#israeli terrorists
good-old-gossip · 2 days
Journalistic Malpractice of BBC
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The BBC published an article following the May 26 Israeli attack on displaced people’s tents in Gaza’s Rafah, reading: “Their operations so far have not resulted in a bloodbath,” referring to Israel’s actions in the southern besieged enclave.
The article soon drew outrage from internet users, and the paragraph making light of the deadly toll the Israeli attack had on civilian casualties has since been removed.
On May 26, Israeli forces launched airstrikes on a tent camp of displaced Palestinians, which was located in an area initially declared a ‘safe zone’ in Rafah.
When US-made bombs exploded in the congested tent city, it sparked a blaze which spread quickly amongst the flammable plastic tents, killing at least 45 people and leading to many civilians being ‘burned alive’.
The pictures and videos of dismembered and charred bodies – some of them belonging to babies – raised an international outcry as tens of thousands of people around the world took to the streets in protest.
Initially described by Israeli forces as a precision attack targeting senior Hamas leaders, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu claimed the next day that it was a "tragic mistake.”
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the-lady-maddy · 1 month
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shesalittlelost · 22 days
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When IOF terrorists get tired of brutalizing Palestinians their settler brothers and sisters step up and do the job. A whole “nation” of peace loving, wonderful people no?
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lovelylunas-world · 1 month
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Here you can hear former Uganda President, Idi Amin, warning nations of the evil of Israel. He tells how he cut ties with Israel because the Israelis can not be trusted.
For those who don't understand the relevancy of this post and why use a video of Idi Amin, don't let the point be missed on you. There's a couple of points being made here, (1) even evil recognizes evil. (2) Even Satan, master of evil & the lie, has made true statements, and, an evil like Amin, has likewise, made very true statements about Israel.
#Palestine #Israel
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reuna · 6 months
Article from 2021
“The police won’t do anything to us, they will back us up and turn a blind eye,” says one Israeli in a voice message to other far-right Jewish activists.
“The rules are all off. Everything is on fire,” says one person.
“Those guys from Yitzhar, they already arrived, six buses arrived,” someone says in another voice note.
Yitzhar is a settlement built on hundreds of acres of land stolen from Urif and other Palestinian villages in the occupied West Bank.
It is home to some of the most violent settlers, who frequently attack Palestinians as well as their livestock, orchards and property.
“Six buses is 380 people, 380 people, everyone with weapons, bro. Everyone with masks,” he adds.
“Every one of them, bro, dying to kill Arabs, bro. They want to kill Arabs.”
The High Follow-Up Committee for Arab Citizens of Israel, said that “law enforcement authorities are well-aware of these groups” and “appear to be shielding the Israeli Jewish vigilante and settler groups.”
The High-Follow Up Committee, made up of elected representatives, party leaders and community leaders, is the de facto representative body of Palestinian citizens of Israel.
Approval by authorities
There is additional evidence that Israeli authorities were well aware of and even supported the premeditated mob violence.
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good-old-gossip · 3 days
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A New York City hospital fired Hesen Jabr, a Muslim Palestinian-American nurse, after she referred to Israel’s actions in Gaza as a “genocide” during her acceptance speech for an award recognising her compassionate care of bereaving mothers.
According to Jabr, she had been repeatedly “harassed by HR” over the last seven months for her pro-Palestine social media posts and was even threatened with termination unless she ceased posting.
A spokesperson for NYU Langone, Steve Ritea, confirmed that Jabr was fired following her speech and said there had been “a previous incident as well.”
“Hesen Jabr was warned in December, following a previous incident, not to bring her views on this divisive and charged issue into the workplace,” Mr. Ritea said in a statement.
“She instead chose not to heed that at a recent employee recognition event that was widely attended by her colleagues, some of whom were upset after her comments. As a result, Jabr is no longer an NYU Langone employee.”
Jabr’s firing was not her first time speaking out against injustice.
When she was an 11-year-old in Louisiana, the American Civil Liberties Union filed a lawsuit on her behalf after she was forced to accept a Bible from the principal of her public school.
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good-old-gossip · 3 hours
Israel SHELLS Children in Gaza
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good-old-gossip · 10 hours
Israeli Terrorists target, bomb and slaughter babies and little children in Gaza
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good-old-gossip · 11 hours
Israeli Terrorists BUTCHER NEWBORN Baby in Gaza
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good-old-gossip · 1 day
Israel SLAUGHTERS babies
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good-old-gossip · 2 days
Gaza Holocaust by Zionist Israel
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good-old-gossip · 2 days
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Palestinians have begun to return to their homes in Gaza’s Jabalia after Israeli forces withdrew from parts of the area on May 30, following nearly three weeks of attacks which have reduced the neighbourhood to rubble.
Despite the partial withdrawal, a local emergency committee urged people not to return to certain areas, warning that Israeli quadcopter drones had been firing at people attempting to make their way back.
Eyewitnesses told Anadolu Agency that Israeli drones had targeted people seeking shelter in the "Falesteen (Palestine) School" in Jabalia, causing multiple casualties.
The Israeli army launched a major ground operation in the camp on May 12, forcing thousands to flee towards western Gaza City. The camp subsequently witnessed intense clashes between Israeli forces and Palestinian resistance groups.
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good-old-gossip · 2 days
Get to know the real terrorists - Politician Edition
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Israeli finance minister Bezalel Smotrich threatened to destroy cities, neighbourhoods and camps in the northern occupied West Bank similar to what Israel has done in Gaza, in a video post on X on May 30.
“Our message to the neighbours beyond the fence in Tulkarem, Nur Shams, Shuweika and Qalqilya: We will turn you into ruined cities like in the Gaza Strip if the terror you are exerting on the settlements continues.”
He threatened to “continue to control Judea and Samaria,” the biblical terms for the occupied West Bank. Addressing Israeli citizens, he asserted that “if a Palestinian state is allowed to be established, settlements in the West Bank could be subjected to a similar attack,” referring to the cross-border attack carried out by Palestinian resistance Hamas on Israeli military bases and settlements on October 7.
The extremist minister insisted on his rejection of the establishment of a Palestinian state, saying that "it will not happen."
Tensions have been running high across the West Bank since Israel launched a deadly military offensive against Gaza on October 7.
According to the Ministry of Health, Israeli forces have killed at least 509 Palestinians and injured thousands more in the occupied territory in 2023, more than double the number recorded in any previous year.
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good-old-gossip · 3 days
Palestinians arrested during Gaza raids and detained by Israeli forces say they faced food and sleep deprivation, poor detention conditions and both psychological and physical torture.
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good-old-gossip · 3 days
Israeli Terrorists are STARVING Gaza
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"The flow of humanitarian aid into Gaza has dropped by 67% since the 7th of May," UN spokesperson Stephane Dujarric said on May 29, attributing this primarily to the closure of the Rafah border crossing.
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