#is this seat taken
ballpitwitch · 10 months
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John Wick: Chapter 2 (2017)
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Is this seat taken? [IronStrange]
Summary: “You know, when someone is asking you to watch their stuff, the one thing you shouldn't do is run off and abandon said stuff.“
Stephen looked at him over the edge of his book and raised a brow. He didn't even wonder how Stark knew. “Your stuff was perfectly safe.“
“Yeah, sure.“ Tony’s words dripped with sarcasm.
(Your regular coffee shop AU but they still have their powers)
Relationship: Tony Stark/Stephen Strange
Tags: Coffee Shop AU, different first meetings, they still have powers, fluff, strangers to lovers, bamf Stephen, Stephen keeps his magic a secret until the last second, a lot of banter, soft idiots falling in love
Ko-fi | Read it on AO3 | Masterlist | Word count: 6.6k
Author’s note: I started this last year, abandoned it and recently dug it out to finish it. Bon appetit.
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Is this seat taken?
There was this small coffee shop in Greenwich Stephen liked. It was just right around the corner of the Sanctum and sometimes he went there to read and enjoy one of their brews.
The Sanctum was his home, but sometimes it was too quiet. Stephen was still a people person, even after all these years. He liked the buzz around him, like feeling the energy of life.
Like today.
Of course, it was rush hour and the shop was crowded. Stephen joined the queue and scanned the tables while waiting his turn. They were all occupied, but at some there was still at least an unoccupied seat.
There was a woman with a fidgety baby – no thanks. At the next table another young woman, clearly waiting for somebody. At the one in the corner sat some guy with a hoodie, base cap and sunglasses combination, working on a laptop. He looked kinda sketchy, but was probably the quietest of them all.
He ordered and waited at the side for his cup. With that in his hand, he went to Sketchy Guy. “Is this seat taken?“
He got a short glance in response, but it was enough to recognize the man. “Help yourself.“
Stephen didn’t reveal his discovery. He was here to read. And so he sat down and opened his book.
They sat in a comfortable silence until his table neighbor rolled back his shoulders and stretched his arms. “Gotta run somewhere quick. Can you keep an eye on my stuff?“
“Sure,“ Stephen hummed with the indifference one typically had toward strangers.
The other man gave him a quick, scrutinizing glance before taking off his sunglasses and placing them on the table. Then he went to the restrooms.
Stephen used the interruption to magically refill his drink. The rush hour had died down and the barista behind the counter had time to take a breath and refill the baked goods.
That actually wasn't such a bad idea, Stephen thought. His stomach could use some food. With a small flick of his fingers, he laid a protective spell over the table and then stood up to take a look at the cake of the day.
Refills were one thing but Stephen wouldn't be the reason that took the coffee shop out of business.
With a plate of apple pie he went back to his seat to continue reading.
Stark came back and put on his sunglasses again. Stephen hardly minded him. Until he heard a scoff.
“You know, when someone is asking you to watch their stuff, the one thing you shouldn't do is run off and abandon said stuff.“
The sorcerer looked at him over the edge of his book and raised a brow. He didn't even wonder how Stark knew. “Your stuff was perfectly safe.“
“Yeah, sure.“ His words dripped with sarcasm but for once Stephen didn‘t take the bait. He wasn‘t here to start an argument and – honestly – he simply didn‘t care enough about that man‘s opinion. So he kept his tongue silent, while Stark packed his belongings into a backpack and left.
At last Stephen had the table to himself.
When Stephen entered the coffee shop two weeks later, it again was rush hour. He should really keep a tab on time, but after three exorcisms in one week he deserved a break. Unfortunately a lot of people seemed to think the same.
Scanning the crowd while waiting for his drink he weighed his options.
There was a free seat next to someone on their phone. Distracting.
Two teenagers. Nobody wanted to sit with teenagers.
And then there was… well, at least this was going to be entertaining.
Stephen took his cup to the table in the corner. “Is this seat taken?“
“Help your-…“ Brown eyes met blue ones. “…nope, absolutely not. Liars don’t get a seat at this table.” He was apparently quite petty and still didn’t take their last meeting well. Stephen didn't let it bother him and sat down anyway.
"Didn't you hear what I just said?" Stark asked. He was wearing sunglasses and a baseball cap indoors again, as if that would suddenly make him unrecognizable. The glasses weren't even fully tinted.
“I did. The thing is, I’m not a liar, Stark.”
Stark leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms. If he was upset that his ridiculous attempt to remain incognito had failed, he didn't let it show. Or perhaps his annoyance at Stephen's presence simply outweighed it. "Is this some kind of practical joke? Did someone from the team set you up to annoy me?"
