#its prlly fine
chaos-princesss · 15 days
Bite me as hard as you can . . . I want the imprint for weeks . . .
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melancholiaenthroned · 7 months
idk anything abt any of the words in that article but i want to hear you talk abt it !
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ok i assume u r talking about this ^ which is the casting announcement for the engineer, the villain of the superman legacy movie. basically if u dont know the engineer is the comic book character angela spica and she is. not a superman villain. shes a hero mainly known for her time on the superhero team "the authority" which james gunn is also planning to make a movie about.
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^my favorite picture of her. she was the first woman on the moon:-) shes a scientist who replaced all her blood with liquid nanotech and can kind of give herself like. armor w it but also weapons. and generally she just kind of looks like a naked metal woman bc comic books but she does get fun with it (like her space suit in the above panel or her go to weapon which is turning her arms into guns)
casting her as a villain is rlly weird choice even putting aside the fact that she is entirely unrelated to superman and i dont think theyve ever met. and it doesnt rlly give me a lot of hope for them staying true to the characters of the rest of the authority when that movie does come out, as angie is a main member and if u were to rank the authority members on who would be most likely to be a supervillain shed be like. near the bottom for sure. at least in the middle. whatever. mostly i just dont want james gunn touching her at all esp in a movie like this where shes more of a side character than a movie like the authority thats About Her Team. bc james gunn as a tendency to take (esp d-list) comic characters and just treat them like his original characters without rlly looking into their personalities or histories at all. which is fine when its like. vigilante. bc i dont care about vigilante so who gives a shit if hes insanely mischaracterized. but i like angie a lot:-( and im a hypocrite. and this movie will inevitably be more popular than any of her comic appearances currently are and i just know its gonna get so annoying. ill prlly buy the funko pop tho
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cielospeaks · 30 days
-dv livestream!
-so first of all, mY ABSOLUTE MADLADS HOLY SHIT JOSEPH JOESTAR VOICE RICKY BOI IS GOING TO WIN THE DEDUCTION STAR OH MY GOSHHhhhh ok. i am normal abt this. i would really like it if he wins but im terrified at what sorta skin they will give him.
neutral ending: he gets like. a chopin biopic theme outfit (or even another composer. monteverdi maybe if they want to hammer in the references to orfeo or whatever). playing it safe but thats fine tbh. you want me to suffer (affectionate) ending: its amadeus the movie and idk if ricky would be mozboi or sal but either way im screaming and crying on the ground. bad ending: its none of these options and its something predictable/boring/shipping related and im like. angery face. expanded galaxy brain it will not happen but i can hope: any of my shitpost rickys. music man ricky. froderick fronkensteen ricky. beet from batea ricky. ricky wearing a nightgown and nothing else absolutely losing it ricky (that being said i have no idea but a jekyll and hyde ricky would be a bit goated)
-and for the actual livestream stuff. the three new characters are neat. i think im more attached to them than other ones- memory and adaemil were very lore heavy, lily and friends were fine but i dont feel so invested (esp when operas backstory was just a more marketable rehash of antonios -angry face emoji- ). i like the gambler lady. shes fancy yes but shes got an air of like. elegance and politeness i dont get from other characters in the series. idk i just think shes pretty and shes got them gantsby vibes -pacha hand-. goatman seems nice, like bane or burk or someone. knight seems like a cool guy or could be just the "polite guy villified for plot" and i guess that means either way ill prolly like him -le shrug-. that being said i hope hes well written and isnt a character i wont end up liking. itd be cool if he and ricky can be bros. he gives me those vibes. also gambler lady and antonio being gambling buds would be so cute. the friend he deserves. everyone can be buds with goat man bc he seems nice too.
-not so interested in the crossovers/events besides the holmes one which is big interest omg. the new lady seems like shed be a cool irene adler if shes added. detective as holmes pls. (its prlly gonna b novelist or maybe mercenary bc of mr inference? but listen cone boi is detective so holmes should be too, since his apprentice is lol)
-sept the first school au hunter gets revealed. im like :| bc this series hasnt had any faves yet but it also seems mostly harmless and gives less popular characters skins occasionally so tbh im fine w it. itll prolly be a popular hunter and not my boi antonio but whatever. -shrug emoji-
-rest of lore: ok this is fine. like tbh id rather they dont focus on the journalist plot bc i really dont like it lmao. i find the animation kinda ugly and the characters are all really unlikeable. its also just impossible to talk abt the plot to anyone since everyone has such different takes on it lol
-that being said i am looking forward to maybe the next essence/season (w gambler lady? antonio a/b tier pls he needs it. pretty lady who is also gambler i think he needs this)
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windose20s · 1 year
Iono is only used in the english version and i believe its a play on the word "ion" (because electric type) so youre probably fine!
ah yeah ! will prlly add it to my name list then mwhehehe
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herebutnotpresent · 3 years
NIAAA!!!!!! nia art nia art nia art!!!!!!! have i ever told you how much i love your sketches? AKBDSK!!! theyre so cool like how smooth Not Stiff they are and how much? expression and like emotions they have? its like theyre Alive which is so fucking cool. i also love how like you have All these characters and their personalities and quirks and like stories its like woah. like im struggling with my (1) oc (prlly bc she is basically who i want myself to become so-) but yeah i just very much admire that abt your art (did that sentence make sense?) anyways youre so swag!!!!! i hope youre doing fine 🫂🫂🫂 mwah!
