#it adds a certain ✨spice✨ me thinks
vintagelilies · 1 month
The point emoji is so fucking funny like-
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belladonna-moon · 6 months
༺ My Spiritual Routine ༻
I have been struggling a lot with keeping a spiritual routine as it always ends up being unrealistic since I have a lot to do and very little energy left once I’m done with my mundane responsibilities. Hopefully this time I’ll be able to keep up with it!
☽ Morning
I spend my entire morning in college so this is what I do while I get ready:
- Spray moon water on myself for cleansing, protection, etc (also as a devotional act to Hekate)
- Put a few drops of lavender essential oil on my wrists to help me stay calm during the day (I get stressed and overwhelmed very easily)
- Put on devotional jewelry
- Pull one tarot card for guidance
- Set goals and intentions for what I want to get done once I get back from college
☽ Afternoon:
I usually have to spend the entire afternoon working on projects but I like adding a little bit of ✨spice✨
- Cleanse space (I usually just open the windows and put a selenite tower in the room)
- Take a cleansing bath to wash away unwanted energies (Bonus points if you add intentions to your hair/body products)
- Drink sun water to get a little energy boost
- Use sigils and crystals for focus, motivation, productivity, whatever I think it would help me get through the day
- I also like to listen to my devotional playlists while I work on my projects
☽ Night:
The nighttime is when I have more free time so this is usually when I talk to my deities, give offerings, do readings with them, devotional activities, etc
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Throughout the day/night I also like to do certain things to connect with the moon phase and sign the moon is (ex: introspection/shadow work when it’s a waning moon in cancer) but I feel like that’s a whole other post
I may do a similar post in the future for my new moon and full moon routines as well but this is all for now <3
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d3sperate-enuf · 1 year
Hear me out on this thought of mine
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Yeah so like we got our normal impostor! Sagau for Genshin but like add a little spice ✨✨
The impostor is the sibling of the creator but then yeah I know, "Spera that's already been done-" Ofc it has but you see the impostor has like some sort of connection between certain characters and the creator is like, "Ight you little shit do what you wanna do."
So like one night the impostor was dreaming and found themselves in a mirror in front Kunikuzushi (after the death and arson but that's it) , and that's the start of their dynamic relationship. But him being the piece of shit he is finds a way to bring his bsf with sugar and sprinkles on top to Teyvat so what does he do? Shawty joins the dark side and cuts off the connection for the time being because he knows they would try to choke him in his sleep if they found out.
Etc etc impostor is pissed. Another night they dream again but this time they're in a puddle facing Fakebedo and you know how the drill goes. *Relationship building arc where they build a dynamic* but anyways back on track, it's almost time for the creator to descend.
Oh shit I forgot to add the impostor is seen like a grace of death for dying characters so just say Tomo was going to the high above, he felt his head being cradled by not the creator but someone else with similar features. So people who have survived death in a sense tell of the tale of the impostor but when described out the the dumbass archons think it's the creator like you blind hoe stfu.
Anyways I don't know if you want to continue with this but leave a comment if you do.
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bnbc · 3 months
Alrighty. 4,5 and 11 for the RT lore ;)
WOOOOOO thank you so much for the ask LET'S GO
4. How did your RT feel about Theodora? How did they feel when she died?
Oh, boiiiii! Theodora's ghost haunted the von Valancius' flagship for months, and Idira had nothing to do with it.
Isabella didn't have time to develop any feelings for Aunty Theo when she was still alive but after her death? She became sort of obsessed with her predecessor, tried to know as much as possible about her… and used it to look more like her.
No, Iza didn't model herself and her decision after Theodora, but she worked hard on keeping a certain resemblance between the two of them for people to have less doubts that Isabella has rights to her high position.
Even the signature Isabella's feature, her wig collection, is coming from this place: she wanted to resemble Theodora even visually, so ✨ big hair ✨, high boots, dress jackets and some of Aunty's mannerisms were with Isabella for a long time before the 3rd chapter finally happened.
But this all Theodora lore hunting made Isabella deeply respect her predecessor and regret she didn't have more time with the aunty, even tho Iza suspected that Theodora would find her too soft xD
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5. What was their relationship with Edelthrad? Would your RT have been happy with an advisory role, or had they always wanted something more?
Look, I replayed the prologue about 10 times recently and Edel was nothing but a piece of shit to my girlie, who did nothing wrong (yet).
In the beginning, she would be drawn to Edel because he, like her, is a psyker, and as close as Isabella's previous crew became to her, there was always one thing standing between them: they were not psykers. They were her people, but they didn't truly understand if you know what I mean.
And she longed so much for the company of other psykers! After all, she grew up surrounded by psykers and AAT people, so she was even excited to finally have one close, again. But Edel was straight-up hostile towards her.
I think she would be deeply unhappy as one of his advisors, and would long for her old crew she could not come back to. Eventually, Edel would try to get rid of her, and rather sooner than later. I'm not sure she would win this stand.
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11. Any non-companion NPC's that your RT has an interesting dynamic with?
Let me indulge myself and tell you how much Isabella von Valancius values her High Factotum. I say 'indulge' because question stands for interesting dynamic but these two are just work besties, nothing truly special — BUT THEY ARE SPECIAL TO ME
So, Isabella spent the last decade serving in the supplies division (I still don't know how you name this service correctly), so when she got to her shiny new position she took it with the motto FUCK IT WE TRADE LOGISTIC MATTER.
First, she gave Janris Danrok the hell, personally diving into details of ship logistics and trade contracts, but she found his work more than satisfying and he found his new Lord Captain understanding the trade and supplies. And they just 👀🤝👀
But okay, to add some spice. I believe I mentioned that at some point Isabella sent Jae from her ship to work from some other spot, saying she's got enough of her lies but still wanted to use her connection and talents. The final straw that bought Jae a one-way ticket from vv flagship was an absolutely minor innocent lie, not worth any drama.
The truth is, Isabella got pissed off because of Jae harassing Danrok, calling her High Factotum all sorts of derogatory quartermaster-connected names, and ON THIS SHIP WE DO NOT TOLERATE HARRASING OUR LOGISTIC TEAM OKAY also Jae never became a friend close enough to find out Isabella served in logistics too, otherwise she would watch her words and wouldn't fuck up so much.
