#its free palestine until i fucking die
san8ny · 3 months
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this is what they’re doing. Sleeping in the same cradles of the infants they’ve just murdered.
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mahoutoons · 7 days
the united states: look at us, we are so pro life that we overturned roe v wade and force women to give birth! we even prosecute women for miscarriages! we love children so much!
also the united states:
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lowkeyrobin · 3 months
Mcyt with an s/o who's a voice acter for video game characters? They mostly do voice characters in horror games n stuff(like until dawn, where the characters are also modeled after the voice after if I remember correctly)
I just think their faces would be hilarious if the choice they make in the game ends up with y/n getting killed lol
OH MY GOD YESSSSS ; also tried to use different games and not the same for everyone but I'm not the heaviest story game gamer LMFAO ; also don't talk about how timeliness wouldn't make sense shhhhhh
MCYT ; video game voice actor
includes ; tommyinnit, tubbo, ranboo, badlinu, nihachu, quackity, & foolish gamers
warnings ; language & fictional violence and death/murder
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somehow the topic of mc story mode came up and how you actually voice acted a few characters + one of the Jessie variants (whichever you picked as a kid 🙏)
"I mean I was like, fourteen. I don't think I even knew you yet"
"absolute betrayal"
he literally speeds to his office, downloads the first game and proceeds to stream for three hours playing it (he selects whichever Jessie you voiced of course)
the tweets never end
"spot the difference" and its an old/new pic of you compared to jessie
once he gets to the save Petra or Lukas scene he straight up pauses and playfully yells at you like you made the game?? 💀🙏
he dies so many times it's not even funny
love him tho
red dead redemption two 💀
forget the qsmp, once he finally downloads the game its all he's playing for a straight week
again, how the hell did he not know about this??
it was only 2018??
you voice a few of the townsfolk and a few of the supporting characters
everytime he hears your baby voice he's like "omg you sounded like that??" obviously he's been friends w you for a while so he doesn't notice voice changes
as an Easter egg, the player can actually kill one of the random townsfolk solely for being annoying with no consequences
it's modeled after you as well 💀💀💀
the npc just shouts annoying shit and doesn't shut up and is encouraged to kill the kid
tubbo kills the kid and unlocks the secret achievement
Detroit become human
the moment he finds out you voiced a minor character he speedruns trying to find you
the character is also modeled after you, so he's begging chat to keep an eye out for you too
you're basically just some very friendly person trying to help Connor but no matter what route he/the player takes, you wind up dead for the angst
ouuuu the heartbreak, the angst
if it's by being shot, betrayed, or committing your own death, you're gone bro
"y/n why the fuck does your character die in the worst ways possible?"
you shrug
"that genuinley hurt my feelings. I don't wanna play this anymore"
"you didn't get to Connors possible death scene yet!"
TLOU 2 (I don't support the makers zionist views, I just thought this fit. free Palestine and do your daily clicks)
was literally cheering you on the whole time when you were bts for voice acting your character
you had to take like scream classes to upgrade your screaming abilities lmao
you gave the voice to a character modeled after you, an infected teen who runs into ellie on her way through the game
she/the player is forced to put you down because you're not immune
he plays through the game and turns to you like "dude do I actually have to kill you to progress?"
you just nod
"I'm sorry, I didn't wanna do this"
literally looked at you in horror
"...are you okay?"
you smile and nod
life is strange
mf you would've been like 16?? damn get ur bag, okay
she plays through and you va (whoever you choose) and everytime she hears your voice she smiles
"omg that's my partner! that's y/n, you guys!! :D"
the cutest
literallt cries at the end of the game
"y/n, were you in life is strange two?"
"Cause I wanna play it but I don't wanna get my hopes up about you being there"
"just play it, just play it. trust me"
twdg s4
basically clem/the player gets really close to your character and ends up having to kill them after they turn into a walker
the angst, the heartbreak
he's never done a full let's play / game play like that before and especially with a full game series
when he got to s4 and heard you for the first time he literally started jumping around and screaming
now when you die... it's jumping and screaming alright (in anger and sadness)
"I mean there's an option to prevent me turning, you're just a dumbass"
dead by daylight
you va'd multiple characters/killers
and the devs wanted to show appreciation by giving you your own playable character with your natural voice
when foolish finds out, he gets tubbo, quackity, tina & niki in a call to play dbd + stream for like 6 hours
loves seeing all the death animations you'd be given and all your voicelines
"OH MY GOD! guys this is my partner, they're so instantly talented at voice acting, holy shit!"