Stephen opened his book and flipped through until he found the right page. “You don’t have a lot of faith in your team.”
“What’s your deal then? Is this for your youtube channel? Any hidden cameras?”
“I just want to read in peace and enjoy my coffee.” Demonstratively, Stephen pointed to his book.
Stark was not very convinced. “I’m keeping my eye on you.”
“I’m flattered.”
Silence spread as the two men went about their work. But Stephen could not concentrate, he was hyper aware of his surroundings. It might have been because he was running on too much coffee and too little sleep. Or maybe the last demon he had exorcized had cursed him after all, before the sorcerer had managed to banish him back to his own dimension.
After a few minutes of reading the same paragraph over and over without really taking in what it said, he rubbed his forehead – and caught Stark's gaze, who was indeed watching him as announced.
"Okay, I'm curious," Stephen said, "if you're that paranoid, why ask a stranger to watch your stuff in the first place?"
"Statistically speaking, someone is less likely to steal if you give them the task of watching."
“So, you asked me because you didn’t want me to steal your stuff.” He huffed a laugh. “I’m not interested in your technology.”
Tony raised a brow. “You sure? I saw your phone last time. It’s the most ancient thing I’ve seen this century and you could really use an update. Not that you would have gone far with the stolen stuff.”
“I’m offended how little you think of my abilities of thievery.” Stephen wasn’t offended. He was amused. This conversation was way more interesting than his book. Yeah, he really needed a good, solid 20 hours of sleep. Maybe more.
Stark was about to retort something – Stephen's words only reinforced Stark's sour mood – when his phone made an alarming beeping noise, interrupting the two men. The engineer sighed and put on his sunglasses.
“Is it really this important, Fri?”, he asked no one specific in the room. Then, “Fine, I’m on my way.”
Stark turned his face to Stephen. “You’re lucky I gotta go. Someone is attacking the city hall using ice blasts.”
The corners of Stephen's mouth twitched up. “Do you need someone to watch your stuff while you’re gone?”
Stark was still wearing the glasses so Stephen couldn’t see the roll of his eyes, when he collected his laptop and left with a muttered, “Asshole.”
It was 2 am when Stephen entered the coffee shop. Surprisingly he wasn’t the only patron at this ungodly hour. There were two students at a table in the back with various books and notes clattered in front of them, fueling on more caffeine than was healthy for them. With a small smile, Stephen recalled his days in medical school and later as a resident. It had been good times. Sometimes he felt that even back then he got more sleep than he did now as the Sorcerer Supreme.
The late opening hours of the coffee shop were among the reasons why he loved it. With a book and a cup of tea, he sat down at a table by the window. Despite the late hour, he wasn't tired, but there was an eerie mood in the air and he kept his third eye open – masked by a simple glamour – just in case.
The door of the coffee shop opened with a soft ring and a few minutes later a shadow fell on the sorcerer. He looked up and spotted Tony Stark, wearing his sunglasses and base cap as usual, even though it was the middle of the night.
“Three times’ the charm, I heard.” He looked tired, had dark circles under his eyes and a cup of coffee in his hand.
“Apparently,” Stephen replied.
Stark waited a moment, but Stephen didn't offer anything else. He sat down anyway, although enough other tables were unoccupied. Tonight he was not looking for privacy, but distraction.
Stephen seemed to notice that, because he pushed his book away, turning his attention to the other man instead.“How did it go the other day? The City Hall is still standing, so I guess you were successful.”
“Yeah. We got her before she turned it into a winter wonderland. She is currently under investigation with those powers.” Stark sipped his coffee. He was careful just to share information that made the news anyway, not sure how much he trusted this man in the coffee shop he seemed to meet quite regularly. He side-eyed Stephen. “So, you’re always sitting here with your books. Are you secretly the owner of this coffee shop, who likes to go undercover and talk to people? You know, like offering them life lessons.”
Stephen chuckled. “I can barely afford a beverage here every now and then. I definitely don’t have enough money to open a shop and keep it running.”
“What’s your deal then? What language is this even?” Curiously, Stark peered into his book.
“I read it for work.”
“Must be either an exciting field of work or an extremely boring one.”
“I find it quite interesting.”
There was a pause, before Tony said, “Don’t tell me all the details at once.” For the fact that this man could drive him up the wall with ease, he was quite secretive about his own person.
There was a small smirk on Stephen’s lips. “I will tell them, if you spill yours.”
Stark mirrored the smirk. “Touche.” He was sure that between the two of them he held the more delicate secrets with the Avengers and Shield, but he understood the sentiment. “Are you a librarian?” he asked anyway, because he was intrigued by this man who wasn’t intimidated by his name and face.