Anyway yes Lord Captain was being fucking petty but who could stop her
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c4ndytr4p · 10 months
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(a/n: @dojathascammer did this first, credits to her 😋🤞🏾i may do a part two idk-)
characters: malleus, riddle, azul, vil
dedications to @weepingparadisepanda & @dojathascammer
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- he finds them pretty because of how they look. i can imagine him asking if they’re hard to do. he’s curious about protective hairstyles, it’s malleus.
- sometimes he does like it when you just get your original hair color, but he really likes color; helps him ✨spice up his black and white world✨ (speaking from his perspective)
- he’s careful during the takedown process because of his sharp ass nails. you don’t blame him. he’s just courteous.
- even lilia finds them pretty! :D
- he likes to add accessories sometimes, and you don’t mind (as long as he asks to touch first)
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- simple. as all things should be. he’s not exactly basic, just… ✨minimalistic✨ in a way. i mean, he’s not pushy about it, he’s just plain and simple. and you understand.
- he has so many questions like: “how do you grow your hair that long? Is it some kind of-“ you giggle at him and explain how the braiding process works. he’s rigorously taking notes to understand. besides… he hasn’t seen our side of the mirror. yet?
- if you get color, sometimes riddle will like it, but majority of the time, he finds it off putting because just like his mom (sorry don’t hate me) he likes things a certain way.
- during the takeout process, this boy is screaming and dying, because of the braiding hair (that he mistakes for your real hair sometimes, based off a true story) thinking that your hair is falling out somehow. but you have to reassure him.
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- he loves seeing your hair in its natural state, in his eyes, it reminds him of ocean waves before he was accepted into NRC. he tends to not touch it unless he has specific permission. we stan a gentleman (somewhat).
- he does like a pop of color from time to time, but he loves it in its simplicity. especially when you accessorize it.
- floyd and jade seem curious as well. but azul tends to get snappy because you’re his partner <3
- jade seems to be the most curious. he tends to ask a lot of questions and stuff. you do your best to answer.
- azul’s not mad about wash day, despite it being a hassle sometimes if you don’t have the right stuff
(Fun fact, the face claim to the right is actually Lilith Koval from me and my friends original series He Saved Me!)
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- he finds them beautiful because of the little baby hairs that poke out of each braid. he loves it when you have color as well, it helps him coordinate your outfits. (you have a shared closet with him 💀)
- he also likes accessories! like those cute puka shells or those golden hair clips that you can put on.
- if you get color in your braids, he’s raving about for weeks at a time. the other members of pomefiore have to cover their ears. (especially epel)
- he’s kinda sad during the takedown process, because it’s all that beauty just ✨vanishing✨, but you reassure him maybe next summer he can try to learn protective styles. :D
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saezurufeels · 1 year
Chapter 49 & 50 - Thoughts and Predictions 💕
Hi!! The title is pretty self-explanatory. I really loved these chapters, especially chapter 50. Lots of ✨realizashuns✨ plus, If you give me fun little locations, unexpected character encounters AND unprompted drama…you’ve sold me. Anyways, my reaction is below and as always, my thoughts are subjective and sometimes speculative, especially on chapter 50.
Starting with chapter 49, I find it quite impressive that Doumeki figured out that Kamiya has been reporting his moves to Tsunakawa. His deductive reasoning skills are very good. Seems like Doumeki really doesn’t believe that Tsunakawa trusts him
My guess: Doumeki feels guilty that his loyalty is split between Yashiro and Sakura Group. This is evident by the fact that Doumeki’s appeasing Y’s wish to guard him, while working to find the Kyouseikai members-- his assigned task right now. Remember, Doumeki volunteered Kamiya to guard Yashiro, while he worked to find the guys that kidnapped Niki, but Yashiro decided he wanted Doumeki instead, which D could have refused according to Muraji (”you let the guest do as he wants”). So, Doumeki is working two jobs right now, but one is definitely more personal
Ngl, I wasn’t sure if I could trust Kamiya for a while, but it seems like he is looking out for Doumeki by reminding him of his duties and by assuring Tsunakawa and Muraji that D is doing both jobs without revealing the true nature of D’s personal involvement with Yashiro
In Yashiro’s apartment, Y tells Doumeki not to expect anything from their partnership, which contradicts his earlier deal with Muraji. Doumeki tries to talk about work, but Yashiro has no interest in sharing his plans with him. Yashiro’s motives are still not clear. He’s acting like he’s after the money that Kido stole and gave to Yamakawa, while Muraji and Kamiya believe he’s working for Doushinkai, and Doumeki also thinks he’s sharing information with Inami. Knowing Yashiro, I wouldn’t be surprised if in actuality, being aware of Tsunakawa’s risky plot to take revenge, Yashiro joined forces to stay close and protect Doumeki. Obviously this isn’t a shocking theory, but if/when the truth comes out, it might be an important revelation to Doumeki (if he doesn’t already suspect it)
Yashiro uses some funny word-play to see how Doumeki will react. As it turns out, expressions are still not Doumeki’s strong suit, which amuses Yashiro. Even though their different ways of communicating creates challenges in their relationship, it’s also a place for humour and lightheartedness. Oh the nostalgia
I notice Y also giving D some sultry, half-lidded looks. He’s being nice and a little seductive. This is a change from his previous snappiness (justified). Yashiro is warming up to Doumeki’s presence, especially since his awareness shift in chapter 47
Doumeki picks up on Yashiro’s change immediately.