"we get it foolish, you love y/n"
"It's more than love, quackity, it's an obsession"
"my brother in christ, calm down"
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bonkhrnyjail · 5 months
sweet plum | chapter two
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masterlist | pinterest board
pairing: pedro pascal x fem!reader (plus size)
rating: g (will become explicit in later chapters, minors dni)
summary: this is a flashback! just a little backstory on how you got your nickname :P
a/n: hi :) i'm planning to make a masterlist after i've uploaded all of the chapters i've completed so far but i'm also rusty as fuck on how to use tumblr (haven't posted since like... 2017 except for to read fics). anyways, pls enjoy. <3 p.s. i said it in the last one, but i wrote this almost 10 months ago before starbucks started publically supporting a genocide, fuck starbucks and free palestine.
It was hot as the fiery depths of hell outside. The team had ordered sub sandwiches for lunch, but the thought of hot deli meat and thick slabs of cheese made your stomach turn, tiny beads of sweat forming at your hairline. No thank you.
It was barely a week into the job, and you were still getting acclimated to the social environment. You just really wanted to make the right impression; professional but personable, dedicated but effortless, confident but humble. You couldn’t let yourself relax too much, or chances were your sense of humor would likely bite you in the ass.
You sat with your back flush against a massive, sizzling hot tire attached to a big ol' trailer, you weren’t sure whose. You sat alone, your legs extended, long blades of grass dancing along the curve of your calves, tickling and irritating your delicate skin.
It’s not that you were a complete introvert, you loved company. You chose this career because you loved to work with people, building relationships with your clients was one of the greatest joys of your life, but truthfully, you'd always lived in the balance. Alone time was essential to your wellbeing. Being able to sneak off for ten to fifteen minutes and breathe in the peace and quiet was like a reset to you, allowing you to settle into exactly who you wanted to be when you returned to the world of the living.
You heard the sound of crunching gravel from behind you, heavy boots making an awkward clunking sound as they eased their way toward you. You lifted your crooked head to find a backlit head of wavy brown hair and a quizzical brow staring down at you.
“What are you doing back here all by your lonesome?” Pedro questioned, juttering in and out of his Joel Miller coded Texas twang. 
“Just enjoying the peace and quiet. You were pretty damn chatty this morning,” you teased, but immediately regretted it coming out of your mouth. “Just kidding.” you added, clunky and awkward and clearly trying to cover your ass.
��There’s no such thing as peace and quiet when you work with me!” he jabbed, letting out a deep belly laugh, one that invoked an involuntary giggle from your throat.
Something about him made you let your guard down, whether you wanted to or not. Conversation flowed with barely any effort at all. Your senses of humor fit together so beautifully that the majority of your time together was spent laughing until your cheeks were sore. You’d been able to stifle your embarrassing laugh with a demure giggle up until now, but you knew it wasn’t much longer until your cackle would make its presence known.
“May I sit?” he gazed down at the patch of grass next to you, a perfect amount of space for him to slide down and sit, just close enough that your thighs would touch his. You patted the empty spot and scooted yourself a bit to the left, enough to create a sliver of space between your bodies. He plopped down, a bit harder than you were expecting, and started unwrapping the aggressively large sub from its crinkly brown paper.
“Did you eat? These sandwiches are really fuckin’ delicious,” he garbled as he took a massive bite out of the oozing bread, filled with more meats than you could count on your right hand. The sight made you queasy.
“I don’t know why, but the thought of deli meat in this heat… I would rather die. I don’t doubt it though, they look like an... experience, for sure.” you let out a huff of air, almost a laugh but not quite, and he giggled through the remainders of his last bite.
“Aw come on, you’re not gonna let me eat alone, are you?” he teased, pushing more sandwich out from the bottom of the wrapper like it was a Gogurt. “I look like an idiot trying to fit this thing in my mouth.”
You rustled through your mess of a tote bag, trying to locate the fruit that you hastily grabbed as you were bolting out the door that morning. You really needed to organize that shit.
“Here,” you held it up for him to see, him looking up with his sandwich lodged in his mouth, lips stretched and straining around hard shell of the bread crust. You laugh, hard, and he nearly spits out the hearty chunk he'd violently torn off.
“I won’t let you eat alone," you smiled, wrapping your lips and biting deep into the soft, delicate skin.
“What is that?” Pedro managed, struggling to swallow the remainder amalgamation of meat and cheese filling his cheeks, mayonnaise coating the wiry mustache hairs above his upper lip.
“It’s a sweet plum.”
You turned the fruit to show him the sticker, the words printed boldly with a smiling fruit dancing under them.
“They're my favorite, I buy them by the case because I go through them fast. I could bring you one tomorrow if you want.”
“I don’t think I’ve ever heard of a sweet plum,” he remarked, matter-of-factly. “I’m more of a berry guy. But I’d definitely like to try one.”
“Totally. I’ll bring you one tomorrow morning,” you affirmed with a smile.
He smiled back, dimples appearing as a soft ray of sun illuminated his skin. Your eyes got lost for a moment, unable to resist studying him in this light.
