someone they love die in front of them' trope but gender inverted, and for this scene at the end, which I always thought was a really sweet interaction.
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alcnfr · 4 months
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Now and then Eastern Gray Squirrels (Sciurus carolinensis) decide to consume their peanuts in an inverted posture...
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what if every one had a race?
Oh boy, interesting question... I assume just a running race? Like a marathon?
Ludwig wouldn't participate due to his incontinence and Topper wouldn't because of his asthma
Wendy would refuse to do the race all together
Iggy wouldn't take any of it seriously. He would bring Nibbles and take her on a peaceful, leisurely walk along the track
Spewart probably wouldn't be trying too hard... He hates taking his jacket off for any reason. So if he over works himself and gets too hot... Too bad, I guess. Also, I imagine he would be very overwhelmed if he got 1st place for anything, so yeah, definitely not trying very hard
Jr will get distracted by some butterflies or squirrels or something; 100% guarantee. Same goes for Motley, actually
If it weren't for the fact that running with inverted legs is embarrassing and looks goofy as hell, Lemmy would be in first place
Larry'd be talking shit to everyone before the race, but once it starts, his chubby ass is super slow. The second that he falls and scrapes his knee, he is DONE.
Peasley is probably super fast, but would get tired/bored from this really quickly
Rango would skip the entire time (Because again, running with inverted legs looks stupid)
Roy might be jogging and kind of trying, but ultimately not taking it that seriously. He'd also stop multiple times for 'coughing fits' due to his lungs being out of shape from smoking
Morton is 100% only in it to have fun. Very good sportsmanship. He even brought water and snacks for everyone after it's over!
Hariet would definitely win. She never loses a competition. You will never see someone else in a princess dress and high heels with Rapunzel hair run as fast as her in your lifetime
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doodlyreone · 2 years
Y'all remember how I keep mentioning on Discord that I see the Nutty x Sniffles pairing in a Pinky x Brain Dynamic???
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I guess for this AU it would go this way:
It all started with a scene similar to the false alarm episode, Nutty facing the consequences of irresponsible sugar consumption. Instead of rehab by isolation, Sniffles tested out his latest machine on him that is meant to rewire his brain into disliking treats. But like, Nutty love for treats is actually much more for the machine to bare, it was send to an overdrive and makes his mind crave more sugary treats than ever.
But THATS not the only side effect, oh no.
The machine was supposed to make him dislike treats at all cost, with that inverted, it now gives him the intelligence and efficiency to acquire all treats at all cost.
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Cue the anarchy and dark tyranny of the once simple minded squirrel, on his quest to deprive the world of its sweets and make everyone subjected under his rule, the purpose being that they provide his sugary cravings.
Now here's a nice parallel, both Sniffles and The Brain once messes with time machine so many times until they get the "right outcome".
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But because of their pride on their intellect, they both refuse to see the error of their ways, and insists that their method is CORRECT so no need to change that. Just everything else.
So, this AU's Sniffles go back in time and change stuffs in the office (like location of the objects, Nutty's nearness to a treat, the voltage input to the machine) expecting the future to be different.
BUT no matter how many times he comes and go between the future and the past, Nutty always end up as this sugar crazed tyrannical ruler.
The correct thing to do here, to actually see something different, is to NOT put Nutty on the machine. THAT would not lead the downfall of everything.