“No, that would be Wong,” Stephen said. “My work is more on the practical side.”
Stark had lots of follow-up questions. “What is the practical side of a librarian? Are you secretly going on adventures to retrieve long lost artifacts? What is this book even about? And what’s a Wong?”
“Excuse me, gentlemen.” They were interrupted by a barista, who stepped to their table and looked apologetic. “We would like to close.”
The men looked up in surprise. The students had disappeared and the barista had put the chairs up on every other table but theirs. They were the last patrons.
"Yes. Yes, of course." Stark got to his feet and reached for his jacket. Stephen followed him. “Sorry for making you work overtime.”
The barista politely waved it off, his voice full on customer service. “It’s fine, really. It’s just…”
“You want to go home and sleep. We get it.” Tony made sure to add an extra tip in the jar for their trouble.
No sooner than they stepped outside the door the sign on the window behind them was flipped to 'CLOSED'. The morning shift would arrive in a few hours, but until then the two men were without a place to pass the time.
Stark turned his head to Stephen. “Need a ride home?”
“I live only a few blocks away.”
“I’ll walk you. The streets can be dangerous.” And with that he started moving in the direction Stephen had pointed. The sorcerer followed him. He didn't mind Stark's company, it was nice. So was the silence in which they walked.
It might have been the late hour, but neither of them felt the need to continue their previous conversation or to start a new one.
It took them only a few minutes to reach the doors of the Sanctum.
Stark eyed the old building. "I don't know what I was expecting, but it fits with your weird books."
Instead of being offended by this, Stephen followed Stark's gaze and tried to see the Sanctum through the eyes of a stranger. To him, it was the epitome of home. He had never felt as much at ease anywhere as he did here. Even the expensive penthouse apartment he had lived in when he was a neurosurgeon didn't come close. Maybe his parents' farm when he was a little boy. But not even that anymore, since Donna left.
The building might be old, but it was reliable. It was a safe haven. And only those who needed it could see it.
He turned his head back to Stark.
“Why did you visit the coffee shop in the middle of the night?”
The inventor tilted his head, not questioning this weird change of topic. “Call it the side effects of my line of work.”
And didn’t Stephen understand that way too well? It was the same for him. He walked up the steps to the door.
“Hey,” Stark stopped him. “You never told me your name. I call you Annoying Coffee Guy in my head but, you know, a name would be nice.”
“It’s Stephen. Doctor Stephen Strange.”
Tony raised his eyebrows. He couldn’t help it, it sounded kinda made up. But whatever. “Nice to meet you, Stranger.”
Stephen rolled his eyes, but his smirk betrayed him. Behind him, the Sanctum door opened on its own. "Goodnight, Tony." He stepped into the dark interior and behind him the door closed again.
If Tony smiled on the whole way back to his car then, well, wasn’t that anybody’s business but his own.
“So, your doctor title isn’t in some weird linguistic field but you’re an actual doctor.” Tony didn’t even pretend to look for a different table, before he sat down.
Stephen looked up, hiding the fact that he was pleased about it. “You googled me,” he said instead.
“I bet you did the same after realizing who I was.”
Stephen did a thing with his eyebrow, like Tony just said something really dumb. “I didn’t need to google you. Everybody knows who Tony Stark is.” He has the courtesy to keep his voice low enough for others not to listen in on that part. “It’s hard to ignore when your face is plastering the news every few weeks.”
“Well, what can I say? The press loves me.” Tony’s smile twisted into something more professional he used in interviews. “Don’t believe everything they say, though. That story with the Bengal tiger was definitely exaggerated.”
Now Stephen raised one of his eyebrows and Tony wondered how it was possible for a man to be this expressive with these?
“I will keep it in mind.” It was Stephen’s only comment on the matter, before he turned back to his book. It was a sign for Tony to pull his laptop out and start working.
There was a comfortable silence between them. The coffee shop around them was in full swing and Tony liked having background noises.
He was absorbed in his work until a voice interrupted his thoughts.
“Excuse me. I don’t mean to bother you. I just wanted to thank you for the help you do around here.”
Tony knew the game. Despite his – admittedly poor – disguise of 'just add a base cap', he was often approached by people. And it was fine. He always tried to make time, even if it was just for a minute. He switched to his PR smile he wore like a second skin and flashed it to the person (an older woman, apparently another patron) – and he was just about to open his mouth when he noticed that the older lady was actually talking to Doctor Strange.
Bewildered, he needed a second to close his mouth. That was a new one.
Stephen smiled politely at the women. “Of course. I’m happy to help.” He eyes wandered briefly to Tony, he had definitely noticed his misapprehension and it seemed to amuse him.