Like a good host, Yashiro offers the bed to Doumeki while he rests on the couch, but not before remarking that he’s been “dragged” around all day by a certain someone. Y can’t just be sweet, he’s gotta add some spice
But Yashiro didn’t count on the fact that he’s talking to the same guy that slept criss-cross applesauce on the floor the last time Yashiro used the couch 4 years ago, so he’s certainly not going to use the bed now
So anyway, Doumeki carries him to the bed, they lock eyes, Yashiro is splayed out underneath Doumeki in the sexiest way possible. Doumeki begins to touch him, cause, of course he would
Chapter 50
Yashiro tells D to get off of him, but Doumeki refuses, saying Yashiro wanted this because he chose him. Yashiro responds by saying that’s not true, he’s only “fine” with Doumeki over Kamiya, and there is a difference between wanting and settling. Again, their different communication styles are clashing. Yashiro uses his semantic skills in battle, but Doumeki’s ability to read emotions, hidden intentions, deep desires, etc. is a weapon of its own. He often calls Yashiro’s bluff, and it’s an impressive skill that not many can use against Yashiro, because not many have the knowledge and confidence to go against Yashiro like that. That’s probably why Doumeki says to him: “I know you to some extent/I know you in my own way.” I mean, if we’re being honest, Doumeki (and maybe Misumi) is probably the only person that ever truly knew Yashiro, but anyways
Then Doumeki pleasures Yashiro and Yashiro gives him that erotic look, and you know EXACTLY which one I’m talking about.. even Doumeki seems to blush in that moment.. it’s the only instance of D becoming even slightly flustered in this chapter.
Doumeki insinuates that Yashiro has a lustful body, and I can’t really be sure what Yashiro says back to him, but it could be important..we’ll just have to wait until we get some matching translations. Doumeki still has no clue that Yashiro is/was impotent, and Yashiro hasn’t told him yet.. at least not directly. Again, depending on the translation, it’s possible Y may have dropped a hint about his impotence/attraction to D after he came. If that is the case, it seems Doumeki missed the clue because he was distracted by Yashiro’s rope burns. This also wouldn’t be the first time Yashiro became honest in the heat of the moment.. and this little confession would be pretty big. I wonder if Doumeki will recall this interaction later in the story, since I think this matter is important. There’s no way to separate the issue of sex from this story’s resolution. I’ll explain in detail further down.
I think Doumeki ties Yashiro’s hands after Yashiro wasn’t able to respond to Doumeki’s question of whether he wants it rough or gentle
So what do we make of this whole situation? I definitely think it’s complicated and there are multiple things going on with Yashiro and Doumeki. I’ll start with Yashiro:
First, going back to chapter 47, I believe that Yashiro reached a bit of personal enlightenment while having sex with Inami. I already talked about this, so I won’t go into details here, but in short: Y realized that he may actually not be a twisted pervert (recognized he was raped as a child and doesn’t enjoy rough sex with disgusting pigs), thus he also realized that he can’t corrupt Doumeki. In other words, Yashiro no longer feels responsible for Doumeki’s “downfall” into the yakuza. He no longer thinks that he can corrupt Doumeki, because D is “not his guard dog anymore” — he’s his own person that made his own informed decision to join the yakuza and has a life fully separate from Yashiro.
Although Yashiro protested Doumeki’s advances in chapter 50, his overall demeanour seemed a bit more relaxed compared to previous chapters, and I’m just stating facts. I say this because he protested slightly less, there was less verbal sparring and instead more flirting/sensual glances, and most importantly Yashiro MAY have admitted that he only gets aroused by Doumeki (somebody confirm this pls). I believe that Yashiro is more accepting of Doumeki, because he is more accepting of himself. Realizing that his body no longer responds to violence, or craves rough, anonymous sex with men but instead wants only one person— someone that treats him gently— could be doing something positive for Yashiro’s self worth. Remember, Doumeki isn’t being rough with Yashiro, just cold. When he restrains Yashiro, he doesn’t appear to be hurting him. And, Doumeki isn’t using Yashiro to get himself off.. he’s only pleasuring Y. Those differences between Doumeki and Yashiro’s other sex partners are the reason Yashiro’s preferences have changed and the reason he is more open to the idea of having Doumeki around (choosing him to be his guard over Kamiya), so that if something did happen between them, it wouldn’t be the worst thing. This wouldn’t have been conceivable prior to the time skip
Naturally full healing doesn’t happen over night, so Yashiro is still weary about having gentle sex with Doumeki, as he should be. He can’t be sure of how his psyche will react to fully embracing Doumeki, and this sort of healing needs to happen gradually of course, and with full consent. But Doumeki doesn’t know this. So then what is going on with Doumeki:
Firstly, it’s crystal clear now that because of Y and D’s lack of communication, Doumeki is suffering from major misunderstanding. He believes Yashiro can’t live without sex and would do anything to get it. In Tsunawaka’s bathroom, Yashiro told Doumeki point blank that he hasn’t changed. He said it again in chapter 46 and in chapter 49— that he hasn’t changed and he does things for his own convenience. Doumeki even witnesses Yashiro interacting with Inami not once, but twice, and later Y admits to having sex with him. When Kido was caught, Yashiro openly talked about their past sexual encounters, while Doumeki listened.
So when Doumeki asks Yashiro questions like, “do you need a man that badly,” it seems to be a genuine question. Doumeki is essentially asking, “are you pent up right now, do you want sex?” Back in Tsunakawa’s bathroom, Doumeki asked Yashiro if Y can have sex with him. That was also a genuine question. Doumeki wanted to know if Yashiro can see himself having gentle sex. Based off of Yashiro’s response, Doumeki interpreted the answer to be a “no.”
Doumeki’s belief that Yashiro will do it with anyone to relieve his sexual frustration has been proven time and time again. Since Nanahara dropped a bomb on him when he said that Yashiro might not be able to quit sex even if he wanted to, Doumeki seems to have adopted the mentality that Yashiro may never stop seeking out loveless sex. No wonder Doumeki tells Yashiro in chapter 50 that Y has a “lustful body that can’t be helped”
Now Doumeki is stuck between not wanting Yashiro to harm himself by having rough sex with people like Inami and Kido, and also not wanting to overwhelm and harm Yashiro by being too lovey-dovey. Again, during Y and D’s sexual encounters, Doumeki isn’t being physically rough and violent toward Yashiro..he’s “just” being emotionally distant. Loveless, you could say
Personally, I don’t believe that Doumeki planned for any of this to happen. I think he’s taking things as they come and responding in the moment. I think his goal or motive since the time skip is to ensure that Yashiro experiences the least amount of harm possible. It’s in his protective nature to shield the one’s he loves, no matter what. Naturally, Doumeki taking things into his own hands and intervening in Yashiro’s life makes us, the readers, debate the morality of his choices. And I’m glad to see people thinking critically and engaging deeply with the themes of this story.