He was gorgeous. His eyes were deep and sparkling like an amber geode, nose curved and structured like that of a roman god. The apples of his cheeks were prominent and bouncy, fading into the skin around his eyes, crinkled and folded to perfection, like origami. His facial hair, soft and shaggy, was hugging a strong, structured jaw. For a moment you were completely transfixed, unable to avert your gaze from the human art piece staring back at you, still smiling but with a softened gaze. You were still smiling too, a heat flushing your cheeks and prickling your chest.
You were finally able to break away from the moment, returning your attention to the plum dripping a reddish-purple down your thumb. With nothing to break the silence, you took another bite, this one sending streaks of the juice down your hand and arm.
“Jesus,” you muttered through a laugh, grabbing a napkin from your bag with your free hand to clean up the juicy mess.
Pedro hadn't stopped staring at you, his head cocked slightly to the side and his eyes deep in thought.
“What?” you asked nervously.
“I like that… as a name. Plum.” He said, watching as you attempt to catch all of the trickling drips before they land on your skirt. He grabbed a napkin of his own and dabbed at a drip that nearly made it down to your elbow.
“Like, for a person?” You questioned. 
“No, no, a nickname. It has a good ring to it. Kinda... rolls off the tongue nicely.” He went for another bite of the sandwich, this one smaller and more manageable. “Can I call you that?"
Your heart thumped in your chest as your mouth fell open in surprise. The nickname, it sounded so personal, like something you’d call a partner or a child. Would it be appropriate for him to call you that? In front of other people? You knew he didn’t mean it that way, as if, but you've learned from observation that things can be misconstrued very easily in an environment like this. A part of you wanted to say no, to avoid any possibility of conflict, but the other part knew that he wouldn't let you get into any trouble for something that was his idea. You could sense it, he was a truly good guy, far better than the majority you’d known thus far. It was just a bit of fun, an inside joke between the two of you. No harm, no foul.
“Sure,” you swallowed the last bit of your bite, savoring the rich, sweet flavor on the back of your tongue. “But only if you let me figure out a nickname for you too.”
“Deal," He pulled the wrapping back over his sandwich and folded the excess paper under to the bottom. "You think on that, bring me ideas tomorrow, along with that plum. We should figure one out for Bella too.”
“Certainly,” You nodded, wrapping the remaining half of your plum in the napkin you had folded between your fingers.
Excitement stirred in your tummy. You used your free hand to push yourself up, stabilizing your feet underneath you and coming to a standing position. You reached a hand down to grab Pedro’s and help him up off the plush grass.
"Wanna head back?"
He extended his hand and you yanked hard, a bit harder than you meant to. He stumbled forward into you, but you caught him by the shoulders, the only thing separating your chests was a half of a sub sandwich. You both let out a hearty laugh as you shuffled away from each other, a thick and palpable tension filling the space between you.
“Thanks, plum.”
The words rolled off of his tongue like they were made for his mouth. You bit down on a grin as you followed him back to the crowd, buzzing and floaty and your head mostly empty, save the echo of his voice in your ear.
. . . . . .
The next morning you woke up with a plastered grin, springing out of bed, probably for the first time in your life. It was much earlier than you usually made it out of bed, but your excitement kept you snoozing your alarm like usual. You'd stayed up late that night, creating a small list of nickname ideas for both Bella and Pedro, tucked away in your notes app for later.
You managed to shower, dry and style your hair, do your makeup, and eat breakfast all before nine. Call was at eleven, and you can't remember the last time you had this much morning. You sat on the couch with your shoes on, three plums wrapped up in napkins, peeking out of your bag. A yawn sprawled itself across your face.
You needed caffeine.
“Hey Siri, call Pedro Pascal.” you said without overthinking it.
You hoped that Pedro wouldn’t mind you calling him with the promise of caffeine on the other end. You’d seen how much coffee he consumed on set… probably enough to kill a pilgrim. 
“... H-Hello?” a deep, groggy voice rumbled through the little speaker next to your ear.
“Oh god, are you sleeping? Jesus I’m sorry, it’s not that important…”
“It’s alright, I mean, I was sleeping, but I probably shouldn’t be. How are you?” his voice still a low and raspy whisper that gave you goosebumps.
“I’m… I’m good! Good," you tumbled on your words, not expecting his thoughtfulness after a such a rude awakening. "Yeah, the cosmos must have shifted because I woke up… early?”
He let out a soft chuckle. You felt a tiny pang in your chest. Making him laugh always made you feel a bit giddy.
“Anyways, I was going to get some coffee before work. I was just wondering if you might want anything? I was gonna get some from the Starbucks down the street from my place. Do you like Starbucks? I know you’re probably used to something a bit more upscale, I can go somewhere else too-”
“I like Starbucks.” he blurts, cutting off your rambling. You can hear the smile in his voice.