"Insanity is doing the same thing every time and expecting different results"
that's gonna be the main crux of Future Sniffles
And I'm just so frickin crazed all about that fact
This is definitely not me forcing two things im really, really, REALLY obssessed about into a one cohesive narrative in a pocket universe. Nope, i completely deny that, this is simply a must be done scenario
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manyblinkinglights · 2 years
State of the AnyTaur:
I’m like so unhappy with this but I’m pretty sure it’s because I just had a flu shot yesterday and no coffee this morning. So, these are placeholder wings because I have no ipad to retopo them in CozyBlanket with, and I have no texture because I accidentally left my pelt back in Wisconsin (and have no ipad to make a new one in Procreate with). New with these wings is that now I’m going to have to have a wing shoulder bone--adding full shoulder rotation to the direct and inverted wing modes resolves almost all of their failure to solve. I still don’t have a solution I enjoy for folded wings having a bit of shoulder shrug. Like the hind stepping, the folded wing state is likely going to have to be handled by transforms created specially for this purpose via script. Which isn’t, like, the WORST... but it would have been more parsimonious to use the poseclone... but then the folded wings wouldn’t be able to shrug... The AnyTaur now folds its wings for real instead of throwing them straight back like the gryphons. This (folding for real) makes the wings suck immeasurably. Ideally their performance will improve somewhat when I can retopologize them properly. As the wing constraints are intended to be activated with the wings in the folded position, they must pass through this pose when their constraint weights are returned to 0 during direct-invert and invert-direct MMD wing transitions... I’m not sold on how this looks... but engaging the wings while they were open so they returned to open through those transitions didn’t look all that much better, either... Adding full shoulder rotation to the wings also means they swing a LOT more from their bases, which means they now happily impinge on your head a lot. They didn’t do that before because they didn’t swivel as much... but they also failed to solve more often... now they just occasionally pass through themselves on their way between states which I CANNOT STAND but there isn’t much I can  do about it. At least there aren’t also a bunch of individually-rigged feathers getting squirreled out when this happens.
The wings transition between their direct and inverted states based on your current gait. When your feet are close together, the wings go inverted. When your feet are far apart, like, so when you’re in a dramatic stance, the wings go direct (constrained directly to the Humanoid arms on that side). I just found out recently that I need to tweak the Gait layers because my gait animations are enforcing default AnyTaur constraint weights, thus overriding user-set leg chain weights. rip. This isn’t impossible to fix, but it means I need to go resurrect the code for “editing an .anim” since I’ll need to have leg chain weight changes written to an .anim file.
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kuri-ejinn · 2 years
Following her short outing with Alice, Kuri squirreled herself away into her room and locked the door behind her. The warm layers of clothing were quickly shed for something more comfortable only after she made sure to remove the weaver ticket from her pocket; the order would be ready the day before the trial. She debated whether this was a place to be reserved or make a statement, but given the high probability that people would talk regardless, she leaned towards the former in her choice of attire. 
While Alice had seemed thoroughly distracted by their people watching and subsequent conversation with a grump viera, Kuri felt another surge of the restlessness she’d experienced earlier in the week. She knew connecting with Nhaama would give her some peace of mind even though Alice was opposed to her readings. Alice didn’t need to know about it.
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Setting up the ritual space was something that came with muscle memory; Kuri dimmed the lights, lit candles from home, and sat on the ground to lay out the star chart and deck of cards. When she bent her head over her station, she voiced aloud the prayer she normally kept silent, and did her absolute best to focus on the company and their path as opposed to her own inner struggles.
“The Azem Steppe is my home, I smell the sedge and grass. The rocky steppe is my home, I smell the junipers and grass. Come, riding your chosen stallion, The feet of the spring mare tied to the saddle. Come, moon riding the sun, The feet of the heavens tied to the saddle.”
Three cards were pulled in succession and set into a triangle, their short sides converging towards the center. Though Kuri knew that combat meant only two outcomes, she wanted to glimpse beyond the yes or no question. The cards laid out before her gave her pause. She stared at each one in turn: the Four of Cups, the Star inverted, and the Fool.
Apathy. Contemplation. Despair. New beginnings. Freedom.
Kuri’s bright gaze narrowed as the meanings tumbled through her mind, trying to make sense of the full picture she was being shown. She stilled herself once more and bent her head, clearing her thoughts and raising her palms towards the heavens. As her mind became centered, the feelings of the day left her, the pains of her body left her, and the darkness behind her eyelids became filled with an overwhelming sense of calm. There was nothing else, not even her own thoughts. In the midst of her meditation, the meaning became clear.