“My granddaughter was one of the kids with… bad teeth.” The lady paused for a moment as if to add something else, but then didn’t.
Tony thought it was weird, but Stephen didn’t bat an eye.
“Are the new teeth working well?”
“Yes, very.”
The doctor nodded, satisfied. “I’m glad I could help and that your granddaughter feels better. I’m making sure the tooth fairy will leave her alone in the future.”
The older lady smiled and left to get back to her own table.
Tony looked at Strange. “I didn’t know you were also a dentist.”
Stephen was not. But explaining that he had fought a tooth fairy gone rogue would be too soon in their… whatever they had going on.
So instead, he deflected.
“You first thought she was talking to you,” he stated, still amused about the fact.
“Well, naturally. No one told me, you are some local doctor hero.” He emphasized the word mockingly, but his words were genuine.
“It’s complicated,” Stephen said cautiously. “It hasn’t been the same since…” He trailed off, looking at his slightly trembling hands. After all this time it still wasn’t easy for him to talk about it.
“The accident?” Tony helped out and Stephen nodded. Of course Tony found the articles from it when he did his research. It was one of the first things that came up in google when you put in his name. Stephen wondered if that would still be the case if he hadn’t completely disappeared afterwards. Maybe if he had started working as a consultant or continued as a researcher, it would be different.
“Some scars never truly heal, I guess.” Tony’s words interrupted his trails of thought. The engineer put his fingers on his own chest, where the arc reactor had been for many years.
Their eyes met and there was a certain understanding between them. They were both middle aged men, both with their own demons and trauma.
“Do you like what you’re doing now?” Tony asked and Stephen nodded.
“I can’t imagine doing anything else.” And he meant it. “What about you? Being Iron Man can’t be easy.”
“Oh, I tried to live another life. To do something else. Didn’t work out. I come as a package deal.” Tony’s breakup with Pepper had been all over the news when it happened. They had broken up and he made her CEO. One of the best decisions of his life, even if it had been heartbreaking. But they worked better as friends. A lesson he learned the hard way.
Tony didn’t know why he added that last sentence. Or maybe he did, but he wasn’t ready to face that reason yet.
“I figured.” Stephen wanted to say more, but at that moment his phone rang. Since there were basically only two people who had his number, he glanced at the display (it didn't even have a touch screen, Tony noticed in dread. It really belonged in a museum).
"It's work," Stephen apologized and stepped away for a moment.
Tony emptied his coffee. His eyes fell back on his laptop, which still had his latest project open. He saved the progress and turned it off.
“Sorry, that was Wong,” Stephen said, coming back. “There was an incident at work. I have to go.”
“I’ll walk you.”
For a second it looked like Stephen was going to refuse, but then he nodded and they both packed up their things. It wasn't far to the Sanctum and he wouldn't lose much time walking instead of opening a portal in the next back alley.
He had told Tony that he lived and worked in the same building. So the engineer was not surprised when he took that direction. They walked most of the way in silence, each preoccupied with their own thoughts.
Only when they were almost at the Sanctum did Tony speak up again. “So, Wong, the librarian, is your co-worker.”
“And friend,” Stephen added fondly.
Tony turned his face to him. “Are you two… like a thing?”
“What? Wong? No!” The sorcerer chuckled. “That would be weird. No, I’m not seeing anyone.” He met Tony’s eyes, amused, but there was also the inevitable counter question. "What about you?"
They had arrived in front of the Sanctum and stopped. Although Wong's call had been urgent, Stephen lingered, not wanting to leave the company of the engineer yet. Standing in front of him, the difference in size between them was much more present than when sitting at the table. It was endearing to watch Tony look up to him, while he took a step closer to him.
“I’m seeing someone right now.”
“Yeah? Is he any good?” Stephen asked huskily.
“I guess there’s only one way to find out.” The air grew thick around them. They were definitely having a moment, Tony felt it – and then they were interrupted by the ringing of a bicyclist who sped past them way too close.
"Hey!" Tony jumped back, but managed to stay on his feet without stumbling. Stephen had sidestepped into the other way and looked equally surprised.
“Jeez, kids these days. You okay?” Tony asked.
“Yeah.” Stephen did a subtle gesture. The cyclist wouldn’t get far with a now flat tire. The sorcerer was not petty at all.
He looked at Stark, who shrugged his shoulders. “I guess work is waiting for you.”
“I guess.” Stephen was unwilling to have their moment ruined by a random bicyclist and he walked back up into Tony’s personal space. “I was wondering if you would like to–“
“You don’t even know what I was going to say.” Stephen raised an eyebrow.