Why were you rambling? You never acted like this around any of your other clients. Maybe it was the pressure of the job, or the fact that you just accidentally woke up the biggest celebrity you’ve ever worked with to ask him if he wanted Starbucks.
You felt careless, a little dumb. A text would have sufficed. But something you couldn’t quite explain, something beyond your consciousness, urged you to call. It felt like possession, only gaining back control of yourself when you heard his low baritone on the other line.
“Oh! Awesome. Cool, cool… what would you want?” you ask, your voice strangely higher in pitch than usual. You cringed after the words left your mouth, still flabbergasted at your unnatural behavior. 
“Iced espresso, 6 shots please.” he croaked, the sound of rustling sheets muffling his voice on the other line.
You paused for a moment, in shock.
“Ha ha ha,” you let out a clearly fake and forced laugh.
He couldn’t be serious?
“What?” you heard on the other line, the sink gently running in the background. “That’s my usual.”
“… you’re joking…” you uttered, genuine concern taking over. 
He didn’t respond. 
“Hey, buddy? I can not be responsible for you going into cardiac arrest. I’m not CPR certified and I can’t have a client’s death on my CV.”
He let out that hearty, booming belly laugh he so often did, the one that echoed off the walls of any room and filled the space with its warmth.
“It’ll be fine,” He cooed, doing his best to ease your concern. “I gotta have my go-go juice.”
You laughed hard, barely able to hold in a snort.
“Fine, ok, 6 shots of espresso over ice. Do you know what Bella likes?”
“Uh... It has vanilla in it…” he trailed off, his words replaced by a symphony of ums and ers, ”I uh…. I don't remember. I’ll call them and call you back.”
“You can just text me you know, it’s no problem,” you offered.
“I hate texting. Talk to you in a bit.”
The call drops. 
You sat in the same spot you were, staring at your phone, waiting for the call to appear. You didn’t check Instagram or TikTok, didn’t pull out a book or put on headphones to listen to music… nothing. You simply sat there, staring at your lock screen as the minutes passed, just waiting.
A jolt shot down your body when the call finally appeared, your ringtone set to the highest volume.
“Hello?” you answered, your voice a bit shaky from the jumpscare.
“Hi— You ok?”
He's so thoughtful.
“Yeah! Yeah, I just wasn’t expecting my phone to ring.” you lied, the idiocy of the statement completely oblivious to you in the moment.
“I told you I’d call you back!” he exclaimed, teasingly. “Forgetting about me that fast, huh?”
You let out a schoolgirl giggle, and nearly smacked yourself in the face when you heard the involuntary sound leave your mouth.
“Ok, Bella wants a… hold on, I wrote it down.” he drawled as you heard him searching for the paper. “Medium…. Vanilla Sweet Cream… Cold Brew. Phew. Such complicated names.”
“Remind me to never have you order my drink for me then. You’d probably pass out trying.”
“Go on, lemme try.”
“Grande Iced Blonde Honey Oat Milk Shaken Espresso, light ice, cinnamon on top.” you recited, speeding up your words purposefully, making it sound even more ridiculous.
You heard a soft chuckle, the speaker barely picking up on its volume.
“Damn. Nevermind.”
You laugh alongside him, your stomach balling up into a knot.
“Ok, well, I'm gonna go get your go-go juice, I’ll see you soon.”
“What, you don’t want to chat?” he questioned in a disappointed tone. 
He wants to chat?
“I... well, I suppose I just assumed that you’d have something more… pressing to do.” you spoke in somewhat of a mumble.
“I can do both.” he said, a smile thick and coating his tone.
You put on your headphones and booked it towards the door.
.   .   .   .   .   .
You talked to Pedro throughout your entire commute to work. You both laughed as you ordered his usual, and he tried over and over again to get the name of your drink right while you waited at the counter. You probably looked insane to the people around you, laughing essentially non-stop with your headphones in, the buds unintentionally hidden under your hair.
When you arrived to work, Pedro greeted you from across the lot, the call still going and his phone up to his ear. 
“Should we hang up?” he asked, whispering into the phone so you couldn’t hear his real voice from where you were standing.
You hit the end button without saying anything and started walking towards him with the drink carrier, keys and phone in one hand and your bag in the other. 
“Uh, RUDE,” he shouted toward your direction, hand on one hip and knee popped out to the side. “Do you need some help?”
You let him take your bag as you headed up to the trailer to get started with hair for the day. Pedro plopped himself in the chair as you turned on the brilliant, somewhat blinding lights on the vanity mirror.
“I have a present for you! Other than the coffee,” you said in a lilting, sing-songy voice.
You held the plum in your two hands and presented it to him like something precious and rare.
“I washed it already, but I can wash it again if you want. Do you want it right now?”
He grabbed it out of your hands and took a massive bite. Juice spilled all down the sides of his mouth and into his salt and pepper facial hair. You started cackling at the sight, quickly holding the napkin beneath his chin to keep the little red rivers from dripping onto his clothes.