Ok so if Yashiro is starting to accept Doumeki into his life, then why did he go to Kido at the end of chapter 50? The short answer is: Yashiro acts up when he feels like he’s being left behind. Not to sound repetitive, but setbacks in healing do happen, and Doumeki’s relationship with his supposed girlfriend is a major trigger for Yashiro. It’s not so much that Yashiro is envious of other peoples’ happiness, but rather, he’s fearful of losing something. He’s afraid to lose Doumeki to someone else.
With every new chapter release I like to reread older chapters and to see if I notice new details. With chapter 50 out, it confirms my belief that Yashiro wants Doumeki to admit his feelings, because Yashiro is afraid that the feelings he has for Doumeki are unrequited.
Ever since Yashiro realized his body responds to Doumeki after the incident in Tsunakawa’s bathroom, he’s wanted Doumeki to admit that he also wants Y. Remember chapter 45? Yashiro got so upset that Doumeki wouldn’t admit that he wants to drive Yashiro home for more than work-related reasons that he literally hopped out of the car? Then Yashiro got so worked up when Doumeki insinuated that Y was the only one that “wanted something.” Yashiro was like “you think I want YOU? Watch this” and walked straight up to Inami in front of Doumeki. The fear of being caught in a one-sided love has stayed with Yashiro ever since Kageyama, so it’s no wonder Yashiro doesn’t want to be the first one to admit he is in love— he simply doesn’t want to be abandoned and let down again, like he has been so many times before. Unfortunately for Yashiro, his almost desperate attempt to make Doumeki jealous didn’t go the way he subconsciously may have hoped, because Doumeki thinks Yashrio still craves loveless sex just to satisfy his body. Although Doumeki realized that Yashiro likes tenderness in bed, Y will not be the first one to admit it; thus Doumeki continues to be emotionally distant from Yashiro, in and outside of the bedroom. And round and round we go. Doumeki thinks Yashiro needs to satisfy his sexual urges, yet wants to protect him from violent men, therefore finds a shaky middle-ground by maintaining emotional distance from Yashiro while also taking care of Yashiro’s sexual appetite. On the other end, Yashiro knows his body only wants Doumeki; he doesn’t realize consciously that it’s more than just his body, since he’s also afraid of being abandoned by Doumeki or losing him to someone else, therefore he shields himself by keeping his feelings hidden, which in turn keeps Doumeki in the dark about Yashiro’s changes and real desires.  
If I had to take a guess, I think the solution to this problem lies in Doumeki finding out about Yashiro’s impotence with other sexual partners. This solution would clear Doumeki’s misunderstanding that Yashiro craves loveless sex with strangers and yakuza, and would give him the confidence to try being loving again without fearing that it would drive Yashiro into a corner again. If Doumeki switched his cold personality to a warm, loving, and committed one, Yashiro would realize he doesn’t have to fear loving Doumeki one-sidedly and/or losing Doumeki to someone else. Whether and how Doumeki finds out about Yashiro’s impotence remains to be seen, but I think it’s definitely coming… it’s been teased too much to be left unaddressed. Not to mention that piece of dialogue in chapter 50 where Yashiro may already have admitted it in the heat of the moment. Perhaps Doumeki just needs decipher its meaning.
Nevertheless, I think progress has been made, because in the very least it seems like Yashiro doesn’t fear corrupting Doumeki anymore. The only hurdle left really, although it’s a significant one, is the issue of sex (to be loving or distant/cold) and abandonment (to be honest or closed off).  
And lastly, Yashiro experiences a mental setback when he meets Doumeki’s supposed girlfriend, and tries to have rough sex with Kido to cope with never again being the person Doumeki treats gently. This is the exact reason Yashiro never wanted to meet Doumeki again— to prevent this sort of heartbreak, which I think Yashiro always thought was inevitable.. that Doumeki would eventually leave him.
But, interestingly, Yashiro didn’t go to Inami. He followed Doumeki’s rule that as long as he’s is working with D, he needs to stop seeing Inami and stop exchanging info with him. So, as far as Yashiro knows, Doumeki shouldn’t have any issues if Y slept with Kido, right? Yet, Doumeki showed up out of nowhere, completely unexpected, with a vein popping out of his neck in anger. Yashiro is stunned.
In that moment, I can only assume a million thoughts are racing through Yashiro’s head. Doumeki followed him all the way from the restaurant to stop him from regressing back into his old coping pattern and seems more upset than ever. Remember when Yashiro asked in chapter 45, “what’s it to you?” I’m sure he’s trying to find the answer to that question now. If Doumeki has a girlfriend, why does he care if Yashiro is sleeping with Kido? Is Doumeki upset on Yashiro’s behalf, after Kido just insulted him and pressed his head roughly down his dick? A lot going on here, can’t wait to see what happens next
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eunique · 8 months
new york, london, paris, munich, everybody's talking about how awful modern pop music is.
I used to think that modern pop music is awful. Now, not so much. Awful is a strong word and I'd rather use simpler. That is, in terms of hamorny wise.
However, your claim is incenuating that pop music is objectively bad. That, I wholeheartedly disagree with.
In general, if you wanted to write pop music, you'd really need chords I, IV, V, vi and V7 if you wanted to add a bit of ✨spice✨ to it. Learn those 5 chords and you can basically play almost any pop song or write an easy pop song. That is only harmony wise and we haven't even gotten into the instrumentation, textures and timbre of the music. There are exceptions to this where some pop songs will use chords that us, as listeners, don't typically expect to hear in modern pop songs.
And putting aside the harmony part, you've also got instrumentation. What you're typically thinking of anon (I assume), is stuff that is all made electronically through a DAW. I will admit, some of the stuff does end up sounding similar and that's more in part with the bass or the kick beat of a song and the sample library used that really factors into that.
