#jacaerys targaryen x reader
jacaerysgf · 3 days
Chapter one: The return to the keep
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c.s: You have finally returned to the red keep after over a decade. You see some familiar faces and,,, have the affections of more than one prince? what was going on...
w.c: 6.1k
c.w: not proofread, arryn!reader, basically a lot of set up, the boys just kinda being obsessed, men bickering... i think thats it
fic masterlist!
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You stare at the large metal doors of the keep. You had been traveling on carriage fora week now, your back hurts, your legs hurt but you are finally here. for the first time in a very very long time.
The red keep. You remember the last time you had stepped foot in here like it was yesterday. It had been over a decade. You had been ten years old when you left but had been living in the keep since you were a babe. You made many lovely memories, and you had especially made some lovely friends. The children of rhaenyra and the children of alicent. You thought about them often as you were rather lonely in the eyrie with not having any siblings or there not being many other children there,
You were not invited to driftmark as it was purely a family affair and you remember them giving you hugs and saying goodbye, little did they or even you know that was the last time you would see them. You had stayed in the keep, trying to entertain yourself until they returned back until you received word from your mother to return home as she had heard of what had happened on driftmark and no longer believed the keep to be well suited for you.
You cried for awhile and begged your mother to let you go back, even if it was just a day to speak to them once more but she had refused and kept firm to her decision. Until a week ago when she received a raven hand written from rhaenyra herself stating that not only herself but her children had missed you and wished you would stay at court for awhile, at least until you find a husband. Of course your mother cannot refuse the queen so you packed up your things and you are now standing in the keep.
Your new home at least for awhile. It looks different. The area was very busy though that is not surprising considering probably everyone who has a title was in the keep today. You can see them hanging the signature sigil of house Targaryen all over the walls of the keep.
You can barely believe you were back here again.
Your mother hums at your side, hugging the shawl she was wearing closer to her chest. “It smells here. You truly had lived like this for that long?” Jessamyn, your mothers,,, ‘companion’ as she asked you to call her despite knowing the true nature of their relationship, shoves jeyne lightly with her elbow, “You should not say such things. She must be happy to be back in the keep for the first time do not ruin it.”
You do not get an opportunity to reply not that you would have anything to say before you are swiftly lead through the halls of the keep that you remembered and asked to stand relatively close to the throne. The hall is very full and very loud, full of chatting ladies and lords. You keep close to your mother, who glares at anyone who even tries to speak to her, she's not a very talkative women, very content with the small circle around her but she knows they do not wish to speak to her to keep friendly relations.
You are of marrying age, some would even say you are over due on getting married as many girls your age would already be having their second kid. Your mother never rushed your marriage, saying you are free to do as you pleased, she was trapped in her marriage and was more then happy when he died. She did not wish for the same fate for you and allowed you to pick your own husband, which lead to you rejecting suitors left and right.
You know one day you will have to marry, to continue your line, you are to be the next ruler of the eyrie as your mother states constantly. You need a husband, but you do not wish to worry about that now.
You had not expected the keep to be so packed but it is to be expected. Rhaenyra has officially named her heir and everyone had come to bend the knee. The room completely silences as rhaenyra is announced by a guard and you stand tall as she enters the room and greets the crowd.
You don’t mean to zone out, it is not her fault this whole affair is quite boring. Getting lost in your thoughts. You keep your head down until your mother swiftly smacks you on the shoulder and your head gets pulled up.
You freeze at the sight before you.
“Oh gods.” You find yourself whispering under your breath.
Jacaerys Velaryon.
Dawned in a Targaryen red cloak with a crown on his head he looked like a true king. With his long black curls and sharp jaw he looks like he was a statue come to life. A statue should be made of him in the finest gold as you believe that is the only thing that could even come close to doing him justice. He keeps his head held up high as people begin to get called up and they bend the knee without complaint.
You gulp. He is very different from the young boy you had known before. He was a man. A very handsome man. You two had been close when you were younger, he trailed around with you and would beg you to join him and his family for dinner. He was always sweet to you though you knew of his more teasing habits. You had not thought much about him when you were younger, only truly seeing him as a friend but him now?
You and your mother get called up to bend the knee. You try to keep your balance steady as you cling to your mothers arm the closer and closer you get to him. You two lock eyes and you swear you see a new glow in his irises as he gazes upon you.
His eyes widen as he does not take his eyes off you even when you bend down on your knee and lower your head. You try to keep your shaky breath in control as you close your eyes. If he was handsome from far away he was so much better up close. You did not know if your heart could handle this, the way it pounds as you stand and lower your head in a light bow to him. You expect to be dismissed and the next person to be called up but he instead takes a couple steps towards you and extends his hand out to you. You stare at it with wide eyes and look up at him, his expression is the same as before, but this time he has a light smile on his face.
You place your hand in his and he brings the back up to his lips, placing a gentle kiss on your skin his eyes never leaving yours before he lets his hand linger against yours for a moment before he slips from your grasp and takes the steps back. Before you can even process what had just happened your mother laces her arm with yours and walks you away, You can feel his eyes trail on your retreating form. Once you're far enough away from him you let out a shaky breath and lean against your mother who hums.
“He is certainly not subtle at all is he.” “Jeyne!”
Your skin heats and you cannot bring yourself to look at him throughout the rest of the ceremony. praying the ceremony will end swiftly and you will be able to retreat to a far corner far away from him.
Your dreams are crushed when the ceremony is finally over and you are quickly stopped while trying to retreat to a different room by a guard who requests you follow him, the queen had requested you.
You cling to your mother’s arm as you are lead through the halls, Jessamyn trailing to your right and places a comforting hand on your shoulder.
You were more so nervous about having to speak to them for the first time in a decade. You all have changed, you're worried you will not be able get along with them all as well as you used to.
You are now standing in what you remember to be one of the numerous lounge rooms in the keep. The guard tells you to wait here before he leaves the room. Your mom takes a seat on the couch and Jessamyn sits next to her. You however cannot stomach sitting down right now, you end up pacing back and forth, biting your nails lightly.
“Oh come on sit down. Do not worry so much.” Your mother pats the seat next to her and you shake your head, “What if i say something wrong?” “Im sure you could say nothing wrong to upset him i mean, we saw the way he was looking at you. You could murder his family and i'm sure he would forgive you.” “Oh definitely.”
“I was talking about the queen.” You grumble towards them and they simply look at one another and shake their heads.
Now you were nervous to see him even more. You would make a fool of yourself. But why do you care so much about making a fool of yourself in front of him? He was simply your childhood friend you were looking forward to seeing again, that was all.
Yet when rhaenyra walks in you all stand and bow you cant help the way as your head raises you look behind her to him.
“It is so wonderful to see you again y/n.” Rhaenyra walks over to you and gives you a hug which you are more than happy to reciprocate. “It is an honor to be in your presence once more my queen.” She smiles warmly at you as she pulls back, keeping her hands on your arms.
“How have you been fairing? Oh you have truly grown into a beautiful lady.” You bow your head to her and smile, “You are too kind my queen. I have been well. Though it does get rather lonely in the eyire. I am happy to be back.”
Her face changes at your answer. She seems very pleased with your answer. Maybe a bit too pleased, her face is laced with something akin to, mischievous? Like she is plotting something though you can’t put your finger on. But she pulls back away and eager turns to the side.
“Of course you remember my son.” “How could i forget.”
He smiles brightly at you and your answer as you bow your head to him. “My prince.” “Jace please, you are dear to me, you have no need to call me my prince.” You allow him to grab your hand lightly and watch as he brings it up to his lips once more. He puts down your hand but keeps it firmly in his grip. Not too tight but not loosely enough wear you could slip out of his grasp easily.
“I am so happy to see you Jace.” The grip he has one you tightens at your words, “Your words mean more to me than you know. I have missed you y/n.” When did he become such a sweet talker? He’s clearly been reading those books that he would always groan about getting assigned to by the maesters.
You notice that your mother and rhaenyra have entered conversation and you could see from the corner of your eye the way the three of them continue to eye the two of you. could they be any more obvious?
Well you will not allow them to stop you from conversing with Jacaerys. What was the harm? “Have you been well?” “Well enough. I find myself missing dragonstone sometimes. It is certainly odd being back in the keep after so long as im sure it is for you. But i am sure to be back on dragonstone in no time.” “Ah right, you are the prince of dragonstone of course.” He hums as he steps closer to you and you can feel his breath lightly breezing on your face. “You are not yet betrothed?”
His voice lowers into a whispers and deepens into a tone thats clearly only meant for you to hear. You take a deep breath attempting to calm yourself. If someone saw the two of you they would surely think he was about to kiss you. Maybe you did as well, but you should not think that.
“I an not.” “Is there any particular reason?” You hum, finally locking eyes with him to see his eyes already dead set on yours. “Maybe i have just not found the right man for me my prince.” You watch the look in his eyes darken at your words, the look on his face indescribably but almost more attractive than ever. “I am hopeful i shall find him during my stay at the keep.”
“I am rather certain you will, my lady.” He says with a certainty in his voice, like he is so sure he is willing to bet his life on it. You are not stupid you know he must be referring to himself. Yet the idea of the crowned prince, the heir to the iron throne, the future king of the six kingdoms, was willingly laying himself out in front of you like this. Many other men would simply be showering you in false affections to get you to spill affection for him but seems more than happy to show his hand to you early on.
“Maybe i will.” He continues to stare at you for a moment longer. The tension between you could be cut with a knife. You’re sure he wishes to say more but he looks over your shoulder before he pulls back, taking a step away from you.
You look back and notice the three women behind you seem to be finishing up their own conversation and turn to the two of you with pleased looks. “I am so sorry to cut this short but me and jace have a couple meetings to attend to.” You look back to him and brings your hand to his lips once more, allowing them to selfishly linger there as he speaks. “I shall see you.”
You grin. “I shall see you my prince.” He smiles once more and follows after his mother who left after a quick goodbye. You watch him leave, he gives you a final parting look before he leaves. You trying to quell the sound of your heart pounding in your chest.
The smile on your face does not drop until you look behind you and the two women are giving you amused looks. “What?”
They look at one another before they look back at you. “So when should i expect my first grandchild? Oh i bet it’ll have his hair,” “mother!” “Oh and my baby will be queen of the seven kingdoms, my heart hurts.” you groan as you watch her clutch her chest in mock agony and fall back into the couch. “You are being ridiculous.”
You do not wish to stay here and listen to them ramble about you and the prince so you swiftly begin to make your way towards the door. “I need some fresh air.” “Yes i would need some fresh air too if i was you. The tension between you two.” You let out another loud groan as you walk through the door and storm away, hearing their laughter as you walk down the hall.
You don’t know where you're headed. simply walking through the halls with no clear destination. You decide you will not think much about your interaction with him, or at least try to. You will just relax the rest of the day until you turn into bed. You have never thought much about suitors before what is so different about him? Maybe it is because you have known him for so long, you knew him at what was probably his weakest points of his life and he knew you at yours, maybe it is simply a mutual understanding of one another.
You are snapped out of your thoughts when you hear the loud commotion below you, finally looking around and noticing many people standing by the walls and leaning down to look. You grow curious and make your way closer, hearing the way the sounds of people in hushed chatter and the sound of metal clashing grows louder.
When you look over the edge and gain sight of the men a chill runs down your spine. You can simply only stare at the way his hair flows left and right while he dodges or the way he grips the sword he has in his hands so tightly you can see veins lining the back of his hands and surely up his forearm though its covered by the black outfit he dawns. You’re sure your mouth has been open so long you are catching flies. so completely mesmerized by the sigh below you.
The man he is against suddenly falls on his back and you see the smirk dawn his face as he points the sword to the fallen knights neck. The courtyard is filled with claps though you cannot even bring yourself to move, watching and waiting.
He helps the man up who removes his helm and you can see his face now. Criston Cole who smacks his shoulder and says a couple words to him. You watch the interaction with eager eyes. Criston suddenly looks up and his gaze locks with yours as a look of shock graces his face. You suddenly get pulled back from whatever trance you had been in and meekly attempt to smile at him. He has never been anything but kind to you but you know of his past strained relationship with jacaerys and lucerys so you have always worried he does not like you much.
He looks back to him and gets closer to him, whispering in his ear as he looks at you once more before his gaze drops again back to the younger man in front of him. He suddenly turns around and his eye locks with yours. Aemond. You can barely recognize him, what had happened to the crying boy who would get teased endlessly by his brother and nephews? He looked like a warrior, with that sword in his hand and the shield in the other. You bow your head, not sure what else you are meant to do.
He walks closer to you and you place your elbows on the half wall, leaning over it to look at him as he looks up at you. “It seems the maiden has blessed me this day for she has brought down an angel to greet me.” You flush, when did these men get so romantic? “You are far too kind to me my prince.” A small smile graces his face as he continues to stare at you, you can hear the ladies around you whispering but you put on a smile and attempt to ignore it.
“I am merely stating the truth my lady, you have only grown into the essence of beauty itself. I am grateful to be graced with your presence.” “When did you get so charismatic?” “Maybe i have been practicing for the day you should return to me.”
You shake your head at him as you can’t help the grin that grows on your face. if you were being honest you were not as close as you would have liked to be with Aemond as a child, especially not as close as you were to Jacaerys. It was hard to be when all he did was push you away, though you did always try to apologize to him whenever the boys were picking on him but that's pretty much as far as it had gone. You had wanted to be his friend, even Alicent had tried to encourage him to talk to you but all he would do is run away or say something mean to you that he had not meant.
“You are a fine fighter my prince.” “Thank you my lady. Would you stay and watch?” “You wish to show off?”
You watch as he takes a couple steps back, yet he keeps his eye on you, “I believe with you cheering me on i shall win every fight.” “By the looks of it you do not need me, you would win these fights regardless.”
He says nothing more simply making his way back over to criston with a pleased look on his face. You watch as he turns his head every once in awhile to make sure you’re still there. You stay. You watch him fight with all the different white cloaks, winning every match. It reminds you of being back in the eyrie when the main source of entertainment was watching the knights of the vale train. Though he was much more skilled than those men, much more skilled than any man you had ever seen. You could wager he was the best swordsman in the keep.
As the sun begins to set a maid approaches you. “The queen has invited you to dine with the family tonight my lady. Would you like to freshen up before?” Of course you were being invited to dinner. An odd pit fills your stomach as you think about the fact this would be the first time you would be seeing all of them together the only people you have seen are jacaerys, aemond, rhaenyra, and glimpses of daemon, lucerys and joffery at the ceremony early today though you had not gotten to speak to them.