“Mmmm, I see what you mean,” he managed, his mouth still full of the fruit. “It’s so sweet, but just the tiniest bit tangy, and so juicy."
He went in for another bite, this one somehow bigger than the last.
"It’s really, really good.” he garbled.
“I’m glad you like it,” you replied sweetly. You placed the napkin in his free hand and started to set up the products on the nearby counter.
“Helloooo?” you heard from the other end of the trailer, an english accent lilting off the confined walls of the trailer's interior.
“Heeeey guuuurl,” Pedro sang across the space, responding to Bella. “You gotta try this fruit, it's amazing. Here, have a bite-”
“No no, I brought Bella one too!” you cut Pedro off, quickly grabbing the items from the counter and extending your hands toward them; one with the fruit wrapped in a napkin, cold brew in the other. “Be careful, it’s really juicy.”
“Oh my gosh you are so sweet, thank you!” Bella said as they opened their arms for a hug.
You wrapped your arms around them, squeezing them tight with a little shake. So far you felt the most comfortable around Bella out of the whole cast. Something about their energy was so welcoming, and despite their age you felt like you could probably be friends. Real friends.
They pulled away and took a small bite of the plum; napkin wrapped around it, catching any of the escaping drips. 
“Oh my god, this fruit is incredible. What is this?”
“It’s a sweet plum.” Pedro chimed in, enthused. “Which is also my new nickname for my lovely hairstylist.”
“I brought ideas for nicknames for both of you too,” you beamed through a wide smile.
“That's so cute. I love it,” Bella sat in the chair to the left of Pedro’s, legs folded criss-cross and continuing to munch on the fruit.
The three of you went over your list as you started working on Pedro’s hair for the day. You gave Bella your phone to make any adjustments or additions as you considered the options carefully. After a near half hour of contemplation, interlaced stupid jokes and explosive bouts of laughter, you landed on just “P” for Pedro. 
“I like how punchy it sounds,” he explained. “Like, imagine I walk into a room and just say, 'The name’s P.' That’s powerful man. P for the powerful Pedro Pascal.”
You and Bella cackled at the ridiculous sentiment, but agreed that P was fitting. It was punchy, and utterly ridiculous, just like him.
You were halfway down the list of ideas for Bella when Pedro jumped up straight.
“I HAVE IT! I HAVE IT!” He swiveled around in his chair to face Bella, damn near knocking you off of your feet with him. “Bella and Ellie. Bellie.”
You gasped.
“Oh, yes, yep. That’s the one.” You reached a hand down low, palm up, inviting Pedro to high five it.
Bella loved it too.
As you finished up Pedro’s hair, the three of you talked, joked and laughed, roaring until your stomachs burned. You couldn’t remember the last time that you had been so utterly content. 
Over time, the names settled in effortlessly, like missing puzzle pieces in your speech. They belonged there, special, as your friendship bloomed in the months that followed.
. . . . .
chapter three
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jetblkhotelmirror · 7 months
you know what? no. no, i do not condemn hamas. yeah, theyve done some horrible things. but israel has done many, many more, much worse things, and if i was in that situation, i would be pretty fucking pissed off too. i would feel like i had to do something too. i would be all in on a resistance operation. i will not condemn the organization that was only formed in response to the brutal and relentless attacks made on the palestinian people for decades. no one thats asking if we condemn hamas is condemning israel, so i dont see any reason that i should have to say that i stand against the only group in palestine that even has the ability to do anything except try to survive just one more day.
i want no one to die, i want the killing to stop, but for that to happen, its israel that has to stop, not hamas
so no, i will not condemn hamas. not until palestine is free and israel has been stopped
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paperw0rmz · 19 days
I know I said this before and that I have been bitching all night but you all dont have the fucking right to pretend to be shocked that Israel has BEEN trying to get rid of Palestine.
We fucking learn this in SCHOOL
it has been happening since BEFORE 1948
You all dont get to say "oh wow look at this post from 2020 about freeing Palestine : ( no one listened" YES NO ONE INCLUDING YOUR FUCKING DUMB SHIT ASS
like i hope all of you die genuinely. I can not stand you fake as shit people for only caring about it because its trending. I know damn fucking well none of you have ever had a second thought until your fave reblogged something. Reblog. Not even say.
None of you get the right because you all obviously only care so you SEEM aware. None of you are actually aware of any of the shit that HAS BEEN going on. You only talk about the bombing. You dont talk about anything fucking else. You dont talk about the horror and suffering. You all just like watermelons and the flag but not the people.
I have lost people close to me from this shit. I have had letters coming in the mail to me stained from tears and blood. You dont have the fucking right. None of you fucking do.
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astrophileous · 7 months
(This is a long post. You can read the colored text for a summarized version.)
