#its generally very difficult for me to use random pics as reference
skitskatdacat63 · 11 months
It you liked my Napoleonic au, here is some Fernando from it :)
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Under the cut: process
him face:
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(I absolutely had to draw his Theee Musketeers look, that's honestly why I did a Ferrari alt)
I mentioned earlier how every time I opened the drawing, I'd just completely change it. Here's what I meant:
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The Renault suit really lends itself to the Hussar uniform! Also the Ferrari one is kinda stunted a bit comparatively bcs I accidently drew over the Renault one so I had to recover the backlog and was afraid to touch it any further LOL
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frangipanilove · 3 years
Beth’s Knife vs. Leah’s Knife
Ah! Episode 10x18 Find Me, you guys! How wonderful and mysterious it was! Have y’all recovered? I’m still absolutely mesmerized by how PACKED it was with Beth references and TD symbolism!
The callbacks, the foreshadows. Find Me was a symbolism treasure trove and I don’t think we’re even close to having uncovered all of its secrets. For me personally, one thing that I’ve been obsessing over since the promo pictures dropped, is Leah’s knife. In the promo pics for the entire bonus season we see Daryl give/lend a knife to Carol.
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In another pic, we see Carol using the knife to fix the solar panels. I assume the pictures are from 10x21 Diverged.
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We also now know that the knife originally belonged to Leah, because we got a close look at it in Find Me. It has the letters FS engraved to its hilt, which is interesting, because those two letters are the initials of Leah’s Fortitudo Saludis tattoo.
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Obviously, the reason I’m exited about seeing more of that knife is that I’m expecting it to be a parallel to the heartbreaking scene from Them, when we saw Carol give Beth’s knife to Daryl.
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If I’m right and Daryl gives/lends Leah’s knife to Carol in Diverged, that could potentially be a huge reference to Beth’s knife, in that it’s a reversed parallel. equal but opposite. Beth’s knife is super significant, of course, because Daryl got it when he was in deep mourning over losing her, and he carried her knife on him up until episode 6x12 Not Tomorrow Yet. We haven’t seen the knife since, and we haven't had any significant reference to it either. And I’m hoping that’s about to change. And for those of us that LOVED 10x18 Find Me for all its glaringly obvious Beth references, it seems more than just a little significant that we now could be getting references to Beth’s knife. We all feel she’s near, and the show’s references to her are getting increasingly obvious. Honestly I’m surprised that the general TWD fandom aren't talking more about it, but of course I’m not a neutral observer, so who knows.
So let’s discuss Leah's knife. It’s a Swiss Army Knife, and in one of the promo pictures from Diverged, we see Daryl possibly giving/lending the knife to Carol. I say «possibly», because obviously I haven't watched the episode yet, and everything I say here are speculations.
In another pic we see Carol working on what I assume are repairs on the solar panels in Alexandria. We see how Carol is utilizing the screwdriver part of the knife to fix the solar panels. That’s interesting for a couple of reasons.
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In 5x7 Crossed (keep the episode title in mind), Tara found a backpack in the mud. She dug it out, and inside there was a blue yo-yo (Blue Clue theory) and a Philips head screwdriver. She made a point out of mentioning that it was a Phillips head.
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A Phillips head basically looks like a cross (and again, the episode title is Crossed). Tara’s comment was one of those times when you just know the writers are trying to slip symbolism into a seemingly innocent comment. We’ve never heard anything about Phillips head screwdrivers before or since, so it obviously was a symbolism thing.
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Further, let’s discuss the fact that it was a Swiss Army knife. If you’re not familiar with them, they are small, handy, foldable pocket knifes that are multiple tools in one. They are famous for being versatile and reliable, and in many ways they are considered to be the ultimate survival tool. And as I mentioned above, it originally belonged to Leah. And the screwdiver that Carol seems to be using is shaped like a cross.
Many theorists have said much about 10x18 and who or what Leah represents. And no matter how you look at it I think we can all agree that she was based on Beth in several significant ways. The entire episode was like taking a bath in Beth references and TD symbolism. So it's difficult NOT to consider Leah’s knife some sort of callback or reference to Beth's knife and the symbolism surrounding it. Because again, Beth’s knife wasn’t just some trivial, random prop, it was something that represented what Beth meant to Daryl, something he kept on him for over a season. Beth’s knife was a huge deal, and nobody can tell me otherwise.