“It doesn’t matter. I’m in,” Tony replied breathlessly. His eyes darted between Stephen’s eyes and his lips. “Also, I’d really like to kiss you. Wanted for a while actually.”
The sorcerer smiled. His trembling hand came to rest on Tony’s cheek, holding him gently, before kissing him. Tony closed his eyes, leaning more into it.
Unfortunately, it had to remain a short kiss, a soft promise for the next time they would see each other. Stephen wished they had more time, but duty called. His fingers brushed over Tony’s skin when they broke away from each other.
There was just one more thing he had to do, before he left. Because Tony deserved the truth.
“I have to tell you something.”
“What is it?” Tony knitted his brows. This sentence after a first kiss usually came with nothing good. He braced himself for being told that Stephen was still in a complicated relationship, maybe even married. Or terminal ill. None of these options were appealing.
And Stephen probably could have found better words. But he was distracted by Tony, by his closeness, by the kiss, his scent, his brown doe eyes and their dark lashes. He may be the Sorcerer Supreme but he was also just a man. Which was why he blurted out, “I can do magic.”
Tony laughed, relieved, and to Stephen it was the most beautiful sound on Earth. “I’m sure you can. But wait for it for an actual date, alright, magic man?”
“I’m serious.”
“I’m looking forward to a demonstration.” Tony nipped Stephen’s lips, partly because they looked delicious and partly to shut him up.
Behind them the Sanctum’s door opened. Stephen really had to go.
“I’ll see you soon.”
Wong was not amused that Stephen had taken his time to arrive and Stephen felt a bit guilty because it turned out to be an actual emergency.
Despite everything he was a responsible human being. And therefore he sent a text message to Tony (he had no idea how or when the engineer had managed to save his number into Stephen’s phone) before he disappeared from this dimension for some time.
S: “Hell broke loose. Won’t be in the city for a few days. Text you when I’m back.”
T: “Do your worst, magic man.”
Stephen was gone for a week. It felt even longer in the dimension, which Mephisto had invaded and which he and Wong defended.
Time worked weird like that.
When he returned home, he fell face first on his bed and slept for 30 hours straight. Afterwards he felt recovered enough to contact Tony and invited him for a date. He was aware that he had to clear it to the engineer what his actual job was.
Tony would understand, he was sure.
Stephen needed three tries to magick a good enough outfit. The first was way too formal, the second too casual. He settled for dark pants, a grey sweater that shows off his arms in just the right way, and a red scarf that is the Cloak of Levitation in disguise. The sorcerer knew if he tried to leave the cloak at home, he would just follow him like a lost puppy anyway.
The restaurant they agreed to meet was in midtown. Tony arrived first and stood up when Stephen entered the room. The engineer rocked a classic black and white combo and looked incredibly handsome. Before today Stephen had only seen him in hoodies to blend in, but today Tony had made sure to impress his date.
They sat at a table at the window.
“Good to see that hell spat you out in one piece,” Tony joked and Stephen froze for a moment, thinking what Tony knew. But then he remembered the text message he had written to the engineer, before he left.
“You have no idea.”
They ordered and toasted when their drinks arrived.
“About what I said the other night,” Stephen started. “About magic.”
“Ah yes, I’ve never dated a magician. What party trick can you do?”
“It’s no party trick,” the sorcerer scoffed. He couldn’t blame Tony for not being serious but it bothered him anyway.
Fortunately, Tony relented. “Of course not, sorry.” He gestured for Stephen to continue.
“I think you have the wrong idea of wha-…” A big shadow approached the window they were sitting at, growing larger and larger. Stephen reacted on instinct when a car that had been flung across the road crashed into the window. Glass shattered and people screamed in shock. Green glowing lines appeared, covering the car and the shards, before someone got actually injured.
Stephen stood on his feet, the eye of Agamotto on his chest on full display and open.
Tony stared at him – as did all the other guests.
“What the fuck?!”
Stephen turned his face to him. His brows were drawn together in annoyance at the interruption and because there were clearly dark forces responsible for this, but his eyes were sorry.
"As I was saying… magic."
He moved his fingers and turned time back. The window repaired itself, the shards reassembled into a solid surface, and the car flew back. Stephen didn't return it the whole way back, but dropped it halfway in the street – like it had been picked up from midair. Until he knew who or what had thrown it, he didn't want to risk it coming hurtling right back in his direction again.
Tony, in the meantime, had also jumped to his feet. “You have a lot of explaining to do.”
“To my defense, I told you about the magic. It’s not my fault you didn’t believe me before.”
“Oh, so it’s my fault then?”