This is just sick. I can't believe this is happening. If you don't know what's going on, let me give you a recap of what happened in a chronological order.
So, a while ago, Selena Gomez took to instagram to post a story about her stance regarding what's happening in Gaza. Everyone instantly came at her for not only staying neutral in the face of a literal GENOCIDE, but to somehow make the entire thing about her by claiming she needs to "take a break from social media" for her "mental health". She also claims that any post she makes about it will not matter, which is bullshit, considering she's one of the most followed persons on Instagram. Not only that, people are also calling her out about her hypocrisy by pointing out the differences in her response for the Ukrainian crisis and the Gaza crisis.
Below are the instagram posts she made for Gaza (left) and Ukraine (right). Notice the difference?
(I took these photos from this post)
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Not only that, people also noticed that Selena liked Amy Schumer's post—who is not only known to be a Zionist, but also problematic, racist, and Islamophobic—about a pro-Israel propaganda.
(I acquired the photo from the same Tumblr post linked above)
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This led to people all around the world actively voicing their intentions of boycotting Rare Beauty, the makeup company of which she is the founder. One day ago, the official Rare Beauty page on Instagram posted a single picture with the words: "Humanitarian Crisis in Gaza".
Upon first look, this post seems great. It looks like Rare Beauty is finally stating its official stance about the on-going crisis! Until, of course, you read the caption.
(Click here to see the original post by Rare Beauty on Instagram)
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As you read further, you will notice that Rare Beauty is still taking a neutral stance over what's going on. Not only that, they literally admitted in that post about injecting their money into the Israel government. Magen David Adom, the name that Rare Beauty mentioned as one of the recipients of the money they're donating, is a known Zionist organization.
Below is the profile of Magen David Adom on instagram.
(You can check MDA's profile through this link)
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Now, we all know that many large brands out there have openly stated their support for Israel or opted to take a neutral stance instead. By this point, I'm not surprised anymore. But that's not what revolts me about what Rare Beauty has done.
It's the fact that they made a post titled "Humanitarian Crisis in Gaza", only to go ahead and use their money to fund the Zionist goverment instead.
It is one thing to publicly assert a neutral stance or voice your support for Israel. But it is another level of atrocious to literally use the name Gaza and/or Palestine as a PR move, as hundreds and perhaps thousands of people there die every single day, only to then go and fund the same regime responsible for this bloodshed.
And for what?
To manipulate people to stop the boycott and save their company from going bankrupt?
Where is the fucking humanity?
I don't know what else to say. I'm literally at loss for words. This just goes to show that we ought to be more careful about whomever we support, because you never know if there are any malicious intentions hiding underneath.
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ubancottage · 5 months
about the recent pro palestine posts
this has always been an overtly political blog. but i want to make it clear that this is not a safe space for any zionist. you are not welcome here.
i will never, ever be silent about palestine. ever. i am not palestinian. i havent had the pleasure of having palestinian friends either. but the palestinian cause is one that i have always defended since its such an obvious one yknow? on one hand you have israel maintaining millions of people in an open air prison and on the other you have hamas sending rockets without explosive payloads because they literally dont have the resources to fight back.
and yet they do. they still do. because the human spirit perseveres against the very worst oppression and dehumanization imaginable. palestine will never fucking die. and i will support them to the best of my ability until all of palestine is free.
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jellybeanium124 · 4 months
it's not anti semitic to be against zionism. Regardless of how zionism intended to start out (whether it had good intentions or not) its clear that today its movement is equivalent to extremism and white supremacy in other parts of the world. Its anti colonial to be against zionism.
I did not bring up israel or zionism or palestine in my post. you decided my post about how a lot of people on this website are being openly antisemitic is me calling out """antizionists""" (whatever you mean by that, because zionism and its converse have completely lost any meaning to me online because everyone means something different when they say those words). people are being antisemitic. I have seen so many posts that are like "when someone tells me they're jewish I just can't trust them anymore idk, what if they're a bad jew??" PEOPLE ARE BEING ANTISEMITIC. LISTEN TO JEWS. PLEASE, PLEASE LISTEN TO US. no one is listening. no one hears us when we cry out. no one cares. you all think we are lining up to suck netanyahu's dick and praise him for his political decisions. we're not. netanyahu is a fascist and the sooner he's removed from power (or dies, hopefully) the better for israelis and palestinians and just everyone.
why did you feel the need to immediately send me an ask like this? is it to defend yourself? is it to quell the idea that maybe you need to look inside yourself and check yourself for antisemitism? because if a goy these days ain't checking themselves, they will say or reblog or agree with something antisemitic. THE WORLD IS ANTISEMITIC. society is racist. society is sexist. society is homophobic. society hates jews. you grew up in society. you need to unlearn the jew hatred you were fed.