My point is, if I’m right, and we see Leah’s knife being passed on from Daryl to Carol, or even the other way around, in Diverged, I think there’s a huge chance the scene will constitute a meaningful parallel to the knife scene in Them. And that’s super interesting because it will be the first time TPTB have referred to it since 6x11 Knots Untie, after which it disappeared (or should we say it’s «just gone»). Also, anyone familiar with my previous theories know that I’m obsessed about the number 11, and the roman numeral II. I won’t get into it here, but I elaborate on the 11/2/II/one one symbolism here. And that 6x11 was the last time we saw Beth’s knife before it went “missing” is probably no coincidence.
So, what else is interesting about Leah’s knife? Well, it’s a Swiss Army knife, and that is a huge red flag in and of itself. HUGE RED FLAG!
No seriously! The Swiss flag is red, with a white cross on it.
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A cross that is pretty much identical to the crosses we saw on the Grady cars, like the one that kidnapped Beth in Alone.
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Or, you can even say that it is a visual parallel to the cross we see at Leah’s cabin, the one where she supposedly buried her son Matthew. So all of this is very exiting, but in the words of Dwight’s wife Sherry: there’s more, there’s always more.
Sherry actually said “there’s always more” to Daryl when he tried to escape from the sanctuary in season 7. He was immediately captured and beaten, but he later succeeded thanks to Sherry’s assistance. But does anyone remember how he almost were discovered and had to quickly duck into Dwights room for some time? To hide from a couple of Saviors who were transporting pickled cucumber through the hallways and messed up? So Daryl had to sit tight in Dwight’s room and wait until they had cleaned up cucumber brine and broken glass. A room where we BTW saw the same fish mounted on the wall that we also see in Leahs cabin. Similar to the fish daryl throws at the door of Leah’s cabin, the one with the X/cross that I talked about here.
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There’s also a chess board in Dwight’s room. A very special WW2-themed chess board. We see how the camera lingers on one of the chess pieces in a shot that’s juuust a second and a half too long for it to not be suspicious. Take a look at the piece in the centre, the one with a red building.
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I was always intrigued by that scene, and a couple of minutes of googling revealed the reason why they focused on it; it has a Swiss flag on it.
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A red flag with a white cross. We don’t see the flag in the episode, but we see the camera lingering on the chess piece, and thanks to google we now know there’s a Swiss flag involved in the scene. And for TD, the interesting part of that is that the cross ties into the cross/X symbolism we continue to see around Beth.
And by the way, when Daryl made it out to the backyard of the sanctuary, he beat Fat Joey to death in a scene that was strikingly similar to the scene from Still, when he beat up a walker in front of Beth.
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Beth was paralleled with Jesus in this scene, which always seems appropriate, seeing as she is a Christ figure.
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So here we are, in season 10C, and we have a Swiss Army knife. We’ve had so many Still/Alone references in Find Me alone it would likely take a month to analyze them all. And we have a huge Beth callback potentially coming up in Diverged.
I should point out once again that these are just wild speculations on my part, and that I’m making assumptions on scenes involving a knife in an episode I haven’t seen because it’s not even out yet. If the knife scenes plays out in different  ways, none of this applies. However, speculating is one of my favorite past time activities, and it’s also a pretty harmless hobby, so why not.
But I’m going to be on the lookout for these things in the coming episodes for sure, and if anyone has thoughts, I’d love to hear.
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Z, Y, S and G for the angelic ask meme?
AWWW thank you so much for asking me! :D Another one! Three people in one day! Omfg am I blessed, is this a miracle? o.o IDK but I’m gonna enjoy it! :DD *HUGS*
Sorry for the LONG post btw. D: I got very wordy and surprised myself, LOL!
Z - What do you embody or represent, and how do you feel humans in general are handling/treating it?
Let’s see… when I was an archangel, I was the Archangel of Inspiration, Imagination, and Creativity. :)
I had to drop that job because my other higher-level job was taking up too much time and focus for me, so I handed it off to someone else to take care of the prayers from the inhabitants of different worlds wanting help with those things.
I feel humans in general are… very stymied and stuck. I have to look up what other books have done in order to write books myself in this lifetime and I keep coming into the same old tired tropes, done extremely bigotedly and abusively without regard to how many groups it negatively affects. I keep seeing the same old love of DRAMAAAAAAAA over actual realistic conflict like what you’d find in actual lives.