“Please.” You glance at the training grounds once more and see aemond and criston looking at you. You bow and aemond nods to you before you walk off with the maid.
When you enter your room you let out a gasp as you see another maid fiddling around with a large bouquet of flowers on the main table of your room. “Gorgeous are they not?” You approach the huge bouquet with surprise, “Who is this from?” “Prince jacaerys my lady. How romantic.” You stare at the array of red roses in front of you and allow your fingers to graze against them, bring your face close enough to even smell them. How did he have this prepared so quickly? You can even see that each rose has been dethorned.
Your heart swells at the gesture. “It truly is.” You will have to thank him.
You finally allow yourself to relax as the maids bath you. You could not believe today. You did not know how you felt. You think you are happy to be back in the keep. It is certainly odd to see these halls once more and it is even more crazy to be staying in the same room you were when you were a young girl again. In an odd way it felt like home, a lot more than the vale did. There is certainly more going on here than the vale.
You can help but let your mind linger on aemond and jacaerys. They both cross your mind in an odd way. You do not know what to think of either of them, they were both clearly trying to win your affection and this put you in a rather tricky situation. You think both men are nice, yet you do not know them anymore so you cant say who you like more. You suppose that's what the purpose of this trip is.
This clouds you mind and thoughts all the way up until you are walking into the dinning room. You are early, the only people in the room are alicent, rhaenyra and daemon who were seated at the table chatting with one another. They look at you and smile, “Ah you are here.” They stand to greet you and you wave your hands, “Please you do not need to stand up. I am merely a lady.” “Oh nonsense you are pretty much family.” You smile warmly at them rhaenyra urges you to take a seat.
You pull out a chair in the middle, allowing you to sit in direct eye sight of them who all look upon you. “You look wonderful.” You thank them and awkwardly fiddle with the fabric of your dress under their gaze. “I am hoping you day went well, i apologize again for leaving so suddenly.” You shake your head, “It had gone well my queen. do not fret. I spent it in the training yard.” “The training yard?” “Yes my lady, prince aemond had asked me to stay and watch him practice.”
You watch as a pleased look graces alicent face as she leans forward, “Did he now?” “Yes he seemed rather insistent i would be his good luck charm.” This has alicent beaning as she looks over to rhaenyra in almost what looks to be a challenge. You watch as rhaenyra stiffly smiles, “oh how wonderful.” Daemon shakes his head and picks up his goblet while chuckling. “That reminds me. You should join us in the royal box tomorrow for the tourney. Im sure my son would be more than happy about it.” You catch the way alicent eye twicthes for a moment and rhaenyra merely continues to smile at you. You look between the two women as you attempt to hide your horror. Were they trying to set you up with their sons?
“I would be honored your grace.” “It is settled then.” “Yes the royal box has such a nice view, im sure aemond will impress you with his skills.”
This could not be happening.
“He is very skilled from what i gathered. I am eager to see him on the field.”
As you begin to pray for a saving grace you get one as the doors open and you hear footsteps approach. The chair next to you gets pulled out and a body plops into it with a groan. “I am starving.”
His eyes hit you and his smirk dawns his face. “Ah lady arryn, the talk of the keep today.” “It is nice to see you prince aegon.” “You do not need to lie i know it is not.” You say nothing as alicent scolds him for his words but all he does is shrug, taking a long chug from his chalice. Helaena follows soon after and you greet her from your chair, remember her adversion to touch and she seems grateful for it as he takes her place next to aegon. Soon enough more and more people flow into the room, you stand to greet the dragon sisters and lucerys who all give you hugs and warm greetings, you feel your dread leave your body for awhile until you sit back down and the chair next to you gets pulled back and jacaerys fills the spot next to it.
“My lady, it is nice to see you again.”
“Always a pleasure my prince.”
He smiles and opens his mouth to speak until you feel a presence behind you and turn to see aemond place a hand on aegons seat, aegon looks up at him and grins, “brother.” aemond keeps a stoic look as he continues to glare at aegon. You begin to stand, “You can sit-” “No. Aegon get up.” The man in question groans, “But i like it here brother.” “get up i will not ask again.” You sit down slowly as aegon rolls his eyes and stands from his seat. Sending you a wink before he walks off, “We shall speak again my lady.”
You say nothing as he sits down, merely a nod of acknowledgement. You keep your gaze forward which just so happens to be staring direction at daemon who humorous looks between the three of you. You fear you might go mad.
The dinner starts with a silent prayer, you merely continue to keep your eyes open and look at the table. You have never been a religious person so you allow yourself to look at aemond for a quick moment who appear to be lost in prayer before turning your attention to jacaerys who is already looking at you. You weakly smile at him before turning away quickly just as everyone begins to raise their heads.
The table begins to fill with chatter as the food begins to get brought out. The three of you however stay dead silent. You are going to die. You look over to your mother to see if you can get her help but she is lost in conversation with alicent. You try not to groan as you fold your hands in your lap. Did things truly have to be so awkward?
As you somber in your despair suddenly a very family scent hits your nose and you sit up, looking over your shoulder and staring at the plate the maid drops at the empty spot in front of you amazed. It was your favorite, a dish that was near impossible to get in the reach due to the ingredients and how hard it was to even get food in to the eyrie in the first place.
“It is your favorite right?” You turn to your left in shock as he begins to speak, a light smile graces his face. “I had it requested for tonight.” You lightly open your mouth in shock, you hear a tsk from your right and a light groan. jacaerys is furious with himself how come he had not thought of that?
“It is my prince i am shocked you remember that. Thank you.” He shakes his head, “I would be a fool not to remember such things about you, my lady.”
You eager take some onto your plate and take a bit, letting out a pleased hum as you can’t help but smile. It reminds you of your youth here in the keep, many fond memories come flowing to mind. You were shocked he had even remember this about you as you two truly never spoke much. How much did he know about you that you had no clue about?
As the silence between you all is much more palpable you turn to jacaerys. “I wished to thank you jace.” He lightly coughs into the cup he was sipping from as he turns to you with wide eyes. “Whatever for y/n?” You do not see aemond glaring at jacaerys from behind you, he did not like that you two were on first name bases while you only called him my prince.
“The flowers, they are oh so gorgeous.” He beams, “It is the least i could do. I would have gotten you more but i was short on time.” “I am happy you thought of me no matter what my prince.” “I am always thinking of you.”
You ignore the light scoff from your left but you do not miss the way jacaerys eyes stray and he begins to glare behind you. You quickly turn to aemond, wishing to avoid them arguing. “I have heard you will compete in tomorrow tourney my prince.” His stoic face drops as he turns to you, he hums and nods taking a sip from his cup, “If you bless me with your favor i am guaranteed too secure the victory.”
“Has the queen already asked you about sitting in the royal box?” You nod as you glance quickly at jace. “Yes i will be joining you.” “Very good.” Aemonds face turns devious and your stomach drops.
“It is a shame you are not competing jace, what ever was the reason you gave again?” Jacaerys cluches the cup he has in his grip tightly as a maid walks over to refill it. He does not allow himself to look at aemond simply keeping his gaze onto you. “I am sad to say i have not picked up a sword in a while i am a bit rusty. Some of us have more important things to do then swing a sword all day. I am the heir after all.”
You wish to throw your head back and groan. The tension between the three of you was so noticeable but you tried to simply look at your plate and take a few small bites from it. You had basically lost your appetite. This was the last thing you wished to be happening. Suddenly a hand taps you on the shoulder and you turn around. A hand suddenly shoots out and you notice the band in the corner had begun to play a waltz.
You smile lightly and grab his hand, not sparing a glance to the two men who grow furious as they watch you walk hand and hand with lucerys who turns his head back and sticks his tongue out at them. Why had they not thought of that?
You both bow your head at one another and grab each others hand as you begin to dance the simply dance. “You are welcome.” You sigh at his smile, “Was it truly so obvious?” “to everyone yes.” “Well i shall thank you formally then my prince.” “Luce please. You are basically family. Well you are too be family soon i gather. Whether it be my sister or my aunt. Though i would much rather you be my sister.”
You shake your head, “It is too soon.” “But it is not too soon for them to be fighting over you like dogs?” You have no reply so you attempt to change the topic. “I have heard of your recent engagement to lady rhaena, congratulations.” At this a blush dawns his face up to his ears. He looked adorable. “She is very pretty.” “That she is.”
For a short while a silence falls over you but it does not last you feel the heated stares of the men at the table. “You have gotten much better at dancing.” “You do not need to say that i know i have stepped on your foot one too many times.” as if on cue he steps on your foot again causing you both to go into a fit of laughter. Lucerys looks over your shoulder as he lightly scoffs, “I am shocked one of them has not tried to cut in.” He spins you around and you are able to get a good look at the men who both cannot take their eyes off you. “Do you truly think they will try?” “No. They are cowards.”
You tilt your head at him and he continues to giggle. The song soon ends and they watch from the table as you two bow at each other once more and aemond tries to stop his eye twitching as he watches lucerys whisper into your ear and you double over laughing, lacing your arm with his as he leads you back to your seat.
“My feet are killing me after that.” They do not understand why the two of you bust out laughing at your words and lucerys walks away with a small wave. You continue the dinner with a smile on your face and neither of them say another word much to your surprise. It is not that you do not wish to talk to them if anything that's the only thing you wish for but not if they are going to be acting like fools.
The dinner soon enough wraps up and you stand. The two men quickly standing up after you.
“Allow me to escort you back to your room.” You stare at the two of them as they speak over each other and cross your arms over your chest. “I am more then capable of walking back myself. Though i appreciate the offer. I hope the two of you will be more well behaved the next time we speak. Goodnight.”
And with that you swiftly turn your back and walk off with a shake of your head. They were ridiculous this whole situation was absolutely ridiculous. You just pray that tomorrow will be better and you will be able to get your mind and your heart in check.
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taglist (open!) @smurfelle @venmondiese @winter-soldier-101 @urmomsgirlfriend1 @councilofcastamere @tssf-imagines @atargaryenlover @possiblyafangirl @bibliophile221b
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mgcldydrms · 1 year
just imagine ...
you're falling asleep late at night. after a while, you hear your name being called. it feels like you have slept for hours, but you're still tired. you hear your name again and again, so you reluctantly open your eyes and suddenly come face to face with your favourite fictional character. you gasp, shocked to see them in front of you, rubbing your eyes over and over again, and telling yourself it's just a dream. 'get up sleepy head. it's time for a new adventure.', they suddenly say, smiling brightly at you. you suddenly look around and notice that you're not in your room, but in your favourite fictional world. 'come on', that fictional character says again. they take your hand and you can feel their grip on you and now you know, it is not a dream. this is your reality now. your time to live in your favourite fictional world and do all these things you have dreamed about for such a long time. it is time to finally be yourself.
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howyouloveyourdragon · 3 months
Tԋҽ Sσϝƚҽʂƚ Lσʋҽ
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summary: sometimes all you need is a gentle lover and a comforting hand, Jacaerys knows this all too well with you at his side and a crown at his temple request: Hii can I request a softest love prompt 2&7 for Jace:)))) pairing: King!Jacaerys x reader pronouns: she/her dividers by: saradika and cafekitsune wordcount: 2,659  prompts: 2. touching foreheads in a hug, 7. that gaze--tired, soft, their thumb gently rubbing your cheek, noses touching, silently mumbling an "i love you" banners by myself A/N: i really hope you enjoyed this anon! let me know!
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“AND IF we are unable to find said payment or refuse, then it is a reasonable assumption to make that–” The droning speech of Isembard Arryn, Master of Coin, continues despite the Jacaerys’ clenching jaw and slitted gaze. “War is no solution.” Lord Cregan Stark swiftly interrupts him, glancing his King’s way as the words pass him. It is no secret that the King is not fond of division nor war. Jacaerys stays staring ahead, gaze hard and impenetrable. “We have the money.” He contributes, voice uncharacteristically gruff. You squeeze his hand but as quickly as you can blink, he brings your palm to his lips and places a deft kiss there. Soft and gentle as it had always been. The council pauses at the motion then returns to the matter. They shift in discomfort, they continue to look at his stiff form. “I believe, our liege, that–” Lord Thaddeus Rowen, Master of Laws and lord justiciar begins. “My Hand is right, let us rest on the matter.” Jacaerys snaps briskly. Lord Rowen clears his throat and lets a childish huff pass him. “The decision should be made with haste, your grace, Lord Baratheon shall not be so kind. He will–” Arryn presses further before– “We will let it rest!” Jacaerys shouts with suddenness. He stands and slams one cold, commanding fist against the table. Each breath is held at such an outburst and for once, the King is not blinking at the nothingness of a floor or blankly ahead. Purpose takes flight in his eyes, directing their focus as sharp as a blade on the infuriating man. 
Silence presides over the table, It echoes and flickers with the rage of a King’s charge. Your King had spoken and if his council continued to defy him, you were certain that it would end less than favourably for them. And so, you circle your thumb of his hand and latch your eyes on the side of his face until the pull of your attention tugs him back to you. His eyes lock on your own–at first they stare with the stark hardness of stone. They swim with slitted irritation and glare with a gruffness unknown to you. But he is still your Jacaerys and it takes not long before he softens at your own gaze, you are enough to gentle him. You always are. Jacaerys swallows and turns his gaze back on his dispersing council. “I meant not to frighten you.” He uttered quietly. His body lightened like a feather and his sights trained on the stone table before him. As easily as he does so, you stand and cup his face with your unarmed hand. Your fingers flatten against his face and turn him once more before you. “You could never frighten me.” You reply simply, closing your eyes. Simpleness was your most favourable quality. Everything you cast him was with ease, no secrets stood between you both. It was a relief after so long at troublesome court for you both. A bated huff fluttered with purpose through his nose and it took little for the both of you to rest your foreheads together. He releases shuddered breaths which follow the seam of your mouth. “I love you.” He whispers. A smile pinches at your lips. “I love you too.” You return as the doors swing shut. Another sigh passes through your husband and relaxation washes over him. 
