#jack spn
xxc0reyxx · 2 months
absolutely losing my fucking mind over this
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pinterest blesses me with unhinged realizations every day
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bvrtysbvtches · 3 months
sometimes a found family is the son of satan, a gay angel, his husband, and A Guy™
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papercute · 7 months
i have always thought about what cas does in the bunker when dean and sam go to bed and have come to the following conclusions:
he gets bored as SHIT. so he tries to fill all the time with stuff(tm)
he’ll try a million different hobbies to fill the time but nothing sticks for him until he discovers knitting
he immediately hyperfixates on knitting and makes dean, sam, and jack a jumper each (claire has one too that he’s sure she’d be too embarrassed to wear so he buried it at the back of dean’s closet). he also knits a cute little throw blanket for dean that he keeps in the impala to sleep on the road and feel cas’s presence, even when he’s not there.
charlie comes over and sees jack wearing his jumper and immediately commissions cas for one (“they’re adorable! shut up and take my money, cas!”, she says). he is flattered she likes them so much and completes it in like an hour
but cas also does a lot of the cleaning in the bunker. it really helps that he’s telekinetic so it means he can be hoovering in one room and dusting in another while his vessel is doing the dishes. sam always thanks him in the morning and really appreciates the effort
after jack starts sleeping during the day so he can stay up all night with cas, they start having all night movie nights, or board game nights. it’s mostly for jack’s benefit, cause cas loves to see him happy, but he does end up really enjoying them and they both start learning all the cultural references dean makes.
they end up getting really into card games with the standard set of 52 cards, but they also discover uno and get so intense about it dean has to drag himself out of bed to tell them to shut up (he would have brought his gun for extra measure, but he couldn’t handle hearing a gunshot at this time of night). uno is now banned at night time.
that is all for now tumblr. i am very tired. if you have any additional thoughts feel free to rb or reply or whatever you want. enjoy this and have a good existence
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winchestergifs · 25 days
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May 18, 2024 ♡ Happy 7th Birthday Jack!
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I made them t i n y 🥺
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They're so pocket sized 🥲
(I'm gonna draw Sam at some point don't worry ❤️)
If you have any suggestions please tell me. I LOVE drawing them cute 😁
Close ups under the cut⬇️
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Round 1: Left Side - Jack Kline (Supernatural) vs. Megamind (Megamind)
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kapellputs · 2 months
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Silliest silly to ever silly in the existence of sillyism
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hotel-casifornia · 7 months
the thing about supernatural is that if it wasnt written the way that it was and sidelined every single character that wasnt sam or dean and actually fucking cared about the side characters with archs and real depth and didnt kill off every single character they redeemed was that it couldve been good. like the supernatural that exists in my head is a million times better than this hot garbage on a plate of a show
edit: it would appear a solid half of you entirely missed my point
edit 2: those of you making this about ship discourse you SUCK
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waywardseraph · 3 months
Dean’s visible relief when Jack picks the angel food cake over the devil food cake lives rent free in my head. (And I’m not complaining)
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soullessjack · 9 months
another tally on the “things about jack that have been almost erased by the baby au” is how genuinely fucked up and weird and scary and violent and horrifying he is. the body horror of his existence is so. Palpable.
he looks human, but he still fundamentally is not human, and the thing that separates him from being human or belonging or being normal and loved and accepted without strings attached is his own bloodline. his own family, his own father. the blood that runs through his veins is the blood of the devil and he wasn’t fed it like Sam. the anger and rage and capacity for violence inside him isn’t an ancient curse like it was for Dean. It’s just who he is. It’s his neurology. Jack enters a guilt/grief-induced psychosis so bad he starts hallucinating his own dead evil father who proceeds to say “I’m in your head, your DNA,” and goes on about how Jack’s place with the only chosen family he ever cared for is that of their little pet monster who’s only kept around to kill things for them. And this is his subconscious, remember, these are all Jack’s own thoughts being given a hallucinatory voice.
When jack is first born he doesn’t even register that he’s not a full human. It’s not until he catches dean telling the sheriff that he’s a Nephil and gets stabbed all the way through his entire heart to the hilt of the angel blade and survives, that he realizes he’s Not Normal. Jack stabs himself 18 times with “grim determination,” dedicated to making a wound stay open in his body, but nothing happens. He doesn’t know what any of this is, but he knows it’s dangerous and he’s seen firsthand what he can do, because he sent the sheriff careening backwards into glass when he didn’t mean to do anything more than push her away. He tells Dean he will hurt someone again [whether he means to or not]. And he tells Sam, using his powers is like breathing; it’s a subconscious, physical, neurological part of his system that he cannot (currently) consciously control or stop.