A major factor into why pop music almost sounds the same is basically the above but also the fact, music has trends. Like everything else, music goes through phases where certain things will be in favour over other things. Go listen to songs from the early 2010s and you'll hear a lot of similarities between each song. You can hear this in different eras of classical music (classical music as in the genre overall, not the era though that also has trends within it's own era).
Another factor, especially with music within the last 2, maybe 3 years, is that pop music nowadays tends to pull influences from many different genres but mainly R & B and Hip-Hop. This means that the lines for what is defined as pop music is blurred as many songs can fall into many different genres. Take Dua Lipa's Dance the Night for example, you can classify it as pop but you can also tell the song has disco influences but could also technically fall under disco and there are so many pop songs that can fall under other genres. There is no clear cut line of what is truly pop music.
And don't get me into the tik-tok-ification of music because that is a whole other discussion in itself. But just so we all know, it has really factored into pop music as of recent years.
However that being said, the above I just said mainly applies to western pop music. What about pop music from outside of the west?
Pop music from other countries such as China, has their own version of pop music (called mando-pop or C-pop). While they do follow western songwriting structures (verse 1, chorus, verse 2, chorus, bridge, recapitulation, end) integrate their own spin on it.
C-pop will integrate traditional Chinese instruments and/or traditional Chinese performance arts such as Peking Opera into their songs. Listen to Jay Chou or even Lay Zhang. Some of their songs integrate Chinese integuments or Chinese opera.
K-pop uses incredibly interesting harmonies in their music and subverts listeners' expectations incredibly well. Go watch react to the K on YouTube. They have a long running series called Classical Musicians React where classical musicians react to K-pop and analyse the music.
J-pop has its own instrumentations and their sample libraries are completely different from what the western pop music sample libraries are. The way J-pop will use those libraries and push it to it's limits is what makes it so interesting. Hell, they even made a synth voicebank (vocaloid) and that in itself is it's subgenre.
All of those I've just mentioned is only 3 of so many other pop music from other nations. So to say all pop music is awful is a very narrow minded view point to be looking at it. Yes, all of those can fall subject to sounding similar but this I'm talking about western pop vs. International pop music.
Of course art is subjective. Music is a form of art so it is subjective from person to person. If pop, isn't for you, that is fine. But pop maybe someone else's favourite genre. If you think all pop is awful then that's your opinion. I personally think pop does have its moments where it does shine. Do I prefer international pop over western pop? Absolutely! But I think pop is still a valuable genre. Can't complain about more music to listen to.
Regardless, I think it's really important to broaden your listening horizons and listen to all kinds of music because it allows you to see what the music scene is like for other places in the world or what music was like maybe during the 60s or even the Baroque Period. That's just my 2 cents on this anon's opinion.
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gojonanami · 4 months
it’s 5am in my country, I should probably go to sleep and try my best but OH GOD??? i saw the update of your prof geto au and i literally run.
the thought of going to sleep without knowing what was going to happen was killing me, to be honest TT and oh… another cliffhanger… i wonder how long they have to suffer before getting together and reaching their happy ending (if there is a happy ending for them… i really do hope so but now with the change of university wouldn’t that be hard? /gen)
Anyway, thank you so much for the update!! it was a rollercoaster of emotions that i gladly enjoyed <3 i can’t really work properly with english right now, but I really liked it! so thank you very much for writing it! TT <3
omg I can’t believe you stayed up to read it 😭 hahah I do love cliffhangers — I feel like they add a certain ✨spice ✨ haha it won’t be too, too much more suffering — I will say, they will end up together. I’m just going to put them both through the wringer first haha. and I don’t think that’s a spoiler since you guys don’t know when or how — but I don’t like a series that ends with an unhappy ending — sometimes it’s necessary, but there needs to be some sort of happy resolution so people’s investment in a series doesn’t go to waste in a way.
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imhereforscm · 1 year
Good morning! ( •_• ) 🌷
How to write a story from a li's perspective, who is mute? She is independent and level headed. She cares a lot about the reader and she wants to show it in a non physical way. How will her thought process work? How can i write it without sounding repetitive?
Morning morning, sweetie.🌹🪻
First of all, if you need to use a word more than once, you can use synonyms of that word. Like- in one sentence you can use "ecstatic" in another one you can use "gleeful" or "delighted"
Second, the li can:
Think of her love for that person
Start feeling a bit insecure that she can't voice her feelings (you told me that she's mute, if I'm not mistaken) like others do
She might think: "I've always been level headed and had a logical solution for everything, but now look at me, not knowing who to deliver an emotion." Or something like that.
Then start feeling determined, because she wants to show them how much she loves them
Then she can start thinking about ideas and you can spice her ideas up, by having her think of a moment of theirs and smile. Like- "I could get them a blue necklace I found. It reminds me of theirs eyes."
You can add movements of distress:
Looking down at her hands
Slipping her fingers through her hair
Slipping her fingers through her hair and gripping a fistful of them
Pacing around a room
Sighing a lot
Looking around a room desperately for any ideas
Accidentally pouring hot tea on her, because she missed the cup, while her thoughts were elsewhere
Pick at a certain article of clothing, such as the hem of her shirt
Chew the inside of her cheek
Bite her lip
She might need fresh air (and there she might encounter someone/something and will give her inspiration for the answer she needs. Like a couple giving each other flowers! Just an example)
You can mix and create a lovely soup of more than one of these⬆️😚💕
Wanting to show someone you love how much you adore them and not being able to is so frustrating and it hurts you deeply, because you love them so so much. So don't be scared to play with this and the exchange of feelings. A person's mental world is such a complex thing, you won't run out of things to say, trust me on that.
Something else you might try, to get into the mentality of the li is
Put on some music you think fits
Think: "what if I was the li? What would I do?"
Or look aesthetic love/couple/anything on Pinterest. It might help, but ⚠️careful not to get distracted!(⁠◠⁠‿⁠・⁠)⁠—⁠☆⚠️(If you're scared you might get distracted, set a timer that will reminds you to get back to writing in five minutes or something.)
