#is this anything?
kinardbuckleys · 2 days
thinking thinking thinking about tommy kinard, who hasn’t celebrated his birthday since he was 9. his dad was always too drunk to remember when it was. tommy kinard, who has never had close friends. tommy kinard, who has spent more than 35 birthdays without so much as acknowledging it. tommy kinard, who flies into a hurricane and thinks, well, at least there won’t be any more birthdays. tommy kinard, who somehow survives flying into a hurricane and comes out of the whole thing with the sweetest, kindest boyfriend he could ever ask for. tommy kinard, who finally finally finally has someone who remembers his birthday and celebrates him.
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firehose118 · 3 days
thinking about how tommy is uniquely positioned to help eddie in s8
under the watchful eye of catholicism, eddie would have been raised to believe in the nuclear family. this is the schema of family eddie has been trying to impose on himself and chris, at least in part because he feels like it's his fault that chris doesn't have a mother. he feels like their family is incomplete without a mother
whether eddie is actually straight or not, it's clear that he's chafing within the confines of this unexamined, prescribed, idealistic kind of heterosexuality. ryan guzman has said as much: eddie is trying to force the kinds of relationships with women that he feels like he's supposed to have, rather than ones that would actually make him happy
tommy spent decades in the closet; hiding both from himself and from the outside world. he had to come to terms with the reality of his desires and with the fact that he was not sexually or romantically attracted to women, no matter how hard he tried to force himself to be
tommy had to accept that the life that he grew up believing he would have—the one that he was told over and over again was the only acceptable way for him to live—was not a life that could ever make him happy. he is not what he thought he was supposed to be, but there's nothing wrong with that
now it's eddie's turn to learn this. he is trying with increasingly disastrous results to recreate 1:1 what he and chris had with shannon without remembering that it fell apart the first time—without allowing himself to remember how miserable he and shannon both were. eddie thinks he can force these relationships to work because he's done it before and he was happy. but he didn't, and he wasn't
maybe eddie is gay. maybe he's bi, maybe he's ace. maybe he really is straight and he just has a lot more work to do to disentangle his ideas of romantic partner and mother of my child from each other—to see a relationship as a partnership for himself rather than as payment for a debt he feels he owes to his son
eddie needs to stop getting into relationships based on guilt—based on obligation and what he thinks is the right or even the only thing to do—and start figuring out what he actually wants out of a relationship for himself
regardless of what, exactly, the writers decide eddie's core denial is going to be, tommy is the most qualified person to help him through it right now. tommy has been there. tommy knows how hard it is to date a woman who is perfectly lovely on paper and to just not be able to love her the way she deserves—because of him
tommy knows what it's like to feel broken because of this. and tommy knows what it's like to fight his way to the understanding that he is not
there was nothing wrong with tommy: he was just trying to force himself to be someone he is not because that's what was expected of him
there is nothing wrong with eddie: he is just trying to force himself to be someone he is not because he thinks that's what is expected of him
tommy can help eddie get there
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approximateknowledge · 10 months
ok so hear me out
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kickbutts-singsongs · 4 months
Okay I’m not really a part of this fandom but I’ve been following along cuz it looks kinda cool
So I do wanna say that I noticed smth in the last episode of Hazbin Hotel involving Alastor?
Like it’s canonical that he’s never not smiling right? But I was watching his fight with Adam again and I saw this:
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His shadowwwww was FROWNINGGGGG
But then it corrects itself like half a second later!!
It’s a blink-and-you-miss-it moment:
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polyamorousmood · 1 year
So I'd like you to meet my partners. This is the broken, this is the beaten, and this is the damned.
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abiscuit · 2 months
I love Star Trek, I love how every time a federation ship goes into the romulan neutral zone there is also immediately a romulan ship. Like girl, what were YOU doing in the neutral zone?
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chlorophyllium · 9 months
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michael sheen: they're best buddies!
david tennant: they're married
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dragonpyre · 4 months
“I’m agro/ace”
“Don’t you mean aro/ace?”
“No, I don’t” *pulls out knife*
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secret-sageent · 23 days
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"are you proshit?"
yeah im proshit. im also propiss. its unhealthy to hold it in and you might get an infection. take care of your body bro 🙏
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partywithponies · 2 years
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regular thrifter eddie comes across a pair of dog tags with the name 
he takes them to the counter without even thinking about it, no more than a new addition to his outfit.
he looks up the name eventually, and holy shit, this guy’s gorgeous
something something he tracks down the old-timey hottie’s great grandson Steve Harrington (the fourth) to return the tags and wouldn’t you know it, Steve is the spitting image of his grandpa
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erebusfinn · 1 month
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My official contribution to the lamb. Praise be to thy lamb lol
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sillylilfang · 6 months
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has this been done before?
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lycorim · 7 months
OBSESSED OBSESSED OBSESSED with the idea that the dead mother wolf from agot ch1 was "Ned's wolf" not only because of dead-before-the-story-starts, doomed-by-the-narrative reasons but also because it makes Ned mom-coded. Mom-coded and fate-pilled. Get doomed, loser.
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