Stephen did not answer, his gaze was directed outside. Cars didn't just fly through the air. He noticed that the asphalt of the street was moving almost like something was pushing from underneath.
"I'll be back in a minute."
He took a step toward the window and the red scarf around his neck changed back into the cloak, which settled around his shoulder. At the same time his carefully put together outfit changed into his blue robes. With the second step he suddenly stood on the other side of the glass.
The cloak took him into the air so that he could get an overview of the situation. There was a crack in the asphalt that was spreading further and further, stretching along the entire road and causing chaos in the traffic.
That wasn’t good.
Tony jogged out of the restaurant, using the door, you know, like a normal human being.
“Hey! You don’t get to leave mid-argument! God, now I know how Pepper felt all those years. Are you actually wearing a cape?”
“It’s a cloak.” Stephen landed beside him. “Can this conversation wait until we figured out what’s happening here?”
“Fine,” grumbled Tony, not at all happy about giving in. “But only because this looks really bad.” He touched the house unit on his chest and the nanosuit bled over his body. He followed Stephen, who moved back into the air
“Friday says it’s all over the city, centered in Crotona Park in the north. Seems almost like something tries to break through.” Crotona Park was about eight miles away. Child’s play for his suit’s speed. “Can your magic keep up?”
Stephen smirked and opened a portal. “Can your tech?”
Oh, it was on! Tony hated the magic man. He wanted to kiss his stupid face.
He hesitated only slightly before he followed through the portal. It helped that Stephen had stepped in first and that Tony could actually see the other side. There wasn’t a black void. So he told himself it was fine. And it kinda was.
There’s even more chaos in the park. The earth was broken up, vaulted and something like lava leaked out. Some trees were on fire and there was smoke. It looked like Armageddon or the Judgment Day.
“Remember when I told you I wasn’t in town because hell broke loose?” Stephen had moved up next to him and Tony opened his face plate.
“Please don’t tell me…”
“They did the same in the twenty-third dimension. They are probably here because they are not happy I stopped them.”
Tony wondered briefly who ‘they’ were but anything related to literal hell couldn’t be nice. “Well, can you stop them again?”
“Yes, but you need to evacuate the park.”
“On it. Backup is on the way.” Friday had told him on screen that the team had already been notified, suited up and would hopefully arrive any second now.
Stephen dived right into… whatever it was he was doing. His fingers and arms moved in intricate gestures and gold glowing mandalas appeared, sealing the cracks and extinguishing the fire. The sorcerer was clearly in his element here.
Tony watched the man in awe before the readouts on his screen reminded him, he better got to work too. He set about getting the people out of the park.
Stephen did his best to prevent Mephisto from breaking into this dimension. He repaired crack after crack and fought back the attacks.
Wong appeared at his side. Alarmed by demons knocking in the city’s wards, he helped it to contain hell. He whirled around and cast his spells at every dark aura he noticed.
A smaller demon slipped out of a crater that had formed and jumped onto the armor of Tony, who had the misfortune of being closest to him. Wong created Crimson Bands of Cyttorak to catch it and hurl it back to where it had come from. Tony spun around and returned the favor by blowing away another demon that had just crawled out.
Stephen appeared from somewhere. “Tony, that’s Wong. Wong, Tony.”
Tony opened his face plate just to show his bewildered and very pretty face. "...what kind of ninja monk library do you guys operate?"
Because those robes, the acrobatic Moves of the librarian, and their glittering powers were pretty much the exact opposite of the ancient books and weird building Tony had associated with Strange. He was missing something and he didn’t like that feeling.
Any response was interrupted by the arrival of the Avengers, who were now checking in with Tony via comm. He gave them a rough summary of the situation, though he wasn't quite sure of it himself yet. But the words of the magic man had been clear and for now Tony decided to stick to them, because Strange clearly had more of an idea what was going on.
He joined the Avengers in getting the civilians off the battlefield, but let Friday keep an eye on the mages.
“How do we stop this? Nothing we do has any effects on it.” Rhodey asked his friend, as they tried to eliminate more demons with gunfire side by side. Unsuccessfully.
"They are Mephisto's creatures. Non-magical weapons are useless against them." It was Stephen who answered him and Rhodey turned to him, his brows drawn together, at this sudden and unexpected interference of this private conversation. “Excuse me, who are you?”
Tony sighed. “Rhodey bear, this is Stephen.”
“That’s Coffee Guy Stephen?” Rhodey asked skeptically. “He is the exact opposite of what you told m-…”
He was interrupted when a huge red hand erupted from the ground between them. Immediately, Stephen created a spell to hold the king of hell back. Wong rushed to his aid, but even together it was only a temporary solution.