Finally everyone has left, Jacaerys’ arms wrap around you and fingers are already pawing at your gown. It comforts him to feel you, to clench that fabric up in his balled hands and know you’re there. What feels even better however is when a warm, firm kiss is planted against your forehead. And then you hear the most lyrical words…“I love you so much I can barely breathe.” And you let out a shaky exhale. You flutter against him and it almost entices his arms to hold you tighter. The sweetness of his voice plays like a melody through your ears until they circle your brain and lull it to stop the whirring. The whirring that had become so painfully familiar. So painfully consistent. It reminds you of your lover. Not your husband but your lover. The marriage had been chosen for you but that did not mean that your love had been, as Jacaerys cares to remind you each eve as he twists those silken fingers through your hair, as he kisses his affection down your neck until caressed bruises lay in his wake and colour with the pink of his love. Because he does love you. He loves you, he loves you, he loves you, he loves–He loves to be yours, he reminds you as he pulls away. The drapes flutter the cold air inside as swiftly as you can imagine wings could. It folds over you in the space between yourself and your husband. Slowly, your eyes open to find him already gazing at you with his wear lovesick gaze. The gaze that buckles your knees and has you unable to as much as glance away from him. Not for a single moment. 
A shaky sigh sputters from The King of Just’s lips. The people had named him as such after the activities of his on-running reign. Of the odd mercy that he had approached his former enemies with. You think of these events as his fingers dance into your hair. His eyes follow fast to his own actions, fascinated in the treasure within those fingers. Of what he has been blessed to hold, he vows to hold you dearly. Tenderly. Softly. As he does so, your own sights linger on his face. At his pillowed lips and dark, thick eyelashes. At the short scar that stretches along his jaw and chin. The tips of your own fingers flutter toward it like a moth to light. Your thumb lays gentle touch upon it and smooths along the surface. Again, a sigh passes through him but with the gentleness of a doe. With the timid, uncertain glance of a doe. The thought amuses you but you allow it to settle. Breath threads between you both and tugs you ever closer. Ever where you belong. But when he finally presses a kiss to your lips, it barely greets the skin. There is something divinely religious in the way he caresses your lips with his like an idol. Worship dances along his tongue and almost expels prayers from his warm mouth. His thumb detangles from your hair and cups your face. His thumb rolls slow circles into your cheek as his kisses press on between unkempt words. “I love you.” He utters in repetition. “I love you, I love you,” His nose burrows into the side of your own until you almost become one body entwined only with itself. The words tangle themselves in the sweetest patterns throughout your brain and chest. 
Your face turns to face the tall dark door. “They must know that war will not be sustainable.” Utters through you, the spell of confusion and aged bewilderment leaves through an exhale. “We have funds to cease such affairs, why cause a fate of destruction?” Jacaerys feels his jaw soften and his eyes stare distantly into your face. With two gentle fingers, he turns you back towards him. “Men will destroy aplenty for power. I know that all too well.” His gruff words murmur through the air. Your eyes stare into the harsh darkness of his gaze – warm amber turns to stone. Your eyes continue to trace down his ridged nose and chiselled jaw, his plump lips. Something possesses you to caress them with your thumb – slowly parting them until his teeth peek out like shining pearls. His throat bobs but his shoulders stay calm as he leans in again. Jace had been not only your dearest love but your most sweet and that meant more to you than words could ever detail. His lips brush against yours before diving between them and all you can remember is that he feels like home. Jace feels like home. Your Jace. His soft love addresses you and only you – he needs not hide it from anyone. Not even from irritative lords in council chambers. Because you were not only his wife but his Queen. And he has no intent to keep that a discretion. His kiss blossoms your flesh like the blooming of your affection; tentative, tender and tenacious. You would not release it for the world. Not for any Kingdom or cure from mortality for you would happily die in his embrace. Endure any erratic wars or gruelling hardship. It is hard to imagine that you would ever deny him your kiss – the memory flutters the reverberation of a laugh from your mouth. 
Jacaerys has never thought himself one to offend but even less so to cater to the whimsy of romance, yet the moment your laugh reaches his ears, he feels himself reflect one himself. The hair of his fringe passes your own forehead as your press ever-closely together. The thought of parting from you for even a moment brings him heartache. His hands wrap atop the circle of your waist and squeeze with a playfulness unknown to those outside your threshold. “What is that which has you fluttering?” He delights in good charm. He cups your face with one broad, warm hand and rubs the skin. “Hm? What has my dereworthy darling fluttering so?” His amusement only triggers you moreso. When you return him your gaze, Jacaerys can recall why he wished to paint your face upon glass. He wishes to keep your sculpted, smiling face forever in view. It matters not should you outlive him so long as he need not spend a single moment without the sweet, shining eyes of yours. The brows of his face cannot help but droop at your mere sight. His expression stays tender and intense. How could he ever meet a woman of your beauty? He is certain that your charms were not merely a gift of Gods but the heavens themselves. “My joy, I nearly refused you.” It is that of befuddlement which pinches and clouds your pleasant face. A shake of your head rustles the strands of your hair. “How could I ever have refused you? My heart…” 
A chuckle rumbles throughout the King’s chest and he tucks the brushes of hair behind your ears. His sights skid across your features but not in search – he has every answer he could ever need and in the safest of vaults. The vault of his heart. You truly were the sweetest of wines, the holder of hidden truths and the wielder of worlds – his at least. “Tis not your fault, you had not met my charms until our day.” At the mention of such a date, he earned his years of prize – your smile. “To all truth, such an hour frightened me once.” “I know.” He murmured, grinning like a feline. “Of course, then I knew too.” Your eyes widened and the shortest intake rushed to your mouth. “Surely, you jest!” You all but scold, horror in your eyes. He shakes his head, humour all-consuming as he doubles over and squeezes his eyes. “I do not!” Jacaerys claims. “I was quite nerved by it, for what reason is it that had you to assume I not taken you to bed that eve if not your considerations?” His left brow rises and the air suddenly feels stifling. “I…” You stumble with abash. “I had presumed you had not taken a liking to me yet.” At that, Jace is quick to disagree and nuzzle his nose to yours. “I could never not want for you, sweet wife. You are the most beautiful of women and the most kind.” Your head tilts in that darling way that it only calls for when you are unclued. “For days I–” His voice lowers, his gaze flickers over your face. With a swallow, he summons his courage and rubs his thumb over your jawline. “For days, I took witness to your reading in the gardens. To my cousin on her walks there.” 
You had not realised he had seen you with little Jaehaera. The recollection of memories flushes your cheeks. You do not know whether it is your own self-pride or embarrassment. It makes him smile–how easily he can fluster you. “I saw you while passing a window and…Well, you charmed me. Heart and soul, you charmed me.” For a moment, all he can do is stare into your eyes, his gaze soft. “I…” You hesitate, wracking your mind for any clue of the past to which you had ignored but you find nothing. “I had no idea.” You murmur with the quietness of a newborn lamb. He only smiles. “I know, my darling.” Tease carries through his voice. “That is why I love you so; you had not a clue as to anyone witnessing you and your beauty at all.” Adoration was not new to Jacaerys; he had been well accustomed to the Goddess before him for years now. The hand not upon your face runs small circles on your middle. “It is when nobody is watching that I see your heart.” He lands a feather-light kiss to your nose. “I love you, my darling, I love you.” 
Your love is one of quiet halls and whispered confessions. Your love is of a King seeking for the mercy only his QUeen can bring him. The mercy of a gentle home. A gentle life amidst the meddling and politics of a life forever in court. You admit that your own love for your husband came later–the fear of marrying a prince heavy on your mind. The expectation that would come with that also gives no bounds. You still recall how trembles had shaken your form as your father hurried you through the luxurious spectacle. The aisle had been a long, empty space in where you could barely catch the face of your soon-husband and Septon. Surrounded by men and women, ladies and lords of note and yet you had not known nor met. Yet when you had finally forced your figure to stand beside the three men who would cement your future, the only calm you found was through the comfort and Jacaerys’ hand resting on yours. Both of your fates to be entwined and tied. You were together, hands warm and clammy with nerves but together. You were not alone. When he searched your eyes for any hesitance throughout the ceremony and whispered in your ear to ask if you were certain–that was when you knew. You were not alone. He would not allow you to be alone. 
Now, as tears kiss your cheeks. Of affection and warmth–you can still see that look in his gaze. That kind, soft, assurance that you are not alone. “I love you.” You whispered to him, unable to hold back. It does not take long at all for him to press his lips to yours again. His hands caress your face and his care is unavoidable. And when you parted, he still chased for you. “We should retire to bed. The children will have missed us.” You explain quietly, reluctant to leave. A sigh spills from him and although you both stand there together for another second of tenderness, of softness, you know that he agrees. Ever the dutiful father. He would not let a single eve leave them without a story before their rest. “Do you think they would prefer another tale of Nymyria?” “I think they would care greatly for it.” You agree. He takes your hand in his and draws you out of the chamber. The door closes quietly and so are your footsteps as the two of you walk through the hall. The soft rays of sunlight passing down to caress the dusk echoes around you. And like his love–some things are better kept soft. 
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General Taglist: - @hopelesswritergall - @succnfuccubus - @madame-fear
HOTD Taglist - @wrendermedone - @its-actually-minicika - @gettheetoanunneryimmediatly - @adelusionalwriter - @cookielovesbook-akie - @maximofftwinsbitch - @ughhthisbitch - @daenerysapologist - @savagemickey03
Jacaerys Taglist - @fairysluna - @jacevelaryonswife - @maximofftwinsbitch
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nor-4 · 2 months
Incorrect quotes w Hotd (and reader)
Cause I'm lazy...
Aegon: Bonjour
Y/n: Shut up
Aegon: Tu es une merde
Y/n: What the actual fuck
Aegon: It means "You are shitty"
Y/n: I don't speak croissant
Aemond: Me and my y/n don't argue
Jacaerys: Have you ever had a argument with your girlfriend?
Aemond: She tells me to shut up and I do
Aegon: Guys, unsleep me at 6
Helaena: What?
Aegon: I said unsleep me when it's 6
Y/n: It's wake me up at 6
Y/n: Dumb fuck
Aegon: You bitches listen
Aegon: Rate a pick up line for me
Y/n: Yea sure
Aegon: Girl are you from Mississippi
Aegon: cause you're the only miss whose piss I sippie
Y/n: -10000/10
Aemond: I just woke up, I think it's enough for today.
Daemon: Something about u is different from other girls
Y/n: Wdym
Daemon: You're actually insane like
Y/n: Why are you so mean to me?
Aemond: I'm flirting with you
Y/n: So what do you like?
Aegon: Being choked
Y/n: I mean music..
Aegon: oh
Y/n: Do you like me?
Harwin: I just railed you what do you think
Aegon: Do you like Cigarettes after Sex?
Y/n: I'm a virgin with asthma
Daemon: Your ass is like, spacious
Y/n: What the fuck
Daemon: I don't wanna say fat because it might trigger your ED
Aegon: She's online what do I do??
Aemond: Idk
Aemond: Send a Pic of your dick
Aegon: You first
Aemond: ?
Aemond: You send it to her
Aemond: Idiot
Aegon: Aight send her insta
Jacaerys: (Sends y/n's insta)
Aegon: She got a man bro nvm
Jacaerys: No she don't
Aegon: Then who Roman 12:12
Y/n: Why didnt you tell me you were married and have 3 kids?
Rhaenyra: I'm shy
Aegon: Hi sorry if this is weird but are you one of the people who hate me😭
Aemond: Hi omg not weird at all!! Yes I am <3
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jacespookiebear · 1 year
ೃ࿐ 𝙔𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙜 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙗𝙚𝙖𝙪𝙩𝙞𝙛𝙪𝙡: 𝙈𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩
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summary : you are the youngest daughter of Viserys I Targaryen and Aemma Arryn. Outlived your mother and your older twin brother, Baelon, in childbirth. You were titled as (Y/n) “The Undying” Targaryen.
pairing : jacaerys velaryon x targaryen!reader
warnings : incest, tension, sexual content, age gap (reader is about 3-4 years older), jace is about a year older in this fic, misogyny, self-harm, violence, angst, teen pregnancy, birth, meraxes is alive and thriving with vhagar :D
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5
Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8
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snowprincesa1 · 8 months
{seducing the prince }
Jacaerys x F!Lannister!Reader
Summary: Jacaerys knew he would have to marry for duty, he didn’t know his duty would be to you.
Trigger warnings:‼️Coitus and jacaerys a whipped man playing hard to get 😘😘😘😘
Special thanks to my babe/beta reader @luckytoucan 💗💗💗💗
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Jacaerys always hated you. Hated how close you were to the Aegon and aemond in his childhood. How you always preferred their company over his. He tried so hard to make you notice him, to make you perhaps feel and inch of what he felt for you. Each time those dreams get shattered by the sound of your laugh with helaena and daeron over him. He didn’t fail to see how Aegon and aemond had indoctrinated you with hatred against him and his brothers. He had to hate you, hate your pride and pettiness, the snobby Lannister attitude you held. He saw you as one of the Queen’s party hoping for Aegon the elder to ascend the throne over his mother and him.
But sure enough that did not happen. Queen Rhaenyra ascended the throne and when jacaerys turned sixteen named his heir to the crown infront of all the lords and ladies of the court. He would forget you, forget how you looked walking through the gardens with his aunt, he would forget the way you danced, the way you haunted his very soul. Jacaerys felt himself grow mad with the constant thoughts of you blurring his mind turning it into a slurry. He needed to get away from you and the clasp you had of him. He needed you gone from his sight and away so he could just lose memory of you entirely. Over the years your cruel teasing did not weaken, often throwing him a flirty smile knowing damn well that nothing on this earth would ever get you to marry a bastard, crown prince or not, you took pleasure in complimenting as to how strong he had grown. Every ‘compliment’ you threw was an insult in disguise.
You can only imagine the shock he felt when his mother there queen Rhaenyra betrothed him to you years later, his stomach flipped upside down, in excitement? Fear? Annoyance? He looked over to you and there you were smiling at him as though you held the upper hand.
“You are not upset by this? Not even in the slightest?” He asked surprised as he grew more frustrated at the fact you seemed so alright with this.
“If i marry you I will be queen someday, surely you are just an addition that comes with the arrangement” you said sipping from your wine, amused by his reactions. Of course, he should have expected this from a Lannister, no matter how pretty they come you cannot change their nature. Always so smug, he wanted to make you feel the way he did. He was so helplessly in love with you but deemed your lannister self incapable of love, too smug to even care to feel a thing. Now as your betrothed he found himself at an advantage..