He’s literally a living weapon. These powers of his that hurt people are akin to breathing. His violence and his evil is deep seated and runs through his heart and bleeds out of him. But he can’t bleed the evil out. He can’t escape what he was born into or what keeps him alive. He can’t even live without this nuclear power that ostensibly others him from everyone forever. He’s foaming at the mouth and seizing and fainting and bleeding and going into total systemic failure and subsequently dying as a human because he just isn’t human and he can’t live as one even if he wants to, even if that is a part of him it still isn’t the only part of him. The other half that makes him untrustworthy and violent and angry and dangerous and nuclear and evil and feared and hated is the one part he is left dying without.
His body dies a first time because it couldn’t live without its own hereditary disease, he died as a human and goes to human heaven and sees and rekindles with his human mother, the part of him that he wants to be and loves but can’t exist as. He’s brought back but now he’s a time bomb, a nuclear reactor internally melting down. he’s a weapon, but he’s alive because he was born as a weapon, and neither of these things were his choice.
and then a second time his body dies because he was only registered as a threat with no humanity. his eyes are burned out of his skull and instead of heaven with his mother, instead of humanity, he wakes up in the pitch black abyss where other nonhumans go when they die, then he’s brought back and he’s a weapon for the third time. He’s a living bomb, a collapsing black hole, and he has to eat human hearts ripped straight from the chest to keep his bomb body alive and ready for detonation, ready for collapse. He’s so far from human, further than he ever wanted to be, further enough to make his deep rooted fear a reality that he’s too suicidal to bother rebuking. Why rebuke the truth? The absolute truth that the devil, the evil of all things is in his blood and he is evil and he was a born weapon whose body exists to destroy and kill and not even his own love or will can stop it.
He is a gun that doesn’t want to be a gun and hates that his body is made to shoot and kill, but he has no choice in being anything else but a gun. He cannot ever be good, he was never good to begin with, he was just malfunctioning, glitching, experiencing an error and virus and flaw that he wishes was his entire programming. His eyes glow yellow like the corrupted Star Wars Sith and Rosemary’s Baby and a whole slew of evil things that are evil and meant to be rejected. When he gets angry, people stare at him as if he’s a cornered animal, because that’s what he is to them. To both sides of the equation, he is an animal. A foreign creature, a thing, he’s not human enough to be human and he’s not angelic enough to be an Angel. He’s some weird mixture that nobody can understand or accept. He’s unpredictable and violent and wild and born that way and only in his subsequent domestication, only in the extension of personhood and humanity can he be deemed worth loving. He’s like a dog, detrimentally loyal, old yeller going rabid while saving his family and having to be shot in an act of mercy. Barking and biting at people who might hurt his loved ones and killing them as an act of love. Sam wanted Nick to burn so Jack burns Nick and that’s why Jack says they would be grateful. He did what Sam wanted. Same for the other biblical killings. He’s the cat sinking its fangs into rodents and birds. Leaving the punctured corpses on the doormat as a gift, I did this for you because I love you, don’t you love me too?
I haven’t eaten well in the past two days does this click click anyone’s boom. Saliva
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zelkiff · 5 days
look i love deancas as much as the next girl but dean and cas a NOT jacks dads
that would be cas and sam
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xxc0reyxx · 1 month
i hate how many beautiful moments the writers threw away. all the lost potential, the censorship, shitty writing. i am so fucking angry. how many time did they throw away an amazing concept? an interesting storyline? THE CHARACTER WE LOVE HEALING
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castielsparkle · 7 months
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my rendition of if jack kline was the eraserhead baby.
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eli-horror-freak · 4 months
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I told you they were pocket sized 🤷😁
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Literally took out my flannel for this 😂
Close ups under the cut ⬇️
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niko4now · 9 months
I don't know if this is an unpopular or rare perspective on Jack, and I'm a huge over-analyzer, but I think that he purposefully makes himself more naive as a way of making himself likeable/less intimidating.
Like at first he's genuinely new to everything and doesn't understand what's going on, but I think he starts "masking" fairly early as he notices people react well to certain things and react poorly to others.
An example that stands out to me is his expression and the way he holds himself.
At the start, he has a "scary" expression reminiscent of the Kubrick stare. His head is tilted down, chin in, and eyes furrowed. It seems to be his default state, as he reverts to it when he's overwhelmed or just focused strongly on something else, like when he uses his powers.
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However, at the police station he ends up getting his first positive feedback (lack of fear/nervous response) from his body language
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Being down on the ground, he looks up at the officer and ends up with his head tilted up and his eyes unfurrowed. With his mouth full his expression also changes compared to how slack his face was before.
Then when he wakes up in the cell with Sam, he's back to his normal expression and angry about Sam tazing him, and Sam apologizes and explains why.
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What's interesting to me is what Jack does next -
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He sits crosslegged like he did earlier, despite being on a bench, and apologizes back. Because he just learned from Sam that if you hurt someone and regret it and want them to forgive you, you apologize and explain why it happened.
And he gets into the last pose that worked for him - legs crossed and tilting his head up, because it makes him look less threatening. And it works, it relieves some of Sam's obvious fear.
(part 1)
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