I keep hitting my head against the wall whenever a book with good promise and some great ideas… turn onto the SAME. OLD. ROAD. and butcher any characterization in the process because EVERYBODY and their dog has done this same old thing, and it’s not just boring but incredibly disheartening and sad seeing such promise …. forgotten.
I think the emphasis on quantity over quality is really biting creativity and media over all in the ass. Yeah sure do it many times to get good at working on it and practicing it. But if you just do the same old thing many, many times… you practice nothing but the same old thing and find it incredibly difficult to branch out and try something new.
I have novels worth of rants and venting about all sorts of areas in the writing industry, media, publishing, etc. But to sum it all up, I think humans direly need the extra help to really get out of their comfort zone and consider maybe some other ways of writing a story, figuring out a plot, and giving actual subtle nuanced conflict over melodrama more than a half-heated try.
In short: I’m very disappointed, and alternate between horrified, weirded out, shocked, sad, enraged, and rather morose depending on what I just came across and saw for the ten thousandth time with all its problematic baggage attached to it.
Y - A completely random thing that reminds you of something Angelic.
Oh geeze where do I start? XD You want random and unexpected random or do you just want the first thing off the top of my head? XD
I’d give a bunch of different ones… skydiving and looking out the window of a cross-country flight to study the far away thunderclouds remind me of flying. xD Certain songs sound enough like some singers I know back at home so I like to listen to them a lot. xD The song “Learning to Fly” by Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers makes me think of being a young angel and exploring my home world. Honey and cinnamon I adore the taste and smell of and use a honey and cinnamon soap bar in my shower. xD Wearing cloaks make me think I have wings. Beautiful pics of the night sky make me remember what the night skies looked like back at home.
And that’s just a random bunch of things. xD
S - Advice you’d give to someone just starting to awaken?
Take it slow. :) It’s okay not to remember your name, who you were, or anything. It’s okay not to have images, or anything but a vague feeling. We were all there once. :) I still remember being clueless about everything 6 years ago but I thought I had it all figured out with some of the memories I had gotten of other incarnated lives.
I had one HECK of a curve ball thrown into my face by life and the rapid spiritual awakening that happened when I finally met with and talked with someone who had come from the same home world as me - though we both didn’t realize it at the time.
Then several years followed of the most rapid expansion and remembering that I’ve ever been through and my mind was shattered many times.
Now that we’ve gotten to a quiet period here where we’re just slowly remembering more but at our own pace, and at a pace where we can actually balance our physical lives with our spirit lives?
I prefer this pace WAY better.
I mean the rapid awakening was fun at points, exciting as all hell, and like a rabid rollercoaster… but it was utterly exhausting and draining. I still have PTSD from some of the spirit attacks there. In the end, it’s not fun at all!
So what I say is, don’t be afraid to take it slow. :)
Trust me, the human brain can’t handle that much. Taking it slow means you can give yourself plenty of time to adjust, process what’s going on, and integrate that into your worldview so you don’t feel like you’re breaking your poor brain into tiny pieces over and over and over again with no recuperation break. That’s just a recipe for a monster migraine, trust me. It’s not worth it.
You can get the same information in a slower and longer period of time with MUCH less pain and exhaustion to deal with over all.
Also… don’t just take what someone else says about you as the gospel truth just because you don’t remember yourself.
I was told many times by many different people that I was many different things. Interestingly enough, each thing I was said to be… was the thing that other person was. They were literally saying “OH you must be like ME!” …but something in my chest said “No. I am not.”
I had to listen to myself, that thing in my chest that said “No. I am different. I am not this.” and eventually I found out who and what I really am.
YOU know the best. :) Trust yourself. The truth will come out eventually, and it will be far wilder than you could ever believe or dream of. :) Isn’t that the best thing anyways?
G - An Angelic confession?
Geeze about what? XD
All of this is sort of a confession anyways. XD
Um…. I’m REALLY GAY for my lovely and wonderful and sexy demonkin boyfriend who was/is my demon husband back at home?? XD Well he’s half angel, half demon, but uses the demon side more and identifies with that side more so that’s why I refer to him as such. XD He’s my awesome main mate.
I have multiple mates at times back at home, so yes polyamorous angels ARE indeed a thing. XD
That’s all I can think of! If you wanted a different kind of confession then PLEASE ask me for that kind. XDD
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