You on the other side always tried to to revert back to the past and change the way you behaved towards him. You quite literally tried to charm your way into his heart but all your actions seemed to be of no avail. He always shut down every smile with a polite nod, every kind word you said was met with his disdain, he quite literally at this point assumed your whole existence as a mockery towards him. You believed your betrothal would soften his heart up but instead it hardened it. The man could not seem to bear your presence, always growing agitated.
You attempted to win him over with gifts, with kisses which he averted from, with physical affection holding his hand and batting your pretty eyes at him, he showed no reaction to these. You often attempted to flirt with him in high valyrian which he had perfected, instead of appreciating your effort, he took the time to correct your pronunciation and grammatical errors.
You embroidered for him. You attempted to melt his heart by talking of the future where the two of you would have little children. Nothing worked, the most infuriating part was that with all the time you spent swaying him you felt yourself grow more fond of him yourself.
Whenever jacaerys sparred with Nettles, a supposed dragon seed brought to court because of her fierce skills in combat, you felt your heart feel the pang of anger and sadness. He seemed more fond of his uncles over you at this point and you felt absolutely helpless. You wanted to leave the past behind and win his affection. Perhaps that is not what fate wanted for the two of you. You walked away from the sparring ground and jacaerys noticed your absence in his mind.
The whole court was not blind to this tug of war game between the two of you, the jealousy that lingered between other possible lovers the two of you had. His brothers teased him incessantly over how he kept your embroidery in a special box in the cupboard and how he blew up if anyone attempted to touch what you gave him. Jacaerys loved the attempts you made towards him to make up for your past behaviour, he loved every moment of it. Every smile of yours would replay over and over in his mind once it was over. Thoughts of future children with you sent his blood rush to his nether regions, to see you carry his children.
He would often dress up far better than he usually did for sparring lessons in case you’d visit..or rather he’d dress down, discarding his sweaty shirt only if you were in the vicinity.
Nothing bothered Jacaerys more than seeing you with his uncles, at princess helaena’s name day party. His angered expression not was one he attempted to hide. you could feel his glare towards his uncle Daeron, a man of the same age as him. Daeron was mischievous and cheeky who also like everyone enjoyed annoying jacaerys as the two of them always saw each other as rivals even though they shared a wet nurse. Jacaerys could take it no longer dragging you away from dinner, his hand lingered on your arm, holding you firmly but not enough to hurt you.
“How many times must you repeat this song and dance?” He hissed pushing your back into the cold pillar “why can’t you leave me be?” He asked, his hands holding yours as you struggled in his hold, his hands had covered the entirety of your wrist as though it was nothing.
“Can you not see? How blind can you be?” You asked in an angry tone. His grasp did not leave your hands as he suddenly turned you around pressing you against the rough pillar wall pinning your hands to your lower back as you felt his figure croon over you. “Why do the gods have to make me put up with you” you felt his hot breath on your ear and the heat of his body radiating your own. You were glad he could not see your flustered face.
“I’ve only ever tried to get your attention” you voiced out, on hearing your voice he pressed you further into the bricks. You could hear him chuckle.
“So you throw yourself at my uncle?” jacaerys answered his grip tightening around your wrists. He felt conflicted a part of him died to believe your words, that you wanted his attention, the other ran his imagination wild seeing you with Daeron in uncompromising positions. “ah yes, they’re true born and i am..” he trailed off his hands abruptly let your wrist go. “And what do they tell you that it is a pity that your beauty is being wasted on me, a strong prince as you once said” his voice echoed in the empty corridors, he had lost all awareness of his surrounding.
“No! I did not say that! I have played very trick in the book, I have used every tactic anything to get you to like me and the only time you seem to ever even look at me is if I am with another. You think I like parading myself in this tight gown for no reason? Have you even seen my dress or have you been too caught up in your hobby of making me your enemy”
“Yes I have seen the way you look!” He answered angrily. He ran a hand through his hair as he looked at you.
“Then tell me how do I look!” You yelled back you felt tears if frustration bubble at the rims of your eyes, you looked away quickly would this how the entirety of the marriage would go? With you begging for him to notice you? You needed him to notice you at this point, want was no longer sufficient.
“Beautiful” jacaerys said the words he had held in his mouth for so long “So beautiful that if I take one glance it’ll never be enough, if I get one taste that too would not suffice, my greed, my lust is insatiable for you” you knew you had him then, he was yours and yours to keep. Your efforts weren’t in vain.
“You do not hate me then?” You asked surprised as his eyes watched you intently at your every move, what were you planning now..
“Oh make no mistake I do, I’ve always hated you. You’ve always played me as though I was a game. I am not my lady I would have remember that I am the crown prince of the seven kingdoms, my parentage does not matter because I am a Targaryen” he said he turned to leave one more.
You walked towards him and grabbed his face in yours, he admitted that he thought you beautiful and in your eyes that was a victory in itself, this was your chance to seduce your brunette prince as you closed the distance between your faces by planting a gentle kiss on his lips, in hopes it would sway his feelings about you. He gasped against your mouth feeling your lips press against his so perfectly. His hands instantly wrapped around your waist feeling the fabric of your gown crumbling it in his hands, “you shouldn’t hate me, sweet prince” you teased him, habits die hard. As his lips fought your own for dominance, his right hand reaching up to hold your face as he drank you in, the moment your lips parted for a gasp his hot tongue found its way into yours, your mouths in total sync, it was hard to keep your mind sharp now, just as he did you grace into your senses.
That’s how you found yourself with your dress ripped to shreds and your leg propped on his shoulders as he thrusted into you sharply, he made no attempt to stop any time soon, you gasped and moaned and claws at his chest anything to make you feel as though you had control over your betrothed. He drove you mad stopping just when you were about to peak, he denied you of cumming over and over leaving you teary eyed moaning as he brought you such pleasure and pain. If he denied you once more you felt as though you would collapse from the sheer need.
This was your punishment for everything you had ever done to him, every smirk, every mocking word, you felt yourself bend in ways you never thought possible. Jacaerys felt up the fat of your thighs as he leaned in the two of you in to fetch a passion filled kiss. You felt his heavy length press into your sensitive spot and he smirked on seeing you squirm under him as so, release was a mirage so close yet so far. “I should not let you cum, you do not deserve it” he said kissing the leg that sat on his shoulder.
“Tell me how I can win your forgiveness my prince” You moaned out feeling him hitting that one spot that made your head go hazy as you looked to at him with lust drunken eyes.
Jacaerys smirked “there’s nothing you can do” he grunted out letting moans of his escape as his eyes shut from the intensity of the pleasure, perhaps he was being too cruel to you..
“You are right I do not want your forgiveness, I want more— I need you to be mine” you whined out, the pure euphoria of having you in his arms, under him, needing him just like he prayed to the gods you would. His feelings perhaps were not entirely one sided.
“You already have me, do you not see?” He said truthfully holding your hand to his heart “it beats for you lioness” He whispered in your ear and you gasped from the sheer intimacy and lewdness of your hips moving into each other, the soft wet sounds emulating in the wide halls but now all you could focus was on the man before you, his fingers reached down to your nub rubbing a calloused finger over it, the right little circles along with the snapping of his hips made you throw your head back and moan in tears as you felt your release build up for the fourth time since jacaerys had edged you, your eyes filled with tears as you looked to your betrothed with pleasing eyes to let you cum.
Jacaerys could not find it in himself to deny you of your pleasure anymore as he felt you come hard with a shrill cry of his name. All over his tunic. He felt his own release build up seeing your fucked out look with a few more sloppy hard thrusts he gave you all his cum, strings of his seed trailed down your shaky legs. He swore this was the hardest he had orgasmed ever in his life, his breath lost as he plopped himself over you his head resting in the crook of your neck as you rolled his silky brown hair between your fingers.
“You mean it? You love me?” You asked feeling him hum on your neck placing soft kisses on it as the two of you sunk to your feet using the pillar as support as jacaerys peppered you with kisses.
“Lying has never been in my nature” he said “I have loved you since the moment you I laid my eyes on you, princess” he smiled pulling himself from your neck to gaze upon your afterglow, messy lip tint smeared all over your face from the bruising kisses he gave you. You gasped and playfully punched at his side. “Your little tactics to get me to love you were quite entertaining, I admit” he smirked kissing you once more” as the two of you embraced in the cold of the night you felt so warm with his arms over you.
“You’re telling me all my seduction tactics were never necessary?!” You asked bewildered at your betrothed, you saw jacaerys crack up laughing as though if your realisation was the funniest thing to him. He would have to make up for this he knew, he was always ready to turn the tables around and win your forgiveness with his own seduction tactics.
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number-0-iz · 2 months
I still think that, as Rhaenyra's eldest child and heir to the iron throne, Jacaerys should have been even more present in the trailer and should have gotten his own poster. Like they already kinda undermined his character in season 1 and changed quite a lot compared to his book counter part but I have hope for him and love him so 🤞
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madame-fear · 11 months
Request Enemies to Lover Jaecarys Velaryon. Btw, can you make the reader is the youngest child of Viserys and Alicent?
So, When the reader and Jace still a kid. Jace always teasing the reader, so she hate him. And when Aegon, Luke, and Jace prank Aemond about "The Pink Dread" The reader is mad and punching Jace in the face. When at Driftmark, after the incident of Aemond lose his eye. Jaecarys give the reader a necklace.
When they grow up, they meet again (smut)
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★ amira speaks : i hope this is what you expected, nonnie !! apologies for my notorious beginner smut writing, and if it seems rushed. — summary : maybe you were never keen about the presence of Jacaerys Velaryon, especially due to the way both of you treated one another so badly, and he was involved with the removal of your brother’s eye. But things change when you both grow, and he returns to King’s Landing. — word count : 4.2k
— pairing : jacaerys velaryon x aunt!targaryen!reader — genre : enemies to lovers, smut
TW | incest, fingering, slight profanity.
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The golden dragon hanging from the end of the necklace you usually kept safe on the nightstand next to your bed brightly shone along the flames of the lit candles in the grand library of King’s Landing, leisurely taking a stroll around with echoing footsteps before having, what you could call in a way or another, a family dinner.
The fingers of your free hand gently began twirling the necklace around the fingers you used to hold the locket, gazing down upon it curiously. You had never worn said necklace, and you were, strangely, beginning to doubt whether it would be a proper moment to finally give use to it, or not; as Princess Rhaenyra would return to King’s Landing with her children after years of having moved to Dragonstone.
The necklace was given by none other than Jacaerys Velaryon himself, Princess Rhaenyra’s eldest son, and your nephew. Despite being your nephew, ever since you had use of memory, your relationship wasn’t exactly the best. Ever since childhood, you were one another’s existing bane. Jace continously picked on you, teasing you, and annoying you in general for the mere satisfaction of seeing you get frustrated at him. And for his own fun, as well.
Fighting with Jacaerys as children had always been a constant trouble for both your parents. Arguing for little things, pushing each other, having him ocasionally pull your hair to bother, sticking your tongue out to one another, and even, when your older brother Aemond was teased with The Pink Dread for not having his very own dragon yet, you went as far as using your own physical strength to punch Jacaerys in the face in front of your siblings.
After such event, and being badly scolded by your parents for the fight even if your mother thought you did the right thing, things had never gotten any better. The already tense relationship between the two of you had seemed to worsen when Lucerys took Aemond’s eye after claiming Vhagar. It seemed to have worsened the relationship in the entirety of the family, forcing Rhaenyra to move to Dragonstone.
But before they officially left King’s Landing, you were gifted a golden necklace with the figure of a dragon hanging from the end by Jacaerys. Noticing how you were disheartened by the way your brother Aemond brutally lost his eye and you spent the entirety of the time after the fight that lead to the incident trying to comfort him, part of him felt a certain hint of guilt by simply observing how much of a genuinely concerned, and loving sister you were even if Aemond deserved to lose his eye.
Reluctantly, even if the slight thought of forgiving him and/or his brother for what they did to your brother never crossed through your mind, you accepted his gift merely out of politeness; quietly thanking him afterwards with a disdainful expression on your face. And Jace wasn’t expecting any less, but that was the first time that he understood how you felt with a slight compassion, knowing you didn’t have anything to do with the irresponsible actions of your siblings, and you were much calm and tender than they would ever be.
Though, none of you had spoken to each other after that to keep contact. Not even through raven letters, and neither you had worn the necklace Jace gifted you because of what it represented to you, and the appalling memories that came with it. But, for the first time after quite some years, you supposed it would be proper to wear the locket as they would arrive back to the Keep for a few days. Not because Jacaerys had given it to you, simply because you were filled with the pride of how dragons carried the legacy of your House.
With a bit of an abrupt movement, your stroll stopped; lifting your gaze from the necklace twirled around your fingers, observing the bookshelves to scan for your favourite book. The moment you found it with your stare, an exhaled huff escaped harshly from you, not recalling to have placed it in a bookshelf you obviously weren’t able to reach due to your height.
A faint jingling sound was made as you continued to firmly, yet carefully hold the necklace while you began to clumsily tiptoe. You extended your hand as high as you could reach, trying to at least get the book drop to the floor and have the opportunity of taking it in your hands. Several frustrated huffs were heard rolling off from your nostrils, barely grasping the book with the tip of your fingers.
You never realised you weren’t the only one passing through the library, until another hand appeared by your side, and took the book you were continously trying to reach with no success at all, lowering it to you. As you turned around to see who had been the one to help you reach your book, you encountered yourself with Jacaerys, much to your surprise. You had expected him and the rest of his family to arrive a bit later. You wished you could deny the fact that, he had grown up and matured for the better good.
“Nephew. I had expected to see you later, in the evening.” with a gentle movement, you took the book from him as he offered it to you. His arm then returned to hide behind his back, along his other arm. The same way you thought he seemed much beautifully matured, he thought you were absolutely endearing. A true Valyrian delicacy. “And so did we, but we arrived earlier, and decided to revisit King’s Landing after many years before the evening dinner.” he retorted.
The prince’s coffee coloured gaze towards your own seemed fiery. The atmosphere was tense, but strangely enough it was not a spiteful tension. His eyes moved from your own, to your other free hand, holding the necklace he had gifted you as a young boy. Tilting his head a bit, a brief jeering grin formed upon his plushy rosy lips. “Delightful to see you once again after many years, aunt. And even more delightful, is to see you holding the necklace I gifted you.” as much as he himself wasn’t pleased to admit it, such gift was a way of apologising for the incident with your brother’s eye, having noticed how you grieved the moment along Aemond, comforting him every second of it. Discreetly you nibbled on your lower lip, holding tight the book against your chest and fixed your stare on the necklace.