They needed something stronger, Stephen realized.
This date was not going at all as planned. It was probably the worst date ever – without being too dramatic.
“I’m gonna end this nonsense once for all.” With these words, his cloak carried him high into the air.
Tony and Rhodey had been closest to the red hand and had been thrown back as it broke through the ground. Fortunately, their suits had caught them before they hit anything.
“What is he going to do?” Tony asked.
“Probably something extremely stupid,” Wong grunted, struggling to hold that spell on his own.
“I take it back,” Rhodey said to his best friend. “He is exactly your type.”
Stephen hovered over the battlefield. It looked bad. Not only had the ground turned into a crater field, more and more creatures from hell were slipping through the cracks.
With determined gestures he pulled powers from other dimensions, gathering them in his hands. He needed enough to shove back a force as great as Mephisto, the King of Hell, and to seal the tears between their worlds. In other words: he needed a lot.
He didn’t go for complicated spells or a finesse technique. He went for raw power and determination. His fingers drew golden light from the air that filled his body. The screams of the people decreased for him and he no longer heard the crackling of the asphalt tearing apart. His ears were filled with a white noise of static, almost like electricity.
Stephen closed his eyes and concentrated on this feeling, centering it inside him.
When he opened his eyes again, they glowed faintly, and he shot a giant beam of magic to those arms that tried to crawl onto Earth.
The red arms twitched, the clawed hands tried to grab hold, but had to retreat eventually. They moved back until they were gone.
Stephen took a breath and put his palms together. "I need your help for this, friend," he whispered to his cloak. Then he shot down to earth, gathering the last bit of energy he could muster between his hands. Only just before the center of the torn rifts did he slow down a bit, but his impact on the ground could still be heard loudly.
The sorcerer poured magic like water into it. Golden light shot along the cracks, stitching them back together until they were gone.
As the crater beneath Stephen repaired , he was thrown backward by the force of magic. His loyal cloak caught him midair, because the sorcerer had no more energy to do it himself.
He definitely overdid it. He hadn’t been to full capacity anyway after last week and now he was drained even further. But it was fine. Mephisto wouldn’t get his hands on Earth today.
The cloak descended Stephen slowly. His eyes were still faintly glowing, an after effect from summoning these immense powers. His feet touched the ground and he stumbled as his knees buckled. The cloak immediately helped him by carrying his weight.
Tony was the first to approach him, jogging up to him “Holy shit, Strange. That was… incredible. Hey? Are you alright?”
“’m sorry,” Stephen mumbles. “I should have… I didn’t mean you to find it out like this.” He wanted to reach for Tony, when he noticed the strong trembling of his hands and retreated. They were even worse than usual and wouldn’t be of any use in the next few days.
“It’s fine.” Tony hugged him anyway, his suit retreating into the house unit on his chest.
It was not the right place nor the right time for the talk they definitely had to do. The streets were back in one piece but there was still chaos:cars were turned on their roofs or even stacked in piles, people were still in panic. The sirens of various ambulances were on full blast.
The Avengers did their best to start the clean up but also glanced at the sorcerer curiously. Wong was probably on his way to capture the demons that managed to escape.
Tony’s hug was tight and Stephen inhaled the scent of shampoo, sweat and smoke. He tried to hug back, but it felt awkward with just using his arms. His hands hung useless.
“I’m fine,” he repeated. “Just need some sleep.
They met up a few days later when Stephen was back on his feet.
The sorcerer was grateful the other man had taken care of the cleanup and the press after the fight, so he and Wong could return to the Sanctum.
That was also where they were sitting now: in one of its cozy rooms with a fireplace. Stephen had made coffee for them both and his cup hovered in the air beside him. His hands were bandaged and still hurt, though less badly than right after the fight.
“You should join the Avengers.” It was the first thing Tony said after Stephen explained his magic abilities to him.
“Look,” Stephen sighted, because he had dreaded this conversation. “I appreciate you asking but we – the order of the Mystic Arts – are trying to be subtle. We operate in the background.”
His hands had healed enough to use magic and with a motion of his finger he guided the cup to his mouth.
Tony raised his eyebrows. “Okay, first off: what you did there in the park was anything but subtle.”
And didn’t Stephen know that. He was glad that Wong had backed him up when the elders had voiced their dissatisfaction about the incident.
“Secondly, so you’re telling me, you’re not only secretly a wizard, but also in a cult?”
“It’s not a cult,” Stephen said automatically.
“Uh-hu. A secret society with old ass looking robes? Definitely a cult. I hope you’re at least allowed to date or I will have a word with your cult leader.”
That made Stephen perk up. After everything that had happened Tony still considered dating him? That was more than he had hoped for.