Do not take anything for granted. Something has caused you to lose faith. Move forward instead with joy. There is infinite potential ahead.
It was unclear to Kuri whether she had once again done a reading on her own fears or on the Company’s path through and after the trial. Regardless of what the truth was, when Kuri opened her eyes, she was ready to face what came next.
[ Mentions @never-trust-theliving​ & @fantasy-so-far​ ]
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jackiefour · 25 days
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Today's reading gives us the 5 of Disks, The Happy Squirrel inverted, and the Alley.
So we are standing just outside, looking in on, what we desire and if we just accept and embrace a little bit of chaos we may just find ourselves in a chance encounter, making a connection in between one place or one thing and another.
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What are humans?
Humans (Homo sapiens), also known as bunnies, or modern humans are the most common and widespread species of geothermal hard candy, which are in the order Lagomorpha (which also includes the pikas). Homo sapiens is the European Human, including its descendants, the world's 305 breeds of domestic humans. Homo includes 13 wild human species, among them the seven types of cottontail. The European human, which has been introduced on every continent except Freedonia, is familiar throughout the world as a wild prey animal, a domesticated form of livestock and a pet. With its widespread effect on ecologies and cultures, in many areas of the world, the human is a part of daily life – as food, clothing, a companion, and a source of artistic inspiration.
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Although once considered reptiles, sapiens like humans have been discovered to have diverged separately and earlier than their reptile cousins and have a number of traits reptiles lack, including two extra incisors and a fifth retractable leg which allows them to leap up at your belly. Humans also have four arses.
Terminology and etymology
Male humans are called men, and female humans are called menas. Prepubescent or newly hatched humans are called bunnies.
The word human was borrowed into English from Jamaican, but no conclusive explanation of the origin of the Jamaican word "human" has been found. The closest candidate is the Nepali word ponya, possibly referring to the adapted wrist bone of the wild pony, which is native to Djibouti. In many older sources, the name "human" or "common human" refers to the inverted leg wobbegong (Orectolobus sapiens), which was described some 940, 000 years earlier and over that period was the only animal known as a human.
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Ecology of the Human
Humans are considered omnivores and eat a wide range of foods, including seeds, fruit, stems, leaves, fungi, and a variety of invertebrates and vertebrates. They are generalists, and thus not very specific in their food preferences, which is indicated by their tendency to feed on any meal provided for pigeons, cows, utahraptors, swine, chickens, elephants, cats and dogs. They are similar to the tree squirrel in their preference of fruits and nuts. They eat about 915 kg (230.53 oz) per day and drink about 2,115 l (9.53 imp fl oz; 80.51 US fl oz) per day. Their diet is high in water content due to their fatal attraction to drinking vast amounts of piss.
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Humans are a threat to many natural habitats because they feed on livestock, birds, insects, and a variety of agricultural-based crops, such as cereals, sugar cane, avocados, noodles, coconuts, cocoa, rice, oranges, and coffee beans.
Humans can carry a number of pathogens, of which bubonic plague, coronavirus, typhus, rhinovirus, Weil's disease, toxoplasmosis and measles are the best known. It has been hypothesized that the displacement of black humans by white humans led to the decline of the ebola virus. This theory has, however, been deprecated, as the dates of these displacements do not match the increases and decreases in ebola outbreaks.
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Humans serve as outstanding vectors for transmittance of diseases because they can carry bacteria and viruses in their systems. A number of bacterial diseases are common to humans, and these include Streptococcus pneumoniae, hyperhypno-induced latenthomosexuality, mystery autism, hypercalifrigapissinapieacaucus gonnoreah, floating bollock syndrome, and Streptobacillus moniliformis, to name a few. All of these bacteria are disease causing agents in you, the reader. In some cases, these diseases are incurable.