You might have forgotten to actually use it on you. But you were caught off guard, having assumed they would arrive for dinner. “Don’t feel too cocky. I was simply going to wear it tonight out of politeness for you, and because dragons greatly represent our legacy as House Targaryen.” he gawked upon you, seemingly scanning every inch of you as you spoke. Throughout the years after the eye incident, he had assumed you certainly looked more graceful than ever, and he wasn’t wrong in the slightest bit. “I see.” was all he said. His arms remained behind of him, sneering at you. “May I have the honours of helping you put the necklace on, aunt?” though his inquiry seemed oddly suspicious to you, you slowly nodded, extending your arm, and passing the necklace to his hand. “You may.”
Jacaerys swiftly took the necklace from your hand, approaching you with quiet footsteps to stand behind of you. The Prince, with a gentle movement of his fingers removed part of your hair that covered the back of your neck, tossing it to one side. The vainilla scent that you carried was charmingly intoxicating his nostrils, it made him feel dumbfounded. And most certainly, it was a scent that Jace would never get off his mind.
Jace brought the necklace around your neck, fastening it securely. He then took the pendant and delicately placed it in the center of your chest, adjusting it until it hung perfectly. The golden dragon shape brightly shone, hanging near your cleavage. Once he was done, he stepped to your side, admiring the way the necklace highlighted your beauteous features. It was the first time he ever saw that necklace on you, and the sight wasn’t disappointing at all.
“You look very beautiful. The dragon pendant highlights your beauty, aunt.” his fingers glided the necklace, until it slowly reached the dragon near your cleavage and lifted it slightly with his index finger to observe more carefully. His compliment, as much as it was a mere teasing provocation to watch your cheeks become flustered, there was no lie in it.
Curiously, you raised your eyebrow, feeling how a crimson tint slowly crept on your face at his compliment. It was a strange behaviour, keeping in mind how you were his existing bane, and you were his. It had always been that way, but not anymore, it seemed. “I would expect you to say I look like a jester, but I will accept that kind compliment.” a sneer escaped from his lips at your remark. You were right, a few years earlier he would have refered to you as some sort of jester to merely annoy you, but Jacaerys had no more need of provoking a frustrated reaction out of you.
“You don’t look bad yourself, nephew. But may I ask, what changed?” jacaerys discreetly leaned closer to you as you spoke, in a way that you could even feel the warmth irradiating from his body. Ever since the incident with your brother’s eye and the necklace he had gifted you as some sort of apology, deep inside of him quite some things changed. The point of view Jace had on you was now different; you weren’t your brothers, you were a much sweeter soul even if both of you spend your entire childhood together fighting with one another, and he had realised that the momebt he moved to Dragonstone.
A brief moment of silence loomed over you awkwardly. A sigh escaped from him before answering, feeling a bit flustered himself, especially noticing the way you gawked on him. “After the incident with your brother’s eye, I realised how different you were from the rest of your siblings. You were much sweeter and calmer, even if I didn’t want to admit it to myself at that moment.” a little grin danced at the corner of your lips upon hearing his words. He had indeed changed in every sense, even if you were still reluctant of 'befriending' him. More mature. “I never wanted to send a raven letter because I felt too embarrassed, supposing you would probably ignore them. But after that moment, you always lurked on my thoughts, imagining how gracefully you must’ve grown. And I wasn’t wrong.”
Tenderly as he spoke, your footsteps brought you closer to him, placing a warm hand on his arm. You knew the previous flustered glint on your cheeks had simply grown to become even more notorious, especially after his statements, but there was no shame in hiding it anymore. You remembered how upset you were as you stood by Aemond’s side to overwhelm him with sisterly comfort, rather than focusing on the Velaryon boys to try and physically fight with them in defense of your brother. You remembered exactly how you supported your brother’s statement that, Vhagar had chosen her new rider and Aemond had all the rights to claim her. But, there was something different in having him gifting you something before moving to Dragonstone after the chaos provoked on your families due to the loss of Aemond’s eye.
Even if you never supported what they did to your brother, you understood why they both defended themselves the way they did. And Jace had no particular fault in the moment.
At the feeling of your touch, his body stiffened. The way his heart beat felt fiercely accelerated, as if it could come out of his chest at any given moment. Briefly, he lowered his gaze to your hand on his arm, but returned his coffee eyes back to your own as your other hand was placed on his cheek comfortingly. “And I couldn’t agree with you any more, Jacaerys. After your gift, I couldn’t help but wonder how you must’ve looked all grown, and today I was particularly keen in meeting you again.” the tension lurked between the two of you, as if there was something much more than an aunt re-encountering herself with her nephew, whom was her childhood enemy and were always involved in fights with one another.
This time, it was him who was victim of a notorious fluster spreading across his cheeks. The warmth of your hand could make him melt right under you, and even softly released from his lips a trembling, quiet sigh. It was hard to control himself in front of you. So hard. Jace had never thought that the idea of needing you in every possible sense would ever reach him. He would’ve preferred to despise you like he always did, but this time he had to fight the urge of lowering his face, and kissing your beauteous lips.
Timidly, his hands were placed on your waist, holding a firm grip on them as he pressed your body against his. Jace was a bit dumbfounded at the idea of you seemingly genuinely being eager in meeting him again after the first time in many years — and even wearing the necklace he gifted you! It was like a dream, almost. “(y/n)...” your name slipped from his lips mindlessly as the tip of your thumb tenderly caressed his soft, pale skin in a continous movement. Your hearbeat mimicked his own, unbeknownst to Jace. The nerves overwhelmed you greatly, causing for your hand to slightly tremble.
His lips were partly open unconsciously. You needed him, like he needed you. Tiptoeing, you allowed your deepest, well-hidden desires come out to light for once and for all. For a moment, your lips insecurely grasped against his own, but it was already too late. Fluttering your eyes shut, your lips took his own with a smooth movement to drown yourselves into a shyly needy kiss. It was the first time you had ever kissed a boy, but for Jacaerys it already seemed like you had proper experience.
Both of you moved your faces and your lips just enough to properly kiss, and feel the depth of your feelings. The hand that caressed his cheek swiftly moved to the back of his head, interwining your fingers around the brunette strands of his hair, as the other hand gripped his arm nearly with your nails. A fiery heat sensation escaped from your bodies, as the eldest Velaryon tightened his grip on your waist, trying to pull you as close to him as he could.
Each other’s breathing sent ticklish sensations against your skins, giving slight shivers. His hands slowly descended to your hips, warmly caressing them. None of you could hide what you had felt for a long time, not having been able to express it after the incident with your brother’s eye. A quiet plea escaped from you in between the fervent kisses upon feeling his hand teasingly rubbing itself around your hips.
“Nyke dōrī ēdan lust tolī ao, sodjisto. Yn nyke gaomagon sir.” (I had never felt lust after you, aunt. But I do now.) he softly whispered in High Valyrian, grasping his lips against your very own to tease you, before he gave into the sweet taste of your mouth again. His grip tightened, both of his hands swiftly descending to the underpart of your bottom. Quietly, you gasped. “Urnēptre ziry naejot nyke.” (Show it to me.) you retorted confidently with a growing grin at the corner of your lips, pulling apart softly to stare into his eyes.
Those words were all he needed to hear to interwine both of his hands under your backside with a strong grip, and lift you from the floor, nearly tossing you to over his shoulder as if you weighted less than a feather. Carrying you and walking some short steps, he placed you on the nearest table the library had; being a rather large, wooden table enough for you to sit on it.
“You asked for it.” the prince growled under his breath quietly, leaning his face closer to your neck, until the point that his soft breathing and the feeling of his plushy lips tickled your skin tenderly. Not that he planned to do much to you as you were in a public place, and you risked the fact that you might get seen by someone who passed by. But, he did intend on leaving a good, pleasing memory scarred across your mind. With gentle pecks across your neck near your jawline, his hands travelled across your legs. His fingertips glided on the silky texture of your dress in a leisure manner, appreceating every second of the moment.
You briefly leaned your head back, allowing him more access to your skin, much to his delight. The soft pecks turned into slight nibbling, using his teeth to try and mark your neck. And, how sweetly you tasted. Every bite, every kiss, and every touch he gave you, only increased Jace’s craving for the entirety of your being. How could have he hated and teased you once?
A little drowned pant escaped from your lips, feeling how your underwear grew wet from the stimulation he was giving you. His fingers slipped inside your dress, gently lifting it to your knees, continuing to feel every inch of your delicate skin as he approached your thighs. Your legs trembled, as if they screamed to feel more of him. His fingers were wrapped around the waistband of your underwear, slowly beginning to slide them down through your legs to tease you. The quiet panting and the lipbiting that came from you was more than obvious that you were more than needy. And so was he, but he knew how to keep it perfectly hidden.
As he removed your underwear, his fingertips went back to your thigs, sneakily making their way to your crotch. A quivering sigh was abruptly exhaled from you, trying to move your pelvis closer to his fingers and accelerate the process. A little smirk was drawn to the corner of his lips. “So fucking needy, aren’t you?” jace teased, staring into your eyes for a brief moment, but they were closed shut. No word was able to escape from your lips, all the words you tried to stutter were trapped in your throat, drowning with some retained moans.
Continuing to stare at you, his fingertips moved across your slit in a slow manner, rubbing it gently. The moistness from your core made his fingers wet, being pleased from the reaction Jace got coming from you. A huffed pant escaped violently from your lips at the warm contact of his fingers being rubbed across your delicate, moistened folds. “Jace... Fuck,” you cursed lowly, unconsciously spreading your legs wider to give him more access. “Q-Quit teasing. I-I need you...” as much as you weren’t the type to plea, or beg, you didn’t have time to take risks. You knew your brother, any other one of your siblings, or even a passing maiden could spot the two of you. Not only you weren’t exactly keen in anyone catching Jace fingering you, but as well you could feel your core aching and throbbing for him. Painfully hot, and dreadful.
Gods, he wished he could keep teasing you eternally. It was so sweet to observe every nuance in your facial expressions upon the contact of his fingers caressing your pussy; unfortunately, much like you, he felt the burning desire of feeling the warmth and tightness of your inner walls around his fingers... For now, he would use his fingers. As long as you both are in a public space of the Keep. “As you wish, my princess.” he retorted in a teasing manner, placing his other hand tightly on one of your thighs to keep it well spread, and abruptly entering two of his fingers inside of you. Jace noticed how you clenched your jaw as to drown any type of loud moan that could escape from your graceful lips.
Jacaerys moved his fingers inside of you in a gentle, yet fervid manner; enough to please you. A slight bulge felt tightened on his pants at all the continous overstimulation from your quivering moans, trembling legs, pleased expressions, wetness, and most importantly, the way your inner walls felt too comforting around his fingers for him to want to take them off from you. “Moan for me.” a sudden heat overwhelmed your chest at his comand, his movements with his fingers becoming a bit rougher as he continously made in-and-out movements, occasionally wiggling them inside of you. All the while, his lips returned to send you shivers down your spine with the way he kissed, and nibbled in your soft spots. It was enough to make you wetter, and he adored it.
Upon his words, you felt more vulnerable. As if the all the effort you put into being quiet vanished away from you, being weaker. Your clenched jaw loosened slightly, allowing your lips to be partly open, releasing all the pleading sounds you were containing for him. “J-Jace, please... Don’t stop.” you were never supposed to be in this situation, and you would have never imagined you’d find yourself in it. Part of you felt guilt when your subconscious reminded you how Jacaerys was involved in the incident of Aemond’s eye, but another part of you... Understood his motives. Jace felt too good, and his nature had changed to a more polite, soft one, even if he could be a sexually fiery dragon.
“And I don’t plan to.” he responded, placing kisses around your jawline. His breath mimicked your own, being sharpened from the stimulation. He was more than keen in meeting you in your quarters after dinner, where you both would be alone by yourselves, and you wouldn’t have to contain the craving you had for one another’s bodies.
After his movements have leisurely intensified, you felt as if an inner type of hot electricity waved on your inside; going from tightening your chest, to forming a little knot on your stomach. You knew that, due to all the stimulation, you would be about to come right on his fingers. Jace knew already, as he could hear the way you were loudly groaning in pleasure out for his name, and besides, you were tight and moist enough to reach your orgasm. “Come for me, issa dōna rūklon.” his lips ascended softly from your jawline to your ear, nibbling provokingly on your earlobe, making his movements with his fingers faster, and even taking the time to softly caress your inside as his others fingers rubbed sloppily your moist folds.
Arching your back towards him and wrapping your arms around his torso, using your nails to dig into his back, you hid your face in the crook of his neck. The throbbing ache of needing him inside of you had been relieved, releasing a scream of pleasure as you violently discharged your slick into his fingers. His breath was violently hitched, as his heart was loudly pounding against his chest from the adrenaline that giving you pleasure brought him. And there was too much to come now that you both knew you were free to discover what intimacy felt like with one another.
Panting, you rested your face in the crooked of your neck as you felt how you were still in the high of having released your coming. Your nails weren’t digging into his back anymore, now you were slightly hugging him, dumbfoundedly smiling to yourself, as Jace slowly removed your fingers from your inside, still containing your slick in them as if they were some sort of thropy. “I... Enjoyed that, Jacaerys.” you mumbled, noticing how you felt slightly flustered at your own words, fluttering your eyes shut and giving into the warm feeling of his embrace. You could nearly fall asleep there.
Sweetly, Jace placed a kiss on top of your head, beginning to caress with his fingers some strands of your hair. His heart felt as if there were butterflies fluttering around it just for you, riding still the high from the satisfaction of knowing you had a pleasing moment with him. “And so did I, (y/n).” he retorted quietly, allowing you to remain with your face buried on the crook of his neck, and briefly rest there until your legs stopped trembling.
Placing his chin on top of your head, he stared off at the distance as his fingers continued to play around with your silky hair. Your scent was beautiful, and truly graceful. Made him feel more at ease. Jacaerys knew, that your siblings wouldn’t be exactly eager in having him as your courter, but it didn’t matter to him. He would do anything to keep offering you any type of love, or pleasure that you needed and most certainly deserved.