“Well, technically,” he drawled and Tony braced himself for whatever Stephen would throw next at him. He couldn’t be sure with these wizards. “… I am their leader.”
Tony cracked a smile and laughed. Because of course he was. Everything with this magic man has been fucking strange so far and Tony loved every minute of it.
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extrasnet · 6 months
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final will take of the night is that this was a great look. he looked stunning and handsome here.
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gozwaocculture · 4 months
Little animation of me and my boyfriends personas!
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100yearoldcomics · 2 years
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July 5, 1922 Oh, Man! by Clare Briggs
[ID: A portly lady carrying a package wrapped up with string points to a train seat occupied by a lone man reading a newspaper. /end] Lady: Are you holding this seat for some one? Seat Holder: Yes, for my wife.
[ID: A stocky man with a stout boater hat and a striped jacket points to his seat. /end] Man: Holding this seat? Holder: Yes, I'm expecting the wife any minute.
[ID: The seat holder anxiously stares down the aisle as the stocky man glares at him. An arrow pointing at the holder states that he's "demonstrating the fact by looking down aisle of car anxiously." /end]
[ID: An older woman with a package points to his seat. /end] Woman: Would you please move over so I can sit down? Holder: Why, uh... I'm sorry, but I'm holding it for my wife. She'll be here in a minute.
[ID: The man stares down the aisle again, visibly anxious. The arrow states that he's "wishing to HEAVEN she would appear." /end]
[ID: His wife finally arrives, carrying four different packages haphazardly stacked atop one another. They begin bickering. /end] Wife: My goodness, stop your fussing. I got here as soon as I could. Holder: I want it plainly understood. Never ask me to hold a seat for you. I've had one sweet time keeping it.
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dindjarindiaries · 2 months
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I love it when they Sit Like This
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andy-clutterbuck · 3 months
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aliciamorov · 7 months
Rick Sanchez season 7 simping moment part I don't even know
This ep is crazay damn
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I love this man god
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This is so cute btw
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Is this seat taken 🤭
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He's eepy
(the scene is hilarious 😭)
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Overall the ep was weird as fuck but very cool
Thank you goodnight everyone 😘😘
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whoisspence · 2 months
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okkennymay · 2 months
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Commission for @xxmischieflovesxx (aww man why wont it let me @ you??)
Listen I know the vast majority of what i post is commissions, but a mans gotta keep a roof over his head one way or another 9w9"
At least I get a lot of really fun ones!~ 💖
Ahhh Dan under house arrest by Clockwork, his "warden" a demon, and his attempts at intimidation in that last panel were most certainly futile.
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plutolovesyou · 18 days
super famous rock band au...enemies to lovers....fake dating....love triangle?....guitarist ellie....drummer abby....singer reader?.....tensionnnn....manager dina....bassist jesse(or we kick him out make a girls only team)..............THE PARASITES IN ME
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walk with me WALK WITH ME. any other ideas i can add into this are veeeeeery much welcome THANK UUUUUU bye
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ultimateyakazoo · 1 year
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chapter 1 trial
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crechurechaos · 3 months
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i am so normal about themg 👍👍
bonus (helfp i keep laughing at thism, i need sleep so bad)
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bacchuschucklefuck · 25 days
riz gukgak is SO distressing to have as a favourite character I can never funckign rest out here
#not art#smthing abt his character being motivated so equally by truth and fear#and he keeps looking for an institution that'd both help him seek the truth and assuage his fears#with him first being a PI bc his mom was a cop and then a junior agent with blessings from his dad#and hes like on that precipice of realising that its not just the people in the seats its the concept of it from the ground up thats fucked#so hes inclined towards conspiracy thoughts and an end-justifies-the-means pattern of action#like. man. hes just so fucking filled with anxiety. he guards the things that make him happy with ferocity#and the thing is! the world encourages this! every time hes paranoid he turns out to be right#that paranoia that already came from having very little control over a world thats unkind to you#honestly all the bad kids were prime radicalization/cult materials in freshman year but I feel like riz is even More so#theyre so fucking lucky they ended up together like that. there are so many things you can promise a kid#who already had plenty of things taken from and kept from him. a kid with an overworked mom and a missing babysitter#if riz didnt run into the bad kids it would be childs play to isolate him. gods. head in hands I cannot fuckign be here dude#this is why the ''small'' comic I tried to sketch ballooned up to almost 30 panels lmao needed to stuff someof this somewhere#but also skip is my favourite from ASO so maybe I just like experiencing hardship and challenges in daily mental exercises
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lord-shitbox · 1 month
sigh. ais likes it when you sit on his lap.
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