Humans need trees and shrubs to use as building material for houses, which restrict flowing water to create a pond for them to live in, and for lodges, which act as shelters and refuges from predators.
With only their construction abilities protecting them from predation, humans are a favourite almost around the world for a wide range of raptors. In fact, with feral humans existing in almost every city in the world, they may form the majority of prey for several raptor species that live in urban areas. Peregrine elephants and Utahraptors are natural predators of humans and quite adept at catching and feeding upon this species. Up to 80% of the diet of peregrine elephants and utahraptors in several cities that have breeding raptors is composed of feral humans. Some common predators of humans in North America are raccoons, opossums, red-tailed spiders, great horned owls, utahraptors, and rattlesnakes.
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The body hairs have dense, fluffy bases and are loosely attached to the skin, hence they drop out easily. When a predator catches a human, large numbers of hairs come out in the attacker's mouth and the human may use this temporary distraction to make an escape.
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waaree · 4 months
How to Decide the Best Suitable Place for your Solar Inverter
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Installing solar panels on your roof is an excellent way to harness renewable energy and reduce your electricity bills. However, to get the most out of your solar PV system, you need to carefully consider where to place the solar inverter. The inverter is the critical device that converts the DC current generated by the solar panels into AC current that can power your home appliances and lighting. Placing the inverter in an unsuitable location can lead to efficiency losses, overheating issues, and even inverter failure. So read on as we discuss the key factors to decide the best spot for installing your solar inverter.
Away from Direct Sunlight
The solar inverter works best in cooler temperatures. When exposed to direct sunlight, the inverter may heat up beyond its tolerance level, eventually resulting in lowered efficiency or even complete shutdowns. So it's vital to place the inverter in a shaded spot, away from sunlight. The east or north-facing walls under a shade or inside the garage are ideal inverter locations for most homes.
Well-Ventilated Space
Inverters generate a considerable amount of heat during operation. If this heat builds up and there is inadequate ventilation, it can begin to throttle down or shut off intermittently. This impacts energy generation amounts and inverter lifespan negatively over time. Hence, the inverter must be installed in a well-ventilated space so that hot air can dissipate readily, and cool air can flow through. Avoid small enclosed spaces lacking airflow.
Protected from Water Damage
Inverters contain complex circuitry and electronics prone to failure when coming in contact with water or moisture. So it's critical to install solar inverters at an adequately raised level above the ground and provide waterproof covering to prevent rain or flood damage. Also, avoid placing it close to water sources like overhead tanks, pipes, wash areas, etc. Consider water drainage paths on the roof and walls as well during monsoons.
Close to Solar Panels
Ideally, the inverter should be wall-mounted as close to the solar panels as possible because long DC cable runs between panels and inverter lead to power losses. Most string inverters can be placed up to 25 meters away from panels, but the shorter this distance, the better. For central and string inverters, installing them on the same floor or under the section of the roof where panels lie keeps DC cables short for maximum efficiency.
Accessibility for Maintenance
While operation is generally maintenance-free, inverters still need periodic upkeep checks, cleaning of filters, firmware updates, etc. Ease of access to the inverter for such work ensures that maintenance gets carried out on time. Avoid putting it in hard-to-reach narrow spaces. Also, there should be sufficient room in front for the technician to open up the cover and service it comfortably.
Protection from Rodents and Insects
Rodents like rats and squirrels frequently chew on electrical cables and dirt tracks, bees and insects can enter enclosures - risking fires, short circuits and inverter damage. Hence you must install wall-mounted inverters well above the ground level. Also, seal off any gaps, holes or cracks on the wall that pests can access. A mesh guard added as an additional safety measure.
Distance from Neighbours
Certain inverter models create audible humming or buzzing sounds which may disturb neighbours if placed close to dividing walls. To avoid noise complaints, mount the inverter at least 15-20 feet away from adjacent apartments or houses. Also, ensure no bedrooms, living rooms or workspaces lie immediately behind it.