“I enjoyed it, my love. But for now, we should keep our little intimacy as a secret; I am not done with you, yet.”
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♡ taglist : ♡
@damatheirin @jacesvelaryons @tickle-euphoria @capellaadara @kyuupidwrites @tchatso@cookielovesbook-akie @zzz000eee @visenyacore @justrybca
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aphroditesmoon · 1 year
Idk if youre taking requests, if not ignore me, however what about jace with alicents daughter!reader where they get together behind their mothers backs, and theire sneaking around ,failing at it, and alicent anfd rhaenyra catch them
sweetest thing on this side of heaven
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jacaerys velaryon x targ!reader
warnings: none
a/n: sorry for the slow req<3 also I had a feeling you wanted something angsty but my heart overtook my brain so this is all fluff.
You hadn't plan to fall for him at first. But it wasn't that hard to notice his own longing stares and embarrassing efforts to win you over.
You had assumed he would despise you for what your brothers have started, but you are not your brothers, and he knew that. You've always been kind to him since young, but never too close, not even with your own siblings.
Peace was found in solitude, and that was how most of your time was spent. Some may call you heartless, but your found more feelings and purity in stories than in reality.
For the world was crueller than the books made it seem like, and soon the library was your safe place.
You were quite annoyed when he started showing up there too frequently, always asking about what you're reading.
But when you saw his sincerity in actually wanting to know of your interests was real, having someone to talk to became less of a chore.
It even started to feel fun.
And so he became your first friend, first kiss and first lover. He intends to be your only.
Everytime he leaves to Dragonstone, letters will be sent every moon, and he will receive his own from Kingslanding. He was always careful to keep them to himself, gods know since Aemond lost his eye, the strain between his grandmother and his mother became stronger.
And he would always put his mother first as her heir, but you are his fresh cherry from a rotten tree, the ultimate test to his loyalty.
When news spread of the princess Rhaenyra's return to Kingslanding for her son's petition for the inheritance of Driftmark, You had to hold yourself back from showing just now excited you are to meet Jace again.
You also had to fight back the urge to bodyslam your brother to the ground everytime he opens his mouth to mock his nephews.
Aemond had remained bitter of the incident, and you couldn't blame him. You brother had lost a whole eye, he had the right to remain upset. But you still couldn't help the selfishness in you that draws you back to Jacaerys' side.
You hear the commotion servants made when they arrived, waiting for it to pass before approaching him, not wanting to seem too eager.
You lean againts the open door of his chambers, watching him put down his set if clothes by the table side.
"Hello there." You greeted with a knowing smile on your lips.
He freezes in his movements before turning towards you. You had no time to think when he immediately pulled you inside and slammed his doors shut.
Any words you've planned to say to him died on your throat when he has you againts the door, his lips immediately finding yours.
The kiss was hot and passionate, all of his yearning and longing pushed into it. Your hands roam his build, feeling up his tunic, searching for his skin, his warmth againts yours. His own hands stop yours, holding it by your side as he pulls away first for air.
He leans his forehead againts yours, and you can't help smiling as you meet his eyes.
"Missed me much?" He snorts, grinning himself.
"Don't act like you don't." He retorted. You only kept smiling, shaking your head. "Never said that did I? Hm." You fingers move up to trance his temples, caressing his face as if trying to remember all the details of his features you've feared to have forgotten.
He seems to understand the notion, with his own palms cupping your cheeks. "I'm here. I promise." He vows before engulfing your mouth with his again.
The only thing that went well that day was your reunion with Jace and his brother. Sir Vaemond was executed quite publicly by your uncle Daemon, unsurprisingly, and dinner was almost decent, until your brother decided he just had to open his mouth.
You were hurried to your chambers by your mother, and there was where you went and was met with your lover lounging in your room already, anxiously waiting for you to arrive.
"He knows what he was doing." Jace gritted out, pacing around.
"Of course he does, it's Aemond." He was obviously still infuriated with the events that occured, but your mind was drifting to what bits you heard from your mother and stepsister's conversation as you left.
Jacaerys and Lucerys was to leave to Dragonstone tonight.
Your abruptly stood up and cut off the rambling prince. "I should leave."
He halts and turn to you, wide eyed.
"Oh-Just a few more minutes? I'll stop talking to myself I promise." He pleaded, waving off his rambles.
You shook you head and pulled his hands to intertwine with yours. "No tis' not that, your mother will be here any minute, she wishes for you and Luc to be at Dragonstone by tonight, I heard her myself." You explain, gaze low as you fiddle with his rings.
You hear him inhale a sharp breath before swearing.
"I've just had you back." He sighs out, refusing to meet your eyes. It felt like the first time in ages you two met again, face to face, gazes never met.
"I know, I know. There always seem to be something between us, heh?" You try to lighten the mood, his face only souring more.
He winced at your words, tightening his grip on your hands before opening his eyes again. "You know, if she can't find me, she can't make me go." He says suggestively.
You gave him an amused look, frowning with a tight-lipped smile accompanied.
"What are you gonna do? Hide in the kitchen?" You tease, invoking a fond memory from childhood. He snorts as he checks outside his door for anyone before turning back to you. "Not hide, raid the kitchen."
"Ah sure." You grinned
He takes you by your hand and silently pulls you through the corridors before reaching the closed kitchen. The lock making the both of you scoff.
You had managed to pull it open by the age of 12.
"A little help?" He motioned. You took off a pin from your hair, making it come undone while the other pins fall apart on the floor.
"Fuck." You cursed, while Jacaerys works the lock with your pin. "We'll pick it up later." He simply affirms.
When a click was loudly made, he shoves the kitchen door open and sends you a smirk, earning an eye roll.
Entering the kitchen was entering an odd dazed memory. You can't remember exactly how long it has been since you've been with Jace, but it still feels like yesterday you two were sneaking out strawberry fudge cake and lemon tarts from the kitchen in the middle of the night, laughing quietly at the explosions of anger from the head kitchen lady that next morning.
His hand never leaves yours as you both head in. You sigh loudly as you pull open the cupboards to find leftover blueberry tarts. "My favourite." Savoring the tart, you finish it quickly, not caring for falling crumbs.
Jacaerys nudges your shoulder and takes no time to shove a piece of cheese toast in your mouth when you look his way.
You swatted his arm after almost choking on it. "Bastard." You scolded in a muffled voice.
As soon as the words leaves your mouth you regret them, seeing a flash of offense on his face. "Oh Jace-" An apology almost slipped until you saw the hint of a smile dancing on his lips.
Immediately your face turns irritated again as you smack him harder. "Bastard."
You two spent a few minutes forgetting your responsibilities and your parents as you indulge in chocolate cakes and reminiscing the past.
It wasn't hard to find the two of you in such position like old days. You two had a connection that made it seem as if you've never parted in the first place.
"You know." He says before chucking a tart in his mouth. "When I'm king? I'm gonna make a law that forces you to stay with me." His muffled words makes you choke on a giggle.
Jacaerys often has to present himself extra harder than her brothers, for all the rumours of his illegitimacy. But at times like this, you can truly see the sweet boy in him, who'd rather live off tarts and flying by day than busy himself with ruling and paperworks.
"I'm also going to make a law to ban anything other than these tarts to be served because holy shit." You agreed. "Mhm, the cook definitely did something with these."
Before either of you could counter eachother's words, a foreign voice interrupts.
"How about you make a law to ban tart robbers from nightly kitchen raids." Rhaenyra's voice booms through the room.
Both you and Jace freeze in your actions, mouth full of food, eyes wide, horrified at the circumstances you were found.
To make matters worse, she wasn't the only one there. You silently curse when you see your mother's figure leaning againts the door opposite of Rhaenyra. Both of them holding an unreadable expression.
A long silence lingered until you decided to speak up and ask first; "Are you going to kill us."
You might be hallucinating but you swore you saw your mother fight off a grin before she and Rhaenyra sighs tiredly.
"Just give me one of those damned cakes." She relented.
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werelosingdaylight · 1 year
The prettiest flower in the seven kingdoms
Jacaerys Velaryon x Fem!Targaryen!Reader
SUMMARY| Just you and your husband.
Adm Note: my first HOTD post! I apologize that it’s so short.
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The meadows were beautiful this time of year, winds blowing through the trees with a silent song for those who would listen, tall grass swaying at your fingertips and the soil underneath your feet; but your favorite part of spring was the flowers. They bloomed with promises of rebirth, like a Phoenix being reborn from its ashes, different shades and kinds of flowers decorated the earth; not one of them being the same as another, much like the people that roamed the planet.
While you loved the beauty of the flowers, there was another reason the flowers were your favorite part of spring. You had left a letter for your husband to meet you in the fields, you were sitting within the field of flowers and grass when he arrived.
Brown eyes clashing against lilac ones, you are easy to spot in the field; Snow White hair being styled into some kind of bun that Jace didn’t know the name of, though he had a hunch your mother had done it.
When he joined you, sitting at your side, neither of you spoke; enjoying the moment with your beloved. You had been wed to Jace for only three moon turns, but your connection was always there.
Soon enough, you had finished weaving the flowers together, a blue flower crown sat in your lap as you turned your torso to face your husband. Grabbing the flower crown you placed it upon his head, the brown hair softly cushioning the handmade gift.
“I apologize, these are the second prettiest flowers, but they are the only ones I could give to you.” You murmured, your hand moving to rest on his jaw, thumb brushing mindlessly across his cheekbone as confusion clouded over his features.
You had leaned forward, carefully resting your forehead against his as you spoke once again, your lips just barely ghosting over his own “for you are the prettiest flower to have blessed the seven kingdoms.” and Jace couldn't have stopped the blush from crossing his cheeks if he had wanted too.
You had placed your lips on his own, the kiss was softer than most could imagine; radiating the love you both held for one another. You smiled into the kiss as you felt him melt into your touch, his hand coming to cup the back of your neck.
Yeah, he was definitely the prettiest flower in the seven kingdoms.
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jacaerysgf · 1 day
Hi, how are you? A Headcanon of what it would be like to be Jacaerys' second wife (Baela being the first) and to spice it up a bit, the reader being the daughter Alicent
a.n: made this a lot more angsty (even tho its like not) as intended lmao but i hope you enjoy 🫶🫶
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- baela had died during childbirth, her daughter having survived
- the first time you spoke to him since his wedding was at the funeral, which he barely said more than a word to you, cradling his daughter tightly in his arms
- you two were the best of friends as children
- you have loved him since you were a young girl and was devastated to hear of their engagement
- you begged and begged your mother to betroth you to him but she continued to refuse until it had been too late
- they loved each other so much which broke your heart
- you fled westeros as soon as the wedding had ended, choosing to instead spend your days in essos trying to forget about the dark eyed prince
- yet when you return he is only more handsome then when you had left
- you stay as far away from him as possible, he was so clearly grieving and you had not wished to disturb him
- you thought that would be it so late in the night with bag and hand you try to leave only to be shocked at the sight of jacaerys standing in the empty hall, clutching his cloak around himself as he stared at you
- he begged you not to go, to return to the keep with him even if its just for a little while
- it was so clear he needed someone so you agreed with much hesitation
- you tell yourself you will only stay for a week
- then a week becomes two then two becomes a month then a month becomes a year becomes two and suddenly you are living full time in the keep
- You two become close friends and you continue pushing down that deep deep feeling in your heart as you believe he will never feel the same
- yet one night you stand in the nursery, sitting on the floor giggling with the young laena who hits the blocks against each other until jacaerys shows up
- he urges a maid to come and put laena down to bed, you insist you can do it but he asks you to stay
- that is the night he kisses you for the first time
- you stop him just as quickly believing it to be a heat of the moment act
- “i did not think you would be so cruel. you must know of my affections.”
- “i am in love with you.”
- Your wedding happens a fortnight from then
- your mother was furious, she had wished for you to marry someone, someone that was not of his kind she said
- and you blew up on her
- he had heard you and as soon as you had stormed out of the room he pulled you into a dark corridor and kissed you until your legs were shaking, for more then one reason
- his family was more then happy to welcome you into their side, you became fast friends with lucerys and joffrey and due to your experience in taking care of laena you help out with aegon and viserys which puts you in the good graces of daemon
- your family however was way more reluctant about your union, taking this opportunity to tease you about your marriage to the “strong” boy. your grandsire had even managed to corner you and attempt to pursued you to break off the engagement to which you quickly shut that down
- you did not care much for your familys feelings when you were more than happy
- your wedding went smoothly and you ended up having a mini honeymoon period in dragonstone where in a few months time you and jacaerys would be living
- when he had been informed you were pregnant three moons after your wedding he turned pale
- he even begun to flat out ignore you until you confronted him and told him you would not tolerate this and he snapped out of it
- he was scared. so scared he would have to suffer through the same pain he had those years ago but you reassured him everything would be okay
- though when you were laying on the bed covered in sweat and breathing heavily he was not too sure
- he demanded he be in the room, not allowing himself to make the same mistake as last time
- he let you grip his hand so hard he thought it would pop but it was not enough to distract him from the fear he felt as he looked at you, the women he was so in love with, in so much pain
- when cries fill the room and a babe is placed in your arms he finally allows himself to cry, you had a boy.
- He snarled at the maesters when they tried to put him in his arms first or when they asked him what he would like to name him
- he was furious at the disrespect you were facing but you did not care.
- “what about laenor?” You look up at him and smile
- he places a kiss on your forehead as he beams down at the babe. “its perfect.”
not tagging my perm taglist just cause this is something rlly small 😭😭
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jacesbeloved · 2 years
unexpected visit
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request: “Hi! Can I request a jacaerys x stark!reader friends to lovers where jace calls her princess but they are not either married or bethroed. Like fluffy teasing that he wished it was true.”
pairing: jacaerys velaryon x stark!reader
warnings/notes: canon divergent (rhaenyra has already been ruling for a year and there’s no war yay!), fem!reader, childhood friends, jace being a playful, ambiguous little shit (endearingly)
The great hall of Winterfell held the same cheerfulness that it had always had. Various households share their own cups and feasts with one another.
You, the daughter of the king, had enjoyed yourself long enough to excuse yourself to accommodate the cooks that have been cooking dishes since early morrow.
Always known as the nicest out of the king's children, to you, it was just basic decency. The cooks sighed softly at the sight of you once more, scolding you to head back to the halls.