the free palestine movement and """antizionist""" movement have a nazi problem. not everyone in it is a nazi. I am for a free palestine. I've been a proponent of the two state solution before most people my age could locate palestine and israel on a map, because when you're jewish you have to know about these issues, and you have to know about them young. I've said this over and over. I keep telling you people I think palestinians should have their own free, peaceful, and democratic state, and you never fucking hear me. you disregard me saying that because it isn't enough. it won't be enough for you until I think israel should be destroyed too. but I will never believe that. israel gets to keep existing too, because otherwise half of my people will die. israel gets to exist despite it's horrible, terrible wrongs, same as america or britain or china. you don't get to call for the destruction of a country that contains half the world's jews. I will never be on the side of history that is calling for the murder of half of my people. we have to stick together. there's so few of us already. we haven't recovered from our most recent genocide.
I've probably been a bit rude and angry in this post. The past several months have been tiring, hard, and terrifying, that's my excuse. I know you, though, you're not some anon. I like your art. we were mutuals for a short stint, until you unfollowed me, probably because you don't like any of my opinions on i/p, which is your right. it's also your right to block me after reading this. I'll miss seeing your art. it's nice. I like the animatics you made, particularly the "I won't say I'm in love" one. it's a classic. it's sad, really, losing friends. not that I would call us friends, exactly. I don't think we ever spoke until literally right now. still, we run in the same group. I recognize you and you recognize me. so I will say one last thing as kindly as I can, because I don't actually like being mad. I don't like arguing. I don't like being blocked. None of this is fun.
Here it is: when a Jew talks about antisemitism, it is a gentile's job to listen.
Same principle as everything else. When Black people talk about racism, it is white people's job to shut up and listen. When queer people talk about homophobia, it is cishet people's job to shut up and listen. When disabled people talk about ableism, it's abled people's job to shut up and listen. No matter how much you want to speak up, no matter how much you want to counter what they're saying, no matter how much you want to argue with them, it is your job as someone not in that group to close your mouth and listen and think.
This can be difficult and uncomfortable. I say this from experience as I am not in every minority group ever. I've felt uncomfortable before listening to people in minority groups I'm not a part of talk about the bigotry they face. this doesn't make me evil, and it doesn't make you evil either. I'm not perfect. You're not perfect. Even the best allies fuck up sometimes.
Thank you for reading all of this. Genuinely, seriously, and from the bottom of my heart: thank you. This goes for any gentile reading this, not just Wen. Thank you, all of you.
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san8ny · 4 months
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A baby..he’s wearing diapers for fuckssake.
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autistichanseo · 5 days
hi ok coming on here even though I’m still on my small hiatus until my deadline to say something I’ve been feeling for a while but have been a bit too scared to honestly.
I wanna start this by saying this isn’t a direct attack on anybody. Like, /srs. No single person has made me want to post this and I understand some people intend their pages to be safe comfort spaces but. I might start unfollowing people (even moots) that I haven’t seen posting a single thing about Palestine, because I once again understand it is in every persons right to post whatever they want, but after literal news of burning people alive and beheading babies and the invasion on Rafah and all the other horrific war crimes Israel is committing, if you still choose to stay silent it’s. Just.
Even if it’s a themed post to fit your theme, if its just a short post, as long as it’s anything to bring some awareness. Even if you can’t donate or protest even speaking up is still something it’s still so important!!
Seriously, a reblog, a “free Palestine” post, reposting art or gofundme’s or anything.
Sorry for the ramble I’m not trying to start a fight or arguments and zionists kindly fuck off my page but my point is please please please keep talking about Palestine do not let the movement die, we are powerful in numbers and if we let this go corrupt politicians will take this as confirmation that they can do anything because eventually people will get “tired” of calling them out and forgetting it.
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chronicswitch · 11 months
Call me Lee. I’m disabled, trans, bisexual, polyamorous, verse switch, and I fucking love T4T. I’m also happily in a partnership with my switchy puppyboy who is also on here :3
Accessibility: Image descriptions in read more and try to add alt text to all my original posts.
Cishet people allowed if you behave. 18+ blog. I blog about hard kink* with little to no tags except for accessibility.
**If you want any of your content removed, please message me and I’ll delete the post. Respect consent.**
I interact frequently from my main (s****666), mutuals feel free to ask
No DNI as aforementioned, just no people under 18.
*Find more weird shit at my side side blog: @chronicplay. If you need to block me, no hard feelings.
FYI: I believe in liberation and don't tolerate bullshit, transmisogyny, Zionism, etc. We love and respect our fellow sex workers here, especially trans & disabled SWers. If you disagree die mad and gtfo my blog. Also, FREE PALESTINE
More below the cut if you want + image descriptions for header and icon.
Header image description: An edited and kind of deep fried meme of a cartoonish sassy old lady in curlers and a pink bath robe. It says: “I may rise but I don’t shine until I have my wake and bake !!!”