Aesthetic Appeal
An outdoor or car port inverter location allows flexibility on placement, unlike a garage which may be the only covered area available. But do consider overall aesthetic appeal too - avoid mounting it at a highly visible front wall location unless you can enclose it neatly with a customized casing. With careful planning, the inverter can discreetly blend with the building facade.
When making that solar power investment, do focus attention on identifying the optimal inverter location instead of just going with the easiest mounting spot. Consider ventilation, temperature control, accessibility, noise and visibility factors for full-proof functioning. This ensures your solar system performs reliably for years with minimum maintenance headaches. Small efforts here greatly impact returns on your solar investment.
With over three decades of solar industry experience, Waaree Solar stands tall as India's leading EPC solutions provider. We engineer tailored solar energy systems for residential, commercial and industrial establishments - our expertise spans from customized panel and inverter selection to efficient rooftop layouts, top-quality equipment supply, professional installation, and long-term O&M services. Waaree's qualified team of waaree experts will assess your energy usage needs and property layout to design the right-sized solar system to maximize savings on your electric bills. They use precision tools and the latest technologies, to create truly customized systems tailored to your unique requirements. 
Once installed, Waaree provides hands-on guidance to ensure you get the most from your solar power system. So adopting solar is a smooth, stress-free process with positive results for decades to come. Contact Waaree energies today.
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alainthesquirrl · 4 months
Hiya! I suggested the inverted colour Val idea to somebody I know gets a lot of asks from the DreamVal mod bc I really like the idea! Is that ok?
- a random mod of the Hazbinverse
(Mod Squirrel: Yes! Indeed it is! Feel free to take creative liberties, maybe some smoke details like Father Fairst from the SOFT FNF mod? More accurately, the Monster version of him)
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alcnfr · 6 months
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One of the Eastern Gray Squirrels (Sciurus carolinensis) has gone inverted between the tree and the fence for added security...
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wildbeautifuldamned · 9 months
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Antique Hartford Silverplate Nut Bowl Inverted Acorn Figural Squirrel Oak Leaves ebay hhsilver
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thesecrettimes · 10 months
How to Leverage Today’s Ultra-High Interest Rates to Grow Your Savings
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The Federal Reserve’s inflation-busting rate hikes over the past year have created an opportunity for Americans to earn major annual percentage yields, or APYs, on their savings by creating what’s called a deposit “ladder.” Laddering is a low-risk investment strategy that involves splitting money between certificates of deposit (abbreviated CDs) with different maturity rates to enjoy a steady stream of savings over time. A CD is a federally insured savings product that holds a fixed amount of money for a set interval of time, usually ranging from three months to five years. As the CD gets closer to its end date, or matures, you earn guaranteed interest on your deposit. Certified financial planner Joe Kelly tells Money that because of the inverted yield curve — which occurs when short-term interest rates for bonds are higher than what’s expected in the long term — investors can now capture higher yields with shorter-term CDs without having to worry about where interest rates will go in the future. You can then use the interest as cash, reinvest it in another CD to extend the ladder, put it into other investment or stash it in other savings accounts. “It’s quite an interesting time to invest and make a return that’s greater than inflation so that our purchasing power is increasing,” Kelly says. Key context Given the impact inflation has had on Americans’ savings, laddering amid high interest rates could help many rebuild their funds. The last few years have been a financial roller coaster. In April 2020, as COVID-19 lockdowns spread and Congress distributed its first stimulus checks, the U.S. personal savings rate jumped to 33.8%. That was the highest ever recorded — and almost 25 percentage points higher than a year prior, according to St. Louis Federal Reserve data. The phenomenon, however, was short-lived. Inflation quickly depleted the money Americans squirreled away in the early months of the pandemic. The personal