Your presence remained in the gigantic kitchen for as long as you could stay there without being intrigued by the loud chatter and rushing outside. The cooks looked at you with the same amount of confusion before you all ran to the doorway, trying to see what was happening.
"My lady," one of the cooks, cautiously held her hand out to stop you from going out, peeking in first to see if it was safe. "A dragon has arrived outside!"
The both of you turned to each other with confusion, "A dragon? What would the queen need with the North?" You think to yourself.
If there was a dragon, then it meant there was royalty inside of Winterfell. And so you nod at the cook before going back to the great hall.
When you got back, there were already chit-chatters going around the hall, with your family nowhere to be found. You sigh to yourself before running to the courtyard. Your direwolf, Aura, following fast.
"Has there been any news on who came?" You asked a random guard.
"It is said to be one of Queen Rhaenyra's sons, my lady." The guard replies, and you feel something bloom in your chest.
There was already a crowd when you got to the courtyard; the people that saw you were yelling at the others to part ways for you. They glanced at you first before moving away as you tried to catch a glimpse of who it was.
Your father's familiar fur coat suddenly comes into view, and finally you're in the front, the majestic dragon in front of you as the chattering slowly silences, Aura beside you.
You slide your eyes over the dragon and to the figure beside it.
It was him: tall, with brown hair and a firm demeanor. And while your eyes had just landed on him, he already had his on you.
"Prince Jacaerys Velaryon, son of Queen Rhaenyra, the heir to the Iron Throne!" The guard announces, and the surrounding crowd nods in respect.
"Prince Jacaerys! What an unexpected visit. Is the queen well?" Your father greets hospitably, walking forward to the prince.
Jacaerys nods at him, smiling warmly, before he hands an envelope to the older man. He rubbed the thick leather gloves he wore together as he grew chilly.
"My brother, Lucerys, is getting married. Our mother hopes for the presence of you and your family there, and as her eldest, I was tasked with delivering the message." Your father nods as he reads the contents of the invitation.
While your father reads the contents, Jace looks around. Your hands were anxious as you had last seen him years and years ago. Not a single letter between the two of you.
His gaze returned to your figure; slightly taller than he remembered, your hair was longer, darker, and braided into a beautiful crown that met behind your head. The two of you lock eyes with one another, feeling your breath get caught in your throat at the sudden tension.
He cocks his head subtly to the side and smiles discreetly. "Aura's grown." He thinks to himself, seeing the majestic wolf beside you.
The prince's attention gets drawn back to your father's loud chuckle, and you finally get to breath again. You thought to yourself that he'd be leaving now since he'd already delivered the message, so you didn't bother hoping for him to stay, to spend time with you, his long-time friend.
"It is an honor, my prince!" Your father states before he gestures at the guards. "Bring your dragon to the gates, it would be warmer there and it could stay there for the time being." Jacaerys' forehead creases.
"Unless you have plans back in Westeros? Prince Jacaerys, we're also celebrating. You're free to spend the night with us and come back tomorrow! We'll have a chamber ready for you!" The old man looks beside him to gesture at the servants who scurry quickly to ready the chambers.
Jace chuckles lightly at this, patting the dragon beside him. You can clearly see the way he was deciding in his head while your father waited for his word.
The prince glances at you, his eyebrows arching before a small smile paints itself on his lips. "It would be my pleasure."
Your father claps. "Very well then! Y/N, show the prince to the gates, then bring him back to the great hall." You stare at your father in surprise, your mouth suddenly dry as you fail to say a response before he bows at the prince and heads back to the hall.
You tried to reach back to your father, but he had already gone back. Now it was just you, your wolf, the dragon, and Jace.
The two of you stare in silence, looking around as you both wait for the first word. Jace let out a chilly breath, nestling his hands in his thick coat as he also felt Vermax shiver.
"Well, does my princess want to stay in the snow a few minutes longer?" Jace says sassily.
You narrow your eyes at him before muttering, "Follow me." silently. Aura and Jace with Vermax follow your steps. Jace ruffles the wolf's head with a slight grin, happy that the direwolf still remembers him.
"Anywhere here is fine." You gesture at the warm roofed space, and Jace nods at you before letting his dragon stay in it.
"Thank you, my princess."
"I told you to stop calling me that. I'm not a princess, more so, your princess." You respond quickly. "Well, to me, you are." He replies in an ambiguous manner, making your eyebrows furrow.
A slight smirk grows on Jace's face as he turns back at you, seeing the glare you had. "And I missed my princess. How long has it been, 10, 12, years?" Jace ponders as he follows you out of the space and back to the great hall.
"You say you missed me, but not a letter nor message has been received from you in those 13 years. Not a visit." You laugh sarcastically.
Jace had his eyes glued on you each passing second, watching the way your eyes held an ounce of fury as you remembered the way you two basically cut each other off 13 years ago.
"Did you miss me? You could have just told me that, you know." He teases, ignoring your whole statement.
You snap your head towards him, a look of disbelief evident on your face at his insinuation. "I most certainly did not miss the prince's irritating and narcissistic presence."
Jace holds his chest, acting like his heart has just been cracked by your words. You roll your eyes at his actions before continuing on walking.
"You wouldn't be this grumpy if you hadn't missed me, princess." He states this in a matter-of-fact tone, smiling smugly at you from behind.
You ignore him, nodding at the guard who welcomed the both of you back into the great hall. As they approach you, the crowd greets you two once more.
"Extend my wishes to your brother. I hope he loves his betrothed as much as you do."
Before you even get to walk away from the prince, he follows you quickly. His arm gently wraps around your back as he joins you, your eyes staring at him in confusion.
"I am as much of a single man as you are a single woman," he whispers close to your ear, pausing to look at the confusion on your face. "I am yet to be betrothed, Y/N. Though I could be..." The prince drags off by the end. He stares at your eyes, mesmerized by your brown eyes just like he always used to be.
You two have gone way back. You both know that. You two walked the thin line between friends and lovers. Too coward to directly ask each other out, at the same time too discontented with the mere title as "friends."
It has been years since you acknowledged that. And you missed him, too. You also acknowledged that—though you refused to admit it. But the thought that he is yet to be wed, yet to be betrothed, the anger you once felt when you thought he had not invited you to his wedding, now disappears. That mere thought gave you some hope that maybe the two of you could cross that line.
"Is that a proposal, Prince Jacaerys?" You inquire, playful teasing evident in your tone. Although it had been a farfetched idea for you, there was still something inside of you that hoped his response would be different from what you were expecting.
You see Jace smile at your question, jerking his head to the side, making you snap your head to where the two of you were. He walked the two of you to the open space, a space for dancing.
You looked at him in a death glare as you mimicked the steps of the other guests around you. Jace, enjoying the situation he put you two in, puts his arm around your waist before moving around you, well-aware of the traditions and dances of House Stark after spending his earlier years with you back in Westeros.
"You are free to interpret it however you like, my princess." Jace says, his voice smooth as he purrs the last two words.
"I am not a princess, Jacaerys." You aggressively pull him by the collar of his thick coat, modifying the dance move a bit as a way to emphasize your point. He smiles at you warmly, holding you between his arms in the next move.
"You could be," he eyes you with a hint of mischief and persuasion on his face. "Depends if you're willing to wed a particular prince, or the prince, perhaps."
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howyouloveyourdragon · 5 months
Hi there, I absolutely adore you and love your writing and I'm excited that you're writing for jace now.
If it's okay, could I please request the prompts sleepy - number 44.
Have an amazing morning, afternoon, evening 💖💖
hi there! thank you so much, you have no idea how sweet you are for sending such a polite ask, and for your prompt “I’ll sleep when I’m dead.” by thelonelyempath!
i definitely put you up high on my priority list for being so kind lol your message made my day
i also just really enjoyed writing this, it got me back into my groove.
have an amazing morning, afternoon, evening yourself and here you go, please let me know if you enjoy it! <3
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No Rest For The Dragons
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Prince Jacaerys Velaryon x reader Setting: During The Dance of The Dragons Summary: All is quiet but no sense of peace can be caught between your fingertips, not even at night and so it is difficult to find sleep. Not until you win the war and crown your prince victorious...Your betrothed, Jacaerys, seems to have other priorities. Warnings: Brief talk of war dividers by: saradika wordcount: 1,412 
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A yawn tumbled past your lips with ease and a quiet whine quickly followed. Jacaerys Velaryon had never found anything more sweet in his entire existence but he wouldn’t tell you that…not yet at least. His eyes flickered over your sleepy face, the squished cheeks and rumbled hair. It made his heart throb, a desperation took hold to tighten his chest and squeeze. Slowly, he tucked his lower lip between his teeth and bit down. He could barely contain himself from cupping your jaw and pressing a kiss to those lips. His sleeping beauty…his beautiful briar…he would need to bring you a rose soon just for the sake of it because he never did think there was a world in which you were not his Aurora. Some universe in which he didn’t long for you. The backs of his fingers carefully caressed your face. The skin was so soft–practically begging for him to lay upon his gentle pecks of devotion–and yet he restrained himself. You may be his betrothed but you are not yet his wife. He must recall that, if he is to keep your honour…A grunt peeked through his teeth at the thought. The thought that anybody could see you as anything less than a guide of honour and duty as you fought at his side, on his very dragon with a bow and arrow within your hands. A quiver danced along the prince’s bones. He may think you to be beautiful in any state but he would gladly gift upon you anything you so much as dreamed or desired if you were to allow that to be his final sight. His last. The sight of you upon Vermax and casting down the enemy. 
A smile flittered his lips as you stirred and stretched in his lap. “No, no go back to sleep.” He cooed, brushing back your hair and placing a wet flannel at your forehead. You were in your gentlest state this eve. You fended off his hand like a weak squirrel to reluctant avail. “Rest my love. You must rest.” The whine escapes the seam of your mouth before you can escape it. “I’ll sleep when I’m dead.” You practically taunt with your eyelids finally parting to peer up at him. As much as he wants to scoff and argue, he cannot help but smile down at the soft albeit exhausted face. Amusement laces his face but he lets his brow pinch. “I’m afraid I won’t be able to allow that.” You send a pointed look his way. “You would deny your wife?” “You would deny your prince?” He counters with playfulness and yet something excites him about the way ‘wife’ leaves your lips. How smoothly it goes…It only reminds him of how long he has deprived himself of kissing them. Of feeling the sweet flutter of lightning that would passes over your skin. His hand would dance throughout your hair, he was sure of it, sure that one the day of your wedding, he would summon all the strength he had been willing himself to retain and finally let go. He would deny himself for centuries if it meant you would let him bind himself to you for eternity–if you would let him vow until his throat dried up. If they were not to be his final words, he would repeat them until they were destined. He would be yours, he was sure of it. He does not say this of course as you sigh with a pointed stare. 
It was the determination in your gaze that he adored above all. That very crinkle in your brow that arose whenever anybody were to question you. His throat bobs as he recalls how his hand would slide along to the small of your back–support from the true prince and heir of the iron throne–delighting as you took the lead. Happy to await your debates cease as you charged your mouth at any who claimed your position unfit. None of these men knew the battlefield as you did. None of these men had studied the art so intensively for this very moment. None of these men would protect him like you did, he was sure of it. And certainly none of them had helped teach him the ways of battle so that he could protect his own hide should something go askew. Now as he watches you, he lets his eyes wander along the small scars upon both your hands at such teachings. Your childhood together had been an entertaining ordeal; scars of book pages, scars of dragon mishaps, scars of blades…He wouldn’t trade those tiny indents for the world. He would not even trade for the oncoming victory of his mother’s crown. He would not. 
Instead, Jacaerys’ breath hitches but he does not complain at your defiance. He welcomes it. “My darling, you must rest if you are so determined to fight beside me.” His words are teasing but the plummet of hardness cannot be unheard. He had always been serious. “I cannot allow myself the sight of injury should you–” His throat bobs but you hardly change your mind. “It could cause injury to you should I not properly plan our route.” The retort jumps from your tongue and he can tell this has been boiling for some time now, that the bubbles were ever-present. You’ve been locking this inside your mind for too long now. Far too long. His curled fingers glide down your cheek before stopping at your chin. He lifts it as delicately as he would a broken leaf and gazes sweetly into your eyes. “You can do this well rested. We have time.” “But what if–” “We have time.” He reassures you with the confidence of his ancestor, King Jaehaerys The Wise. Your shoulders slump reluctantly. You should trust him, you know you should–you are so very tired but the night is still relatively young and the troupes must still be waiting outside for you. Jace catches as your eyes track the opening of the tent and he is quick to soften you. “I told them we would resume our meetings tomorrow. You will not miss a thing, my sweet. I swear it to you.” His gentle kiss presses to your temple–one of the few acceptable places he can express such affections. When he pulls himself back, he lingers. Tentative, he waits. His eyes flicker to yours with unabashed uncertainty. “But first you must swear to me that you will rest.” Heat floods your cheeks but you have never shied away from eye contact before and you refuse to do it now. His eyes close and his breath fans over your lips. “Swear it to me.” He repeats through the air of a whisper. “I swear it.” You utter just as quietly, curling your palm around his hand and pressing a long, warm kiss to the knuckles. Jacaerys would be lying if he said that it was not a relief. He could not remember the last night you slept in where you did not awaken suddenly and draft a new strategy. That you did not recall a new route. One that needed your immediate and unrestrained attention. 
And so as the night calls out for you, your soon-husband’s arms slip around you and one loops beneath your legs until he can haul you against him. His breath stutters as he inhales the scent of your hair. His lashes flutter against one another and he takes a few steady steps through the tent. Loving each other had taken its time. It had taken screaming arguments, jealousy, rekindling…but it had also taken laughter and warmth and kindness. Kindness that neither of you thought to be deserved. It had taken the darkest eves and the most golden mornings. He settles you on the plush mattress this night, and brushes back the uncomfortable strands of hair that cling to your skin. Your neck, your face, even the petals of your lips. He cannot blame them for craving your closeness. He hesitates as you close your eyes and your back squirms into place. For only one moment more, he lets himself take in a portrait of your rest. Jacaerys Velaryon, Prince of Dragonstone, Son of Rhaenyra and future King of the Seven Kingdoms accepts that he craves for nothing but your warmth. He intends to keep you as safe as this every eve, every nightfall. 
One sleepless night after the next, he shall be your rest. 