Idk if you're one of the anons who submitted asks about a creative writing thingy yesterday, but if you are or you're also writing a creative writing essay that you really don't like, don't forget to ✨ramble✨
I hope I helped, hun!!🌹🪻🌹🪻🌹🪻🌹🪻🌹🪻🌹🪻 Good luck with your project!!!! If you need more advice/elaborations, don't fret to let me know😚😚💕💕💕
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hey Пчёлка! (sorry for the unoriginality but it's literally 3am 😅)
IT SNOWED TODAY!!!! not a lot but i'm still excited :D
I gotta answer the favourite ice cream flavour question from the ask game first because I've found out something very interesting.
Ok so i'm about to say something very weird and apparently very Canadian, but my favourite ice cream flavour is tiger tail(tiger tiger, tiger, tiger stripe. I've seen many variations) ANYway this is gonna sound like a weird combo if you haven't tried it but it's basically orange ice cream with black licorice ice cream swirled throughout it (weird ik) but while I was looking up the actual proper name of the ice cream I found out it's a Canadian only thing, not only that but it's a regional flavour so only certain parts of Canada has it???
anyway I fell down a loop hole and now need to know what you call the metal shopping carts at the store, knitted caps that you wear during winter, and also what do you call you 1 dollar coins? (buggy, tuque, and loonie for me)
November kinda sucked but it's the last week (were'd all the time go?) I started a new job this week which is really exciting
DUDE I WAS JUST ABOUT TO START PRIORY OT THE ORANGE TREE! it's been sitting on my bookshelf for way too long
I finally seen legally blonde and it was sooooo good, I watched in with a group so i'll probably need to re-watch it later, oh well ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
IT isn't actually that scary unless you don't like clowns, in which case it might not be your piece of cake
man weather is so weird. one time at the end of august I remember it started to snow while we were driving home not for very long but still strange. I had you use the converter thingy to understand 70°F but 21°C IS UNREASONABLE FOR FALL! THAT SOUNDS TERRIBLE. Right now its -1°C with the low for tomorrow(today now) at -13°C which i'm kinda dreading.
it's not really important but I did want to say when I started talking to you I was using she/they(i think i was?) but now i'm using they/them so that's cool I guess 👍
regale me with your random LOTR facts I only knew 2 of the last facts so if you have more i'd love to hear them!
I also liked to mix up spices when cooking as a kid. Most of the time it didn't work well but one time I found out that if you're making a sweet carrot cake (or cakes like that) and you're making cream cheese frosting, adding a bit of garam masala to the frosting adds a bit of a kick and cuts the sweetness in a non overpowering way!
i'm so glad I can further continue my 'everyone I talk to must listen to alvvays' agenda. I don't think I have a favourite song on the album but I do love Pressed and Belinda Says. Also turns out that Blue Rev is a Canadian only drink made Ontario.
y'know what's homophobic to me specifically? Both my favourite bands have only 1 show here and it's in Toronto (very far from me) IN THE MIDDLE OF WINTER. Toronto winters aren't particularly nice.
Music thoughts from the last couple of days are really old french songs (the classics from like Lucienne Boyer and Edith Piaf, that kind of music) they all kinda remind me of the comforting orange of street lamps in the dark and drawing before going to bed
signed someone who's literally so close to falling asleep
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Hello my darlin’ El!! My favorite Canadian! My favorite anon!
Nothing to apologize for, my dear. That nickname is probably my favorite ever, I’ll never get tired of it
SNOW, that’s so cool!!! We actually got a little bit here in the last couple weeks too! Barely any, but something!! Just a ✨dusting✨
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Okay so that sounds so strange and I HAVE to try it. If I ever visit Canada, I am searching this out 👀 Idk if it’s regional, but we have a snow cone flavor called tiger’s blood! It’s kind of like a fruit punch sort of flavor. I was more of a cotton candy kid. Or the weirdo who got banana flavor
Regional dialects are so fucking cool!!! For us, it’s shopping cart, beanie, and penny!idk what it is but tuque is just such a fun word. Very pleasing to say, feels nice, idk. Maybe I’m just a weirdo LMAO. I’m trying to think of some of the weirder regional words, but my brain is so empty right now.
Oh congrats on the new job!!! How is it going?? I’m sorry your November was rough, I hope December treated you more kindly! It’s been a rollercoaster for me, but I have a feeling 2023 will be a good year for me. I’m being stubbornly optimistic 🫡
Speaking of!!! Happy new year! Do you have any resolutions??
Did you start Priory? If you have, what do you think?? It’s high on my list, but I recently got One Last Stop and Gideon the Ninth, so I bumped it down. I’ve GOT to read OLS so I can read the Ronance au, and Gideon the Ninth is just,,, lesbian necromancers in space and I’ve been obsessed with it despite not reading it ever
Oklahoma weather my beloathed! She’s a wicked she-devil!! We’ve gone from a pleasant 21°C to -29°C wind chills in the span of a week!! I love it soooooooo much!!! (Kill me please.) I hope your weather has been tamer and you’re staying warm up north!!