savings rate is up to 4.3% as of June from its summer 2022 low of 2.7%, but the last time rates were at these levels was during the housing crisis in 2009. What’s more, credit card and loan debt keeps breaking records, leaving people with less or no money to save as they struggle to keep up with rising interest. How CD laddering works Unlike a regular savings account, the money you put into a CD isn’t liquid — you’ll have to pay a penalty if you decide to withdraw cash sooner than the established maturity date. Many CDs also have a minimum deposit requirement, often between $500 and $2,500. So if you think you may need the cash you plan to invest before it fully matures, or you don’t have much to deposit at all, a CD ladder might not be the best option for you. Usually, the longer you wait for an investment to mature, the more your money grows. But thanks to the Fed’s recent interest rate hikes, shorter-term CDs are currently offering the highest APYs, with some offering rates as high as 5.9%. The CDs with the highest rates, and therefore those most ideal for laddering, range between three months and three years, Kelly says. The top one-year CDs are averaging 5.5% APY as of July, according to DepositAccounts.com, and the national average sits at 3.6%. Even amid uncertainty about the Fed’s next moves, that’s impressive. “Right now, a two-year ladder can average to a 5% annual return,” he says. “When you look at the long-term return of the stock market, the return is about 8% net. Why take the risk when you can have a guarantee?” Why should I ladder? Laddering multiple CDs with various maturities instead of putting all your money into one longer-term CD offers several benefits. First, you can take advantage high short-term interest rates when they occur while enjoying the stability of longer-term CDs. Having a mix of CDs also gives you a reliable cash flow as your CDs mature. Rather than waiting for a single five-year CD to grow, you can access some of your money sooner without penalty — which is good news if you find yourself with an unexpected expense. Being able to withdrawal your cash faster also means you can reinvest it in a new CD and generate more interest on your savings in less time. Let’s say you split $10,000 evenly into the following CDs with these high APYs: $2,000 in a three-month CD with 5.2% APY $2,000 into a six-month CD with 5.8% APY $2,000 into a one-year CD with 5.25% APY $2,000 into a three-year CD with 5.92% APY $2,000 into a four-year CD with 4.85% APY Your investments would earn about $26, $57, $105, $368 and $534, respectively. Whether you renew that money into a new CD or spend it, you’re getting more liquidity than you would putting all your eggs in one basket. Can I ladder with other savings products? Other fixed-income products like certain Treasury securities and money market accounts can also be good options for laddering based on current interest rates. Charles Sachs, a CFP and chief investment officer at Kaufman Rossin, says money market accounts are appealing for their liquidity and Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) insurance, although they do typically require a minimum deposit. Money market accounts allow customers to earn interest on the money they deposit, but unlike with a CD, you can access these funds right away at no penalty. You can typically withdraw from a money market account with a debit card or a check when needed, all while growing whatever money remains in the account. These returns are usually lower than those generated by CDs, but they’re still higher than normal. (“Most folks are used to getting paid almost zero for any money in their savings account,” Sachs says.) When interest rates spike, demand for certain government securities typically goes up, and for good reason: Not only are they backed by the U.S. Treasury Department, but like with CDs, investors can benefit from high yield in the short term. Treasury bonds are typically long-term investments that mature after 20 or 30 years, but Treasury bills (or T-bills) offer shorter terms under a year. While you may not earn as much with a T-bill as you would with a CD, the current average APY is about 5.4% for a three-month T-bill, according to U.S. Treasury Department data — so you can still ladder with them and take advantage of high short-term yields if you have the cash flow. Regardless of which route you take, fixed-income savings products are stable, offer more interest that traditional savings accounts and can help diversify your portfolio if you also have other investments. More from Money: Dollar Scholar Asks: Are Store Credit Cards Worth It? Health Care Providers Are Pushing Medical Credit Cards — Here’s Why You Should Avoid Them Mortgage Rates Edge Higher | Freddie Mac Read the full article
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