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pinkydevil16 · 2 years
Masterlist 2.0
Requests open
Wednesday masterlist
smut: 🥵
Aemond Targaryen
All mine: Aemond Targaryen x Targaryen reader
Sunshine Aemond Targaryen x Twin! Reader
One Shots
Imagine 🥵
Imagine 🥵 Sub!Aemond
Jealous Imagine 🥵
Aegon x Reader x Aemond 🥵
Aegon x Reader x Aemond Jealous 🥵
Aegon Targaryen
Monster: Aegon Targaryen x Reader
Obsessed: Aegon Targaryen x Sister! Reader
One shots:
Imagine 🥵 Sub!Aegon
Imagine (Not romantic)
Imagine Part 2 🥵
Imagine 🥵
Imagine 🥵 Innocent! Reader
Jealous Imagine 🥵 (implied)
Aegon x Reader x Aemond 🥵
Aegon x Reader x Aemond Jealous 🥵
Aegon x Reader x Rhaenyra
Daemon Targaryen
True wife: Daemon Targaryen x Niece! Reader
One shots
Possessive Daemon 🥵 thoughts
Rhaenyra x Reader x Daemon 🥵
Rhaenyra Targaryen
One shots
Aegon x Reader x Rhaenyra
Rhaenyra x Reader x Daemon 🥵
Viserys Targaryen
One shots
Jacaerys Targaryen
One shots
Imagine 🥵
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jacespookiebear · 1 year
ೃ࿐ 𝘿𝙖𝙧𝙠 𝙋𝙖𝙧𝙖𝙙𝙞𝙨𝙚
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summary : you’re the younger twin sister of jacaerys velaryon, heir to the iron throne. possessing an undying love for your brother and promising yourself that you would do anything to protect him.
pairings : jacaerys velaryon x dark!twin!reader
warnings : suggestive themes, violence, self-harm, incest, sexual content, teen pregnancies, dark tendencies, toxicity, angst?
For as long as everyone could remember, you and your twin brother were attached to the hip since you were born. From a young age, you were already showing signs of being rather protective of Jace. Rhaenyra always passed it off whenever Alicent would point it out. She was extremely upset during an situation where you scratched Aegon’s face after he teased Jace, even when to as far as to complaining to Viserys and wishing for you to be punished but your grandsire was entirely on your side.
You surely knew how to get away with everything, you were your mother’s only daughter afterall. Of course she would defend you no matter what troubles you brought for yourself and your siblings.
As much as your brother seems to love and care for you, he wasn’t as blind like your mother, he knew how much a cold person you were towards others who weren’t your family, you would never hold your tongue about your uncles and step-grandmother. “If I could, I would have them all beheaded just for how they speak of you, dear brother.” laying by your side on your shared bed with him, having you in his arms as he listens to you speak about wanting to commit kinslaying before dozing off to sleep.
It wasn’t like it scared the boy, but it made him concerned. What if the wrong person heard you say those things? You would be punished heavily for it. So that’s why he made you promise that you would never speak so filthy ever again.
While you all still lived in King’s Landing, you used most of your time watching your brothers train in the courtyard with your uncles, usually right by your grandsire’s side, who was always happy to spend time with his favorite grandchild. Always chanting your brothers’ names to show your support for them and to that it would be Aegon teasing Jace and Luke about you. It pissed you off after witnessing him completely be rough and harsh with Jace during a session until was forced by Ser Harwin to be pulled away.
The next night, you decided to pull a prank on Aegon by filling his chamberpot with rats. The aftermath left you having to lie and say how sorry you felt but really you wanted to do worse than that to the lousy Prince, he was always left unscathed whenever he bullied your brothers, you were only doing justice. But with enough tears in your eyes, you were quickly able to learn that you could manipulate your grandsire and mother to let you off the hook easily.
“He hurt you, brother!” you profusely shouted for Jace to understand, he had started to ignore you for awhile and it left you crying for his attention. “That scoundrel deserves worse.”
With just enough tears, he gave in and pressed a kiss on your forehead to make you happy again. But he knew you would never stop acting so cruel, Jace began keeping you away from Aemond and Aegon for couple of weeks before you all had left to move to Dragonstone. After hearing about how Rhaenyra tried betrothing Jace and Helaena, and you with Aegon, you couldn’t help but develop some annoyance towards her for it, started to ignore her kisses or affections for awhile, your mother was growing concerned for you.
After the arrival, you practically begged your mother to continue letting you have shared chambers with Jace, reluctantly she agreed, afraid to know what else you would have done if she disagreed but it made you warm up to her once more. Although your twin had wished for privacy, you came to agreement to having separate beds facing opposite to each other but that did not stop you from sneaking in his bed to hug him as he’s asleep.
Your younger brother, Luke, would always question why you always prefer Jace’s company, you sympathized with your sweet brother and started spending some time Luke as a way to pay for all the times you had shut him away. During these times together, you always read the histories of the conquest to him and even talked about how it is Targaryen customs to wed family.
During the funeral, you stayed by your siblings’ sides until Aegon had whispered foolishness in your ear about how you could’ve been married to him right now, was he always this stupid? you thought, looking around to find your brother, wanting to be away from the scoundrel they called a Prince but instead you saw him holding hands with your cousin, Baela. While you knew she was only grieving for her dead mother, the scene had you in tears in a quick instant and immediately you ran back into the Driftmark castle, shoving guests out of your way while Aegon laughed from the sight. Jacaerys saw from a distance, wishing he could chase after you.
As much as you wanted to be angry at your twin, when you were tousled out of bed and into the hall, your anger and rage disappeared at the sight of your brothers bruised up and bloodied, you tried leeching towards Aemond for what he did, “How dare you lay your filthy hands on my brothers?! I’m glad your eye was taken! You freak! You should be blessed by the Gods that I was not there to end your life!” you shouted, having to be restrained by the knights as Alicent stared at you with terror and disbelief that you would threaten the Prince, “My King, your granddaughter is a spawn of evil! She should be punished as well!” Alicent cried as Rhaenyra threw you and your brothers behind her to protect you, you began holding onto Luke who quietly wailed while Jace held the both of you.
After Alicent had cut your mother, it was you who ended the silence that covered the room. Wishing for her head, you seethed, you were tired of how she and her family had always looked down upon your family. When court and the lords around the Seven Kingdoms had heard what was said and went down, you were seen as the Heartless Princess, to extent they begun saying you were a Kinslayer in the making.
As you began getting older, the more beautiful you had grown, though many lords would never fight for your hand after what was said during the funeral of Lady Laena but you did not care, not one bit. It even relieved you. You were a believer of the Valyrian Gods and intended to stay true to Targaryen customs by marrying within the family, your love for your twin brother had only grew and you had even begun to lust for him.
You had hope that Jace could see your devotion for him clearly, as he also had become older, you noticed how drastically and. well defined he had become, he was a true gentleman— had always driven himself to work harder and prove that he is fit to be King, and he was fit. He knew his house histories, he knew how to speak High Valyrian, knew how to wield a sword, and knew how to fly with his dragon. Your adoring older brother, now a man.
Everything about him now just makes you yearn for him even more, as you pleasure yourself every night— your thoughts were only of Jacaerys. Wishing your fingers were his, moaning his name under the piles of sheets as you hoped you get caught by him one day. While these nightly self-pleasuring continued, your brother was asleep only a few feet away, snoring and nearly falling off his bed, or that is what you assumed as you continued thrusting your digits out of your soaked cunt, letting out soft whimpers and moans that were easily heard by Jace. Hearing your angelic voice, the squelching noises that came from your side of the room had your brother hard every night.
Jace had tried to restrain himself, you were his sister afterall, his cruel sister yet so sweet like a goddess in his eyes. Hearing your continued moans and mewls, Jace moved his hand down to fist his cock, head already leaking through his breeches while he used your voice to get off. Fantasizing taking your maidenhood, burying his cock deep inside of you, soon having you carry his children, the thought that you both could be wedded. The endless thoughts racing in his mind had him finishing in his hand, spurts of hot cum on his hand and landing on his sheets.
Forgetting where he was at the moment, he let out a harsh moan. Coming back to reality, still hazy from his high, “Jace? Are you alright?” Your voice had Jace immediately realizing what just happened, trying to fix himself quickly— not wanting you to become worried. “I-I’m fine, sister. It was only just a nightmare.” Thinking of what to say at the moment, mentally slapping himself across the face for the answer he gave you, already knowing you would be worried for him for having a nightmare. Hearing footsteps approach the side of his bed, he tried to fix his breeches until you pulled the sheets off his body, witnessing his leaking cock and smeared cum all over his stomach.
Jace feared what you were going to say, “You dirty pig!” or “You were touching yourself while I was near?!” But instead you gave him an amused smile, scooting in his bed to lay beside him, taking your finger to swipe of his cum before licking it off, tasting him before you driven your lips to kiss him. A desperate kiss that you had longed for, making sure your brother knew of your desires as he took your maidenhood that night. There was no rest, you both had wanted to make up for the long times, you whispered to your brother, “I always wanted you, brother, to have no man but your cock in me. My cunt will only remember the shape of yours until I die.” Filling your tightened cunt with his fat cock until the Sun had arise, pounding into you so mercilessly as you let out moans slip from your swollen lips. You swore the handmaidens from the halls had heard you both that early morning, from the whines and skin slapping echoing through the chamber walls.
You both couldn’t be away from each other for more than a second afterwards, you continued these pleasures throughout Dragonstone. In the great library, in the study hall, right by the gardens and the shore of the sea. It was great when you both would take your lovemaking at the shores, during night, you were allowed to express your love for your twin vocally without a worry of getting caught, mewling and moaning as loud as you wanted while you ride Jace’s cock, eager to please him as his hands laid on your waist, sometimes cupping your heavy breasts that would bounce with each rise. Your hands resting on his chest as you leaned closer to place a wet kiss on his neck, noticing you started to grow tired from having to do most of the work. Jacaerys rises to reposition himself, directly facing you now as his bare chest pressed against your breasts. You were centimeters away from his face, ghosting your lips from his, placing your hands to hold onto his shoulders.
His arms moved to press you closer into his embrace, caging you as Jace took control, thrusting upwards of his hips. The pleasure coming back to you, completely had your body surrendering to him entirely as your brother started pounding up into your wet cunt with no desire of stopping, you moaned and whimpered. As it was just you two, you had always submitted yourself to him with obedience, letting your brother control you and having you turn into a full squirming mess whether you were underneath him or on top.
“Jacaerys! I want you..to ruin me!” Continuing to lose yourself, you had aimed to keep your eyes on him the whole night but you couldn’t help but shut them with your mouth hanging open once Jace started suckling at your breasts, harshly suckling before bringing his fingers to rub at your sensitive bud to bring you more pleasure. “My sweet, little sister..so good to me..I love you..” you widened your eyes at your brother professing his love to you, how you longed for this for years. You wrapped your legs around his torso, beginning to unravel. Jace had always made sure to have you cum before he did, feeling your wetness around his cock had only made him plunge inside you faster, slipping out a couple of groans as he spilled inside you, filling you up with his cum.
You swore you were seeing stars in your vision, Jace continued to thrust his seed into your cunt, you tiredly peppered wet kisses all over his face— wanting to stay in this position forever but to your disappointment, he pulled you off him and had you laying on the makeshift bed that was on sand, you both laid there naked right by each other’s side, “Eminna muña wed īlva, emili iā uēpa Valyrīha dīnilūks hae ao va moriot jeldan” (I’ll have mother wed us, we will have an old valyrian wedding like you always wanted.), turning to face your brother as he spoke, you lazily smiled and placed an open mouth kiss on his lips. You couldn’t wait to finally marry the man you always loved.
With Jace’s convincing and his way with words, he had the support of Daemon who was on board with the betrothal, Rhaenyra had finally agreed, believing it was only right and fair since it was an marriage of love. You expressed your gratitude to your mother and step-father with a hug and immediately began to plan the wedding that had happened after only a few days of the betrothal. During your wedding night, you and Jace could not leave your chambers. For days that continued, you had not left your chambers, the entire island surely heard it all, day and night. Your younger brother, Luke, was disgusted whenever he walked past your chamber doors since you were always loud.
Before it was even a month in your new marriage, you fell pregnant with your brother’s child, no one was surprised but Rhaenyra was rather upset with Jace for impregnating you so young, though you were rather contented and had only wished this wouldn’t be the last pregnancy. After your first labor with your firstborn son, you promised Jace that you would bring him more children than Queen Alysanne ever could.
With the years going by, you were blessed with three children and another on the way. Aelor, Daenaera, and Rhaella. The children surely favorited both you and your husband’s looks, no one could say they weren’t Jacaerys’, they certainly had his dashing looks too. But once they all gotten older, becoming the age to start bonding with their dragons that hatched in their cradles, you became much more protective with them. Striking a knight who dared laid his hands on the future King’s heir and ordering knights to take him to the dungeon to be tortured before walking away in hand with your sweet son.
Your lover was rather grateful to know that you would never act so vulgar in front of your children, they all turned out to be very kind and genuine. Your sweet Aelor possessed a kind soul, never resulting to violence as answers during his lessons. Daenaera had a passion for becoming a warrior and was allowed to participate with in training lessons with Aelor and Joffrey. As for your little Rhaella, she usually stayed in your shadow, clinging to you wherever you went and liked to sleep in your shared bed with Jace.
You often spent your time by Jace’s side with the children occupying themselves with books or toys. Reading your favorite to the children, Aegon’s Conquest, while their father was translating old texts nearby. “With Aegon riding on the Black Dread, Balerion, his sister-wives, Rhaenys and Visenya, joined him by his side on Vhagar and Meraxes..” you read out loud to the children who huddled by your feet to sit and listen, you rubbed your growing stomach with affection. Everything seemed to be perfect, you all were spending time with one another. This was all you could have asked for.
Guys I’m sorry I didn’t update young and beautiful I promise I will!! But I was just in the mood to make dark reader content cus there’s barely any and I love it when reader is dark than Jace 😭 but wow that was a lot I might do a part 2 later lol
For @a-anselina hi pookums🤭
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dragonsbabe · 2 years
Their favorite type of sex
Aegon: quickies. He is ALWAYS up to it. Doesn't matter where or when, he just wanna fuck you
Aemond: angry sex. He simply loves it. How rough you can get with him and the bruises you leave on each other
Jacaerys: slow sex. He goes SO painfully slow so you can feel every inch of him stretching you out
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