Icon: Art of Leviathan from the Obey Me! otome game. Levi brushes purple shaggy short hair out of his face while eating a watermelon, and is wearing a kickass fantasy outfit.
Hi again! Let’s get into the nitty fuckin gritty. My pronouns are they/them, and trying out it/its if you’re nasty. I also self-reference as we, dw about it. We prefer only other trans people to use my it/its pronouns unless you have been told you can use it/its for me. Also Lee is an old performance name <3 I do use another name on main.
Multiply disabled including psychiatric and physical disabilities, and I’m autistic (so hi to all my fellow hot autistic people on here ❤️❤️). Also I have some color vision fuckery so this is my subtle plug for checking your blog’s color contrast related accessibility using this WebAIM tester lol.
Won’t doxx myself toooo much in this post but you can figure some of it out if you read enough of my blog or see my main lol.
Basically my energy levels are all over the place, and so are my joints. (Speaking of joints… if you haven’t noticed I LOVE WEED. I’m doing the Cali sober thing because I can’t drink because meds 😑)
I’m disabled and love exploring disability, sex, and kink! :) It’s been hard to do with the continuing COVID pandemic because people do not take the precautions I would need them to take to fuck me irl. So this blog is social distanced way for me to still connect with the community, be horny, etc.
I am a former part time cammer turned erotica writer/blogger for free but may be starting again soon. Stay tuned xx
Thanks for reading!
Also a recent BDSM test if you even care:
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gayhenrycreel · 6 months
one of my mutuals reblogged a really not okay post. (dont worry tober, it was not you). the post in question was by nativenews (btw screenshots are not a news source at all. do better). it claimed that Jews are not being discriminated against, in particular being accused of zionism for no reason other than being Jewish. this is not true. i can think of 5 Jewish blogs off the top of my head that are against zionism and still get called war criminals. most of them dont even live in israel.
@/spacelazarwolf in particular frequently gets death threats, especially since oct 7th. i have had to block over 100 people on leftist tags comparing Jews to hitler. do you not see a problem with this? israel is commiting genocide, but so is america. america provides the weapons. no one calls americans nazis for this. why is it only acceptable to call Jews nazis? largely because of nixon and kissinger, america has killed far more people than israel.
israel has nowhere near the power america has. if america wanted a ceasefire, there would be a ceasefire.
i have seen so many people say "jews are just as bad as nazis"
do you not hear yourselves?
it would be fucking crazy if i said queer people are just as bad as reagans supporters.
israeli citizens are people. they do NOT deserve to die. as a rule, citizens are victims of their goverment. this goes for america, russia, china, north korea, AND israel. goverments are bad. we know this. citizens deserve freedom. that goes for ALL citizens.
people should be allowed to live in their indigenous land. peace is possible. more than one culture can live in the same land.
you know who else said only one culture should be allowed to live in one place?
henry kissinger.
Arab culture and Jewish culture can coexist. no one needs to die. we just need to abolish goverments. palestine will not be free until israel has no goverment to opress, which in turn will not happen as long as america has a goverment. no goverment does not mean no culture. it does not mean chaos. it does not mean no organization.
it does mean no goverment to control. its does mean people will have equal power in society.
palestine has a Jewish population too. should they die? israel kills them too. israel does not care about its people any more than america does.
this whole thing reminds me of people who think all southerners are kkk or something.
i dont want to have to block my mutuals.
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hungee-boy · 4 months
since october i didnt stop to think about how in a way this is personal
im not palestinian and i dont have family from palestine
but as a muslim i still feel the horror and sadness with each new matyr, the only comfort coming from the fact that they are all now in heaven with God and every matyr that came before them
as someone who loves Christ and tries to follow his teachings along with Muhammad's, i still feel the horror and sadness of seeing his home and his people destroyed without second thought from the people launching each rocket and firing each gun
as a romani person i still feel the horror and sadness when no one speaks on behalf of the dom living in palestine, every day of silence bringing more and more fear for their safety and their lives
then i realize its even more personal when theres news of a new genocide, a sickening domino effect of hate and violence and wickedness
this desensitization of just killing, ruthless killing affects every single person on this planet
i never saw human bodies being eaten by emaciated animals until this, never seen the reaction a man has to his leg being blown off until this, never seen a dead child let alone children dying in these hellish and horrifying ways until this
i will never forget these images, the sounds of people being murdered, the mourning cries of so many now unwhole families, the names of the matyrs and doctors and journalists, this will be with me until i die
im not palestinian, but this is still fucking personal dammit, as it should be with every person with a heart
so i wont rest until every person is free and safe and healthy
i know i wont see that world in my lifetime, but thats the point, ill die fighting for this. if i die without having done something, then my life was utterly in vain
i guess just. keeping fighting and fight with love being your motivator and open your heart to the good and unjustly persecuted people in this world
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