Oh that’s so cool dude!! Good to know!! I’ll make sure I remember <33 They/them pronouns kinda hit different man. I’ve swapped mine officially from she/they to they/she. Not a huge difference but something in my chest feels so much lighter with they 🥰 Gender fuckery is fun
More silly LOTR facts, eh? Well, J*ke G*llenhall auditioned for the role of Frodo Baggins! Supposedly it was one of the worst auditions! Christopher Lee, Saruman, is the only actor to have met JRR Tolkien himself! Believe it or not, Nicolas Cage was the original pick to play Aragorn! I still think Viggo Mortensen is one of the best casting choices of all time tho, sorry Nick
Oh I’ve never heard of that! I’m writing it down for future baking purposes 🫡 I have recently discovered that garlic powder and onion powder are my best friends and I will put that shit on everything
Incredible choices! I need to give the album another listen. Maybe I can Ronanceify a song in your honor <33
That’s terrible!!! I am so very sorry <33 I get the feeling man, even a lot of US tours just,,, skip over Oklahoma. I’m sooooooooo bitter about Noah Kahan not stopping by somewhere I can see him. The closest show is a state away, 4 hour drive with current gas and hotel prices? YIKES. But! I got Paramore tickets and I WILL lose my entire shit that day
Definitely will check those out! Personal music thoughts for me,, still obsessing over the entire Stick Season album, but The View Between Villages especially. Been really into the hot gay girl shit/lesbian villain arc kind of genre. Devil Is A Woman by Cloudy June? Incredible
With warmth and sincere apologies for the weight,
- Max/Lo
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miens-reading-nook · 8 months
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The Blighted Stars by Megan E. O'Keefe
Pages: 544 Published: 23 May 2023 My Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Wow, straight to my top 5 of 2023. Five stars 🌟 Okay, so, think Altered Carbon (your brain is mapped and your consciousness can be transferred to new copies of your body or other bodies, making you virtually immortal) but make it less gory (still pretty bloody, though), a bit spookier (scary fungus destroying everything everywhere) and add a little ✨spice✨ (casual queerness) and you've got The Blighted Stars. I don't even know where to start. I read this last night and I'm still vibrating with excitement. It's books like this one that remind me why I love sci-fi so much. First, I'll say that the casual way queerness was introduced in the story melted my heart. Sometimes people are just queer and that's it. I loved that. Second, sometimes you love a story because of its characters, sometimes it's the world building, other times the plot. With this book, well, its everything. Tarquin and Naia - the main characters - are great. As soon as I started reading I just wanted to know more about them. The world-building is great too and relatively easy to follow: - In a distant future, 5 corporate families rule over a world where resources are scarce and people are starving if they're not under contract with one of the families. Humanity is spread out over multiple dying planets and space stations, and the race for new habitable planets is on as a deadly fungus consumes every bit of plant life it touches. - Tarquin is the second heir to one of the families and Naia is his father's ex-bodyguard turned environmental terrorist. After their ship crashes on a dead planet that should’ve been thriving, they’ve got to figure out: 1) how to survive, 2) what the hell is going on. I feel like I could talk about this universe for hours so I'm just going to copy paste some of the notes I took while reading: "Yaassss, we love good queer representation" "The misprints are so fucking creepy" "Okay, but the plot is so cool." "Oh this fungus is scaryyy. I like it" "I JUST REALIZED THIS IS NOT GONNA BE FIXED IN ONE BOOK OMGGGGG THIS BOOK IS GONNA MAKE ME LOSE MY MIND" - this was when I realized this was probably part of a series lol "Okay I dig how much of a romantic tarquin is." And then it's just a bunch of theories trying to guess the plot as I went along 😂 I love when a book gets me this excited. When the story lingers in my mind and I find myself thinking about it over and over again, wondering about the implications of certain details, about the rules of this universe and what that means for the story going forward. I don't even know what else to say, I just know that it was super fun (and stressful) to read this and I love Megan O'Keefe's brain ❤❤
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supernaturalgirl20 · 2 years
Hello my friend, long time no see.
I have an idea for our boy Frankie.
Him in a bar, out of his work in mechanic shop, smells like motor oil and cheap old spice deodorant meeting us.
“Are you… trying to flirt with me?” He asked.
“I’m bad at this, aren’t I?”
“I just didn’t think I look like somebody who you might be interested in”
And then add some tummy worship as a spice ✨✨✨
Thank you so much for your request nonnie. Sweet baby Frankie, I hope you enjoy ☺️
Wanna get outta here?
Pairings: Frankie Morales x f!reader
Warnings: Smut 18+, explicit, unprotected sex, oral (both receiving),tummy worship, Frankie has body issues, cursing, bad flirting, fluff.
Comments and reblogs really appreciated 🥰
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Frankie sat at the bar nursing his drink after a long day at the garage. Tommy had been MIA which meant he had to take on an extra work load. Not only that, but Olivia was being difficult this week with Rosie. This was supposed to be his weekend with her but apparently Olivia’s new boyfriend wanted to take them away on a trip. Then, to add salt to the wound, Tom had made fun of Frankie’s slightly round stomach.
He just really needed a fucking drink!
He let his eyes scan the crowd as he downed his third drink. This was something he liked doing. People watching. He would make up stories about people and the odd time he would catch the eye of a certain woman and they would flirt a little until they inevitably fucked in his truck. Is this what my life has come to? Cheap beer and a quick fuck.
He huffed out a breath and turned back to Rex behind the bar nodding his head for another beer. Lifting his hat off his head, he runs his fingers through he hair.
“I was wondering what was beneath the cap.”
Frankie turns towards the voice to find you. He’s seen you around town and you have become a regular here but you we’re far to beautiful for a guy like him. He was damaged. Used goods.
“I’ve seen you around. Are you…here on your own?”
“Yeah…just needed a beer or three.” You laugh at that, the butterflies fluttering in your stomach. You could feel the eyes of your friends on you as you stood trying to flirt with the handsome guy from the garage. Terribly!
“Do you fish? Because you..”
“A little. I used to go every weekend until…you weren’t finished talking were you?”
“No.” A nervous giggle passes through your lips and you can feel your cheeks heating up.
“I…I was going to say because you have me hooked.” The hint of a smile creeps onto his face as he stares at you, the look of amusement on his face .
“Are you…trying to flirt with me?”
“I’m bad at this aren’t I?”
“I just didn’t think I was someone you might be interested in.”
“Really? Have you seen yourself? I’ve been trying to work up the courage to talk to you for weeks now.”
“Yes you. I…I really like you, well what I mean is…you’re so…you’re hot ok and if anyone is not someone’s type it’s me. I’ve seen the women you leave with and I’m nothing like them. I just thought maybe…just uh never mind.”
Embarrassed you turn to leave until his hand on your arm stops you. Your gaze meets his and those brown eyes, those deep chocolate orbs are pleading with you.
“I’m sorry, please stay. I’m just not used to beautiful women coming up to me, I’m not usually the guy women flirt with. Let me buy you a drink?”
“Sure. Whiskey neat.”
“Woman after my own heart.” He orders the drinks with Rex before turning back towards you. He feels a little self conscious with the way you’re looking at him. Like he’s the only man in this bar. He’s not used to this.