Tysm!! It means so much to me that you like my art. I dont post a lot and Im living in wip hell, and hearing that you,,,,admire something about my work(!!!!!!!) its just like- aaah 💘💘💘💙💙💙💙💙✨✨
Youre a great artist too Bee! Its okay to only have one oc, perfecting (and projecting 😌✨) on one character can go a long way!! ٩( 'ω' )و
This really made my day 😭💙😭💙😭💙✨
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klivara · 7 years
I dont know if its all love or all obsession or a mixture of both. I see the way he looks at me, and when he touches me i feel it. I remember he first came home and everynight was a mixture of a new adventure, watching netflix and snuggling, and just play fighting like we always did. As weeks went buy i was taken buy my night shift job amd my daytime job and all we got was hi's and byes. Even, while living in the same apartment. Then when i finally had a moment to breathe he was always gone somewhere else..taking a ride on the motorcycle, with his friend all throughout the night, seeing his kids. Now i dont have this night job and things are good amd fine. But i see littke things here and there that he prlly thinks nothing od himself. Im just sensitive in that way. He was gone for such a long time when he came back i never wamted tp leave his side and he knew that wpuld happen. Even said it was cute. He likes to sleep on the couch cz its homie i guess. Last night he fell asleep on the couch sp i fell asleep on the couch then around 630 he moved to the bed...sp i moved to the bed, still tryinf to give him space but that didnt last lonf. Then 8 hit and he moved to the couch again. Now hes cuddling with his kid. I watch everything he does. Cz i just love to watch everything he does. I dont know if he ever look at me whike im sleeping and thinks what a beautiful mess i am. I dont know if he thinks about me just cz he wishes he was with me. They say one person always loves more, and i know it used to be him..but now i thinm its me and it kinda hurts.
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rueingthings · 7 years
i thought i had finally found my LGBTQ BFFs but they are:
aphobes (laugh at the idea - or have evolved pseudo-psychological /explanations/)
not transphobes but think cis women “can also have an opinion on trans issues” and that its OK to “at least discuss” if trans women should be allowed in women only spaces. actually scratch that they are transphobes.
weirdly biphobic too “im not against bi people i just personally wouldn’t date one because in my experience they hurt you/cheat on you/are very flighty/arent really gay but other bi people are fine!!! i just…mistrust the concept”
it really hurts me and makes me feel small (And sometimes angry) because i am bi and thinking of exploring my ace side as well and i dont know many trans/genderfluid people in real life but i think they belong with us lb women…i dunno. i dunno how to argue with them either because they are more active in the community and have met a lot more trans/bi/ace people while most of my experience of this stuff is online discourse and due to my social anxiety, i find it really hard to make new friends as well. so i basically have like these 3-4 problematic and hurtful yet infinitely precious queer friends. the group was formed slowly and i found my way in slowly over many years and it was such a great feeling when it hit me one day that i have this bunch of people to call as “my friends”.  i though, now i can finally just…be safe and be myself without any judgement and no one asks me about my sex life with pity/ghoulish curiosity and then looks at me strangely after i answer and no one sets weird sex/romance goals for me to reach before i can feel like a normal human. i was wrong of course, silly me lol. 
i dunno, does such a space exist? where i can just be me, taking my baby steps, exploring the things i am comfortable with, without people creating narratives about my “intimacy issues” or how this is all just because i am “lazy” or “too chicken”…no doubt these could very well be the things that are wrong with me…they could, but its for me to figure out, not for you to guess based on the few aspects of myself i let you see…its weird how even my no judgement friends have so many astrixes hovering over their head. 
there are days where i feel i might be expecting way too much because at least i have a place where i can talk about my attraction to women, and not feel like a freak or be instantly sexualized. at least i have that and i suppressed that side of myself for so long that it is still, every day, such a pleasurable relief to be able to talk about it casually, without pain or tears or fear. i value that, i dont want to lose that.
on the other hand i get into these self pity cycles and i wonder - why is it that people find it so hard to relate to any experience but their own? there are many experiences i have never lived so i dont know anything about them and i cant instantly know what they are talking about … but i TRY to listen and respect because i can see the sincere feelings of the other person and how they want to be accepted and understood. in the LGBT community, i used to think, there are so many different types of people and identities that my personal brand of confused non-mainstream weirdness would just be another fun flavor. but i guess that was creating too utopic of an idea in my head - every community has its flaws, and the most common flaw is, people with the same experience bonding and finding it difficult to care about any one elses different experience.
so then what? where will find such a wonderful unicorn IRL community of people who are /exactly/ like me? is that really the only way for me to feel fully safe and happy? it doesnt really matter, im not whining. i know i have priveleges galore. but i want what i want i guess. even if ill prlly neevr get it.
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