The night slips by and you both enjoy the other’s company. You learn that he has a daughter and that things with his ex are - difficult. You tell him about your ex fiancé and how he had cheated on you with your best friend.
“Fucking idiot! I never get why people cheat. If I had you I certainly wouldn’t be looking else where.”
“Ha I’m just not…Lia was, is prettier than me. I mean I get it. I’m not the girl men want, at least not to settle down with.”
Frankie is looking at you now baffled - that you think you’re not pretty, that you’re not good enough - because if you were his woman, he’d make sure you knew he wanted you everyday.
“You’re fucking hot. How can you not see that? Honestly, I’ve been wondering all night why you picked me? You are way outta my league.”
“I’ve had a crush on you for like, months. I was just to afraid you’d reject me.”
Frankie snorts and you can tell he doesn’t believe you. “Frankie do you honestly not see it? You come in here every week looking like…that, and smelling of motor oil and cheap old spice and all I want to do is pull you out into your truck and fuck you.”
Frankie gulped and he could feel his face heat. He’s never had a woman speak so bluntly to him about wanting him like that. It was refreshing. His cock stirs to life as you slowly run your hand along his thigh, inching closer to his growing bulge.
“Do you wanna get outta here?” You say seductively through hooded eyes. Frankie simply nods his head as he throws money on the bar before grabbing your hand and leading you outside towards his truck.
Frankie drags you to his truck and once inside - you straddle him. His eyes blown wide with lust watch as the movement pushes your breasts together. His cock is straining against the zipper of his trousers, begging for release.
Your lips are on his in the blink of an eye and you move your hands down towards his belt, trying desperately you free his cock. His heart is beating fast and he has butterflies in his stomach. A feeling he hasn’t felt in a long time. I don’t want to do it like this. She deserves better. With that thought he quickly stops you, hand pulling yours away from his boxers.
“What’s wrong?” You say slightly out of breath.
“I don’t want to do this…”
“Oh! I’m sorry I..” you say embarrassment flooding your entire body. Of course he wouldn’t want me like that. You start pushing off him when his hands grip your hips tight.
“I want you! Make no mistake but I don’t want to fuck you in my truck, not for our first time. You deserve better. Let me take you to mine and I can fuck your in bed?”
“Ok, sure.”
The drive doesn’t take long and Frankie has his hand on your thigh the whole time. Like if he lets go you’ll evaporate.
Fumbling at the door with his keys he finally manages to open it pushing you inside. With the click of the lock your back meets the wall as his lips find yours in a searing kiss. Oh fuck! He cries as your hand grabs his length through his jeans and he pulls you along the hall to his room. He practically tosses you onto the bed and you both discard of your clothes quickly. His breaths are ragged as he stands above you, taking in your naked form.
“So fucking beautiful.”
He crawls up the bed towards you, his lips trailing light kisses along your thighs. His breath is hot as he hovers over your aching cunt.
“Can I taste you?”
“Yes! Please…fuck.”
Ooh! You moan as your back arches off the bed, hand finding purchase in his hair. He moves your legs over his shoulders and buries his tongue inside you. Fuck he knows what he’s doing. He alternates between licking and sucking and shoving his tongue inside you that you are a complete and utter mess on the bed below him. Writhing in pleasure. That heat begins to form and you can feel yourself getting closer to that edge and you all but about his name as the pleasure from your orgasm consumes you.
His tongue licks around his lips as he moves above you completely. You reach up and kiss him tasting yourself on his tongue. You can feel the tip of him nudging at your entrance but you push him onto his back. Looking at you in confusion as you lower your head to his thick length.
“My turn.”
Your mouth is hot on his skin as you leave little kisses along his chest, moving down slowly. No! Startled you look towards him, a shy blush creeping onto his face.
“What’s wrong?”
“I…I just…please you don’t have to…I know my stomach is…”
“What?!” His eyes avoid you as you take in his words. This man is gorgeous and yet he’s embarrassed. His body is so hot even with his slightly rounder stomach. Oh!
You begin to move your mouth down slowly over his stomach and he shudders. You graze the skin with your teeth as your eyes are locked with his. He groans when you bite him lightly, his hands gripping the sheets tight.
“So handsome baby.”
You let your tongue roam the expanse of his stomach before twirling it around his belly button. Please!
“Hmm. Tell me what you need baby.”
“Need….need you….oh fuck!”
His cock is swallowed whole by your mouth and his hands come to grip your hair, pulling in it slightly as you let him fuck your face. Hollowing your mouth he moans loudly oh fuck baby! before pulling you off him with a pop.
“Want to come inside you…please!”
Straddling his waist you grab his cock lining it up before slowly sinking down onto him. Oh! His hands grip your hips as you begin to move above him - hips rocking over him. Sitting up he pulls your nipple into his mouth as he grabs you tight, pushing you down onto him.
“Oh Frankie I’m…I’m gonna..”
“That’s it baby…come on my cock. Want to feel you soak me.”
“Fuck oh fuck!”
You shudder in his arms as your cunt clenches around him - his trusts becoming erratic- sending him over the edge. “Where?”
“Ngh! Fuck baby.”
He comes hard coating your walls with a cry of your name. He brushes hair off your face and captures your lips in a soft kiss before laying back - pulling you with him. His soft cock slips out of you and you nestle into his side.
“That was amazing. No wonder you have no problem pulling. Pussy eating king.” You say in a teasing tone. Frankie lets out a snort as he laughs loudly, his hand resting on his stomach. “Wait til the guys hear that. Fucking hilarious.” The bed shakes slightly from him laughing so hard.
Your fingers run along his chest and he places his hand over yours. Tilting your head so you can see his face he’s already looking at you. He says nothing as he stares as you, his face soft and eyes full of adoration.
“I really enjoyed tonight, getting to know you, I haven’t laughed this much in - a long time. The sex was fucking amazing too. Can I…would you maybe wanna have dinner with me?”
“Are you asking me on a date Mr Morales?”
His hand gently caresses your cheek, his thumb running along your both bottom lip. “Yeah I am.”
“I’d love to.”
His lips meet yours and his slightly rough lips devour you. “Good, because I really like you.”
“I really like you too.”
Part 2
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